1 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , JUNE 15 , J8M , THEY DEMAXD IRRIGATE Waters Hebrukm Wazt 60V SJ 03 ON TliE S8HECT Think that \T1uieTT U Z > M > la tbr rrrn W Mnn Br 17 tb Jw * It ggr eUl ta Tbe B . J Fort. yuMdist { tbe State nmtitf { XorU Ptatte. rtete4 tie rtat lmt > > to ay tor tie M gxrarsmr CrMse a by * b * t w-r ty-ave larraers 1 Ua- eitamiity Mktog that as ( Oesil trrestl- gati 2 be enter * * tat * tW crop ef 'he i = ! 4 * ( N br * t deot F rt repo * M tie c r * r that tbe ttr L-rt * trt l crteg ih&t yn tM state by * . - " MfOTEBC r tire irvMh , aad til * rniew eooMktterat spt dOr * = * U * lt > n- jets , bw thc be re ! ; r4 t * the ct * tttmalty. At laaEi OMcttBff Jn4 y teriay Itas ts ask 'iicor r or t a8 a tfoeia cf tie J-s-ft re h > r the p rj * ; asalct. Ing th > n tr cti E ol imstUag dltchei , tiu fzmuiuag n ] riiiji Mir for a Jtrjte aa ber : ibe tanatni iri * are tMs year Tcttb , a rroa. C T' Cr w e TU etapkatte te hit ar- RfJot ttmM be tapowriMe to till a * 7 > * i ttMkm of the testeiacare. He rti , hit -wto-Mr-tr irai dose fer tie re. lief - ! drrtrtirtf ceUlert ajwt be d e by tie r TiTniTrtwera el tie sererai tpaattii. Tie gjTn r ai aaztooa. bcrwrer. te la s' ce an oSrtal t Teft3gatiee inte the ej te t 'f : te erqi failure of - re tera X brska. cad - rf1 'pd Trttli the 4epaty labor ccsa- ! = . - r.tranti . a rtetr te'harmg tie Jitte > zaace a ; > ers na ] Tiait te the stricken own. Ces. Tie ? ests4 ner vas aacMe t we tJcay ; ) -tr to coei an icrectigxtton , as tie - .r1 legislatcrr n * e ne proTittas J trart - g expmses. P'-e' l Tit F rt stated that tie oorn crop - ; ' _ . . i be a faBore in laany of tie central trl ver'crn oesnUespeetaliy in Logan. Kf _ b 1 > 3 1. Graat. Beoker. 3l Fhers n &nj Tiiaas covstles. FaiBetiim ; mast be iDne and at sacs. Tie farmers refuse t accept ztate and county aid , aad vant ti * icate or tie cscnties to issue beads se tiat Irrigation irorki raigit be starlet Tbe c n > rr.niiqjpers In a mealier of chanties trer * d = cs ng tbeir ricbt to bood the eevnties for tie pnrpose el oemnieaciag trerk n Irriga" a ditdie * , bat * re not yet satisfied > < tiey wer permitted to do SD cnde > tie rtatt iar. . TVAXTS A RECETVEE. TV. E. Tiomas , president and treasurer cf tie Socti estera Fnel company , today ap plied l tie scpreme csart for a receiver for tiat company. In iis application Mr. Tacmas make ? some startling and serrsai ; charges zga.nst P. aartun. the general manager cf tie company He rUlTBT tiat liaru has from tune to time used large szmx of locoey btJ > nsimg te tie company and iad re- JcswS to render any acconntingoiatrrer to tie company. He also claims that Bartoa cas reisdered tctrtio-cs expense bfllswhich tie company h paid , and * > " ? ie has Sicrer f nmiified any drtaSed accornt. of tie Items cf expense , altiosgh rep-ateSly re- vnested to do so. It is fcrtier aBegsd that tie Sooth-srestera Fsel conrpany has been bttslness at a great Iocs and tiat it already tacsrred an indebtedness cf which tt has so TrraTrt ofpaying owing to the mismanagement cf B , nrrr. Barton is f nrtier charged Triti having apprc- piiated ts his own -cse J1JOO in excess cf iis proportion of tie profits ol tie com pany. He itiH retains possession cf tie books and continues to make coDectkms- Tie company s csmposed only ef Tiemas T > Barton aad has aerer camplielwith the statelarr relatinc to eorpsraiesns. Tie asse-ts ef tie company azwcat ta aboct S.which may be caflectaJ inth earefsl FEQM THE POLICE COCET. Seres tramps arscrder arrest at the peace station oa tie- charge cf breakiag Into a Eeck Island freight car. Annie Smith -was sent c ? ta tie cscnty 3aD tiis morning far ten days for manifest ing a disposition to kill ter lorer. Ed Hemming tie colored cncscrt of tie 3K tori < sa Xell Bobsriswas * eztop to tie cocnty Jafl tor fifteen days for resisting an gfiTfrwho undertook to place Trtn nader arrest last night. W1D ± amR" * * ard James Moore , tie former white tie lalMT colored , participated ta a vicions igit OTET the .ownership of a bi cycle tiia T-rv-r-irifc tad -wer * placed cnder arrest. An old colored -woman named Smith.who rf < rte b tie jnttier of fweaty-two chS- 4ren. is cader arrest fcr threatening to kfll a CDtandat ! Tied JoinBonwith whom -she ares. She tried to aioot him. and nence her arrest. At tie police statlaa aie trlrf to hang herself la her ceit TUENING OVER THE POLICE Tie Lincoln police ferce Is indulging ta considerable speculation today orer tie ac tion of Mayor TTeirtx eight in making an entirely diSerent disposition of tie tScer * . In a letter to CSuef of Police Cooper the 3naycr ordered a comber f chances made , bet rated that far good reason * his motives rocia b * kept to titnivlf. OScer Pocad , -who has been tie Tmllty man en tie farce. aad trio is kept ea detail it tie nation fer tie pnrpose cf serving papers , acticcs aad col- lecUng licenses , is placed * n tie beat iere- totere enjoyed by Officer MftfhrH.wnlle tie 1 ner becomes tie utility Tn n , oa- ctr Grady.whs has fer s long a time kept tb colprits on tie "bot toms" * under ForreSiaace.wai cent ta an cp- tcwn beat , -while Officer -Williams took his .place , OScer McMuHta aad OSrer Kaairl- taa irtre alsa reg ired ta change districts. LINCOLN IN BRIEF. The trustees of tie Yoeng Mea's Christian essodatien havedecided to abandon the ladies' clas&es in athletics string to tie large osmber f mate cembers io desire toose tie gymnasrnm. Tieyenng ladies hare an assactatiaa cf tieir ova , bet hare been mdTig lie ercmastem at tie bzilding devoted to tie sterner sex. Tie employes f tiewater fiepartmeot hare been at verc ) aH day eadeavoriBg te repair a bcrstedwater pipe at Twenty-nfti and Vine ( treats. The pipe is on ti sew line recently laid oa that street , bat it is not yet decided -whether the responsfbaity f r the break rests upon the centra i-tar fsr the Cnallty of the pipe or tar the werkmes who .pot -cadergrevod. . Two burglars casted Ssniran aad Russell today catered rp a plea cf gmlty and vert sentenced by JoJgf Strode t the peniten tiary Scllirta get two years and tie otier Tstn sixteea dectia. Tee stock et drugs betosgiog ta tie de tract rm of XeArtbsr * ; Saa has been sold to tie Colombia National bank , tie principal creditor , fer AOmlr > m.t rIl City. FALLS Cmr. Neh , Jcae It ( Special to Tie BeeV-Charles Graea ef Hamboldt pleaded jgcflty yesterday ta ti * charge cf bargUxy aad vas gi-rea dgitren ssnths In tie peBtteatUry. Pat Caxy plradrd rrflty to m > Mgirty destr ying prvperty aad iris aed | M and grren fire days is JiH. an-i 'George UcOeratek. vhewas caacit acre ea circa * day far rebiing ti * i * = s * a ! 3trt E. Zssibecas.wax a d J15 aad glrea twn > ty-tter bocrs ta jaK. Tie Cathelie chirch P T * a big picnic at Hlatoa's park today , licadreds sf tie citi- xns asl large crsnris trcea a * > tiaing tvwzs wtre ia attcsvbaee. Rad&g. gataeK. etc. . were giren aid tie rifaTHf vu a tre MHi roe- Kert P.TBcaa. . a sseressf-al m ii gwest Cf Utra. a&i a recMest ( this COTSJT ln IfTS. dkd at 7J last erecucig. Tie teaedtate caase sf iu death vas frwmvine rweBtox. He Vres awife aad fwa chtUrea. Tt > * fiacrii vaa Ihli afitrnoco. Gn.i 4 Irluut. GKAND ISLAND. Jane It { Special U Ti * Be- > Tangier teapte ol tie ISyitie Sfcrteen w d tie ctty ycaterday asl Ffcateg. Ji. Urg a-t&br of aeii ] vcra aeueat Iras Orrnha. PttUa , Httrtrti anl other patott. ? tie a"rf oa aa4 rra a $ trata * wen J saet by a asaKlr ef local Sfertae-s e- ti Fada ; Hot- . xad the rtstten ezccrtei te tfcc A - t e Order it Catted Wertaats iaK. htrt. ; te tie rrntec , twR y9e aatttitwrrr WtlalK tau th r k _ A * circuit ba j et le = g after aitaight. noKHorrcn THE D , k of l w HIM Gee * J i Tolsatary LIXOOUV. Swat It fSpedal Tetegraa to The Bee. ) It wat aaa a ee by the 9ta4e Baakiag 4orta ea < lau this fterni a Oat She Baak 9t BJoe H iu de M < 4 1 * F tote tvhMHary H j > eJ M a. There li mSOent t k ta the * * > to pty aft diiuitnirs and other er 4itars 4rfUr far AeOkr. There ar * a naber * J tetereatiag fntorei te regard te the etectar the hmnk. It has been cs4y witched hy th * haaktog hoard tar a year part. It has aot bem atakteg meey tar tie past Hcbttc tacath * aad after aa exateteattaB hy the state examteer a irek t ttwas 4ed4ed ta dene f > Wsioea- The hk we4 Ks drpadters t3L M aad iad SI4.W * te the naffe. Vise PrvcMesit J. C. Felzec.h has Urge Interests te Omaha. wtmt t the Btrtrafiati ! tc rerthe * M- ttoaa ! JT.KBMessary te e eMe tie bask t pay omi. The Ai.trctB.-i gare tie cathier. J. O. dsrress. erpttdt htsxrveOoBS te sake tokBS t x * o . WJfta the Ttce preetfeat ntented K iras dinorerrd that Cashier Bvrgess had teax > ed iinu-lf tr.5 * * . tearteg Jvsrteex steres of teuric ca k * necvnty He u K glre ao reaMa ter taktag the aoary jther than that he seeded it. Further tarea- ratiox rerecied the fact tiat tie cashier aad been ataoipmUti&g tie bevks as d that he had takes a farther wua f U.WTie haak dtreetsrsaffl prosecste CasMer Barees * 1 esabc hsne&t aad ats ira elztten of taada. EECALLUD THE PIUO ITES. Chcrcb. Trlxl t N > S > nkm City Cocttacc * to Attrmct Mnch Atlratkva. 7TE3KA5KA CITY. J = ne li. ( Speetal Tele gram ut The Bs. ( Contrary ta cxpecta- tira BUhep Booacnm and Falier Corb-tt a-ere bti recalled in tie ciarci trial this taamlng. They -were exzmad u to tie gr.Bgri l aSairs ef tie Palmyra parish , and eaci subjected to a rigid cress rnTiuaa- tisn > st a tiing se-w iras derekiped , Charles Royal and Mr. Fleming -were alss -examined an tie same paint. The arga- = e = tiwere began at r tiis afternoon , and may aot be Snisied diy. It is im- possibl * to say -when a decision -wiS be reached. Bati aides ire canSdest of a fa- -rsrable mHng , M. L. Hayward opened tie argument Jcr BUiep BKiacsm this afternoon. Hewas roneved by E. F. Trarrenwho made aa etoqnent appeal for his client. Judge SnHi- ran foDo-sred for tie bUio ? aad 'Warren ended tie great case. A deosioa is looked lor tomorro-w. Jury S NAPER , JCtb Juae 14. tSpecUl Tele- graa ; to Tie Bee. ) Tbe sprigs t = ol tie district cozrtsrfil aot coae cS tilsreek. . owing ta ti * tact tilt tie tonics ol Si Jnry was not prsperly dose. The coauais- sicaers sdected as jTrryziea certzia saes. frca each preciact who weald be able la bear their tnra expenses , ts tie c = 3tyWIT - r i crnoot te e-rea disoosntrf aad are pncalcallrftctiless. . Jcdc Bartow < Je- oifi. tilt the process wis fflegsl aad fiis- ciar t > 4 tie J = T. Georse T. Bastedu. ei- cocatT clerk , and Join H. Jtosier , ei- coarty attorney , -wins * dalrss for salaries were disallowed by lie cenEslsifoaers , ae- crred Jadt aeats acalast " tie coaaty yester- dsy Tor JSM eaci. This - riH oecessttate aa additiosal Very to neei tie ioieaieat. tad It is clataedwill tercre tie defeat at tie aatl- load eleineat la tiii cacaty this ItlL Tonpon < l Ibe > Ordinance. UNCOIL , Jcae It. ( Sj > ecit ! Te3e = T = : to Tie Bt > Alter ia ezritlas * es a = toalgat tie city escacfl. by a rets d Tl ta i. iadel- ialtely postpoaea lie sireet raeicay orfl- aaats , Trilciproroked S3 aaocidiscss stoa tJrrise the part ttr weeta. Tie crdl- caaee prsrrtfirf tiat lie tsKapcay jaicit be reKereiJ Jnas tie aecesalty < > r seBini ; six tickets IBT ZS cents aad that It jal it xaa iti cars wltccrt csjnicctsrs. Itwas ertdrat be- fsre tie sessoa CEaaienced tiis ereaiag vnt tie crdlaaacewoall > T. tie atlcr- aey cl tie catajiacy ippeared aad a < ked naaataMC ! coaseat ta tare It Tntidrawa , Tbe coraefl reined to permit tils aad alter t debate ol two iscrs tie crifanacewas la- deiaitely psitponed. m It&mw y. FREMONT. Jane It { Special to The Bee. ) -l > nring a rraaway Charles Denglerwas thro-wn fmm his bzggy * * ? * afternoon , re- eerring a compocnd fractnre of tie teg. A pnbHc meeting -was held at Nickersan yesterday by farmers in cppositioa to tie cocstrcctJon cf tie Reynolds ditch , -wiiei has ben oSciaSy located and assessments de- termlae.j. Tie oppcsttisn developed to tie enterprise suggests troaile. Tie "TIT < normal teaciers" institute for Dodge cosstywin begin Jcne S , aadwin be held at tie Fremont Normal sending. Mrs. Darwin Forbes , aged S3 years , is STfTering front injaries recehrfd by a fall and is not expected ta resarer. Boy Commix * Suicide. GRAND ISLAND. Jnne It < Special to TieBee. . ) Ernst "W. Spieit. sen of a prom inent farmer living near Abbott , cimTTiittad yesterday aftera-xm by ! hfr.gigc iins- self Sn tie barn. He had been atwsrk in the mommg. and stopped asetna ] fer din ner Tiatwas tie last seen f r alive. Th * only tieary advanced as to tie casse of the art is temporary aberrattea. caesed by the Intense heat. No cnarrel had taken place with any member ef tie family , and his yo = ti , only IS years , makes tie case a most rss ttei'tosi eae. If li * ab&re theory is cet atceptabte. His family Is and almost brsken-hearted , Jail Dr itet Arr t d. FAIR3ITP.T. Neh , Jnn * It ppeeial ta The Bee. ) 2 > epaty SieriS "Wiatt retnrned last night from Memphis , Mo is rearrested - arrested Simon Pearee , tie ferger.wba brake } a3 here a few -weeks ago. Pearc * has nothing tn say criminating the parties -wio helped him la escape. Sieri2 Mendenhan today arrested Dr. Thomas of Nertaa. Kim. , "wia iswanted tier * et a charge of crin1r.il a iuslt. Tie ihertT ef Nartoa county -wffl be. h-er * today to take his prisaner rurY , ot x GuoHiw S YORK , Neb , Jens 1C ( Special TeJegram to Tie B . > Absot 1 o'clock this afternoon fire destroyed tie dwefilng bnsse owned by O R. EabeBme. Ti bass * -was occrpted by Rer. H. H. Maynard. The fire -was caused ST the expHiioa sf i gasoline store and Miss Mand Mayaard wa * badty bcraed. Tie bosse was iascred f r JU-M la tie Camecticnt. No Inssraace a the gaods. Anxioes to Used Doyd NAPER. Neh , June It { Special Teitgrata ta Tie Bee. ) Tie escaty commissioners again cobesit tie restJos of beading tie j ouajity to tbe TOter f Boyd e = waty at ti ' otxt eleeUan. Tie prsposJtiBa carried last faH by twelve -votes , bet defects ta the man ner of preseoting them invabdated tie issce aad a new elecuea U neeessary. UM * \ aW-r NEBRASKA CITY. June It JSpecSal Telegrra to Tie BMrs. . Aaa \TaIker. wiasa bam -was boraed Tceiiy morntag. has brocgit rait agaiast tfc * city far dam ages. Sb * daias if tiere bad beea ccfi- cient water presccrt her taSdtec cs = M hare bees Small Blu * at HTBBELL. Neb. . Jaae li. fp eial tfl Ti * Bee. ) A cigar stab tirewn fate m bat 2H J wUi sawiimst last Dicit caused a * mf [ blaze witch beraed part -sf the cmmter aad sh w- case. brea iiig a portiaa of t * glaas la D Jr = rtr"i restasraat oe Je&asaa mrenne. XooXrd After by r d 6am. NAPER. Neb , J ae 34. jSp cli. ! Tele- graa te Tbe B e. > WHtam Scislu , vba was toiettJ by ti federal grand > cy ea a cfcirg * ef seassg KTOSTwtthest a ti- vu tikm t Omaha Sesa Tit mevbaStoaa-ytJtl This tre at , AT IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Kftj Twarg ltd tsi THE COLLEGE OSOES OF HASTINGS Tut TTeck Cnmdfd with lnt rr Ung Ca- f < rlilniiuiiii Among S-tiwJmt c Xrtr IOWA CITT. Ia , J a 1C < 5pe iai T < 4 - graai te Tie Bee. ) Aa eves fifty ywns z ea a dwcaes wre grafeated Irvsa the eoOvgiate * < tru eat af the Scat * Ttolraritty t UrTbere en stx aratars vt f Uae bwnber aad they were chawered with bao- e ts aad tbe e * itauirt recMax ed by tp- piimx. Isei Fasate Kelsa talked ft "tn the Fidtfces * jat TteM.Weaa N We * - called -Nroesstty ef Better B ad Grr- tsxmeat. * * Harry Graat pjsm cea > s4ered the -ReUttea af the Cisreb ta. the Saeial PraWem.- Mils Ste&a He4-n Trietfke 1 anO0 ek.aad Frank watsten cea- sMered the 'RaBraad Qeestiafi. * * , Tbe de gree * f isuttr af aruwas conferred -apt * . the foBrwtacr ThaHa Ceehrase. Srra City : Edward TTadrMge Mahod. Laidet. O = t. ; AHee Jase MoU. Faribaait. Minn. . Airln B. NaMe. M-a M ei. ; Fraak Heary NaMe , Casey , la. ; Flora Wambmsgh Patterson , Cazahrttge. Mass. Carl Le paH of BmrQng- tec vas granted tie decree { master of tcieaces. Tie d gre * sf docter el laws -was conferred spec Has. J. 3. Edmeadz.Taai - tectan , D , C ; masser of sdeace. Henry F. Wyckiam. The faOc-wteg prizes -were prnra ler theses Tweaty-five A * Urv erered by Prof. Per kins. te Harry G. FJcm ; CS. olered by M. L. 5ear af Omaha , to J L. Kimae ti. The dass ef 15Hwas as feUows Baci- eiars f Art * Rose BUcehard. Harry Btaat , J. Lyaa Cnwlord. Artinr J Hatexrvist. Earl Pafcaer Hopkins , Heary C. Ken. Edwin Fay Mntchler. Jodsoa Walker Reywdds. Albert T. Ratledse , Lars Sheldail. G6rce Fraaklin Thompsoa. Edward Speer White , Waas Walter "Wilson , Bachelors af PhSosapty Tiomas R. Am- He , Frances Chsrch. Annab CoJ&u , Jain Van Fleet Crcm. George Cstler Fracker , Join A. Heraby. Elliabeth D. J&et. I es Fanale Kdse. Eva M. "KJecfcoar. MarsiaB E. Lcmbar. Harry Grant Plcm , Clara Acatia Sletterbec. Virginia May Swan , EJien M. Warren. Bacieters of SdetM Mant BJeem. Ivin J. Cavana. Lee Wallace Dean. Artier S- Hamilton. B-rteBa Nelson Headricks , Jessie REanra Joinstta. TVifiis Alvin Lomas , Reb- ert P. MiHer. Carl David Page Stella Helen Price , Lesnard B. ? LP TDelano WHeax , Bachelors ef Science in Crra Sngiaeering Ccrtis Tbcmpson Dey. Join H , Gardner. Glen S. Noble , Frederick W. Lovell. Frank Woaiston. BacheJors cf Science in Electrical EngJ- ceeririg Beanmont Apple , Ray Parvin Le-e , Ralph Elliott Noble- Baeielar cf Didactics Anna E. Sbepberd. JUasters of Arts Edward Wjldridc J a- bood. Alice Jane Moll. Frank Henry Noble. Flsra "Wambangh Patterson. Master of Science Carl Leopold Ends. TABOB COLLEGE. cxnia aceoent Ex- crri r of lie Inititatlcra. TABOR. la , Jcae It { Speciil to The Bee. ) Tie twenty-eighth ansnal csmmenee- ment exercises of Tabor ecllege occcrred dsstsg tie last -week , 1 1" " Satcrdiy. A free exts skia ta Tabor. ans = stmg cf orer a isndred defegatES frnm tie Congregatteal Home Misckmary society , -whici met in Omaiawas -very mecesrfcUy carried oct. , A carriige ride , pabHc dinner aad speech- * were f eatnresof tie day. Dcring li * afterJ J noan athletic sports were alsa in progress 1 in tie park. In tie / - reningvraj grren tie j | recital cf the conservatory of mcsic. Sczisy i i mcrning biccalacreale sermon -was d - j j Irrered by Prefid nt Brosts. S = day even- ] 1m ; Hon. W. H. Alexander Omaha ad dressed tie Cirlrtian associations ea tie ssb- ' Jed.Oppartnnlties " Monday afternoon -was given to tie class day exercise * of tie grad- i eating clasc.which -were held on tie camp-ss. ; In the events- = Erred tie entering - , errises cf the senior preparatnry r'.BT'i. Tie r - is oneot tie largest in tie history of tie caSere : Frank SheJdon , Pan ! Fleming ] I Edscn Daman. Harriet Fleming Jennie Slo1 1 ccm , iiosise Mcdtoa , D 3 Brooki , OOid l .I Brant Drake , Si Schneider Klrie Faixrote , C. Mae Welptoa. Anna Barcard- Toesiay noraiag tie board cf trustees oet la r > r T-gi sessoe. Tie. tltenaxja was d-roted to tbe ahnanl. A large ntnaber of dd gradaatessrers preseat tad tie baa- < ; uet foQcwiag the literary ererrises Tas ' especially eaisyabJe. | 1 Tie erowalag aiasical event ol the week ! , was tie eo = Zea-e = teat coacert Taesdty j rrealat ta < ± arge ol tie esaserratcrjcf crasic. Aa iaterestiag prograai was rea- dered. la place d tie casioaitry orztija ! "by tie radaatiag ritts ca coauneaceaKat day. Err. Dr. SWrigJit Bctler of O = j.tx ad dressed tie .gradaitej TVeda-Esiay arorciag. TTi subject -was. Tie TTiitia ? ; Xicte. " Tie terras araibers sir- Louise ABea Fairield , WesilzEtoSL. D. C. ; FrrferiekVffliaai LiOog. ' Hfflsiale. Ia. : Aaaie Loatee McCreSe. itis- . bnra , HL ; Sylvia Kabel Drate , Tabar. is.i I i Jlary Myrtle Foote. CsraJag. la ; TTialfred ' Ftoy Mills , Tab = r. Ia. j The preseatatios cf diplaa ts closed tie saost proaaislEg year ja tie history ci tie eoHege. HASTEfUS COU.KGE CIKCLCS. TT ek Hat I w-n Fartl clarr Interest- HASTINGS. Nei , Jcae 14. ( Special to Tie BeeO Tie past -week has been bciy ia Hastings caSege codes. Beginning oa tie , &ti. tie Mndiexaminatiens -were started , ! closing ca tie Sli. The IKi. the bacJ J ealaereate nermonwas preached ta tie mom- Ing by tie president. Dr. W. F. Ringiaad. j In tie evening tbe Christian nocietiej cf tbe | school were addressed by Rrr. Mr. Irwin ! i cf Hiawatha. Kan. Monday morning came j i tie iTiTTttT field day and tPsnU totmMT. and ia tie evening tie jcnfors * reception ta the j J I rt < t ot * M. Tc-eiiiy afteraosa the gradnaj j j tmg ex-rca ! of the academic dtipartmeat I in tis ceUtge chapel attracted a large at- [ i teadanee. an-d the cos-cert cf tie musical I department In the evening tn tie Prtsiy- I terita ciorci was listened ta by an andi- esce cf fcSy L103L Wednesday afternoan j the board f trustees met , and at tie tame j time tie Alnmni assodatiea met and elected as oSoers far tie ensuing Tear. C. B. I i Aitdiisaa. presiSeat ; Miss V-r-m * Nowlan , i 1 vice president : Mixs Kathl a Hartigan. see- ' t retary aad treascrer. Tie execative cam- mKtee has us : yet beea named. Last aigit came tie cemmencen eat exer- d = i prsper. Ti * Presbyterian cherciwas crowded to tie dosn , fnHy T.1M persons attendteg. Tie class -was cesipased cf serea jnesbera. Miss Harriet T. Myers recejrtng tiedesreeefB.Se aaiMr.'Wiffaim J Little , VM Bertha G. Gr e = . Mlit Laera W. Baltey. Miss Grace M. Shepherd. Harry B. AHeo and Mis * Etta Catea reeeiring B. A. Tbe co&ege- celebrated its twelfth year by eaoftrring Its firet ian-orary degrees , doctor of ilTtnity ca. Rer ; H. O. SceU ef Hastings aad Rer. John Fleming of Ayr Tie Junior essay prize -was won by Mus Martha Ccn- Ti4s ereaing a xery ea5 = yahle rec-ptten t the new rirmwas grren by tie atemni at the ieme of > * ? Hartigan. n tte Inititnt * ExrrriM * . KEARNEY , Neb , Jnnt It ( Special Tele gram ta Tie Bet ) Ti * sradcating exer- eises at the PUtte InstHctewere head In tie chapel thU rrrsing. This tais tie aeceod year ef the testttsttea. aad thirttec sio4eetswere graduated. Aftfr tbe erer- cu * * desed a reccfttlanwas tendered ta Blii p aad Mn. Giarea. Refresimeats were aerred aad toasts reipeaded ta by Mtsa Darby. M. A. Brsrwc , Moce Sydenhas , F. E. .Bemn ir > 3 etierx. There -were ahost SM r&ests present , lad li prexpectx are that tie tnstitsta vat beweB patrso- gea tha animals at Coartland PoUUral I > r. Dcryea. ' * eiasa in baid fcs tteeead cessiaa tecigbt at tae Ciriitlm Tt it ttftftfS thai thv-tnt book * tra tie b r . a J U o e * elr - rt > * s ? jw * y ! < ? * UOK > at thit rft * * . * A jr f i tn * - * and great * - aaarkei tfc * G * te Cawtkod > c et ir. Cmplntie So rrrl trr A oa thiI Moti JtSa tel Trt- a jmiLateg tt the Flcttc rtTf.--O at aa ] ether < | tiOu s af teawtaocc te the ' matertMa. On mtearx * * et the extras * heat there -wu a > u Urg a gMherteg u a > - Stetpated. bat shave - wha'4M tant * s ware TfftM. far the iZort K oat -teaa. The vas ecflM te order hy Ham. fC. rad Ms e * > rrtt hrtvfiy m t , after wMei J C. Rohtetaa \Valertee aa4 Daa W. Caac af BIthora - re e x-e4 ckair- ZJG and teereury. ret ceUraty. The Beard of Ooamly caaaaUaateMCt tented te fee jirt * t and tck * pn is the di5ST * iii aa > d vat rtffiiMiHi'j hy Cbfc-- toaa Slefe r tout Mesai > ers WWteais x 4 LS-resey. A letter was read frea Mr- : Jeakiaj erftreuaac his regrettac necoott af IMC betas hie te attend. The gred raa-ds o * ; iewai dteeassed in aS Mi beartecf hy Menrs. Whtta re. Aek-srtead. C C. Tcmer. Isaac N jw. Onter TThitwy. C E. Byars. E. S May as * J. W. HaO. The cmsty eaanaimteam als Qa4e a few reaoarks aa the sbfeet. When the Plattt-Oaiaia rt-rnl sefceme rsbectwat op ed sp tie chairman the board af ocsstr ecaaaasctesers vti k pt b sy aarwertap ( jwstioti retatre te the p.-apa fttea filed recently by the preseter * af the caaat ecterpriM. After the nutter had been fiSy erptetwd all tbose la the aadieocewha fawred the nchea e at i l- adtted te the beard -were asked te say aye aad thcrcwha -were appesed to it as U a w staadswere iastraeted te say ao. Tie aces -were la ti * majority. Tbe chief ep- fxwltlos te the proposition H acaiast tie cavaty pwttiacp tie Il > : > 5.t * . Tbe eo TeattoB then edtexraed ta the Reids hotel , where a baaoeet ai spread. It was as elaborate aCair aad a fitting dose ol a praiseworthy 2IOKK COPIOCS K- Crop * to Serrrat Portioas of tbe 5tate J i LONG PINE. Nea , Jme It { Special ] Telecram te Tie Bee. ) Copiecs rains lasting - \ i ing serEral beers -visatpd Bean TReck | csasties today. f-xtriH grain in a few pJaces ; was past redemtiB = trwing te continaed winds , bnt the rain w-ffl help a large acreage | ofwheat. . Corn" looks fiae. bet TTU in i ef rain , aad now bids fair to trra e = t a good J crqn. } ; Dcricg tie orm Hrt.tr.-r.g . struck a 1 dweibng here , dsing cansiderabJe daaure ' ta the prsperty. teat injsrmg ao one. j ANSELMO. Neb , J = M It ( SpecUl Telegram - 1 gram to Tie Bfe. " A good general rain I f a today. AHprospects chaarrt ler tie i better. DUNNING. Neb , J = se 14. ( Special Tele gram to The 3 * 4 A beavy rain feH iere tonicht. Tie grojcad is tiorotcUy soaked. NORTH PLA.TTE. Neb , Jnne It { Special TeSegram Tie Bet > Tie irocthwas broken In this section fsr the first time tiis season by a fine rain. Com -wffl b beaeSted considerably , thee i - ame fields are almost beyond h 3p. - * - SIOCX FALLS , SD Jcae It { Special Telecram to Tie Bee- > Tie first rain in east- " era coznttss of Scrcth. Dakota since May IT began at S eel : > ck toeicat and pocred in torrents fsr t-wenty mis-stcs , tiea stopped tin elerenwhen it berm tErtr. , Tie sky is aH overcast -witi rain rliffifff < tie pros pects are coed for rain tU night. Tie rain makers -were engaged. tc came here Satsrrday , bat -win probably ie teJesnpied aot to come , " Some small grain is yn redemption , bat most . -will mak half crap. Ccm aad poi tatoeswai be a fnU cron , l SIDNET. Neb , Jcne 14fSpscUJ Telegram to Tie BeeJ Tie fioodgztes- ieaveswere opese-d at fi o'clock lius erening and tie heaviest rala in yeara lelL Jt drenciei" the city and t n : ; uiiiKiing. rmaTitry. Itwas im- pcssibJe ta see acrossie street , and indi cations are for an aB-nSghl rain. Tiere is mnch r Elthorn Brertticra. ELKHOHN. Neb , Jcne It ( Special ts The Bee. ) Confirmation ceremonies trers eaadccted iere at tie CatboHc eh-srci today. BShDp Scanlan cf tie Omaha diocese coa- ferred dlplamis oa twenty-nne. Rev. Fathers FJtzeErald. Walsh and Brrti as- sfcted in tie ceremonies. A farmer lost S38 thrszgh a pickpocket win * -witnessinj ; tie chi t iere yesterday. An IneCectcal attempt -was made came tine last night ta cra-ck tie ttrosg bax tt tie TJnJen Pacific depot. Entrance to ti * bnadingwas erected tirocgh -wiado-w. . Being -nnable to open the safe the cracksmen secured a corpJe of express packages eoatain- ing ladles' and gentlemen's -wearing apparel and made tieir escape. Foaeral ot SUM L.-ccy Cole. Nei , Jcne It ( Special to The Bee. ) One cf tie largest funeral services ever held here -was that -of Mass Lacy , eldest daughter of Mr. aad Mrs. A. V. CcJe. today. Tie funeral semen -was preached by Rev. Mr. Csrtis. Tie lady -was years of age.wen kn Tn aad bekrred by alL Sie dted last Friday at her tmele's , Gorge Crane , is Missouri , wiere ier metier Tml taken ier bnt a f e rday * before in hopes of benefiting her health. Ord Masons 3rrt OSorn. ORD. Neb , Jens It ( Special to Tie Bee. > Ord todre Ne. l t , Ancient Free and Ac cepted Mpyr : ' . J * Ji its y.TiiTrrl . ejection cf cacers last nlgit. Tie feBowfaigwere elected : James C. Heddl * . W. M. ; Jtmes F. Co3by. SW. . ; Eduia N. Mitghtfl. J. TV. ; Gf-orge T. Hatter , trearerer ; Ctartes W. BSTTSTTS. jecretary ; "WSTHnrfi Weare , tBtr ; trustees , WHlirm D. Ogden. Charles B. Jam-es A. Pattan. w Note * . 'NELIGH. NeX Jeae It { Special Telegram - gram to The Bee Tie eccnty rcperriscrs adjccrned today. Tie cscrt becse baflding csmmltteewill -visit Pierce teaorra'w to ex- tmine tie cocrt hoce there , jDistrict coat met here this evening. Jcdge Rabincsnpresidtng. . fer the pcrpo&e ef clearing cp the egcity deckel. Tie dr ath itH esatinaes. bnt cam is tenting fins. _ Celebrate tlie Fourth. SURPRISE Neb Jane It { Special to Th * Bee- > There is to be a grand Soaday scioo ! ceiebratian. at Ssrprii. * the Fecrti af Jcly. consiiting of several Smday rchoaJs froca sarr Ej > ding towns. The dBTn e = tie Blse rtver at this place was cndtrmiaed and -sashed est last night. Tie damage is Iti * . Se a tie arw baBcen yEt ? TiU ere at S. "He i Dr. TJatlrr > "f w. Rer. S. Wrfent Seyerwas girea tie decree Bf D.1X iaftTsosiiy by Tabor col- lrc of lewa. TfcJs coSrjre is very canttoas ts beftwwls ? degrees , aril on tiat aooemt tie beaer to Dr. Batier is cianeed , PERQUISITES DODBLE TOE PAY ? f tie Fscest Asses ! to B sHOW * - . HOW NEW YOSK'S POUCE GET 8 > CH Exttmitr * Uav-d en th Evidrnt-r Alrrady Oitm Krfwe li - Lraow Invtf-ticatinc CvtamHIrv c rr tliat Tell flic Ketrttmr * . XE7T TORK. Jma * It A Xr Ycrk x-feaefe ta * fcertMfare te-an rea * * * < a * Uvor- * Mr U Tasmtar prtwtt aw a ceKnu ; tke fcea It wks te * w te ttdc f BeicbaMte rtreane * s U fce b-en rw * * 4 bf tke fwUee f New York aMWally. ! tat tM * sfcrwtaE It haw * npae tke teU- aeay ta 4 Ur tfc * beferc tie Low * * fi- rest pttmx eacaaBtnec. Tin pa | er start * act vtti to exstaaatiea rf * stater sac empirfi as tbe palie * , -rtKii to 1.8M. T * li t ii tfeei tie t ectfasates ta tbe b * c t * f 154 Ii4 , irr. T s uae at ta eat as ta * teglt ssi * m > received V force far Its auuMemieeTbe paper ia- Tke lesttiBcay brevgiit e t by tke Lexew IsfreftigatiAg ootstaittee sic-ws tkat tk * po lice , tc * * d > OB ta tieir salaries frm tke c.ty. tare kad a& xAattfcnul tveaaM oea- trfttt > 4 by tke keepsrs ef 4tsnJecJy b cM. kvsses , saerekawts ta * can peddler * . Tils extra teeeote to payias fer P < y. By tie pafeUc K Is biackSBiS. Tke paHee qoteites. If tke testsaoay Is trae tke pa- lice were Te-y rtcflamt to tocatiae a8 per- wka ewdd be farced t * coiitnb to for tkr beoefiC - aa exact esttaate cf tke tecaate rj tie at tiis met { tke Jstvestiotkoi. acu iire beec mif pstoc t * net irsres caa be Tsiae. " Tie "fact ts cited that iiire tr 7,009 ctkioas ia tie cKy of New Tark. aa * tie piper rwtcas that tie tBegei pa ( ce ckarces fer prslertiea ter fi3e dosrs opea ec Ssa- day is Jit -week fer ei sateea. Aliewtng tiat ocly sae-aaU. ef tie sikeas poi tiese ciarpes. tie tsial for eoe year is trrrred at. Tae papff tKWS.es aa cScial sj tke T depamaeat. wio crtl-nttes tie anaiba- degraded -woaaea la tbe c.ty te be Upaa tie hrr * of tie last csaras ta esti- izzti et fe peraoEts to a bae Is sade. tad c-9Q tiis basis ! t is suted tilt tie ! a $ .66 * disiarderiy teases. At- ag ts tie aliened pabej sciedafe tf prices for -opeaiag dlsarderly bucyes tie ia- rorae to tie pabce frsai tiis one esarce is * * tcaated by tie rirper to be tiGMjEKW After tie opeaias cf tiese laiaioral bosse * . acordiaE to tke rrtdeacs brfzre lk Lierow canmiuee , the keepers of tie ieeses are regstred te pay trtca' Kt Is J1W psr asoati tad tie paper jaakiag tiese etfcaates reckoas that 'raai this scnrrce ti * palite receive fr > * Tr7 ) ; lacoaie of J Li9 , OQ. Fear iaa-dred aad fifty ticrcstad daJlari a yetr Is estiaiatfd as the tsoent cf tie al- lecw ! extra , ciarges fer * 7eaal faTcrs tad protect Van Irnaa tie pobee. Tie esS- aoated tnrpme froai gaa bliag r * policy aicps Is { 153.099 a year. Tiere are reckoned to be otier special rales levied -spoa jaercbaaii far the arrraejr ; of pattiag boxes -cjioa tieir slSewalks , r3r- r ? n ? < wiowtat to keep -opea oa saday aa-d path cart pddJers "wioraat to erz.de tie city eriiatace tint proiiMts tier : trrm sttadiag aiore t tur. ve aiiaates ia oae place. Tie paper state * tiat ± 4-06 aetr pojice = ea are placed spoa tie force each year , and esti mates spoa tt r 1 3J tT tie alleged rate of S3W to set a tie force that tie la-corae fra = tils scarce is S56.S&9 a year. Tie graa-d total -r-r.r , , rpaa tie basis cf tie testcaany pr&seated l t re tie Ltrow esrj- asitlee. iacladiag tie legttiaiate apprspna- tie = aosde by tie strte to naintala tie peBce , aad tie otier Iteaos above referred to , Egre- pates J13JM4T. Tie JaUo-snag are tie iteauwiici eater hsto tiis total , Fraai tie city. tSJ.r . TS-S4 : dlsard-rjy ioases. IW . - OOS * release , Il.St.OC'9 ; gtaibCag hOBses , tl 3.C9 ; Eierciaats * r > A peddlers. zjenbers d tie force , J58OW ; total l co = e , $15 54447.64. See tie BTtrrii ; > ; at OKirtirnd bsari. fonaerfy Saperiateodmt 'of Cnkm * * H OSX&ka f apSfn 1 irt- A dlspatci received last nlgit aa- nsanced tie death of Ciarfes "ST. lltid at LiOS Aaffelss. CaL. of dropsy. Beati TTZS redden and Mr. Mead left a card statins tiat be anticipated derti Iras : crrpiy. In tie 79"s Mr. Mead-becane s neral sn- pEnEtKrfent of tie Un * = Pac c road at tie sznse ttrv tiat .Mr. Hanjmcsd bteane Een- ert ! nanacrsr. On rttirinc from tie nQroad bcsmess is tosgttJir. C. B. Rcstm's Inter est in tie zzaetass uo.-Lt. and absot tleren years ago E d oat to Sir. G = y C. Barton. At tiat time ie o rned &eTea-ts"elflis cf tie stock. He tien engaced is. an nnsaccessinl i mining renlcre ia Mjstana. and tram tbere Trent to California. He tad ae property in j Otaaia tt tie trae of lj death , aH of bis I capital , vaich iras csnsrferaiJe , being in- rested in Caiifar ' See tie J TT at Conrtland beaei. TOUJ "FrrvJTOI TO. Sir. Beck DecllDM la Aotver TV. Bosk , tie adranistrmtBT of tie estates of Plait TV. Sazaders and Francis MeXanara , deceased , tras cued to appear in tie probate com yesterday afteraooa and answer ijaestians regarding wkat dirpo- Eithm he had made ef tie property , tie rec- ; ores iir z 10 sborr tiat ie > - ! d erer sade a nanl settlement. On iis vay u > tie olLce i coscicdtid tiat i iracted to * e et. Judge Eller. Trhowas sircce ded by tie pret est iacsinbest of ti coenty jodge t See. Together tity a-ent before Jsdge Baxter. vbere EB - adrtecd Us cKeot OK te ansver any < jaesO a . Jedge Barter insirtfd spaa hai-iag Bock tQwnat iad becoa ot the pr peray. SHr insisted tiat ie bad te < J-t > natiisg of tie kiad. and tne bearing vest ever cntS this doming. As licbo from rbr WoriiT * Fatr. Tie Lake Siore rwcte ias recently gotten swt a very iasdssQe Htbo-viter eeUr if the "EipasitiBa nyer. tie faawss tweaty- nsr train fcj * erriee berwfcea Xe - Yort as * Chcaga dsrtag tie fair. Among tie aaoy Tro&ierfsl aciirreaients cf tie Cotea- btax yeir tiis traic viici iras tie fastest V E distaaee train ereir rcn tfiMs a prwzi- meat piice. and to any on * interested in tie mb * * tie piecnrt U tceS - rorti traa- iBg. Tea cents ia stamps r aJrer * mt te C. K. * iViH r. ircstem paiter.ger agest. Chicago , ifili secure eae. Ererjbody goes to Cocrtland beacx bat ycc. This Matter of Darning- * doesn't amount to much , \vith the \vomen vrho use Pearline. Most of it has to be done because you persist in rubbing things over \vashboard so. You have to , to get them even passably dean , if you vrash with soap in the old way. Use Pearline and you'll save the darning. You haven't rubbed the things to pieces , and you won't have to mend them. And another kind of darning won't suggest itself either , for you haven't tired your self out to die cross point with the hardest of women's work. ' yiijCM's ' tHB tdl yes. "this is as good as * ec * * ti sane ai Petdaae. " ITS FALSE Pcsrfise k never pedoi. ifrav crccer scads aTi.-ii.-i. d JAVZS PilX. Sew Tort THERE 0'k WAS A t -k LIGHT. m the other building the re was only the smoke and the water ot into oars. The damage has been settled so satisfactorily * * ? thst we can let yoo. have the goods Jfc like this _ * * r 5 F.ll Tb kiwi TO Jfcfc tbe rmi o at 5-5 * tbe fir arewnr . $1.75 /fc "Ofrxlfr wy. nil 4rj c -TT amd wVe * pr s > i 35 $2.00 * Strouc P nl # Tier fif in tke jfaltery * "sr r a04 w t at = .1U iitiv MBokd . 35c - * * Men" * Sasp 4r Ko appareat by eitberwmier or lOc Mrc's H wnrrrtiel5 Plala * i iLt : < aad jat js ed a * er r lOc & Neccti s Tb * water did pot criato Uiew * nr most v , ne-e ia tfcei-Ww oa' - > 5c "Men * * Sfick S its in asd oxfords. only -wet aad eonkcd of far 518 bslcrc tbe $3.00 s' Suits th&t 5 > oUI k r fi be- the fire , -ealr f-atok-i-d. { re 2.5O . * > . Men's Ca'siraT Sails Tbe 5J5 aad f 39 kiad. TJ er trare oalr jmotrd ; act hart a Ml : for $6.00 Men's Caiaere Suits In color ? ibal tVe water cwoltla't hurt , r cnlarSi5 s it , po aoir for . . S4.OO 4fe Wil a BrsK. Shir 4 py liaea tbe traler did aot eooae near tfeey are ntx , even : pet liens for. . 75c Fall finisbed top Hose 25c bef < re tbe are. llockford socks , g-o al 5c $ damared a pa-tic e , ju as 35c Columbia Clothing Co. , I $1 Cor. I3th and Farnam. * S MANHOOD BESTORED - * 1 " fj t\i Af a i tTitfiTa Vr airari ThT * rf , -nw-lr XT V i WSP > * fei v cs or Cw sr l \ # to JIi i = Drsia , . Varlsarrie ( BEFORE aBt > AFTER orcsascli-iaisaria CCTIDIIVK § cre = ? ibezs sad restsresM tre rTbesi-ssoa = 2 rrT Jtn cie : hy Doefr * . fc n > * tatitl . CTTprTEKS 1 * tbe oa > > - tsm -etccdy ioecreJii cat aa orcraitoa. S OOO te - noioniiis. A wrt e = Fa > i e sJTi Airf 71- 0"3-retarti j'hir nar does aot eSect a r-er- dxiHiBtccrs. El-tlOat < GX.Si ± rforSS. e. b T-.s 5-nd * nr vrer ar ami t-sPiaoztalh. AIM-ME D.VTOL 5 ! EniCIXK CO. . P ( i Bo * S07E i a Frsjwla-oo CirorB l 5 > r * * DIRT DEFIES THE KING. " THEN IS GREATER THAN ROYALTY ITSELF. RSAKHOOD RESTORED ! Fat1r na Ornhi Keb. fer CTOR SEARLES & SEARLES SPECIALISTS Qroais , ScTTDli , Print ? AXO CUBE Special ET BWt. CCKSGUTI5S FKH We euro Ca'arrn. All Dlseass. of < he Nose , Throat , Chest. Stomash. Uver , Blood. SUIT and Ki-ney Dis eases , Fe-nale WeaWiesses. Lost Marsho = d AND ALL PRIVATE - EASESOFfflEM REMOVED TO 1416 STREET. Call OB or Afidrwis 1416 FAENAM-iT Dr. Seariss > 'EB. NEBRASKA C. S. CAPITAL $400,000 SURPLUS $55 500 : Hecry TT. . rccuicnt. iats S. ner-praMca. Ixw-J Ciii ! r. ' H. S. U = t * * - THEIRONBAXE. TRUSSES. DOSS S HA.VB TOTJH AHOOM FOB FITTING- TRUSS TRUSSES and a YOU ? I-arge Stock The Aloe S& Penfold Co. 1403 Ptr i3x St. , Oj orits Futaa H teL THE UOK DRUG HOUSE. Best Sbr * seii n the prira. S5 , S4 & S3.5O Dress Shoe S3.5O Police Shoe , 3 Soles Best y > TVi--g Si oc ci u mivdrj S2.5O and S2 Shoes , litsajcaJrf at the pries. Boys * S2 & SI. 7 5 Sckwl Shoes , Arc tbe Stag fer Se-siji. Ladies' S3 , S2.5O.S2 , SI. 75 and ScrrloraUle. l > - tlB tli trorld. All - anj prim tampMl on bet * uua. Tr.llXCGLAs , CroclOoo Icnatz. Newman. 423 S. 13th. Elias Svenson. 1519 H 24L1. A. W. Bowman Co. . 117 H. IStti. C. J. Carlson. 1218 N. 24th. W. W. Flshsr. 2925 UeavonworUv. F. A. Crossy. So. Omaha. UPTURE PERMANENTLY CURED HO PAY UNTIL CURED > t urn - 6.0 BTrit e f sr tiri Seferereet. ZXXUJNATION FRCC. SEND TOR CIRCULAR. THE O. E. MILLER CO. . jr-sDS x. y uf ruseor AHA. sn Notice. DENTSON. Mar 3C. ISM. W win let to UMtowest b * t IwMer OMmoriee cl dirt OB T * eaja > 3a > g road. i auto * a. Hh o ! CXMtooB W&ifctiwrUMi tc-x * uji. CrawfarJ eoaaty. lova. Plats of tfee Tofc4 > rai > ba > -tea > at tJw audtt < xo ' 3w or at the rei- Ataicf at J K. Hay i te Watnlnjt- cktp. AH idt to Ur M&led Ji4 left tb KTuotr au4u r aad wQl t * opnM l on . Jww X llfit CMrtractw t civ af * ie tua a > < ri doaars t& 3Ufor tfc * latthfiat i4-toraxAoe < rf tbe v rk. Con tract M W aeatfctd car September U. ISM. asrf tt- reiaic1H / W pa > d far wfees cora- TMtxt A rftvvni wam be XaK a af tfce > rb a d ne. W * rewre tl rtefet u > JLSJaW aS * * tf ttoo t t * * J. H. HATB3. anUSTlAjK KA JOHN HOPYSRT.