Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 15, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAILY Mil' ] : FRIDAY , tf 15 , IBM.
Delivered far carrier to anjr part of th * eltr.
H. W. TILTON , Lew * . I" "
TRLRPIIONES-Duilnen ofBce. No. U ; ntcht
tdltor , Mo. n.
Hoyal Arcanum meeting Friday evening ,
Juno 1C.
A special meeting of the Patriotic Order of
Song of America Is called ( or tonight.
Last night the city council held a meeting
nd transacted considerable routine business.
Unity Guild will hold Its regular meeting
Friday afternoon In the Guild room of Oraco
church. Friends cordially Invited.
The line of march for the Grand Army
of the Republic display will bo published
by the committees Sunday morning In The
The Council Bluffs Whist club met the
Omaha club for the fourth time Wednesday
night and defeated them by thirty-three
Becky Larson , a 10-year-old girl living
on Graham avenue , fell from a swing
Wednesday and fractured her arm In two
J. H. I'urcell , for several years past the
rdltor and owner of the Uunlap Hrportcr ,
has sold out to W. N. Gaumcr of Victor ,
Toweshclk county , la.
An abandoned baby about a month old
was found by tome farmers about a mil :
couth of Crescent Wednesday night. It
was brought to this city and taken to the
Christian home.
C. S , Franklin commenced a foreclosure
proceeding In the district court yesterday
against Mary L. and George J. Crane on
a note of J4.GOO and mortgage on the Crane
property on Park avenue.
Sheriff McCold of Jasper county was In
the city yesterday and identified the sorrel
horse and saddle found In the possession
of Charles Kenodlc as the property ot a
man living near Newton.
Grant B. Dunn , formerly employed as
harness maker by Walter Bros. , has left
the city suddenly and unerpectcdly , and
It Is slid there are a number of things for
him to answer for On his return besides
bad bills. U is claimed he got several
small checks cashed on the strength of the
Ignature of Walters Bros. Which he him
self had afllxqd.
The Humane society seems to be sleep
ing. Otherwise they would be up and after
thoio who attempt to board their cows at
the public expense by having them herded
Song the highways where there Is nothing
but hot sun and baked earth' . There Is a
herd of" about forty whjch dally are Orlvcn
out onto Woodbury avenue , and observers
eay that the poor animals stand around
there for about seven hours a day with no
show for water or grass. In fact , no show
for anything but a sunstroke. The owners
ie probably oblivious of the facts , as they
simply pay a monthly fee for having their
cows herded. The observer who wants to
make his complaint public says that he is
trying to keep three cows on four acres , and
finds It hard work , while this area of
parched grass Is more than the herders can
avail themselves ot for forty head.
Good times are coining. Buy a
while you can get It cheap. We write nre
Insurance In the best companies. Also loan
money for local Investors. Lougce & Towle ,
235 Pearl street.
Oraml I'lHzn , I-iilu ! Manuu-H.
Grand Plaza will be open to free admis
sion every day up to noon. From noon
until midnight an admission fee of 10 cints
will be charged , which will admit to grounds
and to concerts and nil entertainments. No
return checks will bo given.
No person of questionable character will
be permitted to enter the grounds.
No admittance to Grand Plaza will be
charged to persons who desire to rent boats
or bathing suits.
Ice cream and refreshments served In the
pavilion of Grand Plaza.
Genuine lightning Ice cream freezers $1.49
np ; lamp stoves 75c ; 2-burner gasoline stoves
$2.95. AH summer goods must go at Cole's
hardware store.
Kvnns Laundry Company.
620 Pearl street. .Telephone. 290.
Grand Plaza's cornet band beats them all.
J. A. Allaben of Polo , 111. , was In the city
George T. Phelps has returned from a
western trip.
Dr. J. B. Patterson has returned from
Kansas City.
D. O. Brulngton of Atlantic was a Bluffs
Ylsltor yesterday.
Mrs. T. J. Carrothers has gene to Creston -
ton to spend a week with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Williams left yester
day for a two weeks' visit at Colfax.
Mrs. J. B. Greenshlelds and Miss Nannie
'Armstrong have gone to Colfax Springs.
Mrs. B. C. Gleason and family left for
their new homo In Denver last evening.
Miss Ella Shlley of Missouri Valley Is In
the city , the gust of Miss Delia Fenner.
Mrs. C. R. Hannan and two children leave
aoon for a visit with relatives in Michigan.
Prof. C. Sprultt of the school for the deaf
has gene to Dubuque with a number of pu
pils In charge.
.Mrs. B. J. Walters haa returned from
Tiffin , 0. , whither she was called by the
last illness of her mother.
Miss Lizzie Hughes has returned from
Atlantic , and leaves shortly for an all sum
mer's trip to Cripple Creek , Colo.
Misses Lena and Minnie Dunn of Creston
are in the city , guests of the Misses Irene
and Dena Black , on Park avenue.
II. C. Lynchard , who has been visiting
his son , W. H. Lynchard , for the past two
weeks , left yesterday for his home in Mount
General C. II. Grosvenor , congressman
from Ohio , spent a few hours in the city
yesterday , looking at the beautiful scenery
from the tops of the bluffs.
Mrs. Jennie Forbes Babcock of Hender
son , la. , Is a guest of Kiel's hotel and would
be pleased to meet ladles of the Women's
Relief corps or Knights of Pythias.
W. A. Hlghsmlth and wife have returned
from Cedar Rapids , where they wont to wit
ness the demonstration In connection with
the meeting of the Masonic grand lodge of
B. Flora Evans and Mrs. A. Conable , both
of Clinton , la. , president and secretary of
the state Women's Relief corps , arrived In
the city yesterdty and are quartered at the
Ogden hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Tyler and daughter ,
Marian , leave today for a European trip.
Mr. Tyler will return during the latter part
of July , while his wife and daughter will
stay through August.
Dr. H. S , Wwt and J. A. H. Waddell of
Kansas City have cone to Park Rapids ,
Minn. , to enjoy a three weeks' hunting and
fishing outing. Dr. A. H. Carter and C. R.
Hannan will follow them today.
Mrs. Helen B. Longley of Waterloo and
Mrs. Helen R. Griffiths of Mount Pleasant ,
members of the auditing committee of the
Women's Relief corps , are at the Ogden ,
ready to look over the books of the treas
urer as soon as they arrive.
Grand Plaza excursion accommodations
can't bo beaten.
Cutting n T Clmnnel.
For the past two weeks the "Big Muddy"
has been making a big cut Into the farms
along Ita banks south of town , but while
It has taken some big slices they are small
compared to the big cuts T. B. Hughes ot
S19 Main street has made Into the trade
of his uptown competltlors. He has made
a great cut In his former prices of men's
underwear , , straw hats and fine shoes. A
visit will convince you that when It comes
to big cuts even the "Big Muddy" has to
fall down. _
1,000 cords ot wood for sale. Delivered In
carloads only ; also bur oak posts. Ad
dress L. B. Williams , Glenwood , la.
No fake advertising or false promises at
Plerce's * ho store , but real bargains.
Washerwomen u e Domestic soap.
Advance Guard of the Grand Army Com
mencing to Arrive ,
Program for the Vnrlon Meetings that Are
to He Held Uurln ; the Kncampmcnt
-WcTcral Arc to Ho Held -
Kncli Night.
The advance guard of the Grand Army of
the Republic Is already dropping Into the
city to be In readiness for the state en
campment , which begins next Tuesday. By
the time the exsrcltcs open anywhere be
tween 5,000 nnd 10,000 visitors may bo
looked for , and the city will belong to the
old soldiers during the next three days as
completely as did any southern city that
wajs captured during the war after a few
million tons of grape and canister had been
dropped down upon It. The committee In
charge Is making an earnest endeavor to
prepare a suitable welcome for the visitors ,
with good chance of success.
By no means the least Important thing to
be looked after by the citizens Is the deco
rations. The city , particularly the business
portion , should be a mass of red , white and
blue bunting. The committee Is taking good
care that Its share of the work shall not be
half dono. One hundred big flags have been
ordered and will be strung on the telephone -
phone poles on the side of Broadway , Main
and Pearl streets. A professional decorator
has been Imported to look after the deco
rations of the streets and the meeting places.
It Is the desire of the committee that the
citizens shall co-operate In the work of
decking the city with the national emblems.
The headquarters of the departments of
the Grand Army and Woman's Relief corps
will be at the Ogden hotel , and the _ head
quarters of the executive committee will be
at No. C Pearl street , where all comrades
are expected to register upon arrival and
receive all needed Information regarding
quarters , etc.
The first regular session of the Grand
Army will be held at Dohany's opera house
at 1 p. m. Tuesday , June 19 , and the first
cession of the Woman's Relief corps at 9
o'clock Wednesday morning , June 20 , at the
First Baptist church. The first session of
the department convention of the ladles of
the Grand Army of the Republic will be
held In the parlors of the First Presby
terian church on Wednesday morning at 9
J'uhli ? ineejnjs will be held on Tuesday
and Vednesday evenings , four each evenIng -
Ing , In order to accommodate tfie bl cjjvfds
that are looked for. On Tuesday evening a
camp "fire will bs held at the opera house ,
over which Frank Trimble will preside.
Speeches , will be made by S. B. Wadsworth ,
Judge Joslah Given of Des Molnes , Depart
ment Commander Phil Shaller of Sac City ,
Hon. Cl-arles A. Clark of Cedar Rapids ,
Hon. H. J. Stlger of Toledo and Hon. Walter
I. Smith of Council Bluffs. F. A. Sackett
will preside at the meeting at the First
Presbyterian church and speeches will be
made by Dr. F. S. Thomas of
Council Bluffs , Colonel Albert W.
Swalm of Oskaloosa , Judge J. C.
Mitchell of Ottumwa , Judge H. E. Deemer
of Red Oak and Hon. John Y. Stone of Glen-
wood. At the Broadway Methodist church
Mnyor J. H. Cleaver will preside , and Colonel
nel C. R. Hutchins of Des Moines , Charles
M. Harl , Hon. B. F. Clayton of Indlanola ,
L. T. Genung of Hastings , and Pait Depart
ment Chaplain Jesse Cole of Cherokee will
speak. Emmet Tinley will preside over the
meeting at Hughes' hall , and he speakers
will be Captain D. Maltby of Council Bluffs ,
Hon. Albert Head of Des Moines , Hon. J. S.
Lathrop of Sioux City , Major Charles M.
McKenzle of Des Moines , and L. M. Kin-
cald of Des Moines.
On Wednesday evening there will be camp
fires as follows : Dohany's opera house
Judge George Carson , chairman ; Colonel E.
A. Conslgney of Avoca , Colonel George A.
Newman of Cedar Falls , Hon. A. B. Cummings -
mings of Des Moines , Hon. John L. Webster
of Omaha , John N. Baldwin of Council Bluffs
and General G. M. Dodge of Now York City ,
speakers. First Presbyterian church B. L.
Shugart. chairman ; C. G. Saunders of Coun
cil Bluffs , H. G. Curtis of Atlantic , W. O.
Mitchell of Corning , Lewis Schooler of Des
Moines and Rev. T. J. Mackay of Omaha ,
speakers. Broadway Methodist church E.
R Fonda , chairman ; Jacob Sims of Council
Bluffs , R. C. Hubbard of Des MOlncs , W. M.
McFarland of Des Moines , George W. Culll-
son of Harlan , E. A. Gilbert of Dubuque
and General John C. Bonnell. past depart
ment commander of" Nebraska , speakers.
Grand Army hall George W. Lafferty of
Oskaloosa , chairman ; R. M. Stone of Omaha.
A. W. Swalm of Oskoloosa , Major J. G.
Hutchlnton of Ottumwa. Colonel J. H. KeaU
ley of Marshalltown and Captain Charles \ \ .
Neal of Stuart , speakers.
Enforcement of the Liquor Law Olven Klso
to Coiiildrrnbto Cuinplulnlni ; .
There was a decided kick made yesterday
afternoon against the order recently Issued
by the chief of police requiring screens and
curtains to be immediately taken down
from In front of saloons. The saloon
keepers have been seriously feeling the re
sults of the new movement , for however
much men like tl/elr / little swig occasionally ,
most of them do not care to let the gen
eral public know how well they like It , and
the strict enforcement of the law has driven
away a good deal of trade.
Yesterday afternoon Mayor Cleaver was In
his private office at the city building when
about twenty saloon keepers and property
owners called upon him to register their
complaints. George R. AVbceler , J. A.
Herald W. A. Maurcr , George A. Holmes ,
Jacob Neumayer , Fred Gelse nnd others
were present , and the mayor was somewhat
In the minority. Holmes and AVheeler were
the chief spokesmen for the crowd , although
others chopped in now and then when these
two gentlemen ran out of something to
Holmes devoted some time to arguing to
the mayor that he had exceeded his authority
In trying to enforce a law when the respon
sibility of seeing that It was enforced was
placed explicitly on the shoulders of the
county officials. So long as the city was
receiving Its revenue promptly the com
plainants could not see why the city of
ficials should go out of their way to en
force a low which In a short time would
almost entirely stamp out the saloon busi
ness in Council Bluffs.
"If this thing goes on in the way It has
begun , " said Wheeler , "at the end of eight
weeks there won't be ten saloons In Council
Bluffs , and then where will your revenue
bo ? With Omaha right across the river
the people of Council Bluffs will get their
liquor right along , and all the money will bo
spent over there. "
Mayor Cleaver protested that he had acted
right but was Inclined to throw the blame
on some one else. He said he had been
urged to enforce the law by just as many
people as were now In his presence urging
him to let things run.
"I'll bring up ten men , " said Mauer , "who
will ask you not to enforce the law for
every one you can find who wants It en
forced. "
So far as practical results were concerned
the meeting did not amount to much , for at
the close the mayor advised the salon men
and their sympathizers to go about their
buslnesi as though nothing had happened ,
and he thought they would soon become ac
customed to the new state cf things. There
Is but llttlo doubt that the saloon keepers
will find this easier said than done , and just
how the thing will finally turn out Is a brob-
lem of some difficulty.
Gas cooking stoves for rent and for sale at
Gas Go's office.
Mrs. Nlles , m't'r stamping patterns.
Tbo laundries use Domestic soap.
Grand Plaza picnic grounds ,
Theater Kuiploje * Scrap.
Dick Hooten , bill poster for Dohany's
theater , and J. W. HIckman , janitor at the
same place , get Into a discussion Wednesday
afternoon which was fruitful ot many results ,
eapec ally from behind Hlckman's eyes. The
question tt Uiue was which one ot them
onned the establishment , and a game of
fisticuffs was decided upon as the quickest
way to decide It. Hoolen took Hlrkman's
head beneath his arm ind used his fist until
HIckman locked as though he had attempted
to use dynimlte for tooth pswder Bath eyei
were bjackenc1 ! and Ills whole face was In
fragment * .
The detail * ot the difficulty were rehearsed
before Judge McGee yesterday morning and
Hooten had a fine of $29.60 $ messed against
r nilfra nnit 1'romotcrn
Always has been the motto of the Boston
Store , and never was It more appropriate
than at the present time.
Extraordinary prices In every department ,
especially In calico wrappers , sheeting , wash
goods , hosiery , etc.
A few prices of the many Inducements to
compare :
Ladles' mitts , lOc , 17c , 25c , 33 c a pair ,
extra value. Special , 100 dozen ladles'
handkerchiefs , all kinds , In chiffon , linen ,
Swiss , Silk , etc. , ranging In price from 25c
to 7"C , In one lot at 19c , 3 for 50c. Gents'
all lluen hemitltch , also printed bordered
handkerchiefs , sold for 19c and 2Cc , now IBc.
Gents' laumlrled colored percale shirts , In
three lots , G2 > , ic , T5c , $1.00 , worth half more.
See our shirts at 39c , 3 tor (1.00. Extra
value at & 0c ; well made and full 3G Inches
Four special prices In umbrellas , made
with best English frame ! , TCc , $1.25 , J1.50 ,
_ Council Bluffs , la.
Grand Plaza bathing beach.
Zlinmrr Ocrner.
The marriage of Mr. Charles Zlmmcr of
Helena , Mont. , and Miss Sophia Corner of
this city was solemnized yesterday mornIng -
Ing at 8 o'clock at St. Francis Xavler's
Catholic church , Rev. Patrick Smythe of
ficiating. There were no Invited guests ex
cepting the Immediate'relatives. . Those
present from abroad were : Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Jacquemln and Mr. Charles Z.irn
of Burlington Junction , Mo. ; Miss Clara
Zarn of Platte City , Mo. ; Mr. Charles Jac
quemln of Oskaloosa , Mr. and Mrs. Frank
J. Lange of Omaha , and Misses Sophie and
Elsie Koch of Chicago. After the ceremony
the guests repaired to the home of the
br.'do's parents , Mr. and Mrs. George Gerner ,
on Glen avenue , where the wedding break
fast was served. Mr. and Mrs. Zlmmer are
well known In Council Bluffs , and will re
ceive the congratulations of their many
friends here. The latter part of the month
they will leave for Helena , Mont. , where
Mr. Zlmmer Is connected with the Jewelry
house of C. B. Jacquemln & Co.
Vn\ni' Jfciv Dry Coads Store.
12c fine lawn So a yard.
7c fast challle 3c.
Best colored prints 3e.
Pongees , all colors , 8V c.
Imported sateens 12i c. ' '
Hose supporters 5c.
Children's stockings 5c a pair.
25 c ladles' vests lOc.
Summer cors'j 39c.
6Uc corsets 33c. < "
Curling Irons 5c. ! '
Heavy wide lace 2c. '
Skirt braid 3c. - ' .
100 yards sewing silk 3c a spool.
3 yard embroidery silk 5c a doz.
Nickel plated safety pins 3c.
Palm leaf fans 2 for Ic.
Rubber btem sprays lOc.
Wreathes Cc.
$10 fine pattern hats $3 each.
Our own made hats $1 each. Do not miss
this sale. Every article as represented.
Vavra's dry goods store , 142 Broadway.
sr of Aliitrllnnny.
A rather fine point was sprung yesterday
morning by the attorneys for Mr. and Mrs.
Melzer , who tried to bunco Dr. Mulhern out
of $30 by a blackmailing proceeding. The
case has been In process of trial for several
days past , and the evidence Introduced
against them was very damaging. Indicating
beyond the possibility of a doubt that the
doctor was not the only Intended victim.
The attorneys for the defense yesterday took
advantage of a fine technicality , on which
they hope to secure their clients' release.
When two persons are married they become
one , and it Is a well established fact that
one person cannot enter Into a conspiracy
alone. Consequently the attorneys for the
defense ask that the ca. e be dismissed , and
the point was argued for several hours. At
3 o'ckck Judge Lewis took the case under
advisement and adjourned court until this
morning at 9:30 : o'clock , when he will render
a decision. . _
DeWltfs Witch Hazel Salve cures piles
I.nko ManaMii K ll\rny Tlmo Card.
Commencing Saturday , June 9 , trains will
leave Council Bluffs for Grand Plaza , BathIng -
Ing Beach and Picnic Grounds at Lake Man-
awa as follows : No. 1 , 9 a. m. ; No. 3 , 10 a.
m. ; No. 6 , 11 a. m. ; No. 7 , 12 m. ; No. 9 , 1
p. m. ; No. 11 , 2 p. m.
Trains will run every twenty-two minutes
thereafter until 10 p. m.
Return trains will leave Manawa on the
half hours up to 10:30 : , when they will re
turn every twenty-two minutes.
There's only one bargain shoe store In
Council Bluffs , and it's Pierce's.
Afternoon and night concerts at Grand
Plaza , 2 to 6 and from 7 to 10.
Paris green , 25c. Davis , the druggist.
1'ltchod the Tent.
The tent formerly used at the Chautauqua
grounds was raised last evening on the
vacant lot at the corner of Broadway and
Ninth street for use during the encampment.
A lot of the Grand Army men , who are ex
pected next week to attend the encampment ,
are to bring their blankets along and try to
recall the stormy days of the war by sleep
ing in the tent during the night. After
the encampment Is over the tent will be
used for revival services.
Special .Millinery Sale.
Miss Ragsdale , 10 Pearl street , will sell
nicely trimmed Leghorn hats for $1.25 ,
former price $2.50 ; best hats at $5.50 , former
price $10.00. This week.
We wont everybody to know that Morgan
cells paints and drugs. 134 and 742 Broadway.
Domestic soap breaks hard water.
Grand Plaza telephone 45.
AVarnuits nt 1'ar.
For some time past the county treasury
has been groaning under a deficiency on ac
count of- the slowness ot certain persons to
pay up their taxes promptly. In a number
of cases warrants issued by the auditor have
had to go begging for lack of cash to re
deem them. Now that U all changed , for
the Council Bluffs Savings bank has agreed
to cash ail county warrants at par.
Headquarters for window shades In all
widths and styles. Prices always the low
est. Also upholstery a specialty. Council
Bluffs Carpet Co. , 407 Broadway. Telephone
phone _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
"He that does not visit Grand Plaza know-
est nothing , and will be for all time to com6
branded a traitor to enterprise. " Eugene.
C tlrou va.
The following parties took out licenses to
marry yesterday at the county clerk's office :
Name and Address. Age.
D. O'Brien , Council Bluffs . 31
Mary llenkle , Council Bluffs . 25
William Graham. Hastings , Neb . . . . . G7
Ellen A. Pike , Hastings , Neb . . . , . . 65 ,
How far will a $ goT Long ways at S. A.
Pierce & Co.'s shoe store.
Another new znuchlnt has been received
at the Eagle laundry. It's a collar and cuff
Ironer. Telephone 157.
Manager of Grand Plaza can understand
22 languages. So all nations will feel at
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Meyers-Durfee Furniture company , S36-SSS
Broadway. Bargains In fine furniture.
Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap.
A Damaged Reputation.
R. P. Rauen , a young man formerly em
ployed by Frank E. Sellers , a Broadway
druggist , commenced a cult In the district
court yesterday for $20,500 damages for his
reputation , which he claims was maliciously
bespattered by Mr. Seller * .
Grand Plaza's fine row boats are. all the
to. _
For cob * co to Cox , 10 Main street. Tele
phone iS. . . . .
( Continued frJrf/Stfcond Pago. )
- -Ht I - -
fals I will nay you well. " He told Payne
of the vacant bullaliuc.and said It was a
good place for what lie wanted the falter
to do. "I'll tell - - "
j-oil. Jto-nc , said Drown ,
"If you put that glrf ouTof the way I will
give you J25. Here' * fliand I will tee you
tomorrow and give you the rest. Payne
then told how ho killed the girl , and nald
that at 7 o'clock In ttia evening of the Mon
day after Maud dlsafipe'ared both he and
nrown were at the-vacant building. Ho
said he was at the head , of the stairs closing
one of the doors and'Dfown at the foot. He
was holding a convertfallon with Drown and
they had It planned t.Imt.Jlrown should leave
the building first anil , qrcp the tracks , going
Eouth ; Payne to go 'north , home. He said
that while Urorvn was at the foot of the
stairs he turned to him and said : "Don't
come for n moment. " tlrown then waved his
liund toward Payne. The former left the
building , but Payne ealcl Instead of going
south he went cast on I.eavemvortli street.
Payne aw no more of Drown till Wednes
day. He went to Drown's rooms on Tenth
street , his object being to collect the other
$24. Drown said he had bought an Interest
In a shooting gallery and as soon as he could
get some money out of It ho would give
Payne the money. After this Payne saw
Drown no more. He said what he
had done began to worry him and
It was on this account he
left the Windsor and went to the Drexel.
Ho said that he did not want to be near the
scene of the crime. He never went to look
for Drown , but he heard the latter had called
nt the Windsor several times to sec him.
Payne -ahl li's wife had nothing to da with
the 'murder , but had seen him In company
with Drown once and asked : "What are you
going around with that grny-iicaded man
fcr ? ° Payne did not tell his wife what he
had done. He said she would never have be
lieved It If ho had told her. Drown never
gave any other reason for wanting the girl
out of the way than that he did not want
to stand the disgrace of having the public
know he had been Int mate with her. He
said she could be put out of the way
much better than having their relations
made known. He ( Drown ) would
usually add : "I'm getting tired
of giving her money every time she asks
for It , and when she Is refused she gen
erally threatens to male : matters known.
This Is what I was afraid she would do
some time. Payne concluded his confes
sion on the train by saying If Drown would
come to the front and tell what he knew the
cause of Maud Ilubel's death would be made
clear. He said positively that he never
had any Ideu of killing the girl till he met
Drown ; that It was the Idea of obtaining
the money promised by Drown that led him
to do the deed.
As soon as Sheriff Drexel left the train
he lelegiTiyhed the order hero to arrest
Drown. Some of the detectives who were
doing duty at the court house were detailed.
Telegram and descriptions were at once sent
over the country. It was learned Drown
was seen In Council Bluffs last night at 8
Payne's supplemented confession to Drexel
tallies precisely with the statement nf Of
ficer Fleming regarding seeing Drown In
the doorway of the McIIugh building at 7:30 :
Monday evening when he appeared to be
talking to some one at the head of the stairs.
This statement of Flemings was and Is yet
unknown to Payne , yet In describing his
and Drown's visit to tfi'e McIIugh building
that evening , Payne even mentions the fact
that Drown waved his "hand to him to re
main at the head of the stairs , a motion
which Fleming noticed a'nd spoke of. These
facts seem to the polled to bo conclusive
that Payne's latest 'statement ' Is true , and
now they are regretting that the county
atorney released Drowil 'eo soon.
Captain Mostyn anil Detectives Dunn and
Donahue after Payne's Slrst confession took
him to the vacant building , the scene of his
crime. Payne minutely pointed out the dif
ferent rooms , that Isthe one in which he
says the girl was killcd asnd the one where
her body was found. He without the slight
est intimation of mistake 'reached around
back of the door of .room 5 , where he said
ho killed the girl , 'and. ' took up a piece of
board. It was a piece of a drawer and bore
no marks of blood. ' "This is what did It. "
he said. Ho told of * the veil and a wrap
that were found in thtfsroom. He said the
veil had been worn by Maud Rubel , but the
cloak he found in one of the vacant rooms.
He also pointed out the two rooms and ex
plained the position he took when he struck
the girl with the piece of board.
Captain Moyston said last night that from
the first he thought Payne alone had com
mitted the murder. He said this was con
firmed In his mind by the finding by Detec
tives Savage and Derapsey of the rings ,
also the locating of Mrs. Payne by these of
ficers. When told of the confession by
Payne to' Drexel , his face clouded , and he
said , "Well , If that Is not strange. "
Detectives Dempsey * nd Savage , Dunn
and Donahue , who have done some excellent
work an this case , were greatly surprised
last night when they heard of Payne's con
fession to Drexel. "Well , we will have to
get him again , that's all , " they said , rcfer-
rlngto Drown.
Sam Payne was arraigned In police court
at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon , and pleaded-
guilty to the charge of having murdered
Maude Hubel. Dr. Brown was discharged
late In the afternoon.
Payne has said to Captain Mostyn that
he was angry and excited just after he
struck Maud and cannot tell whether he
threw her cape and veil out on the roof of
the adjoining building. He also says that
when he met Maud on the morning of the
murder she asked Jilm his name , which
would show that he had not known her for
two years , as he pretended.
Says that Purr of 1'uyuo'g Confession Is
1'nUeVatitn lirown Held ,
A reporter for The Bee called nt Mr.
Uubel's home at South Omaha. Mr. Rubel
was not at home , but Mrs. Rubel came to
the door. She had just heard Payne's con
fession , and was feeling very badly.
"I am now pretty well satisfied that Payne
Is the man who killed Maudle , " said she ,
"but as for him being Intimate with her for
two years or at any time the assertion Is
preposterous and untrue. Payne says he
first met Maudle at a ball In South Omaha.
The poor girl didn't know anything about
dancing , and never attended one that we
know of. She was a Sunday school girl and
was never away from home at night. All
last winter she slept In the same room with
my husband and myself. We needed money
badly , and In order to give us one more
room to rent we fixed r < p a place In our bed
room for Maude to sleep on. She was never
away from home In the evening unless wo
knew exactly where she was. I believe that
Payne found Maude near the building she
was murdered In and Intlced her Into the
place where he ravished' and murdered her.
I do not believe she over knew Payne or
ever even saw him before. The child had a
horror of colored men ? and the statement
that she was Payne's mistress nearly drives
mo Insane. < '
"I hope the authorities will not turn
Brown loose until It Is cer.taln that Payne
Is guilty beyond dn > ' ' question of doubt.
Payne has told so many- stories already that
we don't know hardly1 what to believe. One
trouble has heaped undo , another of late until
we are now out of money , and I am afraid
Mr. Hubel will losp.JiU mind entirely. I
never can believe tliat Maudle was the mis
tress of a colored manno matter whatever
else they may say p ajist her. There are
many persons who will believe It though , and
the whole circumstance's , have about driven
me crazy. " Mr. and. ' .Mrs. Rubel have many
friends In South Omaha/ / all of whom sympa
thize deeply with thimv * Mrs. Rubel has not
been well since her daughter first disap
peared , and Mr. Rubel acts very strangely at
times. They live In the first flat directly
over the postofflce and rent out several
rooms. They have a grown con , but he Is
now out of employment , and the family are
In circumstances which are embarrassing , to
ay the least. ,
Itnrclan lllmv a H fc.
CUKSTON.Ia. , June H. ( Special Telegram
to The BeeOAt Cumberland yesterday
robbers blew open the cafe \n \ the postofflce ,
but were frightened away by the arrival of
citizens attracted by the terrlfflo report be
fore they secured anything. There was J200
In money and a large amount of stamps
in the safe.
Dan Miller , a Burlington switchman , wac
run over by the can wlillaworking In the
yardt yesterday , and his limbs and body
are so fearfully crushed and mangled that
be cannot recover.
Much Important Work Done by the Itoiljr
nt I e Molnr ,
DES MOINES , June 14. ( Special Tele
gram to The Dec. ) The Iowa Binkers asso
ciation this morning listened to an able
paper by S. F. Smith of Davenport on "Im
pressions. " Fred Heinz of Davenport read a
paper on tte "Iowa Promissory Note , " giving
In detail the law and practice In regard to
such negotiable paper. T. A. DUck of Sioux
City discussed "An Elastic Currency. "
At the afternoon session President W. A.
Mclienry of Dcnlcon was elected a delegate
to the American Bankers association. Storm
I.ako was chosen as the next place of meet
ing. A long list of resolutions was pre
sented and provoked much opposition. The
first resolution In regard to the protective
committee was tabled. The resolution favorIng -
Ing abolition of days of grace was adopted ;
so was that favoring making a holiday of
Washington's birthday. The resolution favorIng -
Ing regulation of private banks , after lively
speeches by S. H. Helsell of Hock Rapids
and others , was tabled ; so was that In re
gard to Investment of National bank funds
in real estate.
An earnest dl cusslon. pro and con , was
had over the resolution endorsing the New
York clearing house certificates. The reso
lution was tabled by a vote of 40 to 32. The
convention then adjourned to attend the gov
ernor's recept on. Other resolutions adopted
were : "That the executive cfuncll prepare
a bill to be presented to the next session of
the state legislature , making Washington's
birthday a legal holiday. , ,
"That It li the snse of this association
that all private banks In the state of Iowa
should be subject to judicious legislative con
trol. "
Ilulln-ny C'lrrkt Klect Olllerrs ,
DES MOINES. Juno 14. ( Fpeclal Tele
gram to The Bee. ) The convention of rail
way postal clerks of the Sixth division today
discussed matters of Interest to the associa
tion at considerable length , devoting most
of the time to bills pending before congress ,
having for their object the betterment of
the condition of the employes of the railway
mall service. Officers for the ensuing year
were elected as follows : President , W. D.
McLInn , Des Molnes ; vice president , W. J.
Mltland , Omaha ; secretary and treasurer , J.
C. Wallace. Burlington. C. A. Guthrfc of
Chicago and J. M. Duller of Lincoln were
elected delegates to attend the national con
vention to beheld at Cincinnati , Septem
ber 9.
Ilriltc' : < t GratltmtliiK I'tcrclnoi.
DES MOINES , June 14. ( Special Telegram
to The Dee. ) The closing exercises of the
thirteenth commencement of Drake univer
sity were held today. Rev. Mr. Hardln of
Cincinnati , orator of the day , discussed
"Problems for the Twentieth Century , " In
cluding religion , education , labor , woman
suffrage , temperance and civil government.
There are twenty graduates of the medical
department , who appeared In the program
April 4. In law there ure twenty-two , who
appeared May 22. In the normal ten re
ceived certificates and eight diplomas on
Juno 11. In the oratorical class there were
seven graduates , In the art department six
and In the literary department twenty-one.
At Coe College.
CEDAR RAPIDS , June 14. ( Special Tele
gram to The Dee. ) The graduating exercises
of Coe college were held at the First Presby
terian church this afternoon. The orations
being listened to by a large and appreciative
audience. The graduates are : Claire C.
Walte , Harriet Lubbock , Ida May Dodd ,
Frank S. Skinner , George W. Dryant. Emma
Slater. Clara McDaniel and Howiird E. Mot-
fat. The degrees were conferred by Presi
dent Marshall. The president's reception
was held In Willlston hall tonight , the mem
bers of the faculty and their wives assisting
Dr. Marshall In receiving.
Confidence ! ! n Young farmer.
CEDAR RAPIDS , la. , June 14. ( Special
Telegram to The Bee. ) H. E. Lucas , a
young farmer from Esthervllle , fell In with
a couple of confidence men here , one
of. whom claimed to be a merchant at
Central City , and was soon buncoed out of
$40 and a gold watch. The follows escaped
and there Is no clew to their identity.
I'n ageil the Io 1'eintlo Hand.
DUNLAP , la. , June 14. ( Special Telegram
to The Bee. ) The Ladles Silver Cornet band
of Dunlap , the only musical organization of
the kind In Iowa , has been engaged to fur
nish music for the celebration July 4 at
Chiincellor Ilrusli Keslgna.
SIOUX CITY , June 14. ( Special Telegram
to The Bee. ) Dr. Brush , formerly chancellor
of the University of Dakota , and for two
years chancellor of the University of the
Northwest of this city , has resigned. No
successor has been selected.
ConcrcKBiimn I'crklns" Victory
SIOUX CITY , Juno 14. ( Special Telegram
to The Bee. ) In the republican primaries
last night Congressman Perkins received a
solid delegation , defeating P. A. Sawyer.
When Baby was nick , we gayo her Castor ! * .
When she was a Clilld , she cried for Sastoria.
When she became Miss , she clung to Costorla ,
When she had Children ) she gave them 0 istorit
At 337 Broadway ? He Is the prototype of
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Typewriter supplies and typewriters for
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Extractor tlio Itrulu < > ( the Ox.
In the treatment of
N. T. Neurological Society , Hiding. April 4 , 1SSJ
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"patient , a mnn ngcd forty , hnd begun to tuf
"fer with double \lnlon Thin , nflrr i\er l
"monthn of treatment , hmt ill * tipiir I , nni' ' 'or
"ft time he hml been quite welt. The typlcnl
" yniilom [ of locoinotor ntnxla then eanie on ;
"complete In * * of kncc-Ji rk ; nhnrp pains In
"llio legs ; alnxlA Knit well mnrkcil ; Inability
"to Mtintl with the eyes closed ; difficulty In
"evncuntlnK tlic blmMcr nnd Urn els : i-exual
"t > ewer lost ; a en e of conntrtellon around the
"want. Treatment wn Iwpun nboutn wetki
nsu , nnj confined of n ilnlty liyiK l ti'l ° In-
"Jecton of CKIinnillNR "Itnmmond ) five
"ilropm , combined with n like amount of water.
"Improvement very marked ; nexual function *
"perfectly reHtoretl. complete control over wml
" < ler nj bowel * , nml ulinrp p.iln Ima ul af
"peored ; Rencrnl health ImproM-d ; nble to run
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Dosp Vivo Prop * . Price , (2 ( drachms ) , 12.60.
Where local dniFKltla nre not mipplleO with
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Our principles and assistants have all
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68-ccco book of DarUct'lflra tre * . To bo nan n'
Kuan & Co. , Druggists , 15th and Douglai
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irAi-ii.tnedrc.-.t Hindoo Ilemcdr.
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One of the oiliest banks in tlio Mntooflowa Wo
Bollclt your luminous ami collections. Wo pay 5
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Send for catalogue.
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