Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 14, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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Drop Reports Were Moro Favorable and
Traders Were Anxious to Soil.
Pnt llio Soiling I'roMtiro Ilccnmo Greater ,
Influenced by the Jtcport * of Ilnrveit-
Inn In the Snath nnil OklnhoniB
Stock * niut lloiuli.
CHICAGO , June 13 , Crop reports were
more favorable , traders were anxious to soil
and Nlicat closed lJ4o lower today. Corn
closed % c lower , July pats % o higher and
provisions lower all around.
Opening trades In wheat showed from HO
jo % c advance , but soon sold down from % o
to Ic , rallied from % c'to % c , eased off lc ,
changed some and closed easy. The feeling
was weaker with the exception of the
strength at the opening. There was free re-
nllzlng by the larger professional traders and
by commission houses who were "long , " the
buying being principally for eastern account ,
Now York taking good sized quantities of
September. The flrm opening was duo to the
J/4c to % c advance In first cablcs.but the sell
ing pressure became greater , Influenced some
by the reports of harvesting In the south and
Oklahoma , the rcsultH at the latter place
being reported as good. There were also ad
vices from the northwest of scattering show-
era and this was also something of a factor.
The official crop bulletins were not so bullish
tin generally expected , and this tended to In
crease the offerings. The volume of trading
was large.
Corn was nervous within a % c to % c
range. The weakness was duo to bearish
crop reports , selling and the action of wheat.
Oats were easy and active on free realiz
ing , The range for July was % c.
Provisions were higher at the start on
higher prices for live hogs , but weakened on
selling by packers and the action of wheat.
Compared with last night July pork Is lOc
lower , July lard 6c lower and July ribs EC
Vessel rates lower at from l',4c to I'icfor
wheat and 1''iC for corn to Buffalo , and 2V c
for corn to Kingston.
The leading futures ranged as follows ;
" "Artlclcn . I Open. I lligTi. I Low. I CloscT"
June COM C0 ! < 58M
July. . . . . . . %
Ccrii yo. 2.
Juno 4\H
July 41MS2ii 42H
cms No. 2. . .
Juno 42 42 .
iDUtt 3BH S8JH
Sept sowaH S0 'JO soH
Pork per bbl
July. 12 CO 12 CO 12 35 12 35
Sept. 12 CO 12 C2 12 40 12 40 < 1.1001bs
June 0 72M 072 0 72K 0 7254
July , U H'J > 4 0 78 0 7fi
Sept U 03 0 DO 087 0 87X
Short Illbs-
July 0 J2K 0 62)4 ) 0 43 0 45
Kept. 0 fi2H 0 42W 0 4iM
Cnxli quotations were ns follow a :
KI.Ol'll Flini , 10i15a higher.
WinAT Spring , SSHc ; No. 3 spring , nominal ;
No. 2 red. Wic.
COIIN No. 2. tmc ; No. 3 yellow. 414l'4c.
OATS-No. 2. 4Hic ; No. 2 white , " "
No. 3 while , 42Sl2VjC. "
UYI3 No. 2 , WiiJiMc.
IIAHLCY No. 2. nominal.
FLAX siin-No. : i. i.37.
TIMOTHY 8inu I'rlme , J4.25.
WHISKY Distillers' nnlshcd goods , per gal. ,
The following were ttio receipts ana shipments
fcr todays
On the Produce exchange today the butter mir
ltt < t wan flrm , unchanged ; cnmmcry , IDOlTc ;
dairy , lldlGc. , Eegs , llrm , unchaneed ; strictly
yesterday's Quotations on Flour , Grain nnd
Provisions , Itlctnlr , Ktc.
NEW YORK , Juno 13. FLOUR Receipts , 22.000
bbls. ; exports , 15,000 bbls. ; sales , 17,003 p ! < gs. ;
market easier but now quotably lower ; the break
In wheat scared off buyers. Southern flour ,
quiet. Rye flour , nominal.
BUCKWHEAT Nominal ; range , 6S@75c.
CORN MEAL Firmer ; sales , 210 bbls. ; yellow
western , $2 C52.80 ; Brandywlne , J2.SO.
RYE Nominal ; state , 6658c ; Jersey , 625c.
BARLEY MALT Quiet ; western , 67880o ; Can-
' ( .da , t'OilDSo ' ; six-rowed , S4SS5 ; ,
WHEAT Receipts , 49,000 bu. ; export , 79.000
bu , ; sales , 6,720,000 bu. futures , 32,000 bu.
spot. Spot market weaker ; No. 2 red , afloat ,
MSiOTlTdc : No. 1 northern , 691to delivered ; No.
1 hard , tllie delivered. Options , stronger on
dry weather , but later turned week and ruled
S3 all day on foreign selling easier , late cables ,
inductions of lain In the northwest and early
harvest nest and southwest : close weak at Vic
net decline ; Juno closed at 61Kc : July , 62063c ,
closed at 62'i ' ; August cloned at 63Hc ; September.
it 3-16JCO 1-lGe , closed at 61ic ; October , 67 %
6Sc , closed at 68e.
CORN Receipts , 62,000 bu. ; exports , 4J.OOO hu. ; '
sales , 675,000 bu. futures , 100,000 bu , spot. Spot
niaikct easy ; No. 2. 45 s46'lc In elevator. 4tc
afloat. Option market opened firmer on dry
weather , afterword broke under liquidation and
sympathy with wheat , closed % ( ff'4u down ; June
elated at 45lie : July , 45H646Uc. closed at 45 ic ;
August , 46Q47c , closed at 46Uc ; September ,
4tl'l < U"Hc. closed at 46c.
OATS--RecelptB , 9,000 bu. ; exports , 900 bu. ;
Balm , 17,600 bu. futures , 17,490 bu. spot. Spot
maikat firm , fairly active ; No. 2. 46KM7l c ; No. 2 ,
delivered , 4SUe ; No. 3. 45'/Jc ; No. 2 white , 4SH >
48Uc ; No. 3 nhltc , 47c ; trackmixed western ,
45 181Sc ; track , white western , 499520 ; trackwhlto
Btnte , 49@r > 2o. Option market , higher on the near
months , owing to covering , but sold Vic oft on
later options , Juno and July closed * , ic up ; June ,
46Ua , closed at 46 > ic ; July , 441iff4514e ( , closed at
45 > ic ; August , 37&O37Kc ; ; September , 34K350 ,
closed at 25c ,
HAY Hteaily ; shipping. t6.40ff6 60.
HOI'S Quiet ; state , common < o choice , OB'.Cc ;
Pnclllc coam , 12fll7c.
HIDES Quiet ; wet ealtetl New Orleans , se-
IrctiHl , 45 to 6ri ll > s. , 4Wif4Ttc : Texas selected. 45
to CO Itin. , 4f5o ; lluenos Ayres , dry , 20 to 40 Ibs. ,
lOHffllc ; Texas , dry , 21 to 30 Ibs. , C"iC. !
LWAT1IKR Dull ; hemlock sole , Uuenos AJTCS ,
light to heavy weights , 15JlSc.
WOO ! . Steady ; domestic fleece , 190250 ; pulled ,
B3 T2Sc.
PROVISIONS llecf. sternly ; beef ham' . $19.
Cut meats , firm : pickled brlllcs , 6 > HF7'.ic ;
plckleil hams , 10'i 10Hc. Iird. steady ; western -
ern stenm closed nt $7.10 ; sales. 250 tierces at
17,10 ; July , $7.10 , nominal ; August , $7,25 , nom
inal ; refined , easier ; continent , $7,40 ; S. A. , $7,80 ;
compound , 66c. Pork , quiet ,
lUTTTKH Rlrmly ; slate dairy , 13018c ; state
creamer ) ' . ISHffl'Jc.
CHEESli Weak ; state , large , 7 ; 07 ! c ; small ,
7ic. '
IKias Weaker ; state and Pennsylvania , 13 { ?
13ic ! ; western , fresh , 124jl3c ; receipts , 11CO )
pkKS , : case , J2.COiT3.00.
TALIXJW L'asy ; city ( $3 per pkg. ) , 4Ho bid ;
country ( pkgs. free ) , 4 > ic , as to qu.Ulty.
PETROI.lOl'M-FIrm ; United closed at JOUe
bid.TURI'ENTINEStendy ; SO'.SBSO c.
ROSIN Steady ; strained , common to good ,
| U5 1.40.
RICE Steady ; domestic , fair to extra , 4Q6c ;
Japan , 4iiC4c.
MOLAKSES-Stcady : New Orleans , open ket
tle , good to choice , 29Q3CO.
COPI'ER-Qulet ; lake , $9.
LEAD-Qulct ; domestic , $3.10.
PIO IRON-Qulct ; Scotch , $19.60fJ22.60 ( ; Ameri
can , Jll.WWK.OO.
TIN Quiet ; straits , $19.55 bid ; plates , maiket
Hl'ELTEIt Sales on 'change , cno car Decem
ber speller. 13.M ; one car October spelter , J3.474.
CO'ITDN SEED OH. Easier , but not quotaMv
lower ; prlmo etude , 29c , nominal ; oft crude. 23
< i2Sc ! yellow butter Erode * . 3fc ; clinlcn yellow.
UHI3 < c ; prime yellow , ajiJliHc ; yellow off
sradcs. 31V4C3iei prime white. 8etf37c.
Mtminipolla Whout Aliirket.
MINNEAPOLIS , June 13. Receipts of wheat
fiom the Intel lor continue to bn full although
a largo pait of them are taken from Interior
elevators. The remainder cornea from the grain
marketings by farmers , The latter. It Is under
stood , lire ouIKIlKht , and will not cover more
than half tlie uhlpnivnts from the country to
the terminal points. The market opened etrong
today , ncwH nan variable , nome e\vn qulta bear-
lih , and sales turned the market down , lie-
fore the closu u decline of l"io had been made
In cash wheat nnd the old crop futures , while
for September there uas Hie decline. No large
lines of wheat nvro sold out here and
trading WIIH mo < lerutely active It was mainly In
the uy of small orders charged to one another ,
with Koine spreading bttuern this and other
The iiiurUtt closed ; June and July , C0) c ; Sep
tember , Wkc. on track , No. 1 ban ) . c\o ; No. l
northern. 61Hc : No. 2 northern. 69Uc.
Receipts. 141,000 bu. ; shipments , 19.090 bu. The
flour market wa Mfady , with some demand ,
at pilcrs a little easier than yesterday. Patents ,
$3.IOSJ.eo ; baker$10C ft.40 ,
" 8t. I.ouu ( IcncrHl Alui-ket.
BT. IXIU1S. June IX FLOUR Unchanged.
WHEAT In good demand ; opened dull , ijo
higher , but let donn % c , rallied He. droppd ;
ItilUc , closlnir llo ! * low yrstetday , principally
on the prevailing high temperuture and cithrr
ciop iww. . No , 2 red. coah mid June , 66 ; July ,
67o. Autfutt. MUOlCSc ; Btptember , 67Uc.
CORN Opened unsettled , and after an Irregu
lar itftilon cloied Uo off. No. 2 mixed , rniih ,
UUc. June. J9c. July , 39HC ; September , H
abort ( Uoutad golntct 14 , but lQt
Sc lo nrd Iho close. No. * , ouh and June , 40 < 3 |
July. 3ST40 ! August , 30ci September , ZOO.
llvi : Nothing doing ,
IIAIIMlY-Nothln * doing.
I1IIAN No spot ; country point bulk , 450.
FLAX 8iii > -JI.I5.
CLOVER 8iit : > - 6.B007.H.
HAY-Dull ; prime to choice timothy , IS.W3
HOTTER Steady nnd unchanged ,
naOH Wdik and unchanged.
HPEkT'T'l-bull nt J3.20.
( Xiun iKAiJ2 103M3.
COTTON Tins c.
COTTON llAOniNa-CftTc- .
PROVISIONS In excellent demand , but clon
ing steady. Pork , standnrd mess. Jobblne , JI2.50.
Lnrd , prime steam , J6.M ; choice , IO.C5. Dry
Knit ments , looco phoulderx , t6 ; Ion ? * nnd ribs ,
IG.57H ; shorts , JO.70. llnron , packed shoulders ,
ti : longs , 17 2. . ; ribs , J7.37H : shorts. J7.M | 7 C2',4. '
RECKIPTfl-Flour , 3.COO bbls. ; wheat , E,0i bu. ;
corn. M.OOO bu. ; nnts , 11,000 btl.
BH1P.MINTH : Flour , 4,000 lbs. ! ; wheat , 15,000
bu. ; corn , 41,000 bu. ! oats , none.
I.ovul Produce jtiirket ,
Thtre Is very Illtlp rhnngo In the mnrket ,
price * for the moM pnrt rcmnlnlng stcndy. Ship
pers will nol < > the Inrge receipts of vrM cnlvcH.
HUTTER The receipts of butter continue
light nnd the mnrket In llrm , nnd the denmnd
good for packing stock. The drouth In the
country , which dried up the pastures , appears
to hnxe reduced the make of butter very ma
terially. Now that there have been several
rains In most nil parts of the state , commission
men nre predicting bolter receipts for the latter
part of the month. The present firmness of the
market is no doubt due In a very lama degree
to the operations of speculators. Packing stock
Is quoted In thli market at 10fllO',5c. It Is hard
work to get ovrr 13c for the best country but
ter. Creamery butter Is firmer , nnd holder * nre
asking 18c for solid packed separator nnd 20T21o
for brick * .
EGOS The receipt * of eggs continue llb-ml
and the mnrket nt the name time Is firm. The
strength shown by eastern markets ha * stim
ulated the shipping demand , nnd n good many
egg ! ) nrc going out of the state , which , In uil-
dltion to the demand for the local trade nnd
for storage , keeps the offering * pretty well ic-
duced. Good , fresh stock In bringing U14SKW on
thin market ,
LIVi : POULTIIY There Is perhaps n little
better feeling notlcrnhlo on the market for
chickens , ns the HUpply Is not quite so large ,
but no ndvnnce to speak of tin * been made.
Oood old hen * cnn hardly be quoted above E'4c '
with snfety , nnd lots that nre not choice have
to go nt EC. Although poultry is cheaper than
most any other kind of meat , It Is not going
Into consumption ns rnpldly as might bo ex
pected. Old hcnx , E ? 5Uc ; roosters , 3c. The de
mand for gcesc nnd ducks is very light , nnd
what few nrc arriving nrc mostly birds that
have been plucked , and In consequence not very
desirable. Thtie Is quite a little Inquiry for
turkeys , nnd the few that nre coming meet
with very ready Kile. Ducks , 637c ; bun tur
keys , 7f8c : gobblers , E@Cc ; geese , fiSU'.ic.
VI3AL The market Is full of veal , nnd It Is
about nil thnt receivers cnn do to keep It moving
out fast enough. The packers nrc all filled up
with veal , and some commlcslon houses have
written their shipper * fo step"consls.nmit ) ? fnr
a few day * and give the mnrket an opportunity
to clenr Itself. Oood veals lire offered nt Cc. * *
PIGEONS The gun club * use quite a good
many pigeons , nnd there Is n demand for old
birds nttong on the wing. Old birds , per doz. ,
Some change will be noted In the market , ns
the nilvnnrc on pen. ! ) npij flew beans nnd the
lower quotations oh tomntoci.
OLD HEANS Hand picked navy , J2.10Q2.15 ;
medium navy , 11.0062.00 : common whlto beans ,
ONIONS Hotli southern nnd California now
onions nro offered on the market. Southern , per
bu. box , JI.EO ; California , per lb. , 2'i@2V c.
I'OTATOnS While there nre quite a good
many potatoes nrrlvlng there nppears to be R
demand for them nil. The most of the stock Is
coming from California , though Texas nnd
Arkansas nrc contributing some. Old potatoes
arc practically all gone. Good shipping stock ,
new , Jl.00fll.10.
CAmtAGE California Is furnishing the bulk
of the cabbage and It Is pretty good stock for
this season of the year. Good shipping stock ,
on orders , 214Z2Jp.
ASPARAGUS Good home grown stock , 353400
pev doz. on orders.
Pin PLANT Home grown plo plant , 2o on
TOMATOES The supply on the market Is
very liberal , both Mississippi nnd Florida being
large shippers to this market. As a result ,
prices nro considerably lower than they were a
short time ago. Mississippi stock , per 4 basket
crate , Jl.50Ifl.75 ; Florida stock , per 6 basket
crnte. J2.23W2.M.
NEW HEANS The low prices of the past
have stopped shipments to this point to such nn
extent thnt there nre hardly enough to (111 (
orders. In consequence , prices nre up again.
Wnx benns , per bu. , J2.0092.25 ; string beans ,
tl.75 per bu.
PDAS The supply is light nnd the market
stronger. Good stock , per bu. , $2.
A half car of California chenlca nnd a car
of California peaches and nprlcots nre expected
In today , Thursday. Two sales arc announced for
tlif day , one nt 9 n. m. and one at 2 p. m. As
eon ns the California fruit becomes more plenti
ful It Is expected that there will bo auction sales
nearly every day.
It will be noted that good strawberries nre be
coming very scarce nnd higher. Raspberries
nre becoming moie plentiful. Apricots are lower ,
California penche * nro commencing to arrive.
8TRAWI3ERIU KB There were nbout fifty
cases of strawberries , In which was about the
same ns the receipts of the day before. Among
the arrivals were some10qt. . cases of Michigan
berries. A largo proportion of the offerings were
In bad shape , and sold all the way from J2.50 to
14,25 , Anything that would do to ship out on
orders would be worth the latter price , at least ,
CHERRIES For a few days past California
cherries have boon scarce , and It has been a
dlfiicult matter to nil orders. The latter half of
the week , however. It is expected that they will
be plenty again. Good shipping stock , J1.E00
1.69 per box. Iowa , Nebraska and Missouri
cherries nre plentiful nt J1.25 per ' . -i bu. basket.
APRICOTS The supply on the market Is quite
liberal , and there are more billed to arrive yet
this week. Pi Ices are decidedly lower than they
were nt the commencement of the week. Per
box. tl.75 2.00.
GOOSKHERRIES The market Is well supplied.
Good stock , green , on orders , J2.EO per 24-qt. cose.
BLACKBERRIES The supply Is still light ,
there being only nbout ten or n. dozen cases In.
Shipping stock would be worth nbout J4.
BLACK RASPBERRIES The receipts nrc
gradually Increasing , nnd good shipping stock
Is quoted nt tt 0034.50.
RED * RASPBERRIES A single case of red
raspberries was received by one house nnd
brought J5.50.
PUACIinS Cnllfornla peaches nre commenc
ing to arrive , and are bringing about J2.50 on
BANANAS A3 usual , when berries are on
the market the demand for bananas Is not very
heavy. Choice stock , J2.0002 BO.
LEMONS The weather lias * not been warm
enough to create a very heavy demand for
lemons. Fancy lemons , 300 size , J4 ; fancy
lemons , SCO size , J3.75 ; choice lemons , SCO size ,
J3.GO 3.7S.
ORANUES With the market full of berries ,
the demand Is somewhat limited for oianges ,
and the supply on Uio market Is small. Mediter
ranean sweets , J3.6003.75.
FIGS Pam'r , per lb. , 12&15c.
DATES Hallowees. 65 to 70-lb. boxes , per lb. ,
PINEAPPLES Choice , per doz. , J2 ; small ,
tl 76.
HONEY California , 15c ; dark honey. 1012c.
MAPLE SYRUP Gallon cans , per doz. , J12.
NUTS Almonds. l ! 17c ; English walnuts , 109
12o ; filberts , lc ; Llnfztl nuts , lOc.
CIDER-Puro juice , per bbl. , J6 ; half bbl. ,
HIDES No. 1 green hides , i',4e ; No. 1 green
salted hides , 3c : No. 2 green salted hides ,
2c ; No. 1 venl calf , 8 Ibs. to 15 Ibs. , Cc ; No.
2 veal calf , 8 Ibs. to 15 Ibs. , 4c ; No. 1 dry Hint
hides. 6c ; No. 2 dry Hint hides. 3o ; No. 1 dry
tailed hides , 4c ; part cured hides. Via per lb.
less thnn fully ctirul.
SHEUP PKLTB Green salted , each , 25QCOo ;
green salted chenrllngs ( thort-wooled early skins ) ,
each , CilEc ? ; dry shearlings Uhort-woolod early
skins ) , No , 1 , each , EOlOo ; dry shearlings ( short
wcoled early skins ) . No. 2 , each , EC ; dry tllnt.
Kanius nnd Nebraska butcher wool , pelts , per
lb. . actual weight. CifSc : dry flint , Kansas and
Nubrnika murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual
weight , 4QCc ; dry flint , Colorado butcher wool
peltB. per lb. , actual weight , 47c ; dry flint ,
Colorado murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual
w tight : ittic.
TALiOW AND GREASE Tallow , No. 1. 43 >
41ic ; MHJW , No. 2 , 3U r3Vtc ; grease , whlto A ,
4Uc ; grease , white U , 4c ; greaxe , yellow , 3c ;
grenie , dark , 2'ic : old butcr , 2S2',5c ; beeswax ,
prime , 15i18c ; rough tallow , 2c.
HAY The receipts jcsterday were fair , there
being nbout ten cars In , all told , The demand
Is only fair , the recent nl ( np having re-
otrlctfd free buying to some extent. Host up
land hay , JS.EO ; midland , 18 ; lowland , t7.EO.
Sun 1'r.incUco Alining Quotations.
SAN FRANCISCO , Juno 13. The official closlnr
quotations for tntnlMtr btoofea tua xy were as fol
lows :
Alia , IS liiilo A , Norcroaa. . . 73
llclcher 02 Mexican 11 fl
llcsl&Ilclchnr. . . . . 1UO Mom 20
llodle Con 71 Ophlr 2HO
Ilulwer. , . , 7 Potosl OR
Chollar 20 S.ivnxo , 05
Con. Cat. A Va 470 Slcrr.i Nevada fit )
Crown Point 78 Union Con 02
Kiiri'iin Con 25 Utah 7
Uould&Currv. . . . 10.1 Yellow Jacket. . . . CO
Knn ai City Mnrkota.
changed : No. 2 hard. C3c ; No. 2 red , 64Q55c ; No ,
3 red. 6j6c ; rejected. 44Cf46c.
CORN Weak , 14c .lower ; No. 2 mixed , STliO
SSHc ; No. 2 white. SOifWHc.
OATS la higher ; No. 2 mixed , 40a ; No. 2
white. 40c.
EOHS-Slrtidy. SV4c.
HUTTER-Steady ; creamery , 14C15c ; dairy , 13
SHIPMENTS Wheat , 15,000 bu , ; corn , none ;
oats , none.
Ull Market * .
OIL CITY. Pa , , June U.-Natloiml Transit cer
tificates opened at 89K ; highest , E9Tii lowest ,
S9 % : doted , tail ! shipments , 87,634 bbls. ; runs ,
93.4S6 bbls.
PITTSBURG , Pa. . June 13. National Transit
certificates opened at 89U ; closed at S9U ; highest ,
9K ; lowest , S9K ; no Mle .
Duluth Whrnt Alurket.
DULUTH , June 13.WHEAT-Clos : Dull :
No. 1 hard. cash. 62Hc : June , 6Hc ; July , 63c ;
No. l nxthtrn , cash , 61'lc ; June , 61 He ; July.
lStf ; September , COKc ; December. MSu : No , i
northern , caih. Me ; No. 3. WHo ; rejected , CSVic.
To arrUet No. 1 northern , 62Hc.
Chicago Fruit Quotation ! .
CHICAGO , June 13. The Earl Fruit company
sold Cullfnrnla fruit at auction this morning , a *
follows : Chtnita-Ccate-nUU , ILlloyl ;
McOSI.U ; tsrtnrlnn , $1.0001 IS ; BOrirereau , $ I.OS.
Oood many soft sold for less. Chirry plums
$1.2501.60. May peaches , $1.25. Weather hot.
Shnra Speculation Wn * on n Smaller Sculo
tlmn for the 1'itat Week.
NBW YORK , Juno 13. The share specu
lation was on a smaller scale today than
lor the past few days , but while the transac
tions were limited the tone of the market
was decidedly flrm. London was not In the
market to any great extent , but seine few
lots of St. Paul , AtchUon , Missouri Pacific
and Loulsvlllo & Nashville were taken for
the foreign account. The principal buying
was by the local short Interest , which seemed
to think thcro was danger In leaving their
lines uncovered. In view of the underlono of
ht length displayed by the active list under
the bear attacks of the past few days. Thcro
was very little In the way of news to affect
the selling. The dealings were very light
outsMo of Sugar , St. Paul , Chicago Gas and
Uurllngton , the only other stock In wlilch
the transactions reached over G.OOO shares
being Missouri Pacific. It was expected an
attack would be miulo on Sugar at the open
Ing with the dividend off , and the bear
traders did make a demonstration against
the stock , sending the price down % per
cent , but the bull clique In the shares were
on hand to take all the offerings and when
the pressure to sell cosed off they took ad
vantage of the occasion to move quotations
up 2 % per cent , recovering within % per
cent of the dividend. The gain was well
maintained until the late dealings , when a
reaction of % Per cent took place , followed
by a rally of % per cent and by a final
break of a similar fraction , the last sales beIng -
Ing at an advance of % per cent on the day.
Sugar preferred sold at 92'c , ex-dividend of
i 1 % per cent , being an advance of * /t per
cent on yesterday. Purchases of Sugar were
based on Mr. Havemeyer's testimony yes
terday before the senate committee to the
effect that the profits of the last tfirco years
pPSregatcd $35,000,000. St. Paul and Bur
lington were actively dealt In nnd were In
good buying demand on reports of Improved
prospects of Increased earnings. Burlington
rose 1 % per cent and closed within U per cent
of the best prices ; St. Paul sold up % per cent
and lost H per cent In the final sales.
Northwestern nnd Hock Island were In light
request , the former closing unchanged and the
latter % per cent higher. Missouri Pacific
showed evidences of strength during the
morning , gaining % per cent on fairly good
buying and subsequently losing > /i per cent.
The general market closed fairly flrm. The
railway and miscellaneous bond market was
s'troilga ) ! day. * * *
The Evening Post's London cable says :
Everything was dull In the stock market
today except the Americans , which showed
a genuine Improvement , which was main-
talked to the close. It Is believed hero the
Aiculson schema of reorganization will bo
oh the line already Indicated , Involving a $12
assessment on the stock and the conversion
of A bonds Into Incomes. A largo Influx of
gold Is due at the end of this week from
Australia and India. The council drafts were
sent to 13 1-32J.
The following are the closing quotations
on the leading stocks of the New York ex
change today :
Atclilnon Northern P.iclno.
Adams Express. . . No. Pac. pfd
Alton , T. II U. P. D. i O
do pfd Northwestern. . . .
Am. Express do pfd
Baltimore , * ; Ohio. N. V. Central
Canada Pacific. . . . N. Y. AN. Ens. . . . OU
Canada Southern. Ontario .It W
Central Paclfle. . . Oroffon Imp
Chea. & , Ohio Oregon Nav 12
Chicago Alton. . . . O. S. L. &U. N. . . . 12U
C..B.A.Q Pacific Mail 1-1 > 4
Chlcneo Gat P. D. & E
Consolidated Gas. Plttnburg ISO
C.C. C. iSl. L . . . Pullman Palaco. . 10S
Colo. it Iron Reading
Cotton Oil Cert. . . Richmond Term. .
Del. Hudson do pfd 1G
Del. Lack. & W. . . n. o. w 14
D. .t U. O. pfd R. O. W. pfd 4'J
D.&C. P. Co Rock Inland 08T *
EaBt Tenn St. P.iul OU6
Erie St. Paul pfd 110U
do pfd St. P. & Omaha. . . 30H
Fort Wayne. . . . . . . do pfd 11H
G. Northern pfd. . Southern Pac
C.A.E. I.pfd Sugar Rctincry. . .
Hocklne Valley. . Tenn. Conl & Iron 10M
III. Central Texas Pacific. . . . 8
St. P. k Duluth. . . . T..VO. Cent pfd. . 70
K. & T.pfd Union Pacific. . . . . 1B5
LakoErto W. . . U. S. Express BO
do pfd W.St. L. &P !
Lake Shore 131 do pfd 16M
Lead Trust 33 ! Wells Farce Ex- 122
LoulxvllloJcN. . . . Western Union. . . BBK
Loulsvlllo AN. A. W. , tL. E
Manhattan Con. . . do pfd I. .
Memphis & C MA.St. L..V. . . ' . .
Michigan Cent. . . . D. &R. G . - . . -
Mo. Paclllo. . O. E . . . : *
Mobile.t Ohio. . . . N.L _ ?
Nashville Chat. . . C. F.&I 24H Cordatro. do nfd OBW
do pfd H.&T. C 2
N. J. Central T. A. A. AN. M. . . 6
N. &W. pfd T. St. L. &K.C. . . . 1
North Am. Co do pfd 8
The total sales of stocks today were 122,600
shares. Including : Atchlson , 3,900 ; American
Sugar , 42,600 ; Burlington , 11,400 ; Chicago Gas ,
13,700 ; Deleware & Hudson , 4.700 ; St. Paul. 19-
Now York Money Mnrkot.
Easy at 1 per cent ; last loan and closed , 1 per
' "
business In bankers' bills at $4.88 % for demand
and at JI.S7',4 for sixty days' bills ; posted rates ,
$4.88M and $ .90 ; commercial bills. $4.86H-
GOVERNMENT BONDS Firm ; state bonds.
Closing quotations on bonds were 03 follows :
U.S.Csreg 117M S. L.&S.P.Gon.M. U4
U.S. OS coup St. P Consols 118 !
U.S. 4s re ? 112 St. P.O. & P. IsU. 111
U. S. 48 coup 114 T.P.L. O. Tr. not * 81
U. S. 4H roir OU S.p.H. G. nv. nets 23
PacincOsof'03. . . nlon Pac. Ists. .
Louslana stpd 4s. Wont Shore , .
Missouri OH 100 K. O. W. Ists
Tenn. new sat OB. Atchlson 4s
Tenn , new sot 3& . Atchlson UHa A. .
Tenn. new set 3s. G. H.&S A. Us. . .
Canada So. 2uds. . do 7s
Cen.Pac. Ista. . . . H. AT. C. 5s 100
D. 4. R. G. Ista. . . 113 do OB 101
D. &R. G. 4s N.C. Os 122
Erlo tinds io4a ! 101
M.K. AT. Gen. OS Tenn. old Us CO
M.K. AT. Gen 5s Va. Countries BUM
Mutual UnlonUs. . 109 dodeferrod
N. J. C. Int. Cert. . S. C. nonfuml
No. Pao. iHts Ala. Class A
Nc Pae. 2nds 77H Ala. Class U
N. W. Consols. . . . 140W Ala. Class O
N. W. Deb. On 108 Currencies 01
Koston Stock Quotations.
BOSTON. Juno 13. Call loans. 1H@2 per cent ;
tlmo loans , 2M < 33 } per cent. Cloalnj prices for
stocks , bonds ami inlnln1 ; shares :
Noiv York - - .
NBW YORK , Juno 13. The following are the
cloalne mlnlnir auotattons :
Con. Cal. A Va. . . . 42fi Slurr.1 Nevada HO
Dondwood 60 Standinl 1011
Gould & Curry 85 Union Con UO
llalo.V Norcrosa. , VO Yellow Jacket. . . . 00
lloniuatako 1260 Iron Sllrcr 10
Mexlcnn 100 Quicksilver. . . 200
Ontario 780 do preferred 1400
Ophlr. 2SO Bulwur S
Plymouth 20
London Htoote Market.
LONDON ) Juno 13. 4 p. in. closing :
BAR SUA'KU-'JBHJ per ounce.
MONEY-X nor cent.
The rate of discount In the open market for both
short and three months' bills la H per cent
I'uinnclul Niiton.
BOSTON. June 13. Clearings , 113,830,608 ; bal
ances , il.7S9.U9.
BALTIMORE. June 13.-Clearlngi , 11,973,493 ;
balances , | : < 1I7. !
NCTV YOIHC. June IS , Clearlnss , 172,755,617 ;
balances , I3.C02.S22.
PAIUH , June 13. Three per cent rente * , lOCt
Wo for the account ,
PHILADELPHIA. June 13. Clearings , 13.777-
73 ; balances , 11,675,712.
11 BMP118 , June 13. New York exchange sellIng -
Ing at U premium. Clearings , | U9i01 ; bal
ances , I1M.OOO.
CINCINNATI. June 13. Money , IHS per
cent. New York exchange , M070o premium.
Clearings , f2.147.ttO.
Ni\V OHI.IMNB , June 13. Clearbnt. I939.3JI ,
New York exchange , commercial , II preinulm ;
bank , Jl.W premium.
SAN FnANCISCO , June 13 Drafts , * lght.
lOc ; telearuphlc , i\lo. \ Silver ban , UHQ > 2Hc.
Mexican dollar * . 61C51V4c.
BT. LOUIS. June 13.-Cearings. ! I4.2S3.U3 ; bal
ance * . J719.0W. Monty dull , C(7 per cent. Ux-
change on New York. COo premium bid.
LONDON , June II. The amount of bullion
r/ma Into the Dank of England on balance *
today I * 136.000. The gold premium at Bueno *
Ayr * * today u 191.
Oattlo Trade Bwot Unfavorably in Sym
pathy with Chicago Dealings ,
n >
Wenhneis Follow , a lulling Off In Hnntorn
Uomftml HOM"Continue to Advance
In Si > m > ' 3f-llcavy Itccolpts
Sliced Lovrcr ,
. .WEDNESDAY , Juno is
The cattle trade took a slight down turn
today In sympathy with the trade at east
ern markets , and while prices were not so
much lower on best dry lot cattle , the tone
of the trade was quite unsatisfactory. The
ordinary run of beet and shipping steers
sold anywhere from steady at the opening
to a dlmo lower toward the close , according
to the quality of the offerings.
Thcro was no special change In the mar
ket on good cows and heifers , while the
common grades are going at bottom figures.
Then grassy stock of all kinds is Beijing
very poorly at present.
The market on stock cattle , and especially
on light , thin stackers , received the hardest
setback of any , prices on the latter being
quoted from 20o to 30c lower than last week ,
while good feeders were slow sale at prices
from lOc to 15c lower than a few days ago.
Representative sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1. . . . 610 (3 00 S4..10C2 Jt 25 20..IMS Jl 45
1..1HO 3 25 18. . . . DM 4 25 43..1259 4 43
7. . . . 821 3 60 1..1300 4 25 8..1181 4 45
5. . . . 924 3 65 15..1122 4 25 S3..1165 4 60
1. . . . 960 3 75 19..1163 4 35 22..1197 4 CO
7. . . . 920 3 90 22..10S3 4 35 1. . . . 900 3 f.O
5..1060 3 00 23.1130 4 40 S3..1305 4 55
13..1053 4 03 3..11CO 4 40 33..1537 4 CO
19. . . . 029 4 10 I..1260 4 40 1..1300 4 60
21. . . . 929 4 10 20..1180 4 40 1..1S90 4 CO
43..1100 4 15 1..11SO 4 40 29..1375 4 60
21. . . . 925 4 20 4..1202 4 45 1..1490 4 65
4..1293 3 75 21..1250 4 45 117..1450 4 65
40..1140 4 30 M..140S 4 50 E7..1G03 4 C5
45..1412 4 40 16..1375 i 05
12. . . . 679 4 10 6. . . .1015 420
1. . . . 820 1 25 1..1190 1 SO 3..1046 2 CO
8. . . . 878 1 CO 1..10CO 200 1..1120 2 fO
: . . . .1002 1 60 I. . . . EGO 2 00 1..12CO 2 CO
3. . . . G7C 1..1030 2 00 1..1240 275
1. . . . 770 1..1190 200 4. . . . S65 2 75
2. . . . 830 10. . . . 883 2 10 3..1166 2 CO
1. . . . 820 2. . . . 835 2 10 1..1150 2 90
1..1030 1..1100 2 15 2..1110 3 00
2. . . . 810 1..10IO 2 15 1. . . . 930 3 00
6. . . . 663 1..1190 215 . . .1010 3 25
G. . . . 910 G. . . . 690 2 25 . . .1190 8 CO
1. . . . S50 7. . . . 781 a K . . .1220 3M
5. . . . 920 1..1320 2 25 . . .1670 4 00
10..10C2 2. . . . 915 2 35
. . 4S5 17. . . . (32 1 75 1. . . . 7SO 225
262 1. . . . 4SO 1 75 10. . . . 673 > 2 30
4. . . . 420 1 65 1. . . . C70 1 75 1. . . . 900 2 75
5. . . . 446 1 3. . . . 670 1 90 41. . . . 760 3 05
2. . . . 200 3 25 3. . . . 316 3 75 40. . . . 1C5 3 SO
1. . . . 120 3 25 1. . . . 170 3 75 1. . . . ISO 4 00
3. . . . 150 3 CO 1. . . . 200 3 75 1. . . . 140 4 25
2. . . . 140 3 75
8. . . . C31 1 75
1..1170 2 00 1. . . . 720 2 20 2..11CO 2 25
1. . . . 840 2 00 3..1006 2 20 3..H-0 2 25
1..1100 2 00 1..1020 220 1..12SO 230
1..1320 200 2..1225 2 25 1..1570 2 30
6. . . . 445 2 00 2..1070 2 25 2..1040 3 10
2..1170 220
2. . . . 1505 2 25
2. . . . 300 1 60 9. . . . 490 2 70 7. . . . 772 3 05
2. . . . S10 200 1U. . 'DOS 280 20. . . . 797 310
! ' " ' ,522 525 1-U..440 2 SO 13. . . 61 315
1..1150 223 42.- . . . 403 285 1. . . . 730 315
24 , . . . 433 2 50 17M. 725 2 90 25. . . . 791 3 15
1. . . . 400 260 7 , . . . 767 283 7. . . . 765 320
13. . . . 460 2 CO 4r. . . 960 3 05 3. . . . 833 3 23
24. . . . C02 2 65 1. . . . 710 3 05 1. . . .11.10 3 2"
17. . . . 44. ; 2 63 3. . ; . CSS 3 05 26. . . . 737 3 25
bU2 3 0
> * * * >
tfo. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
80 feeders. . . . C03 QW * 45 feeders. . . .1003 52 85
HOGS Hogs have sold well all the weelc
and with heavy receipts todny the general
market \\ns active and pretty close to a
dime higher , but.Uhe ploso was , rather weak ,
with , however , few hogs left In first hands.
Trading was largely tat from $4.70 to $4.75 ,
with extreme salts at from $4.60 to $4.SO ,
against a range jeaterdaV 'of from $4.55 to
M.70 , and bulk at from $4.60 to $4.65 , and on
last Wednesday the hogs sold largely at
from $4.50 to $4.60. Representative sales :
SHEEP The rtcVlhts this week have been
oxqesslva and vflufiif have depreciated rapIdly -
Idly and are no > v .about EOc lower than ten
days ago. Fair tp.KQod natives are quotable
at from $3.25 to$3Sf ; $ : ( ; fair to good westerns ,
sheep , from $2 to $2.25 ; good to choice 40 to
sheep , from 12 ttr 32:25 ; common an stock
100-lb. lambs , ( if if torn $3 to J4. Ileprc-
sontatlvo sales :
No. * ( Wt. Pr.
2RO feeders _ - . ! > 80 $2 79
20 native wetheriT. , „ . . 00 300
180 native wctheriCU.i. OS a 00
St. Louis'XiVe ' Stock Unrbot.
BT. LOUIS , Juna 13. CATTLD Receipt * . 3,000
head ; ihlpment * . 600 head. Market aleady ,
quiet generally ; native iteer * . 1,700 to 1,400 Ibs. .
J4.50O4.70 ; for choice , J4.2MJ4.40i 1,000 to 1,200
Its. . J3.5304.00 ; cow * . J25e2.87tt ; calvea , JI.25 ;
Texan * , all trade * . J2.SOffl4.10.
HOOS Receipts , 4. WO head ; shipment * , EDO
head. Market active , itrong100 higher ; good
medium * , to heavyweight * , JI.81tM.60 ; good
light , J4.7EC4 80 ; common to fair IlKht. li.CO.ip
4.70 ; plK * . 11.20 ; bulk of day' * ale * , J4.7S04.85.
SHEEP Receipt * . 3.SCO head ; shipment * . 103
head. Market ilow. > hade lower ; native mixed ,
fair , J3.75O3.00 ; lamb * , J3.0003.33 : ilocktri , Jl.EO
OI.OO. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Kanim City Llvo Htock Market.
KANSAS CITY. June IS.-CATTLB-n.ctlpt * .
8.W0 head ; Ulpmsnt * , 1000 head. Market drone
to > had low < r ; Ten * itceri , J3.25O4.00 ; Texa *
cow * . I1.WCJ.7J ; b t Bluer. . J3.66U5.0C : natlv *
cow. , JI.40&2.45 ; itock.r * and feeder * . J2.43tt3.SO ;
bull * . JJ.OO&3.40.
11OQB IlKipti , 12,400 head : ihlpmejit * . 3.ZOO
bud. U-rk t itroof to Cc hUhtr ; bulk el salt * ,
J4.70C480 , henvlM. 11 7091.SO ; pucker * . Il.tOtf
4 83i mixed , JI.75O4.83. llRht * , Jl.'Otfl.&S ; Yorkern ,
J4.70flt 75 ; J > lK , tl.tOli I.M.
81IEBP Itccclpl * , 1,700 head ; shipments , none.
Mnrket Mrady.
llecclpt * nnil DlqpiMltlnn of Stork.
Official receipt * nnil dl po < Hllon of itock a *
shown by the books of the Union Stock Ynrd *
company for the t cnty four hour * , ending at 3
o'clock p. m. , June 13 , issi.
_ Car * . Heail.
Cattle. S3 2.071
HOBS , 1C3 11,238
Sheep 14 2.9:8
Horse * nnd inulrn. , . . 2 17
Iluyem. Cattle. HOR * . Sheep ,
Omnhrv Packing company , . 21 2,400 . . .
The O. M. Hammond Co. . . 203 1,740
Swift and company : c.8 1,814 E21
The Cudahy Packing Co. . . . 373 1,811 113
John P. Squires & Co 767 . . .
L. Decker , 116 . , , . , .
Cudnhy from K. C. 92 . . . . . .
A. Haas 430 . . . . , ,
n. Decker & Degen , . . . . . , , . . 215 . . . . . .
P. D. Armour. . . . . , . . . . 7J8 . . .
East St. Loul * ICS . . .
Chicago P. P. Co 318
Cleveland P. P. Co 101 . . .
Shippers and feeders 375 . . . 220
Left over 600 . , .
Total 2,092 11,221 "wiT
There \Vns n Good Htm of Ciittlo Yesterday
llofre Wore Strong.
CHICAGO , June 13. There was a good run
of cattle todny , estimated at 16,000 head. This
makes a total since Saturday of about 41,000
head , or 11,000 head more than for the same
time last week. These nro heavy receipts for
this tlmo of year nnd was a greater strain than
the niaikct for common to good grades could
successfully withstand. That class slid down
lOo and was slow at the decline. Many Rrcen
native cattle nrp now nrrlvlnir. and as Texas
In lieplnnlnK to imlond very freely ( theio uere 3J
head of the latter here tmlny ) HIP xltuatlnn In
common to fair cattle looks very weak. There
ttoic not too many choice dry fed Hirers for
the demand and were promptly tutnrd over nt
about steady prices. The present HUIKC of < | iioln-
lion * IB fiom } 2.25 to S5. Salon wcic larxt'ly
nt from 14 to )4.S5 for steers and at from 12.25
to { 3.25 for cows , heifers and bitllx. Texas Riacs
cuttle fold slonly at from 15c to 23e olt from
last week's prices.
In Eplta of the hot weather and continued
larse receipts there was BtreiiRth In the hoc
market. It started In above yeslerOay's quota
tions and remained there , late siiles , quality
considered , bolnc quite ns pooo as those miile
nl the openlnB of bUslhosfi. The beat heavy ho,8
sold up to $5. and , as high as $4.90 tins paid for
assorted | | Bht. lloth light and hea\y grades
were Ifl active demand , nnd excepting the fen
lots held by speculators notliliiu MIIB cnnlei
oxer. Sales were principally nt from tl.90 to
$1.95 for medium and heavy nnd at from $1.7
to $1.80 for light. Poor lots were closed on.
At from J1.50 to : i 60. nnd culls sold any\iheie
from $3.50 to H.IO.
Itecelpts were below the recent average , but
In no other particular \\IIB the situation In sheei
a whit Improxcd. Nobody seemed to stand In
need of stock , nnd although It could bo Imd nt
almost the lowest price ever knoun , naloseic
dllllcult , Choice sheep were offernl nt fiom
$3.50 to $3.63. nnd \ ry decent lots nt from $2.25
to $2.60 , while poor stuff could not be moved nt
all. Quotations ritnced from $1 to $1.25 for rub-
blah to from $3.f.O to $3.65 for choice. The mnRO
Of prices for ycnrllnKfl was from $2.CO to $4 , rind
spring lambs fiom. $2.50 to $1.73. The receipts
since Saturday have been 11,000 head less than
for the Eiimc time last week.
IinCKIPTS-Cattle , 16,000 head ; calves , CM
head ; hocn , 33,000 head ; sheep , 9,000 head.
The Kvenlm ; Journal reports :
CATTLH llecelpts , 1C.OOO bend. Common
grassem , Texans and cows lower. Prime scnice
nnd steady. Prlmo to extra native steeis , $1.90
© 5.00 ; medium , $4.50(31.75 ( ; others , $3.95(34.20 ( ;
Texans. $3.00574.00.
HOOS Uecelpts , 33.000 head. Market active.
6H10o hither nnd all sold. Hough heaxy , $4.23 ®
4.CO ; packers and mixed , $ I.SOf < 4.83 ; prime heavy
and butcher weights , $1.9005.00 ; assoited llslit ,
$4.90 4.93.
SHCUP AND LAMUS necelptd , 9.000 head.
Market unchanged , tlow ami weak. Top sheep.
$3.2503.50 ; top lambs , $4.00fl4.25.
Mnrkotln ; of Hogg Very Liberal for the
Pnst Week.
CINCINNATI , June 13. ( Special Telegram to
The Bee. ) Tomorrow's Price Current will siy :
Marketing of hogs continues very liberal , the
total packing for the eck reaching 305,000 ,
against 340,000 last week , and 165,000 for the
corresponding time last year. Total to date
3,830,000 , nsalnst 2,610.000 last yenr. Prominent
places compare as follows :
1S9I. 1S93.
Chicago . 1,270,000 KM.OOQ
Kansas City . C67.000 405,000
Omaha . 4C5.0UO 250,000
St. Ixnils . 250,000 172.000
Cincinnati . 131,000 SI.OOO
Indianapolis . 123.000 103,000
Milwaukee . 129,000 79,000
Cedar Haplds . 6.1,000 71,000
St. Joseph . 118,000 66,0)0
Sioux City . i'3OOQ 60.000
Nebraska City . 76,000 69.090
Ottumwa . S4.000 63,000
No'.v- York Llto Stock Mnrkot.
NBW YOUK , Juno 13. ItRCVKS Receipts ,
3,400 head ; market dull , 15c lower ; choice natlva
steers , $5 ; good to prime native steers. $4.72' ' @
4.90 ; medium to fair. $4.4054.7 < i ; Inferior to
ordinary. $4.25iff4.33 ; ordinary to prime southern ,
J4. 30574. 70 ; choice coin fed Colorados , $4.03J4,70.
SHKEP AND LAMIIS Receipts , 7.0W head ;
market very dull ; poor to prime sheep , $2.60Ji
3.75 ; poor to pilme lambs , J3.00SJ4.M ; choice ,
HOGS Receipts , 8,300 head ; firmer ; Inferior
to choice , J5.000G.GO.
Cincinnati I.lvo Stock Market.
CINCINNATI. June 13. HOdS-Good demand ,
lighcr , $4.25i&5.00 ; receipts , 3,600 head ; shipments ,
200 head.
CATTLE Easier. $2.2504.40 ; receipts , l.COO
head ; shipments , COO head.
SHEEP Steady , $1.60 < S3.75 ; receipts , 7,300 head ;
shipments , 3.000 head ; lambs , fair demand ,
steady , $2.00Q4.40.
Sioux City Ll\u Stock Murkat.
SIOUX CITY , June 11 HOGS Receipts. 2,2M
dead ; shipments , 1,000 head ; market Oi/lOo
higher , at $4.634.75 ; bulk , $ ( .70iff4.72'4.
CATTLE Receipts , 200 head ; shipments , 190
jead ; market dull and weak ; feeders , J2.40if3.00 ;
yearlings , $2.50jJJ.10 ; cons , $1.2363.00 ; bulls , $1.25
t2.35 ; oxen , $1.6002.75.
Stouk lit
Record of receipts of live stock nt the four
principal yards for Wednesday , Juno 13. 1894 :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
South Omaha . 2,071 11,233 2,923
Chicago . 6.000 15.0UO 9,000
Causes City . 6,600 12.400 1,700
St. Louis . 3,000 4,500 3,200
Totals . . 15,671 43,133 16,823
Coffee Murket.
NEW YORK. June 13.-COFFiD-Optlons
opened steady at 15Q25 points up. and further
advanced CQ10 points on foreign buying , eased
off partially under local preseuie , closed llrm
at 1530 points net advance ; pales , 21,000 bags ,
ncludlng : June , $14.75 ; July , JH.70ini.73 ; Au
gust , JH.2SreH.30 ; September , Jn.TOfi 13.73 ; Octo-
> er , J13.4offl3.-n ; December , $13.00013.13 ; Jnnuaty ,
14.SOtfl4.90 ; July , Jll.TMf ll.SO ; August. Jlt.MiJ
4,25 ; September , ? 13.r. { | H.tO. Spot coffee , Rio
dull ; 'No. 7 , 154c ; mild , steady ; Cordova , 19'tJ
9 < ; c ; sales , 1,500 pkga. Muntcalbo rumored sale
ate yesterday , COO bugs , Rio boats , 15'ie for
< o. 7 ; warehouse deliveries , 79,000 bags ; New
York stock today , 134,651 bags ; United Slatej
stock , 194S.r > 0 bags ; nlloat for United Slates ,
9.000 bags ; total visible for United' States ,
" 73 , SW bags , against 450,702 bags last year
Cincinnati GiMiur 1
CINCINNATI. June 13.rLOUR-Slronjr.
WHEAT-Stionc ; No. 2 red. CSc ; receipts ,
,200 hu. ; shipments , COO bu.
CORN Strong ; No. 2 mixed , 43c.
OATS Active and strong ; No. 2 mixed , 43V5
SJlc. 1
RYE Scarce nnd strong ; No. 2. 51'Jc.
PROVISIONS Pork , llrm at $12.76. Lard. In
good demand at $6.63. Hulk meats , llrm at :
6.62 . Hacon strong nt J6.87W.
WIIISIiY-Steady ; sales , CS7 bbls. at $1.15.
nUTTER Steady.
SUGAR Steady.
EOOS Firm at 12o.
Liverpool iMiiritotn.
LIVERPOOL , June tl3.-CJoslng : WHEAT
? lnn ; holdera offer sparingly ; No. 2 red winter ,
s Cliil.
CORN Finn ; holders offer rparlngly ; now
mixed , Knot , 3s 9 d ; futures steady ; holders
offer moderately ; June , 3x 6 id ; July , 3s 8id ;
August , 3s 8V d.
FLOUR Steady ; holders offer moderately ;
it. I.oulB fancy winter , Cs M.
PROVISIONS Laid. steady ; holderH offer
moderately ; spot , 25s 6d. 'Futures Holders not
offering. Pork , dull : holders offer freely ; prime
ness western , 67s 6d ; western medium , 57s Cd.
Cotton Miirkot.
NEW ORLEANS , Juno 13.-COTTON-Flrm ;
sales , spot , 2,400 bales ; to arrive , 200 Imles ; ri-
celpts , 747 Ixileu ; exports , cun t lse , 100 bales ;
stock , S4.464 bales. Future ! dull ; miles , 12,500
bales ; June , $7 bid ; nominal ; July , $6.99 7.faO ;
August , $6.9866.99 ; September , 6.9106.92 ; October ,
6.96r8.97 ; November , $7.0I < 27.02 ; $7,07
97.08 ; January. $7.13 bid ; February. $7.19 bid.
CINCINNATI , June 13.-COTTON-Qukt ; mid-
dllnir , 7'jc.
ST. LOUIS , June 13. COTTON-Stendy ; mid-
dllnir , 7 3-lCc ; snlcn , 100 balen ; receipts , none ;
hlpments , 200 bales ; tock , 36.800 bale * .
Now York Dry ( JooiU Alurkot.
NEW YORK , June 13. Therc was a good
number of bujcrn In the inurkel , but few for
tuples and selections for inodt'iuln quantltlr * .
"or autumn specialties , such as eliiKliuMin , print * ,
cotton dre i fabrics and drens jttxHl * mure bin.
ness was done , but there was nu Ufa tu thn de
mand. Print cloths dull nt t IMtio and no
( ale * . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
bllgur Alurknt.
NEW YORIC. June 1J.-HUO A It-Raw , stronger ;
fulr reflnlnr , ZSo ; centrlfu al , V t t. Xc ; mjn ,
,000 bac * centrlfuiral , 94 te't , " ' 3o tuid frrlKht ;
,000 bates at Urcukwater lu Philadelphia , 3v ,
anded ttrmu ; refined fAlrly actUr.
LONDON , June 1J. BUOAR-Can * . firm ; Im
proving elonly : crntrlfurul , J \ , ll id ; Uus-
oovado , fair rtflnlnr , U 84.
Wool MnrUot.
OT. LOUIH , June U WOOIUnchanKtit ,
Balloon nacenaion , Courtltnd ,
wi M KTi * * H Bi B Ai * iw49 Bic.0 v MaA Kr Knaav m KXBB H BIDI * mn HMHi
Scnil-Aniiual Inventory Sale ,
SALE over holder
or any other city. SIWO.OOO worth of ( roods nt coat
mill under. Special snlo on everything. 1GOO
pictures ntonothml regular prlcon. Furniture ,
Carpets , Stoves , I3nby Cnrrlnges , HefrlRerntore ,
Oiisollno btoves , oto. , nlm < st given uwny. Big
tUtrnctions In the Parlor Furniture Department.
Space prevents showing more than one , but it is
only a sample of how everything else ! s being sold.
S 3Piopos
Oak frame , finished antique , in bro-
catclle , plush or tapestry , and worth
every cent ol $40.00 , for
Formerly People's Mammoth Installment Hoiii3 ,
Close Evenings , excepting Mondays and Saturdays.
Mines that Supply Omaha Are Now in
Operation Again.
Consumers Hail Prepared for n Shortage In
Supply , but Would Have Ileen Ham
pered If the Strike Ilnd Lasted
a Llttlo Longer.
Now that the coal miners' strike Is ap
parently nearlnpr wi end , the consumers of
Btoam coaJ who Have been watching their
supplies gradually disappearing can
breathe easy once more. As Omaha bad
ample warning of the coming scarcity
of coal the dealers nnd large consumers
were able to lay In stocks for the futute ,
and In consequence this city 1ms not suf
fered any material Inconvenience from tno
strikes. The dllllculty between the mine
owners and their employes lasted so much
longer than any one had anticipated that
these surplus blocks have been pretty well
cleaned up. It Is claimed that In another
week some of Omaha's largest consumers
of steam coal would have been serlou ly
Inconvenienced. For some time bm-k the
mines In Iowa , Missouri nnd Kansas , from
which Omaha obtains her supplies , linje
been shut down entirely. Yesterday the
mines in lown , which supply a KOOI ! deal
of the coal used nt thla point , were able
to resume operations. The ( -eneral market
on this class of coal has not been advanced
any at this point , though some spuclal
kinds have been marked up norm.- .
There Is Btlll considerable bituminous
coal of domestic sizes In the hands of deal
ers , nnd the supply baa at no time run so
low as to cause any advance In nrlcTFB.
The demand for this class of coal Is nat
urally very light at this season of the
? ' cast anthracite was substituted tea
a considerable extent for soft coal , and trie
demand was stimulated to such an extent
is to brlnir about an advance In the mar-
iet. At U > e Present time the wholesale
nrlco on Pennsylvania anthracite Is J8.70
> er ton at Omaha , which Is an advance of
' 6 cents per ton from the low iralnt befoie
the strike. Still , the market Is lower now
ban It was a year BKO , owlnir to the lower
rates made by eastern transportation com
panies. From present prospects consumers
, vlll bo able to buy their coal the coinliii ;
winter at a less price than was paid lost
winter. _
DoWltt'u Little Early Risers. Small pllli ,
eafo pills , best pills.
St. Louis Subway Coinnilislon Iteports
Against the NuUance.
ST. LOUIS , June 13. The St. Louis sub
way commission has completed Its labors
and the chairman Is now prcparlni ; to re
port on the two ordinances arranged for
jubmlsslon to the municipal assembly at
its next meeting. The ordinance prepared
by the commission which will bo recom
mended for P.ISS.IKO declares that the safety
of the lives and property of the citizens re-
inlre that the network of wires now strung
overhead In the streets of the city should
bo placed under ground. It provides for
the construction of subways , authorizing the
city to become lessee thereof , operate the
same and sublet ducts. As provided In
the ordinance , all the overhead wires In the
district bounded by Cass avenue , the levee
and Twenty-second street will be placed un
der ground.
See the Chlneto performances tonight at
Courtlund beach ; also this afternoon.
Murdered nml KobboU In Oklahoma.
GUTIIIUB , Okl. , Juno 13 , Two brothers
named Raymond , residing at Albany , N , Y , ,
came to this country In search of a brother
vho came west In 1883 , Last Wednesday ,
eighteen miles east of Arbecka , In the Bem-
nolo nation , the dead bodies of two well
ireaicd young men were found. They had
leeii murdered and robbed. It IB believed
hey are the Raymond brothers. Two daya
fltcr Deputy United States Marshal Drnd-
ord discovered a man named Chlcli , twelve
TiilcB north of Arbecka , Ho had been inur-
lered exactly the same way. The murders
ire supposed to have been committed by
tiandi of thieves.
Little pills for great Ills : DoWllt'n LlttU
Tnls extra
ordinary He-
( uveuotor lathe JJlzzlncts ,
Falling Ben-
the most -
wonderful eatloUB. Nerv
discovery of ous twitching
ths age. It of the eyes
and other
has been
dorsed by the
leadlugtclen- BtrenEthons ,
ttfio won of invlfnrntts :
Europe tmd and tones the
Hudjan la Hudran- cures
purely vcgo- JiebJUty ,
NervousnciB ,
Hudyan stops KmlsBloiis ,
Prematureness BiiddeveloirK3
of the il 1 and tcetorcti
chorgo In 20 weak organs ,
. Pulna In the
days. Cures
back. IOKCI
LOST by day or
MANHOOD iiighutoppcd
* ttW
mm. .
quickly. Over 2,000 private endorsements.
1'rcmaturencss means Impotency In tha
first Htaie. It Is a symptom of seminal
weakness nnd barrenness. It can bo
stopped In 20 days by the use of Hudyan.
The new discovery was mudc by the spec
ialists of thn old famous Hudson Medical
Instltu.c. It Is the strongest vltullzer
made. It Is vrry powerful , but harmless.
Bold for Jl.OO a package or six packages
for J5.00 ( plain scaled boxes ) . Written
guarantee given for a cure. If you buy
six boxes nnd nro not entirely cured , Bis
more will ho sent to you free of all charges.
Bend for circulars nnd testimonials. Adclrens
1032 Market St. , San Francisco , Cal.
Is the only
Women Excluded.
IB yenr * oxparlence
Circular * free.
(1th ( and K rnum Bti
fftnows liromo-fieiBip.
KnlendM cnratlrntwatit J
] foa lnont % it rat u Kitui Hl
- or Konerol Nou rul-stai - ulw for Hliftu
matliru , flout. Kiduoy lUiKJidert , Acid Or *
pepsin , Auteioia * AntUot4 ( for loobollo
nnd other eim.Ki. ) i'rico , JO ,
1GI S. Wcsiarn Avsmio. CIIKUCfr
For Bale by all drtiggelsts , Omaha.
Can bu cjnled un with liiruu prulllu und Iltlli
risk by jolnlnic uur Co-OperutUo llullrond Stocli
AviT.iL' " prnllt n f so JUT cone it mouth
xnrneil nnil p ilil tu HID Kiiliicrltier * for
'x inoiitlii.
IllKliot rofprc-nccs. 1'ronpectus , Klvlng dotull-
rd Information of oour perfect Bjuttin , mollcj
free. |
WEINMAN & CO. , Stock nnd Grab Brokers ,
No. 41 IlniliilU'iiy Nt T York Cltr
Coininission Merchant
Prlval * wire * to Chicago and Ntw York. All
tuilnm crd r * ( ilacvd un Chlcuio Ikiurd b |
Trad * .
Corrmpondenco lullclted.
Office , room i , N w York LU * BullJIot
W * . '