( I THE OMAHA DAILY HEE : SUNDAY , JUNE 10. 18SM t\VENTY PAGES. THE DAILY BJBE. i COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICD - NO. 12 1'EAIIL Delivered by carrier to any part of lh citr. II. W. TICTON , Lessee. omc , NO. ; tdltor. No. ! 3. Girl wonted for general housework. Mrs , H. W. Tllton , 627 Fifth avenue. ' enjoyed n picnic nt St. Andrew's society Falrmount park last Friday afternoon. Bflvcrnl now boats have been received bj the Council Bluffs Rowing association. The regular monthly meeting of the Gany mede Wheel club will be held tomorrow evening at the club rooms. Scats will be on unlo Monday morning nl ' ' store for the 8-30 o'clock nt Sellers' drug llfgh school commencement exercises. Mlzpnh temple , Pythian Sinters , will give a lawn social next Friday evening nt tin residence of the Misses Palmer , 223 Nortl : Second street. A bevy of school children , occupying five motor cars , came over from the public schools of Omaha yesterday for a day's plcnU In Falrmount park. Everybody who desires a young people's chautauqua this reason Is requested to meet at the First Baptist church tomorrow evenIng - Ing at 8 o'clock sharp. The Rockets and Comets crossed bats at the corner of Tenth street and Second nvenuo yesterday for a finish gamo. The Comets were finished by n score of 13 to 8. Otto Rachwltz , who has been out of Jnl for about a week , was rearrcstcd yesterday by Constable Baker on the charge ot sclllnp whisky and tobacco without a govcrnmcnl license. Plans are being drawn for n new ware house at the corner of Eighth avenue and Main street. It will cost $15,000 , and will doubtless bo occupied by nn Implement firm of the city. It Is reported that a man named Owens who lives on a farm In Garner township. Is putting his time In digging for $15,000 said to have been burled there by an ancestor ol hlR uho flourished about A. D. , 185S. All members of the Woman's Christian association nro requested to meet at 3:3C : o'clock Monday afternoon nt the residence of Mrs. Bobblngton on Park avenue to at tend the funeral of Mrs. H. II. Field. At the twilight service this evening al St. Paul's church the music to bo rendered by the choir Is the "Magnificat" and "Nunc Dlmlttls" In A flat , by Mann , and the nnthcm "From Egypt's Bondage Come , " by Arthur Page. There will bo a meeting of the Journcmcn barbers of this city this afternoon at 2 o'clock at Y. M. I. hall to discuss the advisability of organizing a local branch of the Barbers International union. All barbers of the city nro requested to be present. The following nre the newly elected offi cers of Council Bluffs lodge No. 49 , Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows , for the en suing term : Ira Grnson , N. O. ; Frank Pardy , V. 0. ; William Hlgerson , secretary ; George II. Brown , treasurer. The following Jury has been drawn for the Juno term of the superior court , com mencing June IS : Gus Larson , E. Thornton , William Hlgginson , L. Swcarlngen , J. W. Kirk , W. II. Robinson , George Baker , Fred Lcutzlnger and II. O. Cook. Sheriff Hazcn went to * Adalr yesterday to subpoena Dr. J. W. Mulhorn as a witness In the blackmail case of the state against G. C. Mclzer and wife. Dr. Mulhern has moved there since the commencement of the prosecution. The trial will bo begun tomor row. row.The The Royal Neighbors of America , Lily camp No. 1 , has passed appropriate resolu tions on the death of Mrs. Emma S. Ben nett , the first resident nicn\bcr , who has passed Into the beyond. Resolutions were also passed by the Ladles' Aid society of the Trinity Methodist church. Next Thursday evening a concert will bo given at Dohany's under the auspices of Grace church , In Which the Apollo club of Omaha , F. H. Adolman-a string quartet , Miss Myrtle Coon , and Messrs. Walter B. .Wllklns and Thomas J. Pcnncll will take part. It will bo one of the finest musical treats of the season , and the opera house should be packed. The farmers living In Lewis township are having a llttlo more than their usual amount of trouble with the Big Muddy. Ephralm Jenkins has had to move twice recently on account of the repeated Inroads the river Is making on his property , and fears ho will have to move again. The school house Is on wheels , all readto be moved , as oc casion may demand. It costs no more to have your fire Insur ance In old and tried companies , llko the Glens Falls and Imperial , than In those which nro new and untried. Lougee & Towle , agents , 235 Pearl street. A few ot the celebrated Hurd apartment house refrigerators at Cole & Cole's , nnd going at the lowest prices over offered. Don't fall to price these before buying. As bestos mats for vapor stoves , only lOc at Cole's hardware. Take your family to Manawa today and enjoy all the pleasures of a first-class waterIng - Ing place. _ I'WISOXA L I'.l It. I II ll < l 1 > IIS. Misses Ethyl and Edy Thomas are visit ing friends In Waterloo. Mrs. F. L. Chllds and daughter , Clara , nre visiting friends In Neola. Mrs M , L. Graham of Chicago Is visiting her sister , Mrs. O. W. Graham. H. A. Ballenger Is home from a business trip- through northwestern Iowa. Prof.T Buchanan and wife of Wyoming , la. , are visiting W. M. Blood of the Mll-i waukcet ' Mrs. T3d Clcmcnson and Mrs. Miller and son will start next Saturday for a pleasure trip to Europe. Miss Laura Mark , formerly of Omaha , now of Davenport , Is the guest of her cousins , the Misses Miles. Mss | Maud Virgin of Burlington Is In the city , the guest of Miss Josephlno Vincent on Willow avenue. Miss Hawks of St. Joseph , who Is the guest of her aunt , Mrs. Eevrett , will sing the offertory solo this morning at St. Paul's church. Harry Nason , who left hero for San Fran cisco about two months ago to take the gen eral management of a largo firm , has re turned to his home. Richard Mockey Wells and mother re turned to St. Louis last night over the Bur lington , after a month's vlalt * with the family of II. F. Hattenhaur , on Seventh avenue. * II. E. Eaton and W. I. Long , two cyclists from Essex , la , , arrived In the city yester day , guests of the Ganymede Wheel cliib. This morning they expect to start for At- lantlo on their wheels. Gcorgp M , Durkco and Miss Juno Colby are to be- married next Tuesday. Mr. Durkco Is traveling salesman for the McCook com pany and Miss Colby for the past two years has held the position ot teacher of music In the public schools. C. C. Llnder of DCS Molnes , formerly train dispatcher for the Rock Island In this city , passed through the city Friday night , accompanied by his wife , enrouto for Den ver , to meet the delegates to the annual train dispatchers' convention , to bo held In Chicago on the 12th , The following BlulDtcs will leave this afternoon for a ten days' fishing and catrip- Ing excursion to Madison Lake , WIs. : W. W. Loomis and wife , F. R , Davis and wife , H. 8. Tcrwllllger and wife , P. C. DeVol and wife , J. W. Peregoy and wife , Henry Van lirurit , wife and two boys , B. M , Sargent , wlfa and daughter , S. Farnworth and wife nil Mrs. Huber. Mr. Fred H. Hill , wife nil daughter will Join the party in the north. The Northwestern road takes them lo M nlato ( ( Minn. , where their sleeper will } M transferred to the Minneapolis & St. rwml for Madison Lake , twelve miles Ho f lm advertising or falsa promises at J' < * fe i' lie utoro. but real bargains. A4y r ' ! > urfev Furniture company , 336-333 t1fMlyllflfgalna In fine .furniture. ltr Cox , 10 M-un street. Telj. knww * I ) vU drugs , NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Several Saloons Too Near Ohnrclies to Con form to the Now Law , MUST MOVE OR CLOSE THEIR DOORS City Attorney Hnilcton Put In the Dny MciMuromiMiU nml linn the Job About Completed Only Twelve More to Mcnuuro. City Engineer Etnyro was busy a good part of yesterndy making measurements ol the distances of saloons from all adjacent churches or school houses , to ascertain II any of them were barred by the 300-fool limit. Ho was Instructed ta do this by the city council some time ago , but ho post poned taking any action until he could receive a report from the city attorney on the question of how the measurements wen to be taken , as there seemed to bo doubt as to whether the line should bo run from entrance to entrance , along the sidewalk , erIn In an air line such as a man would be , apt to follow If he wanted a drink In a hurry. Yesterday morning City Attorney Hazel- ton reported that the line should bo run from the saloon to the nearest point on the church or school , and Etnyro commenced his Investigations. During the day he meas ured about fifty saloons , so that he now has about a dozen to look after. Of the fifty he only found five that were within the prescribed limit. Glaus Thompson Is right across the street from the Broadway Methodist church , so that ho Is about ZOO feet too close. The saloon of Hahn & /Am- merlls , near the corner of Broadway ami Sixth streets , Is 250 feet from the First Baptist church , and the Omaha , Tremont hoi'se , nnd Metropolitan hotel arc consider ably too near the German Lutheran church at the corner of Ninth street and Avenue A. All of these will have to be ruled out by the council In accordance with the pro visions of the now law. MIN : \vn.i. CRI.UIIIIVTI : , Committees Appointed to Arrange for a < > rcilt lllniMJli the fourth. At a meeting of traveling men last night It was decided to have a grand celebration and picnic on July 4 , to Include all travelIng - Ing men and their families. W. M. Shepard was chosen chairman and George S. Trcynor secretary , and the following committees named : Committee on Program C. L. Hammcl , George A. Yancey , S. O. Mumma , II. I. Forsythe , Albert Fan ! . Grounds and Water L. A. Devlne , James Ballenger , James Herold , J. II. Slgafoos , R. Earlngfyht. Transportation and Refreshments , Tables and Seating W. J. Davenport , II. Franklin , F. A. Blxby , Dan L. Garrison , C. II. Dyer. Finance M. F. Rohrer , E. II. Merrlam , J. W. Pcrrcgoy , Henry H. Von Brunt. Printing and Advertising Lucius Wells , E. A. Troutman , II. P. Barret , R. E. Ingra- ham , AV. L. Thlckstun. Music and Decoration R. J. McBrlde , E. H. Haworth , E. Rlsser , W. 0. Wlrt , J. M. Warren. Reception Committee C. R. Hannan , O. P. McKesson , W. A. Maurer , Hon. William Gronewlg , Den Mlntcn , L. C. Empkle , F. A. Sllchtcr , John Beno , C. L. Hammel , Thomas Mctcalf , sr. , T. A. Klrkland , Fred L. Loomis , W. J. Jameson , John P. Davis , John II. Bentley , L. C. Huff , Flnley Burke , M. Van Derveer , William II. James , C. R. Tyler , H. C. Addis , Howard Hattenhauer , Charles Beno , George S. Treynor. J. J. Jones , W. Q. Spencer. D. J. Clark , Will Copson. OHlccr of the Day George C. Wise. The committee are requested to meet at the Traveling Men's rooms , 115 Pearl street , which will be open at all time. The committee on pTogramvlll meet Monday evening. Juno 11 , at 8 o'clock. Commencement with the Silent Onss. The following Is the proferam to be presented Monday afternoon at the com mencement exercises at the school for the " ' deaf : Invocation Sign Hymn Nearer My God to Thee. . . Misses Ostrander , Martio , Farquler , Porter. Es ay The Commonweal Crusade _ Lyman I eroy Glenn Essay Good Iloaclq..Henry Lester Smith Oral Recitation What the Bird Did. . . . , " Sammy Brown Recitation The King of Denmark's Ride. . Jode Clayton Rains Essay Mary Washington.- _ , ? Ulara Allie Thoreson Reeltatlon Annabel Lee , Charles Albert Lees Indian CluJ ) Drill Boys RilM ttvtlon Iowa Misses Truhlar , Onstott , Glfford. Oral Recitation The Lord la My Shcp- . herd tLlllle Ward A Little Nonsence j , Messrs. Ross Mtirdock.JJames Erwln McEvov. Recitation God Qave the Flapr _ t. . . . Sarah-Rosena Hammcl Oral Concert Recitation Work While You Work Pupils of the Oral Class Recitation Darius Green and His Fly- Inj ; Machine..Charles Edwin-Appleby Coming Thro' the Rye f Llllle Teller Essay The Foundation of Labor . . . " " - , Walter Oldfathtr Recitation VV-V Nobility --"Minnie Mary Bartholomew - - " " " ; School Work , Messrs. Hanson , Goodwin , Fee. Scarf Drill Girls Valedictory , : i.Clnra Allle Thoreson Presentation of Diplomas The Lord's Prayer ClydcV Loughry Conveyances will leave the Grand hotel at 1 o'clock to take visitors to the Institu tion. ' Things Now nnd Itcprutcd. , It Is generally supposed at times difficult to introduce something new to the public. This may seem so to mos . people , but with such a stack of-merchandise as Is carried by the BOSTON STORE the result Is too easily obtained. This time It' Is umbrellas. NO TICE EAST SHOW WINDOW display and prices. Every umbrella ( n our stock offered at a now price during this sale. West show window represents a sample line of our last Invoice of ready made wrap pers , and will REPEAT our sale of a few weeks ago , which wilt bo remembered by all purchasers. This time the assortment Is much larger and prices lower than ever offered during any of'our previous sales. . Other show windows display a sample line of our stationery , toilet articles and no tions , among which are to bo found at all times the latest and best articles the mar ket affords. FOTHEIUNGIIAM , WHITELAW & CO. . Council Bluffs , la. ni r * . II. II. rielil Iend. Sarah E. . wife of H. II , Field , died yes terday afternoon at 1:30 : o'clock after a long and painful Illness. She was a daughter of John nnd Margaret Arnold , was born In Covlngton , Ky. , October 12 , 183.0. She was married to Mr. Field In Cincinnati , O. , Oc tober 10 , 1SGO. She came to Council Bluffs with her husband April C , 185C. Besides lier husband she leaves three daughters , Mrs. T. E. Cavln of this city , Mrs. II. H. Qlovcr and Mrs. William M. Geddcs of Qrand Island , Neb. , all of whom , together with a sister , Mrs. M. A. Baker of Cincin nati , O. , were with her at the tlmo of her loath. For forty years she has been a member ] f the church , first the Methodist Episcopal ind later of the St. Paul's Episcopal church licro. The funeral will tnko place from her late tiomo , 129 Park avenue , Monday at 4 p. in. , uid the remains will bo burled In Falrvlew : ometcry. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Headquarters for window , shades In all widths and styles. Prices always the low- sat. Also upholstery a specialty. Council [ Hurts Carpet Co. , 407 Broadway. Tele phone 61. Hpeclul Millinery Kulo. MUs Ragadale , 10 Pearl street , will sell nicely trimmed Leghorn hats for $1.25 , Former price $2.CO ; beat hats at $5.60 , former price $10.00. This week. 8. Y. II. Itccentlon. An entertainment was given by the young men of the S. Y. B. Friday evening at the residence of K. E. llart on Willow avenue. The lawn In front and In the rear of the House was gaily decorated with Chinese Lanterns and presented & beautiful appear ance. A largo number of the young friends nnd older ones n well , of the boys dropped In nnd xpcnt delightful social evening. A pleasing program was rendered In the house among the performers being Glen Wood ol Scdnlla , Mo. ; Mrs. W. W. Sherman , Mrs. F H. Evans , Miss Ircno Test , Miss Sadlo Kama worth , the mandolin club , nnd the S. Y. B quartet. Misses Schocntgcn , Baldwin am Plnney looked nfter the candy booth , nnt the boys , dressed In white aprons , scrvei refreshments on the back lawn. Ituldod u UiimbtlHK Hoiinn. Late Friday night the city marshal's de partment got out after the proprietors ol the upstairs department of the Mint saloon on Middle Broadnay , on the supposltlot that they were engaged In keeping r gambling house. The officers entered ball front and back doors simultaneously am surprised about fifty men In the act of bet ting on the red. There was a hasty exodus but out of the crowd the officers managed tc secure John Schcfller , the proprietor , and his employes , J , C. Hanford , better knowr as "Suspender Jack , " W , II. Morton , J O'Neal , J. 0. Davis and Frank Wells. Thej gave bonds for their appearance nnd .were discharged for the rest of the night. In police court yesterday morning the > wcro given n hearing. It seemed that the ) had been given some reason prior to the last city election to hope that they mlghl be allowed to run If they did It quietly , During the races n gambling house was rut ! at the driving park under the protection ol the police and marshal's department , ami Schemer and his men Inferred from this thai they could run without fear of molestation. The fact that a crop Joint was being op erated cadi night In a saloon less than Uu blocks from the police station was another straw that showed which way the wind blew. The court thought their offence was not a very serious one under the circum stances , and so he only fined Schefllcr $14.CC and discharged the rest on their promise ol future good behavior. il'ilt Illx Toot 111 It. " One of Council Bluffs' society young men while walking do\vn Main street dropped Into a well known men's furnishing establish ment and asked to be shown something "right up to date" In men's shoes. The dealer handed down several pairs of the giddiest things ho had in stock , and the young man after carefully Inspecting them selected a pair and Inquired the price. Upon being told that he could have his choice for $3.uO he lost no time in putting his foot Into it. Just such things happen every day at 919 Main street , and it only goes to show that T. B. Hughes la belling men's furnish ings and shoes cheaper than any one In the city. Call and be convinced. , Sentenced Two Pr Charles Foster , who pounJed Constable Daker last winter while the latter was tryIng - Ing to arrest him , was found guilty of as sault In the district court yesterday nnd sentenced to sixty days In the county Jail or to pay n fine of $200. Josie Hulbert , who shot at David Long was given sixty days and a fine of $200 , which will run her jail term term up to about five months. Her attorney , Colonel Dalley , asked the court to reconsider the sentence on the , ground that she was crazy , having come from a stock that was not /il- togcther clear-brained. Judge Thornell thought about It , but after an hour or so of thinking concluded not to change his mind. Judge Thornell left for home last evening and will not return any more this term. Tomorrow morning Judge Lewis will arrive In the city and hold his first session of court In this city , commencing on the Mclzer blackma'llng case. The grand Jury will begin another short session In the morning , and It Is likely that some of the indictments they bring In will be tried In court before the close of the present term. Frank Jones , charged with burglarlng the 3M03 store of William Asmusscn , was ac quitted by the Jury. I.nko Miumivii Itnllnny Tlmo Card. Commencing Saturday , June 9 , trains will leave Council Bluffs for Grand Plaza , BathIng - Ing Beach and Picnic Grounds at Lake Man- iwa as follows : NO. 1 , 9 a. m. ; No. 3 , 10 a. in. ; No. 5 , 11 , a. m. ; No. 7 , 12 m. ; No. 9 , 1 p. m , ; No.'llJ 2 p. m. Trains , wjlh run fqvery twenty-two minutes thereafter" until 10 p. m. Return trains will leave Manawa on the half hours up to 10:30 , when thoy'wlll re turn every twenty-two minutes. i\i\ns I.iiundry Company. B20 Pearl street. Telephone. 290. Lawyers Vcrmis Olllclals. The game of base ball at the driving park yesterday between the attorneys and the city and county officials was a very In teresting affair. There was a great many things about It that would have been objec tionable to a base ball artist , and the srrors flew In with such amazing rapidity : hat the diamond became too much crowded H times for comfort. But for unadulter ated fun it was Just what the public had joon waiting for , and the by-plays and mis- [ ilays 'were applauded with as much en joyment as though It had been Anson's colts : lmt wcro getting pounded Into the earth In Ihelr well known way. The game only lasted five Innings , though why It was the : lty and county officials could not exactly letermlne , further than that the announce ment of the umpire was innrte after a short llscusslon between the umpire and some of : he mcmbe'rs of the legal nine. The work ) f Etnyro and Askwlth In the pitcher's box ind of Thomas and Canning of the officials md Schury of the attorneys behind 'tho bat ivas highly artistic. At the end ol the fifth nnlng game was called , the attorneys wtn- ilng by a score of 9 to 5. ' . . . Grand 1'laza , Lnko Manawa. Grand Plaza will be open to frco admls- ilon every day up to noon. From noon mtll midnight an admission , fee of 10 cents vlll be charged , -which will admit 'to grounds md to concerts and allentertalmnents. _ No cturn checks will be given. No person of questionable character will > c permitted to enter the grounds. No admittance to Grand Plaza will bo ihargcd to persons who deslro to rent boats ir bathing suits. Ice cream and refreshments served In the lavlllon of Grand Plaza. _ Watch the Eagle Jaundry for the Improvc- nents of the day. A new sleeve and yoke ronlng machine Is the latest. Telephone 157. Dunclng 1'iirty. Miss Gertrude Pusey entertained a few rlends In a pleasant cud ) Informal way Thursday evening at her home on Willow ivenue , In honor of Miss Nelllo Sackolt of Chicago , who Is visiting her many friends lere. The evening was spent In cards , tanclng and other amusements and dainty 'cfreslunents ' were served. Among t he juest-i present , were the Misses Georgia lennett , Nelllo Zurmuehlen , Jennlo Keating , ilaud Murphy , Angela Wlckman , Fan- ilo Reynolds , Nelllo Sacked , Molllo lice , Warren , Bella Kalb and Mary Coy ; Messrs. L. Zurmuehlcn , George Mayne , fames Fenlon , Bert Plnney , W. Rlgdon , Juerr and Emmet Tlnley. * Every person who went to Manawa yestcr- lay was surprised and delighted at the mag- ilflcent Improvements that have been made or this season. Lake Manawa Is the only ako within 200 miles of Council Bluffs and ) maha worthy the name. Flvo-ccnt faro vlll bo made today for all picnic and ex- urslon parties who go down on the forenoon'1 rains , 10 cents for the round trip. Kxcumloii to Lincoln , The Burlington route has arranged for an xcurslon to Burlington beach , Lincoln , Neb , , lunday , June 10. Lincoln's Coney Island. lound trip $1.10. Special train leaves Omaha t 9:30 : p. m. 0. M. BROWN , Ticket Agent , Council Bluffs. The Trcubund lodge , No , E9 , will give a ilcnlo at the driving park Sunday , June 10 , 'oot races , sack races , ball game and other musements. Best Council Bluffs music. Sverybody Invited. After June 12 we will close out store at 8 'clock , except Saturdays and Mondays. S. L. Pierce & Co. Washerwomen use Domestic soap. KupervUors Adjourned. The board of supervisors has adjourned without 'acting on the resolution granting tie right of way to the Council Bluffs & Ako Manawa Electric Motor company. The ounty attorney has not yet rendered his pinion as to the legal right of the board a do what the company wants , and there ffvms to bo conio uncertainty as to when li will. From wjfilt can bo gathered fret the guarded reiiuj kji of the parlies on th Inside , It nppr-nr * tlmt there Is llttlo nnxlct on the part of the hoard to grant the right c wny , nnd the prAcWt Intention Is to let th matter go by default. I.fhhtry 1'nrty. Tucsdiy ovenlhVjxtrs. Chamberlain , at he homo on Bluff s.tr e't ' , entertained In an In formal manner tty ? jJluft street M. I. L. C and several ether ( guests with n llbrnr party. It wns a 'fitting thing that the M. 1 L. C. , after their ) long nnd arduous struggl for knowledge should nt last resolve them selves Into book * ) -.with their titles cun nlngly arranged for ono Id guess , and boun In colors , sober , grave or gay as seemed goo to each. After the guessing c.imo the llbrar chat , In which . .each book gave the stir and substance Of its contents. A tab ! covered with various articles arranged t represent the tltllW of books and a humorou reading wore also' features of the ovcnlnp Clegant refreshments wcro served nt 1 o'clock. Then came games and then gooi night and the books fluttered away Into th dark. The first to go was the "Goldci Butterfly , " guarded by "Innocence Abroad,1 carrying "Golden Jlod. " "Tho Tax on Tea' ' came slowly 0\wn with "The Light of Othe Days. " "Tho Light That Failed" went out "Fern Leaves" folded her ferny form am " " "Twenty Thousam took "Dora" home. Leagues Under the Sea" sailed away will "Alvlnlnnlm" nnd "Tho Chnln Bearer,1 "Oliver Goldsmith. " "Lace , " "Rose In June , ' "World's Fair Views , " "Roso In Bloom , ' "Bow of Orange Ribbon" nnd "Not Llk Other Girls" swiftly followed. "Plckwlcl Papers" and "Called Back" wcro the last ti say goodnight. Then "Mlddlemarch , ' "Blgelow Papers" nnd "Llttlo Rci Rldlnghood" stood nlone under th softly shaded lights wrapped litho the fragrance of countless Juno rose that were drooping In every nook and come of the rooms. _ _ On Thursday , June 11 , the Apollo club o Omaha , assisted by Mr. F. H. Adelman am a string quartet , will give a concert li Dohany's opera house for the benefit o Grace church. Part of the program wll bo as follows : The Heavens Are Telling . Hnndc Blow , Bugle. Blow . . . Florist Easter Hymn Cavallerla . Mascagn The remainder of the program will conblsl of quartets and solos , vocal nnd Instrumental and mnlo choruses. Mlas Coon , Messrs Wllklns , Pennell and others will sing Tickets , 75c. DOc and 2Cc. Boxes for sale and. 75c and OOc reserved scats at Sellers drug store. High School Cadets. The High school cadets will have a pub lic review tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 : o'clock at Bayllss park. They will meet at the High school at 1 o'clock Monday afternoon the march to the park under the dlrectlor of Captain Frank J. Capcll. The following Is the program of the exercises : March High School Cadets. .Dnlbey's BanO Inspection of Arms . . . . . . . . . . . . . Uy Captain W. B. Altchison Exhibition Drill . High School CndoU Mnrch-Ameilcan Cadets . . . .Dalbey's Baml History of the Organization of the Cn- ' " ' " ' Address 'and"Prese'ntatlon"o'f Sword to the Cadets . Anna P. Steven ? Grand Regimental March . .Dalbey's Band Presentation of Commissions . .C. R. Fonda The lllceicd Italn. Has set everybody thinking how llttlo It takes to make us happy , and Homer's cus tomers have long been thinking how little Money It takes tp get up a first-class din ner when they send their orders for groceries to 538 Broadway. _ A lawn party -will be given at William Ke'cllno's on Upper Broadway Thursday even ing , Juno 14 , by 'Calarshl assembly , Pythian sisterhood. Admission , Including cards , dancing and rdfrOiShments , 25c. Trans portation. from motor to ground free. My entire stock of baby carriages , the largest In the city , wll ) be closed.out at cost. J. D. Crockwell. Jtclnforcenientd for the Parade. General Brooke" of Fort Omaha notified Mayor Cleaver and--J. J. Steadman of the committee baylns. ! " , phargo the preliminary arrangements for the Grand Army cncair-j- ment that six companies of United States regulars , Including one company of In dians , will be sent over from the fort on Wednesday , June 20 , to take part In the great parade. The transportation will cost nothing , the committee having prevailed upon the Union Pacific to furnish the cars , while the Omaha Terminal company's en gine will haul them over the Fremont , Elkhorn - horn & Missouri Valley tracks. We want everybody to know that Morgan sells paints and drugs. 134 and 742 Broadway. There's only ono bargain shoe store In Council Bluffs , and It's Plcrcc's. Manawa trains will run both ways every 22 minutes after 12 o'clock today. Kturt a Dispensary. A new scheme has been started by Rector J. E , Simpson and his helpers In Grace Epls- : opal church. A medical dispensary has been started for the purpose of furnishing medical aid for the poor of the city. Dr. F. W. IloughtG.i will bo at the church on Tuesday's from 10 to 12 a. m , and on Thursday's from 2 to 4 p. m. , and his services and the medi cine needed , provided by the parish , will bo given to all who are In need and without the money to pay. The move la ono which de serves the hearty co-operation of all chnr- Itably Inclined people. _ Hundreds of people enjoyed the new bathIng - Ing beach In front of the Grand Plaza at Manawa yesterday. Bath houses and batlilng suits are all new and first-class. AVood. 1,000 cords of wood for sale. Delivered In carloads only ; also bur oak posts. Ad- Ircss L. E. Williams , Glonwood , la. I have two o' the choicest lots In Morn- Ingsldo that I will' sell for $350 each , cash. B. H. Sheafo. _ la it Sum 1'uyiio ? D. E. H. Brlcc , a mall clerk on the Union Pacific road , reported at police headquarters yesterday morning that a colored man inswerlng the description of Sam Payne , wanted in Omaha In connection with the Maud Rubel murder , had been seen on Frl- lay at Pine Bluffs , Wyo. He was trying to beat his way pn a passenger train to Cheyenne , and was bounced from the train jy the conductor. How far will a $ go ? Long ways at S. A. Pierce & Co.'s shoe store. Gas cooking stove * for rent and for sale at 3as Go's office. _ Martha WnahliiKton Party , Mrs. C. A. Tlbbltts' hoirie on north Sev- mth street was tljjj scone of a pleasant and inlquo .gatherlnR'AadL Thursday afternoon. i\bout twen'ty-Hvo 'jia'Ics assembled there , ittircd In the gattu'df colonial days , for a Vlartha Washington , cn party. A burlesque in a ladles' lodge was ono of the amusing 'catures ' of the atfcnfoon. Domestic soap ftreaks hard water. Mrs. Nlles , m'fjr.jptmplng patterns. IlouUiioK ) \ > raver. A meeting will .lei held at the carpenter ihop , corner Slxtpnjh street and Eighth ivenue , on Moiulnr evening , the llth , to > rganzo ! a Weaver club for the Fifth ward , V general uUcndhjlen of citizens favoring General Weaver's 'Candidacy Is requested. t , P , L. GILLETTE , Chairman City Central Committee. - L""I'J > - The laundries use Domestic soap. "lj v Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap. MarrlitRo I.lo'n'es. The following marriage licenses wcro Is- iued yesterday by the county clerk : Jaine nnd Address. Age. "rederlck F. Peterson. Council Rluffti. . . 30 Coren Thorkllscn , Council Bluffs . 8 \mlrew J. Sully , Omaha . , . , 29 Vnnle M. Martin , Neoliv . . . . . 23 Itnhhcm lllow h'ufc. CEDAR RAPIDS , la. . June 9. ( Special Telegram to The Bee. ) Burglars broke Into Harks' hotel , opened the safe and took $150 n cash and several hundred dollars worth if whl.ky bonds. At Courtland beach La Rose Bros , acrobats. DEALT IS WORTHIES LANI American Investment Company of Town in i Deplorable Condition. RECEIVER ASKED OF THE FEDERAL COURT Thousand * of Dnllnr * Loaned on WoMrri S.tnd HUM Through J > l lunic t or iRiiur- ant Director ! ( llgiintla lltiMnciii at the Uofuncl Corporation , UUUUQUK , Juno 0. ( Special Tclcgrntn ti The IJco. ) A bill wns filed In the Unltei States court hero today In which the canton stockholders ask that a receiver be apponltci for the American Investment company ol Kinmotsburg , la. Subsequently John Stow , art & Co. of Manchester , England , who holt ! over $1,000,000 of the defendant's obligations filed a bill of Intervention , asking for 11 Joint receivership. Judge Shlras Issued an order to the dC' fondant to show cause why the rccclveishli should not bo granted. This order Is re turnable Juno 19. Complainant's bill charges the American Investment conip.uiy with In solvency or Its olllcers with mismanagement A. L. Ormsby of Emmotsburg Is president and W. L. Tlllford of nmmetsbtirg secretary I. ? lnorlzcl1 cnlllal l M.OOO.OUO , of whlcli $800,000 Is paid up. The company has loaned between $7.000,000 and $8,000,000 on farms n boulli Dakota , western Kansas and Ne braska , Wyoming , Colorado , Washington , Oregon and Texas. It 1ms outstanding aboul ? 3,000,000 of guaranteed loans and $2OOO.OOC of debenture bonds , and of these $ S,000OOC of mortgages 40 per cent have been de faulted and defendant company is unable tc make Its guarantee good. Many tracts of land on which the com pany s eastern Investors hold first mortgages have been allowed to go to sale for the taxes of 1892 without the knowledge of the eastern Investors. It Is further alleged that large sume of money collected by the company for eastern Investors In Its loan and bonds have boon spent by the corporation without these Investors' knowledge or consent. July 1 next $100,000 will bo duo on these degenturcs In principal and $ CO,000 In Interest , and the company will be unable to make the pay ments. Two hundred thousand dollars of deben ture bonds Issued by the company were based on second mortgages and stocks In defunct Institutions. The company holds 400 mortgages , representing $400,000 on land In Holt county , Neb. , so poor that purchasers for It could not bo found even at tax sale , and It reverted to the county for unpaid taxes. Men look up homesteads on this worthless soil , and by collusion with the company's local agents , who reported false appraisements to the homo ofllce , secured loans of $800 to $1,000 , then abandoned the farms as their only purpose In taking up the claims was to secure the loans. In South Dakota also the company holds mortgages on 1,000 tracts of worthless land , many of thefarmers having abandoned their farms after securing the loans. The case and enormity with which this Imposi tion was practiced on the company Is attrib uted to the careless and icckless manage ment of the company , particularly In em ploying Incompetent Inspectors or field agents , who were supposed to examine the lands and pass on their value. The com pany's New York ofllce has been closed and It Is believed the application for a receiver ship will not be resisted. 11A1N' IN IOWA. Drouth of n Month's Duration Itrokcn In Sotcrul 1'luccfl. CRESTON , la. , June 9. ( Special Telegram to The Bee. ) The drouth of over a month's duration In the blue grass region was broken hero today by copious rains. Hall accom panied the rain , but not of sufficient quan tity to do any danger. The oat crop will be a partial failure and the hay crop will be exceedingly light- for this section as 'a re sult of the drouth. Corn will bo a full crop. . i # i -i ' Ontiilm Wcnlors at UurllnBton. BURLINGTON , la. , June 9. ( Special Tele gram to The Bee. ) Burlington today re ceived Omaha's contingent of Coxeyites. "General" Kelsey and army arrived at 3 this afternoon , and were Immediately com pelled to board a boat and were taken to Shoquon landing , six miles down the Mis sissippi on the Illinois side. The general and an Omaha newspaper reporter , who seemed to be acting In the capacity of "un known" made a vigorous kick against leaving ' ing Burlington so suddenly , but o'no or two leaders , Including the Omaha reporter , were placed under arrest and were taken aboard , when the rest meekly followed , and .tho boat pulled out amid cheers. Will Tnlco Ills Medicine. DBS MOINES , June 9. ( Special Telegram to The Mee. ) The motion for a new trial for George Barnes was overruled _ In the federal court , and , realizing the doubtful result of a hearing In the appellate court and not caring to incur added costs and heavy attorney fees In the event of defeat , Barnes has concluded to abide by the find ing of the district court and submit to the sentence of four years' imprisonment at Fort Madison and pay a fine of $1,800. Ho was given ten days In which to arrange his buelncss affairs. His offense was the pur chase of $1,400 of stolen postage stamps and acting as a "fence" for stolen property. Creston Jail Minis I'sciipc , ) CRESTON , , la. , Juno 9. ( Special to The Beq. ) B. A. McKlnney and John Huffman , two prisoners confined in the county Jail , made their escape by removing a large stone from the foundation. Another prisoner gave the alarm and the sheriff and a posse are now out scouring the country for the fugitives. McKlnney was sentenced for five months for assaulting Dr. S. L. Groves with attempt to commit murder , and Huff man was awaiting the action of the grand Jury for robbing a store at Apton. Itnlnril Tlir-'o Hour * at .MALVEHN , la. , June 9. ( Special to The lice. ) The drouth of the past four weeks was broken this morning by a Jlno rain , lasting about three hours. The rain was greatly needed. The hey crop and wheat and oats Is practically mined , but the corn will bo greatly benefited. The fruit , espe cially apples , need much more rain to Insure a good crop. The small fruit will bo only about half a crop , owing to the late frost. Wither I'rophiit'Honored. PRUSIA , ' la. , Juno 9. ( Special Telegram to The Dee. ) The drouth was broken hero last night by a refreshing rain. This rain was predicted some thrco weeks ago by L. I. North ot this city. Ho was proientcd , In behalf of the citizens , with a $7 hat , but declined. _ Wan Imprisoned In an Unhrnlthy Jail. SIOUX CITY , Juno 9. ( Special Telegram to The Bee. ) Walter II. Brooks , who was confined In the county Jail after It was condemned by the grand jury as unhealthy nnd contracted consumption , has commenced suit against the county for $10,000 damages. niemrooil'K Drouth llrn'irn. lOLENWOOI ) . la , , Juno 9. ( Special to The Bee. ) Eighty-seven one hundrcdths of in Inch of rain fell hero last night. He- ports from other parts of Mills county Indi cate that the spring drouth U generally broken. _ _ _ _ _ ( looil Itiiln ut hlieiiundoiih. SIIBNANDOAII , la. , Juno 9. ( Special to Flio Bee. ) A good rain fell In this section last night , and today the fanners say the iroapect for corn was never better and that imall grain will headout well now. The now balloon , Courtland beach today. WciiliT * dot Nluoty HELENA , Mont. . Juno 6. Nineteen Com- nonwcalors from the state of Washington vero sentenced to ninety days In Jail today iy the United Statej court. They are part if the band which stole a Northern 1'aclfio rain a few weeks ago. Spend the day at Courtland beach. limit rent Kmhrzzlur Arroitoil In Chicago. CHICAGO , June 9. Louis Larlvce , alias lcevc said to bo an embezzler for nearly y ALL CURABLE DISEASES-MEDICINES FREE- 1 FEES OF DRS , COPELAND & SHEPARD 'THE LOWEST EVER KKOWH , It's n Grant Chnnco for Siok Folks and Lnrgo Nunibors Are Tnlc- ' Ing Advantage of It Mnny Wonlthy pcoplo Among the Appllcnntp. It Is known tlmt of late a great mnny very wealthy people , an well n a great iniitiy people of eminence In the profes sions , Imvo been preaching the merits ol the Copolnml & Shcpanl medical system with the zenl of honest missionaries. Thoughtful men nml women In nil parts of the city nre reminding the sick niut iUIIIctd of the helping hand extended by thesj physicians nnd urging them to take advan * tuRo of It. And the people doing this pri vate mission wulk Sive nil boon p.itlcnt * > of , iind nro personally conversant with , tne rnerltH of the system. Krom nil of which It would si-cm fnlr lo Infer Just this : That the Copclund * Fhep- nrd system of chronic disease treatment , while provided on surh terms that the pecan - > r can afford II , Is no mole " the poor man's treatment" thnn "Ihe rich mint's- treat ment. " It IH exactly the nystem th.it Is chosen by many scholars nnd by many Intelligent wealthy people an the best that the Vioild alToids. A SICltI.il : > UOUK.MAM. rnrcinitii llrimlim ol the Omitlni Street lliilhuiy Shop * on MM TliorutiBU Cure by Dr. Slicpiird. Mr. C. P. Itropltifl , of 1411 North 17lh street , for eleven years foreman of the paint shops of the Omaha Street Hy. Co , gives this as his experience : FOTIRMAN c. P. imosius. "I have been trying Dr. Shcpard's treat ment and llml that It cuies long Blinding catarih. When 1 went to him I wn * In bad shape every way. I was ulwavs out ol sorts. My head felt stuffed an.I fc-xcrlsh , with Fore pains through the no i- and eves I had a wietched headache that fceldom left me. There was a. feeling , hard to de scribe , of bodily depression , a sickly sens-i- tlon all through me , as If my whole ma chinery was out of gear. "I always had a , jellow coaling of tne tongue and a taste of sour poisons In tnc mouth and ilslng from the stomach All rell h for food left me and my stomach lost Its power. IlloatlnK and dlsli ss al ways came after my meals' . "My Meo was bad. At night I was un able to procure any real rest. It began tc wear me out , for every day the whole sys tem seemed to be netting farther from n natural , healthy state "Now , about my ticatment , I will simply Bicycle Repairing- J3icyclG Sundries iGreasolene' jncycle chains j PRICE 25 CENTS. ' The only lubricant that lubricates 2.500 miles of noiseless chain. Greasollne will make the chain run perfectly. Nothing met on the road will faze it. The tube Is cleanly and convenient for the pockot. A. H. PERRIGO & CO. , 1212 Douglas St. , State Ag-nts. Wo make a specialty of repairing PNEUMATIC SULKIES. Tires nnd parts always kept In stock. Write for our com plete catalogue of sundries. 1212 DOUULAS ST. . MILL.AUD HOTEL. ( Prow U. S. Journal of Mtillriiie , ) Trof.W. lI.Pcekc , lie mnkcsa epcclnlty of Epilepsy , hag \\lthont doubt treated nnd cured more cases than any IMng J'hj sklan ; Ills success la astonishing. We Imohcardofcascsof 20 yenre'etnndlni ; cured liyliim. Ho publlbhcsa valuable work on tlila disease which lie tends n Ith n largo bottle of Ills absolute cure , free tc any tuffcrcrwlioinnyscnd their P.O , nnd Kxjircssnd- drcus. Wo n Jviso nn ) oi.c wishing a euro to address. I'rof. W. II. I'KKKE. V. D. . 4 Cedar fcL. New York $7,000 In Montreal , C.m. , has been arrested In this city. Larlvce , or Itoevcs , as lie was Itnoun liere , who Is a gentlemanly appearing young fellow , wing In a fashionable Montreal church , and , It Is charged , embezzled the money from a firm of custom brokers , In which 119 was a partner. Spend the day at Courtland beach. cnur ISM-OUTS. Condition of Wliritt Mums a Slight 1m- liroMiiiirnt < l\Vr Muv. WASHINGTON , Juno 9. The report of Juno , consolidated returns of crop reports of the Agrlculturcl department makes the acreage of winter wheat somn , compared with that which was harvested last year , 99 per cent , being a decrease of 1 point. There Is an Increase of acreage as compared with 1893 In but ten states , the principal part of which was made In the states of Kansas and Illinois. The percentage of winter wheat acreage of the principal states arc : Ohio , 95 ; Michigan. 83 ; Indiana , 91 ; Illinois , 122 ; KunbUH , 120 , and California , 103. The per- ccntago of spring wheat area for the whole country Is 87.08 per ocnt , being a reduction from last yejr'fl average of 12.2 points. The percentages of wring wheat acreage of the principal states are : Minnesota , 87 ; Nebraska , 81 ; South Dakota , 85 ; North Da kota , 95. The nNcrago percentage of acreage for both spring and winter wheat for the whole country Is 9f..3 , making a total area In round numbers of 33,000,000 acres. rho condition of winter wheat has Improved since the last report a llttlo. being 83.2 per : ont , against 81.4 on May 1. The percentages 3f the principal states are as follows : Ohio , ) fl ; Michigan , 80 ; Indiana , 93 ; Illinois , 84 ; Missouri , 82 ; Kansas , 57 ; California , CO. The : ondltlon of spring wheat for the ontlro : ountry Is 88 per cent , and for the principal tyring wheat states Is as follows Wisconsin , 10 ; Minnesota , 99 ; Iowa , 90 ; Nebraska , 44 ; Jotith Dakoti , 78 ; North Dakota , 97. Wa h- ngton , 89 ; Oregon , 96. The preliminary re- lort places the average at nearly 1 point ess than last year. The general average for ho whole country Is 09.1. The returns show ho condition to bo 87 , against 88,9 last 'uno ' , The poach crop , commercially considered , n practically a failure. The condition of pples Is rather butter than that of peaches. Conditions are high In northern districts , nit relate principally to blooms. Hut little rult Is expected In the Missouri bolt. Pros- ircts are brighter In the mountain and I'a- Iflo states. a Ilalloon , Courtland beach , afternoon and vcnlng. pay that It rrllovcd my dltrc slng symp toms almost from the start and In a shcrt time effected n caniploto cure. In my opin ion there Is no other treatment known tluit will begin to compare with It" sti.MMiiiuv.vNr.ui : : * . In all troubles of a catnrrhat or bronchial nature , one month's ttoatmcnt In the sum mer I ? , ns n itilc , worth two In the winter. H Is In the summer tlmt nature lenla hT aid to the woik of the physician. Tbn even temperature makes conditions special ly fnvotablc for n speedy euro. The liabili ty to catching cold Is rcdtieed to the mini mum , Time nnd again have Ois. Copclnnd & fhcpiml ui getl put Ion ( M In desperate Plaues of catarrh to wall until mimmer for lH'iitineiit. mid they hav.c never failed to UIKO all who have any Hares of thin Inslrtt- OIH iiiM.niHo to einl'iMic the opportunity which cummer ofTeis. nnd rid themselves of It then , even when Us symptoms nro lisa and annoying then usual. IIIHI-- : : CASK. I'liiln U'onU from u riiiln Mnn , V Wrntprn Cntllriimii SOPH No Iliirni In ( living it lilt of PiTMiliit : IlxprrlmiPi * . Mr. W. It. HIcliaidH , Wliltcwood , 3. D. , ni drover nnd shipper well known among' stockmen In Omaha and throughout tuo west , took time the other day , nlthough ni busy man , to go on record as follows : "Aly life has been nn active one , and full of exposure ; still , for n man of G9 , I am hearty nnd rugged About two year.i uo 1 bemin havlni ; pains In my head-dull at times thun shooting and darting In every direction So sevete were they , by spelts , that they prostialed hie. 1 had lo KO to li'-d , keep absolutely iulet | and exclude nil nolle Mil' ! Huh' I nollred mj nose gradually closing up until It was sealed tight A bad dlsehargu \\iin constant , which became fetid and ter- ilbly offensive Th nostrils woio sore nnd rnAt night the phlemn nnd matter from m > nose and throat alumst drowned me. I had to net up out of bed to hawk and tplt It out to keep from choking. "This was a wi etched state. I Ibng d to Ine ithe through my nose nnd pot rfd tC the ulcerous dlsclmmc that was nbomlnib'A to myself nnd friends. With this object I came to Omaha to be cured. My ill oiso was ptonounced eatarth , with soft tumors , or polypi , of the no e. These Dr. Shcpanl removed at once and without pain , making * my nose clear and open. This Is a wonder ful relief. All odor has disappeared an I I Min fWHtiK llku a new man. Under tha mull or home treatment my catnrrhal dls- east- bus easily yielded. Uet mo say thiiC I bluhly appreciate the work of the.Q physicians In my case. " HOMI : THIATMINT. Evoi'y mall brings additional proof of tha success of the homo or mall tic'atmcnt. I f , \ on eitncot coino to thu olltuuvnto tor a symptom lilunlc. DRS , COPELAND & SHEPARD , ROOMS 311 AND 312 NHW YORK LIFQ UUIL.UINO. OMAHA. NK1J. Ofllce Houts 9 to 11 a. m. ; 2 to 5 p. m. Evenings Wednesdays and Saturdays only , 0:30 : to 8:30. : Sunday 10 to 12 m. Steam and Hot Water Homing for" Roslcloncos and Buildings. ' J. C. B1XBY , ( j 202 Main. 203 Pearl Streets , Council BlulTs , Iowa. COUNCIL QAHLSAGi ; IIUMOVUD. CESSPOOLS. VAULTS. cilmnc ) > > cleaned. Ud Kurkc , ut Taylor * * grocery , [ 40 llioudway. 1'ASTL'HAai : . rnisT-CLASs. ron see JIHAD ; 3 miles nni ill nf tcmn ; good mtm In charge. L. 1 > . Juilsui , ! .KJ HUtli mcnue , or 323 Uronil- uuy , Council lllufTB. rOU SAhu 10-ACUirilUIT FA11M , WHLLi Improved , cheap. , Gr cnslilclUs , Nicholson & Co. _ HOOD * nillL , WANTED FOR OUNKIlAIj houiicnork. Mr . H. W. Tlln-n , C27 Klftli WAN-run , ROOD aim , rou GIINBUAI. ik. Mm. Dr. Jeffries , 'Bit ' ricicher nve. tTB-.T-mi'.i a Kcreg Tills extra' Constipation , onllmiry Uo- JJlizlncts , luronator is Falling Ben- l h o in o H t tatlonn.Ncrv * wonderful oiifltwlichliijt discovery of of the eyes the . It ORC. and o tli or baa been en pa. Is. dorsed by the Htrcngthons , tlllo men of Kuropo and and tones the America. entire i > yttcm. Hudjan Is lludian cum rely vege Debility , able. Nervousness , lludjin Plops Emissions , Pretnatureness anddevolopo and rcutorta of the d In \ie k organs. charge In 'JO Tains In Iho days. Cures back , lotsci LOST by day or MANHOOD ulckly , Over 2.000 private endorsements. I'rematurencss means Impotency In tha rat alucc. It Is u symptom of seminal feuknuHM and burrcnncBa. It can ba topped In 'M dnyn by the use of Hudyan. The new discovery wan made by the upeo- illBta of tliu old fumouH Hudson Medical riBtltuve. It is the strongest vltullzer mile. H In very powerful , but harmless , old for tl.uO a package or six package * or J5.00 ( plain sealed boxes ) . Written uarantca Klvcn for a cure. If you buy Ix boxes and are not entirely cured , lx lore will bo cent to vou frco of all charges , end for circulars and testimonial * . AditrcM * HUDSON MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1032 Murljut St. , Suu Francisco , CuL