T A * y , . - < „ . * . -VI. , THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , 10 , 189J--TWENTY PAGES. CONDITION OF OMAHA'S ' TRADE Ittsincs * in a Jobbing Way Shows No Very Important Changes. CROP CONDITIONS CONTROL BUSINESS Itnnk Clcnrtngs Show a Fnlllnic OT ( in the rorcnntngn of Iccron o a * Compared with Unn Your Ago Gold Hold hy National Hank * . Tim local business situation haa failed to ihovr any Improvement during the past week and general conditions are practically unchanged. The jobbers are doing a fair business In most lines and qullo an actlvo business In somo. Thus the hardware trade has been moderate , whllo In the Una of groceries there has been a good deal of ac tivity. The loss of a largo proportion of the fruit and early vegetable crops from the late frosts naturally Increases the demand for certain lines of groceries , as canned goods , dried fruits , etc. The dry goods houses are reporting a heavier trade than a year ago. The Indi vidual orders received by them Is not largo , but the number ot orders Is so great that the total volume Is ahead of last year. As has been already pointed out , this Is duo to an Increase In the number ot customers who have turned tholr trade to Omaha. The Chlcaga Dry Goods Heporter has been mak ing a careful Investigation ot the situation In the west and arrives at the same conclusion , ' that Is , that Bomo of the smaller Jobbing centers have had an Increased business as a result of the depression , explained because the trade of their adjoining territory have been Induced by the prevailing conditions to buy small orders frequently from the nearest market rather than take the risks and trouble of larger purchases from longer dis tances. Undoubtedly this trade has been drawn from the larger Jobbing centers of the western circuit. The latter , however , have recouped themselves In exactly the same manner from trade which formerly went di rect to the cast , and who have been per suaded to stop oft this season In Chicago or St. Louts. Omaha has taken much trade that for merly went to Chicago , and the latter city has added to the list of her customers many buyers who formerly went to 'Now York. Naturally enough the extreme eastern cltlos. having no territory from which to make up their losses In the west , are com plaining the most bitterly of dull times. The publication referred to above esti mates that western dry goods Jobbers as a whole have experienced a decrease In the volume of business amounting to 15 per cent from last spring , which was , however , a phenomenal season for several reasons. Blnce prices have decreased at least on an avertijzo of 10 per cent It will bo seen that the volume of goods transferred Is but slightly less than ordinary. At the same tlmo the dry goods Jobbers have marketed tholr stocks exceptionally close. A studied effort has been made to clean up carried over goods , and this has been done often regardless of prices. Buyers have been very chary about placing orders. As a result of this policy stocks In warehouses in the west are undoubtedly 25 to 50 per cent lower than last year at this tlmo. The opinion Is general that a settlement of the tariff agitation Is needed to restore confidence , without which no return to old- time conditions can bo expected. The hope for summer and fall trade Is still very largely dominated by crop prospects. Fortunately the crop outlook Is a little brighter Just t.c present , owing to the recent nhpwers. Stocks In tho.hands of retailers have been so 'depleted' ' by' Iho hand to . , mouth policy of buying , Inaugurated during f the panic times of last year , that trade In a jobbing way must feel the Influence- unless 'cropjillllng weather takes away the purchasing power from the farmers. THE BANKS. Oma'Aa's decrease In the matter of clear ings lias shown a decided falling off during the past six days , as was predicted would \ > a the case a week ago. This Is due not to any special Improvement In the volume of trade , but to the fact that the dull times had reached Omaha In Juno last , year and that a , heavy drop In the clearings took place at that time. Consequently a com parison between the clearings of the present tlmo with Juno of lost year does not show the largo decrease noted a month ago. Omaha continues to make a good showing In the list of clearing house cities. Whllo there has been a decrease of 22 per cent In the clearings of the whole country , Omaha shows a decrease of only 10 per cent. Among other western cities Minneapolis has de creased In clearings 15 per cent. St. Paul 30 per cent , Denver 48 per cent , St. Joseph 34 per cent , Kansas City 5.7 per cent nnd Sioux City 18 per cent. The clearings for each day of tha past week nt Omaha have been as follows : Monday f 1,073,631.11 Tuesday , 9G0.2S8.G7 Wednesday 90G.fi05.73 Thursday 902.101.65 Friday 8CS.375.86 Saturday Total $5.720,101.73 K The continued export ot gold from the United States renders the location of the gold remaining In the country a matter of Interest. On June 1 the official treasury estimate of the stock ot gold In the United States was $065,000,000. According to the last 1 > anlc statement , gold , gold coin , treasury gold1 certificates and gold clearing house certificates are hold by the National banks ot ' .ho different states , as follows : | 83,000 EO.OOO 1.112.000 2,123.000 mi. nee 822,000 2.217.000 361.000 1,200.000 33,000 2.140,000 47,000 1.S41.000 407.000 77.000 12.000 2.430.000 2.220.000 i.cnaooo 1,400,000 710.000 333,000 S94.000 385.000 162.000 According to the above the banks of Ne braska herd $2,123,000 , an amount about tqual to that contained In the banks of Iowa. Colorado and Washington. AS DUN NICKS IT. Onmlin IIn Very Few llVislnu s I'allure * Crop 1'rospectn auit Trndo. y Mr , W. II. Robprson , manager of n. C. Dm ; Si Co. . speaklnff ot trade In Omaha , lays ; "Tho sensation of the week wan produced by the Nudden collapse of the liouso of Bterlo & AValker , St. Joseph , Mo. Al though It docs not necessarily affect un favorably nny business hotmo In Omaha , yet the name of D. M. Sleelu Is as old as Missouri river trade , and the houses ho litis established from time to time are landmarks In the development of the Mli-tsoiirl river jobbing trade. Jleslnnlng In liitHlno.ss tlfty years UKO , he has been a conspicuous tlgure in thla Hecllon ever elnco. Much regret la felt that dlsuater Hhould have overtaken him In his old ago , ami the hope Is freely exprwucd that no may not only pay every dollar , but havt a comfortable competency left. "The two recent heavy failures In St. Joseph brlnir to mind the fact that with the exception , of the seed house of Phh Stlmmel , It la niw within ten days of a. year slnco this city has experienced any lailura of coiiKcauenco. Iaat Juno tuo uholesalo grocery house of moan , John- can & Co. was forced to the wall , and the echoes ot that failure are still resounding lu the corrldont of the court house. The jobbing fraternity or Omaha la congratu lating Itself upon the fact that through all these troublous times this city has held her own. with no national bank failure and only two other disasters of any cense quence. "Tho canal enterprise Is not sleeping1. Borne deliberation La proper In. drafting lilana nnd preparing to submit the bonu proposition. Mora than thla U la not ex- IieJlent to Bay just now , but the prospects are Improving day by day. "The wall for rain has not yet died nway , but the pictures painted by nessl- , mt8tn regarding crop prospects are believed to bo overdrawn. The ( dot Is thnt small Krn.ln Is badly hurt , nnd fruits -will be very nhort , but corn Is doing well. The stand Is excellent , the corn Is ( trowing and rnln In Reason from now on will Rive Nebraska the largest corn yield oho has ever ex perienced. "Hetall business has been rather better thla week , nnd one of the largest retail merchants In Omaha told me the othri day that this May was the best May he had ever experienced. The smaller retail dealers complain a good deal and with cause , but retail collections nre better than usual and conditions seem to be slowly Improving. "The frnturc of these times which excites most Interest Is the great encouraging fact that failures have been few and far be tween. This Is true ot the country at large , and more especially true of OmaJia and Nebraska. "Taking everything Into consideration and casting about for facts regarding the general Hltuatlon , I am Inclined to the licllet that there Is now more reason for hope and a better prospect of nn early re covery than nt any time In the last three months. If Nebraska should have a good crop Omaha will have the largest whole- Halo trade she hati ever known next fall nnd winter. This la partly due to the depletion of stocks In country mores , but also to the fact that these close times have brought to us moro of the larger traders than ever before. " SNOW , CHURCH & Ncbrnnlin' * Tmilo I * on a Tlmicr Founda tion Than Surface Condition * Indicate. Albert Andrlano , local superintendent of Snow , Church & Co.'s mercantile agency , writes : "There Is llttlo change In the business situation for the week past. The rains have tended to Improve affairs and mer chants and are much encouraged over the outlook. The rlso In wheat Is the natural result of a partial destruction of the grow ing crop. There Is little Improvement In general conditions , and Indeed there Is no cause why there should be. Wheat and oats will be almost a total failure , and fruit and vegetables were nearly all destroyed by the recent frosts. While corn Is ad mittedly the main product of this region , the partial failure of the minor crops moans a loss at a time when every favor able condition Is necessary to the Improve ment of trade , and every loss tends to In- crenso depression. Add to this the fact that the tariff question secmx ns unsettled now as ever , labor troubles show no sign Of decreasing , and It becomes plain that an Improvement can hardly be expected at this time. The corn crop Is a more pros pect , nnd there Is nothing tangible that would tend to Increase the volume of trade until this prospect becomes a reality. Then nnd then only will the business of Ne braska Bhow a decided Increase. In speak ing of the future of trade early In the spring of this year , I made the prediction that with a settlement of the tariff ques tion , followed hy a cessation of strikes , with favorable weather and the prospect of a large crop , business would show a gradual improvement from week to week until affairs once more assumed a normal condition. The tariff Is apparently no nearer a settlement than It has been , labor troubles continue , with violence unabated , a partial failure ot small grain , fruit and vegetables In this state. Is the situation which confronts us now. Confession Is good for the soul at times , nnd this Is a time when the truth will do no harm. Hav ing looked on Hit- dark side , It Is only fair that the other have Its turn. Notwith standing the unfavorable situation as de- ' srlbed , business for some time has shown a decided Improvement , and today the general tone Is firmer than It has been for sometime. . Every merchant * Is aware of the importance of the growing crop and confidently looks forward to better trade In the fall. 'The partial failure of small grain has not been without Its advantages. The price has gone up. nnd the , probability Is that It will continue to rise , consequently the farmers will receive nn Increased price for the grain that has been saved. The wheat and oats fields that have suffered have been put Into corn , and the result Is a greater ncrcago of that cereal than ever before. As matters now stand , there will probably bo llttlo change In the tone of trade during the summer months , with a decided Improvement In the fall , de pendent , of course , upon the corn crop. Carefully considering the above conditions , favorable and unfavorable , leads to the conclusion that Nebraska and Its whole sale centers rest on a flrmor foundation than the eastern communities. While the settlement of the tariff' question nnd the resumption of activity lp the east will no doubt have a very perceptible effect on general business In this state , the trade of this region Is more directly and entirely dependent upon Us own agricultural re sources. -"A good corn crop this fall means Im proved trade , tariff or no tariff. " Sugar Alarket. _ NEW YORK , June 9. SUGAR Raw , strong ; fair refining. 2JSo : centrifugal , 96 test. 2T4c ; sales , none ; refined sugar , firm ; No. 6. SKc ; No. 7 , 3 7-16JF3yc ; No. 8. % @ 9-16c ; No. . 9. . 3 l-16c ; No. 10. 3ytS3 ! 5-16c ; No. 11. S l-16o ; No. 12. 3iJ 3c ; No. 13 , 2 ll-16c ; oft A , 3 11-lCo ; mould A. 4 3-16fH9ic. LONDON , June 9.-SUGAR-Canc. steady In all positions ; centrifugal Java , 13s 9d"Musco vado , fair reflnlng , 12 * . Chicago I'mlt Mnrkot. CHICAGO. June 9. Tha Earl Fruit company old at auction tld * morning tlireo car * of Cali fornia fruits , realizing Ihe following , prices ; Cherries , Black Tartarian , Jl.3501.90 ; Rockport. J1.10 ; Illack Republican. JI.40 ; Royal Anne. J1.30 01.40 ; aprlcotn. RoyalJl.COifZ.15 ; seedlings. J1.60 ; Alexander peachc * . Jl , 7592.45 ; Clyman 'plums , J4.15 ; Uapan plum * , J2. Oil Markets. WILMINGTON. N. C. . June 9 ROSIN Firm ! strained , 87Hc ; good 92'/Jc. SPIRITS Quiet nnd sleady , 27Hc. TURI'BNTINR Hleady ; hard. Jl ; * oft , JL70. SAVANNAH. Juno 9. SPIRITS Firmly held at 23 < ic ; vales , 19 bbls. ROSIN Firm ; J1.03. 1'corlu Grain Mnrkot , ' PKORIA , June > , CORN Market firm , bat In active ; No. 2. 39'ic ' ; No. 3 , SSVic. OATS Market quiet and easy ; No. I white , 41MOCo ; No. 3 white , 40U0WKC. HYB Market dull and nominal. WHISKY Market firm ; high wlno basis , JI.1K. Two daring balloon ascensions at Courtland beach this afternoon and evening. lHt Srunce. . Dr. Alex Hume and Kate Fox , the famous spirit mediums , will give a spiritual seance tonight In broad gaslight on the open stage at the Fifteenth Street theater. Among the many tests produced may bo mentioned ma terialization , Spirit Bride Levee , Spirit Car penter , Spirit lioml. IJells are rung , harp's are played , flowers brought to the audience , Slado's slate writing , Hurao'a post test , table tipping , transmutation of water , and many others. No darkness ; a great many tests produced without tbe aid of a cabinet. A small admission fco will bo charged. Doors open at 7 , seanco at 8. Indian at Work. The unusual sight of an Indian working was witnessed on the streets ot Omaha yes terday forenoon. This particular red man worries along under the name of Willie Needs Pants and ho Is a private In company I , Twenty-flrst United States Infantry , now stationed at Fort Omaha. Willie was sta tioned at Fort Sidney until recently and is not familiar with the white man's ways. Friday night he was arrested for drunken boUterousness on the streets und was set to work , not being Rbl4 to pay his fine. Two daring balloon ascensions at Courtland beach this -afternoon and evening. IlKALTY HAICKBT. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Juno 9 , 1831 : WARRANTY DEEDS. Omaha and Florence Loan and Trust com pany to W F I-iirker. lot 2 , block 6. lot 1. block M. lot 2 , block (7 , lot 1. block 73 lot 4 , block 87 , lot U. block 90. lot * It und to. block 94 , lot 19 , block 113 , lot . block 11 * . lot 18 , block 120. lot * 1 and X block ttl. lol 13. block 123. lol 20 , block 161 , lol 13. block 166. lot 10. block 1(7. lot 2. block 16) . lol 7. block 94. lol 7 , block 216. lot * 1 , E. 6 , 7 and 8 , block 240. oul lots 217. 225. 228 , 247. 271. and undlv < A out lota 166 and 26.1. Florence . 1 Rame to M D Chapman. lot 16 , block 109 , iame * . , . 1 Portsmouth Raving * bank lo H R Rush el al. lots 11 and 12 , block 110 , Dundee Place. . . J.WO J N Tivmaln nnd wife to K J Wheeler , house upon lot B , block 4. Cottage park. . S James llendrlckion and wife to Gerard llrandenburi ; , lut > . block 77. Bouth Omaha . , . . . , . 1,000 QUIT CLAIM DEEDS. V a Lantry and wlfa to W F Parker , lot 2. block 33 , lot 7. block 13. lol T. block 14 , lol 3. block 21. lol * 3 and 4. block K. and undlv li lot 7 , block C3. Florence . 1 J II Blair and wife to * ame , block * 21 ! and 183. * aim . , . 1 C O Yes * to C W lUlney , w U lot Jl , Redlck's td 'ndJ. . . . 1 C R Davl * to Lettlo Davl * . lot IS. block 9 , Parker * * add . . . , . 1 DEEDS. Master In chancenr to National I.lfo In ur- aaca company , lot I , block "It , ICounlt * Vlac * . . . . . * . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i.300 Sheriff to Lou I * Bradford , ew * w w 4S-U-1J & .JOO BprcUl muter to C J Wrn r. lut * II end 14. block f , Brnntncton . < U Total amount of tranifen , , . . . , . . . . .J18.45I The now balloon , Courtland bttch today. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Ardor of the Bulls in Wheat Was Dampened by Eains West. THERE WAS FREE SELLING FROM THE START Weather Itcporti Showed thnt the Drouth Through Ncbrnikn , Knn a and the Northwest linn llenn Ilrokcn Corn Influenced by Wheat's Action. CHICAQO , Juno 9. The ardor of the bulls In wheat was dampened by rain In the west today , and July closed l o lower than yes terday. Trade was heavy , and realizing gen eral. July corn closed l',4c lower ; July oats , I'/iO lower , and provisions slightly lower all around. . In wheat there was an nctlvo market , with price changes covering from % c to le range. There was free selling by almost all the largo commission houses , who oltercd largo quantities from the start , and on the dccllno which followed , who was credited with covering toward the close of yesterday's session , was by far the largest buyers. The principal factor In creating the Increased selling was the Improved weather conditions , both In the west and the northwest. The weather showed that tho. droutll through Kansas , Nebraska and the northwest had been broken. Longs sold freely , taking their profits , and room traders followed suit , buyIng - Ing at the dccllno. July opened T4c lower at 59c , and declined with tow reactions , finishing only Uc from the bottom. Corn was actlvo and lower within from le to lV4c range. The weakness was due to rains In the west and the action of wheat. Oats was active , and after an Irregular dccllno ot from % o to IVic , closed near the bottom. The market was weak on favorable weather and the action of wheat and corn. Provisions were extremely dull and slightly lower on the break In wheat. Compared with last night July pork Is 6c lower ; July lard 5o lower and July ribs 5o lower. Freights , slow ; lo for corn to Buffalo bid and Ii4c asked. The leading futures ranged as tollows ; Cash quotntlons were as follows : FI.OUR Winter straights. J2.4002.6rt ; winter patents. J2.8002.90 ; sprlnB straights. . J2.20ff2.70 ; spring patents , J3.10f3.CO ; bakers , 11.7002.00. WII RAT No. 2 sprlns , 67c ; No. 3 spring , nominal : No. 2 red , 57ie. PORN No. 2. 39 ; c ; No. 3 yellow , 415IIOVBC. OATS No. 2. 40c ; No. 2 white , 428 ' .ic ; No. 3 while , 40ii@4lV4c- IIYR No. 2. 43 Vic. RARL.T3Y No ; 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , SOSSSc ; No. 4 , SOWBc , FLAX SEED-NO , i. U.K. TIMOTHY SEED-Prlme , J4.25. PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. , JILOSB1 11 97iS. Lard , per 100 Ibs. . J6.COflB.6m. Short ribs/sides ( loose ) . JG.27 6.30 : dry salted shoul ders ( boxed ) . J5. 2'.i5.87 ; short clear , sides ( boxed ) , J6.W36.G7Vi. WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal. . Jl 15 The followlnj were the receipts ana shipments fortotlny : On the Produce oxchansro today the butter mar ket was firm : creamery , 1517c ; dairy , ; strictly Ircsn , lie. NEW YOItK GEXKKAl. A1A.KKET. Yesterday's Qnotntlons on Flour , Grain ana Provisions , Mctiil ) , ICtc. NEW YORK , June g.-sJLOUR Receipts , 27,003 bbla. ; exports , 16,900 bbls. ; sales , 18.030 bbls. Market- steady but quieter ; buyers holding off , exporters quiet. City mills , J1.0334.30 ; winter patents , J3.2303.35 ; city mill clears , J3.S5@3.60 ; winter straights , $2.6002.93 ; Minnesota patents , J3.40f3.85 ; winter extras , J2.OOjJ2.EO ; Minnesota bakers , J2.10@3.40 ; winter low -grades , J1.WS2.03 ; spring low grades , JL6031.85 ; southern flour steady ; sales , 730 bbls. ; common to fair extra , J2.00O2.SO ; good to choice extra. J2.6083.60 : rye. Hour , quiet but firm ; sales. 400 bbls. : superfine. J2.7002.S3 ; fancy , J2.OOJf2.S5 ; buckwheat flour , nominal. I1UCKWHEAT Dull ; range , 68G > " 5o. CORN MEAL Quiet ; sales , 200 bu. ; yellow western , J2.63if2.70 ; Brondywlnc , J2.70. 11YI3 Nominal : state. 66f38c ; Jersey. B2053c. HARLEY MALT Quiet ; western. 67 < 380c ; Can ada , 90 95c : six-rowed , 84W83C. WHEAT Receipts , 32,0 > )0 bu. ; exports , 73,000 bu. ; sales , 6,845.000 bu. futures , 8,000 bu. spot , Spot dull ; No. 2 red. In store and elerator , 61c ; f. o. b. , nflaat , 62Wc ; No. 1 northern , 63c ; No. 2 northern , G0\4c. Options bpeneil weak on heavy local liquidation , owing to rains west njid ru mors of a better government report. Cables were strong and English houses bought. Trade was quiet and variations small. June closed at 61c ; July. 61144iC2c. closed nt 61Ue ; August , 6214663 6-lCc. closed at C3c ; September. 630 > 64',4c ' , closed nt 61icr ! December , C7 % < ST61 3-16c. CORN Receipts , 111,000 bu. ; exports , 2SO.OOO bu. ; sales , 313.000 bu. futures , 100,000 bu. spot , Spot quiet ; No. 2. 43V4o : In elevator , 4.315 c. Option market opened steady , but broke with wheat , rains west nnd predictions of more rain tonight , and closed at ftc net decline. June closed at 41Hc : July. 4IKM5c. closed nt 4Jc : August. 45i 46V4c , closed at 43T4c ; Septemberv 40W46c. closed at 4c. . OATS Receipts , 136.DOO bu. : exports. Z.KO 1m.- sales. 45.000 bu. futures. 14,000 bu. spot. Spot , market , dull ; No. 2. 4Sc ; No. 2 nelhrored. 43c ; No. 2 white , 4SWo ; No. 3 white , 47Hc ; track , mixed western. 49V5c ; track , white western. . 49J31c ; track , white state. 49S51c. Option market sold "off sharply on rnlns nnd sympathy with wheat and corn , closed U0V4C' lower : June closed at IC'.Sc : July , 44VjTI3e , closed nt 45c ; August , closed nt 37c ; September , closetl at 34c , HAY5 Steady ; shipping , JG.4000.0. HOPS Quiet : state , common to choice. 931Cc ; Pacific coast , 1217c. IIIDK.S Quiet ; wet valted New .Orleans se lected , 43 to 65 Ibs. . 414014T4c : Texas selectf.1. ' to 50 Ibs. , 4Q5c ; lluenos Ayres dry. 20 to 40 Ibs. , lO rtlle : Texas dry. 21 to 30 Iba. . 5V4c. LKATIU-Ht Dull ; hemlock sole , ISuenoi Ayrei , light to heavy weights , IMilSc. WOOL Steady ; ilomestlc fleece , 19CCie ; pulled , 20 28o. J'ROVISIONS Reef , steady , quiet ; family. J10.COf712.50 ; extra mess JS ; Ix-of hams. SI7.509 1S.OO ; city extra mesa , J17.00@30.00. Cut meats , sternly ; pickled bellies. Gfc7c ; pickled BliotlMerH. SXffW : pickled hams , lOUWlO'ic r nl. lower : western steam closed lit Jl ; July cloietlat J7 nominal ; September. J7.10 nominal ; refined quiet ; continent. J7.30 ; S. A. 17.80 ; compound. 17,40. Pork , dull but steady ; new mcna , ilS.5'T ( 13.50 ; extra prime. II.5AO13.04 ; family , J 18.00 if , 13.M ; 1iort clear. Jl3pivtfl5.50. RUTTER-Flrmcr ; western dntn' . 10'.4 l4Hc : western creamery. HKQUVic : western factory , IO l3V4u ; Elglns. 18c ; state dairy , UiJlSlio ; state. avnmery. IGH IS e. CHEKSE-Hteady : stole. 7 ief9 c ; small. 9Vlc : part sklnis , Stfl ( > 7c : full Kklriis , 2ffJp. EGOS Steady : stnte und Pennsylvania. IJc ; western fresh , lie : receipts. 1,000 pkgs. TAI.I.OW-Qiilet. 4 H-16tfUo ; countiy ( pkcs. frue ) . 4 13-l ltic. PISTROLEKM-Steadv : united closed at 90o n k l ; Washington , bbls. . Jl ! : bulk , J150 ; n > - flned New York , ri.li ; I'lilladelphla and Haiti- more , ts.10 ; PJilIadelpMa and Haltlinore , bulk , JJ.60. ROSIN SUady ; strained , common to rood. ll.35ttl.40. TURPENTINE-l'Irm : SOVJO30 Jc. RICE Steady ; domeatlr , fair to extra , 4QGc ; Japan , 4Vltf4Hc. MOLASSES Steady : New Orleans , open kit- lie. good to choice. 29ft3 e. Plfi IRON-Qulet : Scotch , J19.E0822.50. COPPnil-Qulet : lake , J9. LEAD-Qulel ; domestic , J3.10. TIN-IUrrly steady ; stnUU , J19.70 bid ; plates , market quiet. SPKLTUIl Firm ; nalei on 'chanre. I c r July lend. J3.2S. nnd U > toni August lead. J1.I3V4. COTTONSUKO Oil , Continues Inactive : prime crude , nominal ; off crude , 2602Sc ; yellow butter Bradfs. Kc ; primu yellow. 3IV4c ; yellow off trades. tlQiic ; prlma yellow , IVhnnt Alarknt. MINNEAPOLIS. June . -Th wboit market elated lUo lower today for futures and le lower for rash wheat. The market wo * very well sustained , however , during- the early p rt ofthe day for caih wheat and pricr obtained for whent for track tuff averaged about ( he ame at yesterday. Kr n the low trades brought rol- ntively fair > fl . RecDlpt * for the week continued to be larunr than hail be n expected und fair receipt * are p P cled again thtt fore part of next week. nt. thuuKh ivtrkcttng In the country by farmer * list decreased UrKfly and It U expected ( o b Terr H bt next week. JUcelpi * Itwt will com * In Ihni will b mainly from ctoclu In country house * . -TU * mu-krt wa falily * ctlv duriuz tbe iradlnc hour * , although tradlox i u inuliily la * mll lot * . 7b market elonod : June n.l July , t Hc ; S | X ub - , UKe ; on int k , Nn. 1 hard , 6H4c ; No. i northrrn , 60Vic. Rocelpt * were 1S9.S20 bu , s shipments , 14.8M bu , An the mills were erln-.lnc at the rate of alxut 40,000 bu. for the 21 hours , Ihere would l i ft * TurWrti > l decrease In local mippllei of about IS.i'rtIm. . The d clln was mainly 'due to th brf Mng of the droutll In Ihe southwest. , * * ' Flour was quiet , with i , fair demand , and miller * offrrril at n llttla rfjlutllon frnm ynler- dny , 1'ntents were qiuted At'T3,40fJ.V ) ; baker * , JtOSflt40. The pnxluctlon wn * nliout tl.Of } bbl * . ; ihlpment * . 35,910 bbln. It r llm.itr < l thnt the flour pale * for the past wfrkrirxcccded by con siderable the. production , which amounted to about 200,000 , bbl . for the wtcfc WOOL St. I.ouUnnil Itoston QuiiluUbriH tor the 1'ait \VcekJ . > ST. IXJUlfl , Juno 9.-Wo6rU-Uo lower , the competition lo fill onlcr * which caused the re cent rlsa' having dleil oul. MMnurl and Illinois medium comblnn , 14Hc ; meillum clothing , 13HO lie ; coara nnd braid , IJHtfMo ; Texan metllum , C t * 12 montiis , 1IOl2c ; western and northern medium , llQ12c ; coarse and low , 7Q9c ; choice tub T.-anIipJ , S ) ) V4c. 11OSTON , Juno 9. The Commercial IJtitletln saya of the Boston wool market : The pales for the week comprise lluO,000 Ibs. domestic nnd 163- 000 Ibs. foreign , against 1,051 , 400 Ibs. domestic nnd 15).l ) ) Ibs. foreign last week and 610.312 Ibs. domestic nnd 1S3O Ibs. foreign for the same week last year , The stock In Iloston I * ex tremely light for this ro on of ihc year. The Imports this year nro trivial , Tin ; shortage In sales to itata from last year amounts to 10,832- 4 < Ib.i. foreign and but 1,716,313 Ibs. domestic. while the shrlnkago to date In receipts amounts to 77,517 bales foreign ami 23,673 bates domestic. The demand has been spiritless nnd dull. Mill * nro contracting with western growers for round lots delivered at the milt , New Humtioldt wool ha * opened nt Sic clean delivered nt the mill. A Rhode Island worsted mill took 60.00) ) Ibs. of XX nnd above at He. but the wool will nol cosl "over 46c scoured. Other sales nre noted at JOc. American speculators have just purchased [ M bales of Angora wool In Marseilles , to be held there for a. rise _ I. in-ill Produce Market. HUTTER Ituyers were generally offering < 4c for packing Mock , but It was claimed that 100 had been paid for some. Cholco country butter , Wile. EGOS The gi-nernl market on strictly fresh nnd bright stock Is O'.jc. Some are predicting a still higher market. I.IVB I"OULTRY The week closed -with old hens n little firmer and In n little better demand. Old hens , Cfli4c : roosters , 3c. The demand for other kinds of poultry Is rather light , though a limited quantity Is salable. Ducks , COT Ho ; hen turkey * , 7WSc ; gobblers , 5flCc ; geese , &W3ic. ! VBAIr TtTo receipts have been large nil the week , and dealers Imve had hard work to keep Ihe market denned up , nnd prices are n little wenk. Cnod fat veals were quoted nt CfZOUc. PIOEONS There Is n demand for oid pigeons. but young birds thnt nre not strong on the win ; arc not wanted. Old birds , per doz. , Jl.40gl.CO. VKQETARLESi. OLD DEANS The market Is steady. Neither the demand nor supply Is very heavy nt this point. Hand picked navy. J2.DOif.MO ; medium navy. Jl. 9032.00 ; common white beans , Jl.50jjfl.60. ONIONS New southern onions nre quoted nt 2Vic per II ) . Top onions aw plenty at 13ff20c on orders. POTATOES-Tho quantity of old potatoes still in shippers' hands is very small , and the season Is practically over. Many buyers endeavor to use old potatoes for their trade throughout the month of June , ns by the 1st of July new are plenty , nnd generally cheap , but tills season the old have been cleaned up so closely that It Is a question whether there will be enough left to supply the trade ns long ns usual , and many will probably have to commence upon new sooner than they expected to or usually do. As to new iNjtntoes , advices from most southern points report nn unusually small yield , and In dications are that stock will not bo cheap until nearby potatoes commence to 'arrive. The acre age south was not so small , hut the weather has been unfavorable. Good new potatoes nro scarce at Jl. 1031.20. CAHllAdE While good stock that will stand shipping Is not plenty , there Is some arriving from California. At this season of the year cab bage has to be worked off rapidly , ns It will not hold up well. Good shipping stock , on orders , 2'i 2Hc. i- > ASPARAGUS Good home gfpwn stock. 330400 per doz. on orders. Pin PLANT Homo grown pie plant , 2o on TOMATOES The market U-piuch better sup plied than was the casen. . ftW days ago. Mis- nlsslsppl stock Is now quite plenty and of good quality. Shipping stock , per crate 4 baskets , Ji.2S. Ji.2S.NEW NEW BEANS Wax beans , JL50 per bu. ; string beans. Jl per bu. PEAS Peas , per bu. , Jl. 5001.60. FRUITS. , O STRAWBERRIES The receipts constated .of about 150 cases , nnd prlcest rtvere very - firm. There were not enough to flu" country orders. Good stock , J3.75OI.OO. r , , _ CHERRIES Good shipping stock , Jl.23521.40. APRICOTS California nprlcots arc commenc ing to arrive In small quantities. Shipping stock , on orders , J2.60. GOOSEBERRIES There was some Inquiry for green gooseberries , but nbt many In ; good s'tock , per 24 qt. case. J2.73Sf3.00. BLACK RASl'llERRlES There were only a few cases In nnd the demand was very active. Cases of 24 pis. sold readily nt J2.50. The re ceipts were mostly from Nevada. , Mo. WATERMELONS Texas -witcrmelons have put In nn appearance and aroMworlh on orders about 14.00 per doz. - BLACKBKRRIESr-Arkansa * stock li com mencing to 'arrive on the market. Per 24-aL case , J4.50 ; per 24-pt. case. J2.50. TROPICAL FRUITS. BANANAS As usual , when berries are on the market the demand for bananas Is not very heavy. Choice stock. J2.0002.60. LEMONS The weather has not been worm enough to create n very heavy demand for lemons. Fancy lemons , 300 size , J4 ; fancy lemons , 360 size , (3.75 ; choice lemons. 360 size J3.Wf3.7S. ORANGES With the market full of berries the demand Is somewhat limited for oranges and the supply on the market Is small. Mediter ranean sweets. J3.GOfi3.75. FIOS-Fartoy , per lb. , 12(4015c. ( DATES Hallowccs , 65 to 70-lb. boxes , per Ib. , 5V4c. 5V4c.PINEAPPLES PINEAPPLES Choice , per doz. , J2 ; small , MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY California , 15c ; dark honey , 12Wc. MAPLE SYRUP Gallon cans , per doz. . J12. NUTS Almond : . 15O17c ; English walnuts , 103 12c : filberts. ISi ; Brazil nuts. We. CIDER Pure Juice , per bbl. , J6 ; half bbl. , JJ.2i APPLE BUTTER-Pcr 20-lb. palls , Jl ; half bbls. . 3 o per lb. HIDES No. 1 green hides , 2V4c ; No. 1 green salted hides , 3c ; No. 2 green salted hides , 2c ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 Ibs. to 15 Ibs. , 5 c ; No. 2 veal calf , 8 Ibs. to 15 Ibs. , 4c ; No. 1 dry flint hides. Cc ; No. 2 dry flint hides , 3cNo. ; . 1 dry salted hides , < 4c ; part cured hides , Uo per ib. less than fully cured. SHEEP PELTS Green salted , each , 253COo ; green salted shearling * ( short-woolcd early skins ) , each , DfflSc : dry' shearlings ( ahort-wooled early Rltins ) . No. 1 , each , CftlOc : dry shearlings ( stiort wooled early skins ) . No , 2 , each , 5c ; dry flint , Kansas nnd Nebraska butcher wool , pells , per .lb. , autual weight , 5 < ifSc ; dry flint , Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per lb , , actual weight. 46c ; dry flint , Colorado butcher wool pells , per lb. , actual weight , 4S7c ; dry flint , Colorado murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 4Cc. TALLOW AND GREASE-Tallow , No. 1 , 4V40 IVic ; tallow. No. 2. JKifSJie ; grcasf , white A , 4V4c ; grease , white B. 4c- ; grease , yellow , Jc ; grease , dark3Hc ; old buter , 2ff2J4c ; beeswax , prime , 15Q18c ; rough tallow , St. l.oilli C. run-ill .Mnrknt. 8T. . LOUIS , June 9. FLOUR Firm nt recent advance. WHEAT Opened weak , le off , with bears sell- Ing.t A rally of % c was followed by a drop to a close 1 wlrl > c below yesterday ; No. 2 red. cash. 3Cc ; June , 55c ; July , & 6Hc ; August , 53Hff55c ; September , 56ic. CORN Fell on rnln reports , losing liJIHc ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 3Sc ; Junp , 37Uc ; July , Sl'/id Sep tember , 3Sc. OATS Fell Ue with corn and wheat : No. 2 cash nnd June , 39l'c ; July , 31'/4c ; August , 20 lie ; September. 2nQ'295ic. RYE Nothing doing. BARLHY Nothing doing. 1IRAN-64C. east track. FLAX SHED Nominal. CLOVER HEED-J6.GO 7.50. TIMOTHY SEKD-J3.50W4.00. HAY Prime lo choice timothy , JS.50ff9.IiO. BUTTER Steady , unchanged. EGfitf Weak ; Slic. I.KAD Firm. In demand at J3.05. SPELTER DulU JJ.SI. CORN MEAL II.H5S2.03. . I , WIIISKY-J1.03. no COTTON TIES-95clTfJl.00.TMfl BAGGING Unchanged ; a'.SOSc. PROVISIONS Steady. miriUKvrlth good de mand , especially for bni&iilT' Pork , standaid m i , jobbing. J12.50. La nlprlma steam. JMQ ; choice. (6.53. Dry wilt rrMitil'l loose shoulders. J.VS7K : long * and ribs , 4 i : aborts. J6.37V4. Bacon , packed nHnillders , ' 'KIT3 ! ' longs , J7 ; libs , J7.12 : shorts. J7.3TV4. 'a.'lM RECKIITrt Flour. 5,004 nbtS.s wheat. 3.003 bu. ; corn. 79.000 liu.j onts. 80,000 bu. SHIPMENTS-Flour. 7W li"Hlwheat ) 1.000 bu. ; corn , 1,000 bu. ; oal . 8,000 bu. nilhraukooMurtets MII VAUKEK. June . Fixiun-Qulct and * WlfnAT-I-ower ; No. i:5rlng. 57o ; No. 1 northern , lc ; July. 5 ! 4c. iat" ' CORN Steady ; No. S. 41ciRj OATS-I/iwer ; No. 2 wlitl i Ka ; No. S white. 4lff42c. v ajV H A RL15Y Steady ; No. 2JSrein-iinpl ; , CGtfMc , RYE-Qulet nnd lower ; Noja MOVic. PROVISION ! ) Lower. " t'4 a , JH.M. Ijird. 5C.cn. i t -l > o HKCKIPTHFlour. . 8,000' 'i.Bls. ; wheat. 18.300 Uiu ; bailey. S1.900 bu < 'K ' rilUPMKNTH-Flour , B.OOO LU * , ; wheat , 1.SOO bu. ; barley , iifioe. , ICnnaii * City aiurktiU. KANSAS CITY. June 9. WHEAT lo lowerj No. J uanl , WO53c ; No. 2 red. 5 c ; No. 3 red , SllfSSe : rejected 41S46c. , lower ; JNo. 2 mixed. J o ; No. t white. OATS-ln peed demand ; No. 2 mixed , 0IOo ; HH. 2 white. 40p. JHlJTTKU-l'irm ; creamery , llffltc ; dairy. nons Firm : strictly fresh , Sc. RKCKIITS-Wheat , 2,000 bu. ; com , 1,000 bu. ; " ' "HHlV'ii'KNTS-Whfat , 1,000 bu. ; corn , none ; oat , none , , C'otToo "Market. NKW yor.K. June 0. COFFEE-Opllon * or > * tird stMuly at vnabAnKrd to t | Ktnt higher , nibil quirt ioJ cfliiar under c&blrj anil abnenc * at | vit demand , cliu l qultt. tUl * . C.7W UIK , iucIudliiK ; June. JK.K3 ; July. JII.W ; Aucu t , tl3.05014.04 ; Hrpt'inber. JIHIHIXW ; October , I11.10O12.K ; I ) omib r , $1MO ltii. Spot. 11 to , ilull am * nominal No. 7 , | in , mild , quiet ; Qiilovii , JlS.oOi i5- rale * , n nc Wnrchnunn dellverle * for 1'nilcJ Hiutrj vriti-rOny , 7,913 " N w York Stock today , OT.MO bags : Tnlleit PtntM Mock , Ut.311 Img . nn , t for United State * . 81.000 biw * ; total visible for United State * , 203,311 bag * , ngaln.it 443,541 ln t year. HANTOH. Juui > . -Jiilet ; gooil nveragtf , 117 ; receipt * . l.ftM I RS ; Mock. Wi ) Jxur . HAMRURO , June . -Quiet ; prices U0H pf * lower : xnle * , 9.000 bug * . HAVRE , Junn . Oi > enedlt hlcher lo Vf lower ; closed qul t without further change ; ales , 12o > bags ; cleared for New York , 1,000 bnirs Drasltlan. RIO JANEIRO. June 9. Quint ; No. 7. 115.70 ! exchange , 9 l-16d ; cleared for New York , 17.W' bog * . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Cotton Mitrhnt. NHW ORLKANH. Juno 9.-COTTON-Ea.iy ; spol , 9o ! ordinary , 60 ; gtxjd ordinary , 64c ! ; Inw middling. 6 13-lto ; mldilllng. 7 1-lCe ; gn l m'd- illlng. 7 ? c ; middling fair , 7.o. ! ( nominal ; fair , 0 1-lCc , nominal , Receipts , 3.011 bales ; exports , coastwise , 7JO bales ; stock , f2.062 bales. Futures slrn.lr ; nates. 17.3' bales ; June , JIM ; July , J6.84 fi6. > ; Altgiift , J6.SS ; Heptemb r , K.7WO.S1 ; Oclo- 1 > er , JiS.85fI6.t6 ; December. JC.96iirlS.97 ; Jaunnry , J7.92 bid ; Februnry. J7.08 bid. ST , LOt'Irt , Juno 9.-COTTON-Flrm > ; middling , 7 3-1(0 ; will's , none ; tevelpls. 100 bale * ; hli- | tneiit * , &W bales ; stock , 37,60 > ) bale * . STOCKS AND BONDS. Sccurlllpn AVnro Quiet YeMrnlny nnit AYIlli- nut nny 1'nrtlculitr IViiturn. NEW YORK. Juiio 9. The stock market was quiet today and without Important feature , outslilo ot the ilcallngs In Sugar , which was fairly active. In this stock a brink selling movement was Inaugurated on reports from Washington that there Is n prospect the tariff bill will bo modlllcd to the Injury of the American Kenning com pany. The shares opened % ] > er cent lower and gradually declined until a further loss of 2 per cent had been established. The preferred stock fell oft Hi per cent. In the general market , which was firm , llttlo was doing , except In Chicago Gas nnd St. Paul. , London was not In the market , and the business was practically confined to the local traders. The speculation was very heavy In the final dealings , and the market closed rather weak for a majority of the list. St. Paul fluctuated between C1U and 00 % . closing within U per cent of the lowest llgurcs. Tho' Evening Post says ; Activity In rail way stocks anil the advance In grain prices wcro checked simultaneously today. The sharp reaction In grain , however , was easily iluo to the ( act that the government crop report for Juno Is to appear this afternoon. With all the grain trades , want of faith In government estimates the figures are bound to Influence speculation ; perhaps the more so from the fact that the Kansas state re port under the present populist regime , arc by no means above suspicion. The following are the closing quotations on the leading stocks of the Now Ycrk exchange - change today ; Atchlson 7 ? North Am. Co Adams Express. . . ICO Northern 1'aelfio. Alton , T. II SO No. I'ac. pfd do pfd 130 U. P. I > . A O Am. Express 110 North western . . . . _ H.iltimoroAOhlo. 7H do pfd ! ! ! Canada-Pnclflo. . . . T.3J N. Y. Contr.il IM S Canada Southern. BO N. Y. AN. Eiiff.JW Central 1'aclllo. . . 13- ! Ontario A W 10K dies. & Ohio 17 * Oregon Imp l'-,4 Chicago Alton. . . . lit ! ) Orofon Nnv 11 ! C. . D. AQ 78M O. S. I.VU. N. . . . fiH ChkMKO Gas 77 Pacific Mnll MH Consolidated Oai. 13H P. I ) . AK 4 C. C. C. A St. li. . . . U7 ; PlttBbnrs IfiO Colo. Coal A Iron X Pnllinan Pal.ico. . 111 ! ) Cotton Oil Cert. . . SB : : : i7K Del. Hudson 1:10 : UlchmondTcrm. . IHf Del. Lack. A W. . . 1410)4 do pfd 1-1 I ) . All. O. pfd at ) Il.O.V 1-JM D.AC. P. Co 2.1 H. G. Vi. pM 4'J East Tumi 0 Hook Island OIIK Erie 14 St. Paul „ COM do nfd iis > t St. Paul pfd 110 FortWayno IfiO St. P. A Omaha. . . : 7U G. Northern pfd. . 100 do pfd IMhi C. AKLpfd 03 Southern Pac ItlH Hockliur Valley. . 18 llcllnenlOlti Ill.Contr.il HI Tcnn. Co.il .t Iron 1K % St. P.ADulnth. . . . 21) Toms Pacific. . . . 84 K.A T.pfd i2 ! ? { T. A O. Cent. pfd. . 70 LakoErloA . . . 14 ! ( Union P.icltlc 10K do pfd OMf U.S. Express 00 Lnlto Shore 1.1111 W. St. L..AP 7M Load Trunt 3J ! ) < do pfd IftW LoiiiavllloAN. . . . 4 M Wells Fanio Ex. . 121 ! LoulsvllloAN. A. OH WuHturn Union. . . RIM Manhattan Con. . . 113 W. A L. E 11) MemuhlBA C 5 do Iifil 44 Michigan Cent. . . . O.t MA St. L 101 Mo.Pnctflo 18 ! D. AH. O HM MobiloA Ohio. . . . 10H O. K H7W NaHlivlllnCliat. . . 70 N.I. National Cord.iEro.IH C. F. A I do pfd 4U do rtfd gf N. J. Contr.ll 107 T. St. T.ArK.C. . . . N. AW. pfd 21 do pfd a The total sales of stocks today were GO.SS2 shares. Including : American Sugar , 31.900 ; Chicago cage Gas , 8,8i)0 ) : Distilling and Cattle Feeding , 1,300 ; General Klectrlc , S.OOO ; Missouri Paclllc , 1,100 ; St. Paul , 0,100. Now York 3Ionoy Mnrlict. NEW YORK. June 9. MONEY ON CAI/I - Kasy at 1 per cent ; last loan , 1 per cent ; closed , 1 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 3034 ! per STERLING EXCHANGE Firm , with actual business In bankers' bills nt J4.8S',21.SS % for de mand , nnd nt J4.87U fer sixty days : posted rates , J4.SSVi94.90 ; commercial bills. J4.8SVJ. SILVER CKRTIFICATES-C4g05c. GOVERNMENT 1JONDS Firm ; state bonds , Inactive. The closing quotations on bonds : Flminrlul Notes. NHW ORLKANS , June O.-Clearlngs. JM2.0S2. PARIS. June 9. Three per ccnl rentes , IMf eOa for thn account , UO8TON. June a. ClenrliiKS , J12.1C2.M3 : bnl- ancex , Jl , 214,013 ; week , 1705,253,403 nnd JS,3WS9J. JtHMI'IIIH , June 9. New Yoik cxcltanKfl * ell- Ine lit Jl premium. Clearing * , JU3.591 ; balances , HALTIMORR. June 9. Clenrlnss. JJ.315,22 ; : tinlanceH. I691.KS ; for Ihe week , JH,239,6SII and J2.61 ,7W. PIIILAnKLPHIA , June 9.-ClearlnKS , J7.72)- Kt : balances. JlI7lOt2 ; for the week , j:2,9J9QI3 and > SSM,7M. LONDON , Juno 9. The cold premium at line- no * Ayrea lo > lny Is 307. The amount of bullion conn Into the Dank ot England on balance today I * fl , t > i . ' CIIICAOO , June 0. Clearing * . JI3.706.000. Total for the week. JM.tM.OOO. Corrcsiioiidlni ; week ln t year , JM.B45.OOo. 1'orolKn cxrlinnge , dull , smiling cxchanse , nctual , JI.STiUfl.MU. Nnw Yoik fluclmnKO , 65o premluin , Monny , iteady at 3ii per cent. NUW YORK , Juno 9. The export * of rP"lo for Ilia week were : Oold , J7,4W , J3 ; ulv | r , T-ISu , . 'SO. Tim lmp"rt * wrre : Oencral nivrcluindlo , J.76J. S ; dry ycnvl * . fl(7. { : jrold. IWI.IS ) ; .11. ver. JJ.M3. ( tearing * . J71.M.nc5 ; Ulance * . J1.UI.W : ; for tha week. JI36.n7.OS ! nnl J l , . Two daring balloon ajconslonn at Ojur'land beach this afternoon and OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Week of Comparatively-Liberal Receipts Oloscs with a Good Eun , ADVANCE IN CATTLE PRICES SUSTAINED peculators nml ( lutnlilo lliijri'rn ChrcU I.ociil Heat-lull Ti'iulciioy UORS Kpop Up lu lloth ijupply itiiit Ucimiml , with 1'rlcr * Htvndy , SATURDAY , Juno 9. " This luta been a wuuk oC iniinparallvoly liberal receipts , supplies of all kinds of stock being considerably heavier than List wcuk , or the corresponding week otio and two years ago. The figures nro as follows : Cnttlo , HOBS. Sheep , Itecelpts this week. . . . 17.05(5 ( B7. ( 7' 4.WS Itcuclpts last week. . . . 13.016 6.1.113 n,722 Same week last year. 8.G70 22.25R 1,1SO Same week 1S92 . 10,702 M'J57 700 During the early part of the week moder ate supplies , bdth hero and elsewhere , cnuseil a ( Inner feeling , and as there was a marked Improvement In the Kngllsh market prices advanced' rapidly , and owners and sellers found the situation very much to their liking. Dressed beef men took hold freely and bought liberally , but as usual on an ad vancing market , speculative shippers and buyers for eastern butchers wcro the most active operators. Prices advanced fully half a dollar , nor was the advance confined to the deslrablo grades. Uuycrs had to have the cattle and "all was fish that was caught In their nets. " Even the half fat and short fed grassy steers that ten days era a fortnight ago were hard to sell at any prlco sold readily at prices goood cattle would not bring then. On Krlday and today , owing to the heavy supplies/ buyers tried to break the market , but wcro unsuc cessful. They succeeded , however , In stayIng - Ing the advance , although In general the rlso In values of the early part of the week was well sustained. SATL'UUAY'fe TRADE STEADY. Today's supply was li , eral. about the same as on Krlday , and the quality was very good as a rule.VIicn the market is good the quality Is good ami vice versa , at least to a great extent. Dressed beef men were again Inclined to bid lower prices , but again an active shipping and speculative demand en abled sellers lo get r'ght around htcudy pHces for their offerings. Some of the ho.ivler cattle tlo may have sold a trlllo easier , but on the other hand there were Instances where some of the handy fat steers and Borne that were not EO fat brought more money. At all events It was a good , actlvo market , and by noon trading was over , the market closing up strong. About the only class of cows to feel the advance In the fat cattle market was the good , fat stock. Cornfed cows and heifers have developed considerable strength this week , but the thin , grassy stock has been slow sale at mean prices. That was exactly the condition of the market today. Calf values have taken a big drop and are any where from 75c to $2 lower than ten days ago. The market has been overstocked for some time. Good fat bulls , etc. , sold readily at steady to a shade stronger prices , but prices have shaded easier right along on the under grades. During the early part of the week there was a very good trade In stockers and feed ers at stronger prices , but owing to the con tinued dry weather , which has burned up many pastures , the country demtnd fell off sharply , and with the decreased domain ! there was a corresponding drop In values. Friday night's rain , however , did a world of good and there were quite a few buyers / > u hand today. For a Saturday a fair amount of business was transacted and prlcoj wcro generally firm and a great deal different from the close of last week. Good to cholco feeders are quoted at J3.10@3.40 , fair to good at $2.80@XOO and the -commoner grades at from $2.80 down. REPRESENTATIVE SALES. DUKSSHD H13EK. No. Av. Fr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1..11SO * 3 00 45. . . .1222 Jl 25 40. . . .1223 H M 1. . . . 890 300 23. . . . t'C ' ) 425 2ii..ll47 440 2. . . . C20 315 1..1030 423 21. . . .1215 440 1 _ 1250 325 18. . . .11G > 430 19. . . .1191 440 2. . . . 740 350 B4..I302 430 1..1200 440 1..1160 3 GO 32. . . .1098 4 30 C8..1293 4 40 1. . . . 900 3 M CO. . . .1148 430 IS. . . .1229 441 4. . . . 920 3 GO ' 23. . . . 93 ( ! 430 2i.1171 ) 440 15. . . . SnC 3 S3 122. . . .1101 43214 IS. . . .1256 4 4" 1..1130 375 42. . . .1173 435 43. . . .1217 4 4 > 17. . . , 547 405 22. . . .117 ? 435 40..12IT , 4 4'i 32. . . .11CC .4 10 LT..1291 425 47. . . .123 ? 443 CO. . . .1233 415 19. . : . 12)4 ) 433 18. . . .1397 45) G4..1213 413 58. . . .1237 435 20. . . .1491 455 20. . . .1022 4 20 37. . . .1375 4 37V4 18. . . .1363 4 60 G4..107S 4 20 42. . . .1203 4 40 52. . . .1021 4 20 SHIPPING AND nXPOUT. 10. . . . 700 383 20. . . .1273 435 20. . . .1204 440 8. . . . 762 390 10..13C.1 433 18. . . .1431 440 1. . . . COO 3 M 19. . . .13 ? ! 440 17. . . .14-2 445 IS. . . .100(5 ( 4 10 9..129- 40 19..1431 4 45 35. . . .1322 4 23 75. . . .1215 4 40 S9..13'2 4 GO 50..1232 425 26. . . .1101 440 23. . . .1260 450 23. . . .110) 430 21. . . .1205 440 13. . . .1336 450 19..12S2 4 35 S3. . . .line 1 40 MIXHD. 1C. . . . C03 315 16. . . . 731 375 19. . . .1242 420 2. . . . 870 315 21. . . . 7fG 390 12 _ 1058 423 23. . . . CSO 375 29. . . . 775 403 29. . . . 868 430 cows. 1. . . . 730 125 2..1IM 205 1..12M 281 1. . . . 910 150 23. . . . S07 203 4. . . . 623 300 1..1000 150 9. . . . 95 205 2. . . .1160 300 2. . . . S23 1 GO 2. . . .1033 2 23 1. . . . 950 3 10 1. . . . 810 1 GO 2. . . .1100 223 2..11SO 310 1. . . . 910 1 GO I. . . .11)91 ) 225 4 _ 1193 313 9. . . . 163 4. . . .1233 225 3..112I : 323 1. . . . 810 175 2. . . .1150 223 1. . . . 11130 323 ! . . . > 670 175 2. . . .1110 323 2. . . .1035 323 3. . . . C90 180 1..1000 2 GO 1..1130 323 2. . . . 915 185 1. . . .1270 ,2 , 50 1..SSO 3 ! 5 2. . . .1005 200 1..1230 250 2..12 340 2..10fiO 800 1. . . . 990 275 7. . . .1104 3M 1..110. ) 200 1..1200 280 59. . . . 189 375 8. . . . SOS COWS AND 1IKIFEKS. 43. . . . 1078 373 5. . . . 503 190 8. , . . 587 200 2..G10 251 7. . . . 37S 183 1. . . . 490 200 l..f,70 2 GO 7. . . . 604 2 ( X ) 9. . . . DC1. 200 3. . . .891 275 S. . . . 485 200 3. . . . 6W 200 1..11SO .123 3. . . . G7l ( S Oi ) 7. . . . 622 205 ' 7. . . . (9) ( 323 5. . . . 476 200 . S. , . . 495 240 1. . . . 8JO 325 8. . . . CS3 2 W . " CALVES. 2. . . . 1V ( ) 250 ' I.170 400 1. . . . 200 400 1. . . . 2X0 300 1. . . . 160 100 4. . . . 203 400 1. . . . 250 300 3. . . . 140 400 2. . . . 16) ) 425 1. . . . 110 350 3. . , . 1M 100 1. . . . 110 4 2i 1. . . . ) 35 < ) 1. . . . 11) 400 1. . . . 160 425 1. . . . 110 375 2. . . . 170 401 } 1. . . . 190 423 JIUM.S. 1..1380 190 2. . . .1431) S3S 1..1.W ) 275 1..1230 19) ) 1..17ZI ) 235 1. . . . 470 275 1. . . .11)20 ) 200 1..1040 240 Z..1400 275 2. . . .1400 210 1. . . . 620 240 1..12W 290 1..1030 215 2. . . . 510 260 1..1210 310 1..10SO 220 1..2050 205 STAGS. 2. . . .10.15 250 1..1400 325 1..1SO ) 400 1. . . . 10-10 300 BTOCKRRS AND FCKDEns. 4.7 > . 415 250 3. . . . 653 300 3. . . . 770 J 15 1. . . . 800 350 3. . . . 450 3 00 2 , . . . Ul 315 2. . . . CM 275 1. , . . 310 300 37. . . . 717 3 mi I. . . 663 280 13. . . . 627 300 23. . . .755 3 2'J ' 4. . . CSS 1 85 18. . . . 698 310 4..C ! ) ' ) 323 S. . . 594 290 31. . . . C61 310 5. . . .WO 3 S3 15. . . 4SO 2 90 8. . . . 717 310 7. . . .750 323 14. . . 44S 290 lli. . . . C37 310 8..90 : 340 S. . . 435 2 90 21. . . . 490 3 10 COLOUAUO CATTIK. No.- Av. Pr. 90 steers. cf..inM 4 00 HOO MARKI5T IN GOOD SHAPE. Receipt ! of hogs have been heavy all week , averaging very nearly 10,000 hogs a day. The quality has been unusually good for this time of the year and the market has been unusually good , when the hcuvy supplies are taken Into consideration , The average prices for the week have been perhaps Co lower than last week , but the market today was fully Be better than last week , There Is a good , healthy tone to the trade , prices for hogs and hog producti being more nearly on a cor rect and normal bails than they have been for six months , and the result In that packing operations are profitable enough to keep the heavy receipts cleaned up without any diffi culty. The demand from eastern packers hat ) been good , and altogether the situation Is more encouraging to uii concerned than It has been for over a year. Iluyers all say they could not ask for better hogs than are coming now and the freedom with which they absorb the liberal ofterlngH shows that puckers have lots of confidence In the future. The average weight of the hogs for tho'paiit week was about 2(0 ( pounds. The market today was active and steady to a hade stronger than Friday. Receipts were liberal , but the demand was good from all sources and trading lively from start to finish. Heavy and butcher weights as usual commanded a premium , selling at from J4.LS to J4.CO , with ( ha light and I IK lit mUcd louila mostly at JI.CO and J4.G5. Inferior light stuff void at $1 35 to JI.4R , und plft * wclgh- L"g 98 to 100 11)9. Kohl for * 3. ( > < > and | 3.i5. ( Every thing ( old In good si * on , the bulk lit fi.ftO ai'J $4.55 , the sarnj as on Friday. PIOH AND nouair. < 01 3 M SO lOi ! 3 a SHKKP MARKET DEMOKAMKKD. Only one load of sheep was received , sonio western grassers that averaged 81 Ibs. and sold for J3.50. The market Is not In the bust slupe. owing to the demoralized condi tion of the eastern trade. Pr.ce In general - oral nro lower than last woek. but there Is a very fair demand for desirable slock of all kinds. Fair to good natives are quotable at $3.2501.15 ; fair to good westerns , $ S.OO < ? ? > 4.10 ; common and stock sheep , $2.253.25 ; good to cholco 40 to 100-lb. limbs at $3.50 ® 4.60. Representative sales : N ? ; Wt. Pr. 3.13 western wpthera . SU $3 60 Itrcrlplx mid Dlnpimltloii of Storlc. Odlclal receipts anil ill8io | ltloii of Block n Hliuwn by HIP liookn of the Union Stnck Yards company for Iho twpnty-four hours ending nt S o'clock ; > . m. , June- , 1S9I : Cars. Ilenil. fattlo . 1C3 3,617 HociC . 113 9.R4J Slioi-p . % . . . 1 231 llorsea nml imilcfl . 2 14 DISPOSITION. lliivera Cattlo. HORS. Sheep. Onmlm Packlnff Co . l" > 2.1C3 The O. II. llnmmoml Co. . . . r.rt l.STi Swift nnct Company . 1.37S 1.672 S3J The ttuilnhy PncklnB CD . 371 2.S52 I. . ItecKi-r . 30 Nclnnn Morris . 51 A. Huns . 197 H. llpckcr .fc DoRc'ii . 19 P. 1) . Armour . 411 Ilnrr & llrown . 1 Cuiliihy from Ktinsms City. . . 46 Cuilnhr HI-OB . 211 Hnsl Ht. UnilK . 4M ChlrnRU P. & P. Co . , . 013 Shippers nml feeders . ' . . 305 IIS Total 3,552 9S33 , 231 < JIIICA < ; < > iivi : .STOCK. 1.'siTlmu a Tlioimniul Cuttln CIUUD < | Actlro Competition Yc-stprility. CHICAGO , Juno 9. There were less than 1.000 .cntthi hero toiliiy , nml us nil clnsscs of huycra wanted n few , the j-nnls were soon stripped. Prices werp firm nt the advance nlrendy noted. ranr.-iiK , ' from $1.25 to Jl for Inferior to fancy cowa nml heifers , nml from J3.73 to J3 for verj common to extra steers , Receipts wcro estl * mated at 600 bond , making Cl.OOO for this week , n ngnlnst 49,500 last week , and 63,700 n yeai nco. nco.The opening of the hou market was barely steady , sales OrnBitlnB nt yesterday's prlces.but ths later market was active and striinc. Including Prlday's leavings there were about 21,000 IIORS In the pens , nearly ull of which were out of sales men's hands by H o'clock , the bulk at from { 1.70 to JI.80 for heavy , nml nt from il.lii ) to JI.Gi ) for piss. The week's reci-'pts nKKreKatc about 177,000 head , as nRalnst 1 JO,000 last week , and 79,000 a year aso. There was n restricted demand for sheep nt from J1.25 to M.90 for Inferior to prime. Year- llnjjs WPI-O quoted nt from J2.75 to JI.23 , nnd sprln ; ; lambs at froni $2.73 In 13. Itecelpts wcro estimated nt 1.000 , irmkhiR 67,00 > ) for this week. The total last week was ) C7.0X ( ) . nnd for the corresponding week last year CO.005. Ilpcelpts Cattlo. COO bend ; cnlve.i , DO hcndj hoRs. 18.000 head ; sheep. 1,0 < X ) head. CATTI.I-5 Itecelpts. MX ) bead ; shipments. 400 head ; no market ; unchanged ; nnlv n few unsold ; prlmo to extra native steers , Jl. 0 3.10 ; me.llum , I.H > f.7r. ; others. JI.OOSI.10 ; ToxmiH , t3.OJii3.CO. HOfJS Receipts , 1S.CO , ) head ; shipments , R.OTO head ; market unchanged ; rough heavy. $ l,25f 4.W ; puckers nnd mixed , J1.Win1,73 ( ; prlmo. heavy nnd butcher wclKhts , Jt.5JI.S. ' , ; iiBsurteJ lights , Jl.rwi.GO. HHHKP AND LAMIiS Receipts. 1,000 head ; shipments , none ; market slow , extremely dull ; top slit-op , { 3.90 1.60 ; top lambs , Jl.Sflff..W. Kiinsas City l.lvo .Stock IMarkot. KANSAS CITY , .lime 9. CATTMS Ilocrlpt * , 3,7f ( ) head ; shipments , 1,100 head ; belt steady ; others wenk ; Texutf steels , JJ.80WI.OO ; Texan eowH , } 1.6Ki'.70 ( ; beef steers. J3.0'f.90 ' ( ! : tmtlvo' cims , Jl.r.W3.r ' ) ; stock-era nnd feedern' , 2.fi5T383 ; bulls. l2.1Vff3.Si. 1IOOH Receipts , 7.2W head ; shipments. 1.900' ' head ; nmiket steady to Cc lower ; bulk of snlex , JI.4Vf)4.Ki ; heavies. Il.50ftl.li74 ; p-iekcis. JI.M1/ 4.G7Vi ; mixed. JMVffl.M ; lights , ji.IOffl.tO ; Ynik- ers. JI.65ffl.CO ; pigs , Jl.SOJf 1.40. SHKKP Receipts , 60 'head ; shipments , 400 head ; maikct steady. Hloux City l.tvo Ston ! < Uurknt. SIOUX CITY. June 9.-HOOS Re-elpts , 2 2 : bend ; yesterd.iy , 1,001 head ; shipments , none ; msiltet steady on L'uodi others weak ; T4.1)91 ) 47V4 : , bulk , T4 43. CATTI.K Recelpls , 220 bead ; yeslenliy. 2J head ; shipments , 111 head : mnrki't strn'ly ; feel ers. JZ. < H)4f3.S.r. ) : ypntlhiKH , J2.2" . f3.r ; cows , I1.2S0 3.00 ; bulls , il.DOfl3.ro ; oxen , $1.G12.75. fit , I.null l.ivo Slork MurUnt , . ST. IXJUIS. June 9. CATTI.K Itecelpts. Stt bead ; shipments , none ; market nominal , owing to IlKbt supply. HOGS Receipts. 2 , < 0) ) head ; shipments , none ; maiket about inu-hnnKe < l ; good medium weights , JI.02UM4.nTi : bulk of Kales , Jl.r.Ofrl.'M. 8IIKIJP Receipts , none ; shipments , none ; no , market established. Stock III Sight. ni > ct > nl of refflptn of llvn utoclc nt t'i four principal ynrdx for Hutiinluv. .lima ! > . 1831 : ( 'HttllJ. HOKH. tt-nith Omnha 3.CI7 uxig ( "hicnifo 60) 1ROO ) J,00 > KIIIIS.IH Clly 3,70) 7,210 60 HI. Iul3 3UO 2,100 Totnli 8,117 37,410 1,313 Liverpool niiir'nts. UVnilPOOl. , . June 9. WillAT ! Firm ; tin : miind poor : holders offer sparingly ; No. I Cnll- fornlu , 43 SVi < Jr4a 9Kd ; red western winter , 4 OVi'l.CORN ' CORN Firm ; demand moderate ; mixed spot , 3s Rd. PROVISIONS Reef , extia Indln mcrs. ( Hi SI. Pork , prlmo mesa , C7s SI , Racon , lontr and short clear , U Ibs. , 31 ; lone clear , 4 ! Ibs. , 3M. Lard , prlmu wentern , 33s CO , California VI Iblo ( irnln Kupply. SAN PHANCISCO. June. 9.-Thu seml-unnunl statement of the Han rranclsco Product * x. cluuiKO shows Uii ! following \tslblo nupply ( if Hour , whent nml barley lu California ; Stock June 1 , HOI : Klonr. bbls. , 10.370 : wheat , centals , 7. c 1C. 000 ; barley , cenliiln. 1,370,303 : oats , centals , lOO.Oir , . At tlm name. Hint ) In 1&91 stocks wer : Klotir , bblM. , 81,327 ; whent , ren tals , 4.45.923 ; barey | , centals , 1,309,109 ; ix-iln. centali , 67,240. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ New York Dry ( JooiU Aliirliot. NHUr YORK. Juno 9. With Ihn half holiday closely observed by the Jobbing nml commlmilon hou > c there wnu u very Unlit business don * today. Vlsltlns buyers wcr few. thouRli with deur weather conllnulnc the Impression pre vails Unit marc biulne.is will follow at once. Two darlnK balloon ascensions at Cotirtlanfl beach this afternoon and ovenlng , WM , LOUDON , Commission Merchant GRAIN AND PROVISIONS- 1'rli-nu wlrti to Chicago ml K w Voile. AM builncvi onjcn > placed on CUIcuco Hoard u Trud * . ( . ' jrioipor.ilfme aollclte < ! . Office , rcmm 4. Now York L\t \