nuv * * * * * * * * m- * n * * * " "i * * "i ! " " " . . . .nMm yi t .iiHiiMUgj , - * , w M THK OMAHA DAILY BEK : St'MAY ) , JUNE 10. 1891-TWENTY PAGKS. for " " column * Kill b UJc n tor eh. v.ninc .ml until * | > . m. for th mornlnir and * unl/-5u'hA'i ? ' , ( Adv rtli < T , by remiwllnit n ni' ' * rtr . ( < c ' , , ' c.l pin have nn tv m nddr-Mnl to a num. . fir In enrc of The TJee. Annvvern toirtdrct * * . . t delivered upon pm'ntatWu ef the . , thereafter. Nothing taken for lici thin SITUATIONS WANTED. MAN. pV YOUNO WANTED t * . . L lurn collector * tlon as Militnn * VS ? Aii , " > AOHICSI lUfcronncK * * 9lcrk. , pAiriiEUS , ' yot'NO , POSITION' itv li a rtcm'irnphcr mi.l ' ' tm.lrrstixn.lti . r.tilstnt work. Address N H , Hoc. . m < > nt icoodi. Amcilcali Wringer Co. , nnl street. _ _ ± 1 _ "SALARY OH COMMISSION. TMB AGENTS. " the * . New I'M- --oust Invention of nB Thrj Ch nlenl Ink Erasing Pencil. belli on tnt , , , , Work * Ilkimade. . AoMiln nr nu1 nit OO per wrok. for further par- X 38. t.g SALARY t'ltOM .WANTED , " ' " ' " " ; , . " IJrovvn Urns. ( V > . , Mu.t. l mnnjintnKPolac < .ll cii flight tQ every Imn'nw ' m.m or ilrm : . . ! for advcrtlslm , l rol unary : money advance. nn.l . cxp-nsei ; permanent position. with stamp , King life. Co. , C 41. . III. _ l"L WANTED - Ann YOU A CATHOLIC ? Ann uncmplojcd ? Will you wort c for l.fO per you vv. . < ii7 Write to.lny. J. II. Gay , 06 I-l III n\cnui > , Chicago , 111. KOTICE ! THERE ARE IIE1NO "AIHED IN thr vicinity of Norfolk nnd Grand Island. Nrl , thoiiHnnd ncios of sugar beets , tin' cuin- elKlil rntlnn of which will rcfiulii' many hundreds of hands , thus K'vln ' * eiiiplnjmcnt < ° ft " ' "I".0 niimLer of peopln from the nelghborlnpc jBtatfs , . It factories. the n well ns those living nea APPLY MONDAY morning'at iTlV How nrd. 11-9:1310 : FllllFE EXPERIENCED SOLICITORS . furnish satls- nnd VMinti'd. mu l be reliable fnclory evMenco of good resultIn foimor employment at room 8 , call Tuesday forenoon : ployment 118 H. Killi street. O. D. llond. B-M9j2 11 * tVANTED IMRS-F-CLASS OUGANIXER FOR loath boneflt eider ; male or female. Apply Hocietary. room 310. 209 Dearborn street Chi- _ _ -rrn ; TitAvni.iNa BAIISMIN ron R and other Elates ; Rood posit onn. Mer chants Specialty Co. , Cedar Itnpldi , la ENHIlOIJTir SALESMAN TO ii-linol Biippllea ; J100OT monthly ( in.l IJb ; ndilltlonnl commlKslons ; enclose reference ana HUmp. i\unc : , Motion lilock , Chicago. XUkU 1U ft'ANTRD. AGENTS AND SALESMKN TO canvass merrhantB In small towns ; J,0(10 ( to J2W.OO per month : pleasant liuslness ; able men Investigate. Ixick Itox M3 , DCS Molnes la. U SI3.J 1 < > " " .WANTED. UNUnODTIC MAN "TO MANAGE ' hrinch omce. Position pcrinaiicnt. hnlnry $1,200 and commissions. Must fnrnlsh J800.W . to assist In carrylnu stock. Addre . Mnnu. facturers , Pox 333 , St. Louis , Mo. U-043 10 * MEN TO SEM , BAKINO rOWDEH. STEAPY employment ; experience unnecessary ; J.500 monthly calory and expenses , 01 a com. ir offer Is satisfactory , address at once , ulth par ticulars concerning yournclf , U. fa. Chemical XS'orUs , 810 Van Uuren , Chicago. H 812 10 * _ $5.00 I'Ell 1.000 CASH , TO DISTnillUTll CIIl- ' ciilnrs. Send to stampH. National U utillml'iie association , St. I oula , Mo. _ 11-MO 10 * SALESMAN TO CAHIIY SIDE LINE IN THE Krocery trade ; state who you arc traveling for iind what line and territory .Address NSIlec. .WANTED. SALESMEN : AN EXCEEDINGLY attractHo side line will be Klvcn to first-class salesmen by a prominent Implement manufac turing company. No samples. Address N 38 , lice. " - > " 10 _ WANTED FEMALE HELP. LADIES WANTING GIIILS APPLY AT THE Scuncllna\1im Young Ladles' home , 3301 Cumins. C 548 12 * EI-ECIAL SUMMER EMPLOYMENT FOR school teachers ; we want two special represen tatives to devote the summer In Introducing cur serial publication for the youncer student , "The Plctornl History of the World's Great Nations ; " liberal financial arrangement. Caller or address 12 Crelghton block , Omaha. DELSAHTE COnSET WAISTS AND HIIACES : the most popular goods a lady can sell ; eas > sales ; large commissions. Write for terms. Delsarto Mfg. Co. , Ill State street , Chicago , I.I. _ _ _ _ LADIES WHO WRITE PLAINLY CAN SE- curc position at good wages writing nt home. Ilcply with stamp. Miss Ethel Sprngue South Dend. Ind. C _ WANTED , A FIRST-CLASS COOK. GOOD wages. Apply to William Patrick , Happy Hol low. Telephone 370. C MOM 12 LADIES on GENTLEMEN WILL MAKE A liberal mlary writing for me at homo ; reply with etnmp. Miss Jessie Darlow , South Ilcnil , Ind. C927 10 * _ LADIES CAN MAKE 3.00 DAILY BY FOLDIng - Ing and addressing circulars for us at home ; no canvassing ; position permanent ; reply with stamped enelope. . Miss Grace Paul. South Henil. Ind. _ C820 10 * WANTED , I1USINESS-LIKE YOUNG WOMAN to sell high grade chewing gum to the . at home. Send stamp for particulars , The Nobles Mfg. Co. , Nlles , Mich.C C 030 10 * WANTED , LADIES TO WORK FOR us AT homo ; moko $5.00 to $12.00 weekly. Work sent by mall. Write for particulars Eastern Nov elty Co. , 12S Dearborn street , Chicago. 111. C 033 10 * LADIES WHO WILL DO WRITING FOR MR at their homes will make good wages. Reply with self-addressed , stamped envelope. Miss Mildred Miller , South Ilend , Ind. C 532 10 * LADIES MAKE J20.00 WEEKLY ADDRESSING circulars at homo ; position p 'rman nt ; no can- > nssng. | Reply with self-addressed stomped envelope , to Miss Gurtlm Pine , South Ilend , Ind. P. O. llux , 2000. C 937 10 * _ ANY LADY WISHING TO MAKE $20,00 PER week quietly at her own lioinn , address with stamped envelope , Miss Lucllc II. Logan , Jollct , III , This offer Is bonafldo , nd It will pay > ou to Investigate If you con spara only tnn hours per day. _ C 939 10 * WANTED , AT ONCE , I'lRST-CLASS HAIR dresser. One with established business prc- fcircd , Call at Mine. M. Yale's parlors. 501-2 Karbach block. C-083 10 * _ WANTED. GOOD GIRL OR WOMAN WHO wants a good home. Light housework and small pay. Must have references. An excel lent homo for the right party. Address N 20. nee. _ C M973 12 WANTED , A THOROUGHLY COMPETENT cook. Mrs. Francis Gralile , l-omlon Court , < th house from the corner of South 21th street. C-102 _ WANTED. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. APPly 19l Corby street. C-M97I 12 * _ _ _ _ WANTED. A WHOLESALE HOUSE HAS AN opening for a roll neil woman who will take an Interest In the business. Address N 23. lice C MOC8 12 * _ WANTED , COOK , AT 1618 3. 32ND AVENUE. References required. C MOC3 12 * ' FOR BENT HdUBESl FINE FLAT IN CLOUSER IJLOCIC AT 703 S. IGlli > t. ; runKO and all other crnvenlcnccs ; 125. George Clouser. room 2 , 1C23 Tarnam st , Q-m _ _ HOUSES , P. 1C. DARLING. I3ARICER IH.OfK. D-MS _ HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. TUB O , F. Dnvls company. 1505 Fnrnam. D-6S7 C.ROOM COTTAGES , MODERN , CHOICE IN Satnfonl Circle. C. S. Elgutter. 201 Uce build- Ing. | D-6S3 _ _ KENTAL AGENCY. 607 IJROWN 1)IX > CK D5S9 _ _ CLEAN. COMFORTAI1LE , CONVENIENT moderate rentals , beit 3 and ( -room suites for housekeepers only. References required. Also ( room tultn In tenement. Hit S. 22d t. D-M5 _ _ KKLKKNNEY&CO.R. 1 , CONTINENTAL I1LK. FOR RENT , | 35.M"PER MONTlF. " 4110 LAFAY- etlo avenue , 7 rooms , furimce. bath , hot and cold water , closet. ita . eleclrlo lighting iippll- nnccs , etc. Drautlful laun , trees , etc. Fidelity Trmt company , 1702 I"a rnam t rcct. _ P K3 fOll RENT , OOOD DETACHED NINE-ROOM houir : 1 Capital uNcnue. II. it. lloblnon , room T , Commercial National. D iW FOR RENT , CHOICE FLAT IN THE P. E. Her block , cor. 16th and Jacknon street * . Call at JUS Hi rney street. U-MJ43 HOUSE I.-OR"TlENT7 TEMPLETON & PIER- on. Paxton blk. _ D K * Toil RENT. DWELLINGS IN ALL PARTS of Omaha ; , cull for Hit. D. II. Shenfe. 413 1'n.xton block. D-MCM _ FOR RENT , DESIRARLH nWELLlNOS IN Council Illurr * ; call for list nl Oiualia ciinec. U 1'iixton tlock. a II. BUeafe. U-UCJ ? POE , BENT HOUSES _ _ Continued. _ roit IIENT. ttiHirf of 7 room * , all modern , 2tl Hamilton utrool J20.X1. IfoiiRi'x of 4 room' , well nnd cittern , 1203 nnd 1 3 North Mth street , cnch 1600. Hoiifo of e rooms , city water , SWO Miami ttrtet. JIO.OO. Houses nf ( roomi , well and rlntern , on Ern ( . between Elizabeth and Marshal street * , House of if rooms , city and cittern water , nil In good condition , 317 North Seventeenth street , 13000. . . . . . House of 4 ronmi , well and clntcrn. 300J Clnnlrs strectr J8 W. . Tolcphonc 148. Room 111 , Hoard of Trade building Ofllcc open from 8 n , m. to 6 , p. in. IGth nnd Farnim streets. 1M23 10 * _ nfiTrTWo lo"Roo t Monr.nN FLATS , cheap. J , W , Bqulri248 Dee bldg. D-823 , 3 , T"AND 6 ROOMS. 6JI H. Kth flVA U-852-21 * XURNIflllED HOUSE ON FARNAM 8THI3IJP. near Zilli. Cull at C07 Urowu block. % FOR RENT , DESIRABLE MODERN REHf- ilcnrc. 2513 Fnrnam. R. C. PatUrson. HnnHM block. U MS6C 3 ROOM FLATS CHEAP , HIS N. FOR luJNT ? DURINO JULY"ANO AUGUST , flnfly furnished house on Oeorpla avenue , Mm noinimil. References required , Address for throe days N 13 , lice. D-906-ll FOR ItTNT : , HANDSOME FURNISHED NINE- tocnn house In choice location for July and Auguit. Address N 14 , llec. D-911 10 ENT. HANDSOME 8-llOOM HOUSIJ , near Hanscom park ; all modem concnlcnees. JlOOrt IIU-K Ufi N. Y. nfn JJIJj. D-lll JO ONE OF THE REST 10-ROO.M HOUSES IN Knuntze 1'lace ; bam , lawn , etc. , J2j.OO. ns $10.00 ; a snap. Hums' China store. FURNISHED 0-ROOM COTTAGE ; EAST front , will rent cheap during stiimmr month . Call this forenoon or Monday after p. m. , nt nortlmest corner itStli nnd Mason. D 116 10 * FOlT JtENT FURNiSHED "ROOMS. FOR RENT. NICELY AND NEWLY FUR- nlthed room , first floor ; no other roomers ; six blocks from P. O. ; gus , bath. etc. Address M 21. Bee. _ _ _ E-M330 LARGE SOUTII ROOM , 1313 DODGE STREET. ROOM WITH ALCOVE. 524 S. 2CTH AVE E < i'ilil FURNISHED ROOM. 2017 HARNEY STREET. E M773 11 * FURNISHED ROOMS , WITH OR WITHOUT board. 2211 Douglas street. Retvronc's ic- qulrgil. E-.MSM 13 * FOR REN'1\ NICELY FURNISIIiiD ROOMS , all modern Improvements , 2005 St Mury'a n\enuc. E M7SI 11 * FOR RENT. NICELY FURNISHED SOUTH front room In prl\atc fiimlly , to gentlerntn , references required. Inquire CII North 21st street. E Mfel3 13 3 FINELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSEkeeping - keeping- . Rent moderate , 2003 JJurt street. C-M847 II * FURNISHED ROOMS TOR LIGlff HOUSP- keeplng. 16H Howard street. E MSIC 14 * THREE LARGE FURNISHED ROOMS COMplete - plete for housekeeping ; no children 1913 Far- nam street. E M8S9 10 * DESIRAIILE FURNISHED LARGE FRONT room and alcove , close to business center. Ad- dresa N 8 , Uce. E-881 14 * BEAUTIFUL FURNISHED ROOMS AIjl jaccnt to business portion ; references ex changed. Address N I ) , Bee. E 563 II * FOR RENT , TWO ROOMS EN SU1TE.G1I North 20th street ; board next door.E E M304-10 * 3 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPIng - Ing for man nnd wife. Rent taken In board. 319 N. 17th. E ! )10 ) AETNA HOUSE , NORTHWEST CORNER 13TH and Dodge. Rooms by the da > or week. E O'.O , I > 9 * LARGE SOUTH FRONT ROOM. GAS AND bath ; moderate rent to good party ; referente. . 2614 Capitol avenue. E-OSO 10 * FURNISHED ROOMS , 1810 CHICAGO STREET. E-MS77 Jii * FOR RENT , NICELY FURNISHED FRONT nnd back rooms , at 1813 Cass. E M37'j 11 * FOR RENTLARGEDOUBLEPARLORS with grate and nice bed room , 3 closets and bath , 2i21 N 24th. Templeton & Plcrson.E . E 031 10 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS ; MODERN cnvcnlences ; 2022 St. Mary's avenue.EM103 E-M103 1C * TWO NICE FURNISHED SOUTH ROOMS' ; separate or en suite. 318 N. 23rd street. E 113 10 * FURNISHED KOOMS AND BOARD SOUTH ROOMS AND GOOD BOARD. 2109 Douglas street. F M903 YOUNG WOMEN'S HOME. UNDER CARE OF Women's Christian association. Ill 8. 17th. " ' F-357 SOUTH FRONT ROOM FOR TWO , WITH board , In private family. 2024 St. Mary's ave. F-MSC1 311 ROOMS. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED , with first-class board. 1900 Capitol ave. Inquire 1910 Capitol ave. F M774 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS , FOLDING beds , modern conveniences , with good board. The Rose , 2020 Itarney. F fX J23 LARGE FRONT AICOVE ROOM , TWO NICE closets nnd grate , with board The Albany , 2101 Douglas street F 819 GOOD BOARD , ROOMS ENSUITE. 210 , DOUO- Ina st. FM 897 12 * SOUTH FRONT ROOM WITH FIRST CLASS board. Cell at 1722 Dodge St. F 000-11 * FOR RENT , FURNISHED ROOM , WITH board , In private family , for two. Convenient to car line , on paved street , nice lawn and porches. Good home for summer out. Atl- dress N 17 , care Bee. F 839 10 * SOUTII ROOM ; BOARD IF DESIRED ; GENtlemen - tlemen only ; 2301 Douglas street. F 919 10 * FINE ALCOVE SUITE ; ALSO SINGLE ROOM , with or without board ; private family ; refer- enccs. 1709 Dodge. F S89 10 * WANTED , ONE OR TWO GENTLEMEN TO room and board In private family. Everything pleasant. Address at once , N 30 , Dec. . F-983 10 * NICELY FURNISHED LARGE SOUTH FRONT room , with board , for two , $5.00 per week each. 2100 Cass. F 107 10 * BOOMS AND BOARD , 2013 DOUGLAS STRET. F-M097 23 * * 1812 CHICAGO. FRONT ROOMS , SINGLE OR en suite. Table boarders accommodated. FOR RENT-UNFURNISH'D ROOMS. 4 UNFURNISHED ROOMS. SUITABLE FOR housekeeping , city water , etc , , low rent ; northwest - west corner 17th and Webster et. G 598 4 LARGE UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping. 3 large closets , bath nnd water on same floor ; cheap to man and wife without children. 1913 Farnani. Q MSCO 10 * FoR RENT , D-ItOOMS AT 1713 N. 15TH. Q-873 14 * 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 2220 LEAVEN- worth stieet. with use of bath. G M108 11 * SUMMER BOARDING. SUMMER BOARDING AT HAZEL DELL nursery , northwest of Omaha ; convenient to R. R. I'or particulars address J. W. Day , Urlggs station , Neb. H M95I 12 * FOR RENT , STORES AND OFFICES CORNER SALOON , S24 DOUGLAS. INQUIRE il.'Z. 1 Mi C8 FOR RENT , THREE-STORY AND BASEMENT brick building at 1011 Farnam street , In llret- class condition , good location for any business. Inqulie of A. J. Fopplcton , room 314 First Na > tlonal bank building. 1-831 la 16 MONTHS LEASE OF STORE. SOD 8. 17TH. 1-699 FOR RENT. THe 4-STORY 1JRICIC BUILDING , 916 Fainam street , The building has a tire- proof cement basement , complete steam heat ing fixtures , water on all floora , gas , etc. Apply - ply at the oinre of the Bee. 1 910 ' ' ' AOE'NTB WANTED. BRECKINRIDGB BOOK. UO.OOO BOLD ; AGENTS wanted : outfit free. Ferguson , Cincinnati , O. J M8C4 IS * AGENTS IN AND OUT OP CITY ; LIBERAL commlsblon * . Apply room 43 } , I'axton block , J-S7G Jy7 * AGENTS WANTED. GOOD MEN ONLY ; RAPID seller In town nnd country ; lartco returns to workers. Call 2707 Q street. South Omaha. J-870 H * WANTED , AGENTS. SAMPLE SASH LOCK free bv mall for 2c. stamp. Immense. Un rivalled , Only good one ever Invented. Beats wclEhts. Sales unparalleled. $1 ! a day. Bro- hard ( llox K ) ) , Philadelphia. J LADY AGENTS THE EASIEST AND MOST profitable thing to do Is to sell the Hjgcla cor set. Kend for terms and Information to the Western Corset Co. , St. Louis. Mo. J AGENTS-NO HARD TIMES ; BELL ALUMI- Hum no\flilfs ; fmt sellers : 200 per cent profit. Secure territory. Hamplr In \ ti t lined case with full Information , by return mall , lOc Alumluum Noliy Co. , Ui Broadway , New York * _ il * AGENTS WANTED. Continued , AOENT3 AND GENERAL AGENTS WANTED for the best book on cnith to make money with. $2.00 outfit free lo all meaning business. Batch Uro . , Boston , Macs. J AGENTS WANTED EVERYWIIEllE FOR electric WOOD name plates , sign * , etc. ; rend- able In the daik ; sample with any name free. New Em Plate Co. , 167 Dearborn sired , Chicago cage , III. J-913 10 * WANTED , AGENTS TO EMPLOY CANVASS em , appoint subngents , sell to dealers ; exclusive territory ; small capital requlrid ; 200 P"/ cent profit. Columbia Chemical Co. . 69 Dearborn street , Chicago , 111. J 017 10 * 00 BUSINESS HOUSES OF OMAHA ARE using Hie great modern disinfectant , "Chluro- Nantholeunl , " Agents wanted to sell this , cind tlit ! new slovii top cover nttnrhmenl for KIIUJ- line stoves ; lo irl\nlo families. For Informa tion mliliiw D. 11. IJeemer , Manufacturer' * ngent , Omaha. Neh. J-1'93 ' 10 * _ AGENT H , MALE AND FE.ILW.E. WANTED everwhere ; lightning seller ; absolutely nen ; no tnlklng , protltn Imnunse. Box W , Tlin Ab bott Mf f. Co. , Sprlngncld , Ohio. J-D70 10 * WANTED TO RENT. WANTED NEATV" COOL ROOM AND BOARD In private family , near Bee olllce ; quiet locn- tlon requited. . Address N 23. Bee. K-OSO 10 * BOARD AND ROOM , MAN AND WIFE. IN private family with no very ) oung children. Ol\9 references and tcrmc , Address N 29 , Ilec. K--9SI 10 * WANTED. TO RENT IJ house , with all Impiovcimnts ; ptlvalc family. N 23 , Boe. K-572 10 * WANTED , TO RENT A ID-ROOM prtvato family , bet\vren Itanscom park nnrt Cumlng , 18th nnd 40th , Address N 15 , Bee. " K-912 10 * _ _ _ _ STORAGE. ' STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; CLEAN and cheap rate. R , Well * , 1111 Farnam. STORAGE.WILLIAMS St CROSS , 1211 HARNEY. M-C01 WANTED TO BUY. SECOND-HAND FURNITUIIE BOUGHT AND sold. L. Altman , SOS & 810 N. ICth st. N S29 J)5 WANTED , A GOOD , LARGE DRIVING HORSE for two-seated surrey , suitable for a lady to dilve ; must be > oung nnd sound. Addrnss M 62. Bee. N-M8S1 10 * I WANT TO BUY A GOOD $1.00 DAY HOTEL , with a saloon In connection , from $10,000.00 to $20,000.00 , In good town ; J8,000.00 or $3,00000 cash , balance good security. Address N 10 , Omaha Bee. N-M535 11 * Do you want to FOB Something Else ? and get the * ' Best of the Bargaify. j Then advestise it in" ' ' Our exchange column.ft * " Cost you i/ a word. ° ne time'si a cent a word after j > nl . Jl KJ .P I t T rr b * T' > n tr f'i HIOHESTSPRICnS PAID FOR SECOND-HAND furniture , Btovts , etc. I. Brusscll. " 10-712 N. 16th. N S57 WANTED. irAvn cusTOMnn FOR to $20,000.00 stock of merchandise ; will slvc 'i notes nnd cash , % clear land. Do not write unless terms suit. Addicss N 12 , life. N 893-10 * FOB SALE PUB.NITTJBE. PAYMENTS EASY , YOU WON'T MISS YOUR money. Low prices on furniture & household goods. Untcrprlso Credit Co. , 613-013 N. IGth st. O 857 FOH SALE , CHEAP , A GOOD SEWING MA- chlno ; cosh or payments. Address N 27 , Hoe. FOR SALE , JSOO.OO WORTH OF FURNITURE : gooA as new ; for less than half , consisting of parlor , bed room , dining room nnd kitchen. Address N 32 , Beo. O M995 11 FOB SALE HORSES , WAGONSETO. LARGE DRIVING AND SADDLE HORSE FOR ale , 4 years old. 1600 Douglas st. P S82 H * SMALL PERFECT SADDLE HORSE FOR sale , suitable for lady. 1609 Douglas Kt. 1' 5SO 14 * FOR SALE , LIGHT CARRIAGE TEAM. 1130 N. 17th. P-M393 J23 FOR SALE. FINE YOUNG HORSE AND phaeton , will take Rood milk cow or boy's pony In exchange. Inquire G3i 8. 31st fit. ! 902-11 FOR SALE , CHEAP , A DALE \VILKES COLT. 4 years old. 3S33 Sewnrcl street. 1' 913 0 * FOR SALE , PAIR HOUSES AND PHAETON. Will take Rood upright piano In exchange. Address N 26. lice. P MOSS 12 * FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. BALED HAY FOR SALE. THE STANDARD Cattle company , Ames , Neb. , have 2,000 tons of good barn-stored hay for sale. All orders filled promptly. Q02 FOR BALE , UPRIGHT PIANO. 817 SO. ICTH. Q-.MS15 15 UENHEIM SPANIELS , THE HANDSOME little toys ; Scotch Collies. G. H. Mooic , 1C31 Sherman avenue. Importer and breeder. Q-875 Jy7 FOH SALE , CHEAP , TJVO NEW TOP F.11G- Kles , two new farm vvagonn and one n I most new roll top olllca ilcnk. laree "Ize. Must bo sold at once , Oinalia lllcyclu Co. , 007 North 16th street. Q 1169G 12 $12500 WARWICK I1ICVCLR , 1804 PATTERN , adjustable handle bar and rear brake , on no other wheel , $90,00 cash. Omaha Coal. Coke & Lime Co , , ICth and Douglas. Q SOM3 SUPPLIES FOR AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHERS Solo agents for tlio NIGHT HAWK CAMERA. $5. 8. Heyn & Co. , photo supplies , 1003 Fnmam nt. Q-908-J > 8 ST. I1ERNARD PUPS. 2101 DOUGLAS STREET. Q-M9M . 9 IHCYCLE. PRACTICALLY NEW. FOR BALE cheap for cash. Addrena N 19 , Dee , Q 945 10 * VERY FINK POWERFUL FRENCH FIELD Klaus ; cost $30.00 , for $10.00 ; privilege ex amination. Address box 392 Cincinnati. Q &I9II ! ! COLUMBIA BAFETV HICYCLE. ROLIrTT'ItONT and cuHhlon rear tire. $20,00. Call S to C:30 : p , in , , It. U. Smith , lit M. Rogers & Honx. Q 911 10 * FOR SALE. LADY'S NEW IMPERIAL 111- cyclc. Cheap for cash. Inquire of manager Colonade hotel , cor , 16th and Jackson utroctx , Q-978 10 * $60.00 CASH 1IUVS HIGH GRADE $123.00 LADY or Kvnt'B bicycle ; good 03 new. Address N 31 , Omaha , lire. Q 1009 10 * FOR SALE , BET BINGLD TRUCK HARNKS3. 621 8. 16th street. Q-M9C7 It MISCELLANEOUS. FOR RENT. NO. 2 HEMINGTON TYPE. writer In perfect order. J , li , Ilujnea , IK-a Editorial rooms. It-MSII 12 _ STAMPING , EMIIROIDERING AND DRAWN work dona cheap at 607 N. , ISth Btrret , R-990 10 * _ _ WANTED. TO HIRE HORSE AND LIGHT RIG by month to travel through country : muitt b : cheap. N 83 llco olllcu. lt-973 10 * _ OLAIUVOYANTa. MRS. DR. II , WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT. UE- llublo business medium ; 7th year at 119 N. 15. MASSAGE , BATHS , ETC. LA HUH , 419 SOUTH 15TII 15TIII 7 JIO * MASSAGE , BATHS , ETO. .CiintlnueJ. MMD. . . . AN.VA OF fclflCAGO _ _ . . . . . GIVES ALCOHOL baths , massage , il/lJJ. ICth , room n. * T M87J 10 * MADAME B.MITHj'fti ; B. 13TH , ID FLOOR , room 3. MastaRe. , vapor , alcohol , slrnni. nil * phurlne nnd sea EatTi ? . T-M837 It * MADAME "nilOtt'K" , ' ll CAPITOL AVKNUE. Id floor , room 4 , rahtshge , alcohol , nulnhur nml en baths. f T M921 1 PERSONAL. MASSAGE TREATMENT. ELECTRO-THUR. mat bittha. Hcalp nnd hair treatment , manlcurt < & chlropodlt. Ztrs. rfst3191i S 16th , WIthncll blk. U 601 VIAVI HOME rtVlATlIENT FOR LADIES. Health book and consultation free. AdOrc i or Call Vlavl Cu. , 31Ms bldK. Lady attendant. MASSAGE , JIADAMU DUlt.VAltD , 14u"DODQE , , U M63I 16 * LADIES' ioR GENTLEMEN'S HAIR RE- stored. Prof. Frank nroplin will ctiaranteo to restore hnlr on bold h'eadi If roots arc not do- rtroyed , will ttop hair from falling out , cmo dandruff and return nrny hair to Its natural color. Free examination from 9 o'clock a. m Steam shampoo nnd ladles' hair dressing will commence Juno 15th. Room 409 nee bulldlnir. U-73W10 _ MISS JOHNSTON , " CADIES' HAIR DRESSER , shampooing. Old location , 211 8. 16th ntreet , U SiC-Jia _ CATARUH TREATED , $4 PER MONTH , ROOM JO , nouclnn blk , . cor. 16th and UoilKC. WHEN ON FARNAM STREET STOl' 10.AT . 1410 and see our now china. M. II. Illlss. U 909-Jy 8 _ ATTENTION LADIES-EMMA HUST DEVEL- opcr will enlarge iour bust 5 Inches. Guaran teed. Benltsd Instiuttlono , 2c , or 24-paBe Il lustrated catalogue Co , by mall. Emma Toilet Lt.izar , Hoston , Mais. U $1,00000 WOl'LD NOT RUY MY HOROSCOPE- A. M. McLetnnrc. McLemore , Miss You unvol mo ftom n life of misery T. Brings , Cllntnn Hnllow , N. Y. , ami thousands more , equally an grateful. If you desire good fortune In lov u or business consult m . Only lOo Give date of birth. Astrologer , Drawer K. , Kansas rity , Mo. U-931 10 * _ _ VALUABLE INFORMATION TO GRAIN AND Block specualtors contained In our little book , which we mall free to any adduess , Coatcs & Co , to building. Chicago , 111. U 933 10 * MME. NORP.IS WISHES TO ANNOUNCE TO her patrons that the next 33 da } a she will make gulta for $10.00. U 9S1 10 * _ PERSONAL. REIIAM KENNELS. OMAHA , offer cure for mange and fleas ; also handsome Cocker epanlels. U M113 16 * TAKE YOUR. FRIEND ; TINTYPES , 4 FOR 25c. Proctor , 616 S. 16th street. U M964 jy9 MRS. F. DOREY , CARD READING. 1112 NO. 20th street. U-S35 1 ? * MONEY TO LOAN BEAL ESTATE LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property ; $3,000 Se upwards , 5 to GV4 per cent ; no delays. W , Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Farnam. W-IQ7 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES THE O. F. Davis Co. , 1505 Farnam st. W-60S OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO. , IGTH AND Douglau streets , loan money on city and farm property at lowest rates of Interest. W 610 LOANS. 1 TO B YEARS. WARRANTS. I3ONDS , etc. Oarvln Proa. . 210 N. Y. Life. W 611 LIFE INSURANCE POLICES LOANED ON or bought. ! ' . C. Chesney , Kansas City , Mo. W-612 MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA PROPERTY and Nebraska farms at from C to 7 per cent. W. D. Mclklc , First National bank building. W-613 MORTGAGE ffbANS , A. MOORE , 504 N. Y. Life. W 713-J9 * MONEY TO LOAN ON" FARMS IN DOUGLAS , Improved and unimproved Omaha real estate. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Farnam 8t W 609 LOANS. U. H. SHEAFE , 432 PAXTON BLOCK. W-M6C3 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA reul estate. IJrennan , Love & Co. , l'ax ton blk. , W-614 ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO..318 N.Y. LIFE loans at low rates for choice security on Ne braska and Iowa farms or Omaha city property W 615 CHOICE CITY AND FARM LOANS WANTED ! J. N. Frcnzer , opposite P. O. W 934 J15 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES ON Improved nnd unimproved Omaha real estate , 1 to G years. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Farnam. ' W-009 _ UNITED STATES MORTGAGE CO. OF NEW Yoik. Capital $2,000,000. Surplus $600,000. Sub mit choice loans to F , 8. Pusey , agent , First National bank building. W 800 cTrY LOANS. C. A. STAHR. 615 N. Y. LIFE. W-M94S LOANS , TEMPLETON&PIERSON.PAXTON blk. W-657 IMOGENE L. RAMSEY MAKES DELICIOUS homo made bread ; try one loaf. 217 N. 16th st , U 874 Jy7 * MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. " MONEY TO LOAN- We will loan > ou any turn which you wish , small or large , ac the lowest possible rates , In the quickest possible time , and for any length of tlmo to suit you. You can pay It back In such Installments as you wish , when you wish , and only pay fur It as lone as you keep It. You can borrow on IIOUHKIIOLD FURNITURE AND PIANOS , IIORUES , WAGONS AND CARRIAGES , WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , MERCHANDISE , OR ANY OTHER SECURITY , without publlHtyhor 'removal of property. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 306 Bv/UTU'-UTH STREET , First Iloor _ TVDOVO the street. THE OLDEST. LARGEST AND ONLY INCOR- PORATEU LOA. < CPMPANY IN OMAHA. , i X-8U A. E. HARRIS , 11OOM 1 , CONTINENTAL 1ILIU X-M64 ! ) MONEY TO LOAWnON PERSONAL PROP. erty. Marvin Loaatp < j.L 701 N. Y. Life building " THE PLACE TO HOtlllOW MONEY ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. MONEY ON IIORHE8' AND MULES. MONEY ON WAGON'S AND CARRIAGES , MONEY ON PIANOS AND ORGANS , MONEY ON WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , MONEY ON MEUCIIANDI8E , MONEY ON ANY CHATTEL SECURITIES , MONEY ON Roods that remain with you , MONEY IF YOU WANT NO PU11LICITY. MONEY IN LARGE OR SMALL AMOUNTS , MONKY AT LOWEST POSIILH RATES. MONEY IN QUICKEST POSHIULE TIME. MONEY THAT you may pay back at any tlm and In any amount , Is at ROOM 4 , WITH. NELL block , corner IMh and Harnev streets. THE FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. UI7 BUSINESS CHANCES. PARTNER WANTED : INTEREST IN branch business of well established firm ; . required. Address t < M. bee , with full particu lars. Y MI72 Jl > _ H' YOU WANT TO IJUY , SELL OR EX- chnngo merchandise , get In or out of business. rail on or address tha National Information and Exchange Co. , 203 First National bank , Oinaha , N b. _ Y-MM7 JM FOR SALE. " CHEAP" . FmST-CLAsiTRESTAUR. ant and lunch counter , opposite F. E. & M. V , depot. Fitniont , NtU , Y-MCC1 BUSINESS OHANOES. Continued. PARTNER WANTED. YOt'NCJ LADY OR gentleman , to take half Interest In manufactur * Ing my life preserver. Not much money needed. Address Math Abcnl , Lnmolt , Iowa. Jnckron _ Cu. Y M777 11 * SEND FOR LITTLE HOOK "iTo\V T6 KI'r : < illatc StuccMfiilly In Wheat nnd Stock Mnr * Itol , " timllrd five. Coinslock , Hughes Co. , Rl- alto lildg , , Chicago. LOCATION IN TltciTY KolAKsnY or drug stare. Address W. II. W. , 1703 N. : < Hli street. YOSS 10 * try our sindlcnlo < > lnn of rt > ecuhitloi | ; In- rrrasa your Income : Infimimilou free ; rcntl for circular. Thompson A Dorr O > . , 38 Un 11 street , New York. Incorporated under the laws of state of New Yoik ; capital , $ iw,00v.0fl.Y92MO Y-92MO * WE WANT AN ENERGETIC CONCERN TO handle the Gndcy Air Clinic In this city. llrovvn Iro3. JlnnfK. Co. , Chlcatio , III.Y . Y D2S 10 * EXCLUSIVE RIGHT GIVEN ONE each county. Staple article. Large prolltB. It. Glvcns , grocer nnj commlsslpn nu reliant. Cor pus ClnlMll , Texas. Y 914 10 EASTERN HOUSE AIIOUT TO OPEN PEIt- mancnt hrnucc lu this ton limy will consider applications far inanngemcnt of came. Stuto expei lence , references mid tippruxlnwlc worth or no ntumtun. A uit s Imlnc8 , cnio Lincoln houno , Lincoln , JvVb. Y 91S lu * WILL TltADE EQl'ITV I'N LAND I'Xj'll I'AT- cnl rlgiit of Bochl nrtlolo for the state of lyrt. ! , Address Lock Uox 94 , Algom , lovvn. YOU 10 * Januoiy 2 . 12 per cent 13 . 10 " Febiuary I . , , , , , . . . . ) J " " :5.-.rf' . . . . . . . ; . * ? . . . } . . . . . . { 5 " March 1 . 9 " " 15 . 8 " April 2 . 9 " " 10 . . . . . . . . S',4 " May 1 . 8 " 13 . 8 " Juno 1 . 7V4 " " Total . . MS " Wu imvu pnlil our customers In 110 da > s. Profltn paid tvvlci- each month , money can bo withdrawn any time ; $20.00 to $ IWOUO can be Invested ; write for Information , MaiKct let ter free. FISHER CO. , Stock Itrokeii. IS and 20 llroadnny , New York. Y 93fi 10 * SYNDICATE SPECULATION ; T1\E SAFEST for modern Inventors ; litrcust dlxIdvndK on record ; the American SvndluitceaUibllslud 1SS5 , conservative and reliable bank iuf ri > nu > ; $10.00 to 1 1,004 00 IncrcaEes lapdly by this iilun ; manual of Information flee , A. O. Hamlll'in & Co. , 8 Paclllc UVPIIUC , ChlciiKo. Y 013 10 * TEN TO ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS INvested - vested nou will make fortunes ; Inexpensive electric light nnd rnlluuy , agents with capital wanted. Address , 1'innoik Electric Co. , 21 Hamilton btreet , Uoston , M HS. Y 938 10 * A "COMPETENT nusTNEss MAN "WITH $1,200.00 ca h can have hnlr Inteicst in n civ. in. respectable business ; best of references will ho required. Address N 31 , Ii e. Y 9S3 10 * $700.00 WILL IUY A GOOD PAYING 1IUSI- ness ; part trade. 320 acre fnnn , near Norfolk , for merchandise. Stock of Jewelry nnd watches for land. Templeton & Plcison , Paxton Illlc. Y 982 10 _ A JEWELER WISHING TO GET IN ON THE ground floor In the best town In Oklahoma will do well to correspond with the Mcdford Drug Co. , Mcdford , Oklahoma Territory. Y 108 10 * _ FOB EXCHANGE ! A GOOD RANCH TO TRADE "FOR WESTERN marcs ; about 1,000 acres , hay , timber and water. Address M. L. la ) lor , Sprlngvlew , Neb. Z M954 J16 * _ _ EQUITY OF $4,000.00 OR $5.000 00 IN AN OMAHA residence and Council IlluffK cottage for mer chandise or land. Uox 26 , Grlswold. la. _ 55 MS E 14 * _ A LETTER FROM EASTERN CLIENT DATED May 23 says : "I wish to dispose of 0 , 10 and 20-Rcrc tracts Just south of Hanscom park , clear of Incumbiancc ; would consider In ex change business or residence block that will pay fair luteiect on Investment. " J. J. Gib son. 317 First National bank building. Z S71 FOR SALE OR TRADU 40 ACRES FRUIT land In Mich , nnd 320 ncres In Western , Nth. , for Omaha acre property , or will take piano In part payment. Address N 16 , Hee. Z-3GO 10 * _ 32 ACRES , PART IN FRUIT. 3 MILES EAST of Council Bluffs , to exchange for a home In Omaha worth $3COO.OO. J. J. Gibson , 317 First National bank. Z 930 10 KOR SALE OR TRADE. 4 7-YEAR-OLD horses , each weighing 1,300 Ibs. , or over ; will take smaller horses In exchange. Fred Teny , 430 Rnmgu block. Z M91S FARM , 40 ACRES OF WHICH ARE Incorporated In growing Nebraska town , 80 acres In cultivation , good b.ulUllngs , house In sured for $700.00 for 5 years , J1.200 Incuiil- brancc. Will trade equity for new or neatly new upright piano , standard make. Adilitss N 21 , IJce. Z 795 10 * 40 HEAD OK YOUNG CATTLE AND 160 ACRE farm In central Nebraska ; to tindi- for eastern Nebraska or Iowa land , nnd will pay small difference. Land nnd cattle all clear. Wil liams & Mlttnn , room 313 , McCaguc building. ' . Z M961 12 _ _ _ _ WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE FOR CHEAP western land and town pidpcrtyi want any thing and everything. Address N 33 , Uee. Z 101 10 * _ TO EXCHANGE , OMAHA PROPERTY FOR southern lands or property. Address N 36 , IJoc. Z 104 10 * _ TO EXCHANGE , OMAHA PROPERTY FOR lands or manufacturing Interests. Address N 35 , Her. Z 103 10 * _ FOB SALE BEAL ESTATE. UARGAINS , HOUSES , LOTS AND FARMS. eale or ttade. F. K. Darling , Barker blk. RE-651 _ UAROA1N. N. E. CORNER 29TII AND HICK- ory. F. K. Darllng.Darkcr block. RE C21 FOR SALE , 7-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT AT A bargain , one block from motor. Inquire at 816 8. 25th st. RE-913-J11 * _ FOR SALE 400 CHOICE EASTERN NEURAS- ka farms ; also a few for tiade. C. R. Hont- right , 301 N. Y. Llfo bldg. RE 424-J24 FARM LANDS. C. F. HARRISON. 912 N. Y. Life ItE 426-J24 * RETAIL BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE , 22x132 , adjoining the N. Y , Life on Fnrnam St. , at $10,000 less than a 6 per cent net Investment. An unchangeable location. D. C. Patterson , 1623 Farnam. U E 830 12 A FINE INVESTMENT INSURED. By purchasing cither of these lots offered by the Fidelity Trust company. $450.00 , N. E. corner 36th and Sprague sts. , COx 130 , on proposed boulevard , woith $700.00. $475.00 , N , E. corner 40th and Ohio sts , , full sightly. Cheap at $70000. $900.00 , for a lot considered worth double this amount. Three blocks from Farnum st. , facing on br th 36th aali7t i $1,500.00 , buys a lot In Avondale Park , within a mile from the postolllce , with building limit , paved street , stone sidewalks , parks , etc. No special taxes. Georgia avenue property , between Mason nnd Paclllc sts. , the finest residence portion of our city. Lots In size to suit purchatci , at 23.00 per foot less than appraised value. These nre bargains that we can recommend. But llttlo cash required. A pleasure to show property. Fidelity Trust Company , . 1702 Farnam. VERY CHEAP TEN OR TWENTY ACRES Just west of the city on Dodge street , $75 W tier acre. Wright & Lasbury. 16th nnd How- uril . RE M8S8 10 FO R HALE , MY RESIDENCE , B. W. 21RT AND Cass ; brick btores and housis , 8. W. 24th and Hamilton ; houses nnd lot , 2619 23rd and Ham ilton : no trade. Lcavltt Hurnhiun , S09 N. Y. Life. HE DOT-IB * FARM IUROAINS-160 ACRES FIVE MILES from a good railroad town. In Central Ne braska , nvc acre grove and 100 acres of valley land , price $1,000 , Small payment down and balance monthly payments , will pay bujor's oar fore. Williams & Mlttan. room 313 Mo- Caguo building , opposite postolllco MODERN ELEVEN- MANITOU , COLORADO-A room house , hard wood finish , city water , steam heat nnd sewer ; beautifully local id , near sidn spring ; will be sold cheap by owner. E. A. Gilbert , 1608 Colfa avenue , Denver. FOR SALE ; WE HAVE A LARGE LIST OF choice real estate for sale ; among this list we have several houwii und lots owned by eastern parties , who are very anxious to ills- pose of them lit prices lis than cost In erect the ImiiHeHi wo'lmvo n llnely Improved 10-iicio fruit farm In the northwest part of the city fur sale nt tl 000.00 , worth double the amount. George J. Paul , 111 liouid of Trade building. COTTAGE HOME. $1,200.00. YOP CAN PAY for It In rent. H. 13. Cole Crf. , McCaguo bMir. FOR 8ALE AT AN IMMENSE SACRIFICE. Flvo (5) ( ) 50 foot lots ( ono or all ) they must bo sold nt once at panic prlco or some price. Now Is the tlmo to buy a residence lot chfiii [ In the loveliest resldvncu locution In Oinaha. Thiso lots nre all across thn street from Hanscom paiki 2 of them fuce the pavilion and 3 are south front on Shirley street. Any terms you want will be made- . Also for unli1 , M feet front on Park nvenuo In next block north of the park , only $2.0UO.W for tnls lot , one-half the money con lay for live years , bo quick If jou want this. Address the owner , J. II Kulllvan , Drovers Journal olllce. Chicago , or call on The llryon Hud Co , , Omaha , Neli. ItL $2'4 PEIt ACRE TOR 160 ACHES OF CHOICE farm land , a few da > s only. Wright & UJH- bury. 16th and Howard. RE M994 11 300 ACRKS BETWEEN KOUTH OMAHA AND Fort Crook , nt $75.00 to $1000 per acre. G. II. Pcteisoii , 1112 South 13th street. Omaha. , RE 101 10 * BIGGEST BARGAIN IN THE ClTYs NICB south front lot on Dudge , near 34th , only $1,800.00. Hicks. 805 N. Y. Life llldff. , FOB SALE -BEAL ESTATE. roitllnutil. IMPROVED ] " imuo\Ti:5 : "FARMS. $ fa.oo"pnYi acre ; onuy linns , rallnay excursion tlikrts free nctt wt-rk. Colorado Immigration com pany , 311 New York Life , Oinaha. HE IM. ! * ) * $0 AOREH NEAR SEYMOUR PAUK , $1 .W per acre. Hicks , 301 N. Y , Llfo DM * . ltE-110 10 FOR HALE , THE ELEGANT 'GUNER HOUrfE 31st anil Pacific. Hlckt , 305 N. Y. LICi * RF.--I1010 _ FOR SALE , HANIiPOMH RESIDENT ) : LOT near S7lh anil Mason , only $1,350.00. Hlcki , 303 N. Y. Llfi' . HE-110 10 JJUSINESS _ _ QUICK PRINTERS. KUA.MEII A c7lVNDLElT 1121 Fntnnm .1 307-9 S. 12th. phone 1630 , _ Mnll ordcrs ol quick ncllon , _ 791-Jyl A. MARTIN , MUltniANT TAILOR , ESTAlT. 1S78. Imp. .4 domestic novelties. 1607 I'ainam " _ _ " TIN AND SHEET IRON WORK. UUTTP.Us" pouting , vnlh-yH , rotting , done cheap Oaio Ciiy rimicTt. t : . ' N. st. _ 512 J > 3 nUYYOUU HAY II y" CAR OR TONToTsT"\VU buy hay. A. H. Snj.lfr , 1315 Hun st. , ml. no ; . _ t _ m : S3 DAMAGED MIRRORS RES1LVERED. 719 N 10. _ STlJ _ > i _ P.OEDER'S PHARMACY , 707 N. 161 H ST. _ sajyS _ _ TINWARE REPAIRED. 13. ORED1C , 717 N. Jdlh slicet. Copper mid tlicctlron work. _ _ _ _ _ _ " _ _ _ SM-Jy f * D. T. MOUNT "lL\S "THTMOV13I > IHS COAL otllcc to 209 Sci. ICth. Hiown tjlwl "j//1'.1 / / * GET MY IMWI3M linFORE YOU IU'Y A HAR- ness. August Holme , 711 S. 16th stitrt M-9M J > 9 _ _ HARNESS , WHII'S. RAUDLES , F.TP . NEAT repairing. 8. D. Cn ad , 021 N. 16th irn-t M-9M Jj9 \yANTED-TO BOBBOW. $10000 OR,0000 LOAN WANTED ON NE- hiaslm farm , worth $2.000 ( H ) Williams .V Mlttnn. room 313 , MtCngue building , opx ; < lli > postolllcf. 879 10 $6,00000 LOAN WANTED ON IMPROVE ! ) Omaha property. Williams i Mllt.m , room 313. McCanuo building. 87S 10 $ SW.OO FOR TIIREI3 YEARS TO RENEW FIRST moi tgngp on Improved Council lluns ) prnpoitv. Conespondonoe bollcltcd. C. 1' . R. , Hnx 23 , Council Illufls. M993 II LOST. LOST , IN VICINITY OF 25TH AVE. AND Dodge , pair glares nnd case. Return to 2i > 3 2Gth nvi1 , , receive reward. 90.1-11 J2.-.00 REWARD WILL HE PAID Foil THE return of thn Clipper bicycle taken from the N. Y. I.lfp , Tuesday , Juno 5. W J Fivvcelt , 710 N. Y. Llfo building Lost MOM 12' ' " " MUSi'c , AKT A ND I , ANGTJAGE. a. F. GELLENnECK. EANJOIST" AND teacher. 1810 California st. 911 A LEADING SOPRANO WOULD LIKE A I'O- sltlon for several Sundn > s In quartet choir eras as soloist in a good chorus. Call Monday nnd Tuesday n. m. nt 10 o'clock , 1703 Dodge etrei-t. 910 10 UNDEBTAKEBS AND EMBALMEBS II. K. BURKET , FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND cmbalmer. 1618 Chicago. Tel. 90. CS3 SWANSON & VALIEN. UNDERTAKERS AND embalmers , 1701 Cumlng St. , telephone 1UCO , S2S PASTUBAGE. WE HAVE 160 ACRES OF BLUE GRASS PASture - ture for horses. Board fence , spring water. Barton & Phclpi , Gllmore , Neb. , or A. W. Phelps & Son , 207 N. Y. Life bldg. Telephone 1034. M 939 J21 * HOBSESHOEING. E. U. HURT , HORSESHOER , 314 N. IGTH. 820 Jy5 MRS. THOS. MALONEY , 912 N. IGTH ST. 827 Jj5 FINANCIAL. CASH PAID FOR ENDOWMENT POLICIES In old | lno companies : Addres A. K. Brock- lesby. Box 233 , Hartford. Conn. M3S9-J23 * SCISSORS , LAWN MOWERS , RAZORS , ETC. , ground. Mclchotr Bros. , 1119 Farnam st. st.793Jy4 DBESSMAK.ING. DRESSMAKING IN PRIVATE FAMILIES ; FIT and style guaranteed. AUdress N 37. Bee. M 114 16 * FOUND. FOUND , I ) & M. PAY CHECK ; AMOUNT $32.50. S. Schlnnk , 602 S. 9th street. "S59 10 * SHOBTHAND AND TYPEWBITINO. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND. 513 N. Y. Life. Omaha. Ask for circular. 621 FAWNBBJOKEBS. FRED MOHLE. 13174 ! FARNAM. 623 HECEIVEU'S SALE , By order of a decree Issued on the 7th day of May , 1S91 , by the Hon. C. II. Scott. one of the judges of the district court for Douclns county , state of Nebraska , I here by give notice that I will sell nt public auction to thu highest bidder for cnsh , nt 10 o'clock a. m. , on Monday , June ISth , 1S94 , on premises 1110 Ilownrd street , nt Otnahn , Neb. , the entire printing , bookbinding and lithographic plant formerly belonging to the llrm of Ackermnn Hros. & Helntze. The plant will either be sold by piece , by de partment or as a whole , nnd all cash bids , either for part or for the entire plant , re main subject to the appiovul of the court. The plant consists of lithographic depart ment , appraised at $15,815.25. Bookbinding department , appraised at $3,721.11. Job room department , appraised at $4- 670.37. Presses and machinery department , ap praised nt $13,033.49. Miscellaneous , etc. , J2.314.90. Ink and paper stock may Invoice about $3,000.00. Klrst cost of entire plant valued at $01- 3S8.00. Appraised at $ I2&S5.12. For Information or Investigation see Re ceiver Jno. II , F. Lchmann. J 9 d 9 t o Leaves ( CHICAGO , UUltLINu'loN & : U Omaha ) _ Depot lUtli and Musou Sts. _ | Omaha * 445pm ; . Chicago Vestibule . 9.50am B:4Dam : . Chicago Express . 4:23pm : 7:02pm . Clilcugo and Iowa Local . 8ouitn : ll&ain : . I'acllle J ujicjlon _ Local , . B : COpm Leaveo IllOltLlNOiON .t MO. RlVEltDArriveT Omaha ! Depot loth and Mason Sts. I Omaha TiHiCam . Denver Expicss . 9:33am. : 10lSam : . Dead wood Express . 4:10pm : 4SOpm : . Denver Express . 4.10pm 6:60pin. : . . Nebraska Local .excipt Hun. ) . . . 6E : > Opm 8.15am , ( nxcepunday.i..ll.25iiju T ICTS. . 8T. J. & "tT H. l al Depot 10th and Mason Sts. I Omaha . . . . Kansas Clly Day Expnss . 6.G3pm SMCpm.K. C. Nlshl U. P. Tiana. 6GOam : leaves f CHICAOO. R. I. & PACIFIC' . lArrlveT Omalial Union Uepot 10th & Maaun Hts.l Oinuh.l EAiiT. _ \ 10:15am : , . Atlantic Express ( ex. ouiulay ) . . fciUSpm 6:2Jpm : . Night Express . : 440ptn. ; , . Clilcugo Vtstlbuled Llmlttd. . . . liMiim 11. spni. Oklahoma Exp. ( to C. II. ex Sun ) . 6.15aiii ; - ' W EST. _ B:33am. : Oklahoma & Texas Exp. ( ex Sun.ll733pm J S'.pm. . . Colorado "l lmlteJ . 4:10pm : "Leaves ] - = UNlON 1'ACIFIC. lArrlves" Oinilial Union Depot 10th & Musqn8ts.JOmaha "J7tbam . Denver Express . . . . , 3:60rm : ZUpm . . . . . . .iOverlaml Flyer. . . . . . . . . . 6 ; 20pin :4Cpm.Ueatricc : ii Stromsb'K Exex Sun.13.30ain 6 40pm . Paclllo EXUKIU . lil ! J > 630inn ; . Fast Mall . 4 : : > um IThves ICHICAOO , MIL. & ST. 1'AUL.IArrlves OmaliayHonDepot | 10th & Mason bts. | Oiniina TS5pm..7. : 7. . . .Chicago Limited . :3)am : uilOain. . . . Chicago Express ( ex. Hun. ) . . . . tWJiun ' LeavesT F. E. & MO. VALLEY. | Arrlves orauhal P"t > 5' ' ' u"a Web.ttr 8ts. I Umaha " 9:05am.7T7..Deadwood Expreaa . . . . . . . . EtlOpm 8-OGam : ( Ex. 8at..Wyo. Ex. ( Ex. Mon. ) . B.lOpm "iK Norfolk Express ( Ex. Humlay. ) .10:45 : m Z30pm. . . . . . St. Paul ixprj. ; . . , . . . . 94U4in ; leaves rdllCAGO & NORTH WEST'N lArflves OmahalU. P. Depot 10th & Maaan Hts.l Omaha li'OCam . Clilcuso Express . 610pm ; 4:05on : . . . -Vestibule Limited . :2 : nm CJQpn. : . . . . Eastern Fljer . ZilSpm C.30pm.Ex. ( Bat.M'hlc. Paia.Ex. ( Mon. ) . :25pm : Local. . . . . . . . Uli.'iym "MISSOURI PACIFIC lArrlv Depot 16th and Wi'b lerSts.J _ Omiha "D'OOuin .7.77. . . St. Louis Expiess. . 6.00am 9.3011111 Bt , IxiuU Exprvas < : S ! > pm thopin Dally ( ex. Bun. ) Nebnuka Ixxml. 9ilu.ini ' Leave * I a , ST. I' . M , & O. ( Arrives Omatml Depot Uth and Web t r Bis. JOmahs , " . .OOani..8loux""Clty" ( Ex. Hun. ) . . : OSpm loOOam..Bloux ; City Accom ( Bun , Only. ) . 8:0.ipm : 12:16pm..Bloux : City Express ( Ex. Bun i H:5 : ! > am C:3upni. : Bt. Paul Limited , -i. . j . 9l'Jam : ' Leaves SIOUX "ClfVlk'PACIFia ( Arrives OmahalU. P. lJ pot 10th & Muson Hts.l Omaha "tidam Sioux City Puncnger * 5-P' ' " SiUpin Ht. Paul ExprcH. . . . . . . . .lOjOOani I SIOUX CITV" & FACTFIC. .lArrlVfs Omahal Deixjt Uth and Webnur Hts. I Omaha . Bt. Paul Limited _ tiu ! > rm. . . . . . . . . . . Chicago Llmlttd . . ; 40am I ovei I OMAHA & BT. IXJUia _ .lArrlvei Omiha U. P. Depot Wth A Mason Bit. I Otrfti' I.Wym . SU LouU CauQSa U , , , , > U : > ! ( > U. BILL DAITOH DEAD FOR SURE Terror of the Southwest UM Mailo His Last Stand on L'nrtli. NOTED OUTLAW SHOT BY A DEPUTY'S ' GUN Surruiinitdl In n llnu < e by u t'osic , lt Juinppi ! from n Wlmltm mill nlnrlml to Hun , but \\ns ( Julclily H Cut Down , AUDMOUn , I. T. . Juno ! ) . 11111 Dalton hns met his tlcntli at tlio hnmis of Deputy United States .Marshal Lnse tlmt , nml this tlmo the IdcnllilcatloH Is complete. Ills widow ri Is here under arrest. ) | A dissolute character named Wallace , ac- coinp.tnlcd by two vvuiia'tt , came to Antmore , nnd , after purrlmsl'ii ; ovr > r $200 worth of goods , the man went to the express offlco and called for n package which \vna given lilm. He was arrested on suspicion , the packDKO broken Into and found In contain several gallons of whisky. From tlicso p-utlcs It vvns learned tlio whisky wits for other people said to be living near Elk , and ftom Incautious remarks by the two men Hie officers concluded It belonged to the DnltonB , the Longvlevv bank robbers , who uro known to bo In the neighborhood of Klk , tvvcnty-flvo miles northwest of hero. The man was locked up and n posses of United States marshals consisting of I ) , n. Hooker , S. T. Umlvay , S. U'ulliennan , 12. Huberts , W. II. Freeman , M. ( ] | o\cr , nml tlio hero of the hour , C. Lo Hart , started for the freebooteis' rendezvous. The place where they had reason to believe tht-lr game vvns In hiding vvas surroiiiidnl by the posse. While thi > men were taking their position * Dalton was peon to como out , look nround and Immediately return The olllrcra on the east side wore discovered by him through n window or by sonio one In the house , and , pistol In hand , ho jumped through tlio window on the north nnd started to run cnFt. Loss Hart vvns thirty yanls from the licuso and called on him to halt. Kor reply ho half turned around , tried to take aim while running nnd just then the 44-Wln- chester of the olllcor spoke. Two Jumps Into the air were the only motions nindo by the Heclng man. His pistol fell to the ground and ho sunk , llo expired without a word. The house was searched and over ICO letters , besides numerous rolls of crisp bank bills wore found , tlio address proving him to be Hill Daltoit qnd the money proving him to have been the leader of the Long- vlovv bank robbers. The remains were brought to this city nnd when hfs wlfo was told that 1)111 ) Dnlton was dead she became hysterical nnd almost succumbed to the shook. There Is n reward of several thou- tand dollars on Dalton's head. Thu deputy who killed him has wired to Longvlcvv that ho lias positive proof that It Is Hill Dalton and that ho committed the robbery. Mrs. Dalton says she was bom In Mercer counly , C'al. , where she married Dalton In 1SSI. Her maiden name vvns No llo Vaiino-s. They came to the territory In IS'Jt and have two children. Mrs. Dalton Is 27 years old and her husband was 29. She Is well educated atid appears to bo very Intelligent. Boating and bathing at Courtland beach. loilgo W'iiTcin'8 I'roiorbi. Detroit Tree Press : "In God wo trust" Is the only safe trust a statesman kin hav ennytblng to do with. When a statesman wunst gits .started rong ho seams to forglt the wv.y back. Vercher Is Its oan reward , but sum con gressmen don't scam to keer much about clalmln' the roward. The talrltt Is a good dcel uv a pig In a poke. ' If thar was n pcnnalty on law makln' as thar Is on law brakin * It mite bo bolter for the country. Llbberty Is sweet , but It ain't sweetened with shuger. - Freedom uv speach oughtent to mean un- arky uv langvvidge. One drop uv corrupsliun will spilo .a bucketful of pollltlcks. This great and gloryous republic ! ; or ourn balnt got no use fcr partisan polll tlcks after a campano Is over. Three steamers at Courtland , take sail. ] Todd nnd Vim DIIKCII. Announcements have been received In this city of the marrlago of M. Willis Todd to Miss Elizabeth Van Duhen at llaldwlnsvllle. N. Y. , nt 7:30 : o'clock last Tuesday evening. Doth of the young people have resided In Omaha for some time past and have a largo circle of friends who join In best wishes for their future happiness. The bride Is a sis ter of Attorney J. II. Van Dusen and during n residence hero of nearly a year hns won many friends who will be glad to know that Omaha Is to bo her future home. Mr. Todd Is ono of itlio de partment managers of the Hammond company nnd Is well known In business nnd financial circles. The wedded couple nre now on n three weeks' bridal trip to Uoston , Now York and Ilaltlmoro and will then return to this city , where they will bo at homo at Thirty-second and Woolworth avenue. Three stenmerH nt Courtlnnd , tnkc sail. | llnril of IliiffnloH ICiiillscMiviirrd. The herd of wild buffalo which vvns re cently redlscovoted In the remote section of Valvcrdo county , Texas , after having boon lost to all human cjes for four years , was seen again a few days ago by a ranchman named Philip Thornton. Mr ( Thornton ar rived In San Antonio nnd stated tlmt the herd numbered fully fifty , several buffalo calves being among them , The animals Wore grazing In a Email valley , which wn completely shut In by hills , nnd from ap- ' pcnranccs this valley had been their homo for several years. The grass was good , and the buffalo nro fat. Mr. Thornton will assist Dr. J. H. Taylor , the wealthy stock man , In capturing the herd and placing them upon the hitter's ranch. A party of sportsmen who are Interested In protecting the buffalo from being killed will lend their assistance In the work. Dontlng and bathing nt Courtland beach , i Similes In Iriiliiiul. Mr. Helm , Grand Pnrndo , Cork , nays th Cork Examiner , has on exhibition n snaka which wa.s killed nt Mr. Uino's , Veron Mount , lately. It attacked children playing In the fields. The children raised mi alarm , and the sunko wc killed. It Is not HO largo ns the snnko killed on the banks of tha Tramoro sonio tlmo ago , but It Is of the tame species , nnd Is xnld to bo poisonous. How these htmkcs came Into the Douglas dis trict Is enveloped In mystery. Three steamers nt Courtland , take sail , i A Htrutoglfi .Mother. Texns Sittings : Mrs. Yerger Tommy , da you want homo nlco peach jam ? Tommy Yes , mn. "I was going to give you BOIIIO to put on your bread , but I've lost the key to the pantry. " "You don't need the key , mn. I can reach down through thn transom and open tha iloor from the Inside. " "That's what I wanted to know. Now , Jusb wait until your father comes homo. " Twiin III" 'Ilirub nf Miit'lilnery. Chicago Ileconl : "Harold. " nho murmured , iu < her head pressed against bis stalwart bosom , "Ilnrold , do I not hear the bcatlnii of your fond heart ? " "Not exactly , " said Unroll , blushing slightly , "I didn't moan to tell you , but you seeI'm temporarily obliged to carry ono of these $3 watches , " UUHEAU. SUES & CO. , Sollcltori , Dee Building. OMAHA. NED. Ailvlcu KUKH. PERSONAL CHECKS are gixxl at home. AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY TRAVELERS CHEQUES afford all rart'lti of your own bank account anywhere In thu world. Paid ut fuce vuluo * t rwhtru