Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 09, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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local Republicans Not Unanimous aa to'
Who Shall Go to Denver.
right Will Ilo Bottled nt Llncoln-AVIicclcr
IrniU Donglm County Detention
Arrangement * for the Mans Meet
ing Wednesday Iltcnlng.
The meeting of the republican Icaguo
clubs of Douglas county , held in Patter-
eon's hall last night , did not break up in
a row , but It adjourned without accom
plishing the principal object for which It
wan called , simply for the reason that the
aspirants for honors , nnd especially those
who got left , were moro numerous than
tlioso who wcro In the lead.
When President B. II. Roblson of the
Union League club called the gathering to
order ho stated that the object of the meet
ing was to formulate a plan and agree
upon a line of action to bo carried out at
the convention of republican clubs to beheld
held at Lincoln next Tuesday. This con
gressional district , ho said , wbuld bo en
titled to six delegates In the national con
vention of republican clubs to bo held at
Ponvcr on Juno 22 , besides one ddlcgate-at-
largo. Ho suggested that Douglas county
would bo entitled to four of the delegates
and Sarpy and Washington counties to one
delegate each. As neither of those counties
wcro represented , ho suggested that the
nelcctlon of their delegates bo left alone.
This proposition was agreeable to the meet
ing , and the work of selecting a chairman
tor the Douglas county delegates to the
Lincoln convention was commenced.
Dan H. Wheeler , H. C. Brome , C. J.
Greene and Isaac Noycs were placed In nomi
nation for the position , and when the vote
was counted , after all of the changes had
been made , the result was as follows'
Wheeler , 138 ; Brome , 113 ; Greene , 12 , and
Noycs , 3. The election of Wheeler was
made unanimous.
In a short speech Wheeler thanked ths
meeting and urged that If anything was to
bo accomplished harmony would have to
prevail among the delegates when they
reached Lincoln. Ho wanted to sec enough
harmony so that It would be reflected back
to Douglas county and have It said fur once
that the republicans were united upon every
proposition. The talk was cheered , but It
was apparent that harmony was hustling
out of the lit } ! ! , seeking a psrcli In some other
Taking up the matter of the selection of
secretaries of the delegation , the names of
'J. M. Glllan. H. M. Waring. C. B. Denny
and II. C. llrome were placed before the
meeting. Glllan and Denny withdrew , after
which Waring and Brome were elected by
These preliminary skirmishes having been
'disposed of , John M. Thurston was nomi
nated as the delegatc-at-large to the Denver
convention , but as Mr. Thurston stated that
being an cx-presldcnt of the national league
ho was entitled to a scat In the convention ,
Ills name was withdrawn and John L.
.Webster elected to the position.
The real fight of the meeting was then
declared on , and the president announced
that the time had arrived for selecting four
gentlemen whoso names would bo presented
to the Lincoln convention as delegates from
Douglas county to the Denver convention.
Men climbed over one another to present
the names of their favorites , and when the
end was reached the lint loomed up like
this : R. S. Berlin , A. II. Willis , Richard
Smith , C. J. Greene , J. T. Wertz , II. C.
TImme , J. H. Kyner , C. E , Winter , John
, W. Battln and W. F. Beehel. ' It waa
agreed that those four having a majority
of all the votes cast should bB declared
elected , anil the work of balloting com
menced. This consumed the better part
of an hour , and when the changes from ono
candidate to another had been made the
result was as follows : Berlin , S3 ; Willis ,
20 ; Smith , 117 ; Greene , 78 ; Wertz , 99 ;
Tlmme , 102 ; Kyner , 85 ; Winter , SO ; Battln ,
4 , and BcchcI , 95. This vote did not
Elvo any four of the candidates a
majority , and Kyner at once started in to
lead a revolt by convincing some of the men
who were far down on the list that their
chances would bo better If the flght was
transferred to Lincoln. There were loud
calls for a second ballot and equally loud
calls for an adjournment. The chairman
ruled that a motion to adjourn was always
In order , and to settle the whole matter a
standing vote was taken. Kyner was four
too many for his opponents , and the result
, wns that ninety-nine men stood up and were
counted for adjournment , while the other
Bide could muster but ninety-five delegates
.Who wanted to stay and flght It out.
After the adjournment there were several
Jiot wordy contests , ono of which waa
brought on by Jim Kyner , who accused G.
, W. Holbrook , the president of the Fifth
.Ward . Republican club , of throwing several
votes of that delegation to other candidates.
Kyner maintaining that ho should have had
the entire vote of the ward , notwithstanding
the fact that ho was not elected as a dcle-
Bate from his own ward , his name not hav
ing been mentioned at the caucus which
nelected the delegates. Mr. Holbrook ac
knowledged the corn , and In no uncertain
terms Informed Kyner that whllo ho got a
low votes from the Fifth ward In the meet
ing which ho had Just disrupted , ho could
bo assured that when the" delegates reached
Lincoln ho would not got a vote from the
Fifth ward.
WcdnvHdny Mglit'M ICally.
"Arrangements for the republican rally at
I Exposition hall Wednesday night have about
been completed , and the probability seems
to bo that the meeting will be as successful
as Its promoters hope for. Committees ap
pointed for the occasion are :
Reception Executive committees of the
Hamilton , Young Men's , Union League and
Douglas County Harrison clubs , J. L. Web
ster , J. M. Thurston , C. J. Greene , B. F.
Whlto , B. F. Robinson , A. W. Jeffcris. C. C.
Unltt , J. H. Kyner , P. Swcnck , W. F. Gur-
loy , George O'Brien , A. II. Burnett.
Advertisement R. Smith , C. C. Chase , J.
D. Haynes , J. J. Ryan.
Music J. N. Westherg , C. S. Potter.
Platform Andy Wiggins ,
Marshals 0. E. Winter. , J. W. Battln ,
Frank Crawford , W. W. Burgess , Dulllo ,
Allen , O'Halloran , John Wlrtz , John Lewis ,
G. A. Thomas.
Chairman MaiiKlitrr.
Hon. Brad Slaughter , chairman of the re
publican state central committee , was In the
city yesterday In conference with leading
republicans. Ho turned the matter of ar
ranging for the reception of Congressman
Grosvcnor over to local party committees
with the Injunction that the largest hall In
the city bo engaged. The congressman Is
ono of the most eloquent political orators In
the country. Were ho as well known In
Omaha as he Is In Ohio no hall In the city
could hold the crowd anxious to hear him
Chairman Slaughter Bays the State leaguu
meeting promises to bo at once the most en
thusiastic and largely attended political
n gathering of the year. From reports BO
far received , every league delegate in the
I Ktato expects to bo there.
Will Orjjmiun u Club.
Colored voters of the Sixth ward will meet
nt Twenty-sixth and Lake streets at 8 o'clock
Ibis evening to organize a club.
Saturday , free Ice cream soda from 2 to G
and 7 to 10 p. m. with GOc purchase or over
pt the Mono Dry Goods Co.
I Bpcnd the evening at Courtland beach.
Kxonrrutod the Ofllcvrx.
The Board of Fire nnd Police Commls-
fcloncrs exonerated Olllcers Hrndy , Uauer ,
'Arnold and Clark from charges of drunken
ness wbll on duty at the Coliseum on the
night of May 88. , , , . . .
ft reserved Its decision In the case of
Borgcant Bhoop. charged with disobeying
orders , and adjourned until Monday night.
Know Wlinro Ilo Out Ills Support.
'A Memphis man vouches for the truth of
JUio following election story : "A number of
years ago I was living In a certain MIs-
BUslppl town. The mayor of the place und
tnyself wcro boarders In the tmmo home
She mayor was a man who loved hlH own
Stay , and when the election day tolled
around a great many people thought that
now wnn a good time to tench his honor
that he wan not the only man In town.
Our landlord , of course , wanted to be
pleasant to hlH boarder , nnd wns profuse
In his cxpreitKlonx of fealty to hlB cause.
It turned out Hint the mayor only re
ceived one vote for ro-clectlon. Ho came
home , wlirre the ncwa of hlH defeat had
preceded him , tmuirallv Romcwhnt disgrun
tled and out of nortn. The landlord nt once
began to offer consolation of the port that Is
common on such occasions , tcllltiK the
mayor that he would live to come again ,
and nt some election In the future would
put his enemies to rout anil be triumphantly
elected. 'I did all I could for you. ' con
cluded the landlord ; 'I voted for you my-
relf. ' 'You are an Infernal Ilnr , ' roared the
irate mayor ; ' 1 got only one vote , and I
voted for myself. "
The Kxpofdtlun U'hlcli linn .Iiidt Opened anil
Our HulldliiK Tlivrc.
A great World's fair has Just been opened
at Antwerp , in Belgium , and will continue
until the second day of next November. The
flrst of these great World's fairs was In
London , EOIIIO forty-three years ago , and it
was so great as to exhaust the capacities
of the nations contributing nnd to lead to
the belief that It would not bo again equalled
during the century. The United States soon
followed , with what It called a World's
fair , but what was really a private enter
prise , held In the city of New York , nnd
which , with all Its buildings , covered an
area equal to about ono city square. Up to
the great Centennial fair In 187C , one of
these exhibitions was held In England or
Franco every ten years , but they have been
found to be so profitable , or so fascinating ,
that hereafter we may look for ono every
Cable news from Antwerp reports that
the United States building nt that fair will
not only be the largest erected by any na
tion , but will occupy the most commanding
position. H Is to have a room for every
state and territory In the union , In which
the principal products of that state will bo
exhibited , with an abundance of free litera
ture , showing Its resources and pointing out
its superior advantages to the bloated cap
italists of the old world. One of the fea
tures of the American exhibit will bo a regu
lar New England "shoe factory , running as
an annex to the main building , where will bo
Illustrated our method of turning out by
machinery every variety of shoe , from the
dainty satin Clipper to the heavy bob-nailed
boots worn by the miner.
As the last Paris exposition was dis
tinguished by the now famous Eiffel tower
and Chicago by the Ferris wheeel , both
erected to give sightseers an extensive and
ccmpleto view of the grounds , so Antwerp
Is to have an observatory equally novel ,
though not apt to bo BO permanent as the
wheeel or the tower. This outlook Is to
bo called "Tho Castle In the Air , " and will
be a monstrous , anchored balloon. This
balloon consists of six parts , each one of
which Is complete and Independent of the
other , so that It any ono or two should
fall , the others would support the struc
ture. The balloon and observatory are
fastened to the ground by live ropes , each
anchored by Iron cables. The observatory
car will hold 150 people , and will bo lifted
and lowered to a height of about COO feet ,
by means of electric power. His majesty ,
King Leopold , having recovered from his
recent debauch , which ended in Geneva ,
was enabled to open the fair with the
dignity befitting his high position. Dur
ing the coming summer Antwerp will be
to American tourists a point of great Inter
See the big star at Courtland beach ?
A Telegraph Operator Wooes the Wrong
( ilrl on Ills Circuit.
A telegraph operator In a Boston office
once met with bitter disappointment early
In his career by falling in love with a young
woman at the other end of one of the West
ern Union wires. She used to say sweet
little nothings when a lull in the buslne&s
gave her an opportunity to use the wire.
The young man worked In the Boston ofllce ,
says Domihoe's Magazine , and had the repu
tation of being a "fly" sender , and able to
receive what he could send , an all-im
portant factor In the "sizing up" of an
operator. The woman was proud to have
him say even "Gm" or "Ge" good morning
or good evening to her ; and the other girls
on the wire , with whom ho never conde
scended to exchange even these salutations ,
were Jealous. As time wore on their con
versations over the wire became longer and
moro 'frequent. Finally an invitation to
come to Boston and visit ono'of the theaters
was given and accepted. The Lothario of
the wire was to wear a red , red rose In his
button-hole , a whlto straw hat with a blue
band ; she was to carry a small satchel of
peculiar shape In one hand , and a fluffy
lace handkerchief In the other.
The train arrived at the Eastern station
on time , and the satchel of peculiar design
was sighted. It was Indeed of peculiar de
sign It waa an old-fashioned carpet bag of
a grayish green color , and considerably older
than the Morse alphabet. The girl was a
sight that would have made Nell Burgess
In the "County Pair" go and hide. She
was fully 43 years old. Long corkscrew
curls of a past era hung down over her
shoulders like twists of molasses candy , and
a smile loomed up under the eaves of her
sunbonnet that would have done credit to a
fissure In the side of Vesuvius.
She was extremely glad to BOO him , and
he , with the Instinct of a true gentleman ,
tried to appear that he was just as glad to
see her. Ho took her carpet bag and they
boarded a car for the house where he was
staying. There were many sly nudges and
covert laughs at the tea table , all the girls
and young men thinking the young operator
was entertaining his aunt from the country.
For the evening performance at the theater
the giddy maiden fished out an awful bonnet
from the depths of her carpet bag and
slicked up her curls In the most approved
fashion. The bonnet was a flower garden
of itself , nnd the writer has the young man's
own words for It that she and the bonnet
attracted more attention than the play.
The next day ho sent her home , but ever
after he was careful not to allow himself to
converse with any ono on the wire except on
The Girl on u lllcyelo Demands the Klght
of Way Ovur I\crythlng ,
There Is a now terror In town , exclaims the
Louisville Courier-Journal.
It goeth forth like a lion seeking whom it
may run down.
It Is moro to bo dreaded than a car of Jug
gernaut , because It can speed around the
square while Juggernaut Is turning the cor
ner , i
It Is moro terrible than nn army with ban
ners ; yea , than an army of nurses with baby
H la what need to say the woman on a
Pedestrians have sonio Blight protection
against the man on the blcyclo when h.o goes
on a rampage. They can scurry out Into
the gutter and kick mud at him. They can
scramble upon the fcnco and hurl hard hunks
of language at him. They can subsidize n
teamster and sick a coal cart on him. They
can lug around base
and knock him out on the fly now and then.
They can oven carry their guna at half cock
and bring him down on the wing , If quick
enough on the trigger. But the woman on a
blcyclo Is another thing altogether. The
public has long since recognized the feet that
It Is at the mercy of the woman on n pave
ment , especially If she walk double or triple
flic , und more especially If she carry an um
brella. Put her on a blcyclo and she Is
simply devastation on wheels. With face
sot as grimly as fate's , with eyes as unseeing
as the sphinx's , with pedals ns relentless us
the Jaws which clamp her tolu , she swoops
down the sired , and when she does lot the
beasts hunt their holes , the fowls their
roosts , and men ami children hurry to the
second stories , It second stories bo in reach.
Saturday , free Ice cream soda from 2 to G
and 7 to 10 p. m. with GOo purchase or over
at the Morse Dry Goods Co.
Hoatlni ; ut ItiirlliiKtnu llcach.
At Burlington Beach , Lincoln , there ore-
twenty full rigged sail boats , eighty com
fortable rpw boats and a magnificent sheet
of water tot use them on.
Special train for the beach leaves Omaha
at 3:30 : next Sunday morning. $1.10 for the
round trip. Tickets at 1321 Farnam street
and at I'nlon depot.
Spend th evening at Courtland beach.
Slashing Prices in All Departments for
Caturday's ' Cnsh Enisiug Sale.
With n no rnrchiuc Or Otcr nt Our
llnrgnlii Siilo b'nturilny AVe Glvo
Von n ( HiiM of Delicious
Icucrviini Sudit.
The soda water will bo served at Klnslcr's
drug store , next door , from 2 to 0 and 7 to
10 p. m.
Ladles' fast black lioso , boot pattern , fast
colors , 7Cc quality for Sac. Ladles' best
Egyptian cotton hose , fast black , 7Ec quality
for 'I8c. Hoys' bicycle hose , lie. Boys' bl-
cycle hose , double knee , liccl and toe , 23c.
Ladles' Egyptian ribbed vests , 12He. Ladles'
Richelieu ribbed vests , ISc. Ladles' lisle
thread vests , 23c. Ladles' fancy lisle vests ,
silk finish , 25c. Ladles' Bilk vests , $1.25
quality for ISc. Ladles' llslo knee tights ,
open or closed , 4Sc.
Ladles' fancy parasols nnd" umbrellas at
prices below cost.
Ono lot of line ? 1.00 waists for GOc. One
lot of fine $2.00 wrappers for $1.25.
Ladles' line all wool Jackets made up In
the latest style , $5.00 for $1.75.
Ladles' flno all wool capes , In blue , black
and brown , only oneor two of a kind , $8.00
and $10.00 capes for $5.00. Ladles' line
duck suits , $3.38 , $1.48 and $1.93. Ladles'
flno gingham suits , regular $7.60 goods for
$3.50. Children's reefer Jackets uf fancy all
wool material. $0.00 reefers for $3.50. $7.60
reefers for $4.00. $8.00 reefers for $5.00.
Your cliolco of our $5.00 waists for $2.87.
72-Inch damask , regular $1.60 quality for
99c. 70-Inch damask , regular $1.25 quality
for SSc. 62-Jnch damask for 12c.
Scotch novelties , regular C5c quality , 39c ;
flno changeable suitings , regular 60c , for 19c.
plaid diagonals and mixtures , regular 35c
goods , for 12 > , ic.
42-Inch crcpons and novelties , regular $1.25
quality , for 73c.
46-Inch English serges and flno henrlettas ,
regular $1.00 quality , for 75c.
Ulack anil whlto checks , $1.00 quality , for
EOcj printed cashmeres , all colors , $1.25 qual
ity , for 78c ; fine serges , whipcords and hen
rlettas , for 19c.
Best quality wash silks for 49c ; best qual
ity surahs for 69c ; best quality China and
Japanese silk , 24 Inches wide , 73c ; light col
ored China and Japanese silks for C9c ; black
bengallne for 75c.
Silk handkerchiefs , hand embroidered Ini
tial , for 17c ; hemstitched and scalloped em
broidered chiffon handkerchiefs for fancy
work , 9c ; ladles' hemstitched and scalloped
edge handkerchiefs In whlto and colors , 5c ;
ladles' flno Initial handkerchiefs , actual value
20c , below cost at 3 for 25o.
Gilt and silver garter clasp , 15c ; sliver hat
pins , 20o ; fancy hair pins , 5c ; Pozzonl's com
plexion powder , 25c ; Tetlow's complexion
powder , 22c ; Calder's tooth powder , 19c ;
Fisher's root beer , 17c ; Florida water , 17c ;
Whlto rose soap , 35c per box ; fancy soap , 3c
cake : unscented Pear's coap , lOc ; Violet almond
mend meal boap , 25c ; canvas belts , 6c ; Invis
ible hair pins , lc ; curlers. 5c ; dress stays ,
per dozen , 5c ; fancy elastic , 4cj lj ° ok nnd
eyes , lc ; fancy braids , 20c ; purses , 5c ;
shields , 15c.
A line of black laces In wide widths , reg
ular $1.25 quality , for 75c.
Ecru laces that are much below cost for
lOc.A line of ecru and butter colored lace In-
scrtlngs much below cost at 5c.
An elegant line of fancy veilings also plain
colors at much below cost for Saturday.
Men's 20c tan hose for 12&c. Men's 35c
undershirts for 19c. Any one of our 50c ties
for 37e. Men's $2.00 and $1.50 neglige
shirts for 75c.
Boys' 50c and 75c pants for 37 c. King
shirt waist for 75c. 35c cambric waists for
lOc. $8.00 three-piece suits , all wool , $4.98.
Gowns and corset covers , cambric and
muslin , lace and embroidery trimmed , actual
value SSc , for 13s.
Gowns made of best muslin , trimmed with
insertion and embroidery , our regular $1.13
gowns , for 73c.
Gowns and skirts In fmo cambric , elabor
ately trimmed , regular $1.75 and $2.00 gar
ments , for $1.25.
Children's mull hats and bonnets at much
under cost.
Summer corsets , 41c.
On sale at 10 a. m. Flno wash goods ,
lawns , India llnons , dotted swiss , Victoria
lawn , dimities , organdies ; they are regular
35o goods , for 13c.
On sale at 8 a. in. Best calico , 3Vfcc ;
flno outing flannel , 4c.
On sale at 11 a. m. Lonsdale cambric ,
8V4c ; children's fast black hose , 2 > , c.
On sale at 7 p. in. Lidles' Jersey
ribbed vest , 3c ; ladles' seamless hose , 3c ;
men's flno tllk neck scarfs , 5c ; G-S napkins ,
bleached. 19c dozen.
Saturday we will put on sale beautifully
trimmed hats , consisting of leghorns and
light farcy braids , at about half price.
From 2 ! o C and from 7 to 10 p. m. Sat
urday with every purchase of 60c or over
have a glass of Ice cream soda at our ex
16th and Farnam.
La Rose Bros. , acrobats , Courtland beach.
Best $3.00 cabinet photos in the city.
Heyn's , 313 So. 15th st.
Free from 2 to 5 and 7 to 10 p. m. Satur
day ice cream soda with 50c purchase or
over at the Morse Dry Goods Co.
The steamer City of Lincoln Is again in
commission at Burlington beach and is
patronized dally by delighted hundreds.
The water at Burlington beach Is salty ,
and a swim In It Is as refreshing as a dip In
Old Ocean Itself.
TIio lilg Dancing 1'atlllon
At Burlington beach , Lincoln , has a floor
space of 9,000 square feet ; Is 600 feet from
shore ; overlooks the bathing pool ; com
mands an uninterrupted vlaw of the lake
and surrounding country , and at this ceason
of the year Is as pleasant a opot us there
Is In Nebraska.
Special train for the beach leaves Omaha
at 9:30 : next Sunday morning. $1 10 for the
round trip. Tickets at 1321 Farnam street
and at Union depot.
1 1 I ! 1 T I ! I ! I
That's what people say when they get a
glimpse of Ilurllngton beach. You can ECO
It yourself If you take In the excursion next
Sunday. $1.10 for the round trip. Train
leaves Union depot at 9:30 : a. m. Tickets at
1321 Farnam street and at Union depot.
The Nebraska Telephone comp&ny has reduced -
duced Its rates for use of Its toll lines be
tween the hours of 8 p. m. and 7 a. m. to
olio-halt of the rates heretofore charged.
The copper metallic circuit lines have been
extended to Brook and Auburn , and those
thriving towns are now connected with all
the other cities and towns In the telephone
lliirlliiKtou Itc.icli , Lincoln.
This popular resort has been greatly en
larged and beautified , and Is today without'
an equal In the state of Nebraska. Every
facility for boating , bathing and sailing Is
provided , The steamer City of Lincoln Is
once moro In commission , and is patronized
dally by delighted hundreds , The outlook
from the cool , shady , breeze-swept floor of
the big danrlng pavilion Is as pleasant as can
bo found anywhere , A first-class brass band
is In constant attendance. There are half a
dozen refreshment booths , In fact , every
thing that contributes to the entertainment
and amusement of visitors Is at hand ,
DunUli I.tHIirniii Contention.
Vesterdny was the second day of the an-
niml meeting- the Danish-American Lu
theran association being held ut the Dan
ish Lutheran church. The forenoon was oc
cupied with the election of ollleers , Thu
following were elected : Ilev. A. N. Ander
son. Hamilton , Neb. , vlco president ; N. H.
Nelson , Wnupaca , Win. , secretory ; Lars
UHklldscn , Hampton , Neb. , treasurer.
In the afternoon the ministers In nttena *
nnce held u colloquium at the parsonagu
with the sovf > ni candidate * to the ministry
who nrc to orditincd next Sunday. The laymen -
men held n illiruxslnn In the church on
"Whereby Can.We Know the Children of
God. "
The services In the cvenlnf ? were con-
iluctcil by Hev.'Ai Hnsmusson of Kaolin.- ,
Wl . , nnd Ilev. John lllsiliill of Wnhoo be
fore a large audience.
It you decide to take Hood's Snrnap.irllln
do not be Induced to buy any substitute arti
cle. Take Hood's and only IlooJ's.
The new balloon , Courtland beach , this ovc.
The toboggan < slide at Burlington beach Is
CO feet high.
DoIlHrt lfJ Dollar * .
To Denver and return ,
To Colorado Springs and return ,
To Pueblo and return ,
Via the Union Pacific.
Tickets on rale June 11 , 12 , 23 and 21.
Call at 1302 Karnam street for further par
ticulars. _
$16.00 to Denver nnd return via the Union
Pacific , Juno 11 , 12 , 23 nnd 21.
City ofllce , 1302 Farnam street.
Saturday , free Ice cream soda from 2 to R
and 7 to 10 p. m. with COc purchase or ovur
at the Morse Dry Goods Co.
UK II'.S FUll THK A113Y.
Lenten of Alisrncn ( Iruntcd nnd llxtomlrd
Clutngcg In Station nnd Retirement" .
WASHINGTON , Juno 8.-Sp ( > clal Tele
gram to The Roe. ) The leave of absence
granted Captain Stephen IJakcr , Sixth In
fantry , In special orders May 15 , 1S9I. De
partment of the East , Is extended one
Leave of absence for fifteen days Is
granted Captain Julius W. McMurray , First
artillery recruiting olllccr.
The extension of leave of absence granted
Captain Lull ? ! I.omul , Fifth artllbry , In
special orders April 3 , 1S9I , from this olllce ,
Is further extended ono month.
First Lieutenant Cecil Stewart , Fourth
cavalry , Is relieved from duty ut the United
States Military academy , West Point , N.
Y. , to take effect September 1 , 1S9I , nnd will
then proceed to join his reglni"nt.
The following changes In the stations
and duties of olllcers of the Corps of
Engineers are ordered : Additional Second
Lieutenant James F. Mclndo is relieved
from duty at Wlllets Point , N. V. , and
will proceed to St. Louis. Mo. , and report
In person to Lieutenant Colonel Chcrlcs 11.
Stiter , Corps of Engineers , pri'.sldent of
the Missouri River commission , for tem
porary duty as secretary of the commission ,
with station at St. Louis. Second Lieuten
ant Spencer Crosby Is relieved from duty at
Wlllets Point , N. Y. , to take effect on the
expiration of his present leave of absence for
one month , and will then proceed to Phila
delphia , Pa. , and rcpoit In person to
Major Charles W. Raymond , Corps of
Engineers , for duty under 'us Immediate
orders , with station at Phlla-Jalphla. Ad
ditional Second Lieutenant Chnilcs P.
Echols Is relieved from duty at Wlllets
Point , N. Y. , to take clfcct upon Die ex
piration of his present leave of absence
for one month , and will then proceed to
Montgomery , Ala. , and report n person to
Captain Frederick A. Muhan , Corps of
Engineers , for duty under his Immediate
orders , with station nt Montgomery. Second
Lieutenant Charles Heller will be relieved
from further duty under the Imtnodliitc or
ders of Captain Mahan when Lieutenant
Echols shall have reported to that olllccr
for dutv. and will then proceed to Rock
Island , 111. , and report In person to Major
Alexander Mackenzie , Corps of Engineers ,
for duty under his Immediate orders , with
station at Rock Island.
Major Abram A. Harbach , Eighteenth
Infantry , Is detailed to attend the encamp
ment of the Toxns Volunteer guard at
Austin , Tex. , In July , 1SQI. He will proceed
to the plice named on July 3 , 1S3I , and will
report to the governor of Texas for such
service as may bo required of him during
the encampment , and after the close of the
same will return to his proper station.
The following named ofllcers having been
found by army retiring boards In
capacitated for active service on account
of disability Incident to the service are , by
direction of the president , retired from
actlva service this date , under the provisions
of section 1,251. Revised Statutes : Lieuten
ant Colonel Samuel M. Horton , deputy
surgeon general ; Captain Marcus E. Tay
lor , assistant Burgeon ; Captain William G
Spencer , assistant surgeon ; Captain Alger
non S. M. Morgan ; ordnance storekeeper ;
Post Chaplain Sherman M. Merrill , U. S. A. ;
Captain William Conwny , Twenty-second
Infantry ; Captain John Anderson , Eigh
teenth Infantrv ; First Lieutenant Henry
D. H. Walte. Fifth cavalry ; Second Lieu
tenant Ambrose I. Morlarlty , Ninth in
fantry. Lieutenant Colonel Horton nnd
Captain Conway will proceed to their
So much of parnrjrnph nine of special
orders No. Cl , March 16 , 1891 , as relates to
Captain James Parker , Fourth cavalry , Is
amended to direct him to report In person
to the superintendent of the United States
Military academy , August 13 , 1S94.
Second Lieutenant Charles B. Hagadorn ,
Twenty-third Infantry , will report In per
son to the superintendent of the United
States Military academy. West Point , N
Y. , August " 0 , 1S9I , for duty at the academy.
Captain Alexander H. M. Taylor , Nine
teenth Infantry , having been found by an
army retiring board Incapacitated for ac
tive service on account of disability In
cident to the sen-Ice Is , by direction of
the president , retired from active service
this date , under the provisions of section
1,251 , Revised Statutes.
Whooping Cough ,
There Is no danger from this disease when
Chamberlain's Cough remedy Is freely given ,
It llquolles the tough mucus and aids ex
pectoration. It also lessens the severity
and frequency of the paroxysms of cough-
Inc , and Insures a speedv recovery. There
Is not the least danger In giving It to chil
dren or babies , as It contains no Injurious
substance. 25 and GO-cent bottles for sale by
all druggists.
Spend the evening at Courtland beach.
Best $3.00 cabinet photos In the city ,
Heyn's , 313 So. 15th st.
Saturday , free Ice cream soda from 2 to 5
and 7 to 10 p. in. with COc purchase or over
at the Morse Dry Goods Co.
Where Summer llrcczcs Itlow.
Would you fly If you could
To a glen In tlio wood ,
To a spot In the simile
That nature hath made ;
Rich with ferns and wild flower *
One of nature's fair bowers ?
What Is llfo to the soul
If to labor is all ?
What a Joy to the heart
When for rest wo depart
To the woods and the dells.
Does your heart cry for rest
In a place that Is blest ,
With no shadow or sorrow
Nor care for the morrow ?
If so , send your address for a < list of
"Summer Tours , " published by the Chicago ,
Milwaukee & St. Paul railway. George H.
Ileafford , general passenger agent , Chicago ,
Jtlurrlngt * I.trcmvpH.
The following marriage licenses were Is-
sod yesterday :
Name and address. Age.
John Webersr , Omaha 21
Anna Anderson , Ornaha , , , , . . 18
Ed Peterson , Omaha , 2fl
Ida Flnstrom , Omaha 21
Ilillmn Colic.
Those who arc subject to attacks of thla
dlseabo will bo Intorcstcd In the experience
of Mrs. P. Butler of 22 Flllmoro btrcet ,
Falrhaven , Conn. 3ho says : "I suffered for
weeks with cello and pains In my stomach ,
caused by biliousness. One-half teaspoonful
of Chamberlaln'a Chollc , Cholera and Diar
rhoea remedy effected a euro. For sale by
all druggists.
Free from 2 to 6 nnd 7 to 10 p. m. Satur
day Ice cream Eoda with COc purchase or
over at the Morse Dry Goods Co.
Spend the evening at Courtland beach.
A Big Pnrchitto of Trunks nml Valises ou
Enlo Saturday.
In Notion * , Iare. , Ilnmllirrclilrfu , IIoi crj
and Undcrnciir Wn llavu n Sale Satur
day that Will AroiiKU tin ) llnylng
I'nbllo ot Omaha unit Vicinity.
Having bought the entire stock of trunk
and traveling bags from a largo nianutac
turor , they will bo placed on sale at price
never offered before. Call and get ou
Canvas covered , Russian Iron bound trunk
36x38 Inches , $5.00 ; worth $10.00.
Enameled , Iron covered , Iron bottom trunk
30x38 Inches , $5.00 ; worth . " " .OU.
Crystal covered , Iron bottom trunk , 36x38
Inches , $5.00 , worth $10.00.
A large line of canvas enameled , crysta
trunks , In 30x32x34 Inches , ranging fron
$3.50 to $1,50. Less than one-half regular
Canvas telescope cases , from 25c up.
Traveling bags from 25c up.
Club bags from GOc up.
Largo line of sample * cases at onc-hal
Our stock ot straws for men to ba closet
nt lOc , IGc , 23c , GOc , worth from $1.00 to
Children's straw hats at lOc. IGc. 20c.
Men's fur derby , $1.00 , worth $2.GO.
Men's fur fedora , $1.00 , worth $2.50.
Men's fur soft bats , $1.00 , worth $2.50.
Men's crushes at GOc.
Boys' fancy hats nnd turbans , 25c.
Children's fancy straw turbans , lOc.
The new oxford edition.
An elegant , bran new , finely bound , 12 mo
book , worth GOc , your choice 25c each.
Some of the authors.
Dickens , Scott , Klllot , Ruskln , Lover
also Robinson Crusoe , Swiss Family Robin
son , Grlmme's Fairy Talcs , Arabian Nights
Tom Brown's School Days , etc. , nil at 25c
Ships that Pass In the Night , In elegant
cloth binding , nt 25c.
1,000 now novels by the best authors , 9c
The finest linen paper , 5c per quire.
BO good envelopes for 5c.
2 pottles of the best mucilage for 5c.
Lead pencils , Go per dozen.
School tablets , 2 for Gc.
Special sale on belts Saturday. Leather
belts for 5c ; for lOc ; for 15c ; for ISc ; for
20o ; for 2Sc.
Silk bolts for ISc ; for 23c ; for SSc.
Silk belts with silver buckles for GOc , 75c ,
S7c , 93c and $1.23.
Drcmner's lunch , S' c per package , sold all
over at 15c.
Fancy full cream Young America cheese
only 71/4c ; Wisconsin full cream cheese ,
5c , 7c and lOc ; brick cheese , lOc , 12'/fcc '
and 14c ; Swiss cheese , 121/ic , lie nnd 16c ;
llmberger cheese , lOc , 121&C and He ; edam
cheese , $1.00 each.
3 X oyster crackers , Just think of It , 3'/ic
per pound ; nice fresh soda crackers , Gc ;
lemon cream sugar cookies , Garneau's cook
ies , assorted jumbles and frosted creams
all at Ge per pound. Remember this Is a
great snap to buy crackers at this price.
Corned beef , Gc ; pigs feet , Gc ; plcklo
pork , 7V4c ; salt pork , Sc ; California bacon.
9c ; fancy sugar cured bacon , He ; boneless
ham , lOc ; all cans potted meat , Gc per can ,
finest compressed corn beef , 9c pound :
2-pound can Rex corned beef. 19c ; pound
cans , lOc ; hero are our prices on lard : 3-
pound cans , 29c ; 5-pound cans , 4Sc ; 10-
pound cans , 95c.
Wo sell you country butter fit tor table
use at 7c , lOc , 12Vfcc ; best country butter
made , 15c ; our Nebraska made creamery
goes at ISc and 20c ; we take great pride In
saying we have the finest butter In the
city and that every pound of It Is made
from the cream that comes from Nebraska
cows milk. Buy some of our butter once
and you will use no other. In addition to
these prices we give coupons with all and
every purchase. Nice lemons , lOc per dozen :
family white fish , 3c per pound ; cod fish ,
5c per pound. We have all kinds of fish
at the lowest prices.
Providers for the people.
La Rose Bros. , acrobats , Courtland beach.
There are bathing suits and dressing rooms
for 2,000 people at Burlington beach.
Free from 2 to 5 and 7 to 10 p. m. Satur
day Ice cream soda with 60c purchase or
over at the Morse Dry Goods Co.
Veterans of the I.ato War ICcnicmborcd by
the Ccncrnl \eminent. .
WASHINGTON. June 8. ( Special to The
Bee. ) Pensions granted , issue of May M ,
were : Nebraska : OilglnnI Albert II. Townsend -
send , Stratton , Hitchcock ; Theodore Wenck ,
Boheet , Plattc. Reissue Seth Craig , Bur-
chard , Pawnee. Original widows , etc.
Minor of Wilson C. Hicks , Carleton , Thayer.
Iowa : Original Milton H. Westbrook ,
Lyons , Clinton ; John Blown , Bear Grove ,
Guthrle ; George G. Moscr , Dubuque , Du-
buque. Addltlonal-AblJah H. Hlatt , New
ton , Jasper ; Enoch L. Craig , Silver City ,
Mills. Henewal-Chrlstopher C. Still , DCS
Molnes , Polk. Increase Matthew Wymorc ,
New Sharon , Mahaska ; John Cecil , Wood
bine , Hairlson. lU-lssue Lyman S. Wil
liams , Esthcrvllle , Kmmct. Original widows ,
etc. Sarah Klmlmtl ( mother ) , Kliknum ,
Shelby ; Lucy Moshcr ( mother ) . Cedar RapIds -
Ids , Linn. llclssue Sarah C. Hunting ,
( mother ) , Sloan , Woodbury. Widow , Indian
wars Mary Jane Smith , Norwalk , War
South Dakota : Original James Sullivan ,
Wutertown , Codlngton ; John F. Baker ,
Hermosa , Ouster ; John N. Applcman , Buf
falo Gap , Custer ; John Kobinson , Sioux
Falls , Mlnnchnha ; Charles K. Place , Sioux
Falls , Mlnnelmhu. Mexican war survlvort ) ,
Increase Aluiizo D. Cady , Wesslngton
Spilngs , Jerauld.
North Dakota : Original widows , etc.
Margaiut 13. Hnibln , Grand Forks , Black
Colorado : Original widows , etc. Mar
garet Kckhart , Trinidad , Las Anlmas.
WASHINGTON , Juno 8. ( Special to The
Bee. ) PoiiHlons granted. Issue of May ai ,
were : Nebraska : Original Edward Crltr-
ler , Marsland , Dawes county. Increase-
John M. Lynch. Hiiinboldt , Hlcluudson
county. Mexican war widows Maria Dorr ,
Omaha , Douglas county.
Iowa : Original John Basslnger , Shinny ,
Fremont county ; William li. Lamb , Noith-
wood , Worth county ; Jacob Monk , C'odar
Falls , Hlack Hawk county ; Drpiigman u.
Asker ( dec-enped ) , Hldgcway , Wlmieshlek
county , llulauue Tobias Teller , Oscuohi ,
Claiko county. Original widows , etc.
Kleanora McDonald , Center .1 unction , Jom-a
county. Mexican war widows Nancy Huff
man , Jelforbon. Greene county.
South Dakota : Original Henry Locb ,
Howard , Miner county. Renewal and In
crease Jacob Mulil , Canustoto , McCook
Colorado : Original Charles J. Van Ans-
dal. Denver , Ariipuhoo county ; Henry L.
Miller , Denver , Arapahoe county. Itcnowal
William 11. 11. Conley , Denver , Arapahoe ,
county ,
j\rurMon : lo tlio lllai'U Ullli.
Juno 11 and 12 the Burlington Route will
sell round trip tickets to Dcadwood at rate
of $20.40.
Tickets will bo good for return until Juno
26th , provide for free side trip into Hut
Springs , and may be obtained at 1324 Far-
nam street.
Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair.
Q a
Tbeoaly 1'utc Cream of Tartar 1'owder , No Auituoiila ; No Alum.
e $ in Millioiis of Homes AO Years the Standard-
Single Breasted Cutaway Sack Style
Double Breasted Square Cut Fashion
As staple as a postage stamp at its face value at
And as good and pretty apparel as ever gracc.d hu
man bed } ' at that is now offered at the ever invincible
and humble advertising Nebraska at
With a positive guarantee that never before in all
combined records of grand values mark you a suit
like it ever reached below a $12.50 mark -and surely
modern faking with enormous expenses cannot possibly
deliver such a value even had they the backbone of
the Nebraska.
Therefore we pronounce this suit the greatest offer
ever given to civilization we expect you to substan
tiate it.
jVo Ilullcr. Jfo Steam. Sfo l.'nalnccr.
BEST PO\VKIl for Corn and Kccd Mill ? , Haling
Hay , Riuinliigj5cparnton > , Crciimerios , Ac.
Stationary or Portable.
1 to GO ! ! . ! > . 8 to 20 11. P.
Send for Catalogue , Prices , r to. , descrlblnB n orl < to be dona ,
Chicago , 245 Lake St. > OTTO GAS EE G ! WE WORKS ,
Omatu , 107 S. 14th St. 33(1 & Walnut St3. , PIIIIiA.DBLPIIIA. I'A.
Good Housekeepers rely upon
" " & " '
For the Laundry.
Use Kingsford's Oswego Corn
Starch for Puddings , Custards ,
Blanc Mange , etc.
This extra Constipation ,
ordinary Ho Jilr/.fuein ,
Jtircnator I Ben-
I li o most sntloiiH.Kiry
wondurlul oiiaUrliclilm ;
discovery of of the cyta
tlio I\KO. It anil o tli or
lion been on * ] m la.
donned liy tlio
Icadltigtclen- StrctiEtlieno ,
tlfiu men of invlKorate
Ktiropo and ami loucnUio
Amc Icn.
Mudan Is HuUran CHUB
] > eb 111
ty ,
purely vcgo-
tnlilo. NVrvoiuucfs ,
lludyan Mops 1. in 11 K I on B ,
nu < ) develop ! 3
ninl mtorca
Of tllO ( I I B- ucnk .
ClllUfiO III 0 J'nina in Hie
days , cnrea I act. losen
LOST ! > y day or
quickly. Over 2.000 private endorsements.
I'lemutureness meuim linpotency In tlia
flrat utanc. It Is a symptom ot seminal
weakncBB and barienncs * . It can bo
stopped In 20 dayt ) by tlio use of Hudyan.
Tlio now discovery was mndo by the npeo
allsta of the old famous Hudson Medical
nstltiue. It IB the strongest vita Izer
made. It I ? very powerful , but Imnnless ,
Hold for $1.00 ft package or six packages
or $5.00 ( plain sealed boxes ) . Written
guarantee clven for a cure. If you buy
six boxen und are not entirely cured , six
nero will bo sent to yon free of nil charges.
icnd for circulars and testimonials , Addrcus
lOna Market St. , San Francisco , Cul ,
Chocolat = Menier.
His reasons are :
Tea and Coffee create nervousness with
a people lee nervous already j
Hitter Chocolates are not lit to make a cup .
of chocolitej cheap ( sweet ) chocolates are
impure , hence injuiious ;
COCOA is no more like CHOCOLATE
than Sklmmud Alllk is like Cream.
Chocolat-Alenier is an ejutuisite Vanilla
Chocolate , as nourishiii } , ' as meat , as low
priced as other beverages , anil far superior.
Ask for yellow wrapper. Your grocer his it.
tit ) At. . - Ml U. llrojtlnai.X. Y-
HI cycle Rep 1 1 1 * lag
J3Jcyclo Sundries
The only lubricant that lubrlcntps 2,600
miles of noiseless chain. Grcasoflno will
make the chnlti tun perfectly. Nothing
mot on the road will faze U. The tuba la
cleanly and convenient for the pockJt.
A. H , PERRIGO & CO. ,
1212 Douglas St. , State Agents.
Wo mnko a specialty of repairing
PNKUMATIC SULKina. Tires nnd parts
uhvnyB kept In stock. Write for our com
plete catalogue of sundries
Ocea.ra I
NlSWl'OHT , H. I.
Tlio -aOlne H < 'aslioro Kowrt of AMERICA.
WAIUU.N V I.I. LAND , Proprietor.
WAHUliN IkrANI > , Jr. . Manure *