Ecnowccl Activity in Black IIUIs Mines Promises n , Big Annual Product. HOPES OF A NEW SUBTREASURY AND MINT ImmciiKo Wool Slilpnirnta Now Itiillnmd In Arlzonn I'rmnlMiiK I'lnccrs Opened ixirrlini : > nt with Muslim ! ( < ce < l Occidental Jotting. Nearly every mill In the Southern Hills , except tlie tin mill of tlio Hnrvey 1'cak com pany , U now In operation. Tim Staml-Uy at Hockforcl , Omcgn , near 1'actola , Hie Grizzly Hear and J. U. mills near Hill City , nml the Keystone at Keystone , are In successful ojicr- ntlon , ? ays the Sioux Knlls Argus-Leader. Tim Staml-Iy ) , after several years of Idle ness , now Mils fair to btcomo H regular pro ducer. A force of men has been busy dur ing the winter driving a tunnel Into a new ore body , nnd iho mill Is now In operation with a laigo bo ly of ore In sight and every prospect of continuous operation. The most favorable reports alto come from the Grizzly Hear. A largo ore hndy has been opened up , and It Is raid that us much as $ . ' ! was re cently panned fiom a single bucket of ore. The Omega mine near I'artola. whlch Is now owned by wealthy New Yorkers , is worklnK continuously , and the plaits are yielding a rich return. Mr. Clark of New York , onu of the owner * , Is fxpccted to visit the mine at an early date , when arrangements will bo made to enlarge the plant. When all three mills have been In opera tion for a few months the effect In stimulat ing mining Industry tan haidly be overesti mated. The success of a single plant Is the best of arguments for the establishment of others , and when the development of thnsa mines Is assured the future of Itapld City and the other towns of the Hills Is assured. A gentleman Interested In mining and well Informed as to the Industry recently ex pressed the opinion that the present gold out put of the Hills would Justify the establish ment of a sub-treasury and mint In the re gion. The annual gold product of the HIllH Is conservatively stated at $8,000,000 , and It Is constantly Increasing. All this gold has now to be shipped east at a large expense to the miners. The Homcstako company alone ships $100,000 to $ .r 00,000 monthly. It would neeln that such a product of gold would Jus tify the establishment of n mint , especially as Wyoming near at hand promises sooon to greatly Increase the output. HEAVY WOOL SHIPMENTS. Slnco the fast service wool specials were Inaugurated several wceka ago by the Union Pacific the shipments along the line have been something unprecedented. Instead of ordinary trains of twenty cars or so , which was all the company anticipated when the ventura was put Into effect , the business has amounted to thrice that , and during one week It Is stated that over 100 toll 1 cars of wool have gone eastward over the main lino. The Salt Lake Herald gives the cause for the rush as follows : The schedule rate on wool has boon re stored by both the Hlo Grande Western and the Union Pacific and as a result there was a great deal of the territorial clip shut out from the cut rate. During the past few weeks the rush of wool through Wyoming has been very great , the greater portion of the shipments having been made on consign ments. The endeavor of the growers Is to get their product on the eastern market before the Increase of the railroad tariff , which hereafter will bo $1.90 to Boston. GOLD IN EMIOUANT GULCH. Standing on an elevated plateau on the cast bank of the Yellowstone river , the eye takes In at a glance one of the most symmetrical nnd remarkable ranges of mountains to bo Been anywhere In the west. Emigrant peak , a high volcanic cone 10,625 feet above tldo water , rears Its snow crested summit majestically as the apex of the range. The eastern surface of the range Is compact basalt , in which the gold Is found. Emi grant gulch , a deep narrow gorge , cuta through the basalt deep Into the granitoid nucleus , revealing the mineral character as well as the future history of this range , writes a correspondent of the Anaconda Standard. Lying along the flank of the range Is a belt lode on which numerous claims arc located. It Is an enormous fls- , Buro vein several miles long and over 100 foot wldo In places. On ono of the claims n tunnel has been run 140 feet , with a cross cut of CO feet , and only ono wall In sight. The group of claims are all on a direct line running southwest and northeast , and. In the hands of men who know how to extract values , will yield richly , by freo-mllllng process , from the grass roots down. There arc numberleps other quartz mines in the Emigrant district upon which a greater amount of work has been done , and all that la necessary to innko the district ono of the heaviest gold producers in Park county la capital. PROMISING PLACERS. Besides the quartz mines of the district , there are placer diggings which have been worked on a small scale for a number of years. Some of the ground Is Immensely rlclv In bojli flno and coarse gold , but owing to the enormous amount of money that It would take to build a canal suitable to carry the necessary volume of water on to the ground for sluicing purposes , the owners of the placers have had ( o content themselves with working the poorer giound , close to the river , and upon which water could bo run without too great an expense. Ilut a bright day la about to dawn for the patient miners of Emigrant. Charles R. Gllddcn , who owns some of the richest placer ground In Emigrant gulch , re cently formed a pool of several owners of ad jacent claims , and ho has bonded to eastern capitalists a tract of placer ground three miles long arid over a iiiilo In width. The flrat payment on the bond Is to bo made early In June. .A representative of the east ern syndicate visited the gulch but a few days ago , and from him It Is learned that the syndicate contemplates the immediate expenditure of. SO.OOO In preliminary work on the group of mines under bond. The plan contemplates the construction of a largo canal from the Yellowstone , near Gardiner , and the Immense volume of water thus se cured will be used for working the placers by hydraulic process. Should tha contem plated plan materialize It would glvo em ployment to a largo force of men and make Emigrant second to no placer camp In Mon tana. RICH IDAHO PLACERS. The Murray Sun reports that James A. Ward found a handsome piece of gold , weigh ing four and one-half ounces , valued at about $70 , near the head of Trail gulch. Ho was on his way to the Wako Up Jim quartz lode , but the snow being too deep he concluded to work over an old dump of placer gravel. Ho rigged up an old sluice box near the dump. Ho shoveled In for several hours , cleaned up nnd had the nugget with HOMIO flno gold. The nugget Is nearly round , smooth , and con tains some rose-colored quartz The claim on which It was found has been prolltlc In Blmllar lurgcr slugs. The Stelnmetz chunk Is also said to have been found there. And Mr. Ward and many others Incline to the be lief that the Wako Up Jim , Crown Point and other ledges crossing the head of the Trail gulch are the sources of the wealth. A party of capitalists have located four mfles of the South Fork of Clearwuter for placer mining , commencing at the reserva tion line and running up btrcam. They pro pose to work the bed of the river by means of ate.xm machinery which forces a Jet of gleam from a bucket on the bedrock , and by rncuna of another stream of cold air con denses the vapor , and thus cretitcs a vacuum which la tilled by the sediment on the bed rock , The bucket Is then hoisted und the contents are prevented from escaping by a valvo. On arriving at the surface the gravel Is washed by ordinary placer process. The machine Is the Invention of an old Coeur d'Alcnor named Walker , und was tested eoiuo yearn ulnco on Feather river In Cali fornia. CHUNKS 01GOLD. . A rich discovery was reported In the Hill top lode , on Granite mountain , by the 1'lt- kln Minor. While working near the surface George Adams encountered hugo chunks of ore , which could not be hoisted without breaking , completely covered with free gold. A piece of ono of these chunks was pounded up and panned and an unusual amount of qoareo gold washed out. A rough estimate places the value of the ere at from $1&0 tel l < 50 per ton. Thomas Stanley , a plouecr miner of th district , Myi that It la the best surface showing he ever raw In the gold belt. It In believed that this float Is from the East Grnnltf mountain vein. Moiars. Stanley ami Adams , owners , leased and bonded the property to Denver parties this week. A shaft has been commenced nnd If the vein from whence these big chunks came Is located the Hilltop will bo a bonanza. A KIWI VEIN' . Charley Dcnson was seen by the Durnngo Southwest and guvo nome points of Interest about the famous Columbus group , In which ho Is Joint owner with Messrs. Dotson and Williams. This valuable property was bonded last January to the owners of the celebrated HomcstHko mlno In thu lilack Hills nnd $5,000 cash paid on the bond. A second pay ment Is duo Juno 1 and Charles Wright of Omaha , who represents the prospective pur chasers , dame out last week to ex.itnluu the property. Ho returned to Omaha wc'l ' satis fied with the allowing und will arrange for the payment duo to be made Juno 1. The Columbus Is situated at the head of the Silver lake ba > ln on the divide overlook ing the headwaters of the Li Plata , Mancos , crcrk and San Juan ilver. About $18.000 worth of development work has been done on the group , The Columbus vc n la over twenty-one1 feel wldo and has been pros pected at different points along the entire cropping for 4GOO feet , covering the three locations comprising the group. The ore has been pretty thoroughly tested at the cyanldo mill on Junction creek , where a lot of tlilr teen tons , representing an average of the entire vein , yielded $38 a ton In gold , the mill saving 94 per cent cf the total value. Another lot of thirty-three tons yielded $73 In gold to the ton. ROAD TO MILL CREEK. The gold Held at the head of Mill creek Is attracting considerable attention , says a special to the Denver Times. The drawback has been the lack of a wagon road to the camp , but this obstacles will now bo removed as the parties directly Interested , with the assistance of the Hoard of County Commis sioners , are extending the road which leads from Dumont up Mill creek to the camp. An soon as the road Is finished a stamp mill , the machinery for which Is already on a side track r.t Dumont , will be ci acted , A IIOVINE HAY RAID. Mr. Pulton relates to thu Iloston Herald an experience ho underwent on the ranch In Nevada of Russell & llradley. The firm had about 4,000 head of cattle , and as the supply of hay was running low , that which was on hand was surrounded by a fence , and was doled out to the cattleIn small wisps , Just sufficient In quantity to barely Keep the ani mals alive. Mr. Fulton states that one night after everybody on the ranch had re tired they were awakened by a low , rum bling noise which sounded like the approach of some great atmospheric disturbance. Be coming louder , the men discovered It to bo thu lowing and bellowing of the cattle , who were soon making a hideous noise. Hastily dressing themselves the men hurried forth to ascertain the cause of the trouble , but before they had reached the herd the vast body of animals had hurled themselves against the fence surrounding the stacks of hay and were plle.l In a compact , struggling mass which had literally leveled the hay from view. Nothing could be done with the cattle at the- time , and the next morning an Investigation disclosed that 350 head had been literally trampled to death In the mad rush of the excited herd for the tempting stacks of hay. TUB DAKOTAS. Diphtheria has been raging at Willow Lakes for the past two weeks. The schools are closed and great terror prevails. The annual reunion of the Missouri Valley Veterans' association of Soutli Dakota will occur at Yankton Juno 12 , 13 , 11 and .IB. It Is expected that a colony of between twenty and thirty families of Russians will bo located on farms in Potter county within the next sixty days. An artesian well 1,300 feet deep at Edg- erly , N. D.r Is throwing an Intense stream mixed with mineral. A big lump of gold was found there recently. The annual conference of the Catholic clergy of North Dakota , the state being ono diocese , will be held from June i to 8 , at the residence of Bishop Shanley , Fargo. The grand lodge of the Independent Order of Good Templars , which has been In session for the past two days , has finished its work. Watertown was chosen for the next meeting. The Elkhorn railroad company has pur chased the Hay Creek coal fields , paying $100,000. The road will no doubt be extended to that point this year and the mines will be opened up. The 190th dividend of the Homestake com pany of 15 cents per share was paid at the ollico of the company In New York on the 2Gth ult. , amounting to $18,750 , a total to date of $5,156,450. William Mahannah , a prominent artesian well contractor , who had Just loaded up an outfit to start for Cumberland to sink a well , was put In Jail at Miller for refusal to pay a board bill. This Is the first conviction In the state under the new law. Mary E. Lease has signed a contract to speak for the populists of Sioux Falls on the Fourth of July. Senator Orvllle H. Platt will speak for the republicans. Representa tive W. J. Bryan of Nebraska will most likely speak for the democrats. The city will have the biggest political tournament ever held In the northwest on the Fourth. A Ouster merchant named Mason refused to permit the stars and stripes to float from hla store Decoration day In honor of the nation's dead. Two members of the Custer guards , a local military organization , were detailed to keep the flag floating at the paint of the bayonet. Mason compiled , but with poor graco. Ho Is a Mlssourian and this was Ills first Decoration day In the northwest. The so-called Juno rise In the Missouri river has set In In earnest and the stream Is again on the rampage. The steamer Last Chance has returned from Yankton and Is now engaged In transferring to the west sldo of the river hundreds of cattle and a laigo number of prairie schooners that ac cumulated at Chamberlain since the portion tion of the pontoon bridge was carried away by the high water of over a week ago. The pontoon cannot bo placed In position again until the water subsides. The apportionment of the state tuition school fund for the quarter ending April 1 has Just been made by the state superintend- out of Instruction , and amounts In the aggre gate to $141,818.40. There are 59,0'J1 pupils In North Dakota , and the first quarterly apportionment this year amounts to $2.40 per capita. This fund Is Increasing so rapidly that even now some counties do not raise any school tax further than the state school tax of 2 mills. The fund , which has only been established for a very few years , now amounts to about $2,000,000 , and Is con stantly Increasing. The case of the American Investment com pany against Beadle county , that has at tracted unusual attention , has been decided by , the supreme court. The question Involved was whether or not the county was liable for taxes where the land had been sold at treas urer's sale , and for taxes paid after such sale , where the land taxed was subse quently canceled by the government , The decision afllrms the finding of the lower court and Is In favor of the defendant. Nearly every county In the state has cases hinging upon the decision of this case and many thousand dollars held by treasurers will now bo placed to the credit of the county , The sums vary from $3,000 to $10,000. It has been known for some time that the late Captain Farrell , a farmer of Stutsman county , North Dakota , had patented before his death a valuable Invention , but the exact value of the same has not fully been realized until recently. The patent Is a steanj wagon , the principle In which Is said to be' applicable to other machinery. M. B. Far- rcll , the brother of the deceased , has lately received letters from eastern parties endeav oring to negotiate for the sale of theright. . The principle Involved In the Invention Is regarded as very valuable , as figures esti mating the value of the same have been placed as high as $25,000 and $30,000 , A New York flrm has made a proposition In volving $20,000 and the probabilities are that a sale will be shortly mado. COLORADO. A flno now hotel Is Just being completed at Mancos , Florence Is adopting the Sunday closing rule for saloons. About 100 miners are now employed at Yankee hill In the larger mines and pros pects. Decoration day was observed In Denver In a drenching rain. Snow spoiled the day at Loiulvllle. An electric yacht Is almost ready to be launched on Lake Mlnncqua at Pueblo. The yacht U thirty feet long and will bo run by electricity by a storage battery. U will take thirty passengers and will make the round trip of the lakes In twenty minutes. Grand Junction strawberries have been rlpo for a week and arc finding a ready market In Glcnwood. According to the Drecklnrldgo Journal there Is a dally output of gold In the Ko- komo district of $4,600. The now workings In the Beldcn at Red Cliff give promise that the mlno will soon bo n wonderful lead producer , The La Plata News Is Informed that the surface dirt on the Kate group runs well In gold so well that It might bo worked as a placer. Nlwot has a cheese factory. It has a capacity of 10,000 pounds of milk a day , which means In round numbers 1,000 pounds of cheese per day , A great many young grasshoppers arc hatching out In the gardens about Boulder , and some of the farmers down the valley say they arc coming by millions. A great many young grasshopepra are hatching out In the gardens about Boul der and Eomo of the farmers down the valley say they arc coming by millions. From the present outlook Grand valley will ship to Denver this year moro fruit than that city will receive from any other ono source , not excepting California. A jwckct of hlrslte ore has been struck In the main channel of the Forgery-Notting ham lease near Red Cliff , which gives the remarkable assay returns of $98,000 per ton. There have been 2GO cars of sheep , fifty cars of cattle and several hundred cars of potatoes and other produce shipped from Fort Collins during the past winter and spring. There have been 250 cars of sheep , fifty cars of cattle and several hundred ciws of potatoes and other produce shipped from Fort Collins during the past winter nnd spring. Heavy rains , says the Las AnlmaH Leader , have fallen to the south and west , and In consequence the Purgatolro Is booming be tween Its banks. A rise can be expected In thu Arkansas. The feeling Is so very bitter over the killing of Road Overseer McCarthy at Mesa , that another sheep war may break out , many claiming that It was his siding against the sheep men that brought about his death. The Standard smelter will start their lead furnaces In a few days , according to the Durango Southwest. Three hundred bars of bullion ore being forwarded from the San Juan smelter to charge the fur naces with. * The Pueblo Canning company has now taken form , and In the near future tlio sounds of 1ho wheels of Industry > nnd progress will mark the addition of another manufactory to those already centered In and around Pueblo. Prospectors In East Beaver , a new gold camp fifteen miles from Cripple Creek , are sanguine. The county commissioners of El Paso have given assurance they will build a new road , now badly necJed and which Is expected to boom the camp. The development of the Fitzhiigh , aban doned In 1881 , Is one of the most Important enterprises In Lake county. A formation has been found similar to that in the shaft of the Bankok-Cora Belle. Eighteen men are employed now , and an additional force will bo put on as soon as tlie ere Is reached. There Is considerable excitement at the camp at Halm's peak over the fact that a lead has been struck by D. Humphreys which Is claimed to be a vein to the great placer fields which have on an average for twenty-six years yielded an annual output of $ CO,000. Operations will be made on an extensive scale. W. A Koneyman , superintendent of the United States Reduction Works company , says that contracts have ben let for erectIng - Ing a 123-ton plant at Florence , which It Is expected to Increase to BOO tons during the year. Grading has commenced for the switch and side tracks to be put in by the Florence & Cripple Creek Railroad company , and an order has been placed for 100,000 fire brick. A flock of 10,000 sheep at Grand Junction owned by Mr. Martinez is being driven to ward the Grand mesa. Mr. Martinez sqys that he has the permission of the governor to drive the sheep through the mesa and on to Saguacho county. Inspector Mason says , howpver , that he has been authorized by the governor to notify Mr. Martinez that he must not undertake the trip. The latter Is deter mined. Ho has forty-five men armed with Winchesters In charge of the flock , and he declares he will go through. " .WYOMING. There have been 30,000 trout recently placed In Green river. Over 2,000 feet of roadbed was washed away at Arlington. Cheyenne is arranging for a firemen's tournament in August. The Burlington Is building 4,000 feet of track every day on Its Sheridan extension to Montana. A carload of elk will bo shipped cast as soon as the water In the Snake river gets low enough to ship them. A very large acreage of grain has been put In about Sundance. There- has been an abundance of rain and crops look promising. Casper's wool Industry Is assuming large proportions and over a million and a half pounds of the product will be shipped cast this season. Advices from Lander are to the effect that rich strikes In both quartz and placer gold have been made near Lowlston , In Fre mont county. Foiir gray wolves were brought to the city from Laramlo peak alive , sa ; 3 the Boomerang. They had to be killed , how ever , before the bounty of $8 on each hide could bo paid. These young animals were run down and caught by a dog. J. K. Graves of Dubuque , la. , has con cluded the sale of the Larrabeo coal lands In Wyoming. The transaction was made In Chicago , and the purchasers arc eastern capitalists. The coal Is of superior quality and very abundant. The figures In the trans action are not made public. ' The work of putting the track In better condition on the Union Pacific main line by laying new rails , which was begun two years ago , will be continued this summer. The work of laying seventeen miles of new rails on the sixth district will begin on Wednesday of this week at Fort Steel. J. B. Long , an Illinois sheep raiser , has shipped 10,000 head of western sheep to London and sold them at n profit over the prices paid In this country. He Is now buying western sheep , which ho will fatten In Minnesota and Illinois and then send them across the Atlantic. Wyoming men are watching his scheme with much Interest. Gus Rydcen , formerly of Red Cloud , works out In Wyoming for the Warner Live Stock company. The other day he , with five other men , were sent out with 5,000 sheep to Goosehlll , or some such place In the moun tains. Before arriving at their destination they were waylaid by bandits and two of the men were wounded and 250 sheep killed. The round-up boys Inform the Paint Rock Record that very few dead cattle are to bo found on the range , and that unless they begin to bhow up very soon the loss la range cattle during the past winter will not be any larger than usual. This Is decidedly encouraging news , and It Is to be hoped the facts will verify the statement. Judging from the reports from various quarters the above Is the case In all sections of the basin. U Is expected that the Burlington will bo completed to a connection with the Northern Pacific at Billings by October 15. Com mercing at Algcr , Wyo. , eight miles beyond Sheridan , the builders have begun track laying , and having about twenty miles of road bed that was.gradcd last year to begin with , will make rapid progress. A largo part of the line from that point on to Billings Is being graded , nml subcontractors are stringing out their men along the route. They have about 1,400 men now. OREGON , Some GOO.OOO pounds of wool are stored at Heppner. The floods In Oregon are unprecedented. The river at Port and has reached 29.9 foot above low water mark , W , Perkins of Kingston came Into Albany with about 2,000 pounds of wool , which lie cold at 10 cents a pound. Surveys are being run for a motor line between Albany and Sodavllle. It will miss Lebanon about two miles. A company U being organized to establish an enterprise at Danby , Columbia county , to smoke * sturgeon and other fish. A BCOW containing SOO bundles of pulp has left the Young's river pulp mill for Oregon City , to bo made Into paper. Henry Hunter picked up on Rock Creek , Union county , the other day a piece of pol ished granite which Is pronounced an In dian pestle , and was probably used to pound cnnins and the like by the aborigines of a great many years ago , Cottage Grove had Its gold excitement fet nothing. The quarts had been dropped Into the well by some practical Joker. So * ays the Uugeno Register ! A nice shave , se.ifoam and haircut waa untimely Interrupted In Thompson's barber shop at Eugene the other day. While the barber's back wad turned a sneak thief car ried all the razors oft. Dalles business men have subscribed $70 ( with which to build a road over to the Cur rant Creek mill. The county adds $300 The road will bo an Inestimable boon to the freighters from Canyon City , Dayvllle am Mitchell way. Alfred Ranch , who owns a halt Interest li n band of 8,000 sheep In Kllckltat county Washington , has Just shipped from Arllng ton to San Francisco over 63,000 pounds o wool , and expects to receive therefor 1 : cents per pound , and would clear about 30 per cent on his capital Invested. Ho thinks there Is a profit In wool at 8 cento a pound The following are the now officers of the Oregon State Grange , elected nt the meelliu , at Eugene : Master , J. Voorhees of Marlon overseer , A. S. Roberts of Wasco ; chaplain J. 0. White of Polk ; treasurer , J. B. Stump of Marlon ; lecturer , A. F. Miller of Mult- nomah ; steward , J. H. Scott of Linn ; as sistant steward , O. R. Stcphcnson of Clacka- mas. mas.The The party that recently went to the Bo hemia mines country to soatch for the bodies of the two men who perished In thai vicinity n few months since , has been un able to find them , nnd Intend returning. H Is now the opinion that the bodies will not bo recovered before the last of June , as the snow still lies on the ground from ten to twenty-five feet In depth. The report of the loss of the Canyon City stage nnd mall In the John Day , Is con firmed. The driver's name Is Frank Amell , and It was with great difficulty ho extri cated himself from the wreck and swam ashore through the swift waters. Mr. Me- Ewen , the owner of the stage , picked Amell up on the shore half an hour after the acci dent , In an exhausted condition. W. G. Ncsmlth of Independence shows the enterprise several copies of the Oregon Spectator , the oldest copy dated May 3 , 1817 ; a copy of the Oregon Free Press , dated Sep tember 9 , 1818 ; several copies of the Oregon Statesman , of which the oldest copy Is July 12 , 1S53 ; also a copy of the Milwaukee Star , December 19 , 1S50 ; a copy of the Portland Times , September 4 , 1S57 ; a copy of the Democratic Standard , December 27 , 1855 , and a copy of the Umpquu Gazette , March 24 , 1855. J. S. Shirley had made arrangements be fore leaving his homo at Union to have started toward Pendieton from that section 1,000 head of cattle. Eight men will drive them through the timber , over the moun tain , and stop them at Athena , where the cattle will be kept to await the arrival of the big bunch of 2,000 or 3,000 head which Adams nnd Daughtry will bring from the John Day country. The two bunches will be united and shipped to Cut Bank , Mont. , for the Cochran Ranch company. WASHINGTON. Over 100 witnesses are subpoenaed In the Paiker murder case at Calfax. Tlie Everett paper mill has made another largo shipment of paper to Australia. A co-operative creamery is to bo put Into operation by Whitman county farmers on Union flat. Whitman county's slice of the state school fund Is. quite liberal. For Its 8,412 children It receives $ 16,002. A survey Is being made by a detail from Fort Wallu Walla for an accurate contour map of the military reservation. In Ktttltas county twelve creameries are in operation , and It is said their patrons arc the most prosperous of the population. The Reynolds mill at Wlckerslmm burned down. The dry house , full of shingles , was saved. Tlie mill was worth $10,00i ( and was Insured for $2,000. Fruitgrowers In Walla Walla valley are a good deal worried at the prospect for scarce help In the picking season. Few Inquiries are being made for situations. The steamer MessenEcr , a pioneer Sound steamer , built in JS70 and fornferly operated between Tacoma , Olympla and Port Townsend - end , was burned. She Is a total loss. A Tacoma dispatch says that Secretary of the Navy Herbert proposes to have Presi dent Cleveland and his cabinet visit Puget Sound and the northwest next spring. The Monte Crlsto smelter received 100 tons of silver ore from British Columbia Tuesday. It made five carloads-nnd was detained some time at Sumas , till the customs people could bo satisfied about Its value. Two female prospectors arrived In Ken- drlcks. Each bought a "cayuse" and started for the Pierce City mines , with the determin ation not to ba outdone by any man. They declared their Intention of sinking n shaft. President E. A. Bryan of the agricultural college at Pullman has proved his Intention of settling down in Washington by purchas ing a 200-acre farm about three miles from the college and preparing to establish a country home. The Blatnc church school has asked the Insurance company to rebuild the school house recently destroyed by fire , and the Insurance company will do so. As soon as the building Is completed It will be oc cupied by the Episcopalian school. Ben Young , Andrew Young and John A. Devlin are building a cannery near Blalne , on Point Roberts , and will pack salmon this season. Its capacity will bo 20,000 cases , and the Astoria Iron works are now building the retorts and other canning machinery. The Northern Pacific contemplates the erection of new coal bunkers at Tacoma this fall. They will be nearly treble the size of any other bunkers In the northwest , having a capacity of 15,000 tons , and costing $60,000. At the new bunkers a 5,000-ton cargo will bo loaded In eight hours. A women's political association has been formed by a number of Tacoma women. The resolutions adopted favor women taking an Interest In political Issues , and declare that the railroad companies should carry Coxeyltes Instead of hauling half empty cars and compelling the Industrials to walk. Frank McDavltt of Port Towntend , a restaurant keeper , lately of Port Angeles , turred up as a long lost heir to an estate In Chattanooga , Tcnn. , valued at $50,000. Ho had been absent from homo for fifteen years , and several thousand dollars have been spent In vain endeavors to ascertain his whereabouts. The golden wedding of Ashbury and Ruth Pugh , aged 74 and 73 respectively , was cele brated at Spokane. The old couple are the parents of Sheriff McK. Pugh and Felix Pugh. They were married In Iowa and came across the plains In 1846 to Oregon , where they lived forty years. They have six children , thirty grandchildren and six great grandchlldran. MISCELLANEOUS. Hop culture Is being tested about Reno , Nov. Nov.Reno Reno has a population of 5,000 , nnd 1,000 children attending Die public schools. M ny acres of Egyptian corn have been planted In the IPecos valley In New- Mexico. About twcnty-ftvo men are engaged In placer work on Granite creek a few miles [ rom Prescott. Boise , Idaho , .Is excited over the discovery of wonderfully rich placer diggings south of the Salmon , river In the vicinity of Loon lake , in Idaho county. Alfalfa cutting In the Pccos valley about Eddy , N. M. , began itwo weeks ago and now all growers arc engaged In the harvest , If not already through , the first cropping. U Is said on good authority that In the event of the. canal to Indian Wells Valley , Nev. , proving a success the Carson and Col orado people will complete their line to Mojave - javo , A big land case , Involving C40 acres , said to bo worth half n million dollars , will be tried at Perry , Okl , It Is a dispute between 5,000 townslto settlers and twenty home stead entry men. A gathering of national Import w 11 toke place In Santa Fe In July , at which time some 150 teachers employed In the Indian schools of the country will meet "for the good of the order. " The E. & P. R. R. company have men employed In taking up the rails of the Ruby Hill railroad In Nevada. This Indicates that no more ore will bo hauled from the old producing mines on Ruby Hill , Idaho wool growers are Jubilating over their recant triumph In obtaining u reduced rate on wool to Boston. The rate heretofore lias been $2.83 per 100 pounds. As they could do better , Idaho sheep men hauled their wool to Kelton , on the Central Pacific rail way , and shipped from that point at $1.90 per 100 pounds. This brought the Union Pacific people to terms , and thay gave the game rate from any point In Idaho , It Is 01 carloads of 20,000 pounds. Governor West and Chief Justice Mer rill of Utah and Mayor Haikln of Salt Lake have received postal cards which contalt threats against their lives It they do not leave the territory within four days. A. 1C. Yorkers , editor of the Chronicle o Bozeman , and president of the Montam Press association , has notified the member ! that the annual meeting of the nxsocliitloi will take place at Great Falls June II. There was n lively runaway In Stocktoi n few days ngo that had a remarkable tea ture. The man who climbed Into the wagot and guided the frightened team through the street until they came to a halt had but one ICK. ICK.An An Orovltlc man has gone Into the potiltrj business on a largo scale. Ho now liar 601 young chickens , and expects to hatch fron 10,000 to 11,000 thin spring. Ho has ten In rubators In use nt present , but will add U these soon , It Is quite the fashion for the train men tr have to lay over at Silver Bow , Mont. , ti put In their time panning for sapphires li the old placer diggings at that place. Sev eral of the boys have found stones of good slzo and'flawless. Eight thousand of the 15,000 steers re cently purchased by Messrs. Sounders & Tlsdalo In the southern part of Utah arc now headed toward the Untcn Paclllc. ami v.lll bo loaded this week at points In Wyom ing and Utah for shipment to the Dakdtas A cloudburst occurred In the Sierra Madre mountains about seventy milt's south of Durango , Mex , and n camp of charcoal burn ers was washed away by the Hood , which came raging down the mountain gulch. Ten charcoal burners were In the cnmp and all were drowned. The Bourne wine cellar. ' , near St. Helena , Cal. , have boon sold to C. Carpy , a wine dealer of San Francesco and Napa. Thlo cellar Is the largest above ground winery In the world. It has a rapacity of olnust 1,000,000 gallons. The price paid Is said to be considerably ICES than JGOO.OOO , the original cost. A petition has boon started at Fresno , Cal. asking the Board of Supervl-ors to call a special election to vote on a proposition fur Issuing bonds In the sum of $ GOO,000 for the purpose of the constiuctlon of n navigable canal from Fresno to the San Joaquln river. Much enthusiasm Is manifested , and the petition Is being generally signed. The cattlemen of Grant county , New- Mexico , are hunylng tholr cattle out of that section , the most of them going to the sunflower kingdom. Those cattle are mostly young btoers , and It Is calculated to keep them on grabs till fall , when they wdl betaken taken to the market If In beef condition , or sold on the range as fee.lurs , according to their condition. A ppeclal from Boise , Idaho , .says : "There Is great excitement In the city over the dis covery of wonderfully rich diggings south of Idaho county. Prospector Williams , an old California ! ! , arrived hero from the diggings recently , and to a few confidential friends told the story of the valuable find. Williams says ho took out S100 a day with a rocker , and that there is plenty of rich ground there. Some time ago Jos Lazue , while pros pecting In Box canon , near Florence , dis covered a gigantic ledge which ha ? been overlooked for many years as worthless. He brought some of the rock In and made a tcot. About two ounces were pulverized and put In the pan , and a marvelous quan tity of fine gold was the result. A workIng - Ing bend of $10,000 was at once offered , but refused. C. Mathews , who lives near the Pacific beach race track at San Diego , was digging tree holes when he was attracted by n yel low glitter on some of the pebbles he throw- out. Closer examination showed that the pebbles contained free gold In sufficient quantity to make them valuable as spec - mcns. The stones were worn smooth and were probably pieces of float washed down from the mountains. I'ouiul n Ciiro for Scihuli ; lUiouirmtlmn. Mrs. A. Invcen , residing at 720 Henry St. , Alton , 111. , suffered with static rheumatism for over eight months. She doctored for It nearly the whole of this time , using various remedies recommended by friends , and was treated by the physicians , but received no relief. She then used ono and a half bottles of Chamberlain's Pain balm , which effected a complete cure. This Is published at her request , as she wants others similarly af flicted to know what cured her. For ta'lo by all druggists. JO j np Xq sassof oij ) uj 8ap > o : SOT13.IO SWOJSOJ pnu 'SIIOJBS jinx- 'ssonsnoAJouj ' pmj odaznsr jo nom omj no uooq jotjio puu II 'Olio . ( o otj ) jo jo quickly. Over 2,000 private endorsements. I'reinatureness means Impotency In the first stage. It la a symptom of seminal weakness nnd barrenness. It can be stopped In 20 days by the use of Hudyan. The new discovery wna made by the spec ialists of thu old famous Hudson Medical Institute. It la the strongest vltullzer mado. It Is very pawciful , but harmless. Sold for $1.00 a packngo or six packages for $5.00 ( plain sealed boxes ) . Written guarantee Riven for a cure. If you buy six boxes and are not entirely cured , six more will be sent to von free of all charces. 3end for circulars and testimonials , Addrcus HUDSON MEDICAL INSTITUTE 101)2 ) Market St. . Sun Fnmolseo , Cul. SEARLES m & SEARLES , U i SPECiaUSTS Clironb , WE Hewn , Private AND CURB Special Diseases , 1 HUTMENT BY HAIL COHSUIATIQN FREE Wo euro Cn'orrh. All DlaoasoJ of the Nooo , Throat , Choat. Stomach , Llvor , Blood , Skin and KMnoy Dis eases , Fomnlo WonUiossoo , Lost Mnnhocd AND ALL PRIVATE DIS EASES OF MEN , XtEMOV D TO 1410 FAUNAM STREET. Cull on or Address , i/r " / , Dearies A a This is the land that Columbus found After he thought that the world wns round This is the city of wondrous fame That has grown so great since Columbus came. I This is the firm that is making the soap 1 | v That will clean up the land of Christopher's hope. J | sThis is the soap housekeepers demand , The most satisfactory soap in the land. Made by this firm , in this city that lies \ In this land , by the lake , and up in the skies. THIS IS A CUT OF IT. QESCRIPTION--25 INCHES WIDE , 6 FCOftONG , FNEST SP-INGS UPHOtSTEHED WIIH BEST 0J LITY CRETONNE , HANDSOMELY DRAPED } SOFT AND LUXUs" OUS ASANY S20COUCHJ ONLY ONE OF THE MANY \hG\IN3 \ WE ARE uFFER- INU IN LUUlHtS , .85 F ° 3 THIS PARLOR R02KER Solid nik : , piano polish finish , uphol stered , m rich tiipusti v or silk plush , lat- a ust style , und wuith slO.OO. Mail outers tilled. FOE , THIS BOOK CASE Isthroo feet two Inches In width , five ens fuutnml ulirht Im-hes In height , llus the , new style raised base which allow * ono to hwuop from under without moving the Slf case. Solid oak , hand poIUh finish , ad justable shelves. Bii We close even'ngs at 6:30 : , except Mondays and Saturday Formerly People's Mammoth Instailmsnt IIotnD. BIG CLEARAHCE SAI.E OF L Oenls' ' Funiisliinp and Siioo S ' * ! Commencine ; Saturday , June 9th , at Our buyer 'eft ' Thursday last for the Kastorn markets to order our Fall goods , meantime we have concluded to rudiic our stock by a sweep- hit ; reduction sale. , , , ± , , U you are in doubt , come in and see us. We are thu oldest clothing ; house in Omaha , and you can rely on the goods and prices being right. We quote a few of the cut down prices : $22.00 Men's Suits go at $10.50. $15.00 Men's Suits go at $7.75. $10.00 Men's Suits go at $5.50. $5.00 Men's Suits go at $2.75. Boys' Suits Out. i Hey HoyUnderwear. . Full suit Hilbriggau Underwear for BOj. White or Colored I/miutered Shirts go at 50s. _ Men's black and tan Socks , all , former price 2oc , go at lOc. Shoes Bia Out. $5.00 genuine Kangaroo Shoes go during tills sale at $2.75. $4.00 Oilfshin Shoes go during this sale at $2.2o. $2.50 solid leather shoes go at $1.25 , STRAW HAT PICNIC THIS WEEK AT THE WEiSTEXRN CLOTl-IINGr GO- , ini7'iHO : Douglas Street. - JJ Doors Kast fnun Corner 11th St. BEAUTIFUL SET 85.00. DR. BAILEY , Dentist. TIIIUU KI.OOH. I'AXTON W/KUC , PnlnhMwt extraction vsllhuut KIIH. Tctitli out In inoiiiliiK now oiii'H tx-foro ilark. Oolil uml plutl- iiiiiiittiriiiKHl.UU. I'uru ifoW tllllnga. * tf.oo ami up. All work warnuiuil. Uuly uttcnJunt iu office. German upoUcij. Telephone 1083. NEBRASKA NATIONAL KANIi If , H , lfjioilKii'tOinuliii , Ntttratha , CAPITAL $400,000 SURPLUS $55.500 Office nnC. Director * : Henry W. YaU , proldvnti Jolin 8. Colllnt , vlce-prc IJent ; IxiwU B. llff'l. Caviller. William II. U. UUEhcv , anliU THE IRON BANK