THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TIH'ttSDAY , JUNE 7 , I8P4 , COJIJIERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Knshcd Up at a Dizzy Gait Yesterday nnd Closed 31-8 Cents Higher , KANSAS CROP REPORT THE DAY'S FEATURE Deductions 111 Hint fltnto Ncnrly Fifty Per Ont , ItcliiR the ( Irrntcst Drop for a Single Month l > er Itrportccl , rniC/\00 , June G. Wheat rushed up nt n dizzy gait today , finishing with 3o gain. Extremely bullish crop reporti scared shorts , and their frantic endeavors to cover resulted In nn unusually active trade. Corn cloned vie- higher , oats 2o higher nnd provisions at a slight advance. Wheat was strong and excited almost from utart to finish. Opening trades were at from % o to lo advance , and after selling up JB } declined ' ,4c , rallied 3c , reacted % c , changed tome nnd closed Strong. The cn national feature was the Kansas crop report , which showed reduction * for the state of from 35 to 45 per cent , being the greatest drop for n single month ever reported. The various weekly weather bulletins were , as a rule , unfavorable , reaching the past week the worst since the ncaton opened. There was a general scramble by anxious "shorts" nnd room trailers at the start to purchase , nnd nt the advance "long" wheat came out. but It was readily taken , and the market again showed an upward tendency. The better cables helped the advance. Toward the last hour of the session the market was very excltrd under nn active demand and limited offerings. Corn was firm on the cold , dry weather , and the light movement In the Interior. The range for the day was y4c and the close near the top. Oats wcrn excited and strong , covering 2'XiC ' range and closing at the top. The strength resulted from unfavorable crop re ports and the advance in other grain ! ) . ' Provisions were dull but steady , helped by the strength In wheat , The market was a narrow one. Compared with last night July pork Is fie higher , July lard 2'/&c ' higher und July ribs 2'o { higher. FYplght rates steady at lc for corn to Iluffalo. The leading futures ranged as follows : Arllclcs. Opuii. | High. | Low. | CloBO. h'lip.itNo. L' Juno 68M July liuWST t < \ l Sept OIH B8H Com No. 2. . June i 38H July IT OntN No. ' „ ' . . . Juno SO anx 3 ! ) .in ? ! July 34 Sept I'ork per bbl July 11 00 11 on 11 87K Sept 12 00 12 05 12 00 Laid. 100 Ibf ) Juno July 0 70 0 70 Sept U BO 0 82 } 0 77H SUsrt.Illbs- Jiily 0 W 0 20 G IT SPIII 0 15 tl 20 o ir ( ? aKh ( iitolutlonn were ns follows : I-'LOt'll L'nchrtiiReil. WIIKAT No. 2 sprlnpr. R7i057Tic ; ; No. 3 Bjirlr.l , ' . fi7c ; No. 2 rod , ri75ifrri7T4c- . COIIN No. 2 , ,11)1.1.1 ) ; : No. .1 yellow , 41c. OATS-NO. 2. iKnasfioc ; NO. 2 white , l No. 3 white , WiitWAc. UVK-No. 2. 48e. ItAKLHV No. 2 , nominal : No. 3. Mff31o ; No. 4 , nominal. KI.AX SniCO No. 1. Jl.33',4. TIMOTHY SKIiU-l'rlniP. jl.OO. I'HOVIHIONH-Mcsa pork , per bbl. . 11.MS > 11.92',5. Lnril , per 100 Ihs. , JC ORC.1 , ! . .Short rllw BhlM ( loose ) . JG.17W C.2U. Dry Balled shoul- dcrH ( hoxol ) . jri.C2i4iB5.87H ; short clear fides ( lioxeil ) . Jfi.MijC.73. WII1HKY Distillers' nnlahcd goods , per gal. , J.I.I5. The fnllowliiff were tboroccipis ana Blilpmsnts Icr today : On the Produce qxolmnKO today the butter mar ket wnn to.ily nnd iinclmngcd ; creamery. 14M dairy. lOJil-IHe. KCPH , Btea < ly and un- ; Htrlctly frouli , lOSlOKe. M5W YOIIK UKNIOKAIi MAHKKT. VeHtoriluy'H Quotation * on Flour , Grain and 1'rovlsloiu , MctnUr , ICtc. NK\V YOIIK , June G. FLOUn-Hecelpts , 33,000 bbls. ; exports , 22,000 bbls. ; sales , 28,000 pkgs. ; market active nnd higher ; prices generally So , higher. Southern flour , firm. ' nye 'Hour , steady but firm , lluckwheat flour , dull , nominal. 1 1 \VIIKAT-Dull ; range , GS 73c. I'OItN MKAIv-Qulet ; yellow western , 2.G3iJ t.70 ; Ilrandywlne , J2.70. HYE Nominal ; stnte , D5o ; Jersey , track , C20 Y Nominal ; Canadian , G7e. 1IAHI.UY HALT Steady ; western , C7OSOo ; Can- ndlnn ; ! Kf(5ric ) ; six-rowed , 83jlSiic. WHI3AT Heccluts , 01,000 bu. ; exports. 82.000 bu , ; sales , l,55nixx ) bu. futures and 21,000 bu. pot. Spot market strong ; No. 2 red , In store nd elevator. GOJc ; afloat. GHJc. Options WBIP py active nnd m IOIIK all day on u stnmpcdc of shorts , owing to frost In part of the wlicit : belt and n belief that thu crops hnvo suffered ; foreign bourses tiought ; market closed strong ami 2KW2SC higher : July , E9i Glic , closing -at l io ; August. GfliJigcZXc. closing ut G2 c ; Sep tember. 61 3-lGfiClc , cloBlng ut G3 > 4c ; December , KHSOTHc. closing nt G7Vic. CORN HecclntH , R'l.OOi ) bu , ; exports , 87,000 bu. ; sales , 920.00) liu. futures and 3,000 bu. spot. Hpot market strong ; No. 2. 41Ho In elevator. 44 > 4C afloat. Option market wasnctlvc nnd etrong on bullbh crop news nnd sympathy with wheat , cloning nt % c not advance ; July , 4 ! 44f45c. Closing nt 45o ; August , 4JU l374c , closing ill 43TSO ! Scplember , 45 % 4Co , closing ut 46c. ' OATH Itccelpts , CG.OOO bu. ; exports. 3,000 til , ; miles , 623.000 liu. futures anil 67,000 bu. spot. Spot 'market strong ; No. 2. 47c ; No. 2 delivered. 48c ; No. 3 , 4Gc : No. 2 white ? 47R4(4c ( ( ; No. 3 while , 47c ; track , white western , 4SW60c ; track , white state , 4S450c. Option market was active end strong on good cash demand nnd crop ilnm- ngp , closing UJ2o .higher : June closed ut 45o ; July. 42Vjn43V5c. closing nt 43(4u ( ; August , 37c. 11AY Steady ; shipping , GO C3c ; good to choice , HOI'H Dull ; state" , common to choice , 901Gc : ruclflu const , 12O17C. I1IDKH Innctlvp ; wet salted New Orleans , se lected , 43 to 63 Ibs. , 4Vs(14He ; Texas , selected , 35 to CO Ibs. , 4Jf5c ; lluenos Ayres , dry , 20 to 21 Ins. . lOHWllo ; Texas , dry , 21 to 30 Ibs. , GUp. l.I'3.\TIIHU Dull ; hemlock sole , lluenos Ayres , light in heavy weights , IStflSc. WOOI Fnlrly active ; domestic lleccp , 19fl20c ; pulled , 20M2.Sc. PltOVIHIONH-lleef. steady. Cut meats , flrm : pickled bellies. GUi7c : pickled shoulders , B4W ! iKd pickled linms. 10'i. ' Ijml. steadier ; west- rni stenin closeil nt 7 ; July , * 7.02',4. closing at $7,03. nominal ; rrflnr.1 , firm ; continent , 17,11 ; South America , $7.63 ; compound , CHOGu. 1 urk , tlim : sales 23,000 bbls , lU'TTHH Firmer ; western dairy , 10J13o ; wpstein creamery. ISffliHo ; western factory , JW 12M : ICIglns. 17Vic ; stnte dairy , 12fl7c ; state cri'nmery , Hlifni'.ic. lll-Jl.'SK Weaker ; state , large. 7i 9'ic. K(1IS Flnner ; state and 1'ennsylvnnln , 13W I4ii * western froth , ! SWI3o : receipts , 10,0 * ) pkgs. TAM,0\V-Iiisy ; city < J2 per pkg. ) , 4H < l4Hc ; ixiuntry ( pkgs , free ) , 4iW4ie , ns to quality. PHTllOUHJM-Stendy ; United closed ut S74o ! ; Washington , bbls. , JO ; Washington , In bulk , $3.50 : rellned New York , J3.15 ; Philadelphia nnd llnltlmore , $5,10 ; Phlladelpllu | und llnltlmore. In bulk. $ ItOSIN Firm ; strained , common to pxxl , . Tl'HPKNTINi : Firm : 30U T30-\e. llli'K Stently ; domestic , fair to extra , 40Co ; Jupun. 4U 4Sr. MOI.ASHKS Steady ; New Oilenns , open kettle , gon.1 to cbo'ce ' , 29 < i3Gc. Pin lUON-Dull ; Scotch , 19.50 : . ' . ; Ameri can. J1UXIWIJ.W. OlPPKU-Qulet ; lake , $9. IilQuiet , raster ; domestic. $3.10. TIN -Steady ; straits , $19SO ; plates , steady , HPKI/rHll Flimer ; domettlp , $3.40 ; tales on 'chnngp , 1 car spot lead at $3.25. \ > TTONHI < : i-i : > Oll/-lnactlve ; prime crude , lionilnnl : off cnnle. ! 61CSc ; yellow butler grades , 3io ; dialer yellow , 33c ; prime yellow , 32Hc ; yel low Pit Krades , 31iOS2e ! ; prime white , 3 < itC37c. Mlhvauki'o .MiirUntu MH.WAUKKI-5 , Juno G. FI-OUK-Steady , WHKAT-FIrm nnd higher ; No. 2 tprlns , No. 1 northern , G3a : July , CGVc. COIIN Higher ; No. 3. 40c. OATH Higher ; No. 2 white , 41 < jo ; No. while. 40fi41H-e. ( IIAlll.KY Nominal ; No. 2 , C3o ; sample , . HYB Steady : No , 1. DOe , PIIOVIHIONS Striuly. Pork , $11.00. $ G.7U. IlKCKIPTS Klour , 20,000 bblmj' wheat , 12,800 bu. : barley. 8.500 bu. HHII'MKNl-H-Flour , 200 bbls. ; wheat , 700 bu. ; burli-y , S.2W bu. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Now York Dry ( looiu Blarkot. Ni\V YOIIK. June ( . A rain storm Dint In creased thrauKhout the clay had a depressing rffvct on Irudu and n w builnesa was conductrtl nil very dull llnrit. Home Intrrvst was cxtrndMl la nil ton flannels , rolonxl cotlomi. plaids , prints , Klnglinnu and dinu Koml > nd modrrata rn- Kngcmenti were laid out. Print cloth * \vero dull t 3 11-lGo for M mum . _ _ BltiiurikpulUVbeiit Market. JUNNKAPOI.IH , Jun I. Tha wheat market ojicnrd So higher today , an I later advanced nl- Inunt steadily Ourlntr lh day until tbe clone. which wiui 2Hc hlchrr for June and July , with | i ptinbr ZHO hlKlitr The < uham < a ( a ruili wu l , JlliuUU ( ( Ui vlv wm up Ikv , Tim jilvnnce a duo ninlnty lo ! > n < l crop rr lv > ri In HIP mmt'iwnit. ' i-nuslnir shorts lo cover nnd same buvinir. Th buying wn * rhlefly on loon ucciiiin' Trndln * a very ni-llve , nni | HIP largrst htislnps * wn don * of nny dny for n Ion tlmIn riilurps. HnPlptsrre 1SO.CM bu. , ship nienln Zl.iat bu. Thp rpcrliitfl nppenred lo Ce m lnly frim fr h snlrn by fanners In the coun try , who hu\p b en oiling qilltP freely of Into Ixn-nl mills wpfp running ni iisunl nt nlmtit SZW ( ) bbls. for thn twenty-four hours , which with HIP sldpnipntn. would ovcrrpnrli the arrivals by some 25. 1 lo 311.000 liu.nnd would Itfate A slendy docrrnsp In th suppllps liprc. The nmiK.'t rlnmili June nnd July , 69Sc ; Sep I'mber. 6 , , c. On Irnck ! No. I hard. GUiPi No 1 nnrlh rn , Cft'ic ; No. 2 northern. Mio ! , Thpro wan rnlher n better demand for Hour , nnd later In the day millers ndvnnppd Ilielt ptlces r * lo lOo n barrel , flun lo the rlno In yrftprdii ) nnd Imlrty. Hiliunenls of flour wcrp M.OiW lbl .j Intents held at $3.M to $3. 0 ; hnkets , $2.30 Io2&3. Local Produce 'Mnrkpl. ntlTTUUTin * mm hot In NPW York li looking a llttlp morn fiivornbK. und buyers nrp enconr- nRwl licrp. Tlip kut nn packing stock has been very i-trung herp for Rome lime , ami pvery ndvnncp In Iho i l Is nnllrlrinted Ix-forp It roniPH. At ( he present price quoted In New \mk pui-kinx nlm-k In not Mnrth over 9c here , Choice wtinlry butler In worth 12tfHc ; eeparalor crpamery , ije. I.'ilOSThe iprripix ImVp nut been very heavy during HIP past few days , nnd prices nrp n lltllc llrni'r , the mnrkel bring ( ( noted ut OflOHo for slilrlly frpfh nnd rlenn stuek. I.IVK POI'l.TllY The receipts of poultry nrp not cpHtP D hPn\y ns they were n , few days ago. but lhc > nmrl < et l still well mipplled nnd vpiy slow nivl Mpitk , Old hnn , 5c ; roosters , 3c , Tln > demand tit other klnda of poultry Is rather light , tllniiih ; u limited quantity Is salable. pucks , riftt'tff hen ttirkeyK , 758c ; gobbleri" , g-t-sp ( , io. VI2AITIip lecelpts Imvn been very large nil the week , bill dealers lm\p managed lo keep the market piy | well I'lenlied up nml prices have been pretty well maintained , flood fnt veals wen- limited nt Ci/Tc , with rales of the best largely nt 6'.4o. ' PIOHONS There Is n demand for old pigeons , but young blnN that nre nol strong on thp win ? are not wanted. Old birds , per ilcu , , J1.M31.M. OI.U IIHANH The market Is sternly. Neither thp demand nur supply Is very hsnvy nt tills point , f'nllfornln hnnd picked navy , $2.13ff2.23 ; western navy , Jl.waaw ; common white beuns , ONIONS New ffotithein onlniiM nrn quoted nt I3.M per bbl. Top onions uie plenty ut 15B20C on ordeis. POTATOIMThP receipts of olil potatoes do mil npiiear to liy very large , but the supply Is keeping light up to the demand. Colorado stock , UOvDi' . The mnrket Is well supplied with new southern potatoes , which ale quoted at 2o per Ib. on orders. r.Ami.ui-\Vhlp | roc l stuck that will stnml shipping U not plenty , there I * fonio nnlvlng from Callrornl. ! . Al this enson of the sear cnli- IWIRP hnn to In * wnrkeil olT inphlly , ns It will nol bold up well , Uoud shipping stuck , on orders , 2s.e. ! AHPAltAOUH-CSood home grown stock , 350400 per doz. ( in oidein. PII3 1'IjANT Home grown plo plant , 2c on on'erx. ' TO.MATOiH-lt : Is nlmMt Impo.islblo to flnd slock that will slnnd shipping. There has not been a tiensoii In n long time when tomatoes were ns train , ns lh y are nl the present lime. fnHl shipping Block on onleis Is quoted nt | 2.m0 3. CO. ' OnHKN VKOKTAHI.IIS Ilndlshcs , per doz. , 20t > 25p ; lellucp , per il. , ; . , ! 'i s40o ; cucumbem , GOcilJl.Oi ) ; parsley , per do30fl33c ; beets , per doz. . ' 4aff.V < c. . NKW IIKANS Itecelpts are large nnd It re quires quite nn effort un the part of receivers to keep the maiket cleaned up. Wax beans , on onlers , ! i-bu. banket , VOcOtl.OO ; stilliff beans , K-bit , basltel , 73W90C. PHAH-llomo grown pens arc now otille plenty nt $1.50 per bu. FlltMT.S. STUAWniitlUIW : Tlieie were nboilt 13) cases of berries In nnd good shipping stock ndvnnced lo 13.50. There were moio buyers tlmn berries. ThP Denver Fruit Orowers nnd Shippers nssoclntliin has given notice that they will com mence to Hhli [ June 10. ClIKItltlKH Monday's auction sale of cher ries prices were decidedly higher , nnd the mnr ket It neconllngly hlcher on shipping stock , which Is quoted nt $1.23ifil.1 ( > . APHICOTS California nprleots nrc commeni- : riB to arrive In small quantities. Shipping stock , on onlers. J2..V ) . jOOHKHHIiniRS Therp was pome Inquiry for green gooseberries , btit not many in ; good stock , per 21 it. | case , J2.75B3.00. TIIOPICAI. Flll'ITS. I1ANANAH It has been no easy matter to get bananas lately. There have been few sales In New Orleans. A good deal of the stock shipped to market has been too green , nnd It has been almost Impossible In many crises to fill orders with such stock ns was wanted ; good stock , per bunch , J2.00itf2.50. LBMONS Thcie have been very few days of real gooil lemon weather thus far this season , When warm weather really comes dealers look to see a much llrmer lemon market. Fancy lemons , 300 size , $1 ; fancy lemons , 3Gu size , W.73 ; choice lemons , 3GO flze , $3.fiOft3.75. oriANOUS With the murkct full of berries the demand Is very limited fur oranges , and Iho supply on the market Is small. Jledllenanean sweets , $3.50. FIOS-FaiiiT , per Ib. , 12 j 15c. DATES Hallowees , 65 to 70-lb. boxes ner Ib C',4e.P1NEA1TIUS P1NEA1TIUS Choice , per doz. , $2 ; small , $1.75. MISCELLANEOUS. 100 12ci filberts , 12c ; Brazil ntits. We. " ' CIDKIt I'uro Juice , per bbl. , ? G ; lialf bbl. , $3.25. AI'l'I.K IlHTTKIl I'er 20-lb. palls , Jl : half bbl.1. 3V4o per Ib. HIDES No. a green hides , 2'Jc ; No. 1 ereen salted hides , 3c : No. 2 ereen salted hides. 2o ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 Ins. to 15 Ibs , , 0\4c ; No. 2 veal calf. S Ibs. to 15 Ibs. , 4o ; No. 1 ( fry Hint hides. 60 ; No. 2 dry flint hides , 3o ; No. 1 dry salted hides , Ac ; part cured hides , > ic per Ib. less than fully cured. SHEE1' PISI/TS Orcen salted , each , 23igCOo ; green salted shearlliiKs ( short-wool ed early skins ) , each , 5J15c ; diy Bh.enrllnR.1 ( short-woolcd early aklns ) . No. 1 , enuh , HJTlOc ; dry sheorllnRS ( short woolcil early skins ) . No. 2 , each. Bo ; dry Hint , Kansas und Nebraska butcher wool , pelts , per Ib. . actual weight. uQSc ; dry Mint. Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool peltx , per Ib. , actual weight. filCc ; dry flint , Colorado butcher wool pelts , per Ib. , ncuml weight , < 67c ; dry ( lint , Colorado murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual welKht. . TAILOW AND GHRASn Tallow , No. 1. 4li ? < Hc ; tallow , No. 2 , SKOlTic : grease , white A , grease , whlto 11. 4c ; grease , yellow , So ; Rrea e , dark. 2Hc : old butcr. 22'icj beeswax , prime , llB18c ; rough tallow. 282 > ic. St. I. < Miis ( iunernl .Mnrknt. ST. I.OVIS , June 6. 1'LOUH 1'lrm nnd un changed. WHEAT Shot up rapidly on domestic frost damage reports and foreign crop news , maklns a net gain of 2 JI2TicJ No. 2 red. cash , 63c ; June , COc ; July , WVic ; September. 57Sc. COIIN Oalned "JftTic In sympathy with wheat ; No. 2 mixed , onsli , 37Uc ; June , 37Hc ; July , 37c : Spptvinlirr , 3Sic. OATS Hhnrnly higher on crop news , 2UCi2Hc ; No. 2 cash , 40Hc ; June , We ; July , August , 3'4c ' ) ; September , 30'ic. ' IIVI'3 ITncliiillRPil , IIAIII.KV fnclianged. 1IKAN Krnrcc ; C3 04e. cast track. KI < AX HUKn-It.12. CUJVKIl HMKH-Unchnngtfd. Tl.MOTIIV-Unclinngcd. HAY Strong ; prime to choice timothy , JS.IOJf . & ) . lll'TTKU Steady ; fholco separator creamery , 14iU. > c ; choice dairy , 13c. KO11S ! K- . I.I2AU Dull , lower ; J3.02i. ! HPniVrEII HvM nt J3.20. COIIN MKA1. J1.1I3S2.00. WHISKY tl.15. COTTON , TlRS-UnclmiiBed ; 95c JH.OO. . 1 UOVIUIONH null , with a slight reduction In irlc s. 1'oik , standard mess , jobbing. . 112. 37i. ! Lard , prime steam , I8.KO ; choice , JO.G2HDry salt 'nifiits , loose shoulders , $5.76 ; longs nnd ribs , $0.2.shorts. ; . J6.40. Ilacon. packed shoul- lers. JC.75 ; longs , | 7 : rllw , J7.1216 ; shorts , J7.23. UIJCKIl'TS Kloiir , 2.000 bbls. ; wheat , 7,000 bu. ; corn , 77.1100 tin. ; outs , 13,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour , 3,000 bbls. ; corn , 113,000 bu. ; oats , 9,000 bu , CorTt'u .Murket. NH\V YOltIC , Juno S.-COFFKR-Optlons opened luirely hteady nt lnOl.'i points decline ; ontlii'jed ' active , but \\cnlt , chleiiy under lOurupenn selling ; closed sti-ndy , 10ii20 polntn decline ; sales , 21,250 bags. Including : June. 314.70 ; July. ) ; August , ! H.03tlU.10 ; Keptpmber , (13.110 Spot cofTee , lllo. steady ; No. 7 , 15Jo ; mild , mpaily : Cordova , 13 19Uc ; sales , 2.103 bugs C. A. , 60C.Vurehouso deliveries yestprd.ty , 4,958 bnKH ! New York stock today , I67.1S5 bags ; United Stiites stock. 223.28S bags ; afloat for Unltwl States , GD.OOO bags ; total vUlhlo supply , 289,23 bags , ngulnst 462,493 hint year. HANTOS , June O.-Quk-t ; food average. 17 ; stock , S5.000 bags. HAMIHWd. June G.-Qulet ; sales. 6,000 baxs at i ! i pfg. lower. IIAVIIK , Juno G. Closed aulet : f decline to 4f utlvnnce , HIO DB JANHIIIO. June 6.Vak ; No. 7 , H ; nxchungp , 9 1-tOil ; receipts 9,000 bag.i ; stock , 90,000 bugs. , _ _ _ KHIIDUS City AlurKots. KANSAS CITV. Juno . AVHBAT ' 4Blo ilKticr ; No. 2 hard. 60c : No. 3 reil , 52o ; No. 3 red. 4W50e ; rejected. 43J43c. nf3SH0 Ill8heri No > 2 mllej' 35O37'iO ' ! No. 2 \ hl OATS Ho higher ; No. 2 mixed , S7U J3So ; No. ! white. 3SO38Wc. UYi-HtPHily ; No. 2. 4 So. KIMX HKIJl ) Stendv. tl.23. IlllAN-Steady , 53li57c. IIAY-strady ; timothy , tS.OOfH.OOi prairie , IHJTTKU Steady ; creamery , 14W15c ; dairy , 12 Hc. iOOB : Firmer , 7ic. ! HKCKIITB Wheat , 5,000 bu. : coin , none ; oats , none. HIIII'.MKNTH Wheat , 10,0 * ) bu.j corn , nunet out , nonv. . ChlcnRn Fruit Quotations. CHICAOO , June 6. Thp Hurl Fnilt company wld two carloads of California fruit ut open Ruction this morning nt the following prices : Cherries .black lartnrlans. $1.10tfl.4S : Iloynl Ann , $1.0081.35 ; black republican. 11,40 ; lllgeraeu , ! ! iJ * AprieplB : Uoyal , $ l.83tf2.00 ; prlngle , $1.30 W2-00 ; scedllnE , Jl.SX/2.00 / ; cherry plums , $1.60 Mnrket. NEW YOIIK , JuW S.-8UaAU-Ilow. flrmer ; fa r reflnhiir. 3 7-I e ; centrlfuKnl. test , S IJ-ltUi ; sales. lO.iOO Iwgs , c. and f. carKO Uoalon , 2 15-16o and f. Herlned. fair demand. LONDON. June . -HtTOAH-Canp , rather steadier ; Centrlfurnl Java , 13 < (4 ; Muscovado , fair refUilns , 1U > t. Cotton Mnrket. N W YOIIK. June . -COTTON-Klrm : sales , put , W bule ; to arrive. Coo balm : ricttpK. ISJ ) ttlf ; ronUnmt. Z.J75 IStle * ; foaitwlte , 1U bale * : itock , 78.919 bales. i'utur , ittady ; \ iKilM , Jimp , $7 MOT 07 July , I70COT.07 , AiigtiM IT07W708. Octotr. $70lf 7.05 , November , $7 CM 7.00. Uecrmhrr. | 7 14Q7 15j January , 17.20 bid February. 17 21 ST. LoriH. June dCOTTONFlrnu middling 7 5-l c , sales. 300 tale * , receipt * , SUO bales ililpmcnt.i , 400 Imli-g , Mocks , 38.600 bales. Will right the llnnril of Trnde. CHICAGO , Juno I ! . Thp big elevntor men have declared wnr on thfl llnnnl of TrndP hecnumj of the recent adoption of nn amendment pro hlbltlng regular elevator ownem from- trading In grain nn 'chnnnp. A nmnlfeMo hn been 1 * sued signed liy the Armour * , ind oilier btR Mrnia announcing ttmt they refute to fulirnlt nml do cliirltiK they will llml nnollirr n-ny to mnko Ilielr receipt * nvnllnhlo for delivery , The. wntc hou > o men will Oenl In uritln with produccm consumer * nml Inventor * , they nay , nnd the nyatem of Rrnln denllnir will be clmtiRfl. There Is much tnlk ninonc elevator people M limit Mint ing a rival board to crush out the preven Inliitir ) rul > i .Market. UUMITir , June 6. WIIHAT-Clone. utroiiK No. 1 Imrd. cnsli , 6IHc : Juno nnd July , ClT4e No. 1 northern , cnnli , M c | June , & > -Sc : July WKr ; September , 60'i.o ' : December , 6lHc : No. 2 northern , cnnli , 57Hci No. 3 , C3ic ! rejected. 48c On trnck : No. l northern , ClUc ; to nrrlvc. No 1 northern , 6lc. IIYB-4.V. FLAX HKKD-II.29I4. OATH-No. 2 , rGc ; No. 3 while , 35 ! c. 11KCF.IITHVhent. . < aM I'M. ' RHIPMCNTd-Wlirnt , 24H.020 l.u. . ; rye. 12.051'bu. ' Car Inspection today \Vheal , 4'j oalu , If. Liverpool .Mnrii't * . LIVEIU'OOL. June 6. AVI I MAT -Steady : do- mnnd poor : holder * nrter moderately ! No' . 1 California. SM Ud ; trd whiter , N 4,1. , , COIIN Firm ; demand modcrnU1 ! new mixed , upot , 3 * 7'ttl. PUOVIHION8 Ileef , extra India mess , 77s 6.1. Pork , prlnii ; mex.1 , 67 SI. llncon , tonx and short elenr , 55 llw. , 31s Gdi IOIIK rlenr , 45 Ihs. , Xi O.I. Lnrd , prlniu wentern , 33s 3d. TrlKco Whrnt ( } iiol tlon < , SAN FIIANCISCO , June fi. The local market , after n Ionic FCIISOM of Icth.irKy. became sud denly nctlvc today , renpond'ntt to forelcn nnO Clilraso ndvlcfi. TrniiKirtlons were larRe. DC- eernbor , which closed yesterday nt 11,0.1 % , reachoil SI.03T4 nnd closed nl J1.09. ilny wheat reached OllOIiirkrtft. OIL CITY , Pa. , Jur. C. Nitlonnl ; Transit cer tificates opened nt k7'4 ; lilKlicft. S7'j ; lowest , 87 ' ,4 : cloned , 87 \ ; BhlpmentH , l'SC9l ' Lbls. ; tuns , 77,057 blil * . PITTHIItritn , I'n. , June f . NntlonnI Trnimlt rertlllcateH opened nt S7'V closed , i7'.4i highest , S74 ! ; lowest , 87 V4. _ " * Oniiilin I'i-nlt Auction , At the sale held Wednesday nftcrnoon 1,000 boxes of California cherries were dis posed of. Tlio bidding wn very nctlve nnd prices' generally satisfactory. Wool Market. ST. LOUIS. .Tun 6. WOOL Very Mron ? , with good demand , but iiuutatlona not changed , STOCKS AND IJONDS. Volume of ltii lnrH on 'Cliiinco AYas Orentcr Thiin on Tupmliiy. NEW YORK , June C. Tho-volume of busi ness on the Stock exchange today was greater than yesterday and transactions were widely distributed throughout the list , Sugar , however , receiving the largest share of speculative attention. At the opening there was considerable excitement In the Sugar crowd , and the trade was so * furious that the first report that came from the stock ticker was that Sugar opened at from 106 to 107 , the first price being li } per cent above yes terday's close. The shorts , who were anxious to cover , were the main buyers In the morning. There were , however , numer ous selling orders on the board from holders , who saw a handsome profit and desired to realize , and for n while these counter move ments , being about equal In force , held the * stock between the figures given above . About noon the buying became less pronounced and prices took a lower .range , nnd during the next hour the fluctuations were between 10GV4 and 108 ? & . About 1:30 : o'clock 106 % was touched , at which time brisk buying was encountered , causing n rally to 107 % , but In the final dealings u reaction of' U per cent was made , leaving a gain of % per cent on the day. Sugar preferred rose 1 % per cent , but lost % per cent In the final trading. Of the other Industrials , Chicago was most active , and after nn early decline of I'/i per cent sold up 1 % per cent , and held the advance to the cloie , Distilling receding a small fraction in the morning , but in the afternoon , on free buying , partly by Wash ington houses , recorded an Improvement of 1U per cent , nnd closed within % per cent of the best price of the day. The trading In the rest of this group was light. .The railway list was by no means neglected , and despite the fact that there were occasional reactions , the undertone of the market was strong throughout the day. The advances n wheat stimulated purchases of the gran gers and also helped the rest of the list. St. Paul closed 1V4 per cent higher , Rock Island rose 1 % " per cent , Burlington 1U per cent nnd Northwest % per cent , the last being the highest price of the day In each case. The bond market was firm to strong all day. o The Evening Post says : While railway shares advanced , opportunity was taken to get rid of some holdings of the industrials. In Sugar this was done on the usual plan , : he stock being marked up 1 % per cent , to 108 , on the first transaction , after which the price fell slowly back to 106'/4. The con clusion of the senate Incident was chosen for the declaration of quarterly dividends at the regular annual rates of 19 per cent. The Evening Post's London cable says : The Derby rnco hnlf emptied the exchange : odny. The tone was dull , except for Amor- cans , which presented a distinctly better appearance. The progress of the tariff bill 'rlghtens the bears here. Stocks were very scarce. Erica were bought quite largely on the Idea that the opposition to the re organization scheme will bo withdrawn or jroak down. St. Paul has risen , to C2. . 'rices closed strong' at the beat. The In- llnn council sold five lakhs of rupees up to 13 pence. The weekly amount offered was- * reduced to 45 Inkhs . Another statement of ho Dank of England's return Is expected to morrow. The -following are the closing quo'.atlons on the leading stocks of the Now York ex change today : The total sales of stocks were 217,571 shares , ncludlm ; : Atchlson , 9.400 ; American HUSTHI- . 9,300 ; American Sugar pfd. , 2,2i > f ; HurllnRtcn , .SOO ; ChlcnKO Ons , 15,000 : UlsllllhiK nnd Culte- | eetlliiK , O.'JOO ; Uenernl Klectlc. 3OX ) ; Missouri 'oclllo pfd. , 2.SOO ; Heudln ? . 3,100 ; Ilock Island , ,800 ; Hi. I'aul , 27,800 ; Western Union , 2.200. OMAHA LINSTOCK MARKET Receipts for Thto Days Show Very Llttlo OhnngaifYpm Lost Week. CATTLE DEAIEB ARE ALL AT SEA NOW Suspicion * of n-titpcf Hliortnco Cuino n Strong , Illfflrtr'S'Inrkot ' Hoga 81111 Comlntr-l'rooly nnd Still ( lorfi ip Slowly. ibl / 4-WEDNESDAY , Juno G. Itocclpts for tlitlfia'st thrco days show very llttlo change as , compared with the corro- . , spending three days last week. Cattle nnd sheep show a slight Increase , wlillo the fall ing off In hogs amounts to less than 2,000 head. head.Wlillo Wlillo there was a very good run of cattle today , the supply \vns lighter than dealers were expecting. Ths long-continued drouth has Imrncd tin , , pastures and It was thought that this would have n tendency to force many cattle Into market , wlillo the recent bulge In prices , under ordinary cir cumstances , would bring out lots of cattle that had been held for Just such a rise. The fact that neither of these circumstances brought about an Increase In receipts rather tended to confirm the theory of a beef short age nnd created a very bullish feeling. There were plenty of good to choice medium weight nnd heavy cattle on sale and nil classes of buyers went after them , as reports from the cast were generally very favorable. 1'rlccs averaged nil of a dime higher than Tuesday , while lOo would hardly cuver the advance on some of the more desirable grades. Choice l.fiOG-lb. beeves sold up to $ I.GO , and there were few salesof any consequence made at under $4. Trading was red hot while U lasted , but by the middle of the forenoon It was over. Good to choice cows sold freely , nt sub stantially stronger prices , but the fair to poor grades gold at the usual low ilgures. Calves ruled about steady and rough stock generally a shade firmer. A fnlr amount of business was transacted In stockers nnd feeders and generally on the basis of stronger prices. Rains out through the state and 'In Iowa hnvo Improved the country demand , while the supply of late has not been nt nil large. Regular dealers did n big share of the trading today , buying up about all the fresh cattle offered and making some good saleb J > the country. Sales Included fair to very fiood 400 to 950-Ib. steers at from $3 to $3.30. Representative safes : DltUSSED I1EUF. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1. . . . SSO J3 40 23..1054 $4 05 3..1620 $4 23 31. . . . 859 3 40 7..1151 4 18 1S..U76 4 23 1. . . . 780 3 60 87..1023 4 10 C..1233 I 25 1..1030 3 d ) 30. . . . 9SG 4 10 ? . . . . 1130 4 25 1. . . . CSO 3 65 20..1032 4 10 17..1204 4 23 22..1034 3 S5 19..1204 4 15 24..1112 4 25 3..1273 385 1..126ft 4 15 14 ,12.3 3 30 4. . . . 992 4 00 42..1187 4 16 21..1290 4 SO 1..1010 4 00 1.-.1054 4 15 27..1344 4 35 15..1235 400 12..1121' 4 20 13..1360 4 35 21. . . . 856 4 00 21..1233 4 20 C1..1310 4 35 1C , . . . 033 4 00 24..1244 4 20 33..1300 4 35 1C..1041 4 00 4..1155 4 20 21..132 ? 4 35 1..1520 4 00 20..1275 4 25 26..1241 4 35 23..1001 400 20..1110 4 23 34..1459 4 60 SHIPPING AND 1..I2SO 4 00 18..1037 4 20 20..1315 4 40 25..1206 4 00 10..I1SO 4 20 10..1176 4 40 G3. . . . SC5 4 10 21..1139 4 20 15..1IS4 4 40 68..HOC 410 19..1157 423 1..V.OG 4 61 105. . . 987 4 12'i 20..1136. 4 30 70..1306 4 CO 21..1078 4 20 13..1270 4 CO HOGS There was another big run of hogs today and another 5o advance. Eastern re ports continue favorable , nnfl the demand active from both packers and shippers , the latter taking fully a fourth of the offerings today. The market was a nickel higher right nt the start. Fair to good heavy and butcher weight hogs sold at $4,55 to $4.60 , with light and light mixed stuff at $4.50 to $4.55. Prime 411-lb. hogs brought $4.G5 , nnd the low mark for pigs was $1.45. Hustncss rather dragged ut one time , but the market closed up active and strong nt the advance , with the pens empty by 10 o'clock. The popular figure was $4.55 , ns ngnlnst $4.50 Tuesday , nnd $4.55 ono week ngo today. Representative sales : . No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. fill , Pr. 6 151 . . .J440 78 237 2CO 14 55 - - - - - 63 28 ? 210 466 66 230 80 4 65 67 238 80 4 63 68 241 SO 4 T-6 4 250 4 I 61 817 120 4 61 W 191 200 4 65 7 193 4 63 77 217 SO 4 65 118 222 40 4 65 72 217 120 4 65 C4 245 160 4 65 75 237 . . . 4 65 83 219 120 4 53 82 223 40 78 230 160 4 65 K 233 4 65 80 231 200 4 65 75 209 120 4 65 77 230 240 4 C5 C4 245 80 4 55 68 240 80 4 55 10 ! 90 ' 4 65 , . , . , , . , 'so 4 55 8 , ,237 4 65 84 , .22 ! 1GO 4 65 160 V50 120 4 65 71 241 EO 4 55 Cl 241 IS ) 4 65 60 247 4 65 77 , . 217 80 4 65 63 2(8 SO 4 65 71 239 120 4 t" > 60 231 19) ) 63.-.259 120 33 . . .294 . . . 4 65 65 220 200 4 65 82.200 230 4 65 C4 , . .227 360 4 65 > , . , . . . . .2)8 ) 4 65 48 , .3S3 . . . 4 65 68 241 . . . 4 53 63 250 40 4 55 72 216 SO 4 65 6 * Z4S SO 4 65 , . . . . . . . iO 4 65 " 7C 276 160 4 6711 ! 75. . , 220 160 467 ' . , , . . . , . 40 4 S7U 63 , .V60 (0 4 6JU . , , , . , , . 160 4 (7i 71 VX 160 4 " ' 64. . . 261 0 4 70 260 SO 4 67 (4 ( M 246 . . . 4 67(4 74 234 1W 4 67'i ' . . . 410 SM : : : : : : : : 41 4 CO 71 26 . . . 4 CO 64 , , W > . . . 4 C ) GO. . . 291 . , . 4 CO . , , 313 . . . 4 60 U. . U . . . 46) ) K Z > 5 . . . 4 I ) Cl 31S 0 4 CO 70 S71 (0 4 CO 17 , , , , .21) 120 i C ) * 1 . . 274 120 4 ti t . . ! * t 1 4 69. . .198 SO 463 M. . 211 40 4 ( ! 0 67 . 873 210 4 W 72. . . . S l 124 I BO 10. . . . . . . . 29.1 124 4rt ! M. . . . ; < > , _ 4 64 3 . 3M . . . 4W 71 . 2Z7 TT 4 M 1 . 261 . . . 4K M . 30 ! SO 4 M * . 24.1 . . . 4 IB S . 166 . . . 4M 17. . . . . . , . : . < ! 6 . . . 4M .17 . 375 4 < > 4 CO 1 . 318 . . . 4 M 61 . 231 . , , 464 2i. . . . . . . .231 . . . 41V ! H . 2r ISO 464 G . 262 . . . 4 U 5S . 1. 2J1 . . . 461 i . 306 . . , 4 Of , 71 . 274 . , , 460 20 . 26 ] . , . 4 W 142 . 2 < 1 160 4 ft ) t . SU . . . 4V , 41 . . .Ill . . . 463 1'IUH AND Uorilll. 4 . 210 . . . IM 74 . HI 2 351 SI1KRI * Ilecclpls wore light , n couple of double decks of fnlrlsli mixed westerns. They wcro about tlio satuo as the sliccp that were hero Monday , They brought $3.75 Monday nnd | 3,70 today. The demand IB only fnlr nnd the mnrket n simile easier. Knlr to Rood natives arc quotable nt f3.23fll.ri0 ; fnlr to good westerns , $3.00f4.25 ; common nnd stock Rheep , J2,00f3.25 ; Rood to choice , 40 to 100-lb. lambs at J3.600'4.75. ' IleprescnUi- tivo sale : ; ; No. . \vu Pr. 1 < 1 weslpru mixed . , . nil $ : l 70 HUH wehteril mixed . . . . . . 111 ! U 70 Itppelpt * nml ll pDllllou of Stos'c. Onirlal. rrcelpts nnd disposition nf stock ns shown by the books of HIP Union Stock Ynrd * company for llie twenty-four hours eiullng nl 3 o'clock p. in. Wednesday , .Mine 6 , ISSIt Cars. Ilend. Cnttlo . , . . , . , i 7 3.IJS2 JloiW . , . JU 10,128 She p . 2 4V > Horses nn < l inuleM . . . . . , . i is Iluyrni. Cattle. HOKS. Sheep , Omnnn 1'ncklnR eumtmny . 1,849 . O. H. Hammond company. 337 1,600 171 Hwlft nnd Company . 79 ! ) 1,708 309 Cudahy PnckhiK company. . 432 2.4T9 . . . . John I' . Sfjulre & Co . C33 . . . . . L. Ilecker . 52 . Nelson Morris . 123 . . A. Haas , . 124 . II. llecker & JlpRtn . 241 . P. 1) . Armour. . \ . . 331 . Cudahy Uros . 6.V1 . Chlcnpo I' . * 1' . Co . S7 < ! . . . . Hammond & SlnndlKh . 203 . . . . . Shippers nnd feeders . 421 . Left over . . . . - . 300 . Totals . 2,859 10,120 4SO CIIICAIJO I.IVi : STOCK , Cattle AVero Htroni ; hut 1'rlee * of ling * \Vvrv Not fully Simliuned. CHICAGO , June 6. Today's nrrlvnlK consisted of about 12.0W ) nujlvcsnml _ S.OOO Texans. liutli classes werp In good demand and showed ( | Ullo as much strength 'us on HIM preceding days of HIP week. Export orders culled for a generous number , and with piiptcrn shli | | > nrH nnd locul iltpsspd bepf concerns ulso buylni ; freely. Hie coiniietlllon fur fnt entile was more than usually sharp. There wan a icsultliiK advance of fuiiu lOc to 15o , making a gain Klace Satuidav of from 210 to 33e. llnissers and cummon stuff generally were Him hi Hyinpalliy nnd not by reason of any activity In the demand , for there wns IIOIIP. Thp difference between prices of common nnd choice callbla becoming wider each day , us the former werp more plentiful and the Intter ccnrcor. Light and ine.llum wrlghl BtnpiH inny still be bought around $3.75 : extra grades have ndvnnced to fiom JI.75 to $5 and still show nn upuanl lendpiicy. Sales WPIO largely nl from $ ? .60 to $3.50 for iiallvp cows , heifers nnd bulls nnd from $4.10 to J4.CO for native steers. Texns ruttle wic In peed dcmnnd nnd sliong nl u small ndvnncp. Thpy HIP. quoted at from $3.73 to $ l.r,0. according to ciuallty. Prices for light hogi were not fully sustained. That class cnniprlscil u pretty large proportion of the offerings nnd buyrs Insisted upon conces sions und got thpin , the average being nbout 60 lower than Tuesday. 1'or lipnxy und nipillum weights HIP demand was nctlve nl yeatcidny's ndvnncp. Nt-nrly 40,000 IKIRH were on sale anil the bulk of tliprn chnngpil bauds before 11 o'clock , Trndlne was from $3 to $1.90 , culls f.ell- InB slowlv nt from JSto Jl.23 nml primp lirnvy Rrnclcs movhiR briskly at from $1.83 to J4.90. Kales of light hogs wrrp | irlnclMlly | at from $1.60 to $4.75 and thp prcvnllng prlci-e for averages of over 230 UIH. np from $4.75 to $1.83. Toilny's receipts wi-in csllmntod at 32.000. which would make a total of 9iMIS : slncp Saturday , or nearly 10,000 more than for the mime time l ut week and 12.500 IIIOI-P than for the samu llmu laal j par. Thp close was easy. The shcrp ninrUi-t wns In bail shapp. The supply was vanlly grcnter than HIP ili'iiKcn.l nncl c-onseiiuently sellers wcic inpilrvd to mukp further sacilthvs. lluyors hnil pvpiythinK , thflr own way , nnd consequently | | iey illli-d ihelr llmllcd onlcrs ul HIP lowest prices of the week. Inferior tu choice sheep \\eip ( iliolpil oft lo frfim $1.25 to $4.25 ; yrnillnxs lo frum $2.75 to J5 , and spring lambs from $3 to $5. It wns dltllcult to Mnd huypis even nt that innge of prlce.t und the close found the pens still well filled with unsold stock. Receipts were not far from 15,000 hend , some-thing like 113 cailoads arriving. Ili'Ccliits : Cattle , ll.OOi ) IIPIII ) ; calves , 600 head * hogs , 32.000 head : sheep , 15.000 hend. Thp Evening Journal rcporti : CATTLK-Hecdpts. 14.000 head. Market active and 10il5c higher on natives nnd Tcxnnsj prlnm to cxlra native sti-prs. $ I.SOai. 0 ; medium. $1.25 O4.50 ; othnrH , $4.0031.15 : Texuns. $2.93 ? .M. HOGS HecPlpts. 32.0CO lipad. Light nnd medium lower : prime heavy and butcher weights steady ; rough heavy. $4.23f4.50 ; packers and mixed , $1.6594.75 ; prime heavy nnd butcher weights , $4.80574.90 ; assorted light. $4.6004.70. SHEKP AN1 > LAMHS-ltfcelnts , 15,000 hcntl largely spring lambs. All selling lowcri ton sheep , $4.00f4.CO ; top lambs , $4.75fj4.S5. IVKSTKKN IMCKINO INTICItEST.3. MnrkotliiK Continues Liberal and tlio Out put In Correspondingly Increased. CINCINNATI , Juno C. ( Special Telegram to The Bee. ) Tomorrou's Price Curn-nt will say : The marketing of hogs during thu past week has been surprisingly liberal , wet-tern packers han- djlng 340,000 , ngnlnsl SSO.OOO last week and 1SO.OOO a year ago , making n tolal of 3,485,000 hlnce March , agnlnsl 2,455,000 last year. 1'romlnent places compare us follows : St. I. ouls 1,1 vo Stock Market. ST. I.OI'JS , June ( i. CATTI.i : IlecPlptH , l.DOO head : HhlpmentH , 800 head : mnrket ncttvp , 10 ® ICe hlRher sencrnlly ; native steers , 1,200 to 1,400 Ibs. , ? < .20ft4.-tO ; l.OOi ) lo 1,200 Ibs. , $3.7ift4.10 ! ; cows , $3.25 ; heifers , $ : ! .10 : calves. $1.0061.23 ; Texas steers. 1,000 to 1,200 Ibs. , $ , 74.00. 1IOOH HecelptH , S.l" bend : shipments , 900 head ; market fie- lower ; Rood heavy , 11.73 : unod llBht , $4.CO I.63 : bulk of sales , $4.Mfl4.CO ; cuin- inoti light ami nuiKh mixed , $1.30tfl.l3 ; louuh IlKht nnO P'KS ' , J3.TriWI..Tl. HIIKl-JI'-Hecelpts. 4,100 head ; shipments , 500 head ; maikut 23o lower ; Texuns , J3.30 ; natives. $3.25 ; stockers , $1.50 1.75 ; Inmba. $3.73. KIIIIHUH City I.tvo Stock KANRAB CITV. Juno fl. CATTI.K IlPCClptF , 3,300 head ; shlpmentH , 1,300 head ; market strong to lOc lilKher ; Texas stpurs , $2.S5f3.ri3 ; TPXIIH cows , S2.2iftUO ) : ; beef steers , $3..T /4.C.'i / : mill\e POWH , $ ! .23 < ! i3GO ; slockers nml feeders , $2.GOiT3.G3 ; bulls. $2.10ij3.23. HO(1S llecelpts , 11,000 hend ; slilpments , 2 KOO heud ; heavies steady ; others weak ; bulk of rales , $4.50i4.Ti : henvlfH , } l.r'l ' H.B' ' ) ; pnekerH , J4..Vf ) < I.G ) ; mlxnl , $4.4.-H.3 ; IlKhls , Jt.C'u I.3'J ; VoiKeiti , $4.45 i4.M ; piss , $4.3.'i)4.43. SIIEEl1 Hecelpts. 1,000 head ; shlpmentH , 1,00) head ; miukut , steady. York I.lvn Stock Mnrket. YOIIK , Juno 6. HKViS [ Hecelpt" , 2,000 head ; maikel active. 15c hlKher ; native steers , ( 'oocl to prime , H.K/iH.iii ! Rood lo fnlr. $4.45it4.tip ; Inferior to ordinary , $4.0094.35 ; sines nnd or n , $3.KOQ4.00 ; bulls , common to chulcc. $2.23 < ! ? 3.80. AND IAMHH-necelplH. 14,300 head : market shndH llrmer ; sheup , pour tu pi line , $3.00 Wl.CO.per 100 Ibs. _ _ Sioux City Live Stock lurkpt. SIOUX CITY. Juno 6 , IlOflS-llept-lpls. 1.701 head ; yeilfiilny , 2.079 heud ; shipments , 1.W1 head : market steady ; 5l.ntjl.S3 ; bulk , Jl.Wif 4.:2fi. CATTI.K HopPlpls. 300 head ; ypRlerd.iy , T03 head ; shipments , 'M head : in.'uKt-t fairly actlvo and sttudy ; fcedurx , $2.Mii3.1'j. ! ' loclvIn Klght. Iteconl of receipts of HXP stock nt lip ! four principal yuids fur Wednesday , June 0 , 1SS4 : ' Cuttle , lines , Kheeii , South Ohmhn . . 3.C82 10. IH < s'i Chlcniio . . ! „ . 14.CO ) 32K 15.WW Kansas Clly . 3.300 11,000 l.OW dt l.oul . 1.IHW 8,000 4,100 Totals . - ' . ' , 4 52 rinaiirlal Notes. KANSAS CITY , Jun C.-Cli-uilnts , $ l.5l7f.:3. SIRMrillfi. June 0. Clcarlncs , $1 8,235 ; Lul- anccs , tZII.W ) . 1IOSTON. June C. Clearings , $12G1,9I4 ; b.d- ' ances , $1,230,1:1. IIAI.TIMOIIK , Juno O.-t'lcailngi , $2,103,232 ; baluncfs , $130,745. CINCINNATI , June -Money 2sti ! per cent. ClenrhiK" , W.IW.SM. I'AHIH , Juno. it.-Thii-o l r cent i nlen , lOOf , - > 7Uu for 111" nd'ounl. l'llll.AIiil'inA June C.-flFailngs , J10.70I- "OS ; bulances , $1,722,32C. ' HAN KHANCIBCO. Jim * -Drafts. . sl hl. 10 < i ; telegraphic , ! 2Ho. HlUer Uirs. : iJ j02V. Mexican can dollarx , 3HfOH c. NU\V OUUANB , June . nnirlnvJ. $1 137.873 : New Yolk eschunw. cjinmt'ii'lal , $1.00 JUT $1 Wi ) premuliu ; bank , > 1.W premium. ' HT , I.O1MS. June C.enrlnits. | . $3SIIU : ; bal ances , $3I7.D16. Munry dull , Ml 7 per cent , H - un New York , tnc premium bid. NKW YOIIK. June C.-J IP In Iho day iiddl- : Itonal orders fur cold far stilpmml tomorrow Increased the uinuunt to Il.TiJ.OW. CIcur.lUK , t70,7S,7M ; balances , | 4,4WC90. ! CMICAOO , June C.-Clearlngs , $13,664,000. Kcir. > lnn rxctmnua dull. Hlerllnc evcliange , itclual , . New York rxchantcc , COo prfinlum. Money steaily , 3H0 < per tent. . Arrange your picnic lor Courtland * PNEUMATIC COUCH THIS IA A OUT OF IT. DESCBIPTnN-26 INCHES WIDE , 6 FOOT LONG , FNEST SPRINGSUPHOLSTEHED WIIHBESTOU LITY CRETONNE , IWDSOMELY D3APED : SOFP AND LUXU.-I- OUS AS ANY S20 COUCM ; ONLYONE OF Tilt MANY B\KGMNS\\EAHE \ \ oFFL - ING IN Tllls P'1RLOR KOKER Holld o.ik , | ) lane polish Mulsh , uphol stered in rli'li ti\ii'stj-y | or nllk plush , lat- -st style , und wuitli SIO.OO. Mull orders Illlcd. $849FonTHISBOOKOASETerms Gas ! IA ihrro feet two Inches In width , flvo ) or feet and ulaht Inches In height. Has the , now style ruUud buso which allows uno to sweep from under without moving the cuso. Solid ouk , iKunl polish linlsh , ad Easy Payments justable sholvos. , We close evenings at 6:30except : Mondays and Saturday Formerly People's Mammoth Installment Houw. Open 3l < iii < l n < tn < t GROWS WELL IN NEBRASKA Success Attends the Tobacco Growing Ex periments at Sclmyler. FARMERS WILL BE GREATLY BENEFITED Omaha. Expprts Pronounce tlio Clgnrs Blnile from Colfax County Tobacco Kqual to the Cigars Manufactured from KiiHtcrii Tobacco. For the past two or three years several public spirited citizens of Sclmyler linvo been experimenting with tobacco for thu purpose of determining whether It can be grown In this state. Among these gentlemen - men are N. W. Wells ami C. J. I'holiw. They have Hpent a good deal of money In their * efforts to Introduce Into Nebraska a most profitable crop. Tobacco growing Is largely a matter of experience and the promoters of the new Industry have had to meet a good many questions and settle them by actual experiment. While there Is still much to learn and while further experiments may enable the growers to Improve the finality , they feel that the hardest part of the problem 1ms been solved. They have shown that good to bacco can be grown In the state und nt a cost that will leave the farmer a very handsome prollt. . , A sample box of cigars has been received from N , W. Wells , which wore made from the crop of ISS : : . raised In Colfax county , by C. K. PhclpH. The clgius are of good appearance and color and burn freely. A good many smokers who think they nr fnlr judges have pronounced them good cigars for the price. In order to seem a evidence that would have greater weight than the opinions oC everyday smoker. " , samples were submitted to several houses engaged In handling cigars In this elty. In every case the cigars were very ciiLt- fully examined and criticised by men wlio are accustomed to buy cigars on their merits. They would cut the cigars through , so us to be able to examine he III er , burn the tobacco to determine its odor , und llually smoke one to test Its Ilavor ami Urn burning nimlltles. The opinions of the ex perts , with ouu exception , weie all favor able. The following nre the comments of tho'houses to whom the clears were stiti- en Bros. , Wholesale Grocers-It looks Homo like n Pennsylvania leaf and tpu Ilavor Is not bad. The cigar Is well made. If Nebraska can raise tobacco us good as this sample she bad better go Into tne business and ralf-e more tobacco and less corn , as the tobacco crop Is a paying one. The soil Is rich In this state ami would stand cropping with tobacco better than the son In many of the southern sin en Where tobacco Is extens vely grown. Judg ing from the sample , Nebraska ought to be able to grow and immuiiiuturo good smok ing tobacco and as good plug as .Missouri. Max AIe er & I'o.-H Is a splendid ook- Ing tobacco and tastes very much like u Pennsylvania seed. The Ilavor Is excellent undTrburns beautifully. " t | people of , Colfax count- can continue to grow o- bacco like this there wlII soon be a I lu ; f for It In the market. The great troubleIH to get soil suitable for the growing of to bacco , but this sample would seem to prove thut Nebraska has the right kind. J. C. AlctJuckliig-H Is a nlco looking cigars It looks " right lllslllK ' . ' , | K " u'ood deal belter than many wo get from Pomisyivanla. If C.olfax i-onnty can grow obacco e that they will not be com- Killed to go very far from home to HP | ! heir clgarw. Thu lluvor Is good and so fur is 1 canHe . U IH Jn t H good as unylhlng wo can llnd for the money. J licckinanI have peen a number of nuiiip es of thei tobacco grown near Hcliny- ler"uw\I \ havt' sallslled myHolf that It Is n Kootl arll.le. There Is no belter burn ng lobncco to be found In the country. I be- eve Colfax county will , In llv.i years 11 me. , . able to beat any section of he I nltPd 'Ilates In tobacco growing. If thp i-ltlzpiis ihere are cntPrpilHlng. and them nr not oo many oM foulcs. they will inukc a great iuccesH. The vuluo of their land will ad vance ut leant 300 per cent , und the couii- iry will become den Ply populated. Of -ourse they must get men who Know how lo grow and cure tobHceo , und they must iiliint It on tlii' southern slopes no us to ivold the cold northern winds. There In DUD dlllleulty that they will huvf to contend - tend with , and thut IB the lack of an es tablished market. The farmers us a rule tvunt to turn their crops Into money at Mice , and ) they will not ralBo a crop which lunnot be readily marketed , Tobacco ought to be lulil uwuy for two ycura before It IH ised. The crop Is enormously profitable , mil the man who IIUH n good tobacco farm un count hlinst-lf well off. I'onnectlcut obacco lunds have void us high UM } 'M to CIOO per ucrc. One luree lioune , which Old not wish to i Quoted , pronouncpd the Humple u rank ilgur and about equal to a 1S cigar made if eVsteru tobacco. They did not like the .auto or Ilavor , and could sen nothing good n U exctpt that the tobacco burns well. It U claimed by tbe people wbo ate Uj > WALL ST. OPERATIONS Can be carrleil on with Inrse profits and llttli rlsli hy Jolnlns our Co-Operutlvn llullroud Stocli Syndicate. Avcr.ii.-n prnllc of tt ( ) per omit u inolitll nrn il itml puld to thu 8iil rlborH for p.isD s'x inonti4. | HlRhcut'rvfcrencen. . ProspectitB , giving detail- fd Information of oour perfect eyatcm , moiled ] frcu. | WEINMAN & CO. , Slock and Grain Broken , f No. 41 Itrimilw.iy , fle\r York City LOUDON , Commission Merchant GRAIN AND PROVISIONS- Trlvato wires to Chlcngo and New York. All business orders placed on Chicago UoarJ cX Tiade. Corrcppondcnco solicited. Ofrice , room 4. New Torlc Llfa Dulldlng IVlrphono 1303. IiiK to Introduce tobacco growlnir Into Ilia , Htule Unit It will pny the fnriner to ralsn It even If they Oo not ralBc tlie very finest article the llrst few years. The sreater yield pop acre of the coarser and lower urades will compensate for the dlfferencu In price. It will rennlro neveral yeara tu KPt the Indiiitry entaullHhed , as the farmers will need litillilltiKS especially constructeil anil a lar e amount of experience. If a farmer can raise 1,500 pounds per acre of fair tobacco , ns has been done In Nebraska , nnd can ( 't't even the low price of 8 ccntH per pound , It will amount to $120 per acre. Ne braska Is conveniently located for supply- In a laiKe section of country to the west , and If tin * Industry could be Introduced Into the state II would undoubtedly add greatly to Its wealth. Some Idea of the Importance of this crop may be gained from the fact that In 18 i the. eiiltn1 tohnrco yield of the United Stolen was 4KS,1J."iS. > n pounds , the number of plant ers bolnt ? J0. > )8ii2 , and the acreage u92)30. ! ) The avi'iane production per acre rniiBCd from 7U."i pounds to 1,102 poutulH , the latter hcliiK the yield In Connecticut. The total value of the creep to the producers waH $ : H,8lfll ! ) , or 7.1 cents per pound. The Con necticut crop averaged U. ! ! cents per pound or Jl'jU. S per aero. Tobacco Is not neces sarily a southern crop , as Is shown by the value of the crop In several of the northern stales , which was as follows In 1SS9 : 1'enn- sylvanlii. JI.Mfl.751 ; Connecticut , Jl.132,111 ; Ohio , $2ilL',8riSVlsronsln ( : , ; i , NCfl5. ) The land suitable for tobacco culture In the older slates appears to be about all oc cupied , and there Is mi opportunity for Ne braska to funilHh whatever Increase may be demanded by the expansion of popula tion , ' > Oiv Vorlc Monny .llurliot. , Ni\V : VOUK. .luiio 0.-SIONKV ON OAI.I < - KIIHX at 1 per eenl ; Inet IIKIII and cloned nt 1 per rent. 1'IIIMi : JIHWANTII.H PAl'KH 3ffl per rent. HTKKLINO nXCIIANOH Hull nnd rli-iidy. Mllh iiclual InixIni'KH In liankerH' lillln nt JI.U& fur deni.ili'l nnd ut JI.SI'.j ' for Blxty ilnyB ; ponteii mien. JOMfl.'JU ; rommereliil Mll . Jl.SOiJ. HII VKIl CKimi'K'ATHH- ) C5e. ( KVI-ilNMiNT : : HONPH-Hleudy. Htato Londi- . lniietlvi' . The i-losliiK quotations on bonda : NIHV Vork .Mining ( juatitloni. NKW VOIUC , Juno II. The followliii' nro tha cloKliiirmlalnirqnotiittoiiHi Han I'raiicUco Mining Uuolittloni. SAN PUANCISCO , Juno U. Thu oftlolat olonlnr quotations ( or " 'IllicittHojKs tony worj ai ( ol- town : c > t o ( mvulo at CQurtUnii beach * J