Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 03, 1894, Image 9

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Here are a few of the prices
that hold good all this week
m m
m m
m ntm
On Wednesday , Thursday and Fri Jay , Juna 6 , 7 and 8 ,
all railroads in Nebraska , will sail tickats from all points
within 150 mllas of Omaha at oae far a for the round trip ; ,
that is , on those days tha fare to Omaha and return will be
one half of the usual rate. '
All persons coming in on thasa ona fare tickets may
have the price of their tickets returned to them at our store
under the following conditions :
Ui m
Persons who come from within 75 miles , will have
Ui their fare returned on the purchase of One Hundred Dollars Ui
lars worth of any kind of merchandise. Those living with Uim
ui in 150 miles and over 75 miles , will have their fare return m
ed upon the purchase of two hundred dollars worth of goods
iUm From all points east of the Missouri river , and all points
m westof the river OVER 150 milds from Omaha , there will
be a rate of one and one third fare for the round trip.
Ui For those days we will hold one of the greatest cut
price sales ever held in the west ,
Dress Goods.
Wo are not going to detain you with a
history of tho"
Dress Goo 's Business ,
but will give you some cold
Indisputable Fads
which MUST convince you that wo are
Headquarters ,
for black and colored dross goods , and
our efforts for this week will
" 1 Surpass All Former Attempts ,
All wool challis , worth 50c and GOo 26c
All wool cheviots , : i8 inches wldo ,
worth fie ! ) 25c
All wool checks , . ' 10 inches wide ,
worth ( lOo 25C
All wool honriotta inches wide ,
worth 5o ! ) , 29c
All wool serge ( an unusual bargain
10 inches wide ) 29c
All wool horge , IU inches wide , sold
the country over for $1.21) ) , our
price Monday 50c
Our 81.25 novelty on the pin
check order
Our $1.50 novelty on the cas-
siinoro order 59c
Our J1.50 silk wool and all
wool novelties , extremely
nobby , for Monday
A beautiful line of broadcloth ,
blacks and oolors , Monday. .
A beautiful line of 3U Inch illu- )
minuted dross goods , plain 9c
nnd fancy , for Monday
Clearing Sale of Silks.
Getting Ready for the Big
Every lady in Omaha and vicinity
knows of our phenomenal special sales ,
in silks during the past few weeks.
The ! o is no hccrot to our success. Wo
only sell reliable , now stylibh silks.
Our prices are always the lowest and
during this month we are going to make
the prlceti still less , Note the following
sample Hums :
White wash silk. 21 Inches wldo
genuine Habutai , only 20uyd.
Striped wash silks , the hand
somest assortment in the west 29c vd.
Printed China silks , 21 inches '
wide , regular OQo quality. * , . . . 29o yd ,
Swivel wash silks , ImndEomo
line of colors , 28 inches wido. . 30o yd.
Genuine Japanese printed silks
21 inches wide , worth 75i' . . . . 30o yd.
Black Jiipuneso silk , 27 inches
wide , regulat "Co quality 40c yd.
Changeable TalTotta silks , line
quality ; worth 7Co a yard. . . , . . 40o yd.
Chonev tiros. Printed Silks , rog-
ular"8l.OO grade , only COo yd.
Japanobo printed silks , full 28
inches wide , worth 81.2. " ) yd. . . . 89o yd.
Blnck and Colin cd Falllo silks ,
actually worth $1.00 , for OOoyd.
Make an intelligent comparison and
wo will got your Hfc business every
time. Nothing please us HO wwllas-lo
have a customer toll us they are looking
to see where they can do the best. Wo
are glad to have the opportunity of
showing our goods in comparison with
others. Wo make prices that soil the
goods you want , and you can always llnd
jfiut the shade and kind of Bilks you
want and at the right prtuo.
Black Goods.
Wo cannot'say too much for this de
partment. It comprises everything and
our determination to makoxit the ban
ner department of our house ae well as
the banner department of Omaha makes
us reach farther to the bottam on prices.
A beautiful nun's veiling , just i 50c
the thing for summer. . . '
A handsome storm borgo , 40 in. i 33c
wide , In blue and jot black. . J
A handsome 54 inch all wool
storm serge , worth Sl.fiO , In
blue black and jot black
A handsome line of Gorman \
henriotta , oil prices , for 59c
Monday a special bargan. . .
A beautiful line of Priostlay's
famous blacks , all the weaves
from i'Oc batiste to the $2.50
silk and wool Jacquard.
Bargains for You.
A full line of aH ni/es and styles of ham
mocks , from 50o to $4.00.
Think of It , 'a Full-Sized
Hammock for 5Oc-
Ladies' Belts.
Wo liavo a line line of silk belts with
silver and gilt buckles as has been
shown in the citv.
Silk bolts 18o , l > oc , : )8c ) , 50c , 75c , 87c , OIJc
and $1.2.r > .
A fine Silk Belt for I8c-
Leather belts 5c , lOc , 18c , 20c , 2oc and
Special sale on brushes Monday. Cloth
brushes I5e , Ific , 25c and Hoc.
Tooth brushes Jtc , 5o , lOe and Ific.
Hair brushes lOc , 12e , Ifu and 25c.
Special sale on all our fancy elastic.
5e elastic lo per yard.
7o clastic 2o per yard.
JOe elastic 5o per yard ,
lee olastio io ) per yard.
20o olastio 12io per ya-d.
35o elastic Itio per yard.
Hand Bags.
50o hand bags for 25o.
$1.00 hand bags for 40e.
Ladled full-sUed , all-silk Windsor ties
12Jc. worth 25o.
15o vollings , all silk , at7c. }
3 table mats for Co.
3 ladies' handkerchiefs for fie.
2 pair hose supporters for So.
2 dozen twin wlro dross stays for Cc.
C bunches of line rlorack 5u ,
Fine English crepe tissue paper only 2Co
per roll.
Letting Down t/ie Prices
Read e ery item , note the
prices , compare. We don't
expect your trade unlesstj we
give you better value for your
money than you can get else
where. 'Cost cuts no figure.
Il is simply letting down the
prices in order to reduce
Satin Creppn was 100 , now
SG yard.
Windsor/Black , ground pongee
gee i5c , no'w loc.
Fine Black ground Satme ,
I5c , now loc.
Japanese Cloth 150 , now ice
TellaVella Duck reduced to
Arnold's French Challies ,
now 2j c.
Remnants of fine satine'sc.
Remnants of Tel'a Ve'.la '
Ducks , 5c.
Remnants of Canton Cloth ,
50 yard , , f
Fine Parkhill Zephyr , IDC
yard. * * ? , ,
< 5oc Cream Damask
1/4. all Linen 'Bleached '
kins , $1.00 dozen.
40 inch wide * white-lawn , Sc
40 inch -side 'band * " apron
lawn , SG yard.
IDC Checked Nainsook 50.
$3.50 Marseilles Spreads ,
sliglnly soiled ; $1.50.
950 Crochet Spreads , slight
ly soiled , 5QC ,
$1.75 Fringed Table Cloths ,
Si.oo each.
8-10 Fine Bleached Cloth
reduced to 52.25.
Summer skirt patterns now
250 each. '
750 Linen .Lap Robes , soc1
52.50 Fancy Embroidered
Lap Robes , $1.50.
Chamois Dusters reduced
to 5c each.
Bleached or unbleached
Turkish towels , 50.
Largest size Turkish towels ,
IDC each.
72 inch wide Bleached Dam
ask , 690 yard.
Fast Black Satine , was ioc ,
now 50 yard. 1
Spiral Crepe reduced to 50
Figured Swiss muslin , 50
yard. !
All colprs best lining Cam
bric sXc yard. ! '
Fancy printed black back
Cambric , 50 yard
French percaline , 150 yard.
All colors best Manchester
Chambray , ioc yard.
Indigo Blue Calico , 50 yard.
Yard wide bleached mus
lin , -50 yard
'Turkey * Red Damask , 150
yard. '
ioc grade Outing Flannel ?
SG yard.
Hayde n Bros , letting down
the prices on the largest ancl
most coniplete stock of wash
dress gpcds , linens , domes
tics , etc. ; in fact the only
place in Omaha where you"
find anything like an assort
ment to select from. Don't
take our word for this , but go
and see for yourself and judge
the truth of this assertion ,
Chatelaine Bags.
Special line of chatelaine bags for 25c ,
worth fiOc.
Big special sale bargains in dress Trim-
minga and buttons.
o have just received a. now line of
I beautiful pearl buttons , all different
f els-os , ranging all the way .from 30c
lOc , 58c up to $2.00 per doion.
mll wash pearl buttons at oe , 8c , lOo.
.J5c , 18o per do/.un.
Dig bargains in jot trimmings.
Jet.edgings ut8o , lOc , loe. UOc , 2oc , 33c ,
.up to $1.50 to $2.00 per yard.
A lileo noWlino In woolen braid insor-
istluns in all different shades , narrow
.width , Oo per yard , and the wide lOc
* per yard.
We ulso have a beautiful line of gimps
, in all shades , and now patterns at
, 5o per yaul.
Tfiu fbw , pearl edge braid , in all colors ,
> at Cc per yard.
Clearing sale of gimps at lOc and 2c per
1 .
_ _
'Clothing Dep' t
iMondky we will commence tlio greatest cut-
[ , r price clothing Kale ever known.
On of count of our large late purchase of
, , m.en's , boys' and clilldren's clothing v\e
\ wU | cut prices In half commencing to-
f morrow morning , and continuing the entire -
' tire week.
A strictly all wool men's suit , In medium
' .light shades ; It's n $7.50 suit cut
td . $3.75
25 different styles and fabrics to select fiom t
' . | In "cheviots , casslmeres , fancy and plain '
t wprBteds , the very best tailoring , In nil
tie | latcs cuts ; they are $13 DO and $1G 00 ;
cliL price . $7 GO
Well made \\orsted and cheviot pants , they
arc worth $3.50 , cut to . . . $1.75
A flrst.cKiss made pant cut to. , . 7Cc
\V'e handle the largest and most complete
" ' stock of bojs' and children's clothing
r tfeat of Chicago. f
Tfomdrrow we will place the entire stock of
' boys' knee pant suits on sale at less than
' half prlcev ,
They > are , reef era , juniors , combination double
( k single breasted of the .latest styles and
. fdbrlcs. ; made to , sell for $7.00 and $800 ;
Monday { ami all 'TVeelt at half f
-r > 'nrlco . $3.25 and $3.75
A wilt made knee-pant suit . 75o
Very } flno all wool knee-pant suit . $1.95
rastjcolored Galatea cloth wash suits vlth
lanyard \vhlhtle , cut prlco . $1.25
I.neti ( wash knee-pan s . 25o
Strictly , all wool knee-pants , they are worth
' 75c > and $1.00 , cut to . BOc
Hats and Caps.
Our Annual Clearing : Sale Commencing
Monday in Hats , Caps and
Straw Goods.
82.&Q men's fine fur Derby in latest
> yshapos ,81.00
SioO nen's line fur Fedora in latest
. 'shape's ' ' . 81.00
82.50 men's flne.fur soft hats in latest
- " shapes $1.00
"Sl.OO men's fine fur crush hats in
latest shapes 50o
TSc'boys' ' turbans and crush hats in
> , latest shaped 25o
$1.50 mpn'a straw hats In all the
1 leading btyles COo
81,00 men's straw hats In all the
' "leading styles 23c
75c men's straw hats in all the lefid-
"ing styles ICc
Bovs' and children's straw hats
/ lOc , 15c. 20c 25c
Chlldron's sailors 20c and i"ic
Tholaiost'in misses' sailors nOc ; worth
, ' 81.50 , in white , black and brown.
A huge saraplo line of men's hats , in all
, the leading styles , f > 0o on the dollar
, Chenille Porteries.
' ' \
Vff have juit received a largo lot of goods
v > at lower prices than ever before.
' $400 curtains for $2 CO ,
$500 rtirtnlnR for $3.CO.
] $ C'00 curtains for $4.50.
Lace Curtains.
w will continue the hale of lace curtains n
few d ys mere. ' Prices were n ver BO
taw , 40c , COc , 7Co to $1.00 for goods
that'formerly brought double that price.
no extra flno ones' for $1.50 to $2.00 per
pair. > .
A. full line of poles and trimmings.
Special sale.for the next ten days.
WtJ Jiave on our floor 30 pianos , all new.
, To maku room for new slock we will ,
for the next ten days , cffer theeo pianos
at special prices. There are many ex
ceptional bargains. Come and see.
Vf carry a large stock of organs , all kinds ,
C. 6 and 7 octaves. Prlcoj , $6500 up.
We also handle the celebrated 11. Lclir
PIANO CASK OUOANS , 7 full octaves
of keys , In appearance exactly like a
SHEET MUSIC , Cc per copy.
IVe have all the latent new muelc , both
r duteJ price * .
iAU the latest folios 3fic each ,
) W can sell you a gond guitar for $7.50 ,
F $800 , $1000 and $1C.OO and upwards.
jMandollni. wo havn only u few left which wo
! will close cut for $7.CO , $9.00 , $10.00 ,
i . , $15.0' ) aii-1 i'r ' , iriH.
Letting Down the Prices
On ladles' and gents' furnishing goods.
Children's fast black cotton hose , Herms-
dorff ( lc , only 12 cortli 2Gc.
Ladles' fast black cotion hose , two thread ,
only lOe , worth 35c.
Ladles' fabric gloves , ( n silk , lisle" and cot
ton , only 1240 per palp , worth OOc.
Ladles' jersey ribbed vests , only DC , worth
Ladles' 26-Inch silk umbrellas , paragon
frames , only $1.50 , reduced from $2.50.
Gents' Imported cotton V4 hose , black , brown
and tan , only 12'ic , worth 2ic !
Infants' knit sacks , only 21c , worth 50c.
Odds and ends In flno corsets at Vz price.
Days' shirt waists only 25c , worth 40c.
House Furnishing Goods ,
We have Jurt received 5 cars of Mason jars ,
making over 72,000. Seventy-two thou
sand Jars to be sold In this town. You
know wo arc stuck on the jars , but you
will be stuck on the price.
Pint jars , with rubber and cover complete ,
3V&c each.
Quait jais , with rubber and cover complete ,
4 ] c each.
2-quart jars , with rubber and cover com
plete , Cc each.
10,000 feet rubber hote at 7 > tc , 81 c and lOc
per foot
Sprinklers , 4 iiiarts | , loc ; C quarts , 19c ; 8
quarts , 24c ; 10 quarts , 27c.
Ice cream freezers , 2-quart , $1.10 ; 3-quart ,
$1.55 ; 4-quart , $1.S5 ; G-quart , $2.30 ; 8-
quart , $2 90 each.
Solid brass bird cages , 73c.
Water coolers , from 3 gallons up to 20 gal
Dsfore buying a refrigerator again examine
the construction of the Automatic. We
are the general western agents for them.
Tor the next ten days we are going to malio
gasoline stoves' fly.
2-burner single generator stove , $2 95.
3-burner single generator stove , $3 93.
Our flyer Is our big stove , 2-burner and step
burner , combination generator and vapor.
The regular price of this stove la $22.00.
Wo arc going to let them go at $7.95 ,
We fully guarantee them.
, Hardware.
Now Is the time to lay In a stock of hard
ware. As the factory a are behind In
their orders and goods are already ad
vancing , we have a large stock and will
give our customers the benefit for one
week longer at least.
In plain and fancy screen doors , screen wire ,
poultry wire netting and window frames
we have no competitors. We have the
largest stock of lawn mowers e\er
brought to Omaha , every kind. If you
want a lawn mower don't fall to look
over our stock and get prices ; it will
pay you. We have In stock two styles of
U. S. mail boxes for $1 and $1.25 each ,
In bronze and Japan finish ; everyone
should have a mall box at these low
prices. In builders hardware , carpen
ters , machinists , cabinet makers and
blacksmiths' tools , we can beat the
world. Note the following ;
Mortice door locks , He.
Him door locks , He.
Door bolts , 4c.
2-key jail padlocks , Cc.
2-foot boxwood rules , 3c.
2-foot boxwood brass bound rules , ICc.
Handled axes , 49c , any size.
Job lot and no limit carpenters' hammers ,
Double Iron smooth planes , 30c.
Double Iron jack planes , 45c.
We liavo n largo stock of garden tools we
are closing out at the below prices ;
Hakes , lOc ; hoes , IGc ; shovels , 35c.
Railroad and mining supplies. Wo carry
crowbars , pinch bars , hammers , sledges ,
picks , shovels , mattock powder , dyna
mite , fuse , wheelbarrows , carts , scrapers ,
and everything used on a railroad or In
a mine. Contractors should not full to
consult us before purchasing. We will
save you money.
Juno clearing sale on all our furniture
and baby carriages.
If you want anything in furniture dur
ing this month wo will make you
the price to bt-11 and give you this
year's now goods , first class in every
A good baby carriage , upholstered , has
paiaaol , bicycle wheels , good
springs , $ . ' 1.50. Another ut $1,85 and
85i8. > , with jjcar the same as above
Woven wire cots $1.25
Woven wire springs ( any slio ) 81.25
Cote ( Top Mattress.$2.00 , $2.25 , $2.50
Oak bed room suits.
Oak BidoboatdB.
Oak .extension tables.
Oak dlnlt g room clmlra.
Oak rockorB.
Anything and everything you want dur
ing this month. Give us a chance
and we will nmkc the price.
Jewelry Department.
Watches ! Watches ! Watches !
Elgin or Walthani watches , gold stiffened ,
hunting case and stem wind , $ D.49 , worth
Silver ware at % the regular price.
Solid gold litigi from 13o up.
Hoger knives or forks. $1.25 per Bet.
Ladles' button sets. 35c , worth $1.00.
Silver belt buci < lcs , 3Bc.
Fine nickel alarm clocks. 5Sc.
All the latest novelties In stick pins , corsage
pins , lace pins , at one-half Jewelers'
fee Cream.
Made from pure cream , with our own fruit
lla\orlng , for picnic parties , etc. Get our
Flour Department.
To Introduce Unydons * best 5X flour , wo
will for a short time put In ono of the fol
lowing articles In-every sack. The flour Ja
warranted to bo the best you over used or
money refunded : . ,
One illumoml ring. * * /
One gold watch.
One $5 bill.
Ono set solid silver plated teaspoons.
One ladles' rolled gold watch chain ,
One ladles' cluster diamond lace pin.
Minneapolis high grade patent flour , 95c
Minnesota mills 4 X Superlative , OOc sank.
Snowflake flour , Cbc sack.
And a very good flour for GOc sack.
Rye flour , 85c sack.
Good rye flour , $1.00 sack.
Choice rye flour , $1.15 sack.
Ask for coupons. Qlven with every sale.
Oh , say can you see the difference between
these prices and thu prices you pay cl&u-
where ?
Crest yeast given away free Monday ,
Pure fruit jelly , 30c for 15-pound pail.
Choice sugar corn , 5c can.
Cho'ce solid packed tomatoes , 9 > , c can.
Choice string beans ; H'/ic can.
I2arly blossom peas , SV&c can.
Hock Point oysters , only lOc can.
Steak salmon only 10 can Monday ,
Small white onions only 5c bottle.
Columbia catsup , 15c bottle.
Armours celebrated soups , ICc can. ' * "
Huckln's soups , 15c can.
Mock turtle consumine , chicken 'bouillon , etc. ,
etc. , all ready for Immediate use.
Imported sardines , 12l c tan.
Ulackberrles preserved , only lOc can.
Fruit Puddlno , all flavors , only 9c package.
Home made apple , " peach or plum butter , fc
pound. f
Condensed milk , lOc can.
Highland brand cream , 12V&C can.
Columbia brand pure cream , 12' ' c can.
Van Houten's cocoa , .15c can.
American cocoa , very bet , 35c can.
Golden Lion brand cocoa , 35c can.
D.ikers' chocolate , 17 ! e cake.
Sweet chocolate , Cc package.
Dried Fricits.
Talk about drlid fruit being dear , just look
at these prices.
Prunes , 6c pound.
drapes , 3c pound.
Vafcncla raisins , Cc , Cc anil 7V c pound.
Currants , 4 c and 5'/&c ' pound.
Choice ) K-lcctod currants , D' ' c pound ,
Ulackberrles , 9' ' c pound.
Whlta cherries , 12V&C pound.
Ulack cherries , 12'iu pound.
White Purls soap , 3c bar.
Wlillu IlUEslan soap , 3c bar. '
White Lenox soap , 3o bar.
Climax heap , 3c bar.
Progress soap , 3c bar.
While caulllo soap , 2'/jc bar.
Mottled castlta soap , 2'/&o bar.
Monday wu wll | glvu away free with ever )
sack of Haydtntt' OX flour one Christy
bread knife , worth 75c anywhere.
Drug Department.
Sour Mash whisky , COo per bottle.
Tine Old Maryland Ilye whisky , COc per bet
Qolden Ago pure rye vvhlnkcy , COc per bottle.
OulTy'H .Mitlt whleky , 85c per bott'e. '
Port wine , 35o per bottle.
Host Tonic , 20o per bottle.
Paskola , largo 85c ; Binall , 4Sc.
1'alnc'B Celery Compound , 7Eo
Ayer'a Hair Vigor , 65c.
Drown'o Janiaka Ginger 3Gc.
Custorla , 2Cc.
Cocoanut Oil toap , IV&c cake.
Duyrum and Qlyccrlne soap , 7'ic cake ,
Milk and Hon y soap , 7 0 cake.
Apple llloasom soap , lie cnko.
Prescriptions filled at the lowest price * at
Hayden Ilrcs' . '