SPEOIRL NOTICES Adverlli ments for then * columns will lw la * " * until 12 M p tn for th evening nnd until 9:09 : p m for the mornlnn nnd Hunday editions. Advertisers , by rcotiestlnir a numbered check , cnn hnve answers nddresneil to a nnmtwred let ter In cartof The Hw > . Answer * so ad'lressi-d ' will l > dellvcrcil upon presentation of the check. j. _ - _ „ - - " 'giTUATIONB WANTED. l4o ! word nr t Innertlon , le a word Nothing taken for less _ thnn 2Se. POSITION W'ANTKD HV TOUNO LAt > Y A3 private trachor or companion to Ifldy ; no objection lo tra\ cling * Uest reference * Ad- h _ ill en * > I 32 , I lee. _ A Mj 31 * WANTBD. B1TUATIO.V IN A IlANIC Oil ANY other ImMneim employment , by n joilnn man who Jn t completed the comm'rclal count * . Kpenka nnglUh and Hohcmlnti. J. D. Vtolt , Western Normal college , Lincoln , * " . . . A Jlfttil 1 WANTKD , rOHtTION HY YOUNO MAN AS bookkeeper or cl rk who h-n nevernt yearn experience , penk Kngllfm nnd Itohemlnrt ; cnn fiirnlntl Rood recommcndntlonii. Address I . II. Hawllk , Lincoln , Neb , cnro ot W.N. college. AM&uJ 1 * BITt'ATION WANTED HY A WOMAN AS housekeeper In a small family , 402 N. 16th t. , ' ? . A-680-5' _ _ roomj _ _ _ WANTKIX. POSITION AS iiotJBKKnr.pnii ny ft IJ.inldh Klrl In n , Scandinavian family. Ad- dresa M M , tlcc. A M627 2 * nntcn. JHo word first Insertion , Jo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for lens thnn Kc. SOLICITORS , THAMS KOnNlSIIKD ; INSTALLment - ment Rood * . American Wringer Co. , JM3 How- nrd street. p-3oO _ _ AailNTH. BALAHY OH COMMISSION. Tim greatest Invention of the nqe. The New Pat ent Chemlenl InkHrnslntr Pencil. Sells on ulRlit. Works like maRlc. ABenU nre making J23.00 to $12500 per week. Tor further pur- tlculnra write the Monroe Erasing lite. Co. , X 30. La Crbuse. Wl . WANTKD , SALESMAN ; 8AI.AUY tart , perman nt place. Brown V. - - nurserymen , Chicago , 111. _ n aim 372' 8AIVE3MEN WANTED , TO SEI.I. OUIl GOODS by sample to the wholesale nnd retail truae ; sell on sight to every business man or firms liberal salary ; money advanced for advertising nnd cxpcnsei : ponmnent position. Address , with stump , ICIng Hfg. Co. . G 12 , hj J | ; j1 , " ' WANTED , FIRST-CLASS I1AIIBEK ; 110 00 weekly KUnrnnteed or on per cent ; none but first-duns need apply. W. II. Eaton. Clcn- wood. In. H-M5CT ! _ WANTKO A CHOCKnrtY AND GLASS HE- tnll s'Ucsmnn. Address with city references llox 6M. Omaha I' , p. _ 11-Ji.C-l WANTED , SALESMAN ON THE ItOAD TO sell advertlilnir cards nnd cnlemlnrs on com mission , direct from mnnufncturer ; cnn make J50 09 per week. Advt'c Specialty Co , lluf- ialo. N. Y. It-MtM 31 * _ " WANTED FEMALE HELP. Kntes , VAc word first Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothlntf taken for lesa than 25c. I1EST OF WAGES TO COMPETENT OIUli ! must bo good cook and laundress. Mrs. J. M. Iliurston , 2108 Tornnm. C 205 WANTED-COMl'ETENT QIIIL FOU work , 2222 Grant at. C 521-30 LADIES WANTING : OIIILS APPLY AT THE Scandinavian Young Ladles' home. 3304 Cumlng. C 64 S 12 * WANTED-OIRL FOH GENERAL HOUSEwork - work : nmall family. Cnll Saturday after 2 nt 2517 Cameron , or write , giving referencennd wages wanted. C 073-50 * WANTED-A COOK AT 1019 CHICAGO ST. C 575 WANTED AN" EXPERIENCED SALESLADY for chlnn department. Address with city ref erence , Uux 633 , Omnlm 1 * . O. _ C 577-1 WANTED"GHIL ron GENERAL JIOUSB- Vcirk ; must be good cook and laundress. 2523 street. C MC39 31 * FOB BENT HOUSES. Rates , l',4o word first Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for leas than 2Sc FINE FLAT IN CLOUSEU BLOCK AT 703 S. 10th St. ; range and all other conveniences ; $25. George Clouserr room 2 , 1C23 l nrnam st. U-311 _ _ HOUSES. P. 1C DARLING , DARKER JJI.OCK. 0 353 _ _ HOUSES IN ALL PAUTS df THE CITY. THE O. K. Davis compnny. 1505 * Farnnm. D 353 6-ROOM COTTAGES. MODERN , CHOICE IN Batnford Circle. C. B. Elgutter , 204 Dee bulld- Ing. D 3S < _ _ RENTAL AGENCY , B07 DROWN DLOCK. -P 358 _ FIRST CLASS. WELL LOCATED HOUSES. L. S. Slllnner , 310 N. Y.Lfe. ! D-358 30 * _ _ CLEAN , COM FOliTAHLt : , CONVENIENT , inodcrntft rentals , best 3 nnd 4-room suites for housekeepcrH only. Refirencei required. . Also C-room eulto In tenement. SIC 8. 22d st. U 358 _ KELKENNEY&CO..R. 1. CONTINENTAL DLK. D < iSO _ CHOICE HOME , EIGHT ROOMS AND BARN ; nlco Inwn , city water' and southeast front : 1 block south ot Leavcnworth on Mill avenue ; $25.00. Apply to N. Perry , on premises. D 233 _ FOR RENT. J3-.00 PER MONTH , 4110 LAFAYette - etto n\cnue , 7 rooms , furnace , bath , hot and cold water , closet , gas , clectrlo JlghtlnR nppll- nnccs. etc. Deautlful Inwn , trees , etc. Fidelity Trust company , 1703 Farnam street. D M215 FOR RENT , GOOD DETACHED NINE-ROOM house , 2021 Capitol avenue. Also 9-room house 252) Capitol n\rnue. B. II. Roblson , room 7 , Commercial National. D MS53 6-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE ) , LAWN AND shndo. 2121 Miami street D-M131 CO HOUSES. F. D. WKAD , 16th & DOUGLAS. D 101 31 TOUR-ROOM HOUSE , 3315 JONES , oo. Selliy. 334 Chamber Commerce , D M11J .THREE ROOMS , 031 S. 17TII STREETV D M10J Jig * 10-ROOM HOUSE , ALL MODERN CONVENIence - ence , good cistern and cellar , newly papered nnd painted throughout : splendid location. In- qluro 404 N. Y , Lite tlJg. between 11 'nnd 12 a , in. or 5 and 6 p. m. D 11500 2 TOR RENT , ONE-STORY COTTAGE , ZSUDurt street , nlsp , nfter June 15 , tno-story house , 1817 Capitol ve > _ Henry ! W. Yatcs. O 378-X 8-ROOM HOUSE FURNISHED. NEAR SiTII nnd Capitol avenue. Call at 334 Uoanl Trade Hide. P M523 UNEQUALED CONDITION. ALL MODERN , centml brick. 7. 8. 4 room houses nnd Hats. TUard. 221 N. 24th. D & 51-30 * FOR RENT. JUNK I , 1513 HOWARD STREET , and second nnd thud floors pC block cor. ICth nnd Howard streets ; nil furnished ; parlors , dining room nnd Kitchen ; has olllco on main floor. Cnll nt 1113 Hnrncy street. D M5 FOR RUNT , CHOICE FLAT IN THE P. U. Her block , cor. 16th and Jackson streets. Call nt 1113 Harney street. M543 FINI3 LAnOU MODUKN HOUSK , 8. \ \ _ _ . 28tl > Capitol n > cnue. D Kg 1 * roil" HUNT ALIi OK PAHT OF MOD11RN ten-room furnlsheil house ; will take rent In board It preferred ; cheap to right ptrtles. Call or address 2605 Dodge. D-M2-31 FOB. BENT FURNISHED BOOMS. Rates , IHc word first Insertion , lo a word theieaftcr. Nothing taken for lets than 2So. " " " FOR RUNT , AT 26M DODOE."LARGE. DAY window , second story front room , for $10.00 a month. No other roomers and no children , B * OU RENT. A LARGIB SOUTH HOOM AT 1JU t l > od street. ' E-MC79 'A'ERY PLUAHANT ROOM. INQUIRE 1D1S IXUge. E-523 . AETNA HOUSE. NORTHWEST CORNER 11TII and Dodge. Itoomn by the day or week. * FURNISHED ROOM ? GENTLEMAN. 2017 HAR- Hey street. K 5 4 * _ _ IIOQW WITH ALCOVE. 624 S. WTH AVE. U 4AJJ21 * _ _ FURN.I8HKD ROOMS. 224 N. m'H. B-J3H NICELY FURNISHED TRONT AND HACK parlor , cluop ; alee uthcr looms at 1S13 Cass. U-MM9 1 _ _ _ FURNISHED ROOM. 2017 IIARNIJY STREET. _ FOR RENT. NICELY AND NEWLY PUlT- nl hed room , first floor ; no other roomers ; six blocks from P. O.r ns , bath. ate. Address M M. Hi * . B MMO gUBNISHED BOOM8 AND BOARD lUtes , lUa vrord first Insertion , la a word thereafter , Nothing taken for less than JSe. SOUTH HOOilS AMD UOOU HOARD. tlX ( > Dougliu street. F MXJ FRONT AND HACK PAULOlt UNFURNISHED , \ery dealrablo ; also ( uroUhad room ; all Drst dual. 113 0 , tStlt tit , F ? ) _ VOUNO'WOMEN'S 110MK. UNDEU CARE OK \Vom n's CbrUltan association. Hi 8. l"lh sL V-ati _ _ _ _ _ ItOOMS. FURNISHED Oil UNFURNISHED. with nrst-class board. } S04 Capital ave. Inquire ltt Capitol ave F MT74 _ SOUTH FRONT KOOM FOfl TWO , WITH board , In prh to family , ! 02 > St. Mary's ave. DRBIRAULB ROOif WITH BOARD IN PR1- tM N. IHfc. F-417-1 * FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Con tlnued. _ FURNISHED ROOMS WITH Oil WITHOUT board- terms reasonable. 2621 Farrmni St. F-tO-2 * _ _ _ _ _ . FURNISHED ROOMS AT 2207 DOUOLXS ST. DESIRAIILn ROOM. SUrTAIILE FOR TWO , with good board. Best St locations , 2510 Dodge. F-MM6 6 * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * DESIRABLE COOL ROOMS WITH BOARD . References. 203 North 18th street. _ r MK1 31 * VERY NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM AND private board ; modern conveniences ; separate home and lawn. 2110 Douglas. F JK6S 31 * TOR ItENT rURNISHED ROOMS , WITH. CHI without board. 1720 Dodge. r-571-1 * _ FOR RENT , TWO FURNISHED OR UNfurnished - furnished rooms , with bath. 2313 Douglas street. r M62t 3 * FOR RENT-tTNFTJRNIBH'D ROOMS. Rates , lV4o word first Insertion , le 'a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c. 4 UNFURNISHED ROOMS , SUITABLE FOR housekeeping , city water , etc , low rent : northwest - west corner 17th and Webster st , O 361 FOR RENT , STORES AND OFFICES Rates. lJ4o word first Insertion , lo 'a ' word thereafter. Nothing taken tor less than 23c. DESK ROOM. WM. J. WELSHANS. Ml Board of Trade bldg. 1-594 _ 16 MONTHS LEASE OF STORE , 303 8. 17TH. 1 363 _ TOR RENT , THE 4-STORY BRICK BUILDING , 916 Farnam street. Tm > building has a lire- proof cement basement , complete steam heat- in * fixtures , water on all floors , gas , etc. Apply - ply at the office of the Bee. _ 1 310 DESK ROOM CHEAP , FRONTING FARNAM. Room 2 , 1623 Farnam street. _ I M6)4 ) _ _ WANTED PARTY TO SHARE OFFICES WITH attorney In the New York Life building. De sirable and rent low. Address M 30. Bee olllce. 1 550 31 _ AGENTS WANTED. _ _ Rates. lo word first Insertion , le a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c. WANTED , AGENTS IN NEBRASKA AND Iowa to sell the Moss & Hlllyard patent farm- era * handy egg case at reduced price : big money In It for the right mun. Apply W. T. Letts , solo manufacturer of the fanners' handy egg case , SU Joseph , Mo. J 657 J5 AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY CITY AND town to handle "Tho Story of the Common weal. " The fastest selling book ever published. $10 00 n day can bo averaged by good agents. Simples , 25c. Call or write for terms. W. B. Conkey company , 341-351 Dearborn street , Chl- cage , III. J-MCOO _ WANTED , AN AGENT TO REPRESENT A new Invention In Omaha and vicinity. Address for particulars , Lofqulst & Waterman. Des Molnes. J-M535 31 * _ AGENTS. GOOD MEN AT ONCE ; REPERENCK required : free outfit ; visit stores , etc. ; steady work ; enclose stamp. united Co. , Racine , WIs. J MC31 31 * BRECKINRIDOnnOOK ; BREACH OF PROMIse - Ise : history of litigants ; Illustrated ; ngents' success unparalleled ; 100.000 already Fold ; out- lit free ; agents wanted. W. II. Ferguson , 6th street , Cincinnati , O. J MC33 31 * WANTED-TO RENT. WANTED. TWO OR THREE MODERN ROOMS furnished far light housekeeping. Address M 36. Bee. K MfcM 3 * _ STORAGE. Rates , IHc word first Insertion , le a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c. STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; CLEAN and cheap rate. It. Wells. 1111 Farnam. _ M-361 STORAGE , WILLIAMS & CROSS , 1214 HARNEY. M 365 _ STOVES STORED DURING THE SUMMER. 1207 Douglas Omaha" Stove Repair works. M 131 May 31 _ WANTED TO BTJY. Rates. IVSo word flret Insertion , le a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c CASH PAID TOR SECOND-HAND FURNf- ture , carpets , etc. I. Brussell , 710 & 712 N. 16th. N 135 J3 _ WANTED. TO BUY LARGE SECONDHAND safe1 ; must bo cheap. Sol Bergman Jt'welry Co. , 313 S. 15th street. _ ' N M514 FORSALE HORSESWAGONSETO. Rates. IWc nerd first Insertion , le a word thereafter. Nothing taken for lesa than 25c. FOR SALE , LIGHT 'CARRIAGE TEAM. 1130 N. 17th. P M333 J23 * _ FOR SALE CHEAP. HORSE , HARNESS AND road wagon , horfe Is well bred and only 5 years old. Omaha Bicycle Co , 607 N. 16th st P JOO-30 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Rates , IKo word flrst Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25o BALED HAY FOR SALE. THE STANDARD Cattle company , Ames , Neb. , have 2.000 tons of good bain-stored bay for sale. All orders filled promptly. Q 3SS FOR SALE CHEAP. NEW AND SECOND- liand bicycles : bicycles repaired cheap. "Omaha Dlcyclo Co. E07 N. 16th. Q40530 FOR SALE , CUSTOM SHOE SHOP OUTFIT. Including machines , lasts and tools. 'Address M 31. Bee. Q-MS52 Jl * _ FOR SALE A GOOD FRESH YOUNG JERSEY cow , 42nd nnd Hamilton sts. , Walnut Hill. Q 578-1 CLAIRVOYANTS. Rates , HJo word first Insertion , le a word thereafter. Nothing taken tor less than 25c. MRS. DR. II. WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT. RK- liable business medium ; 7th yar at 119 N. 101 8 867 _ _ MASSAGE , BATHS , ETO. Rates. l'/4e word first Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less thnn 25c MME.'lA RUE , 41S SOUTH 15TH. T 736J10 * _ MADAME SMITH. C03 & 1JTII. 2D FLOOR. room 3. Massage , vapor , alcohol , steam , sal * phurlne and tea baths. T M181 2 * MADAME BROWN , 1314 CAPITOL AVENUE , 2d door , room 4 , massage , alcohol , sulphur nnd pliurlne and sea baths. T M532 2 * PERSONAL. Rates , 1H ° word first Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25o. MASSAGE TREATMENT , ELECTRO-THER- mal baths. Scalp and hair treatment , manlcurc& chlropodls. Mrs. 1'ost , 31J < 4 S 15th , Wlthnell blk. U 369 MADAME LA ROOIC. MASSAGE. 323 N. ICTH parlora U and 13. Hours from 7 a. m. to 8 p. m. Not open Sundays. _ U M530 4 * MASSAGE , MADAME BERNARD , 1419 DODGE U MD73-1 * _ VIAVI HOME TREATMENT FOR LADIES. Health book nnd consultation free. Address or call Vlavl Co. . 311 Bee. bldg. Lady attendant. U J6S LADIES' tRUllDER.NmVER FAILS ) AND 10 O. N.T.PInkPlllsmalledl. Ladles'Uazaar.Omnha. U58J7 _ COMPOUND OXYGEN CURES ASTHMA brochltls , consumption , catarrh , etc. Three daya free at It. 33 Douglas blk , 16th & Dodge. U Kg _ IIAIU RESTORED , FRANK BROGLIN.OFriCn with barber shop , 151 ! Ftimam St. , guarantees to restore your n.ilr If roots , are not destroyed. tops hair from falling out and returns natu ral color lo eray * hair. Fred examination every day from 9 to It a. m. and 130 to 6 p. m. U 7K-J-10 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property ; $3.000 fi. upwards , 6 to SH per cent ; no delays. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 1330 Fnrnam. W-374 _ MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES THE Q. F. Davis Co. . IMS Farnam fit. W 378 MORTGAGE LOANS , A. MOORE , WIN. Y. Life. W-7U-J3 * _ MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS IN DOUGLAS. Imuruved and unimproved Omaha real estate. Fidelity Trust Co.li03 Faniam t. W-37J OMAH'A LOAN & TRUST co. , irrn AND Douglas streets. loan money on city and farm prOperty at lowest rates of Interest. W STT LOANS , 1 TO & TEARS. WARRANTS , HONDsT etc. ( larvln Bros. , 210 N. Y. Dte. W 375 LIFIJ INSURANCE POLICES LOANED ON or bought. F. C , Chesncy , Kamuis City. Mo , W378 _ MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA. PROPERTY and Nebraska farms at from 0 to 7 per cent. W. B. Melkle , First National bank building. W-t73 LOANS. J. W , 8QUIRB. Bee. W-SM" MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA r iil estate. , Brenqan , Lo\e & Co. , Itixtou blk. W-S71 _ ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO..I1S N.T. LIFE l * ns at low rates for choice security on Ne braska and- Iowa farm * or Omaha city property W-J79 MONEY TO LOAN REAIi ESTATE Continued. CHOICE CITY ANDKARM LOANS WANTED. J. N , Frenzer. opposlta P. O. W 9M-J15 MONEY TO WAN AT LOWEST RATES ON Improved nnd unimproved Omaha real estate , 1 to S yearn. Fidelity Trust Co. , ITOl Fornnm. CITY LOANS. C. A , STARR , S15 N. Y.LIFE. _ MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Rales , IMo word first insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25o. MONEY TO LOAN We will loan you any sum which > ou wish , small or large , nt the lowest possible rates. In the quickest possible time , nnd for nny length of tlWo to suit you. You can pay It hack In such Installments as you wish , when you wish , nnd only pay for It as long ns you keep It. You can borrow on HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIANOS , HORSKH , WAGONS AND CARRIAGES. WAREHOUSE RKCEIPT8 , MERCHANDISE. OR ANY OTHER SECURITY , without publicity or removal of property. OMAHA MORTGAGE I.OAN CO. . 300 SOUTH 16TH STREET , First floor nl > eve the street. THE OLDEST , LARGF.8T AND ONLY INCOR PORATED LOAX COMPANY IN OMAHA. WILL LOAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OF SE- ciirlty ; strictly confidential. A. E. Harris , room 1 , Continental block. X 3bO MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE , PIANOS , nil articles ot value. Fred Terry , 430 Ramge block. X331 THE PLACE TO BORROW MONEY ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE , MONEY ON HORSES AND MULES , MONEY ON WAGONS AND CARRIAGES , MONEY ON PIANOS AND ORGANS. MONEY ON WAREHOUSE. RECEIPTS , MONEY ON MERCHANDISE , MONEY ON ANY CHATTEL SECURITIES' , MONEY ON Rood * , thnt renmln with you , MONEY IF YOU WANT NO PUULICITY. MONEY IN LARGE OR SMALL AMOUNTS. MONEY AT LOWEST POSSIBLE" RATES , MONEY IN QUICKEST POSSIBLE TIME , MONEY THAT you may pay hick at any time nnd In nny amount , Is at ROOM 4 , WITH- NELL Mock , corner 15th nnd Hnrnoy streets. THE FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. X 333 ' MONEY TO LOAN ON HORSES , WAGONS , pianos and furniture of nil kinds. BuslneHS confidential. J. B. Haddock , room 127 , Ranige block. X Mi MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PROP- crty. Hitrvln Ixjan Co. , 701 N. Y. Life building X M271 BUSINESS CHANCES. Rates , l'/4c word first Insertion , le a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less thnn Me- PARTNER WANTED : INTEREST IN A branch business ot well established llrmi J500.OT required. Address L IX ) , bee , wltli full pirticu- lars. Y M172 J19 * FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. RESTAURANT doing paying business ; good location ; satisfac tory reasons for selling. Address L 65 , Doc. " "Y M401 $200.00 MONTHLY ; MANUFACTURING CONcern corn wants representative in Omaha ( or nny city not taken ) . Must have n few hundred dollars cash to pay for goods on delivery nfter orders nre secured. F. E. Vail , Morse buildIng - Ing , New York. YM483 1 * FOR SALE-ONE GOOD FRUIT AND CIGAR store ; coed location , good business. Must bo sold on account of sickness tn family ; IStl'/j Farnam st. Y t50-l * AN INCORPORATED COMPANY DOING A successful manufacturing business In Omaha will sell n controlling Interest and give buyer position of secretary and treasurer nt good sal ary. Want some cash and balance In good In come city property , or farm land In eastern Nebraska or Iowa. Davenport & Waterman , 822 N. Y. Life. Y-MM6 31 WANTED SILENT PARTNER WITH $200 FOR Hlntcrest In a good paying business ; Ad dress at once It 34. Bee office. Y 5S1-S FOR EXCHANGE. Rntes , lV4o word first Insertion , le a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c. WANTED , TO TRADE PIANO OR ORGAN for horse nnd buggy. Room 303 McCaguo building. Z M430 1 A GOOD RANCH TO TRADE FOR WESTERN mares ; about 1,000 acres , hay. timber and water. Address M. L. Taylor , Bprlngvlew , Neb. Z M954 J16 * IP YOU WANT TO BUY. SEEL OR EXchange - change merchandise , get In or out ot business , call on or address the National Information nnd Exchange Co. , 203 First National bank" , Omaha. Neb. , , Z M50T J26 AN IMPROVED FARM TO EXCHANGE FOR heavy work horses. W. E. Davidson , Nellgh , Neb. Z M538 2 _ TO EXCHANGE , GENERAL MERCHANDISE for good work horses. Address M 28 , Bee. Z M538 6 * I WANT TO TRADE A GOOD 4SO-ACRE FARM In Hamilton county , Kansas , for good residence In Omaha. Address C. B. Christy , Mnhem , la. Z M5GJ G * FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. BARGAINS. HOUSES. LOTS AND FARMS , sale or trade. F. K. Darling , Barker block. RE 38 B. 10 AND 20-ACRD TRACTS , 2U MILES EAST of Council Bluffs , at $100.00 to $200.00 per acre , suitable for fruit gardens and homes. Day & Hess. Council Bluffs. R B Mm Ji. BARGAIN. N. B. CORNER 23TII AND HICK , cry. F , 1C. Darling , Barker block. RE 339 DO YOU WANT A HOME , A COZL LITTLE farm of 3 to 30 acres , where you can attend to your business In the city and raise your own fruit , ? ictibles ami poultry and live Ilka n king whei\ times are hard ? Come quick and get your choice. Terms easy. Add. Box 63 Mlllard. Neb. R E 172 FOR SALE , 7-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT AT a bargain , ono block from moter. Inquire at 810 8. 25tu st. R E 913 , JU FOR SALE-400 CHOICE EASTERN NEBRASka - ka farms ; also a few for trade. C. R. Boat- tlght , 301 N. Y. Life bldg. R C 424-J24 FARM : LANDS. C. F. HARRISON , 912 N. Y. Life. R E-426.-J24 * 100 ACRES FOR $1,000.00 ON MONTHLY PAY- mcnts ; 100 acres level and live-acre grove. Williams & Mlttan , room 313 McCaguo block. It E M520 31 RESIDENCE FOR GOOD FARM. $6,500 BOOT and shoe stock for Omaha residence. F. D. Wead. 16th and Douglas. H E 654-1 $650 BUYS COTTAGE AND LOT NRTHANSCOM Park. $1,000 house and lot. Ambler Placo. $1,100 B r. house. Emmett st. $1,500 house on 27th nr. Cumlng. $1.200 buys aero front park near Fort O. $1,100 buys cast front lot nr. Hanscom pk. $ .000 east front residence north park. Soap In east front lot on Georgia ave. , too cheap to advertise. Fine suburban residence with 160 acre * , of land nt farced sale. F. D. Wead. 16th and Douglas. II n 533-1 FINANCIAL. Itatts. 1H ° word first Insertion. Iq a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 23c. CASH PAID FO R ENDOWMENT POLICIES In old line companies : Address A. K. Brock- Icsby , Box 233 , Hartford , Conn. M3S9 J23 * PASTURAGE. Rates , IVia word first Insertion , la a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c. WIS HAVE ICO ACRES OF BLUE GRASS PAS- tura for horses. Board fence , spring water. Barton & Phelps , Gllmore , Neb. , or A. W. Phelpa & Bon. 207 N. Y. Ufa bide. Telephone 1054. M 59JI1 * STEAMSHIP LINE. Rates , 1K word first Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing 'taken fur less than 35o. ANCHOR LINB MAIL STEAMSHIPS-SAIL regularly every Saturday from New' York for Londonderry and Glasgow. Furnesala , Juna 3 , 10:30 a. m. : Anchorla , ' June It. 3 p. m. ! Clrcas- sla , June 13 , 3 a. m. ; City of- Rome , Juno 30 , 3 p. in. Saloon , second class and steerage , Single or round trip tickets from New York or Chicago nt reduced rates to tha principal Scotch , English , Irish and all continental points. For money orders , drafts , outward or prepaid tickets apply to any of our local agents or to Henderson , Ilroa. . Chicago : LOST. Rates , lOo a line each Insertion , $1.50 a line per month. Nothing taken for U s than 2Sc. STRAYED. ONE DARK BROWN HORSJ3. 5 years old , weight 1,200 pounds , cut on left sldo of jatr ; had Imlter on. Reward. Kd Fltz- cerald. 4220 Capitol avenue. MS60 31 * LOST , LADIES' GOLD STICKT'IN , BOW KNOT , blue enameled , with diamond netting. Pltasu leave at Morse Dry Goods Co. , hosiery dept. , and r c lvo reward. M f > 59 30 * BTRAYED'oifsTOLKN-BAY MARK. WKIGIIT 1.200. If taken un notify Albert Moore , east of Florenea lake , or this office , and receive re ward. 173-1 * FO UND. FOUND , LADY'S VOCKETBOOK WITH money In it. Inquire room 7 , Id tloor P. O. building. O M630 31 * PAWNBHOKEB . ItaUs. IHe word first Insertion lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for IMS than 25c. FKliO MOULD. I5I7J4 FARNAI4. 47 DRESSMAKING- DRBSSMAICINO IN FAMILIt'3. ADDREdH Ulra Sturdy. Mil NlchoUu slrttt. MM7 M21 * SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITINg. VAN BANTS SCHOOL QKTSHORTHAND. SU N. T. Life. Omaha. Asklrtfr circulBr. UNDERTAKERS ANDC&MBALMERS II. 1C RURKETT. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND tmbalmir. 16U Chicago. T l. M. MS MUSIC , ART AND'TlANGUAGE. Rates , I o word flrst Insertion , lo word 'thtrtafter. Nothing takenjtofiJess than I5c. a. F. O1LLENBECK , BANJOIST AND teacher. 1810 California st 14 FOK BARGAINS IN FIRSttiCLASS PIANOS ard organs see George A. .Snnborn , general OKtnt. com S03 McCague. I Udlng. M423 1 SEARLES & SEARLES SPECIALISTS Chronic , WE Nervous , Private AND CUBE Special Diseases. TREATMENT BY MAIL- CONSOLATION FREE Wo euro Catarrh. All Diseases of I ho Nose , Throat , Ghost. Stomach , Llvor , Blood , Skin and Kl-'noy DIs- 00808 , Female Weaknesses , Lost Manhood AND ALL PRIVATE DIS EASES OF MEN , REMOVED TO 1410 FARNAM STREET. Call on or Address r\n \ 14Ifl TARNAMST Ul , OMAHA , Mill. . . < # TUB OKtit HINDOO REMEDY ror DICM TUB IBOVK . . . . . , ULnb. 1 vu ql M.W | > 4v uttT Dl A I OF If d.UVFf 11H fTrlttcilirunrniitco to euro or money rcfu ltd rd. Don i > ug an fmltatlon but iiulat on litu fnir INIIAPO. ' ; rourdrugBijtlmsuotnotlt no will send It D' Urlentnl lledlcnl Co" lllirjOO , ILL. , or thtfr > i/J by Kuhn & Co .Cor. 15th anil DoimcaeiBti , and I. A. Fuller Sc Co . Corl4fh&louBl ) fsSt8 .OMAHAi Jrnof s Mnio- Splendid curatlyo t for Nervous or Si-fc Ileadaoho , Bruin austion , Sleeplessness , .uroctnl or Renernl benrAlgia ; also for Ilhea- matlsm. Goat , Kidiier Dlfloraara , Acid Dys pepsia. Anronila. .Antidota for Alcoholic nnd other exceues rlce , 10 , 25 and 60 ccnta. Effervescent , ' " THE ARNOLT ) CHEMICAL co. IBIS. Western Avsnuo. CHIME * For sole by all ' ! GUPDEHE. ! " Cores the effects ot eeir-rtbuse , excesses , ernlsslons , Impotcncy , vurlcpcele and constl- PQtions One dollar a box , six for $5. For salt'6y'THE GOOD- MAIMJ DnUG1 CO. , Ofniflid,1 Neb. ' WHATCANCUTICURADO Everything that la cleansing , purifying , and bean , tlfjlngfor tnu skin , scalpnnd hair of lutantft and children tbo C0TI- j CUIIA KKMKUIKS will do. They ' - " speedily euro Itching and burning eczemas , cleanao the Acalp of scnly humors , purify the blood , nnd re store the hair. They nro absolutely pare , agreeable , and unfailing. Bold ex cryn here- We trill aond ion the taarrelons French Preparation CALTHOO free , and a Iwal guarantee that OALTIIUS will Reitore your IlcnlUi , Strength uod Vigor. Use it and pay ifiatiifiti , Adclresa VON MOHU CO. . Belt > Berlua IftaM , frnrtmrtl , Oalf. Scaled 1'ruposuU. Bids will be received until noon June 6. 1894 , for the construction of a system of water works at Klngsley , la. Plans and speculations can be seen at the olllce of J. M. Wormley , mayor , Klngsley , la. The council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. J. A. INGALLS. Recorder. JI22 dmlOt BUREAU. SUES & CO. , Solicitors. Dee Building. OMAHA , NEB. Advice FREE. RHILWflY TIME CHRP Leaves [ CHICAGO , liUrtLIKCTON & Q.lArrives Omahal Depot 10thand _ Mason ata. I Omaha ' 4:45pm : Chicago'Vestibule 9.50am I.Sam Chicago Impress. . , , 4 : > pm 7.02pm Chlcaeo and Iowa Local 8.00am ll:35am : 1'aclllo Junction Local t:5ipm : Leaves IUUHL1NOTON & MO. RlVCH.Arrl\es | Omaha ] Depot 10th and Mason ats. I Omaha 10l : am Denver Expiess u:35am. : 10lam : > Deadwood Hxprcss 4:10pnt : 4:50pm : Denver Uxprcss , . 410pm ; < :50pm..Nebraska : Local ( except Bun. ) . . . G.Mpm II ; 18am..Lincoln lAjcal lexcept Sunday..ll:25ani : K C. , BT. J , & C. U. ( Arrives Depot,10th and Mason Bis. I Omaha 9 : 5am Kansas City Day Express 6E5nm j-t5pm.lt..CNlghtTi : . . via U. P. Trans. 6SOam ! Leaves I CHICAQO , It. I. & PACIFIC. | Arrl\es OmahalUnlon Depot 10th & Mason ats.I Omaha EAiiT. ] dISam..Atlantic : Uxpioas ( ex , nunday > . . tiojpin 0:15pm Night Uxplress 6:40am : 440pm..Chicago ; VestlbUluil Limited. . . . l:5pm : U : pm.OUlahoma Exp. ( ti C'U. ex Bun ) . 8:33am 5:3Sum. : Oklahoma & Texa'i i.xp. UxSun.ll:3jpm ) Ii35pm . Colorado _ Limited. . . . . . . . . . 4jlOpm 'LeaveVI nRlOTT'PAofjHS1 fArrTTeT OmahalUnlon Depat IDtli & . . Maaqu 8 la. I Omaha 9 760am . Denver Cxpresa . "s7Wpm. lUpm : . Overland Flyer . 6:20pm : a:45pm.ileatrlco & Stromsb'e ExerSun.12:30am 6.10pm . Pacino Ipxnreas. . . , , ,10:6iam : tiOpm. : . . . , . . .PastMuUf. _ Omaha Union Depot 10th' K. 'Mason Sts. | Omaha 6:35pm. : . , . . . . * .Chlcaeo 14UI1UCU. . . . . . . , . , , 9:30.im : HllOam..Clilcaiu Expreaa.tev. Bun. ) . . . . 5:00um : Lraves I I-riX & MO. VALL1IY. [ Arrives" Omahal Dtput Uth and .Wefejtcr fats. I Omaha " 9:05am : DeadwoouT lTxjIiess 610pm ; ( . OCam.iCx. Bat.KWyo. tU.fK . Mon. ) . 0:10pm : SrOOpmNorfolk Elpreaj J < lici Hunrlay. ) .lu:45am CiSOpm St. Puul I'.rprtt * 9i40am Leaves I C1MCAUO & NCUtTlI\VC5TNTArfiveT Omahal U. P. Depot 10th fl.Maasq Hts. | Omaha llC5ain. : Chicago , li : | > r < c- . „ . . . . . . , 0:10pm : 4.0iptn . . . .VPstlbule LlinltoJ 8:2)am : ) 6.30pm , . . . . astern llyer.i Il5pm : : J3piu.Ui. BaUKChlc. Pass.tUx ; Mon. ) . U:23pin : t t5am . . .Mo. Valley Lucnl.jl..10Mpni ; Leave * I MIBSbUllI I'A"CIFiC JArflviT Omahal Depot 15th and > V bateE Sis. I Omaha 9.00am St. LouTs Kipl 3. . . . . . . . . .00am SiSOpm Bt , Louis Uxpres * . , . . , iSpm ; 6lOpm.Dally ; ( ex. Sun. ) Nebraska I .oca I. 9lfetm : I.eavl sT C. . jA Omahal _ Depot _ 1 " > \Vebste _ st . | _ Omaha 'itOOnm , . Sioux City "Accom ( Ux. HunT ) . . 4.05pm 10.00am. . Sioux City Accom ( Sun.'Only. ) . . Soptn ll:15pm. : . Sioux City Expretsu ( Kx. yun.llWuni' : tUOym. . . . . . . . . .Bt. t'aul Llmlttdi. . . . . . . . . iMJnm' Leaves BIOUX CITV & PACirlC. jArrlves OmahalU. I' . Depot 10th & Ma-ton Ht I Omaha " < IUam : . . . . Sioux City 1'asienger. . . . . . . .lo"Hpm : ) : Mim | . at. 1'aul Uipren. , . . . 10-QOam . . HIOUX CITY A 1'AClKIC. ( Arrives Omahal Depot Uth and Webster pt . I Omaha 60pm : , , , , bt. Paul Limited. , 340ani ; 8JOpm. . . . . Chicago Llraltad , . . . . . . . . . :4)am : Omahaju. P7 D pot'10th < i jiaiotT 8t . | ' I.Upm , St. Louis Cannon liali.- FROM PUBLIC FUNDS ( Continued from First Pago. ) you nro now paying 6 unit 7 per cent , whorcns you might ns well refund the entire - tire Issue nt a ralo of 4H or 5 per cent. The ( Mints arc so Issued that ydu have the right to refund nt any time. It you \\lll refund them wo will tnko thn entire lisuo. pay you par for the now bonds nml give you a com mission of $1,000 besides. " Sometimes the broker simply offers par for the new Issue , but In cither event the offer he makes Is tt very attractive one tp the county com missioners. They perhaps have had no thought of refunding the bonds , but the broker's proposition shows them a way to save the county several .thousand dolhrs every year and perhaps to make n slight commission besides. The proposition la Accepted. The refunding bonds nre Issued nt 6 per cent , It It happens to be n small county , or nt V per cent If It Is n county like Lancaster. When the refunding bonds are ready for delivery the broker goes to the Hoard of Kducatlonnl Lands and FiniJs and offers the 5 per cent bonds on a 4 per cent basis , or the 4',4 per cent bonds on a 4 per cent basic. Under the policy of the board the broker flnds a ready purchaser. He makes a liberal commission off the board and puts the money In his pocket. The county that Issues the bonds receives none of the proceeds except the face value. The first time this scheme was worked was In last December , when the firm of Green & Van Duyn of Lincoln proposed to refund the outstanding Indebtedness of Lan caster county. Thd total amount was | 3GO- 000 , of which the state held $20Q,000. The entire amount bore Interest at the rdto of 5 per cent per annum. The new Issue drew 4 per cent per annum , and the Btato ex changed the 5 per cent bonds for the 4 per cent bonds nt par to the amount of $200,000 , and also purchased the $160,000 Issue nt par. Of course , there was no way In which the state could avoid the payment of the $200000 ; Issue. Lancaster county had a right to refund Its Indebtedness at any time It wished to do so. But the transaction Is mentioned ns a specimen brick. The state now holds ns an Investment for the per manent school fund something like ll.GOO- 000 worth of bonds which are payable at the option of the counties which Issued them. The bond brokers see In this fact an opportunity to reap an Immense harvest , and they have already gone to work. There Is only ono thing which the Board of Educational Lands and Funds can do to pre vent the bond brokers from mulcting the people unnecessarily , and that is to notify each county that proposes to refund Us In debtedness , or. that proposes to make a new Issue of bonds , to deal \\lth the state direct and thus save the people of each county Uie premiums that nro now going Into the hands of the brokers. PREMIUMS ON BONDS. The Jegallty of the action of the board In paying a heavy premium upon bonds pur chased by the state as an Investment for the permanent school fund , Is seriously ques tioned by several who have studied the mat ter. In speaking of the matter today , Audi tor Moore said : "If the Board of Educational Lands and Funds has the right , under the decision of the supreme court , to pay a premium of $10,000 on ono Issue It has the right to pay a similar premium on another. It has the right thus to pay out $100,000 In premiums , or $600,000 If the opportunity presents Itself. Take the Douglas county deal for Instance. The State Board of educational Lands and Funds ordered the treasurer to pay out of the permanent school fund $1COS93.75 for $150,000 worth of bonds. In twenty years Douglas county will return to the permanent school but $150,000. The fund is short to the extent of $10,893.75. If other deals arc made In the same way It will not take but a few such transactions to make a deficiency of $100,000 or more In the permanent school fund. It the constitution means anything it means that any deficiency In the permanent school fund will have to be made good by the legislature. "While. J believe the per manent school fund should be Invested In ample securities at par I believe I the statp treasurer ; Is liable for every dollar he pays out of.the permanent school fund In the way of premiums on bonds pur- cha ed by the board. At any event , he has only the order of the Board of Educational Lands and Funds to protect him with. The board Is acting under an ex parte opinion of the supreme court based upon a law which was repealed after the opinion was rendered. The supreme court has never had the matter brought to Its atten tion upon a case at law. "I believe It Is the duty of the Board of Educational Lands and Funds to secure an opinion from the supreme court upon an actual case. The time Is particularly favor able for a submission of the matter to the court. Under the resolution of the board directing the state treasurer to set aside $450,000 of the permanent school fund moneys with which to call In and purchase general fund warrants there Is not now remaining In the fund any money available for the purchase of bonds. There will be no money In the permanent school fund for several months , not until the general fund warrants now being purchased by the board are repaid from the money paid Into the general fund by the county treasurers. The state would , therefore , not bo the loser by an appeal to the supreme court at the present time. The court would have time to pass upon the question before there would be enough fund * In the permanent school fund to make further purchases of bonds possible. At no time In the recent his tory of the state has the time been so fav orable for a submission of the question to the supreme court. While the court has the matter under advisement the state would be saving the Interest on Its floating In debtedness , the Indebtedness would not bo Increasing and the Board of Educational Lands and Funds would not be subject to the criticism of attempting to hold up the law by jn appeal to the courts upon n technical objection , a criticism to which they might bo subjected under almost any other circumstances. " OPINION-OF THE GOVERNOR. A representative of The Dee called on Governor Crounso yesterday In regard to these bond transactions , and the following Interrogations wore propounded and answers received : Question Considerable. discussion has taken place , as you are aware , over the question whether , In the Investment of the permanent ! school fund of the stateIn United States or state securities and regis tered county funds , the Board of Educa tional Lands and Funds , of which you are n member , can pay a premium on such securi ties and bonds , and I would like to ask you If , In your opinion , such premium can law fully bo paid ? Answer I have no doubt of It. In fact we know that United States bonds at all times are at a premium , and there Is HO much Idle money In the country that all our county bonds are eagerly sought after , and as premiums nre being paid for them by bond brokers , the state , to get nny amount of them , must pay a premium also. Judge Laka , In delivering the unanimous opinion of the supreme court , found on page 634 of volume 15 of the state reports , distinctly held that such premium could bo paid. Q. From what fund , the permanent or temporary school fund , should It bo paid ? A. From the permanent school fund. The opinion Just referred to BO holds. The state constitution says the temporary- school fund , which consists largely of money derived at Interest from securities so purchased , "shall bo exclusively applied to the support and maintenance of common schools. " The es pecial purpose of this restriction , I take It , IB to forbid the expenditure of this money for officers' salaries , the support of charita ble Institutions , and like uses , Whether any part of It might not bo applied , when nec essary , to the payment of premiums on bonds purchased. Is a question. Such appli cation of a small sum from the temporary school fund might , If no other way were open , enable the board to Invest largo amounts of the permanent fund which might otherwise remain Idle , and so ulti mately swell thn temporary school fund. Such a proceeding would certainly bo for the Interest of the Reboots , and none of the money would bo diverted from that ex clusive application enjoined by the constitu tion. But , an I have , ntatf > d , the Huprome ( our * hay decided that the premiums nhould be paid from the permanent school fund , and that la the direction the board follows. Q But Treasurer Hartley contends that by thn payment of premlumn from the per- mauont school fund that fund \\lll ho de- plated just so much us tha premiums paid and that it will bo done IP thc > face of the constitution , which gays that It 'shall re main forever Inviolate and umUmlnlxhed ? " A. There Is gome point to thin , fur It Is true that If we buy bonds of the face value of $100,000 nnd pay $110,000 for them , pay ing both face value and premium from the permanent fund , that fund would bo dl- mlnlihed $10,000 by paying Alt the Interest received Into the temporary fund and the $100,000 put bade Into the permanent fund. PLAN FOR RELlfiF. Q. How can that bo avoided thenT A. In different ways. The Interest ac cruing on bonds need not at once be turned Into the temporary fund ami so became ot- clusively applicable to school purposes , but the board , as n part of the transaction In volving the purchase of tha securities , might order the treasurer to set up.irt enough of the Interest coupons flrjt ntio to reimburse the permanent fund for the premium paid , or order him to apply the tirst accruing In terest for that purpose. These coupon * or the Interest would not enter Into or become n part of such temporary fund. The board could bargain with the vendor of any bonds that be might retain coupons enough to equal the amount of premium ngrcsd upon. The same result would be clTectcd by the suggestion I have made , in both cmes the payment of lntore t Into tne temporary fund would only be deferred. In the ono case the vendor withholds the premium di rect In the shape ot coupons retained , nnd In the other the board , whlrh has sole con trol nnd discretion In the matter. Instructs the treasurer to temporarily mUiinco the amount of the premium from the permanent fund nnd replace It from money derived from the same coupons. This would bo but n temporary advance from the perma nent fund nnd In the transaction no way Im pair or diminish It. It certainly Is better to withhold this Interest to reimburse the small premium paid than to not make the Investment and so receive no Interest at all. IVnnoiny nnd HI rrncth. Valuable vegetable remedies nro used In the preparation of Hood's Sarsaparllla In such n peculiar manner ns to retain the full medicinal value of every Ingredient. Thus Hood's Sarsaparltla combine ! ) economy and strength and Is the only remedy ot which " 100 doses one dollar" Is truo. Bo sure to get Hood's. Hood's Pills do not purge , pain or gripe , but act promptly , easily and efllclontly. HAVE TOUCHED BED HOCK. Itnllronil I'rcnldcntH Agree tn < lnt Together on Trniiflrniitlnriitnl Itnslnr.iii. As one of the natural results of the re cent conference of railroad presidents nnd general managers , n call has been Issued for a meeting ot transcontinental lines nt Chicago Juno G , with nlcw of resurrecting the Transcontinental association , which was terminated so Ignomlnlously last autumn. Transcontinental associations have been organized and have failed to bring about the purposes Intended through the buccan eering methods of free lance roads , the re sult being complete clomoralbatlon of pas senger business west of the Missouri. But the action of the presidents In the recent conference has clearly demonstrated that they will not tolerate any further foolish ness on the part of heads of departments , and for the betterment of the revenues of the roads In the west propose to do some thing for stock and bond holders. Secret meetings of stockholders have been held In New York , Boston and other centers , pro testing against the suicidal policy of sys tems that have completely forgotten the pri mary purposes of railroad building In their desire to force rivals to terms. What will lie accomplished through the for mation of this new association must bo left for the future to determine , but the "silk hats" have decreed that the cruel war Is over , and must not break out again. rhyslUmm in Omalm. Omaha was overrun with doctors yesterday , trains on the Northwestern , Milwaukee and Roclc Island having brought them Into the Nebraska metropolis In scores , this being the congregating point for the Iowa and Ne braska physicians with their wives , cnrouto to the annual convention ot the American Medical association , which meets In San Francisco June G. The Union Pacific was compelled to run a second section ot No. 1 In the afternoon to take1 care of the healers , the following sleepers composing the section of No. 1 "Silesia " " " " " , , "Capltola , "Atlanta , "Oregon" nnd "Umatllla , " fifty-five physi cians having been booked at the city ticket office yesterday for the Overland journey. lllg Cnttlo Milpmont Eight thousand of the 1G.OOO steers re cently purchased by Messrs. Saunders & Tlsdale In the southern part of Utah nro now headedutoward the Union Pacific , and will be loaded on or "about June 3 at points In Wyoming and Utah for shipment to the Dakotas. The shipment of this Immense bunch of cattle will require about 750 cars ot the standard stock car size , and will assist materially In booming business over the Union Pacific. Arthur's CourHo Emlomcil. ST. PAUL , May 30 , At last night's session of jtho engineers the Great Northern strike was finally considered and the action of the brotherhood men fully endorsed. Itiillroiul Notes. Charles Kennedy of the Rock. Island was expected to return from Denver yesterday. General Passenger Agent Lomax of the Union Pacific returned from Chicago yester day. day.Tho The Burlington Is building4,000 feet of track per day on Its Sheridan extension to Billings. All the general and city ticket ofilces closed at noon to allow employes to participate In Memorial day exercises. Bralnard Allison , general advertising agent ot the Union Pacific , with headquarters nt St. Louis , Is In Omaha reviving old friend ships. T. B. Cookery of the Missouri , Kansas & Texas , with headquarters at Des Molnes , Is looking after his fences In this part of the footstool. The Transmlssourl Railway Guide will pass Its llrat milestone with the June Issue , and for n new publication Its success Is the talk of the western railroad world. The railroads report generally good busi ness Tuesday as the result ot the last homo seekers excursion , the Northwestern having Hold quite a number ot tickets to Tennessee nnd southern points. Oscar Vanderbllt , district passenger and ticket agent of the Northern Pacific , Is In town Interesting hlmsulf In the movements of the physicians , many ot whom will return over his route from San Francisco. Omaha need not fear a coal famine as long as the Burlington Is able to bring In the output of the Sheridan mines , which will shortly bo running to their full capacity , the first big shipment of fifty cars arriving yes terday. ' The April statement of the Burlington showed a decided Improvement over the name month of last year. The gross earn ings were $2,495,646 , a decrease ot $194,753 as compared with April , 1893 ; the not earn ings were $840,323 , an Increase of $11T > ,936 ; the surplus fund shows a gain of $10,322 against a deficit of $90.614 In 1893. making a total gain tn the surplus of $138,830 over last year. This result Is the outcome almost entirely of a curtailment of expenses , as all sources of gross earnings show a heavy falling oft compared wth | the same month of last year. PoWltt's Little Early Risers. Small pills , safe * pills , best pills. CRUELTY TO A HOUSE. Young Jehu ( lulu Into Jail for a CIISB of Hriitiillty , John Mctcalf Is a young man for whom a warrant was sworn out Tuesday for cruelty to animals. He was coming up from tha depot and a motor was approaching , lie was on the track and endeavored to pull hla liorso away. The animal did not Im mediately respond so ho whipped out lib pocket knife and slashed the horse across the flank * , The blood spurted In a stream from the tuts and there U n rtd trail for a block Indicating ( lie extent of the cruelty the horio suffered. Some citizens saw the act and had It not been for the prompt ar rival of Officer King young Metcalf would have received a sound thrashing If nothing more. Metcalf explained hl conduct by saying he becume so angered at the slowness ot his horee to obey tits' lie did not actually know or realize what he wan about to do. Llttlo pills for great Ilia ; DeWUt's Little Early Risers. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Unknown Inosndltuies Make an Unsuccessful Attempt to Burn a Oottngo. WOMAN FROM OMAHA GETS INTO JAIL How .Memorial liny Wn Olnrrrnl In th Clt.v ( Inn Club to lln Organ ized Soon I'rrp.irliiK fern n Slioot , The hnmlsomo new cottage owned bjr Mr. John O'Connor on Twonty-thlnl street be tween I and J u'-u sot en lire nbaut 3 o'clock yestortlnr morning. Klincr Wlcr Ilvci next door to the | ) lnce. The building lind Just bceii completed nnd was scrubbed out Tuesday. There has nuver been n slovo or any soit ot lire In the buttdliiK. Mm. Wler hoard a man Retting out of the window of the place , and In a few moments the llnniea were discovered. Mr. Wlor nnd Mr. Whltten ran to the flrc hall In their nliht clothes to gl\a the alarm. The ( lames were soon tmolhcrcd and the damage will only bo about $200 , which Is fully co\ored by Insurance. The pollco have no clew na to whu fired the place , but n diligent search will bo miulo to find the person. There have been H millibar ot fires In South Omaha of Ute which hnvo been ntarted by nome firebug , and the pollco nro determined to locate this ono , It possible. _ Clinscd Hint ultli n Him > l > er. Kate Hoot , a woman who lives at 1411 Howard street , Omaha , cama to this city to ralsu a racket , and succeeded In getting her self locked up at the pollco station. Mrs. Hoof claims that her husband deserted her some tlmo ngo , nnd that she took up with William Krang , n man who works In the pncKlng house hero. ' Krani ; rooms at Mrs. Manning's place on M street , between Twenty-third and Twenty- fourth streets. Mrs. Hoot s.iyi that ho has been a great friend to her anil that she loves him hard. Krang , however , has been rather chilly toward the woman of late , and sha concluded to ghe him a fright. When Mrs. Hoof entered his room Krang was out. Sln > got hold of an old revolver , and when ho did hhow up she gave him a chase around the room , pointing the revolver at him and threatening to shoot. Krang managed to get out of the door , and found a policeman , to whom ho icported the facts. Mrs. Hoof was placed under arrest , charged with dis turbing the peace. She says she was only trying to frighten Hill , and had no Inten tion of shooting. . ( Ibsorvml the Day. Decoration day was appropriately observed In South Omaha. At 9 o'clock all the old soldiers and sailors met at Grand Army ot the Republic hall and , forming a proces sion , started for the cemeteries to decorate the graves. There was also a lurgo turn out of ladles of the Woman's Relief corps and Daughters and Sons of * Veterans. Mr. T , K Ulllott was the speaker of the day. The gentleman spoke eloquently and with much feeling when he referred to the de parted comrades. During the day the cars wcro jammed with people from Omaha who came down to decorate the graves of their departed loved ones who are burled either at St. Mary's or In the Albright cemetery. All business houses were decorated. ti ( Sun Olnli. " „ A gun club will bo organized In South Omaha next Friday night In The Bee ofllcs In the Singer block. A preliminary meeting was held Tuesday night and committees ap pointed to rustle up members and to get the traps and targets In shape for a' shoot which will tnko placn Inside of a week. Ar rangements have been maflo for the now club to take the paraphernalia now hclil'foy the old club , which is about ddfunct. Now members can come In now for a nominal fee. Twenty-fho men have consented to -1 ! Join. All persons Interested In a club at | il ' this sort should attend the meeting Friday ' night. _ _ Foil nil n Cure for Schitlu Kliomimtlfliii. Mrs. A. Invccn , residing at 720 Henry St. , Alton , 111. , suffered with static rheumatism for over eight months. She doctored for It nearly the wholn or this time , using various remedies reromiuended by friends , and was treated by the physicians , but received no rnllcf. Slid then used ono and a half bottles of Chamberlain's Pain balm , - which.clTectcd . . a complete cure. This Is published at her request , as she wants others similarly af flicted to know what cured her. For tale by all druggists. _ _ The I.ulto Shorn'a Summer Schedule Now In effect makes a number ot Important changes. The New York Limited will leave Chicago every day at 0:30 : p. m. , reaching New York , Grand Central depot , 42d street , at U:30 p. m. next day , making the run la 24 hours. The Chicago and Doston Special will leave as formerly at 10:30 : a. m , , reaching New York at 145 ; next afternoon , Boston 4:15 : p. m. , making direct- connection with all diverging New England lines. Train leaving at 3:10 : p. m. , formerly running through to New York , will run to Toledo only. New York and Helton 12 < cprcss will leave at 8:16 : . . of 7'15 and Now York p. m. , Instead , Ex press will leave at 10:45 : Instead of 11:30 : p. m. Summer touiht tickets to the many de lightful resorts ot the east arc now on sale ; list showing routea and rates will be sent on application. Special low rates will also be inaclo for the Christian Hndeavor conven tion at Cleveland , the meeting of the Na tional Kducatlonnl association at Asbury I'ark and the G. A. H. reunion at Plttsburg. Full particulars on application. D. P. Humphrey , T. P. A. , 727 Main street , Kan sas City , Mo. ; C. K. AVIlber , Western Pas senger Agent , Chicago , Pinna for the Sum in or. Perlmps you are arranging your plans for a vacation this summer. Do not neglect to look Into the attractions of the Illnck IIIIU scenery rivaling the Heckles In grandeur climate unsurpassed nature's storehouse of wonderful mineral formations and precious metals. Crystal Cove near Di-aUwood was represented tn miniature at the World's fair and attracted much attention. The pleasure and health resort Hot Springs , South Dakota with flrst class hotel accom modations , fine plunge bath , beautiful drives , etc , all Join to make a sojourn In the Dlack Hills a pleasure , a study nnd a recreation. Send for pamphlet giving full description. J. H. BUCHANAN , General Passenger Agnt , F. 13. & M. V. R. n. , Omaha , Neb. P. S. The F. n. & M. V. U. U. run train * direct to tha Dlnck Hills with palace sleepon. free chair cars therefore your tickets should read over that road. Hamilton Club Mvutlntf. There will be a meeting of the Hamilton club In the Patterson block , Seventeenth and Farnam streets , this evening , for the purpose of selecting delegates to the state convention of republican c'.ubs. The mem- bora of the club aru urged to attend , and republicans In general are Invited to listen to speeches which will be made by local speakers. Champagne as a restorer has no equal , Cook's Cxtra Dry Imperial Is pure , delicious and sparkling. Ki sl ToilnyT Your choice ot four daily trains on th Chicago & Northwestern railway. Two of tlieso trains nt 4:05 : p. m , ami 0:30 : p. m. . are vcstlbiilcd and limited , arriving tn Ch | CJKO early next morning , Hllte sleeprs , dining cart ) and the latest reclinliiK chair cars. Call at the city olllce. 1401 Farnain tre t. The Northwestern chrcka your trunk at your house. Vuii Han't Hnvo Til ' Qo 2,000 miles la reach the land of tha prune. The Irrigated lands of Idaho along the line ot the Union 1'aclflo system are j capable ot producing the class of fruit scon , In the Idaho exhibit at the World/a fair. m \Vhy : by stopping In IiUiho you'll savu enough on your Corn and freight to malts the first payment on your farm. Investi gate. Advertising matter icnt on application. Addrcii , 13. L. LOMAX. ft. P. & T. A. , Omaha , Neb