0 THE OMAHA DAILY BKE : THURSDAY , MAY 31 , 1801. SHOT HIS WIFE AND SON Desperate Work of a Once Prominent Ne braska CHizon. DAN EURKE. TRIES TO KUl JUS FAMILY Attempted Ilonblo Trnccdjr Which Caused J'.xcllcnunt nt .North I'lnllc llurhe \Vim Iiitntlrntril mnl ( hvrvllls Downfall to Wlilsbjr. NOttTII I'LATTH , Ncl ) . , Mny 30. ( Sjicclal ToloRratn to Tlio Ilcc. ) Dan ilurkc , one of Lincoln county's oldest resilient * , While In nn Intoxicated condition lout nlfilit , iiiarrcloil | with his family and Miot hli wlfo anil Ed Ilurko , Mis son. neither dangerously. A tnan of kindly disposition wlion sober , Ilurkc when drunk becomes exceedingly ( iiiarrcl- Borne. Last nlglit lie was especially BO. Oolng Itomo drunk lie retired for Iho nlRlit , but shortly oftcrwards nrone , nnd nftcr uslnj ; nbtialvo nnd threatening laiiRtinge toward Mrs. nurkc , ho wont out Iho back door to ward the stable. Suspecting ho was after lilff revolver , which ho Icopt nt tHe stable , Mrs. Ilurko aroused the family , two sons and a daughter. Almost Immediately Ilurkc canto Into the house and , pointing the revolver at his wife , swore ho would kill the whole family. Mrs. Ilurko seized his arm nnd begged him not to shoot. During the struggle the wcatwn was discharged , the bullet passing through her hand. Ilurko then started for his son's room , John Ilurke , the older son , meeting him at tho'threshold , struck his father's arm ns the latter aimed at his breast , nnd the bullet missing him , struck Ed , the younger brother. In the fleshy part of the arm , ploughing through the muscles , but missing the artery. The family managed to escape from the house before further casually. Neighbors aroused by the shooting gathered , the sheriff' ' was summoned and Iltirek was arrested. Much sympathy Is expressed for the family , and the unfortunate cvrnt is greatly de plored by citizens generally. The family Is highly respected , and ono of the best known In the country. Durko was formerly wealthy , but his appetite for strong drink 1ms been ( its ruin and was the sole cause of last night's crime. CONI > IMMI : > ny I.KXINOTON riiori.r. Mob of Tuesday Nlfiht Wus.Jiot In Touch with the Public. . . LEXINGTON , Neb. , May 30. ( Special to " The lice. ) Owing to the action "of the sheriff In procuring deputies , combined with i a heavy storm , there wns no trouble last night with the mob. It has Ixion ascer tained that the members of the mob had carefully laid their plans for the raid. Nearly every member of It was from the country. Whllo the citizens of the city do not condemn them for what they actually did , they would have presented a bolld front against their lawlessness being car ried any farther- and all unite In saying such actions must not bo attempted ugaln. Itrpulillciiu Club Scli'i'lH GRAND ISLAND , May .10. ( Special to The Dec. ) The Grand Island Republican & club held a meeting last night and delegates were elected to attend the state convention of tongues at Lincoln June \'i. The gen tlemen elected nro : H. It. Horth , A. L. Slicctz , E. J. Hatch , E. E. Thompson , Muy- nortl Splnk , O. H. Trucey , 13. L. Dodden , Jr. , F. W. Barber. Albert Itoeser , A. AV. Prince , William Cornelius , N. S. I'Y-rrar ' , JJr. II. C. Miller. These will be reinforced by the president of the club , Mr. A.V. . Stolne. A committee was appointed to draft a constitution nnd by-laws and secure n hall for regular meetings. Clarence Harrington , it youthful drayman , attempted to commit suicide last nlglit be cause his mother had spoken somewhat harshly to him over a matter in which they differed , Ho took aconite on bread , but wns rosusclated without the aid of n phy sician. Jack Foster , a Union Pacific conductor , claims to have put off his train ono It. J. Palmer , who came through hero Saturday , and said ho was riding from Toronto , Canada , to San Francisco on a wager of ? 1.000 tint ho would make the distance In thirty-nine days. David City Fiilr ( ironntlH Destroyed. DAVID CITY , Neb. , May 30. ( Special to The Bee. ) The Hre department was called at 1 o'clock yesterday morning to the fair grounds. The grounds being so fnr from water connection could not bo reached by i the hose , nnd before the hook and ladder truck reached the grounds the entire row of stalls on the west side were- past saving. Forty-five box stalls and ten open sheds were consumed , being a loss of about | GOO , on which there was no Insurance. The fire was probably sot by tramps , as the fire when first seen was In the middle of the row and burning each way. The grounds have been occupied by persons of question able character at times during the past month , and as soon as one party was ejected another would tnkb possession. NEWCASTLE , Neb. , May 30. ( Special to The Bee. ) About 0:30 : o'clock last night the two-story residence of Thomas Hey , ono of the leading merchants of this place , was burned. The flro started In the upper story shortly nftcr Mrs. Hey had lighted a lamp , and It Is thought she dropped the lighted match upon the carpet. Some furniture \vns saved , but the building was totally de stroyed. It was valued at about $1,000 , and was partially covered by Insurance. Aili-gcil Hustlers In Trouble . NAl'EH , Neb. , Mny 30. ( Special Tele gram to The I ee. ) W. It. Lewis , deputy United States marshal of Chamberlain , S. ! > . , baa been tn the neighborhood the past week Investigating alleged crookedness on the part of some parties In this and Gregory counties. For nearly flvo years nn organ ized band of cnttlo thieve ! ; has been doing business In Keya Palm. Iloyd nnd Gregory counties , and recent * depredations at the ItOitcbud Indian agency has brought thu matter to the attention of the federal au thorities , Yesterday Marshal Lowls arrested Joseph Powell , who lives about twelve miles west ' of this place , and his pal , Pat Cummins , 'both strongly suspected of being rustlers. The arrest of those men will bo followed by others , as It Is certain that other parties whoso names cannot bo dis closed at present are Implicated In the steals , The charge against Powell and Cummins Is grand larceny of cattle from the Uoscbuil agency , but other fanners In this vicinity whoso cattle have mysteriously I disappeared will also assist In the prosecu tion. _ Tor Onmlm'H Market , STUAUT. Neb. . Mny 30. ( Special to The Dee , ) Four cars of fat hogs were shipped troin hero today to Omaha by Henry Drockman , which were delivered hero Mon- lay by farmers of the Keya Palm vulloy. Over $3,000 $ was paid for tlictu , The graduating oxcrclsi'H of the city lohools occurred at the opera lionao Friday light , which closed a highly successful rear of school work by Prof. J. A. Pcaso ind his assistants. A class of four , Missed Annlo Sagasor , Jessie Whitney and Kuto Kidman and Mr. Clarence Sagaser , ( radtiated with honors. The music was furnished by the Conservatory quartet from Gates college , Nellgh. St. I'liul'H High Hchool Alumni Society. ST. PAUL , Neb. . Mny 30. ( Special to Pho leo. ) The- annual festival of the St. Paul High School Alumni society wns held , n Envolilseii's hull last night and was klghly entertaining , The exercises opened Kith prayer by Itav. George A. Hay and the idmlsslon of the class of 1894 , after a iplendld address "of welcome wits made by Ulsa Anna Anderson. Addresses were nmdo by Itev. George A. Hay , Hon. A. A. Ken dall , Hon. A. K. Cudy , John Hoe and Miss Badlo McNubb. _ 1'ruiulncnt CUIiru DromipJ. STEELB CITY , Neb. , May 30. ( Special Telegram to The lleo. ) S. C , Ineraham. a retired Jeweler , and quite a prominent man In the county , was accidentally drowned In the Little lllue , near Endlcott , about 6 lilllca from hero , Monday. Ills body wus not recovered until tut night , He lived In Fnlrbury , and left home Monday mornlfif to attend to some matter * on his farm , neat Endlrott. Not rcttirnlnK within a reason' able time , his family became Hl.irinfd , am' ' after some search found his clothes on the river bank and the tenant on the farm re membered hbt saying he was going to take a bath. A large searching parly wan at once organized and the body found below on n sandbar , where It had apparently been washed. Mr , Ingniham wan a randldatu fat county treasurer on the populist ticket twu years ago , Was ono of the old tottlcrj. and it09d high In the comnimi.T/ . Shot > > y n Trump. SCHUYLEH , Neb. , Mny 30 , ( Special to The Hoc. ) List night Clilsf of Police Gib son nnd Special Nfght Watchman Jake Thomas went to the Union Pacific depot to see that no tramps got off a local freight that goes through here at that time. Two we I'D put aboard nnd sent on by .Marshal Gibson , while a third , whom Thomas en gaged In conversation , fired three shots nt him , ono of which struck him In the abdomen. Ilofore assistance could arrive the assailant departed , probably going upon the train then moving out. Thomas' wound Is not snrlous , the bullet having struck at nn anglo and penetrating about six Inches Just under the surface. The bullet was cut out. The man who did the shooting was about flvo foot eight Inches In height , of light complexion , wore light overall * and coal , and a white slouch hat. Nclnnii HcpuldlrjiliH NELSON , Neb. , Mny 30. ( Special to The Hce. ) A republican club was organized here last night with about fifty members. Walter L. Minor was elected president , W.'A. Ucrg- stresser secretary , and W. F. Stoner treas urer. The following were elected delegates to the Republican League state convention to bo held nt Lincoln , June 12 : E. D. lirown , F. A. Schorslngcr , W. C. Ovolman , Lev ! Helt/cl nnd Henry Goodrich. It Is ex pected to sw-cll the niFiiiboifdilp of the club to 200 by the tltno of the next meeting. The Nelson club will bo fully represented at the mooting the the state league. Most of the delegates Intend to make the trip on their wheels. The republicans of tills county nrc very much In earnest this year , nnd the In dications point to the success of the re publican ticket here. _ ' Ili.clm Will IliUf Mill. nOBLUS , Neb. , Mny 30. ( Special to The Ico.I ) ) > janS have been completed and ar rangements made for the erection of n 100- barrel flouring mill at this place. The bus iness will bo managed by a local grain dealer , II. II. Leech , who Is now In Omaha buying machinery , and work will bo com menced ns soon as ho returns. August Avrlens has bought a half Interest In the Clmdwlck mill at Omaha. Mr. Avrlens Is a man of considerable means nnd excellent business capacity. Mr. Morton , the Union Pacific agent at this place , has not been discharged , as re ported , and has not In any way been con nected with the Irregularities recently re ported on the Overland. The dry , hot weather has entirely de stroyed small grain In this vicinity. ICKcupod frinn the Maralml. DLOOMFIELU , Neb. , May 30. ( Special Telegram to The Bee. ) The thief who com- mltttd the robbery at the depot here yester day has escaped from Marshal Noel. The marshal had the culprit at breakfast tit the restaurant this morning , when he watrhed a convenient chance and quietly made a slide. The marshal lan utter the prisoner , but wasn't swift enough. Some people think It just as well that ho has gone as It would have incurred an ex pense to the county of $500 or more to keep him until the next term of the district court. The money which was placed In the bank has been returned to the railroad company. Brevities. NELIGH , Neb. , May 30. ( Special to The Bee.The alumni of the High school will hold Its annual celebration June 9 nt Odd Follows hall to entertain the new graduates. Tuesday on election to vote nn appropria tion of 1 per cent to build a court house will bo held. Nellgh ledge No. 72 , Independent Order of Odd Fellows , held Its seml-anuual elec tion Monday evening. 'Abraham Bear was elected noble grand ; II. P. Jurglng , vice grand , and George Hlnsdale , grand repre sentative. _ Clmrccil with iiubczzloincnt. : NEBRASKA CITY , May 30. ( Special Telegram to The Bee. ) Paul Lyon , a Jeweler employed by S. H. Morrison , wns arrested early this morning , charged with embezzlement nnd forgery. Lyon took a watch from the stock , which ho attempted to sell nt such low price as to e.xclto sus picion. He also forged n bill of sale for the watch , signing Morrison's name. Lyon came hero a few months ago- from Chicago and has always borne an excellent reputa tion. _ . Printer Mysturlously J.1 I NEWMAN GROVE , Neb. , May 30. ( Spe cial to The Bee. ) W. J. Wheeler , a young man , disappeared from this place rather mysteriously yesterday morning. He- had been engaged a few days previously for reg ular and permanent work on the Advertiser as a printer. Yesterday morning ho was called by the editor and sent to a restaurant for his breakfast , since which tlmo he has not been heard from. Ho carried away the key to the printing ofllcc. Kxolor Comuiourcmcnl llxerclsea. EjiETER , Neb. , May 30. ( Special to The Bee. ) Hon. A. 1C. Goudy , state superin tendent of public Instruction , delivered the annual address before the graduating class of this place at the Methodist Episcopal church last evening. The address was an able one , and the house was full to over flowing. The musical part of the exercises , under the supervision of C. W. Raymond , deserves much praise. Jtuduccd lintcs to tlui l.tMgiin .M on tins : . LINCOLN , Neb. , May 26. All delegates to the Stuto League of Republican Clubs meeting will bo returned for one-third fnro , providing they purchase tickets at the sta tion when they leave homo and take re ceipt from the agent , nnd ' have that stamped by Secretary Slaughter at the con vention. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rime ni I of n I'lunri-r. SCHUYLER , Neb. . May 30. ( Special to The Bee. ) Elon G. Weaver , aged 08 , an old' resident of Schuylcr. was burled yesterday. Ho came to Schuylcr from Illinois early In the history of this city , and has been closely Identified with Its development. Ho leaven an aged widow nnd flvo children. Orlcuin School ORLEANS , Nob. , May 30. ( Special to The Bee. ) The fourth annual commencement of the Orleans public schools was held hero last night In Iho collegechapel. . The graduates are : Anna Wallace , James Richmond , Clara Bodlon , Walter Pate and Mary Breeding. Couldn't Sliuul tlin l.iiiii'llncKs. LOUP CITY , Nob. , May 30. ( Special Tele gram to The Beo. ) T , J. Johnson of this city , who burled Ills wlfo here n week ago Sunday , was married to MSH | Kate Hancock last night , This beats the record for Sher man county. Kelly ItovrultH 1)1 appointed. M'COOL JUNCTION , May 30. ( Special to The Beo. ) Two colored persons , man and wife , "going to Jlne Kelly , " camped on the Blue , and last evening they quarreled. Then the city marshal had them move. W. r. T , IT. ( uincntlon t'lnieil. BLUB HILL , Neb. . May 30. ( Special Telegram - gram to The Bee. ) A two days' session of the county conventln of Women's Chris tian Temperance union closed hero last even- Ing. _ Uniform lluuk , K. of I' . , OrsuiiUril WAYNE. Neb. , May 30. ( Special to The Bee. ) A division of the Uniform Hank , Knights of Pythian , with thirty-two mem- ben , was organized here last ( light , Stunlon County Itunchor'h Sudden Death , LEIGH , Neb. . May JO.-Sp ( elal Telegram to The Bee. ) Thomas McCurdy , a prominent Stanton county ranchman , who lived north of here , died auddenli today. Cure Indigestion and bllliousncbii with tVIU's > uttle Early Rls ra OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKETS Oattlo Receipts Gonliaue Much Lighter tlmu Tlio'o of Last Week. MARKET FIRMS UP UNDER SHORT SUPPLY Trade Actltn mill 1'rlren Higher from Stnrt to Mulsh IIiiR * Ouln it Mclicl on Thursday' * I'rlcu Through Ouod DCIIMIH ) , WEDNESDAY , May 30. The run of cattle wns comparatively light and sheep supplies were fair , but receipts of hogs were decidedly heavy. So far this week , compared with last , there has been a falling off of about 2,300 cuttle , a slight In crease In sheep and a gulii of nearly 3GOO hogs. Hocelpts of catllo were fully 1,000 lighter than a week ago today and the offerings' Included lots of very desirable beeves , bpth heavy and light. A light supply nt Chicago and a higher market there created a firmer tone here and the market ruled active and higher right from the start. Dressed beef men all wonted some cattle and they met with active competition from spcctil.ttlve shippers nnd export buyers. Sellers had little difficulty In obtaining prices fully a dlmo higher than Monday for desirable steers of all weights and anything nt all useful could easily be moved nt substantially stronger prices. Dullness was lively from start to finish nnd trading wns practically over by the middle of the forenoon. , The supply of cows nnd mixed stock was light , only four or five loads , nnd the trade was lively as far us It went at steady to n shade stronger prlces'for what the beef men wanted. Canners Bold In the usual ruts. Calves were In fair dcniand and firm and bulls , oxen nnd stags sold freely at about steady prices. Business in stockers and feeders was tolerably erably active. There continues to bee. very fair demand from the country nnd regular dealtrs are taking more Interest In the market than for some tlmu lately. Prices show very little Improvement , however , nnd It takes prime stock to btlng over J3. Oood to cholco feeders are quoted nt fiom ? 3 to 13.30 , fair to good at from | 2.7B to $3. and the commoner grades at from $2.75 down. Representative sales : nnnssnn nnr.F. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. J'r. No. Ay. Pr. 1. . . . SOO 2 50 1..11CO 325 16..1075 3 40 3. . . . 716 3 40 fl. . . . 975 3 60 I..1030 370 .1300 3 ! )0 ) 2. . . . 040 3 50 41. . . . 9 0 3 70 18. , .1182 3 90 1. . . . C50 3 60 22. . . . 903 3 75 23. . .1189 3 90 8..103G 3 55 20..1277 375 20. . .ISO S 95 4. . . . 935 3 CO 7..1075 3 75 63. . ,1215 I 00 4..1125 SCO 16..1162 3 SO 22. . .1266 4 CO 5.916 360 21..1085 3 0 113. . .1379 4 Or. 8..1065 360 25..1034 3 FO 20. . \a \ 11I i : : : : io7s 5 li : : : 5 K 21. . : 2..1180 a 70 20..126. 3 S.5 SHIPPING AND nxronT. l. . . . ! ! ) 350 40..1253 3 Si ) 62..1SI1 ; 400 3..1231 ! 375 16..1506 395 22..1251 400 4 ! l372 3 73 52..IMS 4 CO 24..1329 4 05 12..12S6 3 SO 4.1227 4 00 MIXED. 10. . . . 59S 3 60 19. . . . 90i 3 70 COWS. 1 ' . .710 1 2T. 12..730 ISO 12. . . . 970 2 SI 1. . . . 710 135 3..1010 2 00 8..1030 290 1. . . . ! IIO 160 13. . . . R40 200 2..1103 200 2. . . . 775 170 I. . . . 9SO 200 6..S8C. 290 4. . . . 705 17 : . 2. . . . 080 200 2..1130 300 2. . . . 810 1 7"i 13. . . . 719 205 11..891 310 1. . . . 930 175 1..1150 210 12. . . . S4J 310 a. . . . ( .90 1 75 2. . . . h25 2 15 6. . . 906 3 15 2..1CM 175 1. . . . UOO 225 15. . .1109 .115 8. . . . 6',6 175 1..1370 250 1..1ISO 325 1..10.M 173 1..1I50 250 6..1172 325 1. . . . SSO 183 1..1030 250 1..1IS3 315 1. . . . 750 183 6..11'.iti 273 1..123.1 3 HO 2. . . . WiO 110 3..1100 2 SJ 1..1110 SCO 2..1110 1 S'O IIBIFKIIS. 29. . . . 70S 1 50 C. . . . 471 210 1..4'.0 300 3. . . . 346 180 1. . . . 330 22 14 4. . . . 627 : l IK ) C. . . . 588 183 I. . . . 620 223 6. . . . CSO 315 6. . . . 550 2 UO 4. . . . 532 275 2. . . . 9W ) 370 2. . . . 4SO 2 00 8. . . . 591 2 'JO 1. . . . 530 160 . ] . . . . 230 3 DO ] . . . . 90 42.1 2. . . . 310 200 2. . . . 180 350 1. . . . 170 4 M 1. . . . 650 250 3. . . . 121 44)0 ) 2. . . , 155 4 fO 2. . . . 153 3 00 3 , . . . 200 4 2i " 2. . . . 15) 4 51 I. . . . 500 300 1. . . . 100 425 1. . . . ISO 300 HULLS. 10..10C2 130 1..1140 220 1. . , . CO 275 1. . . . 910 175 2..1380 223 1..1330 275 1..1200 190 1..14SO 223 1..1020 S 75 1. . . . 720 190 1..12.W 223 I..1030 300 40..1210 190 1. . . . 670 250 1..1970 305 1..16110 200 I..1360 260 1..15SO .105 1..1440 200 1. . . . 950 2 CO 1..1730 3 93 STAOS. 1..1C10 2 40 1..10SO 3 00 STOCKKHS AND FEHDCIIS. 6. . . . 436 263 13. . . . 637. 2 85 18. . . . 753 293 5. . . . 350 263 3. . . . 743 2 ST. 40. . , . 786 295 9. . . . 458 270 2. . . , 675" 283 2. . . 600 300 1. . . . C90 2 73 16. . . . 644 200 C. . . 673 3 00 2. . . . 630 275 20. . . . 6S5 200 2. . . 915 3 00 0. . . . 4CO 280 6. . . . 908 200 6. . . 788 3 05 20. . . . 765 285 15. . . . 801 203 7. . . 871 3 15 7. . . . 747 2 85 32. . . . 674 2 95 38. , 630 3 13 7. . . . 603 2 85 13. . . . 9W 2 95 HOGS Conditions still favor thofrcc mar keting of hogs , and Tuesday's big supply was exceeded by a few hundred head today. The quality was very good ns n rule , fully up to the recent average. Although reports from the east were generally favorable , the heavy supply made buyers Independent' early trading was largely at steady to strong prices , ? 4.50 to $4.55 for fair to good hogs regardless of weight. Active 'competition livened business up as the morning advanced and the same hogs sold freely later at $4.55 to $4.00 , or a nickel higher than Tuesday , the market closing up active and strong at this advance. The popular price was $4.55 , the big bulk of the hogs going at that price , against $4.50 and $4.55 on Tuesday and one week ago today. Representative sales : No. Av. Kh. Pr. No. Av , Sli. Pr. 4 415 . . . } l 40 53 274 . . . J4 53 3 553 . . . 4 40 30 221 40' " 1 230 . . . 440 78 211 2 < M 1 ISO 40 460 67 232 120 80 192 120 450 76 211 80 81 179 120 4 CO 69 220 120 59 221 40 4 CO 74 203 80 15 , . . ! 87 . . . 450 74 223 160 1 3C5 . . . 4 TO 62 231 40 65 213 100 4 60 70 213 80 63 212 80 4 CO 60 273 40 62 193 40 4 CO t > 3 229 40 72 219 SO 430 64 234 SO 6 $ 2lti 200 450 3 , ,17. ) 120 3 2J6 . . . 4 60 69 225 . . . 31 193 . . . 4 60 87 225 200 74. , 254 80 4 50 . . , . , . . . 40 72 226 120 4 CO 12 237 . . . 70 272 240 4 60 49 220 40 60 2211 . . . 4 60 6U 257 200 61 249 240 4 60 67 230 120 80 250 SO 4 G2'.S 143 Ml 160 74 217 240 1 62'4 50 2'.2 SO 88 , . .197 160 4 62V4 61 271 40 69 226 160 4 62',4 66 .Ul ? 120 89 215 200 I 62 % . . . . . . . . SO 61 239 160 46214 62 213 80 76 210 80 4 52V4 70 231 120 71 200 . . . 4 C24 } 82 . . .248 2SO 70 250 . . . 4 63 75 218 80 38 230 . . . 4 51 70..238 120 76 228 ICO 4 65 16 210 120 64 217 200 455 73 , 201 120 69 . ' .292 240 4 65 Vt ,2J7 120 63 271 . . . 465 70 254 SO 71 2CO SO 455 81 231 . . . 64 271 SO 455 SO. , 221 120 133 212 ICO 4 6J 7 260 . . . 61. . , 237 160 455 SO UO ICO 60 240 . . . 465 76 198 SO Cl 217 160 4 55 70 216 120 67'i , S3. , 211 200 4 53 6.1 241 to 37H , 70 213 110 455 S6 225 210 57V4 71 232 40 455 63 1S9 200 67Vj . . . , . . . , SO 4 53 6 ! ) 2b3 SO 75 253 120 453 79 2JO 1W SI 216 40 461 66 237 W 76 , . ' , 228 40 4 55 71 211 40 67'i C3. , 298 160 4 6T. 67 25J Ib ) 574 81 211 12 < ) 4 rS 67 229 SO 73 , , 264 . . . 4 65 75 , ,24' ' | ICO 81 , . ,221) ) 120 453 73 2--S . . . 67 C8. , 213 40 4 65 DO 200 S' ) 70 2Jl 40 455 78 203 210 75 2J2 SO 465 62 217 80 [ ,1'A , 61 . . .238 SO 4 65 60 272 , . , 571i 79 221 SO 4 63 tO 318 . . . 671 ? SO 217 240 4 53 70 211 ICO li ) . , . , . . , , 40 4 55 1J2 232 210 10 64 2JO . . . 4 65 60 231 40 C ) 4 212 160 4 55 74 253 SO ( Q 6 , , 2JC 120 4 63 IDS 325 12 < > QCO 67 217 . . . 465 70 242 8) CO 61 , , ,230 . . . 465 64. , 261 120 C ) 71 217 . . . 4 65 65. 244 4) 10 97 189 160 463 73. . . „ . . .217 . . . 6) 63 230 . , . 465 4 ,270 SO CO 70 232 . . . 465 71 S26 SO COCO 60 213 40 46.1 71 215 200 COGO 11 16 . . . 465 66 , 283 20) GOCJ M 216 160 465 73 213 HI CJCO 72 , ,240 1U ) 453 70 2)5 . . . COW 61 2rO 12 < l 4 6.1 61 21 ] 20 Cl ) 66 211 40i ) 4 M 61 270 . . . Ix ) 7 23.1 160 466 71 217 120 . ) 61 210 80 4 63 69 ! .l ft ) CO 115 , 221 20 * 4 63 C5 266 . . . 460 SHEEP The supply was fair and as there were none here yesterday ami eastern mar kets were better , buyers were ready to take some sheep at steady to a shade stronger prices. Fair to good natives are quotable at J3.6004.40 ; fair to good wettcrni , J3.20&4.30 ; common and stock ihecp , J2.GOff3.25 ; good to choice 40 to 100-lb , lamb * , | 3.0@4.C5. City l.l\e Htixik Hurkot. KANHAK CITY. May SO. CATTI.KHfcclptn. . 2,401) hruil ; lilpm ntii. i WO head. Market itruiiK tn lOo higher : T sai lem , W.lWj375 ; Tefut t2.wbJ.iEi khipi Btr iu n , } j.Wti.io ; OU ( l\f con-n. 1 "JltfHft i , Krrs nn > 1 freilim , 1.14 * 1 M , ImlU. -fflJl 1 , HOOK lli'rrlpiK.joi ) html Rltlpmrnln 4 II li'ail. Mftrkrt cT , HRI | < T , tmtk , II Wftt 1" ' Lcavlc * . l < .COfH.C2yLfaick r * . IICOQ4 G3Vi. in xiO 4.M 4.57 } , . llKhlC 'JCM84.6J\ji \ Vnrkcru , H.'OI 4.112'V ! plRs. n.S'OTI 'A. HIU2K1' HroclptfVfFO heat ) ; iililpmonts , nemo Market ntcnily , _ llcrolptt uii l iJ KHllloii of Sto3 ! < . Onel.1t roeclim aaiUtuipotltlo tofitos'.caifi9 v I bylhobo3X of lliT-Untj.i iutt V.trJ conpiiy fur HIM Iwonly-fouiDMitrs cnuluz nt 3 o'elook p. in , Jlnyao , IbfMi JRtFKtl'M. -RICKCP. ttOllSK * . * MM earn. Ho.Kl Can. I Head Caw. . | Tle.iJ. - BH 164HK82 | ! 5 1.011 ! 1IUVKIIS. It CATTLE. " Om.ih.iPnekinirCo.r. r. r. . TlipO. II. llninmoivl Cd. . ' 'fit ) -.1114 141 Swift nnd company. . , i. . , , 7.11 1,707 17 ! ; TlioCutlahv IMCkMg-CcJ. . . 1.11 3.B30 Nelson Morrla.-nn , . inin ' A. Ha. - in Drown. in . Ur-ckor. . , , : IH J. Lobinnn vs John P. Squire A Oo. . . . . . . 1171) ) Clilcnuo P. Co 7 0 fccilcrH 441 I/cft over 'UO AIMI TotalH. ' . ' ,1471 llM17 ) 1.015. CHICAGO I.IVi : .STOCK. Cnttlo Mnrbvt Opened Kurly YrMordny ntul with inr : < > tmi lnc I'lrninon. CIIICAOO , Mny 30. The cattle market Tip MI ' early today nnd ultli nil eneoiiraKlnB nltoH of firmness. All classes of buyer * Wore nilri entile nnd nlth n supply of scarcely lini)0 ) homl , sellers clearly Imil the t > ont of UK * sltmt'oii , They helil their stock hlRhcr nnd nllhoiiKh their firmness made sales ilrnp a. little they luiil Hit sntlsrncllon of seeing the jnnls denied In H < WI\ \ season nnd lit an ndinmv lunging from f.r In 15o per 100 llm. UIIIBS cattle nhoniM thp li-.int dcmnnil. They contlnuo tn l > c illKcilinlnntoit ncitlnst , but the comimratlVfly miiall pupt'ly ' of good dry fi-cl onttle martc HIP Connor milnhlc nt a nmnll nilvnncc. Halrx of HICCIH ncio nntlly nt from J3.RS tu 14.36 , nml M.CO to { 4.63iit the rnngc of iinnUitlons for euch brands ns go tn xhlpiierg nnil ( Iresucil beef Hnn . ( 'nnx anil heifers weic ( juoteil nt from ll.ro to J3.50 nml stockers nml fooilcrs nt from J2.75 tn 11.1-a. Olives nrc lower thun nt Iho flme of lust wei'k. The IIOR nuiiket MIIH enilly 5c hlRlier than nit Tiionilny nml wns nctlve 'Ki the nilvnnce. HPIIVV Kinilrs aveiUKt'H of over 260 lh . ninvml up to from 14.70 tu ] 4.90 nml enlcs nf llcht nn < l innlliini \\el8litn were nt from J4.60 to J4.85. Snmvli anytlilnit xohl IIPDW | 14.75 , from t4.75 tn 14.8. InliliiR the reat bulk of the atuff. The roeolpt ( < , 26.000 hend , were about the sanio as fnr lai Wcilnemlay , but the nrlvnls ulnrii Satiinlny lum- boon 14.0DO hoail Iron than fnr the 8'inie Ilino la , l week. In view of which , the vlrnn th Iho imir- Ket ilevelopod wni something 40 u KiuvrlHo Prlcen rcnmlnml firm to the eln o , Thdo nan trndlnR nil the wny from $3 to 14.93 for Cani-y heavy. Prices of sheep ranpfil almnt < ix on the ilny before. Oood to cholco Blades wenstrmly to firm nml poor nml common \\tii < weak , but neither elans sho\veil n quotnble clinmso. Then- wns a fnlily ( rood ilemnml nt from f4 lo ? 4 73 for KOOI ] tu cxtrn and n Ilmlteil tiKiulry Cor com mon ami poor Brartcn nt from 12 to J3..VI. Year- linen wore milable nt from J3.60 to } 4.I5 ami xprlnpr lambs nt from } 4 tn $5.60. Ilf-'CRII'TS-rnttle , ll.Ofli ) hpnilj calves , ( XH 'head ; IIORS , 21,000 head : sheep. 9,000 hend. The I3\enlnff Journal reports : CATTL.R Ilecelpts ; 11.000 heail. 70 enin. Tc > nns. lOo higher ; prime to extra nntlvo MOT * . J4.1004.60 : medium , I3.75W4.00 ; uthois , } 'I'einns , J2.50S3.70. HOOS Hecelptii. 24,000 hend. Mniket hlnlier ; roiiKh nml heavy , tl.40S4.60 ; packers nml mixed4.65 < tI4.80 ; prime hcnvy nml butcbtv welKhtn , { 4.85 4.95 ; assorted llRht , il.75iU4.S5. SHKIP AND LAMDS itoceipm. 9.000 iicmj. Market for Iambs lower , sheep steady ; top sheep , J4.60B4.60. WESTKKN PACKING INTKHKSTS. Fairly T.IIiornl Alnr'tctlngr of HOB * for the Week. CINCINNATI , lI yiL30. ( Ppcclnl Telecmm to The Hoc. ) Tomoimwy Price Current will snj : There has been 1i 'fairly liberal marketlnBr of IIORS Hie past w ( k , /.western packing returns InUlcntlnff i totuijj of , j SSO.MO head , compared with 251,000 headJJasH week , nnd 20,0 < V ) ln t vear , rnnklns n l.tolid o'f 3,143,000 head nlneo March J , nRn'nFl 2.27r.flOO hend a year ugo. Prominent places . ( mparo aa follovvn : " * " ; 1S34. 1S93. Chlcnpo . r. < lt.-.n ( . 1D2-,000 1K.W9 Kansas City . . . . . , ) . . , , , . 4SO.OOO 3jr > ,00 < ) Omaha . . . . . . . .J . STS.OiW 218 , 001 si. roiiiH . . . . - . - . . 2ioiM 153,000 Cincinnati . t.-'ii . 109,000 73no > > Indianapolis . . . .tJA1. ! ? . " . . 102.WW 91,000 Milwaukee . . " / . ' . " . . M.OOO 71V ) ) Cedar Rapids . . , . . . , . 62,000 M.ftOO St. Joseph . , . . .ii. , . 93.0W 4S.OOO Sioux City . . ' /.V. . 78.000 64,000 Otlumwu . i'.U ' . 69,000 67,000 Nebraska City t.X.l ; ( . . * . . ,63,000 18,003 UUTTKH-iThE " niaik 'td'oes not sTow any ma terial change , prlrrcmnlnlrig ; about htendv. Oood , full , prnKS-packlnR Block Is flun nt 9o ; common patklnK "stock V&c. Good country but ler Is quoted r at 12@14c and separator creamery at 161 ? 17c. „ - KQUS The market remains In the fame notch where. It linn been for so lonK u time. It seems as If the price Iins been established for so lonu a time that It Is hard work to break nwny from It. Oood stock , sic. I.IVK POUI/Tliy The mniket Is steady nt ( he decline already noted on chickens. Thu iccelptx continue liberal. Old hens have to EO nt He , nnd loosteis nt 304c. . The demand for other Kinds of poultry Is rnther llcht , though n lim ited quantity Is salable. Ducks. 7iic ) ; hen tuikeyB , 7f8c ; Robblcru , Cc ; Beesc , Oc. OAMn Thcie Is no eamo coming and none wanted nt this season. VUAIr The receipts have been very laise all the week , but dealers have managed to keep the market pretty well cleaned up and pi Ices have been pretty well maintained , Oood fat vealx were quoted at < Wc , with snles of the best largely nt CJjC. PIOKONH There la n demand for old pigeons , but young birds that nro not strong on the wi are not wanted. Old birds , per ' doz. ; (1,6031. CO. VEdETAHLES. OID nnANS The market Is stonily. Neither the demand nor supply is very heavy at thin point , California hand picked navy , $2.I.'ii2.:3 ; western navy , | 1.M2.00 ! ; common white beans , ll.eo l.M. ONIONS New southern onions arc quoted at H per lib ) . Top onions are plenty nt 15Q23C on orders. POTATOES The potato market has been very weak during tho. past eight or ten days , but there la perhaps a little firmer feeling than there was at the. commencement of last week. Bomn pretty good Ktock has Bold on track as low as 7Cc to pediller.i. Oood stock suitable for shipment Is quoted nt 5 ( < 90c. CAHIlAOi : The supply of cabbage Is light and arrivals are very Irregular , to such an ex tent , In fact , that It Is not always an easy mut ter to pick up Ju t wliat Is wanted to 1111 orflcrs. Oood shipping Mock on ciders. Uic. ASPAHAOUS Oood homo grown stock , 33WJOc per dnz. on mdera. Pin PLANT Homo crown pic plnnt , 2a2'2O ' on orders ) . TOMATOKS There IB a wide jangn In prices ns In quality , but choice and really dalrnblo ehlpplng stock Is worth 53. W on older * . St. I.ouls I.ivn Stock Murltot. RT. I.OUIS , May SO.-CATTI.K-llecelpts , 2.000 head ; market Btrnng for natUet. lOo higher for Texans ; nntlvo fleers , 1,200 to 1.100 Ibs. , $3.75ff 4.10 ; 1,000 to 1.200 Ibs. , J3.55 < B3.S3 : cows. 52.03V 2.SO ; calVes , J4.50 ; Texas steer , 900 to 1,100 Iba. , J3.11 f.M ! ! calves , J4.10. 1IOOH llocelpta. ( i,50 < ) head ; maikct Co to 10n higher ; choice heavy butchers , > 4.SO ; good light and nudlum , < 4.C3 4,73 ; plgn and lough , t4.10i' 4.15. 4.15.S1I1JKP llM-elpts , 1,200 head : market nctlvn nnd Btrong ; nnll\o mixed , J3.761i4.00 ; Btockcrx and feeders , Jl.SD03.ii ; Iambi ! , I3.30i74.23 ; no shipments reported. London Ntoulc LONDON. May 30. I p. in. closlns : Canadian IMeUlt- . . . 117 Si. I'.iul com. . . . . . iW > i llrlo , . . UM N , Y. Central 11)0 ) IJrlo linds 73H I'eimiylvanln , Wi IlllnolBCuntral. . . ' ' < Iti'nitlnir 0 Mexican ordinary. 17 Mex. Cun. now 4t. OOVi IIAH HILVKU 'JKKil per ouiico , MONKYjil ) purcent. ThciratuordlMgoiintjii the onon market feu- both Bliort nud three inafl\lii | UlllB IH u pur com. of rcoolprs'Tjf llv stoclt at Iho four pi-lnclii.il yards for Wydiii-Hitay , May ill ) , IHlil : rm j' Caltlo. HIUH. Sliwu. fSoulllOmah.il. . . . .H , . . . 5I.M ! ( lO.OHO 1.015 ! Chlcniro . ' .VJJl'.U 11.IIUU 'J4.UI ) ( ) 11,1)1111 ) KaiiBirtUliy..l' : . . -.4in ) U.IKII ) 80(1 ( $ t. fouls . i H.U 8t"P > U.SUQ l.'UU "totals . . . . . . . . .vy 17.451 6l,7oO T..OISJ Mur.ititB. UVnitlOOU M y iSO VIinAT-QuIet : dc- mam ) poor ; holdrra olfer modeiati'ly , No. 1 California. 4s 7du , IWi red wedein winter , 4 SdfMs 4l7d. ' " , f COHN l-iin | ; dcraami moderate ; new mixed , PROVISIONS IR'ft.-ir'xtra Indian mcus , 78 9 < I. Poik , prlniH inrsii.ili'&Sd. ' lliieon , * long and nhort clear , (5 Iba. , 3)s ) jdilcng ) ; clear , 45 llw. , Sin ( Id. Lard , prlmu \ \ o tern. : 3jia Cd. I'titfrni Markut. NKW OBLKANji ' JMay SO.-COTTON-Vory llrm ; lules. J.ooo liilc i to arrive.100 bales ; iv- rt-lptv , I.UU4 Imleii'ltock , 12,404 bales. Putiuis dull : Bales , 1,110 balm ; June , JC.vaiiO.t3 ; July , ta.90ii < l.)4 ! ) ; August , > .92O6.UJ ; Koptrmber , | 0i7f ( ( C.S8 : October. J0.81W8 Z ; Nqveinhrr. JU.KJI6 7 : December , I7.01 j7,0.'j January , J7.07W7.US ; J'eli ruury. 7.15'S7.l5.i ' | _ N nv Vnrk I.lvo SturJc Sliirkct , NKW YOItK. May SO.-CALVnS-lIccelpU , S.2 < head : mukct burrly > tendy : nboul all void , Cholcu Hnd fancy vealu , JJ.iavi4j6.lJ ; goMl to prltmi vrnl > , ) .c,4O3.0 > ) i medium In fair \culs. $ M24J4.W ! ; cununun to ordinary viulu , } 3.COC 4,40. . _ ; _ 1'limnrlul NKW OHLKANH. May SO.-rCltarInK , J 79,77 . New York viclmiiK * , ! premium ; luink , tl , > premium. , j LONDON. Mar 30. The amount of bullion lo'iio ' Into the Hunk of Knglund un balanct-a today U C43.0IX ) . PA1UH , May SO. Three per rent renl < - , IMf 7lic for the account. Kxchungu on Lundun , V > t 18o for checks. RIVERS ON THE RAMPAGE Fraser River in British Columbia Daos the Greatest Amount of Damngo. EIGHT LIVES ARE REPORTED LOST Colutnhln Illrrr Does ( Irrnt DnnmRo to the i I'Mirrles nnd Ciinnorlrn ilrrnl D.tnmgo Donn to Hull , ronil VANCOUVER. I ) . C. , May 30. The Froscr river has become a rag.ng torrent and Is dealing- destruction nnd death at every point. The surrounding valley have been submerged , houses and outbuildings of ranch ers have been swept away , nnd where but n few dnyj ago waving Melds of growing grain met the eye Is now but a waste of water. Whole herds of cattle nnd flocks of sheep have been drowned In the rushing flood. Whole villages on the banks of the stream arc floating. So far eight human liven arc known to have been lost. At Langtry n little boy fell from n porch of the Langtry hotel anil was swept away by the Hood. The hotel was afterwards washed from Its foundation. The entire town l < flooded. The whole of the InnKtry prairie Is now tinder water , and the Island on which Is the Indian res ervation Is entirely under water. Four Indians , who were trying to tow some cat tle from a ridge on the Island behind their canoes to the main land , were capsized and three of them drowned. The dead bodies of three men nnd n little girt were found at Hatztlc I'ralrlc entangled among floating trees. Many , other bodies arc reported as having been seen In the stream In other localities , but co terrible Is the current that all attempts at rescue were futile. Many thousand acres of fruitful land are covered with water on which float the debris of ruined homes , costly dykes nnd expensive bridges. Hun dreds of people are seeking shelter on rafts and on the highlands , and IOJH of lifu Is reported. The flooded district embraces the most extensively cultivated region of the province , extending llfty miles along the banks cf the Kraser from New West minster. At Morris steamers sail right across where farms used to be. Farmers fearing to re main longer are taking passage on steamers and bringing their families here. Tim towns of Chllllwack , Harrison and Center vllle have been been almost entirely Inun dated , and It has been will ) dlfllculty that the Inhabitants have escaped with their lives. The damage done to the Canadian Pacific track Is very serious all along the line. At Hatztlc the dyking has entirely given a\vay and COO yards of road have been carried away. At Nlcomcn the whole town Is un der water. Tradlc over the railroad Is en tirely stopped , no train having arrived fron the east for a week. No malls have beer received or dispatched. At Hatztlc 1'ralrle and Grldln 150 men with six work trains are busily engaged In trying to save the track. In places It U proposed to throw hawsers across the chasms and In this way transfer the malls to the western side of the breaks. Despairing of reaching their destination within a reasonable time , hun dreds of passengers by the Canadian Pa cific are being taken east. Every farmer and rancher at Hatztlc Prairie Is ruined. The latest report says the Matsqul dykn has caved in and the country is all flooded , Reports from beyond Mission City cannot bo obtained as the wires arc down. The Mhslon railroad bridge , one of the largest on the Canadian Pacific road. Is expected to go every hour. The Salmon arm bridge collapsed yesterday afternoon. At Yale the river Is rising two inches an hour. vjc i'iitsoNs Boat Capsized anil Mini and \Vonmn and Three Children Went Down. PICTON , Ont , , May 30. Five people have lost their lives by drowning at Smith's Falls. Alex Lindsay took Mrs. Ingram , a neigh bor's wife , and his brother's three children , aged respectively , 8 , 12 , and 13 , out for n sail. When a little distance but the boat capsized , and all were drowned. The bodies were recovered soon after , all lying together. 1'ortlnm ! Strcnt Curs Stopped. PORTLAND , Ore. , May 30. The Union Pacific cannot get west of Umatllla. The Union Power company was compelled to close down during the night , seriously crip pllng the street car service here. From the lower Columbia Intelligence comes that operations orations have ceased at nearly all of the salmon canneries , that llsherles have jecn suspended and that great damage Is 'cared. Among the farmers living along the river a bad state of affairs is reported. A great many houses nnd barns ore afloat , moored to the banks , and their owners are learful that the current will carry them away. Thus far no serious losses have oc curred. The latest news from the upper Columbia is of a favorable nature. At ftlpaexa the river has fallen one foot. At Umatllla there Is a rise of four Inches. SpoUano Itlvcr ut n Standstill. SPOKANE , May 30. The Spokane river has been at a standstill all day. There has jeen no further damage here from high water. Reports from the Coeur d' Alcno region are that the rivers are slowly falling. At Lewlston the Snake and Clearwater arc ilgher than ever known before and are still rising. A > 'iuv Kind of Insurance. For 25 cents you can Insure yourself and 'amtly against any bud results from an at- ack of bowel complaint during the summer. Dno or two doses of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera nnd Diarrhoea remedy will cure any ordinary case. It never falls , and Is pleas ant and safe to take. No one can afford to jo without It. For sale at 25 cents per bottle tle , by nil druggists. SHE WANTED TO DIE. Mrs. ltiy Did Not Cure ti > li\o Without Her lliislmnd'H I.n\ < > . At 1 o'clock yesterday morning a call was received at police headquarters to send the latrol wagon to the Twenty-second street tower house to remove n woman who had natlo an unsuccessful attempt to kill her self by taking chloroform. The woman was Mm. Anna Rny. and her home Is ut 1111 North Fourteenth street. Ofllcer Stiles who patrols Cumlng street was passing Twenty-third when he saw the woman stretched ut full length in the gut ter. The rain wan pouring down upon the irostrato form In torrents. With one hand die was endeavoring to drag herself from .ho mud and slush , and with the other slio icld the remnants of a * broken umbrella. The ofllcer tried to have her explain who slio was and what HIO ) was doing there at that hour In such a condition. The woman was mud from head to foot. The ofllcer mlled a passerby , and together they re- novcd her to the motor power noiibP , where Dr. Havlllo was called. It was evident ( die iad taken Bonietlllng , for HIO ! appeared to bo n great agony. After n couple of hours' mnl work'aho was brought to her senses , jho sold her husband told her ho did not eve her any more , and this being the case Bho had no further desire to live. She said she drank some chloroform. She was taken home. The house where slio lives along with the man she calls bus- > and In onii of the most wretched hovels lown along the railroad tracks and waro- louses In the vicinity of Fourteenth and N'lcholas streets. The moment the olllcors opened the door the ntciich from within icarly stilled them. A man was In the act of getting Into bed. Ho claimed to bo her msband , and said she would receive , as she always hod , good caro. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Lovely Woman Stoops to Folly , d and continues to use the old-Aishioned , so-called < soaps , which destroy clothing nnd.clcnn nothing ; 9 soaps which are costly at any price , ineffective , labor-increasing and wasteful , instead of using , \And \ Finds Too Late that Men Betray , bad temper when their collars , cufife and shirts , and the household linen , are ruined by cheap , wretched soaps ; What Charm can Soothe her Melancholy ? Why ! Santa Claus Soap ? e fi f i Sold by nil Grocers. Manufactured only by | N. K. FAIRBANK & CO. , - - Chicago. WAIT. . . . TILL FRIDAY For Prices such as these at the MANUFACTURERS' of CLOTHING. 1,000 pairs of wool pants that cost $1,00 to make , go on the first day at A PANTS. A strictly all wool blue diagonal sack suit which will take the place of the serge In the new weave , that cost $6.00 to manufac ture , sold to retailers as high as $7.00 nnd $8.00 , ordinarily the consumer will pay $10.00 4 You can buy ono or all after Friday for J-I.OO each. Sizes from 34 to 12 110 suits In the lot. lot.A fine casslmcrc suit , light shade ! ! , salt and pepper effects , strictly all wool , cost lo make is.00 , elegantly trimmed In line Ital ian FitIn , 92 In the lot , sizes 34 to I'J , tine or all after Friday for $1.00. If you can find any suit In town to match it for $10.00 wo will give It to you. Money refunded In all cases where goods do not prove satisfactory or a udvcillsed. Light colored suits In plain , tan , gray or brown slimlen , In straight or round cut , 300 In the lot , cost to make $3.00 , go Friday for $4.00 200 clay worsted , genuine Import cd suits that cost to manufacture $12.00 , they come In round or straight cut sacks and In 4- button cutaways , all the long cut sacks and re.gent cut frocks , trlmmd with the best lin ings , you can buy ono or all , sizes 34 to 42 at $7.00 a suit. 1,250 light colored worsted suits In eight- different shadesthat cost to manufacture. $14.00 , you can buy or all at $8.40. Sl/es 34 to 42 , and tthercls no better suit made than this. You can come a hundred miles and buy $25,00 worth and get enough clothing to last you a lifetime and save your railroad fare ten times over. ( * i * V HENRY WILLIS , Manager. Thta extra ordinary Ke- Constipation Dltzlnets , , Juvcnator is Falling Ben- iho most fiUtloiiK.Nerv * wonderful ( iiiatwllchlni ; discovery of of the e > es the age. U nnd other has been endorsed Is , m dorsed by the ] IcadlngBdun- Rtrcngthcne , tlllo men of invigorates Kuropo and and tones Ilio America. entire fyslein. Hudjan Is Hudjan cures purely vege Deb llity , table. Ncrvousncts , Hudjan stops Kmlislons , Pfemalurencss iimlilevelojxs and mturfs of the discharge Monk onions. charge in 'JO Tallin In the days. Cures Ixiclr , losfei LOST by clay or MANHOOD iilghUtopped quickly. Over 2,000 private endorsements. I'rcinaturesiess means Impotency In the flrzt Btut.'u. It Is a aymptom of seminal weakness nnd barrenness. It can bo otoppvil In 2U UayH by the use of Iluilynn. The new discovery was mndo by the HUCC- lallHts of the old famous Hudson Medical Instltiue. It Is thu utronRcat vltallzer nmilo. It IH vrry powerful , but linrnilesa. Hold far $1.00 a package or six packages for tf.OO ( plain sealed boxes ) . Written guarantee Klven for a cure. If you btjy Ix boxen and are not entirely cured , nix more will be sent to you free of all charges. Send for circulars and testimonials. Addre HUDSON MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1032 Market St. Son Franolico , Cal KUMMKlt KICNOKT. Lela/ncTs Ocean tiotiso NEWPORT , I . I. OPEN * * JUNE 23rd. ) Ilotorl of AMKIUOA. . , . . WAKlltiN if.I.\NUJf. . Maiiafi ALSO IIOTKL AVE.NIiL , , LJMU UKANClt , TO AND WALL ST. OPERATIONS Cnn lie carried un with taruo prullls uml Illllf rlilc liy joining our Co-operative Ilullroud NtocM BiiulluiU * . jt > urii : profit of ' ! ( > pur cent n minitli i-iirnoil mnl ii.ilil to the milKCirlber * lor p.m. lV IIHIIlllM. Illlilu'ttf refrrcnccH. rrnspoctun , xlvlne ilnt.ill- nl Information ut oour perfect > atcm , inollej "WEINMAN & CO , , Stock nnd Grain Brokers , No * 41 Hrnuilwiiy , Noir York WM , LOUDON , Commission Merchant GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Private wires to Chicago anil Now Yurie. All Lunlnen order * placed un C'lilcusu IJourJ oi Trade. Correspondence solicited. , Office , room 4 , Now York Life UulMIng I Ttlephon * 1508. I Notice. Sealed bldx will bo received until Monday. June 11 , U'JI , for the extension of Hl ui lieutlnK apparatus for tli second story oc brick school In district No. 71. Unv * county , Nebraska , according to pluim unit HpeclncatlonR now on Illo In the oflleo o ( the moderator , C. M. KlllB. , JKANN15TTI3 MI5HI3DITH , Director f Cruwfoid , Neb. f t i