THE OMAHA. DAILY BE&'STODAY , MAY 27 , lB9-i-T\V-ENTT * TAGE5. PEflMA TOOK THE SECOND Mr , Beam's Work In the Box Waa Too Much for the Omahas , SEVEN ERRORS SPOILED THEIR FIELDING Wliltoulll Tnurhcd Up for norm Hit * In Connection with tbo lingKPd Work of I ho Kinirko family on the Jnllold Other Scores. PcoHn , 12 ; Omaha , 2. Lincoln , 8 ; Qulncy , 7 , Den Molnes , 5 ; Jacksonville , i. Louisville , G ; Cincinnati , 2. St. Louis , 9 ; Chicago , 8. Plttsburg , 9 ; C'leveland , 0. Boston , 10 ; Washington , 8. New York , 8 ; Brooklyn. 7. Baltimore. 5 ; Philadelphia , 6. Kansas City , 15 : Indianapolis , 11 Sioux City , 19 : Detroit , 0. Milwaukee , II ; Grand Rapids , 7. KOHIA , ILL. , MAY 20. ( Special Tele gram to The Dee. ; The biggest crowi of the season at tended the bal game today ant saw the 1'corlas oven up things with the Omaha team for their defeat feat of yesterday by a Gcoro ot 12 to 2. The pitching of Beam for I'corla was the feature of the game , whllo Whltehlll'a work In the box for the visitors was weak. The homo players started off with two runs In the second Inning , and liked that number so well that they repeated It several times thereafter , whllo the visitors had to bo con tent with a run In the second and another In the eighth. Score : PEORIA. AB. H. IB. PO. A. E. I hill. 5. Hit by pitched ball : By Whltehlll. 1. Struck out : By Beam. 3 ; by Whltehlll , 1. Wild pitches : By Whltehlll , 1. Time : One hour and forty-five minutes. Umpire : Ward. Don Mnlnvs Gain Another Omnlm Dropped. . JACKSONVILLE , 111. . May 2G.-Speclal ( Telegram to The Bee. ) Jacksonville lost Sunday , May 27th , 1894. MUSIC COUFOH. Cut this .out for n copy of li ! 25 cents nnd n coupon will secure it. BY MAIL 30 cents. Music Department , OMAHA. XJCK. H , , SERIFS 5. The Book of the Builders HISTORY OFTHE. . WORLD'S FAIR J BY V. / / . Burnbam THB MBN > fc Chief of Construction , AND Director of Decoration. BRING'G coupons with 25 rents , or , sent by mall , 5 cents extra , in coin ( stamps not accepted ) . Address , Memorial Department , OMAHA BEE. SERIES NO. I4 > Sunday , May 27tli , DICTIONARY. Only that number ot the book correspond ing with the series number ot the coupon presented will be dellvcu-d. ONE Sunday and Tree Week-day coupons pens , with 15 cents In coin , will buy ona part ot Tlio American Kncyclopedla Dictionary. Send orders to The Ilea oKlce. Hall should bo addressed to DICTIONARY DEPARTMENT NUMBER 12. rCENTURY WAR BOOK tf I if tiring FOUIl coupon * and ten In coin to thl * office and reclr ItmJill / part of Hit * pujwrb work tlw itoir M | b * w r , ibid | > y flu leading gtncroli ftrt 1 1 It M , y sgi s the B'ecoml Barno with DCS Molncs today on the homo Brounda. The Athenians wont all to pieces nftor the fllxlh Inning , nnd the Infield , did especially poor work , not sup porting t'nrlnli , who. pitched a fairly Rood game. The fenlures of the same were Em- merlck's running calch of a liner from MeVlfker , McKwlden'fl Rood Htlck work , and the double play of Stroullicrs and Grotty. Score : " DCS Molnes 60010032 -G Jacksonville 200000110 1 Two-hasp hits : I.ctchcr , Lawrence. Struck out ! Crotly , Strouthcrn , 2 ; Garish , Iloffmnii ) Oniver , Traflley. Hits : Jacksonville , 7 ; Ties Molnes , 10. Krrors : Jacksonville , 7 ; DCS Moin.cs , C , Umpire ; Mnckuy. Nt. . .fooVu * Ncvnr In It. ROCK 'ISLAND , III. , May 2C.-Speclal Telegram to The Heo. ) Uoclc Inland played nil around St , .Too today. Schlcker , n nc\v pitcher for the locals , made his debut nnd created a good Impression. Score : Uock Inland , . . , . . . . 08001601 3 1(5 ( St. Jot- . .3 0000013 2-D Uaso lilts ; Rock Island. 12 : St. Joe , 7. Karned run a : Hock Island , 4 ; St. Joe , 1. Krrors : Hock Inland , 3 ; St. Joe , t. Two- Imse hits : Sage , Conner. Ciintllton. Three-bosd hltn : iCels , McFiirlnnd , Moliler. Home runs : Sweeney. Ilattcrlcs : Schlc- lier and Sage ; Qulgg1 , Armstrong and Kutz. Tlmo : Two hours. Umpire : Ilaukcll. Lincoln Won on I.urlc. QttlN'dT , 111. . May 2C.-(3peclai ( Telegram to The He < ? . ) ( julncy had the game won up to the ninth Inning , when two Ijoses on balls , three hits and nn error gave Lincoln four ruiiH and thu game. Score : Qulnoy . . . .f 10042000 0 7 Lincoln 10003000 4 8 Karned runs : Qulncy , 4 ; Lincoln , 1. Bat teries : McDougnll and Yolm ; Johnson nnd Spoer. HUH : Qulncy , C ; Lincoln , 9. Krrors : Qulncy , 9 : Lincoln , 2. IJasca on balls : Oft McUougull , G ; off Johnson , 8. Homo runs : Fisher. Standing of the Ton ins. , Plaved. Won. Lost. Pr.Ot. St. Joionh 19 II C 73.7 Hock Island 18 12 G CG.7 Lincoln 18 11 7 fil.t Omaha 18 10 8 C5.G I'eorla 18 9 9 GO.O JacksonVllle 18 8 10 44.4 Dos Molnes 18 G 12 33.3 Qulncy 19 3 10 15.8 NA1IONAI , MOAdUi : GAM US. Plttflburg flcts n Onmo Tvrlco In Olio After noon ut Cleveland. CLEVELAND , May 20. In the ninth Inning today , after Plttsburg had won the gamu fairly by good fielding , and but one out was required to retire the homo team , the visitors' were given the victory , 9 to 0. The game was interrupted In the ninth by a lot of boys on the bleachers beginning to throw cushions at the players , and the spectators soon crowded on the ground. Umpire Kmslle waited the time required by the rules for the ground to be cleared , and then gave IMttsburtr the game , 9 to 0. Score : Cleveland . 0 00010000 1 Plttsburg . 00100245 ' 12 Hac hits : Cleveland. 10 ; Plttsburg , 18. Krrors : Cleveland , 2 ; Plttsburg , 1. Earned runs : Cleveland , 1 ; Plttsburg , 9. Struck outBy : Cuppy , 2 ; by Ehret , 2. Threu- boso hits : Chllds. Tvo-bnsc hits : Donovan. Glasscqck. Smith , Lyons. Double playa : Blerbauer , Glasscock and Ueckley ; Uecklcy , Chllds and Tcbeau. Umpire : Kmslle. Time ! Two hours nnd forty- live minutes. Hatterles : Cuppy , Fisher and Connor ; Ehret and Mack. Hot Cnino lit Morton. BOSTON , May 26. An unusual game of base ball was played between Boston and Washington hero today , which was finally won by the home- team , when there seemed no chance of batting out a victory. Out of live times at bat Bannon made four hits , one of which was a home run , one a three-btigger nnd the others both struck the left field fence and came near going over for four bases. Joyce became Im pertinent In the latter part of the game and Umpire O'Hourke fined him $20. Score : Boston . C 10 Washington . 1 0 1 0 0 1 4 0 1 8 Base hits : Boston. 15 ; Washington. 12. Errors : Boston , 2 ; Washington , 4. Earned runs : Boston , 5 ; Washington , 0. Two- base hits : Duffy , McCarthy , Lovett. Ab bey. Three-base hits : Bannon. Homo runs : Bannon , McGulro. Double plays : Nash and Tucker ; Itadfonl , Ward and Cartwright. Time : Two hours and forty-llvo minutes. Umpire : O'Hourke. Batteries : Ganzoll , Hyan und Lovett ; Mercer and McGulre. Anv > n .Ni-i'd Sninu Jfow Fielders. CHICAGO. May 26. As usual , the Coils outbatted the visitors , but offset thMr good stick work 'br'very ragged and costly errors. With two men out in. the ninth Qulnn scored the winning run when Dnhlen let Buckley's easy one get away. Score : Chicago . 1 8 St. Louis. : . 1-9 Base hits : Chicago. 15 ; St. Louis , 12. Errors : Chicago , 0 : St. Louis , 1. Earned runs : Chicago , 4 : St. Louis , 3. Two-base lilts : Wllmot , Shugart , Ely. Three- base hlta : Hyan , Shugart , Anson. Struck out : By Abbey , 2 ; by Clarkson , 2 ; by GrlllUh. 1. Umpire : Swartwood. Bat teries : Abbey , Griffith nnd Schriver ; Breltensteln , Clarkson and Buckley. 1'hll Knell I > ii77.1od thn LOUISVILLE. May 20. Knell , Louis ville's latest acquisition In the pitching de partment , was a puzzler for the Reds today and they only got five lilts. Pnrrott was lilt when hits were most needed. Tne jnme scheduled for this city tomorrow has jeen transferred to Cincinnati to allow the Reds to catch a train for Boston Sunday night. Score : Louisville . 0 5 Cincinnati . 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 Base hits : Louisville , 10 ; Cincinnati , 6. Errors : Louisville , 1 ; Cincinnati , 3. Earned runs : Louisville , 2. Struck out : By Knell , 1 ; by Parrott , 2. Three-base hits : Denny , Pfeffer , Knell. Double plays : Brown to Denny : Pfeffer to O'Rourke ; Smith to McCarthy. Umpire : McQuald. Time : One hour and forty minutes. : eriesKnell : and Earle ; Parrott and Vaughn. Itrldogrooms T.oo In Now York. NEW YORK , May 26. The Brooklyns ilayed a strong uphill game against the Giants at the Polo grounds today , but Inally lost. Score : Urooklyn . 2 7 New York . 8 Base hits : Brooklyn , 9 ; New York , 9. Errors : Brooklyn , 2 ; New York , 4. Earned runs : New York , 1. Double plays : Daley nnd Foutz. Umpire : Hurst. Time : One hour nnd fifty-eight minutes. Bat teries : Stein and Dalley ; Meelcln und Furrcl. I'lnypil u Flvo Innlncr Tlo. PHILADF.LPniA , May 20. The Phlla- lelphla and Baltimore teams played a flve- nnlng name today , being stopped by rain. score : Philadelphia . 1220 0 ! ! Baltimore . . . , , 4 1 o 0 0 5 lilts : Hamilton. Struck out : By Inks I ; by Taylor. 1. Double plays : Hamil ton and Boyle. Umpire : Lynch. Tlmo : One hour and twenty minutes. Batteries : Clementa nnd Taylor : Inks nnd Robinson. Standing of the Tram * . CUT Ol'TTKNJIIO KKCONUS. ICusiell Condon 1'uood l y n Triplet Lowers Twci Htuto Itvcurds. Russell Condon yesterday lowered the state records for a quarter nnd a half mile , lo rod at the fair sroumls track , and was meed by a triplet , mounted by Muentefering , ilullmll nnd Flecher. The quarter was made n 0:29 : , and the half In 1:01. : The former records were 0:31 : and 1:14 : , Timers were ; Wlrtz , Search and Ilurdlck , and the Judges voros M , O. Daxon , Geortsa Waldron nnd J. 3. KbemQlo , Thla cut of ton Hoconds on the half mlle record Is qulto a creditable performance , cs- leclnlly as It was performed on a lumpy rack. In a hot wind. Under good conditions Jondon would have sot the mark nt least wo seconds lower for the half. Ho will , ome day soon , have a try at the state mllD ecord. Uy the way , thU Omaha triplet earn Is mi'.klriK seine pretty good time , and unless something occurs It will be among ho flyers at the Denver moot. Conflict of the .Slum. The Fifteenth Street Stars were yesterday lofoati'd by the llancroft Stars with a close name of 9 to S. The Bcoro : Stars , . . .3 000032 8 Juncroft Stars I 9 Umpire : T. Jensen , The llancroft Stars challenge any nine- under the age of 15. Address W. Nelson , Hanoi-pit school. TRIUMPH TURNED TO GRIEF Exultation of the Good Young Men of Omaha Ends in Ditnstor. HAD THE U. OF N , ALREADY SHUT OUT Christians' Cniiflilcnco tail Them Into 1'ntnl Error mill ( lin ColtigludWnlkoil Oil iv I th the ( liiino with SI tut Surprising JIuso" , IIB CHRISTIANS Imil the nicest chance In the world to whitewash the University of Ne braska team yester day , but they didn't do It. In ( act they were magnanimous enough to present the visitors with eight unearned runs and the game. They far outbatted the 'Varsities , but lidded llko n lot of hams. Even Stoncy fell Into line and contributed a couple of errors so rank that tholr odor will linger over the grand stand for a week. To a man up a tree It looked very much aa though some of the players were miffed at the substitution of Jcllen for Hoblnson In the box and ware determined that he should not win the game. Jcllcn pitched the most brilliant game that has been 'seen In Omaha this year. Ho hold the visitors down to eight hits , which was doing pretty well when It Is considered that the only way ho could get a man out was to strike him out. Five of thcso eight hits , Including Hyan's homo run drlvo In the liovcnth Inning , were mode after every opportunity had been offered to retire the side. Darnos was In the box for the visitors , but was only fairly effective. Spud Farrlsh umpired the game and did It perfectly , Naturally , the game was a very tame and unsatisfactory exhibition. The errors of the homo team were so Inexcusable that no one could possibly delude themselves Intu the belief that they were trying to win and the small crowd present went away burdened with a very large disgust. Stoney and Crawford hit safely In the first Inning , but Abbott forced Stoney out at third and a neat double play , In which Hayward and Heald ofllclateJ , retired the Side. The visitors mode a couple of hlla them selves In their half and both runners scored on errors by Stoncy and Crawford. In the third Inning , utter two men were out. Crawford cracked away for a couple of sacks and scored on Abbott's line hit to right field. Ryan fumbled Robinson's hit and Abbott scored on the play. JeHerls went out from Ryan to Heald. The same thing was repeated In the next Inning. Jellen hit to Randolph and was thrown out at first , and McKolvey went to the bench after three futile attempts to con nect with the ball. Then Marquette found one of Uarnes' drops for u base and Lawler brought him home by a corking four-bag drlvo to the left field feiice. This was all we got until the ninth , when Marquette hit for two bases and scored on Packard's wild throw of Lawler's fly. Robinson's wild throw let Ryan across the plate In the sixth , after two men were out , and In the seventh the visitors cinched the game. Heald bunted and through slow In- fielding reached his base. Packard knocked an easy pop-up right Into McKelvey's hands. Stoney ran for It too , and between them they let It reach the ground without making an effort to catch It. Jellen saw that ho would have to do It himself and struck Hope- well out for the fourth consecutive time. Hayward lilt for a base and advanced to second on Stoney's Inexcusable fumble of Bill's easy grounder , Hpald scoring on the play. Then Ryan smashed , the ball for a homer and four moro runs came traveling Jn , and the game was won. Score : Y. M. C. A. AB. R. IB. PO. A. B. Stoney , ss . Crawford , 2b . Abbott , c . 4 1 1 11 1 0 Hoblnson , m . M Jefterls. Ib . Jellen , p . 4 0,0 1 3 1 McKelvey , 3b . Marquette. rf . Lawler , If . Totals 33 C 12 21 9 7 UNIVERSITY. „ AB. U. IB. PO. A. E. Hopewell , If -0,0 0 0 0 Hayward , S3 3 2 .2. 3 5 1 Bills , c 4 2 1 " 4 0 0 „ Ryan , 2b ' . . . 4 2 . I' 3 4 1 Uarnes , \ > Randolph , 31) 2 0 ' 0 1 2 1 Benedict , rf Heald , Ib 4 1 1 12 - 0 ti Packard , m Totals 32 8 8 27 U 4 SCORE BY INNINGS. Y. M. C. A 00220000 1 5 Universities 20000150 * 8 SUMMARY. Earned runs : Y. M. C. A. , 3. Two-base Jilts : Robinson , 2 ; Crawford , Stoney , Mar- nuette. Home runs : Lawler , Ryan. Double plays : Stoney to Crawford. Jcllcn to Jofferls , Hopewell to Heald , Ryan to Heald , Ryan. Base on balls : Off Jellen , t. Struck out : By Jellen , 8 : by Barnes , 2. Passed balls : None. Wild pitches ) : None. Time : One bour and thirty min utes. Umpire : Spud Fnrrlsh. KAf.mVIN ON Vlowa of 11 Well Known Horsoiimn on DIs- rrpittnhlo Turf Method * . EAGLE GROVE , la. , May 21. To the Sporting Editor of The Bee : The predica ment Bob Kneebs has gotten himself Into over In Germany Is one that docs not re flect any great amount of credit on the light harness Interest ? of America the land that fathered the gait and the sport. The trotter nnd pacer are American Institutions , by both breeding and education , ami having reached that degree of popularity that Includes the highest class of sport-lovers It Is nkln to an outrage for such men as Hefner and Kneebs to go abroad and besmirch the honor of the American turf as they seem to have done. Strict rules of the associations lnive made hack drivers of such men In this country , and those drivers who now ask for the word on any of our courses bear the stamp of being honorable , and ninety out of every hundred of them are gentle men , and that term does not Include the mechanics who preside over "ringers. " Knoeba * stable , nH registered , Includes a list of horses that are not fashionably bred , and there are iiono of them with a mark , and yet he entered an alleged un developed mare nt Berlin against a horse with u record of 2:18H. : When dia Bob Kneebs ever start a green horse In a. 2:13 : class In this country ? When did he ever have a green ouo that could "go some" that ho would start in anything better than 3:00 : ? When did Mr. Kneebs ever create a Bpnsatlon In this country , where the stakes and purses are three , yes four times greater than In Europe , by starting a green .stable In such classes as 2:10 : ? If the Sioux City driver has entnnsled himself in the Intricate meshes of German criminal law ho In but getting his Just deserts for bringing- dire disrepute on the trotting turf of America. Kneebs knew that Hefner was a dis reputable horseman , and the fact that ha entered Into a partnership with him is cir cumstantial evidence that there WIIH a com bine to "ring the Dutch. " If Bethel la , ln St. Paul or Minneapolis , why hnvo the newspapers of the twin cities disdained to mention the fact ? If she Is there some responsible man say the governor of Min nesota could be assured of the fact , and a cablegram from him to the American consul nt Berlin would servo to liberate the Incarcerated driver. Nobody here , of turf prominence , knows of the driver Dnwbon , who- goes from Scotland to Germany to prove , nn American : nllbl for Bethel and release , old Bob. : The t lacks of this country are well nigh purged of the Kneebs Htrlpu of drivers , anil the sooner they arc under the sod the bolter for the trotting turf of Amerlda. If you can tell nio when Bob ICncebs has , over owned or driven an unmarked horse against one with a record of 2:18i4 : you will confer a favor on hundreds of drivers In this country who have been scoring with him In everything from 300 W2:30 : , and Heldom any faster , for the past twenty- live years. Yours , etc.B. : B. L. BALDWIN1. I'ulconurH ! toou3ulli\tca. The Falconers have organized Jpr 1$9I $ with the following- players : , Crumley , n < catch ; Culleni titch : Lawyer , first ! Mun- nceltey , secondir. Edwards , third ; Lilly , short Flop ; Wnltous" , right : Hannan , center , and Hlller , left , , Hopper , Catcher , desires Raines with ntty'louse ' ( team In Omaha. Ad dress Vic Mu1lnkey , 1603 Douglas , CUICKI7T AMl : YKSTlSltlMY. a IB llnttcrn Not Ho Fortuniiln In Tlivlr Dealings wlthrtne Itowlnrn. A very Inte es'llng game was played on the club grounds yesterday afternoon be tween two ptchfcd teams , captained 'uy Messrs. A. Gavrn and J , C , Doyle. Al though there"'Were ' Hot so many double llgures made ( Ij-f"slerday ns ihe Saturday before , the pla.i'\ug \ was very creditable In alt respects , Mini , more especially In the matter of llelaloif. There were some very line catches made , noticeably one by Mr. Lawrle anil the other by Mr. O. Wllnon. The buttingof Messrs , Stringer , D. John son , G. II. Wllxou , Rev. J. P. D. L'wyd anil A. Ware , for the winning Bide , wan highly commendable. For the losing side. Mr. W. J. Brontch distinguished hlnuclf by playing a very careful Innings for 11. There Is little or nothing to bo said about the bowling , as that WOH up to its initial ( standard , which Is saying a good deal. The pitch was remarkably true , and tno weather nil that could bo desired two adjuncts absolutely necessary to a suc cessful game of cricket. * The scores are given bel6w : A. GAVIN'S ELEVEN. E. Str'r-.w ! „ , Marshall 8 IX Johnrion , b. , Marshall 8 W. R. Vnughiin. b. , Doyle i 5 J. CrulkHhank , b. , Doyle 3 G. K. Wilson ; b. , Lawrle 20 A. Gavin , b. , Doyle 3 G. H. Vuughan , c. , Lawrle , b. , Doyle G Rev. J. P. D. Llwd , run out 8 P. Young , run out 0 A. Ware , not out 5 A. Murray , b. , Lawrle , 0 Extras G Total 71 J. C. DOVLE'S ELEVEN. Dr. G. Young , b. , Q. H. Vnughan. . . 0 W. J. Broatch , b. , W. R. Vaughan 11 J. E. Florance , b. , G. II. Vaughan G F. H. Marshall , c. , Wilson , b. , W. R. Vaughan . , < 1 E. Hart , b. , G. H. Vaughan 2 R. W. Taylor , run out 4 J. C. Doyle , run out 12 H. Lawrie , b , , G. H. Vaughnn 2 H. New , b. , G. H. Vaughan 1 F. R. Burnett , b. , W. R. Vaughan , . . ; . . 2 F. C. Francis , not out 2 Extras 1 Total 43 BOWLING ANALYSIS. O. R. W. M. Marshall 8 18 2 3 Lawrio 4 22 2 0 Doylf 12 25 4 1 G. Vaughan 9 16 G 1 W. Vaughan 9 25 3 2 On Decoration day there will be a game between elevens made up of married and single men , like this : Married G. E. Wilson , captain ; A. Gavin , F. H. Marshall , H. Lawrle , A. D. Robb , I. Mulr , A. Stringer , F. Kemp , Rev. J. P. D. Llwyd , J. Francis , Dr. Young , G. Vaughan , R. Dnlton , J. E. Florence , J. Hess. Single R. W. Taylor , captain ; W. Vaughan , J. C , Doyle , W. Gavin , D. John son , D. Broatch. C.- Young , P. Young. F. H. Burnett , F. Francis , E. Hart , II. New , A. S. Cleave , R. Craig. WON AM. T1112 WAY. Cook Slaps n Giimo Out of Tccniiisch with Vcr.jj .l.'Htlo Trouble. COOK , Neb. , 'May 2G. ( Special to The Bee. ) The Tecumsjeh ball team experienced defeat again yesterday for the seventh con secutive time at othe hands of the Cook ball team. The Cook team had the best of it from theusturt. The players were in better form , and outplayed the Tecumseh - seh team at every point. Carrlgan started In the box for Tecumseh , but was hit so hard that Clarktook , his place In the thira inning and recplycd the same treatment from the Cook sluggers. Wright saw his men go to bat pnly to be retired by Con- ners , Cook's pitcher. Score : Tecumseh J ; . . 0 21000000 3 Cook I./ . 21302033 14 Batteries : For Cook , Connors and Hall ; for Tecumseh , Carrlgan , Clark and Buf- fum. Struck out : By Conners , 15 : by Clark , 2. BascihUs : Tecumseh , 2t ; Cook , 16. Time : Onforhour and fifty minutes. Umpire : Scholars. High HohtmT > l oyn Win'Twice. The' Omaha. High , school "boys defeated the Bellcvucs in a "slagging ga'me .yester day. The battlng 'of the Omahos was very hard , while the Bellevues were unable to hit Gardner but for one hit. The fea ture of the game was the fine pitching- Gardner for the Omahas. The Bellevues would have been shut out but for three of the four errors the Omahas made coming at once. The following Is the score , tnt Bellevues 'becoming tired in the sixth. Score : Omaha High School 7 3 0 G 20 U Bellevue 0 0010 1 Two-base hits : Cowglll. 2 ; Gardner , 2 ; Nemetz. Three-base hits : Cowglll , Hoagland , Claik , Whlpple , 2 ; Nemetz , Marks , Tralll. Home runs : Gardner , Whlpple , Cowglll , Clark. Hits : Omaha. 32 ; Bellevue , 1. Struck out : By Gardner , 11 ; by Maddock , 3. Base on balls : By Maddock. 1. Wild pitches : Maddock , 1. Posed balls : Danger. 1 ; Gray , 2. Errors : Omaha , 4 ; Bellevue , 13. Time : On < > hour and thirty minutes. Umpire : Van Horn. The second game was a repetition of tne first , Collett , however , pitching the llrt four Innings and Gardner the last three. In the last three Innings but nine men got to the bat and none made hits. Score : Omaha 264131 2 19 Bellevue G 004000 9 Base hits : Omaha , 20 ; Bellevue. 13. Er rors : Omaha , 4 ; Bellevue. G. Two-base hits : Gardner , Brown. Three-base hits : Whlpple , Sehmer , Morning , Homo runs : Gardner , Collett. Umpire : Hike. Time : One hour and fifty minutes. Somu Good Sprints uc llulibell , HUBBELL , Neb. , May 26. ( Special Tele gram to The Bee. ) A third series of races was run on the HubbcII Fair ) association track today , and a large crowd of people witnessed the aport. Horsemen from miles distant were present , and much Interest was manifested by all. The track was In flno conltlon , and the horses were well trained for the Hold. The first race was a pretty one-eighth of a mile dash for a purse of JDO , and was run by Bobby , owned by Jud Crawford , Hubbell. and Bllnky , owned by McDonald of Falrbury. Bobby won. Time : 0:13. : a The second race waa a 300 yards dash for a purse of $20 , between Spot , owned by 13. C. Prathor of this place , and Bird , owned by Dick Westklrk of Falrbury. Spot won. Tlmo : 0:17V4. : The third race waa a quarter mlle dash for a pin so of $00 , between Florlne , owned by D. Hamilton & Co. , Hubbell. and John- nlo Coaldeok , owned Huadly of Dlller. Fully one hour was spent In scoring. A threaten a ing wind and rain storm had a bad effect on the crowd witnessing the races , nnd Its exodus waa hasty. The race was good , however , but the Judges were undecided us to the winner. No result was announced. Tublo Koch TliruKliM eunuch. ct ct TABLE ROCK , Neb. , Way 20. ( Special t to The Bee. ) The return game of ball be tween the Tccurnsotf and Table Rock nines Thursday waa w lPiUtomlod and very in teresting. It required In a victory for tne homo team. 10 rtwf.8. The battery for Tecumseh was Buffrm and Clark , and for Table Rock II. Uowim and J. Faulkner. The time of the , jgaiue was two hour. ? . Score : Table Rock . .i,3 030100 4 * -10 Tecumseh . . . . I 0 0 8 A line shower.liuitcd for over an hour and threatened to stop the game , but U was so much nccjiea und BO refreshing that every one was "glad. OrdM U'lT " " " ( 'I'll' . ORD , Neb. , Mar'p - < Speclal to The Bee. ) After a long period of Inaction Ord has organized a buso ball club and la prepared to "lay out" nnywJiT' the surrounding towns on the diamond.1310 ( ' boys went to Bur- well Thursday amiDefeated the homo team by a score of 27 J9-cJ ; A return game will bo played hero < w. ( Decoration day , which promises to bo li\tWcstlng , as both teams are In It to wlrtl " ' IIM/.Z ; vAitny.nv.tii co.u ; . 1 engineer * In Convention Dpcldo to Obey the I.iuv und Avoid ltpnponihlllty. ! ' ST. PAUL , May 20. The engineers will arry "scab" coal , The relations of the oal miners' strike to the members of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers was thoroughly canvassed by the convention , the esult being an order advising the engineers vho have been threatened by the strikers tor carrying "scab" coal to obey the law. rhat , In view of the circumstances and re- ilprocal contracts made with the railroads irlor to the stilko , seemed to bo the aim * ilcst solution of the dlillculty , for obedience n law will figure as a prerequisite and allovo tbo engineers of responsibility. f Clark-Razzllllans , the aerial wonders , at 'ourtlarid beach tonight. FAVORITES TOOK THE COIN Talent .Had the Union Park Card Pretty rWoll lizod Up Yesterday , IT MAY BE DIFFERENT THIS WEEK Arrlvul of l'rr li Horned AV1I1 Olvo the line- Ing I.lttlnMiiru of Uiirrrlnlnly Owner Young mill Jiulgo I.ygur Como Together. AH TIIH IIHST DAY of the spring meeting at Union Park was the third day , that la In point of attendance , but not from a racing standpoint. Both the big stands were comfortably filled with ladles and gentlemen , the betting sheds crowded and the paddock clear back to the Held Jammed with fancy turnouts , clearly demonstrating that the bang tails have found a place In the affections of the poplacc. Whllo the events were all fairly good , they seemed to lack the snap and vim of the two previous days , probably from the reason that the favorites all won , and the chances for speculation were attenuated Indeed. This rare luck of the favored ones , however , means something , and the talent and pikers , too , might as well prepare for a "dump" nt no late day this week , The arrival of forty or fifty fresh horses makes this all the moro probable , and It Is qulto likely for the next two or three days a good deal of stuff will bo placed on the long shots. As yet the outsiders have only distinguished themselves for tholr backwardness about coming for ward , and It has been just like sipping an abslntho frappe to tout the winners. If the bookmakers chalked up 3 to 5 against any skate on the card It was ready money to buy said skate for what money you wished to Invest , retire , and let the place men make the noise. THOUtiLK WITH AN OWNER. The only Incident of unusual note was the ruling off the track of P. B. Young , the big bowhlskcrcd owner of I-de-fy , by Judge Lopor. Young had some moss-covered griev ance against Starter Hatch , and Insisted on airing his Ideas In the presence of the officers of the association , embellishing the sanle with a good deal of bad grammar and coarse profanity. Patience finally balked , and Judge Leper summoned the irate gentleman aloft and informed him In succinct and elegant diction that he could either apologize * to the officials present or levant. Ho bristled up like a huge razorback - back * at this proposition and said ho would sec the officers of the association In that disreputable abode supposed to Ilo somc- where between here and China first , and Judge Leper very promptly and very properly ruled him off the track. He hung around , however , tail the afternoon , and divers times * attempted to conciliate the judge , but all to no purpose. Just before the last raco. In company with Dr. 5. J. Ryan , a fellow owner , ho came up Into the stand and handed Judge Lopsr a written apology , with his autograph altached , which he explained was the handiwork of his pal Ryan , but that the signature was legitimate. The judge shoved the document Into his pistol pocket and told the burly Mlssourlan that ho 'would see him laler , and the pros pects are that his apology will bo accepted and that he will once more bo eligible to Insult the officials of thn track. With c&mmendable promptitude the bugle's blast called the nags to the post lor the first event on the afternoon's card pre- , clsely at 2:30 : and five minutes later Starter Hatch was .lining them up on the oppdslte side ot .the course for their five and a half furlong jump. The race was for 3-year- olds and upwards , weight for age , and four ran , Yankee Ban and Doley Brown declin ing the pilgrimage. The recalcitrant Young's handsome chestnut filly , I-de-fy , was the favorite , and with Conrad up won as she , pleased , Long Tom made a bluff at going after tier coming home , but ho looked as If he had been hitched to a post , and the mincing miss romped home like a kitten at play , with George Hamlln third and Royalty , with the top weight , Just heav ing into view ever the horizon. The following race was a half mile dash , with five starters , Molly Penny , Breeze and Hamlln declining the engagement. Fat and black Sam Jones was the moqt thought of , yet the bookies quoted him at evens , and offered .3 to 2 on L'.llle Lochlel. who looks as If she ought to bo able to give the son jf Black Nick her dust any day In the week. SAM JONES PULLED OUT WINNER. Joncsy cut out the work at a speedy pace directly the flag fell , and showed the way by a length to Dick Tiger and Nohawka Qlrl , with the other two coming nose and noso. There was llttlo change In tholr posi tions as they swung Into the homestretch. Tl en , as they were all straightened out , the southern evangelist was In trouble , for Lily Lochlel pushed her gaunt gray frame up alongside. Sam , however , hustled for dear life and got Inside first by three parts of a length , with Dick Tiger a lumbering third. Jake Ingleman and Nelmwka Girl , wrestled hard for tallcnd honors. Jake carrying off the palm. In the six furlongs , selling , six ran Bar kls , Plat , Mike Klynn , Doley Brown , Karl and Keystone. Doley was a 4 to C favorite. Young Conrad rode her , and get ting away well , waited In the front division for old Keystone and Council Plat to catch tholr breath , then went out with a rare turn of speed , and caino on down homo In big gallop. Mike Flynn was second , the old fable , Keystone , third. Council Pint. Earl and Barkis wound up In a procession well back. There were four In the fourth race , nine- sixteenths. Miller's speedy Idle Boy , with ( Ncal up , was favorite at odds on , and from first to last ho easily outpaced the whole pcrty , winning In pronounced style , under pull , by two open lengths. The closing event was another nlno-slx- tccnths sprint. Six ran. The favorite , Henry It , broke first , and after stumbling was so much the best that ho quickly re covered himself and in a few strides regained the lost ground , , and won easily , though the brubli homo was qulto exhilarating. 'SUMMARIES FOR THE DAY. First race , purse ? 100 , for 3-year-olds and upwards , weight for age , beaten , nonwln- ncrs at Ibis meeting allowed , ten pounds , rad up , Sensation-Clara A. P , B. Young , v won ; Long Tom , 125 , b. h. , Long Tom-Pisa , ( W. J. Mllicr , second ; Georgia Hamlln , 117 , sir , in. , War Slgn-Charlton Maid , J. A. Prltchard , third. Time : 1:09)4. : Second race , purse $100 , Owners' handi cap , tor all ages , minimum weight 105 pounds , half mlle : Sum Jones ) , 105 , b. K. , Neal up. Black Nick-Unknown , J , M. Shields , won : Lllllc Lochlel , 105 , K. m. . Un known , W. J. Miller , Hecond ; Dick Tiger , 103 , r. g- . . Unknown , S. C. Ross , third. Tlmo : 0:19. : Third race , selling , purse J100 , for 3-yeur- olds and upwards , at $500 , weight for age , four pounds off for each $100 less to 100 , six furlongs ; Doley Brown , 107 , cli. m. , ' Conrnd up , Green Bailey-Unknown , J , " Bracken , won ; Mlko Flynn , 10J , bit : , K. , Jim Gore-GIenanna , W. J. Miller , second ; / Keystone , 115. b. K. , Big Sandy-Cheek , G. ! ShreveH. third. Time : 1:17. : , Fourth raco.purse J100 , for beaten non- wlnnern at thm meeting , ten pounds be low the scale. If beaten twice allowed live ion in ! H additional , four und n half fur longs : Idle Boy. 107 , eh. c. , Ncal up , Long rom-BIrd , W. J. Miller , won ; Nohawka Cllrl , 10J , b. in. , Savoy-Ida May , M. D. I'ollard , second ; Jack Rodgera , 105. b. K- , : rrumpa-Llzzlu Chamber * , G , W. Harden , Ihlrd. Tlmo : 0:55ii. : in Fifth race , purse J100 , for maidens , four ind u half furlongs : Henry R , 110 , br. K. , Uawson up. Big Henry-Belle , C. A. Alder- ion , won ; Doctor Briggs , 107 , b , g , , In- rlnslc , jr.-Mnud , H , F. Etchna. second ; ' Tommy JI. S5 , b. B. . Say ITU- Unknown , Jusenbury & Webster , third. Time : 0:57Htu : Monday afternoon's card , betides the five cRtilar events , will be Interlarded with a peclal or two , which will be announced the morning. Thlrty-four new hories ar- Ived Saturday evening , and moro are ex- co iccted today , which , together with future re trrlvals , ought to glvo us another week th magnificent sport. Colonel Hatch la win' dl : ling high , favor by his excellent start- ng , and ( he association U deserving of every praise for tha ndmlrnblo manner In which they are handling the meeting. GOTHAM QUIT MUK A WMI. Slnrtpit I'nvorlto nnil I.nndcil u I'oor fourth In the ( irrnt Antvrlrnn Stnkr. NEW YOIIK. May 26. The bright , warm day brought out the usual Saturday crowd at Ornvcseml today and when the bugle called the horses to the pot In the Hrst race nt least 10,000 people were present. The track had dried out n bit , but Itvas sticky and a sure destroyer of form. The attrac tion of the day was the race for the Great American stakes , worth about $11,000. Gotham , who was thought to bo the best colt of the year , wns looked upon as a sure winner. Ho disappointed everybody , how- ver , for ho quit HUe a dog when ho was asked and Mulshed nn Inglorious fourth , Rowe got the Rlx starters away In excellent tlmo and on level terms. They had not gene far before Gotham Jumped Into the load with WalUor , Applause nud Utlca together , a length or moro away. After the first furlong had been run both Utlca nnd Waltzor moved up and hung on to Gotham's withers for a sixteenth , when Gotham's head went Into the air ami ho seemed about ready to quit nt the club house. When the ( urn Into the stretch wns reached both Wnltzer and Utlca were going easily , whllo Gotham seemed unable to show any of the speed which chnrnctorlzcd his other races , and could not extend himself. A furlong from homo ho was dropping further and further behind , and fln.illy Applmiso beat him out , whllo Waltzer won , pulled up , by two lengths. Wnltzer was In the pink of condition , and It was a had upset for the talent. From all appearances the best of the 2-year-olds Is yet to bo seen. Results : First race , six furlongs : Potentate ( S to 5) ) won , Peter the Great (12 ( to 1) ) second , Cap tain T (5 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:17 : % . Second race , mile and a sixteenth : Sull- ross (2 ( to 1) ) won. Kulleld (8 ( to 1) ) second , Clementle ( I to 1) ) third. Time : lfd. : Third race , Great American stakes , five furlongs : Walter (10 ( to 1) ) won. Utlca (10 to 1) ) second , Applause (10 ( to 1) ) third. Time : l:04i/4. : Fourth race , mlle and a furlong : Don Alonzo (3 ( to C ) won , Herald (3 ( to 1) ) second , Sport (5 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:58'4. : Fifth race , five furlongs : The Patrimony colt (4 ( to G ) won , Hcrklmer (8 ( to 1) ) second. Southsldo (20 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:05. : Sixth race , mlle nnd a sixteenth : Herald (10 ( to 1) won , Ed Kearney ( even ) Hecond , Plcknlcker (2'/4 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:52U. : LONG .1OUUNUVS AT ST. LOUIS. Mlle nnd a Itiilf Trips got the Speculators lit Spa nnd Save IIio Ilooldes. ST. LOUIS , May 26. An extra good card with fine weather and a fast track assured a good attendance at the fair grounds to day. Backers of form were out In force and the speculation was the best for many days. The talent , however did not have a cinch on the results , for favorites failed to land the money In four events. A new feature of the card was two racfcs of u mile and a half each , an eighth longer than anything that has been attempted at this meeting except In steeplechases. A steeple chase over the fchort course also added to the Interest of the crowd. Results : First race. thlrteen-HlxtoentliH of a mile : Prince Imperial (3 ( to 1) ) won , .Mollle B ( S tel l ) second , Francis Pope (6 ( to 1) ) third. Time ; 1:23. : 1:23.Second Second race , nine-sixteenths of a mile : Leonaid B (8 ( to R ) won , Boreas (3 ( to 1) ) second , Blue Bonnet (0 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 0:5 : ! % . Third race , mile and a half : Baylor (10 ( to 1) ) won , May Hardy (2 ( to 1) second , Long Ten (6 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 2:41. : Fourth race , thlrteen-slxtecnths of a mile : Sullivan (4 ( to 1) ) won , Jack Rose (5 ( to 1) ) second. Deceit (8 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:22. : Fifth race , steeplechase : Iron Duke (3 to 1) ) won. Bushranger (5 ( to 1) ) Hecond , Shellbark - bark (6 ( to 5) ) third. Time : 2MV- . Sixth race , six furlongs : Maid Marian ( I to 5) ) won. Little Dorrltt (15 ( to 1) ) second , Frank R. Harf (5 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:15. : Seventh race , mile and n half ! Plonear (7 ( to 2) ) won , Tip (9 ( to 2) ) second , \Vedge- fleld ( S to 1) ) third. Time : 2H1 : > . Third Diiy'a Success nt I.atonln. CINCINNATI , May 26.-A good card , a fast track and a fair sky made the third day at Latonla a very enjoyable one to the 4,000 people present. Two favorites , Helen N and Kitty Cllve took the mtmey In two races. The second -choice , Lancelot gal loped from Munolu , a 7 to 5 favorite. In the first. Henry Young the third choice , under Cassln's superior riding , captured second by n nose from the favorite , Anna. To crown all. The Flash , a 10 to 1 chance , shot out at the last Jump and won the Harold stake , worth $2,000 , by a neck. Results : First race , six furlongs : Lancelot (5 ( to 2) ) won , Manola (7 ( to 5) second , Lay On (20 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:1714- : Second race , one mile : Henry Young (5 ( to 2) ) won , Anna (3 ( to 2) second , Shuttle (11 ( to 5) ) third. Time : 1:42. : Third race , six furlongs : Helen N ( even ) won , Captain Drane (6 to 1) second. Foot Runner (30 ( to 1) third. Time : 1:1534. : Fourth race , Harold stake , for 2-vear-old colts , worth $2,000 to the winner , five fur longs : The Flash (10 ( to 1) ) won. Sunup (20 ( to 1) ) second , Free Advice ( S to G ) third. Time : 1:0.1. : 1:0.1.Fifth race , nine-sixteenths of a mile : Kitty Cllve (9 to 10) ) won , Myrtle ( G to 1) ) second , The Princess (20 ( to 1) ) third. Time : IIiuvtliornn'H Program. HAWTHORNE. May 20. First race , three-quarters of .a mile:1 Psyche won , Lit tle Cripple second , Designer , third. Time : 1:1014. : Second race , one mile : Vassal won , Til- slt second. Fair Knight third. Time : 1:15. : Third race , live-eighths of a mile : Toby won , Frank K second , Leo Lake third. Time : 1:0114. : Fourth race , one and one-sixteenths mile : Patrick won , Illume second Joe Murphy - third. Time : lG2'/2. : Fifth race , three-fourths of a mile : Vic toria won , Durrela Billet second , PIsano third. Time : 1:18. : Sixth race , three-fourths of a mile : Equity , won , St. Crolx second. Little Fred third. Time j : l:17 : < / . Seventh race , three-fourths of a mlloi Montana won , Prince Henry second , Indigo third. Time : 1:17. : I'lnlxlieH lit Sun Francisco , SAN FRANCISCO , May 28. First race , five furlongs : King Sam , 105 , Peters (4 to o 1) ) , won : Polaskl , 95 , Chevalier ( even ) , second end ; Nellie Van , 92 , E. Jones (5 to 1) ) , third. Time : 1:05. : Toots , Lady H and Hoanoke also ran. Second race , five furlongs : Normundle , : 105 , Combs (7 ( to G ) , won ; Wnrrago. 8'J , Chevalier (10 ( to 1) ) , second ; Red Bird , DO , ' 13. Jones (15 ( to 1) ) , third. Time : 1OIH. : Hercules , Charger and Outright also ran. Third race , one mile : Hydy , 107 , Combs (7 to 5) ) , won ; Dr. Ross , 110 , Glover ( I to 1) ) , second ; Alexis , 90 , Chevalier ( K to 1) ) , third. Time : lill'/i. Ryland , Green Hock , De La Gucrra and Nutwood also ran. Fourth race , live furlongs , handicap : Rev Alfonso , 122. Tubervllle ( t to 2) ) , won ; Monterey , 117 , Sloane (3Vj ( to 1) , second ; Niagara , 95 , Chevalier (12 ( to 1) ) , third , Time : 1:01. : Miss Buckley also raiu Tip , 112. Combs . . . . . _ . . . O'Nell , Viceroy and Gold Dust also ran. On thn Old Dominion Truck. WASHINGTON. May 26. First race , live furlongs : Syracuse won , Keystone second , Salisbury third. Tlmo : 1:03'4. : ' Second nice , a half mlle : 1'rekle Moorlll won , Katie Gray Hecond , Evelyn Carty Illly ) third. Time : 0GOVi. : Third race , live furlongs ; Grand Prix won. Some More second , Llttlo Charley thlril Time : 1:01 : % . Fourth race , four and a half furlongs : Detroit won , A O H second , Red Dick third. Time : 0:51. : Fifth race , nix furlongs : Reno d'Orwon , Johnny second , Muttle Chun third. Time : 1:174- : . ItcnultM lit I'lmllco. BALTIMORE , May 26. Results at Plm- Fl'rst race , 2:18 : class , postponed after one lent : Amboy won. At Klmo second. Dolly third. Time : -:181. : "Second run2:19 : claws , purse JJOO : Puck /on , FUon Bell second , Romal third , Time : ' 21Vl. * Third race. 2:11 : pace , purse KXW : Brooks von , Roue Water second , Llttlo Daisy third. rime : 2Wi. : 2Wi.ThU ThU Was a Homo llnni WOOD RlVEIl , Neb. , May 26.-Speclal ( relegram to The Bee. ) The $300 horse ruco ictwcen Shclton and Cairo came off here at 1:41 p. m. Bhelton boys weie present with my amount of money and sprung 2 to 1 Daylight. The Cairo boys said they d d lot euro to take all tlu-lr money , but would ellevo them of their burden. When Hax- er of Shcllon entered Ihu track gieat cheers vero heard , but when Billy Goround of 'alro came In twenty feet ahead greater hcera wera heard from the other side , Dls- > unco : COO yards. Time : 0:33 : , Document * Slynl < irlou ly DUnppcnr. ROME , May 26 , All the documents In onnectlon with the prosecution of the dl- ectora nnd others officially with ho Bnnca Romano case have myntcrlously Isappuared. See the deer park nt Courtland beach. RYAN AND HI'COY ' CONVICTED lowaPrizo lighters in n Fair Way to Bo Punished. SENTENCE HAS NOT YET BEEN PASSED After iiKit : | Mourn llollhornttoii the Jarf Decided Upon a Verdict Trlul of the Cr..iton Athlntlo Club OIH- cers COHNINQ , la. , May 2fi.-Speclnl ( TclcRram to The lice. ) The trial of Hyan and McCoy , the prlzo fighters who , under the inanngo- inont of the Creslou Athletic club , violated Iowa's now law against prlzo fighting In this oimty on the morning of March 11 , within forty-clght hours after the ln\v was enacted , up yesterday In Judge Towner's court. The Jury this morning , after eight hours deliberation , returned a verdict of guilty. Sentence has not yet been paused. The max- uitim punishment Is $1,000 fine , ono year In the penitentiary , or both. The trial of the olllcerH of the Creston Athletic club has been postponed until the next term of court. wicsTintN I.IA : < IUI : HA.IIIS. Win CiiinpV Woriiiiiit Ann < lot Another Hard Onyn IfmiKo m UIIIIKUH City. KANSAS eiTV , May 20.-Kunsas City again defeated Indianapolis today In a hard hitting but nigged Holding game. Camp , late of Chicago , was In the box f p the visitors , nnd wns knocked out In the seventh Inning , when three singles , a double and two home runs were miulo oil him. Score : Kansas Oily 0 0 0 2 3 4 G 0 0-ir Indianapolis 0 2 1 2 0 G 2 0 0-1J Base hits : Kansas City , 13 : Indianapolis , 16. Lrrors : Kaunas City , 4 ; Indianapolis. ; . niarn.rl rVnH : , Kn' ' w City. 2 ; Indlan- upoll.i 3. , Two-base ihltsNiclml. : \ . 2 ; I lemon. Kinsman , Nlles , Loldy. Three- base hits : Nlles. Camp. Leldv. Homo runs : Kinsman. Nlchol. Struck out : By Camp 3 ; by Phillips. 2. Time : One. hour and ilfty-llve minutes. Umpire : Sheil- ilan. Batteries : McGlnnlty and Donahuo ; Cump , Phillips nnd Westluke. Itiimpiia .loims Flnully Wins. SIOUX CITY. May 2t-Tlmely ! hitting and daring base running won the game for Sioux City. Score : Sioux City I S 0 3 5 2 0 0 2-19 Detroit o 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 1 U Hits : Sioux City. 16 ; Detroit. ' 41. Krrors : Sioux City , 3 ; Detroit. 4. Three-base hits : ( .enlns. Double plays : Burns and Cross. Struck out : By JOIIOB , G ; by Balz. 1. Time : Two hours nnd ten inlutes. Umpire : Ker- Ins. Batteries : Jones und Twllleluim ; B.ilz , Cross and Galvln. 11 rower * Won Quito Handily. MILWAUKEE. May 20. Up to the sixth Inning today the game was oxeltlng. then Milwaukee solved Harlnud's curves. Score : Milwaukee 0 1 1 I 0 G 1 2 2 1 Grand Rapids 7 Hits : Milwaukee. 21 ; Grand Rapld.4. 17. Krrors : Milwaukee. 2 ; Grand Rapid * . 3. Karned urns : Milwaukee , ? \ Grand Rapids. J. Two-base hits : Cnnuthurs , 2 ; Wlu-cloclc , Parker. Double plays : L.ingHlord , Shields , Carey. Struck out : Bv Hnrland , 2. Tlmo : ' 1 wo hours. Umpire : McDonald. Batteries : Harland and Spies ; Wlttrock und Clayton. Standing of the TrnniH. MINNEAPOLIS , May 2G.-Mlnneapolls-To- Icdo game postponed ; lain. „ , „ , Played. Won. Lost. tY.Ct. Sioux City 22 16 n 72.7 Kansas City 2.1 In 8 G.3 Toledo 21 13 9 G2.G Minneapolis 22 13 9 Sfl.l Grand Rapids 28 1.1 15 10.1 Milwaukee ir C 9 40.0 Indianapolis 26 8 18 20.8 Detroit 21 G 18 23.0 Clark-Razzllllans , the aerial wonders , at Courtland beach tunlght. Forgot Thut Ilo Hud n Itomb. BROOKLYN , May 20. William Wegerlo was visited by Adolph Drcn , his former partner , who called to settle their business matters. Falling to secure satisfaction Bran drew a revolver , shot Wegerle In the shoulder and then shot nt Sirs. Wogorle and missed her. Ho then turned the weapon upon himself , Inflicting a wound In the hoad. The police removed both men. Upon searching Ilrcn they found a dynamlto bomb containing about a quarter of a pound of explosive. The desperate man admitted that ho Intended blowing up the house with It , but forgot the bomb In his excitement. A card In his possession bore the statement that he committed the deed because Wegerlo had ruined his life. Both men will probably recover. IJIg Davis Cliilui Uphold. BUTTE , Mont. , May 26. In the case of the possession of the $1,000,000 of the national bank stock formerly belonging to the late Millionaire Davis of this city the courts have decided that the stock belonged - longed to Andrew J. Davis , who had been accused of securing possesslbri' of It lln- properly. Davis claimed his undo g'avo htm the stock before his death and the court upholds his claims. Kocolvcmhlp for Annthnr Ordor. CHICAGO , May 20. Application has bsen -nado for the appointment of a receiver for iho order known as the Knights and Lndlos if America. The application wns made by Charles Kpplo nnd five other members of ho order , who ask that the society bo dis solved nnd wound up. Charges of mlscon- luct are made against the olllcors of the loclety. _ Itcdnci'il Uuteft to tlm l.engnn .Mooting. LINCOLN. Neb. , May 26. All delegates the State League of Republican Clubs ncotlug will bo returned for one-third fare , irovldlug they purchase tickets at the sta- lon when they leave homo and talco ro > elpt from the agent , and have that lamped by Secretary Slaughter at the con. 'ontlon. SUIn nnd Sculp. Trlcil Everything , Usc < l Ciitlcurii. In Three Wcolca Not a Sour or IMinplo. When my baby was three months old Ills cheeks nnd forehead began to brc.ikouc with whlto pim ples on rod Biirfucu. In a few U.IJH Huhl-com menced , which vas terrible. After ho would rub it matter would ooze from the points. Inn short tlmo It spread over tile top of his head , then B < ; alM Boon formed on head and face. Wo used everything wo could hcarof for nearly ( homonths. ItcrowworBo all the tlmo. lonwyour advertisement of the Cim- ciiitA ItnMiiwr.i In a Chi- caRe \\cckly. Wopurchascd OUIICUHA UIMKI : > IKH and commonccd tholr 1110. In three weeks' tlino there was not a soru or plmplu , not even a Bear , on head or face. He la nlnutcoii inontha old now , iuidha.1 no ilgns of the dlacaao. Ills sralp H liealthy and ho Im n beautiful head of hair. Mils. OSCAIt JAME3 , Woodston , Kan. CUTIOUIIA cured n Il ouo which I had three yean , Myaklu waigoroand Incold weather my race wasamaasof ac.iloi. The pain HO Intense it HTOidd brine tears. I tried every remedy with llttlo bonctU. The first application CDTIOUII.V javo hiataut relief , In a fnw eokV thnocured. KDMUND KHItAH , -TOli Union Ave. , Chicago , 111. ' CUTICURA WOls" WONDERS CUTiouitA HI OIVK.NT , the now Illood 1'iirlflcr , internally ( to cluansa the blood of nil Impurities mil poUonom olumontiO , nnd CUTICUIU , the croat Hkhi Cure , with CuncoiiA HoAl-.nn ox. iiulslto Bkln riiriller , externally tt < > clear the skin anil scalp and restore tlm hair ) , have cure < tliounanils of cases whcro the siilfcrlni ; waa ihnost lic'jomt oiiiliiranco. hair lifeless , or all nno , dlaHgurcmeut terrible. Bold'throuRhout lh world. Price , CnriePtu , 0o. ; ami' , we. ; KKSOLVKNT. 81. I'UTTKII Uuua CIIBU. four. , Kola 1'roprlctore , llonum. j > ' " How toCuroHkln Iica | < c * , " ( nailed frca. fokln nnd gealp purlllcd aud bcantlflo * by CUTICUIU rto.ii' . Abiolutoly nur > "AOHINQ SIDES' ANDBACKT II Ip , Kidney , and Utcrlno Canfa anil Wcakncm'Jrullevrd In ono minute by thoCiltlciirn Antl 1'nlit I'ladcr.