TOE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; SUN&JY , MAY 27 , 189-i-TWENTY PAGES. 8PEOIRL. NOTICES. Advprtlttmfnls fnr thf columns will b * ' } Jf" until 12 3 p. m. for the ev nlnn nd until tyn p. m. for Ihe tnofnlnn nnd Bundav fdltlons. Artv ertltent , by rrnin' ' ! ) ? a numlwuil P-1"- cnn lmv nnswi-is midren ed to rt ntimberi1 ! ! I - Itr In core of The Be * . Answer * so ftddre * i'd will be dtllvtrcd upon presentation of Ihf - ' ' "BJTUATIo'NS'-'WANTEi ) . Ilfttenr'T'To word llrst In-erllon , Ic a word thereafter. Nothing taken foe less Ihftn 2 * . rOHITIOr""AB n01'HnKr.KPKRifOR WOMAN wllh one child. Mrs. .M. Johnson , IMJH.Mh treel Council Blurfs. _ i""lL. . . ' - tADY WANTB TosfTTON AS TRAVELING companion with lady. Address M 10 , I'OfllTION WANTED. BY AN ' . ding cletk. In country or city. R.-gls iiH nnd and Knglli-h. Can German B Ph O , Piieaks furnish good reference. AdJress Hex jnni , TMnrs. . Io n. A 4i9 29 * _ WANTED MALE HELP. Rates. l'4c word first Insertion , 'Ic a vonl then-after. Nothing taken tor Us < than eoLICITORB , TKAMS FURNIHHKD ; INSTALI , . ini > nt goods , American \ \ r. < r Co. , 1W9 How ard street. _ _ _ I i AOI3NTS. SALARY OR rOMM7. SION. THC greatest Invention of the ng" . The. Nivy lat ent Chemical Ink Erasing Pencil. Hells on night. Wcrkp Ilkmaitlc. . Agents are making I2S.M lo $ ir.X ( ) per week. For further par- tlculnrs wrllo Ihe Mnmoc Erasing Mfg. rp. , X 30 , l t Cronae , WIs. It 311 WANTKD , MEN YO TAKK ORDERS IN CITY noi requlrc'l. on snlarv : fnrmer experience Apply nt 15K. Douglas. WANTED -FIRST CLASS BIIAPF.R "AN" * . Apply H. M Oimsnul , 10J9 o ISlh. _ Il-Jj4- WANTED. LUIORERH" TEAMSTERS ON HID B. . M. By. extension in Montana and . K"lln'r . Fiee trnniinorlnllnn. Wyoming. , - , Mrects. ' lllh and Farnam O'Hearn , labor agency , t ] -i\H.)1 u J HAMHMAN SALARY KIIOM VVANTHD ; , . CM. , Ilrot. Mart , permanent place , llrovvn * nurserymen , Chicago , III. II M3M J22 WANTIM ) , A FIRST PLABS DUV ( ] OOri9 MAN ; must be a iroo'l salesman , Btock-kepper nnrt undernland window dresflnB ! bent nf rererenco reciulri-d ; ulnelo mnn iireferrcd. Addresa LncK Hex 75 , Oberlln. Knn. _ U-M302 M WANTIJH , YOt'NO MAN TOK OKFirn. MUST be ( ] lck at ( iRures nnd Rood p nmnn. AildrMW Manufacturer. Hex M. _ 11-M4IO 2i BALHSMnN : 1110 MONP.Y KOIt GOOD MHN. Itoom 307 1'nxton block H ia-2i' _ _ BTnNooriAi'iir.uH , nooKKinrins. : KALHS- men and tenchcm deslrliiK positions In Te\ns are Invited to nddrc n The Texas llus ness liurcnu , J. W Hudnall , manager , Dallas. Tct. 27 fl"M43S BALnSJUIN WANTKD TO SHLL oTlll GOODS by namplp to wholesale and retnl 1 trade ; pell on fdKht to every bufllnes man or llrm , liberal nalarv and expenses paid ; iwjsltlnn permanent. Tor term nililicss with stamp , Centennial MfK. Co. , Milwaukee , Wli11 TIlAVnLINO BALKRMRN WANTr.D TO I nell blub class specialties on unlnry : steady position to rlsht mnn ; mu t be niBt clasx , ex perienced Nilemnnn and slve Al lefeieneep. Address M 11 , c.ire or llee. K M445 29 vn WIHH TO rMPiov A n\v OOOD MKN to make J50 to 1100 a week Helllnn our Home lllectrlo Motor. Huns KCvylnK nmchlnes , print ing preKne , ventilating fan . piiinni , etc. i\ciybiNly bujB them. Steady * emploj ment. I i : y ultuatldn nnd good vinReH. W. 1' . Hm- rlson U Co. . Clerk No. 14 , Olumbtm , Ohio.1J NOTicui Tiinnn Ann nniNo RAISGO IN the v'clnlty of Ncrfolk and Grand Is'and , Neb. , f'ght thourand acies of misar le ta , thj cultlia- tlon or which will require many hundieds of handK , thiifl Klvlni ; unpin ) ment to n lario number of people from the nelshborlng staten , HB well as those HvlnB near the factories. II WANTHD AIII3 VOtJ A CATHOLIC ? AJin ) ou unemployed ? Will you work for $18.00 per weik ? Write today. J. II. Gay. CO Fifth avenue , ClilcaK ) , III. B n LINI : , J2.M rnu TOWN. PAID Ins men to appoint asents. No samples. Wrlto J. F. IlovvlniI15 oth avenue , Chicago. D- _ WANTHD THAVRLINO PALRSMRN FOR UOI ; two hours dally devoted to our line w 11 net you $ I.MO.OO to J2.COO.OO : corieiponilence Bnllclted. Ocorgo A. ll.iker Mfg. Co. . South Monil , Ind. _ D WANTKD , A RAL11SMAN , AT GOLDSTniN'S ctothlnt ; Btore. South Ornahn. One who speaks Bohemian preferred. KoOl 27 * * l po.smo.v roii A I-ORMRII nROKca on banker for special woik on our high srado ecrlal ; I vvlll pay | 3r > 00 weekly for two oid'-ra per day from down town brokers , bankers or reliable buplners men. .AUdreH < 3 or call after 10 o'clock . . .Tuesday , W. T. Marshall , 12 Crelgjifpn l ock. B 491 27 * WANTRD. KNCRnRTIC MAN TO MANAGE branch ofllce. 1'osltlon pe-manent. Salary , $1 , 200.00 nnd commissions. Must furnish JGW.OD to u sl t in carrying the ptock. Address Manufacturers - ufacturers , Box 339 , St. Louis. Mo. B 1S7 27 * MRN TO DISTRinUTi : CIIICHLATIS where ; end references nnd lOc silver. North western Advertisers , " 304 llerry block , Mlmea- polls , Minn. _ H 4S3 27 l WANTKD , rillST CLASS OROANIXKR FOR dentil benefit order. Male or fcm.ile. Apply secretary. Room 310 , 2C9 Dearborn street. Chl- cneo. li 183 27' _ MIN TO HULL BAKING POWDKn. STEADY emplo > ment : experience unncccsaray ; J73.00 monthly salary and expenses , or a com. If offer Is satisfactory , address at once , with par ticulars concerning ) oursi > lf , U , S. Chemical work * . S40 Van lUiren. Chicago. B 171 2i * WANTED , TO CORCSPOND WITH AN AIJRO- naut , for balloon ascension on July 4lh. Ad dress I ) . 13. Ileplogle , Hamburg , la. B 476 27 | 5.oo run 1,000 CASH PAID ; MIN : WITH rcfB. wanted In every town to distribute cauls. Unclosestamps. . National Advg , ABa'n. . Chi- CBRO. 1I-4C3 27 * _ SVANTHU , SALESMAN ON Tim ROAD TO sell advertising cards and calendars on corn- i mission direct- from manufnctiiier ; can make falo. Y. B-407 27 * .WANTRD , STATE AND LOCAL AGENTS FOR bulldlnK and loan work : send for piospectus. M. 8. Totld , Sec'y. , Cincinnati , O. U 101 27 - VANTRD , AQRNTS ARE MAKING J23.00 TO J100.00 n day handling our coin operated liquid vending fountains , livery machine guaranteed , Wilte nt once for particulars. Uotlivvcll Mfg. Co. , Cincinnati , O. U IK 27 * ; \VANTCD. SALESMAN , VISITING GROCERY. palixMi , drug and confectionery trade , to carry nn n side line staple nitlcle ( tiamplu can be carried In pocket ) , which will command Im ! mediate attention. Llbeial commissions paid. Only tfsponslbla men need apply to Box 374 , Sprlnsllcld , O. -4n 27' _ WANTED. COMMISSION MEN FOR FURNI- turc trade , by Chicago houtc ; good line ; give references nnd teliltory covcied. Address H , cars Lord & Thomas , Chicago , 111. B 459 27' BTATE AUENTH WANTED ; CHICAGO UOUSir ; rstnbllBhed buslnehaj big money to hustling , t-ncigetlc man. Call at once. Merchants hotel. William Tairls. B M527 SS' _ .WANTED , SALESMAN TO SELL WASHINGton - ton real cedar posts on commission nil sum mer. Sash and door ami barb vvirn salesman should carry them as a side line. Addrtss Hnoqimlmlo rails Cedar company , Snonualmle. Wash. B-M54129 * HELP. RateB. I'Jo word first Insertion , lo n word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c. 1IRST OF WAGES TO COMPETENT GIRL : must bo good cook and laundress. Mrs. J. M. Thureton , 24U8 Farnam. C 203 LADIES wANTUsta aiRLs APPLY AT TIID Bcandlnavlan Young Ladlei' home , SMI Cumlnr. C M7D52S' _ _ _ _ " WANTKD. LADY CANVABSERS , NO oTRLs" ; n good thing for the right patty. Apply Reed hotel. South Omaha , room 2i > , C M4H 27' WANTED , A COMPETENT GIRL TOR OI1N- eral housework. Apply 2204 Webster street. C M447 27 * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DELSART13 CORSET WAISTS AND BRACKS : the most popular goods a lady can sell ; easy silk's : largo commissions. Write for terms. IH'tsurtu Mfg. Co. , Ill State Direct , Chicago , lil. LADIES WHO \VR 1TK PLAINLY CAN PK- uire poBittin at good wagea writing ut home. ' Itcply with stamp , Ulna Uthcl Sprague , ft' Huutli Bend. IiuX _ O LADIES CAN MAK13 J20.00 A WKEIC AT home , mailing circulars , etc. ; woik steady ; no canvassing. Reply In own . handwriting. The I'llncees Marlu Tolle" Co. , Jollet. 111. C 4S3 27' BKLMAR IIKSS , I'l'lll. , U7-&U BROAD- way. Now Yoik City , wants thu Hervicea of every vehool tfocher within n radius of 150 mile * of Omnhn during the vacation term , to leprem-ni our new sereal , the joint work of Cubhfim Brewer , Ul. , I ) . , and Murlon llur- landt 1'hotournvurt's ' by Goupll (1'iirU ( ) ; monthly cuMl to purclmncra trilling ; vpeclul platen for chfifll tt-acbrn now ready. Call or address W , T. Marilmll , 12 Crrlgliton block , Omaha , Neb. C-4W 21' _ LADIES. WIUTIJ I' . U KNOKDLKR. CHI. MC7 , for tcrtnii on new Una uf gothla ivhkh Me money mukcr > ; vxclimlve territory lo work * tn , IM.OO U month vaally made. Cliculars and . C 4f it' min.ltfrte. . WANTKD. TWO GOOD 8KWINO OIRLS AT 124 H. iWI ulrecl. Monday morning. . ' 474 3 > * IMIIIKM I'AN MAKIJ 1300 DAILY BY TOLD. INK nml MldrvMlnir cln-ulam for u at home ; lui itinvuitliu. iKnlllun prrmanrnt ; reply IHIIIK.I tntrtloM | ! . Ulm * llnico I'aul , VMKTKI . J.ADY TO lANDLU LIGHT AHTI- Hi tixl nl | lo Uire litrrul commlMlon- * > | I K liipl t. | .nilinc la nvllluB | ir ferr j , > 4JU H , Uc * . O-V * WANTED FEMALE Contlnucil. WANTRI ) , A lAIJY. URFINnAND EDTt- entail , fine nddrern , nbjiit thirty , who may d - giro n trip to the I'ncint1 cwm with nn patt ern buslnens'uian , who Jculres n private sec < lary. Will pay expenses. Addrrn M 22 , C-541 2 ? ' Omaha Hoc. - _ _ WANTKD , LADY flTKNOCIRAIMIKR OR TVI'K- writer ta d sK-clal | oik al odd mini WB , ( lixjd WBR'1 * . References. Royal Ilorl'n ' ' < > . , _ ChJcaKO , III. _ CV641 27 * LADIES \viio vfii.ii \viitTiNa TOR MI : lit their homes will make Roinl waKin Reply with self-addressed , stamp d envelop , Mls Mildred Mller , Houth IlcnJInd. C 4iil 27' _ WANTKD , ( ItRL ron" LIGHT HOt'HKWORIvj sninll wnge . Apply afternoon at 151S Weh-loi1 BtrccU C603 27 * ao7 iT7m7t < o oT : niTiTTiouHn\voiiKi Hrnnll family ; 13.00 a week. 2110 Ohln.O . O * M'2i * S WAN-IED ! IN-TKLLIOENT YOUNO"LAUY tr i"frr..l'tr. E perpnn' | not nn nccmnary a rdumllnn nnd .iblllty to do work coiicotlv. Ad- Irfss M 21. lleo. C-SSJrS' riw LKIS- Im'irs c-ith day to dii writing fur mo nt then' lumen ; K < * II ! wages guaranteed. Addiesi Mrx. / .1. ( . 'hlpman , Bninch Managir , 4210 Nicholas Ptr'-t. Onnlui , _ CC19 27 * LAI5IH8 OR OKNTLKMKN WILL MAKE A llbfrnl salary willing fcC-jno nt home ; leply with slump. Miss T7iiilovv , "otilh Bead , I nil. 0-T.17 . 21 * FOR BENT HOUSES. Rates , lV4c wrrd frsl Insertion , Ic n word thereafter. Nothing takin for less than S.'o. PINK FLAT IN "cLOUfER Bl.OriC AT 705 S. 1f th St. ; ) nng < * nnd nil other conveniences ; $2V Gcorne dourer , room 2 , IC23 rnr.iam st. D 911 HOUSES. F. 1C. DARLfNO. rlTuKEH BLOCK. P 3'2 HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF TlfiT CITY. Tn"E O. r. Davis comimny , 1305 Pnrnnm. D 13) C-ROOM COTTAOis7 MODERN , C'lIOICII IN . Hatnfonl Circle. C. S. Elgutler , 204 Ben build ing. _ _ PjTr > 4 RKNTAL AGENCY , G07 1IROWN OtJOCK. D S.3 FIRST CLAPS" WELL LOCATED l'Ol.fSRsT. S. fiklnncr , 310 N. Y. Life. D 3M . ' 0 * CLEAN , COMFORTABLE. CONVENIKNT , moderaln rentals , best 3 and 4-room su'tes ' fo- houspkeepeiH only. References required. Alsj C-rogm FUltc H ten mcnt. S1G S. 22d Ft. D-3TS KILKENNEY&CO.R. i. CONTINENTAI , HLK. D ess NICE 5-ROOM COTTAGE. 110 00 PER MONTH. L. S. S'klnner , 310 N. Y. Life. D 5S3 riTe icK noME7 KioiiT ROOMS AND BARN : nice lawn , cltv water and southeast finnt ; 1 block south of Lenvenvvorth on "Sth avenue ; | 2 ; . W. Apply lo N , 1 erry , in premises. D-239 _ TOR RP.NT , $33.00 PER MONTH , 4110 LAFAY- elle avenue , 7 rooms , furnace , bath , hot nnd cold water , closet , pan. electric lighting appli ances , etc. Beautiful Hwn , trees , etc. Fidelity Trust company , 1702 Farnam street. D M213 FOR RENT. GOOD DETACHED NINE-ROOM hous" , 3121 Capitol avenue. Also 9-room house 2329 Capitol avinue. B. H. Robleon , room 7 , Commeic'al ' National. D MS98 _ MlOOM sfoDERN COTTAGE , LAWN AND shade. 2121 Miami slrcet. . D-M431 FOR RENT , THE BEST MODERN 10-ROOM hnuye In Omaha for the money. Tcmpleton & Plcrson. 303 I'nxlon block. _ D MSiC ro HOUSES , r. D. WEAD , loth a DOUGLAS. D 104 31 _ FOUR-ROOM HOUSE. 33TJ JONES. jToo. Sclby , 334 Chamber Commerce. U M113 " " " THREE ROOMS , 034 S. 17TH "sTREETf D M109 J1S * _ 10-ROOM HOUSE. ALL MODERN CONVKNI- cnces , good cistern and ctllar , newly papered and painted throughout ; splend'd location. In- qlure 400 N.Y. . Life bldg. between 11 nnd 12 a. in. or 3 and C p. m. _ , _ D MCOO 2 JUNE 1ST , C RobM COTTAGE WITH FURnace - nace , bath , closet , niaiblo wash stand , good barn , etc. , { 22.30. The Fidelity , 17th and Far- nam. D 330-23 _ FOR RENT , ONE-STORY COTTAGE , 2833 Burl street , also' after June 15 , two-Htoiy house , 1817 Cnpllcl ave. Henry W. Yalea. D 372-J ' ' ' " L LOT. PAVED all modern conveniences. 2020 1'arKcr St. , J22 00. D 398-27 * _ 3-RpOM FLATS. NO. 1418 N. 17TH ST ? GOOD repair. Price t7.CO. _ D 42-2f SPLENDID .MODERN TEN-ROOM HOUSE : good nelghboihood : 15 minutes fiom Farnam. Rent way down. Burns Cl.lna Store , or 70S N Y. Life. D MI23 27 * _ TEN-ROOM HOUSE , 309 N. IVTH STREET. 3 blocks from high school ; } 3".00 ; all con veniences ; cheaply nnd easll > neatcd In win ter : motor cats. SlBhtly house , 3917 California street , 3 blocks from motor cars ; large barn : trees , bath , city water and sewerage ; { 20.00. H. A. Doud/ / Pat terson block. D MI37 27 * FINE PROPERTY FOR JtKNT ALL OVER the. city ; beautiful shaded home , two acres In Council Bluffs ; cheap ; on car line. George W. I' . Ccates , 1023 Farnam. D 502 27 * FOR RENT , COMPLETELY FURNISHED , modern G-room collage , 10 minutes walk from 16th and 1'nrnnni. Addiess M ! , Bee. D478 27' _ FOR RENT , . FURNISHED 6-ROOM COTTAGE. east front N. W. corner 2Sth and Mason ; will rent cheap Ho good party for months of Jim" . July and August. V 133 27' 8-ROOM HOUSE FURNISHED. NEAR 2VTH and Capitol avenue. Call at 334 Beard Trade Bldg. | D-M5S3 _ _ SIX-ROOM COTTAGE ; MODERN ; 450 S. 24TH avenue. R. McOrath. D 51S 27 * FOR RENT , A NEW 9-ROOM HOUSE , WITH nil modern conveniences , nnd a large lot , 2033 IJavcnport. Inquire 1215 Cass Bt. D 543 27 * FOB , BENT FURNISHED BOOMS. Rates , IVio woid first Insertion , Ic n word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 23c. FOR RENT. AT 2638 DODGI : . A LARGE JAY window , second story front room , for J10 00 a month. No other roomers and no children. B _ 1-OR RENT. ' A LARGE faOUTH ROOM AT 191 ? Dodge street , E M679 VERY PLEASANT ROOM. INQUIRE 1910 Dodge. n 623 AETNA HOUSE , NORTHWEST CORNER 13T1I and Dodge , Kooma by the day or week. K CSO JS * _ FURNISHED ROOM ; GENTLEMAN. 2017 1IAR- ney street. U 347-2S * _ TWO NICELY FURNISHKD SOUTH ROOMS , cnsulto or separate ; gentlemen only. 318 N. 23d st. E 352-27' _ FtJRNIBHED ROOMS. WITH OR WITIIOUT board , 2211 Douglas Etrvet. References 10 < l"lred. E M38i 30' _ _ PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOMS , oTsOlITH 21th street. 12 M390 30 * ROOM WITH ALCOVE. 624 S. 20TH AVE. E 423J2I' _ 2 ROOMS , JS.OO AND J7.00. 313 S. 20TH ST. 32-27' FOR RENT-2 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS with alcove ; party going away for the sumimr. Call 2 78 Hurney Ht. _ E43027 * FOR RENT , NICELY FURNISHED FRONT p.ulor. 1HJ9 Farnam street. U M& > 'j 29 * TWO YOUNO LADIES CAN HAVE SUITE looiia furnished , with privilege of light house- I.ivi Int. In family of two In best location. Ad- illucs M 2) , Bee , E 5J3 27 FURNISHED ROOMS , 224 N. 10TH. K-631 2 FOR RENT. NICELY AND NEWLY FUR- nlslud rooms , first iloor ; no other roomers ; ? ' .x. ' ' 'f,18 ' " " " * ' ° " KUS. bath , etc. Ad.ltesa _ . . " K-M6.0 _ FUBNISHED ROOMS AND BOARlT Rates , l"So word first Insertion. Ic a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 23c. bOUTH ROOMS AND GOOD nOARD " 103 Douglas Mreet. F-M905 r"0 T ? ,1lAC rA LOl | UNFURNISHED , , , , , , , YOUNU WOMK.Vl ) HOME. UNDKR CAltK OF \Homen's ChrUtlan assouiutun. Ill S. Itth st F-3CD FURN18HKD OR UNFURNISHED , with 'Irst-cUsu ; boarit 1908 Capitol ave. Inquire 1810 Capllol ave. F M77I BOUTH FIONT ROOM FOR TWO , WITH board. In private family. 2020 St. Mary's ave. _ F-MSU JH NICELY FURNISHKD ROOMS. FOLDING * ' " . , convenience , with go * ! biard. Tha Ro e. 2020 Harney. F-21 ! > 27 * PLEASANT ROOM WITH BOARD gentlemen , J310 Dodge n. F SM- r ° R RENT FURNISHED ROOM WITH board , ) a month ; private family. 2117 Caldwell mrei * ! . F M41S 28' DESHIAHLi : ROOM WITH BOARD IN PRI- > ate family , m N. 19lli. F-4TM * ROOM AND BOARD , FOR MAN AND WIFE , or ! gentlemen In private family. Nlco iinn- mer home. Convenient to two car lln < - . Ilnun _ moderate. _ AddreBs M 15. Uee. F 188 27' TWO OR THRKK PLKA8ANT FURNISHKD rooms at the Brenan IIat . Mm. L. M Tuttte. _ - F-4M g7 * FOR HUNT. FURNISHED HOOM3 WITH boarJ , iUl bodge * i'-JIM6 SO' FOB. RENT-UNFUBJJISH'P ROOMS. Rates , 1140 wcrd first Insertion , Ic a wonl therenftrr Nothing taken for lct than 23C. 4 UNFL'nNtiltRD ROOMS , SUITABLK TOR hou kceplnB. city water , etc. , low rent ! north- < vt t corner 17tn and Wcbslef it. O 361 " " ' FOR"R"ENT , RntrK , 1'sc word nr l Insertion , Ic n wonl thereafter. Nothing token for leM than 25c. DESIC ROL-M ] WM. Jl WULSHANS. MI Hoard of Trade bldg. t S94 FOR RINT , THREE-STORY AND BASKMKNT brick building nt 1011 Farnam street. In llrst- cliia * . condition , good location for nnv bjslness. Inquire of A. J. Pnpplcton , room 311 Flr t " Nn- llonnl bank building. 1 M55. > 2J _ i7 MONTHSi LKASK OF 8TORE. 309 H. 17TH. I63 tW < < i I'OR IIRNT , THK 4-STORY BRICK BUILDING , 1)18 ) Fnliiam street , The bulldlnn mis n Hie- proof cement bntcment , complete Blcam heal ing nxturea , water on all HOOIB , gas , etc- . Apply - ply nt Iho oince of the Bee. 1 910 DKHK ROOM CHEAP , FRONTING FARNAM , Itixim 2 , 1C21 Farnam sticcl. I MC14 AGENTS WANTED. Rates , me woid first Insertion , le n wcrd thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 2jc. WANTED , TRAVELING SALESMEN TO HELL lubricants OB a specialty or side line. Allen Oil & Grease Co. , Cleveland. O. J M232 28' WANTED ! AGENTS "IN NKIIRASKA AND Iowa to Belt the Moss 4 : Illlljnrd patent farm- em' handy egg ca o nt reduced pilce : big money In U for the right man. Apply U. T. LcltH , sole manufacturer of the fnnners'hnndy _ egg cane , St. Joseph , Mo. J .i7 J5 AGENTS 'WANTED "IN KVE RY CITY AND town to handle. "Thi- Story of the Common- win ! . " The fastest Filling book ever published. $10.00 u , iy can bo aveiaged by good agents. Samples , 23c. Call or write for terms. W. B. Conkey company , 341-331 Dearborn street , Chicago cage , Jill. J-MCOO MALE AND FEMALE AGENTS TO SELL our 320-page IIUKtraled book of the celebrated HrriklnrldRe-t'nllnnl breach of promise trial. Agents are making 1100.00 n week. Wilto nt once , enclosing 10 cents In stomps for fine outfit. Centennial Mfg. Co. , Milwaukee , \VMs. WANTKD. A GOOD MAN WHO CAN INVEST mall amount of money ; guaranteed to nvilte JlO.oo to 115.00 dally ; no peddling ; no iollc.tnv. ! Standard Automatic Machine Co. , ? 4 Bigen alreel , Cincinnati , O. J M41 ! ! 2 ! > * AGENTS WANTED NO HARD TIMES : SELL Aluminum Novelties , fast sellers , 203 per-cent prollt. Sicuie lenltory. S.imple In velvet lined case with full Information , by return mall 10 cents. Aluminum Novelty Co. , 03"i Broadway , New York. J WANTED. AGENTS. SAMPLE SASH LOCK fiee by mall for 2c. stamp. Immense. Un rivalled. Only good one ever Invented. Beals weights. Salea unparalleled. IU u day. Bro- . haul ( HOT 80) ) , Philadelphia. J LADY AGENTS-THE EASIEST AND MOST prolllabli- thing to do Is to sell the Hygela cor set. Send for terms and Information to the Western Corset Co. , St. Louis , Mo. J AGENTS. " WlfliAVE A SELLER. OVER 200 per cent profit. Sells nt sight. In every otllce , store , hotel , or residence ; light and handy to carry. Requires no talking. Send 30c and three 2c stamps for samples , which you can sell for three times the cost , In a few mln- ulrg. Mention thla paper. Address Jewell N. Halllgan company , 425 Home Insurance buildIng - Ing , Chicago. J M4 % 28 * AGENTS CAN MAKE $100.00 A WKEKTAK- _ Ing advertisements for our electric gifest call , which Is put Into hotels free. No experience needed. For partlculara enclose stump. Frank O , Smith & Co. , La Crosse , WIs. J 504 27 * WANTED , AGENTS TO SELL OUR POCKET h'tchlng ' posts : hltc'.i n horse anywhere ; sells on sight. Enclose stamp for partlculara. Pocket Hllchlng Post company , Warren , Pa.JM3 J-M3 27' AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE FOR electric door ( name ) plate , slgns.etc. , readable In Ihe dalk ; sample with nny name free. New Era Plate Co. , 107 Dearborn street , Chicago , 111. J 4'2 271 GENERAL AGENTS WANTED , SELLING new articles to dealers ; exclusive territory ; no competition ; no capital icqulrcd ; 200 to 300 per < ent prollt. Columbia Chemical Co. . 09 Denr- born slicet , Chicago , 111. J I'll ' 27 * AGENTS AND SALESMEN WANTED. TO ncll clgnr.s by sample lo dealcta ; salary or commission. Address with 2c stamp , Steillng Cigar Co. , 113 Adams street , Chicago , 111. J 4SO 27' LADY MADE Jtl.OO LAST WEEK SELLING Long's willd mucilage pencils. Why not \ou ? Address C. A. Long manufactory , 3J4 Deniborn street. Chicago , lll.j f J 472 27J _ BRKCKINRIDGE BOOK ; BREACH' OF PROMIse - Ise ; history of lltlganls ; Illustrated : agents success unpnrrallelledj 100,000 nlrcadv sold ; oullll free ; agents wanted , W. H , Ferguson Co. , Cth streel , Cincinnati , O. J 105 27 * THREE GENREAL AGENTS ( EITHER SEX ) wllh tome knowledge of agency work , lo travel and appoint agents for n leading publishing house ; * alary and expenses paid ; no canvass ing itqnlied. Addiess stating age , references and occupation , J. H. Moore & Co. , Chicago , III. J M4C8 28' AGENTS AND GENERAL AGENTS 'WANTED for Ihe best book on earth to make money with. 12.00 outtlt free to all meaning business. Balch Bros. , Boston , Mass. J WANTED TO BENT. Rates , lOc n line each Insertion , $10 a line per month. Nothing taken for le s than , 25c. _ _ WANTED , EAST OF 24TH STREET. FUR- nlshed room , with use of bath , for single man. Slate terms. References. T , Box 7C. Omaha. K 150 27 * STORAGE. Rates , l ic word first Insertion , Ic a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 23c. STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; CLEAN and cheap rate. R. Wells , 1111 Farnam.M . M 204 STORAGEWILLIAMS & CROSS , 1214 HARNEY. M 303 STOVES STORED DURING THE SUMMER. 1207 Douglas. Omaha Slove "lep.ilr woika. M-ir May 31 WANTED TO BUY. Rales , HJc wcrd first Insertion , lo n word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c. CASH PAID FOR "SECOND-HAND FURNI- turc , carpets , etc. I. Brussell , 710 & 712 N. 10th. N 195 J3 _ WANTED. CUT-UNDBR SURREY FOlF ONE horse , extension top prcfeired , must be In flret class condition. M 6 , Bee. N 397-27' I HAVE INQUIRY FOR CHEAP HOMES FROM S1.200 lo J2.000 : must be bargains ; what have you ? Address M 10 , Bee. N M444 23' _ WANTED TWO GOOD MEDIUM SIZED trunks ; must be cheap. Address Linotype , Bee. N 449-27 _ WANTED TO BUY A GOOD ESTABLISHED banking business , where 150,000 00 or more can be loaned at good rates. Address box 242 , Adalr , Iowa. N WANTKD , A SECOND HAND SKT OF TIN- ner'n tools , at once. Will pay cash. State price and address M. W. Grlest , South Omaha. N-M50J 2S _ WANTKD , TO BUY LARGE SECONDHAND rate ; must bo cheap. Sol Bergman Jewelry Co. , 313 S. 15lh street. _ N M514 WASTED. A DOUBLE SKT OF CAHRIAGK haini-t-s ; state price , B. II. , COO E. Pierce , ( . .uneil Bluffg. N 531 27 _ FOBSALE HORSES , WAGONSETO. Rates , IHo word first Insertion , Ic u word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 23c. ron BALE. TEAM"WKLL MATCHED BAY hoises , cheap. T. J. Rogers , 14th and Fainam Slreets _ P M9W-SO _ FOR SALE. ONK ROCKAWAY CARRIAGE" ono family carriage , In tUst-cIasa condition. Enquire of George Fortran. American HavlnjB bank. N. Y. Llfo building. _ 1' MSC1 a FOR HALK , LIGHT CARRIAGE TEAM , 1130 N. 17th. P M393 .123' _ FOR BALE CHKAP.M1ORSK , HARNESS AND road Waton. tioiao Is well bled nnd only 5 years old. Omaha Ulcjcle Co. , 007 N. 10th ct , P-IOO-SO _ FOR SALE , FINE LARGE FAMILY HORSE ; veiy gentle. Inquire nt Woodman Linseed Oil woiks. P499 27 KS , CARRIAGES AND HARNESS. NEW and ttfcondhand. K sou want to buy or sell , call on Mitchell A Kvvlgart , commission mer chants , 1214 nnd Ulfi Dodge , corner 13th. i' iai 27 * _ FOR KALE. PARTY LEAVING TOWN FOR summer ; will sell an Al road nriro , 7 jears old , mahogany bayr good buggy nnd barman ; will Bell separately : don't answeruiiliH.i jou mean busings. Aildrei-a M 18. Bee. 1' 115 27 FOB IALE MISCELLANEOUS. HALED HAY FOR BALK. THK STANDARD C'attlo company , Amci , Neb. , have 2,000 ton ? of Eootl bain-stored hay for nail . All orders filled promptly. Q 360 _ FOR S.MlJ ] CHKAP. NEW AND SECONDhand - hand bicycles : blcyclcH u-palrcd cheiip. Omaha llk'jcla Co , W7N. _ 16th. Q-W3-30 FOR BALKrONK K7M ALL UVIUQHT PIANO at a , bargain. Inquire al Ills Howard s'.rn.'t. FOR HALK. FOl'R PKRFKCTLY MARKKD HI. Bernard dott purpleii. 6 weeks old ; pwllgiee liner than silk. Hewitt , 2191 Douglas utrect. Q-192 27 FOR HALK. LADY'H PNKt'MATIC WHKKL , high grade pneumatic nubile. Apply H. R. Tiiompsou , Water. Wcrks olUce , Bee Bid * . FOR BALEBfiBOELLANEOUS. . ffijjlnuol. ItANDFOMK PUG rji . PI'IES C1IKAP , MAIti order * promptly HIKiT ; W3 H. 40th 8tr > - ' % FOR SALE , CHEAP. ALMOST A NK\V TYPl7- writer ; must sell nt once. Address M 23. llee. mi- 628 2 ! ' _ PNEUMATIC 87miT $ , FIRST-CLAS'S CONDI- tlon. A snap for itomc one. 107 N. 10th st eet. . q-Mlil2 29 * _ _ _ OLAIRyOYANTS. Rates , l'4c word Mrst Insertion , Ic n word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 2c. " " RsDR.l.ARiNCLIRVOA : liable bualneis medium ; 7th yiar at 119 N. It. 8-MJ MASSAGE. BATHED ETC. Rates , l'4c word first Insertion , le n wonl thereafter. Nothing token for ICBB than 2.'c. .MMK. LA RUEr41l ! SOUTH 15TIL T-736JIO * _ MADAME SMITH. 602 B 13TH , 2D FLOOR. rc < oni 3. Massage , vapa * . alcohol. Btcnm , BUI * phnrlno nnd sea baths. _ T MIS ! 20 * MADAMK n"RO\VN , 1314 CAPITOL AVENUE , 2il Iloor , room 4 , maagc , alcohol , sulphur nnd phurlne nnd sen tnths. _ T M532 2 * PEB3ONAL. _ _ Rates , I'Jc woid first Insertion , Ic a wonl thereafter. Nothing laken for less than 25c. GKT MARRIED. SEND FOR MY BIO PAPER ; hundreds of advertisers watlt hunlnnds nnd wives. Mailed sealed for namp. W. II. Hor- btck. Denver. Colo. _ ETTM'5i mm' MASSAGE TREATMENT. ELKCTRO-THKn- mal baths. Scalp & hair treatment , manicure & chlropodls. Mrs. Post , 31914 S 15th , Wlthnoll Mk. U 3t 9 MADAME LA ROOK , MASSAQK. 322 N. 1TTH parlors 12nnd U. U M221 28 * _ _ MASSAGE7MADAMK BERNARD , 1419 YOUR PAST , PRESENT AND FUTURE RKAD by lady clalrvoanl. 635 S. nth. _ U-222 27 * VIAVI , HOMK TRKAT11KNT * . FOR LADIES. lie , ilth book and consultation free. Address or call Vlavl Co. , 340 Bee bldg. Lady attendant. U 3G8 COMPOUND OX G EN CURE9 ASTHMA. bronchitis , consumption , catarrh , etc. Thtea days free nt R. 3J , Douglas blk , 16th nnfi Dodga WANTED ] INFORMATION Xs TO THE whereabouts ot F. J. Gregory , who left his home In Kearney , Neb. , March 6 , starting for Holdrege. He. Is about D feet. G Inches lall , weighs 100 pounds , has blue eyes , brown hair and a heavy blown moustache ; face thin. He had with him when he left home his daughter , 9 years old , and when List heard from was In Sheldon , la. , nnd had the child with him , and Indica tions are that his mind Is unbalanced. Pie ise detain or arrert him and notify J. M. Hummel , S.mdwlch.BI. U-M41I 27 _ _ _ _ ' LADIES' ( R"IBBKR , NEVER FAHJS 'AND 10 o. N.T.PInk Pills mulled , Jl. Ladles' Bazaar.Omalia U-b59-J-7 HAIR RESTORED , FRANK BROGLIN , Ot'FICE barber ahop , 1512 Farnam St. , guanntees to restore your hair If roots are not destroyed , stops hair from falling out nnd returns natu ral color lo gray hair. Free examination every day from 9 lo 12 a. tn. and 1:30 : to B p. m. IT TS J 10 _ MRS. F. HORSEY. CARD READING. 1120 N. 20 . 1I-M3-.C g * _ _ THIN PEOPLE : "THE BEST" FLESH maker ( a predlgested food ) will Inciease your weight and strength when oil and medicines have failed ; a "plump" face nnd form PS- sured ; particulars and special guaranteed price free. The E. L. Beals company , 1215 Masonl" Temple , Chicago. ' _ _ U ATTENTION LADIES EMMA BUST DEVELoper - oper will enlarge juur bust 5 Inches. Guaran teed. Sealed Instructions , 2c , or 24-page Il lustrated catalogue c , by mall. Emma Toilet Bazar , Bosion , Mars- _ U M"ARRYT IF You.'yJ'ANT . A HUSBAND OR wife , ilch or poor , ' send 10 ccnls for main- monlal papu , sent sealed In plain wrapper. Mr. nnd Mrs. Drake. Central Bank building , Chicago. HI. , . , _ U LADIES , TONTH IS THE ONLY SUCCESSFUL bust developer known. Never falls ; $2.00 ; full confidential particulars ( sealed ) for 2c stamp. Mrs. Dr. H. T. Milder. 21 Qulncy street , Chicago. ASTROLOGY. SEND TIME OF BIRTH. SKX 10 cts. nnd stamp" for prospecls coming year wllh character. M. Jeannctte , box 312 Lynn Mass. 1 J t I U _ _ WANTED , , TO KyfttV TITO WHBREABOUTS of M. E. Robertson , last , heara'J&f lnrOma. > a. Neb. , April 9. .ISM ; wns sick there. An > one giving Information , will be well row aided. Yours , sincerely , James M. French , Marietta , Ind. U-438 27 _ PERSONAI.f-20 FORMULAS FOR TOILET AND household articles , comprlsitlg-'hatr prepara tions and "dandiuft cure , " face preparations. cuie for blackheads and greasv skin , specific for offensive feet , baking powder , washing liulda , carpet cleaning fluid , and other house hold receipts ; published In book form : price , 50c. The Cleopatia Toilet Co. , box 830. Omaha , Neb. U 511 27 _ DON'T FORGET COLORADO EXCURSION , Mav 2' , via Burlington loute ; cheap homes ; easy terms. Colorado Land company , 310 New York Life. Omaha. U 520 27 _ MONEY TO LOAN BEAL ESTATE. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Brennan , Love & Co. , Paxton blk. W 371 _ ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. , 318 N-Y/LI I-'B , loans at low rates far choice security on Ne braska and Iowa farms or Omaha city propel ty , W 370 _ MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES ON Improved and unimproved Omaha real estate. 1 to 6 years. Fidelity Trust Co. . 1702 Farnam. W-372 _ _ LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property ; $3,000 & upwards , 6 to OV4 per cent ; no delays. W. Farnam Smith & Co. . 1320 Farnam. MONEY TO LOAN A'T LOWEST RATES THE O. F. Davis Co. . 150S Famam Bt. _ W 376 MONKY TO LOAN ON FARMS IN DOUGLAS. Improved and unimproved Omaha real estate. Fidelity Trust Co. . 1702 Farnam st. W-372 OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO. . 16TH AND Douglas streets , loan money on city and farm property at lowest lates of Intel ast. W 377 UFE INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON or bought. F. C Cheeney , Kansas City , Ma. W-378 _ _ MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA PROPERTY and Nebraska farms at from 6 to 7 per cent. W. B. Melklc. First National bank Inilldlng. W-379 _ _ MORTGAGE LOANS. A. MOORK , 501 N. Y. Life. W 713-J9" LOANS. J. W SQUIRK. 248 Bee. W-S9JT CHOICE CITY AND FARM LOANB WANTKD. J. N. Frenzer , opposite P. O. W 934 J15 CITY LOANS. C. A. BTARR. D15 N. Y. LIFE. W M943 _ LOANS. 1 TO 6 YEARS , WARRANTS , BON OS , etc. Oarvln Bros. . 210 N. Y. Life. W J75 WANTED , TO LOAN $1DOO.OO ON VACANT property close to center of town. Submit applications - plications to M 9. Bee olllee. W M430 28 WANTED TO LOAN $2,000 ON CITY REAL estate. Send descrlpllon of security to M 14 , Bee olllee. W 431-27 _ SECOND MORTGAGES : COULD MAKE A FEW choice loans of $1UUO 00 and up , Want J5.000.00 lo $10,000.00 loan ; need not bo on strictly Inside property , Alexander MooreCOI N , Y. Life Bldg. W 512 27' MONEY TO 'LOAN ' CHATTELS. Rates , I',3o woni "first Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing . faken for less than 2'na. MO.NUY 'JO We will loan you any sum which you wish , email or large , at the lowest posible tales. In the quickest possible time , and for any length of time to cult Vi | | You can pay It back In cuch Installments aa you wish , when you wish , anu only pay for' ' U as long as you keep tu You can boirow on HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIANO9. HORSES. WAOONS AND CARRIAGES , WAREHOUSE REUKIPTB. MERCHANDISE. OR ANY OVHKR SECURITY. without publicity or removal of property. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . SW KOUTH'16TH STREET. First llocwr , above the street , THF. OLDEST. LAUGEST AND ONLY 1NCOR. PORATKD LOAN , iCOMPANY IN OMAHA. . ' i - WILL LOAN MONKY ON ANY KIND OF bK curlty ; itrlclly confidential. A. K. Harrlv room 1 , Continental .block. _ X SJ3 MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE. PIANlv" ill articles ofalue. . Fred Terry. 43 Raai.l X-381 block. _ _ 'iiiu 1'LACE ' 1O IJURiam MONKY ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURD. MONKY ON HORHKsl AND MULL'S. MONUV ON WAUONS AND CARRIAGES , MONKY ON PIANOS AND ORGAN ! ) . MONKY ON WARKHOUSK RKCKIPT3. MONKY ON MERCHANDISE , MONKY ON ANY CHATTEL SECURITIES , MON13Y ON eoods taut remain with Jou. MONKY IF YOU WANT NO Pl'RUUlTY. MONKY IN LAROK OR SMALL AMOUNTS. MONEY AT LOWKST I OSSIIILK RATKS , MONEY IN QUICKEST POSSIBLE TIMK. MONKY THAT > ou may pay back nt any lm . ml In any amount. IB nt ROOM 4. WITH. NCI. I. block , c.initr 13lh nn.l Ilurney streets THK FIDELITY IX > AN QUARANTEK CO. N 383 _ _ _ _ _ MON BV Tb i.OA N"ON" TlORSKS. WAUON5" pianos and furniture o ( all kinds Iluilneii confidential J B. Haddock , room 427 , Hunut X MI tj.oclcl _ - _ _ UONKY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PROP- crly. Hart In Low Co. , 701 N , Y , Llf bulldjnr. BUSINESS C1IANOES. llntrn. mr wonl first Insfrtion I. a wonl thereafter. Nothing taken for leu than 2Bo. PARTNER WANTED : I..TKRKST IN A branch business of well established linn ; 00.00 required. Address L 60 , bee , with full pnrtlru- lars. Y-M172 Jlii * FO 11 PALH AT A BARGAIN , RKSTA U R A NT doing paying bus'ness ; good location ; satisfac tory reasons for selling. Address L 05 , Hoc. Y M401 WANTKD. A PHYSICIAN TO LOCATE ; FINK opening for gocd man ; large territory. Hmilo & Wilson , Mavllle , la. Y-M445 29' $ aW.GO MONTHLY ; MANUFACTURING CONcern - cern wants representative In Omaha ( or any city not taken ) . Must havea few hundred dollars cash lo pay fnr goods on dilivery nfli-r orders arc oveurcil. F. K. Vail , Morse buildIng - Ing , New York. Y-MtS3 1' YAt' CAN MAKK IW.M AND MORE PER DAY by buvlng for $20n.nO tell of our eoln-M'it fountains. They sell nutlmitlcally Ice cold drinks nf nny kind In summer nnd hot drinks In winter. It Is the best liquid vendor ever offered. We nlsn make many different coin- si > t machines for ntmi'emcnt , as ell nf mi- meious other noviltles. It will be lo yMlr In terest to write us , ns we nro the la'gest min- ufaelurers In this line In the t'nlted Sla'es. International Automatic Machine connianv , 291- 2-JC Main street , Cincinnati. Ohio. Y 1'6 27 * January 1 ' . 12 per cent " IS 10 " February 1 , 11 " 15 15 Maich 1 9 " " 15 8 " April 2 9 " " 10 S'4 ' " May 1 8 " IS 8 " Total 9S'4 ' " We have paid our customers In 135 days. PinfltH paid twice each mnnth ; money cnn be withdrawn any time ; $20.00 to { 1,000.00 can be Invested : wrlle for Information. Fisher Co. , slock brokers , IS nnd 20 Broadway , New York. Y-MC4 27 * SUCCESSFUL SPKCULATION OPEN TO ALL. try our syndicate svstem of speculation , In- cruise > our Income : Information fieisend ; for circular , Thompson & Derr Co. , 38 Wall street. New York. Incoiporaled under Iho laws of state of New York ; capital , $109003.Y . Y 403 27 * A GOOD LOCATION FOR BAKERY AND CON- fcctlonary. Address 1702 N 20th stieel , Omaha , Neb. Y 313 27' $20000 MONTHLY. MANUI'TcTrRINO CON- cein wants Omaha rc | > ics ° ntntlvo ( or imv c'.tv not taken ) . Must have a few hundred doll.irs cash ID pay for goods on delivery nft'-r oide a me secured. I' . E. Vail , Moise building , New York. Y 34) ) 27 * FOB EXCHANGE. Hates , JUc word first Insertion , lo n word thereafter. Nothlns taken for less than 2" c. WANTED , TO TRADK PIANO OR ORGAN for hoise and bunny. Koom 30.1 McCngue buliaine. Z MI3) ) 1 A GOOD RANCH TO TUADC FOH WESTERN mares ; about 1,000 acics , hay , tlmhei and water. Address M. L. Taylor , Sprlnsvlew , Neb. Z MOM JIG' CLEAR RESIDENCE PROPERTY IN" GOOD Invvn , cential Neb. , for stock Keneral m r- chandlsc or Groceries. Addiess Box 217 , Lltch- flcld. Neb. Z M3S4 27' TO EXCHANGE. FINELY BRED 3-YEAR- old stepper ; dark bay. 15 hands h'gh. ' double or single driver , for outside , unimproved acre pr-ipcrty. M 17 , lice. Z 49.1 27 * IP YOU WANT TO BUYSELL OR Ex change merchandise , Ket In or out of business , call on or address the National Information and Exchange Co. , 203 First National bank , Omaha , Neb. 55 MDD7 .KG AN IMPROVED 1-AHM TO EXCHANGE FOR heu.y work horses.V. . E. Davidson , Nellgli , Neb. / M538 2 roil EXCHANGE. OMAHA PROPERTY FOIl farm , ranch , or wild lands. Addies-H M 22 , Uee. K 5JJ 27 * COLORADO EXCURSIONMAY 29IM ; - proved , lirlgated farms ; forcclosuie sales. Col- c > ia In land and Immigration company , 310 New York Life. Omahiu 7. 523 27 A TWO-STORY BRICK BUILDING ( STOKE with sl\- looms ) woilh $5,000.00 , free of en cumbrance , to exchange for n giocery store. Add. F. 1'aul , I' . O. Omaha. Z W 27 * FOR EXCHANGE , A FARM IN SOUTH MIS- sourl for stock of mcichandlsp or town prop erty. Address J. C. Geyer , Hamburg. Iowa. S5 M5I7 2S * FOB , SALE BEAL ESTATE. Rates , IVJc word first Insertion , Ic n word theieafter. Nothing taken for less than 23c. BARGAINS. HOUSES.LOTS AND FARMS. ( ale or trade. F. K. Darling , Baiker block. RE 333 6 , 10 AND 20-ACRE TRACTS. 2H MILKS EAST of Council Bluffs , nt 5100.00 to $200 00 per acre , suitable for fruit gatdens and homes. Day & Hess , Council Bluffs. R E MM4 J3. BARGAIN. N. E. CORNER 29TH AND HICK- ory. F. K. Darling. Barker block. RE 383 DO YOU WANT A HOME , A COZL LITTLE farm of 3 to 10 acres , where you can attend to jour business In the city and lalse sour own fiult , vegetables and poultry and lUe like n kins when times are tiaid ? Come quick and get your choice. Terms easy. Add. Box CO Mtllard. Neb. R E172 TOR SALE , 7-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT AT a bargain , one block fiom moter. Inqulic at SIC S. 25th St. R E-91J JH * VILLA RIDGE-BEAUTIFUL ACRES , ON Military road , north of motor line , easy teims , only $5.00 per acre. Bafe and sounrt Investment - ment A. P. Tukey. R E 737 100 FT. OHIO STREET , CORNER 40TH , ON grade , fine view , $800 , woith twice that ; can use goo > l driving horse. Fidelity Trust company - pany , 1702 Farnam st. .11 E 349-23 _ 22 FEET ON CUMING ST. NEAR 27TH ONLY $1,200 , eastern owner , very cheap ; terms casj. Fidelity Trust company , 1702 Farnam st. R E 319-23 FOR SALE. AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES and on easy payments , 18 lota nuir Academy of the Sacred Heait. Apply to Geo. M. Cooper , Patterson block. RE-M303 27 * GREATEST BARGAIN IN AMERICA ALL OR half 3id lot south of Dorcas on S. llth st. motor , east front , line neighborhood , with 5-room house and Improvements ; must be sold by June 1st ; submit best offer and teims. Addiess M 8. Itce. R E 427-27 FOR SALE 400 CHOICE EASTERN NEHRAS- ka faims ; also n few for trade. C. R. lloat- rlcht , 301 N. Y. Llfejjldg. RJ 42I-J24 * " FARM LANDS67F7 HARRISON , 912 N. Y. | MAN1TOIT , COLORADO A MODERN KLKVKN- room house , haid wood finish , city water , steam heat and sewer ; beautifully located , near soda spring ! will bo sold cheap by owner , E. A. Gilbert , 1W8 Colfax a\cnue , Denver. SEVERAL DESIRABLE HOMES VERY cheap. List houses and acres for sale with Gurvln Bios , , 210 N. Y. Life UUlR.RE RE 175 27 7-ROOM HOUSE ON I'AVED STREET ; 2 blocks from motor ; a snap ; $1,000.00 on pay- " " ' "ooA'ln Bros. , 210 N. Y. Life FOR SALE , SOME GOOD 1CO-ACRK IOWA farmes In Adalr and Guthrle counties. 3JO acres In Gosp r lounly , Neb. Some good busi ness properties In a live town for stile. or ex change. A. C. Sa\agc. Adalr , la. RE 100 27 * BEAUTIFUL 10-ACRE TRACT , WEST OF city , for sale nt sacilllce ; must havu money. Addiess box M4 , city. RE 510 27 * $150.00 CASH WILL BUY EIGHTY ACRES school leute , two miles fiom county sent , 2uOO Inhabitants , If taken this week ; \allcy huyl all tillable ; east half of state ; worth $4W.OO ; must be sold. Loup Valley Real Estate company , Ht. I'aul , Neb. RE 6J5 27 _ FOR SALE , BY GEORGE CLOUSER , 00X137 east front lot on 27th street ; seventy-llvo fnot south of Shirley Htieet , close to motor and llanscom park : lies up well , and In uliout on giadc ; Is covered with beautiful trees ; price , $003.00 cash ; less than half what It Is reason ably worth. Geoige Cloimer , room 2. ratter- son 111 It. . 1023 Farnam. RK-52. ! 27 FOR SALE. BY GEORGE C'LOUHER , 01X128 on roth a\enuc , between Ht. Mary's u\enuo and Howard Bluet ; a line icsldence | itlon of the city ; price. $4,000.00 ; thU Is a Una lot and will ninku two good lesldencu lots ; Is within easy walking distance of business cen ter. George. Clouscr , room 2 , I'atti'ison lllk. , 16J3 Farnam street. _ RE 523 27 IRRIGATED. IMl'ROVED B ACRE TRACTS IN Duncr. $ lOOO.Wl woith double ; must bu mild this week ! excursion May 2D. Colorado Land and Immigration company , 310 New Ymk Life building , Omaha , Neb. _ RE Bit 27 FRM : : in ACRES OARDIN LAND IN sun- urbi of North I'latUFlint payment nothing. liiiuir i , itnih. Tries , $ iloO. Will loan money to impni\e. Wuiianty deed and iilwtinct. CMly and Suburban Iimnlment company , B13 Se- Illdg. , St. Louis. RE " I'OU f AI.K. BY { lxllOE CLOUSER. 60X132 ni < illi funt on Hariu-y , with Iioune , two blocks frum it < " \ publle llbiai ) , ( O.BOO.OO , this gruund , lll soon be woilh | V .l'U ' per front foot mid Is a liuikUln. OeoimClouser. . Room 2. l > at- lerMin block , 102 ! 1'atnam street. RL 622 27 OLotAUo" EXCURSION ? MA fli ONE FARE round Irp. Impicmil , IrrlBated faims , $10.00 to $ 1,00 per aero HIIIV terms ; fineclosuio eule. Railway faru u funded. Colcrudo I md and ImmlKiutlon ronuiony , 310 New Ynrk Life building , Ornuha. RL S2I J7 LOST. LOST. LARGE MASTIFF. 2 YKARH OLD. RK- ward for return to UU Cupltol uv > vnue , Lout 373 STRAYED MAY 23a 1 BROWN MARK 8 > ears uld , 1 hind .white fool ; I bay horse , 3 years old , while feet , had halter on. Liberal reward , a. I' , Bulls , 4203 Harney st. 4U-Z7 * FINANCIAL. ttatt * . lUo word nr t Insertion , la ft ward h"rrnfttr. Nothing taken for IFM than 25c. flVNtVioAflFlJ HrECl'LATION. Tltlf RArKSI for modernle lnventir . lj\rK" t dlvldendu nr rcciirtl. The Amerlcnn vyn < llrnc. ( ExtnblUliei' ' IS'R. Cnnnprtntlvo and rcllablr. Bank lofrr. oneo. $10.W to $ lXW.oi ( ) liicieiVM nipldly t > j thin plan. Manuel of Infoimatlnn lii-e. A O Hamilton A Co. , Mgrx. , S 1'aclllC avetitlirhl < TOKO. \ C 3 27 * ritEE ! orit BOOK , "now roTpiiiFiTi.ATi : , " based on 1.1 jcars' c\inlincp | ; biUf lucid nn > 1 hlRhly IHKlmctlxp ) It has tnmle numey tor many ! why not for ymi' U'rlle for It. Me- IVirmlek & Co. , Incoiporatrd. Medlnah lllilit. Chicago. 47U S' ' * VAI.I'AllLE INrOR.MATION "TO UUA1N ANC stock spoculntors , mntalnol In lltlc Imok whlcl we mall free to any million , Conies Jt ( * n Rlnlto building. C.ilcnRii , 111 , 4 : ; CAsir PAID" FOR ENDOWMENT"POI.UMI.S In old line compnnleK. Aduss O. K. Brock lesby. Box 233 , Hartford , Conn. M D J23 * VASTUBAOE. Rates. IHc word first Insertion , Ic a won thotenflor. Nothing taken for less than 2Ic. WE HAVE 16o AClES C3P lLUEmAS spAM ture for horses. B anl fence , rprm ; water Barton & I'helps , Gllmnrr. Neb. , or A.V I'helps & Son , W7 N , Y. Life bldg. T lephono M-9J9J21 * J05J _ _ _ " HAVE A 4d-ACRE PASTPnU. "ri.ENTY OI water and glass. Will learn H nil for J..0 00 for the season or v III take slock at { 1.50 per head. Apply ut once to L. H. Gales. Centra City , Neb. M332 2 _ PAWNBROKERS. _ Rates , I'Jc word first Insertion lu a wort thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c. FRED MOHLE. ISKH FARNAM. F DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING IN FAMILIES. Aui'i < i-v "Its Sturdy , 4218 Nicholas street. M37 > M21' removed to 003 N. 18lh street. WANTKD. DRKSKMAKERS TO I OO'K ! for us at home. Good wagis. Ri-'e e c s. lti ) > al Berlin Co. . Chicago , 111. C 511 2 SHORTHAND AND T Yl > WRITING Rates , lV4c word llrst mserllon , lu a won ! ihtnafltr. Nothing taken for less than 25c V iN SANT'S SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND 51J N. Y. Life , Omaha. Ask for circular. M3J1 UNDERTAKERS AND EBIB ALMER3 H. K. BURKETT , FUNERAL DIRKCTOR AND embalmer. 1018 Chicago , Tel. 90. JS3 Rates , 1140 word first Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for lei-s than 23c. G F. GILLKNBECKBANJOISTATO > ' 1510 California Ft. 914 t-TIi BARGAINS IN FIRST CLASS PIANOS art ! Clgans see Gcoigo A. t-'anborn , general -ffin ccm 303 McCttguo building. M429 1 Tut : nuAi/rv MARKIT. : INSTRUMENTS placed on record May 26 , 1894 : ' WARRANTY DGEDS. P'M Tuokson and wife to Globe Loan nml Trust company , lot B , block 19 , Htinscom Plnce . $ 5,5CK O T Fennor to I , V Tennerv 52 feet lots 1 nnd 2 , block 6 , Wllcox nild . COO D Anderson and wife to I-i A Fen- ncr , lots 7 and 8 , bloclcI , South Omaha park . , . 200 South Omnlia Land company to P L. Hall , lot 2 , block 153. South Omaha. . 1,305 QUIT CLAIM DEEDS. C A Hamilton and husband to R P and E O Hamilton , lots 1 nnd 2 , block 3 , Kountze Place . 2 Same to same , e 45 feet lot 13' < . and e 45 feet of n 28 5-1C feet lot 13 , Millard & C's add . 2 E M Hamilton and husband to same , lots 11 and 12 , block 9 , subdlv of J I Redlclc's add . , . 2 Same to same , e 34 feet of s',4 lot B , block 1 , same . 2 DEEDS. Sheriff to J H Green , w 80 feet of n 150 feet lot 2 , Johnson's subdlv.- . . 6C5 ( Same to Omaha Savings bank , lots 1 and 2 , block 18 , Hnn fem Place . 2,90" Sp c.1 1 mastir to Jjl n Kennelly , leas.- hold Interest In eV4 of w 10 feet lot 3 , block 1 , Jvountze & It's' add , . 4,33.r Total amount of transfers . $21,4C5 RECEIVEH-a a/iiir By order of a dccice Issued on the 7tli daj of May , Ikfll , by the Honorable C. R. Scott , one of the judges of the district court foi Douglas county , state of Nebmska , I here by give notice that I will Fell at public auction to the highest bidder , for cash , al 10 o'clock a. m. , on Tuesday , May 29 , 1891. on premises , 111B Howard street , at Omaha , Neb , the entire printing , bookbinding and lithographic plant formerly belonging to the llrm of Ackeimann 15ros. & Helntze. Tin- plant will be sold jlther by piece , by de partment or as ahole , and all cash bids either for part of or for the entire plant remain subject to the approval of the court. The plant consists of lithographic department , appraised at . $15,6152 ! Ilookblndlng department , appraised at . 3,721 11 Job room department , appraised at. 4,070 37 Presses and machinery department , appraised at . 13,033-49 Miscellaneous , etc . 2,31490 Ink and paper stock may Invoice about . 3.00000 First cost of entire plant valued at Jlj4.358.00 , appraised at . $ I2,5S5 12 For information or Investigation rca re ceiver , JOHN H. F. LEHMANN. M-13-20-to-2i ! BUUEAU. SUES & CO. , Solicitors , Dee Building. OMAHA , NEB. Advice FREE. TRAVELERS CREDIT To sn\e cost , time and trouble use AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY TRAVELERS CHEQUES Good anywhere 1n the world at face value with out special Identification , LeaTes ( CHICAGO , BURLINGTON & . Q.IAirhts Omaha | _ Depot 10th and Mason Sts. _ | _ Omalm 44lpm. ; ! . . . Chicago Vestibule . 9Wlm : uium : . Chicago L'xiiresa . 4 : & > pm 7u2pm. : . . . Chicago and Iowa local..i. S.Ooam U:30.iiii : . I'aclllo Junction Local. . . . . . S.iSpm Lea\es Omaha ! 10:15am : Denver . lOUDum Deadwood Express 4:10pm : 4:50pm : Denver KXPKSS 4.10pm 6SOpin..Nebraska : Local ( except Sun. ) . . . C.Ouj.m _ 8lEam..jflncpmLocal { except Suniluy.j..lli254m ST. J. ft C. 11. | Airiven" nmlml Depot 16th and Mason Sis. [ _ Omutia s:43am : Kansas City Day Kxpress , . . . . C:53pm : 9:46pni.K. : _ C.Nlfiht _ Cx. via U. P. Tians. OjMan ; LeavesTCHICAGO. 11. I. & PACIKia TArrlves' Oinalial Union Depot 10th & Manun BU. | Omaha 10:15am. : . Atlantic llxpiets ( ex. nunday ) . . KUSpm 62Jpm ; . Night Impress . . . 6:40ani : 440pm. ! .Chicago Vcstlbuled Limited. . lSptn : ll:30pm. Oklahoma Exp. ( to C. 11. ex Suti ) . 6JSam ; _ _ _ _ _ _ TisCainToklnhoma & Texui Bxp. ( ex Burij ll:3Jpni : J.Miro | . Coioindo Limited.1. . . . . 4ilOim | " Leaves f UNION PACIFIC. | AnT Omahal Union Depot 10th ti. Mauon Sts.J _ Omaha S'Wam . ' . . . . . . ' . . .Denver Ilxpte . S.Wpm s'lfiuiii . Oveilund Flyer . GUOiuii S-isim. Beatrice & Stromsb'B Dxcx ( Hun ) 1230am ; , . lUiUum . I'aclllo lJxpr-s 6 40pm ( isopni . .I . Fust Mall. . . . , . 43Jpm ; ' Leaves ICHICAGO. Mil * & ST. l'AUI..IAirl\ej' OinalmjUnlon Depot 10th tt Mason Ht . | C-3Jpm. . . r" . . . .Chicago Llmlttd . 9SO : m II ilOani. . . .CIilcagqUxpre a ( ex. Bun _ ) _ . . . Ojoupm I eaves T" F. DMO. . VALUJY. lArrlvcs Oirmhal Depot 15.1. and Webster bis. J ( Jnmha 9-OJam " . . Deadwood Cxpicss . EilOpm n.nx. Bat..Wyo. ) i ; . . ( l. . Mon ) . 6lOpm ; Norfolk ixi > ri.b ( ix. : Hunday. ) .lUMm OuiuliilU. P. Depot 10th At Mai > oii Bts.i " Oiimh-v 1103am. . " . " " .Chicago Kxprcsa . . . . 610nm ; < :05nn : . . . . Vrullbulo Llmllcd 9'Zmm Eastcin Klyer 2:15rm : 6 W m oison ( Kx. HaD.Chlc. Puss.Kx. ( Mon. ) . ! l:25pm : C:55an : L Mo. Valley I jcal , . IJJyni I MISSOURI PACIFIC | Arrlv s Leaves OiiialialDeDOj ISth and Welmlei 81s. " l _ Om t.u > 9 oflam HI. I uls Kxpress. . . . . . .7. ttoOam ; olvdnm Si. Ixjula CsfOpm Eildiim.Dally t"bua. . ) Ncbiaski jxcal. SilJ m Leaves I C7 ST. " V M. & O. ( Arrives Oiiiahal Depot 15th and Webster Bis. | Omaha 8onam..Rloux City Accom ( Kx. Hun. ) . , 8id6pm WlOOam..Sioux City Accom ( Bun. Only. ) . . fcjOjpin : " ) ! 12 Upm..Sioux city iVr""f tl3xi , , 6'JOpni HI- Paul Limited . . . . alain leaves HIOUX CITY . . . .w * , , . . . . . . - OmalmlU. P , Dtpol 10th & MttBon Bt0.j _ Omaha 6Sam..Blous : " " City Passenger 10.20pm l58jim. . . . . .jigl. 1'jtul ; , . . . . . . . . : > Maiiv uciiius I 'HIOUX""CITY" " & PACIFIC. ' | Arrivr Oinuhnl Depot lSth.anil Webster Hts. I Om li. > . . , , , .Hl7 Paul Llmllcdr. ? :40 : ? " ! Uhlcago LlmltrJ > yc. I OMAHA 4 BfTLOUIS Omaha U. I' . Depot 10th & Maypni 8H. J.Wpra. St. LouU Canaan Hall . , liJ5uiU ; noons "The Diminution. " H Is getting to bo quite the thing for Omnlia mon to court favor of the muecs. The latest tlmlil knocker nt tlulr door hns como ushered by n perfect prototype ot Ware ! McAllister , a new character In lit- ; crary circles for which \vo are Indebted to the ontorprlBliiK Now \ork firm , O. W. Dlt- llnghnm , who lu this tolc linn passed the nerd that Hitter D.tndplyoii wns only nn nsstitiictl name for the mithor of "Tho Dissolution ' solution , " and ftirthcinioro that ho was our own citizen , Samuel A. llrown. For Mr. Hrovvn to vvrlto the book was unfortunate ; for 0. W. DlllliiKhnm to lend his nnmo to Its puhllratlon was a crime against litera tures but to tell us Hitter IJ.imlelyon wns a citizen of Omaha was nn unpardonable blow. In the language of the Into Marc Antony , "This wns the most unklndcst cut of nil , " for when ho gives this gentle tip ho Infers Omaha Intelligence Is ot the order that de vours literature by the taste of the paper. This Is not our taste , Mr. Dllllngham , so wi- must refer yeti to n more "western" town , such , for example , as Honolulu In the renlin of cx-Quccn Lll , whore "The Dissolution" might have dissolved Itself In a harmless and civilized way. \Vo hnvo nothing against "Tho Dissolu tion , " which Is a m.irvcl of literary archi tecture lee * marvelous , Indeed , to bo pro faned by contact , wllh Omnh.i Intellect ; nnd well has Its author divined this secret , for has ho not wisely guarded the approach to this tcinplo of letters with four several nntotolmmliers In the shape of "prefnce , " ' 'explanation , " "prelude , " nnd "prologue , " nil handsomely decorated In mystic anil mythological word paintings , significant mosaics of Egyptian darkness and light- winged verso o'crfraught with heaviness , breathing a prolonged sigh until the ordca ) Is passed and the portals of "Tho Dissolu tion" are crossed. Then hurst Into the nmphltheatcr ot the tale mounted effusions llko to tlicso : " 'Farewell ! oh world ! ' breathes the heaving sigh , nnd longing and fond Is the lingering look , 'yet why , oh gods ! have yo lent to this earth the heaven from which wo must part ! ' " " 'The curse of God ! ha , ha , ha ! ' and tossed the body of a llttlo child which dangled on his lance at Adclhard's feet. " "Strange , strange , thnt thnt which once enrapturing fascination was , no longer my being incltothl" "Ho , ha ! thou jealous , silly child , " ho latitfhoth again , "Let us have done with all such bcntlmcntnllty ; 'tis too childish and scarce worthy of a second thought not to mention nil the words wo hnvo already wasted upon so fruitless a subject. " Thus "Tho Dissolution" proceeds amid clashing swords , soul-piercing shrieks , swag ger nnd oath , all let IOOEO In ugly , crippled sentences with bad grammer nnd poor spellIng - Ing the whole a patchwork as connected as the dlscortant Images of a dream. It Is hard to decide whether the book Is a novel or the transcript of n dream ; the fact Is It cannot bo classified , nothing llko It having ever before been produced and whllo the author pronounces It a "projected" drama , wo slncere-ly hope his "projectile" will never bo hurled. The work Is clearly the unripe fruit ot a mind that may at some later period do good work , but the pub lisher , who stands at a greater distance from the work and Is better situated to Judge It , ought to share whatever odlutn may attach to It. G. W. Dllllngham , 33 West Twenty-third street , New York. Sold by Megeath Stationary company , Omaha. Ri'ci'nt I.ltrrutiirc. The premium list for the twenty-eighth annual State Fair exposition Is out announc ing the next fair to be held i > t Lincoln. September 7 to 14 , 1804 , For Informa tion apply to Robert W. Pumas , Drown- vllle , Neb. A problem In planetary projectiles Is dis cussed under the title , "Tangentlalllters and Tangentlallltes , " by A. 1' . I'lchcrcau , in a pamphlet published by the author. Twcnty- btx pages. Price , 20 cents. A. P. ,1'lchereau. , 103 Handolph street , Chicago. The Chamber of Commerce of Colorado Springs , Colo. , has just Issued a neat and compact pamphlet giving "Tho Story ot Cripple Creek Up to Date , " In which are presented the facts concerning Colorado's foremost gold district. Supplied by Sher- wln Aldrlch , Colorado Springs , Colo. . "Tho Austrian Theory of Value" Is the title of Prof. S. M. Macvanc's , latest con tribution to economics. H Is published by the American Academy of Political and Social Science , and Is In the nature ot a reply to Prof. F. von Wleser's "Theory ol Value , " covering points of Issue between the Austrian and classical theories. Prof. Mac vanc's defense of the classical side Is de serving of the most careful study. The Treasury department of the United States has Issued an extensive volume on tile subject of "Wool and Manufactures of Wool , " by Worthlngton C. Ford , chief ot the bureau of statistics , Treasury depart- , ment. An Instructive chart In the front conveys In colors an Impressive object les son on the relative exports nnd Imports ot wool by the countries of the world. In Im ports France leads , with Germany and Great Britain following closely , whllo In exports the Argentina Republic and Now South Wales can give large odds to competitors. Western life Is depleted In a lively style In the now novel of Harry DnDols Mllman entitled "Mr. Lake of Chicago. " The hero Is u distinctly unique character , whose ster ling qualliles when life Is Impulled Iby a rnscnl's treachery quickly commend li'.m to the regard of Madge rulJg B , the 1m- heroine. A.ter.vards t > ho spurns him , cllrglng to n rival wh m he hns good reabon to know she hcnrilly detests. A series ot uxcltlng incidents tinnsplro Introducing sev eral boldly drawn characters and exhibiting spirited act'on to the end. Paper , CO cents. Street & Smith , Ne.v Yo k. "Progress In Flying Machines" Is the Lltlo of a now book giving a historical re view of the experiments of Inventors to _ iccompllsh flight with apparatus. Mr. O. 1 Shanute , C. E. , the author , has gathered ill the records * of such experiments which ivcro accessible and has endeavored to show [ ho reasons for the failure and to explain ; ho principles which govern flight , and to satisfy hlrnhclf and his readers whether , vo may reasonably hope eventually to fly : hrough the air , concluding In the alllrma- ; Ive , The book IB Illustrated by nearly 100 jngravlngs , 308 pages , cloth , $2.50. Thu \merlcnn engineer and Hallruad Journal , 47 3cdar street , Now York. In the May edition of the Annals of the American Academy of Pol tlcal and Social -clenco will bo found a va uubl ? contribution ) n "Problems of Municipal Government , " > y 13. L. Godkln , In which the writer con- cmls that "nothing can take the place ot iharactcr In city go.eminent , no laws , or iheclcs , or chart'rs ; that , In fact , the main lllilculty In getting good municipal govorn- ncnt Is the dlfllctiHy of getting g od men to ake the olllccu. " Gamaliel Uadford wrltcu in "Hoform of Our State Governmsnts , " and ! . N. 1'Jtten contributes a taper on "Falluro if Illologlo Sociology. " American Academy if Political and Social Eclenc5 , Philadelphia. . - Among the Important eoclal and economic > irobloms dlicusecd In tin May Arena are 'The Religion of Lowe'l's ' Poems , " by Hov. , V. J , Savage ; "Tho Ph losophy of Mutual- sm , " by Prof. Frank Parsons of the Uoston Jnlverslty Law School ; "Tho First Stops n the Land Question , " by Louis F. Post ; a itrong paper on "H toJIty , " fro.n the pen if Helen M. Gardener , and Dr. James H. ! ocko contributes a ptrlk'ng paper on "Tho 'ower of the Mind In the Utiro ot Diseases. " rho editor of the Arena wr tcs on "Hmur- ; ency Measures fur Maintaining Self-Re- pcctcd Manhood , " and the saloon evil la llBCUssed In a sympa lam , The Arena Pub- Ishlng company , P crco bull ling , Cojil.-y ( juur ? , Uoston , Mass , Lovertt of sterling literature will ba > lcaned with the American edition now out if "Memoirs of King Richard the Third , " iy J. H. Jesse , the "Francis Purkmun ol English history. " The history of Illchard. > ls Intrigues to reach Iho throne ot Kng- und and the romantic story of the princes n the Tower Is ono that Interests every ttidunt of history , Mr , JCSKO ably and crlt- cully discusses Richard's personal uppcar- nco , his acts and the motives that prompted hem , and with biographies of his chief con- omporarleH has produced a work that gives n accuratB picture of these stirring times. lo presents In an agreeable form a view ol ho royal homu life , political and social In- rlgues , together with many Innldo facta vhlch have heretofore been known only to ho laborious few. The woik Is handsomely irlnted from large , new type on line book iap r , and In tastefully bound tn two post- ictavo volumes ot about 360 pages each. 'er set , $2.DO. Francis P. Harper , 17 Hast llxtecnth Ktreet , New York. Sold by H ; eatU Stationery company , Omaha *