ft THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , MAY 26 , 18iH-T\VI3LVE PAGES. MYDEN'S ' SATURDAY SALES Special Attention la Galled to the Dress Good ? Offers for Saturday , ALL DEPARTMENTS HAVE SPECIALS And tlio 1'rlce * llclonr Will Tell tlin I'ur- tlciiliira Htriuv lint * ami Clothing Ko- cclto n III ; Cut Underwear nnd Hosiery at Half 1'rlco. FURNISHINGS. HOSIERY , ETC. O cuts' GOc lies reduced to 25c. Children's fast black cotton hose 12V4c , worth 25c. Hoys' bicycle fast black cotton hose 15c , worth 2 ! > c. ZlMnch umbrellas 98c , worth $1.50. Men's unlatindcrcd shirts , $1.00 quality , reduced to GOc. LadlcH1 silk mitts 12Vic , usual price 25c. Ladles' night gowns , 7Gc quality , reduced to GOc. Gents' British V4 hoc 12V4c , Just < S price. Onn lot of $1.00 corsets reduced to GOc. Ladles' ribbed vests , IGc quality , go ut 4c. Ladles' fast black cotton hose 12'ic ' , worth 25c. Ladles' colored gloves , worth 3Gc and GOc , go at )2'ic. ) Tremendous bargains In boys' waists for tomorrow. MILLINERY. Wo ere clearing out our stock of mini- mer millinery nnd nro making prices that will fill our store Saturday. CLOAK DEPARTMENT. Special sale on wrappers and wash dresses for Saturday and Saturday evening. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. Notice Dodge street window. Tomorrow we will sell boy's and children's clothing below coat. A WOD ! combination suit with 2 pair pants nnd cap to match $2.00 , worth $4.00. A all wool Jersey suit $1.7G. Wash suits made of blue and white ealatln cloths , lanyard and whistle , $1.25. Boys' wash linen pants 2Gc. Your choice of all our Junior nnd reefer uultB tomorrow $3.2G , worth up to $8.00. A very fine all wool cheviot double breasted knes- pints suit $2.00 , worth $5.00. All our $4.75 and $5.50 men's suits gu tomorrow at $3.75. Ajl our $8.00 and $9.00 men's suits go to morrow at $6.50. Ajl our $10.00 and $11.50 men's suits go to morrow nt $7.60. Our JIG.50 and $18.00 men's suits go to morrow at $10.00. 1 HATS , CAPS. STRAW GOODS. The largest taiiiplo line of men's , boys' fine' ' fur hats ever shown , consisting of all the. leading styles and shapc-i'ln fedora , derby , crushes nnd soft huts , to be sold Tss than manufacurer's pi Ices. Men's straw hate IGc , worth GCc. Men's straw huts 25c , worth 75c. Men's stra\\hats GOc , worth $1.50 to $2.00 , all the leading styles. Boys' und children's straw hats lOc , 15c , 20c | and 25c. Children's fancy straw hats and1 turbans DOc , worth $1.00. Our children's fancy straw hats , worth $1.50 to $2.00. 75c. Children's sailor hats 20c , 25c , worth 60o. 60o.DRESS DRESS GOODS. DRESS GOODS , i ONE DAY. ONE DRESS TO A CUSTOMER , SATURDAY. 10 pieces 40-inch all wool stripe , worth 85c , 10 pieces 40-Inch all wool stripe checks , worth COc , 10 pieces 39-Inch all wool telge , worth C214c , 10 pieces Iridescent all wool , worth CGc. 10 pieces 39-Inch plain henrietta , worth 40c , For ono day nnd one dress , 2Gc _ yard. ONE DAY. ONE DRESS. 60 pieces 35-Inch mixtures , worth 19c , for Saturday's ono day and ono dress sale , EC. 50 A YARD. 25 pieces 40-Inch all wool storm serge , blacks only , ONE DAY. ONE DRESS. Worth COc , only 33c. Comment on the above would ba useless SILK SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY. At Hayden Bros. Natural pongee silk 19c yard. Striped pongee silk 19c yard. Swivel wash silk 39c ya'rd. Changeable- taffeta silk 19c yard. 27-Inch wide black India silk 5'Jc yard. Yard wide black India silk 75c yard. CHEAP BOOKS. Hero Is Sunday reading for yon. 1,000 now books , Including the works of the best authors , such as George Eliot , Cooper , Ir- Vlng , Goldsmith. Your choice on Saturday DC each. All of Mrs. Southworth's , Mary J. Holmes , Marlon Harland , at 19c on Saturday , Envelopes on Saturday 25 for Ic. SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY ONLY. 25c line all silk Windsor ties at 12 < / > c. 1,000 yards tine all silk veilings at 7lic. All leather belts ! i price. Hose supporters 5c pair. 3 flno fancy corded handkerchiefs for Gc. IN THE BASCirnNT. ! If you are In the money saving line read these prices on goods that uro guartecd to bo as represented or money refunded. Hero nro prices on butter at Haydena. ' \ BUTTER. Fresh country butter 7J4c , lOc , la'i-c , nnd very best country butter 15c ; and hero we will sell you fancy gilt edge creamery for J8c and 20c. Now bear In mind that there Is none bettor made. Wo have a dozen cream eries shipping us now , so when you want a good butter you will never ba disappointed Jn coming to Haydens' for It. Remember , only ISc and 20c for the finest butter made. CHEESE DEPARTMENT. Wisconsin full cream cheese , 7c , 9c nnd 12V c ; fancy young American full cream , Sc ; brick cheese , lOc , 12Vic. and lie ; llmburger , 12'/jO and He ; Edam cheese , $1.10 , sold nil over for $1.50 ; we have fancy Ohio Swiss cheese at 15c , 17c and 19c , and any kind of cheese you want at lowest prices. MEAT DEPARTMENT. Hero Is where you can buy all the best sugar cured meats that are put up. Noth ing hero but No. 1 goods. Dried beef , lOc ; Bummer sausage , 17V4 and 20c ; corned beef , Gc ; plcklu pork , " ' /jc ; bacon , lOc ; California sugar cured hams , Uc ; Now York hams , S c. Now hero can yoU buy these goods at the nrlco we make , BAKERY. A few pi Ices from bakery and cracker dc- pattmcnts : Boston brawn bread , 4o ; all kinds of pics , 4c ; all kinds of bread , 2c ; nice rolls , 7'iu per doien ; we have a small lot ot owcut crackers that nuibt bo gold In a few days , look at what they are and the price we put on them. Lemon creams , EUgur cookies , graham cookie : ) and assorted Jumbles at 5e per pound ; t > aJa , oyster , butter and milk crackcra at Gc ; crt-am tojst , 12'jc , finest you ever saw ; fancy lemons , IGc per dozen ; codfish , Gc per pound ; all kinds of nice herring and mackerel away down. HAYDKN BROS. , Leaders In everything. noMisiuuiits : : % Vlu L'hK-ngo , llork Island & Tactile Hull- May. Ono faro for the round trip on May 29 to nil points west and south , In Colorado , Utah , Kansas , Oklahoma and Texas. Tlckotn good for 30 daya from date of Bale. Vor full particulars , folders , maps , raa'3. etc. , call at ticket olllco , 1002 Farnum street. a I'lnim for the Hummer. Perhaps > ou are arranging your plans for a vacation this summer. l > o not neglect to look Into the attractions of the Black HilU scenery rivaling the Rockies In grandeur- climate unsurpassed nature's storehouse ot wonderful mineral formatloni and precious metals. Crystal Cave near Deuuwood was represented In miniature at the World's fair and attracted much attention , 'Iho pleasure and health resort Hot Springs , Bouth Dakota with first ciass hotel accom modations , line plunge bath , beautiful drives , etc. , all Join to make- nojourn In the Hlaclc Hills a pleasure , a study anil a recreation. Send for painphltt giving full di-kcrlptlun. Gcnet'al Passenger Ag nt , K E. M. V R. R . Omalu , Ntb. p H The F. E. & M. V. 11. R. run trains direct to the Ulack llllla with paUco alccpOM. free thulr cars therefore > our tlckeU should read over that road. NFA'Klt Ill'.fOI'.i : NOIt AITHll Will I'rlccft Ilo Quoted No Clienp. It'll to unload stock , as wo again bought out an entire clothing store. The goods are on the road. They will arrive In a few days , RO"WC must have room. Boys' GOc yachting caps , blue or gray , 15c. Men's suspenders , 3c. Fast blue O , A. H. suits , high priced houses ask $10.00 for them ; stores that claim to bo cheap ( ? ) quote them at $7GO ; our price , with two sets of button * , $3.75. Straw hats , worth GOc , for 19c. Special drives In men's pants , worth up to $2.50 , at $1.00. Elegant spring overcoats , worth at least $9.00 , marked down to $1.00. Men's stylish neckties , big assortment , 3c. Large assort ment of children's suits from 39c a suit up wards. Umbrellas to keep out sun or rain , 13c. Men's all wool black cheviot suits , square or round cut , full cult $4.GO , White handkerchiefs , Ic. Mackintosh rubber coats as low us $2.7G. Men's shoes that regular shoo housed sold for $2.50 and call them a big snap , tomorrow $1.26 ; 20 styles to choose from , Including tan shoes ; don't miss this bargain. Blue laundered clmmbray shirts , GOc. Painters' while overalls , Omaha make , 33c ; Jackets the same. Dluo and white over- Jackets , 19c. Medium weight merino under wear , gray or white , only PJc ; It'a Just the thing for the present season. Also a sacri fice slaughter of socks. Men's extra heavy Rockford socks , blue or brown , 3c ; not more than G pairs to n customer. Men's tan colored socks , with drop stitches , some mer chants have the gall to charge 2Gc a pair for the same kind ; our price Gc a pair , and all you want. In fact the prices nt which we oiler the remainder of our stock have never been quoted so low. OLOIIE BANKRUPT SALE , 115 S. 10th St. . near Douglas st. P. S. Wo almost forgot to mention that 130 dozen silk web suspenders , finished with wire trimmings , nnd drawer supporters , Uro regular H3c article , will be on sale for Of. MIIN'S AM ) WOMiV8 : SIIOT.S BOO. Next Tucsdiiy Honton Store Will Soil 10.0OO 1'nlrn All KlneU of MIOOH. AT GC , 29C , 39C , 59C. AT BOSTON STORE TUESDAY. You can have no Idea of the wonderful bargains there are In this stock. There are men's shoes , women's sho.s , slippers and oxfords , child's shoes , boys' shoes , misses' tdioes and Flippers. TUESDAY IS THE DAY. Remember the prices BC , 29C , 39C , G9C. Worth all way up to $3.00 , $1.00 and $5.00 originally. Tuesday , May 29th. BOSTON STORE , 15th and Dojgc streets. o Attention. Is directed to the fact that the Burling ton's "vestlbuled fiyer , " which leaves Omaha nt 4:15 : p. m. dally , offers unsurpassed serv ice to Chicago. Sleeping , dining and free chair cars. City ticket office , 1321 Farnam street. Tin * ICmlito < iillfornlii. In over , but the Burlington Route still con tinues to offer a slendlil tervlce to Colorado , Utah and the Pacific coast. The "Denver limited , " which leaves Omaha at 4:50 : p. m. , daily , is the favorite train. It's fast ; comfottable ; makes very few stops and cartlcs sleeping , dining and frco chair cars. Ask the city ticket agent nt 1324 Farnam street for Information about rates to any western city. Shortciikig tlio Thtiu lletu-eeii Chicago and the Kist. Under the new schedule , to take effect on the Pennsylvania lines May 27th , the famous Pennsylvania Limited will leave Chicago at 6:30 : p. m. , arrive Plttsburg C a. in , , New- York 0:30 : p. m. The train will be made up of new library , smoking , dining nnd sleeping cars , all lighted by electricity. This is the most complete train running , and carries a barber , a stenographer and type writer , and a waiting maid for ladles and children. A bath room for ladles and a bath room for gentlemen are Included In the conveniences. Horse Shoe Curve and the magnificent mountain scenery of the Alle- ghcnles are passed by daylight and may be enjoyed from the well arranged observation car. For any desired Information on the subject , address H. R. Dcrlng , assistant general passenger agent , 248 Clark street , Chicago. _ I1O.UKSISKKUKS' UXCUIISIONS SOUTH. Via the WulKnli Itullronil. On May 8 nnd 29 the Wabash will sell round trip tickets at one fare to all points in Tennessee ( except Memphis ) , Mississippi , Alabama , Louisiana ( except " New Orhano ) , Arkansas and Texas. "For tickets or descrip tive pamphlets of land , climate etc. , call at Wabash ticket ofilco , 1502 Farnam street , or write G. N. Clayton , northwestern passeugsr agent , Omaha , Neb. Novrr Lower Than Thli. May 2 ? , half faro on the Northwestern. Points north , northwest , south , southeast. Ask about It at the city ticket office , 1401 Farnam street. Sleeping Car Scrilco. Commencing Juno 1 , Wagner Palace Sleeping cars will run between Long Pine , Neb. , and Hot Springs. S. D. , via the F. , E. & . M. V. It. R. Through space reserved at Omaha , passengers occupying the Deadwood - wood sleeper to Long Pino. This Is the only road running nlccpcrs to the springs. Free reclining chair cars on all trains. Round trip tickets with long limits always , on sale. Cheaper rates with chorter limits for par ties. Inquire city ticket office , 1101 Far nam st. , for further Information and a neat pamphlet regarding these springs. J. R. BUCHANAN , Gen. Pass. Agent. It Dent Happen Often. On May 29 , half faro rates for the round trip north , south and bouthcast via the Northwestern line. Inquire BOOH at city ticket office , 1401 Far nam street. folll ! | ; IJust Tnilny' . ' Your choice of four dally trains on the Chicago & Northwestern railway. Two of these trains at 4:05 : p. in. and 0:30 : p. m. , ore vestlbuled and limited , arriving In Chicago cage early next morning. Elite sleepers , dining cars and the latest reclining chair cars. Call at the city office 1101 Farnam street. The Northwestern checks your trunk at your house. TEACHERS ENTERTAINED. Tendered n Ite.ceptlon l > y the Woman's UhrlNllun Temperamo Union. Last night a reception was given by the Women's Christian Temperance union to the teachers of the city at the Commercial club. Over GOO Invitations , had been Issued , and the parlorsof the club were taxed to their utmost capacity by the kchoolmaams. They wore entertained by a choice program of recitations and vocal and Instrumental music , and wuro served later In the evening with delicious refreshments. After prayer by Dr. Chupln the address of welcome to the teachers was made by Mrs. Eb L. Good , president of the associa tion , nnd was responded to by Miss Snyder of the High school. In the course ot the evening the Young Women's Temperance union was greeted nnd publicly Inti educed by Dr. Fred.i Lankton. This reception was the closing meeting of the Women's Christian Temperance union for the year. There Is only ono union In the city at present , all the unions that had existed previously having been consolidated. The object of the reception was to bring the teachers and the union closer together In order that tclontlllc temperance might bo Inculcated In the minds of the young. The reception committee was as follows ; Mrs. E. L. Woods , Mrs. G , W. Clark , Mrs. M , M. Pugh , Mrs. Graham Park , Mrs. E. L. Smith , Mrs. Watson I ) . Smith , Mrs. E. M. Covell and Mrs. Richardson. DoWIU'a Wllch Haiel Salvo rutes piles. uuMisur. Kr.ni' i\uuitsioN. : Via Chicago , Itock Inland I'at'lllu Itall- y. One fare for the round trip May 29 , Call at ticket oillce , 1C02 Farnam street. ' DIED ? " Notko of five- linn or lv under thU heal , ! Uty ciit i ruth uJUUIaniil llnr. ten ccnU. Tl'LLY-Mrs. Guthrlc. Thursday. May 21 , ISM , UKed 21 years , t.eloved wife of John i' Tully Funeral from residence , 31th util Howard streets , Batuiday , May 2) ) , nt S 30 u. m. , to Bt. Peter's church , In- t.-rment , Bl. Mary's cemetery , Friends Invited. CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Holmes , Hascnll and Wheeler Appointed a Special Committee on Retrenchment. NO MORE MONEY FOR BOARD OF HEALTH Sentiment ARnlnnt KMnlilldlilMg n Detention llunpltul Almoit Uimnliiionn Ilctmlrlng of .Sixteenth Street Vlniluct Ordinances I'unacil. Tlio adjourned session of the city council last night was a very monotonous affair , tlio pyrotechnics having apparently been exhausted on the previous cvcnliiR. The subject of retrenchment was brought up by Holmes , who moved that n committee consisting of one republican , one democrat and one populist be appointed to examine the work In the department and see what could be done In the direction of economy. This was carried without discussion and the following committee appointed : Holmes , HnBcall and Wheeler. The report of the committee on Judiciary on the ordinance providing for a change of grade on Second street near Williams recommended the adoption of the report of the appraisers submitted In September , 1893 , Hack had a new schema for the change of grade and straightway entered the lists with Hascall In a debate which produced considerable amusement until the previous ( | ucstlon was moved and the re port of the committee was adopted. The committee on flnanco reported ad versely on the request of the Hoard of Health for additional funds. Raunders op posed the committee , saying that In his opinion the board was entitled to some ad ditional amount , Hascall supported the com mittee and Holmes wanted the mutter laid over until after the report of the commit tee on retrenchment. Wheeler favored fur ther consideration of the matter,1 and It was finally referred to the special retrenchment committee. In this connection a resolution was adopted requesting the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners to have the pa trolmen co-operate with the Hoard of Health by reporting all nuisances which might exist on their beats.- The committee ; on police recommended that the communication of the Hoard of Health relative to a detention hospital be placed on lllo. The members argued that the city had always got along without any thing of this kind and ought to be able to continue In the same way. The report was adopted against the voice of Sounders , who declared that the hospital was one of the Imperative necessities of the city. The contract for painting the drinking fountains was awarded to Charles Johnson for ? 16. The bids for the construction of additional fountains were ordered returned and the comptroller was directed to readver- tlse. tlse.The The committee on viaducts and railroads reported that It had reached on agreement with the railway companies with regard to repairing the Sixteenth street viaduct , the expense to be divided as * follows : Union Pacific , six-fifteenths ; Burlington , two-fif teenths ; street railway company , five-fif teenths ; city , two-fifteenths. Adopted. Saundcrs secured a reconsideration of the previous action of the council In regard to the opening of North Thirteenth street be tween Ohio and Nicholas streets and the matter was re-referred to the committee. The following ordinances were passed : Appropriating money for refund of taxes on Tenth street viaduct ; directing Issue of certain grading bonds ; amending ordinance relating to addition ; amending circus license ordinance ; amending special sidewalk or dinance ; paving Corby street from Sher man avenue to Twentieth street ; paving Chicago street from T\yenty-Jhlrd : to Twenty-fourth street ; grading Nineteenth street from Cumlng to Ohio street ; declaring the necessity of construct ing a brick culvert at Forty-eighth and Leavcnworth streets ; grading Howard street from Thirty-third to Thirty-sixth street ; regulating the construction of build ings and provld ng penalties ; requiring ap plications for building permits to show lo cations by lot lines and streets ; paving Thirty-second avenue from Center to Dorcas street ; ordering paving of alley In block 50 ; changing curb line of Twenty-seventh street from Indiana tn Lake street ; changing the curb lines of Decatur street from Twenty- fourth street to Twenty-ninth street and of Twenty-sixth street from Indiana street to niondo.strcot ; narrowing Fifteenth street from Grace street north one-half block ; re pealing ordinance extending and widening Fourth street from Willlanu street to Pop- pleton avenue , and changing curb lines of a portion of Fourth street. Hascall's electric light ordinance was laid over until Tuesday night. llonril of l. < | uiill/ntlon. The council mot yesterday afternoon as a board of equalization to hear complaints of property owners on special tax assessments for Improvements on various streets. The board decided to reject the following assess ments : For opening Fifteenth street from Yalley to H street ; opening Woolworth avenue - nuo from Thirty-second avenue to Thirty- sixth street ; grading Twenty-seventh street from Poppleton avenue to Hickory street , and grading the alley between Twenty-sixth and Twenty-seventh und Charles and Ham ilton streets. C'lminlirrltilii's Cough Uoincily the Host. LOCKKFORD. Cal. , April 21 , 1881. Having been troubled with frequent colds during the past few years , I have from tlmo to tlmo used the various cough medicines In common use. I have arrived at the con clusion that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is the best , and now use It in preference to any other. ASA WARDROBE. This remedy will euro a severe cold In less tlmo than any other treatment , It loosens a cold , relieves the lungs , aids ex pectoration and effects a permanent cure. It Is also without an equal for croup and whooping cough. For Ealo by druggists. On Mif ; ) t 1)1. The Union Pacific will sell tickets from Its Missouri river terminals to all points In Ne braska , Kansas , Colorado , New Mexico , Wy oming , Utah , Idaho ( cast of Boise City ) and Montana at one fare for the round trip. For uddltlo'nal Information call on or ad dress II. P. Deuel. C. T. A. , 1302 Farnam street , or E. L. Lomax , Q. P. & T. A. . Qmaha , Neb. Xelmmltu I'l ien | l Dlrrc'ors. The Nebraska Funeral Directors associ ation will hold its ninth annual meeting In this city Juno 12 and 13. As this Is to bo a very Important meeting there will ba a very largo attendance. Secretary Heaton an nounces that the association hadquarterd will bo at the Paxton hotel , and mcmb-rs I ; have secured reduced rates on the railroads leading Into Omaha. Prof. J , II. Clark will ' 1 deliver a series of demonstrating lectures during the meeting , and practical demohstra- I 1 ttnus of the latest methods of embalming will bo Given by the Omaha undertakers. One word describes It , "perfcstlon. " TV refer to DcWitt's Witch Hazel Salve , curia piles. Voting Women nn fiyiiiimntH , The closing exercises of the physical cul- tuio class of the Young Woman's Christian association were given at the Commercial club robins last evening. A largo audience \Ytts pleasantly entertained by the conyolu- " tlons and mysteries of the Delaarto syUem. I The exercises worn gracefully performed under the leadership" of Miss Bradley , Miss DC Coe of Mlmifntfolla put the class through nonio of the movements. FOR THE : SOMIEB DEAD. I'rogrnni of ixrrr : Ubn on .Memorial liny mill at tlm School * . Memorial day will bo observed at South Omaha by the veterans , the Woman's Hcllcf Corps and the Sdns and Daughters of Vet eran * . A general Invitation Is extended to the people of the city and surrounding coun try to turn out. Huiulay , the 27th lust. , Is Memorial Sunday , ' which will be duly ob served and services' conducted by Rev. Ross , pastor of the United Presbyterian church. The orders named will meet at the Grand Army of the Republic hall on N street at 10 a. m. and march In a body to the Meth odist Episcopal church , where services will bo held. The following commute has been appointed to visit the several schools In South Omaha on Monday at 2 p. m. , May 28 : Elliot and Kcllcy , St. Agnes ; Kttrr , McDougal and Fowler , High school ; Crlss and Dennett , First ward ; Snlvely and Carroll , Third ward ; Wymer and Clmdd. Fourth ward ; Ulalr and Eastman , Brown Park ; Cottrcll and Con- dren , German Lutheran ; Donta and Gordon , Missouri avenue ; Elliot and Kelley , East Albright ; Cottrcll and Condrcn , West Al bright. Memorial day will bo observed as follows : The different organizations connected with the Grand Army of the Republic will meet nt Grand Army of the Republic hall at 9 a. m. and march to Laurel Hill cemetery , while n committee will be sent to other ceme teries to decorate. All schools arc especially Invited to turn out on this occasion. Mr. T. F. Elliot will deliver nn address nt Laurel Hill cemetery. The Woman's Relief corps , assisted by the Daughters of Veterans , will prepare the flowers and decorations for the graves of the deceased comrades. Messrs. McDougal and Kelley will assist In decorat ing the graves of unknown dead. A com mittee of three was appointed , to prepare n program , consisting of Messrs. Fowler , Wymer and Elliot. All soldiers are especially urged to attend on these occasions. Memorial services and n toldlers' experience meeting will be held at the Presbyterian church Sunday evening. Following Is the program. Instrumental . Cornet nnd Organ James C. Cnrlcy nnd Mrs. Llzr.Ie Munshnw. Today This Hallowed Place Wo Seek. . . . Quirtct America . . . Congregation Lay Mo Down nnd Save the Flag . So o Jnmes C. Cnrley. Tribute to Colonel Ellsworth . . Solo , with Guitar Jnmes 13. Smith. Barbara Frletchlc . Solo MI B Emma Wood. Sherman's Match to the Sea . . Solo , with Gultur James 11. Smith. Little Major . Duet Miss Wood nnd Mr. Cnrlcy. The Vacant Chair . Sslo Miss Jean lioyd Mullen. Sleep. Sacred Dust of Noble DemL.Qtnrtet Opening Address . Elder A. II. Merrill Company I ) , 137th Illinois Infantry , Knllstcd March 12 , 1SGJ. Remarks . Cieorgp rUworlh 1st Itnttnlton Sharpshooters , Hnll tc 1 April "S , 1SC1 ; nc-enllstcd August 28 , 1SCI Among the Guerrillas. .Elder H. W. Gl-nson Enlisted July 2 ? . 1862 , from Missouri Company C , 70th Keg. Cnv. ; fnn- mlssloned Lieut. October , ISC. How I Lent nod Discipline . . Captain William Kelly Enlisted Auguit 2 , 1&C2 , Mustered Out In Georgia , 1SC5. What I Saw There. .Colonel Kelinen Forbes Company A , 1st Iowa Hoglmcnt. Mustered Out July , 18J5. Short addresses by. comrades , led by Judge Elliott on "The Soldier's Fellow ship of Love , " followed by Judge J. M. Fowler , Captain MncDougnll , Comrades Eastman , Hnyzlett , Captain Cocktvll , Gordon. Snlvely and others ; to close with n pl ° n by S. P. Roundtrce , the olJe.it negro In Nebraska , thirty yearn a slave , eight times sold from the auction block. I Can't He Your Slave Anv More . . . . .7 . Solo , with Guitar 'Colonel J. D. Smitli. The pupils of sixth , 'seventh- and eighth grades -will unite with the High school In giving the following program at 2 o'clock Monday : Music Hall Columbia . Recitation Albert Sidney Johnson . . Olive Hrown Conversation My Hero . . Jpuslo Carpenter , Llbblo Donahue Music 'Nenth Foreign Skies. . . .High School Rccltatlon-Our Alt . Uertlm Clark Recitation Old Man und Jim . . Margaret Kruse Quotations . Seventh Grade I'lipIIs Recitation Raok from the War . > . . , .James DuncaiTson Music Soldiers' Memorial Song . . Sixth and Seventh Grades Review of the Civil War . . Eighth Grade History Classes Instrumental Solo Sherman's March to the Son . . . .Henry Hock Address . Rev. Robert L. Wheeler Addresses by Mr. Kttrr , Captain Mnr- Dougal , Judge Fowler of the G. A. II. Music America . A memorial service will be held , ln the Church of Christ , K and Tv'ont/-IMfd streets , Sunday morning. A special program has been arranged of singing and readings , which will be followed by a hli-jtt nd.litis by the pastor. In the evening sen-loss will bo held as usual. - o - Reduced rates to Texas via Santa Fo ronto on May 2S. Addres E. L. Palmer , P. A. , Omaha. runor.il of John II. Kynn. The remains of the late John H. Ryan , who died In Council Bluffs , were In ought here and taken to the "i > Tij 'if h.s | vi" > r.ls , tn the , southern part ) f t i'city. . The de ceased was 41 years of 030. His father , Thomas Ryan , is ono of Ilia oldest smt'ers hero. The funeral services will bo con ducted at St. Agnes' church Sunday morning nt 8 o'clock. Interment in St. Mary cem etery. Charles Barnard of Atlantic , la. . Is In the city. city.W. . M. Geddes , mayor of Grand Island , Is In the city. J. II. Sullivan and wife of Rawllns , Wyo. , nro In the city. John C. Mosher of Grcelcy , Cole , , was In Omaha yesterday. F. H. and C. C. Hnmlln of Rock Springs , Wyo. , are In the city. A. J. Plnkham and O. Robblus of Idaho City , Idaho , are In the city. Detective Holland of New York City has been summoned to appear hero as n witness In the Sterling case In the federal court. nt the Hotels. At the I'axton H. Donald , Grand Island ; II S Mnnvlllc. 1'lluVn. At the MmiIohn Hratt , North Platte ; J. 1) . McDon..1. ITromont. At tlja Moreer Im Mnllory , Grand Inland ; T. C. Rutlcr , Stanton ; C. A. Wilson , Fru- AI me Mllliml--C. J. Pliclns , Schuylpr ; AW. Cole. McCook ; 8. H. Steele , Uavlil City : H. K. Schneider , Fremont. At the Arcucle U. H. MoHirrove. Colum- biiB ; H. II. Cherry , Hastings : William II. Hunter. St. Clnlr.'J. ' Baxton , Tl den : W. H. Stfphenson. Hnirllihton ; 11. II. Whlpper- miin. O. Mllllprnn/\V. Korth. WuUelleld ; II , Allldncr , Otto Voirot , Wayne. At the lellone-4IJ , J. Blnclntr , Ncbraslc.i cityN. . V. llarllm. York : H. K. Funk. Kearney ; J. O. IMllock , Columbus ; II , L. JIcMeunsV. . M. OeddeH. CulumliiiHi IJ. 1. . Cnptol.Vllber ; C. J. O'Connor , a'omer ; T. C. CnlJney. I'cnden J. W. I'erry. Onl. At the MerclnintH-M. n. Cameron , Schuy- ler O P. Henderslibt , lUbron ; II. 'II. Howes nnd son. OaklandlIJ. R Downer. Arapahoe ; n. II. Knnkln. CambrltlBc : 1 . I * . " " 'I. ' < - T. Coudet , Mend ; O. II. Opbotne , A , llogo- Innd , Lincoln ; W. H. Noyes , Itustlnt'Hj George Hersh , San Qrau. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. The only I'ure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Atumouin ; No Aluin. in Millions of Homes AQ Yefirs the Standard KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort nnd improvement nnu t'onda to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The ninny , who live bet ter tlmn others and enjoy life more , with less cxpmUturo , by more promptly fultlpitag the Tforld's best products to the needs of physical being , will attcot the value to ncnltk of the pure liquid Ir.xativo principles embraced in the rcmcdyi Syrup of Figs. Its cxcellcneo la due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the tosto , the refreshing and truly beneficial properties o ( a jicrfoct ! nx- ntlvis ; effectually cleansing the system , dispelling colds , licndacho.s ftnd fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the mcdicnl profession , because it acts on the Kid- noyr , ? jiver and Bowels without weakening oning them and it is perfectly frco from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for pale by all drug gists in HOc and'l bottles , but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only , whose name is printed on every package , also the name , Syrup of Figs , and being well informed , you will no * " ptit any Ktihstittiti ! if offered. SEARLES & SEARLES SPFiGliiLISTS Chronic , WE 1 Nervous , Private CUBE [ Diseases. TREATMtHT BY MAIL CONSULATIQII FREE Wo euro Ca'arrh. All D13O3333 of fho Koso , Throat , Cheat. Stomach , Liver , Blood , Skin and K1 noy Dls- onsoo , FoTinle Weak tosses , Lost Manhosd AND ALL PRIVATE DIJ- EaSESOFMEN , REMOV D TO 1410 FARNAM STREET. Call on or Address , fin CoirlsSi Caarlnc ! MtO TAHNAM VT UL ocuTloa a UBdniib , OMAHA , .SKI : . DIRECTORS' ' TABLES. Wo are making quite a specialty of Di rectors' Tables. So few persons are aware of the magnitude of our trade In this ono line of oHlce cabinetwork that we make It the subject of special mention today. We carry a number of lines , represent ing different grades , and In each grade there are different sizes. Wo build them " " with or without drawers , ! n""both Onk and Mahogany , nnd In all shapes oval , cir cular , rectangular , squat o and double width. We have special patterns for small rooms. The oval shape Is most desirable here , as It allows the selection of a larger size without resulting Inconvenience. These oval tables are very graceful , nnd greatly add to the appearance of the room. You will find It for your Interest not to purchase oillce ftnnlture of any description without first visiting our warerooms. Chas. SMverick & Co. , FURNITURE of Eviry Da33.Mitl.Jl Temporary Location , ISOG-1208 DOUQL < ST. , MILLAUD HOTEL BLOCK. entry i Bncrmaiorrlm'u , Homliinl - i ni'33 , Vurlcoci'lo , tTiiiitlunaon luce , nil nervous illt-orders. llcitorrs I. Mt Vigor , riral treatment sent ' ( miulvil E'rvo to any mtclri'.is. This liviiirily Imxlieoii iiHi'il l yi'iirslu - ' tr Vrniipo with marvelous lenultii. HE CllEMIOAI. IMrOUTlMO. CO. , UIHOIMUAII , 0. IK l * & . * & .Gafarrh . Powder Ilcllevcfl Catarrh anil Cold In tli 9 I tea a luttt.mtly by one ( ipplicutlon Cures Head Noloco & DEAFNESS. Cat ) or > ! ' litis Mftiotiic rtoptc , rfal'ago * bchl by urim trlsta. 50o. Ciiocolat = Menier. Ills reasons are ; Ten and Coffee create nervousness with a people lee nervous already ; Uilter Chocolates arc not fit to nuke a cup of cliocohtC ) cheap ( sweet ) chocolates are impure , hence injurious ; COCOA is no more like CHOCOLATE than Skimmed Mill : is like Cream. Cliocolat-iMenier is an ejquisite Vanilla Chocolate , as nourisliii ) ' as meat , as low priced as oilier bcven cs. ami.v SH/VT / - . Ask for yellow wrapper. VmT croccr li .j it. PARIS LONDON Ar. , Ulrago- \V. \ 'Tin patriotic and noble to A celebrate Decoration Day. Let those who .sacrificed life STUPENDOUS for future peace , 11 ml a corner in the hearts of every true SUIT VALUE American , Let us worship their memory. Let us keep their graves { jreen ; because they were heroes because they fought for us , and paid for It With every drop of blood. SpuaUing about heroes made by lighting , we ought to be some sort of heroes ourselves. We fought our battle with those manufacturers east ever since early spring to secure what we are offering yon this week and wo got there you bet. As pure wool as the pelt of a lamb , as pretty as painted , and as durable as the Rock of Ages lay j Jj "tlrtitlSuits "f slx different patterns , some pin checked , some plain , some invisible plaid , some black and white mixed-brown-gray black bine- shades-well trimmcd-stylidh made-all terra cotta and other - price-Four Dollars and Seventy-Flve Cents this at but a pauper a suit. Six and a Halt is what we used to get for 'em. If yon think you can get a better one at Ten Dollars , we'll simply say : "God IHess you , " buy elsewhere , we de serve none of your confi dence if we cannot tell the truth. They're worth Ten Dollaas a Suit you dcpciid upon it. G. A. K. Suits are $5 and $7 , with a guarantee of strictly fast colors. y * * o 3 The Inside OF THE KNOWN AS THE World's Columbian Exposition VERY paragraph personally written by the very men who designed , controlled and operated the Fair , namely : . 1b , SJurnbam Who was Architect in Chief and Director of Works , and , flIMUct The Director of Decorations , who had charge of the decorations , sculpture and adornments inside and upon the buildings , and in the grounds ; also of the ceremonies , processions and entertainments , etc. The work is called AND IS Magnificently Illustrated FULL PAGE COLORED PLATES MADE FROM ORIGINAL PAINTINGS j-i INGS , EXECUTED BY LEADING ART ISTS OF AMERICA FOR THE BOOK. HUNDREDS OF FINE BLACK AND WHITE DRAWINGS F ' MEMORIAL DEPARTMENT B Omaha Bee ; If book is to be mailed send 30 cents.