THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , MAY 26 , 180J.-TWELYE PAGES. 11 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Was Tired Yesterday and After Fluctuating Closed Lower , CORN WAS DULL WITHIN A NARROW RANGE Oats Were Wcult JCnrly on Tree Offrrln Unliving I.ntrr with nn Improved Dc- nmnd. Kiwlnc ; Oft Apuln nnd timing nt the llottoui. CHICAGO , May 2fi. Wheat was tired today and after fluctuating languidly within % c range , cloned % c loner. Favorable weather. oa y cables and light export de mand were bear factors and overbalanced unfavorable crop reports from the west. July corn closed Vic livser , July oats lc lower and provisions slightly lower all around. Opening wheat trades showed but little change , but the market gradually receded % c. rallied &c , again sold off , ruled steady and closed easy. Private cables reported the weather abroad favorable and prices easier , and foreigners were credited with selling in New York. There were a good many bad crop reports In frojn the country again today , but were offset by the bear news. A feature wa the free cmerlng early by Pardridgo selling for New York account. The unfavorable Industrial situation com bined with other causes to weaken values. Lake business was dull , but rates were steady at lUc for corn to Buffalo. Ocean steamers were offering to take wheat from Baltimore to Antwerp free. Corn was % cry dull , within 9ic range. The feeling was easier on favorable weather and the action of wheat. Oats were weak early on free offerings , rallying later with an Improved demand , casing off again and closing easy. The range for July was 12Vio and the close at the bottom. Provisions opened lower on the liberal liog receipts and declined more In sympathy with wheat. The market was extremely dull and closed near the bottom. Com pared with last night , July pork is DC , July lard lOc and July ribs 5c lower. The leading features ranged as follows : Cafth quotations xxere as follows : rLoni nasy. \\linAT No. 2 Piirlne , JIT c ; No. 3 spring. C2c. No S red. C4 , c. CORN No. S. 37V c : No 3 xcllow. XQS'WiC OATS No. S 33Xc ; No 2 xxhlle , S7Sc , No 3 white , KViOTJiic. IlYK No. ! . 4 > c. HAltLCY No. I , nominal ; No. 3 , 45rl8c : No. 4 , r,2ffr.v. PLAX SIKD-NO i. ji.ri TIMOTHY RUii > I > rlmp J4 PHOV1H1ONS Me8i iwk. per Mil. . Jll r f 11 77Vt. Innl. per 100 llii . $6 1 > 7 .irf7 ( I ) , ghort tlbs. Bides ( loow ) . $ G 20416 22H : clrj' failed FliDUldeni ( hoxi'd ) S ; 7rfG | ( ) , Mioit clear Bldia ( boxed ) , 50 C2HW7.121J. WHISKY Distillers' Ilnlnhed . per gal Tliofolloxvluzxxcro tlie rt eipts ana for today. On the Produce rxcbnnco todiy the butter mar ket waa Btuady nnd unc'innjed , creamery , 145 * lOVfc ; dairy , 10314HC. Ega , ntuady und un changed ; strictly treRli , l M\V YORK KKNKUA.L MARKET. Quotations on Flour , Grain and 1'rovlilonH , Metalu , Ktc. NEW YORK , May Z3. PLOUIl Receipts. 11.000 bids ; exports , 14000 bbU. ; sale * , 10.000 jikfis. ; dull and easy ; xx Inter xxheat neglected : Bprlng patentu In Oemand ; future Kales checked owing to adxance in frelKhts. Southern flour fairly actlxe , lye flour , sloxv but nrm ; buck- wbeit flour , nottilnal. IIUCKWI I I1\T Nominal ; range on all grades , COHN MKAL-Steady ; jellowweBtcrn , S3S 2.70. brnndx x\lnp , J2.70. HYn Nominal : boat loidii , 5336c. 1IARLCV Dull ; No , 2 MHxxaukee , Cr.gc7c ; two- roxveil , Dtute , CCc , nominal , uncraded xxestem. WStlaC 1IAIILRY MALT Firmer , western , C3SoV , nlx- rowcd , S3i8"ic. WUKAT Receipts. 117.000 tin. , export * 14 : , ( ) bu : wild , l.cno.oou Ini. fiitunnnd 24 0 < Kpot. Spot , wenker. No 2 red , store and elevator , D74c. afloat. fSVtJi" S ? e , No. 1 northern. nO' c delivered No. 3 ChlcaRO , uprlnB. i4VjC dellxcrcd Options dull and xxtnk all dnx and declining on fmornblo xioather nnd state crop reports. loxier cables and lack of foreign outKlrte Intereitg. Ijite report * broURht complaints ( if chinch bujr * In the Miuthxxest , but they illd not nfTect the market , nnd the close was nt HP net detllne. No 2 led , Mn > , cl ( ) J at & 7' < c ; July. CSMi'iS I5-lCc , closed at BS'j.c. ' Seplnnlier , & ) 13-Kiiilc , closed at COTe , DiC jn- ber , 045J64V4C. clnn- nt C4M.C. COUN ItcrolptK , M.IVW bu , exjiorts. 7 .000 bu , nalfa. 17 * > ,0i bu futur * s nndi \ icjO bu ppoi Bpot market , dull. No. 2. 42,1j45 > 4c , 421J.C nlloat , uteamer mixed , 4 ( . Options opened loxtcr on faxorable crop IIUXMS but nfterxxaids ralllnl on dinaller car lot cstlmnte , clos ] unchan d M > closed nt 42T i , June. 43' < l431 c , closwl ut K < nf AURUNt , cloBt-d nt 44c , Septcnilnr il > sed nt 4P-3C OATS Receipts , W.OiX ) bn , exportH 100 liu. ; Bales , 100 000 bu futures , 14 000 bu spit Snt. ] lifeless , No. 2 , 40.e , No. 2 rtellxered , 41Wc. No. S. 39Se ; No 2 xxhlle , 4IVsC. No. 3 xUiUp , 41 > , track mUed xxestern , 41O424C , tnick xxhlle weMrrn , 43(4Tc : truck white stale. 43f(4TcO , > tlont xteaktr on better crop ncxvB and helling b ) tnulers. clonlnu ' e net decline. Ma ) closed nt 30tC , June , KltC. Jul ) , SSfiSSHc. closed at SSc HAY Firm ; shipping. M&Glcj coed to choic * . 70c HOPS Quiet , stnte , comimn to choice. 9ffl7c. Pacific coast , llfilTc ; IxJnilnn market Btendy 1IIU12S Dull , xxrt milted. New Orleans nelctted , 45 to 05 Ihs. , 4HtCV | < c , Texan nelvctnl , 31 to f ) Rut , . 4ff c , lluenos Ajrt-s. Jry. 20 toI Ibs. , 10 < - ® llc I.CATIIKR Mndrraltljr nctlxe : hemlock sole , llucnon Ajres. IlEht to heax16V * 19e. \ \ OOIlulI , domciitlo ( letscc , U823c ; pulled , 20fl r PROVISIONS Reef , quiet Cut meats. stc d > . pkklcd iKllles. C4tT7c , pickled shoulders SHW l\c Lnrtl dull. -sti-ni Bteam closed JS.40 uketl lellnett , nomlniil. Pork , dull ami trnd } . CMTTON hiit ) Oil * Actlxc. but nominally steady. pHm crude 25c ; ) ellow butler. 3S3ne. | prime > elloxxSV , jirlmo white , 3043 37c off crude 26 25c. choice jellow , 3lc ; jelloxx oil Bradcs , llt'TTKR-Strorty : western dalr > ' . Spile ; west ern exam rj. IJOHc. wtsteni Mclory , Syilc , KUInv 17c. state dairy. 12tfl6'tc , state cream- rry 14 J17c Clinnscsteady ; ststo. larcc , $ tfcBU > c ; small , KOOS quiet , state and PvnnsjHnnla , iOl"c ; receipts. 1 1S1 pkES. 1OTTOl 11t iner. TALIO\V-Strudy. rltv ( J2 per pkc ) , \c. countrv ( PKKH iref ) . > ll * " * PimtOl.lU M-rirm } Unlteil clns d nt 87e bid RK'i-htiad > , doiiKttlc , fair to extra , 4fcC : , Japan. 4'jSrlSc Tt RPUNTl.Nn-Plrmer : SOWS31C. ROSlN-l'liin , stiulned , cummon to itood , MOI.SSP.S Steady : Nexx Otloani. open kettle , eood to cholct2 fl3 c Pld IRON Dun. Scotch , JUEOtr .5) ; Amer ican COPPKP.-Qulet. lal.e. ? . < . l.i\D Quiet. din e tlc , 20. TIN Q'llit , tr lts , JIKW btJ : plates , quiet. hPKLlKR-riiinrr. dommtlc , W.S'i bid , sales on 'change 1 c r July cpoller , 13 45. MliiuraK ) > ll * Wlii'at Market. MINNU\POU < . Ma > 2S. Thcr was n Rood demand ( or ca U wheat but at ellchtly oailer | trlcn than yesterday. Receipts were 10 ! 449 bu i fthlpmenu. 11.141) Ini MUU wr runnlnK nt itbout tin * usual rule grinding inurn whrut than urrlxed. xxhtch u the cuuxe of the ttimlyUp numd for wheat on track Arrivals net * all tMorbeil rurly In thn dn > Tmdlne tn futuivi wa tpasmoillo Hnd on the whole Ilirlit. wllli a tendency donnxxnrd. Reports from Ihe winter wheat dUtrlct did not ne-in to Indicate no miiih damaje to thai . rep as was thuuslit jinJiul-le a f \ > days BIO. There was > * ry little demand repnrte.1 from the continent fur American wheat , which Indi cated that then was lr * damnce ou acoount of frost * than had l > een irportmt , Ouuldc buyIng - Ing that rame In here few dais UKD on tlm report * rif rt muce by frosts Is nearly all clot * ] out end tliwe v > a no dl ivi itiur. ho n tuday to buy bai k even at It- | r-x. prce | TltM > Irve was Mt-nj lee ) an j mu. h f I" .if a sculp Inr ha a r l"ti * tinprcsuitinrned lo pre vail armmr mjni local trul < - rinav In spit of the | < rfar t l"w prices In tins markt that further - ther deci n is niur thin pr\haN , > u.l pr.j'n who xtould \ Iura'i > e li < .rt manifrt < < u in difference I 0 ti. mDiulUK fi-armif that 'ne little * entanob wiuld clarl pit-s upirutxi a i.n. rrmn continue In market freely In the country , anil this WM o mirr of some un- r Mni nnrinr Jurtlra who wmild * therwl > e buy cm the short K theory of mllllne nupplle/s In the northwest. Th" npenlns ; prlre x ns n little hlRhrr than 111- opening pile * twenty-four hnurs wirller , but wan n shade under the oloii of lat nljcht. fluctuations were xcry rmnll all ilnj. and the nnal cloxlnn was ' 4f > \ ' loner than jrMcrda.v May i7\r July. i7 4Jt7 4r R-pii mter , WSW6B | C on track Nn 1 h rd , 61e : No 1 northern * 4c No 2 northern. 5V The nupplle * in store here haxe trmdually de- creaiml. but notat a rate Kiimclwitly larne tn create any fears that there will nut be wheat enough to supply the mill * until the new crop I * matured for crlndlnc. Yet the elexator com panies haxe sold for future delH-erie * and are nnt lnclln d to take the crnln out at the rle- vator * n-ltlmut a Rood premium abnx-e the July price Kur that reason the freoh arrivals are taken up freely for ( rrlndlnB. Several of the laruer compnnles of millers oxvn practlCHlly the bulk of the wheat In thl clt ) , but they are not crlndlnK freely from It , preferrlnt ; rather to crlnd fmm fresh airlx-als parehased on the mar ket HhlpmentH of flour erc W 272 libl * . The product was ulwut J1.0M bbls 1'lour Is moxlnc for * an ] to e lern conMimerii viry fieely , nl- UirniRli a twrt of It ptw * In More enH of the lake * , as frelulitu are liable tn advance , and It Is chenper therefore ti have the flour xxhere It may ! distributed easily to the eastern con sumers limn to remain nere and pay pmslbly hlEher rates on frelRhts Tlie market was steady nt K 3Jt3 W tor patents and $10302.30 for bakers' . COTTON MARKET. Statement .of tlie > New Orlrani Kxclianso for tlio Vint Week. NH\V OP.LHANS , May 25. The cotton crop movement , necordlnc to Secretary Hester's New Orleans Cotton exchnnce stnlement. pas wl the 7.200.WO bales mark durlm ? the xxerk Just clo ed. The eekl ) flcrure show that the amount hroUKhl Into slKht for the fxcn day * endlne tmlcy Is 11.3.13 bale * under the nexen rtsy * ending May 23 last ) ar and 4,828 l ile under the same djia jenr lieforc last. The total brought into ulctit during the past iK-xcn da ) * has l > een 21.4V ) balcn. nualiint 32,783 bales last year , and 2C 278 bales the jenr ln-fure The total markited from Neptemlx-r 1 to dale Is 7,200 W bales , nKalnst l > .315,787 bales and 8.MI2.8S3 bales last yeir and the } ear before , resiiectU rly. 1'rom this time on last ) ear the amount of cotton brought Into slKht xxas 310 678 liae | < , and jear before last 231.491 bales In other xxords. after thlx date last > enr 472.100 bales of the crop was market = d , nnd nfltr this date , maxon In tore last 236.100 lml ( < i Th mnxements since Stptemlier 1 nlioxx * reielpts at all United Mate * port * of C B78 S13 bales , against 4,812.013 Irak * last Sear and C,8 < 3 S10 luilos the ) ear ti fore NIJW ORLKANS , Ma ) 2i COTTON Steady. sales , Fi t. 10.IXK ) balm , to nrrlxe. ? liale/i , nr- ( llnarj , & 13-lCc. ( roxl urdlnar ) , C 7-1 r.c. low mid illlnc , Cc. middling. 7c , RIXK ! middling , 7 1 . mlddllnu fair , 7 13-lCc nominal fnlr. Or nom- Innl Receipts. 1W bales , extiorts , tcmllncnt 4.740 bnle . hiock , 107.M7 bal Pulurei Bleadr. alcs. 27.7i bales. May. 6 82. nominal , June , JC,81'fCS4 , Jul ) . JO STACKS. August. 1 SC0 K7 Seplemti-r. K S4CC S3. October , < ! 8rifr .f > r , , No vember. Ib.OQGS2. ( > ccml > er , $096&b97. Jan uary , 17 bid 8T IXJUIb , Ma ) 25 COTTON Sales 7 lialea rec 'lpts. none , shipments , 1.000 bales , stock. 40.700 bales QALVnSTON. May 23 COTTON Receipts , nl biles , rxK > rts , none , stock , 19,338 bales , sales. 4 1C bales , middling , 6Tic The Wool Tnide. ItOSTONJ , May 25 The American Wool nnd CotUin Reporter sag of the Mool market" The mirket Is easier. The demand for xxool has iiot hn'iroved In fact the request nee-nt dully cruxxInB lern , and the re ult Is a xxe.Kenlns tendincv all along the line , particular ! ) In un- xxashed comhlnci , due principal ! ) to the liberal ofTeilncs of round lots of ncxv clipped Missouri nnd Illinois bright combing xvool In thin mar ket at a basis of 17c delixtret ] Desirable old Ilpece x\iiolH , hoxxexer , Hhnxx little change In price , because of thilr scaitlty ; and the prefer- < nco accorded them oxer n xv xxools 'Ihe prin cipal movement this xxeek linn b < in In new Kcntuck ) unwashed combines the rnott Irn portant sale consisting of 100 000 Ibs of Ken- tu < ky light shrinkage. > 4 and ? . blood , at 13c The principal sale of tine umxash-d xxool for tlieveek xvus that of CO OW bs. of Ohio ut It 'Ihe principal Kale of delaine xxool xvns 30010 Ihs. ofest Virginia ami Ohio nt 2jc 19,000 Ilm of fine Michigan delaine xvas also taken at 2Jc. N * xx line and fine medium Idaho wooln hnxe lieen mild this xveik nt 10V4c and lie , re- spcctlxely. Texas xxools ti thoroughl ) cleaned up In tills market , nnd California XMIO ! arc lecelxlnjr little attention Pulled xxools are xerj quiet Little business has been done ilthT In Australian or carrel xxool Sales for the xxeek nmounl to 1,642,000 IbF of domestic and 213 OOJ Ibs. foreign making n total of 1.SS7 000 Ibs The total sales In lloston 'o date slnxv u de crease of 10,800.500 Ibs. us compared xxlth tlie s-inifl period a jear ago The salts for the xveek In Ncxx Iork aKsregate C37.000 Ibs The sales for the xxeek In Philadelphia aggregate 737,21 > Ihs There hns l n soU In Nexv York since Januar ) 1 , 17.520.r,00 His . nnd In Phila delphia bince January 1. 21 21 > 'I.OOO Ibs St. Louis Cflieral Murlcct. hT. LOUIS , May 23. I'LOUR Sloxx . unchanged. WHEAT Declined steadil ) todn ) on depreHhlni ; foreign nnd labor nex\b. closing c oft No 2 rod , insh and Max Sl'Sic , Jul ) W4c , August. Me. September , Clc. CORN Dull lovxer with xxhoat. No. 2 mixed , cash , SC c. Ma ) , 36'/sc , Jul ) , 2l > Jtc ; September. S67 c. OATS Wealc. loxver No. 2 red , cash , 30c. May. 3'is4C , July , 29c. August , 24 ic ItVK Nothing doing RARLnV Nothing doinp 11RAN Plrmer. C4c east track KLAX SUiD Jl 23 , nominal. HAY Demoralized , but nominally unchanged ; prlmo to choice tlmoth ) , J9 n.@io 00 UUTTUR btcadler ; strlctl ) fancy creamery , 18 019c KGOS Higher , 8Ur. LEAD Quiet ; J3.15. SPCLTRH Dull , nominal ; J3.20 CORN MEAL Jl.93ljf2 00. WHISKY Jl OSifl 13. COTTON TIKS Unchanged 93C&H.OO. RAOCHNO Unchanged ; SiiSfCc 1'ROVISIONS Dull , xvcak Pork standard mess , jobbing. J12.37'3. Lnrd. prime steam 1C 70 , choice , tb.60. Dry salt meat * * , loose shoulders , S3 80 ; longs nnd ribs. IS 2 > , shorts. $ li 40 Hacon , imckcd s-iouldcrs , JC75. longs , J7.00 , libs , J7 12'4 ' ; hhoris , 17.23. ItnCEIPTS Plour. 4,00i ) bbls , wheat , 7,000 bu. ; corn. r.O.O'JO bu : oats , 42.000 bu SHIPMENTS Flour. E.UOO hbls ; xxheat. 8,000 bu , corn , C3.000 bu , oats , 14,000 bu , Baltimore Cencrul Murkot. RALTIMORE. May S3 PLOUR Dull ; receipts , S7.281 bbls. ; shipment * . 21.C93 bbls. WHEAT Dull and lower , spot and month. r.7fc37V.c. Jul ) , r,7i 057iic. August H'.BaSUc , steamer. No 2 red DS'JS > 3T c , receipts 8 937 bu . stock , 4111,917 bu ; salca , 42,0'W bn , nillllnc xxheat , b ) sample & 703SC CORN Dull : spot. 43c bid , mDnth , 444'4c ! , sleomer mixed. 4243c. rccelt.ts 1.902 bu . shipments. 270U3 bu , sloik. l7.:2.r , bu , sales. 1 ooo bu , southern corn b ) sample , 4Cr. south ern corn on grade , 43c OATS btrong. No. 2 xxhlte westem , 43c No. 2 mixed wtstern , 40tf41c. ncelpts , C.OObu , Block , 32.372 bu RYE DullNo 2 , E3fJCc ; receipts. 24G bu , stock. IS 174 bu HAY Plrm , coed to choice timothy. Ill HW 13. mi ORAIN FREIGHTS Strong nnd loxver , Mcam to Llxeipool , per Im. . 3d , Ma ) ; Cork , for orders , per quarter. 2s 3d , May SUOAR-Mead ) . I 1 t'TTER Steady to firm ; fair creamery , ISc , KOGS-Plrm. fresh. I2c. CHKESrbteadj , fancy Nexx York. Il { ri2c. Mllxxnukrti ( iruln Vurket. MILWAUKEE , Ma ) 2" rLOfR-Qulet and unchanged CORN Sit aily and quiit , Nn 3 , SSc OATs-Ixixxtr , No. 2 xxhlte , 37 = .i . No. 3 xxhlle. r.7'.1i37isc II MU.UY Steady : No. 2. KHc. sample. CH40 C3 < > c HAH Weak. No. 1 , 45Uc. PROVISIONS lJ > wer. PoiK , I1 SO ; lard. JC.fO RECI.UTS-rijur , G..OJ b Is. ; wheat , 1C.VOO bu . but lex. S.O'K ' ) bu SHIPMENTS Flour , S.S'W bbls ; wheat , none. bark } , l.COO bu. Dnlillll Cr.iin Mnrkot. DVLUTH Mav K.-WIIEAT-NO 1 hard , cash. KI * > VIJC : Muv , M'ic. Jul ) 59Se ; Nn. 1 narthc n , cash , CSo , Ma ) , MiViC , Jul ) , i.b c , beptember , fuijc ; December , Kc ; No. 2 northern , cash , tjljc. No 3. 4'JL3c. rrJicliHl. IJtc On track : No. 1 noithein , to arrlxc. & ! > 'su ltYE-45c. 1'I.AX SEED-J1.23. OATS No S. 34Vic ; No S white. 3 c. RECEIPTS Wheat , S3 870 bu SHlI-MC.NTh-Wlieat. IC.Clii bu. Itunsui City .Markets. KANSAS CITY , May K-WHEAT-Slow nnd le lower. No. 2 hard. 49c. No. 2 red. Sff30c : No. S red. 47G4Sc ; rejected , 4lc. CORN Slow. No. 2 mixed. 34V S33c. No. 2 xvhlte. S7V , ; f37Uc OATS Unchangrd No. 2 mixed , IGjfSCWc , No. 2 white 37c. llUTTIUl-Qulet. Creamery. HCUc ; daln' . ( "iaaS-Flrm. 7Hr. _ Toledo Uraln .Market. TOLEDO. Mny 25.-\V7inAT-Dull. loner. No. 2 < a > h and May. Mebid ; July , Ubc ; \ucunt. i&ttf , September , 67Uc. OJRN-Ea y , No. 2 cas > h , Jc RskoJ. July. SSc bid. bid.OATS OATS- Dull ; No 2 mixed. Me ; No. I white , 37V c. ItYE-Mcady : caslu 60r. CI < UVOt bEEI > Firm ; October , 13.75. Liverpool 31iir4tt > i. LJVRRPOOL. May 25.-WHnAT-Qulet. de- mnnd | or : iMiloVri offer # parlnil ; ) : No. 1 Cali fornia. 4i 7mi4 UJ. red xvcstern winter , 4 0J. COIIN Klnn , demand moderate nc mixed , 'PROVISIONS Ilwf extra India me . 60s. Pork , prime invm. Gbn | ) J. Hacon , luni ; and short clear. K Ibik. Ms. lone cliar , 43 lint , 321 > d. Lard , prime intern , 36 * 8d Uuffalo Crnlit Market. RUPPAI/ ) . May 23-WHEAT-No. 2 red. 57Ho : No. 1 white , 6Dc. CORN Tred light. No 2 yellow , 42H0 4JVie. No. 1 xelluiv. 42UC. No S. < ia. No. 3 , 41a OATS Good demand , No. 1 white. 411c : No. 2vvhlte. . 4Hc ; No 3 white. Hc. No. 2 mixed. ST tc , Ull OIL riTl" . Pa . May 25.-N tlonal Tranlt ccrtll til < u opened nt 5C highest , 87 : lowest. W , rliMetl at 87. sales. U OOU bbls. . chlpments. S4.Ci * . . run * . U.7II bbls. PITTSIU'RO. Pa. May 23. National Transit rertincatev opened at tW. Closed t to\ . high est 54B , , lowest. K j nlc . 80 UP ( ibis Coffve Market. MfW TOHK , May ti-COPFEE-OpMoni opened steady at um hinted to lu points advance on Ixtt' and European tux me weakened under Ix-al | > resure nn-1 e mrM uleady at net un- cbiiut < a to S pc in' * atr me , sal s , itooo ban lUy , JUlJtfl .1- , June $14 Si , July , tllTtflKK. Aucust 11" ID171K.4I. Sl OWI4 U. October , Ill-tt , t > ecemb r. Ill 10 Hpnt coffee. Kin dull and nominal. Nn 7 IK. mild , dull nnd nominal , Cnnlflva , lt i > HJl , sales , sn laws Marlcftito and 80) Central Amer ican pirate terms. Receipts Rio S W ) IMIK * . warehnu" > deliveries yenienlaj. 6,1O ) WCT New- York stick : today ifd.SM bUCT , t nlted Hlales stock , 2.10.192 bags , afloat for the T'nlleU Ktates , 71 ow I * en , total visible for the I n lied Btalep , 391 91 ! tara , against 411.o * ) baps last > eur , SANTOS May 26 II > lldsy , no report HAMllI'llO. May Rlendj Miles 18,000 biijrS. prices from ' pfR nluhT tn H pfR lower HAVIli : . May . Opened steady at V.OHf nd- van * * later reacted Uf Bnd clovd linrety steady at unchanged tn Hf decline , sales OW bags , stoek JWOnn tmss of which " 1 oi ) Is Rrazlllon. RIO UB JANEIRO. May . Holiday. IVorla flmln .Mnrket. PnORIA. May 28 CORN Market Inactive , but stead > . No 2 , 37c , No 2 W e OATS Mnrket active an 1 lower ; No. 2 white , S6Hc. No S white. 35ffWVc UVBNnntnal WH1BK1Market nrm. high wine basis , $ f 15 York Dry floods Mac.'irt. NEW YORK. May 25 H has been a quiet day In all departments of trade as the result of continued rain storm * There was some In quiry for autumn staple specialties , but the volume of new- business was light. SURIII Mn ko ) . NEW YORK , May . , -nt.tlAR-Raw. msr- quiet and stead ) siNn. rfone , refined , dull. LONDON , May 23-SL'QAR-l'an" , centrifugal Java , 14s , Muscovado , fair ititoloB. 1S . I'rlsro AYlu-nt Mnrket. SAN FRANCISCO , May 25. WHEAT Steady : December. J1.04J , . new seller , 94J4C , .MnuchrMor Textiles. ' MANCHESTER. Ma > r . Cloths and yarns Bteady. with moderate demand \v eel .Mitrkrt. ST. IX3UIS , May Z3.A OOL Steady , without chanee. STOCKS AND 1JOMJ.H. final Sales of the Day Inillcntn B Decided ImprnvfMiit-nt. NEW YORK , Mar 25. This was a dull day on the Stock exchange , and the result of the day's transactions Is that with one or two exceptions the active list shows an advance In prices as compared with the final sales of yesterday , ranging from % to 2U per cent. Chief among the Influences which brought about the appreciation In - valuesvcre agree ment to maintain rates entered Into by the railroad managers at Chicago , the easier tone of the sterling exchange market , and the consequent cessation of gold exports. The covering movement by the shorts was quite pronounced In Sugar , the grangers , Chicago Gas , General Electric , Missouri Pacific and New York Control. There was good buying , too , for the London account In St. Paul and New- York Central , while Boston houses bought Durltngton , and Insiders -were pur chasers of Western Union. The fluctuations In Sugar were -very frequent , the outside range being 98Vi to 102 % After an opening rise of Uc , a decline of 1 % per cent was made , followed by an ad vance of 3 % per cent , a decline of 2 % per cent , and an Improvement of 3V4 per cent Of the Grangers , St. Paul and Burlington were In most demand , and considerable blocks were taken for the long account In the belief that Increased earnings would result from the settlement of the rate question The general market opened firm and a shade higher , and during the first hour the trend of prices was upward Then came a frac tional reaction , after which the speculations were fairly steady until about 11 30 o'clock , when National Cordage preferred broke iy4 per cent and Buffalo , Rochester & Pittsburg "Vi per cent , neither of which stocks made any subsequent recovery Before noon the market had again taken an upward turn , with Cordage In the lead , but a reaction soon took place , which was , however , but slight and of brief duration During the rest of the after noon the trading was strong In tone , with only an occasional slight reaction , the closing prices being ; at or near the best of the day The bond market was firm In tone all day. The Evening Post says : The only market movement today with any pretensions at common sense was In the granger stocks Advices from Chicago reported the western railroad presidents as having nearly dupli cated the "gentlemen's agreement" of 1889 This may possibly be , though the economic results of that much advertised event were neier anything tremendous. The Evening Post's London cablegram1 says- The general tone of the slock market today -was good because ofvery cheap money , but operations were chiefly confined to first- class homo stocks. Consols sold at 101 ViA prolonged period of cheap money Is expected Americans were Irregular , but better on the whole , finishing under the best. . Great timidity still characterizes this market. The following are the closing quotations on the leading stocks of the New York ex change today : The total sales of stocks today were 2.W S07 shares Including : AtchUon C.COO , American bupar , 98 S07 : RurllnKton , 10.S70 , Chlcnao Can , 40 400. IHntlllliiK. G.7uo. Gent-rat Electric 11 STO. Missouri Pjcincll.SOJ New lork Central. 7.M ) Northern Pacific prcfcned. 3.5HO , Koch Inland. 3.400 , St. Paul. 4C.1.0J. VNc ti rn Union , 11.750 , Neur Iork 'Moniy JMurkct. NEW YORK. Mny 23-MONEY ON CALL- Easj ut 1 per cent , last loan , 1 per otnt , closed at 1 per cent , PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 2H54i1 , pel STERLING EXCHANGE-Stendy. wllli actual huhlnevs in hankers * bill * at Jl b 'iH.IO for demand and ut $1 S7V1151 57'- for slxlj dn > g poxled rateu , S4 KSViij-4 W , commercial hlllx , Sl.tCV. t)4 Si. % . SILVER CERTIPICATEto-OIGCIC GOVERNMENT liONUb-fattadj , state bonds , active. Tht tlodne quotation ! on bond * . OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Supply Euiinbg Even with Last Week , bat Hogs and Bhcop Increase , TRADE IN BEEF STEERS BRACING UP Scarcity of Offerings Itrlngs n Illsn of 1'lvo to Ten Cents In Vitlurs Hough ( Iradcs Stonily Hogs ( Intn a „ . FRIDAY. May 25. So far this week , Compared with lost , the supply ot cattle has fcoen about the same. In hogs the Increase fitiiounts to nearly 6,200 ' ' head , and In sheep to'p'uOO head. Today's run of cajij was the lightest In two weeks , and prloos responded with a Cc to lOc advance on deslr'a'blc offerings. Better reports from the east.'a'nd an active Inquiry from local dressed bcgf- ) men enabled sellers to work off their holdings to good advantage In spite of the apparent Indifference on the part of outside buyers. Handy fat beeves and even good median weight steers were ready sellers at the advance , but the rough , heavy grades did not show" much , If any. Im provement. Nice , fat-l.OoMb. steers sold up to $3.95 , while coarse 1.200 to 1,250-lb. stuff sold around $3 35 and $3.60. It was a good , lively market throughout , and a good part of the decline of the early part of the week has been regained. The cow market was .tolerably active and fully steady all around. There -was the usual Insignificant supply , and with the usual ac tive demand the offerings -were not long In changing hands. Calves were In fair demand at steady prices , and the market for rough stock was generally unchanged. Business In stockers and feeders was de cidedly demoralized. On account of the cry dry weather , farmers are rushing their stock cattle Into the market , and for the same reason country buyers are staying at home. The heavy supply and slack demand have caused a drop of from 30c to 50c In values , and there Is scarcely any sale for them even at the decline Good to choice feeders are quoted at from $3 t6 $3.30 ; fair to good at from $2.75 to $3. and the commoner grades at from $2.75 down , Representative sales DRESSED HEEF IIOQS Hogs continue to come In freely. Today's supply , 8,000 head , was nearly 2,000 heavier than a week ago , and the five days' supply was nearly C.200 heavier than for the corresponding period last week. Con ditions were much the same as on Thurs day , and prices , ruled a big nickel higher on an average. The demand was good from all sources , and , although the opening was slow and the close weak , the general mar ket was fairly brisk and stronger just before the close than just after the opening. The popular prices early -were $463 and $4.70 , with $4 G2H : for low market , and later fair to good hogs sold largely at $4 70 , with some of the best butcher and heavy w eight j up to $4.75. On account of bad reports from the east the market closed flat , with a few- loads unsold. The big bulk of the hogs sold today at $4.70 , the same 04 on last Friday On Thursday the balk of the trading was at $4 CO and $4 05. Representative sales. 1 ICS AND 1 450 . . . SW . , , i . . .4ou . . 42 * ; , " SHEEP There was. a moderate upply of clipped wtsttrn * on jple. The demand was only tali and the market Mow and a shade lower. Fair to eo'n iiallves are quotable at $3.5064.40 ; fair I p.good vvestcrni. $ S SO& 4.30 ; common and * > ck thei'p. ' J2.5063.26 , good to choice 40 la JXMMb. lambs at $3.5Ug' 4.T& . Rrpre9pntatlv eEaU > No tt t , Pr 401) uoatern wtihers . . „ „ . . ii ) $ j gs KUIIIJI City Lire Stock .Market. KANSAS CITY. M 35-TVTTU : UP elpli 1100 licud hlpmvnt 1 ADO lirad. Sum * t > i ] < Texai twr > 'K , tr krm na fJT IJHOfcjfc. , bi Ha K t ittl l.i 1IOI3HRrr IptJ. P 1 * > hr 4 rlnr-P-t t 4,00 bti < l Market utrme t-i Ci h ( flier liulu 14 6 > 4.K , hravle * , ( i.CC3i 70 , packera. ; t COif I lu mined , (4 DD0I SS , tlehU , } 4 SiH 60. Torktn tl BMM S . f\ff. \ | | ot * 6ft. PHCnr Krcclptii. JIWO hmd , uhlpmcnU , 1.WO dead Mnrkrl low nml wp k Itrrelpl * nntl ll po itloti of .stock. Onclil nteptpt * nnddlnpatllton of * tKk ) .KIIIOWI 07 th ( > book ! ot lit * Union Slast Yards eonmny for tlio invnty-four hours ennluff at : i o'clock > . tn. , M&jr 23. ; s 4 CHICAGO l.IVK STOCK fllAKKKT. There VCn * Quito n Light linn at Onttlc YeMorilajr. CHICAGO May 55. In entile there wixs n light run today estimated nt C DUO licnd , which make * the nuriply for the erplred part of the week about M OjO head , or * JOO hend lens than fur the name time taut week nnd 6000 IP * * than a ji-ar nso The market maintained the firm tone chnraitcrlilnc It > c terda > but , notwlth- Btandlng the very moderate nuiiiln-r of entile offered there w no further enhancement of \nluen Denlruhle drrwml K'ef mid shipping Krnde * were atronc. nnd no wire fat con nnd helfem Other descriptions were not more ttmn steadJ Balen ere larselr at from K.M to U CO for conn nnd heifers nnd nt from 13.75 to 1413 for Kteem. and SI 50 was the extreme range of quotations. The hop market Marled In ucttve nnd Btoady nt > cMcruav > quotations The Iteat llKht uelRht * drought frcm < R ( > to tl S. and there were Halm of heavy and medium wvlchls nt II 9V , but be fore 9 o'clock the edcc wan off. and later in the forenoon tht wtakne * * wan null more marked , the close KlnK lie lo er than jcxlerduy The frcfh receipt * were t-sU mated nt 25.000 heiul nnd about 4.000 were left o\er from 1'rtdny There wn n Rood eleanince at from (3 to tl 60 Tor cullK. from 14 CO to J4 h5 for common to prime light nnd nt from $4 63 to { 4 93 for heavy nnd medium The Imllc of the light Hold nt from > 4 70 tn )4 80 and from tl SO to SI 90 took about nit the heavy hocx. In sheep the mipullea haxc fallen for the week several thousand short of the nvenuc for the last two months. There hn heen n prettj Mead } hardening of prices Sheep and ) em lings have scored a Knln of from ! He to 31c. the for mer being Quoted nt fiom { 2 to 12.U for poor to extra nnd the latter at from 13 SO to S'i 15 The bulk of the former sold nt from S3 73 to I ISO , nnd sales of the latter were principally nt from J4 M to J4 85 Spring lambs have been plentiful nnd closed lower nt from SI to 13.50 for common In choice Hocelpts Cattle & 000 head , calves , 400 head , hOKs , 3J 000 head sheep , 8.000 head The EvinlnK Jotirnnl leports CATTLE llecelpts , B.OiX ) head , market opened strong lOc higher , closed weak , prime to extra native steers S4 ZTx5510 , medium. SI 0034 10 other * . S3 7503 95. Texnns. W 20M 80 HOGS Receipts 32.001) head , bulk of sales about a nickel higher than nl the close jestcr- da > . rough heavy , $4 2."i&4 50. packers and mixed , S47M5181. prime henxj nnd butcher weights , SI SSy4 95. assorted lights , SI 85 < 5 > 4 M .St. Lnuls l.iSlock SInrkot. ST LOUIS , May 25 CATTLE Itecelpts , 1 000 heud , shljimtttita. WO head Market steady , na tive Heers. light , JJT3&300 cows. $2.30 200. calxes. S42 > { ir475. Texas steers , light to medium weights. S2.h5C3 CO HOG1 * Receipts S 000 head , shipments 3 OT > head Market actlxe strong 3C10c higher , choice light , J4 S3. good light nnd heax > . $4 70tf4 89 : common to medium , light , S4 50fl C5 , pigs , J3.W @ 37- SHECP Receipts. 1,000 head , shipments , 200 head Market actlxe , Ktend ) , natlxe m'xed medium to pood. { 3 751 30. lamUs { 1 M14 CO > w York Livestock Market. NEW YORK. Ma > 25 REEVES Receipts 4.70D hend. market fairly actlxe , lOc lower , na tlxe steers , choice , S4 CO , medium to fair , S4 20jf 423. good , J4 40. Inferior. SI 0064 03. bulls or dinary to choice , S3.WS373. drx cows , J2.10S 3.30. 3.30.SHEEP SHEEP AND LAM11S Receipts 9 COO head , ehecp. sloxx > furling * , strong , lambs , lower , except for really choice sheep , poor to prime K.WIH 40 , xenrllngs. J4.00S4 00. poor to strictlj choice. | 4 4004 C5 HOG Receipts , 3,500 head , nominally steady nt 55 005J3 40. Sioux City I.ixe Stock Market. SIOUX CITY May 23. HOGS Receipts , 1,400 head , je-terdaj. 2.256 head , shipments G19 head , market Sc hlsher at S4 C004 C3 , bulk , S4 62434 C3 CATTLK Receipts , 3W head ; jesterday. 232 hend shipments , 415 head , market lower , feeder * 2.0f3 | 40. jearllngs. S3 253 30. cows , SI 2303 00 bulls , $1 552.DO , oxtn , SI S & 3 00. tock In hleht. Record of rooolpts of llxe stock at the four principal jards for Friday , Jlay us , Irioi. Local Proriuco . BUTTER The market on packing stock Is firmer , and buyers were offering as high as 7f 7V4c per Ib Other grades re naln about steady Good country. 12ei4c , sepamtor creamer ) ' , solid packed. 17 jlSc. EOQS The receipts of eggs are averaging about the same as a week ago. and the market Is steady at Be LIVE POULTRY The recelpls ot old fowls were heax ler and commission houues were forced to carry a good many oxer The market In consequence was xveaker Commission men were asking 6Ho nnd sometimes 7c for old hens but the dreasTH would offer only Cc and were quoting the price nt Kansas Clt ) . D4c , to help pound down the market Old roosiem 3C4c ) oune ones , DC. The demand for other kinds of poultry Is rat.ier light , though a limited quantlt ) is salable. Ducks , 7&7&C , hen turkejt 8c. gobblers , Cc , geese , Gc GAME There 1 * no t-ame coming and none anted ut Ihln si anon VEAL The receipts of xeal were Icrg" and dealers found It linnl work to clear their houses though the demand was good G > od fat veals wore quoted at CViif7c , xvlth sales largely at CVtcPIGEONS PIGEONS There Is a demand for old pigeons but ) oung birds that are not strong on the wins are not wanted Old birds , per doz. , 11.50 ® ! CO VEGETARLES. OLD BEANS The market Is firming up all over the countr ) Neither the demand nor KUJV- ply is very heavy nt this point California handpicked - picked navy. 12.150223 western nav ) , Jl WjfiOO , common white beans , Jl GOfrl S3 ONIONS New noulhern onions are quoted at J4 per bbl Bermudas. li"3 per box Top onions are plent ) at lW2Jc on ordere POTATOES The mirkct is weak owing to the Bhlpmcnta fnrn ttic west which filled the re fluli'emeutB of bucrs for ttie time being 1'tali and Colorado stock 90c , Washington and Oregon , I A III ! AGE The. supi > l ) has been very light especially of good shipping stock The- came tlilni ; has been true of m irKCIs like Chicago and St Louis. Good chipping stack wuuld bo woith Sc ASPARAGUS Good home grown Block , 33HOc per doz on orderu PIE PLANT Home grpxxn pie plant 2ff2V-c enc c > der a TOMATOES Shipping stock of good color Is scare o at J17.1 per crate of six baskets GREEN VEGETABLES Spinach , per bbl Jl 73 ( ill no. rudit.he * , per doz IJW jc. lettuce per doz , 35iT4iK , tucjmbcra , Jl 2301 60 , par > le ) , pur doz J'fil'.t beets JH-r doz. COc , walcrcrcss , per i.i c 16 boxes tl 50fl 75 N15VV 11BANS Wax beans , per bu liox J2 DOff 27J , U bu box , { 1 10W1 23. atrmg , H bu . Jl PHAS Green peas arc commencing to rrrlxe from Kansas nnd Missouri Good uMpplng clock , per H-l > u box , Jl OOCrl IS. CAULIFLOWER The market Is fairly will fcupplled xxlth good stock. Ou ordcrx , J2.23 p r doz. PRUITS. STRAWBERRIES The offerings xxere most ! ) all from Missouri and of good qnalit ) . Go d shipping slock broughl J ] 23 PIT case CHERRIES Some of the California cherries received on the market xxere very fine > onif of the boxen welghtd HS high as 14 Ibs. , and the fruit was large oJid of excellent coloi. Choice shipping Htock. 11 WIi ITS per box. OOO EIERRIER Green , per 24-qt ease. J ! OOfJ 2.73 TROPICAL PRUITS. BAKAKAS Per bunch. J2.0oei.60. LEMONS Pnncj lemons. 3uo size. J4. fancy lemont. 300 size , 13 73 , choice lemons , .ICO site J > ry ) . ORANGESMcdltf i rancan tweets. J3 30. Call fornlu seedlings , Jl 23 PIGS Kane , p r Ib . 124Cllc DATES Ilallovvecs , 03 to " 1Mb boxes , per Ib , hc. hc.PlNEAPPLESCholce , per doz. . J2. small. J175. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY California. 13c : dark honey. 12Vic. MAl'I.i ; S'v.RUP Gallon cans , per doz. , J12. NUTS Almonds UaiTc. Enslhih walnuts , 100 12e. filberts. 12c , Ilrnzll nuts. Me CIDER-Pure Juice , per bbl. . J6 , half bbl. Al'pLE DfTTER Per 20-lb. rolli , . 1 ; half bMs. , sue per Ib HIDES No. 1 green hides , t'tf. No 1 green sailed hide * . 3 < liVc , Nn 2 green sailed hides , 2 2We Nu. 1 veal calf S Ibs. to 13 Ib * Mc. No 3 xenl culf. S Ibs to 13 Ibs. 4c No 1 dry flint hide * Do. No. 2 dr ) flint hlJiH. 3c , No. 1 dr > Mi I UK ! hldt-K 4c ; part cured liklpx , ic per Ib less than fully rum ! HHEEP PELTS Green sailed , each 2SSCO ; , cre-rii iwltiid bhearllngs ( short-xxwiled early ( kins ) , each. Mi lie. dry shearlings ( ilmrt-wooled early i.klns > Nn 1. vudi. iCIOc , dr } ' shcarllngi ( short xvonlxd early sklnv ) . No 2 , rach lie do ( lint , Kansas and Neliraskix butihcr w < iol IM < US , per Ib uiiual welciit , (66c. dry flllit K.m a und Ntbruuka murrain wool imln [ wr Ib actual xveUhl. 46 < . dry flint , Colorado butciei wocl pwlu. ix r Ib , actual xvelghl , 4 7c. dry Hint , Colcrada murrain wool pvlti. iwr Ib , actual XXBlKllt. 4IJVC TAMX1W AND GRKASB Talloxr No 1 4K8 4Vr , ull vr. No 2 , > Vtr > 7 > c grratr whllt A , 4W < r CTiHfe xvhllv R 4t gnaw yell iw , Sc gT'ase J rk 2'3 < fid buter 2ft2Vvc. beenwax , prime l lSi jousli talljvx MJ > 21)C Heal moilt U rharucterlktlc cf Hood's SurEajiarllla. und Is man'fckted every day lu the remarkable cure * the medicine acromp- llslies. DUN'S ' AND BRADSTREET'S Weekly Ecview of Trodo and Finance Not Particularly Encouraging. PRICES OF PRODUCTS TEND DOWNWARD Next t'evr Mnntht PrxitiiUp n Cnntlntinnro If Not mi IntnmlOltic of HxUtlne Con dition * of Dnllnrss nnd Ilrprrwlnn , . NEW YOUK , May 25 n. G. Dun & Co.'e vvpfkly review- tomorrow will say : Storms and floods , prolonged strikes and large ex ports of gold have done their utmost this week to glte business a vacation. Hut the wants unsatisfied during the past year , be lated and much lessened and yet greater than those of any other nation , have caused a volume of trade quite large for the season. Prices of products still tend downward , without much speculation. It Is not sur prising that farmers retain their wheat , at present prices , where they can. Corn has been strong , notwithstanding large receipts and Insignificant exports. Cotton has re covered a shade to T4c , though receipts for the ueek were nearly as largo as last year and exports much smaller Pork prod- uctc all declined with heavy receipts , and coffee Is also lower. The astonishing cheap ness ot wheat and cotton will affect the rapidity of movement In the fall nnd al * > o will directly lessen the amount of money required In mot Ing the crops. While the Iron Industry especially and many others to * some extent ha\e been restricted by scarcity of coal and coke , the number of works re- Kumlng has been greater than the number stopping from other causes. But U Is a symptom not to be overlooked that the de mand for manufactured products , Inslcad of Increasing , appears for the moment rather smaller than before , and Indifference of bujcrs Is shown In cancellation of orders hitherto given It is a waiting season , but the disposition to wale is this jcar much Intensified. Failures diminish In Impor tance , the amount of liabilities for the third nock In May being only $2,204,139. and for three weeks $7.836.972. of which $2.642,867 were of manufacturing and $5,025.077 of trading concerns The number of failures reported this week Is 183 In the United States , against 259 last jcar , and In Canada 28. against 14 last > ear There arc not any of much Importance. CMAIUMS IIOUM : HKTUKNS. Aggregate of HuHlnp n Traninctod Through tint A Koilntpfl IlnnUn I.n t Wrck. NEW YOUK , May 25 The following table , compiled by Hradstreet's , shows the total clearances at the principal cities and the percentage of Increase or decrease , as compared with the coriespondlns week last > ear. Little Specitlntlte Interest anil tlin .Main MorUsern I Irmlj Held. NEW YORK , May 23. Dradstrecfs finan cial review tomorrow will say : The short Interest In railway stocks and manipulative Influences In charge of the Industrials fur nished nearly all tha speculative activity of the week While the rinewcJ depress on which set In last week produced a certain amount of liquidation , It was rppuront th ? dealing represented clos'nR ' out of tpe-iil.i- the accounts on the long side of tlio mar ket , nnd the main .stoU.K are dimly held Meanwhile operations for thi > bar account had Increased In volume , and the fhort Inter est by last Wodnesdaj was ripe for an npv aril move. Occasion fur this was furnished by the dispatches from Washington , I'idlcat'ns ' probpects for the cpie'ly pahsage of th Hepatt ! tariff bill , and by the action of th * western railroad president * In ImrmonMrig differences and forming a new organization for the maintenance of rates llmimrn that a settlement of the coal strike at hand also had a share jn crfatlng n bullish t mpiT In the anj a rapid covering movement cnsufd , earning up prices nf railroad ttorUs nnd affording opportunity for manipulative rUen In Sugar mid other Industrials London nlpo helped the move ment along by purchasing n fair amount of Its specialties , and the mnrkct momentarily nvstimed an appearance of ilM-lde > d blrniiglh As soon , howu\cr , as the Miurt Int rest had been cuRlcIently rtducod the advancing tendency disappeared nnd the market re- verlt l Into dullness , follow d by a renewal of bearish activity , though on 1'rlday. aft r vigorous attempts to break various t-tocks. tb market rallied on short covering. In duced by the small amount of gold shipped to Kurope and by Washington rumorn that the amendments to th ; Interstate ciinnurcc act permitting railroads to form pools would be adopted. Kallroad earnings continue to pluy a part In the market Reports cf gross und net , which show a light decrease In the latter by means of sweeping reductions In exports ? , are no longer favorably r&otlved The feelIng - Ing on the subject Is that In many cases tlie roads must suffer lu such a proeekg Such W B the reception given to the Bt Paul statement for April , showing a loss of J531.000 In gross and of only $17,0011 In net Finally , the Penn ) lvanla in Its figures f"r April shows a Inns of $41 131 4'G in gross the net declining J2HS 2 . This tend n y of trunk line enarmgs s ivns rej > ponmblo for the decline of heYork Centra ) , wlil 'i was tn od on reports of a heavy shrlnkaga In earnings for the current month and on renewed Intimations of a reduction In the dividend Short selling nnd liquidation of a block of long stock seems to have con tributed equally to. the decline , which car ried the price from > 9S to S > 4& . with a rallr I > Ut.LMT ! IN 1WKMVK Trmle Coiulllloni llnil with Mttlo IIo | > o f liiiprntcniriit Moon NEW YOUIC , May 26 Uradstreefs trad * review tomorrow will say : The unfavoi nble conditions prevailing In commercial nnd Industrial circles throughout the coun try , together with the prospect for no ma terial Improvement during the summer , marie the present season as probably the dullest relatively for twenty jenrs At no tlmu since the panic and business depression mani fested themselves last jcar hn\e reported as to the volume of sales of merchandise , the manufacture of staple goods and the Indis position of merchant * generally to buy ex cept for absolutely Immediate wants boon so pronounced and so general throughout the country as during the past few weeks. Superficial examinations of business con ditions leading to unwarranted optlmlstie conclusions n to the nearby future of trndo have not been wanting , but , a a matter ot fact , basted on comprehensive ntid careful examination , the next few months pro nil so n continuance. If not an Intensifying , of ex isting conditions of extreme dullness ami deprcss.on. Quite unfavorable advices come from Pitts- burg. where there are numerous shutdowns. Involving large numbers of men. The total number of Indunrial employes Idle ns n re sult of coal scarcity Is placed at 3D.OOO. nml the total Idle number on account of the strike , which now appears likely to fall , Is 210.000 In other Industrial lines 25,000 men arc reported Idle as n result of strikes * making the total number now Idle 235.000. An encouraging Industrial feature Is thn probable settlement of the Iron and steel wages scale wltlnut a strike Exports ot wheat ( flour Included ) , both coastr. United , States and Canada , this veek equal 2,310,000 bushels , against 2.420.000 bushels last week. 3.10G.OOO bushels a jear ago , 2,280,000 bushels two jears ago and 2,342,000 bushelH threat year * ngi The price movement as to > staples continues to sec-saw , cotton , wheat , corn and oats all reacting slightly from former depressions , while wool , sugar , lardt coffee and Irvc stock all show declines. Thor stress of financial panic and trade convul sions In the latter portion of 1893 pushed many of the weaker business concerns to the wall , KO that by February 1 last tha a\erage number falling weekly In the United ; States had gotten down to noraml proportions tions , and this week the total Is 237 , against 1S7 last week , as compared with 247 In tha week a year ago , when the total began to expand under special ccndltlons , and as com pared with 177 In the week In 1S92. ttoston Slnck Ountntlnns. BOSTON MIT MCall loins HnH' ' pr csnt : Unio loins ' - > La as u IHT cent , Closln ; prlcos for slucks , bjiuis nnd intiitn ? Hharts Ixiiulon Stock Market. LONDON. M.iy 25 1 p m closlii ? monut . .101li ( | Mexican ordinary. 17 OonsolH ncc'nt-lUl.MO it Panlcom COH Canadian Pacific OriX N. Y Crntrit . . . . ll'J Krle . . l-WPomiHjlxanla . SOW P.rlc 2nda „ . llllnolH Cuutr il I' ' 'jiMox Con IIBXXli. . SB BAn SILYEU2SVd ) > cr ounce. MONEYm percent Th rau > of discount In the opsn imrknt for bot'i Hhortand ttireimonthn bills Is 13-lU l C'lilciijo Stork Onotntlnni. CHICAGO , May 23. Stocks actlx-o. Closlnc Cltj P.nllxx-ax , HH IN Clilraco St Uy. . 214 Allf/L . HI l\VChlc.iroSLliy.l43 LakuSt L . 18'lGj9as . B4 Diamond Match . . llb'ii 1 In.ininil Noti'K. I1OSTON , Ma > 2i Clearings. J10,6S4.0C1 ; bal ances , J1.S.WM2 NiW YOUK. May 23-Clearings , mf.W.SSJ : balances J3.CC1.40J HALTIMOnn. Ma > S3. Clearings , 12177/50 ; balances , { 1,044,934 PAIHS , Mas 23 Three per cent rentes , lOOt S3c far the account. PHILADnLPHIX. Ma > 23 Clearings , IS 377.- 443 , balance s , S1.W4 1M IX3NDON , Maj 23 The nmDiint of bullion Rene Intn the Hank of Kngland un balance today 11 47l')0 ( ' ) CINCINNATI , May 25 Clearings , $1S8I,430. Money , 24416 per cult. Nexx York exc-haiiKe , 4Jo prtinlum MnMPHIS , Mav 23 Ncxv Yoik exchange Bell- InK at * 1 "Offil 'ft premium. Clcai Ings , 1313 4C7 ; NE\V ORLEANS , May 23 Clr-irlnRs t )3 ) 2 9 , New Vork ev liariKC , commciclal , II premiums Imnk. { 1 M incmluin SAN rRANfl- . May 23 DraflH , nltlit. IDoj tcItKraplilL. 12t L. Killer hard. C2U6G2SC. Mez > Icun dolluta 51iir51Sc. 8T LO1U' ! . MT2i < 'IcnrinKB , SI ( HI 193 ; hal- nnces 3W ) .1 ilnnt- > dull lit 5f7 pur cent. Exchunec nn Nt-w ork Tie | irtnilum bid CHIC'-AdO , 5ln > 23 Tl minus , J13.5D7fH . Kor. clsn pxchanee. tlim Sltrlliic vxchnnKC. actual. 141.7 641914 Now "iork cxcluvnKc 60o premium. Monej , uliadj , mti-H , 4S6 per cunt. Casn AR.Tiiixt Doinlulrk OMInlley Goes Over to thn M'jitomlx'r Turin. CROWN POINT , Ind , May 24. Doralnlck O'Malley'b prize light case linn como to nn abrupt end. Thomas J. Stiffens , one of the Jurymen , was found sullty of playing cards and drlnlilriK ixlUi Billy Woods , tlin prlzo fiBhter , Wcdneaday. The Jury was ills- charKed and the case put over to the Sep tember term. ChliKMii I'ruuiN I'nunrllicil. ' SAN' FUANCISCO , Hay 23. Fraud lias been unearthed In the hall of records In this city which may lead to the frust-ntlon of a clever scheme to land foreign born Chinamen The record of the Health de partment has been interlined in several hundred instances , each attesting n C'hlnesa birth. Dy this means foreign-born Chineeo huve obtained birth certificates which they think will entitle them to resldenco under the Geary act. These entries arc dated as far back as 1847. It is now beyond dis- ( wute that /Worth a Guinea\ \ a Box. ] * ( Ta elcss > Ware a specific in all1 jgw cases of Indigestion , Biliousness , Sick- ' w Headache , and kindred - ' dred troubles. 9 i < cents a box. ® @ ® OOOOO 1 _ _ _ Wail ST , OPERaTIOHS Can be rarrled on w I Hi largo pr iflm und Mill link h > Joining our I'o-Opcratlvv Rullroud block i.-- profit of BO prr on t monthly iirnnil nml | * | ( tn ili ubiorll > rH lor | unC 'i inn nh . lllhhol TttTfnrr-i I'ro p ( > ctu , irtv Ins detail. * d Information of nour jifo \ j lcra , moiled fr fi CO , S ook and Grain ? r ken , > . 41 llrin > il > ij. Ni'ur Vurlc C i | WM , LOUDON7 ' Commission Merchant C rAIN AND PROVISIONS' I'rivate wirci fCi nsi end Ncir l ik All l > uj > ni rain pla ei ua CUUKJ luarJ ut Iradr ( . irr npijidcnc * rll lt d Off re r mi 4 K w York Llfa Tilrj tion IJJS.