Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1894, Page 2, Image 2

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    . . . , , . ' - - , .w'-'f , . - : . . . . . . . . . T'Th
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i : 2 . . . THE OMAHA DAILY nEEI I * .EDNESDAY , MAY 23 , 18U,1. ) , .
. .
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! Omaha HP ; an Exporenco Bim11ir In Eomo
( RcRpcota t Chancy Mtchell' ! ' .
Jo flail the ORmo Won Once Rn.1 Then
JIg Fat , Jake , Htnu ( sot In ti
{ Hnelk Inl Win It I
JnckionvIlIe . 8 . OmAhA ) , 7.
$ t. Joe 16 : Qu ( ncy. 11.
Lincoln 4 : Hock Ilalll , . , 2.
Rt. l.OIIR $ , 6 : l.ulRvle. 4.
Chkag 7 : PllHhurl. 6 .
Thrton . 3 : New Ynrk 2. )
JoRton. City. ! : Orll flnph1 , . G.
SIoux City 13 : Imlhlnlilols , 12.
JACkSONVfL1 , III. , May 22.-Speclal (
Telepram to The Beo.-Omaha ) and Jackson- '
vlo hall n close game hero today. The vis-
Iors hall It won , but lot It through a
Itl , careleps hating at a time when runs
eounte.l. . Iourko dll good work on third ,
and ! : the battery work of Whiehi and Icar
waq , Mao. In the seventh Inning Omaha was
aho/ol / . 7 to I , and In the eighth Jacksonville
mad two more by hard hitting and ted the
scot . Strauss made a long hit to center
anlLctchor , who wa3 on leconl , came In ,
thus , winning the game. The score :
Al 1. ; H. 1 B. PO. A. I.
Letcher Cf . . . . . . . . I 2 3 2 0 0
StratIs4 It . . . . . . . . 5 1 2 2 0 0
Crotty. 2b . . . . . . . . I 1 2" 3 1 0
trouthor8. lb. . . . . . . 3 2 1 " 1 1 0
Carroll . 3b. . . . . . . . . , I 2 2 2 [ r 1
felt , rf. . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 0 1 0 0
Bel ' . 8:5 : . . . . . . . 2 0 0 1 2 2
Hnyder ! c. . . . . . . . . 4 0 0 1 1 0
. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 0 1 3 0
Cuplner , II. I . . . . . _ : - - - - . !
Fetal . . . . . . . . . 1 I ; 8 10 2 13 3
: du. n. m. P0. X. E.
fl'PT1 ' . Cf. . . . . . . . . . . ; \ 1 2 : 0 0
Brr' . 2b. . . . . . . I 0 0 3 3 0
I ear. c. . . . . . . . . . [ 0 ' 1 1 3 0
McVoy . lh. . , . . . . . 1 1 0 1 0 0
ltou ke . 3h. , . . . . . . . , I 2 , 1 0 2 0
HOlike. . rf. . . . . . . ' . . . . I 2 1 1 0 0
Pedro , If. . . . . . . . . . . 3 1 0 : 0 1
noyle. RR. . . . . . . . . 4 1 1 1 1 0
. . . . . . . . . . . . 4 l' 2 1 2 0
Whiehi , p. . . . . . . - - - - . ! .2
'otal. . . . . . . .37 7 8 2 1 1
Jacksonville . . . . ' 1 0 I 0 0 0 0 2 1- I
Omaha. . . . . . . . 110310100-7 I
gared nrR : Omaha G : Jaksonville. 7.
Two-haRe hit $ : Moran. Strouthcr Strauss.
Home runs : Cnrroll. Stolen haRes : Omaha.
5 : Jacksonville. 1 Struck out : ny Call-
linger. 6 : hv VhithIil . 4. PaRRefl baits :
Omaha. 2 : .Taclsonvle. 2. Time : Three
hoVrs. Umpire : lacler ' .
1\11.11 \ t,4.q for the Twln1.
nOCK UHND Ill. . May 22.-Slleclnl
Telegram to The Bee.-Llncoln ) defeated .
Rock Island In the Irst of the series he-
tween the two clubs at 'l'svln City park
this nfI'llon. the attendance being light
In consequence oC the damp wenther. The
score :
Hock Iland . . . . 000100100-2
Liqcoln. . , . . . . . 0 J 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 4
flatteries : Anlrewl and Sage : Johnson
Gnd Spear. Earned runs : Hock Island. 1 :
Lincoln. 1. UmJllre : Ilaskeli. 'flme : One
hour all thirty minutes.
nt .Joo Jrl"l n ( nIne nnlhl\ T.ot
QUINCY , Ill . May 22.-Speclal ( Telegram
to The Bec.-St. ) Joe won the game today
hy bunching hits In the second. Couth and
fifth innings. assisted hy costly cirors of
the,1ome team. : Doth teams bate heavl ' .
Quincy . . . . . . . 720020000-Il
. . St. Joseph . . . . . 0 5 0 1 6 too 016
. .Haierles : Southarfl. nemarrls and Hur-
Icy : . Mlnehan . Packard a 1\ , Armstrong.
Jam hits ; Quincy. 13 : St. . Joseph " 11. , Er-
ror : Quincy. ; St. .Joseph. 2. '
I'E RI.\ , lay 22.-No gmne ; wet gounds ,
Stati thug .r t Ian' 1' ,
; . I'lyed. Won. Lost. Pr.Ct.
St. Joseph. . . . . 1 [ 12 3 80.0
Omaha . . . . . . .1 ! [ 64.3
flock Island . . . . 11 8 , 6 , 7.1
LicoIn . . . . . . 1 1 8 6 67.1
Lllcoln . . . . . . . 1 7 7 60.0
Jacksonville . . . . 1 G I 8 42.9
Des Molne . . . . it 3 11 21.1
1 1
1olles . . . . . . . . 15 3 12 20.0
: , \11nN\ LIAGUI ; GA"l S.
Anion Uualo 11,1 'om I.o\'ott luteho.1 % lt
JIOMtOllllt I ho Latter Coiiio " Off Wlnn"r.
BOSTON May 22.-V.'hlie New York led
In battn . Its his , were scattered , and
Boston put them where they did the most
good. Score : .
Boston. . . . . . . . 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
New Yorl ; . . . . . . (101000100-2 (
) Base his : Haston. ' 6 ; New York , 11. Er-
ror ! ( : Boston , 3 : New York . 3. Farnet1
runs : HOHlon. 2. Two-base hits : Murphy.
Home runs : Dnnnon. Double plays : Murphy ,
. -
The Book of the Builders
f' ; ' 'D H B . b
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: ' f I/nl J'111 " 'HIIMJn end I a
A" ' , 'I " .in . ' , 11. . ff l , sal rue. "
( I" v.
I J " l ' 4 I" . , 'I" . rr \ rk Ih" " . I.ry ,
L1'4 I O' "f. ' ' J' I I " I" I I"'ni ' g. nPliI ,
1' . "IVI ' - , . I't'ES - y , , "tTIATI " :
War and Doyh' Struck out : 1y Lovett ,
5 : by Ittjsii . 4. Time : Two hours and five
minuteR. Umpire : Stage. Bateries : l.vott
and Ryan ; HUAle all 1"arrel.
Colonrll , Huatrl , the Ir" ' " . .
ST. 1.0UB , May 22.-The Colonels anl the
Drwnl lllayed n hot game today hut the
home tMm Wa too much for the vlHlorl.
who started out with n good lend. In the
fifth Dowll tfrd , the core with a home run
anll f'mnk antI ShuJart followed with run .
which put the Drowns ahend. Alendance ,
1.0. Bcore :
St. Louis . . . . . 0 0 1 0 : 1 0 1 . - I
Louisville . . . . . . 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1- 4
Bale hits : St ; Lotus . 8 : I.oullvlie. 10.
Brrol : St. Louis , 3 ; LouisvIlle . 3. Earned
runs : St. 1onlH. 4 : 1onllvle. 2. home
runs : Dowd. Stolen bases : Hlugart. Ji'l.
hIe Illl'R : Denny ( unnRRlstet ) . Struck out :
By KlIroy . 2 : hy Gleason 2. TItan : Two
hotir. . Umpire : Swartwood. flatteries :
Genson and l'eitz : Kiroy and Grim.
Cell Like lhr.t' : , , lh'lh''r , .
CHICAGO. May 22.-The COlts defeated
l'ittnburg today hy hard hitting. Attend-
once . : .Io. Score :
Chicago . . . . . . 100030300-7
l'lttsburg , . . . . . 0 0 0 3 0 1 2 0 0 I I
Base hl . : Chicago , 1 : Pltsbur ! O. Pr- I
rums : ( 'hiengo , 3 : Pittsburg . 1. Earned
runs : Chicago. 7 : Plth.bnrg , 2. Two.lape
hit ) , ! \Vilmot. Struck out : n. GriIllth . G :
hy ml'et , 1. lassell . hal ! : hy Mack. 1.
Time : One hour anll ! fCl mlnuteH. Umillre :
1msIie. Batteries : Grllth ( and Kitredge :
lm't nll Iack.
I'JLIIA1)EA'lI1A , May 22.-No game ;
wet grounds.
CLlVEiAND , May 22.-No game ; rnln.
Hnuln & ! tf . thl ' 10111.
Pla'ed.'on. . Lost. PrCt.
Cleveland . . . . . . 22 17 5 77.3
Baltmore . . . . . 2 16 7 69.6
lhlndelphla , . . . 2 17 8 63.0
l'ittshurg : . . . . . . 2 15 8 6.2
lltshlrl . . . . . . . 2 15 10 60.0
Cincinnati . . . . . 2 1 1 t0.0
New York . . . . . 2 1 1 H.n
Broklyn . . . . . . 21 1 13 45.8
St. Louis . . . . . . 21 10 1 41.7
Chicago . . . . . . . 22 7 15 31.8
Louisville . . . . . . 1 6 13 31.6
Washington . _ . . . . . . 2 3 2 12.0 I
W.'TBI : IJ\UV" : UAI S. i
Jnn1UI CIty Ole , Urml n"1111 Another
1111 BIII II I ( toll ( httie.
KANSAS CITY May 22.-Cold , cloud
weather and the threatening rain kept the
attendance today down to 800. The regulars
who welt out to Exposition park saw the
Kansas City Blues win n well played game
from Grand Rapids ' hy hItting Parler's delivery -
livery 11m I al the right time. Score :
Kansas City. . . . . I I 0 I 0 0 3 2 1 3 0 9
Grand Itapids. . . . . 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 2 0 5
DaHl hits : Kunsas City. 17 : Grand HnlhR ,
5. Errors : Kansas City. 3 ; GI'lnl Itupids
, I. Earned runs : Kansas City. 8 : Grand
Itapi(1S. 2. 'rwo-bnse his : iclusmaii Man-
ning . Cnrro ! , Caruthers. Three-base hits :
Cnrro ! home runs : Daniels. Stolen haReR :
IJirick. 3. Doubl\ plays : Wheelocl to Car-
ruthers. HaRes on halls : Off Danllls , 4 : off
I'arker 2. Struck out : By DanIel 1 : by
Parker , 1. \\'ll Pitch : Parker. First on
errors : Kansas City , : : Grand ilapitis . 2.
Left on baRes : Kansas City 9 ; Grand
ItnpId . 5. Time . oC game : One hour and
forty minutes. Umpire : 'Shcridan. Bat-
tories : Dunlels und Donahue ; Parlter and
Sioux City Eal1 , . lee the Joe ler
SIOUX CITY , May 22.-Hard hitting and
errors were the features oC today's game.
Score :
Sioux City. . . . . . . I 0 1 0 3 0 2 0 2-13
Indianapolis. . . . . 2 0 . 0 0 0 7 2 0 1-12
Base hIts : Sioux City . . 12 : IndianapolIs ,
10. Errors : Sioux City , 7 : Indianapolis , 4.
Earned runs : Sioux City 2 ; Indianapolis.
2. Two-baHe hits : 10"rlevlr. Newell .
Camp Three-hase hits : 'rwlneham , Camp ,
Grahnm. Westlake. Double plays : Camp
Stewart and O'Urlen ; Stewart und O'Brlen.
Struck out : Dy Jones 4 : by Phillips . 2.
Time : Two hours. Umpire : Kern Bat-
teries : Jones and Twlneham : Phllp8 dnd
Stundlng or the Tlum" .
, Plnyed. 'Von. Lost. Prrt
Sioux City. . . . . . . . 18 13 6 72,2
Toledo. ' Ciy. . . . . . . . . 22 1 8 f0,6
KansaR City. . . . . . . 2 12 8 60.0
Minnenpolt . . . . . . 1 1 8 67.9
Grml Hnplds. . . . 25 12 13 48.0
1llwaukee. . . . . . 22 4 8 33.3
Indianapolis. . . . . . 22 7 16 318
Detroit. . . . . . . . , . . 20 I , , 1 30.0
Cll.NT ' DEMQNSTJtATES - JIS . , ltA'rlNG.
Oahns . I.t" 1nekrcno nod l'cnrl Song In
. . . Long lines .n 1 Mti.IdyjI'rnck. .
LOUISVILLE. May 22-ThOro were about
2,60 people at the Downs today ; and the
track ws heavy and mudd ' . The weather
was much warm . although there wore
showers up (0 ( 2:30 : o'clock when I cleared
off and tll sun came out bri1lt. The feature -
, turn oC oda's ; card was the ' llrk stakes
at one and , a quarter miles. : 'fhere were
' threestnrters In
only slartlrs It-Cha11t. Buckrene
and Pearl Song-and 011011 currIed 122
pounds. Chant waN the first unuer , the wire
I ' two lengths. 'l'he horteN . got away at
the first break In the following order : Chant
' 1'1t by a. half length : Buclrene second a
half length In front ot Pearl Song . Passing
the atanl the order was : Bttlcrene first
by a length . Pearl Song sccond by I neck
In front of Chant At the half : Buckrene
first by half n lenRth. Chant second . one
length ahead at Pearl Song. At the mile
the order was : Chant first by a neck.
13uclcrne second eIght lengths ahead ot
Pearl Song , who every one thought was out
of the race. The order was the same In the
stretch , but Williams began whipping Pearl
Song and came through like the wind , clos-
lng the gnp and beating Buclrene out for
the llace The stake was worth $2,830 to
the winner. The hooklc ! had the best ot
It again today , only . two favorites wInning.
Results :
First rnee. six and a half furlongs :
SOllhle (6 ( to 10) won Jim henry (3 ( to 1) )
second , tmp. I"lorry Myers (7 ( to 2) thIrd
Time : 1:29. :
Sleonl race. four and a half furlongs :
Glenone (2 ( to 1) ) won , Anode (3 ( to 1) ) second
Jack 1.'lurel (1) ( ( ) to 1 third. 'flme : 1:00. :
'hlrd race Clark slikes for 3-yoar-oiil
cols and fillies . $1f.00 added . 300 to sccond.
$2t)0 ) to third. one'mle 111 a < unrtlr : Chant
(7 ( to 10) ) won , perl Son"IO ( 10 1)- ) second
luclrene (8 ( to 6) ) third. Time : 2:19' : ' , .
Fourth race , six and a half furlongs :
Volt (8 ( to 1 'W9n Com Taylor (4 ( to 5) ) sec-
ontl Ross (2 ( to 1 thIrd ' 'lle : , 1:2t3 : % .
Fifth race , three.fourths of a mile :
Glide (7 ( 10 1) ) ' on . Charlie 'I ( ( to 2) ) second .
Bannovalum , (8 ( to 1) ) third . Time : 1:23. :
Iun. Shot antI n Battled Stnrtnr.
NBW YORK May 22.-A more disagreeable -
able day COUlll not have been seen , for It
wnl cold and wet lt GrvefetHl amI the
track was 1 sea at mUll. Starter Howe
war In ono of his worst conditions , und
conI I not get the hores oft. In the Seaside
stakes eleven 2-year-ohIR were held In the
rln for twenty mlnules. anl then The
Coon was plctcalY left ant the ' Ilosi.
August Belmont's imported colt , Tanl'ed ,
was nn easy winner nt long odds white another -
other long shot , SI Vincent , got the Rec-
oml place In the Gazelle stakes Nnhma
hall no trouble to win. Only three were
left In the second rare and Dltzen won UI
he leasod. lie wa heavily bueled. Dob-
bin waR mate I strong favorite In the last
race . hut ) he lied to succumb to the outl'hl-
ten Aurelian . ns ho was concediIl too
much weight In the heavy coneefln ! He-
stilts :
First race. five Cn enl : Applause ( I to
1 ) wont lerldmer ( I to I ) second , Monotony
(8 ( to " third. Time : 1:01 : % .
SecOli race , mile unfl a furlong : IllItzeu
( I to 1) ) won Ilelmicker (5 ( to ; 1) ) nlzen '
Count (8 to 6) ) thlrll. 'llmol 1:59 : . Jeeond'
'ritirti race fVe Curlon H. Senshlo stakes.
selling : 'retired , (5 ( to 1 ss'on at. Vincent
(2 ( to 1) ) second . Clicot (7 ( to 1) ) third. Time :
1WI : * .
Fourth race . Gazelle , atulel. mile and a
furlong : Nuhma l8 to 1) ) won. Jersey : Belle
/0 ( to 1) ) second , Baroness (7 ( to 1) ) Belo .
Time : 2:03. :
Fifth race , six furlongs : loev (3 ( to 6) )
wlm. Mllstul' (1 ( to 1 ) second Old DominIon -
Ion (2) ( ) to 1) ) thIrd 'rime : 1:17. : 011
Sixth 1'11:1. mile anti n sixteenth. : Aurt-
anc slxteentAurt
Ibm (8 ( to 1) ) won , Bobbins (23 ( to I ) second ' .
Sir Knight ( U to 1) ) third. 'l'lmo : 1:11. :
000,1 Sport lit tl 111' flrnuiil. , .
ST. LOUIS , May 22.-Today's racing at
the Fah' Grounds Pru'ed more interesting
than hal been the euqo the alt IntereHtnr
Tue track was fast anti lleslllo ) the threat-
oIling : elomll the atemlanCl' was (100(1 111 I
lie speculation an Improvemcnt over that
at ' . ' ' 0\01
Ye5tIl1ay. The favorites were not In
I lit three of tht rnct'E. tie biggest dump
of Ihe day being In lie ( third event when
Imml"lu , a 15 tl 1 shot won easily , the
favorite. Itemorse . not being Placed : In
the last race \\eltotn. ( who with First
Chance . \\'fS n 2 to S favorite . won easily .
l hllwick ft : to 1 look the ( featm' of the
clay . the free liandkip : . Miw 4\ilCO won
. lcl11 : Alco I
the 2'yenr-old '
2.yeut'-oll scramble. 'rltmno three were
t he talcnt'N Pick . ltestlts ! : l'Sthrce
Jlrsl rftce . seven HCfnls a : I"Iln (3 to 1)
' vui , , I ' ort Worlh (15 ( tl B seconil , Dillon J
(8 / tl 1) I ) third . 'l'lme : 1 : ) : ( sleonll i. Dion
Second : 1 Irve furlongs : fllKs Alice (1 (
to 2) ) \ on. Sir Oon . Jr. . ( I 'lks ) second
Leonard (5 ( to 2) ( bIrd . 'rime : : 1 : ' .
1hl\l race. seven CurIQng/ : Imm1'la ' (15 (
to 1) ) wo , . U. F' . , ' ' /
'I 6won. L. 1. Fly , Jr. . (6 ( to 1) ) second .
Tiii I ? (6 ( 10) ) thlrl. 'I'line ; 1 :10. : : lecon
Fourth race . one mile : CliIwielc (2 to 1) )
VOli . Sir Waite , ' Hnhhh Chlllel ( ) second.
Chimes ! ( to ) ) thhl. ) 'l'lme : 1:423k. leconl
Fifth 1'11'1' , sevcn furlongs : Deceit (15 to
1 ) won Lite Horrl (13 to I ) se'onl ( , Cass
( I t , > \ ) ( turd . . ' ! me i (2 J\ : . lel'ont
Sllt ! I ( ( . 1\0 ulul . a sixteenth : ' \0.
Iwll ( I t:1 : 11 ) WOO Lady Pulsifer (10 ( to 1) )
1:51. * e'onil : , 1rt ChllCC , l. t 1 tllrli. /0 'Xlme ;
How Breckenrtdgo Thinks Hs Arst May
Afoot the Oommo ' wcalors.
Union l'itctllo O elall 1 ] llreU TheIr Jelo
that the . \rIY Feature IC the Unlm-
1'oe.1 ' , I" IIeIiig Brolcon Vv-Men :
Still headed . , ult\I\I.
Colonels Dreckenrldge and Colehan at the (
western Commonwealers , arrested early yes-
terla ) for st\llnl an engine at Moutpellor .
are still In Jail. In /peaklng aleut his
arrest Brecenrhlgo said :
"I Intend to take my medicine like
n little man. The arrest was n great
surllrlso to me and atrst I Celt I
keenly but now I am reconciled to the situ-
ation . Naturally 1 expect to bo taken back
to Idaho , ns I understand the United Slates
marshal has ordered the arrelt at Colohan
and myself for assisting In stealing a train
As far as 1 am concerned L 1m ready to
go back any ( hue and stand trial "
When asked what effect . If any his ar-
rest would have on the main body at the
army of Commonwenlers of which he Is n
member the colonel said : "I expect that
when my arrest becomes known the boys of
the army will raise h- . 'In other wors , I
am afraid they will seek revenge on the rail.
road Colnpany I have an important mes-
slgo for Mr. Carl ; . but he Is not here I
would bo better for thQ road . If Mr. Dickinson -
son received It In the spirit II Is sent In than
to ignore our army and our movement -
tirely. Our motto Is 'On to Washington , '
and we will get there. "
"What will you do when you get thero2"
asked the newspaper man ther5 ; .
" 1 don't know but \\0 are going to , hlSh-
ington and don'l you forget I. "
The local polce omelets have wIred .tho
facts oC the arrest of BreckenrIdge and
Colehan to the marshal at Boise City.
Abollt 3 o'clock ycsterday morning Sergeant
Sheep anti Olcers Dillon . 1I Carthy and
Iotchldss arrested nIneteen COIJ.monwealers ; .
In the railroad yards The men had Just
come In on freight trains and the polIo had
been Informed of their 'arrival Each man
was charged with vagrancy anti sleeping ( In
a box car. ' !
When arraigned In polee court these men
were all discharged upon their promise to
leave the city at once.
UnIon Pacific officials were noncommnnl-
eatlvo yesterday regarding the IndustrialIsts -
Ists ( along the hue of the system exept to
say that the army feature of the nonem-
ployed was rapidly being broken up and that
within n week all the contingents would be
scattered . I was learned however that
the officials of the Overland wi
endeavor , to cinch Breclenrhlge and
Colehan for aiding In approprIatIng
the engine and cars at Montpeler and will
send the men back for trial on the charge ' .
of being fugitives from justice. The situa- 'I.
ton demands this , the railroad olclals
claim , and to successfully put a stop to the
constant menace which large bodies of men
Inspire the roads will take summary steps
to frustrate any moro attempts nt train steal-
Ing contemplated. But the old saw of taking -
Ing a horse to water but not being able to
compel him to drink Is quito applicable In
the case of the Commonwealers. TIm men
along the system are determined to get east
and will undoubtedly continue stealIng rIdes
wherever posslblo. Although lie ( ofcIals
professed to focI that all the trouble with
Commonwealers was at an end , they were
considerably worried over the foci that
thirty min got Into Omaha Monday with
Dreeklnrldgo and Colohan showing to them
that the men were determined to get cast lt
all hazards.
DUFF AD 1CiLSlYAitItBSTi1) : .
Almost n Riot Provoked by the Actions It
Creston Ofilcials.
CRESTON. In , May 22.-Speelal ( Telegram
to The Deo.-Kehey's ) dIvision of the Com-
monweal army arrived hero at 7 o'clock this
e'enlng. Considerable sympathy was shown
them by the PoPtilists. A brass band escorted -
corted them through the city. When pass-
Ing through the business portion a scene
occurred which came near rOulng In n
riot. Tll chief of police arrested Kelsey
and Duff for violating the quarantine eslab-
Ished against the army Cor passing through
n smallpox district They were taken before
n , justco and released on bonds of $250.
their trial to occur tom4ow : at ! o'clock.
The rrmy was ordered to go Into camp and
not come Into the cty When' the arrest
of the Commonweal leaders occurred there
were about 4.000 people on the streets and
tiQgreatest excitement prevailed and for n
time a riot seemed Imminent. When Kelsey
and Dnr were released and resumed command -
mand of the army a tumulous applause
went up from the multitude. The sympathy
of the city Is with the Conunonwealers . Kelsey -
sey made n speech to about 100 people at
the camp tonight and expects to adress
tim citizens at the court house tomorrow
night. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Under a Strlkor's Ioltershl ] a Small Boly
1" l'rocce.lnl East .
ST. PAUL. lay 22.-A Northileld . Mini . .
special to the Dispatch says : The 1 o'clock
freight train last nlsht ! had a box car
loaded . with /fy.ono Coxoyltes . who quietly
got aboard at Farmington , and at first refused -
fused to get of nt this pain I. Finally orders
were given' to sidetrack the train , and the
polIo escorted them to the engine house
where they spent the night. TOday they
charged un admission Ceo to the building .
and n good many citizens paid to see tim
tramps. Drelkfast was purchased . and wIth
what was given them they fared sumptu-
ously. Their leader Is George H. lalm , 'a
Great Northern striker Before leaving
hero the leaders made speeches on 11
square to a large crowd. They left here at
1 o'clock for Farlbault , Austin and ' 'Inona.
Trial of 1IIIstrhlil lt Chnyennc. ,
ChEYENNE , lay 22.-Speclnl ( Telegram
to The Deo.-Tho fifteen Im1ustrlals , mom-
hers at company I ot the Portand nmniy
who nsslstel In the capture at the Union
Pucilc train nt Montpelor , Idaho , running
It to Colevlo , Wyo. , where they were arrested -
rested , wore given a hearing before Judge
Hner today. Testimony was introduced to
show that they took possession of the en-
gine and train against the protests of the
omployos ot the receivers of the road and
refused to give It up when requested to do
so I was proved that Ito Industrials ran
lie train from Montpelier to Coltevilo themselves .
solves In.l . that they made the statem9nt
that they were going to WnshlnGton , and
1111 not repose to walk. The court reserved
judgment until tomorrow afternoon.
( : ommnnwellors , : : hlltIlk. .
SENECA , ICan. , May 22.-00nernl Den-
nct's division at the Commonweal army has
arrived here , but was not allowed to enter
tha city the council . In n special sosslon ,
havllK decided to not offer theft a park or
transportation by wagons Sonnet saldlhe
would not lei his men walk . as they hind
not walko,1 , over sixty mIles In theIr entire
trill from Deliver
lI'J.Z 1'IIiCR 2'JIUW.iST.
thllltle.1 " ' { Huhor , alt Probably lho\er1
In Nq'hra'slni TOh.y.
WASINOTON , May 22.-For Nebraslm-
Unsettled . weather and probably showers :
northeast wluls.
For Iowa-Pary cloudy ' ; warmer In cast-
Dr IIrto j northeast wlndB.
For 1(1 ( Issourl-l'arly ! cloudy ; variable
\In,18 , ,
For SoUth Dakota-IncreasIng cloudiness ;
IhoworB In southern portion : variable winds
Iortheaat For lansa -larty . . cloudy and shower ;
l'I'.h"mt 'faylor' " 'orlhIO& (
IENVBR , May 22.-U. Ashtonl Taylor ,
raiidaon of President Zachary Taylor who
: ame to Denver early In March , assuming
tie lame ot Patrick McGowan on account
having shot a man nt I.oulale. Ky. . In
t qUorrel over 1 woman hu fed tram thIs
: Ity , leavIng behind six women whom I 18
lall he had promised to marry. Ills flight
as hiaftoned by t accldontal meetIng and
- - -
exchange ot confldoncesbotwccn , two ot the
women connencelbotwecn charge Tny-
lor wIth having obta1nfli money antI jewelry
from her after obtnnlt to marry her.
LOUSVILLE , May. . . 2.-General Horace
Taylor of this city ) -1\0 \ Is himself n relative -
ativo ot Zachary TAt\orf was seen today regarding -
garding the dispatch from : Denver. : Ito said
that he hall ( never farr of the Taylor men-
tonell ( In the 118\111l i being 0 grandson
of President Zaehnr , aylor . and believes
him to bo an inipolt t t : ; No record at the
Cutting spoken ot cf ? . ' . 0' found here.
' TOOl ) UJJ' Jifi' UIU4 fJE Its.
Choctaw , Jm : ot rlllturCl l'I'i . h1 the Oklahoma
EL flFNO Oki. . rr 22.-The chase after
the escaped bandit continues with but small
chance ot success , ns ho Is now In the tint-
her of ito Chickasaw Nation. lIe IH known
to be Choctaw Jim , n wcl known horse thief
TIm captured man refuses to give his name
or any clew to his identity. lIe Is confined
at Fort Heno , where he was taken under
military escort A mob was expected to
lynch iilni but they were dlsappolntell when
ho was removed to the fort. The wounded
men are In a very serious condition , neither
Nelson nor arls being . expected to recover.
"I'lko'l J"'nk < 111 iitrlet. "
No gold producing section of the world
ever gained so prominent a position that
created EO lively an Interest In so short a
time or showed such flattering Indications of
sUbstnUabllty as the new camp of Balfour .
Colo. I you want to know all about it . write
for pamphlet. H. P. Hunter , 209 Boston
Bldg. . Denver , Colo. .
A PlOlflt4'I nnd Confirmed.
WASHINGTON , May 22.-The attorney
general hu' appointed William A. Dalen
fslstnnt United States attorney for the
\VeRtern district ot Missouri.
The senate In executive session today
made public the following confIrmations :
Joseph A. Israel . United States marshal
for Colorado. Postmuster : Iowu-Enrl
Bronson nt Spencer.
l'BllSUN.IT l'.ll.IUllU'US.
E. J. Del ot LaramIe , Wyo" , Is In the
tile Mr. city. 'ST. S. Metz of Sheridan Wyo. . Is In
yesterday J. L. Walter of David City was In Omaha
D. I. Watson of Ivoca , Ia. , Is In the city
on business. . ,
J. D. McDonald , a' ' mining man from
Pneblo , Colo. , was In the city yesterday
Matt Daugherty of Ogalala was In the
city night. circulating amoug the politicians last
Dr. 'V. H. lletis . ' formerly of this city ,
but now ot Denver , Is In the city on bus-
! r. J. D. Paterson and wife of Deliver
arrived In the city last night t visit
CrlendH. .
. George 1.1. ParSes and wife and Miss C.
Forbes of Trinidad Colo. , arrived In the
city yesterday.
Henry W. Stuart at Guatemala Central
America arrived In the cIty yesterday and
Is at the Mercer. '
George W. Marln _ oftiKearney one of the
officials ot the state reform school at
Keamnoy . Is In thof ltr'
Dr. Armstrong orl 1qatriee , who Is one of
the omanls at the , lnstno ! asylum at that
place was In town ( fest ! rday.
n. Dyers , lallori1 bt ! the Burlington hotel
at 10ldrego. 13 inttlm 'cIty and Is being en-
tertained by time , Ipropletors of the Mer-
chants. p. : .
George Koch wo Ilvos In time western
part of the state , but,11svio ; has barge hus-
mess Interests In Qp hn . arrived In the city
QP '
yesterday nfernoO ; , , ,
Dean Gardner II I ontrtalnlng lev . ' 1. H.
Spencer and wloJoot , Nebraska , City , novo
W. F. Whltmarshl nd Rey" A. W. Bell at
Lincoln at the Do1 no , lintel
DeU\no !
E. L. Sargentgrandichit ( of tIme , Brotherhood -
hood of Locomotive Fimamen , wIth btead- '
quarters ' nt Cedar'1Thpids. Ta . was In the
city for ,1 , short time yesterday.
Chief of Police SeaveY and the heads of
tile pol co departments of Omaha's suburbs
loft last night for Grand Island to attend the
second annual meeting of polce officers and
sheriffs of the state. The onvenlon wIll
last n couple of days. , .
Charles G. Steele of Norfolk Is In the city
for a few days. The gentleman Is largely
Interested In beet sugar enterprises nt Nor-
folk 'out ho Is In Omaha on busn05s ! con-
nectod with n new enterprise which he Is
preparing to engage In shortly.
Michael P. Reap one at Superintendent
llyrnea' most trusted detectives In New
York City , arrived In the city yesterday asa
a witness against Sterling , the North Plato
postofce rqbbcr who was arrested In Now
York last winter. ! r. Reap Is accompanied
by his wife amid child . and wi visit In
Omaha for several , da 's. ! rs. Reap left
for Grand Island to' visit with her brother
whom she has not seen for several l Yenrs.
Nebramknn' ( nt time Jotol" .
At the Mercer-J. L. Evans Stockham :
V. C. Shllkley. Nebraska City : \V. C. Elder .
w. \Vlnterbotham , Oenoa.
At the Murray-W. E. I'eebles Ponder :
\V. C. Jay , Dakota City' William Wann ,
Dorcn' ; It. D. Stearns , a. T. Trophogazi
At tile Pnxton-George n. Holland . Red
Cloud : F. I. Castor Lincoln ; J. H. Spear-
man. McCool : J. \Y. Trammell . Oxford : J. ,
I Lathrop , lenrne ' : W. K. Denmun. A.
\V. Johnson , J.lneoln : S. V. Hnslel , StromH-
burg : J. A. Ilmirris Broken How : IT. 0. ,
Yuthe. Kearney : Mrs. W. H. Clemmons ,
Miss Sldl McGee Fr mont ; C. Id. Hui'ii ,
! ! { 1. Hucl
1. C. Andrews. J ; . 1. Oliver . Miss C. D.t t
Oliver ids. , Kearney : A. C. towell , Cedar IapI I I
Ils. the Arcade-J. II. Crowder Gordon : I
Charles Frognltz Sidney : \ A. Diworth , '
Lincoln : 11. C. Hus'el. SchuYler : W. itt . ,
Williams , Cambrll e ; W. D. Widman , LIn-
coin : \V. E. faith , David City : (1V. . Cow-
by , Seward ; J. E. Nesloy lan'ard : S.
\V. Ferguson Norfolk : II. Myers , Lincoln :
C. Hemenover , Jame : Siurgeon D. F. I
Somersett . I. I. IIu.stonV , . Kickney II.
H. Corbett . York : JS. . Kuntz. 1.lncoll :
P. O. Hedmond , Joldrege : J. D. Lacim Wither -
her : g. V. Joy , Amos Quelim . C. II. Mudge.
g. O. Masomi William Durkce Odel : Jo.
seph Smith , Homer.
At the Delione-J. A. Harris Broken
Dow : R. H. Ieynolds , Hobert Craft , Norfolk .
Cal ; : G. A. Murpimy . W. a. Dannumn Beat-
rice : J. C. Burcii H.Y. . Luln , Wymore :
J. E. Ja'eR. J. J. Frnntz . Alex Graham ,
Carl Elniore Beatrice : FV. . Barber , 8. O.
/ink A. J. Sheetz , Grand Island : J. D.
McGrew 100mlngton : Glydo Opelt. Lin-
coin : James \V. liarky . 1"arwel ; H. W.
Grant Beatrice : G. A. Rayrner Lincoln ;
Charles : Wentworth Essox : 1. H. Spencer
and wife , Nebrslm , City : C. tI. Benson
Lincoln : D. C. Mclntee PlatRmouth : C.
G. Pearse Heatrlce : Phelps l'aine A.V. .
Ilell . Lincoln : Wllnm Ebriglit Nebrslt
City. I , mm .
At the Merchiant-James A. dine , Mlii-
den ; L. 101m , IustlgSl H. flyers 101-
drege : F. A. J1Jsl , n. tchuyler : If. W.
Potter . Fuliorton11J. ; M. Vardlaw . Pick-
rel : F' " Arrnstroni , Beatrice . J. L. Strong ,
Iolrege : F. TM. Wjttmm , Noola ; I. CIshmtln
and wlCo. Stromslur : J. E. Cr11 C. D.
Brown , 1lpllon : I. Olmstead . hastings :
\V. H. Cert } ; C. L. Hoover 11-
111 Ion : J. C. \Vaflmler1 Hed Cloud : G. W.
Martin , { Walner. E. 1. I'arker Plain-
viewV : . J. Waite . J'xetert S. C. Sample ,
Butte : \Yllam Gitidtogs , \Islr : N. , D.
O'Brlen and wICe-Alklnson : J. L. Walter ,
David City : C. 3I-ur . Kearney : P. I.
Dreed \vitaWuir(1 ( ; F' I . J. Benedict
\v. M. Clute hastings : S. " ' . McGraw and
vite . Auburn : II. Cushmun , SlrmqIHr :
Charles force IsmitItceyes , Falls City .
At the MillardGirge E. Dort'llJton ,
Falls City ; Orland ' : f.Avoca : J. S. Dew
'IocumnmnIt I F. SiinhtcTisheim , \\'emt Point :
J. ' A. Ehirhmtrlt St\PJpn : E. I { . ValentIne .
\srest Pllnt ; D , Oi'IVlliffortVest I'oint ;
J. A. Bobber . 1""I JY : C. E. Point
Hnlph Utnllomi . ' U\ltnllbel ; E. 1. Corrl ,
Hebron Dwloni. : -Fuller . Imperial : BVatt .
Lyons : C. H. lrlnnnl , 'Iuhll Hock ; John
C. Alien ; McCoolV. : . J. Stevenson Au-
iomn : A. R. Cruzen , Curt : C. E. Adams ,
Superior' H. 1' . iitlmway.Vakeileid : I" 11.
\V thnahi , Hebr l : Etigent Moore Norfolk ;
C. 'V . HothHl Genvlo : J . n. , Sutherland .
Tekarnh : C. 8. ! . : Yairpion ( ; .1 . lii.
So l.wlck. York I ! ' ' . " . S. ' J"nlr/ont Crete :
O. G. Smith , \S' . g. Jakway Jearey : J.
11. MiuColl . E. n. I'enno ( Lexllrton : A.
1. )
H. IlurnImiiey , Broken How ; ' 6. J. IoPheely ,
Minden : l. J , O'Shea nnl sister , lalson , :
O. C. 1lzelot. Q'Nel ; a. II. Bleele. Dnvhl
City : a. il Austin . Superior : , W. w' . SIn-
ileon Celltnll' city ; It. U. Shedl , ' . , J.
Picket A"hlall : J. C. F. Mcllsson. En-
weld : ' ! . e. Callahan , Friend ' : OergeV ,
H . lQteYi Pnmlnt : Joselh ! Durtey , At-
11160n : JlmM W. orrl Alldnson : A. O.
llcoson 1. 1.1. jitisimneil. J. 1. Haylcnl ,
\V. 1. Clark. A : 1. hIcks . Tom 11 Cooke .
\V. Ii. UorJn , f. . I. , Llnl\say. \ A. I { . Cloudy ,
A. It. 'X'nihot. J. H. / \er. It. B. Moore ,
John and Hnvll , I"Uzgerl < . I" l , E . Menus-
ky , Stuart Iihienrs . J. N. 11. W. n. Jcn-
man and wife F' . A. Graham and vItn . I.
\V. I wa.hlnd wife . Charles N. \\'nlte ,
1" . A Barton , 'rItomnas Benton , Lincoln.
. - .
Oty Council Sharpening a Ax for the Oul-
ting Off of Hond
In Furtherance of 1 "I/orou8 l'olley , of He-
tronclu"ent-Inttcr TIIICII Over In
Secret SClllon Yesterduy , Ulnrnonu
-"leth"l Not Yet Vl'slgnlted.
That a Rcnerll lopping off ot hOll ( In the (
various city departments Is contemplated
by the city council Is n fact thAt Is causing
considerable uneasiness In various Quarters
during these May dnys. For a Heck blast
there have been undefined rumors floating
through the corrllors . of the city hall that
something was going to drop . but no one
seemed able to trace them to an authoritative
source. I has been generally understood
that certain members of the council had determined -
termined on a luau for reducing time current
expenses of the city In some manner , but
Just where the ax was going to Cal no one
Vas ahl' to tell. A vague rumor that an
elort was , to bo made 10 usurp legislative
functions by abolishing the Board of Public
Works ali ( dividing time work of that do-
pnrtmEnl between ' the engineering deprt-
mnnt amid the 'chairmen of the committees
found credence with some . amid other stories
equal ' absurd were circulated from day to
The facts are that the council meilates a
sweeping system of retrenchment all along
the line. There are men employll In nearly
every department whose services can In the
judgment of certain councimen , b3 disp2flsOti
wit without detriment to the city. It Is
claimed that the matter has not progressed
as Car as tho.soleclon of the , parlculdr In-
dlvlluals who are to be olcialy beheaded :
but Ulero Is but little question that there
are hal a dozen clerks and inspectors who
are reasonably sure of being out of a job
very shortly , and an uncertain additional
number who are on the anxious seat
Time queston oC retrenclulnt according to
this plan has been tnder consideration for
some time . Up 'to the later Part of last
week the scheme was conlntl to a halt
dozen 11mbers of the couimcil . but one by
one , other , members wore Inllato : Into the
prospective step , and the mater culminated ,
y sterday afternoon when the council met as
a' c mmlteo oC the whole In one of the com-
1ltteo rooms to consIder the question and
1\ccIJle ) POI 'a definite 1an 1 ! of acton to bo
brought before the regular , neetng of the
coumi ci I . '
The proceedings yesterday afternoon 'wero
of n strictly scret cimnracer . both the rcpre-
sentulves of tile press and n number ot
citzens who were In the commi lee rooms
being ex ludcd. The oxcso wa , given that
there were soma very Importnnt maters to
bo considered which It was not advisable
that the public should learn until they were
fully matured. Further than that the members -
hers refused to cOmmit themselves and the
door was locked und the transom closed
tight to prevent any inkling \ of the Important -
portant busIness referred to Cram reaching
the outsldo of the committee room.
Once loft to themselves the councilmen
entered Into a general discussIon of the
situation. I was submitted In evidence
that lie finances of time city were In a con-
dition that Indicated time certainty of a deficit -
/cl at the present rate of expenditure.
Hascal , Howel and others contended that
there was an absolute necessity for some
radical curtailment of time draught on time
treasury or there would not be enough
money left to pay the salaries of the coua-
cli mit en.
The commitee remained In session for the
greater part of the afternoon , and when an
adjournment was taken It was with the
undentamllng - that. time headsman should
be brought out and provided with n plent-
ful snpply of victims. The dIscussion was
general In character and names were not
mentoned. I developed , however that cer-
tain members were of the opinion thai the
city had altogether too many Inspectors on '
lie pay roll whose services It could well
afford to lose. Just which ones are referred -
Cerred to none of the members were willing
to state , but It Is understood that the sIdewalk -
walk Inspector stands In the front rank of
the prospective sufferers .
Incidentally . It Is given out cold that the
additional appropriation asked for by the
Board of Health will not matorlze this
year A couple of weeks ago Health Commissioner -
missioner Savlio addressed a communica-
ton to lie council stating that nt time pres-
ent rte of expenditure the health tumid
would be Insulclent : by about $5.000 to con-
tnuo the work at the year. Ho declared
that I an extra provision was not made for
the necessities ot time department ho would
dIschargE every Inspector at tile end of the
current month. I the counci would not
provide the necessary funds to run the department -
partmont he was going to shut up shop before -
Core the fund was entirely exhausterl.
When the communication was read before
the council Hnscnl moved that It bo tahlod
without ceremony . Wheeler emit ! others objected -
Jected on the ground that tIme request If the
commissioner should be given a decent con-
slderaUon at least and the. communication
was finally referred to time committee . In
whose hands It still remains. The report
'of time commlteo will undoubtedly bo to the
effect that time board will have to follow the
example of the other departments und set
along ns best I can with the oriGinal appro-
At time regular meeting ot the council Inst
night nn ndJournment was taken unti
ThursdlY : night , In order to allow the repub-
lcan state central committee the use of the
council chamber. This was In complanco
with n moton by Sanders and a commitee
consisting at Mayor Demls , Councilmen San. I
( lers . Jacobsen , Edwards and Wheeler and
CIty Attorney Connell was appointed to
apprise the committee at the action at the
- . - ,
( ; 'l .
v,2. ' . . t L.t1 3Y
v- , /iI'l :
f '
' 4i's.-EIi '
a A.Free'
Ivy Poisoning
Eight Vcnra of Suffering
Perfect Oue by Hood's Sarsapaia
" 0. I. Hood & Ce , I.owol , Mass. / .
"Dear Srs : - Wo have tried hood's Rrsap
Cilia and find It to \0 all you ; cllm for It My
wife was Iloonellly ivy when n young woman , (
and I for ' troubled season
an ( eight years was every : , .
Hood'sS : : i Cures '
"lh time breaking out and terrlhle iching and II
burmiiumg. I thought liars wn ns hall 1 cue as c
anyone over had. She was la thi distressing
co.ullon every year until she legnn to take
hood's which has effected ii .
1oud's Sarsaparia , cleetell [ por.
feet cure , wlhQut leaving any scars , and she ,
has . hail : ,
No Sign of the Poison Sinco.
She I wel Ind hearty. I hlTO tnken Hood's
8arstlarla tler the grip with good reult1. and E
ha\o also given it t our four chili rOi. Wo are
sill pictures of porrect health amid owe I ti ) I.
Ilooti's Rarsallariila. " J. O. l J&/AN , Van- t
daliaIliinoi , . I
l19 . h. ilnois. I doeld" t take . hood's Bar : ! "
ri : , do not - tie induced - - to buy - any oilier - Instead - ,
Hood'o Pis are hanfl made , anti pcrfc'
i ) ! IrUu und apImeamauco . 2t3. 'lIJ box. ' '
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Excelsior Colilpiexion ! i dsF.emedies. . . .
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All foregn and domcstic rcmc ics outclassed by thcm. 1
Mije . L Ya'e's }
For the 1'rst time In the history at the
world gray haIr Is turned back to Its original
color without de. Mme. M. Yale's Excelsior
Hair Tonic ha the marvelous power oC givIng -
log the natural coloring mater circulation .
consequenl ' restoring ito gray hairs to their
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human hall .has created a sensation all over
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discovery hIs been hailed with endless joy-
no more gray hairs to worry over and no
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Mme. Yalo's ski as n chemist has never
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world bows down to her as n pioneer and scl-
entist . Excelsior Hair Tonic wi stop any
case of falling hair la from twenty-four hours
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taken internally without Injury. I contains
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hair dressing known for general uso. I will
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latural color unt time end oC your days.
After time hair has been restored to its natural -
ural color It Is not necessary to continue It
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natural color from the roots time same as
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sure that every bottle Is labeled Mm. M.
Yalo's Excelsior Hair Tonic. Price , $1.00 par
belle : 6 for $5.00.
p. '
N. B.-Dy calling nt any first class drngglst's ladies' may obtain a copy oC Mmo. M. I .
Yale's Beauty Journal , Just out , containing valuable hints on cultivating natural beauty , \
also n full list of Mme. Yalo's Complexion ltomedles All druggists sell and irmdorsu " j "
these remedies Address all correspondence to MME. M. YALE , Beauty and Complexion
Specialist , Temple of Beauty , Chicago , Ill. I
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KUHN & CO.l th and Douglas st. , OMAHA Wholesale . .E . E. BRUCE &CO. , OMAHA
. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -
_ _ _ _ _ ,
. No Jiotler . No Sleam. No RngtletT. .
_ _ _ _ _ _ 1u ' a1'eod Mills , Baling
PO'EIt for Corn al
Cor Mis InUnl
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' hay , OWEI Separators . Creameries , & 0.
, Stationary or Pprtabio. ' ; 1
ItoWhI,1' . 8o2OlI.I' .
- _ _ _ r I.P. 2 I. 1.
. Send CorClllogue.I'nc. rt describing work I ( b dona
Omaha , 107 S. 14th st. 13.1 'VAlnut St. . , IJIIL DELl'IIA.lJA. .
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1. S. Dop33itry : , On1 , Nebraska
API1'AL . . . 1400.000
.URPLU3 . - - - 0t$5I00
omeers ammO Directors ; -usury' W. 'I' it , i . tlrn
emmt ( Jnll 8. Colll . VIO. ) prus.i3 ( H ; I. , wI , 3
lutl . t , Cushier WUI. IL : ! lrutI1 111" , . ajuisutlm
J ller
xpcrt In Palnlc55 Extraction.
Time only place In Omaha where you curt get
) ( . )
, eth extracted 11 this wonderful local anaes-
lotC etl , Without italn-ivitimout extra chugr.
1cnlsl , Iuton Block. , led 1"lor.
Telephone 10. Cut ( lUl out end J'lma" .
e $
For Purity aiid
high CinssMcvit ,
The whole world bows down to her marvelous -
ous beauty and superior intellect , At 41 she
does not hook more than 18 , a siveet childish
taco of rcmmmarkablo brightness amid fascinat. '
ing expressiomi , liquid eyes of a fatiiommless :
depth fasten their gaze on emma's mneniory for
all ( into , for once seen they can itever be fort
gotten. It would be impossible for ( lie greatest -
est artist tiiat ever lived to do justice to
Mme. Yale's oxqtmisito complexion and the
glorious sheen of her golden hair. Such tints
exist in nature only amid cannot be mutated.
Mnte. M. Yale's Excelsior Complexion Rent-
edies arc the emily mnoanmi by which natural
beauty can be cultivated. Ladies are cau-
( boned against imitations.
"QV1M i'rrr"
Guaranteed to remmiove wrinkles. Mine.
Yale's Skin Food feeds the dy and impov-
erisiieti akin and nourishes fiabby flesh until
it becomes firm , healthy anti youthful , It
will remove any case of wrinkles , it matters
not how old ( Ito iorson is or how long stand.
lag the wrlmikles. It conies in two sizes ,
Price , $1.50 amid $3.00.
A guaranteed cure for any case of Freckles
in existence. Everybody bias heard of time
wommderful La Freckia , the emily cure for
Freckles in ( Ito world. Ono bottle is sufficient
in immost cases , It takes from three dayS to
cite week to cure any case , A few alPliCa
tiona will remove tan and sunburn corn-
pietely. It always leaves ( ho shut clear , brilliant - '
liant and beautiful. I'rice , $1,00.
Oadto Opera Co
: : ttwm : : : : OllEE'8 [ E HAIIDXERIIIF [
\Vt'dnosdny , T4umrsday FAA OMYOLO
Friday anti SaturtflflDflTUY
day evenings UU1IIJ1III t
Suiduuy flvommtmug IMADO
I'ltlCiOS-I'Irst floor , rc , fOe antI Be ; h'alcon ? , .
lb amid 59c.
Curtainrmsemiat8t'JO ,
I 51L tree L eaer l'Ot'IJLAII
Clark and La Rose ,
Matinee Price-Any seat in thi house 25a.