THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19 , 1871. OMAHA , MONDAY MORNING. MAY 21 , 189J. S1NULE COPY FIVE CENTS , OUT OF THEIR- BASKS Pennsylvania Jlivers Playing Havoc vrith Property on the Low Lands. NO LIVES ARE YET REPORTED LOST Williamsport Buffers Almost as Much as in the Floods of 1889. SUEQUEHANNA RAISES THIRTY FEET Millions of Feet of Logs Carried Down the Various Streams. BRADDCK ALSO SUFFERS SEVERELY Uotli Hull nl inn ! \Vuptm HrlilgiR Mu Out anil Truflli ( Sriallj linptdutl Jc JEullriiaclii Jluie WILLIMSPORT , I'a. , May 20. With the /iorrors of the dli-astrous Hood of ISMt , which spread death und destruction through out tills valle } , brought back to ineinorj liy the threatened danger of a tvvoep of water that promises to be UK great as that of five } earst ago , the people of this elt ) und ull through the West Brunch valle ) ure. In a stute ot panic that has turned the nsuull } quiet Sundaj Into one of lemarK- Hblc exclitment Since Trldaj night a httad ) and almost continuous downpour of rain hns bocn swelling all the streams , and late lat > t night numerous cloudbursts along the I'lne deck and othi'r tiibuturles of the West Brunch of the SuMiuehanim have made It Impossible to aniline the water within Hit banks of the streams It hue thcrtfoit sptead out over the countrj and nt ever ) point IB pouring into the main river Throughout the clay the rnln has fallen litre and continues to fall Advices from all points up the river BJV the haino condltlniiK exist. A cloudburst at Keating , twent ) miles above Renovo , curl ) this morn ing , ruined the rUer there twent ) fret and the rher at Renovo It , reported higher than in the flood of 1883 , when half of the town vas under water Above there and extend ing to the head -wattre at Olnarfitld , ever ) town and hamlet has been ledurtd bv water to tlit conditions that prevailed In 1889 Along the Philadelphia i. Erie railroad bt- twpeil hero and Emporium the traffic has b -on practlcallj suspended hlnte last night The tialns arc running betwetn Williaius- jiort and LtH > Haven , but above the lattei point landslides and tratk wiu > houts have pructlcull } swept the Hacks uwuv and the lost , will be verj heav ) The Susqw hatinn flows south of the cltj , and vshlle It has not yet reached the point of danger. It Is crawling up at the rate of a foot an hour Graffus Hun , a tributarj which empties into the river below the cltj overflowed its hanks and spread over a considerable portion tion of the city at about noon todaj flood ing man } houses and driving the occupants trom their homes. JMJ lit the houses were occupied b ) poor people and the rise ivos BO Eudden that the tuffercrs lost much of their personal prop- ort } The full stieugth of the flood Is ex pected here about VI o clock tonight when the great bodj of water from up the river } s due Tim fact that the -water will rush down upon the city In the dark hours , ol the night udds an additional clement of horror la the KltuatUm WAITING roil THE FLOOD. In .anticipation , however , of what Is ex pected , the fire and chuich bellb of the tltj were rung at 10'ulock this , morning to notlfj the people of the Impending danger , and felnce that hour the work of prepailng for the. worst has been In progress In the hundreds of homes that were submerged five years ago the people are moving out and storing thdr goods In the houses of those thing on the highlands The business part of the clt > was a complete wreck live jears go , and hundreds of merchants lire moving thdr stock to places of safet ) Convej- nnoeft of ever ) description are hurrjlng through the streets of the cltjgoaded with household * goods and merchandise , and the scenes beggar description The regular church services were all sus pended today , and In all of the houses of worship those who attended confined their devotion to the offering up of prajers for < he Inlp of Providence In the present grave tmiirgencj Darkness has settled over ihe city and the rain , which has been falling all daj , is Mill coming down lu torrents The river Is , com ing up rapldlj and Is now twent-one feet iibove the low water maik It will over flow Hi , banks within an hour and as the ccrLu'iit ) of gnat destruction of property prows mine apparent the general interest In creases The banks of the river and the bridges are lined with thousands , of people vatchlng the rise of the watir and those who did not move during the da } are now Imrrjing their belongings and families to places of safet ) Tour miles of track of the Glen Allen Lumber conipauj road have been swept awaj The "boom ut Lock Haven hub broken and 1D.OOO OHO fett of logs Jiave been lost. The upjier Linden boom O.IBO broke at 530 this evening It con tained 10.000.000 feet of logs and the } have Kone down There are 150000.000 feet of logs In the main boom und half as man } more In the cltj mill pond that muv go on a twenty-live foot flood President Pune and P.oom Hot , * Rlnehart liuve made the boom here as st-iure ns pos sible President Paiie states that all in dications point to a tvuntlve ( foot flood Jiere which nill reach Its height about 11 or 11 ! oclotk tonight Ellus Dewpr and other prperlenced lumber- nun agree with this , forecast In this event the rlt } a * , far north as Market square , umbracing the main buslnesu section , will Vie floodi'il ILUAMSt'ORT Pa M * > 30 The rain nt 11 o clock Is coming down In heav } bheeits. The wind Is blowing fuiloush and HIP river ii > rlMlig at the rate of a test an hour. Grafllufc Hun went on another rampage an liour ago and has spread to a larger terrl- torj than when It overflowed Ub banks , this afternoon TORRENTS STILL DESCEND At midnight with the rain btlll fulling the river has overflowed It * banks lu the central part of Jlie clt } and the water IB rushing up Market t > treet end out to Third and Fourth btreets In the burnous parts of the clt } where the oallarb aie now full of water , the present height of the Hood lb twent-four feet and It Is estimated it will reach twent-seven feet from the present rainfall Hut as the ralu shows po signs of abating It Is feared tomorrow limy bring more signs ot danger. L } acorn- lug cretk has been In good condition all day but at this time It U hank-full and coming up rapidly It com en in at the upper cud ot the city and was the principal source of danet-r in 18b The height of the rlvttr then turned It out of lu course and emptied it In from the north of the city tnd it ID feared they may b n repetition of tlmt disaster PHILADELPHIA May 20 Xewts comet Jrom WUIlamsluirt that at 11 o'clock this jnnrnlr.g the big lumber boom brake and the logs are going down the river HUNTINGDON. p May 30 Within th ruxnt twenty-four hours the Junl U rlvw and Ihc Rgyetowu branch b v rlkeu tuanty-two t et CoMmg the low blng farms Mid Im prisoning entire famUlet In their homes ho cannot be rest hud Pirtstown a jubucf II tn n was flo dtd t the src- tind. flit fk if the lirusi art ! Mlpgheny tre t 'o * lie r'v was pub'irrgi 1 The pus Cimpanv E works f're havr bo n 'rmpc Ibiuiloced to the rlslr.B wttrrt tnl and liunlneni ; hou * c arc flooded to thf fcecorid floorB Tht new Iron county brldpt at Mapleton. over Mill crefk and the trenth'ii h ve b * n ewppt away A l nd- illde near Ryde station on the Pcnn } lvanla railroad revered the iwatb tracks for threp- quwtern of a mile , and the tracks below thl * pity are wanhcd away The rountry approached to Huntingdon have be-en cloned to travel by the detraction of bridgen and waihoutH At Slojentnwn Bedford roimtv Mrs Jacob Miller , while trjlng to save her pumina ] be- lotiplnitc was drownpd AVhole farms nn the Kuvnioun branch have been practical ! } ruined bulldingc and fencing washed away and crops dtstroyed i.n i > TIII : Iluuilrrtl" ( if IliumcK Iniiiiitnti tl \ > } tli < ' Ottr- llnvilni ; of tli < ' IIIfiirrnK'il Tuiin. nrrrALO M y 20Apedal to the Ex- prewi from Bradford Pa , nas The worst flood In Hradford'o hlttlorv Is rushing through Tuna valley toda } Tvent } treets contiguous to the creel ; are inundated , mid. hundreds of families me In the wlm Th cast and west hmnfhcs of the Trtia are both transformed Jnto good-Klwd rivers Below Foreman street , at the confluence of the two Htreams the flood Is , a quarter of a rntle wide and l high enough to ruin all the carpets In the houyfs on Hilton and other street * In the lower part of the Sixth ward The Douglas dam Is partly torn away \Veavel s ? le house Is In ruins The North otreet liridrt" 1 * gone and several road and stnet bridges are in danger The railroad peiple are holding down their bridges with hrmllj loaded curs In the Sixth ward twent.v families were taken out of their house , in boats during the night , and on Claitnce Illver nnd Ililtrn streets a rescue corps with skiffh res-cued as many more Luckilv there were no fatalities Anli > - nionllib-old luibj tell into the East branch this evening and was being nvvept aw a } In the current Thomas I'otter linp d Into the cretk. and after a de perate struggle saved the iliilcl The flood from East branch covers the terrltor } over which run the Erie Uttllwa } com pail } s tracks , the Western New Yoik Pennsylvania tracks , and those of the Bradford. Brrdwell & Kinua railway Webbter btreet Is navigable ) jj boat Across Coo don and Nevvell avenue to .Main , and then down Davis street there Is u ru king bed } of deep water and skiffs plj from the Ilidclil houht up and down the streets At the Henderson house on the ground floor there lb bi\ Inches of water TV entv business houses on Main street between Webster and the Erie railway tracks are In a btill worse condition Slxtv feet of the B It & II track just below the city's east ern line , have been washed out and the tralnb of that load come In over the Erie track from Limestone The flre alarm bell was bounded this morning at 2 o clock and the liremen wire culled out to help people from their houses The } did excellent work A carload of lime In a storehouse near the track about Elm htieet became water-soaked and find the building while undergoing the blackening piocess , and in the flood to their waists the fiiemcn had further work to do The ruin } cbterda } last night and lodaj fell as If from a cloudburst but this evening has abated somewhat and It Is believed the worst is ovei JAMESTO\\N N T , Ma } 20 All the trains on the D K. \ road have been abandoned owing to tin damage done to its tiacks b } the Morm A portion of the large bridge at Loana is washed auuj Thee is a heavy landslide covering the tiacks for quite a distance between Falcone and Heggj and the lallroad bridge nt rioinhburg lb washed out The waters of the Canada creek have overflowed until the srtream Is nearlv half a mile wide between Toana and I"re- tlonla In Dunkirk the lower portions of the place are flooded CluiuUuiqua lake hab risen .several Indies vULhin the past few hours , the outlet being over its banks No special damage has , } et been reported in the cltv GENESEO N Y. Ma } 20 The heaMest rain storm foi } earb. lasting nnw fort-eight hours has caused a great flood In the Gene- sco river and an Immense amount of damage has been done. The river c-ontlnues to rise at the rate of eight to twelve Inches an hour and onlj Jacks eighteen Inches of the high est flood in ten -\ears St ROUEH.YNXA ON \ I'cniiK.vltunlu ICnllwa } OflUlaliil'irparlng for u lhlrt-ri > nt JIlto. PHILADELPHIA May 20 Dlbpatches to Pennslvania railroad officials report It lias been raining several da } s , that the water of the Susquehanna Is rtlll ilslng and that a conservative estimate places the probable total rise at from twent-llve lo thlrt } feet At Renovo the water hab risen thlb evenIng - Ing to thcutthree feet above low water and ut Keating hKUcii fett At the latter point the river Is rising a foot un hour At Driftwood the stre'am is within two feet of the lower chord of the railroad bridge At Webtport the sides have been removed from the western end of th < railroad bridge and the water lb following frttel } through it Communication with Karthous hab been cut off since 11 30 thlb morning Part cf Lock Haven is under water , and the flood there is % ery high , and between Bellfonte and Rising Gprlngri two spans of a railroad bridge have been carried awav In this district It has been raining since } esterda } There Is. a s.ev . en-foot flood In L } coning creek and at Rlblng Spimgs the water Is eighteen inches higher than It was In 1H89 At Blxtei b and Vine aid a num ber of count } bridges have been carried away At Tlpton the railroad bridge has shifted bomewhat and tht tracks are under water On the Cambria & Cleai field rull- roud the approaches of the bridges have been undermined and the road obstructed by a number of small washouts Seventy- live cars have been loaded with stone. AH the quarrleb me being worktd to their full cupaclt } and large foiccs of men aie load ing cars with cinders to run on the bridges and embankments bhould the flood threaten them Railroad olhcials KJJ btone and trcbtle timber Is read } for use at Lock Huven bbmild the flood carr } aw a } lailroad bridges or roadbed there LE\VlSBtTRG. Pa Ma } 20 The supeiln- tcndeiH of the Lcwlbburg i Tjroue branch of the Pennsylvania railroad running from here to Belief onte repot tb heav } washouts at Mlltmont and woet of there to Rlsinc Springs , A number of biidgeb are gone and the extuiblve and expensive tramway construct - struct Ion ut 1'adilj mountain lb all vraMud out The water it > two feet higher at Cuburn than it wan in lt > Bt ami the people of the valle } are fletUug to the blllb und mountains ! for haffty ALTOONA , Pa. Ma } 20 Betwtrn this city and Mill Crrak the loss > fiutn Hoods suf fered by farmers IKer } great Their crops ore dcstrojed hiid fences , and small bulld- tngb have been carried aw a } Thc washing away of the tracks of the Wllllumbburg and along the Siirlneficld brunch and the de- Htiuetlcm of railroad bridges between Trank- town and now tug Springs , has caused a dis continuance of train service on the Wtlllutnb- burg and Springfield brunches Sl'NBURY Pa . Ma > 20 The flood Is ex pected here tonight. Wubhouts on the ReadIng - Ing and Pennsylvania railroads have laid out passenger and freight trains PHILADELPHIA. May 20 At E o'clock thU afternoon the Western Union force at Lock Haven wat driven from the office by the flood , and blnce that hour nothing has. been heard from that point Ihe office IE located In the center of the town , some dis tance tram the river and the destruction of pronertj must , therefore , be ver } great. ALL , roirn ATHISI ; UI : WMU. Toung Men "Olio fVtnt rUlilug nnd Wire Cnuglit in tlit- Gnat ( UiJe CHICAGO. May 30 The friends and rela tive ! ot four young tnedianlcg living at 1S6 Ambrose street , who hired a boat at the Van Huren str * t pier lout Thursday after noon for a llfchlng excursion and were last seen rowing In an easterly direction en the lake , have had no tidings of them since It Is thought they were lost in the storm wl ih put jti an appearance ubmit r ( leak Tl urn3av af rnoon us thr boat was fi unj ti'oy fl r'utg bci' ra up * i" ' e men wire { Coot icued t > n TL EXPECT BETTER PROGRESS Democratic Senators Hope Their Adversaries Weaken. REPUBLICANS SHOW NO INDICATIONS ArtHowiitir , TiieriU \ II * n -l ) Time OUT thr Wood , Sugar ntitl home- Other * < lit-iliili- StiiHtor Hill Conn fltuck. WASHINGTON. Ma } 20 The senate will begin tlie seventh week of thf discussion of the tariff bill tomorrow at E o'clock by tak ing up the metal schedule , and the prospect is now that the entire week will be devoted to HIP tariff without attempting an } other business than that which can be done In the first half hour of the dally eBnlons , nnd posulbly an occasional brief executive session after C o'clock for the disposition of ttncemtefted nominations Senator Harris today reaffirmed his inten tion of pressing tht bill forward as rapidly as It ma ) be posKihle to do so , but he ? said he had no idea of'nn attempt to extend the dull ) sessions beyond C o'clock so long us the work should go on us satisfactory ns it is going on at present He expressed the opinion that the republican senators who have been opposing tne uill and nppatently seeking to dela. Its passage had decided to change their policy and to let the bill pro ceed upon its pnsisagc nfter giving the seri ous Items of differences the attention de- mande'l b ) their merits and Instanced the fact noticeable on Trldav and Saturda ) that there had been a decided cessation of long speeches and of roll calls us well This change In those opponents of the bill who have sought to put obstacles in Its progress the democrats attribute to the two facts that their opponents have discovered thut the ) mean to pass the bill nnd that the re publican conferences of the past wetk have , developed a decided sentiment in tbe repub lican party on the question of delay with , as the ) think , n majorlt ) opposed to all dila tor ) tactics Senator Mdrlch expresses the opinion the week will be spent on the metal and woolen schedules and he bas the discussion will go on much as it has duilng the past week that the republicans will ullow some Items to go unchallenged and they will ask ex planations and give their opinions of others Man ) paragraphs of the metal schedule are acceptable to the republicans and that , taking the times and conditions which now prevail into consideration the rates in s ome instances are even more liberal than those ot the McKinle ) law He sas , however there is dissatisfaction with the miscel laneous Items of the schedule and that these will cause considerublt debate He als osaE the lumber question will lie discussed when the wood schedule is reached Senator Aldrich thinks it Improbable that the sugar schedule will be reached during the week , while Senator Harri * thinks possible it may be They agree that this schedule will , when reached , develop a sharp de bate Senator Hill who has been absent since the consideration of the schedules was begun , is expected to be on his seat on Monda ) SI Alii IlVMv TAX Repealers Art- Confident of Itclnglilc to I-ull thi Kill Ihroi-gh. WASHINGTON Mn } 20 The state bank issue , which has been gatheiing strength at caucuses and c-onfeielites ever since con- grtss assembled , promises to be fought tea a finish in the house this week It will bring out a bharp contest on part } as well as economic lii-es , as the stute bank plank of the democratic national platform has advanced the question to a place of im portance second enl } to the tariff and silver The advocates of state banks have been rest ive for weeks to test their strength The ) Jailed to get a bill re-ported from the com mittee Thereupon u caucus was called and a resolution was passed thut the issue should be. made before the house on an amendment to the Brawle ) bill Thie long deferred bill is now to be brought to u vote Tbe bill is not important In Itself und Its main use is in sen ing ns a bank bill to which a state bank amendment Is germane Chairman Springer of the banking com mittee nnd Representatives Cox Culberson Swanson and other state bank advocates expect to begin tlie contest Tuesdu ) or Wednesdu ) on a question of consideration The anti-state bank men are expected to insist that the Indian appropriation bill has equal privilege In which case a test vote will decide the strength of the state bank men Tlie ) ure , confident of winning on the 'vote of consideration and Mr Springer is confident of the icsult The main issue however , will be on conditional or unconditional repeal of the tax Mr Swanson sas unconditional lepeal can cer tainly muster 140 votes and conditional re peal 1H5 Aside from the banking bill Representa tive Hatch of Missouri is hopeful of taking up the anti-option bill during the week Monda } Is the regular suspension da ) but it is expected the legislative bill will hold its place and be passed The Indian appropriation bill Is next on the calendar The most Important committee work of the week will be the reporting flora the rules committee of a lecommendutlon that the naval committee investigate uimor plate frauds The report Is expected Monday On Tuescla ) the judlciarv committee will consider Judge Jenkins und his strike In junction On Thursda ) Mr Bland will again tr ) to get his flee coinage bill irpoited from the coinage commlttte HIM l > ON II Ih CVl\A.l , HI I I. Ohjt-itfi and Opt nitloiik of the Alt-umiir l'\- plHlllt < ll > } Ith Vllthlir. WASHINGTON Ma ) 20 ( Spetiu.1 to The -lli-piebe4itutlve ) lUan muh.s.b the follow Ini ; statement t-imc-t-nilng bin Nlcara- guun bill "The Nlcnraguan canal bill introduced bv moclose ! ) follows the bill repotte-1 to senate b ) St-nator Aloigan fiom the com mittee on foieign it-lationsi , Insuifu ! us It relates to the nettlt-mc-nt to be mcdf vuih the pit-sent Mttiltlme e umul cumpuns It dirft.1's from the senate bill In peveial lin- pailunt puicliulurb It rt-qnlit-s that the KUVH-innit-ni dlicultiiK hhull be full I v dls- tiibuteil throughout the lnitt-d States so that nil purts < of lite tountr ) mu ) IIHM un t-quul voice in the iimnugeint-ni of tnt canal It also- prohibits government Jitr * tois from owning Mny mock ot per-unmr ) tntfitHt in the compan ) no that tht-v 'an act entlrti ) In the Interest of thfI'nltcd States It piohlhllK nn ) Htockhujder director 01 offletu fiom ln-ing inte-reste-d In any contract made b ) the c-ompuii ) This Is to prevent tlie formation of any Inside ring to plunder the compun } It also pro vides that no contiact Hhnll be let for labor , but that all Inbor nlmll be emplo ) ed aircctlj b ) the compun } and diiectc-d b ) its otilctrfa This Is to Insmte better trt-at- tnent of those t-mployecl and also to sen-lire- the construction of the tanul nt actual oont When a contract is let for labor the t-ontiactor make * a profit if the work coets him If KB than lielecelvesi , and he ctmerall ) throws up the contract If ) lie nnds It 1st going to cost moie The bill provides that the compan ) fliall maintain hoppltalB nnd furntssh mwllcul mtfndance for the sick , and als o re julren the bounl to fix eight hours ? UB a clto'tt vvotk In em ploying workmen , preference mum be given to cHUtHis of tlie Vnited States , Nicaragua and CoBtu Rica , The bill iequtr > the- hofcrd to i waive the money of ih 1'nited Statae at par for tolls "The Itniwtant roapect , however In which my bill differ * from the sejiutr bill In in tbe manner of furnisihlnir Kovwmiifiit ld The tfiiute bill pfovlduw that Uit jfcnernme-m shall Ruarante * canal linmln to the amount of tit mi two | f nee PHHUW , and sthall receive as cnmiwnsiatlun tin re ftr $7' ' niO IUKI w iith , f st i K The fcuaruiitec if the ROM ri met t is i in v ut , i t * i at ] issue < f bondH in i 1 inn < i i > pur that jio ineamirp priiiinjr fit the Is-me of bnti is the fcuarantee of l > n is s r ' & * PrT > nati n it any larg-e . , \r' \ of mone v for the cunal cnn iu-c-omp a inw during this cangrft-w M ) bill on the other hand prmlek that the government xhall subscribe for stock to the amount uf $7(1 ( uw W * or o mdeh tJiereof as 1st nect-n- sur ) to contlmct the rannl tlie stock to lie paid for b ) United States notes Identical In character , legal tenOw qualities and re demption rights to the t lilted States notes Issmed under the act of 1SK , and generall ) called greenbacks The mone ) if to be Issued an the work progresses undtr the direction of the Incittan of the tr umir > This plan has the ndvnntHBPx Tirst , That It does not require a loan for the Issue of hotidsi or tlie pttment of Interest for tne mone ) will he-come ami r > mnln n part ot the currenev , HKe thf greenbacks S - end , As ? U Is a subscription to the stock intntad of a loan it does not have to be paid back , nnd , therefore eloe-s not tax tht commerce- which will pan * through tne- canal Third It will bring to the support of the measure two elements of our pe-cipic those of the e-nst who are Impressed with the commercial importance of tbe canal and thosie of the went anil south who believe that we n t-ti more monev It will be remembered thut silnce tin- repeal of the Sherman law no piovision IIIIK tiee-n made for Increasing the currenev of the Vnited States to Ute-p pace with our popu lation The nmount Issued unclti this bill cannot exece-cl' ' $10 < VKtin i or SU nnn 000 n } tar nnd there ought to be no objection to It b } the tnst , which In one it-ar IIH- < sucte-pcled In fchuttlng on" the annual In crease of about JV ) IKK ) WKI piovldt-d bv the She-rman law and has also preve-nte-el thus far even the colnuge of the Hflgnloiuee "I have Ixe-n conslrtiring this plan for the pasteur , nnd am Rntlstie-il that It If more feasible nny jilan Involving n loan of mone ) or n loan of the government's credit Evtrbodv recognizes the commeiclnl und mllltarv importance of n canal und bolli democratic and republli an pnitlts expiesved themstlves In favor of It In the platforms of 1M ! The Nlcurngun plnn hns b n shown to be the most piaetlcnble The X'nite-d States cannot alltivv anv foreign nation to build line ] operate the i anal , for it would lend to constnnt dlllliultits The Vnlted Stntts ns n nation , vmuld not be pt-imitted to ovvn nnd operate u tnnul ami besides the Mntltlme Cnnul compain ownn nn cs- cluslvf right for nlnftv-nlnp veins If it were possible to own the t unal outright 1 would rather have- the Koveinment own It but that 1st Impossible 'Up me left to choose between three- piyposltlon1Tiist , to Go without the canal ; SK-OIK ! to ullow stome- foreign power to bulll It thlid to pivevnld to this compnnv whlth bus obtained the concessions I bellerve that u large inujoilt ) of our people would fleclUe without hesita tion In fnvor of aiding this cimpanv to build it , nnd to so aid IKlmt the goveminent can have vlitual control. The \nlue of this con trol cannot lit overestlmute-tl for It will to n greater 01 less extent regulate tht freight rates on the liner t-nst und we-st Ae ap- jn-oprlute millions' of dollars , even % tar to aid navigation upon the theoiv that it will cheapen transpoitation The giain lates from Chicago to New loik Illustiute how effe-ctlvelv thlsi rnnv be done- The opening of the Nicaragua iunnl foi the passage of ships at a moderate e-xjiense will save to th ° countrv everv veai moie In freight rates than the whole cost of tht canal and instead eif being an expense to the govein- ment will bring A revenue upon an xpenCi- ture which increases oui ciit-ulalion anil does not tax our peoplei. " * > ! ht-iuf Dhln't Aorl . WASHINGTON , Ma ) 20-The police aie looking foi a } ouiig man who lust week attempted to swindle tht ? National Bunk of the Republic of this clt ) bn forged check foi $21 uoo , pun'ortlng ' to lie signed b ) H O Havemevt-r son of the millionuire ugar refiner Tlie voung mun jirestnted tlie check but was icfused the monev The bank authorities nt once tommunlcuted with the Chemical Nutlonal bank and a iej > l ) was received that'll wus a forgerv No trace lias been found pf the forger The tle- tectlvesi on the cas-e ftne it up lni ! * Conjp nt AIt Is. WASHINGTON Ma ) 2U A telegram from Japan dated tbe liith , announc ts that the new ParllnnxTit met on the 12th Instant and that nn ucldrcsis to the throne wan moved In the lower lious > e the pilncipal feature of which "vviuit ! ti renew hi of the de mand for thf strict enforcement of the treaties against ! foreigners which caused the dissolution of tht lust house The mo tion wns > defeated Dt-lltt Fox 1\IU Mur WASHINGTUN Mu ) 20Delhi Vox. who has been with De Wolf Hoppei for seveial years , hub letlrt l from the compan } Her place will be tuken li ) Cdnu 'Ualliitc , Hop per's wife who hus until it-centl ) been with "The Gill I Left Behind Me" Miss Fox will Btar AlOf A" " 7"JZ/.s IKIMIZAI Clsr.S. Docket AV1I1 lt Califcl TliliMoriilnc anil Sonif liitt-instlng ] 'roticiliig < t lt-gun. SIOVX FALLS S D Mu-20 ( Special to The BeeMonda ) morning the criminal calendar- the present term of court w ill be moved The flrst matter to be argued Is the elemuirer to the IpJlctment aealnst Clerk of the County and I'lrcuit Couits Albion Theme foi ie-f using to make u leport to the public examiner The trlul of Mi Theme on the otliei indictment against him foi misappro priation of $1,027 of the eountv funds will come up Inter The mst legulnr < se for trial IB the Dr A "M Visht-1 mutter Dr Vlsheir hub b t-n Inyatl htie silnce the ! th of last June , charged With the murder of Minnie Olson of C nton bv perfoimlng n criminal operutlon , lit has had one ti lal , but the jut ) after , being out foity-elght hours failed to ngre-f The next case will probabl ) be the state ugnlnsit C C Oranclall for forging a promissory note for { J 000 Ciandnll was formerl ) the president of the Merchants bank nncl one of the most highl ) lesiietted men In the clt ) The ginnd Jury vas dlschaigecl on Suturda ) hu\lng it- turned tw entv-one Indictments In all It Is understood that two Indictments have been found against Dell Itaplds persons foi mak ing fraudulent teturns in the it-cent munici pal election theie Mayor Smith wns elected by ten \otes ovei J A Cocile-v The de feated part ) hail an Inv estimation made and although no public notice bus be-en made of the Indictments , It Is quite cer tain that Indictments huvthetn found The criminal calt-ndaj Is" u long one South Dakota ConcrrgutloiiiillhtK. REDI-IELD S 13 Ma ) 20-Spt-cial ( to The Bet ) The closing meeting of tnt- Congre-pulional nsscr iation on Tliursdnv vos the most remnikuble in the hlntory ol the state At the conclusion of the re- part of Redfltld college I'lesUlent Vrttof Tankton oollege arosie and BUutwl u suli- sicrliitlon to llnMi | the laelle-s hall nt Red- Held In ten mlnutts thtiOO m tdtul was rnlBtd nnd also $120 lei \Vntd acuJem ) In Charles Mlrountv Vp to this veai u ilvalr ) httst txlsteil betwet-n tht colleges v hich IH now effi-ctually lie-uit-U A banJ of twelve } oung men. who have served from one to seven ytarp in South T'akoN pledged themselves to Ma ) In the stateus pamors for live M-ars through haul ttnu-s and pool Kalaries A liugt ilt-ltgatlon wl.l go to Omuha to the meeting of tht Home Mlshionury sjctciut ) In June Intt-ieollt-erlatn Oriitdrliul ( Xlliirk SIOVX FALLS. , JU Muv -Sjn-clal to The Hee ) Tlie S. uth Dakotu Intercol legiate * Otutorlcnl u-ssuolutlon at the Mm nth annual meetlnK iit-ld lien on Vrida ) e ho e the following ortlr-er-F : 1 "resident. 1) J ptr- rln of Vonktoij , , vice Henr ) Holies * of Mitch i-H , vice president , I * C * J t-edn of Siuux Tails vice E B Tiefetliren of Rt-dll lcl secie-tur ) and treasurer Jle-nr ) Bolleiof Mltcht-11 vlte ? B I' Una ) of Vunkton The htatej liitfn-oJltKlutf Athletu uKHocln- tlon , also in sslon Jierc , fleeted the tollow- itiK new officersI jfMtlt-nt , C * e1 Lieds of Siuux rails- , vice prt-sSne-nl r V Kellum of Vankton. sit-eiftarj nfi tun-nun to be chosen b ) A ejrmllllon Vermlllion was chosen an Uie next tnt-fet- Ing places TJ runts ttraax THE irooxii. Murdererc of the Mefkt I'urull ) .Still i : < ude the J'urmiljicr Ofllcrrs. LINNAEUS , Mo. , Maj 20 The latest news received here oouqerniue the hunt for the Taylor-brothers , the murderers of the Meeks family , is to theffe pt that they are esorncred In the woods north of Novlnger in Adalr county Sheriff Barton of Linn count } IK still in the hunt , and at. no word ban been roetiJvecl from him today it ie thought he hus struck a guod trail which his part ) ure hotly following Many people hero believe that the Talor have certain ! ) been rounded up The luttdr have a great number at friends , and tbe marcher * sa > that ot ) ucl * innumertible have beem thrown in their w.ay b } the Tal r K } nipathlr re There were two tatUunK in the ooouuunlty where ) the murJererii llvt-d and there is much bitterness fxist.ns between them home of the TaIui fa u r condone tlif crlint on hi crwuod tt * Mtfkt bttrav-d the Tavl ru Slier R V ui of Ma i i rcuutv passed itrough litre toda } a i to Jim in tin MORE INDUSTRIALS ARRESTED Unemployed of Idaho Furnishing Plenty of Work for the Unemployed Authorities , MARSHAL PINKHAM IS KEPT VERY BUSY I'romlfnn to Arrrst i\ : -r } Man \\lio Tries to vtinl a Hide on n Train drnucl MHktor Aliirkiunn Sovereign n N < n song. NAMPA , Idaho , Ma } 20 ( Special Tele gram to The Bep ) Eight } more Industrials charged with contempt of court in attemptIng - Ing to Meal tnlon Pacific trains were sent from here to Boise tonight , where they will be tried with the other * from Gre > en River Wo rift } of them got aboard a freight train at CulJwell and refused to get off A posse of fifteen deputies was sent from hereto to arrent them. Another part } of them camped on a switch seven miles east of here , for the purpose of preventing trains from passing unless the } were carried The de'put } mai hals placed them under arrest A party of over fort } Industrials made an effort to capture the engine of n work train last night The engineer saw them coming In time to uncouple from the train and run tht engine to Boise out of their wa } A posise of twtnt } deputies came down from Boise toda } to assist in the cap ture of the law breakers The compan } of the Seventeenth Infantr } was transferred tofia } from Boise to Pocatello - tello A compan } of the Tourth cavnlr } arrlve-d here from Walla-Walla to assist the marshals In protecting the property of the railroad computi } from depredations Vnited States Marshal I'lnklmm stated this morning that he had uiranged to establish two stations in the state one at Baise and the other at Moscow , where ever } man guilt } of violating tht order of the circuit court concerning the interference with railroad lines will be taken and held for trial The marshal has issued eiders for his deputies ev er } w net e to let no guilt } man esc upr Ever } man detected in interfering with trains will be arrested It makes no dif ference whither it be a single individual or u part } of 100 Grand Master Workman Sovereign of the Knights of Labor arrive-d nt Boise today He condemiib in vigorous terms the lawless ness of the Indubtrlals He said that while he wus heartll } In sjmpath } with the prlmar } purpose of the movement , no honest man could endorse the action of the In dustrials In this state during the patt two weeks. S HAb Ills MiSVJ : . Ahkb tinKuIlriwU to I urnlhb Him Klvcr lrniik ] ii tiitlnn to I'ittsburc * TOPEK4 Mav 20 Vnited States DIHrlct \ttorne } Pen- } has telegraphed from Wich ita to Judge Waters , cttornej for General Sanders and bib Commonweal army that owing to other judicial engagements It would be Impossible for Jidge Williams to tr } the cases Thib will probubl } have the effe-ct of postponing the cases until the neM term of court unless the } be dl'mUsed b } the voluntar } action of the government or b } habeas corpus proceedings Instituted b } the men themselves The latter. If Instituted must be before Judge Williams at Wichita Mouda } or Tuesday , If he will consent to hear them or before Judge Caldwell at Little Rock It Is reported here again this even ing that the government authorities are dis posed to dismiss the caset and set the pris oners at llbertv but cannot get the consent of the Missouri Pacific people who filed the informat'ons charging the CommonwealerB with obstructing the mails It is also re ported that the railroad compan } is anxious to effect some sort of an arrangement b } which the cases mav be dismissed , but so far all propositions have been rejected b } Waters When Waters was at Leuvonnorcb he gave notice to B P Waggeuer general attorne } for the Missouri Pacific that he would file 351 suitb for 10,000 damages each against the railroad compan } This he is said to have reported to Waggener In Toptka } e ter- da } Toda } Waggener. BO It is reported , teltgraphed Waters , asking him to visit him at Atchlson To this Waters replied that his only terms of settlement were the char tering and provisioning of a boat b } . tie Missouri Pacific for the transportation of the arm } to Pittsburg , Pa This stor } Is vouched for b } u reputable inun who bab he saw the telegram , but It Is a fact thut Wuteis took a train for Atclison thib ufter- noon where it is not Improbable some sort of settlement will be agreed upon although nobodv beleveb that Wuggener will compl } with Waters wild clemundb HI LI UII IN KDI ) OIK 1AHI > S. rVarful I ut * of u lloliti Miirtlitnl Away with K ) l ej' A run. RED OAK , la , Ma } 20 ( Special Tele gram to The Bee ) An unknown man was > killed last night between 10 and 12 o'clock b } a switch engine In the Burlington jards Deceased wub about 19 } ears old , weighed about 1P.O pounds medium height , darl : com plexion. and wus dressed in a dark suit of clothes No papers w ere found on the bed } , nor an } article , with the exception of a Pipe with D H cut upon the btem The coroner's inquest held liver the remains brought out the fact that deceased's home was in Council Bluffb , ulsio that he hud jubt deserted from Kelse's urmy that was in camp near here } esterdu } The remains are now lulng in Swopc'b undertaking rooms , unidentified Ciixtyltf'tf HUM- Simp. TOLEDO , May 20 Sullivan' ! , wing of Randalls wing of the Indiibtial arm } held an ei thui-lubtic mass meeting on the public market this afternoon and enlisted fifteen recruits who will lt > ave with the army In the morning During their four duvs btu } here the weulerb hu\e been roully treated They go from here to Cleveland und from there to Massillon Coxcy's starting point The firm } is composed nlmoit entirely of trade unlniibts und Lieutenant McCauley second In command clalmb to be the- original or of the Knights of Labor and lb the oldt-U grand muster workman of the bed } _ Kill } Will ( uiii | > on HII Inlunri , Qt'INCY. Mav 20 Oeneru.1 Kcll } of tlit Industtrlitl mm } n-lsli es se'l ITi.OOO people ut Highland par ! this nftermon He camp by train fiom Rtiena VlMu thin ninnilng" leaving the arm } behind The. } were ex pected li'.it will not come till irioin ing roi thi re ilavs the cltv lias liwn full of tiurnps , who mi } the } nre uvvuiiln ? Kelly's uim > The IndiiHtilul luiule will be encamped on Uonse's iHluiul , opposite the ell } DBS MOINES BUIDUr , JR. May 20- Th wind vab er } high most of the1 du } nnd the river much of the time WUB HO rough that the e-aptnln r > f the tug towing the Kellv raft would not start until latr During the clsy thousands ) cume un tne bridge to view tlic Jleet I.ruclir * Gttlull MMil < mis. HELENA , Mont , May 20All the Cox e } lies cuptuieel at Foinytbe by the militia lia-\e appealed before FoderalJudBe Knowlon Fortitbi ee. including fne leadens were sentencetej to the oounty Jail for term * vurjintr from tlilitj days to bix months , and the others have been liberated on the promise not to Interfere with North ern Pacific truinsi _ Coiifctiililr rincktiirii < io b I'rfft AV1JURN , Cal , May -Comuablt Tlee- sttrn , who wan arrest ttd for the murder of Colonel I'als'lej , Die Itiduetrlul army leader who wan killed during the recent light at Hock Linn , betw * Bii Common- weulerfs and p uct ofticert , halt be-en ac quitted. Siboonur Mir | > rlk - Ir. l > U FHEBOYGAN MIO M > 20The t'f ) has born HiTFar ng in florlf5 tnday nod tbe heavlttt sta ever known tor 'hli time of jpar Is rnglng on Luke Michigan The body of an unknown sailor was washed ashore ht-rp today The Chicago nt-booner Surprise tttlll lies in a dangtrotm iHtsltlon a mile and a half from Rhorr ! lr crcu can be seen running about on deck and working tbe pumps. -nil ] > UCK .1 Mriin.m.ic. 111 Ciircor of Crhiin > ci\r llinitglit to Ue > Nrnrl.v nt nil I'.iul. CHICAGO. MB } l-Spwlal ( Te-leBrum to The Hee ) KranK .lov nllHi J'rank J Dock , w ho Is bt-llev e l b.v man } to Imv e killed Ter- t-nce lltgle } dining tbe stock yards ptrlke of IsSCi , VVHR leiclitt-d In the cHiuntj Jail todHv on a charge of forscr } He Imd just e-om- pleteil a term In the penllentlKr } at Lan caster , Ne-b on a conviction of forjfery nnd was bioiiRtit from tliete b } n de-put } Vnlteel StHtt'H llll\-vHl ) | Jo } It smld to liave been an ingrate1. B well HI n forger lie 1ms s < pent a good mam V > BIR In pilncm. iiltlicumb lie Is not more limn XI } eius" old During one of the Intervals when he was nt large * a little nfter be hail e-merpecl from the Mlsscmil penltetittsirv. In fact lie uppllt-d to 1'etet- tlvo Hobe-rt lirucc for woik He biilJ bin famll } WKS in vvnnt He siliowe-d thut lie- had clone detective woik befoie. but HBlil nothing if his ptnltentlan expirletue He was put tit work and leinnlne-d with Itruc-e for Silx or "even months While , Io } wns tmplove-cl tbeie J W 1'ht-lHii sent n peisteilllce inlinecildci foi Ka to Iiftertlve Hi lire In March , ISItiuct ! ' fulled to rece-lvc It He found the lettt-t ooti- tuinliiK HIM cirder hud tit-en stolen and that his tinnie hud lie-en forged tin the it-celpt It wns not until .lanuai } Wn thut lie ob- talnicl evidence- which sHtlslle-d him thut Jo.v vvu thefotgcr He also dKcovelt-cl thut .lov bail Kttilen the letter of inqulty sent l > v the postnftlce department legurdlng the mcnev order and hnd's-t-nt It back with the t-nclcuxeinent 'O K Kobt'lt Kruce" 1'ostoIIIee Insipt-i-toi Stuuit und Homing vve-e put to work on the onoe Thev found Jov In Denver He was lunnlnir a commti- clal c-ollt-ge at vvhlch tc'le-giupblng VMIS one of tbe Rpe-c Inltles Jov had four Instrm tom and liVi juiplls His vslfe was c-oncHic ting n boa ) cling hous > e nnd houiclt-cl most cjf the pupils Jov vvnsi nrrebte-d Jnnuurv 21 IK" ) . ) It l said he offered the InspectolB II JiO to allow him to e-scupe After a hearing before tbe I'nlteil States commissioner he was te- manclcd to the eustodv of tbe miiishul , iie'lni ; imnble to secure- ball Shortlv aftei- waid he esc aped anil bilber.v of a clt put ) marshal wns broacllv hinted at nt the- time Jov next ap | > eure < l In Itiishv llle Neb IJelng a tt-legiiiph opeintor , lie siecured u Hltiiutlon as lailroud stntlon agent there He- was not able to withstand temptation long He was tile-cl comic-ted nnd sn > nte-nte < 1 to n short teim in the penitential v at Lancastei Neb , for embezzling tbe compun ) s funds The tt-im lias Jusi expliecl Jo ) wus oiiginail ) u telegraph optiuttir , but enteied the nervlce of the1 1'lnkeitoiib in 1SS. The next veui he wasi one of the Plnkeiton men t-mplovt-d at the piicklng hous stiike He vvus in the car stimt-il b ) friends of the strikers Someone of the puards filed u shot from u Winchester into the ciowd nnd Terence Beglev , a peaceable Hpectutoi , v\us killed Suspicion attached to Steve Teilllns but no ease was made agiiinst him A clett-c-tlve agenc ) in town 1ms been looking foi Jov evei since Jov is siiiicl to have confessed to an intimate filtncl that lie Hud tbe futul shot Immcdlatel ) aftt-rwaiil Jov wns sent west He was fivt > n n cllfllcult ) iie < e of vvoilt , which ne c t ssltate-d theUippin , ; of Western 1'nion wiles Vhls be I'lcl SSIK- eeHsfull ) training valuable iiifcirm.ition tor bis emplovfis. lut ! the V 'St in I nkm comjian ) took n ilHTeient vitv of thut kind ol work Things wer inucle sio llvelv for Jov that ht > Jeem'-d 11 cl unge of s"teneUesliable He siought icfuge In Mlssouil His tult-nts were urned In tlit clliectioii of foiglng money o 0-is He was detected nnd convicte-d of this riitne. ami wan sent to Jefferson City lor two vturs This was enl ) a short time bt fciiv Unite emplovtd him Aftut Jov left Bruce lie opened a detective agency of bis own and a Hchool of lele-giaph ) Mail } of 'he young men and women who ; > aul mitljn to him In advance weit- left lo in.nil n his tic- pal tutt- from the rlt ) JtritMill.\JH < 'J WK ISJJI H77O/.7.S III I'ivc 1 liounaiul Tlironn In tlitTire - mill t'onsuiiiccl at ( > n Time. NEW YORK Ma ) 20 The Ftof ) of tht burning of C Ot i indictments with the evi dence on which the ) weie obtalne-cl has been nniluted to u World ic-poitei liv Ambrose Parclee , formeilv un attache of the dlstiict attoine-'s office It occniiecl fifteen ) eui s ago but until now the stor } iievc-i got out It was in the he-cuv of the letter ) Icing Ejih Simmons lelgn and loiter ) dens we-ie raided and hundiecls of indictments found but sttunge to s-uv fe-w came to ttlul The leason Is that MOHES Claik , the cllstilct uttornev's chief eleik , was lecelvlng J"ilO ( a week foi taklns , euie of the Indictments against the lottc-rv and inciclemullv for silinllm services In behaU of the othei offenders Claik grew lieh. hud a palatial lesiclence ket ] hotsies b.v the doren nnd geneinll ) maintained n prlncel ) Mvle When he wns taken ill one elu ) , and it IIP < nnie known he was ubout to die panic s > elzeel his clients who km-w thut the criminating papers were locked In a siufe In his home Thiee ? of thtm went there , but flaik wns too far gone to give them the tomblnutlon After he died the ) nenl for an expert breuUei and he opened the lion < nse It WUH tlieii intuition to clestiei ) enl ) pioofs ngainst themselves ami ussoclatt-s , but as the papeis vvtie found in great confusion tht ) were ull tin own Into u blazing grate In the room I'uide-e HUB Bjili ijlmmcms wus one of tht thiee men who did the woilj Anothei of the tile Is dead The name of the othtr lie mav disclose lutc-r Anthonv Comstock gives , full credit to the stor ) and Ka8 the elisappeuiunte of the indictments and the records pertaining to them elid not cense with the deuth of Clark Such things take place even now. . Jll'fill MI Ki'lir IsJECll'M. ItUhtip Wlggt-i'n ( > rilt-r of snspctiiiltiii Ku- t ort ril b } I > itttitlv h NEW YORK , Ma ) 20 There was a sen sational scene In the St Michael's Roman Catholic church In Belleville avenue Newark during the celebration of the liulf past 10 o clock mass this morning and when rather Hugh Murphy , who for ten months lias been a curate of the St Michael's , was led from the altar rail apparent ! ) ugalnbt his earnest protestation by two well built men and thence along the ct-nti r aisle und Into the purlsh house ndjolulng , there WHS surprise on ever ) fuce in the large con gregation. This happened at the point in the services Just before the sermon and Just after rather Murpli ) who was not conducting the mass had be gun to talk from u position In front of the altar rail Tathei Mu'ph ) had been dis missed from the parish b ) Bishop Wlgger last Monday und todav. while protesting to the congre-gatlon against the Injustice of this pioceduit. lie was btopped by the detectives nnd lumoved frum the church Nohod } will talk of the occummce * . but It is undei stood to lie the outcome of his refusal to olios the bishop s decree ; of if- moval It HI ! Hulilii-r lilcntltliMl. STOCKTON , Cul Mn ) 20The lobbei who attacked lht > Angels stage on Kutnr- da ) and vast nhot b > Messenger Ht-ndrlx him liee-n identified us John Kt-enc-H a v.u > uuidouiit ; man , whosepurtmts ici * . plcle in Vlsalia MiHP Dunne ) , one tif the paHBengers- who was Injuitd h n Ke-oncK' acconipllie H'ed em the utage after he had * bte-n hhut is in a t'ililcH.1 ( onclltion but hei ptivHlclan lit-lle-ves. BIP will ict-ovtir The othei lobbets have not been i-aptuitxl Itan Th i ou ull u Mlnpluncl ErriNGIIAM , 111. Ma ) 30 Pan t-ngi > r train No 24 of the Illinois Cuntral was ; wrecked at Wut.son. five inllfB xoutli of here , by a minpH''e-0 ! tiwltch Tlif colllHlon overturntHl the tineltie , Hinunhttd the mall car and derailed Ha ftetxprent ) our * Fireman ChuileBulluiH of u freight ( inglnp on u nlde track wax pain fully Injured , and George Buk r of the etiglne waN al o Injurtitl , Klileii 1 > ) u rulllnir J'urcli YVMA , Ariwiim , MH ) 20The poieh of Antonio liUBtfciiifiitc * ' building fell laxt night and Mrs Ituctemente * urii one nf her daughter * were Inntuntly killed The man'n lee wan lirokfii and thrt > e other dttiif liters , vvtiie pblnfull } injured Hank runlilt-r I' > uml Ilrucl. IiE 'jf.AH la Mtt ) 21. Oaptuln'je ij-e O Gardner cashier vf * b * Fist N m mil burilt wus J > ing deal on R s > nfa in the ilire t r rxim in tbe bunk this rm ru : ip 'j tie , v use of bis d' atb vttu heart EM HENRY DIES DEFIANT Shouting Vive I'AnRrohie ' He Walks to tie Guillotine. ' ADJURES COMRADES TO HAVE COURAGE Itrumliift Intciri'd In the "Tnrulp Tlrld. " tbr lltirlnl rinro lit Conil * limed Clllill- miU l.nnclilnc null Joklnc ( roxvU AV Itnr-n-ff thp r.vcoutliui. PARIS. Ma } 20 Just as dawn was breakIng - Ing this morning Emll Hetir.v wns brotght from the prison of La Roquette to the In- Btiunu'lit of death. As h - passed between. the < portals of the prison he wore the same air of bravado that marked his conduct during the trial , and iih he stepped outside the gate he crlexl "Vive I anarchic " At 4 12 o'clock the little gateIn the large gate of the prison bwung open and Delbler , the public etecut lunar , panned through Al though Henr } had refused to accept his min istrations , he was followed bv a priest. Then cumc Henr } In his shirt RleeveK and with his arms pinioned His face was deathly pale nnd his pes glittered like thosu of a maniac As he emerged he mut tered , more to himself than uii } one elbe , "I am not allowed to walk proper ! } " referring to the manner In which he was pinioned then lalblng his , t\fb he saw hls > c miracles and Jie cried. "Courage , comrades vivc 1'an- archle ' The walk to the guillotine was oxuedlnclv hhort Here he wa stled b } the ubHlbtuntb of Delhler and bound to the bascule Then there was a lliihh ns thw knife dtopptd At the Hume moment Heniy cried cuit again "Vive 1 ansirchie and there was bllence The head of the uimrchtbt dropped Into the basket In front of the guil lotine The headless trunk was unbound from the p'ank on which it wa bound and placed together with the head In a black van and curried to the "turnip Held the burial place of e\ecuted criminals , where It was interred As , the van was driven awii } the crowd , laughing and Joking dispersed or II ) . Will I v mm M 1 ( melon Author. I'.illtui nnit Crltl < | ti I'IIKNI K AVMIV. LONDON Ma } 20 Edmund Hodg sou Yutts , editor and proprietor of the World , died todav Mr Yate-b vvas the son of the well known nctor and wni * or borne } eui chief of themlb"lng letter derailment In the postoOlce 11 ° wab a theatrical critic on the Dull } Newb for slvears and vvas hlniBolf the author of several dramas In Mil } 1872. Mi Yntcb letiied from the postalfiee In order to devote his time excluslvclv to llteuituti. In the course ol that vear he went on a lecturing toi.r in the Vnited Statcb and lu Mav 1ST.1 ! he v\ns appointed London repre sentative of the New York Herald which pobt he resigned in Jul } , 1V74 when he ei- tabllbhed the World Mr YuUs wub In 1RS4 indicted for having published In lilt , paper u libel on the carl of Lonsdale. for which , us editor he was responsible Ho was ReW tenced to four months impi isonment , but wub released before two mouths had expired. He wab the author of man } novels. Mi Yaten' death was qulto sudden. He attended the Gurrick theater last evening that being his first appearance ut n place of public unins , uient sliiee his pralongnd Ulnes * . Whilt In the theater he had u fit und was re-moved ah ejultkl } us , possible to his re-si deuce The phtlcans ! who were * summoned to attend him held out little hope of r cov- crv und nt 4 o clock thlb moraine the end came. LOM10VMONE1 MAJtKKl. S > iilnllon Itnltlnc for lmprcnrnn nt | n Aiiinieun unil Aigt ntlnn AtTulr . LONDON , May 20 The rates for money fell avui } at the end of the week Discount rates were CUB } at 1 per cent on three mouths' bills , und there were occasional transactions below that The hopes of an Increase of business nt the Stock exchange after the Whltsuntlde , holldas vveie not reulized Ml bpeeulatlng appears to nvvult an improvement In American and Argen tine uffulrs The market closed generally depressed The consols , however , were un changed rorelgn securities were firm , ex cept South Americans Home railway se curities we-ie steady American securities were very weak. In tympatli } with Wall street AtchlBon fell 3 , Northern Pacific pref erred 2 and the remainder of Hit Ameri can list between 1 and 2 IC'iit In mi AuMrlmi Ton n , LONDON May 20 A dispatch to tim Dull } News from Vienna sias during a dunce in the Ailluee of Schutzen near Oden- burg u ciuarrel arose between some of the } oung men present about Home women. A gendarme Intervened , whereupon the joung men surrounded him in a threatening man ner 1he > officer believed hlb life was in danger and drew his revolver and fired Into the crowd His bullets btruck and killed four of the } oung men and a girl ThlH caused the wildest excitement und the In furiated crowd bet upon the gendarme , pounding and kicking him until life was e-\- tlnct The village Is terribly excited over the uffalr and further trouble Is apprehended. k llfur 'I lit'lr Doom. BARCELONA Ma } 20 The BcntUHes of cliuth pussid upon the anarchists , , Codlna Cerc ue-la , Sogus , Brrnate Vlllarubla an3 Mir for eompllclty in the atte-mpt of Pallas , to utifeahUnuto General Campos read to the condemned men In the Mnnt Juch ellndil this morning , prrpurntory to the ex ccutlon tomcrrovv All the prisoners vuth the e teptlon of Cerezuela appeared in no v lse nffeHited b } the hard fateful words He however , appeared to fully realize thb doom that Is bturing htm In the face and fiaiH are entirtulned thut he will lirialc down bcfcuc the time of txocutloti urrivcs und Aigintlue Set tic. LONDON , Mu } 20 A t-peclul dispatch to the Times ) from Lli hon tut > Admiral da Ouma , utter telegraphing thut he would come here to explain his , conduct , nuw xnys lie will not come The dlbpulch adds that LliU latte-r course w'll ' undoubtpdl } be the best , us his presence- here would not be vclromed The dlbpatch further HBE the claim of the Aigentlne Republic ugalns > t Portugal , grow ing out of the ruapturc of a numbur nf Brazilian refugees who escaped from the Portuguese warships whllu In Argentine waters U In u fair vvu } of being amicably settled VVurslilp Miiuik u Hf < ( iril. VICTORIA , B C , May 20 The flag h p R } al Arthur made a record on the way fiom Callao to Qulmbo , making an uvrrugc pHd of nliiDteen and n Imlf 1 nntt , for the eintlre pamtRge under ordinary draft , I'nder foretjd draft u upeed of twent-two knotn wab dtvtildiifd The otlicem of the Rojal Arthur report everything uulet In Ecuador and Ptiru. Anntrla Ni-ROtluU.i. u ( ouiinirriul ' 1'nafy VIENNA , Ma } SO In the lower house of the Ijelc Imrath mdaj the announce nient was innilton btbulf of the ministry of ooninierce of the ( omluulon of n. com- rnei-e-lal trmity with HUHKIU on the favored nittlon buHlK It was nlBo aniuiun'fl that th * Bovernmfiu Intended to introive in tlif autumn bills to ie lne the ti Jt laws und to emublliOi labur tribuiiulsi t > d al with labor qi i > utnsi I'li-parutluiik for Um Nuvul llunijutit LONDON Mu > IB The menu of tbu tian- ciuet whlih will be tendorttd to Adrulrid Lrbtn su.J the < > ttt erx if the t'ti te-l Bta.te < ru nr ( tii us Mb ,4 will be ar artUUc MX Hi pae bi itu' i iiKtriitli gprrninent CK ' = u the nu\m > ft irof ! * tiblc.nd und tbe i r > ' i BtuteH I wi i alBi ir'e r por- LTU'tu of the uJ-n-nu onu < pta > u M&hiut.