r FHE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE.H. . ESTABLISHED JUNE 19 , 1871. OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING , MAY 20 , 189-i-TWENTY PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. This week's quotations are all on tlie bear side of the market. The Dress Goods and Silks are attracting attention throughout the entire west. In Warm Weather Underwear and Hosiery we mention a few prices that are eye openers. Our ever popular Basement will have a special spread in staple goods at prices lower than can be found elsewhere. Wash Dress Goods. \ , Crowds growing1 , sales increasing in this department ; .lotting down the prices arc making lively times in Hayden's Wash Dress Goods department. ' . ' . * . ' Closing out bungaline cloth at'12.'c. L'iincy printed satin moire i5c yard. Fancy printed crepoline i5c yard. New styles creponette 150 yard. . . . Silk striped zephyr , 3O-inch widc35c yard , cheap at SOG. Imported Mouslin cle Inde in black ground fancy printing ing2'5C. . ' ! - Black ground pongee IOG yard. Canton cloth tocyarcl. Satin crepon IOG yard. , . Plain fat-t black satine , sc , Sc , roci2.1.cr } i5c-2oc and 250 yard. Galatea cloth isc yard. 32-inch wide zephyr I5cyard. ' " " Fine Parkhi.l zephyr locyard. ljt' " _ T ew styles , as fast as put on the market , you can find at Ilayden's. . , . - ' " ' Prices the lowest or money cheerfully refunded , Largest stock to se'ect from in this country. , Special sale of remnants of wash dress goods daily at 9 a. m. on centre tables. Dress Linings. liaydens' carry the best and largest stock of dress finings' All colors in Silesia IDC , 150 and 2oc. All colors in French percaline 150. All colors in best cambric sic yard. All colors in canvas at 150 , 200 and 250. Crinoline , padding , wadding , wiggin , hair cloth , collar and belt canvas ; in fact , you can get what you want in dress linings at' ; Haydens' and save money besides and get coupons pens in the bargain. Linens. Monday will be a lively day in this department. Be sure and look over our 150 towel sale. All the towels that were on sale at i7c , 190 , 250 and 39C , will be found on this table , besides a number of new to\\cs. ! All in one lot at 150 each. You will find this the cheapest lot of towels ever offered by Haydens' . See our bleached Turkish towels at sc , loc and each. Bargains in table linens and napkins. White crochet bed spreads 470 , 57c , 650 , 750 , SSc , $1.00 and $ i. 25 each. / We shall put on sale on Monday 2 cases extra large size new bed' spreads , new patterns , new weave , at $1.50 each. Ask to see them , as they are entirely new and Haydens' is the only place where you can see them in Omaha. Domestic Bargains. LL yard wide sheeting 40 yard. . . .u-ioy. ' Mill remnants of half bleached muslin and cambrics ' 50 yard. Extra quality outing flannel 50 yard. 150 grade crinkled seer sucker 50 yard. Apron checked gingham 3. 0 yard. Best 36-inch wide percale roc yard. Best new dress styles in calico ice 5c. Best shirt'ng calico 3-Jc yd. Mill remnants of fine satine , Japanese cloth , shirting , Bed ford cords , canvas cloth , etc. , worth from loc to 200 , all in one lot on centre table 50 yd. Follow the crowd to Hay- dens' and get your coupons. GOODS. We Must and We Will Do the Dress Goods. Uimlncss In Omaha and the prices we put on tlio following goods speak for themselves. Never lit tliu history of merchandizing has dress goods been no cheap. Just think of a 30-Inch cashmere , full drees pattern , for 39c. KOH MONDAY. Just think of a 30-Inch Illuminated serge , full dress pattern , for 72c ; worth $3.00 , Just think of a 30-Inch brocade llUiinl- iintvd effect , full dress pattern , for 7-c. Imagine an nil wool Ilelga and Hed ford cord , worth 4Sc a yard , and the price for Monday , 72o a pattern. A dress pattern of thoeu all wool cheviots , I'll wool checks , at J2.32 worth $5.00 ; must be ( situ to be appreciated. A dress pattern of those handsome Irides cent effects , sold all season at $5.00 , for Monday , $2.32. Wo are still Belling the wuol chullls at Gc , worth 15c. We have 40 patterns of a CO-lnch wool suiting , worth $0.25 , and the price for Mon day , $1.88. We have 6,000 yards of travcre stripes , Ungllbh cheviots , silk and wool checks goods , Hold this season at not less than $1.25 to $2.50 yard , and the uniform price of these goods for Monday , 79c. A beautiful 52-Inch broadcloth , blacks only , worth $1.25 , for Monday , C9c. Our $1.50 silk wurp gloria , 4S-lnches wide , for Mniday , C9c. 40-Inch all wool henrletta , all colors and black , \\orth 7Bc , for Monday , 33c. 10,000 yards of drees goods In all the new effects , none uorth loss than 50c , come worth $1.00 , will be placed on thu second table In center alslu for Monday at 25c yard. At the above prices It will be unneces ary for us to tell you to call early. ( The early , bird , etc. ) No old goods marked down to make them marketable , but new , fresh , stylish silks gleaned from the world's foremost fashion centers. What a little money will buy if spsnt at ths right phicc. That this is th-jright pliij tlu folio , v..i 5 fails .111 I 11 ; icsi pi-jri ? Colored Silks. Japanese Finished Summer Silks , full .12 Inches wide , In black- and navy grounds , 53c yd four color prints , regular 85c quality ; on sale day at _ Japanese Kal Knf Wash Silks In dainty stripes and checks Is the correct silk fabric for summer wear and for house and street dresses. We carry the largest assortment 35c yd of these' goods west of N'ew York. Over one hundred designs to select from , at Wo have purchased from one of the leadIng - Ing Japanese silk Importers their entire stock of 24 and 2S Inch Printed Japanese Silks. These goods are of the finest qual 59c yd ities and have always retailed at $1 ; \\e have and colorings them In fifty-six different patterns orings , and sell them for i Black Silks , Rich ninck Brocaded India Silks , with small pretty seeded effects , the most popular styles for this season , magnificent nu.illty , 85c yd they were Imported to sell at $1.50 ; this week they are Black Moire Sllls In moire , minorre , fran- caflje , ox eye , moire plva , | satin stripe moire , polka dot moire and dozens of ex clusive designs ; goods that are really worth $1.75 go at $1.25 and Cream and White Silks. Commencement will soon be here , buy your dress now. White Japanese Wash Silk , 21 Inches wide , beautiful quality , only 3 [ > c ' White Japanese Wash Silk 27 Inches wide. beautiful quality , only ' . . . . . 49p Cream Habutal Wash Silk , 24 Inches wide , extra heavy quality , only. 59fc White Japanese Wash Silk , 30 Inches wide , fine quality , only C9c Cream Brocade Habutal , 21 Inches wide. handsome "goods , only C9c Cream Duchesse Satin , 21 rnches wide , every thread sllki only 75c Cream Faille Francalse , 21 Inches wide. really worth $1.25 , only t 9Sc Brocade Satin Duchelsse , 22 Inches wide , new designs , only/ 9Sc Cheney Bros. Cream Crepe de Chene , 24 Inches wide , worth $1.00 , only 68c Brocaded Peau de Sore , 22 Inches wide , regular $1.75 goods , only $1.25 Do not buy $1.00 worth of silks at any time without callihg and seeing what prices wo make MOTE THE DOINGS IN THE CLOAK DEPARTMENTnflONDAY ! AND. TUESDAY. DRESS SKIRTS. Ladies' tan wool skirts $1.45 and $2.00. Ladies' navy woolen skirts $2.00 , $2.25 and $2.SO. SATINE AND CHEVIOT SKIRTS , Good fast black satine bordered skirts S5c. Extra quality fast black satine skirts $1.00. Fine striped cheviot skirts 50i. Every article a bargain. Seldom do you find stiyh REAL VALUES combined with so small a charge. SILK WAISTS. " Plain black Gloria , si/.es ! V2 inchest ' * ! inchss , 38 and 40 inches $1.98. Figured China silks , dots and stripes , all blacks and hliiss , in si/.es H2 , 31 and 30 inches , value $3.75 , on sale Monday and Tuesday , $2.13. Fine Japanese figured silks , blacks and striped navys , $3.25. Light wash silk waists ( will boil ) $5.50. WASH WAISTS. Closing out 10 dozen laundered figured percale waists at 3c. ! ) Closing out 15 do/.en soft wash waists , worth 75c to $1.50 , at 50- for your choice. Largest line in the city and all the new things. WRAPPERS. Styles too numerous to mention. Everything up to'datc. _ _ _ _ _ Hed hot things , those 50 ; , 75cand 8j ! wrappers , lUuadiiy and Tuesday - day will close out all this lot. : V CAPES AND JACKETS. Cost is the word on all new garments for children , misses' and ladies' wear. ! , v 4.1 ' CLOTH I Never have wo sold so cheap There never was a time when our power counted as It does now. There never was a time when tlio percentage wo always save you was as large as It Is now. There never was a time when we to completely under sold others as wo do now. No matter what you want It Is sure economy. 950 men's suits , light and dark colors , the regular selling price Is $ C.50 to $ S.SO , for this week your choice for $4,75. 700 men's suits In the new Oxford , Cam bridge and London sack and frock styles ; they are $13.50 and $14.00 designs , made up in plain and fancy worsteds , casalmeres and cheviots , a wonderful utter , $7,50. 850 men's suits , the long regent frock or dovetail cutaway , made up In unfinished worsteds and Dannockburn , etc. They ore bound to lit you$16.00 and $18.00 Is the sell ing price , for this week your choice for $10.00. ' A coht price sale of 'boys' and children's suits all this -week. . ' Hoys' fine retfer and Junior suits , no bet ter style or quality at $0.50 , for thin week your choice $3.75. A strictly all wool double 0 mingle breasted knee pants Bij.lt , no better value on earth , ( or $4.00 , your choice of 800 suits at $1.95. $ Special Sale of Ladies' and Cants' Furnishing Goods. Children's fast black cotton hose , Hermsdorff dye , only I2 c per pair , worth 250. Ladies' silk mitts , extra heavy , only I2i/c. Ladies' fast black cotton hose , regular made , only IQC per pair , worth 250. Ladies' ribbed' vests , 40 , worth 150. ' Ladies' night gowns , worth $1.50 , go at gSc. too ladies' 26 - inch sun shades , worth $3.00 , go at $1.50. Gents' balbrigqan shirts and drawers , 250 each , reduced from 4oc. Infants' zephyr sacks , 210 ; worth 5oc , 100 dozen gents' British half hose , worth 250 , go at I2J/C. Gents' 500 negligee shirts go at 35C. Special sale of corsets Mon day. day.The The Latest Millinery. The popular snapes In hats may bo classi fied Into three varieties the large picture hats which recall the shapes Immortalized by Sir JOshua Reynolds , the fantastic undulat ing brim shape , which is very charming when arranged In good taste , and the small toque , which may he easily turned into a bonnet by the addition of strings. The inevitable sailor has Its usual place on the list , yet it Is In many instances more elaborately trimmed than the regulation , sailor.pnght to be. Transparent crowns , transparent brims , mid tulle- rosettes are- the newest features In millinery. Colored coarse straws are very much worn , and pae | pink , green and black are the pop ular colors. A large rush green straw hat is trimmed with a soft crumpled green bow and field flowers. A very Frenchy black hat is adorned with velvety wide op > > n begonias In the different colors of dark damaak , pale pink , creamy white and rose color set about | lke rosettes. Unnatural black ( lowers are losing their hold on the public fancy , and although black Is introduced Into almost every hat. It Is accomplished with lace , ribbon or jetted not. The latest thing In leghorn hate has the appearance of a crown all right , but on close Inspection you find that the top is gone , leaving the hair exposed. Prices are very low , and the grades are so numerous as to be In keeping with the slim purses which are all too common this season. Special prices Monday. Rockers. We are selling all kinds of rockers cheaper than ever. On Monday morning you can buy any rocker in our stock at a reduced price. Do you need a few to fill In ? If so cojno In and pick them out. You can buy cheaper now than ever. Oak rockers , cane seat , $1.2 : , $1.35. $ l.r > 0 , $1.7o. $2.00 , $2.25 , $2.50 , $2.95 , $3.00 , $3.25 , $ .5.50. Oak rockers , pliiiih seats and with springs , $2.93 , $3.50 , $3.S5. $4.00 , $4.50. Fancy reception chairs , upholstered bprlng scats$2.50 each. CIIAIItS and UOCKEHS in MAHOOONEY WHITK AIAI'MS nnd UIRUII at the price of staple -articles. We are working for a record In the furni ture line. Our only aim being to sell the best possible goods ut the smallest possible margin of profit. Watches and Jewelry. Wo ore still offering gents' gold stiffened hunting case watch , ICIgln or Wallham , $5,49 , worth double. 500 rolled plated watch chains at 9Sc , worth $3.00. Sterling sliver hand enameled cuff buttons 49c , worth $2.00 , Ladles' rolled plated button sets 35c , worth $1.00. Solid gold baby rings. 13c , worth flOe , Sterling silver sword corsage plus , 25c , worth 75c. Solid coin silver thimbles 13c. worth COc. Nlcklo alarm clocks 5Sc , worth $1.00. Rogers' 12 dwt knives or forks $1.25 per Bet , worth double. A good bllver plated spoon , 28c per set , worth 75c. Reduced prices on all silver ware. 4-plece , triple plated tea set , gold lined , hand engraved , consisting of tea pot , t > ugar , spooner and creamer , $5.U5 , worth $10.00. Silver plated mugs , gold lined , 25c. Attention , Readers of th's Paper If you are In the money saving line read those prices on goods that are guaranteed to bo as represented or money refunded. Hero are prices on butter at Haydens' . Fresh country butter 74c. ! lOc. 12V4c : and very belt country butter. ISc ; and here we will Ecll you fancy gilt edge creamery for ISc and 20c , Now bear In mind that there U none better made. We have a dozen cream eries shipping us new. so when you want a good butter you will never bo disappointed In coming to Haydens * for It. Remember , only ISc and 20c for the finest butter made. PIe use Furnishing Goods. Crystal cream pitcher , He each. Crystal spoon holders , . ' ) c each. Crystal butter dishes , Gc each. Crystal * > ugar bowls , Cc each. Flint tumblers , . ' ! V c each. Wine glasses , 2'4c ' each. Flower vases , 3c each ; worth from 23c to 50c each. IK-W Drop water pitchers , ICc each. Complete kitchen lamps , Ific each. Crystal fruit plates , Gc ; worth'25c each. gaiictdlslic. . , lOc per set. Decorated toilet sets , $2.35 ; worth $5.00. French fhlna te.i sets , $3.23 ; worth $15.00. Tlio Western washer , $2.25. Rice Root scrubbing brushes , 3c. Mutter ladles , 3c. I'otatoc mashers , "c. Wooden spoons , 3c. Wooden forks , 3c. Lemon squeezers , 5c. Wood rim Hour sieves , Cc. Towl rollers , 3c. Can openers , 3c. Cold hand china tea plates , 3c ; worth 15c each. each.Wash Wash basin , 3c. Pudding pans , 3c. Drinking cups , 3c. Coffee strainers , 3c. Funnels , 3c. Egg ben tor , 3c. Milk pans , 3c. Pie tins , 3c. Jelly tins , 3e. Hasting spoons , 3c. Tube rake pans , 3c. Flesh forks , 3c. Ice cream freezers , $1.35 up. Eight different makes of refrigerators. Music Deft. Sheet music , 6c per copy , by mall 7c. Send for catalogue. All the latest new songs and Instrumental music at reduced prices. , Instruction books , all kinds , \ ? ' price. We have Just received a new line of the latest and , most popular folios , "lie. PIANOS AND ORGANS , All kinds for sale or rent. We are sole agents for the world famous CHICKERING PIANOS. We have various other good makes and will sell you any piano you may select for $100.00 , less than you can buy It anywhere else on earth. earth.TRY TRY AND SEE ! PIANO CASK ORGANS , With 7 full octave of keyf , In appearance exactly like a hand some upright piano. Secular music can be executed on these organs with the same case as sacred music , In price they are not higher than the ordinary organ. This Is a wonderful invention. Coino and see them , or write for catalogue. Wo hove all kinds of organs , five-octaves , slx"-octaves and seven-octaves. Organs In all kinds of cases. Prices ranging from $55.00 up. FVKRYTHING IN MUSICAL MERCHAN DISE. Lace' Curtains. We have too many of these goods In stock and they must bo closed out. 75c curtains for 40c pair. $1 curtains for 50c pair. $1.50 curtains for XI pair. And better ones In proportion. The best curtain poles complete , 15c. An elegant line of silk fringes , all colors , for 6c. Mill remenants icrlm , 2c. Carpet bwcepcrs from 75c up. Carpets. Carpets for 12',4c and 15c. Ingrain , 15 and 20c. Good all wool carpets , COc. Extra flue all wool , C5c. Paints. In our paper department will be found a complete stock of ready mixed paints , In all shades , cheaper than any house In the city. Hats and Caps , Children's fancy hats and caps , straw brims and cloth crowns , In all shades , COc , worth $1.50. Hoys' and children's fancy sailors In soft straw , fiOc , worth $1.50. A hirge assortment of boys' and children's straw hats , lOc , 15c , 20c , 25r. Don't fall to see our men's straw hats In all tha latest shapes and stylus , COc , others ask $1.25 to $1.CU. We are showing the best line of men's 25u straw hats In the city. Men's straw hats at 15c , can't bo boat. Men's fur , derby and Fedora to close out , formerly sold at $1.50 to $2.50 , our price now 75c. 75c.Men's Men's fur soft hats , $1.00 , worth $2.50. $ Drugs. I'erfumo sale. Finest perfume ( triple extract ) .from 0 to G p. in. , Monday at 9c per ounce , liunyady water , 25c per bottlo. Port wne | .largo bottle , 35c. Duffy's malt whUky , 85c. licit Tonic , 2iu. ( I'uskola , large , i'jc ; small , 45c. P.Une'hCelery Compound , 75c. Cocoaniit oil fcoap , 1'Jc per box. Inscriptions fllllcd at the lowest price. t Teas and Coffees. If you wish a good cup of coffee or tea don't fall to leave your order hero. Choice old Government Java and Mocha , 35c. 35c.Java Java lilenil , 30c. SuntoH , 27'ic. Choice Ilio , 25c. Cracked African Java , lOc. Crushed coffee. 15c and 17',4c. Tea dust. lOc , 12'io and 15e. Sun dried Japan , an excellent tea , ? 5c , Uncolored Japan , 2Se , 35c , COc. Imperial , Sic. toe. Formosa Oolong , 38e , 42c. COc. English hruakfait , 3Cc , 3Sc. 42c , COc. Wo still sell our Ceylon tea 75c , worth $1.00. Hayden tiros' . Ice cream and refrutluncnl parlors. When you are down town don't forget to call In here You can get the IInun Ice cold drinks ID the city at Cc per Bliss. Ice cream Cc , and berries , lOc. Hardware. CJreat bargains In hardware this week. Including the llncst line of builders' hardware - \ ware ever brought to ( his city. Solid brass front door locks and vcstlbulo sets. sets.Plain Plain and fine bronze front door locks and vestibule sets. Antl-frlctlon mortice locks. Fine sliding door locks , flat front. Fine sliding door locks , astragal front. Fine sllndlng door latches , astrgal and flat fronts. We have a nlco bronze mortice lock with Jet knobs complete , 3lc ) sot. Another , better gride , for COc per set. We also carry a full line of brass and bronze hinges. Door bells of every description. Heat wire steel nails , Hie per pound ; less than common bar Iron Is worth , no limit. 1 carload of pointed screen wire and 1 carload of galvanized poultry wire netting at unheard of prices. 1 carload of wheelbarrows from $1.25 to $2.00 each. Lawn muuers of every variety from $3.00 up. up.Rubber Rubber and cotton hose from He up. Wa have the finest line of hose In the city. Hose reels , nozzles , couplings and sprinklers of every variety. In garden tools wo have no competitors. Note the following prices : Hakes , lOc. Hoes , ICc. Shovels , 35c. .Spades , 49c. The great slaughter sale of tools still con' tlnucs. 2-foot boxwood rules , "c. 2-foot boxwood rules , bra s bound , ICc. Double Iron smoothing planes , 29c. Double Iron jack planes , 35c. Contractors and builders should consult til befbie purchasing your hardware. Wo will save you money. Grocery Department. Dry Compressed Yeast will be given away all day Monday. War ranted the best ever made. Choice Nebraska City Corn , Gc can. Choice solid packed tomatoes , only OV4o can. can.Early blossom peas. S'/jC can , Oil sardines , 4' c can' . . Mustard sardines * S'/ic ' can. Corn starch. 3 0 pound. Large pall jelly , 35c. Chocolate , only 6c package. Condensed milk , only lOc can. Columbia cream , 12Vic can. ' Highland cream , 12'Xsc can. Borax soap , only 3c bar. White Paris soap only 3c bar. White Knsilan soap , lie bar. White Lenox soap , 3c bar. White castllo soap , 2'.ic bar. Mottled castllo soap , 2'/&c bar. Atlantic soap , 3c bar. Climax soap , 3c bar. Columbia Itlver salmon , 12V&C can. We make no exceptions. Coupons given with everything. Flour Department. To Introduce Haydens' best 5X flour , wo will for a short time put In one of the. fol lowing articles In every sack. The flour la warranted to be the best you ever used or money refunded : One diamond ring. Ono gold watch. One $5 bill. Ono set solid silver plated teaspoons. Ono ladles' rolled gold watch chain. One ladles' cluster diamond lace pin , Minneapolis high grade patent flour , 95o sack. sack.Minnesota Minnesota mills I X Superlative , 90c sack. Snowflake flour , file sack. And a very good flour for 50c sack. Rye flour , S5c sack. Good rye flour , $1.00 sack. Choice rye Hour , $1.15 saclc. Ask for coupons. G.ven with every sale. Dried Fruit Deptt Dried- fruits are down again at Hayden's. The prices given below won't last long. Come early and avoid being left. Los Angeles prunes , 8 < ic , lOc nnd 12',4o pound. German prunes , Talsln cursd , O'/fcc , ll' o and 12l4c pound. New Los Angeles pitted plums , ll',4c , 12V o and Ho. New Los Angeles raisins , Clic , 7' e and .Ac pound. New Valencia raisins , 6e , Go and 710. New Los Angeles ruliln grapes , 3c , S'/io and Cc pound. Evaporated npplos , 7ic ! pound. New Ikprlcotw. llc , 12V&C and lie pound. Cleaned English currants , G',4c , G'/io ' and 7'/4c pound. New Los Angeles cherries , lO'/fcc , llUo and 12'ic ' pound. Cheese Department. Wisconsin full cream cheese , 7c , 9o and l2lAo ; fancy young American full cream , Sc ; brick cheese. 10c , 12'X-o ' and lie ; lltnburger , 12V&C and 14c ; Edam cheese , $1.10 , sold all over for $1.50 ; wo have tyncy Ohio Swiss checso at 16c , 17o mid 19c , and any kind of : cheese you want ut lowest prices , Meat Department. Here Is where you can buy all the boat sugar cured ineatH that nro put up. Noth ing here but No. 1 goods. Dried beef , lOc ; summer sausage , U',4 ' and 20c ; corned beef , 5c ; plcklo porkt I'M ' ; bacon , lOc- ; California wigar cured Iminu , He ; Now York hams , 8'4c , Nowhere can you buy these goods at tbo price we inuku , Bakery. A few prices from bakery and cracker de partments : Ilnaton bruwn bread , 4c ; all kinds of plet , 4cj > ll kinds of bread , 2c , nlco rolls , 7 o per doze ; we haver a small lot of sweet crackers that must bo sold in a , Uw dnys , look at what they are and thu price we put on them : Lemons , creams , biigur cookie * . graham cookies nnd assorted jumbles at Cu pur pound , soju , oyster , butter and milk crackers at Cc , cream toast , 12' ' > i % fluent you ever nu . fancy lemons , ISc per dozen ; codfish , Cc per pound ; all kind * o { nice hcrrteg and mackerel away down.