THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , MAY 20 , 189-t-TWENTY PAGES. MOST SENSATIONAL SALE OF THE SEASON. FURNITU NOT SOLD TO ITS , BBS No responsibility on our part except to slang-liter it ! Giving the people of Omaha and vicinity the greatest feast of Magnificent Household Goods they ever had at ridiculously low prices , We take our commission and remit the balance. These goods were shipped by Chicago , Grand Rapids and Philadelphia manufactur ers , who are very hard pressed for ready cash. $40,000 worth from a Grand Rapids house , $32,000 worth from a Chicago house and § 28,000 worth from a Philadelphia carpet mill. These manufacturers are about to meet their bills and desperation drove them to consign their goods to a few of the largest merchants in the country , as there is no mar ket for merchandise at the present time. We were chosen by them as the most available house in Omaha to take their goods. Buy them or leave them. We shall sell 'em for what they will bring. We'll be out nothing but a commission. You'll be the loser if you leave them. Look at the prices quoted. Bear them in mind. Come and see. whether you pur chase or not , N. B. We were offered consignments from a few firms in oilier cities , but as their goods arc made for show and glitter and do not give satisfaction , \\e \ \ refused , and gd\c \ the preference to the good reliable firms in the cities above named. Some Sample Descriptions of the Con signment of Furniture. . This lot contains ICO Ghumbor Suits , consist Ampng this shipment -An , great rongb of Over 2,000 Intension . 3-10 ° Tables. For want of Folding1 Bydsnever of Bed Dicssor anil is 05 Couches , > cheap , medium nntl fm ing1 , upholstered mention retailed Parlor Furniture.V space wo only in any store for Commode , finished An ed in any color desired. quote only ono suite , for ono : Finished Antique , less than 818.00 ; if you tique , well worth in re They are well worth $15. an illustration : 5 pieces well made , very stylish ; need ono you can got on" tail vuluo $17.50 the The consignor of thcso Mohair Crush Plush , jou would say it was . on account of Ouk worth $ . but cheap at $12.50 ; they are being consigned , $50. tha consignor allows us to allows us to soil them for consigned to bell for signed , for soil them for consignor says soil them $9.10. $6.85 for $22.50 $5.75 $8.95 / . . * - " " An Immense Consignment of Stoves and House Furnishing Goods. A lot of Gasol'nc Stoves , each one guar anteed worth $0.00 ; con signment price , $2.78 Nice , stylish Baby Carriages , full sue , bi- cjclo wheels , good value ui $10 ; consignment price , .87 217 Rofi igorators , all modern impro\emeuts , well made , well worth $12.50 ; consignment price , $6.34 118 Ice Boxes , lined with best quality zinc , patent locks , hinges , bebt make , worth $7.50 ; consignment price , .78 215 Dinner Sets , best English good ? , rich roy al blue color , 102 pieces ; easily worth $20 ; con signment price , QQ m U < U A big lot of 4-holo cast Ranges from a foundry that only makes good goods , worth $12 ; consignment price , $4.90 All Copper Wash Boil ers , No. 8 sue , best cold rolled copper , consign ment price , $1.56 Mrs. Potts' Sml Irons , nickel finish , throe irons , ono handle and stand , 64c I Don't Neglect the Consignment of Carpets and Draperies. I 556 ROLLS BRUSSELS CARPETS , VALUE $1.00 PER YARD , CONSIGNMENT PRICE. 204 ROLLS INGRAIN , LATEST STYLES , FULL YARD WIDE , REGULAR VALUE 75c , CONSIGNED TO SELL AT 1,400 DOZEN WINDOWSHADES. 7 FEET -LONG , BEST ROLLERS , BEST CLOTHS , ACTUAL VALUE 75o , CON SIGNED TO SELL FOR 3c 8C5 PAIRS NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS 1'ULL LENGTH AND WIDE , LATEST STYLE , MADE TO RETAIL FOR $2.50 , CONSIGNED TO SELL TOR 'W2 pail s Chenille Portieres , dadoed top and bottom , worth $7.50 ; consignment price , 85 pairs of Chenille Curtains , made to sell to finest trade. ' worth < b/1 Qf\ $10 ; consignment price. . . . < p t tJ I oull Miss It If You Neglect the Many Bargains in Furniture ; HALL RACKS , solid oak. pollih nnlsh. largo mirror , usually sells ( or $12.00. $5.75 Consignment price LAWN SETTEES , painted red'four feet Consignment wide , regular price price $3.50. , $1.69 CHIFFONIERS , extra largo size , antique fo S S ( \ Consignment oak , well rnado price , usual price " " $6.68 CENTER TABLES , soUd oak and polish finish , worth $3.50. $1.10 Consignment price PLUSH RECEPTION.CIJAIRS , oak fin ished antique , worth $5.00. $1.95 * Consignment price CHAMBER SUITS. 3 pieces , latest style large mirror , antique or 10th century finish : $16-90 worth $30.00. Consignment price . LADIES' REED ROCKERS , very stylish , double cano beat , soils ordinarily for $3 00. 98c Consignment price CHINA CLOSETS , polish oak , double thick glass , worth $2250. $11-90 Consignment price UPHOLSTERED ROCKERS , finished an tique , latest style , worth $ G60. $2.58 Consignment price , It is only occasionally that such a phenomenal lowering- legitimate values can be accomplished , We feel certain that it won't occur again during the remainder of-this century. Profit by it. ' Don't let the opportunity slip you. Be on hand early and reap the benefits. EVERYTHING WILL BE "SOLD EITHER FOR CASH OR EASY PAYMENTS ; THE ! ] PEXOPIE1' © MAMMOTH INSTALLMENT HOUSE- Baby Carriage and Refrigerator Catalogue Mailed Free. Send iOe for postage on big ' 94 Furniture Catalogue.