Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1894, Page 15, Image 15

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Business in a Jobbing Way Quits Satis
factory ,
Jlotlucllon * In Itiillrouil l-'rrlght Itnlrn Il vo
Kxortril Vary I.t tin Inllticnco Over Tnulo
Condition * COM ! bnpplton llnliiccil
by the Continued Htrlkcs.
' The past week has not been very pro
ductive of new or Interesting features In the
Jobbing Irailo ot Omaha. Iluslnoss haa moved
along very smoothly and In a fnlrly satis
factory manner. An a ge.noral thing Jobbers
are reporting a fair trade In most staple
lines and It may safely be Raid that tlie
movement of good * Is all that could be
reasonably expected under the circumstances ,
The fact Is business Is considerably better
than most jobbers anticipated that It would
bo three months ago. A Kood many houses
have sold their stocks down unusually close
on account of the demand for goods being
better than was anticipated at the time HID
ntocks wore laid In.
During the past week there were a good
many country merchants In the city selecting
bills of goods , which helped to keep up the
house trade. Iowa was well represented
among the house buyers , and It Is a very
noticeable fact that the trade from Iowa Is
Increasing VCI > y rapidly. The convenience
of this market to the merchants ot western
Iowa , and the fact that they can do as well
hero as In the cast. Is an Inducement thai
U turning many In this direction.
The Omaha jobbers , as an examination 01
tholr books would prove , have been addln ;
very largely to the number ot their cus
tomcrs during the past few months. This
may bo regarded as a direct result of th (
( lull times. When money was cloao ant
times hard country merchants found thai
they could expect llttlo help from castcrr
jobbers , and that bills had to bo met wher
duo , The more lenient treatment receiver
at the hands of the Omnlia jobbers was ap
predated , and caused many retail merchant !
td turn their business In this direction. Tin
fact that the jobbing Undo ot this city I :
holding up so well In duo. In no small cle
gree , to these new customers. The rotal
trade Is not buying as heavily as wher
times were better , but there are enough now
buyers coming to this market to make u [
In a largo part for the loss In that direc
tion. "Wo used to sell , " said a jobber , "t <
one man In a town. Now wo are selling tt
perhaps two or three In the same town
While the dull times may have caused t
falling oil In the purchases of the one cus
tomcr , we are more than making It up or
the ! others In my opinion the proper thliif
for the Omaha jobbers to do Is to work foi
now 'customers. ' Omaha jobbers cannot af
ford to bo contented if they get one cus
tomcr In a town. "
The announcement that railroad frclghl
rates would bo restored was received will
satisfaction by the jobbers , as a disturbing
factor In trade will bo removed. It Is a fact
however , that the cut In freight rates ha ;
not had much effect on business cither one
lines of the jobbing
way or the other. In some
bing trade It has been possible for the jobbers
bors to put In stocks at the low rates , bul
as the opportunity was open alike to all II
cannot bo said that the cut was ot anj
special benefit. The dry goods jobbers are
among those who have been In a position
to tdko advantage/ / the cut In rates and a
good many bills ot goods will bo shipped
this month that ordinarily would not be re
ceived until In Juno at the earliest. The
grocery Jobbers have not been In a position
to take advantage ot the cut to any great
extent , as this U between seasons on sc
many lines. Such goods as canned fruits
and vegetables are scarce and high at this
Bcaso'n , and It would pay better to wait foi
the , 'new paclrwhen' , prices are likely to be
The retail dealers have , so far as can be
learned , taken no advantage of the rate
war. The habit of buying In a hand tc
mouth way has become so thoroughly fixed
upon the country merchants that they do not
easily break away from it. This Is not a
speculative year and It Is almost Impossible
to offer any Inducement great enough to lead
a country merchant to buy in advance ol
his wants. The mercanta of this section ol
the country have become thoroughly conserv
ative and they buy only what they have
a sale for.
The long continuation of the coal miners
strikes has cut oft the supply of coal from
a good many different sources. The scarclt )
ot steam coal has become so. great In a good
many sections that there is talk of manu
facturers belijg forced to shut down In the
near future. The electrla lighting com
panies and electric car lines In a good man )
cities are commencing to feel the pinch ' , ant ]
a widespread suspension of business 'Is pre
dicted at some points If the strike con
tinues much longer.
Fortunately , Omaha has n considerable
quantity of steam coal on band. It Is es
timated that , the largest consumers have
coal enough to last them until the middle
ot Juno. In addition to this there arc ovei
100 cars of steam coal on track and a good
many moro onroute , so that dealers ore ol
the opinion that this city Is all right fet
the next thirty days so far as a coal supply
is concerned.
'Omaha ' still keeps well to the front In
the matter of bank clearings , as compared
with other cities. Omaha has suffered n
decrease during 'the past week of 2C per
c'ont , which Is less than any other city ,
with one exception. In this portion of the
country , and less than the average decrease
fqr the whole United States. While Omaha
1ms dropped off 26 per cent , Minneapolis
has lost 28 per cent , St. 1'aul 31 , Sioux City
23. St. Joseph 33 , Kansas City 1C and Den
ver 48.
The following will show the clearings for
each day of the past week at this point :
Monday $ 9M.317.2t
Tuesday 83D.912.W1
Wednesday 7S1,5M.02
Thursday , . . . , . 822,415.51
Friday . 7S2.192.8S
Saturday , 801,820.8ii
, Total..1. $1,918.203.01
I.ornl Trnilo 1'ulrly Satisfactory Some
Thought * on tiennrnl 1'ronprctit.
Albert Andrlano , local superintendent Ice
pnow , Church & Co.'s Mercantile agency ,
Writes * :
"There la little change In trade conditions.
Some of the bargain sales announced dur-
Itn ; the week were largely attended nnd
brought good results , but retail business
generally was only fulr. Wholesalers report
. slight Increase of trade In HOIIIO lines. The
ollng now prevails that there will bo but
"o Increase of business during the next
lew montliH and affairs will gradually lead
up to a largu fall trade.
"Italu IB budly needed In some partH ot
the state and farmers are becoming u little
fearful lest the dry weather continue too
long. It may be said , however , that there
la no cause for serious annoyance as yet ,
and a fair rainfall In the near future will
net mutters right. Should smiill grain bo
damaged to any extent within the next few
weeks farmers will not hcsitatn to put the
land Into corn. The acreage of this vereul
Is larger than ever before , and moru land
has been broken during the past season
than for many years. Wewtern farmcru are
taking nn active Intercut In Irrigation and
work Is rapidly progressing In that direc
"Collections nre Improving. The settle
ment of the freight war , resulting In n ro-
E-stulillslimont of rates , is a Mourctt of gratl-
( Ipatlon to Omaha merchants and railroad
men. and U Is to be hoped that all differ
ences have been permanently settled. The
Jlsastrous effects of n demoralization of
rates at this time are Incalculable , and It
was no doubt owing to- - the fact that all
parties nt Intercut were fully sensible of the
danger that matters were so speedily ad
justed. Commenting ; on the cnu-ies which
led to the late panic a gentleman of wide
experience In such matters recently ad
vanced the following very plausible story :
" 'When I oay that the recent depres
sion was due wholly and entirely to per
nicious legislation I do nut mean that us a
reflection on uny particular political party ,
but that thl has been a most unprnpltlous
time for a elm nee In the policy or the gov
ernment. In 1833 thu crash In Australia
prostrated mutters there to such nn extent
that Kuropeiui and Kngllsh Investors has
tened to withdraw their money from that
country. The crisis In Argentina , result-
Injr In u total callapUD of securities there ,
bad a similar effect. .European caplul was
looking for a field of Investment , nnd this
country certainly offered the greatest In
ducements. Unfortunately , 1852 waa a pres
idential year , and the thrpntencd change of
administration led Investors to hold back ,
pending that liwtio. Never before had the
country been In better condition , never before -
fore did morn confidence prevail. Hven the
change would nt this tlmo have had little
effect had affair * continued nn n nettled
basis. Hut silver agitation and tariff tinker-
Inir accomplished what n. mere change In
politics would hardly have done. The al
ready timid Investors became frightened and
a steady withdrawal of foreign capital
speedily made Itself felt , nnd It has taken
months to re-establish a conlldcncc which
should never have been shaken. '
"Itevlewlng trade In general It Is safe to
say that business at Omaha Is today In
bolter condition than In other western trade
centers. Merchants nnd business men have
never for a moment lost conlldence In the
city nnd lt poMdhllltlca. While trade here
has sustained Its share of the depression
there has been less suffering than nt other
points. Jobbers have been untiring In their
efforts nnd have taken advantage of every
possible opportunity to extend their busi
ness. In the fnce of hard times' new terri
tory has l > ecn Invaded nnd new enterprises
started , It was during the most trying
time that Mr. Cavnnngh , the manager of
this ofllco. called me to my present i > OHt ,
thus adding a new department to his al
ready large force. Omaha has extended Its
territory during the last few months nnd Its
business men have earned a reputation for
aggressive enterprise which will bear good
fruit. Many new customers have been
brought to this market , and Omahas Im
portance ns a Jobbing point has undoubtedly
been on the Increase. This Ifl certainly a
creditable record and one that must redound
to the profit of this community. "
Vacant Itoom * Filling Up Tukon an n Sign
of Itottirnlng Prosperity.
Mr. W. H. Hoberson , speaking of Omaha
trade ot ; behalf of n. a. Dun & Co.'ft Mer
cantile agency , Bays :
"A prominent Insurance man called my
especial attention the other day to the fad
that the dwellings and stores of this city ,
especially the latter , were being rapidly
filled with tenants. We walked together
from Pork avenue to Sixteenth street on
I..eavenworth , nnd I found where three
months UKO a dozen or fifteen signs of 'Fot
Ilent' stared the passerby In the face , now
but three store rooms are unoccupied. Com
ing on down Sixteenth to Farnam street a
similar " condition was discovered. Only
three rooms ure vacant. lie tellsme the
conditions nre likewise favorable through
out the city , and a leading rental agent
says he has fewer desirable houses on Mf
list now than for n year past. This speak.
well for a recovery of better times , and ,
coupled with the fact that retail trade it
vastly Improved , Is occasion for encourage
"At the banks the same old story IP
told. Plenty of money , but little demand
for It In active trade. Work Is so easy nl
all the banks that some surprise Is oc
casioned by the fact that there Is opposi
tion from one of the strongest concerns
to the 1 o'clock closing movement.
"Work Is In progress on the several pub
lic buildings here and nt Fort Crook and
several dwellings nnd business houses are
being erected , nnd there Is n little activity
In city improvements. Complaint Is very
general , however , among builders , brlcli
men , lumbermen and dealers In all kinds
of building materials.
"While not ready to announce positively
that thu last obstacle to the movement
for a vote on the canal bond proposition
Is removed , it Is safe to say the prospect *
for the ultimate success of this enterprise
nre brighter than ever , and Dr. Miller ,
the godfather of the undertaking , has ven
tured to stale In public that It will be n
llxed fact within thirty-six months.
"In Jobbing circles trade has been very
satisfactory In seasonable goods , Ihougti
continued dry weather has somewbat
shaken the conlldence of country mer
chants In some localities.
"Collections have been qulle fair through
out the month , Indicating that greater cau
tion than usual is exercised by both job
bers and retailers , the former In extending
credit and thu latter In asking It. Still
orcdlt Is very cheap and competition forces
business men to take great chances In ex
tending accommodations to their trade.
Nevertheless , the number of failures
throughout the state and the union has
greatly decreased. Business is simply
waiting for congress to act or go home ,
anil no great enterprises nre likely to be
undertaken until the tar I ft policy Is dcil-
nltely determined by Congress.
"It "may bo heresy to' say so , but I agree
with those who think the monetary ques
tion , lhat Is , the question of a medium of
circulation. Is not half so Important as the
tariff question. The bankers have had
their panic and arc done with it. Cosh is
not scarce. The circulating medium is
more than equal to the demands made
upon It. It Is the uncertainty with refer
ence to the tariff which now troubles us
most , and not the relation of the money
metals to each other. This country wishes
most to know now what its business men
can depend upon at the hands of the chief
legislative body of the nation. Commerce
cannot thrive under uncertain Imposts ,
whether It be fluctuating freight rates or
diverse piobnblllties as to Import duties ,
It is not whether we shall salute McKlnley
or Wilson , "but positively one or the other ,
nnd either la better than to stand In a di
lemma , not knowing upon which horn we
nre to be" Impaled.
"Returning to" Omaha , however. It will
probably Interest the public to be told that
one of the largest home manufactories has
Increased Its force of employes 25 per cent
within the last month nnd is working day
nnd night. If It did not receive a single
order for sixty days the factory would lie
crowded day and night to catch up with
its orders , all of which Is respectfully com
mended to the attention of Omaha idle
capital us n point worth considering. "
MliinrapoIU'lVliimt Market.
MINNEAPOLIS. May 19. The wheat market
opened lion * till * morning "ic higher thnn' It
closed yesterday , ami advanced -Tie. more during
the day. The extreme was not held to the close.
which WIIH only about too hlKher for July wheat
than the close of Friday. BnliM ol cimb wheat ,
on the contrary , nvornKed no lilKher than thu
snips of the previous dny , athnimh | the closing
pilce. was % c higher tlmn the closing prlen of tin *
day before , fc'uh'tf of cnnli wheat tcwlay were made
during tlm break In the futures m.-ukct , which
WIIH the cnuBe of the relatively low prlco ob
tained as compared with the closing figures. The
ndvanco was t'tiUHcd by Improvement in cables
anil froHtii In thn winter wheat country. The
higher cables hud as much to do with the advance
perhaps , as the sensational news rotating to the
crop scares , for It was held as the cablon came.
I eng before the news of fronts had gone to Ku-
rope , It was evident that the ndviinco today was
not Induced by conditions hero. Many think
that trade In Kuippe has held to the hoar Hide
too long , and that IIKely them will bo u change
for the hotter over then1 , oven If our crop proven
not to no. damaged to any con.ildcrablo extent
by cold weather thl morning. The market
closed ; May. CSo ; July , BS'ic ; September , COWo.
On track : No. 1 linnl. fd''jO ; No. 1 nurthein.
COo ; No. 2 northern , fe'.jo. September , being re
latively stronger lhan the oilier futures. This
was caused by the danger to thu growing crop.
Heeolpts were 169,620 bags : shipments , 18,000 hu. .
which would allow u little surplus of receipts
nlMivo the conMiinpllon und hlpmonts.
The Hour market was linn , nnd although price.- "
were not advanced , ranged at Kt.3iXu'3.5 > > for
patents ; $2.X > TS2,30 for bakers' . If tin- growing
crop proves to li.ivd lioou danmgrd by the frosts
of last night , millers expxot largo orders for
Hour , Monday.
Flour shipments were 30,319 tibia. , with a pro
duction of KOIIIO 30,000 bblfl. , for the twenty-four
hours. Drcieiwo 111 wheat In Minneapolis public
elevators fur the week In .116.430 Im.
Nt , I.onlH ( li'iierul .iinrknt.
ST. LOUIS , MUV 19.-FI.Omt-Sloadler , unchanged -
changed ; fancy , J2.101J2.2J ; clinlcc. , $1.S32.00 :
others , unchanged ,
WIIKAT Active nnd buoyant on the weather
changes , gaining lUWlftc , but on heavy sellhiR
by a July plunger tin. prlco receded ! 4c. the
clew being TJo liov yesterday. No. 2 red ,
cnnli nnd May , ClKc : July , 5JT4u : August. Mile.
< "OHN ( iiilned % C V4o on the n-piirts of frosts ,
etc. No. 2 mixed , cash , 37Uci May , Mi < 3' June ,
3U o ; July , & % v.
OATH Mtronger. No , 2 aisli and May , MVie ;
July. 2SHe ; August , 2lc.
UVKNo trading.
1IAIII.KV No tnidlng.
ItUAN Hteady ; Me ; rnst track.
HAY Kaslerj prime to choice timothy ,
W'TTKH Weak , unchanged : ( itilctl'y fancy
eamery. ISc ; choice dairy , llQtlle.
I.KADfirm ; 13.13.
Sl'HI.TKIl-Dull : M.W.
WUN MK.M < I1.MU2.00.
WHISKYJl.OStfl.i : .
rOTTO.V flKS-tlnehanited : 1.
UAfiniKOITnchaiiRCd ; 84R6o. !
l'HOVlSIONS.-in ler ; polk. ManJaid mesa.
$111. Ijihl , pllmo Hte.ini. 10.90 ; choice. J7.05.
Dry salt meals ( lee o shouldois ) . | X.k7U ; longs
nnd ribs. o.S ) : shoit , .JS. Daeon ( packed
shoulders ) . t .I3 ; longs. If ; ribs. J7.l3 i ; shorts ,
UKCIJJITS-Klour. S.OM bids. ; wheat , fl.000 bu.i
corn. M.ooO bu. ; oats , OI.OM liu.
HIIU'MUNTS-Vlour. 6.0X ) bbln. ; wheat , S.OW
bu. ; corn , M.UOO bu. ; oats. 7,000 bu.
Kansas C'lty Murltets.
, , , > .
- : creamery , ItRiSc ; dairy , ISO
KUntt Dull and weak : 707 ! c.
IlKeKHTOU-wiwcil. JI.OW bu. ; corn , none ;
Hlilf'MiNTtf-\Vhf t , 23,000 uu. ; com , none ;
oats , none. _
MIK > ! Alnrkel ,
hT. J.pri8. May 1J.WOOIIII BIKX ! demand
nl sicr.dr prices on a busts of I5c for nu-Ulum
ciucu JUsiourt , ana llllnoU combine.
Frost and High Gables Oavo the Shorts r
Good Old Scare ,
It Had Horn Further Up Than Thin , bu !
Caused a llcactlon Clone
I'lriii Corn mid
O tn Active.
CHICAGO , May 19. Wheat nhot
today , advancing lJc and closing Ic higher
Trading was heavy and excited , shorts rush
Ing frantically to cover , scural hy frosts
higher culilcs and the bulge In outside mar
Ucts. Realizing caused a reaction from tin
top figures , but the market closed firm
Corn closed % c higher , July-oats Vic hlghei
and provisions at a slight decline.
The opening In wheat was excited , will
the buying general and the selling led b ;
I'ardrldgc. The principal cause for the sud
den change In the course of the market wai
the weather , the surprising strength It
cables and the bulge In the side markets
The strength In foreign markets was un
expected and was ono of the main factor ;
In creating the demand. Atter the rusl
up , there was a reaction caused by holder ,
taking profits. I'ardrldgc was reported a :
covering shorts and the market firmed ill
at the close. The opening trades were a
% @lo advance , sold up % © lc. worked bad
% @ % c , changed Home , ruled steady ant
closed as stated.
Corn was active and steady , fluctuation :
covering a range of % @ % c. The strengtl
came from the weather and shorts hastcnc <
to cover. Opening trades were ViV4c ad
vance , sold up ® % , reacted % @ % o 01
local realizing , ruled steady and closci
Oats were active and stronger , cspcclall :
for July and September , which advancci
% ® % o and closed steady.
Provisions opened quiet and slightly hlghe
on the strength In wheat. Later heavines
set In , values declining moderately for lac )
ot support. During the balance ot the ses
slon the market was narrow , ntlvanclni
slightly and closing steady tor pork am
ribs and firm for lard. Compared will
last night , July pork Is 2o higher , Jul ;
lard unchanged and July ribs 2c lower.
Estimated , receipts for Monday : Wheat
130 cars ; corn , 5CO cars ; oats , 250 cars ; hogs
25.000 head.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Cash quotations were as follows :
KLOt'K Easy : winter Btralght * . J2.4302.7S
winter patents , $2.80173.00 ; spring utralghts , $2.3
WHEAT No. 2 spring , ni c ; No. 3 spring , ni
sales ; No. 2 red. 5l > ic.
CORN No. 2. 37V'.e ; No. 3 yellow. 37'XjC.
OATS No. 2. M'4c : No. 2 while , 30830VJC
No. 3 white. 34V4Q30C.
IlYK No. 2.ISo. .
HAHMJY No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , D2fflMc ; No. 4
KIjAX SUED No , 1 , J1.33.
TIMOTHY SEED Prime. Jl.105ft.15.
PROVISIONS Mess pork , per lib ! . , Sll.82 > & $
11. 85 ; lard , per 100 ! b . , ; short ribs
sides ( loose ) . JC.17'i7.20 ; dry Baited shoulderi
( l > oxed ) . jr..73fC.Oi ) ; short clear side ( boxed )
JC.G2'.i r7.2'/4. !
WHISKY Distillers' flnl&hcd goods , per gal.
The following were the receipts ana shipments
On the 1'roduco oxclmnffo today the uuttor mar
ki-t was nulet nnd unchanged ; creamery , I'JSlGcf ;
dairy. H 13c. Kggs , < iulct and unohanged ;
Htrlctly fresh , "Xc.
b _ -
Yesterday's Quotations on Flour , Grain ami
1'rovlBlons , Mctulu , Kte.
NEW YOnK , May W.-FI-OUH-Ilccclpts , 23.-
900 lilils. : exports 30.400 libls. ; sales. 3.300 pkg ,
Dull but firm ; city mill patents , J4.03@4.30r win
ter patents. J3.2r > { f3.33 ; city mill clears , J3.G55J
3.CO ; winter straights. J2.GOfJ2.93 ; Minnesota
patents , J3.33O3.80 ; wlnter > cxtrnrf , J2.00JI2.CO
Minnesota bakers , J2.1003.40 ; winter- grades ,
Jl. 6002.03 : spring low grades. $ l.GOOL&i ; sprlns
extras. J1.80O2.3U. Rye Hour , lirm ; 'superfine ,
J2.70if2.83 ; fancy , J2.S34p3.03. Ilucltwheat Hour ,
1HICKWIIKAT Nominal ; range on nil grades ,
COIIK M13AI * Steady ; yellow western , J2.G3JJ
2.70 ; brandy wine , J2.70. *
RYU Nominal ; lioat loads , .ViiiiMc.
1IAULKY Dull : No. 2 Milwaukee , GMG7c : two-
rowed , state , COc , nominal ; ungraded western ,
1IAHM3Y MALT Dull ; western , C3ffl73c ; six-
rowed. SO { 830.
WHKAT Uecclpts , 12S.8UO bit. ; exports. 57.00C
bu. : sales , 3,400,000 bu. futures , 1CO.OOO bu. spot.
Hpot dull hut lirm : No. 2 red. in storu nnd ele
vator. 58'4c ; f. o. b. . BHtUlttc ; No. 1 hard ,
sprliiK. C8'4o delivered ; No. 2 hard , winter ,
M3tf < ! iST6c f. o. b. alloat. Options opened slionn
nnd active on reports of n ItllllnK frost In llic
wheat belt. Shorts covered vigorously nnd for
eigners bought some. After a ! Jo reaction
prices again advanced nnd closed firm at % Tlf
over yesterday. Weekly exports of wheat and
Hour from both coasts decreased nb.iut 400.000
bu. No. 2 red , May , ! > Tt tfWi < : . closed 57T4c ;
June. 5W3SKC. closed MVJc ; July , D9 l-lCJJMViC.
closed Mftc : August , CO',5Wl 15-lCo. closed OWjc- ;
September , GlViilGI 13-lGc , closed Gl'.jc ; December ,
Gt : i-lMtG4-je. "closed Wine.
COUN Receipts , 80.000 bu. j exports , 62,000 bu. ;
sales , 130,000 bu. futures , D3.000 bu. spot. Bpot
market lirm ; No. 2 , I2HW43C | n elevator , 43 c
alloat : steamer mixed , 42'c. Options opentd
Urmer on frost talk and sympathy with wheat.
nnd closed lirm nt Vie net advance. May closed
43o ; Junu closed 43c : July , 43UQ13c , closed
43ic ; September closed 43Hc.
OATS Ilecelpts , 01,600 bu. ; exports , 1.800 bu. ;
sales , 00.000 bu. futures ami W.OOO bu. spot.
Spot liWUo higher ; No. 2 , SSftc ; No. Z delivered ,
> Hc ; No. 3 , 3So ; No , 2 white , 43c ; No. 3 white ,
4u ; track , mixed western , 39ffl40c ; track , while
western , 42rlCc. Options tinner nnd higher on
a cold weather scan- , and closen firm nt 'ilO'io '
advance. May closed 3SHc ; Juno closed 2Sc ;
July. 37UW3754C , closed 37Hc.
HAY firm ; shipping , UOQG3o ; good to choice ,
HOI'S Quiet : RtaU * . common to choice , 9Ifl7c ;
I'lielllo roast , 12fl7c ; Ixmitun market steady.
HIDES Dull ; wet salted , New Orleans se
lected. 43 to G5 Ibs. , 4H > 5Uc ; T xas selected , 33
to CO Ibs. , 4f5c ; lluenos Ayrex , dry , 20 to 21 Ibs. ,
1011 llc.
I.EATHEU Dull ; hemlock sole , llucnos Ayres ,
IlKht to heavy , IGJflUo. .
PKOVISIONS-tlecf. steady ; family , tUOOO
13.00 ; extra mess , 17.Offl8.M ! ; beef hams , 118 ; city
extnx India mess , JI8. Cut meats , easy ; pickled
bellies , ( ! Vi7u ; pickled shoulders , 5 ; u ; pickled
haniH. 10\Jc. Ijinl. dull and easy ; western stenm
cloned lit J7.St > , nominal : May closed nt J7.S3 ,
nominal ; July , J7.30 , nominal. 1'ork , easy : sales ,
ICO I , MB , : n w tnes.i , Jl3.251tl3.GO ; extra prime ,
JI3 ; family. 'JlLOUrl4.2& ; short clear , J14.00810.OT.
- IIUTTEIt Sleadv : vspstern dairy , OW12.west ; -
mi creamery , I3O17C ; western factory , Wile ;
Eights , 17c ; uiatu dulrj' , UWlcVic ; itntr creamery ,
CHHErK-Wenk : stnto large. OKOlOHc ; fancy ,
o ; part Jiklma , 3 9c.
lines Market linn : slutfl and Pvnnsylvanla.
lH ! 3c ; western fresh , 12 l3 > , ic ; receipts , 10,147
TAI.I.OW Dull nnd weak : city ( J2 per plB. ) ,
"iWITic ; country ( pkn . free ) , 4 ? ; IT c , as to
: iimlltv.
I'ETUOl.nt'M Quiet ; United closeil at 8Sc ;
\Vimhlngton. In bbls. . Co ; Wauhltujlon. In bulk , '
O.W ; reilntMl Now Yorlc. J5.15 ; I'hlludelphla ,
ind Italllmore , JJ.10 ; I'hlladelphla and llultlmore ,
In bulk. Ji.GO.
llpSIN rirm , strained , common to good , Jl.22',4
I I.Mtl.
TlIUPKNTINK-Hteady nt HO30o.
1UCK Quiet ; domfMIc , fair to extra , 4U6 c ;
laiwn. 4 < niHKu.
11(51 , AS.S.S-Hemly ; New Orleuin own kettle ,
-ooil to choice. ZStfSSo.
" ' " " " Sootch' -WK-M 1 Amerl-
V"1.,1 ? .1 ' - - ;
. . . , , . . J
.41 lit lI.Wi/I3 # *
lXl'l'Kll-qulci ; lake , 9 ic.
I.KAD Quirt ; tJomrslic , J3.N.
TIN Nominal , straits , JI9.70 : pl.t n. dull.
peltur. nomlnnl ; doinc.tlc. J.1,11) ,
COTTON 8KKP OII.-ln otlve ; prime crude.
n bbls. . ISo ; prime crude. | uosi > , 2SO27c : off
: rude. In bbls. . K4 c : prime summer yellow ,
t ° fi.0t.Iinil"0 ( > : V'0 * ' SlHOWci prime mimmvr
Ah lie , ! l ifJ7c ; butter
London Wool Nnles.
LONDON. May -There wa a fair nssort-
mcnl at Hie wiwl auction sales today and Rood
h-rnrrul competition In everything except waity
t > a.rc < 'u > _ whlcl' "ere still 6 per cent below the
ules. The continent bought crotibred * fairly In
addition to merinos , Th homo buyer *
t hleily of crosstirwli. TO Jw s nothing sunn
bl for Amrlcn. There xatt U.74I lle l offerwl
of which l.SOi ) bnle Wivwithdrawn. . The foi
lowing nre the sales liht'lttnll ; Sydney. t.K
Mr * ; soiurod , 7iHln ) s1Rrrasy ; , 4 > < 09Hd
rjueonsland , 321 balrsi sr unvl. ls < fl * U'l : greasy
"Vif7Hd , Victoria. 1,211 l ilo. - . seouroil. MlftlsM
grnisy. tilftltt Ud ; New /.rnland. 4r'i7 lMle. <
scouml , eioUdi uredsft4HH101 ; Taimanln
ftIO bnlcnr greasy , C > ; Ol'Mi ' Adelnldp , 1.19S bales
scouml , HOIPid ; greflsl. MHfMi d ; Swan Itlver
1,041 ImlfM ; scoureil , 8m HH < l ; greasy , GflAI
Cnpe of Good Hope and S'ntal , 193 t les ; greasy
4K < Wid. Tlic ofierlngs iMxi week will nmoun
to 7Ji tmlcs. . "
l.orul 1'rodtirn AlnrUrt.
HlTTTnil The arrlvnl > f butler nrr not s <
very heavy , bul still thyrf Is n great plenty li
supply the demand , Thy , . lw > Jt country buttc
brings 12nt4c. The packers nre paying Bo fo
butler on track In the country nnd some are onl' '
offering Ihp snniff price liore. Thrri Is qulle (
difference , however , belween packing stock li
I hirlty nnd country , Packing slock IxniKht li
this market has all been sorted over nnd selec
packages removeil , PO that It Is not worth n
much ns hutler lioiighl on track In the country
Commission men nre trying to keep up the prlci
of packing slock lo 7e In this market nnd nr <
quoting out thai price lo their shippers. Srpnrn
tor creamery , soldi packed , 1'ttISo ,
IIOOS The receipts of eggs nre large , but be
tween th > > local retailers nnd the cold storagi
people the demand Is fair. The bulk of th ,
sales are reported nl 9c , with seconds at 7WO80
MVB rot'I.THY The receipts of chickens nn
Increasing and the market la not qullo sn flrn
ns II was n day or INTO ngi ) . Old hens , 7c : pic
rooslern , 8f5c. nnd young ones. 6c. The detrmn ,
for olher kinds of poultry Is rather light , thougt
n limited qunntlly Is snlablo. Ducks , 7JSc ; hei
turkeys. SfrSo ; guhlcrs , Go ; geese , 6c.
OAMB The season Is so far advanced tha
game Is no longer wanted.
VKAlr There Is a good demand for cholc <
veal calves , nnd arrivals of such meet nvllli ver :
ready sale. Oood , fat veals , 7O7V4c ; Ihln o
heavy. 3 5o.
I'lOKONS Thor Is a demand for old pigeon *
but young birds lhat are not strong on the wlni
nre not wanted. Old birds , per doz. , Jl.605fl.GO.
OLD IlKANS The market Is firming up al
over the counlry. Neither Ihe demand nor sup
ply Is very heavy al tills paint. Callfotnla hand
picked navy , J2.13ir2.23 ; western navy , Jl.'jOijU.uu
common white twins , I1.CW1.S5.
ONIONS New southern onions nro quoted at J
per hbL llerrnudas , J2.7S per box. Top onion
oru plenty at 154f25c on onlcrs.
rOTATOKS The supply la coming mosll ;
from Utah and Colorado , which slock 13 quolei
at aocUJl.OO per bu. There are new iwuthen
IHitaloes In inu markcl , which aru quoled a
ll.Sifft.W per bbl.
UAIIIIAUti Uholcc shipping slock , per Ib. , 2 > ; c
CELEHY None In Iho markcl.
ASI'AHAGUS Hood homo grown slock , 334MO
per doz. on orders.
1'IK 1'I.ANT Home grown pie plant , 214c 01
TOMATOES Shipping slock of good color I
scarce 'at J3.75 per crate of six baskets.
UltKEN VKQKTAllLES Spinach , per bbl.JI.7
ttl'-.W radishes , tier doz. , 20U23c ; lettuce , per do :
33@40c ; cucumbers , Jl.25ifl.5o ; parsley , per doz ,
30l33u ; becU , per doz. , We ; watercress
pur case. 16 boxes , J1.COUI.7J.
NEW UKANS Wax beans , per bu. Iwx , J2.73
' , j bu. box , Jl.10tfl.25 ; string , ' /4 bu. 11.00.
1'GAS Qrecn peas arc commencing to arrlv
from Missouri. Good shipping stock , i > er }
bu , box , Jl.
STIIAWUEUIUES There was about a half ca
of strawberries on the market thai came In b ;
express and a car of Arknasas berries that cam
by freight. The receipts from Missouri nre In
creasing rapidly. Good shipping stock brough
J2.75 ? 3.UO.
A1TI.KS There are no apples on lho marke
suitable for shipping purposes.
CHEIUUKS A few California cherries nro or
riving and selling nt J2 per IKIX. The fruit I :
In good condition , but rnllier t-rnnll In size.
GOOSUUEIUUES On-en , per 21-qt. case , J3.23
DANANAS 1'er bunch , J2.00ff 2.50.
LEMONS fancy lemons , 3W size , Jl : fancj
lemons , 360 size , 53.75 ; pholcc lemons , 300 size
O11ANO.ES Mediterranean sweets , J3.DO ; Call
fornla seeilllngs , J3.23. ' - '
K1GS fancy , per Ib-.TiHiPlSc.
DATES llallowees , CSito 70-lb. boxes , per Ib.
PINEAPPLES Choice r"per doz. , J2 ; small
J1.75. 1y 1
J1ONEY California. IWPdark honey , 12 c.
MAI'LK SYHU1' anlbmrean * . per doz. . J12.
NUTS Almonds. 15M17c ! EnBtlsh walnuts , 10 ]
12o ; Illberts , 12o ; Urazll .nuts , lOc.
CIDEIl-l'ure Juice , Tcr bhl. , JO ; half bbl.
J3.23. ' > "
At 1'LE BUTTEU PeTt 'BO-Ib. polls. . .1 ; hal !
bbls. . 3 ! o per Ib. v :
HIDES No. 1 green Jildes , 2 0 ! No. 1 greer
salted hides. 3W3HC ! NK 2 green salted hides
2 24c ; No. 1 veal calf. Jl ILs. to 15 Ibs. , 5Hc ; No
U veal calf , 8 Ibs. to 15 ! Ibs. , 4c ; No. 1 dry llin
hides , Be ; No. 2 dry lllnri hides , 3c ; No. 1 ilrj
salted hides. 4c ; part cured hides , HO per Ib
less lhan fully curtd.
SHEEP I'KLTS Orcot ; rsallcil , eaeh , 25jGOc ]
sreen salted shearlings Miffrl-wooled early skins )
each , OW13c ; dry shi-arihiBS ( short-wooled earlj
skins ) . No. 1 , each , fiful * : ! ' dry slicarllngn ( sheri
wooled"iarly skins ) , NWT ) . each , Ocj dry Hint ,
Kansas aiu\ \ Nebraska imtcher wool , pelts , ppi
Hut actual'melght , 5f8P : tlrlntnt , - ' Kansas nnc
Ni-bmsiTta mm rain wooL. peita. per Ib. . actua
weight , 4iffGo ; dry lllnl.wOolorado butcher woo
pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 4i7c ; dry Hint
Colorado murrain wool Spelts , per Ib. , aclua
welghl. 4tr-6c. t
TALLOW AND GREASE Tallow , No. 1. 4Vi < 8
4 c ; tallow. No. 2 , S fMTic ; grease , white A ,
4V4c ; grease , white II , 4c ; grease , yellow , 3o
grease , dark. 2l4c ; old buter. 2i2 c ; beeswax ,
prime , ISiBUSc ; rough tallow , 22V4c.
( j'offi-o Market.
NEW YOniC , May , , W.-COffEE-Opllont
J15.03fpl5.10J July. J14.90 : August. J14.G3W14.60l
September , JH.15lR114.23 : October , J13.83 ; Decem
ber , J13..Vi13.GO. Spot coffee. Hlo , dull , nominal ;
No. 7 , 16Vic ; mild , dull ; Cordova , 19Wlc ; ware-
hous. ! deliveries yesterday , 6,438 bags ; New
York stock today , 216,207 hags ; United States
stock , 233,860 bags ; nlloal for Ihe United States ,
09,000 bags ; total visible supply for the United
Stales , 352,880 bags , against 323,532 bags lasl
> efllb DE JANEIHO. May 19. Quiet : No. 7.
J13.83 ; exchange. 5 7-16dr receipts. 7,000 bags ;
cleared for the United States , 3,000 bags ; stock ,
147,000 bags. . . .
SANTOS , May 19. Grtdd average Santos , J17 ;
receipts , 1,000 bags ; stock20,000 bags.
HAMltltllO , May W. Barely steady ; sales ,
9,000 bags ; prices unchanged to V4 pfg. tower.
HAVUE. May 19. Qpened steady at V41WSI
decline ; closed dull , generally It nel decline ;
sales , 20,000 bags. _ '
Now Yurie Dry ( leeds Market.
NEW YORK , May 19. U has been very slow
In all departments of trade , ns wire nnd mall
orders won ) very sllll nnd spot purchases very
moderate. Through forwarding In orders for
brown nnd bleached cottons , cotton flannels nnd
blankets , demlns , tickings , plaids , some special
ties In prlnllng fabrics , diess goods , summer
underwear , hosiery and silk goods , large sales
were completed. The sales were also swollen
by forwarding of heavy weight woolens , printing
cloths In demand for spot and conlracts , and
2 l-16c bid nnd declined , for sixty-four squares ,
fall Hlver sales for the week , 1S2.0DO pieces ; de
liveries , 163,000 pieces ; stock , 062.000 pieces.
Dulnlli < irnm , .Market.
DULUTH , May 19. WHBAT Closed lower ;
No. i linrd. cash. OMic : ' May , Gilo : July , GO'.lc ;
No. 1 northern , cash , r > Sicj ! May , 5Sc ; July , f.ic : ;
September , 08e : No. 2 northern , cash , OVHc ; No.
3. ' 4951c : rejected , 4lc. On track : No. 1 northern ,
to arrive. 6lc.
RYE I5e.
OATS No. 2. 3Uic ; No. 3 white , 3lc.
Car Inspwllon Wheat , 21 cars ; oals , 1 car.
RECEIPTS Wheat , 6,94 ! ) bu. ; oats , 3,806 bU. ;
rye. 83S lm.
SHU'MENTS Wheat. 30,000 bu. ; oats , 3,800 bu.
The wheat stocks here will show a decrease of
COO.OOO bu. this week.
I otton Alurlu't.
NKW ORLKANS. May 19. COTTON Steady ;
sales , snot , 230 bales ; tp " arrive , 350 hales ; re
ceipts , 1,000 bales ; exports" , coastwise , 33 bales ;
continent , 3,033 hales : mod ; . 113,277 bales ; fu
tures , steady ; sales. 21,100 hates ; May , J0.70 bid ;
June , J6.72 6.71 : July. J1.C7M3.GS ; August , J6.75W
6.70 ; October. JG.75flli.76 ; November , J0.80 6.82 ;
January , J6.9I06.93. -
ST. IXJU1S , May 19. COTTON-Qulct , ; mid
dling , 7c ; sales , none ; .reeelpls. 2i)0 ) bales ; shlp-
meniH. 400 baleu ; stock , ' II , KM ) bale.- ) ,
OALVESTON , May - -UeceIpts , 220 , laics ;
stock , 25,300 bales ; mliUlllpe , 0 ici steady ; sales.
121 bales. J'a
19.-8U(1AH IUw , Hrm
NEW YORK. May - * ;
fair rellnlng , 2'ic ' ; ccnutfugal , 96 tesl , 2 9-82c.
Sales , cargo Mnsrovmliv.lJr Canada al 2 9-lCc.
Rcllncd. mnrkel Hteady. No. 6. 3 15-165i3Kc ; No.
7. 3 9-16fi3Hc : No. H. arj-16ff3iQ : No. ! l , 3HO
3 9-1601 No , 10 , 3 C.iw4t ) ; ! | No. It , 3 3-16iQi3Hc ;
No. . 12. 3HO3 5-16c : No. 13. 2Tic ; off A , SHff
3 15-lGc ; mould A , 4'U'fl ' T-Ho ; standard A. 3 ? C
4 1-ICe ; confectioners' A , 1) ' 7-1G1J4 1-lGc ; cut loaf ,
4KO4 13-lCu ; crushed. 4H 1'C-16e ; powdenil , Wrfe
4 7-tCc ; granulated , 4ft4 3Mte ; cut > es , 4U 1 7-1 Co.
LONDON , May 19. CMfie , dull ; no demand ;
centrifugal Java , 14s ; lliscovndo , fair
12s. ' '
Ixwerj holder * offer infjcrptely ; No. rel winter ,
CORN Steady : holders nn > r sparingly ; new
mixed , spot , 3s6'4d : fntiri'C. qulei : supply poor :
May 3.iG d ; June. 3 * U-4. | ; July. 3n 6'ld ,
fLOI'R Dull : hoMem Buffer moderately : St.
Ixiuls fancy winter , 5s , ) ,
- I'HOVISIONS-lJinl. d l : holders offer moder-
nil , [ futures , holders n < ) i offering , ' 1'ork , dull ;
holders offer mudrrntelyf pflnm nwss , western ,
7s 3d ; medium , GOii , t
Holiday In cotton todny ,
Lots of Work Wai Done on Wall Street III
I.ltllo Tlnn > riugar Lost ,
NKW YOHK , May 19. An active bus-
Incus was done on the Stock exchange dur
ing the two hour * ot trading today , but It
was on the bear sldu of the market , and re
sulted In the. establishment of a lower
range of values In the great majority of the
stock dealt In , the Industrial group being
the heavy sufferers. A pretty general ad
vance was made In the early dealings ,
which was , however , only fractional , and
which was not participated In by Sugar.
The market wax then held well until 11:30 :
o'clock , just about yio time the bank state
ment wa * lusucd , when a heavy
movement wa organized , which sent prices
down rapidly , with the Industrials In the
van. There wan nothing In thd figure ! ) ol
the statement to cause alarm , the changes
being unimportant , and the reserve bclnf
79,000,000 , ngalnst less than $25.000,000 t
year ago. The only unfavorable Item was
the small decrease In loans , which rcflcctcil
the prevailing dullness of trade. The pre
vailing condition ot stagnation In commer
cial circles Is perhaps the most serious ob
stacle In the path of the stock market , ami
the weekly trade Journals took a very gloomy
view of the outlook in today's Issues. A
good deal ot long stock came out today ,
considerably decreasing their linos. Some
of the bears , who have a constitutional tils-
Ilko to leaving their lines uncovered over
Sunday , c.itue Into the market with consid
erable buying , causing considerable steadi
ness at the close of the market. The decline
was heaviest In the Industrials , Sugar losing
3 % per cent , Sugar preferred 2H per cent ,
Lead preferred 2 per cent , and the rest ol
the group U to Vi per cent. The railway
list was generally active nnd steady.
The total sales of stock today were -125,67 !
shares , Including : Atchlson , 3,000 ; Amer
ican Sugat , 63,200 ; Durllngton & Qulncy ,
6.700 ; Chicago Qas , 4,100 ; Distilling and
Cattlefecdlng , C..100 ; General Electric , .1,000
Missouri Pacific. 3,000 ; National Lead , 2,600 ;
Uock Island , 5,000 ; St. Paul , 1,000 ; Western
Union , 2.COO.
The Evening Post says : Today's stock
market trading may bo described ns
virtually confined to Sugar certlflc.\tes. Fol
lowing yesterday's 4-polnt break , and
with only ono Intervening rally , the price
this morning broke 4'-i points more , to 91 ,
a figure 1E > V6 points below thu recent high
record. Allowing for a good many short
sales , today's break , like yesterday's , was
chiefly duo to the liquidation ot speculative
long stock , and a very great part of this
liquidation came from Washington.
The following are the closing quotations
nn the leading stocks of the New York ex
change today :
Now York Money Mnrkot.
Easy ; last loan , 1 per cenl ; closed I per cenl.
STERLING EXCHANGE Firm , wllh actual
business In bankers' hill * at $4.81 04.89 for de
mand nnd $4.87N.87lfor slxly days ; posted
rates. JI.87OI.S9 : commercial bills. $4.SGVSf4.86i.
GOVERNMENT BONUS Firm. Stale bonds ,
The ( .losing quotations on bonds.
lloston Stock Quotations.
DOSTON. May 1 ! ) . Call loans. 1KQ2 per cent ;
tlmo loans. 'Jh@HK per cent. Cloning prlcos for
Btuctcn , bonds nnd mining al
San Francisco Mining Quotations.
SAN FRANCISCO , May 10. The closing
quotations for mining utoclcstuiiy worj ai foi-
lows :
Alto- ' . ' 5 Halo A Norcrons. . . 7O
llolchcr 135 Mexican 170
IlcHt.t liclclier. . . . . 1(15 Nevada Queen 10
lloillo Cot 150 Ophlr 360
Htllwer 'JO I'OtOHl 11D
Chollar OR Savngo 75
Con. Cal. A Va fill Sierra Nevada 115
Crown Point Ill ) Union Con , 1)0 )
KuruicaCon ' - ! " > Utnl 9
Gould A Curry. . . . VTi Yellow Jacket 7fl
London Ktock market.
LONDON , May 10.-2 p. in. closing :
I1AU SlLVEU-28 d per ounce.
MONKY M Percent. ,
' The rate of discount In lho open markcl fOi * both
short and three montlm' bills 1 1 1-10 per
Now York Allnluc Quotation * .
NEW YORK. May Ill.-Tho following ara lha
closing mining quotations :
Con. Cal. A Va. . . . 47ft Slurra Nuvaila 1(1(1 ( (
Dead wood ot ) Standard Hfi
Gould & Curry Hi ) Union Con 80
HaloA Norcrosi. . ( It ) Yellow Jacket. . . . CO
HomcHtako 1150 Iron Silver 10
Mexican MB Quicksilver 200
Ontario 700 do preferred 1100
Ophlr. : (00 ( Ilulwcr 11
Plymouth -2(1 (
Ht. Louis MliilngHlonk Quotation * .
ST. LOUIS. May II ) . Mlnln ? Blocks loday were
without change. Quotatloim :
Imports und Kxport * of Speclo.
NB\V YOItK. May 19 , The exports of specie
from lht porl of New York during Ihe week
were : Gold , I7.G77.450 ; sliver , 1841,427. The Im
ports for Ihe week were : Gold. $911.129 ; sliver ,
WUSC ; dry goods , 11,615,153.merchandise ' ; , (0,621-
financial Notes ,
NKW ORLEANS , May 19. Clearlnifi. tl.M3.700.
PARIS , itc.y 19. Threw per cent renles , 10U
20c for Ihe account.
MEMPHIS. May lH.-Clearlngs , J3M.WI ; ha ) ,
ntices , 1263,073. New York exclmnite , selling at
par. ,
IIALTIMORE. May 19.-ClearlnRs. J2.DOI.S57 ;
balances. ll > 9.770 ; for tha week , ! 3 , ) , IOi ! ; bal
ances , I ! , I4.174.
IIOSTON. May 19.-Clcarlnu , | | ] ,12i,2.U ; bal
ances , Il,4ir7.2' : for the xveek , > 7S.'JMVJ1 ; bal
ances , J1Q.MJ.7IS.
PHILADELPHIA , May 19 C'learlnKs , I9.7U-
726 ; balances. tl.61,702 ; for the wet-k , t 9,2S4,2JO ;
balances , $9,239,26' ) .
NEW YORK. May IS.-ClMrlncs , J77,9W,4il ;
balances , JO.OW,3'JO ; for Ihe week , | it,95/ ; : ;
balances , $ M,31liM6.
HAN fRANC'ISC'O. May 19.-Drufls. lKht.
lOu ; teteKraphlc , IS c. Silver bars , CUW3)ic (
Mexican dollitn , WWU lc- .
CINCINNATI. May ia. cieaiino. JI.SW.IM ;
for lho work , $12S95,9M > ; for Ihe name uei-k lait
year , II3.193.6JO. Money , 2ViU3 PIT rent. New
York ftchunge , 50XCOC premium.
I'HICAOO , May 19.-Clearings. $ l ! , 01.000 ; lolal
for thu week , $ si , 93,0ix ) ; iorrc pundlni : week
last year , > ! ' .4l5i o. foreign exchange , dull but
linn , New York exchange , 49U prumlum , Money ,
106 per cent.
ST. I.OIT1S , May 19. Clearings , $3.107,970 ; this
week , $22.CU,04 > ) ; corr"l > ondliiK week lust year ,
> 3l.iM.7CO : limt wi-vk , II.CJO,9II ; halttncei loday ,
$ UI.2M ; this Wfck , $3,7U,9U ; correnvndlni ; w ( k
lasl year , IMOMOg ; last w nk , 5.M,7I ) .
dull ) KfT per cent
Receipts for the Week Much Heavier Thru
Ono or Two Years Ago.
.Sap of Tlntnxlny 1'ulljr Itecorored mil
Priced In Lust Sulnrchiy's Notches
llos ) Coiiilni ; In Plenty nnd Sell-
liiR HrUltly at n Deellno.
SATURDAY , Mny 10.
Receipts of cattle anil sheep this wool
have boon lighter than last , but somowhoJ
heavier than for the corresponding week on <
ami two years' ago. In hopl there has boon i
We Incnusc. the supply being nearly 1G,00 (
head heavier tlmn a week ago und not far fron
double the number received during the cor
responding : week In 1S93 , The figures an
as follows :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep
Kecelpta this week 1I , ! > I511,872 4,70
Hecelpta lust week 1G.40I t,973 ! 3,23
Snmo week Inst year. . . 10.1KM 22,181 1,74
Same week 1S92 12,911 31,219 1,37 :
There has been no radical change In catth
values all week. During Monday , Tuesda )
and Wednesday about the only difference
In the market from day to day was t
gradual firming up of values for the llghtoi
grades nnd a weakening In prices paid foi
the heavier. On Thursday , In sympath )
with bad reports from other markets , tradt
hero was very dull and prices lOc to 15 (
lower all around. With comparatively llghi
supplies both Friday and today.this dccllni
was practically all regained , and the close
of the week- finds most grades of beel
cattle selling about In last Saturday1 !
notches. Hot weather and a bad market on
the other sldo of the water have
made this a dull week for heavy cat
tle and prices for the ordinary run ol
steers weighing from 1.200 Ibs. up are about
as low as they have been at any time fet
the past five years. There Is not a very
vigorous demand for any class of cattle ,
but the lighter grades are wanted the most ,
and as most of the cattle coming now have
been on feed for some tlmo buyers have
some dlfllculty In fillingtholr onlcrs. In
general there has been no Improvement In
the situation cither hero or elsewhere.
Receipts for the past three days have been
comparatively light and oven. Today's sup
ply fell nearly 1,200 short of last Saturday's
run , but there wore plenty of cattle here
for the demand. Trade was dull , and while
the good light and medium weight steers
sold the sumo as on Friday the heavier
grades wore slow and dull , with a rather
lower tendency. Dressed beef men were tolerably
erably free buyers , but shippers and ex
porters were not at all anxious to trade tin-
loss lower prices were held out as an In
ducement. The result was a rather drag
ging market , but as Saturday la a poor day
to hold cattle nearly everything had left
first hands by noon.
The cow market was very poorly supplied
and there was no noticeable change In prices ,
During the entlro week there have not been
fifty loads on sale , and today there were
not over three straight loads In the yards ,
although there were a few odds and ends
and mixed lots. In fact , supplies ot this
class ot stock have been so limited that
prices have been Ilrmly held all week , with
scarcely any fluctuation. There has been
and continues to be a better demand fob
calves and at firmer figures , The market
for bulls , oxen and stags has been Indiffer
ently supplied. Fat stock has sold a shade
stronger than last week , but the ordinary
and inferior grades have not shown any
In stackers and feeders there has been n
fair amount of business transacted and
prices have ruled strong most of the time.
Qountry buyers have been moro numerous
and have taken hold more freely , the result
being a cleaning up of speculators' supplies
and the close of the week finds very few
stale cattle In the yards. Naturally prices
have improved a trifle and all grades are
selling at substantially bettor prices than
prevailed the latter part of the week. Oood
to choice feeders are quoted at $3.20@3.75 ;
fair to good , $3.0003.15 , and the commoner
grades at from $3 down.
0 feeders. . . . 781 3 30
Tills has been a bad week In the hog
narUot. Receipts have been unusually
leavy , showing a marked Increase over last
vcok and ono and two years ago. Prices
mvo felt the Increase In supplies , and the
leclliif during the week amounts to all of
ISc on all grades. There has been a fair
thlpplng demand , hut puckers have been ex-
remely bearish on account of the heavy
lupplles. The quality continues good , and
rom this fact packers argue that supplies
, hls summer will be nmplo , If not heavy.
V buyer for a prominent packer Kays that
ttilcss ho wanted weight ho could go
nto the yards blindfolded and get an good
1 drove as he could with his cyca open , the
togs run so oven , The big decline this
veek brings hog prices moro In line with
irovlslon prices than they have been at any
Imo during the past six months , but atiy-
hlng like a steady market need not be ex
acted until packers can dispose ot the pro-
luct on the same bash that they buy the
The week closes with the heaviest run In
iver it month , the supply being considerably
teavlcr tlmn at Kansas City , and nearly a *
icavy as at Chicago. In quality Iho offer-
ngs averaged up bolter than they have on
tny day ot thd week , although the proper-
ton of heavy weights was comparatively
unall. In opening the market wan slow
md rather uneven. There was not a very
ictlra shipping demand , and the ample up-
) lle roido all th packuti bearUh.
and vales were at $1.65 to $4.70 for fair to
good hogs ot nil weights , or steady to a
shade easier than Friday. Lntcr good
shipping orders Infused now Ufa and strength
Into the business , and Into trading waa
mostly al $4.70. or full Friday's figures.
The top was $4,75 for three choice loccX
nnd the extreme low mark $ I.62H for a
load of rough , sklppy stuff. Everything
changed hands In good sennon , the bulk
going at $ l.i > r > nnd Jl.70 , as iigalnst $4.70
Friday , nnd $5 to $5.05 on Inst Saturday ,
No. Av. Sh. Pr , No. Av. Bh. Pr.
. . . $1 60 K 211 . , ' . $4 r.7'4
71 IM U ) 4 M'4 1J6 231
( tt ISO 80 4 6T 75 tt9 cm
SO 210 4 CT 71 35. ) ( ! ; > 4
R < ! 22S 120 4 C.- 70 2 * ) 'i
61 22S 4 6-1 KO IM $
70. . . 202 4 6.1 81 232
101 21V ) 4 C-r. 8 *
C3 354 4 65 73 323 X )
67 233 4 ( Vi 73 223 . . 70
B 300 4 tf M 271 SO 70
M. ; : s37 12\ \ ) 4 6.1 70 271 IM Til
77. , .213 124(1 4 K < 79 220 S" ) 70
77.SI. . 4i ) 4 C.1 M M ) S ) 70
61. " 4. ) 4 65 TO .211 160 70
61.Bl. . "ioiJ JW 4 r : . M ISS 1ft ) 4 70
74. , .262 20) ) 4 6T > M 23.1 SO 4 70
89. HO 4 6T. 91 177 2V 4 70
101 IM 2 * ) 4 rr. M JTS . . . 470
71 228 4 6.1 C5 30J SO 470
63 S30 4 6,1 B1 292 160 4 Ttl
6 26i ) 4 M 60..Sif. 120 I 70
C9 27.1 4 85 7.1 246 RO 4 70
72 2tt 120 4 6.1 61 K2 40 470
M 201 80 4 C5 74 .2(17 . . . * 70
32 199 80 4 M 71 ITS 160 70
M. 1ft ) 4 6f. A.I.,24 ? so 79
67. 160 4 C.1 71..253 70
91. .191 200 4 6.1 71. . . : ; * 70
73. .228 .SO 4 6.1 70. . .261 70
75. .2T.9 - 4 61 66. . .219 80 70
69. .247 -4l ) 4 (77 ( H 70. . .22S 40 70
69.'l. . .217 40 4 674 SSI 70
'l.M. . .2.V 160 4 67H 6.1.257 IM 70' '
81. > > 120 4 674 27..203 70
64. 1246 4 67H 53. .30(1 ( 79
73. .22S 4 67 > i 53.C.1. . .26.1 200 70
73. .263 SO 4 674 77. .2.V ) 160 70
74. .237 80 4 67H 74. 40 70
73. .241 12 > ) 4 674 66. . 160 70
7 . .223 120 4 674 69. , t9 ! IM 70
76. ICO 4 674 83. .250 IS ) 70
s : . . .192 ' 4 674 .215 70
73. . .219 40 4 674 2l ! .213 70
72. . .221 40 4 674 M. ,259 ' 70
63. . .2U 4 674 70. .211 70
65. . .217 120 4 674 71 , , .241) 70
61. . .21S 4 674 61. .2.Vt 4 7S
67. . .2.10 160 4 674 US. . .271 ,4 , 75
61. . .270 80 4674 03. .213 'i7S
61.CO. . . .2SO 10) 4 674
PIQS AND nouait.
1. . .39" ) 325 1..31' ) 40 4 M
3. . .263 3 H ) 8. . . . ! 4 M
. .IK 40 42.1 4. . . .125 . . , 4 b )
This has been another week of light *
supplies , and prices have developed some
strength. The demand for muttons and
lambs Is greater than the supply , nnd .any .
thing' at all useful finds a ready sale at
strong prices. The offerings today were
very common odds and ends. Fair to good
natives are quotable at $3.l > 0@4i35ifair to
good westerns , $3.204.1G ; common and
stock sheep , $2.GO@3.25 ; good to choice 40
to 100-lb. Iambs , $3.50fl'4.CO. '
Kitrnlptn mid DUptxItlnn of Stock.
OnicI.ilrccolptH and disposition of HU > 3citHtio : : M
hy Ihohookaor Ilia Union Hlo : : * Varji c'jupkny
for the twenty-four liouraendhiff : il U o'clock p. in ,
May IP , 161H ;
CATTI.B. HI1KKI * . IlIOll.HKS * "MM * V
Cars. I Cars , Cara. I Carfl. | Head ,
" "oii TIs 123 1212,570 22
With Only night Ilunilrcd Cutllo Offered
Them Wnit I.lttlo Activity.
CHICAOO , Mny 19. The calllc miirltcl was
tlrm nl Friday's quotations. II was nol ncllro
becnuso of the fnct that only nlmut 800 heml
were offered. They were till picked up In good
season on n Imsls of from $1.00 to $3.90 for In
ferior to extra rows nnd hotter * nnd nt from
$3.40 to $4 for common to fancy steers. Ile
celpts were OHtlnmted nt 800 hend' , making r.9OC8
hetid for the week , uiiilnst 53,8 ! > 9 hend Inst week ,
41,361 head a year IIRO and C2.C02 In 1S92.
Ahout 12,000 hops arrived lodny , making 131,000
hend for Ihla week , or 28.000 head more tlmn for
la t week , 41,000 head more than for lho wune
week last year and 45,000 head lesa limn In 1892.
The demand was good nnd higher prices were
paid. There was nn advance on yesterday's
prices ot from 5c to lOo and nn advance- from
the lowest prlres of Thursday of 20e , hut Iho
market la still 20a lower than at the close of last
week. Bales were lnr ely nl from $4.90 lo $5 ,
IhoURh a number were reporled nl $5.05 and at
lensl ono al $5.0714. There were about 17,000 head
on xale , nearly all of which changed hands by
thi' middle of the forenoon
Receipts of sheep were estimated nt
1,500 hend , making f > 3,527 head for thlx
week. For last week lho total was 63,369
hend and for the corresponding week last year
f,9,150 head. There WIIH n tlrm market at from
$1.75 to $4.50 for poor to extra Hheep , at from
f.3.2.1 to $4.75 for yearlings nnd at from $4 to
$5.75 for RprliiK lambs. , . ,
KeciMptx : Cattle , 800 head ; cnlven , 25 head ;
IIOKH , 12,000 head ; sheep , 1,600 head. '
The BvenhiK Journal leporlfl :
CATTI..I-J ItecelptH. 1,000 head ; fihlpmonls , 1.000
head ; market nteady ; pi line to extra native
Hteerx , $ l.20fo4.35 ; medium , $3.95 1.15 ; plhurti ,
$3.75 4.00 ; Texnns , $3.20 ! 3.85.
HOCiS Receipts , 12.0H1) head ; shipments , ,6.000
hend ; inarkel actlvu nnd fining ; all noldf roliRli
heavy , $4.25i&14.50 ; packers and mixed , $ l.7r , < iJ4.S5 ;
prime heavy nnd butcher wclslita , Jl.834jl.95 ;
assorted light. J.SOiM.Ui ) .
HIIKHP AND L.AMIIS Hecelpls , 1,500 head ;
markcl unchanged ; quotations for clipped : Top
sheep , JI.25Q4.DO ; top InmbH , Jl.75'u. ) . * .
KunxiiH City l.lvo Htouk JMiirkot.
KANSA8 CITY , May 19. CATTlllllecflpts ,
1,900 head ; xhlpmentx , 3 * ) head ; market Hleudy
to u Mhndo lower ; Tvxius steers , j.i'fi'3.Ci ; Texas
COWH. $3.00fi3.1lij Hhlpplng Hteers , $3.20(14.2 ; : na
tive cowH , $2.00J3.75 ; mockers and fvudrm , $2.7&W
3.75 ; tmllx. $2.40f3.4.1.
HOGS HecelptH , 0.800 head ; shipments , 2,300
head ; market opened strong , cloned weak ; bulk ,
$4.75&l.8 ; hcavlos , packers and mixed , J1.70W
4.85 ; llghtn. Yorkers ami plgx , i 1.73.
BHKKP Hecrlpts. 2X ( > head ; shipment ! ) , 300
head ; mark ( t steady ,
Nt. Loiili I.lvn Stoi'lt Murhiit.
HT. I.OUIS , May U. t ATTIH-Hecolptn , 100
head ; xhlpmenls , 700 head ; market nominally Un
changed ; xupply lee light to oxtabllxh qnotatinH. | )
HOdS-ltecclptB. 1,100 head ; xhlpmonlx , lO
head ; market strong , iinlct ; top prlc'OK , $1.85 ;
bulk. $1.80.
8IIKKP Ilecelp.tx , none ; shlpinentx , CM head ;
market weuk , nominal.
Mock In Night.
Re-cord of rcoolplrt of Hvo Htock nt the .four
principal yardH for Saturday , May in , mill :
Cattlo. HOKH. 'Slioon.
South Omaha ' . ' .145 H.Clir. ' . ' ,070
nhlcai.- ! ) H'J.1 lU.lllll ) lrll ( (
KaimaHlllty 1,11111) (1.801)JOU (
at. J.outu. 101) 1,10(1 ( ' . .i
Totals 4.1170 'JH.fltlB 4L'7t )
London AVheut Mnrlicil.
LONDON , May 19. The weather has been cold
nnd owing to the laclc of xunxhlno on | he poor
InndH lho wheat color hax been Injiireil , Thu
wheat market hax been depreHBed. There won
xomn demand for rargoen nrrlvod , hut In for
ward huxlnepx Ihero wax nothing doing. Itux-
Blan and IM Plain whe < itx wcro freely orfeu-d.
Stocks were nmplo and buyers were xcarco.i Cull-
fornla loade < | wax ipioti-d nt 2'i Itid , Parcelx
wern qulei nnd weak. All whealx were from ( lit
lo ] x down. Ited winter parri-lx , , luno delivery ,
were < | iiolrcl at Wx 3d , I'lourMIX dull and In-
actlvint from 3d to Cd lower , first Mlnmwola
bakerx wax iiuotcil at K.H 'to I6H , Malx.n , near
eargoex , wan quoted at from Cil to IM down anil
wax In | x'or demand , Dlxtant vargoen woru
neglerled. Mlxeil American maize wax Hloadlcr
fur prompt delivery. Parccln were < iuolvd at
16 * 9d , llarley wax weak nt 3d decline and In
poor demand , Outa wax steady for spot , with
Ushter offers , but e. I. f. wan weak.
' 1'rlnco U'lii'iit .tlitrkut.
Ueceinber , $1.0SV4i nvW ellcr ,
C'lmtnbi'rliiln'H Cniigh lUimeily the Halt.
LOCKKFOHD , Col. , April SI , 189 .
Having been troubled with frequent colds
during the past few years , I have from tlmu
to tlmo used tha various cough medicines In
common uso. I have urrlvrd at the con
clusion that Chamberlain's Cough Homody
Is the best , and now usa It In preference to
any other. ASA WAKDnOMB.
This remedy will euro a sovcro cold In
less tlmo than any other treatment. It
loosens a cold , relieves the lungs , aids ex
pectoration and effects a permanent euro.
It Is also without un equal for croup and
whooping cough. For sale by druggists.
Commission Merchant
I'rhuto wire * to Cblcai ; ? anil Now York. AH
bu lncM < orders placed on C'hlcuno Uouril ut
Corroliondenc-o ollcltcd.
OP. ( ( | lonni 4 , Now York Llfo
i ni JW8.