1 I THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; SUNJUv , MA ? 20 , ISO-A-TWENTY PAGES. ntii Ihcso columns will h1 ' " A < 1vntl etn < > for nntll 1J:30 : p , m , for this evening ami until 3:00 : p. m. tor llie tnnrnlnK nnd Hunday edition * . AdvcrtlM-rii , l > y requc tlnt n numbered .cjitcK. inn lmv annwora nddrrnrml to n numbered leti t In car * of The I"e. An wi > m ta Hddrrned will te delivered upon presentation nf the check. SITUATIONS WANTED. note * . Itla word firm ln omen , lo , "orj Ihmnrter. Nothing tnk n for leH WANTRD.l'OHITlb.V AH MILLim IN from 31 lo M linrrels t > er dny. or n In n Inrso mill ; nm dlnKlf 32 > < " KrmlHIi nml Oermnn ; Kwxl reference * AddrcM August Hiirtmnnn rAHIMKli Oil HOOK- WANT1U ) , J'OSITION AH . It M " ' ' ' , kM-i'crj Kowl reference * _ 20. HAt.i:8MAN. : NOT A HOY. WAXTH OOOI ) li llnC to * ? ll lo trndP In .NVbnwkn - " "j- tnl lon ; mtmt be Koiiietliliit ? KOOC ! nml Ir-j , t mate. AddreM C' . J. Helling. cnrI I < > lel I { . W lint Mny 2.1. Hnturdny , lone , or will be there Imve you ? AMM * 21 _ YOt'NO MAN IHHIHIS A . . . . . . sltlnni hlKlioM city reference * nnd ' ' " i-peaklng Ilngllsh and Qermnn. 1 Ice , ADY"iiooKKnni'Hit HBSIHKM IT.-UI ! - > ' . conildere n commendation . ; . salary Addiis not L so much He.- . _ , ! n BO.H ! position. JK WANTED MALE HEI.P. Ilnten , JUe-wnnl first Imicrtlon. Ic n word foMcsa than 25c. thereafter : NothlngJaken TKAMaTntNISIIBI ) TA''L- BOLIC1TOHB , ; I-J ' Co. IWO Howard nient goods. American Wringer , " - ) ard st. -3j on coMMWflios. TUB AOINTS , SALAUY Ercntcet' Invention of tnc nso. Tim New 1 nt- cnl Chemical Ink KrnnInK I'encll. Sells on slBht. AYnrkii lllio muKlc. Agents are makltiR I23.CO to I12.-.00 per week. I'nr ' "H" " I"1/ ; tlculars wrlt the Monroe Erasing Mfg. Co. . x Cronse WIs. 11 351 88 , La , VvTNT"nirMnN VO TAKH OIIPKUS IN CITY not renuired. on snlnry : fnrmer ejrerlcnco Apply nt IBlfDoUKlns. . n-M330 MJ _ WANTE'nT'A "liBoT'LAIl I'HYHICIAN : HIN- RP | ; to nsslnt , n specialist In claVe. IMx , M > . Omaha. II Mffll J ) WANTKI ) , A THOnOI'OIILY r.XI'EHIUXCJlD unlesmnti wllh nn eslnlilWied trndo to sell n line of toots , shoes nml rubbers ( Huston good * ) In the plate of Nebraska. Must ( five Bond lefeirnceo. Address K. U. Ple.kiMibr-H-k.nu- Iniqne , In. n MSS7 'WANTKD. LAIlOIirniS AND TBAMSTBIIS ON' the II.&V''M. . Ily. extension In Montana ant , Wyoming. Free transportation. Kramer O'Hcarn , labor ngency , llth und Knrnnm strfsls , BALKHMKNWANTKD TO SELL OtJIl GOODS by samnlo to wholesale nnd retail trailer sell on sight to every business man or Iliiir liberal salary nnd expenses J ld : position permanent. Tor terms address with stamp , Centennial Mfg Co.Milwaukee , m . " SALESMEN WANTED'TO SKLL OL'Il OOOD9 by sample to tlie wliolesalc und retail trade ; Ml on sleht to every business man or nrm ; Illjeinl ( Hilary ; money advanced for advertising and expenses ; permanent position. Adibess , with stamp , King Mfg. Co. , C 41 , Chicago , 111 11 _ 81DE LINE , J2.00 PER TOWN , PAID TRAVELIng - Ing men to appoint agents. No samples. Write S. F. Rowlns , 115 Cth avenue , Chicago. WANTED TRAVELING SALESMEN FOR' 1894 ; two horns dally devoted to our line w.ll net you JI.MJO.OO to J2.T.OO.OO ; correspondence solicited. George A. Hakcr Mfg. Co. , South Hcml. Ind. U J75.00 AVEBK PAID TO LADIES AND GENTS to sell the Rapid Dish Washer. Washes and dries them 111 two minutes without wetting the hnndM. No experience necesKi.'y ; sells nt sight ; permanent /position. Address W. P. Harrison & Co. , Cl/rk No. 14 , Columbus , Ohio. R NOTICE ! THERE ARE 1IEINO RAISED IN the v'clnlty of Ntrfolk and Gland Island , Neb. , eight thousand acres of sugar I c Is , th cultiva tion of which will requlie many hundreds of hands , thus giving employment to a large number of people from the neighboring states , as well as those living near thu factories. H WANTED , GOOD SOLICITORS FOR CITY AND country. None but experienced men need ap ply. Expenses paid. Call between 10 and 12 a , m. Sunday nml Monday , 421 llee bldg. _ 11 1S0 SCHOOL SUPPLY SALESMAN. ALSO IUIANCH olllci > manaRcr , $23.00 weekly : m > capital r < - ipilred. Enclose references and stamp. Evans , Monon hlk. , Chicago. H 153 20 * SALESMEN WANTED. FREE PREPAID OUT- 111. One of our agents has earned over JSO.UW.OO In live ycnis. I' . O. llox 1371 , New Yoilj. WANTED , SALESMEN CALLING ON THE general stoic tiadu to carry side line. Sell from catalogue. Stain ten I lory. Give refer ences. AddiCBD 707 Rookery , Chicago.U U 112 20 * WANTED , SALESMEN CALLING ON THE Jewelry trade to carry side line. Sell from ' catalogue ! Slut'c territory. Give references. AddrcKS 707 Rookery , Chicago. 11-113 20 8ALEHMEN. TO TAKE AGENCY IN THEIR locality , for a great cnndy novelty. Ijirge profits. Send 23 cents for sample box. West ern Confection company , Chicago. H 148 JO * WANTED , SALESMEN CALLING ON DRY goods , clothing and giocery stoics to handle n specialty on commissions. Light snmple , good terms , biggest seller on the market. Ad dress , with reference , National Art Co. , St. Louis , Mo. 11-145 20 * WANTED. FRATERNAL INSURANCE SOLIC- ItorH to Insuiu brewers and saloon keepcis. Guaranteed contract HOO.OJ per month. State references and enclose pelf-addressed , stamped envelope to the Hrewers and Saloon Keepers Mutual Aid and Henellt association , South Rend. 1ml. 11 140 10 * WANTED ARE YOU A CATHOLIC ? ARE you unemployed ? Will you work for J18.00 pel- week ? Write today. J. R. Gay , 65 Fifth avenue , Chlcng ) , III. H WANTED , A NICE , RRIOHT YOUNG LAD TO help nt soda fountain. Kuhn'B drug store , 15th street. 11-189 20 WANTED , GENTLEMAN WHO HAS HAD practical expeitpnce In selling goods on DIP road to take- lucrative and permanent position. Address L 54 , llee. H-191 20 * | MEN TO SF.LL HAKINO POWDER. STEADY vmployml'nt ; experience unnecessary ; t.73.00 monthly salary and expenses or a com , If offer Is satisfactory address nt once , with par ticulars concerning yourself , U. S. Chemical works , 810 Vanlluien , Chicago. 11-20. ) 20 * WANTED FEMALE HELP. Rates , l'c word first Insertion , Ic a word thereafter. 'Nothing taken for less than 25c. iiEST OF WAGES TO COMPETENT OIRL ; must be good cook and laundress. Mrs. J. M. Thurstor. 2108 Farnam. C--205 LADIES WANTING OIRL3 APPLY AT THE Scandinavian Young Ladles' home , 3304 Cumins. . C M7M 2S * GOOD GERMAN OIRL FOR GENERAL houicwoik , C32 S , 28th street. C M951 20 * 13.00 TO J10.00 PER DAY RY LADY AGENTS who handle my goods. Call nt once or address L. M. Swarlz , 2617 Chicago street. C 979-23 * _ WANTED. A GIRL TO DO HOUSEWORK , Apply 2203 Sewaid street. C M9SO 20 * OIRL WANTED COMPETENT FOR GEN- cnil housework In small family. C27 So. 2T > tli nvenue. C 101-20 * WANTED. A' COMPETENT OIRL FOR OEN. eral housework , at 1102 North > th street , C-M1H 20 * WANTED-OOOD COOK. WASHER. RONBR ; small family , 1103 S. 31st Hi , C 130-21) * LADIES WHO WRITES PLAINLY CAN BE- cure position at good wages writing at home , Reply with stamp. Mlsn Ethel Sprnguc , Houth Hend. Ind , O DELSARTE CORSET WAISTS AND RRACES ; the most popular goods n lady can Hell ; easy sales ; largo commissions. Write for trrnn , DcUarto Mfg. Co. , Ill State street , Chle.igo , WANTED , LADIES TO WORK FOR US AT home , malto JS.DO lo JI2.W weekly. Work sent liy mall. Write for particulars. Eastern Nov- I'lty Co. , 123 Dearborn utreet , Chicago , III. c-173 ; o t WANTED. EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR SECond - end wotk. 2037 DoOgo street , opp. High school. C-M175 22 \VANTED O1RL FOR GENERAL HOUSEwork - " work ) tmall family. 1823 Corby street. C M157 21 L INDIES WHO WILL DO WRITING FOR ME nt their homes will maku goo < l wages , Iteply with Helf-addivsed , stnmpetl rnvelooe , Ml Mildred Miller. South llen.l , 1ml. c-ill ; o * LADIES. YOU CAN EARN 2J.W PER WEEK writing for me ut home. Send 2c stnmp to Nell A. Chase , Bouth Hend , Ind. C 138 20 * UAD1EH WANTED TO DO WRITING AT their own home . Will pay Ji.co ) w.ckly. Nu canvassing. Address Miss Ruth Athlon , Jollet , III. C-137 20 * WANTED , GOOD OIRL FOR GENERAL housework : only two In family ; none nerd ap ply who cannot fumlmdi lint-chits lefe.-enc , Cull lifter C p. in. at 2112 Douglas strvvt. C-.M197 21 WANTED. MIDDLE-AGED LADY FOR AROUT three months us rnlesludy where clone ntten- tlon to biulurts I * iiiiured from Dlo 4 , Satmdny Illl noon ; fair pay to start. Apply Monday after 10. Superintendent , room 12. CivlKhton C-194 & > ' blk. . upstairs. WANTED. LADY WHO IS AN EXI'EIU- tnced saleswoman to take a lucrative and ii r- nianent iioilllon ; ipootl' salary to the right party. Address t , 6J , Uee. C-1902U * FOR RENT HOUSES. Rates. 14 ! ' word flr t Insertion. Ic a word thereafter. Nothing taken for IK * tlmn 25e. FINi : FLATTN ci7of8ER I1LOCK AT T03 P. Ulh it ; rnnge and all either winvcnli-nceii ; JZS Ocorgu Clouper. nxjffl 2.1S23 Fnrnnm F. K. DARI.1NO. HARKER HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. THE O. F , Davis company , 1M6 Inrnam. u 3Si ( ItOOM "coi-TAtlES. Mb IUNr : Cnoit-'B IN Stanford Circle. C. S. Ulgutter , 201 llec build ing. D-331 _ _ FOR RENT , CHEAPEST 6-ROOM COTTAGE. with bath , In city , 118.10. 3037 California plieel. D M223 _ RENTAL AGENCY. W7 UROWN 11LOCK. D 3M _ FIRST CLASS. WELL LOCATED HOUSES. J * 8. Hklnncr , 310 N. Y. Life. _ D 3SO CL'KAN , " " "coMFditTAiiLi : , CONVENIENT. moderate lentnln ; best 3 nnd 4-roorn suites for housekeeper * only. References required. Al j { room suite In tenement. SIS 8. 22d st. . D-3J3 _ _ _ KELKENNEYJ5.CO..R , 1 , CONTINENTAL 11LK. D8 _ NICE 5-ROOM COTTAGE. 110.00 PER MONTlT L. 3. Skinner , 310 N. Y. Life. CIIO1CK HOME , EIGHT ROO.MS nice lawn , city xvntcr and southeast front ; 1 block south of Leuvcnworth on 3Sth avenue ; 123.00. Apply to N. Perry , on premises. _ _ , _ D-M230 _ FOR RENT , J3.-.W PER MONTH. 4110 LAFAYette - ette avenue , 7 rooms , furnace , bath , hot nnd cold water , rlofot , gas , electric lighting nppll- nnces , etc. Ucnutlful lawn , trees , etc. Fidelity Trust company , 1702 Fnrnam street. D M215 FOR RENT , GOOD DETACHED NINE-ROOM homie , 2121 Capitol avenue. Also 9-looni house. 2(29 Capitol avenue. It. II. Hoblnon , loom T , Commercial Nntlon.il. D MS53 C-ROOM MODHIIN COTTAGE" LAWN AND rhndo. 8124 Miami street , D M4'il FOR RENT , VERY DESIRARLE UhSI HENCE. 2513 Fnrnam , R , C. Patterson , Ramge h'dg. - FOR RENT , THE REST MODERN 10-ROOM house In Omnha for the money. Templcton & Plcrson , 308 Paxtori block. D M831 FOR RENT. FlTIlNISHEb HOUSE FOR SUMmer - mer ; nil modern conveniences ; large yard ; In western part of city. Address L 40 , llee of- lice. D JI943 _ " F U UN I S II E D l IOUSE , 8 ROOMS. MODE RN" near Ilnnscom Park. F. D. Wead , ICth and Douglas. D 103-20 _ CO HOUSES. F. D. WEAD , ICTH & DOUGLAS. D 104-31 FOR RENT , FROM JUNE 13 TO HEPTEMHER IT , fiitnlshed house , all modern conveniences , llrst-elnss locution. Inquire E. G. McGllton , C0. > Knrbach block , or 430 S. 40th street. Ref erences required. D M120 20 * FOUR-ROOM HOUSE , 3316 JONES , JS.OO. Selby , 331 Chamber Commerce. D M11.1 : i ROOMS , C3I S. 17TH STREET. D M109 J1S C-ROOM HOUSE , MODERN , INCLUDING range , 3210 Cnss , cheap to good tenant. E. A. Norllmp. tax dep.t II. & M. R. R. D 131-20 * $22.50. EIGHT-ROOM MODERN , FULL LOT mill 1mm. 2217 Spruce. J2T.M , seven-room brick , . new. choice , motlern , grove , near ICth and Spruce. $37.fo , twelve-room brick , has every thing , 018 Noith 23d st. C. A. Starr , C13 N. Y. Life. D 129-21 FIRST-CLASS MODERN TEN-ROOM HOUSE ; In good neighborhood ; on motor ; twenty min utes from i Fnrnam. Rent greatly reduced. Rums' China store. U M112 20 10-ROOM HOUSU , ALL MODERN CONVENIences - ences , p.ood cistern and cellar , newly papered nnd painted throughout ; splcnd'd ' location. In- cilurc 40S N. Y. Life bldg. between 11 and 12 a. in. or 5 anil 0 p. in. D M1S9 20 WE HAVE A VERY LARGE NUMI1ER OF houses for rent ; $ . " , .00 per month and up. Call for new list Just Issued. I5 i. J. Paul , 111 I loan ! of Trail ? . ' D M171 SI * I WILL RENT MY FURNISHED HOUSE. 418 North 22d street , for the months of July , AiiKUsl nnd September , nt a very mDdornte rent. ] No mote cool or comfortable location In Omahn during the summer months. Omaha during the summer months. Thomas Kllpatrlck. D M1C1 21 * MODERN S-ROOM COTTAOE , FULL LOr ! east front , 3C2 Lowe nveiuie ; JCO.OO per month. D M167 22 FOR RENT , 7-ROOM MODERN IIOUSE7 J17.00. 214 South Kith street. D M15S 22 * FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR RENT , AT 2C3S DODGE , A LARGE. HAY window , second story front room , for J10.00 a month. No other roomers and no children. B FOR RENT , A LARGE SOUTH ROOM AT 1JI3 Dodge street. E MS79 FURNISHED ROOM ; GENTLEMAN. 2017 HAR- ucy stieet. E 907-21 * 2 ROOMS , J12.00 AND ' 8.00. 313 S. 2 . E-M99C 20 * 2 OR 3 ROOMS FURNISHED COMPLETE FOR housekeeping , and also nice , cool sleeping rooms. 1611 Howard street. E M9I7 23" VERY PLEASANT ROOAL INQUIRE 1919 Dodjre. E 525 AETNA HOUSE , NORTHWEST CORNER 13TH and Dodge. Rooms by the day or week. E-C80-J8 * - - FURNISHED ROOM , UATII , J6.00. 1911 FAR- nam street , K M970 22 * FRONT ROOM WITH ALCOVE , FOR 1 OR 2 gentlemen. E24 3. 2Cth nve. E 909 23 * FURNISHED ROOMS , WITH OR WITHOUT boa nl. 2211 Douglas sticct. References in quired. U M941 23 * FURNISHED ROOMS. SUITAIJLE FOR LIGHT housekeeping , 3122 Maple street. E 1C3 20 * FURNISHED ROOMS AT 22 NORTH 19TII street. E Ml90 2J NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS , WITH HOARD. 1720 Dodge street. E M192 22 * FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARDT Rates' , l 4o word first Insertion , Ic a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c. ROOM WITH HOARD. PRICE MODERATE. 2400 Cass. F-116 M22 * YOt'NO-WOMEN'S HOME. UNDER CARE OF Women's Christian association. Ill S. 17th st. F 360 ROOMS. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED , with first-class boanl. 190C Capitol ave. Inquire 1910 Capitol ave. F M774 SOUTH FRONT ROOM FOR TWO , WITH board , In pilvnto family. 2020 St. Mary's ave. F MS01 J12 SOUTH ROOMS AND GOOD HOARD. 2109 Douglas street. F M903 FURNISHED ROOMS AND HOARD : REFER- ences. 2214 Fnrnnm St. F 972 23 * FRONT AND HACK PARLOR UNFURNISHED , very desirable ; also furnished room ; all first class. 212 8. 23th St. F MO FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS with board at 1716 Chicago. F 931 2J * FINE ALCOVE FRONT ROOMS , WITH board ; also single room ; private family ; de sirable location. 1709 Dodge street. F 993 20 * DESIRAHI.B ROOMS WITH HOARD ; REFERences - ences , Mrs. Godso , 202 N. 18th. F M124 21 * LARGE ROOM WITH ALCOVE , EAST FRONT : nlso elegant looms with or without board , at the Webster , 210 and 218 N. 19th F 1C5 2ii * FURNISHED ROOM-SOUTH ROOM , BOARD If desired : gentlemen only. 2301 Douglas slieet. F ICO 2) ) FOR RENT-UNFURNISH'D ROOMS. Rates , IVic wop ] nrst Insertion , Ic a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 2Sc. 4 UNFURNISHED ROOMS. SUITAHLE FOR housekeeping , city water , etc. , low rent : northwest - west comer 17th nnd Webster el. Q 361 G UNFURNISHED C1IAMIIERS FOR HOUSEkeeping - keeping to man and wife ; no children ; 319 N. 17th. Q-tiT DESIRAlILK FURNISHED OR UNFrilNISHED rooms ut ( i ! N. 23d street , O M159 22 * FOR RENT , STORES AND OFFICES Rates , Ilia word first Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less ttmnJSc , 1 MONTHS LEABU OF BTORE , 209 S. 17TH. 1-363 FOR RENT. THE 4-STORY I1RICK BUILDING. 916 Fornam st. Tha building haw u Ilieproof cement basement , complete steam heating fix tures , water on all Moors , gas , etc. Apply at the olllce of The lice. I 910 DESK ROOM CHEAP. FRONTING FARNAM" , Room 2. 1623 Farnam. street. I-M6M STORE WITH FIXTURES AND ROOMS. 1470 South 16th. 120.00 per month , 1 918 21 * * " MY aiNKIIAl4"MKnCllANIIBB STORE AND duelling house will be for rent utter the Ktli of June next ; for further particulars Inqulie of J. C. Owen , at Memphis. Neb. 1 MOM iO FOR RENT , CHEAP , FRAMK WAREHOUSE. W7 and sea Leavenworth sticet , with U. P , trackage. F. H. Davis. I M942 DESK ROOM. WM. T. WELSHANB. 331 Hoard of Trade bUlg , 1-M4 'AGENTS WANTED. Rates , IHo word nrst Insertion , lo a word thtrtaftti. Nothing loU n for lt s than tie. WANTED , AOKNT8. SAMPLE HASH LOCK frvu by mall for 2c. stamp. Immense. Un rivalled. Only good one ever Invented. IJtats wtlKhu. Bales unparalleled. (12 a day. Dro- hard ( Uox K ) , I'hllaJtlphU , J AGENTS WANTED. Contmucu. AGENTS , UOTH flF.XES ; TEN INDISPBN8A. lle articles ; retail for 13.10 : absolutely fr la our demonilrated rustlers. The rintuu Bhcnr Co. , Knn ns City , Io. .I-XI62S June 30 * WATCTED-TVGENTS IN NE11RA8KAND lown to Ptll the Miss & Hlllynrd patent farm ers' hnndy CKK ease nt reduced prlc' : bit money In it for the right man. Apply W. LH' . pole mnnufnctuier of the fmnwr * ' lia egn case , St. .lopeph , Mo. J * " AGENTH WANTED IN EVERY CITY AND town to handle "Thf Story o ( the Common- we.il. " The fastest selling book ever published. J10.00 a dny can lie averaged by good iiKents. Pnniples , 2ic. Call or write for terms. W. 1) . Conkcy company , 311-331 Dearborn utreet , Chl caco. Illl. J-MCOO FOlTTIIE 'NEW IIICYCL1 ! cln | i , kreps the pant * . In nhnpo without en circling the nnkl ; rnrrled In vest pocket ; pnnp for agents : pcnd for price lint nnd wimpl" , 2.V ; money refunded If not patlsfnctory. Wl-jglns Drawer Support Co. , SIS Hennepln nve. , M.nnn- apoliP. Ilnn. J-123-20 * LADY AOENTH-THE EASIEST AND MOST profitable thing lo do Is to sell the Hygela cor set. Sotiit for terms and Information to the Western Corset Co. , St. Iouls , Mo. J AO ENTS WANTEDNO"lTAmT"TI.MES : "SEL ? . Aluminum Novelties , fast pellets , 2iH > per cent protlt. Sfcure territory. Sample In velvet lined enea with full Information , by return mall 10 rents. Aluminum Novelty Co. , 33 > llrondwny , New York. _ _ J WANTED -AGENTS , EITHER SEX. IN every county In Nebrnskn , to handle "Durlnii coffee | uil attachment ; " rapid seller ; 25 to 24 mill dally , by each iiKcnt ; send for li-.ius ; sample , 33 cents ; see ml ami cut ; city n inln wanted. Wheeler & CL , Metropolitan hotel , Omnha , Neb. -1C2 20 * _ _ " WE OFFER AGENTS HIO MONEY , IN E\ cluslvo territory. Our safes sell nt sluht In city or country. Agents [ list In the Held actu- nlly getting rich. One ngent In one day cleared JGI.50. So ran you. Proofs nnd catn- IOKUP free. Address Alpine Safe Co. , No. .18'- ' 371 Clark street , Cincinnati , O. J 154 M _ * _ AGENTS WANTED. FERRIS COMUINCD burglar nlaim and lock , weighs thici ? ounces , carried In vest pocket ; sells nt sight ; ? 90.i > ) n week. Ferris Manufacturing Company , Chi cago. .1-150 20 * _ GENERAL AGENTS WANTED ; SELLING new articles to dealers ; exclusive territory ; no con pet. ton ; no capital required ; 200 to 30J p : r cent protlt. Columbia Chemical Co. , C9 Dear- bom htrcet. Chicago. 111. J-H4 JO * _ AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE FOR electHe door ( name ) plate , signs , etc. ; readable In the daik ; samplp with any mum * free. New Em. Plate Co. . 1C ? Dearborn street , Chicago , III. J 140 20 * _ A CHANCE OF A LIFETIME , WANTED , 1M- im-dlately , canvassers nnd agents In every city In the United States to Introduce "Multum 111 Pnrvo , " the elastic Ink holder for pens : from J3.00 to J10.00 Easily made with 5 hours' work dally. Call or address Then. S. Meyer , 140 Nas sau street , room 40 , New York City.J J 139 20 * WANTED TO RENT. Rates , lOc a line each Insertion , Sl.CO n line per month. Nothing taken for less than 23c WANTED YOUNG COUPLE WOULD HE pleased to take furnished house during summer of family leaving city. Only an advantageous offer considered. I , 43 Hee. K M121 20 WANTED , ROOM AND HOARD IN GOOD LO- cnllty by gentleman. State location and terms. Address L 4D , Hee. K 133 20 * MODERN HOUSE , 7 OR S ROOMS , FURNACE unnecessary ; within fifteen mlnutrs' walk of ICth and Fnrnnm ; rent not over $25.00. Ad dress L CO , Hee. K 19520 * STORAGE. Rates , l4c word first Insertion , Ic a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c. STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; CLEAN and cheap rate. R. Wells , 1111 Farnnm.M364 M-364 STORAGE.WILLIAMS & CROSS. 1211 HARNEY. M-2C5 STOVES STORED DURING THE SUMMER. 1207 Douglas. Omaha Clove Repair woks. M104 May 31 WANTED TO BUY. Rates. IVSc word tlrut Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c. RETAIL LUMBER YARD , NEU. OR WESTERN Iowa. Address 1' . O. Uox 552. David City , Neb. N 170 M2l CASH PAID FOR SECOND-HAND FURNIture - ture , carpets , etc. I. Llrussell. 710 & 712 N. ICth. N 495 'J3 j WANTED - STYLISH LADHOS DRIVING horse , cheap for cash. Address room 22 , Douglas block. N 169 2) WANTED TO HUY A GOOD ESTABLISHED banking business , wheie 150,000.00 or more can be loaned nt good rates. Address box 342. Adalr , Iowa. N A GOOD SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE ON SMALL lot ; monthly payments ; state location nnd price. Address L 48 , Hee. N 115 2) * WANTED , A SECONDHAND SAFETY PNEl'- mntlc ; original price , whin bought , wheie , name of machine , etc. , pi Ice wanted. K , care of Carrier 33. N M19S 21 WANTED TO HUY , SJlTn. SECOND-HAND portable forge , also anvil , Address L CO , Ree. N 213 2J * FOBSALE HORSESWAQONS.ETO. Rates. IJJc word first Insertion. Ic a word thereafter. Nothlngjaken for less than 25c. FOR SALE. FAST MARE7 COLT 1 WEEK old , by Wlnslow Wllken. 2:09)4 , filly 11 months old by Mark Wllkes. S. E. corner 21st nnd II streets , South Omaha. 1' M720 FOR SALE , FOR CASH. A NUMRER ONE road mare ; can show better than n llfty gait. Call on or address R , A. Moore , Silver City , la. I1 M9C2 20 * FOR SALE. TEAM WE LL MATCHED RAY horses , cheap. T , J. Rogers , 14th and Farnam streets. I' MSCO 23 * J,12\.00 : CASH WILL HUY A GOOD HORSE , phaeton nnd harness ; horse very gentle and suitable for lady. Room 4 , Dee bldg. I1 123-21 FOR SALE , A NICE. EASY-RIDING VILLAGE cart , In good condition , 123,00 ; nlso n rubber- mounted , single harness , as good as new. J25.00. L 25 , llee. I' 150 20 * HORSES AND CARRIAGES , NEW AND SEC- ond-hnnd ; If you want to buy or sell nhoipp , carriage , buggy , harness , robe , whip or halter and want honest Ucntment , call on Mltclull & Swlgart , 1214 and 1216 Dodge street , corner Thirteenth. P ICO 20 * FOR SALE. A WELL HRED , GENTLE hone , buggy and harness. Inquire e\enlncH after G o'clock , S , W. cor. Locutt nnd luth streets. P 214 M FOR SALE-A FINE ROAD MARE. 7 YEARS old ; good end-spring , top buggy , nnd goad set harness ; n bargain If sold at once ; will sell separately. Address L 47 , lice. 1' 134 SO FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. HALED HAY FOR SALE. THE STANDARD Cattle company , Ames , Neb. , have 2,000 tons of good barn-stored hay for sale. All orders tilled promptly. Q 360 FOR SALE OR TRADE , STEAM MERRYSC1O- lound ; run one season ; good order. Address Howard Rose , Syracuse ; Neb. Q MD90 21 * FOR SALE. EXTRA FINE GREAT DANE DOG. Call or address 1724 N. 18th street. Q-M107 21 FOR SALE. FINE PAIR OF YOUNG matched spotted ponies. Call evenings at 1721 N18th. . - Q-M107 21 CLEANED URICK. NEW POSTOFFICE SITE. corner 17th and Capitol aye. Q 8 ! > 5-20 * FOR SALE-POWERFUL FRENCH FIELD glass , cost JW.OO. for J10.00 , C , O. D. privilege examination. Address P. o , box 3V2 Clncln- natl. O. Q 120-20 * SECOND HAND LUMHER , DOORS AND WIN- dows. New postolllce site , corner 17th 'and Cup- Uol avenue , Q & 14-20 * tlllCYCLEK LADIES' PNEUMATIC TiRE new , cheap for cash. 1511 Douglas street. Q-M207 21 * _ _ _ MISCELLANEOUS. Rules , .IHo word first Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 23o. PASTURE FoTrTlEN-E CHOICE "PASTURE tame grass , good water and bliade. Inquire II. T. Clarke , 219 Hoard of Trade , Omaha , o ? V. W. Chapman on premises near IJellevuc _ H-Mia 21 SCIIRAOITS RHEUMATIC c.uiu : , THE GREAT German discovery , has never failed yet. Get free testimonials. Good agents wanted. 107 Dearborn street , Chicago. Swnnson Rheumatic Curu Co. R 149 si ) * FOR SALE. THE Fl'RNlTTRE OF A 14- room bonidlng house , central locution. Address L 67. llee. R-M193 22 * CLAIRVOYANTS. Rates , I'.io word ( .rut Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for lean than 2Sc. MRS. DR. H , WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT. RE- Uuble buulnets medium ; 7th year ut 119 N. 15. 8-387 MASSAGE , BATHS , ETO. Rates , 10o a llnr each Incertlon , II.M a line per month. Nothing taken for less than 25c. MlADAMn SMlTH. " M3 a. nTlV : D FLOOR , room 3. MatsuRe. vapor , alcohol , steam , sul * phurtne and fvu. baths. T M181 K * MADAME UROWN , 1T.H CAPITOL AVUNCK. Jd floor , room I , massage , alcohol , sulphur an 1 tea baths. T M9M ' MME. LA HUE , 416 SOUTH ISTlt. I T3U10" PERBOtfAL. Rates. IUe word fWl insertion , lo a worJ thtren.'ur. Nothing nJUtn for IMS than tJO. TA ROOW' ' RtAS8Aaa S2JN. I6TH parlors 12 nnd 13. ? l" _ U-MWl Jl * " " OET MARRIED. 8ENU.TF6iritY"lItO PAPER ] hundreds of ad\ertlsers want husl mls nnd wives. Mailed pcaliM for tlamp. W. It. Hnr- btck. Denver , Colo. vr' ' II M323 mM * MASSAGir "rifEATlIlNTT " * 'ELTC-rRO-1rHER. nml baths. Scalp & hnlr treatment , manicure A chlropodls. Mm. Post-S194 ! S 15th , Wllhnell MM. _ COMPOUND OxaEN 'CUREH ASTHMA. bronchitis , consiimptrrttt , catarrh , etc. Thres ( Jays free at R. 3J , DoUJjlas bill , Ifth nnrt Dodea LADIES' ( RUURER. NEVER l'A/LS ) AND 10 O. N.T.PInk Pills mailed , $1. IJidleV Hninnr.Omntm U-C69-J-7 HAIR RErfTORED"FRANK RROOLIN , OPFICE with barber s.iop , 1512 Farnnm St. , guarantees to reitoro your fialr If roots are not destroyed , stops hnlr from falling out nnd returns natu ral color to gray hair. Free examination every day from to 12 n. m. and 1:30 : to B p. m. U 733 J 10 MRS. F. DORSEY CARD READING. H20 N. 10. MASSAGE , MADAME RERNARD , 1119 DODOE. WANTED. LADIEH. MARRIED OR SINGLE ; long engagement nnd good salary. Address , with stamp for reply , L 45 , Uec. U MM1 20 * THIN i'TfoFlTEl "THE REST" FLESH maker ( a predlgested food ) will Increase your welg'.it nnd strength when oil nnd medicine * " " and form assured hnvo fulled ; a "plump" face sured ; particulars nnd special guaranteed prlco free. The E. L. Heals company , 1215 Masonlo Temple , Chicago. _ _ U _ _ ATTENEioN LADlES. TniT "mTsT DEVELoper - oper will enlaigi' your bust 0 Inches. Guaran teed. Sealed Instructions , 2c , or 24-page Il lustrated catalogue Cc , by mall. Emma Toilet Hazar , lloston , Mass. _ U jiAiutYT-iF YOU "WANT A HUSHAND OR wife rich or poor , send 10 cents for matrimonial menial paper , sent scaled In plain wrapper. Mr. and Mrs. Dinke , Central Hank building , Chicago. III. _ _ U LADIES. TONTB IS THE ONLY SUCCESSFUL bust developer known. Never falls ; J2.00 ; full contlldentlal particulars ( sealed ) for 2o stamp. Mrs. Dr. H. T. Miller ; 21 Qulncy street , Chicago ASTROLOGY. SEND TIMEolIRTII. SEX 10 els. and btamp for prospects coming year with character. M. Jeannette , box 312 Lynn , Mass. U _ PERSONAL TO LADIES-1NVALUA11LE ADvice - vice , "special" iiuestlons answered ; $1.01. Doctor , suite. S-1S , Central avenue. Minneapolis. Minn , U-M2'5 24 * _ MONEY TO LOAN-rREAL ESTATE LOANS ON REAL ESTATE FOR ANY LENGTH of time , from thirty d.iys to nve years. Reed & Eelby. 334 Roard of Trade. Warrants bought. W230 ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. , 318 N.Y.LIFE , loans at low rates for choice security on Ne braska and Iowa farms or Omaha city property. W 370 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Urcnnan , Love & Co. , Puxton blk. , _ W 371 MONEY TO IX3AN AT LOWEST RATES ON Improved and unimproved Omnha real estate. 1 to 0 yeare. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Farnnm. LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property ; J3.000 & upwards , C to C'/i per cent ; no delays. W. Farnani'Smlth ' & Co. , 1370 Farnam. W 3,4 , MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES THE O. F. Davis Co. . ISQS , Fnrnam St. W 376 MONEY TO LOAN ON ; FARMS IN DOUGLAS. Improved nnd unimproved Omaha real estate. Fidelity Trust Co. . 17oe Farnam at. W 372 OMAHA LOAN & ' , TUST CO. . 1GTII AND Douglas stieets , loon money on city and farm property nt lowest rat us of Interest. W 377 LIFE INSURANCE. POLICIES LOANED ON or bought. F. C. 'CHcsney , Kansas City , Mo. ; W 373 MONET TO LOANitON OMAHA PROPERTY and Nebraska farms lot from 0 to 7 nor cent. W. R. Melkle , First > National bank bulltlln ? . W 379 UNITED STATES MORTGAGE CO. OF NEW York. Capital $29nO.Otlp. Surplus JGO',000. ' ) Sub mit choice loans tii , lS. . Pusey. Jigcnt. First National bank bulljllng. W > 122j-m26 MORTGAGE LOANS,1 J 'A. MOORE , 501 N. Y. Life. ' j , . . ? . - . . "W-713-J9 * LOANS. J. W. SQUIRE , 24S Bee. W 390 cnblCE CITY AND FAlTM LOANS WAITED. J. N. Frcnzer , opposite P. O. W 934 J15 CITY LOANS. C. A. STARR , 015 N. V. LIFE. W M9I8 LOANsTl TO G YEARS. WARRANTS , HONDS , etc. Gnrvln Pros. . 210 N. Y. Life. W 375 COULD MAKE A J5.000.0 TOO J10.000.00 LOAN at low rate. Alex. Moore , 601 N. Y. Life Rldg , 2 W-17C 20 * MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Rates , IKo word first Insertion , lo a wonl thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 23c. 'MONEY TO LOAN We will loan you any sum which you wish , email or large , nt thu lowest poslblo rates , In the quickest possible time , and for any length of tlmo to suit you You cnn pay It back In tuch Installments as you wish , when you wish , unu only pay for It as long as you keep It. You can borrow on HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIANOS , HORSES , WAGONS AND CARRIAGES , WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , MERCHANDISE , OR ANY OTHER SECURITY , without publicity or removal of property , OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 306 SOUTH 1GTH STREET. First tlooor above the street , THE OLDEST. LARGEST AND ONLY INCOR PORATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. X-3S3 WILL LOAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OF SE- curlty ; strictly confidential. A. E. Harris , room 1 , Continental block. X 350 MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE. PIANOS. 1,11 articles of value. Fred Terry , 430 Ramgo block. X-S81 THE PLACE TO IJORROW MONEY ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. MONEY ON HORSES AND MULES , MONEY ON WAGONS AND CARRIAGES , MONEY ON PIANOS AND ORGANS , MONEY ON WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , MONEY ON MERCHANDISE. MONEY ON ANY CHATTEL SECURITIES , MONEY ON goods that remain with you , MONEY IF YOU WANT NO PURLIC1TY , MONEY IN LARGE OR SMALL AMOUNTS. MONEY AT LOWEST rOSSlllLE RATES , MONEY IN QUICKEST POSSJBLE TIME. MONEY THAT you may pay hack at any time , nnd In any amount , Is at ROOM 4. WITH- NELL block , corner 15th and Harney streets , THE FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. X 3S2 MONEY TO LOAN ON HORSES , WAGONS , pianos and furniture of nil kinds Business confidential J U , Haddock , room 427 , Rnme block. X-384 _ _ ' MT.NEY'TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PROP- erty. Harvln Loan Co. , 701 N. Y , Life building. X-M2U BUSINESS CHANCES. RateslV4c word first Insertion , IQ n word thereafter. Nothing taken for lesa than 2Sc. PARTNER WITH J10.000.00 NEEDED ; MONEY doubled In a year. Write to I1. O. box 21 , Mllllgan , Neb. Y ME2S 20 * SUCCESSFUL SPECULATION OPEN TO ALL , Try our syndicate- system of speculation. In- crensu your Inconu * "information " free ; send for circular. Thompson & Dcrr Co. , 3S Wall street , New York. Incorporated under the lawn of the state of New Yorlii [ 'Capital , J100.000. . „ Y-MI19 20 * WANTED-A OOODiTIIYSICIAN WITH SMALL capital to taku a $ ) .t ) yearly practice , 90 pel- cent of which Is collectable , at Ashland , Neb. ; cause for selling fit'.llhi ; health. Call or write ut onec. Drs. FreliUyiAt Frelday , AshlandNeb. . . Y-127-21 * THE NATIONAL 'INFORMATION ' AND EXchange - change Co. , 203 FlW. National bank , Omaha , havu cash anil clcotf city and farm properly to exchange for mArchnmllse. Wo want gro ceries , dry getxlp , . ( drugs , clothing , boots nnd stioes and general stocks. For sale , stock dry goods , boots nnd shoes , $0,000.00. General .r iclinnillse IS.OitO.oO. Gro ceries ( liiO.uO to ! > 'f-xl.Oii. ' Rakery and confec tionery 200.00 to n'.ooo.oo. Call on or write us If you want to buy , ' 6H1 or exchange anything. PARTNER WANTIJII INTEREST IN A brunch business of II established Him ; JMRW renulrcd , Adilrcsa L AO , bee , with full pnrtlcu- ' * - ! J1D * lais. Yj-MU WANTED , GOOD MAN FOR PERMANENT branch of Chicago house , Will pay liil.W per month salary and all expenses mid nllow on t-xtia percentage beslilPH. Must ln\et 1400.00 In goods to bo carried then * and glvu entire tlmo to bu lncn > i.ddnbn Henry Vcrnon , 129 Frnnk- lln ulr.et Chicago- Y 174 20 * FREE ! OUR HOOK. "HOW TO SPECULATIJT' lured on 15 years experience ; brief , lucid nnd highly Instructive. It has madu money for many. Why not for you ? Write for It. Mi > Cormlck & Co. , Incorporated , Medlnah bldjr. , Chicago. Y-153 2U * liave | iatd our cuntoinera In 13S duys. 1'rolHu Mild twice each inontli ; money can te witliJrawn uny llin , I2U.UU lu ll.oou.uo can lo Invented , write for Information. Klutit-r Co. , stock broker * , 18 nn4 SO llruuilway , New York. .X 151 JJ * ' BUSINESS CHANCES. Continued. KNcnvLinxit : or SPKCI'LATIOX VNNKOHS- fAry on yuir twit.'e furculMo for you with more Ihnn uranl dottrre vt unfclv. Wo nurtound our InvrMntcnln with every m't" mum ! thnt extreme cnutlon nnd lonK cxpeili > nc cnn Mik'Ki'Bt. 110.00 1 1 JloO.OO Invvptml limy secure \vpulth nd prosperity , nx It hit * for thousands of cthprf. TOP Amerlrnn Hyndl * cnle , cMnlillMied | iis. ( Hunk reference. Con- * rr\Hltvi > tiinnntfrtm-nt * ; tin < iue llnucd iiblllty. Mnmiel of Infoimnllm free. A. O. Itnnitlton A Co. , manager * , S I'nclllc avenue , Chlciuo. YIK ) _ SKNI ) roil t.lTTI.i : HOOK , "HOW TO tfl-nt'- ulatc Pui-coiwrully In Wheat nnd Stuck Mar ket ; " nmllcd free. Conintock , HUKlicti Co. , lUnllo Illili ; . , Clilcn.no. Y A I'AIITY WITH | 1 , .M CAHH CAN LIUUN nf n chance to muliily ( | the ninoiitit oevernl times nnd within u Fhort time by nddreMng lock IKIX 60 , Omahn , Neb. No second parly or r"nl estate deal cnnnliU-u-il. Y Ml Ml 21 _ Ht'lVKHHl-Th SPKCfl.ATION OI'IJN TO AM. : try our oynillciilo nyntein of speculation : In- cn.-n.iii1 jour Income ; Inrorimitlon tin' ; nonil for rltvulnr. Thompron K Dorr Co. . 3S Wall Mri'pt , New York. IncoiporiitrO tindi-r the lnw of Btntiof Now York. Capital , tioo.vuo.00. Y-SOI M' _ _ _ _ _ _ A UIINTI.KMAN HAVING ISHirw TO Jl nO > .0 < > cnn find n K' l Inveftmenl In HtnrtlnK a new nmnufncturliiR pliint. Address 1 , tS , II , e. Y 212 SO * FOR EXCHANGE. H.itcK , l',4c word flr t Insertion , lo n word thereafter Nothing luken fore \ > tlmn 2.V. WII.L. " MxciiANai : 32o 7\cltns"o66i ) m- provtd bottom land In Mitchell Co. , Kiui. , well untcretl. timber , orchard and small fiult : also 420 ncics Rood land In Cedar Co. , Neb. , paitlv lliipruvetl. Want nulpe. ; will pay Fotnu cath. Address Lock llox 3Vayiitf ! , Kelt. Z-WJ-21 , CHASKCOUNTY IANDI'OH incrciiiimllpe. llox 201 , liniicrl.il , Neb. X M930 23 CLUAU. IMI'IIOVIU ) CITY 1'Iltll'KllTY AND cash for Htock of groccrlcH and Kenernl mtrr- clmmllsc. Addri-8M I. 44 , llee. Z-M955 M * _ _ WANTI3U , TO HKI.I * KOIl CASH. Oil TUAUM for planu , a Ilift class liorpe nnd buRKy. l'"or purllculais luldreis I , 20 , life ullli.v. Z M021 20 * KfaitT HUNDIinU ACUE HANCII IN KLK- horn valley for pate or trade. A baiKaln. Ad dress L. 33 , Dee. ' . U3J 22 A OOOU RANCH TO THADI3 l-'OIl WKSTKUN males ; about 1,000 ncrcs. hay , timber and water. Address M , I * Taylor , SpilnRvlcw , Neb. 55 M954 J1C * CI.KAK LAND , TOWN I'UOI'HHTY IN GOOD county scat commanding curb rent , and good pecurvd paper , to trailo. for cattle. Lock llox 7 , Ogalalln. Neb. / .MHO 20 GOOD , lin-ilOVli ! ) OMAHA pllCl'nHTY. clear , for hotel In eastern Ncbniska or western Iowa. Heml full description. Alex. Moore. DO I N. Y. l.lfo. 7.178 20 * _ WANTBI ) OHOCI2IIY STOCK. IJKY OOODS Rtock , lioot and shoo stock , clolhlnK ptoek , drUK stock or Benernl merchandise stock , also n wine mid lliior | stock , In exchansi- Jf clear Omaha property or Nebraska Innils nnd part cash. The huger the stocks the better. All Infjimatlon In repaid to stocks strictly con fidential. W. H , Green , 217 Karbach block , Omaha , Neb. 'i Ml 4 23 POIl SALU On KXCHANGK. FOR OMNKHAI. merchandise , hardware or fitrnltui e , C heail of trotting breed horses , Including 1 line matched drlvlnu team. 10 head of Jersey cattle , n 160- ficre fnrm. also a resident property In n Rood town In eastern Neb. Address J , t > ox ! IG , Atwood - wood , Kan. X 147 20 WANTI'M ) TO THAniS HAW I.ANU J'OK MFlTT- chandlsc of any kind , or horses or cattle , uny- thhig trailcuble. Lock box C2 , Stanton , Neb. TO BXCHANdtt CU2AK FAIIM LAND TOll merchandise , fuinltuie , etc. W. 1) . Mnthc\vs , O'Neill , Neb. Si M2 > 2S2" KAIIM LANDS I 1IAVK LISTED KOIl ix"- chanRe Missouri bottom farm lands , well Im proved , that will prow SO bushels ( if corn per acre ; will take Omaha leal estate as first payment , balance on easy terms , 6 per cent ; will divide land to suit purchaser , .1. J. Gibson. 317 Klr'st National bank. X-210 20 TO BXC'HANOU OMAHA 1'IIOPERTY FOIl faun , ranch or wild lands. Adliess L M. Dee. 2 211 20 * FOB SALE HEAL ESTATE. Hates , llic word first Insertion , lo n word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c. * 1IAKQA1NS , HOUSHS , LOTS AND KAIiMS , ealo or trade. F. K. Darling , Barker block. HE 386 5. 10 AND ZO-ACRE TUACTS. 2V4 MILKS KAHT of Council Uluffa. at J100.00 to J200.00 per acre , suitable for fruit Rardena nnd homes. Day & Hesa. Council Bluffs. It B-M43I J3. OAnGAIN , N. E. COIlNnR 29TII AND HICK- or > - . F. 1C Darling. Parker block. RE 386 WILL , YOU UUY A SOUTHEAST FRONT , 100 xl30 , If we will make you a present of a 9-room house on the lots In Rood repair ? Will sell less than 12,000.00. We mean It ; come and A NICE HOME. 8 rooms , fine trees , full cast front lot In Hnnscom place. AT A HARQAIN , a perfect 7-room cottage , hot water heat , fine plumbing , cast front , close to Hanscom park. M. J. Kcnnard & Co. . 907 and 903 N. Y. Life blilg. RE ME53 VILLA RIDOE ACRES ON MILITARY ROAD , near motor line , nt J500.00 , easy terms ; paved street this summer ; now Is the time to buy , A. P. Tukcy. RE M901 DO YOU WANT A HOME , A COZL , LITTLE form of 3 to 30 acres , where you can attend to your business In the city and raise your own fruit , vegetables and poultry and live like a king when times are liar d 7 Come quick and pet your choice. Terms easy. Add. Hex 65 Mlllard. Neb. R E 172 VERNON HEIGHTS IS IN THIS NORTHwestern - western part of the clty.ovcrlooking Miller Park , and 1s the most sightly view to be'found. Think of the price nnd terms , JCOO per acre , J. > 0 cash and tlG per month. Fidelity Trust com pany , agents. RE SS9-23 FOR SALE. 7-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT AT n bargain , one block from motor. Inquire nt 810 S. 25th St. n K--J13 J14' VILLA niDGK IICAUTIFL'L AGUES , ON Military road , north of motor line , easy terms , only J5.00 per acre. Safe nnd sound Invest ment. A. I' , Tukey. U K-737 6-ROOM HOUSE ON FRANKLIN STREET , near 29th , 51 , 350 , W ; easy terms. 5-room cottaRp. on North 19th street , tl.82Ti.00. 5-room house and barn on ropplcton avenue , 12,300.00. C-room house and luarn In Orchard Hill , tl.COO.OO. 5-room house In Lewis subdivision of Okla homa , only J700.00. 6-room house In West Lawn , JSOO.OO. California land to exchange for Oninhn prop erly. 7-room modern house In Orchard Hill to exchange for acres In or n ar llenson. Omaha property to exchange for Nebraska land , Residence property to exchange for vacant 8- room modern house on ropplcton avenue near 32d to exchange for small house In north part of town. S-room house on Iturt street to exchange for acres. 10-ioom all modern house , In fine location In Lincoln , to exchanuo for good home In Omaha. JCOO. 00 nnd Jl.200.00 10 per cent Hist mort- KIIKCS for sale. Money to loan on long tlmo at low rate of Interest. First- mortgages to exchange for horses. Wanted , good bargains In cottage homes In Walnut Hill , West End , llrlggs 1'luqc , West Omahn , nnd Muyno 1'Iace. If you wunt to make quick ealea list your property with us. Let us have your houses to rent. Davenport & Waterman , 622 N. . V IMv. THI3 DEMAND FOR HOUSES 18 INCHHAS- Ing. Ing.You cnn buy right of us. Owners of larRe nnd small houses desiring to sell should llt with us. Garvln liros. . 210 N. Y. Life ' 'J'2 ' ' , A NICE t-HOOM HOL'KE , ONE I1LOCK FROM Sherman avenue , price JUW.OO , cany payments. Uurvln Urns. , 210 N. Y. Life bMg. Hanscom Place corner , full lot , with cle- jranl 9-room modern house , 17,241.04. Clnrvln Uros. , 210 N. Y. Ufp I'l'lB. ' ' C-room house and barn. Orchard Hill , 2 blocks from motor , 11,000.00 , on easy pay- " 'o'arvln Ilros. , 210 N. Y. Life bHg. 5 acreH Inside B-mlle limit , Jl.luo.OO. tlnrvln llros , , 210 N. Y. Life bMg. 3 miles Ogden house , 100 nci-ps choice land. Council llUiffn ; pilc.t JW.OO per acre. Ourvln llros. . 210 N. Y. Life u < 1f . _ , , .jJS3 M 6 ACRES. SPLENDID LOCA- FOR BALK , , tlon 4 iVili M northwest : will b < - Hold cheap. Wllklc 4Clh and Fruncl * Blr J J. L. , , )81 , , : ARK INSTUtTTKU TO HELL FOR HAI.K-Wi ' unsold lots In Hymour'H addition , ull of the . of .oulli the beiiullful plateau on which lays " and near North lloulevnrd , at the Mill.- park sih" I piUof only IIW.OO. These life the t lots In the city , and will give y.m . c eupe llmeH on these lots. .Send for plain , etc. CK easy J. Paul. Ill Hoard of Trade. CHOICE 10-ACIH2 TRACTH IN HrilUllIlS OF North P' ' " " for W-W : llUO llo.w" "ml " ' ? ? , " month.VIII loan money to Improve. City and Suburban Investment Company , room 613 Security bluif. . 8t. lx < ul . _ HK FOR CHKAP HOMES ANU 13AHY TERMS ueo Bpencer. Kailxich block. Ca li or Hwap * . AT A 1IAUOAJN. S-ROOM IIOIIHK. WITH JlOn"- ern uonvcnltnceM , half block north of Hunnconi ark. Addivos W First Nail. ' . , bu'J .M.w n. MODERN S-HOOU COTTAOB. FULL LOT. "a l front , 303 IMV > O avenue. tl.S'xi.OO. tena eu y."B - Allt * 2S SHERMAN AVENUB AND nURDETTU itreet. Choice , full-elzcd , mutli front lot , tl.375.00j ta y Unns. Alex. FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. -A MOIMMIN room houpe , hnul woixl ilnlsh , iMty wnto- , Heatn bent nnd o er ; Loniitlfully lurnlnl , near p.nla pprlni ; ; will ln > mil.l rlienn by owner. K. A. Ollbfrl. 1W8 Colfnx nvciuie , Denver. " LOST. Rates , me word first Insertion , lo a wont thereafter. Nothing taken for lota lli.in 2.V- . LOST. AT it ( YIVH O lTUA" : iTotHt ; : . FRIHAY ovenlng. May l"i. Kold ha r pin , or rumli. lle- ttirn to 1821 Farnain street nnd iccelvp te- wnrd. 201 _ _ 8TIIA YKI > . 1IA Y MA UK. FRCUI IIARN. H W. cor. 28th and PoiiRlap streets. Pleasi' notify Frank Wllcox , 1315 nnd 1117 Douglas Ptreet. LOST , nimvnijN MO HOI-TII KTH AVUNIM : and South : cth stieet , HinniKli Half Hownul , n IHicket lK ik contnlnlng small BUIII of mnney. Finder lll be rewaided by icturnlliK Mine lo 1118 Howard sticct. > 'S 20 * 1'ASTURAGE. Rntep , l',4c v\ord first Insertion , lo n word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 23c. wi- : HAVE KM ACitud or ii't : GRABS PAS- lure for horses. Hoard fence , spring water. Harton & I'helps. ( lllmore , Neb. , or A. W. 1'helps & Son , 2D7 N. Y. Life bldg. Telephone 10H. M-9M .121' UPHOlIsTERINQ. CITY UPHOLSTERING CO. FURNIl iIRE made nnd repaired. Carpets laid and furniture patched nnd polished. 290S Furnain ; tel. 1 > 3. 201 M25 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. Rates. Hie word first Insertion , Ic a word llifrcF.rtcr. Nothing taken for les than 25o VAN SANT'H SCHOOL OF ( TllORTHAND. 513 N. Y. Life , Omnhn. Aek for circular. M3D1 PAWNBROKERS. Rates , HJc word first Insertion , lo n word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 2oc. FRED MOHLE. 1517H FARNAM. 497 DRESSMAKiNGT DRESSMAKING IN FAMIt.IKS. ADDRESS Hiss Sturdy , 4218 Nicholas street. MM7 .M2I- UNDERTAKERS AND EMB ALMERS II. K. IJURKETT. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND embalmcr. IMS Chicago , Tel. 90. 3SS MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. Rates , l'4e word first Insertion , lo n word thereafter. Nothing takenfor _ less than 23c. " O. F , aiLLKNUECK. BANJOIST AND teacher. 1810 California p ? ! . 914 BUREAU. SUE ! t o . SOLIOITORS.HOU llulldlns. OMAHA. NEll. Advluo 1'MtEE. ' Travelers in any part of the world nvold loss , save trouble and Inconvenience by AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY TRAVELERS CHEQUES A UNIVERSAL , t UURi.Nl Y. I'AY.MILK AT r'ACIVALUH ANYlVlllHtK. RH1LWAY TIME GRRD Leaves ( CHICAGO , BURLINGTON & Q.Arrives ( Omaha ) Depot 10th and Mason Sts. I Omaha 4ipm Chicago Vestibule , 0:50am : 9:45am : Chicago Express 4:2Spm : 702pm ; Chicago nnd Iowa Local 8:00um : ll:33am : I'aclllc Junction Local & :55pm : Leaves IUURLINGTON & MO. RlVER.ArrTveT | Oniahal Depot IQtli and Mason Sts. | Omalia 10:15am : Denver Express 9:33am : , 10:15am : Dcadwood Express 4:10pm : 4:50pm : Denver Express 4:10pm : C:50pm..Nebraska : Local ( except Sun. ) . . . CftQpm : 8:15am : .Lincoln I .oca I ( except Sunday..ll:2i.im ) : LeoT-es j"K."c. . , ST71. & C. H. | ArrIve3 Omahal Depot 10th and Mason Sts. | Omaha 9:43am : Kansas City Day Express 5:53pm : IlMSpm.K. C. Night Ex. via U : P. Trans. C:50am : Leaves I CHICAGO. R. I. & PACIFIC. [ Arrives Omahal Union Depot 10th & Mason Sts. | Omaha 10:15um..Atlantic : Express ( ex. aunOay ) . . f :05pni : C:25pm : Night Express G:40ain : 4:40pm..Chicago Vcsttbuled Limited. . . . l:25pm : ll:35pm.Oklahoma : Exp. ( to C. U. ux Sun ) . D:3Jam : WEST. 6:35nm.Oklahoma : & Texas Exp. ( ex Sun.ll:35pm ) : l:35pm : Colorado Limited. . . . . . . . . 4:10pm : Leaves" ! UNION PA"blFi'c. TArrTvcs' OmahalUnlon Depot 10th & Mason Sts. | Omaha 9Mam : Denver Express 3Mpm : 2:15pm : Oveiland Flyer C:20pm : 3:4Epm.Beatrice : & Stromsb'g Exex Sun.I2:3Jam : 64upm ; I'aclllc Express 10:5Gam C:30pm : Fust Mall 4:2ipm : Leaves ( CHICAGO , MIL. & ST. PAUL.IAiTlves OtnaliulUulon Depot 10th & Mason Stn. | Omaliu C:3prn. : . . Chicago Limited. 9:30ain : ll10am..Clilcngu ; Hxprcsa ( ex. Sun. ) , . . . SiOOiun Leaves I 1E. . & MO" . VALL.BY. ( Arrives Omahaj Depot " 15'Ji and Vcbstcr tits. | Onmli.t 9:05am : . . . .Deadwood Bxpicss & :10pm : : ODam.Ex. Sat.j.Wyo. : . . ( ; . Hon. ) . 6:10pm : 6:00pm..Norfolk : lixpreua ( Kx. Sunday. ) . ,10:4. : ' > am 530pm ; St. 1'aul Bxpix-as. . . 940am ; Leaves 1 CHICAGO & NOHTHWKST'N lArrlvcs OmahuU. | I * . Depot lOtli & Muson Sts.j Omaha ll:05atn : Chicago Rxprctis G:10pm : 405pm ; Vestibule Limited 9:2 : < ) am CSOpm : Kastein Klyer 2l5prn : C:30im.Bz. : | ( Sat..Chic. I'nes.tnx. Mon. ) . VMinn 6DDam : Mo. Valley Local 100um ; Leaves I MISROUHI 1 ACIFIC JArilvcT OinalmDcjJOt | _ 15th and \\Vbsler _ Sts. [ Oiiiuhq " 8ToOanT. . . . . .sT. Louis Kxpicss 6:00am 9:30pm : St. Louis Uxprcxs CiSopm 0:10pm.Dally : ( ex. Sun. ) Ncbrnbka Local. 9:10am : Leaves | C. , ST. P. . M. & O. [ Arrives Omuhal Depot IStli and Webster " Sts. | Omaha "SToOam..Sioux City Accom ( Ex. Sun. ) . . 8:05pm : 10:0flam..Sioux : City Accom ( Sun. Only. ) . . 8:05pm : I2:15pm..Sioux City Express ( Ex. Suii..ll:55im G:3jpm : ( St. Paul Limited il:4Qam : Leaves SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. | Airives OmnlialU. P. Depot 10th & Mason 8ts. | Omaha " 6Mam : Sioux City Passenger 10:20pm : 3D5pm St. Paul Express 10:0 : ( > am Leaves I SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC , JArrlves Omahal Depot 15th and Webster Sts. | Onmha D:30iin..T. : S t. Paul Limited 9IOam : C:30rm Chicago LIml'.i-a OilOain Leavci I OMAHA & ST. LOUIS | ArrlvT OimlialU. P. Depot 10th & Mason Sts. | Omq- ! "i St. Ixiuls Cannon Hall 12:33pn : > Tl'S SALE. By order of a decree IHHULM ! on the 7th dny 3f Mny , 1694 , by the Honorable C. H. Scott , m < ! of the judK'H o ( the dlHtrlct court for UouKhiH county , stute of Nebraska , I hcre- Ly ) Blvc notice thnt I will sell at public motion to the highest bidder , for cnnli , at 10 o'clock a. m. , on Tuesday , May ffl , 1K9I , 311 prt'tnlHCS , lllti Ilowaril slrt t , nt Omulm. Neb. , thu entire printing , lioolsblndlnK and llthoKraphlc plant formerly belonging to the linn of Ackernmnn llroH. , t Helntzu. The lilant will be sold c-lthcr by piece , by de partment or as a whole , and all cauh bids either for part of or for the entire plant remain mibjcut to the approval of the court. Die plant consists of llthoKniphlo department , appraised at T > 15,8I5 25 [ jookhliidluK department , npitnilsed nt 3,721 \ \ lob room ( lepartinent , appraised at. 4,670 'AT I'rebsi'H and machinery department , apprnlsed at 13,033-49 Miscellaneous , etc 2,311 89 Ink nnd paper stock may Involcu about. . . 3,000 00 h'lrst cost of entire plant valued at $ GI,3S.OO , fipprulHeil ut \VifXt 12 For Information or lnventlRiillon fee r - ; elver , JOHN H. V. UillMANN. S'OTICIO OF TUB 8ITTINO OF THK CITY COUNCIL AS A IIOAIID OF To the owners of thu lots , parts of lots ind real estate abutting on or adjacent to tie streets , alleys or avenucH herein named jr situated In whole or In part within any if the districts herein Hpecllleil : You and each of you are hereby notified .hat the city council of the city of Omaha , vlll sit as u Hoard of Kriimll/utlon In com- nlttce room A In thu city hall , Omulm , Nebraska , on Friday , the 25th day of May , 1831 , from U o'clock a. in. to u o'clock p. in. , 'or the purpouu of considering and equallz- UK the proposed levy of special luxes and ihfcCHHiricntH u shown by "Proposed I'lttnn > f Assessment" now on Ille In the olllce of wild city rlerk , and correcting any errors herein , and of hearing all complaints that : ho owners of property no to be iiKneHned unl taxed may make ; cald special taxes mil uimcBymcntH proposed to ho luvlcii beliiK leccKsary to cover the cell of the ncvirul mprovementa duly authorized to be made ind now completed , UK follows : I'o cover thu cost of opening \Voolworth ivenue , from Thlrty-uecond uvenuo lo riilrty-slxth street , uinouiitlng to the sum > t ? 23oo.T3 , whlcU uum it U propo O , by CITY OFFICIAL NOTIOE8 Continued. report duly adopted by the city council , to nrsess pro riUn on the real rstato on each side of \ \ oolworth avenue front the onat line of lots 12 and SB , block 8 , Ilnni.com Plioo to west line of Dounlnn addition , iilsn the en.it IM feet of thnt pnrt of \ < , of no Ui ttcrtlon K , opposite lots 12 , 13 , 14 , block iO , and lots 1. 2 , 3 , block II , Dinmlus addition , pro rata IIH per foot fnmttiKO , aeordlnit t ( the iiHinl rcnlliiK Imck procciiM In depth frail tlio iivonno an fnlknvs : In Ilnnscom I'lnc-o and ItotiKlaa addition , three lota : In Orlf- II n & Snilth'R addition , to center of lot after ilriluetlnK the nmoiint taken for the nvenue. Hate per foot , { " > . I TO. To cover the cost of opening Iioulevnnl > from Ames avenue northward to the Parker tract. iimountliiK to the sum of JW.827.S6 , which stun It Is proposed by n report , duly adopted by the eltj council , to assess art follows : Lot 7 , Forbes subdivision . Jl.f'Si ) 00 lol 10 , I'orbt'S subdivision . 812 20 l.ut II. Forbes subdivision . l.lViO ( X ) l.ol 17. Piitrlok's HiiratoRa add . 100 IX ) Lot IS , Patrick's Saratoga add . 14000 l.ul I' ' . Patrick's Hnratoia add . 16000 W II ft lot 20 Patrlek'H SuratORii add 100 00 I'tMoll mnl lot 1. block 1. Patrick's Second Saratoga ( w of lioiileviird ) Cflt f 4) I'Vaotloiial ' lot 3. block 8 , Patriek'a Si-eoiid SnratoKa ( W of boulevard ) 159 IO Fractional lot 4 , block S , Patrick's Second Saratoga ( \V of boulevard ) 222 CO \V 30 ft lot 1 , blk 1 , Yates & Hem- pie's add . ISO 00 W 30 ft lot LM , blk 1 , YntoM .1 Hem- tile's add . 28000 \V 30 ft lot 1 , blk L' , Yatcs & Horn- pie's add . 2SC1 00 Tav lot I , sec. 3-ir.-13 . „ 927 Pfl K ISO ft of tax lot IS , sc. 3-1C-I3. . . . 1,425 00 \V IM ft of tux lot 19 , see. 3-15-13 ( exept rlwlit of way ) . 2,37r > 00 Tax lot 20. see. 3-15-1:1. : . . . i . k. . SW 00 N 215 ft w IfiO ft of tax lot 21 , sqc- tlon ! l-l.r.-13 . 47300 \V IMi ft of s COO ft nc 'i of nw U sec. 3-15-13 . 1.10S 91 W ' , ( of B > ,4 of s\v U of nw U sec. SI-lti-13 . 5160000 S 150 ft of w 4M ft of n 'i of HW ' of nw \ \ of si-e. 34-1G-13 ( north of nnd adjoining boulevard ) . 1,1:3 00 To be paid from the park commis sion . 35800 To cover th damaRes for Kfadlnt ? the alley In block No. ! ) , Shlnn'M addition , from Twenty-sixth to Twenty-seventh street , be tween Hamilton and Charles street ! ] . amounting to the sum of $211.0i ) , which sum It Is proposed , by a report duly adopted by the city council , to assess on the real es tate on each side of said alley pro rata per foot fronlace necordlnti to the. usual scalhiK back procrss In depth to the Hi root , Hate per foot. J0.203H ) . To cover the cost of tfradltiK the alley be tween Cass and California streets , from Twenty-lift ! ! to Twi-nty-slxth street , lru Kradlnu district No. 83 , nmotintiiiR to th < ' sum of JfiS..Tl. which sum It Is proposed , by u report duly adopted by me city coun. ell , to assess on the real pstate on cacti side of said alley pro rata per foot front- a e according to the usual scnlhiK bflclc process In depth from alley ono lot. Ilnta per foot , 50.CK15. To cover the cost of inulliiK the alley In block No. 5. Dupont Place , umountlnR to the sum of $670.78 , which Hum It Is pro posed , by a report duly adopted by the city council , to assess on the real estate on each side of said alley pro rata per foot fronttiKe and according to the usual scal ing back process In depth from alloy the depth of one lot , provided thnt lot 16 shall be assessed for 14 feet frontage. Hate per foot , $1.02:0. To cover the one-half cost of RradliiK Twenty-seventh street , from Poppleton avenue to Hickory street , amountliiR to the sum of J900..19 , which sum It Is proposed , by a report duly adopted by the city coun cil , to assess on the real estate on each side of Twenty-seventh street , from Popple- ton avenue to Hickory street , pro rata pet foot frontline , according to the usual scal ing back process In depth from the street to the llrst alley. Hate per foot , $0.37307. To cover the cost of curbing and pnvlns Twenty-ninth street from Hickory street to Arbor street , In street Improvement dis trict N'o. 523 , amounting to the sum of $21,292.17 , which sum It Is proposed , by n report duly adopted by the city council , to assess on the real estate on . .inch side of Twenty-ninth street , from Hickory street to Arbor street , as follows : From Hickory .street to Dupont street , at the rate of : $427817 per foot ; and from Dupont street to Arbor street , at the rate of $4.88931 per foot , according to the usual scalliiK back process In depth from street as per dis trict created ; provided that the following lots shall be nssensed for the specllled amounts , towlt : Lot 9 , block 6. Dupont Place , $106.00 ; lot 10 , block 6 , Utipont Placo. $ 15.00 ; the part north of Arbor street produced of lot 8. block 7Arbor Place extended , $66,80 ; . lot 9 , block 7 , Arbor Place extended , $100.00. To cover the cost of IlllliiK lots , amounting to the sum of $281.50 , which sum It In pro posed. by a report duly adopted by the city council , to assess on the lota which were fillet ) , as follows : Lot S. block 12 , Clifton Place , $153.41. lrit 9 , block 12 , Clifton Place , $128.09. To cover the cost of abating nuisances under the direction of the Hoard of Health , amounting to the sum of $171.20 , which sum It Is proposed , by a report duly adopted by the city council , to assess on the real es tate for which the work was done , as fol io WB : N V5 lot I , block 203V- , city $10.00. Sub lot 8 , lot 6. Capitol addition , { 10.00. S 68 ft lot 8. blk 3 , Kounlzo'H 3d add. $37.50. - - - blk 5. Kountzc & Hutu's add , J6.40. S > 4 lot 10 , Heed's M add , $9.60. S i acre of tax lot 21 , sec. 31-15-13. $16.20. Sub lot 2 , tax lot 12. sec. 35-15-13. $31.00. To cover the cost of opening 15th street from Valley street to IJ street , Amounting to the sum of $ M3.00 , which sum It Is pro posed by a report duly adopted by the city council , to assess as follows : On lot 7 , RiH l s Sub. , il 0. 0 ; lot IS EIscl s Sub. , $100.00 ; on the east 31.8 feet of lot 7. Oak Hill Add , No. 2. $80.00 ; w ; .S feet ot 9. Oak Hill Add No. 2. $ SO.OO ; lot 22 , Oak Hill Add No. 2 , $16.79 ; lot 23. Oak Hill Add. No. 2. $16.SO" lot 21. Oak Hill Add. No. 2. $16.79 ; on the real estate on both sides of 15tli street from Valley street to north line oC lot 7 , KIseles Sub. ; at $0.33568 per foot. The real estate so assessed being according to the usual sealing back process In .depth rrom Btte t , one U t. - . . To cover the cost of widening Bancroft street from 10th street to llth street. amounting to the mini of $621.00 , which si tn It Is proposed , by a report duly adopted by the city council , to assess as follows : On lot D. Middle's sub , $300.00 , On real estate on each side of Iluneroft street , from Fourth street to Thirteenth street ( except lot D as above mentioned ) at the rate of $ .05968 per foot , according to the usual scaling back process In depth from Ktreet IM feet , except In I.llbbes Hub imil N. J. Smlth'H Plnee , where the depth shall be one lot from street. To cover the cost of opening Hickory ntreet from Thirty-second avenue to 'lltlr- ly-slxth Htreet , amounting to the sum or S12.1I7.50 , which sum It la proponed , by n. report duly adopted by the city council , to assess on the real estate on each side of Hickory street from Thirty-third street lo west line of Douglas addition pro rata nor foot frontage , according to thu usual Healing Imck process In depth from street. nn north side 156 feet anil on south Hldo 153 feet Itate per foot , $3.iOI5l. : . You lire further notified that s.tld 'Vro ? nosed plans of assessment" are no\V subject o the Inspection anil examination of any uf the owners of said lots , parts of lots or nice-en of real estate , or the Inspenllbn or xamlnutlon of any other person Inter- sted In said proposed assessment ! ) at the alllc-H of the city clerk , and that by a re- nort of a committee of Bald council duly ulopted It Is proposed that , unless for good tnd Htilllclcnt causu It may bo otherwlso arderod and determined , that the costs oC < ald Improvements respectively bo assessed , in the several lots , parts of lots and plecu- if real estate as shown by snld proposed * ilans of . ; You and each of you are hereby notified ; to appear before said Hoard of hqunllzu- llon. at the time and place above speclllnd , lo make any complaint , statement or ob- lectlon you desire concerning any of said proposed levies and at-BessmentH of special "lXeH > W. C. WAKUhHY , City Cleric. Omaha , Neb. . May 17th. ISO. . . Till : HIIALTV MAUICKT , IN8TKUMUNTS placed on record Mny 19. 18UI : WAIlllANTY DIIIJUH. , I C HIitiny to II II Hlrney. M 21 feet of l"t 4 , block 78 , Boiitji Same to same , lut 0 , Mock 9) ) , IUIIHJ. . . . 1,1 * ) V Coiner and luiHlaiml til t'otner Uriiln company , lots I nnd 2. KlllH I'lnce . . . 3.500 I llTuife'r'anYwYfV lo H O UeyrleH , lllmelmiiKli * ' suudiv . OX ) 25. blocK 1 , 1 11 I'aynw nlid wife lo 11 L Allln , lot 20 , . . . . . . Mock I , AvoudaU pnik. - 3,603 lYIIIIiim L UK-key and wife lo II U Jor- ilun. lut 19. block 7. liinseom 1'liice . . 3 , BOO Jriiest Merli'li" to Max Allirecht , loin 7 und 8. Mock 10 , Went Albright 400 rimninH IDiiii to HOHU I'liiliiiidcr , n tract In sw nu 3-14-13 L500 QUIT CLAIM UIIDH. : : , V It WucMell and wlfo lo OIM-II & Ilriiln- unl ( tiUHlevx ) , w * % ftel lot II and 8 7-13 fet-t lot 12 , Mock 7 , IMIfunl I'lnc'- . , 2S d B Helm lo H W Helm , lot II , lilorK 9 , I H Holt nml tiiiiibiind tii'A M Wllwn , lot 31 , Mock 5 , Kllby I'luci- , . , , , W > lieclal matter to A M Uoodrlch , lot C , block 4 , La Yetu I'lacu US