Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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Wheat Wan Heavy at the Lowest Price Ever
Recorded in May.
porn 'Weak All Dny , Out * Easy nncl Tro-
Dull , All Influenced by the
Wheat Market Stock !
nnd Honda.
CHICAGO , May 15. Wheat Was very
heavy today nt the lowest price ever known
Jn the month of May nnd closed Ho lower.
The feature of today's trading was heavy
liquidations of the longs , weak cables , line
weather nnd nn Increase on passage aiding
In the decline. The other markets were
affected by the weakness In wheat , July
corn closing % c lower , July oats MO lower
nnd provisions lower nil around ,
In whent n largo business wns transacted.
Opening trades showed from tto to HO loss ,
nnd gradually the market sold down % c
to 1' c , rallied "Ac , changed some , nnd closed
ns stntcd. Liquidation by tired longs wns
the chief feature of the duy. The early
Influences were bearish , the chief of which
were weak cables , the Increase on passage
nnd the fine weather. Prices gave way
rapidly , local traders being rather aggres-
lve and confident of lower prices , nnd In
creased the offerings ns the session ml-
vnnced. A prominent operator , supposed to
be short heavily , gave the market good sup
port after the first decline , as also dhlin
large concern with elevntor Interests. This
buying Htnyeil the downward , tendency for n
time , but Inter on fresh lines came out niter
the prlco worked down , making new low
records In nil deliveries. The IncrtmKe of
the world's visible supply of 4.4CO.OOO bu.
raiiHctl the prices to react , nnd was about
the only bullish feature presented nil day.
The close wns but He from the bottom.
Corn wno weak nil day. The downward
course of wliont , together with the fine
weather , were the principal weakening In
fluences , nnd considerable long came out
on the break , which Increased the depres
sion. Opening trades showed ttc loss , nnd
after selling up Ho gradually worked down
ic , rallied io toc , changed some , and
closed ' , ic from the bottom.
Outs wn easy on selling nnd In sympa
thy with whr-nt. June was sold freely and
closed Kc lower. July Closed Uc from the
Provisions were dull nnd weak In sym
pathy with the grain markets. Offerings
were free and the market broke to a mod
erate extent. Compared with last night ,
July pork Is 27'Ac ' , July lard 12Vic and July
ribs U'X-c ' lower.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat ,
47 curs ; corn-175 cars ; oats , ICO cars ; hogs ,
21.000 head.
The leading futures ranged as follows ;
Cnuli limitations were as follows :
KI.OL'H Weak.
\VHEAT No. 2 pprlne , D5c ; "Xo. 3 spring , ho
siilcai No. 2 nil. 55c.
CORN-NO. 2. .
OATH No. 2. 32'iit ; No. 2 while , 35V436c ;
Nn. 3 white. 34a35y4c.
UAHLEY No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , 53@56c ; No.
4 , 46 Mlc.
FLAX HEED-NO , i. $ i.33V4c.
TIMOTHY SEED Prime. $4.15.
PROVISIONS Went pork , per bbl. . $12.00J >
12.05 ; laril. per 100 Ibs. . $7.30f 7.32V4 ; short ribs
dlJcrt ( loose ) . $0.30JJC.32V4 ; ilry salteil shoulders
( boxcri ) , $ . < .75 < tj'6.00 ; short clear sldcH ( boxed ) ,
$0.87Vj 7.121i.
WHISKY DlntlllcrB * finished goods , per eol. ,
HltOAn-UnclmnKeil. I
The followiii ? wuro iho rccelptB ana elilpirjiU3 :
fcr today :
On Iho Produce oxelianiro today the butler mar
ket wan linn ! creamery. 12@lllc ; dairy , 048
IV'o. KfRB , linn ; Rlrlctly fresh , Uhc. !
Yesterilny'fl Quotntlnnn on Flour , tiralii nnd
l-rovlnloiis , Metals , Ktc.
NEW YORK , May 15. FLOUR-Recclpts , 21.000
bbls. ; exports , 28,500 bbls. ; sales , 7,000 pkgs. ;
"hinrkut weak and lower to sell ; winter straights
hail some demand for southern markets. Rye
flour , llrm. Duckwhent flour , nominal ,
IIUUKWHEAT Dull ; range on all grades , CS ©
CORN MEAL Dull ; yellow western. $2.0502.70 ;
Uraililywlne , $2.70.
RYE Nominal ; car lots. 5152c.
1IARLEY Nominal : No. 2 Milwaukee , CCjfG7e ;
unKrnded western , COflCSc.
HARLEY MALT-Qulct ; western , 6585c ; six-
rowed , 60 85c.
WHEAT Receipts , 100,500 bu. ; exports. 125.000
bu. ; siili-n , 5,755,000 bu. futures and 120.000 bu.
Pl > ot. Biiot weak ; No. 2 red , In store and ele
vntor , 6Se ; nlloat , 58Vlc : f. o. b. , 89140 : No. 1
iinrthern , MTlc delivered ; No. 1 hard. 6SHc de
livered. Options weak , breaklnK all previous low
records ; heavy selllnR by foreign houses , liquida
tion , nctlvu-Jocal shorts selling , weak cables and
Kuod crop cbndltlons caused Die declln ; Drad-
slreel's decrease of over 4,000,000 bu. In world's
stocks caused n. rally , 'but ' It was lost , and pflces
vlomtl nt the lowest nnd lUiflHc under yester
day's : May. 57K95SHC. closed nt 57c ; June
closed nt t.SUc : July , M4 MHc. closed at 69c ;
August , 60itiGmc , closed at C0 ? c ; September ,
615tiSfl21ic ! , closed at Cl io ; December , C4 > S CJVic ,
closed nt Cl"4c.
CORN-Recelpts. 92.000 bu. ; exports , 18,000 bu. ;
vales , 300.000 bu. futures and 94.000 bu. spot. Spot
market weaker ; No. 2 , 42ic In elevator ; 43'-jC
43Ttc nlloat : steamer mixed , 42ic. ! Options Ken-
trally weak all day In sympathy with wheat
and on liquidation , closing % c net decline ; May
closet ! nt 42ic ; June , 43c , closed al 43c ; July ,
43iiiT43Hc. closed ill 43Xc.
OATS ReceJpls. 1CS.OOO bu. ; exports. 7.000 bu. ;
rales , 170,000 bu. futures and 69.000 bu. spot. Hpot
market weak for intxi-d , while steady ; No , 2 ,
3i037 ! c ; No. 2 delivered , 3S aS8nc : No. S ,
87c ; No. 2 white , 41'ic ; No , 3 white.
4 c ; track mixed western , 38jji'Jc : :
track white western , 41@45c ; track white
state , 41ff45c. Optons dull and weak with thu
other markets ; May , 37K&37HC , closed nt 37Uc ;
June. 36XW3'c. closed nl 37c ; July , 35 Il-164j37f ,
closed al JC c.
HAY Quiet ; shlpplnif , J5.00OG.W ; good to
choice. $7.0089.00.
HOl'H Quiet ! state , common to choice , 9C17c ;
1-acino coast , 12H8c.
HIDES Fairly active ; wel sailed New Or
leans , selected , 45 Ibs. , 4R4Vjl' .
LEATHER Firm ; hemlock sole , Iluenos Ayres ,
light In hoary. 10 > i l9o.
WOOI * Fairly active ; domestic llcece , 19O25c ;
I'UOVIBIONB lle f , steady. Cut meats , weak ;
p ickled bellies. C' WWc : pickled shoulders , tft
pC' .ic ; pickled hams , lOuWOVic. Uinl. dull ; west
rn steum closrd nt $7.70 , nominal ; sales , 100
tierces at $7.70 ; May , $7.70 , nominal ; July , $7,40 ,
mimtnnl ; rellne-1 , weak ; continent , $7.00 ; B. A. ,
$7,80 ; compound , $5.82)k(1.12'Ii ) ! ( , Pnrk , lower ; new
mess. $ I3.50U13.78 ; exlnt iirlme , $13 ; family , $14.50
( M3.00 ; short clear , $14.00(116.00.
COTTON BEEU Oil * Inactive nnd quotallons
more or less nominal ; prime crude. In bbls , , 2310
20e ; prime crude , loose. 25027o ; prime summer
yvllnw , 32(33o ; off summer yellow , 31U32c ; prtmu
ulniiiHT white. 3C(37o ; butter grades. 3."ff3Uc.
lll'TTER Firm : western dairy , UV4O12c ; went-
i-rn creaiiK-ry , 13O17o ; western factory. 8 llo ;
ElKlns , 17c ; stattt dairy , UUI7c ; state creamery ,
fHE'ESE Weak ; stale large , 9HBUHc ; small ,
LtlllB Quiet ; receipts , 10fO ) pkKs. ; stat nnd
r nnsylVHnla. 124nuci western flesh , KOlI c ;
HOUIhem , lOirllc.
TALUIW-Bteady : dty ( $ ! per pile. ) , 4c ;
iimntry ( pkgs. free ) , 4Tic , as to qunllty ,
PETHOI.EtJM-Dull ; United closed at S5Uo
bid : WHshlngton , bbls. , $5 : Washington In bulk ,
$3.80 ; rrllneil New York , $3.15 ; Philadelphia ic.
lined. In bulk , JtCO.
ROHIN Firm ; strained , common to gowl ,
Tl'RI'ENTlNE-Hteady ; S9)4 ) 30c
IIICB Btrady : domestic , fair to extra , 4ViQCc ;
Jnpun. 4ll 4c.
MOLAHHEH Bleady ; New Orleans open kettle ,
ttMxl In chiilct38f3 ( > o.
I'll ! IRON-Oull ; Bcotch , J13.50Cr.M ; Amcrl.
ran , tll.OCHMJ.W.
OII'I'KH Hull ; lake. ) tc.
l. AD-'Qulet , domestic. $3.M.
TIN-'llatrly strady ; straits , $19.83 bid ; plates.
triartirl dull.
MI'III.TIIII W"iW ; diimntlc. $1.50 asked ; nlf
, , , i 'ituii * ' , U tons tin to arrive per B. B.
ll/H ( i | Mll tVliritt Mnrkot.
. Way -Whrat waa low.r
HMHilf Htui"l by Bjrinpulhy with lower
ftt mtf ) .l < , t'rop iftHirlt were good
ktl W. IM. to-Ill Hi * Ktrepllon of plarcs In
ftivtiti ni ( t l limvy winds had blown
Itr * * * " ) limit WHVty loud within t'.ie last
t.vt * n < tll , < * tin. . mid shlpmtnu
/ ) * twin * 'i * Kilii'llriK lit the ral
tVittin iJu Hi Ivitly Ivur huum , vrhlrli
tAH + lf'li III I" U | lufU Of IIFlir
* / ' i'Ut It UU ihuuM bn UU _
decrrare tlmn M.OOO bu. for each twenty-
four hours from now until Hcptrmbr 1 , when the
n w crop will be nt to UUP , there would still
remain iomp 4,000,000 bu , of old whrat In this
city to > Into th new crop year. Hales of
cash wheat today W
terdny ; May closed
September , CStte ;
for No. 1 northc. . . . . . . . . - , * . - . . - . - - . . -i -
was qul t ; patents , IJ.OO , and Inkers , )2.00Q2.30i
thlpments , 30,214 bbls.
Mr. ( lonlil's rrojcoteil Trip to Bnropo
Cnunoil n Itnlil on MUnoiirl 1'nclllc.
NEW YORK , May IB. After nn extremely
dull opening , enlivened only by n decline by a
point or o In American Sugar IleflnlnK stock ,
the share list developed weakness and prices de
clined In the entire list. The knowledge Hint
Mr. Gould Is about to leave for Europe wan
nlllUrd by the beam to make a sharp raid on
Missouri Pacific , nnd the stock brolcc from 29H
to 26H on sales of only 11,602 slinros. The
break In this slock , however , was sulllclenl to
start selling In other parts of the list and n
decline of from ' ,4 to U4 per cent ensued. Bunar
fell off 114 per cent , to 103ij Atchlson 1 % P-r
cent , to 104 : Northwestern Hi per cent , to 10S ;
Hock Island 1 per cent , to 68T4 ; Union Pnclllc
% per cent , to 17 ; Lead T4 tier cent , to 3S % ;
nnd Ht. Paul % per cent , to CO'j. Atchlson was
unfavorably affected on the report that th stock
holders would be nsiessed $20 tr t chare under
the reorganization , Instead of $10 , as at llrst pro-
IHWI ] , TinenK.iKetncnl of $500.oi In Kold byon
Hoffman & Co , for shipment to Europe , nnd the
talk of heavy exports by Balmday's steam-rs
liil to free polllm ? by Ihe room traders. The
Ironblps nl the west nlso hail n depressing effect ,
although , according to the statements of olllclnls
of leading lines , the troubles will be speedily
adjusted , The market closed quiet at a frac
tional recovery.
The railway and inlnci-llaneousi bonds mnrket
wns easy and the tendency downwind.
The Evening Post says : The sharp decline In
wheat and the uncertain reports of rnte-cuttliiK
were the really slgnlllcant factors In today's
financial news. Until the day wan pretty well
advanced neither of these Influences affected
market prices. Toward the clnsi of buslnes" ,
howewr , th market yielded under n moderate
hear pressure nnd the close , thoilKh dull , WHS
weak. The day's declines were very i-venly
illslrlbuted , Atchlson nnd Missouri P.iclllc suffer
ing the most di-clded losses , HIP former on the
not-at-all-probablc report that the i tpectcd re-
oiKitnlz.itlon plan will carry a heavy tmu-
holders' assessment. To news of this kind , pli-ns-
nnt or not , holders nf stock of bankrupt roads
may as well compose their minds.
Thi > total sales of slocks today were 13,201
shares , Including : Atchlson , 9,400 ; American
HiiRar , 20,400 ! llurllnston , 6OiWj Chicago OIIH ,
8.3111) ; Distilling and CatllefeedliiK. 3.MO ; Oencrnl
Electric. 4,000 ; Long Island Transfer company ,
3,100 ; Missouri Pacific. II.70) ) : National Lead ,
3,100 ; New York & New England , 3,000 ; Rook
Island , 3,100 ; SI. Paul , 19,900 ; Western Union ,
4,200.The following are the closing quotations
on the leading stoclcs of the New York ex
change today ;
Now York Money Murlcet.
Kaay , nt 1 per cent ; last loan , 1 per cenl ; closed
nt 1 per cent.
HTERLINd EXC1IANOE Dull , with actual
business In bankers' bills , $4.88J04.89 for de
mand , and at $4.87'JH'4.87 ' for sixty days ; posted
rates , $4.SSH and $4.85 ; commercial bills , 4.SGVJ8 >
The iloslng quotations on bonds.
Huston Stock Quotations.
BOSTON. May Ifi.-Closlnsr prices for Blocks ,
bonds and minim ? shams ;
Now York .Mliilnjj Quotation ? .
NEW YOUK , May IB.-Tho followlne ara ths
closlngmlnlnirquotatloni : .
Sun Francisco Mining Uuotutlmn.
SAN PH.VNCISCO. May 15.-Tho ofHelal closing
quouulonsfor mliilnj nto-jxaiuliy wjrjaifji-
London Htook 'Mnrket.
LONDON , May 15.-4 p. in. closlmr ;
8t. Louis MlnliiK Stock Quotations.
-M""f " 'ocks ' today wcro
riimncial , Notes.
NEW ORLEANS , May .i. t'li-u'ingn ll.'fjei
15-CIenr' ' " . * l < .WU07j ball
3 < T"rV" ! " * " " ' lenle(0f ' ( °
May -
CINCINNATI. May 17. - Clearings , $1.56 ,180.
" ? ' * C"M' VorK " " " " "K'c
IAI8CO- " " > S.-Urafts. sight. 10cj
LXImnie on f ew York. 25 40c iiJ-Tiitun
CHIC'AQO. May lCl rlnirs. flimriM. Ster-
llnjr exchange , dull and linn : vuul. $4.67'.iO
" " W J u"-
Good Run of Cattle and Hogs , but No Sheep
Were Offered ,
Some Snlci Were nt 1'rlcos n Simile HlE"cr
Tlmn Monthly's llogi I'lrm Up
ml Soil Stonily , Closing
Itnther Strong.
TUESDAY , Mny 15.
Tliorevnn n Rood , llbcrnl run of both
cattle nmt hogs today , but , ns on Monday ,
there were no sheep offered.
The fat cattle mnrkct was active nnd
firm. Receipts were rnthcr llbcrnl and the
quality was good. All classes of buyers
exhibited a fair degree of activity , nnd
sellers experienced no dllllctllty In Iliullnu ;
purchnBcrs. Handy light fnt cattle were
In good request from all sources , nnd
prices ruled a shade higher In most cases ,
while the heavier grades were In In
different request , unless good. Choice 1,101-
Ib. steerH sold up to $1 , and that figure was
also the limit pnld for very good 1,481-lb.
cattle. Hough , heavy steers were luird to
move nt nny price. Some 1,20.1-11) . fed
western steers sold for J3.C7. while only
fnlr 881-lb. steers brought $3.75. Under
mich circumstances there Is little Incentive
to feeders to finish their cattle. Heavy
Hteers are going out of style nnd fat pony
enttle are becoming more popular every
day. In general It wns a good , firm ,
active market , and the forenoon's trading
practically exhausted the supply.
Possibly G per cent of the offerings today
were cows and mixed lots. The mnrkct
presented no new features. Good stuff
wns In active demand and strong , while
common and miming grades ruled sloxv
and weak. Sales were at from $1.25 to
J3.75 , with nearly everything nt nil useful
selling nt 13 or better. Calves at from
$2.BO to $4.75 were unchanged , and bulls
nnd stags at from } 1. 0 to 33.25 were quot-
ulily firm.
There was , perhaps , a trllle more life to
the stacker and feeder trade. Country
buyers were more numerous nnd specula
tors found more encouragement U do busi
ness. Prices were no better , but the feelIng -
Ing on all sides was more healthy. Sales
were largely at from $3.20 to $3.63 , Inclucl-
n. lot of very decent westerns nt $3.55.
Good to choice feeders nre quoted at $3.20
5)3.70 ) ; fnlr to good at ? ; i.001(3.15 and the
commoner grades ut from $3 down , llepre-
se.ntu.tlvu sales :
No , Av. Pr. No. Av. IV.
52 feeders. . . . 823 3 55UTAH.
Scows 1110 200 1 slap 1700 SCO
109 feeders..1191 353
HOGS Ilecelpts were tolerably liberal ,
1,500 more than on last Tuesday and nn In
crease for the two ilays as compared with
last week of about 2,000 hogs. The quality
as a rule was very Kood. Local packers
all started In rather bearish , but slightly
better reports from the east and a good
nhlpplng and speculative demand soon In
duced a llrmcr feeling , nnd most of the
trading was on the basts or very nearly
steady prices. Business was moderately
active throughout , und the close was Htrong.
The popular price for fnlr to good stuff of
all weights was $4.65 , while lots of the good
to choice loads brought $4.8714 and $1.90.
Poor light nnd mixed stuff went at around
$4.80 and $4.82Vi. The big bulk of the trad
ing , however , was at (1.83 and $1,90 , as on
Monday. On Tuesday last the IIOSH sold
largely at $4.00 and $4.95. Heprescntatlvc
sheep. I.ocnl houses nro nil nfter ilwilrnlilo
niuttoiiH and lamlis , itnd prices arc quotnlily
strong. Fair to RurvVimtlvcs nro quotable
nt from W.SO to , i.thlr' to good westerns
at from $ .1.20 to Mtl&r-comtnon and Mock
Kheep nt from J2.Wto W.26 nml KOOI ! to
choice to IW-lb ln ibs nt from W.GO to
IlrrolnM iitul IMtnciiltlnn of Stuck.
Official raeipta nml tUn petition or stock : timo-.v it
bj the books or ilio Union aiocx Y.irds count tiy :
for tha twenty-four hiwrnrtiiilln * at 5 o'clock p. in ,
May 13 , Ib04i y.u
Offering * of Cattle Actually Not Sufficient
to fill Orders.
CHICAGO , Mny IS. Tlicie was n very smnll
supply of entile here today. The offerings wcro
nnt BU IIH' I rut Ki till the few orders In Imnil.
There was rnouKh competition to Import firm
ness to the market. Receipts nt western points
yesterday nnd today were cnmpnrntlvcly Unlit.
Indicating nimternte supplli-s for tomorrow nml
Thursday. Tlmt probnlilllty pave pilces n slight
upwiint tendency. Their * were no extia steers
nn sale iinil trmllni ; wan Kcnciully nl $3. ! > 0 to
$4.15 , nml nt $2.80 to $3.GO for COWK nnd h"lfeis.
Thi > demand for hotrs was nnylhliifr but lirMt ,
but ttic meager prnpoitlona of thu nupply itimlp
It onny for pi'llerH to clop out nt miKlernte
prloi-H ! Imli'iil , tlii" nvi-niKc wn n trllliblKlier
tlnm for that tlute. Tin- fowl of the lieiivy IIORH
bioiiKlit $5.20 nml tlirri" wnri1 Hales of IlKfot
nR lilKfo "B J5.15. Ili'lupen shippers anil paekerH
tln > mipply wax noon aboorlx-il nml the mnrket
nmlntiilneil u Him timeto the rml. Heavy IIOKS
rontlnuc to pell to better nilvnntnRe than tin *
I'Kht welRhtR , nnles tjhoulng a Olffftcnce of 5c
to lee per 100 Ibs.
Theiu was u Btronu inniket for sheep nml
Inmbs. It wns so because of the lluht supply ,
freoh reeHpttj senrcely rcnrlilnn O.OdO hcail , ntiil
the totnl fur the last two ilays belnK only nbotit
18,000 henil , or S.uOO heiul less than for the name
time Inst week. There wns n fnlr ilemnml nt
$1.75 to $ ) .uO for poor to choice cllppeil. The
muiket for ycnrlliiKs wan nlso Ktionnor nml from
I hi" same cause. The rntiRC of qiiotntlons wns
KI.50 to $5. Sprint , ' lambs were vnlnble nt $ I.GO
to $4.60 per 100 His. The demand Is now con-
llniil to shorn sheep , the warm wenthcr making
Wooleil sheep almost unsalable.
HKC'KIITS I'attli" , 3,001) ) hend ; calves , 2,000
head ; hogs , 11,000 hend ; sheep , 6,000 hend.
The Hvenlnc .loumnl reports :
I'ATTI.n Hecelpts. 3,000 hend. Mnrket sternly
ns compared with the clo e yesterdny or last
week ; prime to extln native steers , > 4.'J..W4.Ki ;
medium. $4.0004.30 ; otheis , $3.7i(3.'J3i ( Texnns.
HOOH Receipts , 14.000 hend. Mnrket nctlvp.
sternly to r.c higher : rough henvy , J4.40O4.SO ;
puckers nnd mixed , J5.noifiri.10 ; primp heavy and
butcher weights , $3.1005.15 ; assorted lights ,
RIIKKI' AND L.AMHS Receipts , C.OOO hend.
Mnrkct selling UHlOnbetter than Inst weely
top sheep. tt.2Mi4.Kl top Inmbs , Jl.755f5.15 ;
spring lambs , J.I.OOIjC.M.
St. IouU Iivo Stock .Miirlii't.
ST. I.OUIP. Mnv 15. fATTLK Receipts. 2.SOO
hend ; shipments , 200 head : nmiket steady , atrone
KeneraJly ; native steers. 1.200 in T.400 Ibs. . M.I.VJ !
4.15 ; 1,000 to 1,200 Ibs. , $3.10 3.80 ; cows. $3.353.50 ;
Texns steers , 1,100 to 1,300 Ibi. , J3.50fl3.70 : cows ,
$2.20ji2.70 ; calves , $5. v
HOGS Receipts. 7 , X ) head : shipments. 700
head ; inniket sternly nt n decline of Co ti 10c :
henvy. J4.90ifI5.03 : mixed. J4.'ii.VOO ; light , $4.Sifj >
G.OO ; pigs nnd common , $4.5.j4.70.
SHKK1' Receipts. 2,000 hend ; shipments , none :
steady : clipped cholcifnatives. averaging P. Ib * . ,
$4.25 ; less desirable Idts , $3.C5fi'4.0 < ) ; Iambs , $3.C5Qi
4.00. . - _
Knns-.m City 1\-Q | tock Market.
KANSAS CITY. Mhy T3.-CATTM-2-Recelpts ,
2,900 head ; shipments , 1,100 hend , inniket weak
to lOc lower : TexniT steers , $2.50ft3.fi5 : Texns
cows , $2.00i3.73 : HhlpphiK. steers. J3.rift4.4D : na
tive cows , J1.7r,5I3.23 ; stocKcis and feeders , $2.50 ®
3.S5 ; bulls. J2.10fl3.23.
HOGS Receipts , HflOO head ; shipments , 900
head ; mnrket steadyj , bulk , $4.8)3)4.90 : heavies ,
packers and mixed , $4.7jB14.90 ; lights , Yorkers
und pigs. $4.30g4.85. - - -
SHEEP Receipts. 5,400 1 head ; shipments , 400
head ; market steady.
Now York t.vo Stock Mnrkot.
NEW YORK. Mny IS. I1EEVES necelpts ,
* " *
1,100 hend ; none ons"nfe
8HKKl AND LAMItS-fRtcelpts , 2,700 hend :
market steady ; ordinary clipped sheep. $3.00j >
4.00 : ordinary clipped , yearllpga , $4.75 ; Virginia
Inmhs. choice , 17 ; Kentucky , choice , Infeilor to
prims. $5.40(85:65. ( : _ .
HOC3 Recelptty 2fOp head : market steady. ;
Inferior to good' hogs ; $ $ .20iS5.C5.
Stock In Sight.
RecelptR of live stock at the four yarJa
for Tuesday , May 10 , were :
Cattle , noes. Sheep.
South Omaha . 8.44H 7,4(17 ( .
Ohlcapo . . . 3,1100 14.000 S.OOO
KanBBHClty . . . . . . S.OOU 11.700 U.400
St. Louis . a , 00 7,600 2,000
Totals . 12.1-18 40,707 0,400
St. I.ouls ( ienorul Market.
ST. I..OU18 , May 15. FI.O11R Lower : patents.
$2.752.85 ; extra fancy , $2.45f(2.55 ; others un
AVIIKAT AVns benrlfh from the start and with
no bull news whatever closed Ic below yesterdny ;
No. 2 red. cash. 52c ; May. f,2V4c ; July , & 2W53c ;
August. 53&c ; September , 54 0.
CORN AVas weak throughout , losing % Sic :
No. 2 mixed , cash. 37i4o ; Mny , 30ie ! ; July , SCc ;
September , 36e.
OATS Ixjwcr : No. 2. cash. K'ic ; No. 3 , 35V4e :
July. 37',5c ; August , 33V5C.
RYK No. 2. this side. DOe bid.
11ARI.KY Nothing doing.
BRAN Knsy ; C4c. sacked , east tinck.
FI..AX SKED $1.25.
TIMOTHY SKUD $3.6004.00 ; clover , $ G.fiOfi > 7.GO.
HAY Unchanged ; prime to choice timothy ,
. . .
11UTTEU Higher ; strictly fancy creamery ,
LEAD Dull and heavy ; $3.15 ashed ; spelter ,
weak. $3.20.
CORN MEAL tl.9S02.00.
WHISK Y-81.0F01.1B.
COTTON TIES Unchanged : $1.
HAOGING Unchanged ; BVjfiOe.
PROVISIONS Lower , dull , weak. Pork ,
standard mess lobbing. $12.624. ! Lard , prime to
choice , steam , $7.15W7.25. Diy Bull meals , loose
shoulders , } 6 : lonits , $6.35 ; ribs. $6.45. Ilncon ,
packed shbuldein. $7 : longs , $7.12Vi ; libs , $7.124@ !
7.25 : fhorts. $7.2fi7,37',6-
' RECEIPTS Flour. 3,000 bbls , ; wheat , C.OOO bu. ;
torn. 100.000 bu. ; oats , 29.000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour , 8,000 bbls. ; wheal , 8.000
bu. ; corn , 110,000 bu. ; oats. H.OOO bu.
Coffee Mnrkct.
NEW YORK , May 15. COFFEE Options
opened dull nt unchanged to 5 points decline ;
ruled generally weak and featureless and closed
quid nl unchanged to 10 points net decline.
Bales , 11,250 bags , including June nt $15.15t I5.20 ;
August , $14.90 ; September , $14.60j } 14.65 ; October ,
$14.25fl4.30 ; December , $13.85. Spot coffee. Rio.
dullNo. . 7 , $16.25 ; mild , dulljCordova , $19.000
19.25 ; sales , 2,000 bans No. 7 spot , $1(5.23. ( ex
ship ; 1,000 bags Santos No. 7. $17,8714. Ware
house deliveries yesterday , 20.263 bags ; New
York stock today. 223,287 bags ; United States
stock , 271,840 bags ; afloat for the United States ,
110000 bags ; total visible supply available for
the United gluten , 381,846 bags , against 356,283
HIO DE JANEIRO , Mas15. . Market quiet ,
nominal ; no dilatations ; exchange , 9 11-lCc ; re
ceipts , two days , 2.0M bags ; stock , 136.000
SANTOS , May IB. Market quiet ; No. 7 ,
nominal ; no quotations ; receipts , 1,000 bags ;
stock. 132,000 bags.
HAMIIURG , May 15. Market dull ; sales , 4,000
bags ; prices unchanged Mo 14 pfg. lower.
HAVRE , Mny 15. Market opened unchanged ;
declined Vtt ; reacted If nt 3:50 : ; closed unchanged
us compared with Saturday's closing figures ;
sales , 7,000 bags.
On thu i.immin "nrhrt
' NEW YORK , May 15. The Evening Post's
London cablegram soys ; There was u semi-
holiday tone to the" market today. It was
Irregular on American slocks , with the rlso
of 5 points In the Argentine gold premium , to SOI.
The only satisfactory1 'Milanatlon of th state
of affairs In Argentina has been received , but
the advance In the KuIJi premium Is mainly due
lo speculation al Hwiioa Ayn-s In exchange.
The Argenllno governing has piobujily been
premature In resuming gold payments on th
Rothschild scheme. . .HllVfr was 29 9-16.1. India
Is buying , but the lofia If-rnthor wi-ak. In gold
und United States co.1,11 , .f S wre puichiwcd by
the bank. _ _ _ _ _
Kunsns Ciiy-Mnrkiits.
KANSAS OITY , May 15.-WHEAT-l 2o
lower : No. 2 hard , ' 4if1'Jc : No. 2 red , 80t5lc ;
No. 3 red. 48049C ! r < ! Jefd. ; . 33c.
CORN Unchanged2 ' . inlxnl , 36o ; No , 2
while , 38UO39C. . " . " . , , _ .
OATS Hleady ; No. , 3 mixed , SCOCOi-ic ; No. 2
while. 37 37'4.c- I , . t
HUTTER Unchungrdl l creamery , 15WlCc ;
dairy , 12O14c. , -i i't
EGOS-Unchnnged nt J4c. !
RECEIPTS Whcul , J14.WJO bii.j corn , none ;
oats , none ,
SHIPMENTS Wheat , 15,000 bu. ; corn , 1B.COO
bu. ; oats , 4,000 bu
NEW YORK. May lS.-SliaAR-ltnw , active
nnd firm ; fnlr reflnlnB. KHe ; centrifugal , 96
test , 2'4o : sales , 8.000 tons Muscovado. W test ,
2'ic : 100 tons molasses sugar. 89 test. 2Jo ! :
niso. Into yesterday , 8.000 tons Muscovado , 89
test at : < , i , and 1,700 bags molasses , us test , at
2Uc. Refined , llrm. . _ _ . .
IXJNDON. May IB. SUOAll Cane , quletj
centrifugal Java , 14s 3d ! Muscovado , fair rn-
llnlnf , 12s 3d. _
'I'rlicoVh ttt ( juotutluns.
and lower ; December , $1.00H ; o > iw sellers , WVJc.
Wool Alurkrt.
ST. LOUIS. May lS.-WOOL-Falrly steady ,
without quotable change.
Muiichustrr Textiles.
MANCIIKSTEU , May IS. Cloths dull ; yarns In
Sun and South Wind Threaten the Hope of
the Husbandmen ,
Juit n Little Drouth In All but the North
eastern Section of the Htntc Chinch
DngH Out ICnrly and nt.
The Nebraska weather crop bulletin for
the week ending May 14 1ms been Issued by
Captain 0. E. Hunt , the observer ut Omaha ,
as follows :
Owing to the continued drouth In the
Bouthwcstcrn portion of the state and the
appearance of cut worms and bugs In some
localities the reports this week are Hot al
together so favorable as the preceding two
weeks , and while It Is hardly probable tlint
any serious damage has tlnm far resulted
from drouth seasonable rains would prove
of great benefit In nil portions of the state ,
except the northeastern section , where they
have had all the moisture needed. Wheat
and other small grain , as a rule , are doing
well ; pastures are excellent nnd fruit pros
pects were never better. Many oat Holds
nro being plowed up and replanted In corn ,
thus largely Increasing the acreage of that
most Important of Nebraska crops. The
bulk of the corn crop 1ms been planted and
much of It Is already up to a good atnml
and Is being .worked. The season Is well
advanced and upon the whole the prospects
are better than the average In this state.
The following nre remarks by correspond
ent :
Under County Corn planting ncaly fin
ished. Itnln of 9th general throughout
county ; pastures doing well.
Cass County Some fields of small grain
show effect of dollclcnt rainfall. Huln of
9th was beneficial to all crops.
Clay County Drought continues ; wheat
dying In the llclds ; oats nnd some liny suf
fering for rnln ; rye heading out seven to
ten Inches from the ground.
Flllmoro-Cpunty Splendid growing weather
the past week. Corn all planted. Some
winter wheat has been damaged by continued
Gage County Ilnln during week has been
beneficial to all crops. First planting of corn
up and large enough to plow. Warm
weather favorable for growing crops.
Hamilton County Very little change from
prevailing cmlltlons of last week. Light ruin
of 9th not mifllclent to very materially
benefit growing crops.
Jefferson County Week favorable to crop
development ; 95 per cent of corn planted.
Prospects for all crops except oats very llat-
Johnson County The dry weather for sev
eral days previous to the 9th was very dam
aging to pasturage. Corn has germanatcd
earlier than usual and the stand Is excellent.
Lancaster County Showers on the 9th
beneficial to crops. Small grain suffering for
rain. Fruit prospects very good.
Nemalm County Rain of Wednesday In
sures a stand of clover. Apples setting well.
Nuckolls County Corn planting nearly fin
ished and some up. Wheat never looked bet
ter and grass Is coming forward very fast.
Otoe County Haln of 9th beneficial to all
crops , leaving ground In good condition.
Pawnee County Haln of the past week
greatly Improved all crops. Corn planting
almost done. Some corn fields to replant on
account of cut worms.
Polk County Week favorable for crops.
The rain of Wednesday soon dried up by
high winds. Corn planting mostly done and
much Is up well. Dig crop of cherries ex
pected. Wheat at a standstill , but oats Im
Richardson County Good rains on Wed
ncsday. Corn planting nearly done.
Saline County The weather In portions of
the county has been favorable , In other
parts too dry , so that unless rain comes
soon many oat fields will bo plowed up for
corn. Wheat needs rain. Corn mostly
planted. Fruit prospects good. Pastures
beginning to need rain.
'Saunders County High winds and lack
of rain In some sections nre retarding
growth. In other sections the weather has
been favorable. Corn planting about fin
ished. Some corn Is being cultivated.
Seward County Apples promise well. A
good growing week , but rain Is needed.
Wheat looks fairly well , but oats are not
doing well.
Thayer County Rain Is needed. Wheat
full of chinch bugs. Nearly all early oats
plowed up for corn. Corn planting nearly
York County A dry , windy week. Corn
planting about finished. Rain needed badly.
Antelope County About two-thirds of n
largo acreage of corn Is planted. The early
planted corn Is up nicely.
Hurt County Very favorable weather for
corn planting , which is nearly all done.
Small grains doing well.
Cedar County Corn planting well ad
vanced. Good showers and favorable
weather for all crops.
Colfax County Favorable weather for corn
planting. Ground In good order and every
body busy at It. Early sown oats have been
replanted or plowed up for corn In some
Cumlng County Fruit good. Corn all
planted , In splendid condition. Ground will
soon need rain.
Dlxon County Good week for vegetation.
Corn planting well along.
Dodge County Good 'weather for corn
planting , which Is well along. The early
planted corn sprouting well. Small grains
doing well , but needing rain. Potatoes look
Holt County High winds have Injured
small grain. Local showers ha\c been
beneficial In come parts of the county , In
other parts rain Is needed badly. Corn
planting pretty well along. Fruit looks
Knox County The high winds hnvo been
hard on vegetation. Thp light rnln was
welcome , but crops were not suffering.
Pierce County Crop conditions excel
lent , corn coming up nicely. High winds
done some damage.
Platte County Windy and dry , but wen-
thor on the whole favorable for rapid
growth , and In some sections rain abundant.
Wheat and other small grains lack thrift.
Grass doing well.
Stanton County Corn planting all done.
Some Is up and looking well. Good showers
Wednesday. Pastures In good condition.
Washington County Weather favorable.
Corn pla'ntlng well along.
I3oyd County Growing crops nro looking
fine. Corn planting well advanced. Some
Is up and looking well. Some Is yet to bo
Dawson County Corn planting still In
progress ; a largo acreage will bo put In ;
Colorado beetles very plentiful.
Custer County More rain badly needed.
Crops growing slow. Corn planting well ad
vanced. Fruit looking well.
Greeley County Favorable week for small
grain , but too cold for corn ; excellent rain
on Wednesday , Some farmers finished
planting , others Just commenced ,
Howard County Very dry and windy ;
small grain will bo short even If It rains ut
once ; should wo not liavo rains goon small
grain will not make anything.
Valley County Small grain still looking
well , but needs rain ; corn coming up ; far
mers generally ahead of their work.
Sherman County Light local showers
have Improved crops ; corn planing In full
progress , and some of It reported up.
Wheeler County Small gruln suffered
some from drouth , Rain of the 9th badly
needed. Corn planting well along.
Frontier County Warm and dry. Spring
wheat Is suffering , grans coming slowly.
Corn planting by listing Is being done' .
Showers on Tuesday.
Furnaii County No rain during week ;
corn corning up ; prospect for oatt , very poor ;
'small grains suffering for ruin ; gardens
looking well ; small fruits will be abundant.
Gosper County High winds nnd dry
weather Is damaging small gruln ; corn nearly
all planted and coming up rapidly ; without
rain soon inmll grain will not make half a
crop.Harlan County Week has been warm nnd
windy , with no rain. Small grain on a
stand and tome rye heading out short. Top
of ground very dry , but plenty of moisture
under to keep corn for soma time yet.
Early corn up and looking well , Early po
tatoes up and bugs after them. Apples
promise well.
Hitchcock. Countx rrcepcct lot small
Ingrain Carpets $ i40 $ .28
Brussels Carpets Ii0o .46
Mattings i35 .11
Dinner Sets 15i00 7.34
Toilet Sets 3.50 1.62
Cook Stoves 10.oo 5.20
Wardrobes 12i0o 5.83
BookCases 13 < 5o 6.15
Lounges 9g5O 4.40
Rockers 3t00 1.14
Mattresses 3.5O 1.87
Springs. . . 2.oo .90
Ice Boxes 6.50 3.48
Gasoline Stoves 5.00 ,2.48
Baby Carriages 8.5O 4.68
Chamber Suits 22.50 12.65
Folding Beds i5.0o 7.63
Extension Tables 3.50 4.45
Sideboards 24.00 13.50
Parlor Suits 45.00 23.95
Parlor Rockers 5.50 2.67
Center Tables 1.40
Bedsteads 2.00 1-49
Lace Curtains .97
Terms Cash or Easy Payments.
Formerly People's ' Mammoth Installment House
Sent ! IHcfoi'iiostai/aon btf'Oi ciitdloaite.
Close at 6:30 : evenings , except Monday and Saturday.
grain Is very poor. Corn planting is not half
done , being delayed by condition of ground.
Grass storting slowly. Hot and dry week.
Kearney County Corn planting about fin
ished. Early planting coming up. . Some
fields of rye are being put In corn. Chinch
buga reported In somp fields of wheat.
Everything suffering from drouth.
lied Wlllow'County Crop.condltlouS favor
able In northern portion of county but un
favorable and critical In the southern per
tion. Wheat and oats are backward In
southern portion. All crops In good condi
tion In northern pprtlon. Corn coming up
nicely. Pastures are two weeks earlier than
last year. Difficult to say at present tlmo
what winter wheat will amount to.
Cheyenne County Winter wheat .partial
failure ; fall , rye in good shape ; spring small
grain In excellent condition owing to recent
rains ; a very largo crop of corn Is now being
Lincoln County Sunshine anil rain very
favorable for crops which are looking well ;
corn and spring wheat growing nicely ; light
hall on the 8th did no damage.
Scott's 'nitift County Alfalfa sowing con-
HiiniiuI [ uopaua pun ujoo Souu SBiutt : BDIHII |
under way.
Thomas County Good growing weather
first part of week ; hot southwest winds
during last few days damaged early gardens
Cherry County Corn planting nearly
finished ; grain doing well , but more rain
Keya Palm County Wo are needing rain
very much ; small late sown grain have made
good growth ; early sown Is stoollng some
and will not average over half a crop at
best ; Ice formed here on the 10th ; corn
planting well under way ; some farmers have
finished planting.
Rock County High dry winds rapidly dry
out what Httlo moisture there Is. Heavy
rain needed to give the ground a good soak-
B > _ _ _ _ _ _ _
lllg CrnpB for South Dulcotii.
SIOUX FALLS , S. D. , May It. ( Special
to The Dee. ) The outlook for enormous
crops this year Is very llatterlng. The sea
son opened early , and the fanners lost no
tlmo In getting their seed In the ground.
As a result of their Industry , wheat Is now
out of the ground , thick , of good color and
vigorous ; oats are mostly up and In good
condition ; corn Is nearly all planted , and u
farmer In the city yesterday reported that
he had some corn up ; flax seeding IB now
occupying the attention of the farmer , and
pasture lands show a greater growth of
grass than for many years ut this time of
the season. The acreage of wheat Is proba
bly not Increased any over Inst year , and
possibly not as large , while the acreage of
oats , corn nnd flax will be much larger
than last year. _
Liicul Produce 'Market.
HIJTTEJl Grass butter Is becoming nwoli more
plenty than It WIIH a few ilays IIKO. Thi'nIK
plenty of Bond creamery butter. Hepurutar c i-ain-
ery , 17B18c ; extra fancy country. 15flOc ; clulc
country , 1214oj nnckltiK stock , 6c.
EQCJH Tho' market has not nhown much change
for some time. The general price for thu In-lit
stock appears to be 9c. Bcconils are belli ) ; Hold
at 8c or even lower. . . ,
LIVE POULTIIY The muiUet on chickens
IH firm owlnc to HID scarcity ; old
hens , So ; old roostern , 4W o- and
younit ones , 6 7c. Tim demand f'r ; other
kinds of poultry Is rather IlKht , ilioimh n Jim.
lied iiuantlly In B-ilable , Ducks. 7 J8 j hen turkeys -
keys , 8fiio ! : gobblers , Cc ; Ket-fe. lie.
OAME The season Is so far advanced that
nanio Is no loncer wanted. .
VKAIThe pwlplH of veal me very moil-
irate nnd prices steady. Hood , fat Yralx. ol
thin or heavy. 3B5c.
JMO EONS There Is a demand for old .
but younu birds that are not slroiiB on the wing
are not wanted. Old birds , per do . . $1,201.60.
OLD 1IEANH The marld't Is firming up all
over the country. Neither the ileniand nor sup
ply Is very heavy at this paint. California hand.
, liVd navy , $2.1002.23venlern : navy. tl.Mtii.O > ) :
eiiimntin whltt- beans , $ ! .GOQlfc > .
ONIONS OM onions are a thine nf the past ,
Nt-w southern onions are iuolt-d | at $1 per
bbl. There nn , u few lli-rmilihis mill on hand
Hi $2,75 per box. Top onions are plenty ul
2"l'OT.vrOErs < The supply Is enmlnif minlly
from Utah und Colorado , which stock Is quoted
at ! McO$1.0fl per bu , Th're are new soutliHrn
potatiii-s In Iho market , which niv quoted at $1.51
' "cAll'l'lAOE Alabama cabbage , per crate , $ ! .M ;
choice Uiulslana , $3. *
CELERV Nonu In the market.
AHI'ARAOtlH-Oooil home urown slock U
abundant at 25 SOo per ili . on orders.
1'IE PLANT- Homo grown p' plant U plenty
at 2o on onlers. . . ,
TOMATOES Florida stock of Rood color It $3.75 per crate of nix Unski-lH.
OREEN VEOETAIILES-Hplnuch , per bbl. , $ l.ij
W2.80 ; rudlnhcs , per dux. . 30o ; lettuce. lr l dm. . S3
40oi cucumbers. $ l.25 l.60 ! | Ki ley , per doz. . SO
M35c- ! turnips , per dnz. , 75os camils. | > r iloz. , 7c ;
beets , per dux. . 75 8Jo : wuli-r crriw. per is . Ill
boxi-s. $1.75112.00 ; squashes , bu. ciatf. It.
NEW IIBANS Sunn very choice wax bane
. Wax l , bu. box ,
\ vtnncelvril from Texas. oils
$ S.60 S.75 ! ' ,4 bu , box , $1.00fll.r .
I'lJAK tin-en peas are ciimmncliiR til iirilve
from > ll ourl. Oood uhlppliiK stoik , per U
bu. box. $1.
tJTRAWllElUUUS-Thue vmo a few Mlb uurl ,
Commission Merchant
Private wires to Chicago and New Tork. All
business orders placed on Chicago Hoard tl
Correspondence 'solicited.
Office , room 4 , Now Yorlc Life DulMlntf
Telephone 130S. I
berries In nnd tils prospects arc thai Ihe ic.
eelpts will ! ncrca e rapidly the coming week.
Good shipping stock , JlMjCl.OO.
APl'LES Thi'nare m > apples on the muikcl
suitable for shipping purposes.
CHERRIES A fi-w California cherries are ar
riving and selling at $2 per box. The fiult Ii
In good condition , but rather small In size.
KANAKAS Per bunch , $2.00S2.50.
LEMONS Fancy lemons , 3uo size , $4 ; fanci
lemons , 3EO size , $3.75 ; choice lemons , SCO alze ,
ORANGES Washington navels. 9Cs , 112s. 12is ,
$3.50 : Mediterranean sweets , $3.50 ; Cullfoinlu
seedlings , $3.25.
FIOS Fancy , per Ib. . ISc.
DATES Hullowccs , C5 to 70-lb. boxes , per Ib. ,
PINEAPPLES Choice , per doz. , $2.00 ; small ,
HONEY California , 15c ; dark honey. 12',5 13c.
MAPLE SVRUP-Oallon cans , per doz. . $12. .
MAPLE SUOAR-Per Ib. . lOc.
Nt'TS Almonds , 17c ; English walnuts , 12c ;
nthfrtH. 10o ; Ilmzll nuts , lOc.
HAI'ERKRANT Half bbl. . $2.25.
CIDEK Pure Juice , per bbl. , $3.50 ; half bbl. .
$3.2. > .
APPLE HUTTER Per 20-lb. palls , $1 ; halt
bbls. , 3ic ! per Ib.
HIDES No. 1 green hides , 24e ; No. 1 itrecn
salted hides. 3Sjf34ci ! No. 2 gieen sailed htdi-s.
XWtc ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 Ibs. to 15 Ibs. , 8Vic ; No.
2 veal calf. 8 Ibs. to 15 Ibs. , 4c ; No. 1 dry Mint
hides. 8c ; No. 2 dry Hint hides , 3o ; No. 1 dry
called hides. 4c. Part cured hides , lie per Ib.
less than fully cured.
rillEUP PELTH-Oreen salted , each , ISfiCOc ;
gn-en salted shearlings ( slnrt-wooled e.tily
skins ) , each , Ml DC ; dry shearlings ( shorl-woolnt
rally skins ) . No , 1 , each , 8li > luc : dry shearllnga
( short-wooled early skins ) , No. 2. each , f > c , dry
Hint , Kansas and NehiiiKka butcher wool , pells ,
PIT Ib. , actual weight , 8ff8c ; dry Hint , Kunsaa
and Nebraska murrain wool pi-Its , pnr Ib. ,
actual weight , 4I/Cc ; dry flint , Colorado butcher
wool pelts , per Ib. , nctual weight , 4W7c ; diy
Hint , Colonulo murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , nctual
wrlght. 4 Cr.
4ic ! ; tallow , No. 2 , 35i (3Ti ( ( ; : gri-asu. whllu A ,
4'4c ' ; KIPIIHI * . while II , 4c ; grease , yellow , 3c ;
gri-iine , dark. 2 ! c ; old butter. 2 2' c ; beeswax ,
prime , ICWlSc ; rough tallow , 2iQ2'/4c. '
Llviirpnol AlurXotii.
LIVEIII'OOL , May 15. WHEAT Closing wrnkj
il.-Miami pnor ; No. i ! red , winter , 4s 7'/4d.
COHN Hull ; demand modeiate ; new inlxi'il ,
spot. 3i7d ; futures , dull ; di-mand modeiate ;
May , : : * 7U < 1 ; June. 3s 7Md ; July , 3s 7'4d.
KLODR ljulelj demand poor ; Bt. I/oiiln fancy ,
wlnti-r , 5s Ud ,
IIACON-tx > nd and short clear , 55 Ibs. , 33i ;
lung clear. 45 Ibs , , 34s.
1IEEF Exlru India mejis. S7s 3d.
LARD Dull ; demand poor ; spot , 38s lid ; fu
tures , no demand.
PORK Hti-ady : demand poor : prime mrsv , WHK .
PI-II , 72n r i ; prlniu mi-Hs , medium , C2s M ,
III'TTKIl Fluent , 76 .
HoHiluy In tullow , tuipentlnc nnd other inar-
Receipts of wheat for the past wci-ki Fluni
Allantio ports , 28,8HO quiirlers ; Pai-lllv IHIIU ,
lioni-i other purls , 23.000 quaitris. Thu receipt *
of American corn for the past week wore 3I.7W
Now York Dry ( ioniln Market.
NEW YORK , May 15. The demand nf ruin-
mission hiiuscs was of fairly good | > roK > illon > i
fur Tuesday und Included bleached and colon d
fottiiiiH , also cotton ll.iniifls and bhuikrlH.
zephyr ginghams mid printed stuffs , Tinchlff
attention was centered In the linmrnsu iiftVrlMK *
nf Ihii Ilin-st drfss K.nghams at Jobbi'is' | i l.-n. .
Priming cloths mom active , with Mies of I2J.WK )
pli-ces narrow ( KI ! goods on the him IK of 2tto
for a HIIUUII-H , III which Iheiu was untiling doing.
There wan moro undertone liitho market ,
Cnttiiii .Mill-lint.
Miles , simt , 6H < ) buli-s ; receipts , 607 balln ; -
imrls , cimstwUe , 1,8'W ' bales : slock. 118,121 bali-ii ;
filluivH. oulet ; suli-s , 13 , ! " l luilei ; May , (6.75 bid ;
Juii , . Vtlffl.7Bi , | July , { ' "Y/- " " - "jJili
Ji.s ; : j0.8l ; lanuary , 10.H
HT. LOIMH. May 15.-CO1TON Ju'ol ' ; n Mdllnir ,
7 I-tiv | ; aliV bales ; recitlpls , yfi l.i | . ' , HIV
liienm , 5W lial s ; mock. 42,30' ) bali-.t.
Oil .Murkfits. J |
OIL I'lTY , Pa. , May IS.-Natlonal Trunult pi-r. | |
tlll.-ulfrt uiii-nnl ul K < AF : hlKhi-st , K-'i' ' u ; luivcut , f
is" ) : cliiM-d. , MH < 'i % hlpiiH-nls , IIO.HII bols , ; f :
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rr v f
IMITHIIt'llfl , Pn , , Mnv in. National Tmn lt
crrtlllculr * opened at 8ili i cluntrd ut
iilghi'iil , W/icj lowmt , U'.iui no - '