Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 12, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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Wheat Was Very Weak Yesterday ami OIowl
Nearly One Gent Lower.
Finn Wrnlticr , Prospective Larger Kc-
cclptu nnit tlio Action of Wlirnt All
Combined to Miiko ItVciik
CHICAGO , May 11. Wheat was very
weak today , and closed with July vie lower.
Corn was weak , closing % o lower. Oats
stopped with n loss of % c , nnd provisions
llnlnhcd a trifle higher all around. In there was a largo trade , options being
on a much heavier scalo. Opening trades
were nt UQ to V\c ndvonco , but steadily
sold down to from Ic to lUe , and closed
near the bottom. The action of iho market ,
considering the report of last nlRht , was a
great surprise to many operators. The gov
ernment report made th condition SI.4 ,
against fic.7 last month , but , being generally
discredited , extreme weakness resulted.
Offerings were heavy from the start and
Increased as Iho session advanced , a notice
able feature being the free Rolling by the
houses which took largo quantities just
prior to the close yesterday. I'ardrl'lge
covered freely on the day's decline , and his
purchases proved a supporting factor to the
market. The decline caught KOIW stop Iocs
orders around CS'/fcc. ' The efforts on the part
of the buyers of yesterday to roall/.e at the
opening helped to cause the market to rule
cany from the start.
The corn market was rather dull. Klne
weather , prospective larger receipts and the
action of wheat all combined to make It
weak. Opening trade showed little change ,
but sold off under fair offerings to from % c
to lie , rallied to from > ,4c to 'ic , changed
Homo , ruled easy , and closed but ' , &c from
tin ; bottom.
Oats were weaker , due to the depression
In wheat and corn and to increased offer-
Ings. There was llrm buying on the de
cline , but the close was weak at about lh < >
Provisions averaged firm on a light run
of hogs at the yards. The market was gen
erally dull , closing easy for pork and steady
for lard and ribs. The range of prices was
Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat ,
fiO cars ; corn , 185 cars ; oats , H15 cars ; hogs ,
11,000 head.
The leading futures ranged as follows ;
" "Articles. r Open. | nigh. | I..QW. | Close.
Wheat , No. 2
May 67K
Sept uow DUH
Corn No. 2. .
July 0i !
Sept 40 ® IOW BOM
Oats No. 2. . .
.11 HI ,
June 33SI
July : io ab
Sept 20M 'Ml 25'f '
Pork per bbl
July 12 35 12 45 af.Mi
Laid. 100 Ibs
May , . . 7 315 7 40 735 40
July 7 10 7 15 7 07
Sept 7 07 } . 7 12J , 7 05 10
Short Ulba-
May ft 40 0 42K 010
July II 40 SiSii
Sew il aiiy
Cash cpiotntlnns were as follows :
WIIKAT No. 2 spring , COXc ; No.-1 sprlnp , no
Bales ; No. 2 red , r > Cc.
COIIN No. 2 , 37'/jW37-ic ; No. 3 yellow , SS c.
OATS-No. 2 , 3lc ; No. 2 while , SCJjUGlic ; No. 3
while. 3SW3rc.
JtYK-No. 2. 13'Jc.
HAIII.HY No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , GSffJCc ; No.
4 , r,2fi51c.
J--I.AX SKI3I-No. ) 1 , J1.33.
TIMOTHY HEKD-Prhne , Jl.20 1.23.
T'llOVISIONH Mess pork , per hlil. . J12.33W
12.37'i. Ijinl , per 100 Ilia. , $7.40O7.42Vi. Short
rllis , sides ( loose ) . $ M7iir < IG.50. Dry salted shoul
ders ( boxed ) , Jd.700C.00 ; eiort | clear sides ( hoxeO ) ,
WHISKY Distillers' nnlshcd Bonds , per gal. ,
StOAnS Cut loaf , $5.31 ; granulated , J4.W ;
landard "A , " tl. .
The followniwuro tlio receipts ana slilpmenn
for today i
On the Produce cxclianro todav the butter mir-
hct was firm : creamery , loaisa ; dairy , 8 ®
l"o. Effira , weak ; Btrictly fresh , Uc.
y 8tcrduy'ti Quoliitloim nn Flour , Grain nnd
Provisions , Mntnls , Ktc.
NKW YOItK , May ll.-KLOUU-Hccclpts , 24-
BOO bbls. ; exports , 33noO bbls. ; miles , 4,100 pligs. ;
market weak on absence of demand and weak-
ncfcH In Brain ; winter patents , $3.2303.33 ; winter
HtralghtM , l2.COlff2.05 ; Minnesota patents , $3.40 ®
8 > Svt/i,9Xn.SuF > nrn1' I'uckwhpat ' Hour. nnn.
BUCKWHEAT Dull ; range on all grades , US ®
COHNMBAISteaily ; yellow western , J2.C3
2.70 ; Ilrnndywlne , J2.70.
, l'1'I1' l"dl and nominal ; car lots , Dlff/Kc / ; boat
loads , tSQKiiiv.
IIAllhKY Quiet ; No. 2 Milwaukee. C0867c ; un
graded western , OOfiCric
MBS = c : Blx-
WHHAT Hecelpts , 39,2iW bu. ; exports. 106,500
lU. ; sales , 2,320,000 hu. of futures , 2IGOUi ) hu. of
spot. Spot market weak ; No , 2 red , In store
nnd elevator. GOJic ; ntloat , COTic ; f. o. h. , file.
Options opened weaker on a belief that the bull
ish crop IlKiires were Inaccurate. The nailers
who boUK'.it on last night's curb \\ere eager
sellers , and prices dropped readily , helped by
foreign selling , good weather and easy cables.
The market was dull nnd weak all day , and
finally closed at He to Jc net decline. No , 2
red , May. W.Sfi'SO 13-lCc. closed at M'.ic ' ; .Inly ,
CO 15-16Clc , closed at Olc ; Seplem.ber , C2 13-IOji
C3c , closed at G3c ; December , tiO'.iftoOTic ' , closed
COUN Hecelpls , 4,000 bu. ; exporls. 10.200 hu. ;
gales , 430,0 * ) bu. of futures and IM.OOD bu. of
spot. Kpot maiket weaker nnd active ; No. 2 ,
lsW < < ic In elevator ; steamer mixed , 41e. Op
tion market weaker today on reports that a good
deal of corn still remained In limners' hands
inure than anticipated heretofore. Longs weie.
trued sellers and the close was at Ue to ljo net
decline. May , I35iffl3 ! 4c , closed nt Vji j June ,
43 iT4lc , rlo l at 43Vic ; July. H'4M4l c , closed
at 44'i ; September closed at 45e.
OATS Ileeelpts , Dl.iOO bu. ; exports , 7.8M bu. ;
sales , 205,000 bu , of futures and Xiflflu hu. of
BiKil. Spot market dull and" lower : No. 2 , 59c ;
No. 2 , delivered. 40o ; No. 3 , 3Ue ; No. ii white ,
42N2Viti No. 3 white , 41c ; track , mixed western ,
3H4llo ! : whlttj western , 424flCc ; track , while
state , 42fNGc. Option inniket weak on favor
able weather , crop news and sympathy with the
wheat market ; Junq closed weak nt lie to < c
net decline ; Mnv , 3S3SHe , closed nt asije ; June ,
87W374c , closed at 37u ; July , 37iiiT37-ic ( , closed
ut 371 to.
HAY Steady : shippingJG.005f6.50 ; Rood to
choice , $7.00 'J.Ort.
HOPS Dull : state , common to choice , 9617C ;
Pncllla coast , 12 fl8c.
HIDKS-Qulet ; wet palled New Orleans , se
lected. 43 to 05 Ibs. . 4',4 r5Ue : Texas salted. 35 to
M Ibs. , 4W5o ; lluenos Ayres , dry , 20 to 21 Ibs. ,
104fi ! > llc.
1.I-ATIIEH : Inactive : hemlock sole , liuenoa
Ayres. light to heavy , IGViQTJo
WOO1 Htonily to llrm ; domestic lleece , IJfliJc ;
pulled , 20 f2Se.
PItOVISIONS lleef , quiet. Cut meats , eteady ;
] rcked ! | shoulders. CHftU'4c. Ijinl , dull ; western
Bteam closed tit I7.SO asked ; May closed nt J7.SO ,
nominal : July , J7.55 nskeil , lieilned , quiet ; con
tinent. IS.10 : Houth American , ? Pork , tlrmer.
COTTON Hii : OH. Innctlvnr prime crude , In
bbls. , 2Sti ) ci prime crude , loose , 25f27c ; off
crude , In bbls. , 27W2Sc ; prime summer yellow , 32
< i icj oil etude , 3Hpilmn ; summer while , 'M'tf
Sla ; butter Krades , 3lf35o.
IH'TTKU - Steady : western factory , Sliiillc ;
western creamery. KClTc.
K OS Stronger ; state and IVimsylvanln , IHifp
Uo ; n-cclplB. 7,3iO pligs. : western flesh , llSfll'ic.
HOS1N Klrm ; strained , common to good , J1.20
CHKKSU-Strons ; state , large , 9 ieil4c ! ; smiill ,
TUni'BNTINE Klrm nnd fiilily active ; 29'.iO
300.TAM.OWKn yj city ( J2 per iiks.l , 4fi 13.16o ;
country ( | < WKS. free ) , 4i ! H 15-lGc , as to uualily.
I'BTUOI.Kl'M-Dilll ; United closed nt SiHa
bid : Washington , bbls. , GoVa : hlnston , bulk ,
I3.HO ; rellned. New Ycrk , JS.I5 ; Phlluiklphla , J5.10 ;
L'hlladelphla , bulk , J2.CU.
RlCK-Htendy ; domwtlc , fair to extra , 4VlflCc ;
Japan , 4OHie.
MOI < AHHKH Steady ; New Orleans , open kettle ,
good to choice , 2 { f3tH > ,
COI'I'BK Quiet : InUe. 09ic.
1J-JAD Quiet ; domeitlc. } 3.20.
TIN Kusyj stnilts. JSl'-lO asked ; plates , dull ;
eults on 'change. S tons June tin , JIS.53 ; 3 curs
August lead nt JJ.37S. !
Bl'J3l.TBH Quiet ; donifstlc , J3.CO asked ,
Minneapolis \Vlient .llurkct.
MINNBAI'OI.IH. May 11. The wheat market
was moro nctlvo today and opened uboul ! t
hlRlier IIiiui Ilio close on yesterday , but that
wan Hie high point of the day , , and prices
steadily declined until nbout tlw close of I it-
iluy. lo ln Iho entire ealn of Ilio mornliiB. Th
early rluo WUH m > on what some thought were
vrry strong condlllons , brougnt ubout by the
uovvnimtnt rciiorl. which uluweil lower rrsp
prosprclii than had been expected. The inaiket
{ lo. l ! May , CO t-i July. WUCWUyi Kei'tcnil'er.
t7 i > . On track ! No. 1 hard. CJho : No. 1 northern ,
Sc { No. I northtrn. Wlic. Ueecluta wcro 1C9.0W
bu. , hlim-n | . ! > S.Oift | m. jjm , vl , , . , ,
Bt the tnler nt..ttl I.V. , . ft Im ii drt * .
tvniild show n pr'.bnblc i1 'iMh I'nal flip-
nlleii cf nlnut fA'XO In , I'l fl'lpinenlK were
JD.OOO libN. for Iho Inm 21 hnin nnd Hie nlpul
mllmntM nt nboill So.on l > l.i | 1'nlpnt" WIM
lrulv : and quirt nt nb .u ; ? .tM In 11.60 , takers ,
J7.H to _ . _ . . . _
Cfrr < \ .MAitKiM1.
Secretary HrMrr'.iVcrlcly Stnlrinrnl of llic
.Iliivonicitt of ( lit ; Product.
NIVW OHI.nANfl , May -Secretary Hefti-r's
i cl < Iy Colti.n exr-mn ) e ntnlomrnt. iMiieil lieforo
Mi' rlimo of iKi'liHM thirty. bhowH II derfane In
tlio muTinrnl f rmtnii Intn fltiht un'l'Tlli"
aevdi dny of It.Ka bnles. ThH nnik'-i. tl , . . de-
eicnuc In the ni-wunt of the "ottoti ciop nmr-
keti'il for Ilii ; . " > ! dntt of 'he ' x'mxon from Sep-
( rnh-.f | in jj.y 11 , itieliiflvo , soM bnlon over
ine t.'in. . llm ? imt eniijii , nn > l tin d''llf-iey ! ,
i-nhipnr.'Hl vli | the rnmi > IIiVl * TMr tcf. . l.isl ,
lU"on. The total mniiii'tpd from Hpltml ir 1
n ! * Ii 7,117,111. HSTMindt f.S\niK3 \ and s.uIMSI
for year mid the yunr liffure , J'mtn ( hl
time on In * ' . yir ( he amount or cottmi broiiKht
Inl'i sight wni J2,3I2 bdles and the year befmn
Insi 40Joi ; l ien. In other wmils , after tint"
last ynif & .7I per cent of Iho crop was iniii *
kMiil , and nflev Ihh th" nena .TI lx < f in 3.H4. 1'or-
Ign expnrls for the nefl * lmv < broil Bl.Ciil
bales , .iKillnst ( hl > 3.'i hixt yenr , mukliu : the tolnl
thus fnr for the season JSI1.2M bales , IH ngalnst
3.V3I.OI3 last , or nn Increase of } , ( HS , \
NEW OllI.I.'ANS. Miiy U. roTTON-Plrm ;
sales , upol , li" 'jnl'-n , ir arrive. 1 bales : urdl-
nary , 6c ; ; KIMH ! nrdlnsry , G'se ; low middling
Oil-Hie : inlddllnir. C IS-lCe ; good mlddllnir , 7'iC-
tnlddllm ; fair , 7-V : fnlr , S IS-lflc. Itei-ehus , 475
lulled : i'Xiorts. | ijn-nt Hi Main , K.1MI linlen : Knuice ,
5.7')3 ) bales , ci'iitlneni , 12. ) bales ; cnafUvise , 2.IO3
bales ; stock , 113,327 .linitji. KntUi-'S. steady ;
wili-i , Bt.ii1 ! ) bnleii ; Jtny , Jii.M ; , lnm > . fff-'S bid.
July. JC.iiiafi.lC ; A must fi.Hifni.UI ( ! : Seplemlicr ,
M. ! 1 < r)1 ! ) ; Oftfliei , Ji.91ii.-2 ( | ! ; Novoiiiher , JO.Wg.
0.07 : Dmvinhcr , J7.nHiT.02. Jan liny. JT.OC.flT.OII.
HT. I.Ol'IS. Miiy fiiTtrw-Steady ; mill-
dllnif , 7'lie ' : fv\f' \ . 410 Imloi ; reeolpts. 2'W bales ;
shlpm-'liti , ftc ) bulcp ; sleeks , H.W ) bales.
U i > I iilnriiFt.
UOSTON , May Il.-Tho Aineilran Wool anil
Cnttnn llepnrtrr cays of tinon | market : "Tills
, v-rk has been ihe ilulI'M siiv-i' January 1. ; nnl
the only thlllK wldeh appc.'irH lo have been moved
to any llbetnl exti-nl H pulled wmK prlnelpnlly
A nnd It xupt'i * nnd iho limer giinl-'s of comb-
jngi and ih'laliies. desirable MIPS of which me
111 light supply iin-1 sleadv demand. Delaine
vniils mi. Btlff nnd snirce , an.t tbelr eNCwdhmly
hhort supply hns resulled III fntiry prleef Imlng
i.htnlned here nnd ( here. Mlilili are reullv nn cil-
teilnn of their Millie.vue the supply eipml to
the deinan-l. IteeelptK of California souihein
wools art * Increasing , and some nw wo ils fiom
Wyoming , I'lnh and Nevada are making llieir
nppearanee. Maily Arizona winln are also com
ing In In ctmsldptnhle quanllll's. the range
In ( he Btt-iiHe f > r nil these wools being fiom ! > o
In lie. KntPlKn woils are very iulel | , the biisl-
nesi doing lielnx of a letnll orni-r. The ntti'ii-
tlon of th trade Is now divided ptlnclpallv b-
tneen the course of tariff lefflplullon nl Wash
ington and Hi" opening of the teirltorlul and
soiithein wool eiaon : , * fiom which feet Inn new
wools are beKliinlng to come forwaid In more
llboiul iiuiinlltles. After the I'MurletK'i1 of last
year , however , anil because of Iho unc-crlalnty
which KunimmN wool and cntton miinufacluilng
Interests , dealers ale operating In the Interior
with inucli eaiitlon , and on no other basis than
that of free wool. The \ery limited demand for
wool ilurlnt the past week Is. to a considerable
extent , attributable to the low and very de
pleted condition of our stocks , but Is more
largely due to the exeeedhmly nstileteJ require
ments of our miiimfncturors. and the very tm-
atlnfnctory condition of the mniket for manii
factured g < K > ds. Sales for the week amount IT
1.Ml,300 Ibs. domestic and l.V > , iw ) Ibs. foielp' . ,
mnklng a total of I.G5G.300 Ibs. The total salts
la date show a decrease of 10. V ,2."iO Ibs. as
compared with the same period n year ago. The
sales for the Week In New York aggregate 4T.G.UOO
Ibs. The sales for the week In Philadelphia ag
gregate 975'UO ' Ibs. There hns been sold In New
York since January 1. 15.2V.nO Ihs. . and In Phil
adelphia since January 1 , 19Sli ! 0 Ibs. "
ST. LOUIS , May 11. WOOL l ewer again ;
medium MNsourl nnd Illinois combing , I.V ; cloth
ing. HWlUic : medium western and not them , 11
Q12c ; others unchanged.
St. I.ouls UrnoriL .tlurlcpt.
ST. LOUIS , May , but
WHBAT In spite of a bullish government re
port wheat broke on liquidation , closing ? ie off ;
No. 2 led , cash , C3e ; May , 534c ! ; July , M'ic ' ;
August , ol'ie.
COHN Deiressed | by nheat "iiff-fjc : No. 2
mixed , cash , SS' c ; May , 3Sc ; June , 36T cj Sep-
tombcr , 37'ic.
OATS Dull , lower ; No. 2 en n. higher at 38c ;
May. 3fil ; .Tilly , 2Sc ; Augilft , 24c.
HYB Nn. 2. regular , f.0c bid.
IIAUI.I3Y No trading.
IlltAN Saeki-d nt mill. G7c.
FLAX HBED-S1.27. *
llAY-Flimer ; pi line to choice timothy , JO.S00
HUTTBIl Strlclly fancy cirnmeiy , IGglTc ;
cholcrt dairy , 12c.
Bans Lower al Se.
I.BAD Lower at S3.IS.
SPEI/rnil Dull at J.J.25.
POllN MHAI -Jl.S.-.fliOO. " " .
COTTON TlllS-Illgher nt J1.
1IAOGINOllin hanged ; GftOi ! > .
PIIDVIB1ONS Finn , higher ; a belter demand.
Polk , standard mess , Jobbing at 512.87'i. Lard ,
prime to choice steam. $7.20f7.35. Dry salt
meats , loose shoulders , JG ; longs nnd ribs , JG.9) ) ;
'shiirts. IP.icked shoulders , J7 ; longs ,
$7.12 > iiiT7.2.r ; ribs , J7.25.
HEi'BIPTS Flour. 3,000 bbls. ; wheat , 0,000 bu. :
com , 8.000 bu. ; natp , 44,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS-Flour. 4,000 bbls. : wheat , 22,000
bu. ; corn , Ol'.OOd bu. ; o.its , 0.000 bu.
Ulcc .Mui-liel.
Nnw YOItK , May 11. The movement In do
mestic rice soits Is light , and there lias been
little or nothing in Its character dm In ? the past
week to thiow much light on the outlook. Prac
tically nothing Is changed In the situation : stocks
at all points arc light , mainly of undesirable
character , and the snles for the future will un
doubtedly be conllnud to those who give prefer
ence to the home product without much regaid
to cost. Foreign sorts me scarcely so active , nnd
because of the temporary lull there are those
who. In consequence , predict lower prices. This
.sounds oddly enough considering the fact that
there arc unfilled engagements sulllcleiit to nb-
Borb all arriving parcels dining the current
month. Further , the output of Hiinnnh to the
1st Inst. wns much less than for any equal pe
riod the last decade. The shipments ale hhort
of last year fully one-third , or say 800,000 bags
(2 ( cwt. each ) . Of tho. amount leferred lo hut a
small per cent Is of styles suitable forthe , le-
qulicments of the United Slates. This would
seem to assure maintenance of full present quo
tations ; at least until advices of enlarged ship
ments are received. The que ( lon of tariff un
doubtedly contributes somewhat to a conserva
tive disposition on the pnit of operators , but
action has been so long delayed that there Is
now no likelihood , In case ot enactment , of Its
going Into effect before the close of the next
fiscal quarter , September 30.
Cciffco Market.
NEW YO11K , May 11. COFFER Options
opened steady ut fi(810 ( points decline ; ruled in
active nnd generally nominal ; closed steady at
unchanged lo 0 points net dtellno ; sales. 0WO (
bags. Including : August , nt J1I.90 ; September.
114.COfi.14.uri ; October , Jll.30ffll.33 ; cpot coffee.
Rio quiet ; No. 7 , 510.23 ; mild , market quiet ;
Cordova , Jl.25ffill ! ) . ! ; 0 ; sales , SOO bags Central
Ameilean , private terms ; warehouse deliveries
yesleiday , GfIO ! bags : New York stock today ,
253,610 bags ; United States stock , j:02WG bags ;
afloat for the United Slates , 10G.OOO b.igs ; total
visible supply for the United States , J08,23G ! bags ,
against : ! S3,1I'J ( hags last year ,
HIO DB JANEIRO , Miiy 11.-Market quiet ;
nominal ; no quotations ; exchange , ! > Kd ; receipts ,
B.OOi ) bags ; stock , 119,000 b.igs.
SANTOS , May 11. MaiKet quiet ; nominal ; no
quotations ; lectilpts , 1,000 bags ; stock , 30,000 bags.
IIA.MIII'Hd , May 11. Mutket quiet ; sales , 5,000
bugs ; prices unchanged.
HAVItE , May 11. Marliet dull ; sales , 10,000
bans ; prices > , it lower.
l.lvnrpnol Jlar ) > tH.
LIVERPOOL , May ll.-WHBAT-Dull ; demand
poor ; holders olfer freely ; No. l California ,
4slbKi5s1d ; red western winter , 4s Sd&4s 10.d. !
CORN Dull ; demand poor ; new mixed , spot.
3s Slid.
llt'TTBIl Finest , SOs ; gm.d , 56s.
PROVISIONS Reef , extra India mess , S7s 6d.
Pork , nrima mess , 72s Gd. llncon , long nnd
short clear , 53 Ibn. , 33s ; long clear , 45 Ibs. , 31s.
l.ard , prime western. SSs Cd.
Tlio receipts of win at for the past t ree days
were 130.0iW centals. Including W.OOO American.
The receipts of American corn for the past ihreo
days were 79SiK ) centals.
Rains have been frequent.
Dnliitli Win-lit Aliirkot.
DULUTH , May 11. WHEAT Close , dull ; No.
1 hard , cash. ( ilUc ; May , GlHc ; July , Cl o : No ,
1 northem , cash nnd Mas1 , K ic ; July , 6Hio ;
September. RS9 p ; No. 2 northern , cash , f.Co ;
No , 3 , Wtorejected. \ . 45Vic. On truck ; No , 1
northern In arrive , 61c.
OATS-No. 2 , 33'Jc ; No. 3 white. Me.
Car Inspection today : Wheat , 103 cars ; onts ,
1 car ,
RECEIPTS Wheat , 159,000 mi.
No shipments.
Knnsii * City Mnrliots.
KANSAS CITY , May 11. WHBAT-ITnclmngrd ;
No. 2 hard , OOWSle. ; No. 2 red , C0ffri2c ; rejected ,
COItN Unchanged- ; . 2 mixed , SCUtfSGVio ;
No. 2 white. 38'Hi38c.
OATS Finn ; No. 2 mixed , 8Cc ; No. 2 while ,
MUTTER Quieter ; creamery , 13016c ; dairy , 12
EC.HS-In fair demand at 7Hc.
RECEIPTS Wheat , none ; com , none : oats ,
HIl'lPMENTS-Whcat , 14,000 .bu. ; corn , none ;
oats , none. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I'eorlu Onilu Market.
PEORIA , May 11. CORN-Easy ; No. 2 , 38io ! ;
No. 3. 37 Kc ,
OATS-Easler ; No. 2 tthlte , 3JVjS35Hc : No. 3
White. 34ff35c.
RYE Dull ; nominal.
WHIBKY-FIrm ; hlBh wine basis. J1.15.
Hpeculatlon AVns Ktugmuit anil Kvcn
Ituiiior-Moncors UohiK l.lttle.
NBW YORK. May ll.-A more unlntercstlne
Oay huH tiot been experienced In Wall street
( or months. The speculation wag stagnant
nnd oven the rumor-mongers were at work
but little. Tlio total tranufictluiia were leas
than 90,000 shares , and in only ono or two
Blocks , Sugar and Chicago das , Old the tales
exceed 10,000 Hharc . St. Paul and General
Klectrlc made some appearance In the ( leal-
ings , but the rest ot the list was Badly neg
lected. U seemed KS U th tpeculutlYC Ira-
ternlly al lar e Imd tohfti a b
itvnltlng some developments on which to
operate , leaving It to tliu room trader * to
keep up it semblance of n market. It was
expected that the r.old eneaiicmenlk for Snt-
urdny would rcncli ? 3,000,000 , nnd they did
conic wltlilii ? 100,000 of thnt figure. This Incl-
dent Imd net , therefore , nny effect on the
speculation , n | | Of the gold withdrawn for
export comma from the United States sub-
treasury. '
The trading nt the openliiK wan firm , but
upon n slight pressure to sell Siiguc gave
way o nnd a few other hnrej a sinnll
fnicllon , but the general mnrkut wns with-
unt moveiiK'nt , except Chicago Gna nnd Lnko
Shore , which advanced % per c nt nnd Vi
per cent respectively. Dtirlnrc tlie first hour
the ll'C"mttyni ! were st'Jl ' narrower wad the
( railing In lighter Volume. The prevailing
tone during the morning wna firmness , but
nftor Midday the market became liravy , and
during the nfternoon , with the exception of
one or two feeble htllles , tlio tendency of
price.1' was downward , the declines being
merely fractional , ui'cept In some Inntanoo/ .
The dealings wcro very lrregultr : during
the last fifteen inlnntcH of business and the
mnrket closed without change.
The bond market wan llrm on a small
biislncsn ,
The Evening Post says : Except for n
downward reaction In Sugar and Lead cer-
tifiuatCB. nnd n rather sharp advance In
Chicago 0iH : , today's market was almost
motionless. As n rule , prices were firm , but
they were held on so few transactions that
little more'was acomplished thnn the formal
recording of quotations.
The following are HIP closing quotations
nn the lending stocks of the New York ex
change today :
The total sales of Blocks today were KI.G&3
shares , Including : American Sugar , 22,400 : Hur-
UnRton. 3,100 ; ClilcoRO Oas , UU.OO ; lUHtlllerx " ,
3A'0 , Gcneiiil Electric , S OOO ; St. Paul , 900.
New York Money
Easy at 1 per cent ; last loan 1 per cent : closing
at 1 per tent.
STERLING EXCIIANOESteady , with actual
business In b.mkiir ' bills , JI.SS'f.W4.SSl for de
mand ; JI.S7'iW4.sv5 for sixty days ; posted rates ,
J4.S8'-iiS4.80 ' ; cnmniercial blllx. $1 SCUiQI.86',5.
GOVERNMENT ItONDS-Stcady. State bonds ,
dull.The iloslng quotations on bonds :
lioston Stock OuututloiH.
DOSTON , May 11. Call loans. IK per cent ;
llmo loans. 2Mi per cent. Closinj prices for
btocUn , bomtB and nilnlii , ' , ' Hharcs :
Sun FrancUco Mining Onotutlons.
SAN FRANCISCO , May 11. Tlio omclal clo lu ?
Quotations for nilntns Htou' stutiy war. ) ui fol
lows ;
T.ondoii Stock Mlirket.
LONDON , Way 11. 4 p. in. clOHlnir :
HAHSILVKU--2njfd per ounco.
MONKY-1 per cunt.
The rate of dlncoimt in the open market fOi- both
short and tlireo months' bills is 1J631 a-111 per
cent. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Nnw York Mlnln Ountntltmi.
NEW YORK , May 11. The followim ? ara tu !
closliiR nilnlnt : n.notatlotiH :
con. Cal. & Va. . . . 07.1 Sierra Nnvaila Ill )
Deadwood 00 Standard 1M >
Gould & Carry li3 ! Union Con , * 125
Halo & NorcroHs. . HO Yellow Jacket. . . . 100
HomcHlaku 12oO Iron Silver 10
Mexican 200 QuIcltHilvor , . 200
Ontario 700 do preferred 1AOO
Ouliir 430 llulwcr 20
Plymouth 20
On tint i.onnon Market.
NFJW YOUIC , May 11. The KvenlnK Paul's
Ix > ndon cableeram says : The maikets were life
less today. Americans feebly rallied but closed
dull. Hllver was nt 2SKd , The condition of
Indian affalrx , financial nnd political , exclten
attention , but not alarm. Twa hundred and
forty-pcvcn tboiiHand pounds In gold and ITnlted
StiiteH coin wcie bought by the bank and 210,00)
sovereigns ciuiin in from Austtalla.
St. I.oiil Mlnliiff Stock JiiotiitIiiiii. |
ST. I.OUIS. May 11. Mlnlnr utoaks today were
Ufcleas and nnclninuiil. ( Juotitloim :
Hid. Ankod. Hid.
Adaum. . . . * . : ) * , UO .19 9 .20
Am. Net. . .21U .27 i Harcouvcr .10 .17 ? *
IllmKialllo 3.00 Hope 11.50
Oranlto M. 1.30 a.fl ( S. Hopes. . .70
I'Mminciul NolcH.
1'AIHS. May 11. Tlireo per cent rentes , lOOf 45u
for the account.
11OSTON. May II. dealing" , J13l ! > 0,379 ; bal
ances , Jl.OM.HS.
11AI.TIMOUK. May ll.-CJlearlntrn , > 2,017,03lj
balances , $3:0,170.
I'UII.APni.I'lUA , May ll.-ClearlnKS. JH.523-
438 ; balances , J-,219,010.
OMAHA , May 11-ClratlnKS. J774.T3S : same day
hist week , > DI7,32S ; same day lo t nionlh , JSM.'JSI ,
MRMI'IIIH , May ll.-ClearlnisK , 377,494 ; bal-
iinccH , J115.52I. New York cxUmnne eellliiK ut
LONDON , May 11. The uinount of bullion none
Intn the Hunk of KiiKluml un bnlancu lod.iy U
CINCINNATI. May 11. Money , 2HG < > per cent.
New York exchange , 40tWo prpnilum. Clear-
| IIB , JS.1I9.100.
NKW OHI.KANfl , May It.-Cli-nrlnEB , JI.2I8.5IS.
N w York t-xulianKe , cummeiclal , " 5o premlumi
tmnk , . II.CO prrmlum.
HAN KHANCIKCO. May 11 , DraflB , Hlnlit , lOoj
lercrn | | > hlc , 12'ic. fillver bain , l2 < ( iS-ic , Mex
ican iliillnrH , DHlSl'jc ' ,
ST. LOl'lH. May ll.-ClearliiKH , J3C05,163 ; bu ) .
H. J1S3.3J ; . Money , dull at 07 per cent.
' " - un Nmv Yolk , 25c iirvmlum.
NKW luittv , > Aiay H.-riearlnK" . tfi.v . <
balance * , t3.b7i.816. ( luld engatiHl far nblpni
by toinurrow'H iurort ; n itvamiililn aggrcgc
J2.900.WX ) .
i A
Receipts of OattlOjfljjll Show an luoronso
with llogs gaping Uchlnu ,
JOT ! ' ,
Dealer * liny All jOttcrcd nt Slnuly in a
Shinto fitroiiKOi' ' I'rfccs HORH Active
anil I'ully rin , Ontu Illclirr
on a Nnrrow
% , . PUIDAY , May II.
There was a falrT vcr Bc run of all kinds
sf slock today. lUpclpts'for the past live
days , compared with the corresponding live
days last week , show an Increase of l,7uO
cattle and SOO hogs , nnd a decrease of over
D.OOO sheep.
Whllo there was no quotable advance In
cattle values , trade was more active than
It has been , and conditions generally were
moro satisfactory to all concerned , The
offerings were not at all heavy , nnd while
the general quality was only fair , there were
qirfle ; i number of very decent cnttl on
sale. Reports from the cast were more
favorable than for several days past , and
whllo shipping and export buyers did not
display any unusual activity , the local
dressed beef men appeared to be anxious for
supplies and took hold freely right from
the start. They paid from $3.35 to $3.95 for
steers weighing from 009 to 1,179 Ibs. , and
also bought a good many of the medium and
heavy grades. The light cattle were gen
erally a trifle slow sellers , and where the
finality was not good prices were a shade
off. Sales Included common to choice 100
to 1,450-lb. beeves at from $3.70 to $1.10.
II was a fairly active trade throughout , and
it good clearance was soon made.
The market for cow stuff was brisk and
for the most part llrm. There were not over
ten loads on sale , and they went like hot
cakes. Calves wcro In light supply , very
good demand and generally unchanged.
Rough stock of all kinds sold freely at n
shade better prices.
In stockers and feeders there was no no-
1 tlceahlo improvement. If anything , trade
was slower , nml prices easier than on Thurs
day. Regular dealers were decidedly Indif
ferent buyers , except of the light stock cat
tle , and the demand from the country was
very slack. Prices for the ordinary run of
feeders are lOc to lee lower than the Ilrst
of the week , and the feeling Is Very bearish
on all sides. Good to choice feeders are
quoted at from $3.20 to $3.70 ; fair to good
at from $3 to $3.15 , and lighter , commoner
grades at from $3 down. Representative
sales :
N'o. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
3. . . . 950 J3 23 13..1100 $3 75 22. . . .120 $3 85
1..1180 325 22..1133 375 3..1190 3 S3
3. . . . 920 330 9..1139 373 10..1203 385
16..1023 3 35 17..1949 375 18..1248 3 S.r
12. . . . 9SS 333 22..1153 3 75 17..1192 3 f 5
n. . . . . SOO 340 15..1198 375 61..1172 3 K
4. . . . 1023 340 16..1128 375 23..120i 3 85
4. . . . 930 3 f.O 62..1236 380 19..1208 383
5..103G U 63 20. . . .1161 360 17. . . .1214 S 83
19..1032 365 2J..113S 3 SO 8..1080 3 S3
13. . . . 909 3 65 104 1137 380 8..1376 3 SO
18..1263 370 20..1182 380 6..1092 3 90
24..1300 370 20..1372 380 21..1010 3 SO
43..1023 370 18..1203 380 22..1204 390
99..1008 370 21. . . .1104 380 21..12 < )3 ) 3 BJ
61..1129 370 10..1213 .3 SO 18..1121 39. .
22..1205 370 20. . . . 1163 .3 SO 19..1111 39. .
20..13S5 370 10..1053 .3 83 23..1137 3 -t
1S..HOO 375 42..1480 383 30..1179 3 9j
1..1420 350 22..1187 ,375 39..1303 385
1. , . . 760 3 BO 40..1206 ' ,3 77' * 18..1291 385
4. . . . 860 350 39..1322 " 3 63 21 . . .1331 410
18..1010 375
HOGS The market was active and gen
erally a nickel higher than Thursday. Uo- "
celpts were a trifle heavier than a week ago ,
but by no means heavy , whllo the falling
off BO far. this week , compared with last ,
amounts to over 9,000 head. Alt classes of
buyers were out early , and as eastern mar
kets were higher dealers lost no tlmo In get
ting down to business. There was , very llt
tlo range ot prices. The commonest light
mixed stuff brought | 4.90 and prime heavy
nnd butcher weights sold for $4.93. One load
of slightly sorted butchers brought the even
money , $5 , but It was n scratch sale. Prac
tically everything went at from $4.90 to
$4.95 , and trading was lively from start to
finish , the market closing up strong nt the
advance. On Thursday $4,85 to $4.90 bought
the bulk of the hogs , and one week ago
today the popular figure was $5. Hepresen-
tntlvo sales :
1 400 . . . 4 25" * '
SHKEl' Four loaijB were received , two of
them billed dlrcct > tta local killer. The
other two were pretty good mixed westerns ,
wethers and yeurllngu , averaged 112 Ibs , and
sold readily for $4.30. There was a good de
mand from all local houses and the market
wns nominally a shade ( Inner. Fulr to good
natives are quotable at $3.000-1.25 ; fair to
good westerns , $3.204,16 ; common and
stock sheep , $2.CO < B > 3.25 ; good to choice 40
to 100-lb. Iambs at $3.50J4.GO. Representa
tive sales ;
No. Wi. Pr.
! 13i ) ycarlliiL'Buml wethers . . . . .ll'J f 4 ao
KUIISIIH City Live Htoclt Market.
KANSAS CITY , May n.-CATTLE-Hfcelpln ,
3.SW bend ; HhlpmenU. 700 hrnd : llKht . firm In
lOo lilcher ; utlifm iteadv : T xns hli-crn , JS.COU
3.80 ; Texan ruwi. J2.33tf3.15 ; ihlidnic | | "turn , 13.30
U'4.40 : native cow * . Ji.W-tiJ.M ) ; utockera imd feed-
tTB. .764i3.ZS : bull r 12.4083.30.
[ " n'l ' : maiU t G llO.higlir : liulh , tli.u.01. I
li nvjr , p cK"H ! nnd iiilxc , ! , | I.SA\iu . Us' ' > - .
Voikeri. nnd plfK , Jl.ftl'j.- ' .
HIJIJKl' - llprrltilii , lj ( lif.nlj ill | | > m'i > JM
liinj ; niniUet t a | > ,
ltpcclpt % niul ) | . of sioeh.
llim of Hto.-U. 'ii no .vl
t'nloii Sloan Yai\l
; V "i".lvJ"2rVy''onf ! hoiiMi-nfllnif at 3 o'o
ia i * ) IPU n
Omaha PacUitiff Co. llO.-i1
Tbeo. H. Hammond Co. . fi''l
Swift and CMl 7-tl !
Tlio Ctidtihv P.inltiiiK Co. . r p. IMI ; '
John P. Pciulro it Co
A. HiiaH
R. lleekor A UOITIMI
P.I ) , Armoiir.VCo .1.
Cleveland iiti ) >
Hammond A S
Shippers and focdcm oil I
' '
Totals jLdHiL'"TOi' " "
No I'artlrnliir Cliungo In theMurltci Viittiu
of Ciittlis
CIUCACJO. Miiy 11. There ill.l not appear lo
ho nny tmrtlcuhir renuoii fur n change In iho
market vnluiot cattle , nml mere was iimc.
Itecelpts were tight niul KO wns tin1 1 iiminl.
The 6.000 cattle on sulo ncrn quietly plrluM up
nt TluiiKday.s quotations , pale ? milking on
hauls of from 11.50 to J4.W pei cttt. for Infeilor
to pxtm qualities. If thcrp were many mulei
nl over $ ! . ! ! > , nml there wpro nnt , II win IHM-IIIISO
very few Ktrlclly III-IIIIP rattle worn ou'eied. l-'nlr
to Rood 1,000 to 1,400-lb. MePM Hindili | > HIP
erpiitpr ] > ait nf tinRtipiily , and fur that . 'lai's
Ij-nin J.1..S5 to II.13 were IliirulliiK prices. Unlit
thin ntoern Kohl nt fmm J3.40 In } : t.ii ! | and Irad-
Inc In rows imd heltciH WUH prltipi.illy | | at fiom
2.W > to S3.50. Tin- latter Hild especially well , at
( hey weie not nrrlvlm ; In mimnoiM siillleletit to
meet thp ilpnuincl. Sloekers and fi-edem r.'inalne I
HlniiiK fiom tlu > name CHIMP. Hull * were dull
nnd Weal ; and cnlvcH wen.iu > moic lhaii meady.
The liojt ninlkct was fniin Sc lu 1iV lilKlu-r lhaii
on IhnrKihiy nnd was IHOIP artlvn than fnr sonuv
days pa8t. Thorp wole inmiy HnlPH nt ff. S' . and
In at least Iwn Instancr- . $ .7.3' ' ) nn paid. Thi-n-
was : i Bwiil shliiphiB deiimnd and falily n--o
b.ij'lnit hy I will pacliprs at f r mi $4. 0 to $ .V91 f.n-
pinjr to extra IIPIIVV and medium wi-lxhlx atvl at
from $1.75 to } , " .2 > ) for light. Nut many mli-s wciv
reported bclnw J5 and only two or three at lipifor
than 15.25. The quality averaRea Rood ami from , to $5.25 was Hip rniiRC lit which tin bulU
of the Bluff waa wolRhed.
Kali'8 of hlieep weri' sHw. There was vw
lltllu demand and the mippb' pnivlnc Ion Inrce
buycm had lather the Imst of It. I'rlce * raiiReil
from JI.H ) to J2 for Inferior to choleo tinclmrn
Bhcep and fiom { 3.25 In $4.7n for utiKlmin year-
IhiKH. Sales of the former \VPIV laiwly nl fr nil
S3.25 to JI.23 , and from { I to $ I.M Imiiuht HIP
hulk of the latter. Sprlnx lambs \\ure quoleil at
from J4 W to jn.W per 100 lljs.
ltpcelpl ! Cattle. ( ! , i(50 ) ( heail ; calves 2'M ' head ;
IIORH , 15.BO ) head ; sheep. S.IM ) head.
The Kvpnlne Journal remrtM | : c'ATTI.i : Tte-
celptH , fm ( head ; market slow : rather eauler ;
prime to extra native KteerK , $ l.3'fil.M ; m dluni ,
J4.0D04.I5 ; others , J3.75fI3.00 ; Te.xaiiB. none heie.
HOGM Kccelpts , 15.MO IIP.IN ; marliet netlve ;
hlRlier earlier ; later advance lost ; r.itmh heavy.
J4.25 ir4.80 ; packers and mixed. J.r..15ff5.20 ! ; prhni'
heavy and butcher weights , I5.aff5.25 ) ; assorted
IlKht. } , ri.lOf5.1B.
fiJlEni' x\ND LAMIJS Ileeelpts , S.OW head ;
lambs higher ; sheep unchanged ; lop sheep. H.254i
4.r.l . ) ; top lambs , J4.90fl5.13 ; spilng lainlw. } 5.mW )
St. IOIIK ! l.ivo .Slock Murkpl.
ST. LOUIS , Jlay 11. PATTLK Hecclptn. 7M
head ; Hhlpmeiitu , COO head : market active , steady
Koner.illy ; native Bteers , SOO to l.OuO llw. . $ : ! .kO
3.90 ; cows , t2.15fl2.G5 : calves , JI.2.HI 1.75 ; light
Texas steels , J3.10j3.2B.
I1OOS Ileeelpts. 3.MO head ; Khlpments , 2.400
head ; market 16c higher ; choice nifdlum welghtK ,
J5.20 ; packern' selections. J5.0.riit5.15 ; pigs and
common light mixed , $ l.i5Rt.TO. ;
S1I1CK1' Hecelts. | 700 head ; shipments , 400
head : maiket quiet , steady ; clipped natives. $3.65
04.00 ; stockers , $2.7563.00 ; lambs , $1.75.
Jfow York 'I.lro Stock .Market.
NM\V VOIIK , May 11. UK n VIM Uecelpls ,
1.300 head ; market llrm ; native steeis. prime ,
t4.47 < i ? ! . < ! : fair to good. $4.3r , i4.l5 ; ordinary lo
medium. $4.20 4.30 ; Inferior , 51 ; stags ami oxen ,
SIIKKI' AND IjAMtlK-llepplptK , 8,900 head :
sheep nnd yearlings llrm ; nnshoin i-heep , prime
to choice. $5.00K5.35 ; clipped sheep , poor loeho | < p ,
t3.40iii4.73 ; unshorn yearlings , poor to choice ,
J1.75 C.OO ; clipped yearlings , fair tu choice. J5.00
Sioux City I.lvc Stock .Alurket
SIOl'X C1TV , May 11. 1IOOS lieeetpts , SOO
head ; shipments. 281 head ; maiKet JOi : higher ut
J4.)2'/t ! ) r4.l5 ! ; bulk , $4.92 > i.
CATTLK Hecelpls , 3W ( head ; yesterday , 632
head ; shipments , KS5 head ; best steady ; othets
lower ; feeders. $2.40i53.50 ; yeaillngH. $2.55fi3.IO ;
paws , $1.233.00 ; bulls , J1.5US2.iiO ; oxen. 51.5081
Stock In Sight.
lleeelnts of Hvo stock at the four principal yards
for Friday , Way 11 , wore :
Cattlo. HOSTS. ShPop.
south Omiihn . 2.4in ; 5,0:14 : 74
Chlcapo . 0,00(1 ( Ifi.flOO 8IO ( ( )
Kansas. City . 3,8(10 ( 11,500 400
St. I.oilis . 700 : i,400 700
TotalB IS.naO 3l,4Hl : : U.842
tocnl Produce Mnrlict.
nUTTEIl The amount of countiy bfitter ar
riving Is not large , but the quality nveiagea
very poor. There are practically only about two
grades. A small proportion only Is good enough
for ( he city trade and the balance goes for
packing stock. There Is plenty of good creamery
butter. As yet there hi little show of grass.
Separator creamery , iTSilSe ; extra fancy country.
15lGc ; choice country , 12fl4c ; packing stock ,
Cc.'KfifiS The egg market Is not In a very pads ,
factory condition. Not only Is Hie price low ,
but dealers claim that them Is no money In
handling eggs , at ( he present ( line. A good
many eggs are going Into cold storage , but It la
claimed now that packers have about all they
want and will soon commence to withdraw from
the market. Dealers generally are holding their
brightest stock at 9e , but there me a good many
so-called flrstj being offeied at Site and seconds
as low as 7tfhc.
LIVI3 POULTRY Commission dealers are generally -
erally Bendlnp out qu.itiitloiiii of 71i7'.ic
on old hens. Old nusUMB bring 2u
and young ones 4V4i&5c. The demand for other
kinds of poultry Is rather light , though a lim
ited quantity Is tsalahlc. Ducks , Cff7c ; hen tur
keys , So ; gobblers , Co ; geese , tie.
QAME The season Is so far advanced that
game Is no longer wanted.
VKAL The arrivals are heavy , and It ! i not
quite so easy to keep the market cleaned up as
It was a few days ago. Good , fat veals , GfJ'o ;
thin or heavy. 3flT5c.
1'IOKONH There Is h demand for old pigeon * ,
but young bhds that arc. not strong on the wins
are not wanted. Old birds , per doz. , $1.253J1.50.
IJHANS Tlip market Is firming up nil over the.
country. Neither the demand nor supply Is very
heavy nt this point. California hand-picked
navy. $2.105(2.25 ; western navy , $1.90&2.00 ; com- ,
moil uhltc beans , $ l.COi/l.S5.
ONIONS Old onions are a thing of the past.
New southern onions arc quoted nt $ l.riO ! pel-
box. Them are a few Heimudas Kill nil hand
at $2.75 per box. Top onions aru plenty at
251J30p on orders.
I'OTATOKS The supply Is coming mostly
from Utah and Colorado , which stock Is quoted
at HOc&tl.Oi ) per bu. There arc new southern
potatoes In the market , which arc quoted nt $2
per IMIX.
CAIIHAOK Alabama cabbage , per crate , $2.SO ;
choice Louisiana. $3.
CULKltY None In the mnrlict.
ASI'AHAOUS Clooil home grown stock U
abundant at 23ifSOc per doz. on ordors.
I'lK PLANT-Homo grown pie plunl Is plpnly
at 2c on orders.
TOMATOKS Flnrlila stock of good color Is
scarce at $1 per crate of Blx baskets.
OHHKN VKOBTAHLKS-Siiliiiu-li , perbbl. , J1.75
02.50 ; ladlshes , per doz. , 30c ; lelluce , per doz. , 83
@ 40e ; cucumbers , $1.25 < ( | 1.50 ; parsley , per doz. , 30
fi35o : turnips , per doz. , 76c ; cairotH , per doz. , 75e ;
beets , per doz. , 7BBS5c ; stilng beans , per Vi-bu.
box , $1.23 ; water cress , per ease lli boxes , $1.7592
2.00 ; squashes , bu , ctatc. $2.
8TUAWHI3HIIIRS Oiidil shipping stock , $2.50.
APPLES There are no apples on the inuikct
suitable for shipping purposes.
ClIKItllircs A few California ehenlen are ar-
rUilifir and selling at $2.t > 0 per box. The fiult Is
In good condition , but rather email In size.
KANAKAS Per bunch , $2.0i ) 2.60.
LH.MONH Fancy lemons , 300 size , $4 : fancy
lemons , 360 size , $3,75 ; choice lemons , MO size ,
OUANOKS Washington navels , 90s , 112s , 12v's ,
$3.50 ; Mediterranean sweets , $3.50.
FlOH-Fnncy. per lb. . IDo.
DATKS Hallawees , C5 to 70-Ib , boxes , per lb. .
IMNBAI'l'LES-Cholce , per doz. , $2.00 ; small ,
IIONKY California , IBc ; dark honey. K'bQIte. '
.MAPI,10 HYRl'P ' ( lullon runs , per doz. . $12. .
MAl'Llj BUtlAR 1'er III. . IOC.
Nl'TH Almonds. 17c ; Bngllah walnuts , 12o ;
nibertn , 10c ; Ilrazll nuts , lOc.
HAUKRKUANT Half bbl. . $2.25.
CIDER Pure Juice , per bbl. , $5.50 ; half libl. ,
Al'PLi : IH'TTKH Per 20-lb. palls , $1 ; half
bbls. , 3'ju per lb.
HIDBH No , 1 green hides , SV4o : No , 1 green
called hides. 5f3lo ! ; No. 2 green salted hides ,
2 2V4o ; No. 1 veal calf. 8 Ibs , In 15 Ibs. . BVie ; No ,
2 veul calf , 8 Ibs. tit 16 Ibs. . 4oj N . 1 dry Hint
hides. f > c : No. 2 dry Hint hides. 3c ; No. 1 dry
salted hides. 4o. Part cured hides , U ° per lb.
lens limn fully cured.
HHKKP PKI/TH ( lr * n salted , each. SoiiCOo ;
green wilted KhcarUnKX ( alult-wiioled rally
skins ) , each , 6015c ; dry sheiirllngii ( nhort-wooled
early sklnn ) , No. 1 , each , SiTloo : ilry nhenrllnBa
( nhort-wooled early nklns ) . N" . 2. each , r.c ; dry
Hint , Kansas nnd Nebraska butcher wool pelts ,
per lb. . actual weight. & Sc ; dry flint. Kunmiii
and Nebraska murrain wool pelts , p r lb. .
actual weight , 4ii6ci dry Hint , Colorado butcher
wool twill , per Hi , , uctuul weight , 4f7o ; dry
Hint , Colorado murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual
WTAM.OW1CAND ORBAHn-Tallow. No. 1 , 4'4
4Woi tallow , No. 2. 3ig3io : Knu e , white A ,
4Wc ; ercane. whllo II. 4c ; grease , yellow. 3c ;
grease , dark , 2Jc ! ; old butter. 2U2',8o ; IJCINIVVUX ,
prime , 15J18fli rough tallow. 2fi2i c.
Now York Dry ( loniln .Market.
NKW YORK , May II.-With a gcx-l number of
liH'iil and nearby retailers prrBcnt JobbciB haxr
had a very cooa IraJu. Witt ) votnmuulvn nur-
( Illcgs 'cm ) are litingorlnB and thirsting
for pure air , our stuffy , over-heated houses
are vcrltablo fever chests. Speed the day
when the pale faced llttlo ones get out
into Ood'H sunshine and breathe In his
pure air.
Come In and see the array of baby car
riages lii our basement n rod wide and ex
tending an far us the pyo can roach OVKK
260 PATTERNS , the best goods made , with
the world renowned "FEATHHUSTONUS"
at the head. A full sized reed carriage , with
parasol , $3.80 , worth $12.00.
WB HAVt : not Fnld n bleascd tblnfi
nbout 'cm tinUI now although our now
terns are the talk of the town. We control
the "Ql'IC'K MKAL" poods. They are abso
lutely rlKlit ; perfect combustion ; both the
1'rocesh nnd Oenrriitor styles ; both cabinet
nnd platform patterns ; prices ranRlni ; from
{ 2 90 to $28.00. If you know what wo know
you would not buy any but ix "QUICK
MKAIj" steve under nuy pJrcumstances. The
KaBollne stove lias como to stay , and Instead
of it lioliiK the offensive nnd dangerous con
trivance that was first brought out. It has
been so much Improved that It Is not only
u houieholtl necessity , but a p/sltlva luxury.
It don't mnko so much difference what you
select when you are buyltiR " 1IAN1MJOXI2S
when you buy " 1CK-UOXES" you need to
look a llttlo out. Dangerous passes and foul
deposits cannot always bo detected , even by
the sence of smell. IC13-DOX1SS and HK-
F1UC1RUATOUS nro apt to be overlooked
when wo are considering the sanitary con
dition of our homes. Hotter buy the perfect
"Ventilated" goods , WHICH TAKE CAKE
The "GLACIER , " everybody now knows
about. U Is perfection , being Ventilated ,
Clcanntle , Handsome and at reasonable
A "GLACIEU" Ice box , $3.50 , worth JC.SO
A "GLACIEU" refrigerator , $8.03 , worth
Formerly People's ' Mamnotli Installment House
AYmf tOcforjiostdifaoii lily ' ! > ! catiiloijite.
Close at 6:30 : evenings , except Monday and Saturday.
chant , however , the demand was very nn'et. '
nnd though larjje vales were reached they were
entirely from foiwaidhiKS on previous purchases.
1'rlntliiB cloths wtre In demand for July to
October at 2 11-lCe bid and declined ,
Oil Markets.
OIL CITY , 1'n. , May 11. National Transit cer-
'Itlcates opened nt SS1 ; hlKhest. S5Si ; lowest.
S5 ! : closed at 83'i-t Bales , 69,686 bbls. ; shipments ,
79.S7C bbls.
PITTSIII'KO , P.i. , May 11. National TranHt
rertltlraeK opened at 83-14 : closed at 83 % ; highest ,
S3i ; lowest , S35 ; no bales.
Sngiir Market.
NEW YORK , May 11. SUGAR Raw , firm ;
sales , 17,763 bajjs centrlfiifrnl , 90 test , at 2T.c ! ;
13.2UO IUIRS centrifugal molasses , 89 test , at 2 3-lo'c.
Rellned , quiet.
LONDON , May 11. SUOAR-Cnne. quiet hut
steady ; centrifugal Java , Us 3d ; Muscovado , f.ilr
rcnnlne , 12s 3d. _
Miinclicstcr Textiles.
MANCHESTER , May -Cloths nnd yarns 111
poor demand and freely met at previous prices ,
stocks me IncreasliiB ,
T'rltico Wheat Oiiotsitloiii.
SAN KRANCISl'O , May 11. WHEAT Qub t
and steady ; December , J1.09Vi ! new , sellers , $1.02.
IJeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo cures piles.
j.v j'jtitiox TII no van I'ot'Kitrr.
Dr. It C. lllsscll'.s Attorney Compliilns tlmt
Hit. Cllont Cannot Secure ,1 n t Ice.
SIOUX PALLS , S. I ) . , May 11. ( Special
to The Hoc.V. . N. Davidson of Luverne ,
attorney for Dr. C. P. Blssoll , who la now
In the penitentiary nt Stlllwater , Minn. ,
says In a letter that the matter of the
appeal to the supreme court of Dr. HIs-
sell'B case Is at a Htnmlstlll. He says the
transcript of the evidence upon which the
appeal Is to be based has been prepured ,
but the doctor has no money to pay for
the same , and ho must therefore remain In
prison until some one provides the funds
to pay for the transcript.
In accordance with Mayor Williams' re
quest , City Attorney Gates yesterday ten
dered to the mayor his reslKnatlon , Ho
says It Is a close lotrnl question whet her
the mayor has a rlRht to remove him , but
he does not wish to be a party to I he
combine already orKanlzed to handicap the
mayor , nnd he also does not want to ap
pear to be holding the olllcu against tlio
wishes of the mayor. Chief of Police Dick-
sou sav.s IIP will not resign until ho Is
convinced that the mayor has the power to
remove him. This Is the attitude ot the
street commissioner and the policemen who
were , asked to reslKll. ,
Tim state encampment of the nraud
Army of the Ucpubllc , Women's Itellel
Corps nnd Sons of Veterans , which will
be held In DeSmet , this state , on June C ,
G nud 7 , will probably bo one of the largest
and most pleasurable RatherliiKS of veter
ans and thofo closely connected with them
which has ever been held In this state.
The people of DeSmet are leaving nothing
undone for the accommodation of the
crowds which are expected. A military
camp has been laid out for any companies
ot the state mllltla which nro In attend-
UIAiVotlier gathering of note In South Da
kota will be this summer's nesslon of DIP
Lake Madison Chautaunua assembly , July
3 to 21. The schools of llttirntun1 , music' ,
athletics , swimmlnif , etc. , will be In charsf
of the most competent Instructors , wh lethe
the talent which has been secured for t he
entertainment of those who attend Is the
best the country affords. T-I..I.IU
the Knights
The Brand commander of
Ten nlar has culled a meeting of the Brand
lodiri at Deadwood on Juno 11 and II. .
Sioux Kails will be largely represented at
that meeting , and It IB expected that mem
bers from all over the state will attend ,
as u rate of one fare has been clven by
' ' -
? Hot Springs. Ark ,
that N. K. 1'lillllpn , warden of the Bouth
IJukotu penitentiary at this city , who IIIIB
been therr. several months. Is not recoyr-
his health satlsfactorl y. Just before
Mr ng Phillips lett for the springs ho suffered
paralvtlu stroke , which It IB thought
will make a physical wreck of him. Ho
Is xpected home the latter part of this
month. _ m _
Itumarliiiblu C'uro of Rheumatism.
Ono of our customera who had been
troubled with rheumatism for a number of
years was cured by ono CO-ccnt bottle of
Ulmmberluln's Pain Ilnlm. Wo consider It
tlie best preparation In the market for that
dlHeiue. J. 0. Caste & Son , dniKKlsta , Jack
son 0. H.V. . Va. Persona trouhlud with
rlieiiinutlBin alionld give this remedy a trial.
One application relieves tlio pain. Vor sale
ChnnceH In Kdiicnllmml Clrcln.
CLI'JVKLAND , May 11. Judge Andrews
Draper , superintendent of the public
schools of this city , has resigned and will
accept u cull that was made to him about
u month ago to tlio regency of tlio L'nl-
verslty of Illinois. Judge Draper will re
main In Cleveland until the end of the
present t-chool term , after which hu will
tuku charge of the university work.
neWIU'n Wltcli Hazel Salve cures ulccra.
JJeWIU'n Witch Hazel Salve cures
Tills extra
ordinary ItO"
Jnveiialor Is ,
Fulling Ben-
the most
Rations , wcrv-
ona twitching
of the
tlio age. H and other
has been endorsed
. la.
dorsed by the
leacllngscleti- Strengthens ,
tlflo men of invlgoratd )
Europe and and tones tlio
America. fii'Ircuyktciu.l
lludyan Is Hudjan cures
Deb 111 ty ,
Nervousness ,
lludyan stop * I * , missions ,
Prematurencss amldevelopti
and rebtorta
of the d 1 B-
charge In ' 20 In the
days. Cures bnclr ,
LOST by any or
MANHOOD nlghutoppcd
quickly. Over 2,000 private endorsements.
I'rcmaturencss moans impotency In th
Ilrat Btatre. It ia a symptom of nominal
weakness and Imrrcmies.s. It can bo
stopped In 0 days by the use of Ilndynn ,
The new discovery waa made by the spec
ialists ( if the old famous Hudson Medical
Institute. It Is the stromtest vltallzer
made. It Is very powerful , but harmless.
Sold for $1.00 a package or six packages
for J.-I.OO ( plain sealed boxes ) . Written
KUarnnti'O given for a cun > . If you buy
six boxes nml nro not entirely cured , six
more will be rent to yon free of nil charges.
SrMid for circulars and testimonials. Addreni
O32 Mnrliot St. Snn Franolsoo , Cn | .
Hroolirs Brono-CBiBro.
RnlonJM cnrntl i "Kent fnr orvouo or Blck
llemliicho , llruln l-'jliiiu tloii , BleejiloMijeM ,
, hl clnl or uoncml NeuraliflaiBliio for ( ( lieu.
mutUm , ( lom.Kldiioy Illwrrtom , ttuhijK
IwiMlii. Anreiuln. AntldoW for
nn J other nicotwu. 1'rico , 10 , Snu ICCllU.
I s.wodie'i / " " ' " > . ( >
For eale by all druggists.
Man Dovolopol
I River , riH'lUBXK.wtU
rcHtom all ilio eunwutlvu
oitanii. Iinroluney Itn-
lined. Ki'iid for frjo olr-
1'iiliiri and timtlinonliila.
1' . O , Huxa07U.San frail-
clnco. Uul
Commission Merchant
I'rlvuto lre to Chlcugo and New York. All
bunlnrnu orders placed un Chicago llourU cj
' 1'ruiir.
Corrmiwnilenco solicited. . . . . ,
Offke. rt im 4 , Nuw York Ufa Dull ling i
1'WS. , . *