Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 11, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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Wheat Was Quiet acd Firm and Clotcu , v ' . -
a Slight Gain.
OntR Wrro gulct IM a Kmnlt of HIP
Oft In Ilio Dciiiitiul mill iiicrrucel
Offcrlnifit Stocks mill
CHICAOO , May 10. Wheat nan quiet but
firm today , closing with n gain of " 4c. Corn
was easy anil closed Vtc lower , and onts lost
Uc , but provlalons finished a trlllo higher
throughout the Hat. Opening trades In wheat
were At n trllle decline , nnd after selling up
about \ic \ caicd back a little , rallied again ,
became quiet and closed at the top. The
market at the start was rather firmer than
expected , but the offerings were light nnd
demand quite active. The threatening
weather In the extreme west , the condition
being much colder In Wyoming , and the fear
that It might extend Into Kansas , Nebraska
and Iowa tonight , created some strength.
The firm tnno was also due to the fact Hint
there- was buying by Armour and other * ,
and the shorts have ? oM so much they do
not care to Increase their short Interest.
Outside crop news was bearish , nnd opera
tors \vero uncertain as to what the report
this afternoon would make the general con
dition. Outside markets were nil a little
higher arid early cables rather rasy. I'llco
changes were confined to a rac range.
Corn was quiet , with trade small and the
feeling eablcr. A couple of prominent firms
were modeiate sellers , and the decline was
largely due to this fnrt The market opened
n trllle lower and declined , with few reac
Oats were easier , due to n falling off In
the demand and Increased offei Ings. Priced
receded from V4c to % u for the near futures
anil % c for July , but September was only
off Vsc.
Provisions were steady on a lighter run
of live hogs nt HIP yards than expected and
better prices for them. The volume of tradIng -
Ing was extremely light and price ranges
were narrow. Compared with last nights
closing figures July pork Is Co , July laid
2 ! c and July ribs 2'X-c higher.
estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat ,
GO cars : corn , IOC cars ; oats , 100 cars ; hogs ,
17,000 head.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Articles. I Open. | High | Low. I Close
Julv Mnv fiHk- .iocfln4
Sept uo 1 > UJ < litl'f
Com No , ' . ' .
Mn > 3t ant .IB.W
July .in1 * .W
hept ioa iow
On In No.- . .
Mny 3fi
Juno h ik H
Sept Mis
Peirk per bbl
Mnv ' ' 1 ! . ' 21
Jnlv i'j'ss' 1'.11 12 _ 5 12 ao
Mnv 7 30 7 32' $ 7 30 7 10
Julv 7 01 7 07H 7 OJW 7 07k ,
iepl , . 7 05 7 01
Short Ultm
May n .11 n ! l7Hi 0 1.1 0 37Hi
July II ( . ! > . ii 37ki n 1.1UK
Sept li 111 n : 7' ' < I ! 1. " .
Ca h quotntlonii were as follows :
PJiOPIt HTHJ nnd unchanged
WHIUT No -prlng , 67''jC ; No 3 pprliior. no
sales' No 2 rid , 67Vc.
COHN Nil. 2 3V. No Sjellow , CSyiflSOc
OA1K No 2"jo ; No 2 white , 3C'437' < .c , No.
3 while , ST-ViUTJC' ; .
HAUM3V No 2 , nomlnil , No. 3 , 53fE3Ce : No. 4 ,
ri.AX snr.D-No i M 33
TIMOTUV Kint > Prime. M 20i0) ) | 25
1'IIOVIWONH MCVB poik , per l > bl , $12 205 ?
12 32V4 Ijud , i > or 103 Iba , J7 .OS > 7 32'j. Khorl
rlbn sides ( loose ) . Jd 40t } 42'4 ; dry piltid Hlioul-
ilera ( Imxpil ) , ? C OOflG 25 ; short clear sides ( boxed ) ,
WlflSKY Dlsllllrrs' finished goods , J1.13
Tlio follow in ? were the receipts ana snlpuonts
for today :
On the Produce cxclnniro todav thu Uuttur inir-
kct wvj Htcidy : creamery I'JQl.fc ; d.ilry. 8Q
lie. PgRB , steady anil uuchinei-d : strlctlj freah.
Ycstcrdny'i ) Oiiotiitlons on rionr , Gr.iln and
Provisions , AtotuU , Etc ,
YOnKJ'nv -rLoun-ncce ptn 12-
200 bliln ; exports , li > ,100 ; sales , 4,800 pUgs. Mut-
ket Hat ; buyers disposed to vvnlt the outcome of government report. Rye Hour firm , lluck-
\vncnt ( lour , nominal.
IIUCKWIinAT Dull ; range on all erodes , CS
V l-'C. '
fOUN MDAI Stendj ; jcllovv western , $2 C5S
270 : I hand ) nine , J270.
UYK Dull and nominal ; car lot" , 51J32c ; boat
loads , IuM8c. !
HAHLDY Quiet : No 2 Mllvvaukee , CGHG7c : un-
erail'il western , COffGlc.
HAHLUY MALT Qu'et ' ; western , C3G83c ; sls-
roned R05781C.
WIIUAT llecelnts , J9.SOO hu ; exports , 101 , .
200 bu. : mlei , ! > 10iX10 bu fututes ; 90,000 bu.
( spot , hpot steady ; No. 2 red In ston > nnd tie-
vntor. 6910 : nlloiit , Gli4c ; f. o. b , CIV : No. 1
noithcrn , C9lic ) dellvricd. Option * open-Mi miner
on fears of frosts In Kan as tonlKht nnd
Bttndler cables. At noon It reacted a little on
n dull trade , but liter nthered stmiRlh on
ruinoin that the uoxernment report would ibe
bulllMi and closed tlrm nt He net advance. No.
2 red May closed nt S9V : lime , l)0CO"ic. .
closed at CO'te ; Iiilj , Gl 5-lCiiCl 11-lGe. dosel at
G15ae ; AiiKtist , G2VjiG2c , closed nt 02 c , Hep-
timlier. G1f/C3'tc , closed nt C3i < : C , December ,
CO U-lCirrGGc , closed nt CGc.
.roIlN Ilecelpts. 1,000 bu . exports , 51,100 bu
Salts , 150,000 bu futures , 5G.OOO bu Fpot Hpot
dull nnd easier ; No. 2 , 43T c In elovuloi ; 44'so
alloat ; steamer mixed , 43 > ,5C. Options opeiud
eas'er ' on selllnc. due to expectations that tlio
movement would soon Incunpo nnd i-ontliiiied
vrenk until Inter , when It inlllid a lltlte with
Whcnt , eloslnR ' } o net dtcllue. Maj 44iirHAe ! ,
cloned at 43c ; Julv , 44V5iT4l'.c ( , closed at 4lic ,
AUKiist. 4 > > , e. closed nt 4je ,
OATS Heci Ipts , 50.40i ) hu , expoits. 703 bu
Bnlrs , 130,00(1 ( bu. futuiec , CG.OOO bu spot. Spot
quiet : No. 2 .194(1 Mo , No. 2 il'llVHrid. 401iii (
4le : No. S , 31'4c ; No. 2 white. 42'4c , No. 3 vvhll" ,
41141' ! track mixed vveKtern , tlff41V4u ; truck , while
western , 42f47c ; track , \vhlto Btnt . 42BI7e. Op
tionsvenkir lodn > , nnlni ; to mippOBed selling
by manipulators , nnd closed nt 'UiVJu net dn
cllne. Mn > , SS WSOc. closed nt SS e : lune closed
nt 3SW ; Jul > , 37r3Sc , closed nt 37'tc.
HAV Strndy : shipping0 ! ( OffC.50 , god to
choice , J7 00419.00.
HOPS- Dull : stnte , common to choice , 9iI17e.
I'nclllc const , 12Q1SC.
miliH-Qill ( < t : wet cnlted New Orleins , se
lected , 45 to 65 Ibs . 4H'iT5'o ' , Tcxns silted 35 to
60 Ibs , 4fe ; Ilucnos A > ies , di > , 20 to 24 Ibs ,
I Inactive ; hemlflck sole , lluenos
Ayies , IlKht to heavy , 1CU 19c.
PIlOVISIONS-lleef , qufit ; beef hams. } 18 Cut
meats , linn ; plcklid shoulders , CjiS'.c. Lard ,
quiet , western Ktcnm closes ! nt J7 7Mi7 85 ; Hales ,
850 tlerees nt J7.70 ; May cloned at J7.70 nominal ,
June , J7.45 nominal : re'lln'd. ' steady , conthi"nt , 53.
South America , $8 CO , Pork , dull but steady.
COTTON OIl -Uull and fentuieless :
prlmo crude. Mils , , 2Sfr c'prlmu : crude , looe.
25ti27c ; off crude , bble. , 27ittJSc : prlmo suminu
yellow , 3 : T3Je ; off sunimer ) rllnw , 3lc : prlmo
eumm r white. Sf T17o ; butter RrndeH. 1li)3V. )
Illi'ITnU Htendj ; western elalry , liJilJc.
e HIii.SI7 Stieing ; state , large , If QlUic ; sinill ,
1XH18 Uerelpts. 7,250 pkps. . Btendlpr ; Htnte irnd
1 . , , ? , . ' ? ; ) . ' ; . , ! western flesh , 10Rlli4c.
Timi'lINTINU-nrm and filrly nctlvc ; 29'4ir '
coed ,
JnIUC12-Htend ) ; domestic , fair to extra. 4 ! fCc ;
MOLASSis-Stenh- ; , Orleans
, open " .m < r .
Kood to choice2S i3Ce.
roPl'RU-Qglctt lake. DKe.
I.nAD-Qulet ; domestic. | 3 SO.
TIN-Stend > : straits. | W > ; pl.iteH , quiet.
8PKI.TCU Neglected ! domrstlc , J3 32V4 bid.
MlnnriipolNVheiit 'Murlcit.
JIINNUAPOLIH. Mny 10 The marketg oncnoil
( Inn with B tendency to ndvnnu > Time was
ft moderate demand crenlnl by a belief thai
the Kovcrnntent vvould show n lower condition
for Iho Krovvlnc wheat than had been mippmed
n few diis earlier. There was not lunch w.nat
for tula , except for September , nnd the few
parties Hint drslrnl tu bu > July or Muj had
to pay sellers' prices In order to get It , so that
th" iivt-rugo was hlfihcr all ( he day thnn on
WrilntnJnr The ni.nkct closrd nlwut ' o liluher
for nil rlnssM of wh-nt except Hepiembcr , which
was only about V > c higher Clan tha previous
day. Clfjn i Mnj , { | c , Jnl > , COWOCOVi bep
ltmhr , HHOSTKf , on truck , No. 1 hard , cash ,
tSu. No I noilurn. ( QUc. No 3 northern.
IAt Ilfc lptil were 87 780 bu. ; shipments. ItM )
I/U. Thl * would Ifavo only ntwut 70.000 bu ,
lor m uiiijii/n | | by HIP local mills wlilih were
rfl/Hl'njf ' t the rate of about IM.IXM bu. foi the
twntlf I'Mtr lii'Uiti The arrivals of wheat from
IX lut rV > r W'le IlKhl and proinUe to bo so
li.f HHIHI wttbH at trust. If reports of the low
fwk * il vlitnl in farm Kranuiles are correct ,
M ilpl irinit b < I'Kht ' during the entire season ,
} > , f U < 4it 1 * net much wheat In Interior tic-
Vnlnrs < xc-pt that held Jiy Incitt mlllorn , which
will not com on the mirket for wile this tea-
son the nceillntt It for their own u < , Thnl
situation kcrps our own markets relntlvdy nbove
iniitKi'lx In surrounding cltu-n. Klilpmen's
f tlmir v\erc ZJ.604 libln for the tw nty-fnir
luiuts The output wns about 21,000 Ulil5. T'le
imirkct wn firm , l > ut rutlicr dull , nt from J3 < '
to t > BO for imtcnt ! > , and from 12.10 to S2.40 for
bakers _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
f.ocitl I'roiluir .tlurknt.
IHJTTRIl The mnount of country butler ar
riving In not Inw , hut the ounluy nveracci
Mr > poor , There me prnctlcnlly only nlwut two
urndwa. A * mnll iirnpoitlnn only Is ( rood cnoiuh
for the rltv tnulo nnd the bnlnnco KO > ' f r
tmkltiB clock There \ pl nty of Rood crenimry
butter. As jet th'-rc Is little fhow of KITW
Hrpnrntor crrnmcrj. ITWISc. extra ftnc > country ,
l.'WlCc. choice country , 1281lc ; packing stock ,
CeIinOH Thi > CRK mniket l < not In nery ntl < -
faclnry condition Not only Is the price low.
but dialers clnlin there Is no money In
handling eggs at the pr > enl lime. A Rood
ninny PRKU ntv ( loins Into cold ftnrnRi' , but It Is
rhilmed now that puckers hive nb.iut nil they
unnt nnd will wion comiri"nee | o wllhdriw fmm
the market. Deilcrs Ken tally arc hold n the r
brightest stoik nt 9c , but there nre a K'tod ' ntatty
so-culled llrKln belnif offered nt S'ic ' nnd seconds
ns low ns 7 < frc.
LIVi : POULTIIY The market does not show
much clmiiKP. Tindrtascn were offcrmR only
lie for old hcnn , nnd n irnndly proportion of the
receipts hnvo lo KJ nl price IhotiKh It l
po ilbtf > nrcnsloniilly to gc'cuic 6' c or even 7c
fmm the locnl Imtrhirs. Old loonleis brlnK Sc
nnd > mins ones 4V45TtC. The denulnd for other
klmH of poultry l rather IlKht , thotiBh n lim
ited tiunntlty Is silable. Pucks , C7c ; hen tur
keys. Sf cobblers , fie , cccse , Co.
OAMi : The season Is so far advanced that
gfima Is no longer nnntiil.
VIIAIThe nrrlvnls nre heavy , nnd It Is not
niille so easy to Keep HIP mirUet clenne < l lit ) ns
II vvns n feviHvs nso. Good , fat V. ids , CBic ;
thin or henvy. 3BV.
PIOHONS There Is n demand for old plKein ,
but jounB blids tint nre riot utrons on tin- win ?
nre not wanted did birds , per doz. , J1.25S1 HO.
nnANR The market Is firming up nil over the
country. Neither HIP demind nor supply Is very
hcnv > nt this point. Cillfornli h md-p'ck-d
nnvy , } 2no 2.10 , vienlern nivs , J175U180 , com-
mill while hcniis , II 50Q1 75
ONIO.VS-Old onions nro n thins of the pist.
N" ' south' rn onions are quoted nt J2 50 per
box. Thcio are a few Dcrmudns still on hand
nt il GO per ibot. Top unions are plenty nt
2.1CT"Oe on orders.
POTATOES The supply Is comlnu mostly
from I'tnh nnd Colnrndn. which stock Is quoted
nt fiOrfTJl ( fl per bu. 'I line are new southern
potatoes In the mniKet , which arc quoted at J2
tier Imx
CAIlllAOn A lain mix cnbbiRe , pel crate , J2CO ,
chcili e Lruls nun , 9321 ,
C'I2I.I3IlNone In the mnrkct.
AHPAHAillJH-Oooil home Brown stock Is
abundant nt 2lc per do ? on eiders
PII3 PLANT Home rrovvn pie pi vnt Is be-
comliiK xenrce nt 2 2Nc.
TOMA'IOnS riorliln stock of peed color 's
tcnrce at $1 per erate of six baskets.
nittllJ.V Vi : > 1KTAIlLiSpltiich , per Mil. ,
> 2. riiHahes , | ifr doCOe ; lettuce per doz ,
Ti&llc , cncumbira , Jl 21 ; p irsley , per do30JV.c ,
tuinlps , jier do71e , cnrtots , IKT do73c ,
beets pet doz , 7r.iS1c ! ; strlnB beans , per H-bu
box Jl ! 3 , vvntei cress , per case 10 boxes , 51.7'W
2 00 , squashes , bu , cnite } 2.
STnAWUniminS The receipts were llRht to
what thiy hnve bten , but the quillt ) vvns poor.
A Bood many of the bcriles nirlvliiB nre water-
soikrd A rnse or two of Nevndi , Mo , berries
hnve put In nn npiienranco and It Is expected thnt
thcv will be nulte pleiit > next week. Shipping
stock brought $2 71
APPLl'S Theie nre no apples on the market
sultnbtn for shipping 'puipo'-es.
riiniimrs A few Callfomli cherries nre nr-
rlvInK nnd selllm ; at $2 SO per box. The fruit Is
In Rood condition , but inther small In size.
DANANA ? I'cr bunch. $2 0002 CO
LMMQN1 Pnncy lemons , 3UO sl/c , $4 : fancy
lemons 3CQ sl/e. fl 75 : choice lemons , SCO size ,
$ " ! BO In ten-box lots 21c per liox less.
OKANOttS WnshlnKton navels 110s' 178s 2Hs ,
J375 , W.tshlnRt-vn navels , OCs. 1123. J3 . ' 1Vnsli ; -
Incliin navels , 12Cs , $300 ; Medlterranein sweets ,
f i r.o
I'lOS rnncy. 'pei Ib . I5c.
DVTIIS Hallow ecs , 03 to 70-lb boxes , per Ib ,
HS Choice , per doz , 52 50.
nV California , lie , dniK honey. 12i4W13o
MAPL15 SVia'P-Oallon can' , per doz , J12 .
Nl'lS Almonds. 17c. HnRllsi walnuts , 12c !
nihtits lOc. Ill izll nuts , lOc.
RAUnniCIlANT Hnlf bbl $221
CinniS Pine Juice , pel bbl , $350 , hnlf bbl ,
AP Li : llt"lTnil-Per 20 Ib palls. $1 ; half
bbls , 3Hc per Ib
Hinnq-No. 1reen ( hides , 2Ve. No 1 green
Fulled hides. 3ff3ilc , No 2 preen silted hld s ,
2ifi2iic , No. 1eil calf. 8 Ibs to 11 Ibs . 5 0 ; No
i veil calf , S lb ° to 15 Ibs. 4c , No 1 dry Hint
hides Sic : No 2 iliy Olnt hides 33 , No 1 dry
pilled hides 4c. Part cured hides , Ho per Ib.
lens thnn fully cured
SHUHP P13LTS Qreen snlted. each , 23tCOo ;
Rieen salted shcnillngs ( shDrt-wooled enlv
skins ) , eich , rfjUc ; drv shenrllnRS ( short-nooled
enrlj skins ) , No. 1 , each. SOTluc- dry shenrllnRS
( shoitooled eaily skins ) , No 2 each , 5c ; dry
flint , Knnsis nnd Nehrnskn butcher wool pelts ,
per Ib . nctunl welsht. SfflSc ; dry nint , Knnsas
nnd Nebraska murrain wool plts , per Ib. ,
iictual weltht , 4Cc ; dry nint. Colorado biitiher
wool pelts , per Ib , nctuil weight , 4i7o ; dry
Mint , Colorado murrain wool pelts , per Ib , actual
welKht , 4SCe. (
TALLOW AND GnnASTJ Tallow , No 1. 44@ !
I'tc ; tnllow. No 2. 3tW3V ; Rrease , white A ,
1'ic ; Rrente. whllo 11 , 4c ; srease , jellow , 3c ;
sieasc , dirk. 2 > 5c ; old butter , 2fT2Hc ; beeswax ,
prime , 15ffllSc ; rouBh tallow , 2ffl2'ic.
St. LouU Cunorul Market.
HT. LOJ'IS , May lO.-PLOUn-ralrly steidy ,
unclinnKcil. ,
\VlUAT : Steaclv % very narrow In movement ,
nil dcnlers nvvnltinB the Kovcrnment report due
? . : . , ? 2 ' " ' casl1' C35 c ! May. wc ; July ,
August , 53Hc.
, . on "el'lns. ' cl-islnB with a loss
of ' 'iq for July , May holding up well ; No 2
, . . , '
July , 3i'c
uiciATujr " 'kcr : N' ° 2 > caah > 17lc : Mny > 3GIi °
Jl'vn No 2 icRiilar. COc bid.
UAHLinNo tradlns.
UHAN At mill. 68c asked.
PLAX snnn < i 27.
TIMOTHV HiiD $3 r,054 (10. (
\V-riimor ; prime to choice timothy , $1 50Ji
Ilt'TTnit-Stilctly fancy creamery , lCT17c ,
choice dilry , 12c.
IlOfih Steady nt S'Jc. '
LUAD-Qulet at J3 1715.
SPHLTnil $3 21.
COHN MHAl $1 01 f200.
WHISKV 1 OSffl 15
C01-1 ON TIES Hlcher nt S1.
\C.niNCl Hi to Z'i Ibs , 5'iBOHe.
PltOVlSION'S quiet , llrm. with nn upvvnid
tendi-ncj. Poth , standard mess , jobblnc , $1273.
Lnrd. pilmo to choice , $7 10f7 23. Dry salt melts
12T50 " ' "U'dtrs ' , $0 , lonss nnd rllm , $043 , nliiiitn ,
$ GCO. llicon , p.icKed shoulders , $7 ; longs , $7 12" . ,
ribs J723. Bhorts , $7 37'4.
nncilIITS-Plour. 3000 bbls ; wheat , 7,000 bu. ;
corn 81.000 bu. ; outs , 37,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Hour , 7,000 bbls ; wheat , 03.000
bu ; corn , 93,000 bu. ; oats , 10,000 bu.
C'ofTeo DlnrlcnC.
NE\V YORK , Mny -COPPHC-Optlons
opened steidy nt unchinRid prices to 5 points
adxince , inlcd exceptionally dull nnd featureless
nnd closed quiet nt fi il3 points net ndvnnce.
Salts , 1.710 bnRS , nil July contracts nt $15 ll'i ' ?
1521 bpot coffee , lllo Rtendy , No. 7 , $1037(1 (
Mild quiet balls , 1.000 lings HU , No 7 spot ,
tl037'6 ; 1,000 baRS Intirlor Fpot , $23 ; 900 bipk
Centinl AniPilcan. Ji. Warehoni-e deliveries ves-
lerday , 5117 II-IRB ; tolal stock In New Yoik
todnv. 21,0,112 bnRs ; total United States stock
110.K.-.5 II.IRS , ntliiut for tha Unltid Blatis , 105 mx )
biRs , totnllshle for Iho ITullPd States , 416,050
bncs. ncalnst 391,75.1 itiaRS last > eir.
IIAMIIUUO , Mnv 10 steady ; sales , 7.000 bacs ,
prices ijJH pfR. hlulier ,
HAVItn Mny 10-Qulet ; s lies , 12,000 bags ;
prices l'4f hluher.
HIO .IANEIIIO. Mnv 10. Quiet ; quotations
namlnil ixilmnup , 913-lCd , icielpts. 8,000 bans ,
stork. llliOCk ) II.IKS ; chared , 4,000 IMIRS.
SAN'IOH. Mnv 10 Quiet , nomlnil : no quoin-
t'onsj receipts 1,000 bays ; EtocK , 29.000 baRS.
Oil thu i.oniioii llurket
NE\V YOUK. May 10. The IVst'S London
cable sivs : The bank remrvo Increased this
, eik 412 000. to over 21,500 OiKI ; IiSa,0X ( ) In
Bold was Imported during the wiek , t.'J W } from
Aus.rnlln. tn.noo from Kept , I2.1.IHX ) from Lis
bon nnd the lest In bars nnd United States coins ,
Other sicurltlis weie down 312,000 onhiR to
rtpn > ment by nnd the India couno.l.
The uloek nmiKcts were Idla ted ly. but theie
was n better tone nt the close , nnd cspi dally
for Americans , which finished checiful on New
York quotations. The leecnt heavy full In
Chilian exchnliRn wns duo to liquidation < ' .
Iho llrm of A. von rtonles , nbout which I wlrel
jou on April 2.1 Sliver wns at 2S'W pir n/ .
today nnd steady. Two hundred nnd twenty-
nlni ) thousind pounds In Bold coin uas boutht
by the bnnk today.
Kiiisu4 City Murknts.
2 hard , 61e ; No. 3 red , 53ffi5lo ; No. 3 red , 5 > i3c ;
rejected. 41c.
CO11N Plrm ; No. 2 mixed , 3Gfl'30'4o ; No. 2
white. SSfi3S'5c.
OA'l.s I'lrin ; No. 2 mixed , SU'ic.
HUTTEK-Qulct ; creamery , 1315o : dairy. 12O
iaos : t'nchanteHl. 7Kc.
lUX'EIITh Whent , 6WO ( bu. ; corn , 1,000 bu.j
onts 1 00 } lui
MIIPAIENTS Wheat , 10,000 bu. ; corn , 1,0 0 bu. ,
crnts , none ,
Iluliilli ( inini .Vlurkiit.
pULPTII , Mny -WHEAT-Clnsed nrm : No
1 hard , cnnh , lilHo ; May , ClHc ; July , C2Uo ; No. 1
norihern. cash und May , 60 > , c ; July. 60'/4c ; Sep
tember , MV o ; No. 2 not them , tash. C7yc ; No. 3 ,
1'Wi Kl0 * Un tr"cli r > ' ° ' * northern ,
to iirrlv Wi
II Yi-41c.
PLAX-II.21) .
OATH-NO , t , SSHC : NO. 3 white. 33c.
Cur Inspection toJa > : AVhent , 100 ; corn , 1 ,
r > e. 1 , oats. 1.
mU'KHTHVhent. . 3S.141 bu
bllll'MriNTR Wheat , 118.014 bu.
t'corlu ( Jniln aiurkot.
, 'l01" ! - ' "y , 10.-COHN-Krm. | hUsIicr ; No.
39o No. 3. ! > ' < %
* hKher | ; No. 21 , 36i03CVicj No. 3 ,
HVi : Nominal.
JJIIISjiV-rirmf high wlno basis. 11.16.
Hncini'rs-AWieiit , COO bu. ; corn. 21.4V ) bu. ;
cats. CO WO bu. ; rye , none ; barley , 1,400 bu ,
BIIIPMiNTS-Wheat. 7200 bu. ; corn. B 850
bu.j oats , 41,400 bu.j ne. none ; barley. luo uu.
Wool Alurkut.
. .ST. I-OUia. May 10. WOOL-Blow , lower ; me-
dlum Missouri and Illinois comblnir. 15 Vic : cloth.
In ? , lltjUa ; coario and braided , IJQUcj medium
T xns. to 13 months 12ll3c , ooar < i ! nnd Imv , O
lie , mcilluin western nnd northern , i : ! 2'ic (
coarse and low , Cf < 7c.
Liverpool Slur ots.
I.IvnilPOOI. , Mny lO.-WlIEAt-Qulcti dc-
mnnd lK r : holders offer miMlemtPly ; No. I tnll-
fornln. 4s lldO Js Id , red western winter , 4s Sd
41iiid ) , ,
COHN Slendy ; demand modcinle , new m'xcd ,
"pltbVlRIONS Ilecf extra Indln mef. S's Pd
Potk , prime mp s , 73 Od Uncon , lone and she t
clear , OS His 33s , Inm ? clear , 43 Ibs. , J4s. Lnrd ,
prime western , 3Ss Cd.
.Vi'W York DO < > odq .IliirUct.
NK\V YOIHC. Mny 10 There wns mor * ibitsl-
ne s iWlntt wti Jobbers for RlnKhnms , rephjrs ,
la n , chnlllts nnd printed fnbrlcs Rineriilly.
With nRents there [ wns some . demand for staple .
" ' - - - ' - ' - ' "
eotlnns , though the InrRcr request wns for puiely
summer stuffs ns outlined nbove Very mnny
staple nnl ilored . . . . . . nre lirlnit d llvered
nn previous purrhnses Woolen Rinds doing
fairly well. Printing ; cloths dull at 2 ll-16c.
Oil M ik rice is ,
OH , CITY , Pa. , Mas 10 National Transit cer-
tlflcnte opened nt S3H. highest. SSHs lowest , f5H :
closed at M'i ' ! shipments , 99,076 bills. ; runs , 88,707
PIITHMUIIO , Pn. , May 10 Xatlnnnl Tniiult
Ci-rtiru-ales opened at 83 % , closed nt 63 % ; highest ,
S5H : lowest , S35i.
NHW YOIHC , Miy 10 SI'OATl Ilnvv , _ nrm ;
pules , one cniRO cenlrlfURnl to Iloston nt 2 I'j-lilc ;
lellned nulct.
LONDON , Mny 10 'TOAU Cane , steady : cell-
tllfilenl , Jnvn , 14s 3d ; Muscovado , fair lelinlnB.
1 2s 3d . _ _ m
Will Ohxcrvnliltsnnllilo. .
LIVtUPOOL , May 10 The nrnln ntld Provi
sion pxchnnRps will b closml next Snluidnv nnd
Mnndiy In obiervnnco of the Whitsuntide holl-
dnjs _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Cotton Mnrkiit.
ST LOUIS Mny 10 COTTON Stiady to 1-lCc
"ilRheri middling , 7 7-liic ; files , HX ) Iml.s ; re-
( elpts. 1000 bales , shipments , l.JOO bales , stock ,
I3i)00 ) bales. _
Trlsco Wlipnt ( ( iiiitietlons.
SAN rnANCISCO , Mnv 10 Client nrmer ; DC-
ceiubei , 11.07'i , new , i-ellers , | 1 03 .
Su ur Continues to Attract tlio Attention of
.Mimy .Spi'iMilntiir" .
NI3W YOIHC , Mny 10. H wns not nn rirtlvc
market today , but the tradlnp wns fnlrly well
distributed The Industrial Kroup took nbout
onu-lhlid ut ( he butiliichslth Sugar trust In
lliu I'.ul. St Paul was active In thu rallvv.o list
nnd vvns the only ono of this cl iss In which the
transactions exceed 10,00 } shares. At the open-
IIIR the Rcnernl mirkct was firm nnd n mijorlly
of the shires traded In showed nn ndvnnce on
the closInR llgures of sesteidny , exceptions liehiR
Illinois Central , Ldulsvlllc & Nashville nnd Ocn-
crnl Electric The speculation wns unsettled
iliuliiK the Illst half hour of business , but Rrnd-
u.illj nssunud n stronR tone , the RiinReis nnd
Industilnls bclnB the most prominent In the up-
wanl movement. The Improving tendency of the
nmiket continued until Into the afternoon ulth
hiiRnr ns lender , hnvlmr made u Rain of V\ pet
cent up to m dday. The bu lnpr In the stock
became pionounced nftei noon nnd was foi both
lonjs nnd slmrt nccounts , ciuslnR nn nddltlonnl
advance of 2'4 per cent , to 10754. A sIlRht bear
demonstintlon subsequmtl > caused n leactlon of
Td per cent , but the llunl sale wan nt n recovery
of J per cent , makliu the ndvnnce on the day
3'4 pi i cent SuRir preferred made n Rain of
14 pei cent , closliiR nt the hlRhest of the diy.
The Rcncral list wns stronR thrnuRhout the
nfternoon until JiiFt before 3 o'clock , when a
fractional reaction set { n , due mainly to realiza
tions , and the mniket closed sllRhtly lieuj nnd
Rimevvhat , lut In the majority of eases
at an advance on last nlRht's closltiR tlRiircs.
The rise In SuRnr wns unaccompanied by any
news nffcctlnK the stock nnd npparentlv wan due
to a squeeze of the shoits , who were induced to
Hell by the weiKness displaced durhiB the pist
few dijs. Ihe liquidation In General Electilc
wns lesumel this mornlnR. sending the stock
down lo 31'H. belns l' < pel cent below > csteidis's
clos'nR. Chicago CJns wns fnvor.ibly affected b >
the compan > 'u nppllentlon to tinnsfer tht- quo
wnnnnto case from the Illinois to the United
States court. The shoits undeitook to covei ,
nnd sonic bujhiR orders coming In fiom the west ,
thu ic'ult vns an advance of 19s pel cent , of
which 34 per cunt wns lost nt the close. The
Rrnnecrs made Rains of 14 to 9s pel cent on the
day , except M. Paul common , w n ch lost 54 per
cent , nnd St. Paul picfcnul 1 per cent. 11e
bond mniket wns IrreRUlar.
The following nro the closing quotutlong
nn the leading stocks of the New York ex
change today :
Now Yoik Money Murkot.
H.isy nt 1 per cent , last loan , 1 per cent , closing
nt 1 per cent.
bl'RRLINO nXCHANQn Firm with nctunl
hliBliiisa In binkcis * bills nt t4.BSkff4 S'j foi de
mand nnd nt ( I 87" < < M.S7' ! , for sixty-day bills
1'usted tads , 14 bS'/il ' ! 90 , Comincrclnl bills ,
OOVKIINMUNT I1ON1JS Steady. Stnte bonds ,
The closing quotations on bonds :
bills It l ) < 1 3-10 pfir&nl , nml for three- month * '
bills , IHfelU IHT ci'Jil ,
Now York .Mining n ititlnnl.
NEW YOitlt , MaPhV-Tho following nrj I'll
closing nilnli-g qii jt aions
rhplor . , 'Mr ' 'Plymouth ' . . . . , .111
Cnmtl 1'oliil Hlurra Narad I . . . 170
Con Oil. .V Vl. . . i 7tH > smmlinl , . li.n
Dcndvvood . . . . Oil Union Con 1 10
( lould ,1 Curi.v , . 1(1I ( Yellow Jacket . . I'-'O
Hnln.V NorerosH HI Iron Silver 10
HciiiHMl.iku . . . .I Kill Quicksilver. . . . . . ' 'III !
Mexican . . . . . . . . , ' --il doprufirrtxl , . . .1,1(10 (
Oiilnrlo. , , . , . . . . Toil Ilillvver . ' . . 10
Olililr./ . , fK , ( )
St. Louis Milling Stt'eU CJitntntloiit.
BT. LOUIS , Mny -Mining Blocks lifeless ; no
changes. Quotations : -
III. ) V.HkU | Hilt ASKPd.
Adams , . . $ .HI $ .io ; . . .1,1 $ .UII
Am. Not . . -'I1 * 'J7.IJ Hiroouvur .IX .1711
Hlmetalllc sou Hoiw . . . il.VI
Granite'M Liu 2 ii { ) S. Hope's. . .70
lllllllllllll Notes.
Nn\V OHLUANB , May 10. Clearings , J1.2C4-
or .
MEMPHIS , Mny 10-Clenrlngs , $320,027 ; tint-
nnces , { . ' 14,141.
HO8TON. Mny lO.-ClcarliiRS , tUtt3SC6 ; I nl-
nnccH 11,551,270.
UALTIMOItn. Mny 10. CIcnrliiRS , } 2357S7r , ;
balances , J13' . , 183
PHILAnnLPlllA , Miy 10-CleirlnRS , | D,390.-
144 ! bilnnces , } 1,237.41. ' .
CINCI.N'NATI. Jlnj 10-Mone > . SHOO per cent ,
New Yoik exchange , 400500 piomlum. Clear
ings , J2,113,05i (
SAN' ritANCIPCO , Mny 10. Drafts , sight , lOo ;
tele'Rinphlr , M'Ae Sliver \ > \n , t > 3' . ' G3ie. Men.-
Icnn Moll.UP , Iili51'&c
ST. I.OflH. Mtt > 1) ) Clearing * 13.710 Q7C ; lul-
nuccs $ ui 0)1. ) Mono ) dull nt 55P7 t > r cent. I3x-
chaiiRO on New Voile 2jo piemlum.
CHICAGO , Mn > 14-dentine * . $13 432 not ) Ster
ling i\clmtiRe , Binit | > , iictual , Jl S7ejff4 S9 Miney ,
3fC pir cent. Ntv Vork exchange1)0 ) picmltnn
1'AKIS , Mn10 Thno pel cint ItlltcH , 1JOC
S5c fui the account.
NI2VVOIIK , Mn > 10. The stcnm'lilp Coniho
from Hnwini lirout.lit In } 4 < MO ) In coli ! unit xllxoi
coin , uf which J2I.200 Is In tiniiilL to Lomlnit nml
I'ail.i. Tht Hpiic- , from Ilieinen , Mnv 2 , mrUcil tn-
ilny , linxlUK cm Iwnrd u conslKium-nt of Kold
nmoiititln to } r)22,5'JO. ) ' Clcnrlng' ' , i8 603,532 , bnl-
nnc-ts , M 012,224
IICHLIK. Mny 10. The wceklj statement of
the Imperial Unnk of ( Icrmnny slicma tlif fol-
louliiK clnuiKi-1. IIH coini'nritl with the p-rslnua
accountCnsh In linml , Incrp se , I.MOOOJ m.irl > n ,
tienfuiy notes , lniieii e , 2SO.OOO m.irku ; otlior KO-
turltlfs. liven IHP , 11 ISO OilO mail.a , notis In tlr-
culatlon , ilecrense 1C 2. 0,00fl mnrKR.
1'AUIS , IFny 10 The stutenipnt nt tlio mill ? of
Trnncc , Issuul todn > , olians tlie foil IH Ins
ih.inKis , na compared with the preUoiinecounl :
N'oles In cliculntlon , clecnastcl dtitmt ; the wviK ,
76.1VOiOf , tieisury nccuimta , current , dcrion'oil ,
12 123,0 < Wf , Biild < m Jianil. cleiruised. 2,42'iO'Of ' :
Mils dl countid , OfcreTcil , 18C,8iOOOOf , slhtr en
hand , ilecirn cI , 2300000f.
LONPON , Mn > 10 The wi-cMv nfitinicnt of
the II ink of KiiKlnnil , Isstiut todiy , ilitmH the
following chnnKCB , ns comp.irtd with the piexlnus
nccount : Totnl repnne Incrense , 112000 , clrcii-
Inllon , , 162.000 , bullion , Incieise , 250-
03"j ; other 'ecurltlci dtcrenHe , 50,000 , othet de-
pusltH , dicionpo. ( ICU.OUO , public d < posits In-
crea e , 30,000 ; notes reserve , 5320)0 ) ,
K0\cinment seciiritlir , Incrcnsi ? . 273no < ) The
pripoitlon of the Hinlc of Ilnslanil'a rescue to
liability Is C4 74 per cent The rate of d'wcount of
the Hnnk of England remains uricnnnged nt 2 pop
cent. The amount of bullion Konc Into the Itanlc
OC Hnglnnd on balance today Is 223.000.
UXltEll If'ATKIl.
Ilnncsotn City lindly i'looilcd Trains nnd
Street C'nrs Mopp il.
STILLWATER , Minn. , May 10. Some of
the sights Incident to the Johnstown horror
are repeated ! n this city toJay , thu result of
last night's storm. The streets are Im
passable In the business portions and hun
dreds of teams and men are at work. There
are at least three foot of dirt on the Sawyer
house flour. A consei vati\c estimate places
the total damage nt ? 50,000.
The first train fam the St. Paul & Duluth
road arrived at 10 a. in. Near Dutchtown
there arc holes In the sides of the hills
thirty feet deep. Omaha trains are running
In here by way of Hudson , WIs. Passengers
on the Uuluth arc compelled to walk a dis
tance of a mil ? . - No street cars will run
for a week or morels
No one hero has 'ever witnessed a storm
one-fiftieth part as bad.
biindow I Ins Promised to Wrcstln with tlio
Hlg Mmat the I'll I r.
SAN FnANCISCOtMay ; 10 , All attempts
to have jo ; wrestllngi-match ibatwceni a lionj
nnd n bear nt > tluT Mldwfnter , fair having
failed , plans arc-now 'being made to match
Sandow , the strong man , to wrestle with the
lion , and "the perfect man , " as he claims
himself to be , has signed n contract to meet
Cqlonel Boone's big lion Commodore In the
arena. . The lion will be securely muzzled
and his claws will be clipped. Sandow will
try to throw or control him by main strength.
Wyoming KnB"t | Tcmplnr Meet.
CHEYENNE , Wyo , May 10. ( Special
Telegram to The Beo. ) The seventh an
nual conclave of the grand commandery
of Knights Templar of Wyoming was held
In Cheycnno. Delegates representing the
four subordinate commanderles of the state
were In attendance and considerable busi
ness of Interest to the order was transacted.
The commanderies are now located at Chey
enne , Laramle , Rawllns , Gvanston , and a
charter was granted to the commandery
recently Instituted nt Green Hlver. The
total membership in the state is 221 , Wil
liam H..Daley of Uawllns was chosen emi
nent ) commander , vjco John K. Jeffrey ,
whoso term expired. The meeting next
year will be held In Laramle.
Iloth lime Alilo Clmniplona.
DENVER , May 10. Dr. Smith of Paterson -
son , N. J. , has consented to champion the
cause of Bishop Mat/ , and Dr. Buitscll of
New York will do the same for Father Malone -
lone In the contest between them In the
ecclesiastical court. Dr. Smith Is well
versed In ecclesiastical , and Dr. Burt-
sell Is the one who so ably defended Father
McGlynn. The committee of twenty-five
has raised about $500 for Father Malono'a
Blury l.cuso seriously 111.
KANSAS CITY , Kan. , May 10. Mrs. Mary
E. Lease Is ill at the home of a friend here ,
suffering from nervous prostration. She is
in a serious condition and there are strong
symptoms of typhoid fever. She Is In a
state of extreme terror over the receipt of a
letter from a Minnesota crank telling of his
divine mission to kill her.
Shot n Deputy .Sheriff.
TOWNER , N. D. , May 10. Sam Smith , a
negro desperado , shot and killed Deputy
Sheriff Ole Peterson , while resisting arrest.
Ho escaped to the woods , but was after
wards captured and taken to Mlnot , N. D. ,
to escape lynching.
Fill it rglns Union I'nclllc Shops.
CHEYKNNE , Wyo. , May 10. ( Special to
The Bee. ) The Union Pacific company is
making prsparatlfjpg , for extensive improve
ments to the shops at Evnnston. Among
these will bo n iiuidhjno shop 200x00 feet , nnd
a largo car repair shop.
Kx-Pollceiunii UllU 11 Saloon Keeper.
NEW YORK , Mfty 10. John Farrell , n
tnloon keeper at | 8G Park Row , was killed
by PnUrlck Masttrs > on , an ex-policeman , to
day In his place qf business. Self defense is
alleged. il
INSTRUMENTS placed on record May 10 ,
1804 : , "
7. CuddlnKton J IS Ulllby , n 70 fert
lots 15 nnd 1C. hMoik ll'i. South Omutm , , ? COO
finme to unine , lot ! , ' .block 100 , snme 1WO
M I Mjtm anit' liusbaml In Kale n
MooriH. a UN ) fiot of w 133 feet tax lot
11. In'llTi13 8500
13 A Ittner to Bimie. t * 51 foi t of w IbC feet
of tax lot 11. In 21-15.13 424)
Oearge Armstiontr nnd wlfo to a II Arm-
BlioiiK. lot 1 , block 5. ArmHtront/H lut nJd 1
8 J Smith nnd wlfn to Mrs , Hello JlIcUs ,
60x175 feet In BW I"-1 3I-IV11 1,500
Henry Hnrily nnd wlfn to (1 I , nnd W II
A unnnson , H SiHi feet ofv 10J feet of
lut 14 , blrck 1 , Uikc'B nilcl. . , l.CGO
Mnrlua Horfnwm nnd wlfo to Nli-ls Jacob-
on , 8 32 feet lut 0. block 17 , 1 ! V Bmlth'H
ndd . MM
I Y Oralt ; and wlf ' > Ocorpo Hnotmila , w
2uS 5 fitt of II JM ' < * * ' 1 ° ' " I'otbfa1 sub-
illv . , 1
W A Minllo to OV MtKlnnvy , lot 6. I'ot.
trr & C'a vubdlk of lot 1 , lljcK 5 , 1'aik
1'Iuce , . , . . 1
J 0 IlurRner ( speelal master ) to H L ,
Thatcher , lot 24 , block 16 , hhull'a 2.1 ndd , 2,000
P 1) Moores ( special tnnrler ) toV H Mor-
rid lot 1. block ID , DvvlEht , L'u ad I , . , . 1
hhcrirr to C' M Smith , lots I * . 1 } und 17 ,
block 123 Dundee Place , , , . * . * , . . lIlti
Bame to sime. lots 14 , 16 and 17. block 110.
name . . , , >
Total amount of transfers , . , 12 ,8CO
Lightest RtoeipU in Nearly Three Moutha
Were These of Yesterday.
Dcmnml for ( Inoil MRhtucllili | llrliiRH n
Itlup of Ton In riUrcii CcntM HOBS
Itc | > on < l tu l.lK'it ' Supplies nml
Adtiinco it Nl < lii'l.
THURSDAY , May 10.
Receipts of all kinds were unusually light
today , less than 100 cars altogether. The
four days' receipts , compared with the same
four ilayo list week , show an increase of
2,000 entile and 300 sheep , while the fallIng -
Ing off In hog supplies amounts to nearly
10,000 head.
The cattle market was active nnd stronger
all around , Receipts were the smallest In
nearly three months , and the oftcrlngn did
not Include a grj.-U many heavy cattlo. All
the dressed beef men were after supplies ,
vnd light and medium weight beeves sold in
most cases fie to lOc higher than on Wednes
day , quite n few cattle weighing very llttlo
over 1,100 Ibs. bringing $ ,1.80. There w.-n
not n very heavy shipping nnd export de
mand , but the few heavy cattle hero Kold nt
rather better prices. Eastern markets were
no higher , but the light supply made busi
ness , lively nnd mi early clearance was ef
Only six or eight lo.ids of cows nrrlvcd ,
and they soon changed hands at steady to a
bhado stronger prices. Cahcs were in light
supply and firm , while nil grades of rough
stock moved at good , strong prices.
There was not much doing In stackers uml
feeders and regular dealers did about all
the trading. Countiy bujern wore scarce
nnd their Idc is wore low , so that very few
sales were nude to outsiders. Yard traders
paid about steady prices. Good ( o choice
feeders are quoted at $3.25 to $3.75 , fair to
good at $3 to $3 25 , nnd lighter , commoner
grades at from $3 down. Representative
sales :
mtnssnn nmr :
N'o Av. Pr. No Av. I'r. No Av. Pr.
1. . . 010 J2 75 17 1010 $3 70 2" . . lO'.l J1 PO
21 . SV > 1 HO 11 1011 170 4(1 ( lllil 3 SO
18 . 717 .1 40 IS 12SO 3 70 8 H27 3 SO
1. . 12110 350 11 1121 173 11 12.10 380
1. S7 ; 3 r.r 2 K70 1 7r. 21 104" , 3 JO
1 . 12V1 T CO 5. . 11JO 3 7'i IS 12 7 1 90
3 .1210 1 T3 10 1011 3 73 20 S3 3 00
10 1010 3 0 > 17. . . 1M | 3 71 21 11S4 T 90
1 lir,0 1 f.5 25 . 11M > 373 18 1U7 390
11 1113 3 ( " 5 20. . . 1030 3 iO 19 1326 395
H. .10CG 3 C5
1C , . . . D < i4 3 r > 19. . . 1203 390 9. . . 14C1 3 92' < ,
25..1003 380
23. . . . 7CS 3 40 21. . . 621 3 50
2 . . . 711 TO 2. . . . 9SO 2 40 1. . HCr 3 00
13 . . . S'I2 143 1. . . 1070 250 14 . . ' 147 30' ,
1. . . . 820 1 TO ] . . 1050 J 50 1..1I30 110
2. . . 740 1 SO 1. . . ' ' 70 2 CO 4 . .1012 3 T
1..10DO 2 2r 2 . . .ir,0 2 1 . 10) ) 325
1 . . . ICO 225 4..1117 280 H..9SG 3 2"
3. . 900 2 3" 1. . . 803 3 00 ' 2 . . .1200 3 35
2..1135 2 40
8. . . . 410 240 3 . .603 2 S" 23 . . . ' ,71 31"
5. . . . 440 2 d 2 . . . 510 3 00 S . VM 1 25
1..1090 273 1. . . . SCO 300 27. . 7JS 3 CO
1. . . . 130 400 2. . . . 133 423 1. . . . 120 450
1 . .130 4 25
1..1J20 175 1. . . 9"0 2.0 1. . . 100 301
1. . . . " > 2i ) 175 1..10SO 275 1. . . 1150 300
1..1140 233 3 . .1843 2 J5
siocKKits AND rccDnns.
2. . . . 4SO 200 S. . . . 37' 115 B . . . 7CO 3 . ' 0
1. . . . MM 2 75 4. . . . fi ! . ! 1 20 2D. . . . C75 3 53
] . . . . C20 3 00 40 . . 499 J 2 > 21. . . . 032 J C5
27. . . . 342 3 10 24. . . CCO 3 23
No Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr.
1 feeder 1150 J3 40 11 feeders..1135 $3 40
2 bulls. . . . . . 9CO 200 4 hulls. , 1177 200
Z.bull 1271 200 1 feeder 980 300
14 feeders. . . . 930 3 50
HOGS The supply fell about 4,200 short
of last Thursday and the four days' supply
falls fl,400 short of the corresponding four
days last week. This big decrease in re
ceipts cauted an advance of fully 6c here ,
while other markets were either steady or
lower. Local houses led the procession In
buying early , but there was enough Inquiry
from both speculators and shippers to make
It Interesting. Urgent orders were soon
filled , and after that there was a sag , which ,
however , was of short duration , as better
reports from Chicago and the arrival of a
good shipping order put new life Into the
trade and the market closed strong at the
advance. The range of prices was very
narrow. On the early market the popular
price was $1.85 , while at the close good
hogs would bring ? 4.90. The bulk of the
trading , however , was at $4.85 , as against
$4.80 on Wednesday and $1 ! )5 ) to $5 one
week ago today. Representative sales :
No. ASh. . Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
5 2.-t 120 $4 SO 71 2"il ICO 54 8ri
C 211 80 4 SI 79 211 . . . 4 S5
5 222 . . . 4 82H 67 2J1 1GO 4 * 5
11 24.1 . . . 4 82'S 72 , 233 40 4 5
4 230 . . 4 R'i 69 . . . 2"2 200 4 ST
59 281 SO 4 85 M J20 40 4 S7U
73 245 120 4 8"i 212 200 4 S7V4
C9 233 SO 4 Si ' 200 SO 4 S7'3
78 230 120 4 M . . . 209 SO 4 R7'i
C8 2C9 40 4 ST ( , 2IG 40 4 87'2 '
76 231 2M ) 4 S'i 51 2I.S . 4 S7U
69 232 120 481 72 2TO 120 4871.
01 2o3 2M ) 4 SI 63 2V > 120 4 S7I'
CS 213 SO 4 SI 77 212 120 I 91
59. . . . 25.1 . I SI 71 221 40 4 90
70 . . . . 252 ICO 4 S3 77 241 120 4 'ifl
M 224 . . . 4 81 M 2J1 40 4 90
47 239 fO 4 Sr 69 251 SO 490
48 204 SO 4 SI 101. . . . 211 1GO 4 90
75 240 40 4 Sr , 61 2fC . . . 490
84 214 1GO 4 81 61 2S9 . 4 95
72 , . .2',9 40 4 81 GS 2.7 40 4 90
CS 202 SO 4 SI CJ . . . . 2CIJ M ) 4 90
67. . . . . . . 211 120 4 85 67 244 210 4 ' 10
C9 220 . . 4 f" C1 2bl 81 4 90
Gl 253 8) ) 4 S3 63 . , . .240 160 4 90
SHEEP There were no fresh receipts
and nothing here to make a market. The
demand was very good and prices nominally
steady. Fair to good natives are quotable
at $35004.25 ; fair to good westerns , $320 ©
4.15 ; common and stock sheep. $2.50@3.25 ;
good to choice 40 to 100-lb. lambs nt $3.30 ®
llocolptit iitul IJlipniltlon of Stoclc.
omclil raceipm nmldlspjjltlon o'sionk ISHHOUM
by the bajltsor thu IJnloi Stazc Y.U'U uouptny
for UIQ tw cnly- four hours c'liuln.- 3 o'clock ! ) m ,
May 10 , l&'Jl !
Snlcrt of CitttloVvre on n llnsla \Vcdne3- -
ilny'H QuotntlOMH.
CHICAGO , Mny 10 Sale * of cattle were on n
ImHln of > cnteidny'a iiuotatlons. There wns con
tinued firmness In butchers' nnd innnerB1 utock
nnd for fair to prime steern. weighing under
1 , < 0 IbH , , tlio market nlno showed utrciiKlli 'lliu
nlKivo dencrlntlimi were In KOOI ! request ninl tlierj
wni not n bullock too iniin > , Huivy cnttlu ie-
mnlneil niBlected , imd while previous pilrn er
more closely adhered to that branch of the nnr-
ket vvu not BtrDiiB. Good fcedlnis tier8 iiBnln
met n fair Inaulry nnd sold hlKli as compneil
with the prices current fm betf cattle the
offerlnsa Included n few Tinnns and Home dis
tillery cattle , nnd nltoRcthcr about M 000 head
were on unle ,
lions wc-ro unclmiiKcd In the market's Kineral
feuturex. There WUH the rnmc lad ; of activity
IIH nil thu preceding du > this week nmlnate \ \
wciu In n limp condition , The Ion of thu miiket
was ! 52 < ) . that UKUIU bcltiK paid far n load or
two of fancy heavy. The bulk of thn lluhl hou
ehanK'd hands at from $1 85 to 1301 , and from
13 to IS 15 took moHt of tha henvy nnd moJIum
welKhtii. Preh nnd utala lots combined made n
supply of 24,000 head , ntarly all of which were
illHiiiseJ of. The ultuatlon In nhtep uai ua
wnr e thnn on the day before. Neither vria there
Improvement , be > imd the fnct that ncelpls vvera
jlglite-r , uml therefore more ; In cjnsonanco with
the demand , Thcru was extreme dulelii'le , ami
whlloV'edne dny's prices were well supported ,
the fcillne was by no means linn. Prom ) l to ; , for
dialeecllicrn , prices ranged down to II 50 for
rtlbblih. Hales of > enrlliiKH were on a bn l of
from 1323 to 75. Hprlnif Inmbs wire In free re-
( Hunt lit from It 50 tu Jf M. nceordliiK to QUnllty.
Iticelpl * . Cattle , 110) ) ' ) head , calves , 7W head ;
IIOKH , 21,000 head , iheep , 6 WO head.
The livtnltiK Journal reports :
CATi'LU Itfculptfc , 14.0 < > ) hrnd ; nurket steady ,
prlmo to extra native steers , 14408400. mt-dlum ,
| 4 OQUt 35 ; others , tl.Uit3.KTexnim , 13 4003 0.
IlOelS IUcelpts. 21.000 head , market unchanged ;
heavy , (125Kl.bJ ( , patucrs and mU- * '
from house to house , with "prizes" thrown in
sells a good many pretty poor washing-pow
ders. Don't let those worthless prizes
deceive you ,
They don't amount to anything. Con
sider their value if you bought them in the
regular way , and compare this
with the value of ruined linens ,
paints , etc. , that you risk with these
washing-powders. There's nothing
cheaper to wash with than Pcarline. That
gives you easy washing that is absolutely
safe. You would better use Pearline , and
buy your own prizes. You'd save money.
( Bless em ) arc hungering ntid thirsting
for nuro nlr Our stuffy , over-hoatcd houses
arc veritable fever chests. Speed the day
when the polo faced llttlo ones can get out
into God s sunshine and breathe In his
pure air.
Como .n and see the array of baby car
riages In our basement a rod and ex
tending as far as the cyO can reach OVI3R
2iO [ PATTHIINS , the best goods made , with
tlio w oi lei renowned "mATIinilSTONRS"
nt the head A full sized reed can Inge , with
satin parasol , J5.85 , worth $12 00.
HAVn not said n blessed thing
about 'cm until now although our now patterns - ,
terns are the talk of the town. Wo control
the "QUICK MHAL" goods. They nro abso
lutely right , perfect combustion ; both the
Process and Generator styles ; both cabinet
nnd platform patterns ; prices ranging from
? 2 90 to $28.00 If joit knew what wo know
jou would not buy any but a "QUICK
MEAL" sto\o under any circumstances. The
gasoline stove has comu to stay , and Instead
of It being the offensive and dangerous con
trivance that was first brought out , It has
been so much Improved that It Is not only
a houichold necessity , but a positive luxury.
It don't make so much difference what > ou
select when you are buying "DAND-I30XES
when you buy "I R-BOXCS" you need to
look a little out. mngcrous gasses nnd foul
deposits cannot always be detected , even by
the sense of smell. ICC-BOXES and UE-
FRIGERATOnS are apt to bo overlooked
when wo are consldciing the sanitary con
dition of our homes. Better buy the poifcct
"ventilated" goods , WHICH 'TAKE CAKE
The "GLA.CIDK , " everybody now knows
about. It Is perfection , being Ventilated ,
Cleanatle , Handsome and at reasonable
A "GLACIER" Ice box , $3 50 , worth $ C GO
A "GLACIER" refrigerator , ? S.G5 , worth
* 13'E0'
' ' - J.i t
Formerly People's ' Mammotli' Installment House
Sctul lOc for postage oil bly "J4 catalogue.
Close at 6:30 : evenings , except Monchyand Saturday.
u t MlLMi Biiiininlen la cure nr i cruiiil ehp iiiuiiei . hold hr nil
ilHJ AfK for It. lake no ntbi T Wrlliforfloo lijok lcd
in uliln wrapper. Address NCItVi : HKKU CO. , Ma.onloTomiilo
For ealc In Omaha. Neb. , by Sherman & llcConnell and by Kuhn & Co. , Drueglsts.
laOOiiTIOI ; prime heavv nnl butcher welshts ,
{ 5105(115 ( , nssoiled llht ? 1 " ? ' > 10
SHRRP AND I MHS-HidlpIs , 7,00) ) head ,
market stend ) , top sheep , II2.I65 ( , top liunbs ,
$4 G5(4 S3.
The i : cnlnK Post sajsA reimiKibly lirge
supply of "hearlsh ' tnlk was fiom nil
quarters before Wall stieet todnj with sped il
reference to the tale-cutting nportu fiom the
southwest .ind to the Kold export mm omen t.
Yit prices for stocks , mi fai fiom iillcclliiK
this utmosphere of pepnlmlsm , nctuilly ndvnncul
nnd almost without exception ntlnlmd n hlKhrr
level. 1'rum n nnnovv inurkit Hlniidpolnt te \ \
coincidence of discontent In strcnKthenliiK prices
meant simply that the chort Inleieht hail ibe-
rome too larwe for comfoit. Trim n bro.uler
point of view It slmpl ) IllusUnltd the unvvlll-
mmiciis of outside holders to Fell nt lullnu prices.
bt. l.dtlls luo Stork A
BT. LOUIS , Mn > -CATTLK-Ri celptB , 1,000
head , shipments , l,2uO hind , mniKet Mow KCII-
erally ; native hteeis , J375IJ8J , CSWB J233ff2M ;
helffrs , $3 12'i. calvts , J4 ' > , Texas hticiH , ) to
1,100 Ibs , J335 , 600 to 900 Ibs , 53 , cows , > 2 43 ;
calves , > 5 ,
HOGS Hecclpts , 4,700 head , shipments , 2,400
htad , market opened Co off. nut re Rallied the
loss , best lunvy and light , fl I IDC 01 , Imlehers ,
} | S5f500 ; food inlxtil , fl 70fi4 H. K < H ) IlKht ,
14 75514 91 , plKM , lough and rnininon , $3 7.1WI W )
HIiniH' Ilecelptn 1000 head , stilpmentH , 2500
head , market active , 10iil5c hlKher , rllnpcd na
tives , 75 to HO Ibi ) , .25l.50 | , lambs , II 7-4)523
ICiuiH is City l.lvo Hlnek .MurUnt ,
KANSAS CITY , Mny -CATrLU-IUcelpts ,
2 100 liendi shipments. 2,600 hend , steiidy , Texis
steers , J321I3.'J3 , T.-xna coun , > 22i11 13 , shlpp UK
Bteem , (3 10IJI 45 , native cmvtf (2 14/3 C5 , stoclarH
anil feedeis. J2 MWt 81 bulls J2 2151 i 30.
IIOOS IticelptH , 7,100 head , t-hlpnu-ntH 3.SOO
hend , utroni ; to lOo Irikliri ; bull. SI bOcl S5 ,
heMVhs , packets nnd mixed , JI&UWI30 , lights ,
Yorkers and pi KB , )4 Wt(1 \
MIIJIIP Hccelpls , 1,700 head , slilimunta , none ,
steady , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Sioux Oily l.lxi Stuck Aim lent.
RIOUX CITV. May lO.-lKHlH-llMclpts , J Wl )
hrud , j i xtei da v , K7J hend , shpnuiitM , iOJ lit ad ,
5c higher : 14 72i < { TI 82' ' . . bulk JIM )
CATTLi-Hicilpl8 , 7l ) Iliad , julirdiy , If31
licad , Hhlpnifiitu , 1074 hind , oed xliid > , com-
inon , lOo In lie Invvtr , fciilein , J-"AWIM , M.-U-
IhiKB , J225ST340. cows , 123'/JOO , built1 1 50if
2 CO , oxen , l.CO 3CO.
Now Yorlc Llxi htiie-U llnrltot.
NI\V Youiv. May 10. inr.visiiecpipt : ,
1,0.x ) head , m.iikit quilt ; no liaillrm- .
HIIiii ; > AND LAMllH-Itecilptn. B W ) hend ,
market linn ; wood illpp'd Hhcrp 14 OUS4 2J ; lair
10 pilme illpiKil jeailhiKS , J1 WK3 23
IIOOS It celpts , 4 B'm brad , weak , In
ferior to choice hey * , | 5 2003 'A
Stock In
Ilecolpta of llvei 'Hook at llo four prlnclptl yarJs
( orThurbdiy , May 10 , wereii
Do Not Ileeliln
Where you'll spend the summer before nscer-
alnlng what are thu attractions of Hot
SprlngB , 8. D.
Tlio Burlington's city ticket agent at 1324
Parnam street will be glad to tell you about
Commission Merchant
Private wires to Chlcneo and New Yoik. All
business oidera placed on Chlcneo Hoard cf
Curiespondenco solicited. *
Office loom I , New Yoik Llfo Uull lln
Telcphono 13US. '
The only rcilly Rticerssfii ] nrcventlvo nnd cure
of | iinili ! | , bfockhrndi , red , rough
h inil falling hair , nnd bnby blc in.
Ulien , Is Iho cclolrntcd CtiTlcUiiA
SoAf , srentpit of ckln purlllcr *
rnd beimlinerK , n well as pnrcit
niiiUneelcitof tcllot nnd nuircry
tonna Only pieventivo of clog-
glnu of tlio pores , gold everywhere.
Medical anil Surgical Institute.
S. IT. DAVIS , M. D , ,
if l IOC *
\ LJ Td all forms of
We cure npecdlly uml permanently all ill *
BOIIKCB uf the HBXiiul Hj'Htem , nlwo kldnoy.
bladder , blood , ckln and utomacU troutilcB.
Our prlnclplfa unel nsslstanta have all
made life ) Htuillea of our tipeclaltlcii
Hend 1-conti for our now 120 patft ) book.
Call or uddresu with utump , J
119 South I4th St. , Omahaj