THE OMAHA DAILY RRK ; WEDNESDAY , MAY 9 , 1891. COflllEKCIAL AS1) ) FBAXCIAl Weakness Again Marked the Day ill tlio . Wheat Pit. CORN CLOSED ATA VERY GOOD GAIN DiillnrM nnil UVnkncM AVcro tlio Features of tlio I'rntlnlnu Slnrkct , tlio I.nttor llclnrf Ciiusoil liy n Decline In Live lliiB < - CHICAGO , May S. Weakness marked tlio day In the wheat pit , May mak ing a now low record at ! % nnd July finishing i/4o lower than yesterday : July corn unchanged , oatn I4c higher and provisions finished lower nil around. Wheat ruled more nctlvc , with ? ic range. Tlio feeling was ng.iln weaker at lower prices , and the closing showed front ftc to tfc loss. As on yesterday , the news was largely bearish , 'the lower cables , large Ualtlo shipments , favorable weather .Mid larger northwestern receipts , all tending to weaken values , and offerings from the start were much larger than expected. Initial transactions were at fractional declines and under fairly liberal offerings , sold tlown 4 < 5 more , when July rallied Vic , cased off % c , advanced Me , changed some and closed as .stated. Corn at the opening showed a fractional loss and sold down a trllle more , then braced up and prices rallied from Vic to % c , became and closed unchanged came dull , changed but little changed for July , but with May % c higher. In June nnd There was a better business July oats , but very little In May. Outside buying orders for June , nnd especially July , were more numerous and prices advanced > ic to % c and finally closed steady nt about the top figures , while .May nnd September remained steady. Dullness and weakness were the features of the provision market , The latter was caused by a decline In llvo hogs at the yards. A little strength was subsequently developed on some buying and the upward movement In wheat. The market was later offered down , particularly pork , with no ono to take It. The decline was emphasized by tlie break In wheat. A better feeling pre vailed at the close , although there was no material change In values. Lard and ribs closed lower. Pork and lard closed steady at the decline. Compared with yesterday , July pork Is 7'/4c lower , July lard T'/fcc lower and July ribs Cc lower. Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Vheat , f,2 cars ; corn , 110 cars ; oats , 115 cars ; hogs , 24,000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows ! Articles. I Open. I HisljT Low. I Close. Wheat , No May 67U July Sept CO < W < Com No. 2. . May. 37'd 37H 37J July SWftH 30 Sept 40 40H Oats No. 2. . . Mny 34) ( 33 _ 3B June 83H July 30 SOU 2DM 30HCJH Sept 2flJi 2 Pork per bbl May 12 30 12 30 July 12 40 12 4B > 4 12 32M 12 35 J.nrd.l001ba Mny 7 40 7 40 7 37 7 40 July , . . . , . . 7 07H 7 10 Supt 7 10 7 12H 7 05 7 07 Short Ribs- May 0 42M 0 4754 0 42K 0 47M July 0 3D U 37 ! tl 32M 0 37H Sept 0 iiUtt U 374 ! 11 .I'M II 37H Cnsli quotations were ns follows : KI.OtJK Knsy , unclmngi'il. WHEAT No. 2 spring. fiSfte ; No. 3 spring , nn sales repotted ; No. 2 rcil , DO'/jc. OATS-No'sr'sSc ; ° No 2 white. 37Utf37c ; No. S white , 3C16W37V4C. 11VE No. 2. 43c. 11AHLKY No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , C2fflDlc ; No. 4 , r,2flr,3o. FLAX SKBD-No. 1 , JI.33. TIMOTHY SRKU-1'rlme. J4.20Q4.23. I'HQVISIONS Mess porlt , per bbl. , J12.3oii > lO7li. I-arcl , per 100 Ibs. , J7.37WG7.49. Short ribs , allies ( loose ) , ? ( l.r,2',6SC.D3 ' ; dry salted shoul ders ( boxcil ) , JO.OOiSC.25 ; short clear , sides ( boxed ) . J8.87J47.12M. , , , WHISKY Distillers' nnlshcd eoods , per sal. , $1.15. SUQAHS Unchanged. The following were the receipts ana ahlpmeiit3 for today : On the Produce oxchaniro today the bnttor mar ket was stoidy : creamery. IKaitlo ; dairy , loa iKc. : Eggs , ciulctand unchanged ; strictly freali , OKu. _ NKW YORK C3I3NKIIAI. .MARKET. Vcstcrduy'H Quotntlons an Flour , Grain and Provisions , Metals , I'.lc. NEW YORK , May 8. FLOUR Receipts. 43,100 bbls. ; exports , 21,700 bbls. ; sales , 9,35) ) pkcs. ; dull but steady ; spring patents were moie I active at the decline ; rye flour , firm ; buckwheat flour , nominal. I BUCKWHKAT Dull ; range on all grades. C3 COIIN MKAL Steady ; yellow western , J2.63 ® 2.70 ; Urandywlne , 12,70 , JlYE Dull and nominal ; ' car lots , Gl52c ; . boat loads , KSQSGc. UAIILRY Quiet ; No. 2 Milwaukee , CC067c ; un graded western , COiJCOc. HARLOT MALT Quiet ; western , C5S83c ; slx- rowcd , 80S83c. WHEAT Receipts , 39,300 bu. ; exports , 130,300 bu. ; sales , 3,210,000 hu. futures , DC.000 bu , spot , Spot , weak ; No. 2 red , In store and elevator , M-c ; afloat , WTic ; f. o. b. , CO He ; No. 1 north ern , CSUc , delivered. Options opened quiet , steady , but offerings were o larK lhat n do- cllno soon set In nnd prices dropped steadily until new records were made , A rally and the close was nbout steady nt KQlio net decline. ForelKtiers sold whcnt , cables wcie weak and crop news very favorable. No. 2 red , May , MTM'ic ; closed nl O'Hic : June. D9'&fj ) 60-Mc. clttoed nt G0'e ( : July. COTiWClHc. closed nt CHic ; Almost , G iije tc. closed nt G25ie ; Septem ber , C2T&I&KIHC. closed at C3V c ; December , CGUW C04c. closed nt Cic. ( COHN-Rocelpts , 2,900 bu. : exports , 122.M ) bu , ; sales , 323m)0 ) bu. futures , K.Wa hu. spot. Spot , dull ; No. 2. 43JSC In elcvntorj 44V4o nllont. Op tions steady early with wheat , but rencted ut midday on lone selllnu , only to rally later nnd clone fairly steady ; Mny , 43S13itc. closed nt 43 > , ic ; July , t\WH ( 9-lCe. cloi > i ; . | nt 41 He. OATH Receipts , 00,000 bu. : nxports , COO bu. ; sales , 255,000 bu. fuluri's , 34OiW Int. spot. Spot very dull ; No. 2 , 40o ; No. 2 , delivered , 41c ; No. 3. 39c ; No. 2 white , < 2c ; No. 3 white , lie ; truck mlxi-d , western , 4017He ; track , white western , < l 4Ce ; tliick , white state , < lfl)6c. Options openeil llrmer on tnlk of manipulators hulling the weslern market , but reacted later , closing at V4o net decline ; May. SSVjffSS o , closed at SSltc ; Juno cloned nt SSc ; July , 37if37c ! , closed nt 37c. HAY Ktendy ; shlpplnir , JO.OOSa.M ; good lo choice , } 7.00V9.00. HOI'S Dull ; stnte , common lo choice , 9817c ; Piiclllo const , ISfilSc. lUDKS Quiet ; wet salted New Orleans , se lected. K to CS Ibs. . 4'tt5'.ic ' ; Tcxus salted. SB to W Ihs. . 405o ; lluenos Ayres , dry , M to 21 Ibs. , LKATHKU Inactive ; hemlock sole , llucncs Ayres. Unlit to henvy , ICViiTllic. WOOl -Qultn nctlve ; doiucsllo llejce , 19f:5c. PROVISIONS IlM-f , quiet. Cut inents , dull ; pickled bellies , O.JfSe ; pickled shoulders , CVi"l plckletl hums , lO c. l.nnl , nominal ; western fctenm , closoil nt fG.85 nsked ; xnlcs. 100 tierces nt | 7M ; May closcil at J7.SO , nimlnil ; > June , J7.W. nominal ; rellned , slow , 1'oik , dull. COTTON HBKI ) OH < Very dull ; prime crudf. libls. . 2S 29c ; prime ciude , lins * . 23 27cj off crude , 27tf28 ; ! butter ( trades. 34831o ; prime sum mer yellow. 32f33e ; off summer yellow , 3Io ; prime summer while , 3Clf37c , Ill'TTKIt-Hteaily ; western dairy , Offllc. CHHIISK SlioiiBj state large , U iMUUo ; small , j'.iniic. TAI.I.OW llasy. 'United closed at ESUo b'd. I'HTROI.Ut'M-Steady ; t'nlled closed al SSUc blI ; WnshliiRton , bbla. , 60 ; Wnshlneton , bull : , J3.M ) ; rellned New York. J5.16 ; Philadelphia , J3.10 ; Philadelphia , bulk , $2.60. ROSIN Steady ; strained , common to good. Jl.l7Hlfl.20. TURPKNTINK-Qulet nnd steudy ; 23ff ; RICH Steady ; domestic , fair ta extra , Japan , 4H 4C. MO1.ASSK8 Steady ; New Orleans , open kettle. ( and to choice. 2S036c. PIO lRON--Qulel ; American , J11.W 11,75. tOl'l'l2R-Qulel ; lake , 9 ic. l.i\l > -Jiilfl ; domestic. (3.20. TIN Klrntj Strnlts. $20 bid ; plates , quiet. UP12I.TKR I.ower ; domestic $3.CVi ! asked. El .Mlnneupolls Wliout .Market. MINNUAPOLIH , May S.-Salcs of cash nv- rugeil lower today by nearly \ic than yeiter- day , as Iho sales of trie previous day had been made before the regular break , while today the were made suhji'ct to the decline that took plnco late In Iho day yesterday , The cloning prices , however , on cadi wheat averacctl ttc higher today than ycilerday. This wits perhaps In sympathy with May. as Muy rules higher than July. July closed ( lightly lower than yesterday , while May was the ume and Brpttmber Uo higher. The demand for cash wheat wns good , but no treat niiiountr were sold to arrive. In dicating that the wheat held In the elevators In the country Is held to deliver on some future ta Jlo b fur Die Julr deal l 'tiw il up. IHiyr < nf Mny wh-'i i"dny found It 'llilli nil I" iibinm nny ttuii nil or , nine tin- market nml nuins i-onnitlTnl'l' < 1 \nrii-f to It. Tliiresult. . wn thnl m.iny jmrtlfi dcmrln * ! > l 'y ' 'll'l no1 ! ' " Th indlrtilloni nldo niifffnr Hint whn July deals coin * moun there will b > m illllioull ) , If not eMi Rieiilci limn nnw exists in ih Mny situation. It rollnny , therefore , thnt trading IK Kolni ? ovi > r tntvnnli BepUinlMr , which li fft t livonnilne tinfnvoMU month fur Kvncrnl trudge , in ( rulers n'll Mrtitl- fl d with cither Mny or July fil Hint prices t < them fie ivlnllxily lee lilftli. nnd > ot , nwinu tt I ho p""ullnr fitali ot tin * innikcl. they nr < * llnbl , In work H | ' nimr mil of tin * lln * tlinn they niv. It followr , then-fore , Hint tlio Rcninl trn.lo I ) dl p < wed to Rvnlil boili Mny nml July. The mar. ket rlnwdt Mny , CT'.ie ; July , O'o ; Peiitpmlicr , tutZW : on track , No. I liiinl. G.1o ; N" . I northcin , CIV ; Nonoilhfrn. . We. llfCPlpl * were 10H.310 .bii , ! ( .lilinncntu , 21. ( I ) Ini. The llfinr mnrkrl wnoiy tnilcf. p.ilrntf ntinlnt nl tt.Kn3.on ; iMli rf , 2,1. > 12.I ( ) . I'loui shipment * wen ; JI.2S1 MH. l.ncnl rrntliii'ii , iaos , UAMH , ntc. UUTTKIl Tli.'io H not very much butter rom- Intr , but lit th" munn 1 1 mi * the dcnian'l \ nnt very li uvy. nnil the innrliot upon thf "hole U not ovnrly Hcllve. AH yet there li Illlle sttiw ol Ktam. Keimmtnr rrenni"ry , 10fSoxtrn ( : fnttcy country. loGlCc ; chulcc coimliy. 12Q1IC ; packing Mock , "o. KH1S--TliP mnrticl lin not ehnwn mui-li clmnRO ilinlnc Iho punt dny nr twn. Umxl , chnn ftocK la RoliiR Rpnernlly nt Oc. Hlncc llio rnlnn thprf ImvciPin \ a KOX ! nmny duty PBSS urrlvlnif.wlili-li With till' n > 'r mln Hi'll ill XL- , I.IVIJ I'OI'I.TIIY TinnrilvnN nre nboul e < | iinl to the ib'inaml nli'1 UK * innrl < ot H nbotlt xteaily. Hf-nx , f.ftTc ; old roosters , 3JCu : fprlns ; chicken * . ll.WH.M. UAMiThp fcaMn li ro far mlrnncril that iramc In no lonK < 'i' wuntnl , VIJAIr-Thn nirlvnlH me heavy , la not ntilte no puny to keep thi > nuirki't climnoa up ni It wn * n fv\v ilayn ago. Uouil , fat Vfiila , CilTu ; thin cir heavy. SfiSc. rid ICONS There Is n dpmnncl for old but yonnc hint * that are not strong on the arc not wanted. Old blrdn , per iloz. , $ t. 2531. nKANS--The mnikft In firmUm up nil over the country. Neither the demand nor supply Is very heavy nt thlH point. dtllfnrnlu hnnd-plekod nuvy , KMfii. 10 ; pstein navy , tl.7. > tfl.SO ; com mon white beans , H..Vj'i'l.7J. | ONIONS Old onluim are a. thine of the past. New Kontlurn onluns nrp qnnted at ! 2.M per box. There lire n few lloimudas ftlll on hand at 13 per bushel. Top onions ale plenty nt KffHOo on orders. I'OTATOKH rp dnen nut appear to be vrry many potato of any kind on tli market. The supply In coinlm ; mostly fium I'tah nnd Colorado rado , which stock Is quoted nt McOtl.OO per hu. There mo come stray pats coinlm ; from \VaKh- Insloti and Idaho. Theie are new southern potnloPH In the marliet , which are quoted nt tJ per box. UAIIIiAOi : Hnrliln cabbnue , per crate , J2.IO ; cholee Ixnilifinna , } 3.r,0. CKI.I'JKY None In the market. ASI'AIlAdrH Gooil home crown stock Is abundant at 2.V per doz. on orders. I'lIJ 1'I.ANT Home crown pie. plant Is be- comlnit searce nt m'- ' < \ TOMATOKS Klnrlda Htfick of Rood color Is scarce nt W.W pr rintn nf six baskets. OIinHN VntJCTA'M.KS Hplnnch. per hid. . } 2. ! . " > ; radishes , per do30e ; lettuce , per doa. , SjfHQc ; cucuinliers , } 1.M ; parsley , per doz. , 3003.V ; turnlpH , per do ? . , GOo. ; carroln , per do/ . . r 0o ; beets , per dox. . 75'43."e ; string beans , per K-bu. box , tl.2j ; water cress , per case 10 boxes , I1.7J5J 2.00 ; pqnaaheH , per tin. . S- . FIIC ITS. BTnAWIIKIiniUS There were few berries In nslde from those held over from the previous dny. The quality ot the berries was not veiy peed on nn average. Shipping stock , ? 3fiO. Al'I'I.CS There alf no apples on the mnikct BUllnhlo for shipping purposes , CHK1UUKS A few ( . nllfornla cherries have ar rived nnd soli ] at t2.r,0 per box. The fruit arrive 1 In good condition , but was rather small In size. TUOl'ICAL VltUITS. BANANAS Per bunch , J2.00W2.CO. LEMONS' Fancy lemons , 3W size , } 4 ; Tancy lemons. 30' ) size , M.T.'i : choice lemons , 2CO size. t3.W. In ten-box lots 23c per box less. OIIANOKS WndilliKton navels. 130s , KCs. 2'M. , t3.73 ; WnshlnRton navels , DCs , 112.H , $3.23 ; Wnsh- InKton navels , KCa , (3.00 ; Mediterranean sweets , FIGS Fnncy , per lb. , 15c. DATES Hnllowccs , C3 to 70-lb. boxes , per lb. , 5Jc.I'INBAPPMM ! I'INBAPPMM Choice , per doz. , { 2.DO. MISCEM.AXEOUS. HONUY-rnllfornln. 15c ; dark honey. 12'.4ffll3c. MAI'I.M SVlll'l' ( lallon can ? , per iloz. , Jli. MAl'M-3 SUUAIS Per lb. . lOe. NUTS Almonds. Kc ; Hnsllsli walnuts , 12c ; fllbcrts , lOc : Itrazll nuts , lOc. SAUKItttRANT Half bbl. , J2.2. , . C1DC11 I'uro Juice , per bbl. , t3.W > ; half bbl. , f3.2o. AITI.K HUTT13U Per 20-lb. palls , tl ; half bbls. , 3Jc ! per lb. HIDES , TALLOW , HTC. IIIDIIS No. 1 srcen hides. 2lic ; No. 1 ( jreen salted hides. 3'i3ic ! : No. 2 given salted hides , 2ff2',4c ; No. 1 venl calf. 8 Ibs. to 15 Ibs. , C'tc ; No. 2 veal calf , S Ibs. to 13 Ibs. , 4c ; No. 1 dry Hint hides. Bo ; No. 2 dry Hint hides. 3e ; No. 1 dry salted hides , 4c. Part cured hides , ' ,5c per lb. less than fully cured. SHEEP I'ELTS Green salted , each , 250COc ; green salted shearllnss ( slnrt-wooled early skins ) , each , W13C ; dry shenrlln'Ks ( short-woolcd early skins , ) , No. 1 , each , GfTl'Jc ' ; dry shearlings ( short-wooled enily Rklns ) , No. 2. each , Co ! dry Hint , Kiinsan and Nebraska butcher wool , pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 50Sc ; dry Hint , Kansas nnd Nebraska , murrnln wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , < JJCo ; dry Hint , Colorado butcher wool pelts , per lb. , nctunl weight , 4ff7c ; dry flint , C'olDro'lo murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual irclglit , 4tc. ) TALLOW AND ORKASnTallow , No. I. 4'.i5J ' > 4VSO ! tallow , No. 2 , 3S3ie : Krease , white A. 4ic ; grease , -\vhlte 1) , 4c ; grease , yellow , 3c ; grease , dark , 2'&c ; old butter , 2ff2'ic ; beeswax , prime , ISfflSc ; rough tallow , 2i F21.c. St. T.nnlH ( Ji'nenil .Alnrlcnt. ST. LOUIS , Mny 8. FLOUR Dull , unchanged. WHEAT Crop news decidedly bearish , but n rally In Chicago brought prices up to Vic ibclow yesterday nt the close. No. 2 red , cash. 53c- May , Kie ! ; July , C4V4c ; August , C4Jc. COHN Dull , gaining V6o net ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 37o ; May , 30o ; July , 3GJ4c ; September , OATS Steady ; No 2 , cash , 3Co ; M ay , 3351c ; July , 28Mc. IIYI3 Snlca No. 2 nt 4Sc. HAHLEY No trading. UIIAN Firmer ; cast side , G3c. FLAX S11KD Nominal ; 11.27. TIMOTHY SEED t3.C54.00. HAY Finn nt yesterday's ndvnnce ; timothy , prime to strictly choice , t9.OOC10.75. 11UTTEH Lower ; separator creamery , 13jJ14c ; choice dairy , 12c , boas 4e. LHAD-Hlgher , strong ; t3.17i5G3.20. SPELTEU Dull : J3.25. COIIN MKAI tl.93RZ.00. WHISKY tl.OWl. IS , COTTON TinS-Unchruiged ; 95cOtl.OO. 11AOOINO Unclmngcd ; B > ,5 6c. PROVISIONS Easier , quiet. Pork , standard mess , JobUlmr , t2.87H. l.nrd , prime to choice Btenm , t7.20i7.32ii , Dry salt meats , loose shoul ders. 56 ; longs nnd ribs , JG.W ; shorts , tO.CO. llacon , pnckcd shoulders , 57 ; longs , t7,12 % ; ribs , 17.23 ; shorts , 57.3716. RECEIPTS Flour , 3,000 bbls. ; wheat , 6,000 bu. ; corn , 128.000 bu. ; oats , 28,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour , 7.000 bbls. ; wheat , 1,000 bu. ; corn , 156,000 bu. ; oats , 17,000 bu. ColTec Mavknt. NEW YORK , May S.-COFFEE-Optlons opened Blend ) ' nnd unchanged to 6 points higher , was quiet and steady nil dny , advancing late on re newed buying and closed steady nt G@10 points net ndvnnce ; sales , B.250 bags , Including : June , tl5.33 ; July , tl5.20ffll3.25 ; August. fl4.70IJ14.75 ; spot coffee , Rio , steady ; No. 7 , 510.23 ; mild , quiet ; Cordova. tW.OOiiTJ.23. Warehouse deliveries nt New York yesterday were 3.313 bags ; New Yojk stock today , 1D3.5EG bags ; United States stock , 247,723 bugs ; nllmit for the United Stntes , 177,000 liana ; total visible for the United Stntes , 421,723 bags , ngalnst 383,610 bags , last year. RIO JANEIRO , Mny 8. Quiet ; quotntlons nom inal ; none given ; exchniiKP , 9Jd ; receipts , two days , G.Orti ) bags ; stock , 100,000 bavs. SANTOS , Muy 8. Quiet : quotations nominal ; none given ; receipts , two days , 2,00' ' ) bags ; stock , 23.000 bags. HAMIIliRa , May 8. Dull ; unchanged to UO1S pfg. higher. LONDON , May 8. fnblcs discontinued. HAVRE. May 8. Dull ; sales , I'.OOO bags ; prices , ! it lower. _ Cotton .Murliut. NEW ORLEANS , May 8.-COTTONQulct : sales , spot , 1,250 bales ; ordinary , 6lc ; good ordinary , C'/Oj low middling. 0 9-lGc ; good mid dling , 7Mc : middling fair. 7Ho ; fair , S 13-lGo ; nominal , Receipts , 1.G28 bales ; exports , coast wise. 4,411 balm ; stock , 127.30S bales ; futures barely sleiidv ; sales , 3 $ , 00 bales ; Mny. tC.G8 bid : Jun * . JO.GIttG.C1 ; July , tO,71S0.72 ( ; August. J0.7ig6.72 ; September. t'.7Hii.l2 ! ; October , tG.72fi > 0,73 ; November. IG,77iSO,78 ; DecemK-r , tU.83flfl.8l ; January. t8.8U1TG.ll ! , ST. LOUIS , May 8. COTTON Fluctaled within lie run Re today , tbut chised unchanged from yesteiday nnd Btendy ; m'ddllng , 7Ue ; sales , 301 bales : receipts , 100 bales ; shipments. 200 bales ; stocks , 41.300 halex. OAI.VIWrON , May 8.-COTTON-Recelpts. 623 bales ; local consumption , 101 bales ; stock. 31,198 bales ; middling , quiet nt 6 13-103 ; sales , 100 bales. On tliu i.imuou I'arltet ' NEW YORK , May 8. The Evening Post's d's- ' patch from London tays : Tha markets were de pressed today , but closed llrmer. The ilxo In the Argentine gold premium to 292 caused dls- quletudu ami n general fall In all Argentine stocks. Them In nothing trustworthy as to the nctunl situation , but It Is It * lleved to to bad , though | i"rhnii | not amounting to nny actual crUI . Americans were dull , but better at the close. At the close today Iho Issues of Indian treasury bills nnd metropolltun stock were ap plied for nix times over. Ticlxt : > ue In each ca o was 12,000,000. The Hank of Englnnd Is InvestIng - Ing more freely , and money Is consequently abundant nnd loans to the Stock exchange to morrow will be nt low rates. Silver wns un changed. Ninety thousand pounds In gold was ibonuht , _ _ _ _ _ Duliilli drum .Murlcot. DULUTH. May S.-WHEAT-Close : Firm : No. 1 ham. cash and Muy , COtlc ; July , GlWo ; No. 1 northern , ca h. 69Hc ; May , 63Ko ; July , GOftc ; BeptemlnT , Wiio ; No. 2 northern , caufi , IGHo ; No. 3 , COHo ; i ejected , Kc ; on truck ; No. 1 north ern to arrive , ClHc. RYE 45c. FLAX HEittl.29 , OATS-No. 2. S3',4c ; No. 3 while , 33o. Car Inspection today Wheat , 178 cars ; oats , 3 care. SlUPMENTS-Wheat , 148.M1 1m. The Hour statement for the week ended Satur day Inul MhmvHt Proiluetlon ut Duluth nnd Su perior , 13,921 bbla.j recvlplK by rail , 1G5.0W bbU. ; ( hlpmentB , IVS.aSl bbls. ; . itock In itorc , 2S1.421 bblM. _ Miir : < oU. LIVERPOOL , May B.-WIUJAT-Dull ! demand poor ; holdcra offer freely ; No. 1 , California. 49 lldeU Id ; red western , winter , 4s 8VidU4s miid. * -ORN-Qulct ; drmand IKXJI- ; new mUtd spot , PROVISIONS-Beef , extrft India m , f8 J. ' jrlm men , 71 * SJ. ll cun , lunt ua4 ilioit rlcar , 8 ! " II . 33 ftl. Innit Pifrtr. 4i Ibs. . l I-iird. prime wnuern , lunni .ss. M. in TTIR i , i. ; t * The receipt * of wheat for Hie pnM thr-e nnvi were lO.O'ii ) rentnU. Ineln.lm . 37.W ) < ennl < Alnrricnn. The receipts of Amerlnn corn ri , the pnst thrrp dn > i w r MM ( oentiiln. Tin wenther li unsettled. _ New York Ur.r ( looiU Murkctf NKW YORK , Mny 8. Thfro wn * n moil -tnti spot nnd telegraphic requeiit f > r purely srnmnn lile sttiffs , sueh ni > Inwns , ciillco nml grenndlnn nnd gixnls of like chnrncter. For staple nnd colored orod cottnni purclinne * were lei meet urgent rp < quests. Cotton HnnnPl wore looked nfter with mum Interest. Worsted nulling * In fnlr request 1'ilnllng rlotlm were very flow nnd smnll sale ? nt 2 1-lftp shndetl. There was n fnlrly goin trade at jobbers from local nnd nearby dealers. . OIL CITY. Pn. . May 8. Nntlonnl Transit cer ' .Mur ! < ct. NEW YORIC , Mny S. St'flAU Rnw , nctlv. and Hrm ; snle' , 9I2 ) bags centrifugal , tC test c. I. ! . , 2 tie ; Pl. SS bugs , 9G test , 2'jc ; 3.3W bngi molnnses migar. 2 3-lCc ; rellned , quiet and Mini. SLKJAIl CANi-Mtendy ; ccntrlfWnl , Jnvn , 14s 3d ; Muscovndii , fnlr relinlng , 12s 3d. \\ciol .Mnrlict. ST. LOI'IS. Mnv S. WOOI-Shnnity lower medium Mlsnotirl clothing nn < l combing , IJf/'KV course nnd hrnld , llffljc ; choice tub washed , 22c ; others unchanged. 'FriscoVlii'iit Miirltnt , SAN FRA.NTISCO , Mny 8. WHEAT Slendj nnd quiet ; C3.919 centals ; December , 51.12 ? ; ; new sellers , tl.OI'.i. r ' ! ' < Ttllei , MANCHESTER. May S.-Cloths and yarn ; quiet nnd unchanged. STOCKS AND IIOND.H. Trnntiictlonx Were Siniill , ultli tlio tIon of SiiKnr. NEW YOHK , May 8.Vcre It not for the heavy transnctlnna In Sugar today's stocl : market wcwild have lieen tame Intlccd. Vt'lint little of activity there wns In the rest of thu Hat wns consigned to St. Paul , General Elec tric and Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy. At the opening of the session Sugar was heavily pressed for sale and. lost 3' per cent. The break wns credited to manipulation by thu bull pool with the object of getting thu shorts to Increase their Hues and the shorts did help to send the price down by adding to the bulk of the sales. When the low point wns touched buying orders came In , which caused a rally of 2V1 per cent , but renewed selling sent the llgurco baclc to within > H per cent of the bottom price of the morning. Later in the day a recovery of Hfe per cent wns made , of which 1 per cent was subse quently lost , with a final rally of Uper cent , the closing sale being at u decline of 1 % per cent on the dny. Sugar preferred lost IV'i per cent. St. Paul , after" a decline of % per cent , rose 3 per cent. Then n drive was made on the stock on the reported bond sale , but It was firmly held , giving way toward the close 1A per cent , with a rally of % per cent , and closing U per cent above yesterday. It has been learned that the St. Paul com pany did , yesterday at private sales , dispose of 12,000,000 of 4 per cent mortgage bonds to reimburse the treasury for outlays for equipment and to retire maturing bonds. There Is still in the treasury $2,735,000 of these bonds , avai'able ' when occasion rsquire. * . Burlington & Qulncy receded % per csnt In the morning , but rallied promptly , selling up % per cent , ot which % per cent was lost nt the close. Hock Island Is unchanged on the day and Northwestern V per cnt higher. The general market moved sluggishly and with Irregularity , the prevailing tone being dullness in the fluctuations , ns a rule being confined to narrow limits. The speculation was the heaviest during the last hour and closed weak. The railway nnd miscellaneous bond market was generally weak throughout the day and closed Irregular. The Post says ; So much of today's busi ness was made up of Sugar certificates that these shares may be said to have monop olized the market. Some of the "pools" which have managed the recent operations for th3 rise wera clearly disposing of their stock today , but the market was "worked" on a very extensive scale , and reslstancs made to the decline on the most expert prin ciples. The- net result , however , was n sub stantial decline. There- was an undoubted disposition among Individual speculators to buy , so firmly has the notion of the trust's sway at Washington obtained control. The following are the closing quotntlons on the leading stocks of the New York ex change-today : The totnl Fnles of fitocka today were 203,311 shares , Including : AtchUon , 0,100 ; American Sugar , 111,901) ) ; lluillngton , U.800 ; Chicago Gas , 3.600 : Distilling. 3,900 ; General Electric , 11.100 ; Louisville & Nashville , 3,100 ; New York & New KnBlnml , 4.COO ; Rock Island , 2,900 ; St. Paul , 17- COO ; Western Union , 3,100. Now York Money Mirlct. : NEW YORK , May 8. MONEY ON CALL Easy at 1 per cent ; last loan , 1 per cent : closed at 1 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 2 iQ5 per cent. STERLING KXrilANGn Sternly to firm , with actual business In bankers' bills. > 4.6Sif4.S9 for demand , nnd $4.S7'iW4,874 ! for sixty days ; posted rules , JI.S8V4WI.90 : commercial bills , J4.bCV4ft4.SC } } . SILVER CERTIFICATES C4flC5c. GOVERNMENT 1JONDS Easier ; state bonds , Inactive. The iloilng quotations on bonds : offered. San FruncUco Mlnli\K Qiiatntloii ] . SAN PHANCISCO. May 8.-Tho oHIclal closlnj quolatloiiHfor mlnluir atoslc'itolty were us fol- lOWB ! ' llutlon Stuck Quotrttlonj. IIOSTON , May B.-CaJl loauu , IKi'J per ccut ; HAH fllJ.VKIl-v'OUd per ounce. MONKV-I pi'rivnt. The ralo of discount In tlio op .MI mark-I forfcot'a short nml tlinv imj.itlm' blllH IH 1 ! ( P r emit. SI. Limit MliiliixrSuirIc ( .liiititliu. ; : ( : ST. LOUIS. Mnv H.-Mliiln * HtuutcM today were fi'nturoli-Hfumu wltliout change. Q'.olatloim : I'limncliil No NEW ORLHANS , Mny 8. CIvnrlnKa. tU3 212. HALTIMORE , Mny 8.-Clenrlngs , t3,3 , CS8 ; Iml- nnces , t57l,113. I1OSTON. Mny S.-Clenrlngs , tl4,747S31 ; bnl- nnces , tl,743,471. OMAHA , Mny S.-ClcnrlnK9 , tS03,700 ; same dny last week , tS25,078. NE\V YORK , Mny 8. Clenrtngs , t32.031,2l7 ; balance * , 53,070.IH. PARIS , May S. Three per cent rentes , lOOf , 3 ! c for till ! ncenimt. PHILADELPHIA. May 8. Clearings , tlO.078.- 138 ; bnlnnccn , tl.178.393. MEMPHIS , Mny 8. New YoiU exclmnee sr-11- IIIR nt par. ClenrliiKH , t412,777 ; balances , tU5,3."i. LONDON , May 8. Tlie nmount of bullion KOIIO Into the lintik of JIiiBlaml on bnlnnce today Is 90,000. CINCINNATI. Mny 8. Money , 2'.4flO per cent. New York exchange , COftCOc premium. ClearlngH , tl,947,450. SAN KRANCISro , Mny 8. Drafts , sight , lOc ; telegraphic , 12Hc. Silver ibiirs , C3 fC3tic. { Mex ican dollars , 61f51'.c. ST. LOI'IS , Mny 8. Clcnrlngs. t3,303,337 ; bal ances , t3Sl,030. Money , dull , 6ff7 per cent. Exchange - change on New York , 12ijo premium. CHICAGO. May S.-Clenilngs. fll.177,000. New York exchange , lOc premium. Korelgn exchange , dull , llrm. Sterling exchange , actual , } 4.S14f 4.89. Money rates , 436 per cent. JK.ITH IX , t .V/J.V/f.IV JUiSKllT. Ilnlf-Kutcn Hoillcs of Two Ill-Tilted Ameri can lluntcrx I'ouml. SAN FRANCISCO , May 8. Francis Mur phy , an American engineer and mining man who has returned to this city from Mazatlan , Mexico , was a member of a searching parly that left Durango about five weeks ago to find the whereabouts of H. L. Denton , C. P. Hall , Frank Turnstall , Americans , and two Mexican guides , who started from Salto , state of Durango , on a prospecting and hunt ing expedition Into the Sierra Madre moun tains. The men left Denver , Colo. , some months ago In company with a Mr. Freeman , who Is said to have come from St. Louis , and two New York gentlemen. Mr. Free man and the two New York men , together with an Indian guldo nnd several Mexicans , arrived back at Salto jtist before the expedi tion was sent In search of their companions. In a half-starved coridltlon and badly used up. They reported tlfat they had run short of provisions in-the-mountains , lost their way and become separated from Denton , Hall and Turnstall and the balance of the party. ' A relief party was at once organized , Mur phy , two American miners and a number of Mexicans constituting the searchers. The bleak and almost. Inaccessible parts of the Sierra Madre range iwero explored. In a ravine nearly forty miles from Salto part of a camp outfit belonging to the missing men was discovered. A blind trail was followed for ten miles over the most ragged and In hospitable of the mountain region. At one point a pole had free 'driven Into the ground to which had befiii fastened a torn shirt on which was a plqce ot paper on which was printed with n 'pencil Hie' words : "Out of provisions , no water ; have struck out for the foot of this canjn. " Five miles In a westerly direction from this signal tjie bodies of Denton and Hall were found lying on their backs. Several camp utensils , a Winchester rifle and some cart ridges were scattered about the spot. The bodies were partly devoured by coyotes , but were easily Identified. The clothing had nearly all been torn from Hall's body. Den- ton's remains were badly disfigured. The remains of the two men were burled with solemn ceremonies and a mound of stones raised over them. No further time was lost then In pushing the hunt for Turnstall and the Mexicans. The searching party was divided , one-half going north and the other halt going east ward. A blind trail led the northbound party Into a part of the mountains that could not bo traveled through nnd the searchers weru forced to turn back , their own provisions running low and the water supply too far remote for safety. The other party was entirely unsuccessful In finding any trace of Turnstall , although It remained for nearly ten days. It Is supposed that all of the missing men have died of starvation. LOUTISH TllK 11.1XK AX1 > XEFT , Cashier of the Sednlla First National Has C.ono with the 1'umlfl. SEDALIA , Mo. , May 8. Cashier J. C. Thompson of the First National bank has not yet been found. Ho left hero Friday for Washington , but a telegram from Congress man John T. Heard stated that ho had not arrived there up today. U Is definitely known that warrants for Thompson's arrest nro In the hands of the fcdornl officers chnrglng the missing cashier with embezzle ment , false bookkeeping and false reports to the comptroller. Dank Examiner Latlmcr and United States Attorney J. U. Walker , who are both here , refuse to say a word , but the belief now Is that the bank had been systematically and completely looted. President Cyrus Newklrk , who has been 111 for some time , has been placed at denth'H door by the shock of the developments and Cashier Thompson's wife Is also In a serious condition. _ _ Set Anlilo thu AV111. STOCKTON , Cal. , May 8. The estate of n well-to-do negro- farmer named McKlnney has been awarded by tho. probate court to his brother , who lives In Kentucky. Mc Klnney loft an estate valued at $40,000 'to his physician , but the Jury decided Mc Klnney was of jinsound mind when ho made his will. Hliot Twice. ' , . . Y. , Mny 8. Charles K. Davidson , burglariously entered the River View Military academy , -was shot twice by Hugh JlutWk nnd Harold H , Loomls of AtlanttOn. . Davidson , who Is dangerously wounded , says ho was forced by hunger to attempt robbery. Draw After Twenty-Nino Hounds. DETROIT , May' 8. Heavyweights Yank Kenney of Detrpit and Frank Kellar of Ypsllantl fought tlwenty-nlno rounds nt Wyandotte for a pntyo of $400. The con test ended In a drnw , although the spectators claimed Kellar had 'the ' best of the light. All W ro Aiixluus to ItnglMer , CHEYENNE. Wy6. , May 8.-Speclal ( to The IJee. ) Deputy Collector Leopold KablH for the district of Wyoming has completed the reglxlrallon of the Chinese In the atntc. Six hundretl and twenty-live certificates were Issued. Not a single Celestial refused to comply with the law. _ UnlUlliiR nnd Loan Anoclottoii Insolvent. CHICAGO , May 8. A receiver was asked today for the North and South Building nnd Loan association of Chicago , ot which Nor man S. Wood Is president. The petition alleges Insolvency. Liabilities , $108,000 ; as- nets , $70,000. m _ Henntor Kyle for President. MINNEAPOLIS , May 8. A Sioux Falls. S. I ) . , special to the Journal lays that Senator Kyle of South Dakota U being groomed for the populUt nomination tor president , OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKETS Receipts of Tattle Increase anil Hogg Dc- ' crcaso from Last Week , STEER PRICES WERE STEADY TO WEAK Dealcra Took Mlmt They 1'iinrlcil nt Alumni rirm FlKiirrn , lint .VeKlcctcd llio Other * lion * Drop Another Mclilo Dcnpllo Light .Supply. TUESDAY , May S. There wns n very respectable run of cattle nnd sheep today , but the supply of hogs was unaccountably light. The two days' re ceipts show nil Increase of 2,200 caltle nnd 1-tOO sheep nnd a decrease of 2,100 hogs , ns compared with supplies for the first two days of last week. The suppply of cattle was larger than It has been for nearly four weeks nnd fully 00 per cent of the receipts weru fat cattle Offerings Included n liberal proportion every very desirable steers , both heavy and light but there were lots of good heavy beeves hero that have been ready to ship for sonio time. Owners have , been feeding then longer than usual this spring , walling for a better turn to the market , but the turn wns llko "the letter that never came. " The dressed beef men were nil tolerably good buyers , but they all wanted the lighter cattle , weighing from 1.100 Iba. down , nnd where the stuff Just suited prices ruled very nearly steady. There was an unmis takably weaker tone to the trade , however and when It came to thu medium nm heavier grades lower prices were the rule some of the rough , coarse , heavy steers Belling Cc to lOc lower -than on .Monday Doth shippers nnd exporters wcro doing business , but In the present demoralized con dition of eastern and European markets they were not very enthusiastic buyers. Aside from the nice , tidy , fat steers the market was dull and mean throughout , nm the close found a few cnttlu still In llrst hands. The market for cow stuff was active ami fully steady , as there were not over a dozen loads on sale and the demand was very good. Calves were In rather better demand anil firmer , but there was no material change In the market for rough stock generally. There was u fair amount of trading In stockers and feeders , but. supplies were ample for the rather restricted country de mand , and the tendency of prices was lower. Country buyers have been scared out by the high prices and ns a result stocks have bcc.n allowed to accumulate. Prices arc easier and a better demand may now bo expected. Good to choice feeders are quoted at $3.25 © 3.85 , fnlr to good at $3.0003.25 , and lighter , commoner grades at from $3 down. Ilcpre- sentntlve sales : DRESSED nncF. No. Av. Tr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 2. . . . 723 t2 50 1..11CO t3 CO SI. . . . 9S7 t3 75 5. . . . 780 275 17..1042 3 GO 20..97J 875 2. . . . 605 300 1S..10SO 303 13 1177 273 1. . . . 7CO 300 21..1072 3 M 29..1209 375 1. . . . 710 310 2..1160 3 03 HI..1181 375 1. . . . MO 315 19..1253 3 C' 20..I231 375 1. . . . 7M > 325 15..1181 303 10..1221 375 1. . . . 700 323 12..1105 363 20..119:1 : a 75 3. . . . 940 325 E.3. . . . HCS 3 C3 23..1176 375 1. . . . 850 323 1..1020 3 (53 ( 1C..1140 375 1..1150 323 10. . . . U78 3 C5 4 1110 373 35. . . . C4G 323 22 1003 3 C3 19 120J 373 "O. . . . 583 S 40 42..1039 3 So ES 113C 375 10..1030 345 10..1102 3 C"i 20..10SO 373 11. . . , 951 345 22..1113 303 10..932 375 19. . . . t03 350 21. . . . 9W 367W 20..1232 375 2..1120 350 II..1001 370 43..1103 373 10. . . . S53 3 r,0 1..11CO 270 17 1383 3 SO 4. . . . 940 SCO 2S..11C3 370 30..1192 3 SO 33. . . . 945 3 f,0 21..1120 370 20..1237 3 SO 7. . . . 725 3 DO 20..11CS 370 11..1210 3 SO 2..1010 350 42. . . . 9S'J 370 K..KOO 3 SO 13 531 3 f.'i 40 1133 370 17 10SS 3 SO 23. . . . 977 355 S..12C2 370 15..1037 380 13..1120 353 23. . . . 990 370 34..12M 3 .SI 11..1115 300 17..1CCO 370 2. . . . .11J6 3 S3 31. . , . 980 SCO 16..1132 3" 70 7I..12.M 3 SS 1..1200 360 20..12SI 370 20..12S6 390 130..1232 360 21..1113 370 C..1401 3 90 ' 20..1438 360 20..1192 373 32..1031 310 SHIPPING AND KXI'ORT. 1..1070 300 23..1202 3 73 32..1391 3 So 2..1333 " 23 22 1017 375 10 1313 " . 83 1..1240 350 20 1141 J 75 ) 3 S3 20. . . .1025 3M 22. . . .1215 375 20 1304 3 $5 10..1050 353 20..1207 373 13..J3C1 3 Fii 30..1073 3 CO 35..1220 373 20..1301 3 S3 12..1090 303 IS..1220 373 1C..1314 390 31..1107 365 19. . . .1217 375 20..13JO 3 ! > 0 27..1019 3 C5 17..1307 3 SO EC..144S 390 23..1398 370 9..1171 380 17..1M1 400 13..1113 370 2I..112S 3 SO 7..1302 400 0..11C6 370 17..1403 3 SO 12..1327 400 1..1120 3 70 20..1313 ! j SO MIXED. 4. . . . 912 300 20. . . . 741 330 15..1041 370 7. . . . 791 3 40 C4..103D 3 C.5 . COW3. 2. . . . 630 150 4. . . . 917 2 CO 1..1170 300 1. . . . 060 150 1 , . . . 940 250 1..1300 300 1..1000 173 3..1020 250 1..1WO 300 1. . . . 920 175 1..1000 250 4..1225 300 2..1090 1 75 2..1023 2 50- 3 1030 3 00 1. . . . 870 ISO 4. . . . 945 255 1..710 300 4..1040 1 DO 1..1COO 200 1..1110 300 2..1100 200 2..1110 200 4. . . . 610 300 4. . . . 702 200 1..10SO 265 1..1170 300 S. . . . 900 200 1..1090 26' ! 1..1100 SCO 3. . . . 780 200 7..1103 2 05 1..1270 303 . . , . 840 200 2. . . . 990 270 1 2iIO 305 7..1022 210 2. . . . S10 270 2..915 310 3..1073 210 1. . . . 800 270 1..1321) 310 1. . . . 630 22i ) 1. . . . 901 270 1..1230 310 2. . . . 980 223 1..1130 275 1..UG' ) 315 1. . . . $00 225 7..1047 275 S..11IJO 315 2..1015 225 1. . . . 920 275 13..1211 313 6..1021 225 3. . . . 960 275 4..1232 320 11. . . . 924 223 1. . . . 7CO 276 1..1300 325 1..1030 225 1. . . . 900 285 I..1240 325 1..1100 235 1..1250 290 4..1177 325 2..1025 240 1..1200 290 1..1360 325 23. . . . 879 240 54. . . . 915 295 1..1180 330 1..1150 2 SO 13. . . . 938 293 4..9S7 380 1. . . . ! > 20 250 3. . . . 803 300 2..1320 333 HEIFERS. 2. . . . 780 190 1. . . . 450 230 24. . . . S23 320 1. . . . 400 200 1. , . . 420 275 2. . . , T.S ) 25 32. . . . 409 200 4. . . . 527 280 2..1090 323 3. . . ' . 500 210 1..1030 300 1. . . , OS ) 335 2. . . . 395 220 8. . . . 768 310 4. . . . 757 333 1. . . . 710 225 32. . . . 725 310 20. . . . 810 385 1. . , . 610 250 3. . . . 5CO 315 4..1000 345 YEARLINGS. C. . . . COO 3 35 CALVES. 1. . . . 150 200 1. . . . IBS 350 1. . . . Ill 450 1. . . . 90 2 . ' .0 1. . . . 140 373 ] . . . . ] ! 450 10. . . . 139 250 2. . . . 141 375 1. . . . 100 . | f,0 1 , . . . 320 260 1. . . . 140 400 2. . . . 173 I 5cl 1. . . . 110 300 1. , . . 120 400 1. . . . ICO 475 1. . , . 150 300 1. . . . 220 4 CO 1. . . . ISO 473 DULLS. 2..1030 2 10 1..1220 2 40 1.,203ft 2 75 1..1WO 220 1. . . . 800 2 f,0 , 2..1W5 275 1..1740 220 1..1510 260 1..1770 275 1..11IO 220 1..1I40 260 3..1110 2 ft 1..1SOO 225 1..1700 200 1..13M 300 1 , . , . 75 225 1..14CO 260 1..1310 300 1..17SO 223 1..1520 2 CO 1..1700 300 ' 1..1390 225 1..1600 2 to' 1..148D 300 2..1150 235 1..1290 270 2..1080 320 1..HM ) 235 1..I3IO 275 OJCUN. 1..11CO 200 2..1629 260 2..1740 285 STAGS. 1..1270 3 25 - STPCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1..1010 200 C , . . . r,50 330 1. . . . S30 340 4. , . . 377 275 18. . . . 709 335 21. . . . 042 340 25. , . . 753 320 1. . . . 930 340 9. . . . 827 345 42. . , . 840 323 1. . . . 930 340 1. . . . 910 360 1. . . , 750 325 3. , . . 630 340 20..810 365 33. . . . 624 325 19. . . . 842 340 61..701 370 1. . . . C'JO 3 30 MILKERS AND SPRINGERS. 1 cow nml calf..J30 00 1 cow nml calf..J21 00 1 iprlnger 2(1 ( 00 1 cow nml cnir.r. . 31 CO 1 springer 21 00 3 nprlngcrx M CO 2 sprinters 4500 3 cowx nnd calveu 73 00 WYOMING CATTLE. No. Av. Pr , No. Av. Pr. 2 feeders..1305 300 31 feeders. . . . 12.14 370 1 bull 1800 225 6 stgs A bin.Hid 223 HOGS The recent decline linn had some thing to do with shutting off supplies , but the desfro of farmers to make hay while the sun shlnrs and makeor market hogs when they can't make hay la probably the main reason for the decreased receipts. There were Uss than 6,000 fresh hogs received today and most of them wcro light and medium weights. Heavy hogn wore scarce ; In the entire eighty-six loads received there was but ono that averaged over 300 Ibs. Moat of the loads averaged under 240 Ibs. , but , ns a rule , the quality wua very fair. Conditions were decidedly unfavorable to thu selling IntcretitH and the nverngo of prices paid wan fully a nickel lower than Monday. Lower markets caul paralyzed the shipping and speculative- demand and local houses wore nil decidedly Indifferent buyers , Pro visions were weak and lower and packers were trying to get the llvo hog values Into line. Tlicro was not much of a rungeof prices. A few of the best heavy butcher loads brought J4,97'/i and $5 , and rough , mixed stuff toward the close sold down lo ? 4.85. Trade dragged along all morning , but was very mean at the final wind up. Moat of the fair ta good hogs , regardless of weight , brought 34.90 and $1.95 , us ogalnut Jl.'Jf , to $5 Monday and $5.05 to J5.10 on last Tues day. Representative nulen : No. Av. Hh. IT. No. Av. Bti. Pr. 6 2SO 40 t4 85 63 XII 100 | 4 9J'4 ' < I. , ! 220 . . . 483 76 230 120 4 H2',5 43.217 . . . 4 8S 73 Ml KO 4n \ < & C5 , , .S5S . . . 490 79 190 10 4 92 > , { 75 2J7 200 4 90 85 2oO M 4 2'i CJ 2 2 1(0 i J8 239 'M 4 M'.J ( llcss ) 'cm ) nro hungering and thirsting for pure nlr. Our stuffy , over-hcntod houses nro veritable fever chests. Speed the dny jvhcn the pnlo faced llttlo ones can get out Into God's nunshlno and brratho In his iniro nlr. Conio In nnd ECO the nrray of baby enr- nagca In our bnsomcnt n rod w.ile nnd rx- tending aa far ns the cyo cnn roach - OVRIt 250 1'ATTBUNS , the best goods made , with the world renowned "I'UATHKUSTONKS" nt the head. A full sized rci-d carriiiKt'lth sntln parasol , < 5.S5 , worth $12.00. IIAVK not imld . n blessed thing nbout 'cm until now although our now pat- torus are the talk of the town. We control the "QUICK MUM , " goods. They nro nbao- luU'ly right ; perfect combustion ; both the 1'rocca.s nnd ( Jencrntor styles ; both cabinet nnd platform patterns ; prices ranging from $2 90 to $28.00. If you know what we know you would not buy nny but iJUICK MKAIj" steve under nny circumstances , The gasoline steve has come to stay , and Instead nf It being the offensive nnd dangerous con trivance Hint wns first brought out , It has bci-n so much Improved that It la not only a household necessity , but a positive Kixury. It don't make so much difference what you select when you are buying " 1IAND-I10XI2S nnd WOOUUOXKS and IIUHAD-IIOXKS" but when you buy " 1CI3-HOXKS" you need to look a llttlo out. Dangerous gasses and foul deposits cannot always be detected , even by the scnso of smell. IC12-DOXKS nnd UK- FU1GBUATOUS nro npt to be overlooked when wo are considering the sanitary con dition of our homes. Hotter buy the perfect "ventilated" goods , WHICH TAKE CAUE OP THEMSELVES. The "OLACIEK , " everybody now knows nbout. It Is perfection , being Ventilated , Clcannble , Handsome nnd at reasonable prices. A "GLACIER" Ice box , $3.50 , worth $6.50 A "GLAC1EH" refrigerator , $ S.G3 , worth $13.50. Formerly People's ' Mammoth Installment House Sfnil lcfot'i > osttyeon lily 'tt-1 citttiluyite. Close at 6:30 : evenings , except Monday and Saturday. 79 189 40 4 no 73 212 120 4 90 CO 216 . . . 4 90 73 211 10 4 90 74 223 . . . 4 90 82 217 80 4 90 . . . ' . . . . . SO 4 l > 0 $2 221 40 4 90 77 222 120 4 90 41 309 100 4 90 72 229 SO 4 90 DO. . . .232 40 4 90 6. . . .171 4 M 5. . ' 4 90 C9. . 'izcs 4 90 73. . . .230 4 90 ' 103. . .214 4 90 73. . . .217 4 90 CO. .281 4 90 C4 . 2 4 90 83 . 212 4 90 20 . 2'jG 4 90 SO . 231 40 4 90 C8 . 2CO SO 4 90 81 . 223 80 4 90 70 . 2 = 2 2SO 4 90 CS . 235 120 4 90 77 . 2C2 ICO 4 90 63 . 203 4 90 .293 210 4 90 Ci , , .237 SO 4 90 46. .C2C 40 4 90 07. .199 120 4 90 78. .212 20) 4 90 78.S3. . .223 SO 4 90 70 . 213 4 90 68 . 243 4 90 69 . 252 4 90 64 . 279 200 4 92V4 84 . 203 40 4 ? 2',4 71 . 264 ICO 4 92K , 50 . 211 ICO 492Vt 07 . 205 120 4 92',4 PIGS AND nouan. 1 . 430 . . . 1 W ) 1 . 3 25 SHEEP Receipts were liberal , mostly Mex ican lambs. The domamr was fair and the market slow , but about steady. Fair to oed natives are quotable at $3.75 ® 1.25 ; fair to good westerns , $3.204.15 ; common and stock sheep , $2.DO3.25 ; good to choice -10 to 100-lb. lambs , $3.500)1.50. ) Representative sales : No. Wt. I'r. 00 liatluo 3 Hcculpts unit llspo.illl < > ii of .Stock. Official recoil tn aiiddl | io.-ltlonof stock as ano'.v i by the books of ttio Union Stonk oa.iuiitr , ' for tin ) twenty-four hourucnclhit ; ut u o'clock p. m , MayS , IbUl : liKCKUTS. IJISI'OIITIUV. OIIIC.YCO l.IVi : STOCK. No flnidua of Cnttlu Sold Lower Tluiii on JMiimlny. CHICAOO , Mny 8. The entllo inarkrt was nominally imchniiKi'd ; no KrndeH sold nny hiwv than on Monday , nnd If thire wtro ilen nl nn udvnnco on that day's prices they weni thu ex ception nnd not the rule. A pnllry 3.0 head comprised Iho day's supply and Ihn lolul nr- rivals since Bnluiday barely reached lO.GiW h ml , or 4,000 hend less than for the FIIIIIO lime last week. Krom no quarter wns them much de mand , but there were eiders on hand for moie cattle than were offered nnd the 1mm was linn. With n moderate tun for tomorrow pi Ices would piobably advance. It wns n touch market fur sellers of | I < > BH. Under n small supply holders wern warranted In expecting nn ndvnnce , hut nt no llniu WHS there a movement In thai dlrccllon. At th oiitsot there wns n little IrndlnK ut about M'liuliiy'x ' cl < m < > , hut the market rnon ln'cim lo HUK nml heforu U:3D : o'clock thu < iuotitlnna wen : iluun ti , from i4.1" ) to } V-"i , und still later In Ihu I'oro- nimn K > .15 ImiiKht cholco stock , HhlppinK orders weni few nnd piiektrs did not M'oni tn need n hot , ' , hut nl thu leduced prices liiust uf III'1 Mutt was worked off. Thu bulk went nt fium J5.1'l to J5.15. There weru nuvcral tindes ut IV21) und two or Ihreo nl } i.21 , while poor nnd common lots weiii mid nt from 14.W ti > J.1.03 , U wns u lupld market from the miisel. Thu sheeii market , llko raltlc und hnis , win nulet. lluyvrn seemed to wnnt bin lltllu stock und they were not wllllmc to pay any iidviincu on former low prices. Krom J4.M lo J4.C5 for extra quality rales raiiBcil downwuiil to from it.75 to 12.25 fur | KHir stuff. Comiium to KO , d lots comiirlrtil the Kreater part of th supply nml sules were InrKcly lit from J3.23 to J4.S. , . Yeiir- IIIKH were iiuutid ut from J3.25 to nnd sprlm , ' lambs nt from J4 to 'i. Receipts : Cattli1 , 3.WI hpad ; cnlvss , 2.0QO head , hoes , 13.1M ) hcuil ; shrep , 7oog hfad. The Evening Journal reports : CATTLK Receipts , 3.000 head ; market un- chnnKCd ; prlinu to extru natlvi * HICITK , ; inrdlum , | 4.2JOI.3 ! > ; others , J3.7u1 < 4.10 ; Tviutli , | 3.5Mf3. , HOllW Receipts , 13,000 head : maiket slow and 58100 lower , ruunh heavy , ll.iW4.IIO ; | iii > ki's : and mixed. I3.10W3.I5 ; prlmB heavy und butnjier wrlKhts. U.I SB ton uBnurle'l llk'ht , i. IDUJ.ll. IVW In better demand , but unchanged ; top sheep , Jl.2 $ GI.DO ; top lam.bsi. J4.21iJ4.73. St. I.ouU Llvo Si nek Market , ST. LOUIS. Mny 8. C'ATTLM Rocolpl * . 2,200 h"ad ; shipments , 2M head. Market active , strons 5tlOc hlsher Kcnerally ; native Ftefii > . 1 2W ti > 1.430-11)8. . J3.7Mr3.9.1 ; cows. Jl.MJM.GO ; Texas steers. 800 to 1,0-W-lbs. . J3.10if3.fiO. " * , HOUS Receipts , O.IKW head ; Bhlpmcnt.i. 1 200' head. .Market slow , BiflOc lower ; fancy hcnvyj JG.20 ; packers mtiKO , J."i.lO.15 ! ! ; nu'dlum to iruocl light , J3,00fo.lO ; pit's nnd common llb'ht. $4.233 $ | 4.50. 4.50.HIIKfiP Receipts , 4.3 * ) hend ; shipments , nnnct Market slrw , but steady : wool Texas , 75-lba. avrf eniKe , J3.23 ; clipped Ti'.vans , 83-lbs. nveinKCr J3.HO : . cllpiHnl linUvfp , 73 to 90-lbs. nvcinue , J3.4j [ 03.60 ; lambs , Jl.7uft3.UO. KaniiiH City I.lvti Stno'c Iiirko * . KANSAS CITY , May 8. CATTLi : Rcc lpt C.200 head ; shipments , 1W ) ; matket barely steady ; Texas BtccrH , J2.4DC3.90 ; Texas cows/ J2.2.'ii3.Ki ! : Shlppliiff Hirers , J3.3ff3.19 ; na'lvrf cows , J3.OOfJ3.lo ; stockers und feeders , J2.30&3.S51 bulls , J2.SOH2.33. Jl 1IOOH Receipts , I2,3' ' head ; vlilpments , 108. head ; market DfilOc lower nnd dull ; bulk , SI.WQ 5.00 ; hrnvlcs , packers nml mixed , J4.S3fT3.10l lights. Yoikers nnd iilus , J4.00ff3.03. SHH13P Receipts , 3CW head ; shipments , mmejj maiket slow nnd weak , ' Noiv York Llvo Stock Murkot. NEW YORK , May S.-liHVKS-Recept ) ! ? . BO * hcjil ; no market. .J H1IKKP AND LAMHS KIrm ; receipts , C'W ' hi-adj mllnnry clipped fheep , jt.cii3.C2' : ) ' ! , ; Id fair clipped yrnilliiKs , JI.2iff4.S7',4 : ' ; fair Ken/ lucky lambs , JO.M. V HOGS Receipts , 3.0CO head ; fair to KO.d , to.C4 4TO.TJ ; maiket steaily. Sioii Clty Livu Stock. SIOl'X CITY. May S. HOOK Receipts , 1,803 hend ; slilpini-nts , 3 head ; inniltut SfllOj lower/ JI.75iff4.S3 ; bulk , JI.83. Stock III Recclpln of llvo Mock at the four prlnulp il yard * for Tucmlay , May b , wcro : Cattle. Hoj.s. Shcopi South Omaha 4t i5 BI-JI ! 1.73H , ; Chlcaifo Jl.Otiil lil.ooi ) ll.liOtt KanmiHCIty Ui ! t > l'0l : < ( a.tlOU st. r.ouiB a.'oo 0,000 .i.auuj Totals "iMlif ! Il7.'l 18,03'j i Iluiitlni ; u Lust Wifo. J. Vnmplow of 1007 Chicago slrcct went to the police Btallon last night and anxiously ; * Inquired us to tlio whereabouts of Mr Frances Whitney and Mrs. Vamplow , who ( he said left homo last Friday night and haul not returned. Mr. Vnmplow Is nn employe of the Union Pacific shops and Mr. Whitney ot the Harbor } Asphalt company. They nil llvo In the aamu house. Mr. Vamplow Haiti shorrT/ after the com * Ing Into his family of Mrs. Whitney , his wlfo almost at once turned against him ; Unit she grow cold In her manner nnd men tioned to him several times that olio wished she wcro dead nnd that some time ho would bo sorry for ever marrying her. She never , however , made any threats toward taking her life nnd never till Friday did she over attempt to lenvo her homo. Mrs. Whltniy waa al most always In Iho company of Mrs. Vamplevj nnd would often , Mr. Vnmplow Bald , toll hoc of the pleasure that could bo had by going cast , suggesting that both leave their hus bands and join two young men who called at the house last Thursday afternoon , but whost < names could not bo ascertained. * * f ' Sweet breath , swcot stomach , mveot tem' < " per ? Then uao DoWltt's l.lttlo Uarly Ulucrm Nmv Chiiri'li , The St. Mary Mngdnlen'H Catholic Chtrclf Bocloty IIIIH tnken out a permit for the one * tlon of a now church edlllco to replace thrt ono destroyed by the Iloston store lire , Tho/ / now building will bu of brick and Ilia cull- mated cost Is J8.000. ICVIUI. C BRIM31 TRS V BONDi COMMERCIAL PAPER 40 WALi-STREET * NEW YORKv. w WM , LOUDOIf , Commission Merchaut Q.7AIN AND PROVISIONS. Prlvuta wiles to Chicago nnd New Yoik , All business oiduis plaiuil on Chicago liourJ a | Trude. CorresHindencu Kollcllnl. Off'ce ' , r. > m 4 , New York Llfo TcUpUono 1304