HIBERNIANS BECIN WORK Business Sessions of the Convention Formally Commenced Yesterday , BISHOP SCANNELL TO. THE DELEGATES Welcomed to the City nnd Hidden to Work to tlio Glory of thn Onlrr Standing Committee * J amed Tlioso 111 Attendance. The delegates and visitors to the national convention of the Ancient Order of Hiber nians were astir at nn early hour yesterday morning and at 8.30 o'clock the Second Infantry band took Its station at the head ot a , procession destined for St. John's collegl- oto church , where mass was rolebratcd nnd A sermon delivered by Bishop Scanncll. Fol lowing the band came a company of the Catholic Knights of America with green plumes on their helmets and their neat fitting unlformn glittering with gold lace. After the knights came the delegates four abreast , a fine body of men decorated with the souvenir badge of the convention , and the badges of their various states. The entrance to the church was decorated with the na tional colors and souvenir programs with the gretlng , "Caed Mllle Fallthc , " were dis tributed. When the services began the church was packed to the doors nnd on overflow stood on the sidewalks. The grand altar was In a. blao of candles nnd tha services were con ducted with nil the solemnity and magnifi cence which characterises high mass In this church. The officiating clergjmcn were : Kev. E. D. Kelly. S. J. , celebrant ; Ilov. II. G. Ottlng , S. J. , deacon ; Rev. Joseph Ollllck , S. J. , subdeacon ; Rev. James Hoeffer , 8. J. , assistant priest ; Rev. Joseph Illgge , S. J. , first deacon of honor ; Rev. J. P. Francis , S. J. , second deacon of honor ; Rev. J. B. Do Bhryver , S. J. , first master of ceremonies ; Prof. William Mitchell , S. J. , second master of ceremonies. A number of other visiting priests were also present. Incident to the service St. John's choir , with Mr. J. A. Schenck at the organ , sung the following program : Kyrle Hnjdn's Second Mnss Gloria Clmarosa's Military Mass Credo Clmaiosa Soprano Solo El In Cnrnatus . . . . .T. Mrs. U A. Cudahy OFFUUTORY. Tenor Solo O Salutarls Glorz a Captain John Klnzle. Bane tin Haydn Agnus Del Huydn ADDRESSED BY THE BISHOP. Bishop Scanncll's address was ns follows : I extend to * he representatives of the An cient Order of Hibernians a cordial welcome to Omaha , and I do It with mijch pleasure , because I believe I am In the presence of mon who hnvo In view a lofty purpose and are guided by safe and sound principles. Your purpose Is to keep alive the memories of a past that Is dear to jou and to iccall deeds and virtues that are worthy of Imita tion ; and that jou may do so safely and profitably you put jourselves under the guid ance of holy church ; you ask her blessing pnd you promise to obey her laws. In unit ing for a purpose so noble you n\nll your selves of a right which the law of nature Itself guarantees to jou. Men may form as sociations or societies for the attainment of lawful ends , nnd It is manifest that the In terests , for example , of religion , of race or nationality , of language and of many tem poral concerns may be better promoted by united than by Individual efforts. Moreover men of the same race nro nnturnlly drawn together. The bonds which unite them are strong oius. They have much In common ; they are marked by the same racial 01 na tional peculiarities ; they have a character istic temperament ; they share In the same traditions , and they are co-heirs of the deeds and virtues ot their forefathers. It Is there fore natural that they should bo drawn to gether and should seek to bind themselves to what Is good and great In the past. Nor Is this In any way Inconsistent with the duties which they ns citizens ewe to their countiy ; Indeed It Is a guarantee that those duties will be all the more loyally performed. As that man is little likely to be a model husband or a good father who has no love for his parents or respect for their memo ries , so we may well doubt the lojalty of thoao who nro lacking In veneration for the past. Ho who conceals his origin , however humble It may be , who disassociates himself from his race and denies his honest fore fathers Is without nobility of soul and will bo a poor citizen In the day ot need. The conduct of such a man Is unnatural. LOVE OF NATIVE LAND. Aa long as men have human hearts and human affections they will venerate the places In which they themselves or their rthcrs and mothers were ctadled ; they will keep sacred the memories that cluster around the ancestral homo ; they will love the ancient tongue ot their fathers. The captive Jews wept by the rivers ot Babylon when they thought ot their beloved Zlon , because they had human hearts. The Frenchman speaks with pride of beautiful France , the German of his Fatherland , the Scotchman of his homo In the Highlands „ and the englishman ot Old England , be cause they are mon and their hearts are human. And for the same reason does the Irishman think with affection ot Down- Patrick and Klldaro and Glcndaloiigh and Gougano Barra. If these affec tions and memories Interfered In any way with the duties and affections which as cltkens jou ewe to tliu United States , then Indeed they would bo deserving of censure. But such Is not the caso. Veneration for the past Is one thing , civil nUegianca Is qulta another thing. The citizens of this country ewe no allegiance to Franco or Germany , England or Ireland. They ewe It to the United States. And the allegiance which they owe Is an undivided iicgianco. And In the dlschatgo of the'lr duties as citizens they should not remem ber that they are of French or German or Irish extraction , but only that they are Americana , Doubtless these traditions of the past union1 ? the different races that make up our population will bciomo weaker nj generation succeeds generation , but just ns It would not bo proper to make efforts to keep alive racial differences among 1 our people , so neither would It bo wise to do violence to feelings that have their cent deep In the human heart. Time will equalha air things ; though I trust U will never cause us to forge' what was good nnd great In the past. To the honor ot Irishmen and at the descendants of Irish men , bo It said that they are not unmind ful of the land of their fotcfnthcrs , Wher ever their lot may bo cast In the cities of England , under those western skies , be neath the Southern Cross or the burning BUIIB ot India they often visit In spirit the green fields and puiplo hills of Ireland , They picture to themselves the ruins of the churches and religious houses which peak of the daja when Ireland merited the nama ot Island ot oalnts and Scholars , They think , too , of that long dark night ot Eortow and Buffering Illumined only by the glorious fidelity of a people to princi ple , to conscience and to God , In thus coins back to the past jou learn what It Is that constitutes the true greatness ot a people. Do notthink that It consists In armies and battleships. These things ore but the evidences of barbarism and of man's inhumanity to man. Nor does It consist In material prosperity , for a prosperous people may be rude and selfish und cruel , but It consists ' In being Just and kind and true and steadfast and holy. ANCESTRY IS HONORED. You may safely go back to the past , for you will find there forefathers who , were not unworthy ot you. Many of them Indeed had their faults. They were not always wise ; they made their mistake ! and they suffered . for thorn. But they were withal true and brave and unselfish ; they were men ot prin ciple ; and they were faithful ( o their prln- elplet ; anil they knew how to die ( or them. You do TV ell to keep nllvo the memories of such a past ; jon. do well to recall the deeds of your forefathers , to remember that they were great among the very great great In the sanctity of their lives , great In moral qualities , great In Intellectual gifts they were great an poets , ns orators , ns statesmen , as leaders of men ; nnd nil this they were even In the dark nnd evil dnja. You nro the heirs of those forefathers , you ha\o In herited their crnmiile , you have Inherited their gifts of mind and body , nnd you hnvo that which they had not yon have liberty. With liberty what may you not accomplish ? Do not talk of opposition , or prejudices , or bigotry. These nro but paltry obstacles In the path of men who have high alms and upright principles. He true to yourselves , be true to the traditions ofyour race , be upright , be honest , be religious and you will have nothing to fear. The world rccognbes true merit , and though It docs not always love It , It Is forced In the long run to do It homage. Let your ambition be not to repress , not to antagonize others , but to promote the welfare of your follow cltlrens of every race and class. Forget the bitterness nnd the animosities of the past ; forget Its Injustice , too. For my part I do not think the Eng lish people , as a people , should bo held re sponsible for the crimes that were com mitted In their name. Either they were Ig- 'iiorant of their true character or they were helpless to prevent them. They themselves have been the victims of a long oppression. You must wish them well , for true charity Is universal. To both the English and Irish people there Is now visible the dawn of a better day. As citizens support only good men and good measures lie the uncompro mising opponents ot whatever Is Injuilous to the public welfare , no matter by what man or party It may be recommended. Love honor and virtue more than class or party. And as bad men may be found everywhere , bo on jour guard against those men of Irish blood who are sordid or dishonest or In temperate or dlsreputabU Such men dis honor the memory of their forefathers , re flect discredit on the religion which they pretend tend to profess , and bring disgrace on the Irish race. Have no place In your ranks for those who are always dragging their race and their religion Into the political arena for their own selfish ends. Such men are likely to be without religious convictions or moinl principles. They nro Impostors who will be tray their fellow citizens and prove false to their trust. Cast them out from among you. Let the Ancient Order of Hibernians have for Its watchword "God and Countiy" Let it be alvvavs true to these and It will pro mote the spiritual and temporal Interests of Its members and the welfare of this great republic. ALL DELEGATES PRESENT. The work of the convention began at noon yesterday , when National Delegate Wllhero called the convention to order. It was found that all the states and terri tories were represented with the exception of Oregon , Arkansas , Nevada and the Dis trict of Columbia. At the last minute the Montana delegation , consisting of Judge Flt/gerald , John McGlll , J. W. Gllligan and D. J. Hcnnessiey , put In an appearance. They had been delayed on the road , but came Into the meeting to receive appointments on the various committees . After calling the meeting to order Manns O'Donnell of Columbus , 0 , was elected otn- clai stenographer and Charles J. Blgley of Philadelphia assistant secretary. Father Slattery of Albany , N. Y. , delivered the In vocation. The following delegates were appointed as the committee on credentials : Judge M. T. Shine , Kentucky , chairman ; P. K. Brennan , P. J. Carr , P. J. Mclnery , J. P. Cunningham , 0. J. Hession , M. A. Buttl- men , A. Vaughey , M. D. Pansier , D. Maher , J. J Shannon , P. W. Mulqueeny , J. L. Kenny , P. J. Murphy , M. I" . Claie , O'B. J. Atkinson , F. P. Kcrvlck , Joseph McGrane , J. W. Gllligan , Ed Ryan. A. N. Madden , R. Hogarty , P. J. Egan , J. H. Conwny , C. O'llrlen. F. Canning , F. J. Deveraux , P. Boyle , P. J. Scully , R. H. Donahue , M. J. Marsh. R. F. Murphy , F. W. Rellly. J. P . Martin , James McConnell , Timothy Drlscoll , J. P. Mullnney , John Hay , R. Kevs. While the committee was at work speeches were made by Father O'Sulllvan of Chicago ; Father Haley of Broken Bow , Neb. ; Father Schmidt of Council Bluffs , Father Morlarty of South Omaha , Father Hayes of Nebraska ; Father Fitzgerald of Minnesota , Father Ker- vlck , state secretory ot Minnesota , und Father Delehanty of Wyoming. The committee on credentials reported fav orably on all the delegates , and the commit tee on rules reported the adoption of the rules under which they conducted their de- ll'utratlons nt New Orleans two years ago. A committee- consisting ot ( he national di rectors was appointed to revise and amend the constitution and by-laws and present the same to the convention for consideration to day. day.An Invitation from the local committee of arrangements for the delegates to participate in the parade this afternoon was accepted. A resolution piovidlng for a sifting com mittee , consisting of Patrick O'Neill of Phil adelphia , Kllroy of Lincoln , and Congress man Weadock of Michigan , was appointed * to handle the resolutions that may be offered. NAMED THE COMMITTEES. The following committees were then named and the convention adjourned In order to allow them to organize nnd prepare their reports for today's session : Committee on Rules of Order T. Sullivan , New York , chairman ; P. Brennan , B. White , Peter Walsh. John Walsh , T. J. King , A. J. Gouley , D. MiGlonn , M. J. Murphy , A. J. Norton , T. F. Lannon , D. J. O'Neill , II. T. Gallngher , T. A. Sullivan , W. B. Mnhoney , D. Lynch , J. H. Nlghtlngnle , J. S. Hynes , , T. I ) . FlUgcrnld. R. O'Keefe , J. J. Doyle. O. Fearon , T. Sullivan , J. C. Powers , A. McAndrows , J. A. Sullivan , F. J. Deveraux , P. Hackett , R. McDee , P. H. Donohuo , M. J. Marsh. J. P. Clark , W. D. Brown. P. Cassldy , James McConnell , T. Drlscoll , J. P. Multancy , John Hey , Rqdmond Ko > s. Committee on Standing of the Order P. Brennan , B. White. T. M. Donohue. T. F. O'Rourko , M. A. Buttlmcr. J. F. Brennan , E. Collins , P. B. Murphy , J. Murphy , James Colcman , John Brefn , J. L. Kenney , J. F , A'Hern. J. Ford , William O'Rcagan , J. Ken nedy , R. Donnelly , J. W. Ollllgan , John Nunglo , S. McCarthy , R. Hegarty , John Lln- nhnn , B. J. O'Connor , J , T. Flanery , J. A , Sulilvnn , F. J. DeverauP.'Hachott , R. Mo- Cune , P. H. Donahue , M. J. Maish , T. F. Owens , J , A. Duffy , J , Dclalmnty , James McConnell , T. Drlscoll , J. P. Mullancy , John Hey , R. Keys. Committee on Auditing P. Brennan , P. J. Carr , William H. McUrce. J. Walsh , T. J. King , T. J. O'Brien , R. W. Colcm.ui , F. J. Hannlgan , J , P. Howard. W , J. Thompson , P. W. Mulmietny , T. A. Sullivan , M. J. Mur phy , James. MeKenna , J. A , O'Sluughnessy , Joseph Mclnery. J. W. Ullllgan. T. I. Kclll- hcr , James H. Jo > ce , Thomas C'rowluy , P. R. Murphy. John Hecnan , 0. C. Markey. F. J. Deveraux , P. Bojle , P. J. Scully , P. II. Don- ahuc , M. J , . Marsh , R. F. Murphy , J. J. Connolly nelly , Thomas Smjthe , James McConnell , T. Drlscoll , J. 1 * . Mullancy , John Hey , R. Keys. Committee on Resolutions P. Brcnntn , B. White , P. J ! McKnery , James P. Dree , 0. J. Hession , P. J. O'Connor , T. B. Fhnna- gen , J. W. O'Hara , F. B. Sharon , John Don- nell. H. T. Gallagher , J , B. FInan , T. J. Slattery , Thomas Weadock , J. F. Leonard , Joseph McGrane , T. D. Fitzgerald. J. A. Kclvey , J. J. Doyle , A. J. Brady , M , McGown , Manus O'Donnoll , P. O'Neill. J. A , Sullivan , F. J. Daveraux , D. Hackott , P. J. Scully , P. II. Donahue , M. J , Marsh , W. 12. Wcaso , E , Horan , T. Dcmpsey. James McConnell , J. T. Noonan , J. p. Mullanoy , John Hey , II. Keys. Committee on Foreign Relations P. Brennan , P. J. Carr , J. J. Rice , John Walsh , E. F. Cain. C. P. Johnson , L. Hen ley , W. C. Wade , D. H. Sullivan , J. J. Shannon , M. J. Cuslck. D. B. Hagcrty , H. T. Gallagher. T. A. Sullivan , J. W. Glenn , R. U. Bolger , James H. Burns , D , ' 0. C. Tracey , J. Mcdlll. J Rush. F. McCarthy , J. J. Clancy , P. McGuIre , P. J. McKcmra , J. Madden , F. J. Deveraux , P , lloylo , H. McCuo. P. H. Donahue. M. J. Marsh , T. F. Owen , John Noonan , J. P. Martin , James McConnell , J. P , Mullancy , John Hey , R. Keys. Committee on Rltiml-P. Brennan , B White. W. H. McGeo. B. Burns. T. J. King , A. J. Gouley. Alex Vaughey. M. J. O'Rellley. Dan Reynolds , J. P , Buttcrly , M. J , Cuslck , ( Continued on Second Puce. ) NOT DEMOCRATIC ENOUGH Strange Objection Raised to Measure in the English Parlhment. BUDGET BILL A DANGER TO THE MINISTRY John Ilrdmoml'n I'alllifiil Nine Vote the McitMirn nnd Sctcrnl llngltflti Ituil- Iculfl Will Not Support It Can Just .Strapo Through. LONDON , May 8. The Parnellltcs have decided to vote bodily against the second reading of the budget bill , three or four lib erals Intend to abstain ( rom voting nnd three nationalists are HI , In addition the govern ment anticipates the defection of Mr. Wil liam Saundcrs , a radical , and Mr. James Kelr Hardle , who Is classed as "n democrat nnd n socialist. " Thus It Is that the govern ment Is relying upon a majority of only ten or twelve votes. The conservatives predict Hint the govern ment will be unable to carry the budget bill through the committee stngo where its fate Is believed to rest. They also predict that If the budget bill pats.'s Its second reading on Thursday next Its majority will not ex ceed ten. Mr. T. P. O'Connor In the Sun says that the Irish have no need to be appealed to , but he adds that the liberal party requires to bo iallied. Mr. O'Connor also says that If the government has not the necessary strength to continue In ofllcc It must limp through the session and then ought to re sign. sign.The The Chronicle expresses n fear that the government Is approaching the stage be yond which It will be Impossible to go , and advises the Immediate calling of n mass meeting of Its supporters to decide which of Its measures shall be thrown overboard In order that the others may bo proceeded with. The Westminster Ga/ctte and other liberal papers comment on the situation In a simi lar strain , though In somewhat milder lan guage. IMUVKN rilOM SANTA ANA. Snlvnilorliui Rebels Are Now Making n . Stand nt Ojn del ARIIII. SAN SALVADOR , May 8. The rebels are retreating from Santa Ana and , It Is re ported , Intend'to seek refuge In Honduras. GUATEMALA , May S The rebels In Salvador vader , defeated at Santa Ana , arc said to have made a fresh stand at OJa del Agua. The government of Guatemala ofllclally de nies that it has given any aid to the rebels or has token any hand In promoting the revolt. AUTHORITIES ! ILAMiU. : Colliipso of a IMcr at ISrahllvo Duo to Neg ligence Twenty lloillra round. BRAIIILVO , Roumanla , May 8. The dis aster at the landing stage on April 30 , when a large number of holiday makers were thrown Into the water bv the giving way ot the pier , was due to the most culpable negilgenco on the part of the authorities. Only twenty bodies have so far been re covered , and It will bo many dajs before the list is completed. .Still Drmuiuling 11 civ's liitr.ulltlon. PARIS , May 8. The Matin reports that the government maintains Its demand for the extradition of Dr. Cornelius Hcrz , the Panama lobbyist , from England , In splto of the fact that the courts have accepted the offer of the latter to reimburse the liquidator of the Panama Canal company the sum of 1,600,000 francs , which sum together with other large sums which are to bo reimbursed by the executors of Baron de Relnach and M. Eiffel , are , it Is reported , to be devoted to a resumption ot the work upon the Panama canal. Mux I.ob.iiulyVitluti i\\s IIU Suit. PARIS , May 8. M. Ma-c Lebaudy has withdrawn his forgery suit against Count Elle do Tallyrand-Peilgord , son of the Prin cess do Sngan. It Is added that all losses sustained by M. Lebaudy have been reim bursed to him. As already announced , the Princess do Sagan offered to reimburse M. Lebaudy If ho would abstain from prose cuting her son , and If the latter would consent to waive his holrshlp to the family honors In favor of his brother. mutiny AIUIHIJ ; Nluirugu.iu Soldiers. MANAGUA , Nicaragua , May 8. Armed forces have been sent to Leon to suppress a local uprising there. There is great dis satisfaction In the army on account of the government's failure to pay the troops. The mutinous spirit Is spreading. Dun MuHt Walt Until Mio\v rilos. LONDON , May 8. The Sporting Life says : Ted Prltchard states he will not bo piepared to accept the offer of the Olympic club for a fight with Dan Creedon until December. Trying Oeriimn and Spanish McrclmnU. TEGUCIGALPA , May 8. The government Is trying now to arrange n loan of $500,000 among the German und Spanish merchants. Will Try to Unltu tlio South Dakota Ro- jmbllciuiH and I'onullsts. SIOUX FALLS. S. D. , Muy 8.-SpecIal ( to The Bee. ) Senator K > le has been In this city for the past two days and white here tnlke < l on political subjects. The fol lowing can be logically dedueul from what the senator siild : Ostensibly he Is In South Dakota to investigate inatteiu in rcfeience to Indlnn tlepicitations. He will no doubt look nfter these matters to the satisfaction of congiess , but v. hlle here he will endeavor to effect a coalition between the populists anil republicans for the pur pose of putting a Lompiomlso senatorial candidate In the Held. From lepoits all over the state Senator Pettlgrevv will hnvo to contest every inch of the ground before ho will be returned to congress. All pai lies ure disposed to con cede that the populist vote this year will be heavier than ever before , and the chanter nre In favor of the populists send- intr enough mumbei.s to the next legisla ture to hold the balance of power. Rob ert Buclnumn , edltoi of the South Dakota State Foium , published here , of whom It IIUH been paid thnt he vvus a candidate for gubeinntorial honors this fall , IH Senator Kilo's choice for Pettlgievv's successor. The fact that Mr. Uuclmnnii has recently assorted through the lolumiiH of his popu list paper thnt hu was not a candidate for Rovt-inor , might Indicate that he nnd Mr. Kyle understand eiwh other In the matter of whom the lattci gentleman wants us his collengue. In nn Interview the senator would not ad mit that there vvnu any move In that dliec- tlon , but the report thnt ho would mnko a llrst i ate cnndldnto seemed to please him , nnd It Is easily infcried from his remarks that he would cladl" accept the nomina tion and point to his clean record as a- congressman ns a reupon why the populists should nil stand by him. DIi-il by Ills O n Hiinil. LEAD CITY. S. D. , May S.-dpeelnl ( Tele gram to The Bee-Tho coi oner's Jury In the case of Charles A. Beigdahl , who vjns found dead In bed Sunday morning' , found that his death resulted from an overdose of cocaine administered by his own hand. The deceased lately located here , coining from Omaha , and leaves a family at Leon , la. ir. .s. 4 > K. t'av iiK.ELjaTiit. Chlefi of Police Meet In St. I.ouU In Annual bonloii anil Honor Onmlm's Officer. ST. LOUIS , May 8. The annual meeting ot the National Union of Chiefs of Police began hero today with an attendance of sevent > "llve members. The meeting was called to order by President W. 8 , Seavey of Omaha , who responded to an address of welcome delivered Uy Mayor C. P. Wald- bridge. Heading of the president's and secretary-treasurer's reports was followed by the appointment of committees und other preliminary work. A number of recommendations were made by the president In his address. The next order of business vvn the election of olll- cers for the cnsulnir yenr President Sen- vcy of Omaha nnd Secretary Cnrr of Grand Itnpklo , Mich , word ro-oiectcd. On mo tion of Major McClauahrcy the N'ntlonnl Police Reporter , published at Omnhn , was mndc the olllclnl or nn of the union. A lengthy dlsciifslon of the trump ques tion In nil Its iihasea followed nnd nil ad journment until tomorrow was then taken. HOTJ'.r , .1/KAVJ COA I7J.VT/O.V. Onicrr * I'llc Thrlr Report * Shotting- the Association In I lotirUhlni ; . DENVER. Mny 8. The fifteenth minimi meeting of the Hotel Men's Mutual Benefit association vvns untied to order nt 3:30 : o'clock nt the Windsor hotel. The mtmbers of the association were welcomed by 12. j\ . Tlmyer of the Colorado Hotel association. Piesldcnt Jncque" , who called the meeting to order , responded nnd followed with n statement of the membership , which lian Incieased during the year , nnd with a. compnrluon on the benefits It offois and the low cost compared with other asso ciations of a similar chninctcr. The as sociation now hns 1,039 members , and the average cost of Insurance during the pist year hnH been W.7i per Jl.OOO. There nre sixty-nine applications for mi'inbuishlp The secrotnry nnd treasurer's repoit showed n bnlanrc on May 1 , ISDt. of $ UC28 ; receipts , j2uU93 ; disbursements , JJ5l.'O , leav ing a balance on hand of 10,29 ! . After nn nvocutlve pension the bonnl of directors cnlleil n mooting at which it vvaH decided to call a special meeting at Chicago cage on Mny 18 for the election of olllcera nnd the transaction of other business , thlfi being necessary owing to a recent change In the Insurance laws of the state of Illi nois , under which the association Is Incor porated 13. A. Tlmyer nnd Walter Barnes received a unanimous recommendation for the po sitions of president nnd secretary respect ively. President 13. L Mcnlnlteld extended nn Invitation In the name of the New York Hotel association to hold the nl\tcentli an nual meeting in 1SS5 In New York City. The ladles attended n theater party nnd upon their return at J1.30 were tendered a banquet , about 100 attending. The legulnr banquet was h ld nt the Hi own Pnluce at 9 o'clock , 2TO being present. President W. L. Jacques presided. nuiti.iu Conditions Tavornblo for Crops Kxicpt on the rnrltloi Const. WASHINGTON , Mny 8 The vventher bureau , In Its report of weather crop con ditions for the week ending May 7 , sajs the week was warm nnd the weather conditions were favoiable for growing crops In all sections cast of the Rocky mountains. The week was cool on the Paclllc const , except over the Intel lor vnllejs , where hot nnd dry wenthei proved unfavorable to liny , stain and pastures. There Is ample molstuie In the spring wheat region and In the states of the Missouri valley. There was a total absence of ralu In Cftllfoinln and only light showers on the Paclllc const. Theie Is a slight deficiency of i.ilnfnll In portions of Nebraska , Kansas and western Texas. In California , the seahon has been unusually dry , and the grains and pastures have been very much Injuied by diouth , but the north Pacific coast states ha\e been more favored , nnd there hns been a Might excess of niln- fall over Washington and Oregon since March 1. , DES MOINES , May S This week's ciop bulletin says : The past week has been generally favorable for crops All vegeta tion has been pushed rapidly ; small ginln and grass , vvjiere there Is a good stand , never looked more , promising oi the close of the Hist week In Mav. Good progress has been made In planting corn. Taking Uie state ns a whole , planting Is about one- half completed , and the conditions nre fa vorable for a good stand. An increased acreage of potatoes has been planted. * Cripple. Creek's Army Starts K.ist on tlio Missouri T < Hip. PUEBLO , May 8 At C 30 this evening ns an engine of the Denver & Rio Grande tall- road was taking coal , the fireman being oft the engine , It was suddenly surrounded by fifteen of the men under General Sandrs who came In Satuiday ns a Coxey bnnd. Tltey took the engine and ran It down to the Missouri Pacific yards , where theie were six peal cais that had been left there a short time before. The whole bind boarded these cars , and attaching the Rio Grande engine , stalled for the east nt a lively gall. Four miles out they met nn en gine which was coming In lor the purpose of taking out a passenger train , as all rollIng - Ing stock had been kept out of the town since the Cripple Cicek army arrived. The engineer icversed and Is keeping ahead of the Industrials. The latter stopped their train nt Boole and took coal and water. The engines passed Nesesta , going fifty miles un hour. The superintendent has an engine nnd car overturned In a cut at Olney so that the runawa > s cnn get na furthei than that point , and they may experience a collls'on. A train will start from Pueblo tit 10 o'clock with deputy marshals and thirty officers to oveitnke the band. The seizure pie- vented the movement ot United States malls. ' General SM cotlnnd Imprisoned ami IIU Com mand Scattered by 1'ollce. NEW YORK , May 8. Fifty-nine of the sixty Coxejltes who form General Sweet- land's Connecticut division of the army , arrived at the people's" party hcadqimtteis tonight. Police Superintendent Byrnes compelled them to abandon the inuich in a body from the Hailcin ilvor to East Tenth street , nnd to make kmatteis worse they had no commanding i officer , for General Svveetland was arrested by Captain Thomp son of the Ttemont station , where lie was confined for the night. The general In sisted on his rights as a citizen and wanted to fly the American fiag. The utmost Indignation was exhibited by the members of the people's party when the news was made known A meeting of the state committee Was at once held and if solutions expressive jot Indignation weio passed. The Central < Laboi union passed similar resolutions. The contingent will leave for Washington on Thursday. Tomoirow a mass meeting will be held nt the headquuiters of the people's party , und will bo addressed uy General Swcutlnnd after he Is teleascd und by other promlm-nt men. Attempt to AVrcck tbp Michigan I'cnltcn- ' tl try \\Uli lljminiltc. JACKSON , Mich. , May S.-An attempt was made last ovenlnu to blow up the prison with dynamite. As the convicts who were to be locked In the new west cell block were marching to their cells from nn evening meeting three of the con victs , Edward Huntloy. sent from Detroit for twenty > cars for .burglary ; John D. Mann , sent from Grand Iloplds for fifteen years for murder In the second degree , and Arthur Lawrence , sent from Eaton county for ten y ars for burglary , made a break from the ranks. One of them seized the guard and another sprang up Into a window and attempted to light a fuse con nected with a dynamite bomb. The alarm , vas given and Deputy Northrup and Cap tain Htono arrived In time to quell the dis turbance. Tha pilsoners were soon locked In their cells. The warden says there had been rumois of dynamite In the prison forever over a year , but no trace of It could be found , < JIXK" JJ/KS MiXr WKKK , Effort * to Secure n Commutation 1'ruiit rated by Numerous 1'ollco Olllclub ) . SYnACUSD , N. Y. , May 8.-Speclal ( Tele gram to The Bee.i-Fenrful that Judge Teller , counsel for ' 'Dink1' Wilson , who Is to dlo In the electric chair next week at Auburn for the murder of Detective James Harvey , might succeed In his efforts for a commutation to Imprisonment for life for his client , the district attorneys have today forwarded to Governor Flower some very damaging allldaxita not put In on the trial. They uro made by Policeman Maloney - loney of Niagara Falls , who had a fuslludo with "Dlnk'f and Charles Wilson at 3 o'clock on the morning after u burglary had just been committed ; William A. 1'lnk- erton of Chicago , seven ) policemen In Prov- IdencR and Chief of Police llarrlgan of St. Louis , all giving testimony of the reckless and desperate cnatacter of the condemned , and Thomas J. Urmsby of Omaha , L-lvlim a full and fearful history of the life and crimes of "Dink" and Charles Wilson. RATE WAR BECOMES SERIOUS Moro Western Ronih Show a Disposition t < Join in the Fight. MAY BADLY CRIPPLE COUNTRY DEALERS Frcali Meat nnd Lumber on the T.lnt thai Stood the Cut Mlnsottrl Iaclllo ( letting Into Deep Water Minor Rail road Matter ! ) . In connection with the rate on fifth clas : matter and under , made Monday by the Burlington to meet the cut In wcstboiitu tariffs , ns announced by the Union Pacific there was one significant feature of the Bur llngton's new rate overlooked , the questlor on fresh meat , which the B. & M. Indicated that on and nfter Mny 10 would be 15 cent" a hundred In car lots to nil Colorado common points , ns against 60 cents , which , has been the rate for n number of jenrs. At one tlmo In the history of Colorado lines It was 75 cents , but this was jcars ago. The an nouncement of this rate on the part of the Burlington ucnt cold shivers up and down the backs of the officials at Union Pacific headquarters , for It was a blow that landed Just about the cardiac region. The Im portance of this cut may bo understood when It means n saving of $70 per car between Omaha and Colorado common points. The announcement of the new tariff on the part of the Burlington came too late jcstcrday for the Union Pacific to get action , as As sistant General Freight Agent Wood desired to confirm the statement. Yesterday , however , the Union Pacific accepted the B.ur- llngton's new tariff and will put the same In effect May 11 , a day later than its ancient enemy. But the loss to the Union Pacific at these rates will be something tremendous In view of the fact that to Colorado and Utah points the "Overland" does half the haul In the packing house product , westboundr The rea son for this Is attributed by South Omaha packers to the fact that the Union Pacific brings into South Omaha large quantities of hogs and cattle and the only way to gel even Is to give the Union Pacific as much west bound business as possible. The startling nature of the cut does not end here , however , as lumber Is Included In the Burlington traffic , which quotes that commodity nt 13'/4 cents from Missouri river points , as against 18 cents , a 25-cent rate being made from Chicago , as ngalnst 3G cents. To add to the genernl contusion and the chaos that now exists In freight circles the Missouri Pacific announced that It would use the 13cent rate as a basis to be ap plied to Intermediate points In Nebraska and Kansas. There was a hasty conference of Burling ton and Union Pacific freight people to ascer tain what they had best do to protect the Interests of Interior lumber dealers , as well as protect the wholesalers and jobbers In this city. After some talk It v.as decided that the Interests of Omaha and Nebraska needed protection and for the piesent the Missouri Pacific will have to bear Its burdens alone. Should the Union Pacific and Bmllngton decide , however , to follow the lead of the Missouri Pacific and bring the Intermediate points In both states Into the fight It would moaUj heavy losses' to many.sinaH , dealers. " Many oTThe small lumlTcr yards are" carry ing big stocks nnd should , the rate to Inter mediate points bo made on the basis of 13'A cents per 100 It would practically ruin hun dreds of the merchant of the state. Hcre'n ' matters take on a serious character and the Missouri Pacific will have to ex plain very hard why It made such a rate. For the tlmo being matters nre In n stnto of rest , but the railroads have had a taste of fight nnd they all show n disposition to follow the Union Pacific to the end. Mr. Crosby , speaking to n Bee reporter , said : "Theio was only one wny to get this fight ended and that was to make a ruln- ousiy low rate on westbound fifth class and under , including fresh meat. For sixty dajs thcro has been more or less demoralization In freight rates , but the Colorado fight only developed during the past fifteen days. So far as following the Missouri Pacific In Its Intermediate lates It would bs bad policy to do so at this time. Wo have much more at stake than they have and It won't bo done unless It Is positively necessarj. Utah rates will not be affected , ns things arc very peaceable hit there. The length of tlmo the cut will remain In force Is a question for other roads to settle. We have bosn com pelled to protect ourselves and we put In the low rate to foico an issue. " Assistant General Freight Agent Wood of the Union Pacific remarked that Utah rates would hardly come down , although thcio was a growing uneasiness among business men In Salt Lake in consequence of the sjmpathy with Colorado. Mr. Wood , however - over , would not allow the statement to go uncontradlcted , that the Union Pacific did half or oven n quarter of the westbound packing house business. Ho was also In favor of keeping the fight from touching Intermediate points. CUT SQUARELY IN TWO. CHICAGO , Muy 8. ( Special Telegram to The Bee ) Westbound freight rates were put Into the hopper today nnd came out half their previous size. From Chicago to the MIssouit and from the Mississippi to the Missouri all class and many commodity rates were reduced an average ot more than CO per cent. These nro far more Important than those of 60 % per cent In Colorado rado , as they cover many times the amount In tonnage. But these reductions are by no means the end. The Alton contemplates corresponding reductions , castbouml , on many rates. If the Alton does not make the reductions within forty- eight hours some other line certainly will. It was a hard matter for freight officials to keep track of tlio situation yesterday. No attention whatever Is paid to tariff. In this kind of cut rate competition , the Atchlson , being in receivers' hands , was at a disad vantage. It took the only means of meeting the cut rates by Issuing , n tariff effective Mny 12 , announcing tlio wholesale reductions rated above. The reductions In chsa uites are to the following figures , Chicago to the Missouri river : 35 30 50 15 1214 15 12U 12'i ' 12i ! i : J From Mississippi rivet points to Missouri river points : B : 15 10 10 10 Vh 7'i 7'4 1V4 T4 Tj From Pekln and common points to the Missouri : 1 2'3 4 B AH CD n 25 20 15 12'i 10 ll'i 10 10 10 10 The enormous reductions will bo noted by comparison with the following present tariff rates to the Missouri : A n G n n 73 CO 42 30 25 30 25 10 H',1 ' 16 and the following present tariff rates from : ho Mississippi to the Missouri : A 11 COR K 41 32 25 20 22 > , 17j ( 15 12',4 ' 11 Other lines will meet these rates on May 12 and 13 , but It Is acknowledged on all sides that they nro not low enough to meet cur rent cut rates. There Is apparently no fig ure at which some of the lines will stop In their greed for business at any price. TUUNK LING POOL COU'APSUD. The cause of this unprecedented collapse In rates comes wholly from the failure of the Western Trunk Line pool to fulfill Us mis sion. The pool went Into effect March l.and anticipated a division of the traffic in prac tically all western territory between Chicago and the HocUlos , except on buMneus to Col orado. The agreement to maintain rates under the pool covered Colorado , however - over , and It was believed an era of firm rates would result. By the middle of March tt was manifest that rates to Colorado were almost as badly manipulated as ever. The Missouri Pacific was charged with leading In this demoralltatlon. When the figures were completed for the first uettlement under the pool the Missouri Pacific vvaa [ ound to have taken much more than Its ngreed share of the business. To the sur prise of other members It refused to timkc good the proportions of the other lines , This of course broke up the pool nt once , nnd the lilies began scrambling tor buslnus ! nt nny rate which would secure It. jAfi.v/itt : < ) 70 jiKKr.ir AT. I'.ivr. . Delegates of thn Brotherhood ( lathering home of HIM llnMnr i. ST. PAUL , May S. The natloml conven tion of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Kn- glnccrs will meet In this city on Thursday nnd already a number of delegates nro In the city. There are B29 delegites , nnd nearly all will bo present. The only grand olllccr to bo elected Is second assistant grand chief to succeed Hnvs , who Ins been put In charge of the brotherhood's Insur ance business. The other officers' terms do not expire for two jcirs. Relations with the lAmerlcnn Hnll\var union , federation of brotherhood men on different roads , nt junction points nnd a reduction of the alzo of the conventions In the Interest of econ omy , nro tlio chief matters to bo noted upon by the convention. The women's nu - Illnry meets on Friday PHILADELPHIA. May S The fifth an nual convention ot the National Textile woikers Is In session here with sixty-seven delegntes present. Iho convention lasts three da > s. The special objects to ho con- shlcied nro the shortening ot the hours of labor , the frfamlng of the national factory uiiojinti u ; o inotliRquiso | | | oil ) ptiu SMII ( wage rate on as high a basis as possible. ror non\ < ! /v / / / / ; .sir/1// . le ! | > ullle in rongrexsliiiml Committee MeetH ut ICiarni ) DIsLiissIng the. Munition KIUUNnY. Neb , Mav S-Spcclil ( Tele gram to The Bee. ) The congressional com mittee of the Sixth district met at the e-lty hall this cve'tilng. The meeting was called to orde-r by Chairman Matt D.iuiherty ; , nnd the roll call showed nineteen of the thlrtj- three commltteemen present. The next place of meeting was fixed at Broken Bow , nnd the time will bo set by the seorctniy nnd chairman , but It Is not to be loss than ten or inoie than twenty davs heftuc the meeting of the icpubllcan state convention After the committee vvns through with Its work , speeches weio made by John T Mal- Inlleu , Simon Ciitneion , Hon A. T Toel , Jnmes Whltehend , Commissioner Hum- phi ejs , Secietniy of State Allen and -Matt Oaughe-rty. A Ituffulo county Hcpub- llcnn League club was then organl7ed , with over -00 members. The entilemce tlng was a ginnd success , nnd republican enthusiasm Is nt white heat. John T. Mallallcu will probably get the full Buffalo coutttv dele gation , nnd was favorably mentioned bv all the commltteemen present Judge Klncnld of O'Neill , who Is a possible candidate * , was al o here looking afte-r his chnnces , together with Judge Wall ot Loup City. iitiA ry r.ni.viu : AT i > r. JOM/// . Schuster & CoV lndnlo ( 'lothlem , Com pelled tn Make an Alignment. ST. JOSni'H , May 0 A. N. Schuster & Co , wholesale dealers In clothing , and one ot the oldest houses of the kind In the west , made an assignment nt midnight. J. W. Walker of the wholesale firm of Steele & Welker , being named as assignee. It Is Im possible tonight to give the exact amount of the fnlluic , but It will amount to over $000,000 , The assets will more than equal the liabilities. Bad collections Is the cause assigned. The total amount of claims filed up to 2 n. m Is $ J" 5GSr > , and moie are be-lng Hied The principal credltoi Is the First National bank of Buchanan county , which has elalms filed amounting to over $150,000 The pilnclpnl claims are held In Baltimore , New York , Boston , Philadelphia and Chicago cage The Jinn did a business of over $1,500,009 annually , and was until n short time- ago considered one of-'tho-mosfBUb stantlnl In the west. Schuster turned over his entire estate- , including his homestead. nujxin itr Cnlob Miinson , roruicrlj of Xcbrankn , Coinex to a Sad Knil nt St. JOM ph. ST. JOSUPII , Mny 8 ( Special Telegram to The Bee. ) The body of Caleb Munsou was found In his little confectionery store this afteinoon. He hud been dead since .Sunday night. One gas burner was tinned on full. He went to the stoic Sunday night drunk , nnd In putting out the gas Is sup posed to have accidentally turned It on again. Munson foimeily lived nt Hum- boldt , Neb. His fortune was estimated at JIOO.OW ) , but thiough drink It dwindled away until he was forced to open a small store. Ho has four daughteis , all of whom once moved In the best society : Mrs. Nora Baxter , now living in Omaha , Jlrs Nettle McGiirf , Council BlufTB , and one living here. Another daughter disappeared two ycais ago. Munson was 70 years old. Ho will be burled In a pauper's grave. .KY 1)KAD. Gained Nation il Itepnto 'llirnugh Ills I'ain- < HIH Vlllt AglllllHt IIIII & liltlS DUBUQUn , Ma > S ( Special Telegram to The Bee. ) Je-sso P. Farley , for more than fifty yeniH a resident of Uubuque , and one of the most piomliient men In the north west , died here this moinlng , aged SI years. Ho was extensively engaged In ralhoad building In the early dujs , was three times elected major of Dubuqiic * . and held othei offices , lie gained national prominence * by his suit against Hill & Klttson of St. Paul for sevcinl million dollars as his share of the sale of the Gicnt Noithcin lallioad. , vi r.s Will Ilctlio fiom the 1111111111111 } Hall Man agement at Oiue , NEW YOUK , May 8 , lllclmrd Croker said today that the published report that he was going to rethe fiom the leadeishlp of Tammany Hall was collect. He could' not stand the strain. He had been tlilrty years In the hainoss , he said , and now wanted to test. About the turf he said : "leetlrlng fiom the tuif , that Is the last thing 1 Intend doing. While I want to get time to go on the tuif , 1 do not Intend to sell my stud. " Trout fur VVjoining Streams. CIIIYINNI : . wjo. May s.-Spccini ( to The Bee ) State Fish Commissioner Schnltser will transplant about 1,000,0 0 trout from the state hatchet y at Lnrntnlo to the Htteiumi of Wjoinlng th's season. The ap portionment has been made to the vat Ions eoliutlcs as lollovvs Albany county , 100,000 , liu anile , 1CKJ.OOO , Cm ban , b',000 ; Swoetwutei , 75,000 , I'lntn. 73,000 ; Coiive'tse , 75,000 , We > H- ton , 00,000 ; Niitronn. 75,000 , Johnson , CO.OOO , Sheridan. 00,000 ; Kiemont , CO.OOO , Crook , CO.OUO. Value of tliii IIIIU'H Property. CHHYUNNn. Wjo. , Mny 8.-Spcclnl ( to The Bee , ) Cliejenno'H assessed valuation this year Is $ .1,051,719. This Is a dcercuoc of $ lGS.r > 71 , us computed with the ussessme'iit of 16DJ. The lepoil of the government statistician for April shows that the Inereaso In the numbe'r of fat ins In Wioming from USO to 1890 , based on the tenth and eleventh cen suses , IH CS1 8 per cent , while the increase In the value was 113 * per cent. Narrowly ICntupcd a llorrllilo Death. LU8K , Wo. , Mny 8-Speclal ( to Thu Bee. ) Miss Mniy Mnshek of this city had a nnriovv escape from a horrible dentil while out horseback riding yes- terduy , The spirited unlmnl on which Rho was mounted willed to one Hide and tin * tldcr fell to the ground. Her foot caught In the stirrup nnd t-lio was dragged about 100 yaids before the ettap broke and re leased her. She vvcs suvetuly bruised. Movement * ) of Seagoing Vessoln , Muy 8 , At San Francisco Cleared Oceanic , for Yokohama and Hongkong , Departed Acapulco , for Panama. The schooner I'lo- neer , from Ban Marcos Island for Ban Francisco. It ) ut Cape St. Lucnn leaking badly and unable to proceed until repaltn are effected. At New York Atrlvcd-Greenough , from London ; Bohemia , fiom Hamburg ; Wues- land , from Antwerp. At Halifax Arrlvtd-Slberlun , from Glas gow. gow.At Liverpool Arrived Numldlan , from Portland and Halifax via Movlllc , At Glasgow Arrived Anchorlu , from New York. At Queenstovvn Arrived -Catalonia , from lioston. At Btemcn-Arlvcd Getta , from Haiti- more. At New York Arrlved-Ulbe , from IJrc- men. BOUND TO END THE STRIKE Pressure of Oircnmstnncos Indicates a Vic tory for the Men , OPERATORS WANT TO G.VE . UP THE FIGHT If tlio ronferemo Does > ot r.cntt to Kettle incut thi < nig Mine * Mill Itn blurted ut the Men'ft'Iernm Slrlko Mill spreading. CLHViLANI ) , May S. An officer of tlio Masslllon Coal Operators' association , who lias been traveling In the Ohio and Pennsyl vania fields for several days , s\M today that the IK ) ! conference which v\lll bo held In this city licit week will put nn end to the strlUu whether nn agreement Is reached or not. "There nro dozens of big operators , " ho said , "who have offered what the men ha\o ashed , viz The rate tlut was IKcd several vears ngo , v\hlch averaged about 70 ccntH. Jinny of them have the assurances of their men that they will go to work , whatever the result of the conference and tlio moment any , of the largo mines are put In operation the strike will bo broken " CHARLESTON. W. Vn , May S. The Kim- nwlm Coal Hxchange decided not to semi uny delegates to the national convention on the liitli lust , nt Cleveland , sivlng the ntrlko Is the work of tlio Ohio men and they must fight It out. A number of largo operators will soon close down for n long time. The Wlulfied men are now gfttlng the old wagon demanded Only two mines on the Chcsa- prakt > & Ohio In Kanuwha arc running. FltOSnil'ItO. Mil. , May S Contrary to the expectations of the most sanguine 1,000 miners , composing four mines , have sus pended woik. The plan of campaign on the part of the leaders Is to hold meetings from day to day until the mines In the reg.otm suspend They claim that by Tuesday next the trouble will end In their favor from a scarcltj of ccal In the market. CUMBL'ULANn , Md , May 8 The. new * from the West Virginia and Coal Creek Val ley coal reslon as It centers In Cumberland shows a restless spirit that reasoning may quiet or some unforsccn event may tlr Into troublesome activity. Iho news fioni 1'llc Gat don Is that but a small force Is working , not sufficient to successfully run the mines , but both the labor leadeis and the mining companies am hopeful of the result. PIllLLH'SUUHG. Pa. , May 8. rour hun- drel Phlllipsburg nnd Dcocher mlnein inarched from Phllllpsburg to Woodland , where there was a coal mine In operation. Thcj persuaded the men to throw down their tools nnd come out and were assured by the operatois that the mine would remain Idle until the other mines had resumed. Tha htrlkcrs me greatly encouraged by news from Mar } hind that nearly 900 men In that st.ito had gone out. Tlicie Is no truth In the statement that the operators of the Cen tral Pennsylvania region have offered tlm men the advance demanded It they would , return to wotlc and refuse to recognize the organisation SOUTH PlTTSnUIlO , Tenn. , May 8. The stiIking minors ntVliltvoll having been given notice to take their tools out of the mlno and to vacate the property , some oC them are leaving the to-vn In discussing the putting of convlctb Into the mines , KOIIIO miners threaten to blow up tliu dynamos nnd cut the topes , If this Is dono. Twj * * ? hundred convicts hnvo been put Into thi > * mines nt Tiacy City. SPRINGFIELD , 111. , May 8. President Orawford- - the- IllinoisMinn 'Workers'1 union has returned from Qlllcsplo and states that nt a meeting held there , GOO miners from Mount Olive , Qlcnarm nnd Staunteni were present , and they succeeded Jn Induc ing nil hut twenty of 1C5 men employed In the Consolidated Coal company's mlno nt Glllespie to go out. Crawford Is confl- dent that the differences between the opera tors nnd the miners will be settled soon and the miners ordered back to work at their own terms. DENVER. May 8. Efforts to bring about a general strike of coal miners In Colorado. Wyoming and Now Mexico hnvo failed. Soveial mlnos In the Trinidad district nro closed or woihed with reduced forces. The miners at Los Corrlllos , N. M , , have tc- fused to go out , nnd It Is expected that the strikers nt Blosburg , N. M. , and Starkvlllo , Colo. , will resume In n few days. In the northern Colorado district the miners have decided ngalnst striking. CONNELLSVILLTJ , Pn. , May 8. The Frlclc Coke company Is making a despernto effort to start Its works secretly , as It did dm Ing the great strike three years ago. It Is collecting men at all the works who are willing towork , and will start one slant at a time If this Is unsuccessful now men will bo brought Into the region , and In that event there will ho more rioting. The HtilkeiH at Hill Farm nro becoming desper ate and have posted notices on all the com- mny houses warning the men to Itcep away. The notices are hcndcd by a nkull nnd cross- JOIIOH , with the following written beneath In largo , led characters : "Death All men who do work at Hill Farm tomorrow , pre- pjro In meet jour God " BHA551L , Ind , , May 8. The scenes ot today were the most exciting slnco the commencement of tlm big strike , About 100 miners marched In line , headed by a jrass band , thiough Main street late this afternoon to the Nellie mlno nnd demanded that the mineis. Harry , Clnndo and Verne James quit woik. This they refused to do md It lookrd for n vvhllo as If a desperate iHht would occur , but the arrival of rc- Force of police pi evented the trouble. The James are stalwart men and walked to the center of the mob and told them they would work In splto of nil Intimidation. The > miners are organl/cd and claim they will force the James to quit work , consequently serious trouble. Is expected. The mine la ocated a short distance southeast of the cityPirrsnt'Iia. Pirrsnt'Iia. Kan , May 8 Advices front llfferi'iit shafts over this district liullcato n general suspension of work , with the ex ception of the Santa I'o. It Is n certainly .liut thn opcintors will not aecedo to the leinand of the miners , Minors from ( ha strike districts nt othei points nro coming oveiy day piupaicd to take tha place of tha non that go out. BIRMINGHAM , Ala , May 8. The prompt action of the governor In calling troopt .0 uiniH has smothered the Incipient tiot n tliu coal district , and today at least 200 icgro miners vveio put to work without ilndriinec. At Uluo Creek tlio Tcnnessco Coal , Iron and Railroad comiuny com- ntiKod tolct ! strikers. Six freight rnrt coineje'l ' the propcity of fiOO strikers away 'rom ' company houses. Those dUponsasxeil nro renti.ill/Ing nt Pratt City , vvhero the convict miners nro. ST JOSEPH. May 8. A special to the Dally News from Trenton , Mo. , says : Tlm coal miners of this city , 2r 0 in number , refused to go to work this morning , This strike Is In sympathy with the big itrlka of minors nnd was made ut the icquent of the district organization. ASHLAND. Win. , May K--At a lao * hour ant night the ilotous strikers found Mayor Huhbell and forced him to vvlthdrivv tha lammlsshms of the special poll to , who hail ) pqn appointed , they claimed , to take the strikers' places on the dock , Consequently thcro was no further trouble today , CHICAGO , May 8. A conference between jrlckinaUern anil their employers resulted in n settlement and thn strlko was declared off. Concessions weio granted on both stdea. About COO men were out , LEHICm , I. T. , May 8. William Bros : , proprietors of the stilp pit , broke their Momlso to Iho striking miners and again ommcnced loading coal yesterday morning , rho mon were at work today under a guard of a do/en United States marshals when 1,000 striking miners , headed by about COO women and a brass band and IfiO men heav ily armed , marched down upon them. Work men nnd marshals , seeing that It vvaa utterly impossible to cope with this force , offered no roaUtanco nnd the mon quit work. Tha entire procession left hero for Coal Guto , vvhoro they Intend to force all the Ktrlp pll tors there from working. CUNTON , Mo , May 8. The miners ot llroAiilimlon have gone on a strike. Thoio at Deepwater will go out when the KaniM miners str'k.e. '