MTIONOFOMAItt' ' Hay Opening with a Good Business and the Outlook Encouraging , JOBBERS GENERALLY ARE SATISFIED Btiilo llnnliK .11111(011 ( lixxl HIionliiK InTlirlr April HlulrmentH IVoplo PriirtlcIiiB Kroiimny UK i : lil < ncnl liy the Orowtli of Hunk Deposit * . The publication during the past \\cok of the statements showing the condition of the ntato banks has furnished an opportunity for studying the financial condllloni ns rep resented by the deposits In the savings banks. A glance at these statements will show that with the moit of the banks there has been n considerable Increase In the de posits since the statements published last September. Hankers appear to look upon the gain made In deposits as due to Increased economy on the part of wage earners. The great majority of the workers In Omaha , not In business for themselves , nro eirnlnj ? Jugl as largo salaries as they did before the cry of hard times was raised. It li claimed that the dull times hnvo had the effect of making thcso people more cautious In their expenditure- ! and that they are hiylng aside moro money than usual. Hence the savings banks are receiving money that n year or two ago would have been expended for the luxuries or comforts of life nnd thus gene toward swelling the volume of the retail trade of the city. The demand for money from the savings bankn has been rather light for some time past. This may bo due to the fact that people are not dohng much nt the present time In the way of buying or Improving real estate. It may bo duo partly to the number of nmall loans made last summer by people who bccamci suspicious and took their money out of thd banks. The accumulation of money In the savings hanks by people who have not been accus tomed to practice strict economy , while It means a temporary loss for the retail trade , usually redounds to the best Interests of the city In the end. People who find them selves possessed of a few htiridred dollars of idle money nro very apt to put It Into real estate nnd build for themselves n home , thus adding to the permanent wealth of the city. TI1C JOBBING TUAUn. The Jobbers of Omaha In certain lines nt least nro doing exceedingly well. Some houses , na , for example , those In the grocery and dry goods lines , report that the volume of business Is holding right up to last year's record , nnd n year ago at this tlmo the jobbing business was considered exceedingly good. Thq hardware Jobbers report a fair trade , wlli | .the coal strikes as the chief disturbing factor. Iron men claim that n continuance of the strike for any great length of tlmo will render the market prac- llrally bar i of some lines of hardware , of ivhlch there Is no surplus on hand. The prospects in the country are all en couraging nnd business men generally out through the stnto appear to bo antlclpitlng a good year for business. The spring has opened favorably for farm crops of all kinds nnd there Is promise of a largo acreage , AVlth a reasonably favorable season from now on there Is every reason for a feeling of confidence In the business outlook. Trade In the states and territories west of Nebraska continues rather dull nnd they nro no longer the Inviting Held for Jobbers that they ivero In the days when silver was being mined to the fullest extent possible. BANK CLKAHINOS. Omaha's bank clearings of the past ivcck BUOW a decrease of 30 per cent , as com pared with the corresponding week last year. \Vhllo this Is not as good a showing as was madoon sonic previous weeks , it Is not bad as compared with other cities In the west and northwest. Thus , Milwaukee shows a decrease of G3 per cent , Minneapolis 43 per cent nnd St. Paul 30 per cent , which would epem to Indicate that Omaha is more pros perous In a business way than the cities to the north. Sioux City , which at one time was looked upon as a commercial rival of Omaha , exhibits total clearings for the week amounting to less than the average clearings at Omaha'for a single day. As to the cities south of Omaha , Kansas City makes a some what better showing , the decrease nt that point being only 27 per cent. At the same tlmo St. Joseph falls behind Omaha with n decrease amounting to 33 per cent. There are very few cities In the country that show nny gain In the matter of clearIngs - Ings , and none of the largo cities The following will show the clcirlngs at this point for each day of the pist week. Monday . . . . $ 83S.98230 Tuesday . . . 823,078.80 Wednesday 822,702 OS Thursday. . 878,838 78 Friday 917,328 CO Saturday. . . 752.915 OJ Total $3,035,875 58 AH DUN SIiS ! IT. Trndo In Omnium * Good us the Times \ Variant iant Any In Kvptitlni ; . "Money Is plentiful at all the banks , " said Mr. y. H. Hobcrson , manager of U. Q. Dun & Co. , yesterday. "Business In whole- tale lines Is on I to good nnd retail dealers say the week has been nn Improvement upon Its Immediate ) predecessors. "A few warm 'days In the sparing stimu lates buiiness In all lines and the generous rains throughout Nebraska have awakened In the country merchants a new hope. Crop prospects hnvo never been better at this sea son of Vho year , farmers nro consequently confident of a good crop and Nebraska mer chants and business men generally enjoy life when ciopj are good. "Thero Is no special feature of trade this week upon which to dwell. Things nro movIng - " * Ing along quite ns satisfactorily , generally speaking , as the troublous times warrant us In expecting. The feeling remains , however - over , that It will bo many months before health "will bo fully recovered In circles. "Business men In Omaha do not fully ap preciate the value of the Commercial club to this community. They are not giving Its oxeciltlvo odlcers quite as hearty support as they deserve or tlio Intercuts of Oimilm require. The city of Omaha needs the full force of all the public spirit her citizens can muster Into a single strong organization , and it Is necessary that tha Interest of this club Ia maintained through all weathers. Every man of business In Omaha should attend Tuesday night's meeting of the club. "Tho executive committee of the club has not yet followed out the suggestion for a bu reau of promotion. The mlsfortuno which overtook a local factory last week affords an opportunity for Just such a bureau to do the club , the factory nnd the town a sorvlco. I do not know whether the owners of the In- Btltutlon destroyed by flro need any asslst- anco or * not , but It would bo a moat gracious and helpful thing- for sonio authorized com mittee to go to the young men nnd say to them that their efforts to build up a man ufacturing enterprise are appreciated and If they need any temporary aid In recovering their ground lost by the disaster It will bo forthcoming. "Perhaps It Is Improper to criticise * the action of the constituted authorities In Wash ington In handling the Coxey matter , but the sentiment among business men Is that the arrest of Cotoy and his lieutenants Is an advertisement which docs the prisoners no harm nnd the country no good , " 8NO\V , ClllMtllll & CO.'H VIi\VS. lliuy r rmitrs thn Urst 1'oiHllilo ( lunrnntiui1 ot I'uiuro Protjicr ty for Nrhraiku. Albert Andrlano , local superintendent for Bnow , Church & Co'a , mercantile agency , writes : "A trlirthrough the state of Nebraski will""convince the moat skeptical that tht > business outlook for this part of the country U brighter at prsjcnt than at nny time for the list ulna months. Farmers are busy , and the soil U In the best possible condition Country merchants are not doing very much for this reason , tnit are contldcnt that every thing U getting Into excellent shape for a largo fall trade. Merchants now generally concede u alight Improvement In trade , ant ] thuro U Ilttlo doubt that tha tide haj turned. Whllo the labor troubles ami Com monweal agitation are freely discussed , they seem to have little effect on builnesa In tba small towns ' At Omaha and Lincoln jobbers in most lines seem reasonably well satisfied with the business of the week. Grocers state that trade la fair and shown signs of Improve ment , and dry goods and hoots and shoe men volco the name sentiment. The dry Koodu business for the month just closed was satisfactory to a degree , showing a material Increase over the corresponding month of last year. It seems that business In this line la keeping up remarkably well , and , although the first four months oT tha year nhow a smaller amount of business than for the same period of 1S93 , the trade has certainly exceeded expectations. The total amount of sales Is smaller , but the number of orders Is lirgcr. A feature of the business nt Omaha Is the largo number of now customers that jobbers have placed on their books this season. With a revival of trndo this will materially Increase the business at this point. Ono house nlonoreports 200 new accounts opoicil within the last few months. Most of those concerns have only placed small orders thus far , but with the resumption of business , the mere In- crciso of their orders will swell the volume of trade to n considerable extent. In hard ware and furniture there Is Ilttlo change , nnd business Is only fair. Collections arc few and generally small. Banks nro mak ing few loans and there Is little apparent Inclination to borrow. Merchants generally seem satisfied with n fair business , n gradual Improvement and the hope of a good fall trade. This , In fact. Is all that could he reasonably expected The tariff question will probably be disposed of some time In June , nnd there Is every Indication that the labor troubles In the east will soon be settled. "In summing up the situation , It Is safe to say that the general condition of affairs Is better than It has been , the tone Is firmer nnd moro hopeful , nnd prospects good , but while this Is In the main true , there 1s still much cause for unrest. With every Indication pointing to a settlement of the labor strikes , the name are as yet on and thousands of men out of work , the tariff Is still hanging flro nnd the Coxey movement stirring up bands of unemployed throughout the country. "Thcso are the main factors of disturb ance In the present sUto of trade , and It Is to bo hoped that their speedy settlement will remove the last Impediments to n rapid revival of business throughout the country. " C'oITi n Market. Ni\V YORK , Mnj B COrmn Options opened dull and unchanged to S points lower , hut Inter mlvnncdl on a little demand nnd closeil stenly at SfflO tinlntft net nchnncp , piles. 1,750 lings. In cluding Mny , JII.'O. Juno. J1120. July , 11110 , AtiRURt , HITS ; feptolnbpr. JH 411J1I M. ni > ot , ilull , No. 7 , $1675 ; mild , Imrcly Bleidy ; Conlovn. J19 00 19 2.1 WnrchoUfe deliveries yentenlny at New York. 5.401 Unas , New York stock loiliy. 178800 IUK * : United Stnles stnck. 239.W8 lings ; nllo-U for the United Sinter. 187.000 Inns , total \lallilo miiiply for the Unltul States , 12G 008 IIIKS , against 410 4S1 bigs Inat > cir. HIO Ii : JANHIHO , Miy B Mirket quiet ; quotations nominal , none Riven ; exchange , 9V1 ; receipts. 2000 lmKnr slock , 101.000 Ings HANTO4 , Mny 5 Mnrltet quiet , good nvemsto Snnlns quoted at 113 ; receipts , 1,000 lings , stock , 2C 00) 1mu-s HAMIKMtO Mny G Mnrket stenlj ; prices un- clmnced to > i ? V4 pfg. lower. LONDON , Mny B Market unchinged 11AVUK , Mny 5 Mnikct Irregtilnr , sales 21003 b-igi ; Mny , 'if higher ; other months un- chnngcd to VJf lower. London \Vlicat Murlcct. LONDON. Mny B The weather has lieen most favorable nnd crops me doing well The w.ient imrket continues to decline nnd la mcslly Id ti > Cd down This Is ciuneil liy the weiknew In America , Inrgo suppllis nnd poor deniind. La I'Inta nnd Hussmu sellers were nn\loti * to operate. Amtrlc-xn red w lent AMIS pre ii-d foi snli ? . Imllnn wns slow. California prompt de livery was quilted nt 71s. IteJ winter pTrc ls , prompt dillvcry , wen * quoted nt 22i. riour wns dull nnd hnrd to sell Supplies fmni Amerlci were Inrge , the best miik-i belnjr 2i to 2s below Inst jenr. Ono lot of Minnesota bakers sold at from 75s fid to lit JHIrc was dull , cnsy nnd 3d lower. Mixed Amerlcnn vvns relatively high. May delivery lining quoted at 17s M. IJirley vi ns quiet nnd ca j , with liberal offers. Oats arc dull nnd weaker. Dnlutli lie-lit Market. DULUTH , Mar B AVIin.VT Close : Hns > : No 1 Inid. cnsli , CJcirMny , f2o : Inly , Mo , No 1 northern , cash and Ma > . Clc , Juls , C2c ; Septem ber , Cn.c , No 2 northern Lish , 57V5c , No. 3. 51c , rejected , 45V5c , on track. No 1 northern , to arrive , C2Vic 1'LAX OATS No 2. SV&r ; No. 3 white. 33e. Car Inspection today : Wheat , 20 curs ; corn , 8 cars. SHIPMENTS Wheat , 14,200 bu ; corn , 11,720 bu. Liverpool Mar tots. LIVnrtPOOL , May B WHEAT Quietdc - mnnd poor ; holders offer mc lentelj ; No. 1 California. 4a llVidQjs Id ; red western vUnttr. COKN Quiet ; demand poor ; No 2 mixed. 3s ad PROVISIONS Beef , extra Indli mess. 8Ss Cd. Pork , prime mess , 73s id. Itacon , long and short clear , 55 Ihs , 33s Cd ; long , 45 Iba , 24s Cd Inrd , prime western , 38s 9d HUTrnu I'lrm ; finest. SOa ; good , COa. Hilfar Market. LONDON , Mnv n SUC1AH Haw , very strong ; fnli rcllnlng , 2 7-lCc ; centrifugal , OS test 2c ; iales , 2. > 0 tona Antlgnn Muscovntlo , 2 7-loc , ex- ship. , 800 hhds. Porto Ulco Muscovado , 2 7-10e , ix-shlp ; refined , llrm LONDON , Mny 5 bUtlAR Cune , centrifugal. Javn. llsSil ; Muscovmlo. fair ruining , Hi 3d. \\ool .Market. ST. LOUIS , Mny 5. WOOL Steady to firm , with quotations unchanged. VERDICT ABOUT ODD LEGS. A Jury Declines toMuko a Itnllrouu Pay for ll Llnili .Shot IrlKMl In a Siimshtip. Expert testimony frequently brings out un expected facts. In a suit for damages against a railroad , tried In Blnghamton , says the Now York Sun , the plaintiff , whoso right leg wns Injured In n smash-up , put forth the claim that on his recovery the Injured leg \vas shorter than It really ought to bo , on account of which he demanded extra damages. Ills physicians testified to the truth of this , nnd two pairs of trousers , made for the plaintiff after the accident , were exhibited , In each of which the right leg was longer than the left. In reply coun sel for the defense sot forth that the point should not bo considered for three reasons : 1. That It was a common thing for men to hnvo legs ot unequnl length. 2. That they suffered no Inconvenience thereby. U. That previous to the accident the plain tiff's legs had not been mates. To prove the first and second points , phy sicians from the Blnghnmton stain hospital were called as experts , and they testified that in the measurement of patients they frequently found n dlfferenco In the length ot the legs , and that unless such discrep ancy wnscry considerable , the men are not Inconvenienced In any respect and frequently were unaware of such dlscropany. Ono of the doctors being asked If he could think of any circumstances under which n slight dif ference In the length Of a man's legs would result In trouble for the owner , replied after deep thought ; "If a man with legs of unequal length were lost on the open prnlrlo or In any other largo space with no landmarks to go by , the longer leg would outwalk the shorter and the man would travel In a circular direction. Such cases hnv been reported. That Is the only supposition that occurs to mo. " rinally , as proof of the last point , the do tense called tha plaintiff's tailor , who pro duced old measurements for the plaintiff's troupers , taken before the accident , nil of which showed to the evident surprise of the plaintiff that his right leg had always been a fraction of nn Inch longer than his left. The Jury , not believing the likelihood of the plaintiff's getting lost on a prnlrlo as worthy of cons'dcrntlon , declined to take Into nc- count this cruel Inequality , and gave a vor- dlct for damages covering Only the time lost during the healing of the Injured member , TIII : UUAI/TV MAUKKT. INST1WMBNTS placed on record May G , 1S94 : WARRANTY DI3EDS. I'eter Peterson nnd wife to George Koch , vv H lot 10 , block 3 , llrooklliif.J 1 John YerovpUy und vvlfo to Frunk Necll , e Vi of mlddlo Vi lot 2 , block II. Kountze'd lid lulil 1,500 A I * HcmlilckRon to James Ilcndrlck- son , lot 3 , block 77. South Omaha. . . . 2,000 iHino Wilt nnd wife to Hciuy Mis * feldt , BO 3-16-11 1 Henry Mlxfeldt nnd vvlfo to L G Wilt , same' . , 1 II M Polley to I , II Nevvklrk , lot 19 , block 117 , Dundee I'l.ico 100 H A Cobti and wife to C A Mnurlco et nl , lots 3. IS , 16 nnd 10 , nnd undlv 21- 37 lotn 13 nnd II , HIIUIilu UeHerve. . . . D.7SC A II Wllcux to A K Shoenfeldt , lot 20 , Hurt's gubdlv , 1 QUIT CLAIM DKED3. 1) W P Smith nnd wife to I M Corn- stock , lot A ) , block 117 , Dundee I'lnc 1 f K Kuhs to K B l-'tth . lot 8. block II. Hansoom i'lnce , niul 11 V ? lot 3. blocK S7 , South Omaha 1 DKBOS , Sheriff to J N Drown , c H lot 1. block 1 J , Omuh.l 6,333 Total amount of transfers. . . , . , , . , . $11,7.5 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Email Clearances for tha Week Checked the Bullish Fooling. THERE WERE FAVORABLE CROP REPORTS Thin Was Another IVnturo of the Depres sing IntliiiMiefft In Spccnliitlvu ( Irnlit Market * niul Ono ( Iciienitly Credited by Traders. CHICAGO , Mny C. The report today of only 3,000,000 bu. ns the amount of clear ances of wheat for the \vcek from the At lantic and Pacific coasts checked the bullish feeling. The first prlco nt the opening for July wheat was * 4c below the closing on Friday. Some of the recent heavy short sellers had orders In the pit to buy at the opening , and , owing to their purchases , there was a lively rally to from C0c to COVic. As soon ns the buying stopped the original bearish Influence under which the market opened reasserted Itself and the prlco quickly fell off to GOc. Favorable crop reports Induced more short selling and the prlco fell off to G9lc. There was only ono sale at the latter flgurc , and the price varied but Ilttlo until the close , which was at COc KG below Friday's closing. The receipts of corn vvcro only 1G9 cars nnd the shipments 261,000 bu. The liberal shipments ga\o the market a good scndoff , July starting ic { , higher than the close yesterday. The weakness which developed In wheat took the stiffening out ot corn and the prlco sagged off gently from 39c to 39Vic , recovered again to 39 } c and re mained between 39Vic and 39c during the remainder of the session. The close wns the same as that of Friday. The same strength In the May oats mar ket was still visible today , but not In so great proportion. The market closed near the highest prlco of the day , or at an ad vance of % c over yesterday's last quota tion. tion.The The provision market was subjected lo a slight raid , which knocked 17Vic off the opening price of July pork , Gc from July lard nnd 2Vfcc from July ribs. Pork recov ered 7V c fror- the lowest figure through prollt taking by shorts , nnd lard touched a point 2V c below the close. Hlbs closed at tha lowest flgurc. Estimated receipts for Monday : Wheat , G3 cars ; corn , 15Lcars ( ; oats , 193 cars ; hogs , 25.000 head. Tlio leading futures ranged as follows : " "AftlelcH. Open. Who it , No. 2 Miv July no Sipt U196 Corn No 'J. . Miv .ISM S7M 37ISO1S July. , . . . . .Ifl'l Sept 40H OilH No. 1 ! . . Mny .T5M nsu June1 . . . . HIM Jnlv .IIIK .IOM .11) ) Si-pi 23KOH Poik per bbl M iv . . . 12 .VJL 12 3'JW 12 I2 ! ( , Jnl ) li ! B7J. 12 B7 12 10 12 174 Lard,100Ibs M.IJ 7 no 7 I7 7 BO July 7 ! ( > 7 I'M 7 15 Sept 7 20 7 15 Short Ulbs- Miy 0 52 Julv 0 47a ! 0 y bept 0 40 Cash quotation ! ) were as follows : rLODIl .Slow nnd prlcis baiel } Hteid ) . \ HEAT No 2 spring. 5c , No 3 spring , G2WVKJ. No 2 red , 5Sc. CORN No. 2. 3Sc OATS No 2. 3.'ilc ; No 2 white , 25'i037c , No 3 white , SJ'fSueiC. . H\E No 2. 4Gc. HAHLEY No 2 , nominal ; No 3 , GlffSSc ; No. 4 , 50ff"c. PLAX SEED No 1 , 1 31. TIMOTHY SEEI-PiIme- 23. PROVISIONS Mess pork per bbl . J12.47U5H 12.50 , lard , per 100 Ibs. J7.471. 7 52' ; short ribs. Bides ( loose ) JO Wtft 57'j ; dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) . J8WSJG2" , ; short clear sides ( boxed ) , { 0 87HW7.12'i. WHISKY Distillers' flnlihcd goods , per gal. , SUGARS Unchanged. The followniff vvero tlio receipts ana for ted iy : On the Prodtico oxcliaiiKq todiv the butter mir- ket was vxeik : creMinery , UCdllic , dairy , 10.JJ1 Ic. , dull niul low ci nt llj c. M\V YOltK UKNKKAIj MAllKKT. Vostcrdiiy'H Quotations on riour , Grain anil Provisions , .tlotnlx , ite- : . 'NEW YORK , May B PLOUn-Recelpts , 20- 300 bbls ; exports , 2.600 bills. ! sales , 3WO pkgs ; market dull nnd weak , and In the absence of nny demand prices are nominal , with the tendency downward , city mills , patents , $123 ® 4.30 , winter patents , J3 23JJ1 10 ; city milt cl-ais , J3 G,1 > jJ3 GO ; winter straights , J2C00301 , Minne apolis patents , $340ff390 , winter extras , J2 CO ® 2.50. Minnesota bakers , JJ.1003 40. winter low grades , M M2 03 ; spring low grades , )1 C@l f5 , spring extras. Ji80i230. rje Hour , steadj ; su- pe--lnc | , $250iJ83 ; fanc > , J2 83@3 Oo , buckwheat Hour , nominal , HUCKUHL'AT Dull ; range on nil grades , CS l73c. CORN MHAL Stendj ; jellow western , J2 G38 > 2.70 : llrnndvwlne , $270 RYl Dull nnd nominal ; car lots , 5ie > 32c. lioat loads , C50Wc. ! HAHLiY Quiet ; No 2 Milwaukee , C5fflC7e , ungraded westein. & ) WC3c. HAHLHY MALT Quiet , western , C5S3c ; six- row eil , 80 < J83e. WHEAT Receipts , 2,800 bu. ; exports , 81.100 bu , sales , 281,000 bu futurts and 10 000 bu. Biot. | Spot market \ery dull ; No. 2 ITK ] , In stoiu nnd elevator , CO'.e , nlloat , ( i- e , f o. b , oJc. Options opened easier on dlrappolntment ovir the weekly exports and perfect weather In the winter wNcit belt , nnd later yielded to free local offerings , the close being weak ; some rcpoits came In about sted rotting In tha north west : a big decrease Is expeetid In local stocks , No 2 renl , May. closed at COTsC. July , CJ ll-lotf 03'5c ' , closing nt G2c ; heptembrr. Gt'sWO'ie' , closing nt Cl'4c ; Diccmber , Gb floySsC. clos ng nt fiSliC. CORN Receipts , 19,500 bu. . exportu , 10 2 bu ; salts. 40,0 ( ) < ) bu. futures and 2i,0m ) bu. spot hpot tnnrket dull and easy. No. J. 44e In ile- vator. 43o alloit , steamer inlxtsl , 12' jc , nominal Options opened about slend > , but nfteiwa-ds rased off with wheat nnd closed wc.ik lit UWliC net dicllne ! May closed at 4JiC. Jul ) , 4I , W IS e , closing nt 44T c OATt > Hecelpts , 3I.MO bu. expoits , 200 bu.j cnles , 50.UOO bu. futures und 41 ( WO bu spot. Spot market dull. No. 2. 41 > , o. No. 2 delivered , 4J'lc ; No. 2 white , 414 Jic , No 3 white , lie , trae'k , mixed vvtstern. 4IWI.'u ; track , white western , 4JlMOc , track , white state , 42 < Ulfic Options were steadier ut Hint , but later re acted with the other markets and closed about stradj ; May , SJiM'JWe. closing nt 39a ; Juno Uosed nt 38Vle. July. 3I O35e\ closing at 37i c. HAY Stfody ; shlpp ng , JO OOfiG 50 ; good to choice , J70HUIW. HOPS Dull ; slate , common to choice , " 9ffll7c , Pncllle coast , I2(18c. lUUKS-QuItt , wet salted New Orleans selecteil , 43 to 63 Ibs , 4h f5c ( : Tex is sult'd , 31 to 50 | ln , 43c ; Iluenos Ajies , drv , 2D to SI Ibs. lo'iiflle. . Li ! VJ Mint Inactive , hemlock sole , lluenus Ayres , light to heavj , IG lOc. PROVISIONS lleef. steady ; fnm'ly ' , J1201W I3.U ) ; extra mess. 17 50(78 M ) ; beef Imms. IIS ; eltv extra India mess. IIS iw ioo ) Cut me its. llrm , pIckUM K-llles , J7i W | i ; pickled shoulders. G'ic. pleklixl Imms , J0ip. I ml , steady : wesleiu steam closed at 17,8.1 , Mny closed nt $7.S3 nom inal ; July. > 7u ) , retlned , quiet , comlmnt , Jso , compound. GWGViC. PoiK. dull but stealj : now mess. 113 73frl4 00. extni inline. JIT . ' 3tri3 30 , fdmllr. ll WWIVW , short clear , t4 ! WlilO ) . COrCON SUIM ) Oil. Quiet ; prices more or leas nominal. The stock of oil In tlio United States Is estimated nt 130,001) bbls. Pilma crude1 , l > bl . J9Si3 > ) c : prime crude , loum > , Iift.'lo , off crude , HftAot butter grades , 3tf35c , prlmo vummer > eljw | , 33c ; off ummcr > ellow , 31c ; prime summer white , 3 W37c. IHTriJIl Steart > : western dairy , 1013c : west ern creamery. 131 l7c ; western factory , U'jWllc ; niglns , 17e ; slate elaliy , l-'iilTc : state creamery , 13tfl7e. ClinilSH Steady : itnto large , O OlHic ; small , 9 < Urlo\u ; imrt klni . J'.ifr'jeic ; full nklms 21i > 3f. IGGS : MaiKet qtiltt : state and IVmui Ivnnl i , lie. wentern fiesh , 10'-jUHVic ; Kuuthvrn , 9iOa ; receipts. 4 K)7 ! ) pkgs. TALLOW-IiiHler : city ( per pkg ) . 474ff5c , country ( pkgn. free ) , M)5' c. ns lo iiuallly , PirrltOLlH'M-Stvndy , Untied , cloned. SitiQ bid. Washington , bbls. , \Vashlnulnn , bulk , W5fl ; rellned New York. 3 15 ; Phlladt Iphlu , J5 10 ; Philadelphia , bulk , II.GO ROSIN hle'ady ; slnilncil , common to good , $1 17HU1 20. Tl'lll'r'NTINi : Quiet and steady ; 298i4c. RICK Steady ; domestic , fair to extra , 4MfCc ; , . MOI\rWP Slendv : Ne-w Orleuni , open kettle , goo < l f choice fitflGc. PIG UtON-Qulet : American , 111 WMJII.75. COPPKR-Qulel. lake. 9 > 4e. LUAI ) Uul t , doinentlc , J3.M. TIN Nominal ; plates , market dull. Spelter , nominal. * Minneapolis \Vlienit Market. MINNEAPOLIS. May 5 The wheat market opvnetl with mine llrmnena thla morning at a small fiucllon bUhcr Ihnn the clnui of list night far July und nt tha sumo price fur beplrmbrr. The deniind was not verv iirtlve nnd * > rlek * * < 1e- cllnnl fnmi the Hr t anil fell about U ° lJ tr there wan aomo llltlu demand , and pilcv * picked up. tlnully cloning with ciuh wheut t Ihe lama n ure 04 ) cater Juy , May the eamc. Jnlv HO lower , nnd Ssptemtxr H < * towor. May , 60'Jf , July , i Boptrmlwr. oKfSlm track , No. 1 hnrd , No. 1 northern Ko ; No t northern , HecelptA , 178.004 VVl ) shipments , 31,000 bu. Crop reports were BBneriyly natlsfnctory , which. with the xmnll ilcnmnd caused the vvoiKnvus In the market. There won 'ni.flecreitse of about 151- 00) bu. In public elfYAIiiti stocks for the week ending today , about ItH.OH ) bu , liut week The Hour market wn < iul t and prnctlcnlly un > changed , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I.ocnl rrndiim .Market. HUTTIIR There * I * noUv < > ry much butter com ing , but at the name Hup HIO demnnd In not very heavy , und the market1 ifpon the whole l not overly nctlve. As jet ibcre H III lie imw of grn s Separator Mennirj 19020e , cxtm fancy country. iSBlGe ! cholen Muntr ) . lilfllc ; packing stock. ,01 ' ' KCU1S The mnrkPt Jmsmnt show n much change during the past day ortwit. . Uoml clean Mock Is going Kcncrnll ) nt Je' Hlnce the ruins then' have been n gold in my dirty eggs nrrlvlng.whlch with tb < > secomls nell at 71WSo ( LIVi : POI'LTHY The nrrlvnts nro almul eqinl to the ileinind an 1 lhi > market Is alMiut stndv. Ilen , Glf'c ; old roosters , 3flCc , eprlng chickens , 3 00 4 M. O A Mil- The season Is sj far advanced that gnmn In no longer vvrtnted. ViAITh < nnlvals nre heavy , and It Is not nullo so easy In keep the market cleaned up ns II was a few da > s ago. ( lood , fat \tnls , GljVe , thin or beav > , 3gr > c. PIOUONS Ibeio Is n demand foi old pigeon" . but ioung blnls that nrc not strong on the wing are not wanted. Old birds , per doz. , t.231.50 ! HEANS The market U firming up nil over the country. Neither Ihe demand nor supply Is very heavy at thin point. Cillfornla hand-pick % d mvvy. I2.0W2.10 : western navy. Jl "Mfl SO , com- man while beans , ( I r > ogi.75. ONIONS Old onions nn > n thing of the past Now southern onions nrc quoted nt K 5) ) per Iwx. There are n few llermudas still on hand at 13 per bushel. Top onions nre > plenty nt 25ft30o on orders POTATOES There does not appoir to be very many potanes of anj kind on the imrkct. The supply IH coming mostly from Utah and Colorado rado , which stock la quoted at SOcWJl 0) per bu There are some stray earn coming from 'Wash ington and Idaho There nrc new nmlhcrn potatoes In the market , which arc quoted at $ fl per bbl. CAI1IIAOE Plorlda cabbage , per crate , $2.23. CELERY Nona In the market. ASPARAOUS Good home grown Block U abundant at 2 > c per doz. on orders PIE PLANT Homo giown pie pHnt la be coming plenty at 2Vic. TOMATOES Plorlda Block of good color Is quite plenty nt $1 00fj > 3 50 per crate of six bi'kets. OREKN VEOETAHLESplnnch , per bbl , > 225 , radishes , per dor , 30e : lettuce , per dox , SlfHOc , cucumbers , $1 10 , paisley , pel doz , 300l3c ; turnips , per doroc. . carrots pr do ? , GOc , beets , per doz , 7f3'c ; string beans , per M-lm box , $1.25 , water cress , per case 1C boxes , $1 75@ 200 , squashes , per bu , $2 PR U ITS STRAWHERU1FS The greater portion of the stock wns In bad shape again Stock suitable for shipping went nt $1 23 1 50 CHEIUUHS A few Callfornli cherries bave ar rived and sold at I ! 50 per box The fruit arrived In good condition , but VVIIH rather small In size. TROPICAL PRUITS. HANANAS-Per bunch $2 00 2 SO LEMONS Pancy lemons , 300 size , $1. fancj lemons 30) size , $3.75. choice lemons , SCO size , $3 50 In ten-box lots 25c per IKIX less. ORANC.ES Washington navels r,1 17Cs 200s , $ .175 , Washington navels. 9Gs , 112s , $323 : Wash ington navels , 12Gs , $350 , Mediterranean sweets , $31) PIO4 Pancy. per Ib . 15c HATES Hallowecs , C5 to 70-lb bores , per Ib , PINEAPPLES Large , per doz. , $3 00ff3.23 , small to medium , per doz , $ . ' 'fi MISCELLANEOUS HONEY Choice white clover , 15c ; California , ICc , bark honey , 12i fil3c ) MAPLE SYRUP Gallon jugs nnd cans , per doz , $1250 , half gallons. $ C 60 MAPLE SUOAH Per Ib , lOc NU TS Chestnuts 13c per Ib , Itnllin chest nuts IJJJlSc , .ilniouds ICc , English walnuts. 12c , nibcrts lie , pee ins , large 1314c | , pecans , me dium , JOr , Ilrazll nuts , lie SAUERKRAUT Per lihl , $1 , Imlf bbl , $225 CIDER Pure Juice , per Jilil , $ G. h ilf bbl $1 23 Oregon , per bbl. $4 GO. Jialf bbl. $273 , clarified elder , per bbl , $150 , halt bbl , $275 PUJISJV HEAR-No 1 black , ,1n&e , JJO 0 > ft23 00. me dium , $1" , . small. $ SOOlflFOO ( black jenrllngs Hrge , $120001500 medium i $10. small , $7. blaek cubs large $ ( , ODJjlS 00. medium , | jOOfii > ( M , small , $4. black Montana and Rock > mount tin. large. $18 OW2J IX ) . niedlum , $ ll.small , $10 , black Mon tana ) ca lings large , $12. medium. 8. smill , $5 , black Montana cubtii large , $ u 50 , meillum $1 GO , small. $3 , silver tlPc large. $20. medium , $12 ; small. IS. silver tl | > yearling * large , $11 , medium , IS. small , IS , HllviT tip cubs , large. $ i ° > , meillum , $450 , small , J3t hrovui , large , $20 C0fj > 2"iOO : tut ilium , $1C , smill , $1. . yeirllngs. large , S10 0)ifJtJ 00 , medium , $85 small , $ C ; cubs large. $7 , nuilium , 55 ; small IV. li idger No 1 , large , SI Oflftl GO , meillum , GOc ; small r > 0o , nsbei No 1 , larger $8 ; infiHiiin. $ imMI i $1. fox. silver as to color , necordlug to beautv No 1 , large. $100 , medium , $ CO , small. $ IOf 'silver , pale , according D beauty , large $10 , medium $30' small , $ -0 , cross , large , $7 , tinednnn $ J , small , $ . ' , led , large , $1 60 , medium. $1 2Ti | small , $1 , gray , largo , 75c , medium , Me ; small. ; s. Ml , large , 50o. me dium , 4nc. small , 30o. Ijrrr. No 1 laige. $3. me dium , , K ; urn ill , $150 , mnrtcn. No I , larffp , ' $ J , meilliiiri ; $150 , Hiuall , $1 , mink No 1. large. ! > 0c5l ( ! 00 : medium , 73eT , mall , C" c , mink , ' dark. No 1 , large. II'medium ; ' , 75e. small. 50c , mountain lion , perfect head nnd feet , No 1 large. $1 000200 : Imperfect nklun 2530f : otter. otter , pule , No 1 , Urge. $7 , meillum , $5 ; small , $4 , raccoon , T'o 1 , laige , 80c. medium , ( Wo , sin ill , 50e. raccoon , black , as tq beautv , No 1 , large , GOvf$2W , skunk , black , cased , No 1 , large. $1 a. medium , 71c ; small , GOc- , short striped , bilge. $1 , medium 70o , small , 4"c , narrow atrlped , large , 60o , medium , lOei small , 2'ie ; broad striped , large , .Mil e ; wolverine. No 1. large , $1. medium , $1 ; small , $2 , wolf mountain. No 1 , large , $ J me- ( lluoi $ J ; small , $1 GO , prairie , large , 70I)7oc' ! ) medium , 60c : Bmall , GOc : beaver , pel skin. No ! ' 1 large , $3000000 ; medium. II W. small. $2 , kits , large , $2. medium , $150. smill , 73e , nmikrnts winter. No 1 large. lOfpllc. medium. 3c. small , 7c : fall , large , 8ifJe ; medium. 7c , small , Co , kits , large , 24J3c. HIDES , TALLOU' . ETC. HIDES No 1 gieen hides , 240 , No 1 green salted hides. 2V4SJ3cr No 2 green Ball , . ) hides. IVicif-o ; No 1 veal calf. 8 Ibs to 13 Ibs. . C'Ac No 2eal calf. 8 Ibs to r Ibs , fq , No 1 dfj Hint hides Go. No. 2 drj Hint hid.a 3o ; No 1 dry salted hides 4c. Pirt cured hides , Wo per Ib. less than fully cured SHEEP PEI/tS-dreen sailed , each. 2560e ; Wfen Bolted shearlings ( short-vvooled eaily fltlns ) , each , 5jTc ; dry Bheiillngs ( nhort-wooled early skins ) . No. 1 , each. ' 5filOe. dry shearlings ( sliort-wnolml early hklns ) , No 2 each. Go , dry Hint , Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per Ib. actual weight. 5 < { ? Sc ; dry Olnt. Kansas nnd Nebraska murrain wool p ° lts , per Ib actual weight. 4ic | , dry Hint , Colorado butcher ' } c8' , , | ier ' . .actual weight. 4C7e. dry Hint , i olnrndo murrain wool pelts , per Ib . actual weight.UiGc. . TALLOW AND OREASE-Tallow , No 1 , 4 < i i > Wtc ; tallow. No 2 SftiiJIo. grease , white A. 4e ; givase , white II 3c , grease , jelljiw , 3c , grease. i".1' ' 2V.e ; old butter. 2Sr2lfo ; beeswax , prime , 15 01Sc , rough tallow , sgn > io. St. I.onls Uencnil MTirhnt. ST. LOUIS. May 5-PLOHR-Qulet \VHLAT-SnggeiI slowly . Ue on light exports and crop Improvement No 2 red. insh. G4c , temper ! 57iicJUl > r' ° 5'4'S ' ! ' > 53ic' August , 5oc , hep- . -COII5V I"il ' /0 | lu er. No 2 mlxwi , cash , , . * ; ' . , 2Ill > / ,17 * c ! July3i4l < . ' September. 3Siio. OA'lS-Qulet. weaker : No 2 rash , 3c. ( May , 2iVe. ( Juls , 284c. August , 2IV4c { , , , , rNo ' regular , 5Je bid. 53e asked. J AHLEY-No trading IIRAN None PL\X HEEU-II 2J TIMOTHY SEED-$3 73 ) | 00 llrm , prime to choice timothy. . Blpnrntor crMmciy. UOlGe ; EGOS Quiet , unchanged. l'l.v > .1irtjuolllb | ° M ' 3 "H M'ELTER Nominal. $3 r. . CORN MEAIJ-$1 w WHISKY $1 OSiUl 15 COTTON TIES-Unchanged nt 9 * ® $ ! 00. HAOGINO I'nclmnged at fiiifflbe PHOISIONS [ letter , tendene ) upward Pork , s andard mras. Jobbing. $12 W/i iJird. choice "i " ' , } \ -.W7.15 ? Dry salt meats , IOOM shoul- ? > ! : ; , " "JV5. longs and ribs. $ GGJV4. shorts , * , "K , J-'i' ' 'U ! , , l"ukl l1 noiil.hre . $7 , longs. $723 , rlV- - " ' 737'4. shorts. $7J7M i750. KLULIPra Plugr. 3.0i phis , wheat , 3,000 bu. , corn. 117000 hu. , oats , 220 * ) bu. SiriPMENlS Plour. tQ > bbls. wheat G8 000 bu ! corn. 110.000 bu ; oal , .7,030 hu Now York Dry ( Ipbils Miirknt. Nir\\- YORK , Hay G.-H/o / dr > goods market today closed very slow juui weak In the coin- inlsslan trade A goadrwtilume of sales wns effected , though U resulWstery Inrgcl ) fiom deliveries on former pucrhnses of brown cot tons. dr < Ba goods , prlntel/pwrfs and staples and colored goods for exiwrt , The personal nnd order requests have calle ifnr more or | CHS as- sortmiuts of ntp stjIesV'dress goods printed rail coe and shirtings , alHu plain an 1 printed whllo goods Illankets | iivi | > attracted consider able aUcnllpn , and minuy , business wa done VVoolen goods were In llVhJl demand , but better nnvement on uirly orilujt. Printing cloths were dull und quotations JHimlnnl at 2HJJ2 11-H.o aske.1 for 61 shuares. ilril % o the onlv bid ' ' " "luctlon at rail UlvFi > Yrtfur the week was 210 000 pieces ; sales , 70,001r filcces , stocU. 10SW ( ) pieces. J Knnnai Cltj JlarketH. KANSAS CITY , May \VHEAT Steady ; No. LA1' WfSmo ; No. Ztri. . Ha : No. 3 red. 5Hi"i.'c : rejecteil. 43o , a - CORN In goml demnndi No. 2 mixed. 3SV4c ; No. 2 white , 3G 3G' c. OATS In good demuidS Wo 2 mixed , 3l 035c ; No. Z white , 33 33'4c. . < D HYi-Htendy ; 4Jc. HinTER-Qulet ; creamery , weak ; I5 17c ; dairy , vveak : l.'Wllc. J Ellas-Quiet and steady ) 7V4C RECEDTS-Wbeat , tNflic ; corn , 1,000 bu. , oats. l.b bu. i HHIPMNET8 Wheat , none ; com , none ; eaU , 3.0W bu. London Htuolc Mnrkot. LONDON , May g-1 p m. closing ! IIAK SILVKIl-20d r'r ounce , MONKY-1X per cent. Tliu ratu olillucoiiut In thoopon market for short bills lx 11 ( per cent , anil for Ilire'O months' bllUls 1 J-10 Cotton Murkot. NEW ORLKANS. Mny -COTTON-Ea j j BAleH , * | K > t. 4M Imki. to arrive. lIX ) bulv * , re ceipt * . 1,7 bale * , export * , Clrrat Hrllaln , G,3H bales. conlln"nt , 5 iiCJ luilu * . co islwlne , 112 bulc * , stoek , 19.500 lul t'uture * . steady. luilea , > .IK balra. May. J .W. June. | .G O CCJ , July , 5.73UC.74 , Auguit , (974QU4 , BCD- tembcr , 767ff777. October. f 71R680l Novem ber , JXMii ( < ! SA , .Innuary , t .K < t697 8T IXJUIS. May -COTTON fltenily ; mid dling , 7MiC , union. 8 bale * , receipt * , I.OU biles ; sMpmentf , 1,300 Uilcn ; slock , 4I.WK ) balc . 8TOUKH AND 1IONDH. Sugnr AVns tlio Intrrr tliiK I'ondtro ot the Borurlty .Murlmt. NH\V YOflK , Mny G. The Interesting fea ture of the stock market today wns Sugar , which was pressed for sale at the opening to tnko profits on the advances. Opening W per cent higher , the prlco broKe & per cent , when supporting orders caused a I ally nt the close , and the stock was steady until 11 o'clock. A realizing movement was then Inaugurated , \vhlch started the flgurei again on the downward track. Sup port wni lacking and very soon stop loss orders \vcro reached , causing n break that was not checked until n lo < is of 4U per cent had been reached. Some of the shorts who dlil not care to leave their lines out over Sunday began to cover at this point nnd their purchases caused n rally of 1 per cent , the closing sale being at a decline from jesterday's final quotation of 2 % per cent. Sugar preferred rose Vi Per cent at the opening nnd declined 1 % per cent , making a net loss of 1 per cent. The other Industrials sympathized with the weakness of their leader , Distilling declining 1 % per cent to 33 , slop loss orders hav ing been uncovered nt 31. The final siles were In better lone , the stock recording a recovery of % per cent. National Lead , which gained % per cent In the early trad ing , rectded 1 per cent nnd recovered Vi per cent. The rest of the trust stocks were not dealt In to nny extent , nnd merely lost from V4 to Vi per cent on the day. Atchl- son gained Vd per cent nnd reacted Vi per cent , recording a decline of VA per cent from yesterday. Of the grangers , North western Is unchanged , llurllngton and Hock Island V6 Per cent higher nnd St. Paul Vi per cent lower , nearly nil the rest of the list being from Vft to % per cent lower. The perloil pf greatest depression was after half pnst 11 o'clock , but n slight rally took place In the final dealings , and the market closed fairly stonily. The bonil market to day was dull and without Important change. The following nrc the closing quotations on the leading stocks of the New York cx- chnngo today : The total sales of stocks todij were 103,213 shares. IncludingAlcblson 4 OCO. American Sugai , 01 000. llurllngton , l.GOO , Chicago Oas , i7.10) ) : Distilling A : CitllefiedliU' . 730) . Iowa 1400 , Louisville Ar Nashville , 1500. Na tional Lead. 2,800. New ork & Ncn Ilngland , 1 300 He idlng. 1CO ) . St Paul , 2.70) , Western Union , 1.000 New York .Monoy Market. NHW YORK. May -MONI3Y ON CALIv- Casy ut 1 per cent ; last nnd closed nt 1 per " RIME MKHCANTILi : PAPHR 3W3 per cent STIRLINO CXUHANOK steady , v\itii actual tillBlnoBs In binkeis * IHIls at HSX\&i t for de mand ami tl SV'GU 87'/4 for sixty days ! posted tnte.i. il bSViigil 'JO , commeiclal bills , Jl SOjii ? 4 SG'i siLvmi cnitTiric'ATns i T03c. GOVHRNMUNT liONDS Quiet , state bonds. Inactive. The cloning quotations on bonds : riniindiil No KANSAS CITY May -Cleirlngt , 1I.600.S8J NEW ORLEANS , May B Cleirlnus. $1,513,071 MEMPHIS May 6. Clearing * . | 40.,103 , bal ances , $ lKn ! 7. PARIS. May 5 Three per cent rentes , loot 50o for the account. OMAHA , May 5 Clearing * . J752.9I3 , total for tba vvetk , 11,033.875 PHILADELPHIA , May G. Cle irlnBK. t CM 515 , InliiiUFH , for the we-ck , JCI,9liJ.3S , bul- nncen , , , . HALTIMOltE May B ClenrltiKB. . ! 080 OOJ , balances , fill MM , for the' week , | 13b59,64. ! ; bal ance * . < l,6uOCU. HOHTON. May 5 , Clearlnit * . II3.I8.1.GJ7. Inl- mice * , IUI3 ( e > 4 , for thu we-ek. UI.OU.OOI , lul- aliens , fJ.70 87i ) HAN PHANCISCO. May -ORAPTS-Hlijht , Ifle's telegraphic , 12V4i' . Silver ibars , o3 % G3Sc. Mexican dalarn ! , 51(51Vic , CIIICAHO , May 5. CltarlnR * . 111000,00) . New York exchange. lOc premium. Slrrllntt xelmmv , iiulut , actual rules , JI.S7HUI SX Money easy at 48 > 4V4 per cent. CINCINNATI. May B. Clenrlnrs , JJ.I4S fW ; for Ihe w > k. 114237.351) : for the corn8Hiidlng | week laxt > er , I1I.GJ0.70U. Money , JHm per tent , New \iirk eichaiiK , 40ft50o premium. KT. I.O11IH. May 5-'learlnKS. { 1,432311. lhl week , t23.7H.139. s.imo week liint yrar , JIM G07.948 ; lait week , 119,391,23 ! , balinces today , { 511,92 : thl * week , 11.071 , 12 , Hume week last > var , U 5l5,9Ut > , laut week. | 3,39lCiM. Money , dull ut 5ft7 IX-T cent. Eielmnia on New York , par bid. NEW YORK. May B. Clo-irlnKs. I,7II.7K , balance * . 1. 51 1. 761. for thu week. 1MM7.081. balances , (35 Oil < / > * . The export * of wpecle from the port of New Yoik for the week wvru. Qold , ti.W.r ) . silver. | i2.'WO. The Import * for the week were , Uold. < )4 414 , > llver , Si > merchandtie , i KO.UC , dry eooJ , OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKETS Week's Eecolpta Show Very Little Ohango from the Preceding Six Bays. TRADING IN CATTLE IS BARELY STEADY Heavy mill Import < ! nilt' < Are Under Murk Dcnmiiil HORK Average I.OVVKP on the > \ ck Slierp Very tscnn n. SATURDAY , Mny 5. Hccolpts of All kinds have been compara- tlvoly moderate tlio past week niul show no " \cry radical changes as comparcil with last week or a > car ago. The figures nro as fol low a : Cnttle. HOB * . Sheep. Ue'colptH thiq week ii.&js Mri9 i.sio Receipts last week ir..ll 31.371 3.0J1 Same week la-it jeur. . . 13,112 27,150 3,531 Considering the iinusu.itly light cuttle sup plies , there lias Imrilly been n corresponding Improvement In values. Thu heavy rccelptst tbrco weeks or a month ago filled the coolers of tlio killers with cheap beef and they ha\o consequently not been so anxious for sup plies as mlcht have boon expected with such light receipts. During the past week , however , a slightly Improved demand for beef afforded nn outlet for some of the old stock and created a slightly better fresh de mand. Slaughterers arc all after the good light and medium weight steers , and these grades have Advanced lOc to ICc , particu larly the past day or two. The English mar kets have been demoralized by excessive supplies , and with no satisfactory outlet In thli direction the heavy cattle .havo been neglected. Pi Ices have not declined per ceptibly , but they ha\a been decidedly hard to move and brought very little moro than the lighter grades. SATURDAY'S SALES STEADY. The market today was moderatuly brisk , with prices pretty generally In Friday's notches. Supplies were the most liberal of the week and the offerings Included a larger than usual proportion of medium weight nnd heavy beeves. With eastern and European markets demoralized on this class of stock , trade here was In a ery unsatisfactory con dition. Neither shippers nor exporters ex hibited nny anxiety for the cattle , And whllo the good heavy grades were barely steady anything coarse or not fat was dull and lower. On the other hand , the supply of good light cattle failed to meet the actlvo demand there WHS for them and trade was active at generally stronger prices. Thcso were mostly picked up early , whllo there were several loads of the medium and heavy cattle still In first hands at the close. The cow market was generally stronger. Supplies were light. Including less than n dozen loads all told , and thov met with n ready sale , good to choice fat cows and heifers generally showing A shade advance , while the can Minigradei were barely steady. Calves were in tolerably liberal supply , not very active demand and generally easier. The market for rough stock of all kinds was tolerably lively and prices In the main Ilnn. In stockers and- feeders only a small amount of business was transacted. High prices have "kept back buyers fi-om the coun try , but as supplies have b ° en ery light there has been a ready Bale for ever } thing .it all desirable that has been offered. The demand continues good for light stock cattle to go on grass and while there lias been an easier tone to tlio trade the past day or two , prices have been firmly held all around. Good to choice feeders nro quoted nt from $3.25 to $3 S5 , fair to good nt from $3 to $ J 23 and lighter , grades at from $3 down. REPRESENTATIVE SALES : DRESSED KEEP. SHIPPING AND EXPORT. 14 . .1294 T 23 blOCKETtS AND FEEDERS. 1 . . . 74) TOO 11 . . . 417 311 7..772 360 1 . . GS ) 3 10 3 . f,23 3 40 H . . S3 ! 3 IT. 1. . I1W 323 10. . 789 3 50 L. . . b50 375 COLORADO CATTLE. Nn. Av Pr , No Av Pr. li feiMir.i . . 488 13 X 23 feeder * . . . 835 | 3 53 IIOQS AVnilAClK LOWER. The average of prices this wcok'has been Go to lOc lower than lust on hogs , and the market closes that way. This has been undoubtedly caused by the more liberal re ceipts everywhere nnd the extreme dtillnesu and weakness In some lines ot the product The general situation presents no new fea tures In fact there never has been n tlmo when the trade was so much at sea an nt present , nnd this very uncertainty Is mainly accountable for the paralyzed npoculatlon If there was a reasonable assurance that the present dullness In business and manufactur ing circles was to be succeeded by an cm of activity and prosperity the chances are that the present small ntocRn In packers' hands mil the prospect , or rather thu fear , of con tinued light receipts would send both pro vision and hog priced up like a kite. As It Is hogs are selling relatively higher than hog products and people are afraid to touch pro visions cither In a speculative or Investment way. way.The The market today was a trifle uneven , but In the main about steady. Kccelpts wore not heavy and the quality was fair. AH prices were a trllle high hero compared with other western markets packers started out rather bearish and early bids were lower. Sellers wore slow to accept lower prices , ns reports from the past were rather favorable. Later shippers and speculators took hold freely and prices tinned up a shade , only to bo fol lowed by another period of stow trading and easier prices. The top for choice butcher weights was J5 07'/i , and n good many of the better loaela went at 1502V& and $5.05 , Several of the commoner loads sold both early and late at $1 95 and Jl 97V4. The mar ket was somewhat "hump-backed , " strong In the middle and weak at both ends , but thu vnitY SCAUCH. Tor the second tlmo this week the market was bare of sheep nnd the total week's re ceipts have been light , only l.SIO head. There has not been much change In the mitt-net the pist six dajs , nnd while prices nro lower east , doslrnblo muttons nnd lambs nro In good enough demnnd hero to sell just about as well ns Inst week. Knlr to'good natives are quotable at $3 TCfTt.-IO ; fair to good west erns , gl.L'Olffl 25 , common nnd slock sheep , $2.5003 HO ; good to choice 40 to 100'lb. lambs nt IJ.COffl-l.7C. lti < n > lit | mill Disposition of Stork. orricl il roooiiim nnddlxpoMllon of Htodknuanown bytliotmoknor the Union ston'c Ynrt oo ninny ( or the tvvi'iitj-foiir hours undine nt 5 o'clock B in . MIJ u , 1SDJ. l.rCRIl'TS CIIICAOO LLVi : SfOIJR. Woolt'd Itrrclptu of Cnttlo SllRlitlj I.CHS Tlmn tlio \ \ < ck Prnvloiis. CHICAGO , Mny 5 1 hH week'H receipts of cattle amount to ahout I9,0i)0 ) head , or 3 20 < ) hem ! ICSH than for Inst v\cik ami 12 OW head less than a jear ace Todij's run was eitlmatcd at SOO he-id Thu market was quiet nnd fettmly nt 1'rlday'a ( | uotatlon , which , for lltht * and me dium welshts , me hlRiei , and for heavy Ri-ides lower than tlioie iiilliifr 11 wtek nRii. Next week's receipts niu txpectid to Bliovv 8 < im thln < ref of an ImreaBe , lint pi Ices aid not IlkUy to suffer any serious dicllne There were about 9 000 lions In today's nr- ilvalu and 121 , 00) ) foi the wiek , UN ngulnat 10i > , - Ml hint week anil 103 818 a srar aero ' 1 ho mar ket opened HtmtiR this mornliiK Karly nalei were nt an advance on Trldnj's prlCis of from Co to lOe , as hlsli ns $ " Ti btntf pild for heavy and midluni vvelKhts and the bulk Helllnn better than f5 lp > 'lovvard the elovu a iiulctei and vvtiker fiolln pie\alled , but the advance was inot lost Prices ale 6c lower t.ian at the ilosu of list week Receipts of Bheep for the day were estimated nt LOV ) head , making 53,010 for the. we'k , which Is about 1,000 head more than for last week anil 17,000 head mole than for the corresponding spending week lust > eir. Dill Inn the last two weeks 101.000 head hive arrived , ns nKalnst 133.00J bend for the Kami > tlmo last > ear. There mas a quiet market today at from Sto } J 6 , * , for sheep from J.1 M to H 90 for jralllnKC , nd from H no to $ i > for spi Int ; lambs. Hecelpts' Cattle , 800 head ; calves , 75 head ; hoes. 90JO head , sheep. l.DOO henil. The livening Journal reports : CATTL13 Heeclpts , SOO bead ; shipments , none ; no market outside of a few on local account ; prime to extra native steers , $1 DOff I 7"i ; medium , $1 low I 21 ; others , JI Kin 00 ; Texnns H Kifiil 10 IIOO9 Hecelpts , 1.000 bend , Hlilpmenls , COO bend : bulk lOc hlKber ; closed ensli r : rough heavy , JI50W480 , pnckcis nnd mixed. JS 15fj5 . ' 5 ; prlmo heavy and butchers' , $3202030 , ussoiled llBbt , J3 lOitS 21) SHlini' AND LAMBS Receipts. l.DOO head ; shipments , none ; market slow nnd unchanged ; top sbetp , tl2l > iS > IG5 ; top lambs , } l 234(5 J5 , Kalis IH City I.lvo Htnilc S KANSAS CITY , Mny 5 CATTL13-Reclpta , 2200 bead ; shlpm-nts 1,500 bend ; mnrki t steady ; Texas steers. (3 2 > { ? 3 70. Texas cowa , $2,00i3 15 ; \ shipping steers , S3 .11 W I 33 , native eots , K 30JJ 1.CO. BtncKers anil feeders , $3 0003 90 ; bulls , 3 J2 4053 10 1IOOH Receipts , 5.100 bead ; ' shipments. 3,200 .bead ; market strong to lOa higher : bulk , iJ ; be ivies , packers and mixed , J I 9005 03 ; lights , Yorkers and pigs , tl 7U < | 3 Oil SHlinP Receipts , K > head ; shlpmenls , none ; market steady. St. I.miU I.ivn Stnrk'Muiknl. ST. LOUIS , Mny G CATTW3 Hecelpts. 500 bend , shipments 1,000 bend ; maiket nominal , supply too light to establish prices. I1OOS Receipts. I.IMX ) lu ul ; shipments , n 601 head , market CifflOo higher : heavy , S" OOff. 20 : mixed il ' if,5 13 , lights , $3 00 5 10 SIHinP Receipts , none , shipment * * , none ; innr- Itet dull , nominal , Sioux City Mvo Htoc k SIOITX CITY. May C IIOOS Receipts. 000 head : shipments none. Market strong and Co lilgher at J4 93 r > 00 ; bulk , Mn71iH' . ( W. CATTLn Receipts. Ji head ; shipments , 180 head. Market stead > , feulers JIMfMr. ) , year lings , J22o : i10. cows , Jl 25WJ.W ; bulls , Jl MO 2 CO , oxen , II COffI.73. _ Stock In Sight. HecolptN of llv o slock at thu four pilnclp ll yards for Satimliy , May 0 were : Cittlo. HOIH SllROP South Ouiilm J.llll .t , IH I ' ' ' rhli'tiro . , . , Him n DUO i'.c'o'oW KaiiHiHCIty. . . 2,20(1 ( .0,100 W ) St. Loulu 300 * 1.000 Totals 0,110 'J1.181 1,850 A CITY WITHOUT WOMEN" . A To n In Mongolia Enjoys thn Novel lU- tliu tlon Wo know that Venice Is n city without streets , without liorsea , except { our or flvo jronzo ones ; without carriage ? , without tires , except In ono garden , anil without wooden houses. Hut there IH a city still moro pecu liar than Venice. It Is In Mongolia , close to the borders of Itunslan Siberia , and U named Mnlwatchln , and It Is the only city In thu world peopled by mAi only. The Chlnoao women are not only forbidden to Icnvo this territory , but even to pass the great wall ot Kalkau and enter Into Mongolia , All the Chinese of this border city are ex clusively traders , und they accumulate money till their trading with Kuropo through Siberia ! m created n Hulllclont for tune to enable them to return to their na tive cities and live there In case with their families. Their dwellings Indicate their prosperity. They are Heparuted from the Urect by a clay wall , rather ugly , U Is true , Jut surrounding generally n very elegant- looking house , bcfnro which nro gamboling those sleek-looking , plump cues , with un usually big eyes , mich u * are pretty fulth- 'ully represented on Chinese vases and screens. The main part of the house : ) of Malwatchln Is divided Into two compartments , and that which Is behind is raised , Fires nro kept up umlor this great platform , which Is covered with mats that < orvo us npnts by day und beds by night. Opposite the dour u niche Is generally seen where thu domctitlu Idols , unaccustomed tq attitudinize to profane eyes , repose behind an ornamented blind , The walls of the re ception room are lacquered In red or black , and sometimes covered with figured silk , ac cording tn the wealth and tnsto of the iwner. The apartment overlooking the court Is generally of light wood , perforated and carved , and over these openings colored ; > aper Is Htrctchnd , producing something of the graceful effect of Htalnfd glass. Thu Idol temples are gorgeous buildings. WM , LOUDON , Commission Merchant O AIN AND PROVISIONS. Prlvatu wire * to Chlciieo and Now Yuilc All Imslncm ardent pliueM em CliiiuKii Hoard c/ Tradt' , C jr < ' i > oiiiluico nollcltcd. Olfire. room 4 , N w York I.lf * Hull line 120 * .