PBG1RL Advrrtl pmonts for lli o Columns will I * taken Until 12 30 p. m. for the evening nnd until 8.00 p. m. for Iho morning nml Sunday cdltl-ms. Advertise , \ > y revim-MIng n numbered the-cK , ran have answers addressed to n numbered I" ' " In care of The Ilee. Annvvrrs i-o nddrciwM will I w delivered upon presentation of tin * check. SITUATIONS WANTED. Rates. IMC word first Insertion. Ic n. word thtreaffr. Nothlngak'n orcta \ tjmn 2ac. A YOUNG LADY"wisnE8 POSITION AS cashier or oillm assistant ; comes wol m-iidfd. Address Miss K , 12M . " " " " ' salary nit no much nr ded its " " " ' UITUAT10N WANTnt ) TO LEARN THI3 BAR ; li-r trJulc Will wnrk fur Ix-anl. ICK.IJI and Maiding. Wllllnm Hrivoss , llccmcr. Neb . WANTED. IIV LADY OP rt .SITUATION AH housekeeper In family where other help I" Kept ; widower's family preferred. ' " WANTED _ Hilton. Hie oid first Insertion , le n word thereafter. Nothing taken for less tliun 8..C. SOLICITORS , TI5AMH FURNISHED ; IN STALIN mcnt goods. American Wringer Co. , 1609 Howard - ard st. H 3..0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AOENTS , SALARY OH CQMMISHION. THE greatest Invention of the nice. The Now Pat- cnt Chemical Ink Eiaslng Pencil. hells on night. WoiUs like magic. Agents are making $2100 to 1125.00 I IT week , for further pir ; tleulnrs write the Monroe Erasing Mfg Co. , X 36 , l.n Crotsc , Win. _ It 351 _ " SALESMEN" HELL RAKING POWDER. We put our gejods In glass rolling pins. $ CO.OO month and expenses , or commission. Chicago ItaklnR I'ondci Co. , 767 Vnn Hum. street , Chicago. B-M.O > Mil * " _ _ _ A"OC > OD SALESMAN IN EVERY TOWN IN Iowa nnd ( . .intern Nebraska. Address , The Hawks Nursery Co. , Mllnniikec , Win. IiM8iG 1 IS WANTED , MEN TO TAKE ORDERS IN CITY on milary. former experience not reiiulrcd. Apply nt 1510 Douglas , R-M330 M28 _ WAN-nTDnQTibuniis AN D TEAMSTERS ON the II. & M. Hy. extension In Montiin i and Wyoming. Free transportation. Krniner & O'Henrn. labor agency , llth nnd I" rnarn _ trcct . CUTTER WANTED , WHO WILL WORK AH A tailor , nnd In Used tt rendy made work ; $ < , r.o < ) per month ; steady work ; muni come nt imce ; whn ( iiilek icply for the place. Slanton Tailor Co. , Stnnton , Neli. n MliS G _ SALESMEN WANTED TO SELL OUH GOODS hy sample to nlmlennlp anil retail trade ; fell on sight to every business mm or mm ; llbcrnl cnlarv nnd expenses pcld : position ppimnnpnt. Tor terms address with stamp , Centennial Mfs Co. , Milwaukee. WIs. U- n. A PIANO i'iAYiit. qinMAN prt f el I pd. 108 N. 8th. _ 11-M50I SALESMAN WANTKD , ONH WITH SNAP and brains tan lie placed where he can make lilir money. Apply Monday forenoon nt room 8 , ! 18 8. 15th street. O. D. Hond. _ . n a c. HAI.HKMIIN WANTHD , TO SHU , Ot'H OOOlS by wimple to the wholesale nnd retail tiadc ; > ll on slitht to eery bmlncti man or llrm ; liberal salary ; money ndvnnritl for adveitlilnt ; and expenses ; permanent position. Addru , with stamp , King Mfg. Co. . C II , Chicago. 111. _ _ _ ' " - _ HIDU MNn. j2.oo rnn TOWN. PAID THAVKI.- Inn men to appoint aKcnt'i. No samples. Write S F. Rowing , 115 5th n\enuc , ChlcaRO. \VANTID. : AT ONCR. AN Txrnnn.NCin : encyclopedia cahvasser to Introduce > ur new work of teference , entirely new ; special terri tory and terms. Apply by It-tier or In person Tuesday tci Sulm.ir Hess , publlphcr , room 12 , CrclKhlon block. U 5i3 C * _ HAMSMAN WANTIID IN nvnuv COUNTY to cell rlRiun by sample to ileab rs. Salaiy or commission. Kxperlence nnneiess.iry. Addiess , with 2e stamp , SteillnB Cigar Co. . 113 i Adams Htti-ot , Chlcngo , 111. 11 MM9 11 * _ ciitct'i.AU nisTiuisuTons WANTnn- per 1,000 ; enclisc stamp. National Distribu tors' Association , St. I ouls , Mo. U 5',2 C * WANTI3D FinPT-OI.ASS OUOANIXim TOH death benellt older ; male or female. Apply "Secretory , " room 310 , SCO Dearborn stieet , Chicago. n ujl C' _ WANTIID-ItOYH TO WOUK AT FINISIIINO ; must lm\e had some experience , Onvilm Upholstery Cm , 2Sth avenue nnd Snhler street. B M583 7 * _ HKN TO8tLI. . I1AK1NO 1'OWDKR. STKADY employment ; experience unnecttisnry ; $7501 monthly palnry nnd expenses or n com. If offer Is satisfactory oddresj nt once , with par- llciilalH coneernlnc youn-elf , U. H. Chemical Woriis , SjQ Vnnliurcn , Chlc.iiiO. _ U 551 C * BAI.nSMHN. SIDi : I.INH. DRY GOODS. NO- tlons , Hnlrdresscis. Hardivarc. Fancy good" ) . Aulonntlo ha'r ourllng Iron. New , novel. Clcod Heller and will pay you expense ? . Stout Mfg. Co. , Chlcngo , 1IU 11-530 C' WANTED-TUA'vi3MNa SALnSJinN FOR 1S9I ; two hours dally devoted to our line will not sou M.MOOO to J2.M.OO : eorre-pondoncc solicited. GcorEP A. llaker Mfg , Co. , South Bend. Ind. I * _ TWO FIUST-CTiAHS COAT MAKIIRS AT ONCI3 ; Htcady work ; good wages. N. Nelson , merchant tailor , Fremont. Net ) . H-MS98 7 * WANTED FEK Ii HELP. Ratci , l',5e word tint Insertion , Ic a word < thRatci . Nothing taken for less than 25c. WANTING GIRLS APPLY AT Tim Scandinavian Young Ladles' home , 3304 Cumins. C M335 10 * MUST or WAans TO COMPETENT ami. ; must be good rook nnd laundress. Mrs. J. M. Thurston , 240S rurnnin. C 205 WANTED COMPIVTRNT GIRL. aCNERAL housework ; 1 In family. Apply 1112 S. 10th st. C 113 ,3.00 TO J10.00 1'RR DAY HY LADY AGENTS who handle my goods. Call at once or address L. M , Swaitz , 2017 Chicago street. C M181 6 * WANTED , A NURSE GIRL. ENQUIRE 2M Da\cnport street. C M513 C' _ WAITED. STENOGRAPHER THAT CAN GIVE two days each weekt must be experienced and proficient. Address 1C 40. Ilee. C M50C G WANTED , A COM I'ETENT GIRL FOR 8EC- end work , with- city references , 1120 1'arlt aenue. . C M028 tWVDIES RECEIVE } 3.0il PER DAY WHO WILL do writing for me it their homes. Reply , with stamp , Ethel A. Sprague , South Demi , Ind. A LADY WITH GOOD RECOMMENDATIONS wanted In our business. Apply Monday after 10 to Hitpt. , loom 12 , Crelghton block. G 572 C * WANTlfl ) . A COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENeral - eral hounewoik. Reference rcnulred. Call nt 627 B , 1'ith avenue. _ C 5CG 6 * _ WANTED-A CAI'AIII.E SECOND GIRI , . CALL on Mis. Krnncls C. Grabk' . Lnndon Court. fourth housu eatt of the coiner of South 24th street. C MMS _ WANTEO-GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUPK- workj reference requlrcj. Apply 415 Noith 20th street. * C M5C2 8 ANY LADY" WHO DESIRES TO MAKE $20.00 per week yuletly nt her own home , address , with Ntnmped en\elope , Miss Myin II. Gordon , Jollot , 111. Thl Is n bona Ildo offer , nnd It you can only spare t o houra per day It will pay you to ln\e tlaatc. _ C CIS C * LAPHS , YOU CAN EARN ! 23.oo PER WEKK writing for me at home. Send 2o stamp to Nell A. Chase , South Hend. Ind. C 53 > C LADIES CAN MAKE J3.00 DAILY HY TOLD- Ing nnd nildretslng drculais for UH nt home. No canvassing ; position permanent ; reply. with stamped einulope , Mlxs Graeo Paul , Spulh llend , Ind. C 54 1 C' WANTED , LADIES TO WOltlC FOR US AT home , mnk S.C ) to $12.00 weekly. Work sent by null. Write for particulars. Eustein Nov elty Co. , 125 Ueniborn street , Chicago. 111. C 543 C * _ _ LADIES WHO WILL DO WRITING FOR ME nt their homes will make go id unite * . Reply , with BOlf-nddresKi'd stamped envelope , MIs Mildred Miller. Igouth lltnd , Inl. C 539 6 * _ WANTED. A CHINA AND GLASSWARE saletmomun. Address , with city reference , Iwx 638 P. O. C-MM1 7 _ WANTED-A COMPETENT GIRI , FOR OUN- eml h3Ube\unk. Apply 976 North 2Stli nn-nue. WANTED A VIU8T-CI.ABS COOK ; WAGES } 5.W. ' . ' 100 DouKlai strivt. C MCI5 k FOB RENT HOUSES. Rates. 114o wont first Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c. Foil RENT. TO FIHST-CUASS FAMILY OF not more than J Brown persons , without children , 0-room modern house , 310 North Ilth street. Low rent to right party. D KK ft Hill , H03 Fnrnnni street. D 483 H7 'l'LAT IN CLOUSEIt 11I.OCIC AT 703 S. it ; range nr.d all other conveniences ; tit. Clouner , room t , 16M Fainum st , D S73 t.uooM nousB. TNQUIUE 2711 uouaL-vs ST. " D 634 FOR RENT. 8-ROO.M 1IRICK : ALL MODERN Improvements , nth nnd Uard , one block from Walnut Hill motor , $ ! 3.W. Inquire C np. ' onice. " * stroller's _ _ _ _ n"Xi. HoT)8iS ) , V. 1C. DARLINO , HAIIKER 1U.OCK. IIOl'SKS IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. THE O , K u vls coippany , 1505 riirnmn. cori'Aa KH , MODERN , CHOICE IN Stanford Circle , C. B. Elgulter , 201 Ilee building - ing , P 3JI _ fOU HENT , CHEAPEST 6-HOOM COTTAGE. with bath ; In city , 111.09 , 3033 California street. FOR HENT HOUSES. Continued. RENTAL AOKNCY. 607 HROWN 1II3CIC.D . D 453 CLAHS. WELL OCATED IIOUHES. i * H. Kklliner , 310 N. Y. Life. D-350 MtOOM MODERN rl.ATB. S8TH AND LEAV- cnuoith. J. W. B > | Ulrp , 218 Hep bids. D-157 ci.T : AN ] coMFORTAiti.n , CONVENIENT , moderate rentals ; best 3 nnd 4rnom suites for houxpkprt > Piii enl > ' ' Reference * required. Also C-room suite In tencmi-nt. 816 S. 22d st. TOR RENT , S-ROOM HOlrHT:7MOIEIlN , TUR- nlshcd or unfurnished. III : S. 10th itleet.D353 D-353 KELKENNEY&CO.n. 1 , CONTINENTAL I1LIC. u-css PI.EAHANT EinilT-ROOXI MODERN HOUSE , detached , nice Inun , barn. Inquire 2C03 Pierce Ktrcet. D M3SO NICE S-IIOOM COTTAGE. $ It.fifl ( PER MONTH , L. S. Hklnner , 310 N. Y. Life. D-98.1 cFioTcirnoME , EIGHT ROOMS AND"tun ? ? ! nice lawn , city water and xouthcnsl front ; 1 block south of Lenvpnworth on 3Slh avenue ; $25.00. Apply to N , Perry , on premises. D-M230 roil RENT. $3f.00 PEnTMONTH , 4l7fl LAFAY- ctlp avenue , 7 rooms , furnacp , bath , hot and cold witter , rlixet , gas , electric lighting nppll- nnc < s , etc. Tlenutlful lawn , trcei. etc. 1'ldcllty Trust company , I70J Parnam street. D M215 POR RENT , GOOD DETACHED NINIMIOOM hotlsp , 2C21 Capitol n\enlp. | Also O-rooin house , 2O Cupllol nveniip. II. II. Roblson , room 7 , Commercial Natlotril. D MS93 C-ROOM COTTAGE'AND "STAIILE , NO. 910 N. Kill nunue. Inquire C2I N. 17th st. D-42C 7 C-ROO.M .MODERN TOTTAOE , LAWN AND shade. 2121 Miami stiret. U M4'l 8-IIOOM HOt'SE. " AfjT ifoDETtN IMPROVE- mentH , beautifully located , rent reasonable. fill So. 27lh i-l. D 147 SIX Oil TEN-ROOM HOUSES , MODERN IN every respi."t. Ke > x , 2COI Capitol n\e. D 452-S * PLAT , ( ! ROOMh , 21) FLOOR , L1NTON I1LOCIC , 13th and Mason , $17 per mu. Inquire 917 Llnton bled ; . D 131 _ MODERN TnoOXl"HOUSE , NEAR PARIC. Apply 1309 H. 28th atnet. D M4C'i 7' POR RENT. FCRNISHED HOUSE , HAND- somelv ruinlsheil , with barn ami latest Im provements. P. L > . Weail , ICth and Uousln" . . D-S3I1 FOR KENT , MODERN S-ROOM HOt'flO ; ALL conxenltnci's , ne.ir Hanscom park. Hicks. COS N. Y. Life Uldg. D MC13 fl FOR RENT , 7-KOOM COTTAGE , FULL LOT , city water , bath , ga , etc. , on paxed stiret. 318 S. 15th. D MS63 ! > * SPLENDID 10-ROOM HOUSE. I1ARN , LAWN , etc. ; twenty minutes from Farnam ; excellent nclghboihood ; rent leduced ; b.iigaln. H. HurnV China Ftoro. or 70S N. Y. Life. D 579 6 C-ROOM HOfSE , MODERN . INCLUDING range , S210 Cass. Chenp to goofl tenant. E. A. Noithup , tax dept. , LI. i M. R. It. D-M5CS 13 WHOLE OR LOWER PART OF RESIDENCE , funilshed , for six months or > eir ; furnace , bath , nice yaid ; ton\enlcnt to motor. 2C2S Chat lea street. D M593 8 * 4 , G , 7-ROOM PLATS AND HOUSES ; UNequaled - equaled ; location central. Tlzard , 2Jt N. 24th. D M610 8' FOR RENT SEE C. D. HUTCIUNSON , IC-M Farnam stieet , If you want bargains In all parts of the city. A line , modern cottage , two blocks from High school , $25.00. D C23 0 FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT , NEIGHUOR- hood of :6th nnd Farnam ; 9 rooms completely , comfortably furnished. Rent , $40.00 to suitable tenant ; time to suit. Address K 53 , Dee , D 522 C FOB HEKT FURNISHED ROOMS. Rates , l'4o word first Insertion. Ic a word theieafter. Nothing taken for less loan 25c. FOR RENT , AT 2608 DODGE. A LARGE , HAY window , second stoiy front room , fur $12.00 n month. No other roomers and no child ! en. E AETNA HOUSE , NORTHWEST COltNUlt 1.111 and Dodge , foimeily Travelers home ; beds per week. $1.00 ; rooms. $1.03 and $200.E E M42I MS * FURNISHED ROOMS AT 1810 CHICAGO street. E-SS9 M13 * NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS. WITHer or without boaid. Call nt 2107 Douglas st. E 202 M16 ' ' FOR RENT , A LARGE SOUTH ROOM A'T'ISIJ Dodge street. E MC79 NICELY FURNISHED PARLOR. TERMS reasonable , lli.'l Fainam. E M5S4 S * FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSE- keeping. 119 North 15th street. E M423 C' FURNISHED ROOM ; GENTLEMAN. 1017 HAR- ncy btieet. E 421 1' POR RENT , FRONT ROOM WITH ALCOVE , for 1 or 2 gentlemen , at C2I S. 26th nve. E 171 9 * TWO OR THREE LARGE "FRONT ROOMS , single or ensulte , $10.00 apiece , 1CO" Uoilge. K M324 C VERY PLEASANT ROOM. INQUIRE 1919 Dodge. 13 52.1 _ SPITE OF HANDSOME ROOMS , WITH A llrat-cl.iss table. References. Mis. GIJso. 202 No. 18th stifet. K 574 0 DESIRAULE FURNISHED SOUTH FRONT looms ; modern conveniences. 1822 Chicago street. E M57 ; 10 * _ NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM AND well kept ; central location ; fjr one or two gentlemen. Address 1C 49 , Hep. E C07 C * THREE ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEPIng - Ing ; also one furnished loom , suitable for one or two gentlemen. 2.117 Douglas. E 5S1 C * TO RENT A FRONT SUITE ROOMS TO young gentlemen or Indies , with or vtllhout boapd. luquhe No. C21 South 2Jth avenue , E-R,1 C FRONT ROOM. $1.00 PER MO. 1512 E M500 S _ _ _ _ _ _ SINGLE OR ENSUITE , LOW RENT. WRIGHT & Laabuig , ICtli nnd Howqril. E MCJ3 8 FOR RENT TWO NICELY FURNISHED looms , one a large front clmmLcr ; baths and gas. 511 N. 17th street. E-G1I 0 rUBNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. Rates , Hie word Ilrst Insertion , Ic a word thcieafter. Nothing taken for less than 2c. FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS , WITH HOARD. 1720 Dodge. F MI93 6 * _ NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH HOARD. 2019 Callfoinla stieet. F 3'j" 6" YOUNG WOMEN'S HOME , UNDER CARE OF Women's Christian association. Ill S. 17th st. F 3CO _ _ _ _ _ ROOM WITH BOARD. FfilCE MODERATE. 2400 Cnss. F 110 M22 _ LARGE ROOM. EITHER NORTH OR SOUTH exposure , In prluito family , with board. Apply 21'21 Doilge street. F M3I3 _ DHSIRARLE ROOM WITH HOARD IN PRI- vatifamily. . 70C N. 18th. 'F 410-8 * LARGE , COOL , FURNISHED FRONT ROOM , with or without boaid. 2611 St. Mnry'B Hnue. . F MS22-C * _ _ _ _ _ - ROOM AND HOARD. 2413 CAPITOL AVE. F M575 12 * _ _ _ PLEASANT ROOMS ; MODERN HOUSE : CEN- trnlly located ; good boaid ; $5.00 nnd $650 per week ; leferences. Address 1C 47 , Ilee.F F 587 C * 1812 CHICAGO , ROOMS WITH HOARD. Mils ! Churchill. F C16 C * FOR RENT-UNFURNISH'D ROOMS. Rates , l > 4e word first Insertion , la n word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c , 4 I UNFURNISHED IVUU.tlD. SUITAI1LE 1XJR housekeeping , city water , etc. , low rent ; north , west coiner 17th and Webster ft. Q-361 5 UNFURNISHED CHAMHERS FOR HOUSED keeping to man and wife ; no children ; S13 N. 17th. G-CI7 THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS , WITH modern lmpro\ements ; light furnhdipd. 2576 llarney street. O M517 7 * THREE PLEASANT ROOMS AND KITCHEN. 2022 Howard Btrret. G M515 7 THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS ; CITY water. 423 No. 14th sticct. G MS76 13 * SUITES OF TWO OR THREE UNFURNISHED looms for light housekeeping , Wright & Lag- burg , ICth and HoHard. O MC017 2 FRONT ROOMS. 1C09 LEAVEN WORTH ST. G-MC17 11 * FOR RENT , STORES AND OFFICES Rates , 1 0 word II rut Insertion , Ic n word thereafter. Nothing taken for less 10 MONTHS LEASE OF STORE , 309 8. 17TH. 1-3C3 _ FOR RENT. THE 4-STORY URICIC UUILDINO. 910 Parnam st. The building has a llreproof cement basement , complete strain heating fix- tuicsNuter tin all tloors , K" , etc. Apply at the olllce of The Use. 1 V10 _ BTORE. ICTH STREET , NEAR HOWARD ; good locution for gent's furnishings , confec tionery or meat murkct. Wright A Lnshurg , 16th and JlownriU _ I MW2 7 " DESK R6bM ClIEAP. FRONTING "rARNAM , Room 2. U13 Purnam street. 1-M6U _ AOENT WANTED. AaENTS-IlUSTLERSi llld MONEY. APPLY room 435 , Paxton black. J-172 MU * AGENTS WANTED. Continued. AGENTS. I1OTH SEXES ! TEN INDISPENSA- bio nrtlcles ; retail for 13.10 ; absolutely tree to our demonstrated tustlers. The Clause Shear Co , , Kansas City. Mo , .I-MC28 Juno _ 30 * _ WANTED OENERAL AGENTS "A ? "oMAHA. Fremont , Grand Inland , Norfolk nnd llentrleo for th Union Central Life Insurance company. $2,000,000.00 In force In Nebraska. Renewal contract * Address J. M. Edmlstun , state agent , Lincoln , Neb. J M878 M19 AGENTS WANTED , DIG MONEY\ WRITE for particulars to A. M. Peeman ft Co. , Lin- coin. Neb. , 122 North 14th. J MM1 Mil * COMHINAT1ON DIPPER CONVERTAIILE INTO fruit Jar tiller , funnel , filter , strainers , pint measure nnd other uses. Agents wanted ex cry- whore. Write nt once for pxcluslvp terrltoiy. Entirely new. Samples poit paid 35c. Ornnltc S. P. Co. , llaiker block , room M. J-M4II C * LADY AGENTS WANTED ; $10\00 WEEK , t . Mitchell , 1416 Howard street. J M411 ( . * WANTED-LII'TJ JAmlS G" AGENTS - OF . Hlnlne , by ( tall llamlltmi. Authorized by Mr * . Itlalne. Rrcommended by the personal frhndfl of HIP late Mr , llhilnc IIH the only authentic , reliable bio graphy of the great ntntmnmn. Apply foi terms nnd terrltoiy lit once , llurkp . % Chaml > r- IIH , Omaha , Neb. J M480 C * AGENTS"rilE : COMRINATION DIPPER , FUN- ncl , fruit Jar Illler nnd strainer ( two Mzos ) . 4 articles In one. Address R. W. lltntidon , 1120 Washington a"enue , St. Louis , Mo. J-M512 11 * DELSARTIi CORSET WAISTS AND IIRACEH. thp most popular goods a lady can sell ; easy sales ; laige commissions. Wilte for trim1) ) . Iel nrte Mfg. Co. , Ill State street , Chicago IU. WANTED , "AGENTS. SAMPLE HASH LOCK flee by mall for 2c. stamp. Immense. Un- il\ailed. Only good one ever Invented. Heats j\eights. Salci unparalleled. $12 u day. IJro- hard ( IIPX SO ) . Philadelphia. J LADY AGENTS THE EASIEST AND MOST prolllable thing to do la to sell the Hgela cot- set. Send for terms nnd Information to the Western Coiset Co. , St. LollK Mo. .1 WANTED AGENTS IN ALL LARGE CITIES f ) Introduce n smoke consumer nnd fuel paver tmcnted bv the oldest and latgest boiler H < ? t- ter In Chlcngo ; refeience' * and m Iornc | tapllal requheil. Address .lames McMillan Company , 47 West Washington stieet. Chicago. AGENTS WANTED-FERRIS' COMHINED burglar alarm nnd lock , weight three ounces carried In vest pocket , sells at sight ; $ UO 00 n week , Ferris Manufnctmlng Co. , Chlcico. J .Wi 6 * AGENTS WANTED AO CANA'Ts POR ALI'M- Inum cooking utensils and no\cities ; liberal terms. We pay express. Great demand. Cat alogue nnd Information free. Aluminum Nov elty Co. , 335 Hrondwny , New Yolk. t J WA NTED A G ENTS IN NEI1RASKA AND Io\\a to sell the Moss K Hlllyard patent farm ers' handy egg case at reduced price ; big money In It for thp light man. Apply W. T. Letts , pole mamifactuier of the funnels' handy egg case , St. Joseph , Ma , .1 557 J > AGENTS. IF DIG COMMISSIONS OR MOD- eratp ralary will secure jour sen Ice for a 23-cent aitlcle which sells In every home , writeus. . You can canvass or sell to denleis Exclusive territory given. Cuitnln Pole Lifter Mfg. Co. , liox D , Racine , Win. J 534 G * A CHANCE OF A LIFETIME. WANTED. Immediately , camns eis and ngentH In e\cty city In the United Slates to Introduce "Mill- turn In Parvo , " the elastic Ink-holder for pens ; from $3.00 to $10.0) easily made with 5 hours' Work dally. Call or address Theo. S. Meyer , 140 Nassau street , loom 46 , New York City. J 537 6 * AGENTS WANTED TO SELL PRIVATE LINE telephones ; big money. Thermo MfT. Ci. . f,46 Lincoln avenue. Chicago. 111. .1 54' ' ) 6 * DESK ROOM. WM. J. WELSHANS. 331 Uoaid of Trade Illdg. J 591 AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY CITY AND town to handle "The Story of the Common weal. " The fastest selling book ever publish ! d. $10.00 a I'av ' can be axeraged by gonil agents Samples , 23c. Call or wilte for terms. W. 11. Conkey company , 311-331 Deal born street , Chicago cage , 1111. J MOOO WANTED TO RENT. Rates , llfcc aord first Insertion , Ic a word thereafter. Nothing taken fat less than 2."c. WANTED , TO RENT A FURNISHED MEDIUM sized house , with bain ; modern conveniences ; by gentleman nnd wife. References exchanged. Call at Room 3 , N. Y. Life bldg. 1C M4S3 C * WANTED A FURNISHED HOUSE OR FLAT : not leps than 7 looms ; centrally located. Ad dress 1C U. Uce. 1C 517 C * WANTED , HOUSES FOR RENT. TEMI'LE- ton & Plerson , S07-S Paxton Ulk. 1C 59" , 6 RESPONSI11LE PARTY DESIRES TO TAKE charge of fuinlshod house for fum'ty ' wnnt'ng to leave city for few months ; Omaha or Coun cil muffs ; mi children ; icference furnished. Address 1C 52. Ilee. K MC08 7 * RENTAL AGENCY. Rates , l'4c word first Insertion. Ic n word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c. RENT REDUCED ON HOUSES AND ROOMS , 3 good looms , $5.0) ; 4 rooms , lentiil , $1000. Collages from $5.00 up. Pilnted list. G. F. Hittts , 2JO S. 17th street. L M778 M16 STORAGE. Rates , lV4o word first Inseitlon , Ic a word thcieafter. Nothing taken for less than 23c. STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; CLEAN nnd cheap rate. R. Wells , 1111 Farnam.M . M 361 STORAGEWILLIAMS & CROSS , 1214 HARNEY. M-305 STOVES STORED DURING THE SUMMER. 1207 Douglas. Omaha Sto\e Repair woiks. M19 ! May 31 W ANTED TO BUY. Hates , l ! c word first Insertion , Ic a word tli oaflcr. Nothing taken for less than SZc- HIGHUST PHIcn FOR 2D-HAND FUrtNITURC , caipcts , etc. S. II. Drown , 320 N. lOtli. Tel. 1711 N an M9- KUTAIL LUM11CH YARD. NKH. Oil WKSTlTllN Iowa. Addess 1" . O. llox 532 , David City , Neb. N 170 M2l CASH I'AID FOR SnCOND-lIAND ' i''imNI- ' ture , carpets , etc. I. Urussell , 710 < Sc 712 N. ICih. NS J3 WANT12D. IlOItSn AND DELIVERY "wAOON or bugsy. 710 and 712 No. 16th St. N 496 C WANTED TO I1UY SKCOND-IIANDRD 11ICY- cle ; Htale make nnd lowest price. Address K 41 , Hco. N M571 7 * WANTUD TO lltjy , .IUMl > QH ItRMOVKAIiLK itur ceat top rig , w.th shaftB , In coed condi tion , tor ciiah. Addirss Chillies Ware , 2116 Avenue U , Council liuu ! . N M699 7 WANTED , SOMD ONU TO Ill'lLD TOIl Mil A laige family apartment hoime. went ot 0th street , under 10 year lease. Will pay good Int. Mrs. L. M. Tuttle. 1901 California uiit-ct. N 621 C FOB , SALE FUJRNITTTBE. Hates , lOc a line eac.i Insertion , $1.CO if line per month. Nothing taken for Icsa than ; jc. QUANTITY OP NIC13 Kl'IlNITUUU KOU SALH. 25J7 St. Mary's nvenuo. O MC18 12 FOB SALE HORSES , WAG ONS.ETC. Hates. lie ! word Ilrst Insertion , Ic n word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c. FOIl'SALU TWO'UUCKBOAnDS , " ' LIGHT farm wagon , canopy top gurry , harness and pole. Qeo.V , Holbrook , 1C33 Farnam stieet. l'-:9l HOHSn , PHAKTON AND HARNESS , LIOIH' stjllnh ilg ; horse gentle. Hoom 4 , Ilee Illdg. I' M.114 7 TOR SALH OH TO LHT KOIl TIIU SUMMEH : A safe family horse. Address K 45 , llei- . V 376 0' FOR SALi : CIinAI' . , FIRST-CLASS FAMILY horse and phaeton. Inquire of Hector ft Wll- lielniy Co. , 10th nnd Jackson. I' M5SO 8 FOR SALU. DOL TlLn-SiATL'D SITRltv. ICO.OOi a hargiiln , Sf ut Homan'a barn , 13th and Howard. 1' SQ2 6 roit HALR-SIIITLAND PONY. riiAijTON and hainess ; tullnliU- for lady or chlhlien to drive ; pony pcifectly Kentlu nnd nfrnld of nothing ; a nlcu ilg. Address K. DC , Ilee. 1' 612 0 VFOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. HatPH , lic ! word Ural Insertion , lo n word thereafter. Nothing taken fur less than 23c. B1DI2\VAI.K , IIRICK AND TILK , WM. J. WUL- ulums , 231 Uoard of Trade bulldlnc. Q M728 M14 NBW AND SUCOND-IIAND TlICYCLUS cheap. 1U , licit , 907 N. Y. Life , Omaha. Q-M641 M10 IIAI.IID HAY FOR SALH. TIIIJ STANDARD Cuttle company , A men , Ncl ; , , havu 2,0.0 tons of good Lam-stored hay for eulv. All onlurs Illlcil promptly. Q 3C6 A"i'NiL'MATTc : BArirrv iiicycr.u IN aoob condition. Call or Inquire Kurlmch block , lEih and Douglas Hlrectx. Q ( ilS c * SALK FRISH JIRSIV : cows : KIND and gentle ; rich inllliers. Addicss 1C 43. Ilee. - MISCELLANEOUS. Kalpn , l',5o ' word flmt Inecrtlon , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for leu * than 25c. FOR LUABU , 5 AND To-ACHK TRACTS. IIOOO8 & Hill. R-M009 14 I'-INANCIAL-WK I1UV AND SELL HANK AND trust company mock and municipal Hfcurllkn on comnil lon. Tcmidelon & I'kruon , 307-8 1'axlon Ulk. lt-696 6 WALL TAPER NICRLY CLKANniJ 12.00 1'ER ordinary roam : satisfaction jruarantccd. H. U. llcchtcl , 1S02 Corby Btrccl , City. ll-CU C OLAIKVOYANTS. Rates. I'.io wonl Ilhil Insertion , Ic n word thereafter. Nothing 'fnkpn for lff than 23c. " RSu. H. WARHKN , CHAIItVOYANT , Itn- Hablc buslnosB medium ; 7th year at 119 N. 16. j ' f 8 Vtt AfiTUOLoatu-"oi.t ) 'DII. ' PAUL CASTOHI" Kond date of blith , irot. 2S cents nnd stamp for future prospects , mwrrlnno. bunlness , spcciiln lion , nil affairs. KS Third axonuc. New \ork. Mention pnper. _ 8 toS B * MAESAt3Ii , BATH8 > ETOT MAUAM13 SMITH. Ml B. JJTII. ZD KLOOR. room 3. Massage , vapor , alcohol , lenm , sill- phurlno and ten ha tlis. TM86I U * _ " MADAMi : IlHOWN7 J314 CAI'lTOL AVIINUU. 2d door , room 4 , massage , alcohol , sulphur and son baths. T MI7810 * PERSONAL. Ivutes , llic word first Insertion. 10 n word theieafter. Nothing taken for Ijsi thnn 2 0. OCT MTminn."sH.vn : FOR jtVlmj I'APIJR : hundreds of ndvertlsdra want hustmnds nnd wives. Mailed sealed for stump. W. II Hnr- beck , Denver. Colo. U M353 mM MADAMi : LA ItOOKT MASSA"dn 322"N. ICTH , parlors 12 nnd 13. U M31 6 * COM I 'O t ND OXYOKN CL'IUJS ASTHMA , bronchitis , consumtitlon , catarrh , etc. Three da > 8 free at It. S3 , Uollglua blk , ICth and Dodge U * i43 VIAVI. HO.MH THIJATMKNT TOR LADins ] Health hook & consultation free. Address or call Vlavl Co , sullc 3IGIcc bldg. Lady attendant. u 3C3 MASSAGE TREATMENT , - - - mnl baths. Scalp ft linlr trcalmeni. manicure & chlropodls. Mrs. Post , 319 > , a 8 ISth , Wlthnell blk. U 3G9 GOOD SAMARITAN llEMEDY COMPANY. 804 N. 16th stre-cl , euro chronic diseases of either sex or money refunded ; $1.00 per month ; tnd stamp or call , want lady agent. U M90I M21 * HAVE THE STATE HOTEL. 130 ? TO 1312 Douglas slreet , newly refurnished nnd refitted In first class order. Would bo pleased to have the public give me their patronage. Open all hours. Mrs. J. F. Held. If 141 MASSAGE , MADAME BERNARD , 1411 DODGE. MRS. F. DOHSEY , CARD READING. 112) ) N. 20lh slreet. U 474 , * THIN PEOPLE : "THE BEST" FLESH maker ( a preillgestod food ) will lucnasisour vvelg.it nnd stienglh when oil nnd medicines have fulled ; a "plump" face nnd form ns- surul ; particular * and special guaranteed price free. The E. L. Heals company. 1213 Mimeinlq Temple , Chicago. _ _ _ _ _ _ - " ATTENEl"oN LADIES-EMMA BUST DEVELoper - oper will enlarge > our bust 5 Inches. Guaran teed. Senl"d Instructions , 2c , or 21-page Il lustrated catalogue Cc , by null. Enlma Toilet ll.izar , Boston , Mass. U LADIES , ATTENTION ! TRY PEARL COM- plexlon tonic ; will remove wrinkles In 30 days ; Heckles and Inn In one week nnd leaves the skin soft and clear ns an Infant's. Gu.uantecd lo do ns recommended or money refunded. Price , $1.00 per boltle. Address H. B. Rob inson & Co. , mfrs. , Sumncr , In. U MARRY. IF YOU WANT A HUSBAND OH wife , rich or poor , send 10 cents for matrimonial menial pnper , sent sealed In plain wrnppei. Mr. and Mis. Diake , Central Bank building , Chicago. HI. J 3 _ IF YOU EARNESTLY DESIRE ADVANTA- geouo , speedy , honorable marriage , send lOc and receive spilng list pf ryspictnble mar riageable persons nnd full Information In pl.nn sealed envelope. Mcicur , 407 4th avenue. New York. U LADIES , TONTE IS THE ONLY SUCCESSFUL bust developer known. Never falls ; $2.00 ; full coiillldenllnl paitlculars ( sealed ) for 2c stamp. Mrs. Dr. II. T. Miller , 21 Qulucy street , Chicago. YOUR PAST. PRESENT AND FUTURE READ by lady clalrvojan 635 S. 171h. U M564 12 * DRESSMAKING , PERFECT FIT. LATEST stvles , good workr Ifc-st ntlenllon , le.isonablo prices. Call C23 South 20th ylre't. U-4C7 6 * WANTED THE ACQUAINTANCE OF A young lady ; n woskfng girl prefeirel : object pleasure. Address K 4S. Bee. U M.1SG 8 * PHEEI FREE' FREE ! A SMALL BOOK ON nstio-Kclcnce , Its ilrat'llcnl application , achieve ments of success In llo\e , marriage , business , wealth , health and h.ipnincss. Send slump for mailing. Piof. E. WI Lawience , 373P Wabash avenue , Chicago. U DM 6 * MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. Hates , Hie word first Inseitlon , Ic a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25e. JOIINM. CLARK1X j.jBROWN'S DLOCit : $1,000,000.00 real cs'.a.lu , 6 per cent money. No- tarj' public. , W M5o3 7 * LOANS ON REAL ESTATE FOR ANY LENGTH of time , fiom thlrly days to live years. Reed & Selby , 331 Board of Trade. Wananls bought. W230 _ _ _ _ _ ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. , 313 N.Y.L1FE , loans at low lates for choice securily on Ne braska and Itwa farms or Omaha city property , ' W-370 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Brcnnan , Love & Co. , Paxtnn blk. W 371 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWKST RATES ON fmpiovod and uu'mprovcd ' Omaha leal eslntc , 1 to 5 yeais. Fidelity Tiusl Co. , 1702 Farnam. W 372 WANTED , APPLICATIONS FOR LOANS J. D. y.ltllc , Drown block , Omaha. W 373 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY properly ; $3oiK ) & upwards , 5 lo 6'4 per cent ; no delass. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Fainam. W-374 LOANS ON HEAL ESTATE.WARRANTS.GOOD notes , etc , bought. Garvln Bros , , 210 N , Y. Life. W-375 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES THE O. F. Davis Co. , 1305 Farnam stf W 370 MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS IN DOUGLAS , Improved and unimproved Omaha real estale. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Farnam nt. W-37J OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO. , 18TH AND Douglas slreets , 16an money on city and farm property ntjowent intes of Intcresl. W 377 ijFE INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON or bought. F. C. Chesn y , Kansas City , Mo. W 378 MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA PROPERTY nnd Nebraska fauns at from U to 7 per cent. W. B. Melkle , First National bank bu niir- . . W 379 UNITED STATES MORTGAGE CO. OF NEW York. Submit choice Innns to F. S. Pusey , ngent , Flist National bank building.W . W M221 ni26 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Rates. 1V4C word first Insertion. Ic a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c. MONEY TO LOAN _ We will loan you nny sum which you wish , small or laige. at the lowest pjslble lales , In the quickest possible time , nnd for nny length of time to suit you You can pay It back In such Installments ns you wish , when you wish , nnd only pay for It ns long as you keenlt _ , You can bonow on HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIANOS. HORSES , WAGONS AND CARRIAGES. WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS. MERCHANDISE. OH ANY OTHER SECURITY , without publicity or removal of property. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 308 SOUTH ll/TH STREET , Flint llooor above Iho slreet , THE OLDEST , LARGEST AND ONLY INCOR PORATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. X 383 t WILL LOAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OF fiE- curlty ; strictly confidential. A. E. Harris , room 1 , Continental Jlock. X 380 MO'NEY LOANED" bTTFunNiTURE , PIANOS , nil articles of value. Fred Terry. 130 Hamgc block. , " „ ! X-3S1 THE I'LACE TO HOHltOW MONEY ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. MONEY ON 1IORS1W AND MULES. MONEY ON WAGONS AND CARRIAGES , MONEY ON PIANOS AND ORGANS. MONEY ON WARiniOUSE RECEIPTS. MONEY ON MERCHANDISE , MONEY ON ANY CHATTEL SECURITIES , MONEY ON goods that remain with you , MONEY IF YOU WANT NO PUBLICITY. MONEY IN LAROWOR SMALL AMOUNTS. MONEY AT LOWUftT 1 OSSIBI.E RATES. MONEY IN QUICKEST POSSIBLE TIME. MONEY THAT you may pay back at any time , nnd In nny amount. Is nt ROOM 4 , WITH- NELL block , corner loth and Hnrney strecls. THE FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO , / X 382 MONEY TO LOAN' ' ON HORSES. WAGONS , pianos nnd furniture of nil kinds Business confidential J B. Haddock , room 427 , Ramga block. _ ! X-M4 MONEY TO LOAN" ON PERSONAL PROP- tity. Hal v In Loan Co. . 701 N. Y. Life building. X MiiTl HONEY TO LOAN ON GOOD COLLATERAL security. K 41 , Uee , X MM8 6 BUSINESS CHANCES. Rates. 1(40 ( word first Insertion , lo n word thereafter. Nothing taken fur lc g than 25c. FRENCH & CO. , ROOM 22 SCHLITSJ ULDG , , Omaha , m < ika a specialty of business chanccHi buy , sell or trade mocks of merchandise and real estate , furnlnli Partners and capital , and always have opportunities for profitable In- vestments. Commit them. Y 469. WANTED , A PARTNER WHO HAS $800.00 cash , to start a nrst-clasa hand laundry In Omaha , Have all necessary IU lures , Including- horacu uhd wagons. Address 1C 39 , lice olllce. Y-M4S7 8 FOR SALE. THIRTY-riVIJ SHARES OF American District Telegraph stock , This la dividend-paying * tock and can be bought thtap , Addraii ) , Jan. Donnelly , Jr , , 409 Bheely block. * | Y--499 10' 11,100.00 STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE and ICO acres good land , free ot Incumbrancr , for $1,200.00 cash. It taken at once. W. C. ItUchle. 1'enJer. 1O. X-MS23 a BUSINESS CHANCES. Continued. WANTED , TO ItUY INTEREST AND I1ECOMK associated In management ontablls.ird puylng business In Omnlm ; Imve nmnacetl llnancfH largo wholesale house ; familiar with Insurance , loons , banking , etc. ; rcffroncoo exchanged , Address K 31. Hce. Y M3II WANTED. TO 1IUY AN INTEREST AND IlE . come associated In n good piylnu business In Omnlm. 1C II , HOP , Y M507 6 * FOR HAT7E-CREAMP.RY , ALL COMPLETE nnd running In fouthcnstorn Nebraska ; 23 routes ; Katherod cream syslemj line country ! good town : will sell good tenns In rlnht party , or will take good farm land. Write for pir- tlculars tu Henry C. Smith , Falls City , Ne braska , Y 5M 6 SUCCESSFUL 7lMcrLATION : OPiN ; TO ALL : try our svndlcnto n.\'tcm of speculathn ; In- crensp your liiramo ; Information free ; send for circular. Thompson & Derr Co. , 3 Wall Bluet , New York ; Incorporated under tin- laws of the stale of New York ; rnpltnl , iino.mv ) . Y-T.CO . C THE NATIONAL INrORMATION i\NI ) EX- chnngp Co. , 203 FHst Nat'l bank , Omiha , ne gotiators of business opportunities , have cus tomer with $ W.OOO.OO to $2r > . W.OO for u bunk ; Interest In paying Insurance imency ; $ .1,000.00 stuck general metchandlse ; $1 tOO.OO gmcerles. We niter for sale $ IIXK.00 coipomtlon Mock paying 14 per cent ; art store In tilrndld condi tion , $2CiOj.tO stock grncfrles ; cigar und con fectionery store. Y M53 10 $200.00 YIELDS $15.00 WEEKLY ; FINANCIAL ilepiesslon docs not nlTect Howe's InfalllhlH nauillcnplnilg system , lies ! and safest specula tive Investment offcted ; third successful > ear ; prospectus 1S9I free. C. D. Howe , IKIX 127 , Hrooklvn , N. Y. Y M5I9 " IK'SINESS LOCATION-CHANCE TO RENT the largest plate-glass front store In thriving county seat business center , population 17.0'JO In county ; u rare opportunity to establish n good business. Addre s T. W. , drawer 528 , David , City , Nch. , for particulars. Y 013 C' $200.01) ) MONTHLY GUARANTEED. MANU- fneturlng concern wauls npreseiitatlve In Oma'in. Must have few hundred dollars cash to pay for goods on delivery after olileis are seemed. F. E. Vail , 110 Nassau street , New Yoik , N. Y. Y 5.1S6 * SYNDICATE SPECULATION IN STOCKS , gialn and cotton , the safest for small tap lul , OH the combined capital protects all tuiles equally , tin O ) to $100.00 placed wllh the Amei- Ican Rjndlcali * may bo the foundation of your f 01 tune. Knowledge of speculation unneces sary on your part. Established 1SS5 ; enoimoils profits each year. Hunk reference. Conserva tive nnd reliable. Safety our Ihct consdela tion , large profits next. ClrculaiH free. A. O. Hamilton & Co. , manageis , 8 PncUIC avenue , Chicago. Y .142 C * SEND FOR Ol'Il LITTLE HOOK. "HOW TO Speculate Successfully In the Wheat and Stock Maiket ; " mailed frert. Comstock , Hughes & Co. , Hlallo building , Chicago. Y Stl 6 foil SALE- STOCK BillTl7p HTrtDWARU 1'or particulars call at 1,217 Farnam strict. Mis. Ellle D. Howman , ndmlnlstrntilx. Y M330 12 * I 'A HTN EH WITH $250.00 ; BUSINESS WILL pay > ou $10X00 per month. Address K W , Hoc. Y COS 6' WANTED PARTY WITH $ ,1,00000 TO TAKE active Intetcst In a mnnufactuilng business ; one of the he t lines In the west ; hplendld op portunity for the right paity to get Into n > ermanent nnd growing business. Add ! ess 5 { .11 , Ilee. Y M604 7 WE HAVE A GOOD Ht'SINESS OPENING for n worker with $275.0 } . Templeton tc Pier- son , 307-8 Paxton lllk. Y C97 6 FOR EXCHANGE. Hates , 1'Sc word first Inseitlon , Ic a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 23c. I OWN 100 FARMS IN NEBRASKA , KANSAS and Dnkotawlll ; sell cheap or exchange for mdse. , horses & cattle. Address box 76 , Frankfort , Ind. S5-3S3 OMAHA PROPERTY FOR SOUTHERN OH PA- clllc coast propel ty or farm. Address K 31 , Dee , , Oma-ia , Ncl ) . ZM 466 6 TO EXCHANGE FOR HICYCLE , GERMAN nit , elegantly bound , over 100 engravings. Will pay mull difference. Addicts llox 13. Olccto , Knn. Z-M191 7 WANTED , TO TRADE A NICE COTTAGE , with two lots , situated In Florence , and free from Incuinbrance , for a good home In the city. Wll assume lncumbrnr.cc or pay dlffer- ancc. H. Hall. Florence. Neb. / MI79 10 * STOCK OF MILLINERY AND NOTIONS ; want hoi ses & cattle , liox 295 , Frankfoit , Ind. X 583 WANTFD TO SFLL OR EXCHANGE , A FULL- blooded English mastiff dog for a bicycle. Ad- diess P. O. box 403 , Weeping Water , Neb. 2 670 6 * CLEAR COTTAGE AND LOT FOR LARGER pmpeity ; will assume some Incuinbiance ; de scribe property. K 46 , Ilee. K 378 7 * $2,100.00 STOCK GENERAL MERCHANDISE : want clear centinl Nebraska land. $2,300.00 slock dings In lown of 3,000 ; want land. Gar- vln Hros. , 210 N. Y. Life. Z-M3 6 ONE-OUARTER SECTION GOOD FARM LAND 1's miles fiom railroad town , to exchange for stock of mllllnerj or notions. Address lock box 3S2. Clmdion , Neb. 7. M603 12 * FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Rates , l' c word first Insertion , le a. word ihereafter. Nothing taken for less than 23e. FOR SALE , OVER 4,000 CAREFULLY SElected - lected farms scattcied all over Iowa and Ne braska. Hundreds of the most Inviting barcalns. The best and safest Investment to be found In America. Any one of these 4,000 farms will earn a good interest on the Invesi-mnt. Prices range fiom $3.00 to $50 00 per acre. No lists rent out. No trades. We have the farms nnd Ihc bargains. Call for particulars. BOCKS & Hill , UOS Farnam street. RB > 97jn7 FARM LANDS. C.F. HARRISON , 912 N.Y.LIFE. " . F. S93 M13 * DO YOU WANT A HOME. A COZY LITTLE farm of 3 to 30 ccies. where you can attend to Sour business In the city nnd inlse your own fruit , vegetable. ) and poultry and live like a king when times are Imid ? Come-quick nnd get your choice. Terms easy. Add. Box 66 Mlllard , Nob. R E-17J BARGAIN. N. E. CORNER 29TII AND HICK- ory. r. K. Darling. Barker block. RE-3S5 BARGAINS , HOUSES , LOTS AND FARMS , sale or Iradc. F. K. Darling , liaiker block. RE 383 FARM L'ND3. C. F. HARRISON , U2 N.Y.LIFD RE 893 MID'I WE HAVR JUST COMPLETED AND WILL tell at actual cost 2 beautiful six-room modern collages , east front on S. llth street near Hrownell hall. Terms \ery easy , or will rent to desirable parties. One of the 9 cottages we built during the last > car In Avondale park remains unsold. It Is n most decided bat gain at $3,800. It has all modern Improvements. Including elecirlo lighting , tno mlln from P. O. , all special taxes paid. Let us show sou this propel ty. Terms easy. A full lot well located , near motor , for $ jM , Is a snap. We have two such that can be sold on monthly payments of $3 each. Either one Is worth double the amount uslvd. Cnll In and examine our list seen. Fidelity Trust Company , 17lh and Farnam streets. RE-K1-1S EXCELLENT BARGAIN ; CORNER , 100 FEET , nn grade , fronting on paved stieel , with motor cars , sewer nnd water : public Improvement ! ) nl | paid for ; $5,000.00. For terms see Williams & Mltlnn. room 313 McCaguo building , or call 2103 South 13lh slrcet. RE-M43I S * B , 10 ANirao-AFiin riiACTs. 2-4 - MILES EAST of Council Bluffs , at $100.00 to $ .IOO.IX > per ncie , suitable for fiult gaidcns and homes. Day & Hess , Council Bluffs , R E MI'Jl ' JJ. FOR SALE CHEAP. OR TO EXCHANGE FOR N ! > . land or Omaha piopeity , n iH-aullful 20- aeie tract near Omaha. A in re chance. I ) . P. Hulchlnson , 100 N. 15th st. R n-BO.1 0 3.S40 ACHES OHEELEY , VALLEY AND SHEIl- man counties , Ntbiaskn , 210 acres cultlvaleil ; line living water ; good soil , guiss and vvaler ; no oilier Improvements : all clear ; will make a line stock faun ; 4 miles lo depot ; $10.00 per ucrrjwlll sell on good terms , or take some good properly ns part pay. Lands east and west to Hell nnd exchange. Addles * Henry C. Smllh , Falls City. Nebraska. HE-559 6 FOR SALE , BY GEORGE CLOUSER : 64x128 line residence lot on Mill avenue , bet. St. Mary's and Howard , $4.0W 00. $1,000,00 cash. IDOxlW line corner , south ami fast front , 4 blocks from Walnut Hill school , $1,010,00 , ' ,4 "corner lot In Orchard Hill , $ t0.00 , $150.00 $ cash. 1 have a Inigo list of lots In different parts of the city I am authorized to almost give away. George Cluuscr , room 2 , ICil Fuimini street. HE-M 6 EASY PAYMENTS , 8-ROOM HOUSE AND largo lot , one block of motor line , $1,800.00 Uarvln Bros , , 210 N. Y. Life bldf. ACRES INSIDE CITY LIMITS. $1,210.00 Garvln Bios. , 210 N , Y. Llfu-bldg. HE M20 ONLY $1,50000 CALL AND SEE THAT beautiful 8-room modem cottage , full lot ; cunt front ; 3C2 Noith 40ih ; terms easy : If nat idd this week will lent , RE MM4 i * $3.WO.OO. 8-R.-H , . HOT WATER. 11 BAT. $3,000.00 , 7-r.-ll. , I.OVVD avenue. ibW.UO , 4-r.-h. on paved street. $ lGOOoo , C-r.-h. and city water. $6.000.00 hardware for cash and horn * . $2.00000 clothing for $ JWOOO home , $9,000.1)0 ) property i Mocks from court housa for a cheapei home , > I.ooo.00 h. nnd I. for a drug slock. $600.00 h. nnd 1. for rncumbertd lols. $ . 0.00 furniture for horses. C , D. llutchlnson , 1 23 Farnam street. _ HEC211 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Continued. AN ATTRACTIVE S-ROOM rOTTAOE 27TII strrct , near Lake , $1,600.00 Garvln llros. , 210 N. Y. Life. REWZ 6 tOO ACRES IN CENTRAL NEIIRAHKA Frill $1.00 per nciPi good soil nnd M-acr. > MTJVP ; two miles from railroad town , imp-fourth onsh , balance time. Williams & Mlttan , room .113 , McCngup block. It i : MS 8 LOST. Rates. IHc word first Insertion , Ic n word thereafter. Nothing tnkon for less than 2Sa LOST , GOLD 1IOWED 8PiCTACLES , llli- tween Vlnton and Capitol. Reward If returned tei 2113 Smith ISlh , M482 6 * STRAYED OR STOLEN , BLACK MARE , ME- dliim size. Return to Owen Me.Cnlttey. Ill S. 16th , nnd get lew.nrd. LOST Ml 6 * 1.0. n\ HORSE , SORREL ? BRAND 277 > N LEI.T hip ; leiurn to 22d and Ames nvemie nnl p.'l rewanL M5I6 " LOST , ON THt'HSDAV. lir.TWF.EN HANSCOM park nnd SOth street , npal scarf pin. Finder plfase U-turn to Bee olllce. MM1 6 * UNbERTAiCERS AND EMB ALMERS Rales , l'4o ' word Ilrst Insertion. Ic a wonl thereafter. Nolhlng taken for less than 23c. H. K. BURKETT , FUNERA L DIRECTOR AND embnlnicr. 1613 Chliago. Tel , W. 3S3 "MUSIC , "ART"AND" L ANGUAGET" Rates , 1'ie wind first Inseitlon , Ic n wonl thereafter. Nolhlng taken for less Iliiitv 2Sc. G. F. O1LLENI1ECK , BANJ01ST AND teacher. 1S10 California st. 914 Rales , lijc word first Inseitlon , lo n Word thereafter. Nothing taken for loss than 23c. CITY UPHOLSTERING CO FURNITURE mad nnd repaired. Caipets laid and futnltuie patched nnd polished. 2503 Fnrnam ; tel. 133 201 M2 > PASTURAGE. WE HAVE 160 ACHES OF BLUE GRASS PAH- ture for horses. Boanl fence- , spring vvatir. Itnrton & Phelpn. Gllmore , Neb. , or A. W , Phelps & Son , 207 N. Y. Life bldg. T Iephone 10.14 M 939 .121 * DRESSMAKING. Rales , l' ' e word ( IrM Insertion , Ic n word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 23c. DRESSMAKING IN FAMILIES. ADDRESS Miss Sturdy , 4218 Nicholas street. M957 M21 DRESSMAKING lN I > mVATK FAMIUES ; FIT nnd stjle guaranteed. Address K 65 , Bee M-619 7 * MEDICAL. Rates , l'4c word Ilrst Insertion , le a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 23c. DR. C. V. CROOKS' NEW METHOD TREATment - ment of nerves , stomach , heart , 407 Bee bldg. 390 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. Hates , lljc word first Insertion , Ic n word theteafter * Nothing taken for less than 25c. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND. C13 N. Y. Life , Omaha. Ask for clicular. M391 PAWNBROKERS. Hates. I'.Jo word first Inseitlon , Ic a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 23c. FRED MOIILE , 1517'i ' FARNAM. 497 BUREAU. SUEii O3. HOLiaiToHS.Itou Bulldlns. OMAHA. .NKU. Advice PllBG MONEY MAY BE LOST. TRAVELERS CHEQUES of the AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY are refunded if lo t nnd nro n.s awillnhle ns cash aniuhuru In the world. When tnutllntr nhvnys cnrry them. RH1LWAYT1MKGHRD - . Dt. . Omulia ) Utpot 10m and Mason Sta. I Omaha 4:45pm. . . . . ChtcaKO Vcuillmlo . 9:50im : 9l5am : . Cnlcavo Expiess . 4:2jpiu : 7:02pm : . Chicago and loua Local . awOnrn ll:35am : . Paclll * Junction Local . S:55pm : L < ! a es JUURLINUTON & MO. RIVER.IArruoa Onuhal Depot 10th and Mason Sis. | Omaha 10:15am : uciwer Express 9:3 : > am 10:15.im : Deadnood Express , , 4:10pm : 4Wpm : Denver Express 4IOpm : 6Wpm..Nebraska : Local ( except Bun. ) . . . 6 : ! > 0pm 8:15am..Lincoln : Local 'except tjundtty..ll2Jam ! lea\ca I K. C. . ST. J. ft O. U. , Aril\ua Omahal Depot 10th nnd Mason Sis. I Omaha 9:45a-n : Kansas City Day E\press 5.upm : 945pm.K. ! C. Night Ex. via U. P. Tiuns. 6:50am : Lea\es , CHICAGO , R. I. & PACIFIC. I Arrives OmahalUnlon Depot loin and Mason Sls. | Onmh.t EAST. 10:15am..Atlantic : Express ( ex. Sunday ) . . 6:05pm : 6:25pm : Night Express C:4am : ! ) 4:40pm..Chicago : Vestlbuled L'mlted. . . . lS' ; > pm ll:35pm.Oklahoma Exp. ( to C. U. ex Sun ) . jj)5am ; WEST. 6:35am. : Oklahoma & Texas Exp. ( ex Sunll33am ) ; l:35pm : . Colorado Limited . 4:10pin Lea\es"l UNION PACIFIC. JArrlves OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th & Masor. 3ts.f Omaha 8COaif. : T . Denver Expivss. . , . , ' . 350pm ; ! : I6pm . Oveilnnd Flyer. . . . . . 6:20pm : S'Dptn.UeatrIcn : & Stromsb'g Ex ( ex Hun2o.ini ] t:40iim : . Pcclflc Express . . . . . . . 10 :53am : 6jQpm : . Fast Mall . Leaves ( CHICAGO , MIL. & ST. PAUL ! An lies' OmuhaiUnlon Depot IQlh & Mason Sis | Oni.iha C:3Spm : Chicago Limited 9:30a7n : llilOam..Chicago Express lex. Sun. ) . . , , u:30pm : LeavesF.7 E. & MO. VALLEY. ArrlveT Omahal Depot lilh and Webster bts , I Omuln 8:05am : Deadvvood E\L.ie . 7s.lupin 9.05am tEx. Sat. ) Wyo. Exp. lEx , Man. ) 6tOpm ; 600ptn..Norfolk ; Express ( Ex. Sunday.10U5.ini 630pm ! St. Paul Express ; < 0am Leave-s I CHICA GO & NORTHWEST'S lAnlves gumln-lu. P. Depot 10th & Mason bl | Omaha ll05ain ; Chicago Expieai TTVlepm 405pm ; Vestibule Limited 9:2)am : 630pm ; Eastern Flyer 2:15pm : C:30pmEx. : ( Sat..Chic. ) Pass.EMon. ( . ) 9:2Jpm : eiMum . . . .Mo. Volley Local 100pn : leaves I MISSOURIPACIFIC. | Airiv Omahal Depot 16th nnd Webeler rits. | _ Qrnnh-i icM.Hii St. Louis Express GtfOim 9:30pm : St. Louis Express C:53nn : | ! i luiini.Dally ( ex. Sun. ) Nebiaeku Local. 9.1u.uii Leaves I C.T ST7 PTT'Rt7 7i U. lArnvcs _ pnialiaJDepot15th and Webalei Sl . | Omam ! SGOam..Sioux : Clly Aceom ( Ex Sun ) . . . 80.pui ; 10:00.im : . .Sioux City Accom ( Sun Only ) . 8:03pm : 12lHpm..Sloi ; < x City Express ( Ex. Hun.llC5ain ; i.30pm. . St. Paul Limited BMOam Leaves I SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. I Arrives OniahalU. 1' . Depot 10th & Maaon HU. | Omanq il.Uam..Sioux City Passengsr. ? 10:20pm : 3:55pm : St. Paul Expiesn0:00.im ! : SIOUX CITY & PACSFKA lArrUsi Depot 15lh nnd Webster Sis. I Onl.ilin "i'Mvn. . . . . , . " . . .otf Paul Limited 9fOain : 60pm ! Chicago Llmlled DMOan- Leaves 1 OMAHA & ST i7OUIS"lArrlvej limahalU. P. Depot 10th & M or. Sis.I Omnlm f.CSprn t- Louts Cannon Hall ' Hipm " ROMANTIC MARRIAGE. IlcOrforctl the ) He-st Security I to Iluil nml Shu Ace'epte l. "Talk about romantic marriages , " ejacu lated u well posted r.oimder to the Wasli- InRton Star. "There Koes a couple up Klf- tcontli ( street who canio lugothcr In thu most remarkable way you over heard of , anil who are enjoying a great deal of happiness * ness , too. Don't mention any names and I'll tell you the story , "Some tlmo ago the man , who was In the real estate business , advertised for a sum of money , repayment of which would bo guar anteed by umiiicstionablo security. The uil- vertUement met the eye of a young and buxom widow , who hail several thousand dollars which shi ) wanted to Invest , anil sh answered It In person. "When she visited the advertiser's ofllco bho was doubtless favorably Impressed with bin appearance and had an opportunity to study him perhaps , because there were sev eral callers before her. At taxt ho wan ells- cngaeeil , ami stating her mUslon the widow Imjiilreil what security woulil bo given for thu loan. " ' .Madame , ' snld the audit , 'I am a man of ups anil clowns In the world ; now success ful and then unfortunate. Sometimes I amen on my way to the executive mansion , and at others my path leads In the direction of the workhouse. Hut buch as I am , 1 offer myself as security for the loan I havp advertised for. Marriage , mailamo , marriage , la the security I offer you , ' "Naturally , the widow was llustnitrd ami shortly withdrew , stammering out. with violent lent blushing , that she woulil consider the proposition. That her consideration must have been favorable goes without saying , becausa they weru married In less than two vvcekn afterward , and they are just as happy , to all appearances , a.i If their courtship hail been two JCMS long. " Till ! T//K.I TKHH. DurltiR Ills coming ctignK.'incnt nt the Doyil Alexander Salvlnl will bo seen In two plnya In which ho will bei new to Ills admirers hero. One will bo tlio revival of nn oM flay , tlio other will b soinctliliu ? entirely now , Imv- Ins only been put on by tlio nctor ( Hiring the present sroson. "Uuy Illas" In a piny that Is familiar to the older generation of theater goers , as was "Don Caesar , " until young Snlvlnl restirreotil It , but It has been years t > lnci > they lutvo noon It. Somehow or other , nsltlc from Salvlnl , there iloes not ap pear to'bi nn actor In this country nt the present ilay capnlile of Interpreting these rolos. They arc plnya Hint nlwavH were ami nlwnys will bo popular , when they Imvo nn Idrnl romantic hero like Salvlnl to portrny them. Since l-'cclitrr. htwover , wo have hnil no Ideal romantic actor , anil It Is iluubtftil It Kechter's methoda would be accepted now. Snlvlnl has but recently mlilitl "Kny Illau" to Ms repertoire for this season , anil It la pleasing to note that U was the success of his extended Now York engagement nt the beginning of his season. It IB riot dllllcult to Imagine Salvlnl as an Ideal of Hugo's ain- bltlous hero. He will nlso present "Tho Thro ? Ounrilsmun. " Snlvlnt's new play will be "X.imnr , " n story of I'ortiiRuesu life. H hns been pronounced n strong story of Portu guese gypsy life. In the sixteenth century nml as offering many splendid opportunlthH to Salvlnl. Another strong feature of the engagement will be the supporting company , which In cludes such eminent people M William Hod- monil , John A. lan , William Harris , Klc.inor Morettl , Augusta do Forrest , Mnmlo DKon and others. The arrangement of his repertoire Is "Tho Three ( lu.mlsmcn" Mon day , "Huy Illas" Tuesday and "Zamnr" Wednesday. The Drothers La Iloie , who wore the at traction at the Elks bcncllt. will open with the Clark & La Ho o High Class Vaudeville- company nt the Plftcnth Stieot theater for ono Veek. cummcnclng Sundny mntlneo , May " 0. This comptny has nlso a great m.iny more well noted artists , Including the Robinsons , Harrlgan nnd Dlnck , Frank Williamson , Press Wakcllcld , Hart nml Irving , Suymours , Miss Arnold nml Pndllno ami Lcc. Ileglnnlng nt the regular Sunday mntlnce May 13 , ami for the week , the Klftccnth Street theater nnnounccs n season of light opera by the Cnlhoun Opera company. The company created a very favorable Impres sion ilurlng its last visit , and It IB said tliiii season's organization Is superior In every way. The operas to be produced for the week will bo "Tho Itlack Hussar" for Sun day , Monday nml Tuesday , "Said Pasha" at the Wednesday matinee nnd Wednesday evening ; "Tho Mikado" Thursday ; "Tho Bohemian Girl , " Krldny and Saturday mnt- Incc , nnd In the evening "Tho Illark Hussar" will be repeated. Thu llbt of the prlndl- pals Includes the following well known people ple : Julia Calhoun , mezzo soprano , last season with Calhoun Opera company. Sylvester Cornish , contralto , formerly with DoWolf Hopper and Isle of Champagne Opera company. George Lydlng , prlmo tenor , last season with Miss Helyet. Douglas Flint , Klrtland Calhoun , como- dlans , with the Calhoun Opera company last season. Beatrice McKcnzlc , soprano. Agues Baylies , soprano. Cora Leavltt. contralto. Herbert Walters , Joseph Danton , tenors. Otis U. Thayer. W. U. Heatty , baritones ; Tlio Sisters Ilrnccee , dancers. Chorus of twenty-four nml the company's own orchestra , under the direction of Carl Martens. Commencing with matinee today and for ono week , with Wednesday and Saturday matinees , "A Prisoner for Life" will be pre sented nt the Fifteenth Street theater by n. company of competent and experienced nrtlsts. H Is n soul-stirring play and has never been equalled for the beauty and grandeur of Its scenic effects , notably "The Great Prison Quarry" nnd "Tho Ocean by Moon light" scenes. The action of the drama Is In terspersed with brilliant specialties ) , the latest songs , brightest waylngs and most attrac tive dances being Introduced. Included- this cleverest of companies Is the talented comedian Gus Welnbcrg. author of the favorlto bong , "Now Ho'a Sorry that Ho Spoke , " and oilier favorites equally well known. Mr. W. T. Carleton , the well known singer and opera manager , thinks that Omaha Is large enough nnd hns enough lovers of music to support n three-week's season of opera , nnd consequently on Monday evening , the 21st Inbt. , ho will bring1 his company to Boyd's theater and Inaagurnto a thrco- week'n serison of opera at popular prices. Mr. Carleton proposes to strengthen his company specially for this engagement , two additional nrtlsts having already been signed and two more In contemplation. The season's repertoire will Include the fol lowing operas : "Tho Mikado , " "Nanon , " "Fra Dlavolo , " "Chimes of Normandy , " "Tho Dohemlnn Girl , " "Dorothy" anil Francis Wllsln's new version of "Brmlnlo. " THE FASTEST AFLOAT. Itomnrlmhlu Speed of u Xmv Itrllluli Torpedo limit. An account of the official trial of the new British torpedo boat destroyer. Hornet , which recently took place In the estuary of the Thames , shows that that crnft Is the fastest vessel of her typo nlloat. During u three hours' trial the average speed per hour was found to be 27.C2S knots. This considerably eclipses any previous perform ance of any vessel of the Hornet's class. The best record claimed by any other builder of boats of this type Is 27.22 knots per hour , bald to Imvo been made by the Chevalier , which was constructed by M. Normand of Havre. ' After the oindal bpeed trial , the Hornet had a series of turning trials. Untidiness Is ono of the most Important qualities of a torpedo boat , nnd In this the crnft was not found wanting. The vessel was circled at full speed , first to btnrboard , then to port. The result of the trial wan In nil respects satisfactory. The vessel was found to bo very obedient to her helm , and her tactical diameter , which Is the diameter of a circle. In which she can turn , was smaller than Bomo of the experts expected that It would be , considering the lonntli of the boat. Another noticeable feature was the nb- ECIICO of vibration. Ilarely nny was felt when running nt reduced speed , nnd there wns practically none when the throttles wcro wldo open. There was no heating ot any parts of the engines , and the boilers generated ample steam , with 11 moan air tiressiiro of fifteen Inches. The Hornet Is ono of the thirty vessels recently ordered by the British Admiralty to bo constructed at a cost of from i.oO % to 39,000 each. Two of the boats were built" by Yarrow & Co. They are the Havock anil Hornet. With the exception of } > < > " < " bot" were allko In every particular. The Havock. which wns fitted with locomotive boilers , has not proved to bo ns fast as the Hornet , which WIIK equipped with the Yarrow patent water tube boilers. H wns stipulated In the contract that the Hornet should make u speed of twe ly ; ° 11 load of thirty-five knots per hour , with u t0ThoniIorneV Is a twin screw boat , meas uring 180 feet In length , by a beam of six teen foot six Inches. er forward imrU are protected by a turtle-back , which " * ton Is the after part o Iho from the bow to conning tower. The ste.of the tiirt e- to 'lofleet back is of sufllclent thickness projectiles of the smaller Hort. Under to forward deck Is situated the furocnstlu. where part of Iho cruw are berthed. In adjoining the contilnK ho co npurtment tower Is placed the steering gcnr. The boiler space extends from the gallery aft to the emtliio room. . . In the engine room are two sots of triple expansion engines capable of develop tilt collectively 3,600 horse power. Abaft thu engine room are the two cabins for the men of the engine room force ami the oflicerJ mess room and pantry. . . . . The armament consists of three elKhtpen- Inclt torpedo tubes , ono twelve-pounder ami three six-pounder rapid fire guns. .Tho magazines r situated under the cabin. Thu coal carrying capacity of thu vowel is ulxty tons. This supply Is believed to bo Biilllclent for n run of 4,000 miles at it ton- Knot speed , The compliment of officers ouu men U forty-two ,