Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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lOJIJIERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Ruled Firm Yesterday and Closed a
Traction Higher ,
III OnU tlio Mnrkrt Win llxtrcmely Dull
and UiilntRmtliiR Price * Were
runlictl Up u Trlllit mill
Clim-il Higher.
OHICAOO , May 3. Wheat rtilcil firm to
day on a small business and closed with
nn advance of % c. Tlio movement of tlio
Blocks Is at last apparently coming the way
of the bulls. The visible supply gives
nvlilcnco of n speedy reduction by export.
Although foreign market traders Inform tlio
traders of this country that they have
already more than enough from other
sources they continue to receive about one-
half of all they need from the United
Stales and Canada. These heavy shipments
arc now being felt In the stock here and
without an overwhelming ; supply It was
risked : "What will the bears do ? " Corn
was firm and gained V c. Hay oats wore
likewise Uc higher. Provisions are slightly
Wheat was firm on rxtromely small re
ceipts. Aside from the bearish effects lately
caused by the state bulletins regarding
tlio condition of the winter wheat , tlio situ
ation was rather Improved for the bulls.
The receipts were light and the shipments
liberal. There were reports that the army
worms were Invading the wheat fields of
Texas , and that chinch bugs were paying
their respects to the plant In Kansas. The
local bearish contingent was disappointed
that moru long wheat did not come out to
help tlicm to break wheat that they .might
cover their short sales. They began buying In
n quiet way and trade was so small
fi moderate amount of buying was sulllclent
to create a diversion In favor of tlio bulls.
There was also a good Inquiry for new
Hprlnt ; wheat for shipment at Ic per b\i.
over .May prices , and some was sold lur
that early In the day. July opened % c be
low Wednesday's close , at 59'ic , anil last
only i c at the close.
Corn was firm on a remarkably small
amount of business. There was no other
particular feature In the trade. July was
weak for a moment at the start. Very
little changed hands at first quotations.
It gradually strengthened until It touched
39ic about the middle of the session. The
jHslfig price ; wore at the highest Of
tlio day's ' iiuigc.
Thn oats market was extremely dull and
uninteresting. Just before the close prices
were pushed up a trifle and closed at the
high point of the day , or at an advance of
Vic on May and from Uc to % e on other
Trading In provisions was no exception to
the general speculative stagnation which
prevailed In tlio other pits. Prices ruled
n trifle easier , but the decline was made
as soon as the market opened. Pork lost
JOc. but lard and ribs were unchanged.
Kstlimited receipts for Friday : Wheat ,
72 cars ; corn , 170 cars ; oats , 170 cars ; hogs ,
20,000 head.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Articles. | Open. | High. | Low. | Close"
Wheat , No. ' . ' i 1
May '
July M&.V.IU CO
hupt liOJ C0
Corn No. a. .
May 37K
July 38i Tl ) 3H4
.Sept 40 40
OatH No. i. . . .
.May ni JI1
June 3iw : 33 > j ,
July atiK L'ilM . ' 3 ! < 1U !
I'ork per bbl
May 12 I'M
July li ! I ! . " . la ao ia 25 12 HO
Lard. 100 Ibs
May 7 37 7 S7 ! 7 32k
July 7 10 7 10 7 07 7 10
Sopl 7 05 7 10 7 05 7 10
Short Illbs-
Mny n 40 0 42 n 40 n 42H
July U 30 (1 : ! 7i ! * h 30 u : is
fii'lit 0 B7K 0 3ft n 27W n : ir
I'usli quotnllon * were ns follows :
KI.Oini--Ktc.-uly anil unohanKcil.
( VMlN-No. 2 , 37 > ic.
IIVK No. 2 , 43c.
HAUF.HY Nominal.
KI.AX KKUD No. I , $1.28.
TIMOTHY SnUD-I'rlme , J4.2I.
. . ' ' "pViaiONS-MpsM poilt. per bbl. . $12.20J ?
12.J254. Ijitd , per lw ) Ibs. , $7.32U 7.37U .Short
ribs , sides ( loose ) , JG.47' ' < , ( U,0. Ury salted shoul-
wS . ! ,1 : : ! ' "i- ° * f"i23H"ort clear sides ( boxwl ) ,
* t > .oifc3t/ - * / * ;
WHISKY-Dlsllllpni1 llnlshcd coeds , per ual. .
The following wore the it.-ceipis aim shipments
forlodny :
" "ArtlcK'sT
Wheat , hti
Corn , bu
OatH , bu
ll.vo' bn. . .
Ijarley , bu
5" . . ' . ! ; ? ! ; ! lllc ° _ 9XCMIln" .l' ; | y"tiu7huttorui-ir .
) nc ; dairy , I
Ycstcrihiy'H Quotations on Flour , < ! r ln nnd
Provisions. McliilK , ijto. *
NBW YOHK , Mny 3.-KI.Oiil-Uccrlnts 4" .
SOO bu. ; exports , 33.200 bbls. ; sales , G 200 p'kRs" '
ilull anil weak ; buyers holding off and exporters
fqunlly Indifferent ; bucliwheat Hour nominal-
ryp Hornsleaily. . '
! ' " Dl"l : rn"KO ° n " " 8ra'8' ' '
COItN .MBAIr-Steaily ; yellow weateru. J2.C3ff
2.70 ; llranilywlne , $2.70.
tc"YK UU" : ° "r ' ° IS > 51l ° :2c ! boat } m < 1'K ®
llAilLUY-QuIrt : No. Milwaukee. C6B67c-
two-roweil state , 66c : iinirnilei1 "csiein - , rn v - .
IlVHrt'VTIT 11
row WI1KAT llecelpts , 17,600 bu. ; exports ,
97.COO tin. ; siil'-s , liSO.Cui ) bu. futures ,
30,000 bu.
BPOI Mimt market In-
COHN ItcceliilM , 23.401) hu. ; exports no 00 tin
dales , 4.p.,0i ) bu. futures , 8.000 bn soY.t &
market Uull ; No. 2. 43o In elev , or We , , | | n I
sssi-jsis&ste wr&rwlKB !
i ijfti ? ' * t
OATS Hecelpts , GO.OOO bu. ; expoitx 18 100 hu
R11.-S. 50.WO bu. futures , 40.WK ) | , u sp , Spot
market lo lower on mlxeil oats ; HhmtM iipp-iir
out. No. 2. 40e ; No. 3. 4 ' 4c ; No wliltH 4uUi-
No. 3 white. 4014e ; track , nilxcil western VlftUIAC !
truck , whlti ) western , 4Ufliic : track whii , . i.n. '
4lff46c. Options iirm. owliiK l" liilk of i inn , '
latlon here , but trmllntf wus exw | | L-ly " liM
'UJ..V. = > " ' was UJi ; > o u , , for thnZV "Uv'
1 at 3S',4cj ' July , 3 -
HOI'S null ; stnte , ronimon to choice , l7c-
\S \ o r'-mSfeV-0"0" ! BWrk"1' M {
ciiVMISSififchlppln > ' 6-WGC-M : to
IIIDKS Nominal ; wet suited New Orleaim
selectiHl. 45 to 611 Ibs. . 4ii 5'.ic Texiis , silec n'
r t. . > v n. i fir _ . . . . ' * " * * * * - ; - tin 11. It Lit ( | >
llnKl easier ; continent , 18.10 ; S. A. , $8,63 ; com
pound. Mi6'c. I'ork. dull nndany. .
COTTON HK1J1) OH. llecldrdly lower but
nctlvu on free onVrlnn" by one of ( In. bit ; con-
cermi ; prlinu crude , 2'Jc ; pi Him crinle. loose
KH27c : off cnidf. 27tf2.Sc ; butler guides. 3IJj33e' ;
prime nuinmor , yellow , S2fi32ic ! ; off summer ,
jellow , 3lo bid ; inline nununer , while , 3iil3fc. ;
IIUTTKK Hteady ; western dairy , | 01(13c : wrst-
rrn civunivry. USflTc ; WMtern factory , 'JijlfI2c-
IClKlnii , 17o ; ntnte dairy , 12 17c ; slate ereumery ,
C'HEEHIJ Hteady ; tnte. laritc , 8 Illic :
mnnll , DiiW9ci part nklins , 31lf4c | ; full skhns ,
IKKIH Dull nnd weak ; iitatn and Peimtiyl-
vanlu , fancy , llttll ! c ; southern , rccrlpK ,
, 70 iikxi ,
fALlMW-Kw city ( : for pktB. ( ) . tes MSo ;
country ( pkin , free ) , 6(1(1 ( 5 131&us tu quality.
ItOHIN About it ady ; Mrnlned , conimun to
cood. $ I.17H/1.20.
TI'HPBNTINK BlcaUys ! je2 ? > ; o
ItlfK r'ulrly ilfady ; ilomrttlc , 4CCo ; Japan ,
MOLAHSES-Qulet and steady ; New Orleuim ,
tiiwu kettle , Kood | o choice , JJfilw ! ,
l-OI'I'KIt-Qukt ; lake , 9ViC.
TIN Qul.'l , KlrulU. Jl. S bid ; platfn dull ;
suit * on clianKe , & 0 tona June tin , iOc.
1'jiTltOLKUM-Uulli Unlicd cluacvl at I5c bid ;
< > , . ( iri n bl | . ' a-ldnnl.HI jn till (
1. . . ' . ! ! ' N''vv 1 .ik $ 'ii : . , J'hd.i'u'plii" .
- in IMIM. , . ; . " " ' " > ' 'I"K. / ! '
arij/ri.r. :
I.ncnl 1'rnilurc MnrUcl.
nfTTKIl-Thor * ' Is not very muoh tnitlcr cnm-
Ing , imt ni th mmi > time thn < iMiinnil H not \fry
lionvy. nnl th < F marhrl upon the \Uiole It Hot
ovi-tly active. AX yet Ihirc w Illll" rtuw of
Rran. Pn | > nrntoiirenmoiy , 1 V2 ' ; i-xtra fancy
country. li ! 1'ir ; choice c-'iiniry , I2H" ? . r'klng
HfiOlt. 0.
KOUU Thn murUrt linn not eliown much chnnno
diirlriB the pnm day or two. JJIKM ! . clenn Ktock
In nodi * Rn < -t lly nt DC. Since the rnlnB th y
liFivn been a pol l ninny dirty egg arrlvlng.nhlch
wllh the iUHMndn < HI nt Vtffte.
MVi : I'Ot'I.TIlY The arrivnl * are nliout filial
to th < * dcmtind nnd lli marki > l lit nboiil ateinly.
, CT7c ; old reenters , Sflfic ; rprlng chickens ,
. . .
OAMIThp ! season Is no far nihnnoeil that
ennie M no lonxcr wanted.
VIAt Thpro Is n fnlrly Rood supply. Ooo > l ,
fat venl . G4fl7c ; thln or lieitvy. lUSc ,
I'ltlnoNH-Thero Is n drninnd for "Id pll ? ( ) n ,
but younu blnln thnt nre not utron ? ; nn tno lng
arc not uniHcd. Old birds , l' r iloz. , $1.23l.oO. |
lllIANS-rnllf-irtlla haml-plekeil navy , $2. < W
2.1' ' ) ; weKlcrn navy , | l.7H'l.iO ; common whit"
bean * , ll.bifj'1.7.1. '
UNIONS-ilnlonn nre quolnl on orders nt $1 ;
onlnnn , In bbls. , 12.73.
I'OTATOKS Colorado , from Btore , $1 ; Colorado
IniF , anSnlt : lake , ! )0cff$1.0ij ) ) new potaloen. per
BO-lb. box , $2.
rAIIUAdK-riorlda cabbage , prr crate , $2.000
cTlnilY : None In the mnrket.
HW13KT I'OTATJiK-K. : . l polntoo . $3.M.
AHI'AItAiir.S-riood home grown slock Is
nhundnnt nt 2."c per doz. on orders.
I'll : I'LANT Home Blown pie plant Is be-
cumlnK plenty nt 2'j' ' .
TOMATfllW Klorlda stock of R00.1 color Is
quite plenty nt $3.00OT. & ) iier crate of six busKctc.
( IIIKKN VKOIlTAIIMis Hplnnrh , per bbl. ,
$2.23 ; tnitlsheH , p. > r doz. , 30c ; lelluce , per ilnx. ,
3if40i > ; cucumberi. $ I.M ; parsley , psr do/ . , , ,0J3S" ;
onions , PIT doz. , 23fi30c ; turnips , per doz. , B"c ;
cnnotH. per do ? . , We ; liccls , per doz. , 73S7We !
string beani1. per ' . " . -liii. box. $1.23 ; water cuss.
per case Ifi b ixes. $ l.7rT(2.iK ) ; rqiiashcs , | icr bu. ,
$2 , Ilormudu onion. ' , per Int. , $3.
STIlA\VlliilKIiH-.nn- : has been well
supplied dmlnt ' , Ihe past few days , nnd tht'le IB
every prospect that the supply will continue
Rood. I'rlci-s nre lower and dealers nre not
nnllelpatlnK nny ndvnnco , In fact most every one
IH looking for a low no.'ison on strnu berries.
Cioj < l stock suitable for sblpmont , $3 2V83.M.
Tllfl'U'AI , I'MlflTH.
HANANAH-I'er bunch , $2.00fi2.'A
l.KMONS Pnncy lemons. 3)0 ) Size , $4 ; fnney
lemons. 3' ' plze , $3.73 : cholci1 lemon1 * , SCO size ,
$3.M ) . Ill ten-box lots 23c pel' boles" .
OltANOKS-Wai'lilnKtoii navels. 130s. 17Ci. 2 s ,
i.1 , 7R ; Washlngnn navels , ? , 112s , $3.23VuKli ; -
IhKton navels , 120s , $3.30 ; sweels ,
FIOH-Knnc-y. tier lh. , 13c.
l > . \Ti.S : HalloWeeH , C3 to 70-lb. bolt ? , per lh. ,
D'fcc. x
l'INnA'PIKS-InrKe | , per doz. , J3.005J3.23 ;
5inall to medium , per doz. , $2..V ) .
1IONKY Choice white clover , 15c ; California ,
Kc ; hark Jinney. Ii2(71.1c > .
MAI'I.n HVIH'I' ( Iiillon Jugs nnd cans , per
doz. . $12. 0 ; half gallon * . $0.r,0.
MAI'I.IC SniAH-1'er Ib. , IOc.
Nl'TH PheMnutB. 13c per Ib. : Italian chest
nuts , 12il3c ; nlniondii , ICc : Knullsh wnluuls , 12c ;
lllbeilM , 12c : pecans. InrKe , 13yi4c ; pecans , me
dium. IOc : liruzll mils , lie.
SAt'KUKUAUT Per bbl. , $1 ; half bbl. , $2.15.
I'inMll Puie Juice , per bbl. . $0 ; half bbl. , $ J.23 ;
OrcRoiT prt hui. , : ' 'r' " : ' . ' ' . ' , , ' - . . ' ? : ! clartllcd
cider , per bbl. , $4.uO ; hiu ' " 'I'J ' -
nnAU-No. 1 black , lu : e , $20.00323.00 ; me
dium , $15 ; Finnll , $8.00iHO.OO ; black yeaillnRS.
larsc , $12.00ffl3.00 ; medium , $10 ; small. $7 ; black
cub * , large , $ ii.OOfS.CO : medium , $3.00JG.OO ; Binall ,
$4- black Montana nnd Itocicy mounluln , larsc ,
$ lS.001f22.00 ; medium. $14 ; small , $10 ; black Mon
tana yearlings , larsc , $12 ; medium. $8 ; small ,
$3 ; black Montana cubs , InrKe. JO.EO ; medium ,
$4.M ; small , $3 ; silver tip , larKe , $20 ; medium ,
$12 ; smnll. $ S ; ( silver tip yenrlliiKS , laiRe. $11 ;
medium , $8 ; small , 5 ; sliver tip cuba , larttc , $0 ;
medium , $4.W ; small. $3 ; brown. Inige , $20.00a
23.00 ; medium , $16 ; small , 512 ; yearlliiRs. larRe ,
$1000W1200 ; medium , $ S : Binull , 1C : cubs , lurse ,
$7medium. ' . $5 : small , $ : i : badRer No. ] , lame.
$1 OOW1 HO ; medium. COc ; small , 60c ; nsher No. 1 ,
IIII-KC JS ; medium , $0 ; small. $4 ; fox , sll\er , ns
to color , according to Iwaiity-No. 1. large , JUW ;
medium SCO : small , * * > -liver , pale , accordlnR
o eautv lai-Be. J50 : medium , $30 ; small. 12) ;
cross. Inrkc. Ij : medium. _ $3 : small $2 : led.
ni COc : xinnll. We ; benvcr , per skin. No.
C J3W06-00 : medium. S4.M : small. $2 ; kits.
Jl.W small. 75c muskrats-
at-Be. $2 : medium. : ;
winter No 1 larse , lOilllc ; medium , 9c : small ,
7c ; fall , lar'se. SS9c ; medium. 7c ; small , 6c ; kits.
lafce , 2fl3c.
HIDES No. 1 Bicen hides. 2jc ! ; No. 1 erecn
salted hides. 24i&3c ! : No. 2 green salted hides ,
lMr82eNo. . 1 vcul calf. 8 Ibs. to 15 Ibs. . CV4c ; No.
2 veal calf. 8 Its. to 15 Ibs. , Sc ; No. 1 dry Hint
bides , 5c ; No. 2 dry Hint hides , 3c ; No. 1 dry
salted hides. 4c. 1'urt cured hides HO per Ib.
less than fully cured.
SH1213P PKLTS Green raited , each , 2jfCOc ;
green salted shearlings ( short-wooled early
Elclns ) , each , MMCc ; dry shearlings ( short-wooled
tally skins ) . No. 1 , each , 50100 : dry shearlings
( short-wooled early skins ) , No. 2. each , 5e ; dry
Hint , Kansas and Nebraska , butcher wool pelts ,
per Ib. , nctuul weight , G3Sc ; dry Hint. Kansas
and Nebraska munaln wool rells. per Ib. ,
actual weight. 4JfCc ; dry Hint , Colorado butcher
wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight. 4f7c : dry
flint , Colorado murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual
weight. 41TCC.
TALLOW AND OnHASR Tallow , No. 1. 4i0 !
4V4o ; tallow , No. 2. 3&f4c : grease , white A. 4c ;
grease , white U , 3ie ; cicusc , yellow , 3c ; gicase ,
Hark , 2'Jc ; old butter , 282 < 4c ; bcessvax , Drime , 15
rough tallow , 22'&c.
St. I.ouls ( icncral tlurki > t.
ST. LOUIS , May 3 , l-'LOl'R Quiet , un
WHEAT Absolutely dead , shoollns up He nt
the close ; No. 2 red , cash , M'bc ; Mny. 5lc ; June ,
05 < , ic.
t'OHN riim. but quiet ; No. 2 mixed , cash ,
37\c ; May , 3tiiti2So ; July , 3BT B37c ; Septemboi- ,
37i | 37I4c.
OATS-I'-lnn. lilglier ; No. 2 cash , 03ic ; Mny ,
3HJc : Julv , 27XC ; Augusl. 24c.
UYK No. 2. tai-l side , SOo bid.
HAKI.KY-No trading.
HIlAN-lIast tmck. C3c.
FLAX-J1.22. Orn-s seeds , unehanKed.
HAY III deninnd , higher ; pi line to choice
tlmolhy. J'J.l'STilO.W.
11HTTKU louver ; Keparntor creamery , 1351Cc ;
choice iliilry , 13f(14c. (
KCUiS Oulel. unchanged. . '
LMAD-.SI.-ndy. J3.17'4. * 1
HI'HI.TKU-Lowcr. $3.23 nskeil ,
COUN MI-AI.-10ii8lei : , $ l. 0ftl , ! > 3.
WHISKY ll.OSfil.lS.
CO-n'DN TlKS-rnchnnged nt 93cQtl.OO.
HAnniNd-rnelmnKea at f..jOCc.
PltOVISIHNSWenk. . I'ork , slandard me ? ? ,
jobbing , $12.73. l.nril , prime Htenm. $7.13 : choice ,
$7.30. Diy salt meats , loose Kbouldrrs , JC ; longs
and ribs , J6.M ; shorts , ( ii.CO. lincon. p.icked
hhoulders , $7 ; longs , $7.23 ; rlbx , $7.2j'Q ' > 7.3i > : ;
shorls. $7.37 > ! : M7.r,0.
UKC'HIPTH Kluur , C.OOO bu. : wheat , 3,000 bu. ;
corn. 5".0im bu. ; oats , 2J.OOO bn.
SIlIPMUNTS-Vlour , 5,000 bu , ; wheat , none ;
corn , Cl.UOO bu. : o.Us , 27,000 bu.
Cotton 'Murkot.
N13W OIILKANW , May S.-l'OTTON-Klim ;
sales , spol , $13.CO ; to arrive , 1'JO bales ; recelpls ,
2IW bales ; ciuihtwlse , 3.CS2 bales , stock , HI , 202
bales. Futures , qnlel and ste.idy : hales , (13,100
bales ; May , Jii.72 bid ; June , tli.7tiffii.77 ; June
$ .S2ijU.S3 | : August , $ ii.S3fill,8l : Novemlu-r , * fi. 2if
C.)3 ! ; Uccembi-r , Jii.SiS ili.U'j ; .liumary , $7.0II7.0 | .
HT. I/ll'IS , May S.-l'OTTON Lower ; mid
dling. 71tc , sales , 700 bales : iccclplH , 1. 000 bales ;
shlpmenls , l.SOi ) bales : ( .lock. ' 43.2i ) bnles.
OALVKSTON , May 3.-'COTTON Iliwlpls , 111
bales ; exports to Ninv York. 4 2113 bales ; stocK ,
38,194 bales. Middling , CUc. Miuket dull.
.Specnlutlou'n Onlto Acllvo lint tlio 1'ru-
MUllllK Tone XVns M'nik.
NK\V YORK , May 3. The speculation on
the Stock exchange today wns qnlto active ,
but tlio prevailing tone was wealc and dull ,
tlio depression being largely duo not to tlio
Kolil movement , but to tlio dlfllcultlea which
beset the reorganization committees of tlio
loading railroads In the hands of receivers.
St. I'aul and sympathetically the other
grangers were heavy on the largo decrease
In the April earnings of the St. Paul.
Atchlson was exceptionally heavy on the
offering for sale of 15.000 scares , said to bo
for an estate which Is being divided among
tlio heirs , Heading was again weak on the
threatened foreclosure proceedings. The
strength of Sugar waa duo to the expec
tations that the senate finance committee
would report the tariff bill with the sugar
amendments , General Electric wns sold In
lloston In liquidation of u big block of stock
held them for sumo time , London wan
not largely In the market , but sold some
lots of St. I'aul and Louisville In the early
trading and later bought Reading nnd
Atchlson on the decline. Some orders at a
figure below dm current quotation were
cabled from London before the opening
to buy St. Paul , but the stock did not touch
the price named. The' market opened gen
erally a fraction lower , and prices declined
In the early trailing except for Sugar and
Chicago Qas , The weakness was of brief
duration and under the lead of Tobacco
the general list moved up from H to 1
per cent , only , however , to give way quickly
under a pressure to sell , which was not
checked until 11 o'clock. The market was
steadied somewhat by purchases to cover
short contracts and after midday the tone
of speculation became strong temporarily.
UeiiewcU aalea ot AtcUlsou und a treasure
of Northern Pacific ngaln broke the market
Prices for the remainder of the day wcr (
mostly downward Sugar was n notable
f.xc " ' "otl' lcll > R strong In the final dealing !
nml rlMm" nl nn ndvnnco of 1 < 6 per cent on
the day , tiic , , rfcrred gaining % per cent ,
.flrl" Jurlns lhc ' ° rni
The bond market wa .
In * , but wenk In the after.:00"- : , .
The Kvcnlng Post says ! ? , yct.11' , '
year's spring export movement of til" IE
not above the average , although usual sprlns
conditions ore nt present much Intensified ,
Fundamentally It must not be forgotten that
this season's export represents simply the
withdrawal or foreign capital , due to the
absolute lack of oppottunlty for Us Invest
ment In the money market here. From that
point of view It Is certainly nn unpleasant
symptom , but no more surely than the Now
York 1 per cent money rate , the rise In our
city bank reserves , the diminished railway
gross earnings and .the average shrinkage In
clearing house returns 'from 1893 ot 20 per
cent or more. For the moment Europe's
money markets are for various reasons more
Inviting to International Investors tlinn our
own.Tho following nre the closing quotations
nn HIP lending stocks of the New York ex
change todny :
The totnl nles of stucka today were 214,10) )
phnres , Including : Alchlson , lft,7i)1 ) : American
SiiKnr. Kii.iUM ; C'lilcago Otis , 11,2-jil ; IturllnKlou ,
7.100 ; Dlslllllng nnd fnttlc I-Vedlng. 3,6i ) ; Hrln ,
3.2UO ; Ueneral Electric. 3in ; Ixjubvlllo .V. > 'n h-
vllle , nW)0 ; National Lead , 10,000 ; New Vmk .t
New England , 2.1tiK ) ; Northern I'aclllc prefe'rod ,
7,7' ' ) ; Headlnir. 33."W : St. I'aul. ll.lHii ,
Now York Money Market.
Easy at 1 per cent ; last loan closed nt 1 per
cent.PIUMK MEUCANTII.n PAPCn-3H.1 per ci > nt.
HTEUI.lNn HXCHANOi : SitronK. with actual
business In bankers' bills JI.SS iH.M for demand
nnd > 4.87'ifll.S7'i. for 60 days ; posted rau-n.
t4.SViItl.90 ; coinmeiclnl bills , J4.S6'-jir4.fc6i. ! .Sil
ver certlllcules , Gllti3c.
GOVKUNMHNT IIONDS-l-'lrm. State bond ? ,
The cloning quotations on bonds :
IT. S. Osreir. . .77 118 Sl.L.&I.M.Geu.riH.
U. S. iiacuuu. . . . 118 S. L. .tS.P.Oeu. M. 113
tl. S. .iHi-e ' St. P Coimola VJ8
IJ. S. .iHuoup 111 St. P.O. A. P. Ists. 1104 !
U. -tHjHrj ? u a T.P.L. G. TIlleti
l'acincilHot'113. . . nrj T.P.H. O. Tr. Kcts ai3 : <
I.ouslaua Btpdla. . ! H1 ! Union I'ac. Ists. . lot
MlHHourl ( is 100 WVHt Shore . .
Tenn. iftiWHcl UH. 10-2 U. ( I. W. lats
Tcmi. now Bet 3s. 101 Atchluoii 7tn :
Tenn. now net Us. Atchlson 2Hs A. . : n
Canada So. 'JwK. lOIJijG. H. AS. A. Os. 05
L'un. Paii. iHtn . . . . 10(1 i * do 7s UH
I ) . A. H. ( ! . iBls. . . llil ,11. , AT. C. us KI5U
D.AB. 0..1 * ( lOliH. . Oil
Erlo 2nd8 N.C. OH. . ' *
M. K. AT. Gen. Us fiu'
M. 1C. A T. Ouu na H'JJs Tonn. old ( Is ( ill
Mutual Union On. . Va. ( TcntiirlCH oo
N. J. C. Int. Cert. . 11U doUefurred 8
No. I'ac. iHtB Ill S. C. nonftmn '
Nc Pac. ' 'lulu Ala. claas A 01)
N. W. Coiihola. . . . MO i Ala. Clani ) U
-N. W. Ueb. fin KiaJllAla. Class C
Huston Stock Quotations ,
noSTON. May 3.-Call loans. l > j3 par cent :
lime loans. : iv3 ! percent. Cloalnj prices for
stocks , bonds and inlniusr shtirii.s :
On the ; I.anilun Mnrot
NRW YOItlv , Mny 3. The UvenlnB Post's
London cnblp saysi Today the bank reserve la
down 482.000 In cash , which has Kone t. ) Scot
land nnd the provinces. Four hundred nnd foty
thousand pounds In Bold uere Imported durliu
the week , 120,000 from Australia ; 38,0 * ) In bars
weru biUKln and 12,000 cnme In from I'.irls nnd
C9.000 from I'ortUKar. Other securities went up
$1,000,000 , owlnt ; to further borrowing by tb ? mar
ket. Hxcept 111 Knsllsh railways , the maikels
wen" ntimnant nnd depressed. The Aiecntlnc ROM
premium wns 25. Then * arc rumors of mercan
tile failures there. Thhj , wlt'i the coril'iiued ' llat-
nees of Anierlcnns , depiessed nil spjculnlion.
Ami > rlcnns closed nbout the worst , especially
HeadliiB. Silver Is unchanged an 1 st.-ady. llal-
fom's speech on bimetallism Is the chief topic of
conversation. The continued depression naturally
helps the dlscuusloii of bimetallic proposils.
ltmk : of KiiKlillKl Sliltcnicnt.
LONDON , May 3. The weekly BtnlPiucnt of the
Hank of ICiiKhitul , Intiueil to lay , nhowa Ihe fol-
lowlHK clmnKCH nif compareil with I he previous
uccoiml : Total reserve. ilecreaHe , 482.001) ) ; clicu-
Inllon , IncrcuHf , { 3S4.1KK ) : Imlllon , Incrcahc , C10I-
913 ; olla-r Hecuiltles , Incrciii-c , II.OOl.O.'O ; olhei' lie-
poxltH , IncrenHc , feiM.ooO ; pul > llu ilei > o llH , ilecrciipp ,
f63ooi ) ; notes rt-celvtil , JecrcnBc , UTH.OIO ; uovorn-
ment BecurltlcH. Increase , C7S.OOO. Tim nroportlon
of the Hank of KiiKhiniTii ruxcrve to liability IK
63.32 per cent.
SI. I.ouls Mining HtoeU Oiiotutloin.
ST. I.O1I1S. May . Mlnlncr stocks dull and
nnchaiiRitl. QuotatloiiH :
Flniinclitl Notes.
NHOni.KAN.S. . May 3. Clearings , 11.380,378.
IIAI/rtMOUK , May 3. Clcarlngn , J3.230.439 ; lull-
nnces. J'lls.uH.
NK\V VOHK. May 3. CIcarlngB , J93,407,912 ; lial-
HIICCH , t3,014,874.
JIOHTON , May 3. CleurlnBf , Jt3COO,233 ; lial-
unccH , ll,7IO,9iii.
I'lIII.AnMI.I'HIA. May 3. Clt-arlUBB , $12,310-
986 ; balances , 11.443,208.
LONDON. Muy S. The Hank of KnBtnml'fc late
of Ulscount rKiiialnn unchaniieil at 2 per cent.
Mr.MI'IIIH , M y 3. Clearings. 3S4,9K : 1 U-
niioi-s , $161,499 , New York cschungu Hclllne ut
| mr.
LONDON , May 3. The amount nf Imlllon pone
Into the Hank of KnKluml on balances today la
CINCINNATI , May 3. Money , 2iffO ! per cent.
New York exchange , 40o premium. ClrarliiK' ,
ST. LOl'IH. May 3. Clarlnc . $1.493,058 ; 1ml-
inceii. $608,437. Money ilull at S37 per vent , lix-
chunK * ou New York at pur.
CHIOAOO. Muy 3. Clenrlngn , $17.S64.C18. New
York eiclmnge at par1 , Sterling exchange , utemlyj
icuiiil rule ! , $4.B7ViiU4.t3. Money ciuy at 4I4'i
pec cent. . . . . .
AIT t II \ 1 tvn nTAnir iiinifT Tn
Another Lighten of Oftttlo finds the
iMarket 'Eager but Particular ,
Ordinary Urndoif of Jlccf .Sortu Knsf to
Dull Cows unit Feeder * Firm Hogg
Slump n Dime JJnrly but
"Clo'no rirm.
T . [
i l THUnSDAY , May 3.
Receipts so far Oils week compared with
last show n falling off of 700 cattle nnd 205
sheep , while the Increase In hogs amounts to
nearly 5,000 head.
The supply of cattle was not at all heavy ,
only eighty loads , and , n has been the case
to a great extent this week , really desirable
beeves were not overly abundant. Oooil to
Choice cattle were In very fair demand and
firm , While the ordinary grades , both heavy
and light , ruled slow and easier. As usual
on Thursday speculative Hhlppcrs were not
In It , but there was a very good demand for
export and an active Inrwlry from the
dresied beef men. A bunch of fancy 1,306-11) .
"white faces" brought $1,25 for export , but
fair to very good 1,200 to 1,450-lb. beeves
went largely at from $3.GS to $1 , with fair
to very good 900 to 1,150-lb. steers at from
$3.40 to $3.80. Aside from the good stuff the
market ruled slow and dull and toward the
close there seemed to bo an easier feeling
on nil grades , although nearly everything
finally changed hands.
The cow market was , as usual of late ,
Indifferently supplied and prices exhibited
no very material changes. Sales Included
common to choice cows nnd heifers at from
$ I.fiO to $3.CO , fair to good butchers' stock
selling lutgely at from $2.75 to $3.25. Calves
were In tolerably liberal supply and slow
sale at easier prices , $2.50 to $1.50 buying
common to very good veals. Uough stock
sold readily at not far from stendy prices.
$2 to $3.25 for poor to good bulls , oxen and
If there was any change In the stocker
and feeder market It was In the direction
of better prices. Supplies of both fresh and
stale cattle were comparatively limited ,
while there was a very respectable demand
from all sources. Good to choice feeders
are quoted at $2.253.S5 ; fair to good at
$3.005T3.25 , and lighter , commoner crades nt
fropi fj down , Keprp'cntotlve sales ;
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
22. . . . 915 3 20 18. . . . 937 3 50 8..1130 J3 65
6. . . . 810 323 20. . . . 953 353 10 1093 S P5
1..1450 323 24. . . . 909 363 9 1136 370
18cfwl387 323 12..10C2 363 1..990 370
1..IOSO 323 32cfw1265 360 81..1150 370
2. . . . 750 330 3..11S3 360 55..1143 370
2cfwl460 340 5..1136 300 20..1123 370
33cfwl34S 340 18..1033 360 12 1243 370
S. . . . 967 340 12..1040 3 CO 75..11W. 370
. . . . 976 340 3. . . . 893 360 21..1214 375
17. . . . 934 3 43 13..1171 3 60 11..1304 3 75
2 930 350 21. . . .1220 363 13 1101 3 SO
23..1012 3 50
3..1043 363 100cfwl3C9 3 SO 14..11S2 400
17..1341 365 1..1610 400 14..1307 4 HO
34..1217 3 SO 21..1126 400 20..1300 425
14. . . . CS7 315 Q. . . . 701 345 21..1130 3 60
12. . . . 6S7 3 40 22. . ' . , (139 ( 3 60
1. . . . S50 1 ( A 1..1010 225 1. . . . 110 273
4. . . . SSO 163 3.L. S23 235 6..100J 2 SO
4. . . . 823 170 2..1200 2 . " 5 1..1IGO 285
4. . . . g 7 175 . . . . Ore 243 4..1035 285
2. . . . 9S5 ISO 2.i )0 2 60 1..1120 25
4. . . . 1135 180 1..H60 2 BO 2..1315 30)
2. . . . 9S5 190 1.-.1170 260 2..1273 3 ( K )
6. . . . 4Cl ! 200 C. . . , 028 255 1 630 3 l
2..1105 200 S.ll220 2 fO 3. . . . 883 300
2 1000 2 l > ID 1043 270 5. . . .1300 300
1. . . . 9M ) 200 S.i ) 919 276 1 1210 .100
a 720 2 IU Z..1200 275 ( ! . . . .102) 3 OT
1..1190 22.1 1 , . . . . 961 275 21. . . .1076 311
1 230 225 2.U1CO 275 6..1111 315
1..1050 225 2..U366 275 1..1200 325
1. . . . 950 223 1..1V70 275 2..1133 36)
11. . . . 931 2 23 . .
3. . . . 61C 213 3. . . . 760 300 28. . . . D96 323
2. . . . 315 2 25 7. . . . 573 3 00 .11. . . . 568 3 25
I 680 223 S .I 784 305 2..1153 325
2. . . . MO 260 1 , . . . 510 305 1..1030 323
8. . . . 616 2 73 I' . . . , 400 3 03 . 31. . . . 753 3 30
2. . . . 075 2 73U. . . J3Q. , 3.10 , , ' 61. . . . fOO 3 40
7. . . . 608 2 S3 H , . . , 933 3'16 4.762 360
1. . . . 430 3 00 - iSj-AseS-'SM' I
43. . . . 970 300
1. . . . 100 260 5. . . . 154 400 3. . . . 116 460
2. . . . 533 275 1. . . . 110 400 1. . . . 160 450
7. . . . 337 330 1. . . . 160 400 1..I50 460
1. . . . 120 400 2. . . . 175 400 2. . . . 145 450
2. . . . 213 400 2. . . . 135 450 I , . . . 190 450
4..1363 200 1. . . . 020 273 1..1130 295
1 1. . . . 620 200 2..1710 275 2. . . . 570 3 M
1. . . . 670 215 1..1600 280 I..1080 300
1. . . . 60 } 223 1..U.70 283 1..CSO 3 HI
2. . . . 910 235 1..10SO 2 S5 1..1490 300
1..13(50 ( 240 3. . . . 693 290 1..1300 305
1..1560 205 1..1930 290 1..8IO 325
2..1610 2 50
2..1510 3 00 2..1510 3 23
2. . . . 680 275 1. . . . 5SO 340 14..075 3 TO
1 4SO 273 " . . . . 591 340 9. . . . 60S 355
3. . . . 473 300 59. . . . 547 340 10..838 , .J,6
1. . . . 630 300 24. . . . 773 343 6..1041 3 60
1. . . . 760 320 8. . . . 875 345 2..S 3 <
21. . . . 119 323 1. . . . 600 345 4..C2) 360
23 11131 33) ) 8. . . . 667 360 3'l ' V1 363
3. . . . 9IG 3 I' ' ) 12. . . . COO 3 50 4. . . . Ct2 3 75
26. . , . 555 3 40
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
3 bullH 12S3 200 4 bulls 1062 225
3 fit n us 1161) ) 260 1 feeder 13SO 300
35 feedcts 1127 3 50
HOGS Dealers were somewhat surprised
nt the comparatively big run of hogs today
and sellers found conditions very much
against them. Lower ea t' > rn market" nnd
nn absence of shipping orders gave buyer *
for local houses a big advantage , nnd the
average .market was a dime lower than
Wednesday. For fair to good hogs of all
weights the popular figure was $1.95 , and
the more desirable loads , both heavy and
light , sold at $4.97 > , i and $5. A couple of
very common underweight loads sold at $1.30
and $4.92'but ( ! practically everything sold
a ( $4.95 to $5 , as against $5,05 on Wednes
day and $5.05 to $5.10 on last Thursday.
There was little change In the market as
the day advanced , but the feeling was per
haps n trifle firmer along toward the close ,
and n good and reasonably early clearance
wus effected. Representative sales :
8IIKKI' There was very little change In
the situation. Supplies were not heavy and
the demand was fair. Two doubles of fair
Mexican yearlings brought $4.25 , about a
dime lower than last week , but the general
market was hardly quotably lower than yes
terday. Fair to good natives ore quotable
at $3.7604.40 ; fair to good westerns. $3,20 ®
4.20 ; common and Block cheep.
Rood to choice 10 to 100-lb. lambs at $3.60 ®
4.75. Ilcprmriilntlvo sales ;
No. yfj pr
A''O ' MfXlcnnyrarlluefl 81 * 4 l5 !
< THIH | und Kl pojitlDii of .Stork.
hy tlio book nor nn tTulOii atowk Ynnln co.inuuy
? r. . ? t"'nty-fonr hours rntilriir ot 3 o'clock n m ,
* > ia > j , iblU :
nee CUTS.
CVATTI.K. HDDS. Blltr.l' . MM
Carn.lHo.iil Cars Cars. Head
IVI 10 ! ) 7,28.1
Omaha Parking Co
Then. 11. Hammond Co. . 117
Swift nnd company 7''it 1.8S7 .
The Oud.ihy Packlne Co. . . VIM . ' .4HH | .120
A. Hani r.i . :
B. Ilecltcr .V Dciron 111:1 :
id fcudcrn 1117
Lett over
Total. 1,070 7B1H120 |
Selling lnirro l In C'littlo Not SiilUllcd
ullli the Cuttlo Miirki ; ! .
CIIIC'AOO , Mny 3. The rnttli- market wn nnt
altoRpthcr Hiiilsfnrlory to tinFelllnK Interest to
day. It \ \ IIHciy ( inlet nil day and nviTiigitl
lower I him ilurhiK the opening hours of Wedni'.t-
ilny. Prleis wciu nlnmt the tuuno us thnt iluy'it
clo c. They \\cro fully rlriuly for llKlit unil
medium weights , while heavy urii'lcs were dull
allil le.iiii'd toMilaieH. . " . ltct'i > litH | weie IlKlil
and ha\c IIPCII lluhl for pome nmc IUIKI. but
tilt * fuel does not appear to have much wctRht
with huyeiM who art > coiiiplnlnhiK todny of the
extrnonlinary dullness of the men ! trade all over
thi > countiy. Iltiity cnltle me scllInK very low
UK compareil wllh Hi" price * paid for light olid
iniilhlin wclRhts. TIH | licM prices paid for the
former nre not now more than from 16c In IV
per 1WO Ihs. higher than fid 1.200 to I..Mm Ib.
nicer * . Today'H Kilra were principally nt fiom
} 3.63 to } l for clrerx nnd lit from J2.50 to J3.25
for conn , hplfi'rx nnd bull" .
Tin- hut ? iniu-ki'l WIIH In n very limp condhlon
Ii iipciiHil from Be lo lee lower ihaii yi'Slenlay'K
HXeniRe nnd the Inier mnrketiix even woine
Tinreri'lptH coniiuue lo run iilii-ud of last
week , the K'lln ' for the four iliiyii iiinoimnnK to
15.Oft ) hend. Thnt fact and the n > ccnt drop In
price * for hntf piiidiictH weie the enupes of ilin
decline of fioiii IOc to 15e Hint him taken place
Hluce Tuesday In the viiltie of the live niilnuil.
Sales weio Keneriilly nt fiom $3.10 lo J5.30. ullli
from t4.'JO to 15.25 Ihe cMrcme rame of limita
tions for merchnlitnlilo lotx. Totvnrd Ihe clo o
It W.'IH not en y to llnd n buyer lit over $1.20
for anything- . Buyers were not very dlncrjiuinn-
tlnif nH to wflijlit , IlRht , medium und hen y
nil HcllinK In the sune ; notch.
Thruwns a fnlily llrm m.irket for j-heep nit
liecnufe of niiy activity In the denmiid. for Hint
'lenient nd lirktmr. ; but by reiiKon of ihe
moileriite rccelplH of Ihe hint few du > . flood to
c.Mrn welli-nf were nilulilp nt from tl t" J4.65.
nnd poor to medium qunlllieM were < | U"tcd nl
fiom $2 to J3.75. Sales were Inrnely nt fiom
$3.23 lo $1.25. YenilliiK.t were In fnlr request at
from $3.25 to $5 , nuordlu ? to quality , nnd spiliiK
laml's weie iiunteil nt from J4.60 to Jl. ( The axer-
ngu of prlres for > cirlliiifa ! * lower.
llKCIMI'Trt-Catllo , ll , ( 0 heacil calve ? , CCO
hend ; hogs , 22,0m ) head ; oheep , 9,0X1 head.
The livening .lourmil reports ;
C'ATTI.i : ItccciplH. 11.000 hend. llejivy fleers ,
( .lull ; lojhl , nlendy ; prime to cxtin M.'itUe Kteers ,
l.50iil.sO ; me.'lloui. $ l.5'04.20i ] otheis , t .bi'ff '
3.03 ; Tt'Xiins , $3.So'ii4 > 10 ,
IIOOS-ltecelplH. 22.000 henil. Matket nlow nnd
15c lower. Itoimh henvy , $ l.5l > 54.75 | ; pncUeis und
mixed , $ " . .lIC/r.15 ( ; prime heavy nnil butcher
weights. " > 5.15ij5.25 ( ; n.ssorted llRht , S i.lonS.2e.
HIIKKP UecelplH , li.tjijO head. Mniket nn-
chnnwed. Top khecp , $ l.25 < i4.73 ; top lambs. $1.75
W5.00 ; exlni Innibs. $3.2of5.25. |
.St. I.oiiln l.ivn Stock Miirkcl.
ST. I.OflS. Mny 3. fATTUSItcceipt - , 1 1M"
head ; ? lllimcns. ] ( 400 hend. Mnrket closed
uenerallj : unlive MII-.TM , 1.00) to 1,201 Ib ? . . } < .70f >
4.00 ; cows. $2.6.V2.65 | : calves , $5 ; Texas mee s ,
1,000 to 1,100 Ibs. , (3.3 < li3.GO.
1IOC1S llHcelpts , 5.9(10 ( hem' ; Rlilpmenla. 2.10 < )
hend. weiik , n5/10c lower ; butcher urailfS.
SS.15iT5.25 ; pncliers , S5.IOfi5.20 ; pKS | nnd common
to inedlum IlKhta , $ l.60 i5.00 : llKlit iilss. $4.25.
SHliKP HecHlptB , GO ) hend ; BhlpmenlH , nmie.
Market quiet , I.V hlKlier ; clipped nntUcs , Includ-
IllK ewes. $1.75ifil.03 ; Inmbs , $4.0ff5 25.
Kiinsim C'lty Stock Murl < nt.
KANSAS CITY. Mny 3.- OATTI.Kllorolpt. . ,
2iOO hend ; shipments , 2,600 hend ; mnrket Hlr-mli
13 strong ; Texns supers , $3.1'Sf3.80 ' ) ; Texan cows
S2.0ll4il.2shlppltlK ; sterrs , $3.25 4.4(1 ( ; IliltiXe e , w
$2.JOi3.5i ) ; sluckern nnd feeders , $3.0063.90 ; bulls
* HOS lleci > | pts. 9.200 hend ; mnrket Go louer
bulk , $4.i5f5. ( ) ; hcnvleo , iwckers nnd mlxitl
$4.S3i5.o5 ; llRhls , Yorkers nnd plus , $4.803.1.00.
SHKKP Iteoeliits , 1,4'iiJ , ' hend ; shlinni-nls. neil
inaikct sti > nd > .
> York Stock ATurkrt.
NEW YOHK. Mny 3. HK13ViS llecelplB , 20f
hend. nil f' r export.
SHKEP AND I.AMlt.S-Ilccelpts. 3.400 head
mnrket slow but llrm ; unshorn sheep , poor to
prime , $3.75i5.0U ; clipped sheep , \i-ry common to
prime , $2.75itt4.25 : unshorn lambs , Inferior ir
choice , $5.25t)5.S7ti ) ; ; clipped lumba , fair tu good
HOC3S Heceipts , 2.000 head ; nominally stead )
nt J5.Mftfl.73 for fair to good.
Sioux City I.lvo Stock Jfnrkot.
SIOL'X CITY. Mny 3. HOOS Itecelnts. 1 CO ,
lead ; shlpnienls , 373 head ; market 5u lowi-r ;
CATTLi : Hcceipls , 1.IMO head ; sbipmonts , 73 ?
lend ; mnrket steady ; feeders , $2.008(3.10 ; icar-
Ings , ? 2.WT3.23 | ; cows , Sl.2381.27 > , .
> -tock In SlKht.
Receipts of HVP stock at Ihu four principal yards
for Thur'ihiy , May ! t , were :
Cattle. HOZH. Shorp.
South Omaha . ll.Uti ! 7iH.5 ! 7 'tl
Jhlcago . ii.tmo su.uuii
ICansanClty . -.700 n.'JOO 1,40(1 (
St. Louis . 1,100 C..IOO rio (
Totals . 10.84'J .14t85 ; 11,0
polN \ Vticiitllnrlccr. . '
MINNEAPOLIS. May 3. rompiirml with yes
terday tin" mnrket closed stronger , nlthough It
was wenk In Ihe mornlnc , but prices iiilvimceil
luring tbe dny with n fnlr demand , but there
wan little stuff for snle , w.ilch wus chlelly tin
caiisi" of Ihe ndvanco. Crop rep.utH from nil
llreclloiis were good , wllh n bearish Inlluence.
The Hltimtlon otherwise wns practically mi-
chnnged , exccpllntf that there was n. d"inM"d for
norw whent than was offereil , which caused the
Irmncps , nnd some parties who sold eatly In lile
luy weie Inclined later , on account of the small
amount of pnles , to buy It up ngaln. HecelplR
were larger and nmountel to 10 ,140 bu. Ship
ments , 28.9SO bu. Kopie of the Inrger mills tlint
were closed diirliiBT tie : railway strike nre nm-
iliiK again today. Increasing the capacity nnd
ho amount of wheat consumed , hut ns some that
.vcre . running before nn * shut down for repalis ,
he consumption this week will necessarily h3
considerably below that of last week , so the le-
celpts of today , after taking out the shipments ,
vould about supply the ibiy'x con.-um | > tloii of the
nllls. It Is expected the rec"lpts will be full nil
his wo" ' ? . T ! " ? demand for cns'i wh"iit that
was sum on track wns , nnd It nil sold
eng beforo'tho close of the sess'on ' , pi Ices r.inx-
ng near yesterday's llgnres. There was n rise
of * .c In Mny wheat nbovp yesterday's closing
> rlces , iic for July , while September clored at
he same price loilny ns yeslerday. Tlte clos
ng llgures were : May , COlic ; July. CO iliCOTie
September , rS'xc. On track , No. 1 hard , We ;
Co. 1 northern , CHje ; No. 2 northern. 0)c. Til.-
Hour maiket wns stendy , nnd millers asked In
some a little mure than seslcrd.iy. The
market closed nt $8. loftS.GO for patents. Ship
ments of Hour were 69,400 bblu. for the last
twenty-four hours.
ColTco .Market.
NEW YOUK , "May 3. COFI'ii-Optlois
opined unchanged to f. points net decline ; was
< iulet nnd ptcndy during the morning , bin eased
off later under leallzlng nnd closed easy at
IIMT13 polnlH decline. Sales , 5,1)23 ) bags. June.
J13.30 : July. $1.1.20 ; Seplcmhor. SU.GSfrll.Oi. ami
December , S14.iMffl4.IXi. Spol corfce , Ulo. No. 7.
$47.50 ; mild , quiet ; Conlova , $19.infill > .23 Miles. 700
bags Central American , 0)0 ) ; warchoiise deliveries
nt New York yesteidny were 4,1154 IIIIK * . New
York Block today. 191.19S bags ; IJnllcd Rtntes
stock. 257'J ! > 9 bags ; allont for thu I'nllu I Wales ,
179 000 lings ; total visible for the Unllcd Klatep ,
4M.8S9 bags , iiRiilnxt last jcnr , 433rCI bags. Jt
was a holiday nl Ulo , Hanlos nnd Ilnmburrf.
LONDON , Mny 3. Market quiet ; prices un
changed ; SflCd lower.
1IAVKE , May 3.-No report.
Illco .Mnrkut.
NKW YOUK , May 3. The demand for do
mestic sorts Is of inodent proportions , tint full
limitations nre Inulsted upon as slocks at this
point nre IlKlil nnd no rcsupply obtalnablo nl cost , lluyeis 111 the miiln pceni to Inivi )
tuiiusl uwny fiom the conslderntlon of domestlo
to the foreign ports , which nro coming forward
In large volume and covering nil glades from
common to cxlrn fancy. Advices from the
Honth note lessened movement nt nil points , but
wllh tbc mull miionnt still left centcied In the
liandH of the few , prices me llrmly mntnlnlned.
I'lirclgn purls mo In nctlve renueut nnd In older
lo Insuic sil ! > plleH many buyers me foiccastlmt
Ihelr wantH und purchoiilni ; for forward delivery.
KIIIISIIH City .MiirkittM.
ICAXSAS CITY , May 3. WllUAT-fnehaliged ;
No. 2 hunt. M'iff.'ile ; No. 8 led , Sic ; No. 3 nil ,
SOtlSlc : rejecled , 44c.
COUN fnchanged ; No. 2 mixed , 3'i < & 33'je ;
Nn. 2 white , Sfli.iSiJCitc.
OATS No. 2 mixed , 3lc ; No. 2 wlle. | ( 31'afl.liC.
HtrrrilU-yiilet ; creamery , WISe ; d.ilry , HW
l c.
inOSVak nt fie.
H 1 1 1 I'M ENTS None.
Dulnlli ( Irnin Murhnl.
ni'M'TII. May 3.--\VlliAT-Co : | e : Dull ; No ,
. hard , cnph , BIV1 : Mny. "IV1 ! July , SI i No.
norlhern , caph , C0\c ; May , tOie ; July , id' c ;
September , tili c ; No. 2 northern , cimh , Wic ;
S'o. 3 , M ) > , c ; rejei'ted. 4l' c. On track : No. 1
lorlhern. to nrrl\e , CJ'ic. '
jjy j.j _ \n * .
OATS-No. 2. 32'ic ; No. 3 white , 33a ,
HEC'ini'TS None.
HH I I'M iNTH-\Vheat , 102.8(8 ( bu.
Liverpool .MnrkclH.
WVIJIU'OOI. , Mny 3. WHKAT Dull : demund
iiior ; holders offrr freely ; No. I C'allfoinla ,
Is 'id ; red winter. 5s Id.
C'OIIN Steady ; demand modcrnlt ; new mixed ,
"iMlOVIHIONH Urrt , cilra India me , 7s 61.
1'ork , prlmw IIK-PH. 7fci. llanni , Ionic und short
leur , Vtt Ilis. . 33 M ; IOUK clear , 41 Ibs. , 34 * C ! .
Ijxrd , primewmtcrn , M < M.
Now York Dry ( loudH Market.
NtJW YOUK. May 3-Therc wn a very i-i > oil
> rdvr IruUe for iirlnted i-allcom , vallmi ,
aid othtr light tttlturc * , al o lur Urcin
HEBE'S THE STORY : Wo have over hauled
. . . every ouo of onr 19
departments , and each article whore there was only one or two
of a kind or whore wo had too ninny of a kind , or anything that
was not just spick and span , has been marked with largo rod
ticket , In plain figures , at one-half former prices in order tosoU
them quick. Odd pieces of parlor furniture ( some slightly
soiled ) , odd rugs , odd pairs of curtains , odd dressers , etc. , ail
amounting to $18,9G0.50\vlll , bo sola this wookfor $0.480.25-
Don't delay , but oomo at once and help to take thorn away.
It comprises :
. braril Tablet ,
llnlil Tablet , $
Inlalil rabl
ID/ . ' Cases , MttiiiN ,
Jlall Trees ,
Dremiliiii Tables , l'l > hi > ttrrftl ®
Iron lletlsteatlii , . ,
J'lllnirii , Leather Chair * , m
.lltisle Cabinet * , I'lnsh Chain ,
Cant Tables , Chair * in Knur/ ; $
I'arlar Sultf , t'liholtteru ,
. Hilt Tallies , m
Uni/f Ttililr.i ,
Jliillnii Itaeliers , Clnt Ir * . @
Chiffonier * , llliiliin { 'half * ,
Jlallt'lialr * . Clillitren'f
iMilles' Itentts , or.-rr * .
Hull Ilia * * ? * . Jltfili I'halrs , *
Cinnliliidtliiil Jlail Parlor Suits , m
llool ; Cases , J'urliir Null *
rrrlarii Itnoli Caffs , III Tai < eitfii mill
Cabinet * , Jliveatrlle ,
H'unlroties , Com untile * ,
.Siilou/i Tables , Coininnn
Jtftenlt > n Table * , lle < ll
Tuitrt Table * , I'lnr
Ofllee Sliioti. Jtrililraits ,
Tra Tabln , Mirror * ,
J'fileflal.i , lllnner Set * .
These goods have nil boon distributed throughout our stock , onch
piece in its proper department , and will bo sold cither for CASH Olt
EASY TERMS. Presents to Purchasers
$ 10 OOworth of goods , $1 00 per week $ 5 00 worth of goods An Album
10 00 worth of goods. .Souvenir Spoon
25 00 worth of goods , 1 CO per week 25 00 worth of goods. World's 1'alrllook
CO 00 worth of goods , 2 00 per week CO 00 worth of goods.Ulsquo Ornament
7G 00 worth of goods..Lace Curtains
75 00 worth of goods , 2 BO per wcel ES
100 00 worth of goods Center Table
100 00 worth of goods , 3 00 per week ALL , VIStTOHS KUCUIVU UAND-
200 00 worth of goods , 4 00 per week ' SOME SOUVKNIHS.
Formerly People's ' Mammoth Installment House
Close evenings at 0:30 , except Monday and Saturday (
Semi lOr far postage OH lil'J ' . " / ealaliujne , linnreaili / .
Staple rollout were plow. Wool blankets wire
In fulr n'locliim. u.t al o were cotton llaniu'ls
unil lilankHts. Printing1 clothes woie dull. The
KCiiTnl imiikct was quiet , yet buyers show more
Interest in autumn sooJa.
.Sugiir Market.
NH\V YORK. Mny 3-SUlAH-Unw ( , nrm
pali-s. 2,4'X ' > I nipt centrifugal , ! ' test. 213-lr. (
BSD hhil.i. , 1DO I.IilH. nnil ! W IWK Mimcnvmlo ,
89 ti'st i Ji < ' . One cai'BO contrltiiBal , 95 ti'st ,
to Now York sin'culator.s , ntT.o nnil for
8hlpnu-nt. Itcflnrd. llrm. N'o. 7 , -C'g3''ji. ' . .
No. 8 , 3HQ391CCNo. ; . 9. 3 3 7-lCc.
OH MiirUuts.
Oil , CITY , Tn. , May 3. National Transit Cpr-
tlllcatep opvnnl nt Sj i ; hlBhpHl. So' , ; lowent ,
83 < ii , : floswl , 8 % ; shipments , jf.72 bbln. ; runs ,
79 * t ° tJ Ijl'li *
IMTTSlirnn. I'a. . May 3.-Niitlonnl TmiiBlt
Ci-rtllleutfK oiii-noil at Mi : closed at 8j ? ; hlgfiest ,
b5 i ; lowest , 8ii. No yales.
Trlscd Wln-ut Onotntlons.
SAN FnANflPCO. Mny 3. Drafts , slsht , IS'ie ;
tPlrKRipliK J'XjC. Hllvcr bars , GlVi'iiCI'h.c. ' ' Mi-x-
steady ; Ueivmber , Sl.HH ; Mny. ? ! . " <
\\nol .Miirlli't.
ST. LOflS. Mny -WOO I.In llslit ivcet | , ;
nrleos Hlt-mly : ineilluin MlfKOiirl nnil IlllnolH
comliliiB. I 5il7c ; nmlluin Tf\iH , nix to twi-lve
montliH. 12 Hi' : innllum western anil noitlicrn ,
ijllc ; choice tub-washed , :3o.
Tixlr In Ni'brnslm ; Coiilc-r In tlio AVe tcrn
niid WnriiiiT In Hie ICiiHti-rn 1'orlloiis.
WASHINGTON , May 3. The Indications
for Friday are : For Nebraska Fair ; cooler
In the western and wanner In the
eastern portions ; south winds.
For Iowa Fair ; wanner ; south winds.
For Missouri Fair ; wanner in the nor'.h-
crn and eastern portions ; south winds.
For South Dakota Cooler ; fair ; south ,
shifting to west wlnd .
For Kansas Partly cloudy ; warmer ; south
winds. . '
Local lie-cord.
May . Oniiitta rccora of tcmpornturo and
riuifullconiiifiJil | : with corrospoiullng day of
past four years :
, 4. IBn3. ,803. 1801.
.Maxlimiiiitcniiniratiito CK = 04 = DU- ( . ( i-
Mlnliiiiini tuiiiponiuiro.10 = -l = < - = J =
AveraL'o tonipuriitiiro. . 57 = rjJ3 476.3
I'reolpltatlon . OH .00 I .00
Statement showing tlio fomlitijn of torn-
poraturo and prooipiutlon lit Omaha for the
day mill slnuo Miinth t , IS'Jl :
Normal temporatiiro .
Itolk-lenoy MrtUuimy . \ °
1 .
\n > \
Normal prcclnltritlon . ' "
. m < , '
Di-tlrli'iii-y for theday ,
fclncu Mill-oil 1 . l.OOIiiclit-K
from Dlhi-r .Stntliiin at H r. .M.
"T" Imlli'iitui traci' .
OKOlKiK K. HUNT , Local Forecast Olllelal.
Wo could not Improve the < ] ualty ! If we
paid double the price. DeWltt's Witch
Hazel Salvo Is the best salve that experience
: an produce , or that money can buy.
Ills Injuries riumril Ih-uth.
William Wales , who was struck by a train
ast Tuesday evening at Mascot and tukim to
the county hospital , died there yesterday.
Uo suffered Internal Injuries which caused
lenth. Wales has a sister , Mlws Kate
Wales , residing nt C358 KVUIIB avenue , Chi-
will bo sent there
-ago , and the remains ,
; oday. Wales was a single man.
DeWIU'H Witch Hazel Salvo cutes piles.
Vincent on Curljlc.
Prof , hcon II. Vincent lectured at thu
, lnlngcr gallery last evening on "Carlyle. "
'or two hours Mr. Vincent entertained lilj
iiidlenco with a discussion ol the life of
he eccentric Scotchman , uboundlne In
. . , . . ,
all forms of
We euro Kpc'cdlly nnil permanently all di
scuses ot tin1 KPiictallve organs , also kidney ,
bladder , blood , skin und stomach troubles.
Our principles nnd assistants have all
iiuule life .studies of our specialties
Send 4-cPiitH for our new 120 page book.
Call or address with stamp ,
iTT !
119 South i4th St. , Omaha.
Dr. E. C. Weil's Nerve and Drain Treatment
' t fold under positive written Kiinrnnttte , by author
ized indents only , to euro U'eulc Tdcmory ; lions of
Ilrnln nnd Nerve 1'ower ; Txist Mnnhood ; QuIi'lmcfH ;
Nlulit IXIBFCS ; I'.vll Drcnnm ; I-ick of Uoiitldcuce ;
Ncrvonsnefc ; > rllud ; all Drnlnn ; 1,053of I'owor
of the ( li'iii'inllvo Ori.'iuM In clllrr RCX , caumid by
over-oxertion ; Voiithfnl inors : , or lliccs.'lvo Ufoot
Tobiicco. Opium or l.lquor. which BOOH lead to
Mlcrl'on umptlon , Iii'iiiiltj-iuul Deulh. llymnll ,
llnboi ; ( iforf'i ; \ > llfi written mmrnntcn to euro or
refund money. WHST'SOOUdllSYItlM' . Aceitah )
euro for Cough" . Coldo , AKthuiii , DronchltlKCroup ,
Whooping Cough. Horn Thront. I'loMSflnt to toke ,
fimiill hlze. discontinued ; old.BUi.finnow'iV. . ; old
fl flzo , now Wo. GUAltANTEKS Issued only by
Goodman Drug Company.
The annual meothiK of stockholders of tln >
Krumont , l lkhorn ci .MlHHuurl Vulli-y Hull-
roue ) rompany lll Inhchl at the olllcn oc
tiniiimpnny In Omnliii. Nub. , on Friday.
.May 18 , 1MI , at 2 o'clock p. in. for HID ulei-
thin of-dlrcctoi-H and for thetruiiHiti'tlon nt
Hiicli other business as may i-oinc boforu tlio
HiPPtlliK. J. II. 1M3IJKIHI.O.
Dated .May i 1831. Sccrotury.
Midi It
Commission Merchant
Prlvnle wires to Chicago nml New Yuik. At
business orders placed on ClilciiKO Hoard of
Correspondence solicited.
OffUo , room 4 , New York I.lfu Hull lluu
graceful diction , artistic word painting and
ilcllcato and llnlHliod sallies of wit. llu
said that the relations of Carlyle to liln
wlfo WPIO mlHiimlerstood and ho HuugliL
to c'orrect many false Impressions regard
ing this nnliiic | couple.
A more extended report of the lectnro
will appear In The Sunday Dee.
DeWllt's Witch Hazel Salvo cures piles.
rrailliunil tliu ( inivo.
The following blrtliK and dcatlm were ro-
porli'd at the litMilth olllce yo.slcnliiy :
DlrlliH Arthur Kamper , 622 South Kf- |
tionth Htreet , boy ; Cliarlcn Oahlciulst , 1(571 (
North Nineteenth street , girl ; Hans Nc-lxen ,
2U17 I.ako street , boy ; John Hwansun , 8JI
Soulh Twenty-second street , boy ; Walter
Itcynolds. COS North Sixteenth street , boy ;
hawronc'e. Nube , 3838 Uako street , girl ;
Joseph Wurinlck , 1915 heavcnworth street ,
Deaths It. M. Weeks , 08 , 2007 C'asn
street , iiKiploxy | ; K. 1'lxley , 33 , 2G03 Dodge
street , congestive chill ; Charles 1 > , Fitch ,
17 , ( 'ollonudn hotel , overdosu of morphine ;
JmUon ICvaiu , 10 months , 2420 Howard
ttrtct , brouclio-puoumonla.