THE OMAHA DA.1LY RISE : WEDNESDAY , MAY 2 , 1801. 3 NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Laboring Men Movine to Complete a Cen tral Organization , DELEGATES WERE CHOSEN LAST NIGHT American llntlrrmil Union Joins In the Mntrmrnt Oiimlm and South Oiimliit Arc Aftkril ( o t'ukn 1'nrt Otlirr City . The American Hallway union held a spe cial meeting last evening nnd appointed the following delegates to the Central Labor union convention to bo held this evening T. Callaghan , B. Darnell , II. Dale , J. Broge , N. Do 1'reono. Quito a spirited dlfctisslon was had over General Kelly's condition and the manner In which he was being treated by thn people of Iowa General Coxoy also came In for Ills share of approbation. UoaolulloiH of nympathy were pissed and after the usual routine work the feeling adjourned. The meeting at the Young Men's Institute hall on Main Direct this evening promlseH to ! bo ono of a great deal of Interest to the worklngmen of Council Bluffs. Ono of the objects Is to Induce the bricklayers , car penters plumbers , printers , motor employes nnd others now belonging to labor organiza tions In Omaha , to unite In forming a Central Labor union on this sld of the river that will old In promoting the best Interests of labor t'nlon Pacific assetnblj No 1.300. KnlghtH of Labor , will be represented at the mooting by C. A. Hted , C. L. Gillette , L Klnnchan , J S. B. Coggtsha'l ' anil Matt Foster , while Bluff City Typographical union will be represented by W. B. Fisher , G. W. Ilyan , George Gorman , frank Simmons and I'erry K. Spencer. Klnpcil ultli n IMiuifi. Mention was made In The Bee several dajs ago of the sel/ure by Sheriff Huron of a p'ano ' which had been shipped from Dubuquu to San Francisco by the Milwaukee road the owner Constance Kims , clalmlt.g It had been stolen Yesterday Klaes * attorney , Frank Jess of Dubujue , was In the city and the details of the affair cimc o-it Accord ing to his story , It seems that Mrs. Klaes for Rome tlni" past has cherished a secret affection for a Diibuque man named Arthur Poclkn , but for quite a while she managed to conceal It from her huslnnd , who Is a mate on a Mississippi river steamer Ills frequent trips gave her clandestine1 attachment a chance to sprout , and It was not until about a week ago that Klaes re turned from one of his trips and learned the true state of affairs There was Imme diately blood on the moon , and the row that followed resulted In Klaes b = lng looked up on two charges , assault and battery and as sault with Intent to kill. While he was pining away behind prison 'oars his wife nnd her lover were quietly preparing to decamp They packed up the phno last Wednesday and shipped It to San Francisco , while tliej started off together for Chicago , In order , Ct Is supposed , that the Infuriated husband might bo thrown off the track in case ho Kave pursuit Klaes traced the piano up nnd caught It litre on the fly. Ills allot ncy proved up the property yesterday and took possession of It. In the meantime the bus band Is looking for his wife and her alleged paramour In Chicago. Detectives have been put at woik scouring the city of Chicago In every direction for the fugitives. Another ( IHHRO. It seems to be ! the will of the people , and to a certain extent human nature , to want changes In various forms , but none more than n change of sales , which has been given by the Boston Store slnco the beginning of the great syndicate sale , and which has been faltonded by the ladles in great force. Now , for the next two days Wednesday * S3 Thursday It will be corsets , and as tfjual , we call your attention to show window 'nplay In windows Nos. 1 , 2 , 3 and 1 , which represent a few of the many Inducements offered In our corset department. Visit the other departments nnd BED values offered during the syndicate sabhlch are numer ous , and new bargains arriving dally. KOTHnni.VGHA.M , WHITBLAW & CO. Scttln lion n. Now * thai Kelly's army has come and gone nnd none much the worse off for their visit , let us settle down to business once more and profit by the great lesson they have laughl us. There Is no doubt Ihat a great deal of poverty nowadays is brought on by extravagance , and oh , there's tne moral : Don't be extravagant , but go to 919 Main strecl and T. B. Hughes will show you how to save jour money , whether it's shoes , furnishing goods or hals you want. Army of the Tcmie-uee. The annual reunion of the Army of the Tennessee Is to be held in this city next fall , probably in October , thai being Ihe monlh chosen usually for past reunions. The occasion will witness a big Immigration of old soldiers from all parts of the union nnd elaborate preparations are to be made bolwccn now and that time for the suitable entertainment of the guests. Yesterday nftcrnoon about twenty citizens got togelher nnd held Iho first preliminary meellng lo make nrrangemcnlg. Major Cleaver pro- Bided and Frank Trimble acted as secretary. Among these present were General G. M. Dodge. Dr. F. S. Thomas , William Arm ! nnd others. The main Item of business was the selection of a committee , consisting of John Y. Slone , J. J. Steadman , Thomas Bowman nnd W. S. Paulson , to make the first movo. This commutes will appoint an executive committee and such other com- mltlces as may bo necessary lo look nflcr the details of the reunion , and Ihe names of Iho commlllecmen will bo published as soon as they are decided upon. r.urnUlimrnlH Must Stop In Towa In a short time , as lawn has passed a law against them. This Is j our * last chance to collect your accounts bcforo tjio law goes into force. The Nassau Investment company has reduced Its charges and will guarantee collections against persons not living In Iowa , but who arc employed by some rail way , express or telegraph company having nn agent In Iowa. Wrlto nt once for terms and references , Council Bluffs. 1 Work. Mr. W J. Lnutcrwasser , well known to boone ono of the best furnace men In this section , has engaged with P C. Do Vol. Ho and John Scotl will work together , nnd It goes with out saying that whatever they do will be perfectly done. Now Is n good time to look up the furnace question. I'rnllt mill l.o . When one person loses another Is sure to gain In the transaction. All the Klnnchnn stock bools and shoes will bo sold at retail nt COc on the dollar. 23 Main strecl. Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap. ( Ininil Army Frank Trimble jesterday received n tnmplo of the badge to bo used for delegates to the Grand Army encampment which will bo held hero next month. The badge will consist of an oreldo pin with aluminum pendant , bearing an npproprlato Inscription. The pendant will bo about Iho slzo of a silver dollar , and will have a portrait of General n. M. Dodge , whoso loyalty to the Grand Army boys Is so well known. His portrait Was selected as the result of the almost unanimous feeling of the people of Council Bluffs that his patriotism , both for his coun try and the town where he used to live , de- Borved some recognition of thin Kind , Cole & Cole glvo a $1.50 cook book with every Now Process stove sold. The genuine. Now Process bakes better , makes less odor nnd Is the handsomest stove made. New asbestos oven retains all the heat. Woman's nxchango , IS Pearl street , will bo continued. Meals served at all hours ; dinner from 12 to 2. Homo made bread , [ ilcs , cake * . Ice cream and Ices. Jarvls Wine Co , , Council I ) luffs , la. , agent } rvl 1877 brandy , wines and liquor. Domeitle eoap breaks bar ) water. Attiickeil III * llrotlivr. A. W. How den of Winner. Neb. , lm been it Innmto of St Bernard's Insane hospital \ for some time pant , but has been allowed \ to stay a part of his time at Ncumayer's l , as he wag constantly accompanied by " lil IjrtttlinT , Jolm tlundrn Yesterday after noon n fit of violent Itmnnlly came over him , mid lie attack" ! hi * brother and kn .eked him down After quite a chase IIP wni rnuglit ntid tnken to tlie county jail for rate keeping. Ills brother , ulio 1ms been to faithful to him , penciled In ROlng with blm Into the jail , and occupied the cell with him last night. The unfcrliinBto man will prob ably be enl to Clnrlnd.t by the Insane com- mlstlonerg. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Charles Lunkley , tlio well known undertaker , will occupy the building at 23S Ilronduay after April 20. Various Improvements will bo made which will glvo him one of the finest undertaking cutiihlls'iincnts In the \\cst All wool Ingrains from 5Sc to ? 5c yard. Lowell Ingralni , CCc yard. All goodn marked down thin week. COUNCIL nUWS CARPKT CO. Hvani Lnund'y company. Slilrta , collari , and cuffs n specialty , C20 I'carl street , Tel. 290. Kcasonahla rates for family \vorlt. Ilti } your ilrugM and paints at MargniiV drug stores , 13 1 nnd 742 Droadttay. Special prlreH In millinery at Mies Hags- dnle'H this week , 10 I'enrl street. Tbc laundries use Domestic soap. Mr H. H. Jones hag icturncd from a visit with relatives In Creston. Mrs. I ) . Thomas of Lyons , Ia. > Is visiting with her sisters , Mrs. M. PfclHer and Mrs. rellcntretor. - John S. Stanncr has taken the position of managrr of the 1'ostal Telegraph > 's ollkp at Missouri Valley. It II Wrstrolt , formerly of this city , now occuplej the position of railroad reporter on the Cincinnati Kmiulrcr. J II niiggan. division superintendent of the Ilurllngton , with headquarters at Crcs- ton , wan In the city yesterday. General O. M. Dodge Is spending a few- days In the city , on his return from Hot Springs , where he has been rusticating. Mack Goodwin has returned from DCS Molne * . w litre he accompanied Kelly's army Ho and General Kelly rode side by side nt the head of the line of march , but from now on Kelly will have the sole responsibility ol set-lug that his army reaches Washington In Eafet > . _ _ While you are pa > lng for laundry why not get the best ? The Hngle laundry solicits trial and Invites comparison. Telephone 1ST. Meycrs-Otirfee furniture company , 33C-33S Broadway. Ilargalns In fine furniture Get prices of Shugart & Ouren. leading seedsmen , Mason'c temple , Council Ultlrts. Gas cooking stoves for 'ant and for sale at Gas ( "o 'a oftlcc. _ Everybody knows Davis st-lls drugs. Washerwomen use Domestic soap. Minor .Mention. Attend Boston store syndicate sale. During the month of April seventeen building permits were. Issued , aggregating 120,200 In value. The young ladles if St. Paul's guild cl nie < l $100 abo\e all expenses bjc their minstrel show last week. Julius Mnller , aged EG , and Minnie Host- wick , aged 4G , both of Pottnwattamle county , took out a license to nurry yesterday. The funeral of Uobert Cromblo will take place at 2 o'clock this afternoon Services will be held at the First Ilaptlst church. ri\e MIBS were giv-n jail sentences of ten days each by Judge McGee yesterday , but the sentences were suspended long enough for them to get out of the city. As Ilcv A. J Turkic of Omaha will preach for St John's English Lutheran church at James hall , 17 Pearl street , on Tliurbday evening , the Ascension seivlce will bo held there this evening. Sermon by Hev. G W Snyder. George Cohen was arrested yesterday afternoon charged with stealing a satchel and the clothing it contained from a Sioux City woman. Both had been stopping at Mrs Pralor's establishment near the North western depot. " " Cusick and "Sleepy" Hewitt , George Thomas Fitzgerald were each given fifteen dayw In Jail In police court jesterday morn ing for committing malicious mischief about the residence" John llans.en at Cut-Oft and In the Jail at the same place. The following committee has been ap pointed to Interview the city council and the county supervisors for the purpose of securing work for the laboring men of the city : J G. Lemen , C. M. Harl , W. P. Baker , Jacob Sims. W. W. Wallace , W. II. Kncplicr and J. C. Dellaven. The committee on Decoration day has nearly completed the work of making out the program. All the speakers have been decided upon , but the committee are not willing to announce them yet for fear they will lie. abused for patriots who wanted a chance to talk. The only thing now left Is to arrange for the music and then the pro gram will bo complete. Storm Lake has been selected as the place for holding the annual Iowa state regatta July 17 and 18. An effort Is being made by the oarsmen of the Council Bluffs Hawing association to organize a crew to compete with the crews from the other cities. The association has plenty of talent , and there Is little doubt that If a crew should be or ganized It would be able to take a creditable place. Nearly the required number of names have been secured by the parties who have been circulating petitions for the opening of sa loons under the new mulct law , but the peti tions will go on circulating until several hundred names more are obtained , so there may bo no danger of any hitch. The city council , at Its regular meeting next Monday , will probably take up the question of how much extra ta\ shall be levied on the saloons by the city. The announcement made by County Clerk Campbell through the papers a week or two ago , to the effect that all adminis trators , guardians and receivers who had neglected to make their reports as re quired by law. would bo Jerked up short for contempt of court , has been having a good effect. The clerk Is now burled In the re ports that have been Hocking In during the past few days , and the tide will probably go on Increasing until May 12 , the time set for the annihilation of delinquents. The Imperial Fire Insurance company of London Is ono of the largest and strongest board companies in the world. Lougeo & Towlo , 235 Pearl street , are solo agents In Council Bluffs for this company. For cobs go to Cox , 10 Miln street. Tele phone 48. _ See the now art goods at Mrs. Miles' . Jarvls Wino Co. , Council Bluffs. Neither Stiito Hint .ItirUflirtlnn. PACIFIC JUNCTION. la , May 1. ( Spe cial to The Bee ) The case of the state against George McKnlght , charged \\lth as sault with Intent to commit murder , was called > c"stenlay before Justice Zaren. On April 2C the defcndano assaulted John Severick and t > on Herman with a knife and Inflicted < ] ulto serious wounds on both parties. The affray took place on what Is known as "Hobo" Island , a place originally located In Iowa , but cut off by a change In the channel of the Missouri and left on the Nebraska bide. McKnlght was Immediately arrested and bi ought before a magistrate at Bcllevue , Neb. , but the question of juris diction was raised by McKnlght's attorney and after a full hearing the" case was dis missed on the ground that the point where. the oftenno was committed Is In Iowa. The complaining witness Immediately repaired to Iowa and tiled a similar complaint bcforo Justice Karen of this place , but when the case was called for hearing Attorney Mc- Namara of Omaha appeared for the defend ant and again raised the question of juris diction , claiming that the authority of the town court extended only to the Missouri river on the wct > t , and In import of his con tention cited the act of congress admitting the state of Iowa , which defines Its western boundary as the center of the Missouri river. The result was that the prisoner was discharged. Under tint .Mulct I.iiu. , CKKSTON. la. . May I. ( Special to The Bee. ) Today ushered In the new Martin mulct law , and hl\ saloons were ready to do business according to the terms of the law. The council granted them permits. Several oilier saloon men 'v , ere endeavoring to secure permits , but failed. The yearly license Is 1,200. 1111 PO HP PlllTtt 1IA1P1\ lIILIiS OF LARTII jlOUI ) Terrible Calamity Overtakes Farmers 'n the Province of Quebec. FAMILY BURIED ONE HUNDRED FEET DEEP rnrmi ISnlnrtl , ItnllilliiK" Wrrrkcil , HrlttRrs Cnrrlril Auuy , t.lto Stock nml Ililiimu > KtlltMl In u Itriiuirk- nblo I.niuUllilo. ST. A LOAN'S , Quo. ( via Lachcvrotl rc ) , May L Samuel GoUlhlcr , n fanner of St. Albans , his wife , ttmlly , their son , Joi-eph. and D.ivld Gauthler , their brother , nre burled under 100 feel of earth by the ter rible landslide of Friday last. The principal scene of the disaster Is eighteen miles fiom the ncarcsl lelcgraph station , and thai Is the reason why news of this terrible freak of nature was nol given sooner to the out side world , For miles there Is nothing but desoiatlon. Where the St. Anne river was once nearly a mlle wide , It Is now only a narrow stream , raging and surging In a vain attempt lo break Its bounds. Houses , fences and rattle , all are gene nnd there Is nothing left bill ban en ground of uneven height for nix miles back. Here and there the debris of the Ill-fated farm houses nnd granaries nre seen In little heaps , langled up wllh uprooted trees and Iho carcasses of dead callle , but most of the wreckage has been swept Into the river and carried long slnco Inlo Ihe St. Lawrence , and thence towards the ocean. The banks of the rher arc of a peculiar formation and rise 150 ftel above the level of the water , except for a mllu erse so wheie the slide occuncd Here for almost seven miles back the earth has a gentle dccllvltj , and Is nearly level \\lth the rher , whose bed has rl en nl least sKty feet. What the scene musl have been when Ihe earlh began lo move can be Imagined. The lower ell of Ihe river bank Is composed of clay , honej combed by Iho waler , Ihat for years back has filtered thinugh Ihe moun tains. It was fl o'clock In the evening when these clay banks caved In and with the hundreds of Ions of sand on top slid Into the river. The farmers were Jusl prepailng for Supper. The nolte was lerrlflc , bill was fol lowed bj n sudden calm , for Ihe roar of Ihe falls had been smothered In the crumbling cmtli. The ground , however , kept on vi brating as from an earthquake , and the farmers for miles around rushed out of their houses for shelter , which thej did nol know where to nnd. After Ihe first panic was somewhat allayed , they went back , but the river had slowly risen. Snow and Ice , which are still plentiful here , helped to strengthen Its power. The waler rose for miles. II was fully 100 feel high when Ihe earth began again moving , slowly at first , then fnsler , and finally so fasl lhal Ihose who were fleeing were Ihrown down. Il is a miracle Indeed no more human lives were lost. The ground near the river sloughed off flrsl , and Ihe house ncaresl was that of the Gauthlers , which shared Iho fale of llio pulp mills farther down by the first break In the shore. There it not the slightest doubt bill lhal the poor Gauthler family nre dead When the landslide slai ted Ihe house was seen lo be on lire and even had Ihey nol been burned "or smothered to death , Ihey musl have been crushed under the Immense quantities of earth thai kept sliding on top of them. No one Is reallj certain as to the exact spot where they weic buried and it IH possible that the bodies maj" never be recovered. II Is dllll- cult to exactly describe the state of affairs. The debris of the houses and the1 dead ani mals arc situated In what was , bcfoie Fri day , the middle of the river. Even today It Is Impossible to cross the river , although an attempt will be made to repair the bridge at St Albans Ibis afternoon. All the boats for miles and miles along the river have been swept away. Thousands of people dally crowd the banks and point out to one another where the foims of their friends stood. MONTREAL , May 1. A French evening paper states thai Iho Gauthier family of four , who were burled under the disastrous landslldu at St. Albans on Friday night last , were dug out of their Ihlng tomb on Mon day , after an Imprisonment of three days and nights. On Sunday the euro of Ihe parish visited the scene of the disaster and blessed the spot , then the rescue followed. i.Aiiou DAY IN IUICOIM : . May Duy Dciiiiinstnitloiis on the Continent Wore Verj Tiiiue. LONDON , May I. Dispatches received here from the different capitals of Europe show tbat Majr lay has passed without any seiloiiH disturbance. In Ihls city the anarchists iccelved a lesson from a. mob In Hyde paik , nnd the socialists made a demonsliatlon In the same place. All was quiet nt Berlin nnd at Vienna , rltlunmh ineetiiiR.s of workmen and others were dis persed by the police In both those cities. A large meellng waH bold nt Murnelllcs , but no Htrlous dlHturbnnce took place At Huinme , Belgium , there was some ilotlng , but order was soon restored by the police. May day passed off quietly In Paris nnd throughoul France generally No Slay day disorders occurred In Home or In any other parts of Italj- . Orderly mcellngs vveie held in the other leading tovviin of the continent. GHENT , IlelKlum , Muy l.-Some slight May day disturbances have tnken place nt Hanime , nineteen miles fiom this city. One thousand rope makers middenly ceased work nnd Joined n disorderly parade , JUir- Inff which Ihej' broke n number of windows vvllh stones. The local gendarmes were called upon to restore order and succeeded in doingso after a nuinbet of anests bad been made. 1'AItIS , Mny 1 May day Is passing off qulelly Ihioughonl Kinnce nnd no disorder Is anticipated anywhere. HOME , Mny 1 No Ma > - day illsordern me repotted nnd It Is hoped Unit the day will not be marked by any dlstuibailee upon the part of Italian workmen Dispatches ) received here from the Island of Sicily an nounce that May day IH being celebrated there without disorder. LONDON , May 1. A small May day meeting In Hyde park today led to nn ex citing scene , during which u number of anarchists were roughly bundled. The unnrclilHts attempted to bold a meeting In Hjde park , wltb Ihe object of oxpiesslnK sjmpntbv with Henri , Ferrnrl and other nnnrchlstx now In prison. The chief Eng lish and foreign anarchist lendci.s were present nt the meeting and the speakers In- eluded Louise Michel nnd Editor SamuelH of ti ) ( > Commonweal , nil nmiicblst organ. Wblle Sir. Samuels wax extolling the deeds of Hentl nml other "mnrtjrn , " he us-d ex pressions which aroused cries of Indignation from those In the crowd who were not In sympathy wltb the ulteinnccs of the ed itor , rlnnlly , the nntl-nmircblsts became so enraged that they made u sudden rush loward the platform from which the nn- urcblst orator was holding forth. The nnnrchlsls attempted to defend their orator , but the mob attacked them In i.plle of the efforts of the police The latter were swept aside by the nlliu-klng party , nnd the nnnrclilsts were eventually chased out of the park by the mob. after many cf the most prominent "reds" bail their could torn fiom tbolr bncks nnd suslnlned otl'tr Injuili's to their clotblnK nnd ) , orion j. A procession of socialists , numbeilnt , ' sev eral thousand persons , formed today near llluck FrhuH bridge and marched to Hyde park. All those who took part In , the pro cession woic a piece of ted ilbbon In their buttonholes. The procession was bended by n band of music , and about 1,00 lings were carried bj thorn. Some of these Hags were draped and others were red nnd Inscribed with such motlocs us "Down with tbo Sins- ter. " "Prtpnre for the Coming Ilevolutlon , " etc. I'pon nirlvlnif at Hjde park the so cialists sang the "SInrsellles " William Slor- rls and other soclnllstlc spvnkera ndditssed Die assemblage. 1'rlelilfiird b > u lloinli. LONDON , Slay 1-The Globe sa > 8 that Ihe city police arc In possession of a bomb which wax found today In the Guild bull , or council ball , of the city of London to Ine north nf L'beapslde The bomb was din- covered In tbo corridor of the Guild ball which leads to the art gallery. It Is of cylindrical shape , six inches long nml three Inches In diameter It wns accidentally discovered by a person passing through Ihe corridor , who called the nttendnnt'H atten tion to It The bomb was then cniefully placed In a pall of waler. The police look charge of the building , pending Hie termina tion uf the olllclul Investigation which Is now In progress. An Inspector of experts afterwards exam ined the bomb and pronounced It lo be practically hiumless. Cuttle Can ln ) Inipiirtud More 1'reely. LONDON , SIny 1. Hcstrlctlons upon the Importation of Canadian cattle ( ire llkt'lj to bo much lessened In consequence of corre spondence between the lioaid uf Husbandry nnd th r . , | mi il n * . < wlu b 1 > , mlll-dnd tnilrtrl rl isorli u l i i i ntilnns that In cnttlo. from Can ijm nn I tint'nl iti Stales "iotn slnik Jtio-i , -vhlcli him only the most feeble * r irrtnKloiH ) ilopi-rtlr ! < ( Is frequentlv tnlstnken.fuR plciiro-pneumonla DlRtemper > i n m , Caliiiaii cnti ! < > > < prin cipally dno to the * Itilrdiflilps pnd puauru of the Journey from , helr pnsturei lo Europe , , _ HOT U'OIIUS IN ( MjNAIIA'S IIOUSII. Minister Daly Clmrgrf Jlrmbrr Mnrtln with tlnpntrlotle Action , OTTAWA , Ont. , May 1 In the House of Commons a resolution Tins been adopted calling for the deepening of the St , Law rence river canals to twenty Instead of four teen feel as nt present ' Execution of this scheme will cost at leist 5130.000,000. During the debate rlofih Martin , liberal member for Winnipeg , chimed that the exe cution of the scheme was necessary , as Canadian Pacific frclghl rales were so ex orbitant as to keep tarn rs of the north west In poverty. Slayne Daly , mlnlsler of Ihe Interior , charged Martin when he was a member of the liberal government In Mani toba with having an understanding with President Oakes of the Northern Pacific railway by which .Manitoba wns debarred from enjoying the shipments via that line. Mnrtln said It was false and Mr. Daly said there were statements on oath thai showed Sir. Martin to have been , It not In col lusion with Sir. 0)ko3 , too near to Ihat gentleman for Canada's good. Speaker White called the minister of the Inlcrlor lo order. Martin said he will make Daly prove his assertions or acknowledge lo Die house lhal ho Is u slanderer. S STII.I. CI.OSIU ) AUAINsr SII.Vl'K. England Dei lures Mir II. n No Intention ( o lleopell the Indliin MlntM. LONDON , Slay 1 In the House of Com mons Sir. Henry Fowler , i-ccrelary of state for India , replying to questions on the sub ject , said lhal Ihe slatcmcnt that the gov- crnmenl of India or the secretary of state for India Intended to reopen the India minis to silver was entirely unfounded Sir Edward Gray , parliamentary secretary to the foreign office , replying to questions on Samoan affairs , said Ihe provi-ions of the Berlin act could not be changed without the consent of the Ihree slgnatorj powers The government bad no reason to suppose either of the parties would consent at the present moment to place Iho Islands under Iho gov- ernmcnl of New Zealand The Times. In Us financial arllcle , says lhal notwithstanding the statement of Sir. Fowler It believes It to be Impossible that the government can maintain this attitude unless a gold standard can be established. ititrnsii AT mi r.i iriis. Secret L"nder tmidlnR Alleged with the N'lc- uriiRimn I'K-dilrnt .MANAGUA , Nicaragua , May 1. The gov ernment is secrelly sending armed men Inlo Iho Slosquito country. There appears to be a secret understanding between Mr. Gosling , the British minister to Central America , and Ihe president. The president has nlso re fused to remove Commissioner Lacajo , who Is known to be pursuing n policy In the Sloaqulto country calculated to Incite the people agalnsl American residents. Only fear of the American warship San Francisco seems to deter him from going to extremes The Government claims to have routed and destroyed Sloralln's baud. ESTIMATED AT I'lVK IIUNIUii : ) . Number of Lives Lost In the I nrtliqtmkc In ( ircci e More Shot Its I'elt. ATHENS , Slay 1. A sharp shock of earth quake was felt here ; at 2 23 a. m. today. Several lighter shocks followed , but no further damage was , done. Reports from the stricken districts confirm the most alarming reports as to the loss of life and amount of damage. . It Is believed that when the total loss of life from earthquake dlsastcis nnd from the subsequent exposure of the homeless people Is added up , it will be found that nearly , If nol quite , COO people ple have lost their lives through the re cent calamities. ' CLAUSE roil EACH COUNTKY. Leo's Coming EiicjclUul Will Trench on K\rry Nation's Interests. LONDON , May 1. A dispatch to the Chronicle from Rome says1 The pope's com ing encyclical may be taken as , to ? omo extent - tent , a political lestamcnt. It will review the chief events of his pontificate , Including the German kulturkampf , Iho Irish question , the action of Ihe pope In America with ref erence to the Knlghls * of Labor and Ihe Satolll mission and his action In Franco with reference lo Hie republic The encyclical will bo translated and published slmul- taneouslj In all languages. Notes from Smith Afrlra. CAPE TOWN , May 1 The government of Canada having : replied that It Is Impos sible to postpone the colonial conl'oicnce called lo meel al Ottuwn In September ne\t the government of Cape Colony bas In timated Unit It will be unable to send n lepiosentutlvo to the confoien o The Gut mans have otteted amnesty to tbo rebellious Dumaial and Chief Wltbool. The latter , however , has declined the offer wlili contempt. Wltbool has long been a nouice of trouble to the German colonists , nnd the laller appeal unable either to foicc or to bribe the chieftain Into submission. Scorpion Prut In Mexico. DimANGO , Mex. , Slay 1. The scorpion pest has made Its appearance hero In greater numbers and with more deadly ic- sulls than ever befoio known , and many deaths buve occurred dining the past few weeks fiom the bites of poisonous insects. Tbo goveinment gives a llbeial bounty on evuiy hundred scoi plans killed , and hcoros of people uiu making u piactlcc of captui- Ing them. Ahhuirdl In TroubleAgain. . BERLIN , Slay 1. Rector Ahlwarlt , Hie notorious anll-Semlle , who wns i flensed from Hie Poelzenze prison on Slnrch 6 hist , wheie he hnd been confined after being convicted of libelling the Loevvo firm of Hebrew gunmakers , wns today sentem-ed to thiee months Imprisonment for Insulting Prussian otllcluls during 11 lecent speech which he made at Kssen. Cipher Not Alloni-d it Urn/11. LONDON , May 1 The Eastern Telegraph company 1ms Informed the Commercial Cable company Ihat It has advices from Rio do Janeiro today saying that the trans mission of messages In cipher codes Is not yet allowed and Hint the senders will bear the risk of hnving their messages delujed. Milan to Iti-lgn Again. BELGRADE , Slay L H is reported that King Alexander will go abroad for several months and that his father , ex-King Slllan , will act as regent. Smallpox at radge Junction. PACIFIC JUNCTIO J , la. . SIny L ( Special to The Bee ) Two .v\oll marked cases of smallpox have been discovered here. Ono of the patients , a little girl , Is In a serious con dition and may not recover. Five weeks ago a butcher came from Omaha by the name of Cook and entered the employ of Mr Sherman , the local butcher. He was taken sick Immediately with varlolold and exposed the five chljdrqi of Sir. Sherjnan , Who. not having been vaccinated , have con tracted the disease , r Nearly the whole town has been exposed , as thu public did not know what was the matter. Died of it DiHpiiiidcnt Mini. GLENWOOD. la . s'laj1 L ( Special to The Bee. ) A. L. B. Llndsey , a voun laboring man living In Glanwqod'during a fit of des pondency , tired -H-callbre pistol ball Into his rlghl sldo last night. Ho asked Police man SlacSIlllen to let him see his revolver and when the weapon was handed him , turned It against Jils sldo nnd llrcd. He Is still allv'u , but has probable accomplished hla purpose. When IlAbjr was sick , VTO pive her Cattorln. When sha was a Child , slio cried for ? a torla. When she Ix-camo JtUa , riio clung to Ca&torli. When sbo bad Children , sbo gave thum CasloiU. \Trt PIV \ \ Tfl Till ? AD UM1U \ llll ! . "Bethly" Wilson Mot Death nt the Hands of Putties to the Jury Unknown , ALL QUILT AT MISSOURI VALLEY NOW M. r.'n IlelliMrd tn Iln lte pen lblo for the ArtlMIc 1'iiklnR Off of Mnrslml Whlt- nej'K Mmderer t.ltlle Ilegrct O\er the Affair. MlSSOUftl VALLEY. In. , May 1.-Special ( Telegram to The Bee. ) The coroner's Jury Ibis afternoon relumed aerdlct that "Roddy" Wilson oame to his death by being hung by persons unknown to the Jury. A largo number of witnesses were summoned but no ele.v as to who comprised the lynch ing party could bo ascertained. Wilson's body was burled this afternoon In the pot tors' field at Iho rounly's cost , no one claiming his body and ho having had no funds about his person. Last evening n young man named frank Crolbcrs was arrested at Slondamln on sus picion of being the escaped Davis , he an swering fhlrly well to Iho Inltcr's descrip tion. Ho was held until this morning. .Mar shal J. J .Deal nnd Policeman Wiseeup have gone there to Identify him. Crothers showed conclusively thai he had been nl work near Mondamln during several days prior and slnco Iho killing of Whitney. So no trace or cley has yet been found of Davis. The city Is very quiet since last night's tragedy. No sjmpnthj seems to exist for Wilson and his falc , allhough many regrel that mob violence was resorted to. Wilson's remains wsre In Losey's undertaking rooms all day nnd were viewed by thousands of spectators many of whom came from sur rounding towns and cities Who composed last night's mob Is n mystery. All were securely masked and apparently had a thorough understanding ns to the work nt hand. There were a largo number of saddle horses In th clly hsl night , which fact leads some to suppose Ihat the SI. P fs may have had something to do with the affair. Thai Is n well orgnnl/ed society , ttie object of which is to prevent nnd punljh criminal offenses. It has b"en a most wholesome organization In many In stance in the past. Wilson died game , refusing to disclose his true Identity or thai of his partner Davis. When the mob broke Into the Jail he asked If he was the man they were looking for. A short time was given him to make any state ment he desired. All he had to say was lliul Ihey might do what they pleased with him. Ills nerve lasted to the end , there being scarcely a tremor over his bodj' ns he swung In midair. The body was cut down at C o'clock and taken In suctody by Ihe coroner. At the coroner's Inquest over the body of Slarshul Whitney the Jury rendered a verdict this afternoon that he came to his death by two gunshot wounds from the revolver of "Reddy" Wilson. The lateness of this ver- dlcl wns caused by an adjournment Saturday until 2 o'clock this afternoon. > ortbuostrt n I'ulr Association. SIOUX CITY , Slay 1. ( Special Telegram lo The Bee ) Delegates from nearly 100 counties In northwest Iowa , southwest Min nesota , Soulh Dakota and northern Nebraska are hero tonight holding a mecling to per fect the organization of the Intel slate Fair association. 1h" association will be a mutual organization , each county contributing n pro portionate amount to gelling U on Us feel It Is proposed to give annual falls of nb ut Iwo weeks duintlon every full and to make them the best agricultural expositions In the noithwest , combining with them n geol speed piogram and Ihe Sioux City corn palace idea. The association has secured 200 acres of giound In Riverside park , two miles from Ihe cenler of lie cllj' , reached by Iho Milwaukee load and an eleclrlc car line. On this p-rmnnent buildings ami a mile track will be built. The track Is at the confluence of the Missouri and Big Sioux rivers , and is finely limbered. Dnnlitp Will Ilnvu n .Saloon , DUNLAP , la. , SInj 1 ( Special Telegram lo The Bee ) The necessary number of tlg- nalurcs have been secured lo operate a sa loon here. The new law requires the slgna- lures of Co per cent of the voters of the township and a majority of the signatures of each Incorporated town , all of which were easily obtained. There were scarce a dozen people In the lown 'who refused lo sign the statement of consent and but one or two In thu entire township. Before n saloon can be legally established the council must PASS n resolulion giving permission , and Ihe consent of every free holder within fifty feet of where Ihe saloon Is to be oper ated must bo secured as well. AVI11 Soil Sioux City Strort Car Linen. SIOUX CITY , Slay L ( Special Telegram to The Bee. ) Thu feloux City street railway W'll be soil under forcelosur" tomorrjw to thu highest bidder , to satisfy a mortgigo bond Judgment of $5GS 000. flic property will be bid In by the bondholders , who are nearly all l'hlludlplilans. They will organ ize a company at once to operate the road and put It on a paying basis by reducing the capital stock and wiping out the bonded In debtedness. The pioperty conslsls of forty mll-s of electilc road , divided Into nine lines , all ccnteilng al n common Junction In the business center ; a power plant and an electric lighting plant. The property cost ? 1,200,000 , and reaches every part of the clly. Y. M. C. A. T < inliirles In Session CEDAR RAPIDS , la , Slay 1. ( Special Telegram to The Bee. ) A largo number of delegates arilved to attend Iho annual con ference of the International General Secre taries association of the Young .Men's Christian association which convenes hero tomorrow afternoon for a four days' session. About 300 general secretaries from all parts of the country are expected to bo In attend ance , the larger number of whom will ar- rlvo tonight nnd tomorrow morning. The sessions of Iho conference will be sccrcl A number of mecllngs lo be addressed by men of prominence will be held al the different churches lo which Iho public will be ad mitted. FOR THE In oluirKo of tbo Slaters of Nloroy. . This renowned Institution Is sltirito I on thn hlsh binds bio < of nnd overlooking the ultjr of Council Illulfs. The spieloiu grounds , ltd hub location and sp endld vlow , m iko It a most pleasing retro > l for the ulll.ctod. Astilf of em nont physloluiH and n lar o cortu of ox pcrluncod r.nrsua minister to the comfoi U of hopitlonts. bpoolul caret slvon to 1 dy pi- tents. TERMS MODERATE. Tor particulars aoplr ti SISTER SUPERIOR Frank StrestConnMl BluT ? , IO.YI OEO. P. SANFORD , A. W. RIOKMAM , President. C'as'ilor. First National Bank of COUNCIL BLUFFS , Iowa. Capital , - - $100,000 Profits , . 12,000 Onuot Ihi-'oUlortt bankHtii the xtttnotlOA.O Wi < HOlltilt your bimlm'HH ami uolk-otloiiH. Wu puy 5 per ccnton UniDilopOHltb.Vu will bo pi'anoato bt.u uml Hurru j ou. E I KALE7 EXCELSIOR COMPLEXION REMEDIES Awnrilcil Honors at the World's Fair , The First nnd Only Successful Discov eries for Cultivnting Nnturnl Boauty. SOLD AND INDORSED BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Bownro of Mino. Ynlo's Imitators. Their names nro legion. MME. M. YALE , A model for nil women nt 41. She is the roigniug banuty of the nuntoonthcon- tttry. Perfect from the crown of her glorious fjoldon hand to the solos of her dainty little foot , she doflcs old Father Time to lay ono withering linger mark oil her exquisite loveliness. HINTS H IE , YALE'S ' mm LECTURES , Intellect rules the world. Beauty rules intellect. Ill-hoalth destroys boauty. Ill-imturo kills youth. "Orowingo Id is a foolish fashion. " "Growing young is laying up treasures of priceless vnluo. " "Most women Hnd it easy to win a husband , but hard to hold him. " "Boauty is woman's weapon. " J.mlhx tcilljlml in Mine. M. Yak' * Complexion liemcdics theintMiort to JSamty LlST. ixciL8iou : SKIN rooo. Thn only nb otbent food In the world frwls tlinuicb the poles of the pKIn Hrin vrn th deepi-at wrinkles nml rvelj time of KIliulliH up tinllrali , ni > Uliit ( It llrm. hcallhv ninl > < * tli- ful IVPIJ Jni iil nluiplj KUaiantLCd. IMce , tl 'J > and $1 W. Ino slzra. cr > M'u.xiON' ! : m.n.u-n Ilpmnvm p\pn tilpmWi fiom tli nl.ln liK'nchrt It pun- pink nni ! hltp. KlMns IIP cnniplpxlnil nntuinl Ijoiuly nnd tiniftililte | tlnlH of Iho Illy nnd row. 1'rli.p. : ( W iui botllL3 for $ j. Is n dlKtlnrt rompilv for rpmoUtiK TrccUM H H the flr t n mnl ) | no n to pos'tlxclv ' reinmp freckicn 111 ptrCUSP , nnd ian tic absolutely relltd on to do lt uurk thoiouKld > In u few ( l.i > n It ulsn renunei tnn nnd sunburn In n few application" . Ipiulns the skin IIIuhlte. . Price , tl 00 per bottle. nxrnr.sinit H viu TONIC Hns crpattil n ppiiwillon all o\pr thp orU , n-4 It tunw Kiay hair hack to IIB orli ; mil rnlor without 0 > e.HCtli ! on the ll\e coloi Ing initttr In HIP hill nml KUInt It 1(3 ( imn origin il color. It IH almost Impoxslhle to bellip all tlmt H clatineil for lliN tonic until teiteil.lien pations Iteeonie ill irp ttian rnthu Iii tlc nml reeomnifiul It to thrlr frloniN. until the ilemaml his be i nine so KM nt that at tlmcH It IH illlllrult to supply the maikul It also stops liar filling In I'l litnnx , nnd create- luxuilant gtouth. I'rlce , il IH ) per boitlc , b (01 Sj.OJ. . Mmo. M. Yale manufactures and personally guarantees her remedies to to absoluely pure and free from all injurious substances. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. KUHN & CO. , Drug-gists , 15th AT Y/HOLESALE-E. / E. BRUCE Douglas Sts. &CO. Omaha , Nob. ST , JOSEPH , MO , _ We are Headquarters for TRADE VxMARK IPLAKBE ? PAVIESS CO.K WHISKED a WRITE Represented in Nebraska by US M. SACHS , FOR N. H. COHEN , PRICES LEO. F. WESTHEIMER , COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAMDYBWittlS All lilntlsot Dyolu ; nml Oio inln ; ilonoiti thi ) liUhu-it style of the art. Kn lo 1 nn I Kt.Uned fabrics nuiilo to loul : as KOoJ ill now. Worn promptly ilouo an t unllvoro I In nil p.irta of tha country , rfunil ( or price Hit A. Proprietor , llromlway , near North- wcstorn Uopot. fe * Tolopliono 2'.1 , Stonm nnd Hot Wntir Hontlng for RoshtoicoB nnd Buildings. J. C. B1XBY , 202 Main , 203 Pearl Streets , Council 15lulls , Iowa. PERMANENTLY CURED NO PAY UNTIL CURED XERCFtR YOU TO 8,000 PUIINT8. Write for Banlc References. . EXAMINATION FREE. No Operation , No Detention from Business , SEND FOR CIRCULAR. THE O. E. MILLER CO. , 307-308 N. Y Lift * Bill * . . OMAHA , NEB. OliHAT Sl'OTT ! Mini * At Ynli-V Impirtnnt IIicoory for rc mm Ine nml i > oriii.initly kllllnif thr Krontli at ntiM'iiiiiii | ! hair One application ilws thu \\niU tnki'i lint t\\c \ mlmilcV tlim > tloeB not hurt or Irrlmtp nnd will mnUo thi > licnrts of nil mill n Klail altllrliMltli HIP iitiH'ulitlJ giuntli of iiprillui > u hiilr. I'lUo , } 5 < j MOM : AND \VAUT n.vTiiAc-rrm Will pnnmtipiitly nnui\i > nil molpi anil warts without Injurj. Pi Ice , J3.CO per bottle KM.xut OP niurrv i'ulll\nti > i ros\ checks u wonderful pUIn tonic. PrliiII CO per hottlo. CNCKLSIOIl AI.MONU III.O OM CltKA.M HpllnPK Cf > nl < > )10I ) OR. KpnpH tic Hklll KlllOOtll , white nnd lipnutlful-nn r > xiul | < tlii > ami ilillclotm tolli > t article Hint no Imly mil affoul to be with out. Price , tl UO per Jar. nxcni.sioit HAND WIIITIN'IU MnliM the fUn nn the haiuU lllv uhlto pmooth ami beautiful Knp thu humls soft ami Imly lllio. Price , Jl ( X ) per bottle r.xcin.Hioit nyiM.Asti AND KYiMmott' oiiownrt Culthntes Ions la het. thicken- ) the eje brons. iK-iiullllPB the ejti > , ami mills gnatl ) | O tlm beauty of the fate Jl 00 per jar. i\cni.siou iicsr POOD Will ikxelop n plump ami beautiful neck nml bUHt mi ) Bl/e c.ui lie obtained and reirulateil mtcrdliiK to the quanllts u cd ( luarnntced to Kl\e pnllHfiictlan 111 every iu c. J1.50 uml J3.W per Jai , different sizes. DYEING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AND DRY CLEANING. Scnil fur Circular untl 1'rtco 1,1st Council Bluffs , - - Avenue A and 23th St Onmltu , 1521 Furiium Street. WALL PAPER CLEANED BY C. H. WAItBEN. I.ouvo orders with nml refer toW A WOOD & CO , 50 ! .Main strout. Teluphuno No , A3. Special J\/oUce3J / COUNCIL BLUFF3 : DO YOU KNOW THAT DAY & HKB3 HAVB eome choice tartalna In fiuit oucl garden land near llila clt/T UAIIUAQB nnMOVUD. CCSai'OOLH. VAULTS , chlinneyu cleaned. LM ilurKe , at 'laylor'a grocery , (49 ( llroadway , AlibTKACTH AND LOANS. PAHM AND clly pioperty bought uml Hold , Pinny i 'lliomun. Council lUuffi. PABTUlAai : . riUHT-CI.ASS. POIt SO ) IIUAD of Muck , about 3 mllon north of tuun Cattle , JJ"5 to 110) ) . luirHia , Jt W to > 7 m for icanon. May t to October 15 , eoo < l man In clmrgu oC Htock , plenty trrnan , valt and wuler. L , P. Judwii , 'ji't Cth avenue , or 823 llroudway. Council Hluffn. rou HINT , PMJASANT. UNKIHINIHHUD room * , li' l location In thu cllj. 100 Hjuth got- Lntli HtriU OOOI ) WANTCI ) TOU OHNKItAU Mm , John Aukln , 710 South Mil tllftt. WANTHO , HIX HOOD HH.ICITOHH TO TAKU unlc'ra ( or fruit * uml vi'Kttabltm In Council lllurrs , Omaha , Boulli Oinnhu unj Hloux CMy. Cn or uiMrvM :