I 8 THE OMAHA DAILY BIE'E ' : SATURDAY , APRIL 28 , 1891. AMBROSE AS A SXOW PLOW * MH MM Clears Strict Railway Tracks Blockaded by ShorifPfl Attachment. LEVVMADETOSATISFYCLAIR'SJUDGEMENT ' Judge Drrlnrr * ThrriWns No J < rrrMlty tor thn Action mill Order * Turn llwulcd liacli Ciiiiipiiny C'nllf It n Ito. vengeful Oulmcc , The sheriff and nn Injunction practlcnlly mispenOed Btrcet car traffic upon tlio Twenty-fourth and tlio Tarnam street car lines for ncvcral hours ycslorday afternoon , mid It was not , until way Into tlio nlglit that the trains were running upon schedule time. A lawsuit WOH tlio catlio of all of the trouble , and the result of the la * null was \\liitl canned people rcaldlnB In the north , uent and south portions of tliu city to have to walk home. On the evening of DeccmbT 21 , 18S9 , Mat thew \V. Clalr wan going along North Pour- tccntli street and at the Intersection of Dodge he wan caught by the grip of a cable train , knocked down and dragged alung ( he track a dlHtanco Of something like se\enty ftct. lie won cut and bruised to mich an- extent that ho wu j connncd to his bed for n period of six monthH. Upon Ills recovery he Hiicd the Oniahn Street Hallway company for dnmageH , alleging that he hail sustained In juries In the Hum of $25.000 The case was ( ontlnuul from term to term until March , ] fi'J2 , wh-n It was tried , and after a bitter legal light the Issues were submitted to tlio Jury anil a verdict for $5,000 returni d In favor of the plaintiff. The case was ut once appealed to the supreme court , where It re mained until a few da > s ago , when the llnil- Ing-i ( if the lower court were sustained and the Judgment alllrrned. Last \Vcdnebday the inundate of tlio supreme court was sent to the tlcrk of the district court , and yesterday afternoon an execution was Issued upon the mine and placed In the hands of Deputy Kliprlff Mnhoney for Bervlce. Armed wllh this document , the deputy vint to the Intersection of Sixteenth and rarnam streets , where he waited for the trains and motors which might happen to pass that way He had not waited long until lie had scooped seven motors and three trailers Into his net. This rolling stock re mained upon tlio track from the tltne of the hol/iiro at 3 30 o'clock until late In the afternoon , shutting off all of the east and wcat and north and south tralllc. Just be fore the C o'clock rush set In the street railway people. In order to accommodate the crowd , commenced running stubs from the blockaded section , thus handling the tralllc after a fashion , hater In the evening the Blierlff hired some teams and hauled six of the motors and all of the trailers down to the end of the Sheely stub , here they were run off the track , where they remained until Judge Ambrose Issued an order to the hhertff , Instructing that oniclal to return them to the place from which they were taken , and there turn them over to the officers of the company. AMUHOSi : SHTS TIIKM C50ING AGAIN. In the early evening the attorneys for the street railway company and the attorneys for the plaintiff went before Judge Ambrose at his room In the I'axton hotel , where they engaged In a legal battle. The defendant filed a petition , alleging that the street rail way was a corporation engaged In convey ing passengers and that as such It was not subject to the general laws appljlng to levy and execution. After making his argument , John L. Webster and John U. Howe , rep resenting the company , nbked for a restrain ing order , preventing the Mierlff from i > el/i- Ing any more of the properly. They asKed that the sheriff be compelled to place the property back upon the tracks. Judge Ambrose said that under the showIng - Ing ho did not see how bo could deny the order , which was afterwards entered , and the case was set for hearing at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Frank T. namsom , one of the attorneys representing the plaintiff , urged that a re- jelvcr should be appointed to take charge of tlio property and see that the debt was paid. If this was not done , he said that the payment of the Judgment might be tied up for jears. Judge Ambrose hold that there was no necessity for such a course , as It had not been shown that the company was insolvent , and again ho said that the street car lines ( \ero operated for the convenience of the public. Mr Hansom Insisted that It would bo Im possible to secure any testimony from the street car people. Judge Ambrose was of n different opinion , ind declared that a Judgment properly en tered and solemnly nfllrmed could bo col lected without any great delay , and with till : ) understanding of the case all of the property was released , and before midnight cars were running as usual. Secretary Goodrlcli and General Manager Bmlth of the street car company sild last night , In discussing the sel/urc of the cars , that It was simply for the puiposo of re venge. The power houses were full of cai and motors , all of the summer equipment uf tlio road being In these buildings. This property Was worth ten times as much as the Judgment , and could have been levied upon , but the Idea , they claimed , was to get bold of the rolling stock while In u&e ninl tie M > the lines during the heavy after noon business. They also stated that though the Judgment was afllrmcd by the supreme court , there had been no demand made upon them for the pajment of the I'lalm , and , as a matter of fact , they had no olllclal knowledge that the supreme court bad disposed of the case. The dumping of their cars they denounced as a hlgh-hundcd outrugo upon the part of some person , and nn act which might possibly result In some Interesting litigation. _ No or llcfort ! ho Uhciip. The Globe's cash found its way In the porters of some hard-up manufacturers In exchange for some of their most desirable goods. The consequence Is , we offer goods , commencing tomorrow , at the most redlcu- lous low prices. Men's shirts , Do ; men's neat suits , $300 ; c\tra Mont men's pants , 50c ; handkerchiefs , lo each ; all wool nobby light suits , $500 ; bojs' long pant suits as low as $1 50 , men's dress shoes from ! ) Sc tip ; fedora hats , latest light hliades , COe ; line line of 2ric neckwear , choice , 9c ; all wool blue cheviot spring overcoat , latest long cut , $ IC > 0 ; balbrlggan uhdcrwcur , bluish tint , thlrtH or drawers , 19e , all wool cheviot 1 > nits , made with two hip pockets und In iivcry respect equal to costum made , $1 50 ; men's socks , Ic u pair ; extra heavy blue overalls , 25c , unluundcrcd shirts , the best gtado , " "c ; big line of men's extreme nobby milts , bquaro , round cut , double breasted , frock or prince alberta , at less than manu facturer's cost ; choice of shirts , worth up to $1.00 , choice for 25c. Also numerous other big snaps at the oi.oiin CLOTHING co. 115 South ICth. near Douglas st ' 1' . S Choice of n big lot of knee pouts , llle. Including big sUes. Frank J. Sutclirto , stenographer , has moved to 232 Dee building , telephone S97. ( luliiK i : t 'I inlii j f Tour cholco of four dally trains on ths Chicago & Northwestern railway. Two of these trains , at 4.05 p. m. ant 6 30 p. m. , nro Vesilbuled and limited , arriving In Chicago early next n online. Hllto Bloopers , dining cars and the latest reclining chair cars. Call at the city olllco. HOI rarnam street. The Northwestern checks your trunk at your houee. Delegates to the Presbyterian general as sembly at Saratoga , N Y , should not pur chase Uolr tickets without first obtaining rates on the Nickel I'lnto road , which are always the lowest. Tor further Information call on any agent of that company or ad dress J , Y. Calahan , general agent , 199 Clark ktrcct , Chicago , 111. Trunk tl. Itiimgu wishes to announce that the dlfllcultlcs will ; his tailors Inuo been settled and Invites hi * customers and all good dresaers to examine Ills spring and summer woolens and that he la able to (111 ( orders more promptly thau heretofore. ( Irnul't Jllrtlulny. GALENA. 111. , April 27. Galena was In holiday dress today celebrating Grant's birthday anniversary. Hundred * of visitors from surrounding points thronged the streets , and nearly every building was more or less decorated. A special train from Chicago cage brought a party of guests , Including Luther Laflln Mill * , orator of the day. The Chicago vlftltom were met at the depot by a reception committee and military escort and conveyed to Turner hall , where the ex ercises were held Mayor Hlrrnlnglmm , aa president of the day , Introduced Mr. Mills. HA\IIIN : uitos , Spoclnl * * ntiiriliiy Sulr * \nrloni Depart * inrntn Nolitlm Kirnlnc Snlc. Sl'KCIAL , SATURDAY n We shall place on sale 300 dress patterns of challlcs , 10 yards to each pattern , at the low price of 19c for the whole dress pattern ; only one pattern to each customer. Sale starts at 7 p. m. NOTICH. DC sure nnd read our wash dross ad In Sunday papers ; coupons with each pur chase , no matter how low the price quoted. HOOKS AND STATIONi : Y. The late popular book , "If Christ Came to Chicago " I3c "Dodo " "Tho , ; , Ship That Passed In the Night , " etc. , etc. , at 19c each. 600 assorted novels , slightly soiled , worth up to 50c , at lOc each. Writing tablets , 1 ! for Co ; lead pencils , Jo per do/en , envelopes , 25 for 2c. ' JHT TIUMMINSO COO yards of elegant Jet trimmings go at lOc per yard. HOSII3HY UNDnilWIUU , OUN'CS , UTC. Ladles' 25c hose reduced to 13c. Gents' 2"c hose reduced to 12',4c. Hockford sox , 5c per pair. Host gents' linen collars , lOc. 35c suspenders , lOc. Ladles' vests , Ic. Ladles' vests , 12 ! c , worth 25c. Ladles' kid gloves , 5Uc , worth $1 00. Ladles' 7-hook undressed , 75c , worth $1 25 Children's fast black cotton hose , lli'/fcc ' pair , worth 25c. L'idles' aprons , 1'ir. ' great value. 100 do/en ladles' night gowns , worth $1.CO and $2.00 , go at USc. $1 50 corsets go at 50c. $2 50 umbrellas go at $1 50. $1.09 umbrellas go at 50c. 40c ladles' silk mitts go at 23c. CLOTHING OUI'AHTMKNT. SPECIAL roil SATURDAY. For $425 jour choice of 150 boys' spring and summer reefer suits , In light nnd dark shades , ages 5 to 15 years , no finer suits made and they are worth from $350 to $7 CO. Tor O'ic you can buy a good school suit. $1 95 buys an all wool boys' two-piece bull In single or double breasted , In 15 different shades. A late purchase of men's suits has just been placed on our counters nt COc on the dollar. A largo assortment of strictly all wool cheviot , cashmere and Hanover worsted , In neat patterns , gray and steel mixed , double and single breasted , go at $7.50 , worth $12.00. $3 75 buys a good durable men's suit. $175 buys n good all wool men's suit. Yon can see our clothing display In our Dodge street window. HAT AND CAP DEPARTMENT. A great reduction In all leading spring styles ; don't fall to read prices. 60c for men's fine tourists , worth $1-50. 75e for men's fine fur soft hats In all the leading shapes , worth $1 50 and $200. 75c for men's fine fur derby , worth $2 00. $1.00 for men's fine fur derby , worth $2 50. 51.60 for inen'b flno fur pearl Alpine , blick band , wortli $3 00. MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S HATS. 25c for yachting caps , In bluebrown and tan , worth 50c. 50c for jachtlng caps , In blue silk , In all shades , wortli $1.00. A large assortment of children's straw hats , lOc , IDc and 25c. Hoy's fancy halt , nnd turbans 25c , worth 50c and 75c. MEATS. Kinest sugar cured No. 1 hams , 9Vic ; salt pork , 7' c , pickle poik , 7V4c ; corned beef , 5c , bologna , 3c per pound ; California bacon , 9V c ; Boston long cut hams , 7ic ; all small cans potted meats , 5c. LARD , LARD , LARD. 3-pound cans best lard , 29c ; 5-pound cans , 48o ; 10-pound cans , 94c ; these prices are for the best lird Tmule. Here are prices on compound lard : 3-pound palls , 21c ; 5-pouna palls , 3Cc ; 10-pound palls , CSc. HUTTBR. We are headquarters for fine butter and at prices that are bejond approicli. Very llnest butter made for 20c. Ask any one who bought this butter of us , they will tell you there Is none better ; country butter , Sc , lOc , 12M-C , lie and iGc. CHEESE IS AWAY DOWN. Hut to get It you must como here. Fancy full creim young America cheese only 8c per pound ; Wlbconsln full cream , 7c , 9c and 1214C ; brick cheese , Sc , lOc , 12' c and lie ; Swiss cheese , 12'XsC , 14e and ICc. CRACKER AND BAKERY DEPARTMENT. Hero wo have something new and don't forget to buy some of the great cream toast ; 3 XXX soda und ojster crackers , Gc per pound ; everything In crackers at lowest prices. All kinds of bread , 2c per loaf ; rolls , 7'/4c per dozen ; cream puffs , 15o per dozen ; doughnuts. 7 e per dozen ; angel food , 17c each ; everjthing Is always nice and fresh , no matter what time of day > ou come in. HAYDEN BROS. . Dealers In ever } thing. /.olu'H "I.oimlis. " THE THIRD INSTALLMENT OF ZOLVS POWERFUL STORY , "LOURDES , " WILL APPEAR IN THE SUNDAY 13EE TOMOR ROW. m Cheap excursion , Saratoga end return , on crcaslon of the Presbyterian general assem bly meeting , May 17 to 29 Inclusive. Take one of the fast through trains on the Nickel Plato road , leaving Chicago dally. Depot corner Clark and 12th htreets. City ticket office 199 Clark street , Chicago. o Wo could not Improve the quality If we paid double the price. DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salvo Is the best talve that experience can produce , or that money can buy. Kxiimlnrd the Miidiltt. A committee from the council consisting of Hnscull , I'uikei und Lemly accompanied by City Engineer Hosewutor anil Superin tendent Smith of the Street railway com pany Thui-Mliiy afternoon visited the 16th Htieet viaduct for the purpose of making nn Inpsectlon of that stinetuic. An hour or more was spent on the ground. It Is the opinion of the engineer that the viaduct IB in nn unsafe condition. The council commute favois patching und milkIng - Ing repairs nnd tills IH peimp- ) < what will bo done In the end Said Engineer Itos'e- watcr : "I nm opposed to patching In nny foitn , but If that Is what the council wants done 1 will submit plans nnd make an esti mate or the cost which will be reads to milmilt bcfoio the next meeting It will cost In the neighborhood of $ Vxx ( ) to brace up the old bridge A new Iron bridge with the width of the present structure coulil bo built for lesH than $100,000. Saratoga and return very cheap on occa sion of the Presbyterian general assembly , May 17 ; rates always the lowest via the Nickel Pluto road City ticket olllce 199 Clark street. Depot Clark and 12th streets , Chicago. _ Klll.-il u Mm ! Dog. A. D. White , the city Inspector of weights and measures , did a little rondemnlnc that was not exactly In his line Thursday after noon. While out In the northern part of the city on business ho discovered a dog owned by John Westborg , which was suffer ing from lodrophobla , and Killed the animal. Thirty-Two Novitiates Made Acquainted with the Mysteries of tbo Shrine. TANGIER'S ' FOUR HUNDRED GUESTS Prmrnt from All PurU uf the Stntu at Mnsonlr Ilnll I ant Mglit Nntnblo liiK of tlio Kxnltiil Cnift I.Utiif Mntulii Visitors. Not since the memorable meeting of the Imperial council of the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine In this city In 1892 have there been so many fol lowers of the itar and crescent encamped about the valm trees of Tangier templa as last night. The city was overrun With be- fezzcd and bespangled shrlners , and the un thinking , who knew little of the mystic rites to be performed In the Masonic halls , Im agined that an Arabic contingent of Kelly's Cormnonwculers had slipped quietly Into the metropolis fro h from the bands of Sahara , or those other rands which Irrigating ditches In western Nebraska ore reclaiming fiom their desert wastes. The occasion for nil this display of tiger claws , dlimonds , rubles and the "untold wealth of Ormus and of Ind" was the In vestiture of thlrtj-two novitiates with the degree of the star and crescent. In consequence of this notable cln s and the notables from a half dozen oases present by the cooling fountains that How nigh unto Tangier , where milk and the sugar from the flowering date tree could be had for the asking , the sands burned lustrously while the camels stumped their feet as they scented the approach of the profane Never has the pink-eyed , creamy-satined goat from the temple of Osiris been In such high glee , and the seekers after the wisdom of the ancients , learned by devious palMvajs , that to let go the rope meant utter anni hilation at the hands of the Hushl Baiourks encamped on a neighboring oasl . Work was begun at 5 o'clork , nnd not until 11 were the laborers called from labor to refreshment. The banquet hall of the temple was crowded with tables and loaded with all the good things that Shrlners love to eat and to drink , as well Toward the midnight hour , when a faint light began to clnso the shadows from the east. Noble Hrail Slaughter , on Invitation of Illustrious Potentate L. M. Aruleison as sumed the chair of toastmaster , and then on Into the carl ) IIOUM the four hundred and odd Shrlners lis tened to the medicine m n and pa'lins nnd grand viziers of the order. In view of the presence of quite sixty members of Sesostrls temple , Lincoln , J. H. Murltlus , potentate of the state house ag gregation of bright fellows , was called upon for a few words of felicitation of the oc casion. J. W. Gclger , chief rabbai. of El Klhir temple , Cedar Rapids , fa , fol lowed with words of wit and wisdom. He spoke of Kelly's army within his state and paid a glowing tribute to Nebraska , and more particularly to Omaha , for having un loaded the Industrials upon the Hawkcyp commonwealth. Other toasts were responded to by Ed N. Cornish as representative of the class last to be clothed In purple and fine linen , Dr. M. H. Garten of Sesostrls , L. M. Rheem ot Tangier , Dr. Munroe , Dan Fleet , while A. L. Blxby , the funereal director of the Lincoln State Journal's funny column , read this al leged bit of versification. I little thought when on the train I paid my ducatB for a ride That lirad would cause me all this pain , This untold grief nnd wounded pride , I did not come prepnied to speak , I came you know the reason well My tongue Is thick , my pencil weak , I came to inise a little money. For what thus fur hits filled me full Of fellowship and bottled beer , , I thank SesostilSufor my , pull And blesH the nobles of Tangier. There were others who spoke of the teachings of the Shrine , while humor and bright sayings made an ever to be remem bered night , particularly for the "babies" of Tangier. The out of town guests were1 Sesostrls Temple , Lincoln ; A. E. Moeller , Mars Nebs , E. O. Miller , G J. RalUbach , M. H. Garten , past potentate ; G. II. Simmons , chief rabal ; H. 1C. Kcrman , oriental guide ; Major Pierce , L. Perrln , W. M. Oyier , L. L E. Stewart , J. W. Bow en , William Mnnn , E. P. Rodgers , O. II. P. Hale , H. C. Shepherd , J. E. Dur- gln , Dr. Wllklnson.W. M. Cllne , F. S. Owen , J. H. Martlus , potentate ; E. E. Good , A. D. Heemer , C. A. Tucker , S M. Mellck , E Elliott , Job Hatheway , D. n. Howard , Web Eaton , R. W. Johnson , Dr. Armstrong , Albert Maxwell , Noah M. Ryan , 0 P. Dlnges , C. Spears , bcntlnel ; W. S. Summers , A. Humphrey , Dr. Smith , F. C. Smith , R. P. R. Miller , A. Jloberts , Poet Blxby of the Jour nal , Charles Dedrlck , poet lauieate ; Nels Andcuon , W. H. Axtater , A. Davld'on , Judge Tlbbetts , W. D. McArthur , M. A. Warren , R. A. Matteson , H. B. Whitney , Palmer , W. B. Mclntlre , J. D. McKelvey , Dr. C. V. Ariz. Kaaba temple , Davenport , la. , now at tached to Tangier M. L. Evans and B. P. Griffith , Emerson , la. El Zebel temple , Denver , Colo. A. J Dlxon and L F. McFadden. El Kahlr temple , Cedar Rapids , la J. W. Gelger , E. D. Humphrey , W. O. Wlrt , C. E Walters , P. H. Wind. T. H. Lacey , Jesse R. Whitney , Chuuncey L. Wattles , James W. Hatton. Naja temple , Deadwood , S. D H. C. Algcr. _ _ /old's "I.oimlos. " THE THIRD INSTALLMENT OF ZOLA'S POWERFUL STORY , "LOURDES , " WILL APPEAR IN THE SUNDAY BEE TOMOR ROW. to { .i.inil I.nrccny. F. L. tttogue , 3116 Maple street , was nr- rested yesteiday by Detectives Dunn and Donahue for stealing sixty yards of carpet and u suit of clothes from the residence fo H. L Hosterman , 2" 10 South Twentieth street , about two weeks ago. Friends oC Hostel man told him they had scon Hiogue walking down town with the Ktolcn punts on and thin led to the attest. Iitogiu > had helped Hostel man move. When arrested he confessed , hajlng he waH needy and took the property on that account. The carpet will be tecovered fiom Moore , n tlealet In second-hand goodx , to whom It was sold. The stolen ptopcrty vvus valued at $75. /olii'rt "I.ourdrs. " THE THIRD INSTALLMENT OF KOLA'S POWERFUL STORY. "LOURDES , " WILL APPEAR IN THE SUNDAY BEE TOMOR ROW. _ _ TIII : iti\i/rv : MAUKKT. INSTRUMENTS placed on record April 27 , ; S9I. WAnnANTY nnnos. I , U Hinllli In I , It Tn > lei , w 100 ( Vit of H ' ,4 lot M niul w 100 fiet lot 'I , tiloili 3 , llmol.llmi . . . . $ TOO Mrilnvmk ' OK comimij tii Mnry Ami. lot 17 , | jli l > I Miaiivmk . O'KH uilil 000 W It < itiH | nnil nltV tu K \Viston. . 3U fut lot * X Mlllanl . P'H uilil . ' ,000 A II Iliimtminil niul Inihlmnl to Uroxil . Ilnrte. nn , 111 > ! i Imertxt In lot 2 , block J , 1'OHlti Plan * . H7 umus D L CHI tan , npoclnl master , to A C felt , lot 4 , block 1 , 1'aililock I'lacc . , 1 100 Total amount of transfers . J5SI7 Lost lluy I'ouml. A lost boy Is nt police headquarters. lie WUH picked up at Nineteenth and Hurt streets , doesn't know his name nor where Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum. in Millions af Homes AQ Years the Standard- ho HveF. He ihoA a red waist nnd brown kilt dress on , Una eyes nnd golden hair. WILL CONTEST THE WILL. I.ltlgntlon OtcfUhc 1'roprrty of n I'loncrr Itrnldmt. The lawyers tfml the Interested partis have slated a bitter tight In the contest of the will of the late Edward F. Cook , who died In this city a few weeks ago , and who left thfe bulk of his properly to ono of the churches. Yesterday , throueh an attorney , Wesley T. Wilson , a ncphaw of the dead man , In stituted a contest of the will , and In his petition ho protests to the probating of the document , which was filed with the Judge of the probate court , soon after the death of Cook. In objecting to the probate Wilson alleges that the paper which was Hied was not the last will of the deceased. He also avers that Ednard F. Cook never signed , executed , or published the document as his last will. After making these allegations the afflant slates under oath that on February 2 , the day upon which the will Is claimed to have been signed , his uncle was , on account of his condition of body and mind , Incapiblo of disposing of his property. This will , ho declares , was secured by fraud nnd the signature tn the same was obtained by the use of undue Influence while the testator tater was upon his rt ath bed. Discussing the document filed as a will , the party con testing nays that the document was torn and obliterated with the Intention of revok ing the same , and that the tearing and mutilating was done In the presence of the testator with his knowledge. The terms of this document , the contestant al leges , are Indefinite and uncertain with ref erence to the legatees. More than all of this , it Is alleged that the document Is not attested according to law , thus making It defective. Illegal and void , so far ns the be queathing of the propel ty named therein Is concerned. No time has yet been set for the hearing of the contest , but It Is stated that the par ties claiming under the will Intend to make a fight , Hbowlng that the document Is reg ular and that Cook knew full well what ho waa doing at the time when ho disposed of his property. 1'rolmtp .Multern. In the case of the Blair State bank against the estate of the late Edmund Paul son , the referee , to whom the whole matter i\as referred , has filed his report with the clerk of the district court. A vast amount 'of testimony was token , and as a result the referee shows that the property of the es tate aggregates $292,000 , the most of which Is real estate , with $ J5,000 of debts and mortgages. Some time ago Marie I { oilman , as exe cutrix of the estate of Meyer Helltmn , de ceased , brought suit nnd secured a Judg ment for $1,273 against S. A Sloman. Yester day the defendant filed a motion , asking that the Judgment be set aside , he alleging that he had n good defense , providing ho was allowed to get Into court with Oil testi mony which he could adduce upon the trial of the cause W. G. Clark , as administrator of the es tate of Hugh G. Clark , deceased , has sued the school district of Omaha In an ac tion to recover the sum of $92 and Interest. The petition alleges that the sum Is duo for the rent of a frame building on the Dupont school house site , which building was used for school Durpoces. JmlRc Baxter has named Charles Offutt as guardian ml Illein to look after the proper ty nnd poison of Francis Ilnmaccloltl , daughter of Mary Ramacclotti , deceased. Kesult of line III MR tinTIffor. . Some months ago August Mejer bucked the tiger at the Denver gambling house , which was then operated In this city. The tiger got the better of Meyer and pinched him for something like $1,000 In gold and bills. Mejcr at once hastened to an at torney and brought suit , but later on he settled and left the attorney holding thp sack , so far as paying for the legal services was concerned The attorney then brought suit for $100 , the amount of his bill , and has succeeded In securing a Judgment. I Wants u Divorce. Mary Haiisen baa asked the courts to dissolve the matrimonial tloss which for ten jears have been binding her to her husband JCIIH. t She avers that she IIKH nlwaya been a faithful and dutiful wife , willing to for give nnd fotget , but Instead of Jens being that kind of husband , he had been upon the biutu order , beating nnd whipping the plaintiff. Not long ago , she alleges , he knocked her down and called her pome of the vilest names In the English language Besides wanting the divorce , the wife wunta the custody of the children , the fruits of the union. Allnor Court Miittrrn. A petition has been filed , asking that an administrator bo appointed to look after the property of the estate of Charles H. Woolson , deceased. E. S. Dundy , Jr. , has filed a motion for a deficiency Judgment In a suit against Ern est Rlall The plaintiff alleges that there Is still $1.801 which Is duo nnd unpaid. Before Judge Hopewell yesterday the motion for a new trial was overruled In the case of Duke against Lobcck. The plaintiff secured a Judgment nt an curly date during the present term of court. Judge Ambrose * returned from the South Dakota hot springs Thursday night , much Improved In health. Today the Judge will go upon the bench In court room No. 3 , where he will hear the motions for new trlaU and also pass up ex-parte matters wli'ch ' may bo brought befoio him for consideration. In the court pi abided ovtr by Judge Scott , tlio creditors of the firm of Acker- mnnn Brothers & . Helnt/e are having their Inning today , proving up nnd establishing their claims. In tlio suit of W. C. Max well against the firm , the referee has found that the action should bo dismissed at the cost of the plaintiff , and has so reported to the court. Among the numerous suits against the firm of Ackermann Brothcia & HolnUe , there Is one by J. M. Wolfe , who , jester- day abked leave lo Intervene. In his petition Wolfe alleges that ho has been sued by the creditors of the firm upon some notes which ho giiatantccd. Regarding the notes , he declares that they were without consid eration , so far as ho was concerned , und were guaranteed merely as an accommo dation. ' Worth a Guinea a Box. IA trifling dose from > a 25-cent box of of's 's ( Tasteless ) will frequently prove as effective as a doc- ( itor's prescription. ctrt. Is the only ' SPECIALIST PRIVATE DISEASED and DEBILITIES ol MEN ONLY , Women Excluded. 18 yciirs experience Circulars freo. \ 4th and Farnam bla NEB. Tlio treatment of ninny tliouvimls of casea of t\vyto \ clironlo weaknesses nnd distressing nl'monts ' pocullar to female * , nt the InvalliU' Hotel nnd Hur icnl lint Unto , Hut- fnlo , N. Y. . lias afforded n vast OTx.'rlenco | In nicely adapting nnd thoroughly testing remedies for tlio euro of woman's peculiar maladies Or. I'lerce's 1'iivnrlto Prescription N the outgrowth , or result , of this vast mid valuable xpcrieiico. ThoifwiniN of tcstlmomnb , received from patients and from physicians who Imvo tested It In the inoro aggravated and olistlnato casci which had battled their skill , pnivo It to lw the most wonderful remedy over devised for the relief and euro of milTcrlng VVOUHMI. It Is not it mended as a " euro-all , " but as a most i orfect jpeciile for wonmifs pmillar allmcnt.s. Tlio following words , In nraiso of Dr. I'lerco's Favorite I'nt rlptloi are fair RamjilM < sixmtnncousoxprossloiia with which thousatuLi glvo uttornnco to their BCII O of gnitltui the Inostliiuiblo boon of health which has been restored to them by the use of this vvorld-f mc-dldno. GENERAL DECLINE. MIII. Ai.tcr. V. DUNCAN , of Het Tannery , Mineral Oaunlv , TT. Trt. , writes : " I bcllcv o I owe my llfo to Dr. I'loreo'a remedies. Six or RCVCTI jears ape , my health began to ( mutually Inll ; eoino of my friends as wcllasmvgolfthouKht I wasKohiff Into consumption , I Ixwm taking1 Dr. I'lcrcc's ruvorlto I'rescrlptlon. 'Ooldcn Medical Discovery'nnd his ' 1'ollcts , ' nnd was frrcatly bcnclltcd ; took half a dozen bottles nt that time , did not tnlto nny more for several years , when I lie-in to KO dow n tilRiln. I was married November , 1RS9. The next September hud n ml9- currlagc. The summer follovrliiir my health was very bid : I then rfot ono dozen bottles and took us directed. My health was much Improved y nnd am now the proud mother of n healthy boy tw cnty-two months old. My health Is now much better than I thought itcvcr would bo. " 31ns. DUNCAN AND lunr , "FEMALE WEAKNESS. " Mrs. A.SMI : II. FtTcn , of Joltmtoun , CVtt/ibrfa Co. , I'a. , write * : "I Imvo been taking Dr. I'lcrcc's Favorite 1're- 1 scrlptlon three bottles of it nnd am getting will fast ; I can do my own work , w lilch I hav o not dotio for almost tw o jearsj I do my own washing nnd all of my house work ; I have gained about six pounds taking your remedy. Mits. Fircil. you cannot know how glad I am that I tried jour 'Favorite Pre scription. ' " WOMB DISEASE. Mils. ANNA UUUCH , of nm Creek , Buffalo Co. , A'chnuhd , vvtiles : "I cnjoj- good Inaltli thanks to Dr. Picrcc's Favorite Proscription and ' ( lolden Medical Discover } . ' 1 waa un der doetois' euro for two jcnrs with womb ill Mso , nnd gradually wilding In FtreiiKth nil the time. I wnseowcak that I could fit up In bed only u few mo ment * , foi two jearp. 1 commenced taking Dr.I'leree s Favorite Prescription anil his CJoldtn Jlcdlcul Dis covers , ' and by tlio time I hud tal.cn one- halt dO7di bolt Its I was MRS. ULRICII. lip nnd going wlicrc- c\er I pleasedand have had good health nnd been MM MroiiK- ever since Unit w as two j cars und a half ago. " TREATING THE WRONG DISEASE. Many times women call on their family physicians , Buffering , as they imagine , ono from < li i > o ] > Hia , another from heart disease , another from liver or kldnoy.discnso , another from nervous exhaustion or proatlation , another with pain lieio and tlicio , and in this way they nil picMmt alike to themselves and their easy-going nnd indiiroient or over-busy doctor , separate nnd distinct iliseii ! es , for which ho prcscrilies his pills nnd potions , assuming them to bo such , when , in leality , they are nil only tii i ] > toms cmiKcd Ijy HJIIIO womb disorder. The iihjfcicinn , ignorant of the cause of suffering , encourages his piaiticu until huge lulls aiumadc. Tlio sulluing patient : no better , out piobably worse by reason of the delay , vtiong treatment and consequent complications A proiwr nuxlicino , lilo Sts Picucn'b FAVOIUTI : I'liEscitiiTio.v , duelled to the causa would liavo eutiiely imnovcd the disease , thereby dispelling all thuao distressing symptoms , and instituting comfort instead of piolonged mfceiy. Tor "worn out , " "run-down , " debilitated school ( cacheis , milliners , di ess makers , seamstresses , general housekeepers , nnd ovcr- tvorked nnd fceblo women geneially , Dr. Picrco's Kavoiito Prcsci iption is tbo best ot all icntoiativo tonles. Dr. Picrco's Favorite Prescription ia not n " Cine all , " but admirably fulfills u singleness of purpose , l > oing a most Specific for all those Chronic Weaknesses and Diseases peculiar to . It HnT 1 potent women. H n powerful , general as well ill ) I A aa uterine , tonic and nervine , nnd imparts \ igor and sticngth to the whole system. [ "Ounr in " It cures weakness of the stomach , indigestion , bloating , ncivons pie > aiation , bvsteiia. debility and sleeplessness. UUrlb'ALL. Price 1.00 per bottle , or Six Bottles for $500 , by all dealers in medicines. A T.UEATISE (100 ( pages ) Oil " W OMAN A.ND HER DlbEAbB.3 , " AC Settled ill phllll CHldOfC , OH TCCcipt Of 10 CC'IltS for postage. Address , WORLD'S ' DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION Invalids' Hotel and Institute , Surgical , BUFFALO , H. Y. Good Housekeepers rely upon " " & " ' "PURE" "SILVER GLOSS' For the Laundry. "it - , Use Kingsforcl's Oswego Corn Starch for Puddings , Custards , Blanc Mange , etc. FOR SALE BY ALL GROCHRS. FINELY MADE AND ONLY $24. Do not eon found inn Ciblnet w ork with tlic' lur- ( .Mill fOlXlH solil t > i Inr- . 'Illll HtOICH WuilonotMll ill } tlilnir tli it in nut line r u i u 11 n i u w irnntpil to l.lbt .1 llfc- 11 in cult U i atton.ible Bcnlce In the above sideboard notice especially the high carved gallery above- the top shelf ; It la a very effective detail. The half shelves always help out the "dresslnc" of the Board ; they are rarely found on low- priced patterns. The inliror Is very artistic. The arrange ment of the base In according to the saino design which Is found on the most expensive models. Altogether this Is .1 veiy exceptional offer ing at $24.00. _ Chas , Siiiverick & Co. FURNITURE of Evary Doscrlpl.on. . Tenipouiiy Locution , I2OG-I20B DOUCL&S ST. , MIMAHI > HO nil. IM/JOIv. NEBRASKA NATIONAL BANK. U. S. Depository , Omaha , Nobrnsk-t CAPITAL 31OO.OOO SURPLUS 855,51)3 Directors -Henry W. Yltm prii dent , Joim H folium vice iirnsUlont L'Wl H KOI d Cunhlor Win II s. ilu'liua , ut cannier THE IRON BANK. CURE YOURSELF IH TWO WEEKS. Why vvaslo llmo , money and health with "doctors" wonderful ' cure. nlU'ix.clllcs.clc'wlicn ! I IU Mi-nd you J'HKIJ tlio priacrlplloii mi'l full jmrt culariof a ncwcortaln remedy that Inrouiplclu i mo - MANHOOD mill 1M- BUOBB. ' „ , . „ . . „ . „ . . . . „ _ . . . . . - ' ' „ . you ni everything li plain and'iiiinipTik AlTi'ukuTitlurni'iiTrut j o'tV wTli'Luy oiTniafl quantity of tlio t Here is from n flash of brains of a 12 year old American young. ster as overheard by the writer of this , while diszusbing Kelly and his army question "A century ago Washington hound the people by ccMigress" Today "The people are hound for Washington against congress" and the youngster received what lie deserved a Nebraska suit -V bu boy's some brighter some wittier some more mischievious some playful but all born to wear pants. And to I keep them neat we imagine requires a good purse and sound f * motherly judgement unless yon keep him in a Nebraska tough made suit Now ami then we arc uonipliinenteil by utterances of a competi tor , about Inning equally as good made , large assortment , or as low price * as the Nebraska but it has no foundation We carry the produce of every big manufacturer of the land but but not their ideas we have our ownway ] about that part. We carry out our own program regarding material and workmanship , to fit and suit our well ile.serv ing reputation. In other words a boy's suit branded "Nebraska , " must be perfect and serviceable , and cheaper in price or else it shall find place in other establishments not here A Dollar for a dollar and half suit , Two Fifty for a first rate four dollar .suit , Three and Quarter for a daisy five dollar suit is a re cord we arc proud of give you better satisfaction at that Finer grades are about as near half as other quote them , as this is to your eye. Can you find a more comfortable or better lighte.l d p.trt ncnt than our.s. ' Make Iin&tc if you wish for a catnlough getting Hcnrcc aiu. WB will eend ron thu mmrTflnni French Preparation CALTIIOtl trr * . nnd a Intal Riuranlee that < M.rilOS will Hculoro your Ilrullli , MtrenirUi ami Vigor. Hit it and fay ( ftatit/iid. AddfOOB VON MOML CO. INFLAMMATION AND "FALLING OF WOMB. " Mrs. THANK CAMFILLII , of Knit DtcMnton , rranKUn County , iY. 1' , writes : " I ilce-m II my duty to etpruM my deep , heart-felt irratlttulu to > ou foi having liuon tlio means , under Provi dence' , of restoring me to health , foi I hive been hy ppclls titmhlo lo walk. My troubles wcro of Hit- womb Inllammiiblo and IH tiring < ! mui Renditions nnd the1 doctors nit mid Uiey could not cuie me. TwoUo bottles of Dr. I'lete-o's womier- ful I'avorlto Pre- fccrlptloii has uuied Mils. CAMUF.I.D. me. Catarrh Powder nolloveH Cntarrh nnilOolit In HIB Huiul Instantly by onuatipllcutlou ( Jures Mend Noltea te DEAFNEUB. Ciller v.lu UU1 lluciuli Tmplt , < V n . Trlidtrratmuntoriiuiniiltfrot bold by uruirulita. BOo. , EXACT SIZE THE MERCANTILE IS THE FAYOBITE TEN CENT CIGAR , For sale by nil Flrfat Class Dealers. N mufijpturod by the F. it. JUCL iMHKCAM ILK CIO All CO. , Fuotory No. 801 , St. Louis , Mo.