THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATt'IlDAY. APRIL 28 , 1WH. COMMERCIAL AND FINAXCIAI Wheat Market Yesterday Buffered froi Ecporta of Favorable Weather , CORN OPENED WEAK AND SO HEMAINEI OfttftSlartril ( Jlilrt ultb 1'rlcrn Off Hlmil /rum Tliormlrt1' * ( Jtiiiliitloiin iirul Con * tlnui'il Uniijr During the ( ) renter 1'nrt of tlio fit-niton , ClUCAaO , April 27. Thc wlicnl market to day Biiffrrii1 ) front Uic favorable wcnllia licrc nnil reports of showers In CalUornln oni-nliiK at nbout yesterday's cloalni ! figure * May broke % c and July % c , but llics IlKurcn were reduced to ' 40 for May nnd ' / to % c for July at the close. Tlie low jirlct Dttructcd foreign buyers , who took llbern purchases both hero and In New York owing to the ex ( ! orn was wcnk nnd lower , trcinely favorable weather. OatB ruled tiilet | short Hullurn J'rovIMons were depressed by troubled , reported en Weak cnhlcB , labor KaKCincnt 'of ROM for shipments , toicthc ; California pressed tins whea \vlth rain In , market downward , through Mowly at flrat transactions wcr < A large proportion of thu May contract In the way of transferring Into July at lc spread , Though cxpor clearances frjin Hie Atlantic ports win liberal , amounting from Uic four prlnclpa Atlantic cltk-H to 500,000 bit. In wheat am of encouragement had ver : Hour , that Item little effect. A cale of 95,000 bu. of No. : Miring wan tnado here at Ic over May , am 15.000 bu. at Sc over May. That gives firm IIPHH to thr- market , which win ut 56iC fo May and from COtfcc to GO' ' c for July. Corn opened weak and KO remained. Com pared with yesterday's closing prices , Ma ; ( tatted at about VIe and July from Vic ti o'clock May had de 'lie ( Incline. Itcforo 12 ( lined to HS'ic ' ami .Inly to from 39c ti 83y4c. The amount of business wan small. OatH started ( julct , with prices off a shatli from yesterday's last quotations anil con tinned cany during thu greater part of tin r.ctalun. The close showed May selling a sidc : , or from Vic to % c under yesterday1 ! clo c. The provision market opened fairly steady but bccamo very weak during the Hcsslon J''lrst prices were at or about HIP same ai ycatcrday'H closing quotation'1 , but In the cm pork was from 17 Vic to 20c lower , lard froir r.c to lOc lower and ribs were off from 10 < to ir/o. The rec"lpt of hogs \vero 18,000 head am the prices were quoted lie higher. Kstlmated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat 10- cars ; corn , 250 cars ; oats , 285 cars ; hogs 3:1.000 : head. The leading futures ranged as follows : ( 'null ipiotulloliH were ns follows : ( l.orilDull lint Htcnily. WIIIIAT NIL 2 miriiiK , tSc ; No. 3 spring. & 2ij Me : NIL 2 nil , DR.- . ( DUN No. - ' . XS 738'c ' ; No. 3 yellow. nsc. OATH-No. 2. 33HCJ Nowlilli - , 3IMi3J'C ! ; No 3 wlilti3l' ' . < , ifi35i- . HVI'J-No. 2. 47i- . HAUI.IIY-No. 2 , nrimliinl ; No. 3 , MiSSSiio ; No 4 , iiinnlniil. KI.AX HEKn-No. 1 , J1.23VJ. TIMOTHY 8KKI > Prime. J4.25 I30. 1'ltOVlSIONS MI-HSI poiU. p 'r Mil. , tl.47' , < tfi 12.5214. I.'iril. per 100 Ibs. , J7.CO'i7 ' 6S. Sliort rib ! Hides. looHo , G.C3iii0.70. Diy willnl Kliouldct * Imxi-il , JO.COBC.25j short clear Hlili-f , taxed , G.87 ( ! (7.12'i. ' WHISKY DlHtllli-rs' seeds , per mil. JI.13. Tim following were tlio ri-ceipw ana nlilpmontn fur today : On lliol'roilnco nxchannu toil-iy llm button mir- hi't wnHqiilul awlloworj cruaiitcry , I'-'OlBe ; dairy , U 10c. Kiwa , tlrm ; Klc. NKW YOHK CINIIIAI : , MAKHKT. Ymtonlny'H OnotntloiiH on Flour , ( intln nml I'roilm-p , MetnlH. I'.tr- NKW YOHK , Atirll 27.-FI.Ol.'n-Kiceipts. 13. . fOO lililn. ; oxportn. 18,800 liblsf. ; miles. 3,50 ! ) pl < KS. miirkot continues slow nnd price * urc Irregular pprltiK patents an- held llrm , while the tradi li-fusi-H to mliio bills. Hye Hour , neglected. lluikwhcat Hour , nomlnnl. IIUCKWin-JAT Steady ; sales of one car stall lit 70i' . CO1IN MEAI * Quiet : yellow wcslein , ' | 2.03J 2.70 ; liranilywliip , J2.70. KYIDull ] : car lota , Ultimo ; loads , SI < Q fiC < - , til nrrlvr. llAltMOY Dull nml nominal ; No. 2 Milwaukee , criiiiO'c ; two-rowed , stale , C8o ; uiiRraded western , . IIAHMJY MALT Stonily ; weKlcrn CJflSOc ; six rowed , SU SSo. > t m WI1KATllecelpls. . 122.100 1m. : exportH , 191.30 ' liu. ; Balesi , 7.0'J."i,003 liu. futureo. Hint | ni'Hvo nni' CHHV ; No. S red. In nloni - < nd eleviilor , lil e r ulloiit.'CJTic ; f. o. b. . W,45j ae. Uptlons opeiiei I lower on ruins In Kansas anil California mi' wrnker ralili'.t , but rencted on ninull offerlntfii , nii'l iilli-d dull nil day except for the Rood switch' liiK liimliwii , The closci wns weiik ill U < ? Hc I'1'1 decline. Exporters lioiiKht nlumt 4HO.OOO bu. fanl uliciil tinl.iy. No. 2 led , April , closeil nt Hl'.i < ' Slay , CH45fd1)iC ( ) , eloned at CUlc ; June. C2fir.i'te rn i < il at Cilie ; July. 03'5CM 13-lCe clOKinl nt I'.Stnc ; AUKUH ) , IllWiCI IB-Id ; , cloxed ni Cl ej Hepteinher. l'.V > 4iit iO l-lio. ( rliised ut CS ic lieceinber. L0' ' nuc , cliisnl nt tW'ii1. rOUN-ltecelplH , II.CODbu. ; exportB , 183,70) liu. ( tales , S'.KI.IXIi ) bu. fuluieH nuil iiG.OOO bu. spot. Sio , III in ; No. 2. Ill ) ; No. 2 delivered , 42c ; No , 3 , 40c lillxoO , Wile. Options Runerally wenk nil day 01 tliu * weather weut and llbeinl Bellini ; , but ie < ni'ted Inter In the day , eloslni ; about steady ul Ue net decline ; April closed at 'lie ; May , 41ft 4l < te. closed nt ll'tc ; June rlo ed nt Kf : July 4tTk&l'i l-ll'O , cloned nt 45c ; September , IJ ilfl'Jc cloned ntIftc. . OATH-ltecelptH , 43.200 bu. : exports , 100 I'll. fall's. M.OOO liu. CilUlUH nnd 21,000 bu. spot. Spill linn ; No. 2 , 4io ; No. 2 delivered , < ; No , 3. 400 No. 2 while , 'I3o ; No. 3 white , lie : trnclc nilxei westein , 4U' ' < iOI2p ; truck white wentern. 40fft'-'c tinck white Htntf , li'dWc. Options strong iiKitli on April iiwhm to the squeeze. That month close , ' , > ( up nnd olher 4i ! on . April closed nt 40' < ; C > lnv , yi\\v \ \ ; July closed ut 3UHc. IIAY-Oulet. hut llrm ; shipping , } C,00 jO.CO Rooil to iholce , J7 QOnT.U. IIOl'H-lJulel ; date , eommon to eholeo , Oflin 1'acllle coaKt , 13d'lSc ; Ixmdon market , steady hnlders offer rpailiiKly. IlItllJH-Steailv ; wet sailed. N.iw Orleans se lected , 45 to Ki Ilia. . 4'.iifi > .2C ; Texas selected ar to M Itix. , Ittf.c ; lluenos Ayres , dry , 2 > ) to 2 Ihs. , IDMiKlle ; Texas , dry , 21 to 30 His. , Co. WOOh-Hleady ; domeatlo lleeco. 19(2.e ( ; pull l SOCKic. I'llOVIHIONS-lleef , quiet. Cut men IB , dull pickled shoulders. G'tfifitic ; pickled hums , lOc I. aid. easier ; April cloned at JS , nominal ; May IS , nominal ; July , J < .W , noinln-il ; retlnet ) , lower continent. JS.30 ; South Ameilca , } 1CS. I'oik nl raily. COTTON HKIJl ) OlIQulet. . with prices fahlj \\ell nmlntalned ; nilmo crude In bbls. . 30o prlmi' criulo liose , ' 'SifVIc ; off crude , STffl'Kc ; but ter Ki'ndeu , 3Mf3iio ; prlmu summer yellow , 33o off mimmcr yt'llow , 3ij32c ; prime cummer white 3C f37c. llirrTUK Diill ; western dairy , IQttllo ; westert creamery , 15 iiV4o ; western faclurv. 10ff13e I'lKlim , 20 < tc ; Imitation creamery. li ! lCo ; ntati ilalrv , UJM'.ic ; stall' creamery , 19 09)1(0. ) CIII'iKSi : ( New ) llrm ; lathllKre , mall , Ultailo ; part > Ulms , 'jti'Jc ; full 2ff3o , KOOS AVriikrrt receipts , 5.229 pkRS. ; state nm IVnmiylvnnlii. ll O12c ; western fienh , IHfUHc I'outhern , lovmv- . TAI.1.OVRrnii city ( $3 per pkK. ) . r , 1-iec country ( IIKKS , free ) , B 3-lGo an In iiunllty. rKTHOl.l'U'M-Hleady ; Unllwl cloic.1 at S.-t Mil : Washlnmon. lililn. . Cc ; WashliiHlon , bulk J3.M ; rellneil. New Yoik. J.V15 ; rhllHdelphln IS.10 ; I'hlladeiphla ' , bulk. | 3. 0. IIOSIN Hleady ; utralned , common to Kooil TI'lU'HNTINn-Hlrmly ; 30o. lllt'l'l-Hteadyi ilometllc , fair to extra , 4tiCo Jiipan , 4lifi4e. MOI.AriHKH-Hlendy : New Oilennt , op n kettlr Kixxl to cti ilce , ; < 4ilt\ 1'Hl IIIO.VDull ; Amrrlcnn , tll.00ffl4.00. I.iAlgiilrt : : iliimi-ntlc. 13.20. cni'l'Kll-Qilifl ' ; lake , 9\jc \ , HI'KI.TI'IU-Nomlnnl. TIN Firm ; Mrnlts , I10.S5 ; platen , ntwuly ; rain on chuiiKi * , lli tons spot tin , lnt ymlenlay , I19.U IS toiu April , irJ.MiH.7. , ; KS lonx next week HflUi'n ( iptlon , 1 19.70 ; : s term Junr , Jl'J.Ci'i ; : : loin Bft'tt'inlier , nubject t3 duty uluiuv , U9.70. NIHV York Dry ( iiuiiU .Murket. NI3W YOliK , April J7. Th conneiiiun o cptnlon , after | h nale of Z.OiX ) pauUiiKeii n lilunket * . l Hint the rrnulli are muuli mo'i tatii ! factory tlian thoujht during tli * ojt , 11 li ii'tm' ' ! ! . ' ! that jM.nir * it , , .ir4 \ i'fI"U > * tit * ' a.i.aff , < f tin riil > v in ( - ' nni uiuHt I * ter Hi.inlllul i.f Iliow Hint | il"i-li. | It T > nni'iiini if III'mlm ex. fnJW'.IW \ * . Th r limn 'hi ! mntket In flln-ndy njipnri'iit In n In Trr tottr , irlifeli tiilycrM art * nut nlnw In r * < ninh With lite n\\ \ * \-fr , mnnv luiyern | nrti dlili < rnlili > fllirnllun in nllifr tnnf. . nd Mm btnfncMts WDB ilnnr In flh'MK 0nnln nnil prlnu filirl'fi , surli in wilirn. with ehini * n tir i , tin otlinr rtipflnltlMi. , An a whole , thi * nnt ( < t > wn ipilrl. I'rlnlliiK clutlm , nicy nt 3i In 2 1V1 > Jor fit iunr < n , _ _ jaj KM AM ) IIIIVDS. InlorcBt In YrMenluj'/i Seenrlt ; 'Market ( 'enti'reil In .Sngur NEW VOUK , April 27. The upeottlatlve In tcrest on thu Block cxchaiiKQ today wa largely centered In Sugar , with Uic grange stocks nnd C hi capo OMB dealt In to n lease degree. OutHldo of tlit-so stiarea , with per haps the single exception of DlHtllllng , wlilcl tnailo a good showing In the traneactlona trading wan exceptionally dull. Huga totichctl 103 , tlio lilKlicut point rcnchrd It many mnntliH , which wns an advance of : per cent on ycHterday'R closlti ) ; price , am the close . hewed nn advance of Hi per cen for the day. SIIKMT opened 1H Per ecu hlRhcr , lint Rittjsc'ijiifiitly lust all but ' , & PRI cent of the advance. The air was full o rumor * ; regarding IliirllriRton ft ( Julncy , al of which were unfavorable. It was clalmci that thu report of earnings to liu made to morrow would show a heavy drcri'aso , anc that tin ; next dividend wmtld undoubted ) ] bo Healed down. The Htock broke 1 per ceil during thu tnnrnlng on brisk Kolllng by pro fcsfdomil bears nnd lost an additional % pel cent In thu early iifternoon. rei-ovprltiR % pel cent , but reputed % per cent In the film trading , making a net t'ccllno ' < f 1 % per cent St. Paul wns sold at London nt the * upenln ; nnd thn Killing movement was given an In creased force by local traders , but thu stocl only gave way % per cent In all , and re covered ' / tier cent of this. Hock Islam wan also attacked , receding % per cant am rallying U per cent. Northwestern fell of \ < t per cent and recovered ' / per cent , tin preferred declining ! ' , per cent. The general oral market moved very cautiously durlnt the day , very few stocks fluctuating out side nf a fractional limit. No special weak' ness was developed , but the totio of tin speculation at the closD wnu rather heavy In the railway bond market u firm torn prevailed during the morning nnd eurlj afternoon , but In the late trading n sllghtl ) heavier feeling was apparent , and the close was a shade weaker. The Evening Posts says : Apparently tin $1,250,000 In gold ordered for shipment to morrow represents the completion of an operation oration In exchange planned early last week but blocked for the time by the sterling market's reaction. Thu gold goes to Ioii' don , but probably only for reshlpment to tin continent , iiulte likely to Paris , where air other public loan an : ; just been floated. The action of the sterling market after the ail' nonncement of this order > looked rather more like a further strengthening of rates. This Is , of course , not at all unusual at the prcs- sent season. The portion of thu Lazard. Krcrcs gold withdrawn from the subtreaH' ury In exchange for notes still leaves tlu gold reserve slightly above $100,000,000. Verj probably the reserve will presently go below this figure. The following nre thn closing quotation ; on the lending stocks of thu New York ex change today : The totnl sales of slocks today were 182,0'K ' shares , Including : Ameilcnn Sugar , bt,7uO ; llur llngton. 21,400 ; ChlciiRo Ons , 12.8'JQ ' ; Whisky trust , ' C,2i > J ; Clenernl Ulectrie , 3.3 > W ; Missouri I'aclllc. S.700 ; Northwestern , 3,0'JD ' ; St. I'.iul , 17.000 ; Wcatein Union , 2SOO. NruYurie Money Murliot. NKW YOHK. April 27 MONHV ON CAI.I < - Knay , nt 1 per cent ; last loan , 1 per cent ; closei ! ut 1 tier cent PIUM13 MiilCANTllK I'AI'UU 2i13 | pel cent STBUUNO KXCUANaiO Klnn. with aclun ! ImslnesH In bankers' hills ut ll.EM394.R8t4 for de. munil , nnd < 4.S > 7WI.871 for sixty days ; post til rates , $4.SS1.6U',4 ' ; commercial till ! * , Jl.SC'iQI.SC ! ; . , SI1.VKU rKUTIl-'lCATUH-Mi' . CiOVKIlNMKNT llONOri-Kirm ; state bonJs , Inactive. The closing quotations on bonds : IllXtOII StdClC QllOtlltllMH. BOSTON. April < J7. Call loans. 1W33 per cent ; lluio loanH , iiwim | ior cent. Closing pricus for Btocks , bondannd uilnlnHharrtHS HI. I.onU Mining Ntm-k ( ) ii < > liitli > n . ST. I.OUIS , April U7.-Mlnlnsr BtocUs ilnll , QitutatluiiH : XntcB. 11OSTON. April 27.-Clcnrlnis , { 12M2.C13 ; linl- nncos , Jl.403.301. 1IAI.TIMOH13 , April 27. Cle.irl.IRS , J2Wi3SI4 ; balanced , ftlS,978 , NK\V Y01IK. April 27. ClrarliiBH , IC9.431.737 ; balances , I3.V&5.221. I'lIll.ADIil.I'HIA. April 27.-ClenHliBS , ; 9.40S- 0-j'J ; bulnncea. I1.323.I20. AMSTKItDAM. April 27.-.SIIver advanced from 4G to 47 KUllders per'kilo , line. Ni\V YOHK , April 27. Ijunrd-l'reres will ship ! l,2i ,000 In gold liy loinorruw'a uteanu'r. MKMI'lllS , April 27.-'learlnis. 311,702 ; bal- unceH , 193,199. New York exi-liaiiKe ulllnn ut | ar. LONDON , April 27. Thu nmmint of bullion Knne Into the llaiiK of lOnKlaiid on balanci'-i tuiln > , 1139,000. I'AUIH , April 87. Three per cent rentes. 99f 73c for the account. Exchange on Ixindon , : Sf I'lV-jc for checkH , C1NOINNATI , April 27.-rieailm.-ii. | | , 812,710. Money , 2Vj 3 per cent. New YOIK. rxcluuiKc , 2Sc premium , NKW Oltl.KANK , April CT.-ClearlnKi , ll.030.0til. New York exchance , commercial , } l prvmluin ; bank , | 1W premium , HAN KltANCIHCO. April J7-nruft . slitht , lWo ! ; tcle rnphlo , 17'4f. Hllver barn. C3 % 3ie. Mexican dollurti , Wl/MVic. BT. I.OUIH. April i'7 , Cleailnk-ii. t3,4 C.S6J ; tml- unceH , | SJ > S,173. Money , quiet ut ! > t > 7 per cent. Kichnngu on New York , 60i ; prcmljm bid , IMIICARO. April tT.-CkailiiK , H , COCEI. ! N w York richuime , 30c pivmlum. t < teilliiK ricliiuiKe , teudy ; initial rat , Jl.liiliyt.ii t. Uuncy , tuny at < U ! i vcr tooL WIAIIA LIVE STOCK JIARKE1 Receipts of Oattlo nnd Ho s Below Expsc tations and RcqnircmcnU. TRADE WAS GENERALLY INDIFFEREN1 I.IUJe l.lfo In tlio C'nttlo .Mnrkrt mill Trlcri Io rr All Ariiilnil MUCH Nrclectcil by Local Dculcru but Mold to I'lill Armour. FIUDAY , April 27. ItccelptR of cattle were morcratc today but the supply of both hogs and sheep wai light. So far this week , compared will last , there has been n decrease of .1,000 cat tic , 4iOO ! hogs and C.700 sheep. Although the fresh supply of cattle wai by no mentiB large , thcru were too man ] hero to sustain prices In thu'faco of lowei markets cast and a generally Indifferent dc mand. Trail u was very slow , and for tlu most part prices averaged lOc to IGc lowei than Thursday. On sonic of the nice llghi handy beeves , which were , as usual , It good request , thcro was not that much ci i lifeline , while some of the heavier grades where they were not fat , were pretty clom to 20c lower. In general the cjuallty of tin cattle was pretty good , offerings Including plenty of desirable beeves , both heavy nni light , and yet nothing sold up to the $ : mark Fair to good 1,200 to 1,450-lb. bcovci sold nt from $3.00 to $3.95 , while common ti very good steers , weighing from 800 to 1,15 ( Ids. brought from $3.-IO up to $3.85. Ship pcrs and exporters did u moderate business hut the bulk of the receipts went to tin dressed beef mun. Business was rather or the dull nnd dragging order , but n very gooi clearance wns finally made. The market for cow stuff wns Just aboul steady. Good fat cows and heifers sold ti | to $3.35 , and thin canners down an low ul $1. Calves were In very respectable demand but generally at easier prices. The market for rough stock was not more than steady Good fat stags sold up to $3.10. The trade In stockers and feeders wns nol at all rushing , but prices were general ! ) firmly held. A good demand for the pnsl few days has cleaned up speculators' slip' idles pretty well , and both they nnd comr try buyers were after the limited offerings today. Light stock cattle were In bettet demand tlian the heavier grades. Some little - tlo 43S-lb. stuff brought $3.u5. nnd a bit string of very good grade feeders s > old foi $3.80. Good to choice feeders are rjuotei at $3.25(33.85 ( ; fair to good nt $3.0003.25 , am : lighter , commoner grades at from $3 down Representative sales : COI.OUAUO CATTLE. Wo. Av. Pr. No. Av. * - . S3 feeders. . . . 8M > $3 B5 8 cows MI7 $1 CI II feeders. . . . 0711 3 K 3 bulls 1213 1'JO 1 bull 13CO 1 95 HOGS Kncclpts were comparatively light , about the same a on Thursday and u week ago today , nnd there" was no particular change In the general quality of the offer ings. Notwithstanding favorable reports from Chicago buyers for local houses were disposed to pound the market , and would undoubtedly have done so had It not been for a big shipping order from Armour of Chicago , which took nearly half the entire receipts , As It was , neither Cudahy nor Hammond bought a hog. The range of prices was narrow. Knrly sales of fair to good hogs of all weights wore mostly at $5.10 , while Into sales nt the saino kinds ot hogs wore mostly at $5.15 , Those figures constituted the extreme range , with nothing nbavo and little of any consequence below. The market was a trifle slow In opening , but closed up active and strong , the general average of prices paid being n nickel higher than on Thursday or last Friday , on both of which days the bulk of the trading wns at $5.05 and $ D.10. Representative ) sales : No. Av. Sh. I'r. No. Av. Sh. I'r. 14 245 , . . | 50 : 3 410 4)r 12'a ' 2 2M . . . 51171,4 71 214 IC'I ' f. 12 > ,4 4 2S1 ! . . . r. 07'.4 49 2.1H 120 fi IS'J ' 3 2lll . , . . . U7'/j C'J 238 40 fi 12'4 ' r..1 227 fci ) 5 HI Kl 2.,3 fcO 5 12' < j W 2M ) ICO R 10 73 2.-H . . . d ] gi , { 13 303 . . . f , 111 42 217 SO fi ! ! > < 77 < .25I 40 K 10 CS 221 12) D 12'j ' , M 222 M .1 10 C4 22 < 120 S 12(1 ( TJ 'jxi . . . r , i cr , ' -as so f , 12'i 75 221 M u 10 : i < 1G 40 B 12' ' ? ! H > KIT 32' ' ) .1 10 ! M 221 120 K 12' ' , . , 70 IMi 1J ( ) fi 10 C3 2(12 ( SO C4 lixl 12D fi 10 70 2:8 100 40 374 Ml fi 10 75. . , 232 120 CD 2:8 40 R 10 l7 ! 212 107 07 238 111 fi 10 CO 212 78 203 2t ) fi 1U G5 2iG 70 2D3 M fi 10 70 210 C'J 276 120 fi III Ml 207 C5 211 KD 610 6T 230 S3 211 2M ) fi 10 C5 278 S ) 69 2M . . . 510 61 213 200 D I2'i U7 278 . . . 510 67 -.Til 200 5 12'i ' 19 212 . . . CIO (2 247 M & 15 U7 218 24' ' ) 511) ( C 215 121 015 tl ( 211 120 5 10 116 211 210 & 15 57 247 240 610' 69. . , 230 40 615 CS 242 120 fi 10 C4 279 . . . fi 15 133 251 ICO 610 C'J 253 W 5 15 CX 270 40 610 70 224 fcO fi 1.1 23 23J . . . 610 78 235 40 C 15 CO 215 . . . 6 II ) 75 1244 . . . fi 13 70 224 M > fi 10 78 231 200 fi 15 1C 212 80 6 10 74 2JI 120 fi 15 . . , . . . . .225 kO 6 10 73 253 SI ) C 15 33 332 40 G 10 C'J 232 40 fi IS l > 9 179 ICO 610 C6 Ki 40 615 C4 232 120 & 12V4 C3.-.131 . . . ( IS K , 233 fcO p UK SIIEEI' llecelptn wu'e light , consisting of u single-deck of common mixed Bluff The demand was good and prices quotably firm. Fair to good natives are quotable at $3.7C@ 4.50 ; fair to Kood westerns , $3.20t4.30 ; com mon and stock sheep , { 2.&Q03.GO ; good to iholrc10 lo loo-lb. Iambs at J3.SOQ4.7I Ili-prosentntUo natjiy N . 1S Wt. I'r. UUnallvpnwni. . n 103 tt 30 Itrrclpt * nnil DlyijMltliiii of .Stuck. Official rw ii IB amfiTi u > o lllOi ! of Btoa'.in't'inowii by Ibn bi M utv IIiilii Staa : YiirJi coup infer / for tliu twenly tour ImiiMunnlnir nl 3 o'clock p. in , April'7 , IbUI ; S"v Cars. IIiYld Head "m ! 10D IIUVEllS. * * Vj CATTtE. Omaha 1'aeUlnir Co ' TlirO. II. Hammond Cj > lilH Swift nnd company. .Ji.t 7118 1) Thn Cu-lahy Packing Co. . . 7111 A'1"- " - II oil -inn an P. I ) . Armour. . 71 l.t > 5ll ' | ] | . I . > | WTH ami feet . . _ , . - ! - j- ( ) Total CHICAGO MVI : srooii. Supply of Tallin YrMmliiy Win Slttcli l.nrgrr Tlinti UKIIU ! . rillfAaO. April 27. The flttiatlon In cattlt loilny was not KWK ! . The supply lining larRei Hum t m-ual on Krlday the demand called fni li-sn than the tii-tml nural er. Hellers were nl 11 illniilvnnlaitiTimlo opened clew and late imc , will-rally nt u decline of from ! * to 10c ' ] lin - llituis pciiici-ly covered tinniluctlons seller ! were obllneil to ( tiiliinit to Inter In the day. sal- made after about 10 n'clork IndlcnlltiK a dC'ClIni of from Irto lo l"c UH mntpnritl ltli the lesl prires of yestenliiy. ttrnvy cnitli- were especi ally dull. The Kreiter putt of the steers sold nl from } ? .CO to 4.10 , nnd I.CO WHS coitKldered iitxml Hie top , IhiteliL-r Hock wns nol materially lowei nnd siles of stocki-rs nnd feeders did not shou nny Iniporlant decline. Thimlf mnikel n > d-ill nt fie. iiiluced iirlces established cailler In the w f > k. Hell-rs of hf < K * lind an Inning todiiy , the mar- lift beliiK lirlKU nt a Rood advance on yesterday t ili , e. Thn first iiile * of the day did not shnu any radlrnl chanKe. but as the mornliiK advanreil tin.lU'in.iml Ini-renxiil , nnil prices KIUW slenilll.v ptionitrr , the Inat snli-s belnff IhG best of tin d.iy. Orders called for a larger number of houn thim on either nf Hie iirccedlnK dass of the week , nivl the nffeiliiRS wcr lnadeiU.'lte. | SaU-t nl mcrchnntablB lotu worn nt from J3.10 to t * 3" . Nol many of the 21,0)0 head on sale went belirv } 5.20. floin 75.25 to 1 1 30 Inking the great b.ilK. l/liht : v.'ulfihtu nvcraued about DC per 1W His. lower than thi- heavy nnd medium welKhtp. Today's fheep mnrkft was lifeless anil prlrr- ? wrfi- extremely wenk nt from J ) 10 to U.40 foi poor to extra sheep and nt from J3.25 to JI.OO fur yesterday. 1'rlccn nrc from 11 to 51. M luwei tlian nt thu lilnh'nt time tils ! season , nnd nn from Jl. 75 to 12 lower thnn at this llnu- last year. Ilecelpts : C'atlle , 9.000 head ; calves , 400 head ; lions , If.Ol" ) heoil ; sheep , & .OW head. The ICvenlnc Journal reports : CATTLE Ilecelpts , 0,000 hrud : nnrket slow , lOJILIo lower ; bU ; iun In the west ; pilme to extrn native fleers. | l.4d l.53 ; medium. tl.lCtfl.23 ; otli. els. t3.5i 3.03 ; Texnns. S3.01fl3.C5. IlOdS-rllecelpts , 18.00J heart ; market nrthr , lilKher ; rnuuh heavy , II.50W4.73 ; packers nnil mixed. J5. 15i"i.25 ; prime. lm vy and butcher UelKhls. > 5.25'j5.35 ' ! ; nssorled IIKht , J5.25S5 30. Hlliii' : AND LAMHS llecelpts , 000 hend ! sheep , steady : lambs , 5c lilgher ; top sheep , $ ( ,5 ( fa 1.65 ; top lambs , Jt.7Jia5.00. St. I.onls I.lvo Stock ST. I.OIMS , April 27. CATTI.D Hecclpts , S ( lii-nil ; shipments , 400 head ; market Rtwidy foi natives , loc lower for Texnns ; txxl 1,410-lb. na. live butcher Fleers , J4.20 ; fnlr to medium , $3.i5fi 3.95 : llcht. $3.35 ; cows , 13.55 ; cnlves. fair U wood , J4.00S4.75 ; Texan steers , SW to 1,000 lb. ' . , 13.300X5. ) . HOGS Hccelpls , 3,600 head ; shipments , 2.SO : henil ; market opened Mrcm ? , 5c lilKher , bul euHi-d on" 5c durlntr the session : Rood heavy nnd IlKht. J5.25 5.ri : fair to medium , J5.10f(5.20 ; IdBf. rotiKh and common , J4.Sofi4.90. SHKKI1 ItccciptB , 1W head ; shipments , 4X linrid ; market steady ; sprlnjr Inmhs. Jt.M ; native wool sheep , J3.50S3.75 ; clipped , J3.60. > "utv Vorlc I.tvn Stock .tliirkrt , JK\V YOUIC , April 27. UKnVKS Itecelpts , 1,701) head ; mniket .active nnd stindy , nni v steers , choice , JI.GOi84.70t prime , Il.4'lii4.47 ' ; full to Kood , J4.W5J4.35 ; ' ordinary tn medium , Sl.O.'fi 4.15 ; BIKH ! cotton peed ell fed Texnns. JL'.fci'Q 3.871oxen : , : , J3.4'JjJI.OO ; bulls. W.CQfiS.l'l. ' SIIKlOr AND LAM1IR Ilecelpls. 7.700 henil : sheep , lower ; Ininlis. barely steady , un liorn xheep , | io.jr lo choice , . J3.5om.77'unsliorn ; lambs. Inferior to chojcc , J5.Mfiii.00 ; clipped biiobs , J3.50 ; common cllpiied ph-.fp , J2..V ) . HOi3K Ilecelpts , 3tXW head ; steady ; fair , J3.43 Kiinsni City Ilvo Stock Market. KANSAS CITV. April 27. CATTLE llnccli-ts , S,5i)0 ) head ; shipments , 1,100 hciul ; maiki't M15c | lower ; Texas steers , I3.23Q3.SO ; Texas cow , J2.UO&3.23 ; shipping steers , 1.40fil.45 ; native CIIWH , fl.49JJ3. < > 3 ; stockers and feede.s , $3.150 3.90 : bulls. J2.03iJ3.13. ' HOGS lleci-lptB , 10,400 head ; shipments , 3,000 he-mi ; market Bti-iidy : bulk , i3.OOSi5.10 ; heavies , packers and mixed , 419DQ5.15 ; lights , Yolktrd and plffs. J4.85Q5.15. , , . ' ' . SHEKP Itecolpts. . ,3200 , head ; shipments , 1,200 head ; market steadyj . , . 'htot-h In KfRht. HccelntH of live alocfc at the four principal yards for Friday , April 'J7 , were : Cattlo. HOBS. Shrcp. South Omaha H.U34 4,5(1(1 ( ( 100 Khlcairo 0,000 1H.OOO 11,000 KnnHasClty 8oOO 10.100 a.ailO St. I.oula UOO ! 1,500 100 Total 'J1.034 aO,40C l'J,400 r.oeil : I'miliicn .Miirlct. H1TTTEII Thei-e IB a urowlns ncarclty of fancy liutter , but otherwise the nitukPt Is unchansfd. Bepnmtor creamery , 20S2U- ; extra fancy roll , 13Sil7c ; choice countiy , 12iffllc ; packlntr stork , 7bSe. EGGS The receipts continue xeiy lieuvy , and In the ub.ocnci- a BhlpplHK di-mand the market IK ileclilrdly wiker. . Btrlclly fitsli I-EBS , 9l89'ic ; HeconilH , 8tSKc. 1.1VK 1'OL'I.TRY ' The condltlonB arc practi cally unchanged , prices liHni ? baiely blc-ady. Hens , Cffi7c ; youni ; roostcis , Co : stagKy stock , 4(5c ( : old loostett ) , 3c. GAME The demand IHery lliilit and prices aie unchanged. Mallards , $2.003(2.25 ; rf lheadM , J2.iWS2.25 ; bluewlm ; teal , Jl.2.1 ; irieenwlns teal. 11 ; mixed ducks , 75c ; KCC " , ] 4.Mi ( 4.5i ) . VEAL There Is a fairly ROoil supply , but eood stock la scarce. Good , fat veals , 7K7lic ; thin or heavy. 3ff5c. HONEY Choice white clover. 15c ; California , IGc ; dark lioncy , 12KQ13C. MAPLE SYIUJP Gallon Jugs and cans , per doz. . J12.M ; half gallons , fG.50. MAPLE SUOAH-1'er Hi. , lOc. NUTS ChestnutB , 13c per Hi. ; Italian chest- nntB , 12Jfl3e ; almonds , ICc ; English walnuts , 12c ; Illbertn. 12c : pecans , large , 13 < jHc ; pecans , me dium , lOc ; Ilrazll nuts , lie. SAUEHKUAUT Per lib ! . . 4 ; Imlf bbl. . $2.25. CIDEU Pure Juice , per bbl. , JC ; half bbl. . 53.25 : Ou-gon , per bbl. , J4.60 ; hal ? bbl. , J2.75 ; clarlded elder , per bbl , , J4.50 ; half bbl. . J2.73. VEGETAIILES. DEANS California hand-picked navy. $1.00B > 2.00 ; western navy , tl.7S01.SO ; common while beans , l1.SOftl.7S. ONIONS OnlonH are nuoted on orders at 60S ) OOe ; onions. In bills. . $2.73. POTATOES MlimcHOtu grown potatoes. In Binall lots , from store , 85e ; same In car lots , Sdoj Ni'lilui-ka and Iowa , frani store , C.1tf70c ; Colo- rnila , fiiini stole , 90ci Colorado loti , 83c : Salt Lake. 85c ; si-ed potatoes , Early Ohio , Jl.lOIj' ' 1.25 : Early Hose , BOcWSl.OO. CAIlllAGE-Klorlda cabliagp , per crale , { 2.000 2.2.1 ; Cullfoinla cabbage , per Hi. , ' .4c. CELEIIY Exlia fancy California , tl. SWEET POTATOES Seed potatoes , $3.25 f3.60 , GIIEEN VEOETAIILES Spinach , pi-r bbl. . 12.2.1 ; radishes , per doz. , 30e ; lettuce , per doz. , 5.1ft40c , ; ciicnmlii'is , Jl.CO parsley , per doz. , U05J3.V- ; i'Bi ! plant , per doz. . 12.25 : onions. p r do25tf Me ; asiiarapus , per doz. , 40iJ4/c ; turnips , per do/ . , ftccuirots ) : , | ier doz. . We ; bet-Is , | ier doz. , 75iS5e ; Hi Ing beans , per % bu , box , $ .150 ; water cress , per doz. , ll.73Ji2.Oi ) ; Klorldn IninatocH. pel1-C-lb , rrate , J3.50W4.00 ; new potatoes , per 50-lb. box , 12 ; squanlu-K , per bu. , 12 ; pie plant , per doz , , 25JOc ; lionmulii onions , per bu. , M. APPLES Knney wenlcrn. $2.MiT2.23 per box. CIlANIlP.ltniES-Out of Uic market. STllAWIll'IllltlES Klorldas. per iiuart , 2330c ; Texas , per 21-quart case , $0.5007.00. St. I.oulB nrnernl . larki-t. ST. LOUIS. April 27. VI.OUR Demand moderate ; prices unchniiRed. WHEAT Stagnant ; easlnij off. however , Utf 'io on Improved crop conditions ; No. 2 ri-d , cash , 63'iu ; May , w ie ; July , 50o ; AiiEitst , S7'ic. COHN Weak onlcroTi Improvement , losing He , No. 2 mixed , WOd ? . 37 > ic ; May , SO .c ; July , SO-nasilHc : Seplcinbci3S4c. ! . OATS Easier ; Nn. ! : i , 33'4 ; May , 33c ; July. 27H'ij27Uc. ' f .i , HYE No. 2 at 5lc. IIAIILHY No trading-sales Iowa al die. IIHAN Weaker ; ivi $ ( nick , sucked , li3c. I.'LAX SEED-Niunimiliy Ji.2 . CLOVEH Si : TIMOTHY I HAY Ulidini IH'TTIJIl Weal' , ol recent decline ; pcraintor civamory , 1'JilSo ; dairy-- EllGS Steady : Slid. . . LEAD Hlendler ; W.17'- - SPiLTiil-J3.30 alk'til COIIN W1IISKY-J1. 0801,15. , | COTTON T1KU uirqliunm-d : , PilOVIBIONB Wreilien : very dull. Pork. standard mess. Jl ) . ' Lard , pr.ine steam , J7.40 ; choice , 57.00. Dry iJt iinenln , loost ! houlilers , J1.12VJ ; longs nmU libs , 50.70 ; tdiorlH , JG.ti ; . llacon. packed shouldcm , 57 : longs , 17. M ; ilbu , J7.lQft7.F2" . : nhorts , - J7.CSHfl7.75. ItEl'EIPTrt-riaur.i fi.OW bbl . : wheat , lO.OOO bu. : corn. tiO.Oof ) bu.t cmls , 23.0W bu. SIHI'MENTHFIouT , 7,000 blilM. ; wheat , 78,000 bu. ; corn , 104 , UOO bu. ; oats , g.uoo. bu. Duliilli drum Mnrki-t. nriaiTH. April 27.-\VlinAT-lull : No. 1 hard , each , 62c ; April , MHc ; May , Wic ! ; July , G3'ic ; No. 1 nnrUiern. cosh. 61c ; Atirll , MI.JC : May. ClHo : July. C2Uu : tieplember. Cj\c ; No. 2 northern , crinli , 6T.4c ; No. 3 , Clc ; lejecled. 45Vic. On truck : No , 1 northern , to arrive. 634c. HYE Nomlnnl. OATS No. 2 , 33ijo ; No. 3 while. 33c. Car InBpvcllon today ; AVhcut , 10 curs ; corn , to cars. HECEIITH Wheat , J.1W bu. ; nilpmrnti ! , 221,772 liu , NEW YOHK , April 27. HUCJAIl-naw. slfady ; cel.'llfUKul , tit ! lent , 2 > ic ; Nilen , 13.W ) bnKs cen- tilEuiml , wi teit , nt i\c ; l.loo IUIKH nnlasies miKiir. at 2 l-1Gci reilned. dull ; l-arcly uli-nUy. LONDON , April 27. 8l' < 1AU-Ciin . dull t nd- Intr cUiwnwunU ulawly ; fenlrlfugul JuVu , Hi f lr IUNMS ) AND BRADSTREET'5 ' Business Conditions Shows Little or N Improvement. GREAT STRIKES CURTAIL CONSUMPflOl Continued Itepnrtcil ClmtiKCii In the Tnrll llllli Al o Ailil to the llimlncm l'n- certalnty rnllurpv ltrinrtcil fur tlip Week , tir.Vf YORK , April 27.-II. O. Dun & Co. ' weeltly review says : When nccotintH o Krent strlke.M nnd labor ( llsttirlinnces erowi nil ncwspniiers It l Idle to look for tinicl Improvement In business. Tlmt every \veel of ItlluiiesH for o ninny men must niiprrcl nbly lessen the iiKgrcKntc powt-r to pur chime the proiluotH of labor Is cvlilent. lu In splitof nil , sonic Itniirovement still up penrw. Severnl InrKc auction snleH of tex tile Kooil.s have illsttirbed mnrketH nni brought ri-tnnrknbly low prices , for llnnnel nnil blnnUelH nbotit 2o per rent below tin previous ( ( notation * , nriil 1.1 per cent belov the ptevlons alea. Sales of wool nt tin three chief markets were C,8I1,311 poitnilK iiKnliiBl 3SS.1,100 pounilH for laHt yenr , nni lirlcen of nil mirce klmlM linvi' inlvnncei 1 cent , but nt-w wool IB IK-UIK tnkcn nt tin lowest IlgnrcH yet reporteil. Continual re jiort.s of c-hniiKtH In the Unl IT bill mill ti the illlllcultk'H of proilurerH nnil ilunlerH SjiciMilntlve tnnrkets nre prnctloln tin phllosphy of Mr. Mlcawber nnil ure natiir nlly lower. western rerclptH of wheat have Iron onlj l.lSCsGSO btichelf. iiKnlnst 2,717,387 ImshelH fo the Hnmu we 'k Inst year , nnd - ex ports were 911,958 bushels , UKnlnst 1.2t3rst bushelH last year , but the price has ilroppci 1 cent. Corn Is Innrtlvrnnil a shmls hlRhrr I'ork , Innl timl coffi-e nre a Khii'le lower With contlntieil ImslncHS depression nn < new crops ilrnwlnj ? near , even the nnlimltei stipplIcK of lille money ilo nol kindle i-pci-n latlve hopes. The decrease In liabilities of firms fnlllni still continues nnd the iiKKrcKttte rt-port"i for the third week of April wan only $2 , 7S2.412 , nnil for three weeks of April , W , &SS.KSS , of which J2S10,9II were of inanufnc luring timl $ 'l,8lloiri : of trailing conreniH The failures htive been very equally dlvldei ns to sections , the cast Imvlnu' the Inrfjr number , with liabilities of t2.277.001) , tin south , } 27l,000 ! , nnd the west , J2.1SS.OOO. Tin failures this week have been ISO In thi t'nltoil States , nxntnst 21G limt yenr. fo the first time In many months showing i decrease , nnd In Canada 2G , njjnlnst 2 Inst yenr. The list contains none of grca Importance. ins.vnsTHicirr.s TIE.VDI : iti-vnw. : .Situation Tlironcjiotit tlio C'ountrj I.I-HH l''a\iiriibl < * . NEW YOHK , April 27. TSradstrect's to morrow will say : The freneral buslncsi situation throughout the United States li less favorable , as Is shown by reports fron more than llfty Important dlstrlbutlnt centers. A specially depressing Influence Is thi strike of 147,000 bituminous coal nnd cokt operatives In twelve stntcs. Only twt cities of thirty-live reporting In central western nnd northwestern states report nnj material Improvement In Keneral trade this week Indianapolis nnd Kansas City. Kvet nt those points the Kain Is slight. Actlvltj In tne stock mnrkct Is checked by the laboi disturbances and the delay In reaching n conclusion on llio new tariff bill. ProfeS' Klonnl operators nre Inclined to dcpre ? ! the rallwny share list by moans of sheri sales. The market , however. Is narrow am subject lo rcaotlc.n. Industrial stocks , how ever , are stioiifr. The bond market Is quiet but llrm. Koreljjn exchnnKC Is dull , but or Friday JI. 200.000 In Kold was cnKnKfd foi export to France. Silver had a speculative rise on rumor that India's mints would re open , but the quotations for bars has re ceded to &l/4 cents per ounce. A feature at C'hlcnRO Is In the sales ol dry Roods equaling the average of previous weeks , other lines not making so favorable a report. St. I ouls reports Its general liusIneFf situation fair , although characterizing the demand as of n hand-to-mouth variety. The decrease In demand from Jobbers nl Omaha nnd other points In Nebraska Is attributed to activity of farm work. Trade nt points further west Is very unfavorably affected by the tie-up of the Great Northern railroad. Merchants at cities In North Dakota , Montana , Idaho and Washington are carryIng - Ing reduced stocks , purchasing for Im mediate needs only , and rallronds travers ing that region report a marked fallliifi off In through ns well as local shipments. There have been 2.227,000 bushels of wheal ( Hour Included ) exported from the United States this week , against 3.019,000 bushels last week , 2Mi7,000 bushels In the corresponding pending week a year ago , 3,259,000 bushel ? two years ago and 2,300,000 bushels fout yeots ago , _ Cl.KAKINU HOUSi ; JCKPOItT.S. Totnl of liiiHlnrns TnuiHiictcil Through the AKSOcllltl'll lillllllH. YOUIC , April 27. The following table , compiled by Dradstrcnt's , shows the totnl clearances at the principal cities anil the percentage of increase or decrease , as compared with the corresponding week last year : DOMI.S'ION or CANADA. Not liicludi-0 In totalH. On thi < I.iiniliiii i iirket. NEW YOUK. April 37 Tim Evening Punt'M Umdon cnU wiy ; Today there wax nluKiiu. [ Ion. The lintIn llnulln wub Hitualv f.nture. rii tonu wan KUlltfuctory , except In Aine.-- icunn , nnd even they Inclined lo Imp'uve- incnt at the clone , and revived hoi n that the HIlli-uHif" In the comineiclal und nnnnclnl nit- jatlon on yvur vide will hasten tli tiulft rcruiui. Garpetjnd Drapery Sale This wccl there Is golnc to bo llvtly times 111 our Carpet Depot tnicnt on account of the backward scanon. We nre very much overstocked on Carpets and Draperies nnil prices have been almost cut to piece. " . It Is expected that hundreds will nvnll themselves of this grand opportunity which , fortunately , occurs just at houae-cIennltiK tlmr To miss this sale Is to miss u chance to save money. Jtcncl These Cut Pri Worth Now ( Mil Laca Curtains. . . . 1 CO 73 .Odd Lace Curtains. . . . 2 CO 1 00 Oild Lace Curtains. . . . 4 00 1 90 Chcnlll' . Covers 200 75 Chi-nllle PortlereJ. . . . 7 CO 2 90 Chenille Portieres. . . . 5 00 1 00 Chrnllln Portieres. . . . 10 00 4 76 Dotted Swiss CO 19 Sash Draperies , 40 17 Chenille Draperies. . . 75 33 Snowflake Curtains. . . COO ICO Silk Plush 1 CO 90 Lace Curtalnr 200 85 Lace Curtains 4 00 1 90 Irish Point Curtains. . 7 CO 3 2C Window Shades 75 25 Shade Hollers 25 10 lied SoU 5 00 190 Lambrequins 1 00 43 C-4 Tnpestty Covers. . . 2 CO 90 Chenille hoops CO IS Velour Curtains 30 00 1C 00 Curtain Poles 25 05 Sham HolduM 7i ( 23 Drapery Pins , doz 0. > 01 Polo Sockets 10 05 Stair Iluttons 05 02 Stair Hods 25 10 EASY TERMS. Presents to Purchasers $ 10 OOworth of goods , $1 00 per week $ C 00 worth of goods An Album 25 00 worth of Roods , 1 JU per week 10 00 worth of goods. .Souvenir Spoon 25 00 worth of goods. World's I-'alrllook 50 00 worth of goods , 2 00 per week CO 00 worlh of goods.Illsuuc Ornament 7C 00 worth of goods..Laco Curtains 75 00 worth of goods , 2 CO per week 100 00 worth of goods Center Table 100 00 worth of goods , 3 00 per week ALL VISITORS UECBIVK HAND 200 00 worth of goods , 4 00 per week SOME SOUVI2NIKS. Formerly People's ' Mammoth Installment House IPc rfoio c-i-riiIti'j" nt ( ii.'IO ; rjrrri > lliiij .1fi infii//i / dint SuturJng. Unlit lUr/'oi'jmnlaur on btij "J t ciitatoyne , rcmly In n fi-w tlaij Prices generally wcri > lower , except Atchlpon , Norfolk nnd the I'n'.ons ' , which weto Mirportei1 nt a Hll ht rise. Silver wna Mt.d and weaker , Jnpnn wn the only Imyer , but no Kient full If expected. One hundred nnd thlity-nlnr thousnnil pounds In gold came In , chlelly fioru Australia. COTTON MA1CKKT. Increase In tlio Movement of tlio Crop In- dlciitcil by thu ICxvliungn Stntrincnt. NKW Oni HANS , April 27. Secretary Ilester't New Orleans Cotton cxclmnse statement. Issued before the close of business ttnliiy , shows nn In crease In the movement of cotton Into sight over the seven days cndlnK April 27 last year of 12- 793 bales , or 3C per cent , and a decrease unJei the seven days ending this dutc year before laal nearly 14 per cent. Tor the bales or of 7,620 , have days of April that twenty-seven elnpsed nn excess of 36,153 bales has been brought . but the nBureBato la Into slchl over last yenr. 1i..i50 ! bales under the same days In Apr.l year the In makes the Increase before last. This iiinount of this cotton marketed from September 1 to April 27 , Inclusive. XltM4 ) ! bales over the marketed from same time last season. The total September I to date Is 7 , G,290 ] bales , uxalnst GlMI.L7ti ! bides Inst yenr. NKW OllI.KANS. April 27.-COTTON-Quiet ; { ( 7.27. ST. l.Ol'IS , April 27.-rOTTON-O.ulet ; sales , 200 bales ; iccelpts , Sim hales ; " shipments , 1,400 Imies ; block , 48,200 bales. MliininpollHVhent Market. MINNKAl'OMK. April 27.Wheat opened easy and declined sle.idlly until Ihe pi Ices wen- about Uo lower thnn the close of ycKtetdny. While the hUBlness was not activeU was heavier than seMenlay. Trailing has Bonn principally to July nnd May deliveries nio usually made for chanc ing o\er n another month or fir closing out. A few trades were made In September at about ] c below July. The demand for cash wheat was Rood , althouKh Ihe receipts were n llttlilaiger than they had been running for suveial days. Mitru wheat wns sold to nrrlve , to c une In ulthln Ihe next two weeks. Prices avernKed lather lilKher thnn yesterday for uisli wheat. 111 the sales weie usually made In the moinhiK before. the full effects of Ihe day's decline had hn-n fell on Ihe cash wheat mnrket. The decline wns nearly the snme In nil months , closlnx with April nnd May at CO'/fcc , July nt Mf ( glide nnd Sep- temher at B9c. On Hack : No. 1 hard , es c ; No. 1 northern , C2'ic ' | No. 2 noitheili , C0\c. lle- celpta , 'J'J.OOO bu. ; hhlpmi-ntH.' ) bu. The milling ( onMiniptlon WIIH about 130.000 bu. . maK- IliK n prob.ible decrease of sloekn In storIn this city of fi,000 ) Int. for the 21 hours. The ( Jreal Northern road has a liUK'1 nmouat of wheat In cms lylm ? on cotmiry side tracks thnt will crime In as soon as the present strike Is untied , which nriy ! In a few days or longer. Seeding Is pniKiX'SshiK well In the noiihein pait of the slain and nil thioUKh Ihe center nnd south It Is comlni ; up thioUKh the mound In K'H > d shape. In seine places the Riuund Is lnoUlm ; iiullo green , with the piospects niw very bright for a Ki-od start. In a few places the H > d wns upuilL-d to havedecnyed more or less , bul such places niu the exception nnd airconlljud In low , lint lands. Flour was easy nt $3.35 to $3. " > for pat- enls , } 2 to J2.3.1 for bakers. Thi > pnimble oul- pul for the 21 Inurs wna some 31,000 bblu. 1'luur thlpmcnls , 32"t.S bbls. \\iiol .llllrUet , ST. I.Ol'IS , April 27. WOOL l-'lrin , qillct , without chaiiKe. IIOSTON , April 27. The American Wool nnd Colt m Itepoiler says : The principal features of the week In Itoston have been the Inrue move ment In C'allfornla pulled nnd scoured wools , the lie live demand for low A nnd It supers nnd the. llbeml Kites of ( * olorndo line nnd llnu medium. The sides of California pulled nmiunt t fully H'l.MU ' MR. , and thi ) sales of California sc iiiivd to nulle 12J.OOO His. The llrst sale of new Mon tana this yenr occurred this week , one 1 it of SII.IHK ) Ibx. of cholco line medium n-lllnc on n basin of 3Ic , scoured. There has been sold In lloston since January 1 , 1R9I , ul.2'i.iiOi ) ! ) ibs. do mestic and 4.S7KWO His , fotr-lKH uooj , or n totnl of < l.iiSI. < r l Ibs. , IIH uirnlniit n totnl of G2.2Uno ] ] liH. durirg the same period last yenr. Thin s'unvs a decreiiKiIn nnles of 8,118.700 lo.i. The sales for the week In Huston ninount to Z,3'J'J,5i > i llis. do mestic and ri'.r l ibs. forelKn wool , making a lotal of L'.M.VXJ" Ibs. , iiKiilnst a total of 2,147. ' < 0) ) Ibs. the pievlolls week , nnd a total of I , Till , - 2m ) Its. for the voriespondlnK week of last year. The snli'K for the week In New York HKtr civile. 1.518.r.S Ibs. Th rales for the we.-k In I'htln- delphla nKKri'Knte l.iJiOf : ) Ibs , The total r"ielpts nf wool In lloston slnci.Innunry 1 have been M3.42I bales domestic nnd IS , 'it ? bales ro-clKii , iiKnlnst 131 , OCr , l.ali'H diineHtIc nnd "l.d'J ? hales forelKn for thec ineiipiindliiic perliHl of 1893. Thin In a decrease of l7 ! , ( it | hales iloiiieettc and S3.450 hales foreign. _ Knniiii Ulty .Miirlief. KANHAB l"ITV. April 27. WHKAT 1'n- ehnimed ; No. 2 hard , MWWde , ; No. 2 ml , f.c ; No. 3 red. &ofS2trejicted | ; , 43e. COHN Steady ; No. 2 mixed , ; No. 2 w.iltc. ! ir Vi > i3iiVvc. | OATH t'licliatiKed ; No. 2 Illlxc-d , 334f(3U- ! ; No. 2 white , 3ll3l'vi' . lltl'lTKIl-Oulet ; cieiimi-ry , iOQSIoi ilu'r ) , K/ii ISe. ( Ml Miirhi-U. OH , C1TV. 1'a. , April 27. N'ntlonul Transit certlllcates opened nt bj | hlKhest , Wi ! , ; liiwent , M : fhmed ut 8J ; vales. 3.000 bbl . , HUlpmenlH , 179.4U bbU. ; runs. S7GJ blU. , I'lTTMlllJHO , I'n. , Am. I 27. National Transit crrtltlcalen opened at 85 ; cloned ut M ; hlKhem , U ; lu\\c t. kj ; no nuli'H. .MuiicheKti-r Ti-stlln .Xurliet. MANl'IIKHTRII , April 27. Cloth an I ynrnt milet und rather IU | IT. New fuclnilcii muni utoii looms , lUmlnenii In checked by lildrtlniv \ * twccn bu 'crv and Two for Nothing : but our willingness 'o ' pay cash in these hard times enables us to put such good stuff j into these $13.25 suits. Forth , usual price of one custom suit to your order we will cut you TWO. Pants Cotnpan ; 1 ( 408 N. i6th St. GRANT'S SARSAPARILLA Curoi whcru nil other I ur- H.-iparlllaa fall. A jiuultlvu In . Nn Lt-notlt , no pay. 1 ur thu hlnwi rh , I on- i-ls. liver , kill- nuj'H. iii-rvi-n , hunt , nnil all lilniul ill' os , | | Ims nn equal Hi'I' . C 'li.xtnii , a Nuhrunka phynlcliui nfX'5yuiirn' prucllcn , bays : I tolluvu it In bo fnr superior to nny preparation i Unow of. Dr. Chits , M Pmlth of Now York , nny : It U the Ki't'i'tost blood nnd norvu rcim ily of thn nuo Iti-v. ( leu M. Hi own. fornirr pastor of Ihu Hani fin J'ark t'hurcli iif Oinaha buvhlu thn "rhaiilanitiu | Iik'a ' , " t-ililuil by him : "I-'ur hlnod , Ktomaih ! , Uldney ami nil liln- ilroil disouM'H , U iiccoinplifchc ! ) rurcs that biirilui-nn thu intraiMilous ' MrH. .Mary A. llltfhi-ocb , Btatol'rmlilcnt of thn W. 11 T. 1' , says : Cures urn Direct- oil when ) patlonls have upparontly ouo bcyonil rnt-illcnl slilll. fc'olilby nllirutfgl3t3. ! Manufactured by thu Grant Sarsaparllla Co , , NEDUASKA. FREMONT , - - - LOWELL C DRIO'A TKEU BONOS COMMERCIAL PAPER 4OWAU-STREET *