THFC OMAHA DAILY DEK ; SATURDAY , Al'llIT , 28 , 1891. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL. HLUFK3. orrtcn - - NO. 12 p BTRBBT I3cl\err ! < l hjr carrier to nny part of the city , II. W. TILTON , Manager. \ Tni > KPIinNta : ItuilneH office. No. ! rdltur N < i 23 Ml.\0lt ,1/K.Vr/O.V. Attend Boston store syndicate sale. J. II. Safely , who has returned from a stay of a couple of years In Minnesota , will KO Into partnership with Thomas Carter In a wagon shop In South Omaha. Joseph Ocrcpacher , the 9-year-old ron o Tony Ocrspnchcr , met with rather n serlou accident vestcrday by falling from a tree The surgeons had to take several stitches. Joint meeting of St Alban's lodge No 17 nnd Concordla No. G2 , KnlghtB of Pythias this evening for work In the second am third degrees. All members requested to bt present. The shoe store of Chris Larson , 00. Soutl Mnln Mroot , was broken Into by burglars Thursday night. The front window was ( imaslicd In and all the shoes on cxhlbltlot were taken. The police have eighteen shirts and three ) > alM of sockH , for which they wont to iliu nn owner. They wcro found In n vacan house at the corner of Twenty-ninth avenue nnd Eleventh street. John W. Mlkescll commenced a suit In the district court yesterday against John N Shcfllcr for $303. In his petition ho alleges that Schofllcr Is about to dispose of his property to defraud his creditors , and he mics out a writ of attachment. Yesterday was Arbor day , but no notice was taken of the fact. The banks and busi ness houses went on with their work us though nothing had happened , nnd there A\as no demonstration even In the city schools. Mary , wife of George C. Hanscn , died yesterday morning at 8 30 o'clock of con sumption , after n nine months' Illness , agci ! 28 years The funeral will bo held at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at the residence 810 South Sixth street , Rev. Mr. Muthlson ofllclatlng. Owing to the absence of the pistor. the pulpit of Broadway Methodist Eplscopa church will be occupied tomorrow mornliif , by Rev J. J. Farley , and In the cveiiliu Rev John Askln of the Coiigrogatlonn church will deliver one of his Interestlnn pulpit lectures. The 3-months-old child of Mr and Mrs CJeorge Miller died at 10 o'clock Thursday night after a twelve days' Illness. The funeral will take place Sunday afternoon at 2 30 o'clock from the late residence. 01C Fourth avenue , nnd the remains will be burled In Falrvlcw. _ The Imperial Fire Insurance company of London Is one of the largest and strongest board companies In the world. Lougee & Towle. 235 Pearl street , are solo agents In Council Bluffs for this company. IIINNI : > O.V nuos. hiiturdiiy'H H\K \ lliirgiilim-MiultlntoslieH ! .MiukliitoslH'fil ! The big sale of ladles' mackintoshes Is today , Saturday. They will be hold at nearly one-half regular retail price $5 00 and $6 00 ladles' mackintoshes. In navy blue and black , wide wale diagonal , will go Saturday at only $3 33 each. $7 BO. $8 00 and $9 00 ladles' mackintoshes 1n navy blue and blnck , Imported fine berge , nl $4.91 each. $1200 and $1500 mackintoshes at $ S.9S. Come for n macklnto'h today. BIG RIBBON SALE. 10.000 yards of all pure silk , gros grain nnd mo'ro ' ilbbons , all colors , Nos. 4 , 5 , 7 , 9 and 12 , at i"fec , fie and lOc yard. The best values we ever offered In ribbons Visit our cloak department Some special values In ladles' capes at $2 DO and $3 98 , worth nearly double. Council Bluffs. Death Is an unb'ddenlsltor. . Will he call tomorrow , next week , next month , or next year ? ask yourself. If so , have I made such provision for those depending on me as I ought ? The Bankers Life association of Dos Molnes affords such protection that you ran go to bed every night feeling perfectly secure. It Ir thoroughly trustworthy , yet on account of Its Income from reserve ( $1,244- 240,03) ) the cheapest In cost. W. O. WIUT. Agent. Cole & Cole glvo a $1.50 cook book with every Now Process steve sold. The genuine New Process bakes better , makes loss odor and Is the hanJsotnest stove made. New asbestos oven retains all the heat. When you como to the best hose for sprink ling the lawn It Is the Maltese Cross. You can always get this and lighter grades In rubber and cotton hose at IJIxby's , 201' Main etreet , Domestic soap breaks hir < \ water. 7'7 : SOA.II'Alt t < ! lt.U > lli. Tlev. II. P. Dudley has gone to Des Molnes on business. Mrs. W. J. Davenport and Mrs. II. S. Jones ara visiting friends for a few days In Crcston , Iu. Charles I ) . Fullen , United States district attorney for the Southern district of lovv.i , was In the city yesterday. L. Zurmuehlcii , Jr. , the city clerk , has re turned from a two w cells' trip to Springfield , Akron and other Ohio points. J. II. Purcell , editor of the Dunlap Re- potter , one of the well known newspaper men of western Iowa , called on The llee yesterday. Phil M. Crockett , the postmaster at Coin , la. , was In the cltyycsterday _ attending to the sale of some of'hls blooded stock. Ho disposed of a $2,000 team to an Omaha mer chant and two or three speedy roadsters to Council Illuffs parties. 12xi Itcini'iit Continues. Tor one day more , at 101 to 40ri Broad way , with a change of program for today , and that Is WASH GOODS. Each window of the Iloston Store contains four distinct bargains us represented In show window , and will be > one of the special features for today's trade. \Vlillo other barglans In the different de partments are still numerous , and now goods arriving dally , which will add greatly to the advantage of SYNDICATE SAKE now going on rOTIIEUINGIIAM , WHITELAW & CO , _ Council Illuffs , In. CiirnNliiiicntH Muni Stop In Iciuu In n short time , as Iowa has passed n law against them. This Is your last chance to collect jour accounts before the law goes 'nto fore" . The Nassau Investment company has reduced Its charges anil will guarantee collections against persons not living In Iowa , but who are employed by EOIIIO rail way , express or telegraph company having an agent In Iowa. Write at once for terms and references , Council Illuffs. I iirniuii Work. Mr W J Lautcrwasser , well known to bo one of the best fmnaco men In this section , has engaged with P C He Vol. Ho and John Scott will work together , and It goes with out saying that whatever they do will bo perfectly dime. Now Is a good time to look tip the furnace question. Mojers-Durfce Purnlture company , 336 , 33S Ilroadway , headquarters for bargains and flue furniture. _ Rvorybody knows Dnvls snlls drugs. The laundries USD Domestic soap. Members of the Union Veteran legion and other * Intere-utiid In holding Decoration u\- srclscs ut Walnut Hill cemetery on May 30 will meet at Western Iowa college ut 8 o'clock Saturday evening , April L'8. Wo are too busy to write nds. , but price and quality nro what tell. Wa do not sell goods from samples , but carry them right In Block , and vvlllfdupllcato or beat prices made by any other houses In this vicinity. Council muffs Carpet Co. Bee the now art goods at Mrs. Ntlen' . Jarvls Wlno Co. , Council Bluffs. leap outlast * cheap soip. _ XTIMt'P IMW\1I fniMT/Mt 111 ITPPH MS 1'ROll ' COtXCIL BUM'S ' Knlghta of Labor Pass Resolutions Denounc ing Jackson's Treatment of Kelly , SHERIFF IIAZEN COMES IN FOR A ROAST Thry Dctlnro Unit tlir Authorities Trrntri din Army nlth .Mure llarnlini'KH 1 linn U n Nrrcntnry Undcrtho Clriiiiiiiliinr ) * . To shnw tlmt tlio resolutions adopted by a few merchant ! ) at this city assembled In tlic League club rooina III 3 other day do not ex pro 8 tlio unanimous feelings of the people o Council Illilffs.the Knights of I.abor , nt thcl regular meeting Thttr day night , adopted the following resolutions * \Vherenn. On the ICth day of April , U9I a body of American vvorklngmen , proceed Ing on a pilgrimage to the sent of govern mcnt of the United State * of Amorlwi to tin- purpose of making Himdry repicscntu tlons to their representatives In snld gov eminent concerning remedies for illHtie s existing In the localltleH from vvhi'ncu the > come , tu rived In Council JIlulTH , nnd WhuraiH , Frank I ) . Jackson , at tiroacm gov ei not of the state of IO\MI , In allowing himself to be Inllucnced by fulHc representn tlons of dlverH pprHons , among whom was the shurlff of I'ottiuvnttanilu county , him self Inlluenced by the repreKcntatlves o certain ralltoad corpointloiis to state to the mild governor that n Herlous danger VVIIH threnti'lied by thu approach of this body o peaceable American citizens to the borders of our state , or a portion of the mime , am attempted to teriorlzc the wild body o pllgrlnls and offered them divers and nun dry IndlgnltleH , notably \vhen lit- placed tin. .suit ! mllltla on guard over their camp , am again when the Mild mllltla by force o arms prevented them from o > c-upvlng i Hheltcr , which had been grnnte'd them ex plicitly by the owner , a cltl/en of Control Uluffs , thus forcing them to encounter oiii , of the Heverest storms of tlio season , with out Hheltcr or HUlllclent clothing , thereby endangering their health and even placing their lives In jcopatdy , tiltliough he Imi for suvc'inl duyn had ocular evidence of the law-abiding rharatter and pe.ici-able In tentions of the said Iwdy of plIgiltnM , vvhlil Increased the wanton and b.itbarous clnr- actot of this tieatnii'til , and Whereas , In the eapnclt > of men making a pl llgi Image for an avowedly pcaeeablo and patriotic purpose , at a distance ft on home , and out of employment through nc fault of their own , they are entitled b > al the cUHtoms and tiadltlons of manUInd pxemplllled through the entire period ol the history of nations since the earllCHt dawn of civilization , to the utmoHt d"gtee of hospitality at our hands IIH a civilized people , and Wheioan , The corporations owning the railroads running from Council UlulTs to Chicago , and holding their authority for thus maintaining anil managing a highway clltectly ftotn the people , and enriched by means of privileges thus gt anted , when re quested by the Bald govtrnot , on behalf of the people , to co-operate with him In futnlsh- Ing the said pilgrims with means of trans portation on their journev , did , by theli tepresentatlves , positively refuse to do imj- thlng to telleve thelt want In this res pect , and In one Instance stated the most barbarous proposition that the men who would dale to attempt to use the means of tt importation on the line of a certain railroad , would be met with a colliding engine to wreck theli tialn , regardless of any loss of life which might ensue , and thla after their evcty leanest In this mat ter had been nc ceded to by the governor with the most abject servllltj , now , there fore be It He-solved. 11 y local -assombly No. 1.300 of the Noble and Ilolv Order of Knights of Labor of Council muffs , that the nld Krunk D Jackson , acting In his capacity of govetnor of the state of Jowa , has , by his actions , as recited above , done \lolence to all the tiadltlons of hospitality among men , and caused us to blus-h for hit. actions , which have dlshonoted our state In the character of Its executive. Hewolvod , fuithet , That we icgaid the action of the rallioad corporations , to a gtcat extent the beneficiaries of the people , as most reprehensible and a complete argu ment In favor of the icsumptlon by the ffovetnmcnt , on behalf of the people , of all their privileges of ftanchlse and the acqui sition of their property ttndei the right of eminent domain , thus placing the ownership and management of lallioudu In the hands of the people , where all highwavs belong. ttesolved , further. That we unqualifiedly favor the objects of the Industrial army , as set forth In the utterances of Its' leaders. ard commend them to the good olllces of our representatives In congress , with the e\picss Injunction upon them that they give these men a lespectful hearing and grant theli requests In the matter of legis lation. Koholvcd , further. That we gladlv place upon record out feeling of admiration for the > character of Charles T. Kelly , In charge of the Industilal aiiny , and bid him god speed , w hlle we commend the good sense of his followers In selecting such a leader and their spirit of Intelligent subordination In following his direction In gcncial and detail under clieumstanccs which try com manders and Mibordlmites alike. Hesolved , Fuither , that we earnestly ex- hoit our fellow men , Mho eatn their bread , to forego all political partlzun alliances and unite for the purpose of advancing the Intel ests of humanity , and as one first step secure the elevation to all positions of legislative nnd executive power such men , and only such , as coming from the people , will serve the people , nnd not the absotblng classes , which being accom plished there can be no more tepubllcan Jnckpons for governors , neither democratic llnzens for shcrllfs. Hesolved , I'uither , that these resolutions be furnished the press of Council Hlnffs for publication , and also the livening News of Omaha nnd Journal of Knights of Knbnr , and a copy fet warded to Chatles T , Kellv , commanding the Industrial army , now entoute for Washington , I ) , C. TREASURER WICKHAM REPORTS. Kd Wlckhnm , treasurer of the "committee of public charity" appointed by the eltbens' meeting held at the opera house , made his flml report yesterday of the amounts col lected and dlsbui&ed. The amount under the head of contributions does not Include anything but what was raised at the opera house , no mention being made of any other contributions , as they did not pass through the hands of the committee. This report , consequently , gives no Idea as to the amount of assistance furnished Kelly and his nrmy by Council Uluffs , for most of It was handed by the donor directly to Kelly. The follow ing Is the report- "Greater expense- has been Incurred In the removal of Kelly's army than was nnt'ci- pated by any one. The committee , leall/lng that there would bo a deficit , made formal application to the city council to aid In liquidating the Just claims against the com mittee. Ily a unanimous \oto of the councilmen - men our claim was rejected , thus citabllsh- Ing a rule and precedent to bo followed by our present council. How closely they will follow It the people will watch with Intercbt The following shows disbursements and re ceipts verified by receipted bills "Disbursements 1'rov Isions purchased $1S10 | ; trnnapoitatlon bills , fll.110 , tele graphing. $2071 ; total , $31775 ; contribu tions at opera house , $23082 , deficit , made up by cltl/ons and committee. $11091. "Tho nbavo docs not Include pcrbonnl ex penses Incurred by members of the commit tee A few of our citizens have stepped forward and relieved the committee from the burden of making up nil the deficit All claims against the committee lm"o now been mid I ted and fully pild Hoping our com munity may never bo aflllcted with a sim ilar calamity , wo cheerfully beir witness to the great generosity of our people. "G A. WICKHAM. Treasurer " The bill for transportation Includes the cost of carrying out most of what was fur nished by Omaha , as well as what came from the city The Omaha contributors ) liad their provisions brought to Council Bluffs , and tlio committee then paid for car rying the provisions along with the nrmy. A fmnrltn for CongliH anil Cold * . "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy U the best medicine for coughs and colds we have- eve * sold , " bays 8. Keel ft Son at Cold Hun , Ky It Is n favorite because It can always bo depended upon. It loosens a cold , relieves the lungs and effects a permanent cupe Whooping cough Is not dangcroun when this lomody Is freely given , as U liquifies the tough mucus and and makes It easier to ex- lectorate. 25 and 50-cent bottles for sale jy druggists. _ Gas cooking stoves for rent nnd for s.ilu at Gas To.'s office. Washerwomen use Doirestlo soap. limit in hh.leii flood * , Frank Carroll and William IJutts , n pair of worthies who have hud long and monotonous onous records In police circles , are occupying cells In the city jail as the result of their being found with some property tlmt did not beloug to them. Carroll tried to tell aotno stuff nt a pawn slup nnd It was Tf- ognlrid ait belonging to n man nninrd Wll- con , who cooks nt Uokcmpcr'n saloon on Broadway. Ho was nailed by the pollen , but dcnltd having stolen the stuff , claiming It had been given to him by lltitts. Ilutts was thereupon arrested and jailed on the charge of larceny nnd burglary , while the charge that stands opposite Carroll's name on the police court records Is receiving stolen property. The property was stolnn from Wilson's room over the saloon where he works. Ilutts has been out of jail for only three vvecki , his last escapade being the robbing of William Oronoweg'a clothes line , which cost htm thirty dn"g. Last owning Carroll gave his fellow prisoners another Interesting exhibition of snakes. I'rollt mill Lou. When one person loses another Is sure to gnln In the transaction. All the Klnnehnn stock boot ? and shoes will be sold nt retail at GOc on the dollar. 23 Main street. 100,000 pansles In bloom. Now Is the time to plant. Come and see them. J. V , Wllcox. 1132 n , , Tierce. For cobs go to Cox , 10 M\ln street. Tele phone 48. _ _ _ _ _ Show cases , carpets and furniture for sale at Woman's exchange , 18 Pearl street. nil } vour drugs nnd paints at Moisill's drug stores , 134 and 712 n roadway. The } \ \ < re Mint Oilt. A suit was commenced In the district court } csterday for the purpose of knocking out the assignment of the Neola firm of Hcrmscn & Loobcy. and giving all the creditors a chnnce to como In nnd get their pro rata share of the company's effects. Ollmorc & Ruhl are the plaintiffs , and J. O. Hardslcy , the assignee , Hermscn & Loobcy , James Loobcy and the Hank of Neola arc innde defendants. In the petition the idaln- tlffs cite that April 3 , 1881 , they procured In the superior court of this city two Judg ments , aggregating $ GC7 , which wore trans- crlpted to the district court. They further clto that February last the firm of Hermsen & Loohey was Insolvent , and that It owed the plaintiffs about $ C 000 for goods bought. On that day the defendants executed a chattel mortgage on the stock and fixtures In favor of James Loobey , n relative of one of the firm , and assigned all book accounts , bills re-nlvable nnd notes to the Rink of Nerin thus shutting out all other creditors. The plaintiff * claim that these instruments wcro executed without consideration and fraudulently , and they ask tlmt they bo set nslde. Get prices of Shugnrt & Otiren , leading seedsmen , Mason'o temple , Council Bluffs. Evans Laundry company. Shirts , collars , and cuffs a specialty , 520 Pearl street , Tel. 290. Reasonable rates for family work. Millinery ; latest styles ; reasonable prices. Miss Ragsdalo , 10 Pearl street. While you are paying for laundry why not get the best ? The Caglo laundry solicits n trial and Invl'e * comparison. Telephone 157. Jarvls Wlno Co. , Council Bluffs , la. , agent Jarvls 1S77 brandy , wines and liquor. THE THIRD INSTALLMENT OF ZOLA'S POWERFUL STORY , "LOUHDES , " WILL APPEAR IN THE SUNDAY BEE TOMOR ROW. co r.v A in : . i rr.its < : uir. r r. Mr. and 31 r * . I'oHtcr of tlio Omith.i ( Jung Convicted ut lliiltlmorc. BALTIMORE , April 27. In the case of Mr. and Mrs. Foster , on trial for sweating coins , the Jury has returned a verdict of guilty as to both husband and wife , with a recommendation to the mercy of the court. Sentence was suspended. How a Chicago Mini U'aH Cured of Jthcn- inatlHin. Mr. John Hall of 9235 Commercial avenue , Chicago , met with a serious accident for which ho used Chamberlain's Pain Balm freely , with the best results. "But now , " says Mr. Hall , "comes Ihe best part of my story. For many years I have been quite n sufferer with rheumatism , with stiffness of the joints. Since the application of Cham berlain's Pain Balm , all symptoms of rheu matism Imvo disappeared ; In fact I believe. that It has banished every trace of rheuma tism from my system. " For sale by drug gists. Presbyterian general assembly at Sara toga , N. Y. , May 17. Delegates to this as sembly will consider their Interests by tak ing one of the fast through trains on the Nickel Plate road from Chicago. Elegant buffet sleeping cais on all through trains. Depot Clark and 12th streets. City ticket ofllce 109 Clark street , Chicago. ] ? r.izlllun Insurgents Ksriipe. BUENOS AYRES , April 27. All tno Bra zilian Insurgents , Including Admiral da Gama , who were detained on board the Portuguefco warships , Imvo succeeded In escaping. _ CloBn Cornice tlons. For New York , Philadelphia and Boston ara made by the Burlington's "Vestlbuled Flyer , " which leaves Omaha dally at 4.15 p. m. for Chicago. City Ticket Office , 1324 Farnam street. Organi7lng a Detroit Army. DETROIT , April 27. James Eldredgo of San Francisco opened headquarters for re- Children Cry for s Castoria. Children Gryfor P3 tr 's Castoria- Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Thfa extra- onllnnry Ko- Constipation , Jurcuatar 13 Fnlllng Sen- i h o m o H t - wonderful entlonii.Ntrv- discovery of oustvltehlnn Jho OKC. It of the ejcn and other has been on- ] u ts. derail by the StretiBthons , title men of InvlKorutea Hurope nud an I tones the America. on Iruiyktem. Hudyan la lludyaii cutcs purely vego Deb lllty , Nervousness , Hudyan stops KinUsloiis , Prematureness and devclop < a Of tllO ( I I 8- and restart s charge In 20 weak oitana. dms. 1'alna In the Piirea beck , losses LOST by any or MANHOOD nlehtstoppcd ' * " " M' lulckly. Over 2,000 private endorsements I'remntureness menus Impotcnoy In the Irst HtaKi. ' U IH a symptom of nemlmil \eakness und Imrreniutii. It can lie mopped In 'M da > a by thu use of Hudyun , Tlie new discovery VVIIH iniulf by the Hpec- of tlu old famous HudHon .Medical nfctltule. U Is the Htronyc t vltallzer nadu. It Is very powerful , but harmless , > old for 51. W u pucknio or Blx packnxoa or S5.00 ( plain nailed lioxts ) . Wrlttu.i Ktiarantee Riven for n cure. If you buy Ix boxen and are not entirely cuied , six nore will be sent to vou free nf till chnr es. Send for circulars and testimonials. Adc'reH3 HUDSON MEDICAL INSTITUTE 032 Mui-IiotSti Sail Irauoijco , Cal. crullliiR Coxcy'n nrjny , qt imrolt Jit pokc hcforo the OV.itrai1 I ibor union ami nld ho vvna one of TIio""brKnnlzcrH of the San I'rnnclsco nrmy nmv ( ravelins eimtvvnrd , Thi Inbor union took * tietfon endorsing thr movement and ninny rectuUa are expected , rrrftldrnt'i * . WASHINGTON , Ap J 1"7. The president today sent to the senate the following nomi nations : -i n Justice Harry H , tjrlKKS , to bo attorney of the United States fpr the western district of Wisconsin , , Nasbys rietcher A. Cultreo , Eureka , Cal. ; John 0. Mlllcr lUkersncld , Cal. llltll'iilliirr In tli.VI'itliliit ; Tnulc. N13W YORK , April ) Ur-Hcnry Newmnn & Co. , Importers of clothing supplies at fl2S and CIO IJroadwny.1 "avi mndo nn aaslgn- incut to Nathaniel Myers of IG Wall street The firm Is the largest In the trade , and the failure Is said to Involve $1,000.000. /oht'M "t.otirdt'H " THi : THIRD INSTALMENT OK KOLA'S roWKIlFUL STORY. "LOURDKS , " WILL AIM'HAR IN THi : SUNDAY HKU TOMOR ROW. _ Itrotlicr nnd Htatir llriiuiicil , HKLFJNA , Mont. , April 27. Kdward Ryan , Jr. , nnd his sister , Nellie , from near Houldcr , were swept by water In a slough near Three 1'orka nud drowned , " KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement nnC Iciula to personal enjoyment when rightly uscu. The many , who live bet ter than others and enjoy life more , with less expenditure , by more promptly hii.\l.ti"g tha T.'orld's best product1) to the nccua of physical being , will attest the value to health of the pure liquid lr.xativo piincipl a cmbiaced iu the remedy , Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable und pleas ant to the taste , tlio refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a jxjrfe'ct lax ative ; ciTcctimily cleansing the system , dispelling colds , headaches ami levers ana permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession , bt'cause it acts on the Kid ney. , Liver and Bowels without'weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for bale by all drug gists in GOc ana ยง 1 boHles , but it is man ufactured by the .Cdifornia Fig Syrup Co. only , whose nanle is printed on every package , also the name , Syrup of Figs , and being well informed , you will not ncrept any substitute if ifieroa. DRS. BETTS AND BETTS. E. v. DAVIS , m. B , , CONSULTING PHYSICIAN. all forms of NERVOUS , CHHONIC AND PRIVATE DISEASES We cure speedily and permanently all di seases of the generative organs , also kidney , bladder , blood , skin and stomach tioubles. Femate weaknesses , Impalied memory , night emissions , etc. Our principles and assistants have all made life studies of our specialties CONSULTATION FREE. Send 4-cents for our new 120 page book. Call or adds ess with stamp , BETTS 119 South i4th St. , Omaha. THE ALOE & PENFOLD Ci ; 1408 Farnam Street , Retail Druggists and purveyors of Medical Supplies. Invalid Chairs , Supporters , Atomizers , Sponges , Batteries , Water Bottles , THE ALOE & PENFOLD CO. UOS FARNAM ST.r Opposite Paxton Hotel. The Chocolat = Merrier. His reasons are t Tea ntul Coffee rreate nervousness with a people too nervous already ; Bitter Chocolates are not lit to make a cup of chocohtc ; cheap ( sweet ) chocolates are impure , hence injurious ; COCOA is no more like CHOCOLATE tlnn Skimmed Milk is like Cream. Cliocolat-Menler is an exquisite Vanilla Chocolate'as nourishing as meat , as low priced as other beverages , and far superior. Ask for yellow wrapper. Your grocer has it PARIS | Rfi fj\9 \ B R LONDON C ! ) Mubiuh AT. , CUa v- ! > U \ \ ' . Uruiuhiaj-X ! IT IS TIME TO GET WELL , All Nature Takes a New Start--New Sap Runs in the Trees and New Blood Courses Through the Veins--in Spring Take Paine's Celery Compound , the One Remedy That Cures. Everything Is upward striving , 'TIs DS i.itiy now for the lip-irl lo be true As for Holds to be green or Kle to bo blue ; 'TIs the proper way of living. All nnlmntp nature feels the touch of spring. Nature has her great spring clean ing days. The birds get new plumage , the fish put on their fresh , glistening , scaly armor , new streams of fresh wntor start from the ground ; there arc new buds and livelier sap , and In the human body the heart throbs with fuller , stronger beats. It Is a senpon of grnlt ihango * . At no time dining the > enr l the body fco Inclined lo gel lid of old , diseased con ditions , chronic f rknecs nnd d < > ep-seited disorders of the vital orpin * . It Is for thes" reasons that Palue's celc'v compound , the most famous nctvo regulator Steam and Hot Watr Hooting for Roskloncos and Buildings. J. C. B1XBY , 202 Main , 20IJ Pearl Streets , Council BlutTs , Iowa. FOR T1IE1 InelmrROof tlioSlstors of Morpy , , This renowned Institution U sltn uo.l nn the high bluffs bio of and ovei iooiclu.5 the city of Council llluirs. The spielois grounds. Its high locitlon nnd splendid vlow. tn iko It a most pleasing retro it for the alllletod. A st iff ofom neat physicians ind u largo corp * of e * ucrloucoU r.ur = es minister to tlio comforts of hopitlouts. fcpoclal care given to lady pa- tcnlE. TERMS MODERATE. For pai Honiara nupW n SSSTER SUPERIOR CoimMl BlaU Iom Frank Street - - - , IMPORTANT TO Real Esfafe and Loan Agents The Western Mortgage Adjustment Co. . of Toi > eka , Kansas , has for sale the names und addiess of over 30,000 Eastern Investois In properties , mortgages , notes und bonds. Prices to-wlt 100 names $1000 , 1,000 names $7500 , 5,000 and upwards ut special rates. Each and every one of them are guaian- teeil to be just as repicsented. The following are the dliectors and offl- ceis of the above named company : Hnn A. K Hoilgcis , TicMinuier Bhawneu Co , -I'nslilrnt. Hun. .Inlm II. Mulvnne.Piwmuiit Missouri d KnnwiM 1 < IcpliuiiB Co. nnj 11 ink of To- Kit , ' 1 It IFUIPl. Hnn. S J. I ! r. c-N-ncclstoi of Denis hlia - nte lo , KniiMiK. Kecrctiuj Hon. Tames I. Klnif , e\-rostnnsler of the Cll > nf Tt > p.ka , KniifaH. Hon.Vm. . HlBKlns , cx-fecietniy of Sluto. Send your offerings dliect to the Investor. If you get one customer from each 100 names } ou me well paid. " The Western Mortgage Adjustment Co. . TOPEKA , KANSAS. DYEING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AND DRY CLEANING. bend foi Circular and Puce I.lst. Council Bluffs , - - Avonno A ami 26th St Oimiliu , ! . " ) - ! Itanium Street. QEO. P. SANFQRD , A. W. RICKMAH , Piesldent. U.uhlor. Firs ! Nationa of COUNCIL BLUFFS , I own. Capital , . - $100 , 01)1) ) Profits , - . - 12,000 Olio of the olili'Ht 1) inkH 111 tlin HI Itn ot low i Wo Hollell > our iHiHliiu-w an I colli'clluiiH WupiyfS } v r ivnt un llmi > lie-limits vVowlllbj bee ami brnu jou n Attoriu j - t-lnw I'r L- . b ( too lo t tin ftiiitn unit eoiirt . KnnniH yll-7-H-l > , Miugnrt bliiui > , < niliiril Binds , In JXlolicasj COUNCIL BLUFFS ; 13O 1OU KNOW THAT DAY & HUSH IIAVJJ tome choice taruulns In fruit uucl buiiliiii land ntai tills city ? GAiuuai : nnnovED , CESSTOOIA VAULTS , ctilnint B cleaned. 1M Ilurltc , ut T.ijloi-'a crocir ) , ( Iu IJroaJu-uy. AllbTHACTH AND LOANS. TAHM AND city property bought and Bald. J'usty A Tliomat Cuuncll lllurr * . 1 WANT AT O.Nl'IJ TUN OOQD HAUISMIIN tO Kfll KHIOorlfH , ulU , rtC , tO CUIIBUIntTN , X30 < IH fuaruiilml llrul chiBb In e viry it'inil , niliilit uiul < | tiullt ) Cull on or mlilreH , O. H Upper- ken , Iteveiu HOUHC , Council lllurts. I'AHTrilAdi : , nitHT-l'I.AhH. KOIt 10) HIIAIJ lit HliKK , lllinllt 3 mlliH mil til of luwn Cattle , 12 73 tu J < (10 ( , hnrnpH. II 00 lo (7 W fur Kriinoi ) . May 1 to ouuhvr IS , K < l tnuti In ilmi-tca of Htock , plenty wilt ttntl uutci. I. Juilwin , 'J-'i tin avenue , or 321 lru.iduuy ! , ClllllKll HlUffH. aoui ) oiui < WANTIID rou OINIIIAI : , lioum- Mru. Jolin AsMn , 710 ijuuth till Etmt. tind blood purifier In the world , hai inquired - , quired thr- mime of the great Hprliig medi cine. cine.There There IB not a sliiRln vlllago In the coun try InrBC onoiiRh lo boast Its rrgulnr plijElclan or drug store vvhrto l'ulne' celery compound Is not bcliiK more I iruoly u ul this month limn nny other mined ) . It Is Known whciever progre s nud cnllKhtril- incut have pushed the rallrond or tin1 news paper. , I'nlne's celery compound Is the very ut most the mcdlcnl research of lodny nn defer for the exhausted , badly-nourished nerves nnd thin , Impure blood. It goes straight to the cause ; * of the mischief In the many formu of dlxe'iiso resulting from nervous di blllty nnd liiHUlllclont or vitiated blood. A thousand painful symptomx arise from thew < two prlmo onuses. Correct the nerve * nnd blood with 1'alne's cclcrj compound and the entire sjstom must got well ; discuses of particular pirls disappear , mid strength nnd health by day nnd sound , Invigorating nleei | by night , return by nn unfailing natnrnl process , l'nlne''s celery compound drives out diseases of the llvrr. bcntt and kidney * by sending pure , uulllrlenl blood , loaded with ii-'conatructlvo mntrrlnl , Hiroiii ; ) ) these vital organs , Instead of a watery. Impure fluid thai can neither nouiluh nor Invigor ate. l ) > spe pslii , neuralgia , rheumatism , heart dlse.i'e , general nervous debility ami loss of strength cnmiot re'iualii when the nerves and blood receive their dilly rc'n- forcome'iit of rich , abundant nourishment from IMIne'H celery compound. . Most diseases are signs of poverty , either of blood or nerves. I'nlne's celery coin- pound makes people well because It feed a suncd nerves nnd blood and regulates their functions. Try It and bo convinced , ax arc thousands of men and uoinen and children overjwhere. No\v is your chance. The bargains Men and we arc enabled tn olTer surpass any and all clothing offers that have ever taken place in Omaha. But of the Boys many different lots we have only space to mention a fc\v- -but we arc closing out and no one who sees tha goods doubts it for a minute. SII1HTS , 7Gc. We arc closing all the percale and madi is shirts at 7Bc , that are worth as high as $1 r.O. They have collars and cuffs attached or detached to suit your notion. Besides will give you a nccktlo for nothing. HOYS' PANTS , $1.00. You never will get another opportunity to buy your boy a pair of $3.00 pants for $1.00. They arc Just us good as can bo produced , and at $1.00 they are a snap. BOYS' 2-I'IKCn SUITS , $2.50. These are strictly all wool goods , large variety of colors and patterns all sl/cs , from 1 to 11 jears. You pay $300 for them any w here else. We sell them for $2 00. MEN'S PANTS , 750 A PAIR. Several hundred pairs of fine worsted and casslmcro trousers In highly desirable pat terns , that are never retailed under $2 50 , go now for 75o a pair. NECKTIUS , 100. We have a big lot of Wilson Bros' , bows In almost every color , mudc In the latest style , and sold all over town for 23c. Wo close the lot at lOc a tie , BOYS' 2-PIECE SUITS , 75C. If we were not going to quit business you would have to pay $ J.OO for this same Milt. A good line of stjlcs jet at 75c. Ages , t to 14 years. MEN'S CLAY WORSTED SUITS , $10.00. Some made with plain stitched edge , oth ers with handsome flat braid binding , In sack and frocks , and all the desirable col ors. They are just hal fprlce at $10.00. SUSPENDEHS , IOC. AH the Wilson Bros , and wire buckle sus penders that we used to sell for 35c go now for lOc. BOYS' LONG PANT SUITS , $3 00. They are cut single and double breasted , neat pin checks , small plaids and stripes. In clay worsted , casslmeres and cheviots , retailed at all other stores for $ G , $ S and $10. Our quitting price Is only $5 00. MEN'S SQUAHE CUT SUITS , $ C 50. Cut In the latest style , corded edge , In black cheviots only. A good assortment of colors In sacks and cutaways. Not a suit worth less than J'3.00. We close them at $ GSO. MEN'S SPItINO OVERCOATS. $4.50. These are dark brown In eolor , silk lined , and are the best wearing $1000 overcoats over produced. Wo are quitting business , your choice for $4 50. MEN'S aoon SUITS AT $100. In every color , all wool , casslmero or chev iots , suits that wo never retailed before for less than $ S 00 , now go for $1.00. MEN'S BUSINESS SUITS , $150. Men's warranted all wool cheviot and casslmcro suits , excellently made and trimmed , good line of colors , go at $1.50 , Worth $10 00. MEN'S SACK SUITS , $6.00. These are black cheviot suits In sacks only , single or double breasted , that can't bo sold anywhere else for less than $12.00. MEN'S COHKSCHEW SACK SUITS , $7.50. Elegantly made and trimmed In single or double breasted style , In all the prevailing colors. They are black corkscrews that no retailer would sell for less than $15.00. Our price , $7.50. MEN'S SUITS , $0.00. Fine casslmcio and Cheviot suits In blue , black and brownish colors , all fast , the most popular suit of the season. Lots of pcoplo pay $18 00 for suits not a bit better. Get them of us for $9.00. MEN'S FINE SUITS , $11.00. The very finest Imported and domestic * fancy worsted and cuhblmcro suits , cut In the latest long sack ami frock st > Ics. Best dressers wear thorn , and pay $25.00 fet them any where else but here. Our price , , $11.00. BOYS' KNEE PANTS , IOC. You may not expect to get a very good pair of pants for lOo , but they 'would neVcr bo sold for less than 30c If wo wcro not going to quit. They are elegant goods In several nice patterns. Sizes , 4 to 14 years. MEN'S PANTS , fiOC A PAIR. An odd lot of the latest spring trousers In neat and new patterns , that never whole saled less than $1.50 , now COc a pair. MEN'S SACK SUITS , $300. ' Men's suits In grays , oxfords and pin checks , all perfect goods In sacks only , at $3.00. You couldn't buy them for less than $5.50 unless wo were quitting. , . QUIT. rOTTTMRT CLOTHING \j\jL U M. D 1 COMPANY , I3th and Farnam , ST , JOSEPH , MO , TIRE COPPIRN \ i \ We are Headquarters for if . . , Represented in Nebraska by M. SACHS , N. H. COHEN , LEO. F. WESTHEIMER , DIRECT FROM THE TANK. A'o Hotter. Xo titeam. No Hnutnrtr. I1KST I'OWUIl for Corn nnd JVed .Mlllo , Ilnllnir llnj , Hiiliiilii'SomnitorH ( | , CieMinoilcn , ito OTTO GASOLINE ENGINES Stationary or Portable. 4 to BOH. I' . 8 to 20 II. I1. fnid for CotalouuiI'rlccs , rto. , ilercrlblnit work to bn dontv Caicatro , 245 Luke St. OTTO GAS ENGINE WORKS , Omaha , 107 S. 14th St 33d A , Walnut Ht . , IMULA.UULl'UIA , PA. & Co. Empkie-Shugart . , JOJ1J3&KS IN SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE AND FIELD SEEDS. BICYCLES A full line of medium and high grade wheels. Send for catalogue. 109 , 111,113 , 115 Main Stre3tCouncil Bluffs , U