* THIS DAILY BKE. X COUNC1I * BLUFFS. W OFFICI3 - - NO. 12 I'UAItli 8TIU2UT Delivered by carrier to nny port of the city. II. W. TIL/TON , Manager. \ TEI.ni'llONIIS IluslneM olllco , No. 43 ; night editor , No. 23. .1/K.VTIO.V. 'Attend Boston store syndicate sale. The Odd Fellows gave a dance last evening In Woodmen hall. Special meeting of the Woman's Relief corps this afternoon nt 2 o'clock sharp. Unity Guild will met thin afternoon nt 2:30 : o'clock nt the homo of Mrs. Moore , C1G Pierce street. Friends cordially In- .vltcd. The county authorities have received word of a case of smallpox In Cnrson , In the cast end of this county. The hantio has been placed under quarantine. Adolph Wltflklo died at 3 o'clock 'yesterday niornlng of hemorrhage of the lungs. The funeral will take place trom the H'sidence , 328 Williams street , Sunday nt U p. in. VlctoBovco , n small boy living on Bast I'lcrco street , was reported lost yesterday by his parents. Ho was found during the day near Chief of Police Scanlan's house. Captain Maclnnls and wife of the Sal vation army will temporarily separate In n short ( time , the latter going back to her liomo In Wisconsin , while the former will KO to St. Louis to attend the Salvation nrmy congress. A couple of fellows were found yesterday Eclllng cheap brass rings to parties who took them for 18-karat gold and paid prices accordingly. They were nrrested and charged with vagrancy , but the charge of peddling without n license will be preferred against them today. _ The Imperial Fire Insurnnca company of London Is ono of the largest and strongest board companies In the world. Lougec & Towie , 235 Pearl street , are sole agents In Council Bluffs for this company. A Spcchil Hulu Day. It Is becoming customary In various cities to Imve special days In almost every Im aginable trade , business or profession , and It by no means loses Its Identity In the dry goods business , and as a guarantee regard ing above statement , you need only call at 401 to 40G Broadway and see show windows dews of silks , and you will be convinced upon seeing display and prices that It cer tainly Is a special silk day , given by the Boston store. All prices hold good during Friday only , or as long ns goods may hold out. As a special Inducement , we will sell all our black dress silks , kal kl , wash silks , swivel silks , pongee silks , crepe , and every j > leco of silk or satin during this sale nt cost price. Don't fall to see show window display and prices. Sale only lasts one day. Friday only , and begins at 10 a. in. FOTHKRINOHAM , WHITI3LAW & CO. Got prices of Shugart & Ouren , leading seedsmen , Masonic temple. Council Bluffs. Gas cooking stoves for rent and for sain at Gas Co.'s ofllce. _ Washerwomen use Domestic soap. I'ERMHTAL JMH.IOK.II'W.S. George T. Phelps Is back from a western trip. Thomas I ) . Metcalf , Jr. , Is confined to his homo by an attack of pneumonia. . J. ( H. Safely has returned from a year's stay In Minnesota and the eastern part of Iowa. Mrs. W. V. Miller of Oil City. Pa. . Is visit ing her brother , J. M. Oursler , Mornlng- sldo avenue. K. A. Bates , better known as "Lou , " has recently been appointed to the position of first assistant chief of the ( Ire department In Denver , Colo. Ho Is n brother of John Dates of the Council Bluffs fire department , and the news of his success will be received \vlth a great deal of satisfaction by his many friends hero , where ho was formerly engaged In railway work. Death Is an unbidden visitor. Will ho call tomorrow , next week , next month , or next year ? ask yourself. If so , have I made micli provjsloh for those depending on mo as I ought ? The Bankers Life association of DCS Molncs affords such protection that you can go to bed every night feeling perfectly secure. It In thoroughly trustworthy , yet on account of Its Income from reserve ( $1,214- 240.G3) ) the cheapest In cost. W. O. WIRT , Agent. Cole & Cole give a $1.50 cook "book with every New Process steve sold. The genuine New Process bakes better , makes less odor and Is the handsomest steve made. New nsbestos oven retains nil the heat. When you como to the best hose for sprink ling the lawn It Is the Maltese Cross. You can always get this and lighter grades In rubber and cotton hose at Blxby's , 202 Main street. _ Attend silk sale at Boston store Friday. Wlii'fl Club Itnns. Captain George E. Wlllamson : of the Gany mede Wheel club announces the following runs for the month of May : AVodnesday , May 2 , 7:30 : p. m , . Fort Omaha , 17 miles ; Sunday , May C , 8:30 : a. m. , Bellevue , 32 miles ; Wednesday , May 9 , 7:15 : p. m. , Lake Manawa , 8 miles ; Sunday , May 13 , 8:30 : a. m. , Timber lake , 20 miles , "bass hunt , " bring your dinner and stay all day ; Thursday , May 17 , 7:15 : p. m. , Pony creek , 11 miles , Joint run with Tourist wheelmen ; Sunday , May 20 , 8:30 : a. m. , Glonwood.10 miles ; Wednesday May 23 , 7:15 : p. m. , Florence. 22 miles ; Sun day , May 27 , 8:30 : n. in. . Papllllon , 32 miles ; Wednesday , May 30 , 7:15 : p. m. , South Omaha , 1C miles. Riders are requested to read road rules , which are posted on club bulletin. Work. Mr. W. J. Lauterwasser , well known to boone ono of the best furnace men In this section , has engaged with P , C. DeVol. Ho and John Scott will work together , and It goes with out saying that whatever they do will be perfectly done. Now Is n good tlmo to look" up the furnace question , 13 vans Laundry company. Shirts , collars , and cuffs n specialty , G20 Pearl street , Tel. 290. Reasonable rates for family work. Millinery ; latest styles ; reasonable prices. Miss Ragsdale , 10 Pearl street , Attend silk sale nt Boston store Friday. AdHlgiiuo'N Iti'port. William Gronowcg has made his report ns receiver of Peter Beck's bankrupt stock. The report shows that ho received $3,455.73 , and the claims filed amounted to $8,001.87. The expense of handling the stock amounted to $311.70 , and the cash now on hand Is J3.13C.03. Mr. Oronoweg states In the re port that the claims nro nil just , with the exception of that of J. M. T. Schneider which was for liquors sold In violation of the ttate law , and that many of the book ac counts are worthless , While you are paying for laundry why not get the best ? The Kaglo laundry solicits a trial and Invites comparison. Telcpliono 157. Jnrvls Wine Co. , Council Bluffs , la. , agent JarvU 1877 brandy , wines and liquor. Everybody knows Davis sells drugs. The laundries use Domestic soap. PopullHt C'onvmtlnu. The populists of the Ninth congressional district will hold a convention at Atlantic , May 29 , to put a ticket In the Held. There will bo seventy delegates present , divided umong the counties as follows : Audubon , 3 ; Adalr. C ; Cass. 9 ; Guthrle , 7 ; Harrison , 13 ; Mills , 7 ; Montgomery , 7 Potlanmttamle , 12 ; Shnlby , 8. When Baby was nick , us cave her Costorla. When she was a CliIIJ , nho cried for TastorU. When she became MUa , tlio clunjf to Custorla. When ilto had Chlldrcu , the gave tlioiri Castorli. NE\VS \ FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Workingmcir Organizing for Protection from the Haril Times. WILL HUNT EMPLOYMENT FOR MEMBERS Wilt UrKii Piildlc Warn * to l.'imliln the Idle .Mm to Kuril WIIKM Cnimiilttca Appointed to Tiiliu CliitrRU of the .Mutter. A meeting of tlio laboring men of Uio city wns hold last evening nt Dolour's mission rooms for tlio purpose of forming an or ganization to sccnro employ incut for tlic men who Imve been Buffering from ( tin ef fects of tlio prevailing Imnl times for the pa t few months. Henry Dclong wns tem porary clinlrman. The room was packed. Tlio committee on permanent organization recommended the following for permanent ofllcerH : President , J. C. Ucllnven ; secre tary , W. II , Kncphpr ; treasurer , Henry De- long. There seemed to bo but little knowl edge among those present , ns to what was the right course to pursue , and moat of the time which , It had been expected , would bo need In devising plans for the organiza tion wns frittered away In listening to npccchcx , the prevailing feature of which was complaint at the present condition of thing ! * and denunciation of the political purlieu. As near as could be surmised from the speeches , however , the object seemed to bo to Induce the county and city authorities to mnko public Improvements , such ns grad ing mid paving of streets and cutting down hills. In order that the worklngmen might have a chance to earn wages. One of the speakers made some references to Kelly's urmy , and John Ahles , who had already had his say , tried to cull him down , llut Kelly's army scorned to have still some of Its old-time popularity and Ahles had to nubsldo , while the speaker went on with his speechifying. It was suggested that a committee of five bo appointed to devise ways and means of securing employment for the laboring men , but n man In the front part of the hall asked who was going to pay for all this work that Itus proposed to have done. Chair man DcIIavcn admitted that it would prob ably bo the taxpayers , whereupon the man mounted the platform and proceeded to argue against doing anything that would tend to Increase taxes. Ills suggestion did not meet with favor , however , and ho was soon compelled to sit down by the cat-calls that filled the hall. The motion was carried , and the following were appointed as the committee , some of them not being present : Henry Delong , Klnley Burke , J. a. Lemon , W. II , Knepher and J. C. DoIInven. It was then decided to adjourn until next Monday evening , at which time It Is ex pected that I ho committee will have thought far enough ahead to have some definite plan In view. A cMiimltteo will then be appointed to lay the needs of the worklngmen before the city council , witli the request that sueh steps may be taken as will secure work for the unemployed. UKNMSUN JUIOS. Ills Itciniiiint Siilo Friday. G.OOO yards of the very best American In digo blue calico , all In remnants , 2 to 10 yards , at 2c yard. 1,000 yards of white shaker flannel In remnants 214 to S yards , at 3o yard. Hemnants of white goods atlc , Oc , Gc and Tc yard. Only half price. Kcmnant ! } of table linen at half price. Hemnants of toweling at half price. Hem nants of dress goods and silks at half price tomorrow. Friday is the day. 1,000 yards of all silk ribbons , Nos. 2 , 3I , G , at 2Vfco yard. Greatest ribbon olfer ever made. GOO 3-pound bars Kirk's pure glycerine soap , 25o a bar. HENNISON nUOS. , , Carpets and Curtains , Council muffs. Open every evening. .Siilnir for I , lljol. Artlo M. Goodwin commenced two suits la the district court yesterday , In each of which she demands a judgment for $50,000 damages for libel. In the first suit the Western Union Telegraph company , the As sociated press , United press , tlio Mutual Reserve Fund Life association and the Provi dent Savings Assurance society are defend ants , while In the second The Bee Publishing Company of Omaha Is made defendant. The case grew out of the publication of an Item April 27 , 1892 , describing the suicide of Matt Goodwin , an Insurance man , In Chicago , and staling that the domestic life of the suicide and his wife , who Is the plaintiff In the present suits , had been a very stormy one. Mrs. Goodwin has engaged a firm of Omaha lawyers , and In her petition filed yesterday alleges that she has been greatly damaged by the false and malicious statements con tained In the published articles , and claims the article. In addition to being published In The Bee , appeared In the. Council Bluffs Nonpareil , the Iowa State Register , St. Louis Republic and the Chicago Inter Ocean , Her ald and Times. GitriilHlimoiitx Must .Stop In lou'it In a short time , as Iowa has passed a law against them. This Is your last chance to collect your accounts before the law goes 'nto force. The Nassau Investment company has reduced Its charges and will guarantee collections against persons not living In Iowa , but who are employed by some rail way , express or telegraph company having an agent In Iowa. Write at once for terms and references. Council Bluffs. Moyers-Durfeo Furniture company , 338 , 338 Broadway , headquarters for bargains and flno furniture. _ Attend silk sale at Boston store Friday. Domestic soap breaks hard water. Will Itcnprn , It Is now regarded as practically settled that the Grand hotel will bo reopened , and that within a very short time. For several weeks past negotiations have been going on with that end In view , and while the legal formalities have not all been completed yet , the deal bus really been closed. The persons having the matter In charge are not yet ready to make all the particulars public , fern n premature announcement of a similar deal roiulted In a failure to carry out their plans several months ago and the hotel lias re mained closed ever since , while It might have been running and making money for Its proprietor. It Is stated that without any doubt the hotel will bo running by the mid dle of next month. I'rollt mid l. < ns. When ono person loses another Is sure to gain In the transaction. All the Klnnchan stock boots and shoes will be sold at retail at GOo on the dollar. 211 Main street. 100,000 pansles In bloom. Now Is the tlmo to plant. Como and sco them , J , F. Wllcox , 1132 K. Pltrco. For cobs go to Cox , 10 JHin street. Tele phone 43. Show cases , carpets and furniture for sale at Woman's exchange , 18 Pearl street , JarvU Wtno Co. , Council Bluffs. 3IiirrhiK Licenses. The following marriage licenses were Is sued by the county clerk yesterday : Knino and Address. Age. ( liistuvo Btulir , Pottnwattnmlo county. . , . 20 Clara Fleming. Pottnwuttumlo county. . . . IS ThonuiH J. rarmody , Omaha n ? Elizabeth White. Omalm 26 Buy your drugs and paints nt Morgan's drug stores , 134 and 742 Broadway. Attend silk sale at Boston store Friday. Seethe now art goods at Mrs. Miles' . Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap. Muy Jlo Appointed. The following have passed the civil serv ice examination and are now ollgiblu for appointment to positions In the postoRlce under tlio rules : Clerks II. D. Sawyer , II. W. Toiler , C. W. Wallace , It. W. Hoseburry , illsius Helm I..i < y Mary 0 Dunn li , II' UN. IMItli Allen , Kttu ( laglon. Camera - Peter Hanson , I'lmrlen F. Pratt. Char.es ( Irmes , 0. F. l.ctner , C. J. Hoth and 0. It , Scott. All are resident ! ! of the city except Miss Oaoton , who lives at Th-nman , and 0. W. Wallace of California Junction. HAVE HAD WALKING ENOUGH ( Continued from First Page. ) made by the people for their entertainment. KL H13NO. Okl. , April 20. A Coxey nrmy of 700 men lias been organized to move on to Washington nnd Join the clamor for a change. CHIPPLi : CKKKK. Colo. , April 20. A legion of Coxoy's Industrial nrmy wns organ ized In this Bity tonight , fifty men subscrib ing to the roll. S. Snndcrs of San Francisco , nnd n personal friend of General Kelly , was put In command. COH'MBL'S , 0. , April 2fi. Colonel Calvin , with 2IG CommonwcalcrH , were ordered nut of Washington Court House today by the mayor and sheriff , and nre now marching to Columbus , expecting to spend the night nt Mount Sterling. ritl.l'AKATIONH AT WASHINGTON. Detectives Coming from All Over the Conn- try to Spot tlin CrooliH. CHICAGO , April 2tf. The niithorltles nt Washington have requested the chiefs of police In all of the large cities to detail th Ir most experienced detectives to either follow the armies or go to Washington nnd nsslst the police department of the capital to manage the great crowds that are certain to assemble there. The nuthorltlos believe that criminal characters from all over the country will Hock to thai city. By massIng - Ing trained detective * , recruited from all parts of the United Slates , nt the eapltnl these characters can be spotted and locked up. The authorities at Washington will pay all the expenses of the olllcers supplied , and Intend to keep them there n month or two until all the trouble is passed. WASHINGTON' , April 20. The district commissioners cast a damper over the local supporters of Coxey's movement today by refusing them permission to hold open tilr meetings. The Coxeyltes nrc nngcrcd nt this. this.The The event of the day was the advent of Citizen George Francis Trnln , who pre dicts that we are on the verge of the big gest revolution the world has even seen and that the'JoITersoii Davis matter won't be an Item In comparison with It. The authorities In charge of the capltol buildings are now considering the advisability 'of formally titirrenderlng their authority to the District of Columbia and asking that a sulllclent protection be given by the police force of the city. Major Moore of the city police force has promised ample reinforce ments If necessary. An Odd Fellows' procession attempted to march through the capltol grounds today , but wns turned back at the entrance by the capitol police. The Odd Fellows made some remonstrance , but when assured that the law permitted no exceptions , they quietly submitted. The Incident will doubt less prove n precedent If Coxey attempts to Invade the capltol grounds , as he has said It was his Intention to do. Sergcant-at-arms Snow of the house today took precautionary steps for the protection of the big cash lockers containing the pny of congressmen during the coming Influx of Coxeyltes. Captain Garden of the capital police , nt Mr. Snow's request , stationed nn armed officer outside the door of the office throughout the day. Another officer will sleep alongside the safe through the night. The supply of cash kept on hand will be reduced to the bare necessity of the office. WHAT TO IIO WITH Till ! : I'KISONEKS. War Department at Washington ICxcrclsod O\rr n I'crtlnrnt Oticntlon. WASHINGTON , April 20. Advices from the seat of war in Montana were slow In coming to hand at the War department this morning. About noon a dispatch came to army headquarters from Colonel Swain , com manding the Department of Dakota , reportIng - Ing the capture of Hogan's Commonwealers by the Twenty-second Infantry under com mand of Lieutenant Colonel Page at For- sythe , Mont. The problem Is now what to do with the captives. Colonel Swain had Instructions to turn them over to the United States mar shal , but It Is feared that the latter at prcs- en cannot take care of all the prisoners. The attorney general is waiting to hear from him , and will lend all assistance within Ills power. At the War department It Is be lieved that the marshal will simply bold on to the ring leaders In the movement and return with them to Butte for such action as the court may direct. The others , It Is presumed , will break up their organization and disperse , warned by the fate of their leaders to refrain from further trespass on railroads or private property , and being kept under espionage by the troops mean while. The War department has token no action toward Interfering with the Frye party which captured n train on the Vnndalla road In Indiana yesterday and probably will not do so unless application for assistance Is made by the governor of Indiana. The Vandalla line is not operating under the direction of the United States courts , and therefore the federal government cannot take the Initiative In moving against the train stenlcrs. It Is evident that the national authorities are , somewhat disap pointed and chagrined at the failure of the governors and local authorities In western states to do their full duty In such cases ns that happening at Terre Haute yester day. All along It Is thought In official circles here that there has been shown a disposition to refrain from Interfering with these organized bodies , oven where they have violated priperty rights and the laws of the states , each locality contenting Itself with transferring the evil as rapidly us possible to the neighboring town or state , as the easiest way to get rid of the trouble. It cannot be set up In extenuation by the state authorities that they have not the power to deal with tl\o lawbreakers , for the national government has shown Its readiness to exert Its forces and powers whenever called upon by the slate or local authori ties. CIiVii.ANI IS NOT SCARED. . Military Guards Iliivo Not Ilocn Placed A round tlin White House. WASHINGTON , April 26. Although re ports have been current that the White House guards had been reinforced , President and Mrs. Cleveland were seen driving through the principal streets of the city In an open carriage with only the colored driver on the box. A local afternoon paper printed a story that a special guard was on duty each night outside the president's door , but the report Is not true. The white house grounds and house will bo well guarded and a close watuh will bo kept for suspicious characlnrs , but President Cleveland Is decidedly avciso to being kept under guard , us It were , nnd , moreover , the ordinary arrangements for guarding the wlrto house when crowds are hero are considered siifllclent. A matter which gives the president more concern was the permission a local real estate dealer gave Coxey to encamp In Woodley park , which adjoins the president's country place. Senator Stewart was asked whether' ho would grant the request of Mr. Coxey to camp his urmy on the senator's property at Chevy Chase , In the northwestern suburbs of the city. Ho replied his permission had not been asked nnd added that so far as ho could see at this tlmo there would bo no ob jection to the army's camping there In case Ihey should desire to do so. There Is plenty of land , said he , and they can do It no In jury. Representative Lafe Pcnee ( pop. ) of Colorado has received a dispatch from Jeff Smith , known throughout the west an "Soapy" Smith , that ho would start for Washington at the head of 1,000 Denver men. Assistant Doorkeeper Smith of the houno of representatives received n similar dispatch. There Is doubt " " some whether "Soapy" Smith Is In Jest or In earnest. He wns at the head of the forces which resisted Governor Wulte In his recent crusade against the gamblers of Denver. The committee on public comfort hold a mooting at the Coxey headquarters yester day , at which It was decided to receive do- of the newspapers of the city to receive do nations to the funds which will be devoted to the subsistence of the Commonweal while In this city. Ono member of the committee , Mr. A. Troglna , who Is a skilled musician In the Marine band , handed In his resignation at the auggcstlou of bis coiumaudltig odccr , Cnptaln Murphy , whu Bought It w.is unwisi for an enlisted mnp ft ) Identify himself prominently with thla-iuavcmcnt George Frnncl Tr lli Is expected today nlso Rov. M. 1C. Crtmt.T of the Primitive Apostolic Church of ifltid * who is Uio young minister who has advertised ho will deliver n discourse Sunday night for the benefit of the Commonwcnlers ion * the decidedly tin- scriptural llicmo : "Uxnned Fools. " , Senator Peffer hail Introduced' another bill to provide workfcfor. the unemployed In the District at Columbia. The bill provide * for the Improvement of 1he public grounds of Washington by fiiylng out nnd making walks nnd nagon ways , nnd by the opening up of highways wherever needed In the dis trict , and for -Improvement of those already provided. The1 work Is to bo done under the supcrvlsloft' a commission com posed of the senntot and house committees on the District of Columbia , with Senator Harris ns Its chalrmnti. Persons within the District who have no other employment nre to be engaged for n dally wage of $1.50 for eight hours dally work , nnd $1,000,000 will be appropriated. STOKV OK TIII : IIATTU : or im.Mxas Citizen of Turn inn Who WIIH on tlio ficeiio lYlln U'lmt lie Snw. TACOMA , April 20. A special to the Leader from Allen Mason , n prominent cit izen of Tncoma , who was nt Billings nt the time of the fight on the westbound train , says : "About 1 o'clock the Coxey contin gent from Buttc , COO strong , wearing tri color badges , rolled Into Billings on fifteen freight cars , loaded on top and Inside nnd with flags flying , followed closely by a train containing United Stntcs marshals. The westbound passenger train wns laid out thirteen hours , fearing to run up against them , and for safety went on a side track half n mile below town , the Coxey train nnd parties having their own wny. At Columbus the railroad officers had ob structed tJ-.a track last night , but the train got by. Upon arrival at Billings Leader Cunningham , from the top of a car , was ad dressing a large crowd when about fifteen deputy marshals rushed passed under arms to capture them. The crowd surged from all sides , while the Coxeyltes gave the mar shals warning to commit no violence. The engineer wns placed under cover of rifles nnd ordered to leave the cab , when bang , len or n dozen times , went the rlflcff. The Coxeyltes charged nnd the marshals re treated under fire. "Kill them ! " "Ilnng them ! " shouted the Coxeyltes , who saw ono of their men on top of the train with blood streaming from a wound in his forehead. Several deputies ran , followed by the crowd , hurling stones and hitting several of the deputies , who were driven back to the train , narrowly escaping with their lives. The Coxeyltes smashed the captured rifles In pieces over the railroad tracks. The action of the marshal In shooting In the miscel laneous crowd Is severely condemned. One citizen was shot through the lung , but will recover. There were no fatalities. The Billings people furnished an dbunduneo of provisions , and , after speeches by Leaders Cunningham , and Hognn denouncing the deputies as murderers , they violently cap tured a fresh engine and pulled out for the east , claiming the right of way. The dep uty marshals remained In Billings. riSNNOYKIC WIM , NOT I.NTKIU'KUi : . Oregon's ( lovurnor Kefustw to Send Mllttla to I'rotcct llullrnad Properly. PORTLAND , Ore. , April 20. The Indus trial army , about COO' strong , camped at Troutdale , eighteen ! miles from here , took possession of the Union Pacific station nnd drove out the operator' this morning. As soon ns the news reached this city attorneys for the Union Pacific applied to Judge Bel linger of the United Stales district court for an Injunction restraining the army from Interfering with the company's property. United States Marshal Grady left at 2 o'clock on a special train for Troutdale , where he served the order on "General" Schelller , the leader of the army. Late this evening Sher iff Kelly requested' ' Governor Pennoyer to order the militia to Troutdale , but the gov ernor refused to comply. Troops Held In Iteudlness. VANCOUVER BARRACKS , Wash. , April 20 Instructions were' received today at the Department of the Colombia to hold five companies of United States troops in readi ness to inarch at an hour's notice if re quired , in enforcing the order of the United States court relative to the threatcnd cap ture of a Union Pacific train near Troutdale. WASHINGTON , April 2C. In view of the reports from Idaho that a Coxey army Is organizing In the Coucr d' Alene mining dis trict In the northern part of the state , and that an attempt may be made to seize a train. Attorney General Olney , after a conference with Senator Dubols , sent a telegram to the United States marshal of Idaho similar to those sent to the marshal of Montana. In caeo of his inability to prevent violations of the law , ho Is directed to lelegraph the facts to the president and ask the assistance of United States troops. ( ieorgu I'ninclH Train Hires n Hull. WASHINGTON , April 2G. George Francis Train addressed a small audience In Masonic hall this afternoon. The audience was nboul evenly divided between those who sympa thized with the Coxeyltes and those who came to bo entertained by the physchlc phil osopher. Ho said he did not belong to any of the armies now advancing on Washing ton , ho being , In fact , a whole army him self , but ho had undertaken to see that the powers that bo nllowed a hearing In Wash ington. Ho had hired two halls and had tendered them to Coxey , Browne , Frye and Kelly by telegraph. I'eilcniti'd Labor Mooting , The call for n meeting In Bauer's hall , South Omaha , Wednesday evening to or ganize a packing house employes protec tive union brought out the largest as semblage of worklngmen ever gathered to gether In that city. The meeting was held under the auspices of the Omaha Central Labor union and was presided over by C. Christiansen. About 150 charter members paid their Initiation fees nnd were enrolled. The nnme adopted Is the Magle City Feder ated Labor. The next meeting will be held In Bauer's hall next Wednesday evening. Another Indtmtrlul Army. SIOUX FALLS , S. D. , April 20. ( Special to The Beo. ) An Industrial army has started out from Eureka , this state , In wagons and Intends to travel that way to Washington. The army has chosen a cap tain , and , although the numbers nro ns yet few , they nro expected to grow rapidly. _ i .C' 1'or Handling Obscene Literature. George Smith was nrrested yesterday nt the union depot by Olllcers Drnmmy nnd Fleming , chtirged with distributing and sell- In ? obscene literature. Sweet breath , sweet 4stomach , sweet tem per ? Then use DoWIU'B' ' Llltlo Early Risers. Jlltf Spefiul ' Itnro Off. NASHVILLE , April ,20. The Cumberland Park club tonight notified the press tlint the big special to have been run here May 1 has been declared' off on account of the backing out of Chris 'Smith , owner of Yo Is tlio largest nnd beat asBortod In tlia West , ranging from the finest StIOHS made to the best there Is of a medium grade. m rt * ijf- * . K& Any pair of shoes In the store can bo purchased nt the wholesale cost price nnd . . jki over half will sell for less than they coal. < yi i TJtE REASON ! , The largest part of this stock I bought of MR. F. II. EVANS fpr GOc ON THI2 DOLLAR. I can well nfford to soil It for less than It originally cost. _ „ The f Xfc ? SS3 * SWFI VV''V Von have of n genuine CUT SALE nro ! $ ® teS : VL" i < iiM' * - lVu .t 11 rnre and this ono will not occur again. . , * „ rs 2 Everybody known that Evuns sold CURTiS & WIIELLER La dies' llutton Shoos for $5.00. 1 soil thorn fur if- It Everybody knows thut Evnns Rot SO.OD for STACY" ADAMS * A QQ Men's Fine Shoes. I'jot { V ' Ladies' Huttoti Shoos $4.00 for $3.00 Ladles' Oxfonla. fine $2.50 for SI.00 , ' > -f Ladios' Button Shoes $11.00 for 8U.23 Ladies' Oxfords , line $1.50 for 90 1t | . Lots of nice Shoes for $1.50 06 Mon's $5.00 Shoes for 93.50 . Ludies' Oxfords , line 34.00 for $3.00 Men's S 1.00 Shoes for $3.00 Ladies' Oxfords , line $3.50 for$2.40 Men's $3.00 nnd $3.50 Shoes for $2.40 28 Main and 27 Pearl Streets , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA LARGEST STORE WEST OP CHICAGO. LOWEST PRICES EVER MADE. , j For mail orders during this sulo send 2. > c to pay express charges. Tnmblen. In plnoe of this there will be arranged If possible .a special between Clif ford , Carlsbad and others of the besl west ern handicap horses to be run on that day. VKit.i VCIIKU ins YOUXU i-ui'ir. . Sunday School .Superintendent of Month Ua- l > tn Sen ten ci'd to ( ho Pen , SIOUX FALLS , S. D. , April 2G.-Speclot ( to The liec. ) Henry Van Nice , the Sunday school superintendent who wns convicted at sgduelnjf one of his young Sunday school scholars nt Flandreati , where both resided , lias been sentenced to tlie penitentiary here for one year. A motion for a stay of judg ment was denied by .ludgu Jones. A motion for a new trial will be argued in this city soon. It Is reported that Lieutenant liutts , V. S. A. , whose romantic- marriage here two years ago attracted general attention over the country , Is now trying to pet a divorce from his wife. lluttH , It will be remem bered , claimed to be critically 111 and his Intended catnp on the llrst train from Salt Lake City. She was accompanied by an uncle , who cuine along to prevent nny treachery , ns the girl's mother was bitterly opposed to the marrlnge. The Uncle fell In with congenlnl spirits and while they were gathered around the flowing bowl the sly young couple were married. Jlrs. Elizabeth Hughes of New York City has Just been granted a divorce from John II , Hughes , formerly a hotel keeper In St. Louis , but now a resident of New York with no particular business. The decree was granted on the ground of desertion. TELFMltAVlllV ItltK I'TTIES. Smallpox Is epidemic at Texarkana. English men-of-war have , gone north to warn Canadian sealers. Mrs. Robert Fltzslmmons has been granted a divorce from her pugilist husband. AVIllard Russell (2:17) ( : ) was sold at a St. Joseph horse sale yesterday for $2,200 , Walter natllco , secretary of the Sao and Fox nation , has been granted a divorce. The seventy-fifth anniversary of Odd Fel lowship was generally celebrated yesterday , The German Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor met yesterday at Tif fin. 0. The striking cokeworkcrs arrested for the murder of Engineer Paddock have been dis charged. The trial of Dr. Myers for the murder of Ludwlg of Draiult was commenced In New York yesterday. A. E Hell , city ngent of the Reid Packing company at St. Joseph , has absconded , Ho Hew tog high for his salary. The Sellgman train made the trip to San Diego in sixty-two hours , a day and a half better than tlio regular rime. Surgeon General AVynian 1ms received word from tha American consul at Lisbon that there Is no cholera at that port. The war In rates of steerage passage from European points goes merrily on. The Cu- nard company has made a rate of $1C from Rotterdam. Judge Jenkins has appointed Alfred L. Cory ns master to hear the testimony In the charges preferred against Receiver ( Jakes of the Northern Pacific. Secretary Gresham has ns yet received no proposition from Great llrltnln looking toward a proteclorntc over the Samoau Islands by that government. The confederate veterans' reunion wns hold yesterday at Dirmlngham , Ala , There was a largo attendance , and speeches were made by both confederate and union veterans. * Lessens Pain I Insures Safety to Life of Mother and Child. ] | . "MjTwlferStotism 'MoxnBR's1 FEIEKD/ passed through % the ordeal witli littlepainv , was stronger fit one hour than lit 4 a week after the bum ofi her former ; child. * jj' McGocuRiqc , Beau Station , Tcnn. " MOTHERS' FRIEND ' 'totipe ) p'afn of to terror and shortened labor. I have the healthiest chiM. ! ' ever saw.--sL. Ar. AUBRK , Cochran , Gz. Sent by express , chargd prepaid , on recefjt of price , $1.50 per bottlfr' - - - ' " h Hook uTe sold by Ail olurzutj. " .I CEQUUTUn CO. . Mlia'J , Gi. -ilX.1 COUHCIL BlUPF STEAM DYBHOJUS All klndsot Dyolnz nudUloialiu dorifc In the hl Uojt style of the urt. I'VlpJ nii Btulnotl fabrlja in ad ate to lout : us 900.1 ni now. Woric proinptly Uono nu1 Uollvoroi In nil parts of tha country. SeuJ for price lut. C. A. MAOHAN , Proprietor. Bronilwiiy , near North western Uopot. Telephoiiu 22. DRS. BETTS AND BETTS. E. V. DAVIS , M. 33. , CONSULTING 1'IIYSICIAN. CURE all forms of NERVOUS , CHKONIC AND PRIVATE DISEASES Wo euro speedily nnd permanently nil di seases of the Rcneratlvo orKiins , nlHO hldnoy , bladder , blood , skin und Btonmoh troubles. Fcmnle weaknesses , Impaired memory , nlKht omissions , etc. Our principles nnd assistants have nil made life studies of our CONSt'I/rATION I'HKB. Sfnd l-ccnls for our new 120 page book. Cull or address with stump , 119 South 14th St. , Omaha. THE ALOE & PENFOLD CO , , 1408 Farnam Street , Retail Druggists and purveyors of Medical Supplies. Invalid Chairs , Supporters , Atomizers , Sponges , Batteries , Water Bottles , THE ALOE & PENFOLD CO , 1408 KAIINAM ST. , Opposite Paxton Hotel. Or ( hit I.l < | iior llMlilt I'onlllirlT Cured by udinluUlrrlnir llr. llulucV Uoldrii Nprrlllr , Itcan tselvea < u cupoootleo ( or ei , or In food , without llio knowlodeo of the patient. II It bioluul > Imrrnlfn , and will cffeot a permanent and pscd'1 euro , nlutner tha patltnl la a modern , drinker or an aloouollo wreck. It uu been given In tbouianita of oaiei. anil In ejerr Iniutioe a perfect cure rm < fot. .owed. ItNetrrtulli. The > yetemoncolniprr aateii Vlthlue Bpeoino , It booonut a utter IrapoMlbilltjr . .r tue liquor appetite to eiiii , ' UOI.IIEN hl'KOIKIO 00. . rrop'ri , < ! U < lnn ll , O. 48-page book of parUoutara free. To be bad V Kuhn & Co. , Drut'ulBtB. ISth und UougU : Bis. . Oimiha , Keb. IMPORTANT TO Real Estate and Loan Agents The Western Mortgasa Adjustment Co. , of Topeka , KUIIHUH , bus for Kale the namus and address of over 30,000 Eastern Investors In properllos , mortgages , notes and bonds. Prices to-wlt : 100 names $10.00 , 1,000 names $7fi.OO , C.OOO and upwards at special rates. Kaeh and every one of them are KUuriui- tced to be just as represented. The following nro the directors nnd offi cers of the above mimed company : lion. A. K. lloiluei-B , Treasurer Bhawnce Co. . PrrKldcnt. Hon. John n. Mnlvnne.l'reslilont Missouri & KnnsnB Telephone t'o. nnil Hank at To- Un , Trciuiircr. Hon. B. J. llfnr , ex-Ileslator of Deeds HliaW- nf-o Co. , KannjiH. Kecti'tury. Hon. .linnet L. . Klnit , cx-l'unlmngtcr of the City of TopeU'i ' , Knns.iR. Han. Win. HlKh'Inx. i-x-Pecictary of Btnte , Send your offerings direct to the Investor. If you get one customer from each 100 namesyou ure well paid , The Western Mortgage Adjustment Co. . TOPEKA. KANSAS. OEQ. P. SANFORD , A.W. RICKMAN , President. Oabhlur. of COUNCIL BLUFFS. Iowa- Capital , - - $100,000 Profits , - - - 12,000 Om > of tin" old'-Kt tinnUn In the statp of Iowa. Wn Holicll your biiMiip n nnil eolleeti'jin. ' Wo ply C per ci'iit on HmiMli'iWiUa. Wowllluu ploiwcd to sec ; anil bervo you. Improved Quick.alid Easy iRising- Steam , trio & Hand Power Suntl for I'lreulara. Klinliall Bros. , Conncil BluClifwa WALL PAPER CLEANED --nv- - - - C. H. WAB.REN. . ( lOuvnordun with and rafer to\V. A WOOD < fc CO. , 5"U Main stieot. Telephone No. 5.V PJoticeai COUNCIL BLUFFS : 1)0 YOU KNOW THAT MAY & UU8H HAVJJ eoiiiu clloko b.HKitluu In fiult unj land ru-ur tlila city ? UAIUIAQI : UIMUVUU , CUHHPOOUS , VAULTS. chimney * cleaned. I'A lluilic , ut Tuyluf' * KldCi-ry , (40 UronjHay. ATf8TilACTB ANU I.OANa TAIIM AND city property bought uud told. I'unry A Tliomun , Council llinffi. I WANT AT ONI'll TUN ( IOOU HAUIHMIIN In sell tirucrrleit , ell , flu' . , to conmitneiH , too. In Kuarunti'nl Ilml-Hum In every r < ' pcct. weight und < iuully. ! Cull on , or iiddren.t. C. II. Uin > cr- kon. Itcti'ic Housi' , Cuuncll I Hurts. PASTrit.Uli : . KlltHT-'f < AHH. KOIl 30j I113AU uf Muck , about 3 mll'M north of lown. Cutil ; . Ji.70 to it.OC ; liornox. 14.0) ) to (7.00 fur HfiiHon , Muy 1 tu October 16) ) Kood limn In uliurtf * o ( Htnck ; I'lnity Krutta. bull und water. 1. . P. Judion. WJ GOi uvcuuo , or tu llruiulwu/ , Council llluffa.