THIS OMAHA DAILY HER : TIIUUSIUY. APRIL in lflJl.1. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Was Weak at the Start and finished at a Fractional Loss , CORN WAS FIRM AND CLOSED UNCHANGED Only n .Sntnll IttulnrM Wnt Trnninctrtl In OntR I'riivlilnnt Were ICnnlt-r nt tlio Opening on Account of Henry ItccelptA , CHICAGO , April IS. Wheat was weak nt the start and finished with a loss of % c for May. Favorable crop reports were responsi ble for the weakness and overcame a tempo rary advance caused by California drouth and an advance at Minneapolis , Corn wan firm and closed unchanged. Oats closed < 4u lower for May and provisions finished higher throughout the list , A heavy feeling pervaded the wheat market at tlio opening on account of the rain , which was falling over n great portion of the win ter wheat area. A more considerable de cline than the ' /&c or so which occurred at the start was provoked by knowledge that In California the drouth was still unbroken and that the sleet and snow storms reported ( rein the northwest would cause further delay In seeding operations. Then trading came to almost n standstill for a couple of hours In the middle of the session , and at no time during the forenoon was there any heavy trading. The opening prices were quite Ir regular , but In every case at Uc lower thnn they closed yesterday , and In a majority of Instances at Vic lower. The range for May In the first second or two was from 60'.ic ' to Me , and for July from 62c to GHic ; May went down DSftc and July from C2c to filVtC , and then recovered to COI&C and from ( il'c to C2 > 4c respectively , following which there were numerous > , c fluctuations. The first rally already referred to was caused by the strength displayed by the Minneapolis market. While May wheat hero was ' ,4c lower than It closed yesterday , at Minne apolis It was "sc higher , but the Minneapolis advance being confined to May future It lost HH first effect as a bullish factor. The mar ket became firm when shortly after 12 fi'oloek It was shown that wheat In San Kninclsco at the opening was 3c per cental higher than on Monday last. Dispatches from there used strong expressions In char acterizing the extent of damage to the Cali fornia crops. May rose to GOVic , but by 1 o'clock It was back to COc. The market clostd weak at 59T4c sellers. Corn was very linn except at the close. Fluctuationi ; had a range of % c , and the price during the greater part of the Resslon was kept above yesterday's closing rate. The heaviness with which wheat closed rniiRpil xvnnhnpss In rnrn nlsn. Only a small business was transacted In oats. The fine weather and more favorable reports tended to bring about more sellers. The provision market was easier at the opening on account of the receipts of 33,000 hogs at the yards and a decline of from lOo to luc In their price. At the decline with which the day's trading was Inaugurated there was a good demand from shorts nnd that continued during the greater part of the remainder of the session. Pork opened off from 2V4c to Be and closed with a gain for the day of 17Vic. Lard started with a decline from 2'ic to Be and wound up with an advance of lOc. Hlbs sold oft from 2V c to 7',4c early and then became strong and closed 12' c higher than they did yesterday. Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat , S3 cars ; corn , 230 cars ; oats , 135 cars ; hogs , 2,000 ! ) head. Luke business was dull at Ic for corn to Uuffalo and Ic to IHc for corn and IV&c for oats to Port Huron. The leading futures ranged as follows : Cash quotations were UK follows : Kl.Ol'lt Steady nnd unchanged. WIIKAT No. 2 spring , 53Hc ; No. 2 red , C9 ? c. COP.N No. 2 , 30 > , lc. OATS No. 2. 3o ; No. 2 white , 3lltif34 { > ic ; No. 3 white , 33SW34V4c. } KYi : No. 2 , 43c. IIAHl.KY No. 2. nominal ; No. 3. MflBTc : No. 4 , 4He. KI.AX svin-ji.s. : TIMOTHV HKKD-Prlmp. J4.2.1. PHOVISIONS Mesa pork , } 13.0013.02 < 5 per Mil. ! Inrd. J7.SOST7.S5 per 10i Ibs. ; Hhort ribs sides ( iDQFc ) , SC.fi7iii0.72Vi ! ; dry salted shoulders ( lioxed ) , JC.00 6.25 ; short clear sldea ( boxed ) , J7.00if7.2.- . WIMBICY Distillers' Ilnlshcd goods , per gnl. , The followme were the receipts aim Btilpnients for today ; On the Produca cxch iiL'O Iho butter mar ket wan quiet ; cruanicry , 10Si > 22Ho idalry , 11CS IHc. KSKS , easy , unchaueed ; strictly freali , Xmv Ynrk Markets. NKW YORK. April 18-KLOUR-Recclpts. 11.0-10 bbls , ; exports , 16,000 bbls. ; miles. 8.COO V'IKS ' , : inaiki't about steady ; demand limited and mills holding prices ( Irmly. Southern Hour , aulet ; lye Hour , iltill ; bucUvvhcat Hour , nominal. IIL'ClvU'IHIAT-Dull ; rangu of all grades , C8 ( URNMEAL Quiet ; yellow western , J1CJJT 2,70 ; llrnndywlne , J2.75. HYi-lull : ; cur lots , S1&52C ; boat loads , 5I'd t.6t' . , to arrive. IIARLin" MALT Quiet ; western. C58SOc ; Cult- nilii , 90e ; six-lowed , 82flk3c , to nirive , IIARLUY Dull ; No , 2 , OTfiWic ; miprrnded. CO" CiC7e ; No. 2 , Mllvvn\ikee , CjyiiTo ; two-rowed , stnte , CCc. CCc.WHEAT WHEAT Heceliits , 23,000 bu. ; exports , 8,000 bu , ; sales , 1,410,000 bu. futures nnd 2,000 bu. spot ; spot , dull ; No. 2 red , In store nnd elevator , C2Ue ; nllont , WTic : f. o. b. , C3'inC3'AC ' ; miKraded red , t'.K-te ; No. 1 norlhcin , We. Options opened weaker on rains west and Rood crop reports , but milled nt noon on repoils of dniiuiKO In I'lunec , predictions of n cold vvnve west and hluhcr late entdes. Trade was dull nil nfternoon. nnd llnnlly pi lees bmke under local icnlUInx , clonlnu ittl'lo ' net decline ; No , 2 led , AmII , closed nt b2Uc : Jlay , C2 13-lCe. clofeil nt G2T e ; .lunn clot.ed nt ( .3 ; c ; July. CMUlWlc. closed at C5 ! e ; AuuiiBt clOKiNl nt CC'c ; , eiemtier | | , UTU'il'l ? 9-lio ! , closed nl 67'lo ' , ; Octi.lier closed ut tS ? < ; ; December , 70 , " , ( } 71 5-ICe , el.-Hcd nt 70)ir. I'OltN HecHiU | , 2u5.l'00 ' bu. ; exports. 30,090 bu. ; sales , C'O.CKK ) bu. futuies mid 110,000 lui , Kpot ; fpots llrmer anil more nctlve ; ts'o. 2. 44V WI4)ic III clovntor : 45'4J | I5 io nlloat ; yellow , { 5c In elevator ; flcamer mixed , . | lo. Options opened easier , with vvhfiit , but advanced on talk about the IlKht movement , nnd nt noon weruilrm ; Apill closed nt 4IHc ; May. 4I& , CUV , cloned nt 4lri e : inly. UHimftr. clored ut H\c ; .September , Uiltli 41) ) 11-lSe. clon-,1 nl 46Hc. OATS-lteeelpls. 71.000 liu. ; e\ports , 1.0)0 ) bu. ; fuilrs , 160XiO ( bu. futuies nnd t > see ; bu , sput : spol mnrket aulcl. but llrm : No. 2. ' ; No. 2 , du- llvercd , 3 V4o ; No. 3. 375hJ : No. 2 , tinck white western , 40 45c ; track vvhllu state , 45c. Option maiket puny nt the openhiK , then milled with corn , win iiKaln dull , nnd eliwedic \ net udv.ince ; April closed nt 37Hc ; Muy closed nt 37ic ! ; July , ICW30UC. closed nt SCllc. HAY Dull ; shlppliiK. MJJCOo ; Rood to choice , Ilinhs-Qulet : wet snlted , New Oileans se lected , 45 to CS Ibs. . 4'ifl5'.ic ! Texan selected , ? .J to.f0,11"105c - Hueno * Ayrcs diy , 20 lo 24 I.HATIIiit-tull : ; hemlock sole , Ilurnon Ayres. Unlit to heavy wi'lKhlB. IC'tB'iau ' ' : common , nomi nal. llOPS-qnlctj slate , common to cbulce , DfflKu ; Paclllo COIIBI , UUI9C : lAJtidon matket , eii-ady ; Iiolderx offer vparliixly. WOOIl > ull ; domestic fleece , I'jtflJb : millrd , tOW2Ki Texas. 90180. PUOVIHIONM-llwf. qiilft : cut me t . firm : pickled belllrit. "UtiSc ; plekled Kliouldcru , C'Uf ' CKc ; pliklcil buitiB. lOo iinKed : luiil. llrm ; we t- rin ilrutn. eloped lit JS.W ; u.ili'X , 300 tli < ice , ut 8.l51S.iO ; April co l nt ts.20 nomlnnli Mny , JS.1S noiiilnali July , 17.70 nomlnnl ; pork , temly Hiid active ; new ine > n , JH.IJJill.tO ; extra prltni * , III : faintly , tll.l"J tlS.23 ; "lion clear , JU.COdld.OO. lIUTrini-Dulet : weitvrn dairy. ItftlJo ; wral em creamery , 17i24c : weKt in factory , 10V14o : ICIgltm. 2o ; ntulii dairy , lefftSui suite creamery ( new extra ) , 2lc , KOOSVuker : ulate and Prnnnylvnnlu , Kci rec lrtt . ll.W-O IIKKI.I Bouihern. " - - TALLOW StfHily ; city , Ho ; country te. iia to uunllty , PICTROLUL'M-Sleady ; united closed at S5o bid. bid.ROSIN ROSIN Dull ; strained , common to coed , II. 17 > iBl. 20. Ktttlu liuKe , . , pnrt kl . full Kkinw. ya' ' r. Jtll'IJ Kiemiy'domestic ; , poor lo cxlra. 'iT6c ; Jiipnti , 4fcfl4"iii. MOI.AHSKH gm.i nnd ntnutv : New Otloani , open kettle , ifnod to cliolrr > , iVfJtk- . PHI IKONIhill. . COI'PHIl-QUIi'l , Inkc. OUr * . I.KAU-FIrm : donicitlc. M.20. TIN--Veiy llrm for l it and later d slmltx , ) ; plnlii * . tlrnii Knlrn on 2S ton ) * | mt tin. nt JI9.M , nnd 10 tonii A | > rll , iub- j rt lu duty clause , ul JI9.WWFnil.eo. HPIll/ri'H-Uiill ; domestic , 19.49 bid. HUlAll--llnw , sternly , unehiniruli Mies , l.f/0 tons centrifugal , M lent , ex-ship , at 2" o ; icHued , Btrnily and fattlr active. I.ncnl I'rodnrn .Mnrkrt , IlL'TTI'It-Thc mntkct IK ( imrtlcally unchanpH , Ultra choice roll butter. I lift 1 So ; choice country , llflISc : pncklnK Mnc ( , Tfffw' . UdllH Tin * ri-crlpts nr , * fairly liberal , nnd the tnaikr-t In rter.dy ; rlrlctly fresh CCRK , 9Ht10c ; I.IVIJ' 1'bui/rnV The condition * ! arc pnictl- rally utirli/inKi'il , prlcr * ) In'lnit barely iteady , IITIK , C'.iff'c ' ; young looslcr * , Cc ; XaKRy > tock , 4Wfc ; old roosters , 3c. VHAI Tlii-re In a fairly ( food minjily , but KIICH ! ntock b < ncnrcc , Good , fat vealii , 7U75o ! ; thin or heavy. 3tt.V. UONiV : niolce wliltf clover. 16c ; California , l o ; dark honey , I2'.i ' l3c. MA KVItUP-iallon : jugs and conn , per dnz. . m.CO ; half ) tnllnn . 5C.M. MA I'M : HUOAH-IVr Ib. , IOC. OAMI3--TIIP maikrt H lower and lh demand Id very moderate. Milliard" , t ! : redheads ! , 12 ; bliiewInK t'-al , II , ! " . ; Kre-'nwInR teal , II : mlsed durkK , 75cj K''fff. JI.OWl.fiO. NlITS-f'liectnul.i , Ltd per Ib. : llnllan chest nut * , 12KI2cj almondn. ICc ; nimllxh wnlnuls , 12c ; fllberlfi. I2c : pecans , Inure , 13yilc ; pecnn , me dium , lOoi.llrnzll nutn , lie. HAHHUKIIAUT Per bbl. . Jl ; half bhl. . J2.23. Ciniilt-l'uri * juice , per bb ! . , 18 ; bnlf bbl. . JX25 : Oreson , per bbl. , J4.M ; half bbl , , J2.73 ; clarllled c'der , per bbl. , JI.M : linlf bbl. . K.75. VEaETAIILHS. HDANS Cnllfornla hand-picked nnvy , Jl.OOff 2.00 : wrutern navy , J1.76yi.SO ; common white benni. } I.COf I.T6. ONIONS Onions are quoted on orders al SOtf 90c ; onions. In bbl * . , } 2.7J. POTATOKH MlnntHota crown potatoes , In imiHll ' loin fttim store. "GOSOc ; fnmo In car lot.i , < 247.'o ; Nebraska und lown , fmm store , 65R7"c ; Colorado , from Htore. BSfiMc ; Colorado lotn , 7SW fOc ; Halt Lake , SOf/SSc : peed imiatoes , Karly Olilo. Jl.IOfrl.Si ; ICarly Hose , DOc JI.Oa. CAIII1AO1' ' I'lotlda calibnKe , per crate , J2 ; Cnllfotnla rahbnRi * . per Ib. , 2'Jc. CIII.KUV Hxlrii fancy California , I1.WJII.23. H\ViiT roTATonH-Swd polnloes , J3.2J. OUHIiN VnaKTAHLKS Hplnnch , per bbl. . J2.25 ; nidlxheM , per dor.i. 3.c ; lettuce , per doz. , 35Ji4r > e ; ciK'Uinbvrx , 12 ; parsley , tier doz , , 3Vf [ ST c ; CKK plant , per doz. , 12.25 ; onions , per doz , , 2SiT30c ; in < paraKU . per Ib. , 12'4e : turnlpi ) , per bu. , II ; carrotH , per bu , , Jl ; beets , per doz , , Weir JI.OO ; water cress , per doz. , J1.7r > iT'-.00 ; Florida tomatoeg , per 6lb , crate , J4 ; new potatoes , per 50-lb. bf.x , J2.M ; milinilirB , per bu. , J2 : pie ( ilant , per doK. . "tOe : Ijerinuda onions , per bit. . Jj. AI'PI.I-'S 1'nncy western , J2.2. , per lx > x. CltANIIiitUII-.S : : There Is Rome demand for Rood Hlix'l : ; any ben leu III for shipment are wortb J7.Cflfl8.W1 ber bbl. HTIlAWIIKKIIIK.S-KlorMaR , per fUart | , MffJOc ; Texas , i > er 24-plnt case , J'l. TKOPICAl. KllUITH. DANANAS Koine fancy prices are realized nt Importetfi Hales und tbe local tn.irket la hlKlicr. Per bunch , large , J2.23ff2.73 ; Binall to medium , J1.75C-.2. " > . I.MMONri Messlnas , fancy. 14 : cliolcp. J3.60. OUANdllS Puncy riorldas , JJ.23 : choice Flor ida * . J2.7.r3.00. CALIKOItNIA OHANORS-niversldo socdllnBS. J2.fOB2.i5 ; lllvet-Hlde WnshtnKtrtn navals. Muoji' 3.25 ; Hedluiid Keedllnifn , J2.7ifi3.00 : Iledland navals , ) ' , u * ! > ailenoH and excelsior navals. Ji.TOIt1 3.00 : serdllllBH , J2.SO(2.7S. KlfJM Fancy , per Ib. , lie. UATis Iliilowces , C3 lo 70-lb. boxes , per Ib. , " ' 'I'lNHAI'l'M'S-hamc * . per doz..J3.0303.23 ; small lo rnedlum , per doz. , J2.MfJ3.0l ) . miPH REAR No. 1 block , larse , J20.00ff25.00 ; me dium , Jl ! > ; small , js.oiii/m.oo ; black yenrllncs Inrgc. J12.00015.00 ; medium , J10 ; Email , J7 ; black cuba , larce. M.OOiiS.UO ; niedlum , SJ.Wtfii.W ; small , J4 ; black Montnnn nnd RocKy mountain , InrRe. I1S.00@22.00 ; medium. JI4 : small , J10 ; black Mon- tnnn yenilines , IniRe , J12 : medium , JS ; small , J5 ; black Montana cubs , large. J6.50 ; medium , J4.60 ; small , J3 ; silver tip , Inrce. J20 ; medium , J12 ; small. JS ; sliver tip yentlings. larce. Jll , medium. JS ; small. J5 ; silver tip cubs , larse. JC ; medium , J4.0 ; small , J3 ; brown , large , JZO.OOff 25.00 ; niedlum , Jlli ; small , J12 ; yearlings. larKe , 110.OOB12.Oi ) ; medium , tl : small. J6 ; cuus , larBe , 17 ; niedlum , J5 ; small , J3 ; batlKer No. 1 , large , ll.OOfTl.5o ; medium , COc ; small , COc ; ( Ishcr No. 1 , [ urge , J3 ; medium , 10 ; email. J4 ; fox , sliver , ns to color , nccordlntr to beauty No. 1 , laige. JlOu ; medium , JCD ; small. J40 ; silver , pale , according to beauty , large. J50 ; medium. J30 ; small , J20 ; cross , Intse. J7 ; meillum ; J3 : small. J2 ; red , urge , J1.60 ; medium , Jt.25 : small , Jl ; giay , large , 7Bc ; medium , We ; small , 40c ; lilt , large , SOc ; me- No 1 , Inrge , JS ; medium , J5.WC7.W ; small , J5- otter , pule. No. 1 , large , J7 ; medium , J5 ; small , Jl ; raccoon , No. 1 , large. 80c ; medium , COo : small , 50o ; raccoon , black. n lo beauty , No. 1 large , DOC0J2.00 ; skunk , black , cased , No. 1 large , 11,25 ; medium , 75c ; small. Mo ; shoit striped , large. Jl ; medium. 70c : small. 45c ; narrow striped , large , COc ; medium , 40c ; small. 25c ; broad Etrlpe < l. large. 20625c ; wolverine. No. 1 , large. J4 ; medium , J3 ; small , J2 ; wolf mountain , No. 1 large , J3 ; me dium , J2J small , J1.50 ; prairie , large , 7075c ; medium , 60o : smnll , COc ; Denver , per skin , No. 1 Inrge. J5.006.00 ; medium. J4.50 ; small , J2 ; kits , large. J2 ; medium , Jl.CO ; small , 72c ; muskrnts winter , No. 1 large , 10llc ; medium , 9c : small , 7c ; fall. Inrgc , Sffl9o ; medium , 7c ; small , Cc ; kits , large , 23c. HIDES. TALLOW. ETC. HIDES-No. 1 gicen hides. 2ijc ; No. 1 green salted hides , 2V3c ; No. 2 green salted hides , lV482c ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 Ibs. to 15 Ibs. , 6Vc ; No. 2 veal calf , 8 Its. to 15 Ibs. . 6c ; No. 1 dry Hint hides. Cc ; No. 2 dry Hint hides , 3c ; No. 1 dry salted hides , 4c. Part cured hides Ho per Ib. less thnn fully cured. SHEEP PELTS Oreen salted , each , 25COc ; green salted shearlings ( shoit-wooicd early skins ) , each , G(715c ; dry shearlings ( short-woolcd early skins ) , No. 1 , each. DifflOo ; dry shearlings ( short-wooled early skins ) , No. 2. each , 5c ; dry Hint , Kansas nnd Nebrnkn butcher wool pelts , per Ib. . actual weight , 5QSc ; dry Hint. Kansas und Nebraska murinln wool pelts , per Ib. , nctual weight. 4CCc ; dry flint. Colorado butcher wool pelts , per Ib. . actual weight , 407c ; dry Hint , Coloiudo murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 4iCc. TALLOW AND GREASE Tallow , No. 1. 4M9 4V4c ; tallow , No. 2. Sftffilc : grense , white A , 4c ; grease , whliu B , 3',4c ; Krcnsc. yellow , 3c ; grease , ilark , 2V4c ; old butter , 2ffi2i4c ( ; beeswax , prime. 15 OISc ; rough tallow , 2O2Uc. St. I.onla AIiirlielK. ST. LOUIS , April 18. FLOUR Dull nnd unchanged. WHEAT Made n net loss of $ ge on Improved crop conditions. C'ullfornln news prevented a collnpse ; No. 2 rod , cash , 54Mc ; Mny , 55 ! < > u : July. 57 o ; August , oSKc. CORN Eased off Hie. largely because of wheat's weakness. Speculation was decidedly light. No. 2 mixed , cash , 36ic ; May , SCHc ; June , 3C7ic : July. 37'ic. OATS We.ilc , lower ; No. 2 , cash , 33J4c ; May , 32c : July , 271 u. RYE 45c bid for No. S tegular. HARLEY No trading ; Iowa , COc. IIRAN Higher , 62c cast track. FLAX SEED-J1.23. CLOVER SEED Lower : J7.500S.40. TIMOTHY SEED-J3.45tff4.10. HAY Unchanged nt J9.UOH10.00 for prime to choice timothy. IIUTTER Firmer ; separator creamery , 21Q22c ; cholco dairy , lsjf20c. EHOS Steady , quiet ; 9c. LEAD-Easler ; J3.221i. SPELTER Weaker : J3.30. CORN MEAIJl.S5ni.90. . WHISKY J1.08Q1.15. COTTON TIES Unchnnwd : 95cSJl,00. RAC.IHNO Unchnngvd ; 5j' ! Cc. PROVISIONS Firm , with more doing. Pork , standard mess , jobbing. Jl.1,50 , Lard , pilme to choice steam , J7.VJJ7.S2',4. ( ) ' Dry salt meats , lopse xhoiilders , J6.12H ; longs and ribs. SC.CT't ; shorts , Jli.K2',4. llacon , packeil shoulderii , J7 ; lonps , J7.12j'i7.25 ' ; libs. J7.15ft7.37"i " ; shorts. J7.37'iW7.W. RECEIPTS Flour , 3,000 bills. ; wheut , 8,000 bu. ; corn. 65.000 tin ; oats , 18,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour. 4,000 bbls. ; wheat , 2,000 bu. ; coin , & < ,000 bu. ; oats , 14,000 bu. Co ( Ten Alnrltnt. NEW YORK. April 18.-COFFEE-Optlons opened SfflO polntB lower. Inter ruled dull nnd henvy under local piessure. cloned dull nt BTI15 points net decline ; sales , 8,000 bags. Including April , at JIS.O'J ; Muy , nt J1U ; June , $15.b5f < 15.95 ; July. JI5.C5 : August , J15.35 ; September , 115.51 ; October , Jl I.75'11 SO. Spot coffee , Rio , dull nnd nominal ; No. 7 , JI7.25 ; mild , dull ; Contovn , J19.25 (119.50 ; sales , 70' ) hags Mexican nnd COO bags Mnrncalho. Warehouse deliveries yesterday , 8,55 ! ) biiKs ; New Ymli stock today , 110,8(6 ( lugs ; totul IJiiltvd cluck , 1U3.5-J9 bags ; nlloat for Urn Dulled SluU-K. 2r..uo < > bags ; total visible for thu United Hlntcs , 52,593 baiis , ngulnst CS0.57S bags Kill iE JANEIRO , April IS. Maiket nnn ; No. 7 , Rio , JI7.35 ; iccehilh , 1,100 tugs ; block , 92,000 b.iKs ; clcaied. 24.OW ) txies. SANTOS , Apill lS.-.Marlot cpilet : no quotn- UOIIK ; lecclpts 1M)0 ) bnga ; stock , 33,000 Un ; : cleat ed. b.igj. IIA.MIIl'ltl ) , April 18.-Market dull ; sales , G.OOO bags ; prices unchanged to (4 pfg , lower. LONDON , Aptlt IS. Maiket quiet ; prices un changed to 3d lower. HAVRE , April 18. Market quiet ; sales. 4.0W bugs : neur futures , ; ; f higher ; Intc , unchunKuJ. ' 1'rNco ( Iniln OiuilntloiiN. SAN FRANCISCO. April H.-For the nrst time In the history of the state the price of barley In the lociil maiket rout ) almvo ihnt of wheat. This was cnu cd hy the dnmngo to the growing crop by dry vvenllier nnd the small stocks of old bailey on hand. December barley opened ul J1.20 per cental , und closed ut 11,22 , Mny barley went up to Jl.11'4 ' bid , For spot barley. J1.10 wna offeied , but few snlest were made even at that llgure. December wheat got us law ns J1.13T totlny , but closed ut Jl.20i ( , May wheat dropped tu HAN FRANCISCO , April 1S.-WIIEAT-S5.C19 cclilala ; May , 51.13'i ; December , J1.2JU. Oil AlnrlietH. OIL CITY. Pa. , April 18. National Trnnslt cerllllcntCH openisl nl 85U ; lilgheit , 85t ! ; lowest , * 5 ; closed , 85 : sales. S.OOO bbln. ; shipments , 97,2\A ) bbls. ; runs. CG.M4 bbls. PlTTSHPIia. Pa. . Apill 18.-Nutlonnl Transit critllleatea openeil nt 65 ; closed at 85 ; hUheit , 15 ; lowest , 85 ; no sales. Now YorU Dry ( liiodn .Market. NEW YORK. April 18 , There w a very lirl k demuml for dry goods. A larger Inquiry VVIIN found In dress Roods of staples und funcleH and Rood relevtlons for present vales , lllankets and tlunnfls , also cotton 'tunnels , had mori > ut- ttutlou. tiUtlg tyttoiu Ui IIUl r o.u ; t , but forwnrdlngii on fiirmer purchases. Umden cools In Irnn deninnd , with nor.te InKlnn'S doltiK In lo'jrrr Rrnden. Printing clolhn quiet nl 2c bid , nnd renernlly dfcllned for C4 oiiimr.s , .MltmrnpolU M lu-iit Alurkrt. .MINN'HAPOLIR April 11Tho loenl whent nmrkrt wns very tmretlled today , with fftr of the cruller snips mnile 'ie ' lirlow lh clojne | of ye. < lerday. At thai | ) lnl buylnu wns found In bo Inrger , nnd with no Very grent nmotinl f r mle. I'rlrM niptei'lnteil | Mciidlly , nnd Mny Slid up Ic , nt that .line ipHchlng Hlnuwt the price of July , while July wonutl to be correspondingly wrak , R not ImvliiK ndvnnccd nny In the mean time. The eniue for thli ndvnncx of Mny nbovp July seemed tu be mainly loenl , Home llmi uir R wns In Use , I nnd qulto genernlly believed Dial July whent tvunM sell nl Ml/mil 2c nbovo Mny , nnd con lrtcrnble spreuillnR wns done between tins two months , Is , Mny wns sold nnd July bought to eel the benefit of the further ppiend In prices , whli-h. nt that time , was nbout Ic. Tim Inhor fltlkr * on the ( ( rent Northern , It U generally believed , will gieaUy trdiicp the re ceipts hero liolow what wen' expected , HA there Is n demand for uhout 150,000 bu. dally , for the lire of the local mills , xml suspicion wns crcntcd Hint the early futures would mlvance much moro limn the Inter , ns wheat wlil be wanted from the elevators lo mind enrly In Mny. This started pnrtlcu hnvlng such ppreudi between tlm two future * to buying Mny nnd Mllng tlielr July. Thnt broujtlit Hie two together nt one time today. When Hint runh of buying wns over there wns nnotlter spread , nnd July closed nl c nbove Mny , leaving the market % c higher for April , c lilHlier for Mny , nnd nlpout Ho higher for July Hum yesteiday. nlth the snmo price for September : cash wheat wan < io higher nil around ; April closed nt 62c , nnd Mny nt Jllly. C2Uc ; Meplember , Sl\at ntt ttnck , No. 1 hnrd , CSci No. 1 northern , 7J < ic ; No. 2 northern. 62o ; receipts wen ; I'S.noO ' bu. ; Hlilpments , 18,000 bu. ; Hour shipments. 29,618 bbls. Flour wns le- ported steady nt S3.IO&3.S5 for patenls , and J2.00 2.25 for bakers. Cotton Mnrkot , NEW ORLEANS , April IS.-COTTON-Qulet ; sales , 1,100 bales : to arrive , 2,000 bates ; receipts , 2,6 l bales : exports , Orenl Ilrlialn. 8,751 tinlri ; cember , J7.S7 7.3S. OALVESTON , April 18.f'OTTON Receipts , 1,160 bales : sales , 1,104 bales ; stock , 46,000 bales ; spots , 7'Sc. ' ST. I.Ol'IS , April IS. COTTON-Oood demand ; middling , 7ie. ! ; sales , 800 bales ; rccelpti > , 700 bales ; shipments , 800 bales ; stock , 52,300 bales. Liverpool .llnrkels. .j LIVERPOOL. April IS.-WIIEAT-Steady ; de mand poor ; lioldcrs offer moderately ; No. 1 Cnl fornln. 5sldi/5 2d ; red western , winter , ( CORN Steady ; demand poor ; new mixed , 3s lid. PROVISIONS Iteef. extrn India mess , E2s 61 ; park , prime mess. 70s ; bacon , long and shoit clear , 55 Ibs. , Kliftl ; long clear. 45 Ibs. , 35s CJ ; Inrd , prime western , 40.4. HUTTKRFinest , 85s ; good , 60s. CHEESE American , finest , JSs Cd , TAM.OW 26M.1. ! . LINSEED Oll. 2lHCd. ROSlN01111111111 ( , 3a Sid. _ Kmiiai City .Iliirkrts. KANSAS CITY. April IS.-WHEAT-About 'ic higher ; No. 2 hard , C2e ; No. 2 red , 54i.iii55o ; No. 3 red , 63c ; rejected , 45e. CORN About \te \ hlglier ; Xo. 2 mixed , 3CCD 3C'c ' ; No. 2 wlilte. 5COJ7. OATS Puor demand ; No. 2 mixed , 3333Uc- No. 3. 34e. IIUTTER Steady ; creamery , 20S22c ; dairy , 1.1 . EC1OS Quiet , stendy at Sljn. RECEIPTS-Whcat. 21,000 bu. ; corn , 2,000 bu. ; oats. non < > . SHIPMENTS , 38,000 bu. ; corn , none ; oats , none. I'rnrln Grain .Mnrket. PEORIA , April S.-CORN-Market higher ; No. 2. 39e ; No. 3 , 3Sr. OATS-Mniket Him , higher ; No. 2 white , 33Je ; No. 3 white. 33 > ic. RYE Seaice , nominal. WHISKY Muiket llrm ; high wine basis. J1.15. KKCEIIT.S Wlirut , 2MK ) Int. ; corn , 37.000 bu. ; oats , 51.000 Int. ; rye , none ; bniley. 2.000 bu. SHIPMENTS-Wheat. none : corn. 8.000 bu. ; oats , 54,000 bu. ; rye , none ; bin ley , none. Duliitli IVIicnt Murlti-t. DULUTH , Apill 18.-WHIJAT-DUI1 ; No. 1 hard , cash , C2Hc ; April , CUJic ; Muy. C3c ; Jllly , 64'.4c ' ; No. 1 northern , ciish , Cl'-.c ' ; April , KWc- Mny , C2c ; July , ftl'.ic ' : Seitetnber ) , C3)ic ; No 1 northern , cnsh , ESc ; No , 3 , 51'ic ; rejected 4Cc- on track , dellveted , No. 1 northein , tu urilvv , C3c. Car Inspection today , wlieat , 99 cars. London Sngur .linrlict. LONDON. Apill . - ' 18.-SL'aAR-Cane. dull : no demand ; Java , 14s 9d ; Muscovado , 14s 9d ; Mus covado , fair leliiilng , 12s 9d. Wool Murlmt. ST. LOUIS , April IS.-WoOL-Stcady , un changed , with fair demand ; desirable qualities iuuuu meeting ready sale. STOCKS AND IfONDS. Share Spcculiitlon Ycstcrilay Was ( Jultc Unscttli-il In Character. NEW YORK , April 18. The share specu lation today 'was ' unsettled In character. During the morning the market was strong In tone , particularly for the Industrials , In which the chief activity was displayed , the railway list being rather neglected In the early dealings. General Electric , which had been advanced 1 % per cent by the bull pool formed some time ago , began to show signs of weakness about the middle of the after noon and was singled out for attack by the bears. The selling movement In these shares was quickly communicated to the general market , nnd with the exception of some In consequential rallies the tendency during the rest of the day was downward. The lowest figures were touched Just before the close , nt which the decline from the highest point ranged from U to 2 per cent , the latter In General Electric , while Chicago Gas had re ceded 1 % per cent ; American Tobacco , 1 % per cent ; Uubber , 2 per cent ; Rubber pre ferred , 2y > per cent , and rtoclc Island , 1V4 per cent. In the final sales some of the stocks recovered a Email fraction , but the tone of speculation at the close was decid edly heavy. Compared with yesterday's final sales , the last prices made for the active Hat show but trifling changes. The bond market was firmer during the morning and early afternoon , but became heavy dur ing the last hour In sympathy with the share speculation and closed weak. The Evening Post says : The professional element dominated the market. The senti ment expressed toward the grangers was In the balance bearish. It was based on the rate wars and threatened labor troubles of western roads and the feeling that the mar ket of the higher priced stocks Is now under going a natural reaction. This found ex pression In a selling movement by room traders at the opening , who , after disposing of their stock , put out short lines. The market reacted of Its own accord. The advance - vance In the Industrials , which found Its greatest expression In Sugar , Chicago Gas and Distillers , was largely manipulative In Us character , and wns too well understood to have nny but a reflex effect on the rail road list. It was doubtless the hope ot the professionals who engineered the movement that It would extend to the grangers. The Chicago Gas "uncertainty" was made lo do further duty , while an accommodating at torney general remained in the background. Distillers was resurrected as a "speculative favorite. " The following are the closing quotations on the leading stocks of the Now York exchange today : 1'imy nt 1 per cent : Intt lonn nnd cli'Wd nt 1 p.'f tent T 1 * I PIllMlMliru'ANWlHM : I'Ai'KU-SfM per cent. HTKtlMNd r.XriIAN4.i : ln ' .M. with BCllhll in bniikerV mils ,'i for de mand , J4 SHJI.stu fur i Onvn. owlet rnten , II Vff l.mvti comtneWnT bill * . II.M0I.SGU. Hlt.VKII rKIlTtKtr.vrKH-r.PiP. IIOVKIINMKNT lloNUS-l'lim. State bonds , ' Tne doling quotation- bondtt ttTsTi * ) tfir YlH'AIi. ' : IIM | : < IIAH SIIiVKIt 2S1M per ounce. MOJJBY-1M percent. Tins rate of discount in the open market for bolli short and three moiit'm bills U 1 1-1U per cent. St. r.oiils JIlnnK ! stock Quotation * . ST. LOUIS. April 18-Mlnlnj Blocks un changed , Quotations : On tlio London > 'nrkct YOIIIC , April lS.-Thc Kvenlmr Post's London cableRiam says : The condition of American trades and ( he threntonlni ; delay In the iiassago of the tariff hill urn musing un easiness here nnd Is nftocllnrr nil the markets. If the tiiilff hill Is not paused quickly It Is feared that the position will nppro.ich n commer cial crisis. The continued rise of the AiRcntlnv Bold premium depresses 'South ' Ameilcnn stocks , which with Ameilcnn railroad shares , pinc- tlcally determines the course of the speculative markets. IluslnesH wns Idle today nnd only Kllt-edKB slocks were Ijuiicht. Americans were heavy nil day. but , nt Die close were distinctly above the worst. fllver ! ; > unchanged and weak. I'llmncjnl Notes. JIC.MPII1S. April IS.-rClearlncs , J2S1I83 ; bal ances , JS1SC7. , ' I3Of5TON , April 'iS.-CIcarlncs , tl4,349D20 ; bal ances. t2.131.ObO. BALTIMOItn. April'18. ClearlnES. J2,400,044 ; balances , J4CD13. NKW YOIIK , April 18. Clearings , t8S,4S8,032 ; balances , J4CCS,735. PIIILADIJU'IIIA , April 18.-Clearlnss , fl2OS2- 001 ; bnlnnees , > lcn2loo. PA11IS , April It. Three per cent rentes. 90f 47ic ! for the account. SAN FHANCISCO. April IS. Drafts , slsht. 12'XiC ' ; teleBiajible , l"tc ! ; Bllvtr , C3flC3i5c ; Mexican dollars , C3ffS3'Sc. CINCINNATI. April IS. Money. " ' .Jpfi pr cent. Now Yoik exchange , 30c to 40c piemluni , ClearliiKB , J2,130OOiJ. LONDON , April IS. TUr sliver opened un- chnnKcU nt 2ST4d per ounce , but later weakened and declined to 2Sid. NKW OIU.1JANS. April 18. Clearings , J1.12- 807 , New York exchange , comineiclnl , Jl pie- mluni ; bank , JI.'O premium. ST. LOUIS. Apill 18-ClearlnBS. J3,4iS,4ll ! : balances. JM1.424 ; money , dull , CK7 per cent ; exchange on New York , SOc piemlum. CIIICAOO. April IS.-riearlriBs , J14,110,000 , New Yoik exchange , C5c premium. SerllnK exchnnije , steady ; nctual rules , H.bTto 5I.8SU. Money rates. 3QC per cent. -IKN' I'ACKINCJ 1NTRKESTS. 3Iovanicnt of HORK DiirlnR the Week or Liberal Proportions. CINCINNATI , April IS. ( Special Telegram to The Ilee. ) Tomorrow's Price rurrent will say : Western markets have been liberally supplied with hogs the past week , packing returns showIng - Ing a totnl of 260,000 , compared with 230.001) ) the preceding week , and 170,000 last year , making n totnl of 1,735,000 since March 1 , ngnlnst 1,020.00) ) a year ago. Prominent places compare ua fol lows : ISM. 1SD3. Chicago . C9J.OOO 330.0)0 ) Kansas City . 279.000 KM.OOJ Omaha . 208,000 102.000 St. Louis . 115.i 0 C7.00) Cincinnati . 61.0W 41,00i ) Imllannpolls . 42,000 6i H MllwnukeB . , 00,000 35.000 Cedar Ilaplds . 21.000 21 , Ono St. Joseph . 40.000 13.000 Sioux City . 41,000 24,0)0 ) Ottumwu . 34,000 2 < ,000 Nebraska City . 31XJO 16,000 Nortliw Htorn Mlllcr'H Itcpcirt. MINNlIAt'OLIS , April IS. The Nortliweplern Miller Elves the following eiiltome of the week's milling news : The Minneapolis mills ran the heaviest List week In four months , turning out 201 , C30 bbls. , nL-nlnst 1CD.770 the week before , 1CC.CUO the corresponding time In 1 ? ! > 3. This week two less mills nru grinding. The Hour trndo was rather slow hist week. The sales approximated 103,000 bbls , Direct cxpoit shipments. 4 ! > ,42 > bhls. , against 63.490 the previous week. The Superior nnd Uululh mills last week ground 27. OX ] bliN , , against 40.754 the week befoie. The Hour ni.ilket Is reported dull nnd Inactive. Kxport shipments were 21.231 bhls. . ugiilnsl 7,300 the week befoie and 20,2U u year ngo. There nre now here awaiting lake shipments 223,8fil bbls. of Hour , conipm-cd with 224,803 n week ago and 175,214 In 1W3. _ _ Now York I.Uo Stock Market. NKW YOUIC. April IS. lIKI-JVKS-Upeelpts. 3,000 head ; opened steady ami closed dull , lOc lower ; native steeps , choice. JI.CO < f4.li5 ; good to prime , JI.32iff4.6S ; medium to fair , SI.15W4.SO ; common to dceent medium , JJ.SOfi4.10 ; prime comfed Colorado ) ) , J4.45 ; stags nnd oxen. J2.7S 4.UO ; bulls , J2.tWIS.1iO , SHIOICP AND liAMBlt Hccelpln. 3,800 hend ; very dull , V < c lowers unshom sheep , poor to prime , J3.75JI 1.7.1 ; .mi livru lambs , common to choice , JI.25ii5..S : cilni t < l unshorn lambs , good to oxlru. Jl.30ii4.75. - 11OOS Hecelpts , ID.EOO.hcad ; fair to good hogs , J5.60flB.75 ; market flriin- TUB KKIftV .1IAUICKT , JNSTUUS113NTS plhted | on record April J8 , WAURANTY DEKDS. South Omaha Uuid omixiny to O H Ferrv , lot 13. block 111 , > Bouth Oninlm . J COO W M Marshall midwlf lo ( i W Wattles , e < i , lot 10 , block 1. Pntrlck'H ndd . l.UV ) IJrnest Kreft to JoscTpir Klockner , lot 12 , block "H. " Lowe'I IH'Hl ' . l.toO J A Larkln nnd wife lo II L Smith , lot , block 7 , WalnutfHIM . 2,000 QUIT OtiXrM DUI'JDS. M J neutty to It ll'Ji , | > yJ , svv ne 32-1C-13. , 1 A C Carter et nl to's.imo , snmo . 1 K H Klor nnd wlf tu OV Kouls , lots C , 6 , 8 , 13 , 14 , block C , C 1C Muyne'u 1st ndd 1 DinODH. Sherlft to i : Xnlulskle , lot 24 , Davenport's subillv , lot 10 , block 1 , Melrose Hill . CO. Total amount of transfc'is Croup and \VUoopuie Cough. "I have three children who are subject to croup , and have found that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will cure them quicker than anything clso 1 can cot. If you do not bo- llovo that this remedy will cuio the croup , do as I did , try It , and you will soon be con vinced. " R. M , Chatman , Dewey , III. Whooping cough Is also deprived of all dan- Koroua consequences when Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is freely given. There Is nothing equal to It for cither of theno all * menu For ealo by OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKETS Eccoipta of Crtttlo nnd Hogs Pulling Behind Again by Many Thousands. SHORT SUPPLY KEEPS CATTLE STEADY Market Hrlik nt Tuesday' * Prices , with Kv crjrthlni ; Hold-IIoR * In llt-tlcr Niiin- born mill ( iooil Demand , but 11 ro Con Is I.on or. WEDNESDAY , April IS. Receipts today wcru only fair. Compared with last Wednesday they show n falling olT of about 2,600 cattle anil nearly ns many hogs , So far this week , compared with the llrst half of last week , there has been little change In cattle anil hog supplies , while re ceipts of sheep Mavo more thnn doubled. The run of cattle fell nearly 4,000 short of Tuesday's big supply , nnd fully u fourth of the offerings arrived too late for thu fore noon's market. Aside from tlio reduced re ceipts , conditions were very much the snmo as on Tuesday. Other markets were re ported lower , nnd while pastern butchers wanted somn cattle and there was n tnodor- nto speculative Inquiry buyers wore all talkIng - Ing lower prices. The fair to good light and medium weight steers , on which dressed beef men and outsiders came In direct com petition , sold to the best advantage and gen erally nt full Tuesday's prices , while the heavier cattle , especially whcro a trllle coarse or not exactly fat , sold at unevenly lower prices. Fair to very good 1,200 to 1,500-lb. beeves s-old at from $3.70 to $1.20 , while fair to c < oed 900 to lir > 0-lb. steers sold at from $3.lip to J4 , with scattering sales of common and Inferior stuff down to $3. There was a tolerably active movement throughout , and although a good shnru of the offerings arrived late a Very fair clear ance was finally effected , the market closing active and firm. Active and strong expresses the condition of the cow market. The supply did not In clude over n , dozen loads all told , and as the demand was good from all sources buyers lost no time In picking them up. There was no particular change In the mar ket for veals , nor for rough stock generally. Prices for the most part were Just about In yesterday's notches. The feeder trade was good enough an far as It went , but owing to the limited supply of both fresh and stale cattle the volume of trading was not large. Itoth yard traders and count iy buyers wanted supplies and prices generally ruled stronger. Good to choice feeders are quoted at from $3.10 to $3.75 , fair to good at from $2.75 to $3 , and lighter , commoner grades at from $2.75 down. Representative sales : DHESSED IJEUF. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. N'o. AxPr. . 1. . . . fcoo j. ? no 2.1. . . . jnri t3 GO Si. . . .I < NI } s 70 i. . . . 7 < ; o .100 11..1057 3 cr si..UK 370 9. . . . WO 32. . 13..120.1 3 S3 44 370 1. . . . P40 325 2 IOCS 3 6Tt :2..102u 370 1. . . . CfiO 323 19..1121 3 ( IS SI..1110 .170 2. . . . ! > SO 32. , IS..1107 .1 fii 15. . . .111 3 70 7 . . M4 335 G..10SG 3 05 9..1llil 370 5. . . . TO ) 335 14..1072 ,1 C5 14..12IK 375 4. . . . S02 .110 II..1117 3 C5 4..12S7 375 3..12V ! 340 3..1220 3 CS 1..13SO 380 4. . . . ! > & 7 3 M 43. . . . 087 .1 to 20..1171 3 . ' 0 1..1070 n ro 22..ur.r , 3 0.1 S..1377 .1 K 3. . . . U.V ) 3 M 41..112 * 3 C5 21..1292 .185 1..10CO 3 liO G..12113 370 3..13(10 ( 38" , 7..10SS 3W 13..1231 370 76..1254 3 S.'i 1C . . .1103 3M 2..1100 370 1C..1210 3 Ki 24..10SO 355 20..I12S 370 . . . . 3 ! ) 43. . . . 917 SCO 10..IODO 370 3..1330 3 JO K. .1112 SCO 20..11M 370 3..1MK 3 H > 18. .1172 SCO 21..1037 370 2J. . . .11.11) 400 19..1035 3 CO 17. . . . 9C3 3 70 SHIPPING STRUnS. 9..1"10 310 29..1241 3 SO 23..W3 355 3. . 1103 325 20..123S 3 SO 38..1277 395 8 11 ! > 0 3 70 20..1229 3 & 5 23..1343 4 10 2L..1208 370 4..1370 385 35..14)2 ) 410 20 1373 375 17..1315 350 13..IS ! ' , I 12'.i ' 18..1201 875 29..1313 3 92ft 1C..1472 420 MIXKD. B. . . . 517 315 2..11SO 325 13..1213 3 C5 27. . . . OH 3 20 COWS. 2. . . . 9M ISO 1..J070 225 3..1053 2 SO I. . . . 9M 1 SS 1..1230 2 S5 1..1150 290 8. . . . S12 185 4..1042 240 2..1250 290 3. , . . JOG 190 2..1083 243 0..1195 293 1. . . . 900 200 2..1100 260 1..1370 300 1. ' SCO 2 00 1..1300 2 60 12. . . . 9K ! ) 3 00 1 940 200 1..1070 2 CO C..10J1 300 1 . . . 910 200 1..1310 2 CO 3..10.3 ' 300 2 1110 2 03 15. . . . 905 2 Ci ) 1 1060 305 2. . . . 975 200 2. . . . 975 2 Co 4..1012 .110 1. . . SCO 200 1..JOGO 270 15..HID 310 1 . .1000 215 19..10S1 275 4..1135 310 2..1220 225 1..1010 275 C..1362 310 l.'l > 70 iiSS 2..1175 275 6..90C 313 1 " " 10'0 225 31..1066 273 2..1280 325 l" 1170 225 1..1200 275 1..1530 323 2 10CO 223 4..1132 275 3..1053 .123 1 " " 1100 225 10..1150 273 20. . . . 9.10 335 3""lOS3 225 9. . . . 913 280 1..1730 300 1..1100 225 8. . . . 2S7 ISO 14. . . . 430 200 1..500 300 3 ' IO ICO C. . . . 47C 280 3..CM 310 10 . . . 436 1 SO 7. . . . 557 290 3..1IIS5 3 10 4 337 200 1. . . . 410 300 20. . . . 78.1 310 l ! ! . . C50 200 1. . . . 1150 300 19. . . . * 93 330 1. . . . 4SO 3 00 1 . . . 210 200 3. . . . 00 300' 1. . . . 100 475 1 22. . ) 2 00 1. . . . 90 300 2. . . . 2Uti r. ( X ) 1 . W ) 22 : , 1. . . . 130 400 3. . . . 17i ( 5 I * ) 1 410 2 23 1. . . . 100 4 CO 1. . . . 170 5 00 9. . . . 301 2 SO D 140 4 50 HULLS. 1 . . . 9"0 ICO 2 1100 2 IS 1..1780 290 1..11CO 223 4..15)3 ! ) 270 1..13G4 2 DO 1 740 230 1..1CSO 275 1..1230 290 1. I3GO 2 SO 1. . . . 760 275 1..1MM 2 M ) 1 . . .1110 230 1..18IO 2 SO 1..13M 300 1..1370 240 1..1020 280 1..10M 300 is ! . . . 783 250 1..1520 280 1..13CO 300 2 , 1100 250 1..1C30 285 1..1310 300 2..1110 ! 2 CO 1..1500 290 1..2)iO 310 STAGS. 1..13IO 300 1..1330 300 STOCKiilS AND 3 ' 303 200 2. . . . 410 2 S3 G..700 3 SO i' rro 250 i. . . . so 300 4. . . . DIM 3 so l" COO 250 1. . . . C20 310 12. . . . 978 355 5 . Cll 2 M 11. . . . 450 310 14. . . . 913 SCO 2 335 253 G. , . . CSO 315 22..1170 3 CO 1C. . . . 523 273 4. . . . 405 315 22..1213 370 2. . . . 410 2 83 5. . . . C74 3 23 WKSTEHN CATTLE. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. r- . 1 bull 1310 52 25 1 hleer 970 f3 00 10 steers 1330 355 37 ulcers KKJ 363 COLOUADO. 5 liullH 1IIS 200 1 cow SCO 215 0 feeders. . . .1I'J3 275 108 feeders. . . .1150 340 74 feedcra. . . . 970 355 61 feeders. . . .1097 290 IDAHO. 2 sing * 10RO 260 2 feeders. . . .1190 30 40 feeileis. . . .1095 3 55 HOGS On lh ( ? morning market Ihero were not over 0,500 hoga , but after dinner lute trains brought In nearly 2,000 more , malting a very respectable run. Included In the fresh receipts were over 1,000 hoga billed direct to Hammond that were bought at Kansas City Tuesday lit prices fully lOc be low Omaha figures. Weakness In provisions and the ample offerings , together with lower markets everywhere else , ciinstd n drop of lOo to Ific here. There wau not n very rushing shipping and speculative demand , but local packers found prices cheap enough to buy freely. For fair to good hogs , re gardless of weight , the popular flgnro was $5.10 , v.'hlle good to cholco loads went at $5.1212 and $5.15 , and common light mixed stuff at $5,05 and $5.07'Tho market was tolerably nctlvo , and toward Iho close of the fort noon rather slrong , nllhough this strongii was lost when nearly " ,000 hogs came Infer for the afternoon market , and late trading wax largely nt $ C.10 , with n few of the best ut f5.1G. The pens were finally cleared , the bulk of the hoga selling1 at $5.10 and $ S.15. as against $5.20 end $ C.25 Tuesday , and $5 to $5,05 one week ago today. Representa tive sales : No. Av. HI ) . Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 1 SCO . . .J500 HI 1I5 ! 120 | li 10 2S 2I2 ! 40 & 05 CC ? 57 120 610 90 162 . . . 605 17 277 . . . 510 69 210 120 DOS f.9 2 < 7 . . . fi 10 CO 181 10 f O7'i ' 73 211 120 5 10 M ri : ; ice & 074 3 : m ; . . . 5 10 71 210 Ci ) D OHi , 07 271 . . . BIO CS 2JO f > 0 6 07i ! W 238 300 & 10 C2 250 200 fi 10 72 233 40 510 C3 2VI SO BIO M 221 2'XI ' 510 87 247 40 BIO t5 ! 2.12 M 510 30 217 . . . BIO C5 253 kO G 10 70 217 120 B 10 C2 SVJ 1.0 B 10 68. . . 2.11 80 f. 10 C2 26D . . . B 10 C5 1.T8 120 BIO 63 23J 40 610 76 216 210 BIO 3 ! ) liVi . . . BIO 88 22fi 120 BIO 72 250 21' ' ) 5 12'.i ' 39 S27 kO RIO 14 2)'J 40 5 12'5 ' 54 251 . . . BIO 7 250 . . . B 12'i ' Tl 236 160 10 78 2"i fO 5 12'j ' C2 241 40 510 74 2IS 40 ,1 U'J ' & 8 1M ICO 6 10 75 250 W B 12'a ' ji ( jaa 40 fi 10 73 218 iw r 12 62 S9S 280 B 10 72 254 ICO B 1214 802 40 fi 10 M 246 120 fi 12'4 ' 77 221 MO fi 10 Mi 2s8 40 fi I2H 73 .hxl 80 B 10 169 231 ICO 6124 75 211 40 610 k2 22S . . . f. 12' ' * 65 1143 40 510 C3 245 kO fi 12'4j ' M S21 SO BIO C 215 121 B 12i ! 63 2J7 13) ) fi 10 " 1 226 . . . fi mi 72 244 123 fi 10 70 242 . . . fi 12i ! CC 234 40 CIO 81 241 ICO C 12' , k'j ! ) ! 40 610 64 2M IS ) B 15 13 ' . ' 33 . . . 6 10 t ! 273 0 6 1.1 71 SIO 240 610 C4 273 200 815 C6 212 40 fi 10 40 2iC . . . (15 7S 233 ICO 610 47 241 40 & IS 72 'a * ij LID fG ittf 1W ( U . . . r. 10 * . . 247 N ) r. r , CI 2M 120 6 10 .2M 40 R IS * 4 841 3 ( > ) R hi * 0 R IS a at I JO r , 10 M t lu ' ' 5 M 4 12i ) 5 IS 72ili.K3 ! ! 240 t > to 74 .217 1W B 15 26 274 M s 10 ' ' ' ' ' 21 $ 80 K 1.1 M Ml IJ ) 6 10 TO.'i.'l..ZrO 120 r > 1.1 63 217 40 K 10 C7 217 44 S I' 79 210 40 B 10 (2 ' ll ? ) r. n 70 291 120 S 10 Wi..2 " in s n t 213 40 5 10 . . . II M 72 ta 120 t M . . . 520 PHIS AND norcm. 22 U , . . . 37.- , 1 30 . . . 4 M 1 0 . . . 4 50 1 420 . . . J75 8HHK1' Hctelpts were llhpj-nl , but of the twelve loads received only ono vns offered for Bale. There were nlnp doubles ot feeders hilled east , and Swift got n couple of loads direct. The load orfere 1 was n hunch of very fair Mexican lambs. They averaged 02 Ibs. nnd found n ready sale itt $1.75 , or pretty close to n steady llKiirt' , ultliounh custom markets were quoted lower. Knlr to good natives nro quotable nt $ fl.7fi4.RO ; fair to good western * ! , MSSfri.CO ; common and stock sheep , $2.GOff.'l BO : good to choice 10 to I00-h. ) lambs at ? 3.BOifB.OO. llepruseilta- tlvo sales : . Wt. Pr " 01 Mexican iia $1 73 Itrrnlptt mill DUpoiltlon of Stork. Official rwii'tsninldlspoiltlon ' of Htoelc bythobookHof tin ) Unlo.i Hlo ' .t for HID twenty four hourMemilmr in 3 o'clock p. m , April 1H. 1U4- ( IIOGH. Cars. Head Cars Head. Cars. 11 pad 1111 U.7HII I'.M 8.III1H IB l CIIIC'ACO I.IVi ; STOCK. Heavy ItrrolptKVrn Kxpcrtoil unil Tradcra \Vrro Not DiNiippiilntnl , CHICAnt ) , April 18.-12vorjNMly loukpd for I.IK entile receipts , nnd evrrylmdy's pxn > flatloni ! were rpallzod , no fowrr than Z2.000 lioail nrrlv- InB. Tlio i-nTrut upon prices , us vlruid from sellers' ntnndpi > lnl , wna not K' " l. nil deKrrlp- tions nrlllni ; lower , llnwpver , the mnrkot with stood the slraln well , ui then1 was every reason to Biippose It would do. The ranpe of prices Ivns from tu SOc lower than for Monday. The lower price * xtlmnlnted tile demand and a larRC voUmio of necnmiillHlied , but scllein were uniilile to iiiakf iv clearance nnd the market was weaker nt HIP close even than ill the opening of ImMness. The offerings Included many choice entile , nnd cevernl bunched Hint were of extra quality. Still theie wnn only scattered InplanceM where moic than II.S."i was paid , nnd It would have tnkcn oometlilnK \'i'y tlnn to call out n hid of mine ( linn 14.50. From J.t.ilo to JI.15 took the hulk of the ntcvrx , nnd the raiiKO nt which nioHt or the CO\VH mid hullH wore welshed wns from JilB to J3.10. llxlra steers were limited nroutid } 4.ii , ' , nnd extra cowf , lielferH and hulls were caluhle at from } 3.S. > to { 4.TA There wns enntliiued Inaitlvily in the stoeker nnd feeder trade , hut nt lower prices. Veal calves were lower than at the close of last week , ns n consequence of Inert used supply. The late hog market ymlciduy was very weak , nnd Hint win rvcn more drclilpilly ft frnlurit tiMlny Comi'iired with Tnri > d y'a oprnlnp prlcrf , which were Iho hf < t of Iho dny , Mies rhonnl n decline of from | j , . | , , jv ppr | , > ) | tm. AlllioiiRll pa lilRli i a IS hi ) ! < imlil for n limd or two , Urn liiilk of tiir IIPRD wene weUhed nt from IH.5I In Jvi' ; U1 ! ! 'i1'1' ' ' ttt'lr " " > " > ' "lies nt from IT , td . II.V Ihp drpreanl.mvn ehnrned up lo yeatrr. " ' emnatatico that " ' ' HIP ' " 'J1 ' * "mtk < 11 ! thouRh t\i \ clr- ho n oonllntifl to oome In \ery freely wna nil plenum of wenkliraa , llr relil. | for HIP diy were entlmnled nl M.IIOH hend , mid HIP tiitnl since fnltinlny l. & .PIW lirnd larKer ( hnn for the anme time Insl week , Trndoni4 quiet nnd pome luip-i left over. After > e tenlny'a ilecllne there wna ninitwir * nllvo i > tendlnei"i In HIP aiei : > p mnrket today. Th receipts were lnon > In keeping with the deninnd/ nnd the fresh nnd slnle offerings were pretty elosely ImiiKhl np nt Tiiemlny'a ciinitntloim. Prom 1.1 to 15.15 for rholci ! quality aalea worn strum ? nloinr doxvn to fram S M In ? 2.7S for poor i-lilff. Tin * rnmce of quolntlona for yenrllnKa wm fiom f.1.M lo I5.W. with Inojt of the cnlcs nt from t.VK > to > J.O ) . Spring la nibs were quoted nny- lii-re f n mi tl.W In 13.M per hend , nccordliiK I" qunllly , Texna sheep , which nre now ItrKliinlnit to nnlvp qullp freely , nn > quoted nt from 12 to 93.25 per IA * ) ilis , for poor til Kf > od. Itecelplai Caitlp. 22.0W hend : enlves. SW head ! IIOKS , S.1.000 hend ; slieep. 11.000 hend. Tl ! KMMIIIIK .Idiirnnl report * ; I'ATTI.n He- relpts , SJ.IHHI hend ; market ai.iw nnd lowers many curried oxer la t nlulit ; prime lo extra nntlvu jteers. tl.Hilvi.M ; medium , Jl.oiRl.ri : otheri- , X.i1i3. > . > ! Te\nn ! . one train over , nt $3.10. llOdX-lteei'lpts. ) Iii-Ad : limrkel alow ntut 10i- lowers roimli Itenvy , ; packers ntnl inlxe < l , ) .VIMi.l > l ; inline heavy nnd hutclicr WelKhti , K > .3il f5.3.-i ; nsH.irled llnlil. K'.3 ( > Uri.3r. . Hlliil' : : AND I.AMI1M-IUvi > lits | , II.OW head ; un eltlid , itlow and louer ; top tl.70H4.80 ; top lamlis , J5.2. ; .W. HI. I.onls I.he Stock .Mnrlirt. ST. l/I'lf , April Arn.i-llecelpt : , JH ) heudi shlpmenis. I'W IIIMI ! ; maiket 10i2. ) lower : enlves , 7.V louer ; native steers , l.KK ) to 1,400 Ihs. , J3.rilff.1.iO ! : 1.HIO to l,2i lb . , J.2' . 3.75 ; enlves , J1.75M4.oO ; TPXIH steels , ! KW to 1,001) H.H. , } 2.$0113.3 < i ; mixed , > 2.l'5trC5. II(1S llecelpls , 8.SOO hend ; shlpinenl' , l.OOi ) hend ; mniket weak. tOjf2'o ' lower ; choice huivy , I..15il5.IO ; KO H ! lilKcheri' , J5' M1f5.35 ; Kimd ml\ed , J..innr.r' . ) ; Kood Hnht. JJ.lOff.VW ; packlUK , mime , t5.inifS.3i ) . SIIKI'IP Hecelpts , 1,3 < X ) lienil : shipments , 4:0 : li nd ; mnrUet steady fur natives ; Tenniis , lower ; native mixed , nit qualities , $3.301(1.00 ; stockem , . . . J2.55U2.73. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ KIIIKIIH City l.ho Slock .Murlfct. KANSAS CITY. April 18.rA'ITIIHeeel.l | . 4.&UO head ; shipments , I'&x ) head. Maiket wealc lo lOc lower ; Texas steers , J2.lOjfl.wo ; Texna ciws. J2.0 < ) { j3.00 : shlpplHB steers , J3.20ifl.55 ; native eiws , ) l.VfiX.ln ) ; stocUcrs and feeders. J2.75 | 3.75 ; hulls. JI.75ST3.CK1. 1IOOSIteeelpls. . II.WK ) hend : shipments. r.fl lienil. Market JOe lower than yesleiilay's elos- IIIK quotations ; ! Mi25c lower Hinn hlKhest point yesterday. Hulk , tl.tl5ffS.Kil ; packers nnd mixed , J4.05ff5.10 ; IlKlit , Yorkeis nnd plKs. Jl.855.10. SlIHMI'-HecelpIs , 2,00) ) head ; shipments. 1.700 lienil , Market nhoiit steady. Slum Ctly Live Silicic X CITY. April IS. HOflK-Uceelpts , J.oOiJ head : shipments , 3m ) head ; inatkel lu fl.0 loxver ; J4.'ll ) l. 1\t \ ; bulk. ? ( . ! ' . ' ) . 4'ATT1 K llieelpts , 300 head : shipments. 200 head ; market lOc lower ; feedeis , $2.r > 04(3.30 ; UIIKS , J2.301f3.IO : cou-3 , Jl.U5Ij'2.C5 { ; bulls , ILWif 2.60 ; oxen , Jl.M'i.1.00. Stork In SlKlit. The followltiir are Iho njeolott nt the four prin cipal eltleB Wednesday , April IH : Cattlo. South Omaha l,78l ! ! Chlcat'0 2B.OIIO KaimasCity -l.wm SI. I.oulb : i'JUO Total 3B.ISU 02,208 Kl.SOU For quality , purity , borjuet nnd health- fulnesiithcre Is no wlno an good as Cook'u Extra Dry Imperial Chonipagnc. \ I QUAKER CHALK TALKS The ancient ideal of Purity was the Vestal Virgins ; the modern is Quaker Oats. Sold 2-Ib. Only iu Packages. % WE'LL save you ono-third of the prices commonly nslcotl by "Credit Tailors. " \ ITS our big business and small profit plan that makes it possible * to offer such prices as SllitS to order Trousers to $20-825-830 85-8C-8T-S8 'From ' fabrics worth twice as much. 207 So. 15th St , St , Joseph , Mo. We are Headquarters for Represented in Nebraska by M. SACHS , N. H. COHEN , LEO. F. WESTHEIMER ,