THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , Al'lUL 17 , 181)4. ) ' ' * SPEOIRL NOTICES. Advertisement * for then * column ) will be tnk n nntlt 12 30 p , m. for the evening nml until 9:00 : p. m. for the mornlnB nnd Sunday edition ? . Advertiser * , by requesting a numbered check , fnn have answer * nddreiwod to it numbered letter In cnrn of Tim lite. An w r 110 nildre < Kl will " > iHlvcrml upon presentation of the check. Rate * , IVie wonl first Insertion , la ft word Nothing tnken for le than 2-it. _ SITUATIONS WANTED , wonl first Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken fur lem than 2c. WANTED , IIY DRESSMAKER. BKW NO IN families ; ll.W Mr day. Address II ! J , . MAN OP FAMILY. OUT OK WORK BINGE August wliliM situation ; cnn help round pri vate rrsldmrn. wnlc imiin. work round otllcc ; can tench Fn-ni'h. flood rofi-renoe * . . " ° r ( ul'lrrsii , 1-JiiR. I'nrl , 1911 Fnrnntn. A 771 K * WANTED , POSITION IN ORorERY HT011U by young man , Dane , 0 years rxpnrlencp. Hot of rofrronco from present employer. Addn-ss F. Dlckman , II 37. lire , A-M777 IS * WANTED MALlfHEI/P" Rules.IVie word first Insertion , Ic n word thereafter. Nothing taken for lesa than 2c. . 1 W * * Hfii.ii liujin * 11 % * * " A-WI * * ' * * * " ' . ment goods. American Wringer Co. , " f " ' AGENTS , SALARY OR COMMISSION"Till ! Krcutest Invention of the nge. The New Pal- mi Chemical Ink Erasing Pencil , bolls on slulit. Works like mnglc. Agents are making 125.00 lo II25.00 per week. For further par- tlrulnrn wrlti > the Monroe Eraser Mfif. Co. . X 30 , La Cro se , WIs. U-932 _ VANTED-SALESMAN ; SALARY FROM Rtnrl ; permanent place. Urown I > rn" . w. , nurserymen , Chicago. III. 1I-M3..1 ml BALESMEN TO HELL OUR GOODS IJT sample to merchants ; exclusive territory ; good tellers. Model Mfg. Co. , South ' "j1 } , ' ' , . INSURANCE THE STATE MANAGER. COM- mcrclnl Alliance Llfo of New York ( ani old line company ) , doslrps nsslstnncn of capable solicitor * In Nchrnskn. Including Omaha , High clnss Insurnnco , nt popular prices. l the company's specialty. Workers rnrelvo lluem conipt-nsntlnn. Address , slating experience and references , Lock Iox 2S8 , Omaha , "clh jJ ( > FIRST CLASS MILKER. J. F. HOCII. 4M2 Ames nvn. 11 63S-1C * BALESMEN TO SELL IIAKINO POWDER. We put our goods In glass rolling plni. JW.OO month nnd expenses , or commission. Chicago linking Powder Co. , 7C7 Van Iluren street , Chicago. H M703jm 14 * _ iALEBMRN WANTl"n. TO SELL OUR GOODS by Hnmplo to the whoh-fnle nnd retail trndn ; neil on night to every business man or Ilrm ; liberal salary ; money ndvnnccd for advertising nnd expenses ; 'pviinancnt position. Addrt-sn , * with stamp , King Mfg. Co. . C 42 , Chicago. III. \VANTED. FIRST CLASS PANT AND VEST makers. Permanent employment. Address , John WotfHkfll , David City. Neb. H " 70 17 * WANTED FEMALE HELP. Rates , llio word tlrst Insertion , Ic a word thereafter. Nothing taken for lesi than Z c. V'OME"N TO SELL SAIISAPARILLA IN Omaha ; good wanes. Addreuu 2027 D catur si. LADIES WANTING GIRLS APPLY AT THE Scandinavian Young Ladles' 'lomoJtjjju21B' ' COMPETENT NURSE GIRL. REFERnNCKS lerjulied ; apply Mrs. 12. ROfJwnter , 1711 Dc-ug- lltH L < ill _ WANTED-A COMPETENT COOK WHO IS A good laundress at 2031 Chicago t. C CI1-1C V'ANTKD. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE , work , Apply 2017 Spencer Blreet. C MC83 17 * SVANTED , MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN TO DO housework : mint be good cooU and laundress. Apply at 1COO California street. C MCI3 J WII..L MAKK STYMSI , SPHINd SUITS FOH S JIO.OO during tha next thirty days. Mine. f lliewsler , room 11 , itlnentnl bldg. , 2nd floor , / * liili street entrance. C-M701 17 * _ WK 1IAVK AN OPI3NINO FOR A P.KMAIILK. Inlclllgent woman ; must be loyal nnd faithful i to employer and take an Interest In the busl- J nens ; slate nge , former experience nnd salary expected. Address II 23 , liee. C M731 17' WANTKO. A "COMI'IJTKNT AND KXI'EIU- cnci-il nurse for a child 1V4 years old. Itefcr- eni-es reiiulreil. None other need apply. Tfl the right person good wages will be paid. 103 S. 55th avc. C 7C3 _ WANTED , OH" ' FOH GKNnitAI , IIOUSK- wuilc at 2111 Douglas. C 7CU 18 * SVANTKD , .ailtU TO COOK AND DO GUN- oral houfewTirU.ln 'family ' of three whcr > > a. nurse Is kept. Scandinavian or Uennnn pre ferred. Apply Immedlaiely nt D33 So j2H' $ e > A OIHIj FOH OKNEHAIIIOUSEVVOllK. . APply - ply ttt 2111 Douglas st. _ C 774 13 * WANTED. ST1TCUKHS ON SIIORS. DON'T npply unless you have had experience. Morse- Cou Shoe Co. Factory , , 12th and Howard. C M7SI 19 WANTBD. A COMPKTENT COOK. INQUIRE 8. B. corner ISth and Capitol avenue. C M781 19 _ FOB BENT HOUSES. _ _ FOR HI3NT , CIIKAI'KST C-ROOM COTTAQK , with bath ; In city ; 115.00. 3031 California street. D M223 _ _ APARTMENTS. TO 7 ROOMS , IN CLOWR ? buildings , 16th and Chicago streets ; nil con veniences ; rents low. Apply to Roberts. 1011 Chicago street. D M6SO Al ' _ HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THK CITY. ' TIlIB O. F. Davis company , 1503 Farnnm. 100 HfTlOOM , COTTAGES. MODBHN , CHOICE IN Stanford Circle. C. 8. Klguttcr , 204 IJea bulld- Ing. D-991 _ F. 1C. DARLINO. BARKER nLOCK. D 095 _ AQ13NCY. C07 IJHOWN 1JL.OCK. D 998 _ FIHST-CI < ASS , WELL LOCATED IIOUSK3. E ! 8. Skinner. 310 N. Y. Life. D 348 _ 4-HOOM MODBHN FLATS. 29TII AND LEAV- tnworth. J. W. Squire. 2 S IJeo bldg. D tSS CLKAN , COMFORTAI1LW , CONVI3N1BNT. moderate rentals ; best 3 and 4-room suites for housekeepeis only. Referencea required. Also C-room suite In tcnemOnt. S10 8. 22d st. D C9 > _ roil HUNT , 8-HOOM HOUSE. MODERN , FUR- nlshcd or unfurnished. 112 a. 10th street. D M7C1 _ _ _ " X12UtHNNBY&Co7h. 1 , CONTINENTAL" D CS6 _ roil HENT , OOOD DETACHED NINE-ROOM home. 2C31 Capitol avenue. Also 8-room house , 4012 Reward street. Orchard Hill. 1J. II. Hub- Ison. room 7 , Coiiimtrclal National. D M893 FOH TTl'JNn'T'I-lASANT EIGHT-ROOM MOD- cm house , Jetnched , nice lawn , barn. Inaulro Sf.03 Plerco street. D M3SO HTjNTAI , AaENCV.SIIEHWOOD , 123 N. Y. Life. _ 1 > 3S3 Bla * FOR RENT. TO FIHST-CI.ASS FAMILY OF not moru than 3 grown persons , without child ! en , 9-i om modqm house. 310 North 2)th M , street. Low rent to right party , nocgs & Hill , 1103 Fnrnam street. _ D 1)3 ! ) M7 niMIRAuTE HOUSEirNHAR IIIQII SCHOOL ; lent nioder l . _ 2010 Capitol " ave. _ D G3017 _ * _ TltOOM HOUSE BOOTH "IMS DOHCAs" ! _ _ _ DSol 17 * NEW 0-ROOM FLAT ; jlODERN IMPROVB- ment. 1113 8. llth. D-MM7 IS * C-ROOM COTTAGE. 937 N. J3TH. Jll,0i ) . ENquire - quire 823 S. 15th utreol. -M3CO 17 FINE FLAT IN CLOUSER I1LOCK AT 703 8. ICIh nt : range and all other conveniences ; { 20. Gt-ureo Clouser , room 2 , 1C23 Farnum st. 9-ROOM UIllCK HOUSE ; FURNACE. IIATU. gns nnd good barn , only 323,0) . Omaha Heal Eslntn & Trust Co. . U. 4. Ileo bldg. D C37-ie 6-ROOM HOUSE , INQUIRE 2711 DOUGLAS BT. D-036 COTTAOE. BIX ROOMS , CELLAR. I'ANTHY , rl 9el , city water and cistern water , on elec- vtrli- street car , paved street , l.xriio yard , nut- Ttral timber , it very pleitHnnt li > catlon. Rent tic per month. It. F. Williams , 2103 H. 13th st. D-CIO-19 FDH HENT NETHKRTON HALL. ROOM 009 First National building. Telephone 537 , S3VUO , 2412 Cuss , 10 rooms , bath. J3..50 , MU South : oth , 10 looms , bath. r , . < n , ni)3 ) North 16th , 8-room Hat. , s\n ) , 7W South 10th , C-room Hut. i .lio , 712 South ICth. 7-room lint. $13.00 , 2100 cottage. 17.00. M3 North ISth , 3-ruom collsge , l\velliiKs. | lUtti , cottaces and store * In all parts nt the city. D-MGII 17 t , 4 , 5 , 7 AND 1MIOOM HOUSES AND FI.ATsT Ixicivthm nnd condition beit In city. Tluml. l N. 2tth street. D-1I71S 17 * BENT FURNISHED ROOMS. _ - IIOOMS EN SUITE. 1ST CLASS 13OARD. 1101 Douglas. B-881 A ! > FURNISHED ROOM ; GENTLEMAN. 017 HAHn - n y strpBt. K 523 16 * AETNA HOUSE. NORTHWEST CORNER 1JTII und DiHigi- , formerly Tmvclrn homoj b d p r fnl < . ll.cui looms , J1.50 and 12.00. l---M < : t M6 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSE- keeping. 2110 Hatney itreet. E-M53I IT' FRONT ROOM WITH ALCOVE. FINELY furnished. uUo tack parlor , and S rooms on first floor for hquselireplnir. 2yoa Hurt. K- 4'OH RENT. A LARGE BOUTH FUHNISIIED room , modem convenience ! , at 1919 Dodge 'UI.'NISHIU nOOMS , 3.M PER MONTH. Cnby. K-M737 17 * UHNISHEn ROOM. MODERN. l month , 1911 Vuinara. U 7 ! ! RENT FURNISHED ROOM8. ContlnuoJ. FOR HENT. ELEOANT FURNISHED ROOMS AT IIOTElfimUNSWICK For fnmlllMi nnd young gentlemen. Btenm , bath , elevator and all conveniences ; prices reason * ntilo ; location unexcelled In the city. Apply at Hotel Ilruniwlck , ISth and Jackson streets. E-170 H DE3IHAI1LB SOUTH FHONT FURNISHED rooms ; bath nmo lloor. 1822 Chicago ntrert. B-M71120 nLEOANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS , 8INOLB or cn-ulte , with board , 2537 St. Mary's avenue. E-.M753 21 * FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSU- keeplnir , 119 N. 15th street. B M7M 18 * FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. YOUNCJ WOMEN'S HOME. UNDER CAHB Of Women's Christian association. Ill 8. 17th st. F-937 _ ROOMS AND HOARD. 1JRENNAN FLATS , 1901 California. F M722 A21 * TWO FINE LARUE HOOMH , WITH BTIUCTLt lint-class board. 2109 Douglas street. street.FM707 FURNISHED ROOMS WITH HOARD. 107 S. 17. F 318 M2 NICELY FURNISHED JIOOM.I WITH HOARD , Utopia , 1719-1721 Davenport st. F 010-19 * FUHNI8HED ROOMH , ALL CONVENIENCES , with board. Prices reasonable. 212S Haincy _ sUxet. F-MM' ' ) 18 * THE WEHSTEIl NOW OCCUPIES TIHj'nYUON Heed tints. 210 nnd 218 N. 19th street. Large , elegant rooms , with or without board. F MC7821 * KOOMS , SINGLE OR SUITE , WITH HOARD. The Hose. 202) ) Harncy. F MCS3 21 * SOUTH ItOOM , WITH HOARD. FOR GENTLEman - man and wife or two gents , 2421 Dodge F M72H 17 * NICELY FURNISHED SOUTH ROOM. WITH good board , only J3.00 per week. 2108 Cnsa street. F 702 17 * NICE FHONT ROOM , WITH HOARD , FOR two. In private family , 2020 St. Mary's avenue. F 703 ROOM WITH HOARD ; PLEASANT LOCA- tlon for summer ; trees , lawn , porches. 2019 St. Mary's avenue. F MT822.1 * FOR BENT-TJNFURNISH'D ROOMS. Rates , lOo a line each Insertion , JI.M a Una per month. Nothing token for less than 2Gc. 4 UNFUHNISHED HOOMS. SUITABLE FOR housekeeping , city water , etc. , low rent. Northwest - west corner 17th nnd Webster street. O MHO 5 UNFUHNISHED CHAMHEHS FOR HOUSE- kecplng to man and wife. No children. 319 N. 17th. Q 057 FOH HENT. UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR llcht housekeeping. 200 N. llith street. street.GM373 fOR 6Fi''lCE3 RENT , 3TORE3 AJiD Hates , lOc a Una each Insertion , 11.50 a line per month. Nothing taken for less than 23c. OFFICES FOR RENT IN THE SCHLITZ building , 16th nnd Harney. Special Induce ments held out to permanent tenants. Apply to Jobst Dros. , rooms W and 31 , tichlltz bulld- Ing. 1 993 10 MONTHS LEASE OF STORE. 509 3. 17TH. I 999 _ FOR RENT , THE 4-STORY niHCK HUILDINO. 910 Fnrnam st. The building has a fireproof cement basement , complete steam heating fix tures , water on nil tloors , gas , etc. Apply at the odlco of The Dee. 1 913 THE STORE "uUILDINa , 1310 FAHNAM ST. , must bo rented for some prlco nt once for some regular , legitimate ) business. Come In with your offers. IJoggs & Hill , 1403 Farnam st. FOH RENT , TWO STORES IN FIRST-CLASS condition , suitable for commission buslnefs ; best location In the city for that purpose. Numbers 417 nnd 421 8. llth street. A. J. 1'oppleton , room 314 First National bank bldg. I M7SO * 3 AGENTS WANTED. Rates , lOc n line each Insertion , $1.50 n line per month. Nothing taken for less than 25c. WANTED , I CAN FURNISH BOTH MALES and females with easy and pleasant employ ment at home ( no canvassing ) . Can earn from $2.00 to $5.00 per day and no experiences needed. This Is Bomethlnp entirely new. Send 10 cents ( ullver ) for samples of work and full particulars. O. II. Carpenter , Newaygo. Mich. J M353 13 AGENTS WANTED , BIG MONEY. WRITE for particulars to A. M. Secmann & Co. . Lin coln , Neb. . 122 North llth. J M501 Mil * AGENTS , BOTH SEXES : TEN INDISPENSAble - blo articles ; retail for $5.10 ; absolutely frcn to our demonstrated rustlers. The Clauss Shear Co. , Kansas City , Mo. J MC23 June 30 * START A BUSINESS OF YOUR OWN. BE A mnmifncturers' agent nnd merchandise broker. fiO < cent postal note will bring by return mall the address of 300 manufacturers and Jobbers In different ai tides und specialties , nnd full In structions how tl proceed. Edward T. H. De Lashmutt , manufacturers' agent , Frodprlck , Maryland. ] ! ox 3C3. J H700 17 AGENTS , IF BIG COMMISSIONS OR MODERate - ate salary will secure your service for n 25- ccnt article which sells In every homo , write us. You cnn canvass or sell to dealers. Ex clusive territory given. Curtain Polo Lifter Mfg. Co. . box D , Racine , WIs. J M789 17 AGENTS MAKE 73.00 TO $125.00 A MONTH selling our brand new useful nrtlclc. Retails 25 cents. Five to BX | sold In owry home uny part of the United States. Greatest seller ever known. Write at once for terms , territory nnd all Information. Williams Mfg. Co. , Elvrla , O. J M780 17 * MADELINE POLLARD VS. BRECICINRIDGE celebrated breach of promise case. Trial ver batim. History of litigants. Illustrated. 500.- 000 copies will be sold. Particulars free. Or to gain tlmo send 10 cents for complete outfit. W. II. Ferguson Co. , Cincinnati , O.J J M787 21 * WANTED TO RENT. Rates , IKo word nrst Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 23c. WANTED. 2 ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSEkeeping - keeping , must be southern exposure and sunny , In good neighborhood. Address H 38. Bee. K M791 17 * RENTAL AGENCY. Rates. 10o a line nrst Insertion. $1.50 a line per month. Nothing taken for less than 23c RENT REDUCED ON HOUSES AND ROOMS. 3 good rooms. $5.00 ; 4 rooms , rental $10.00. Cotages from $3.00 up. Printed list. G. F. Butts , 220 S. 17th street. L MTOm 10 STORAGE. STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; CLEAN and cheap rate. 11. Wells , 1111 Farnam. M-1000 STORAGE , WILLIAMS i CROSS , 1214 HAHNEY. M-101 STOVES STORED DURING THE SUMMER. 1207 Douglas. Omaha Steve Repair works. M13I may31 WANTED TO BUY. Rates. IMo word nrst Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c. HIGHEST PRICE FOR 2D-HAND FURNITURE , carpets , etc. S. II. Brown. 320 N. IGth. Tel. 1711. N-611 M9 OFFICE FURNITURE WANTED. ADDRESS , stating what you have and price. F. O. Popenoe , Mlllard hotel. N 743 IS * FOR SALE FURNITURE. Rates , lOo a line first Insertion , It.60 n lint per month. Nothing taken for leu than 25o FOR SALE. GAS STOVE , KITCHEN FUR- nllura nnd bedroom suite. Call early. Room 9 , CrclRhton block. O-M7S5 19 * FORSALE HORSESWAGONS.ETO. Rates. 103 a line inch Insertion , $1.50 a Una per month. Nothing trken for less than 25c. $55.00 CA. QUAR. TOP BUGGY. Hurry harness for $15.00. Own make top buggy $20 , Ruckboard , $10. Own mnko top buggy , bargain , JC3.00. Urummond Carrlago Co. , 13th and Harncy. P M339 Ml ALL KINDS OF VEHICLES AT BOC ON TUB do.lar. W. P. Mumaugh , 1213 FurnJin > t. P 341 M 1 FOR SALE. CHEAP. TWO MORE LIGHT driving horses. Wheeler & Wilson sowing machine olllce. CI4 South ICth. P M761 17 * FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Rates. IHc word nrst Insertion lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken far leu than 23c. 11ALED HAY FOR BALE. THE STANDARD Cntll Company , Amca , Neb. , liav * 2,000 tons of KooJ barn iitored hay for tale. All orders nilcd promptly. _ Q-103 ARE YoTToolNQ TO BUILD ! WE HAVE A million and a half of the best common brick over offered to builders They are molded under lileh Hiram prtasuro and are solid. They uro Inigcr than the ordinary sited brick. Wo will make prices lower than home brick mnkor , and Elva you better brick. Wrlto for prices and sample * . Fremont Continuous Kiln Co. , Fremont. Neb. Q 515 in _ JNKW AND SECOND-HAND BICYCLES cheap. F. U. Hell , IM7 N. Y , Life. Omnlm. AIIAROAIN A PERRY WALL SODA FOUN lulu , black ebony-wood top. mirror and KOJ llnturej. eighteen ! lld * cans , six droughts : nuurf * complete , Juit ai good n no523 So. Kth street. Q-M502i . SECOND-HAND TIURTY.Ql'ART ICE cream m.V-'hlne for aal * cbeap. ll.ilduff. 1520 Furn.Mn. Q-MC1) 37 FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Continued. FOR SALE. ONE HALL'S BAFB. GOOD AS new , at a bargain ; leaving city. AiMroM II 1G Ileo. Q-Mt7217 * _ SIDEWALK BRICK : AND TILE , WM. J. wnC- sliann , 331 Board of Trade bulldlntr. FOR HALE. A HIGH GRADE IHCYCLK"WlT.T ; trade for n phaeton. II 30 , Bee. Q-.M783 19 * MISCELLANEOUS. Rates , IVic word nrst Insertion , Ic rv won : thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25e. TEMPLETON A PIERKON WRITE FIRE IN suronco nnd buy warrants. I'axtou block. R-MG13 NOTICE-CERTAIN IRRESPONSIBLE PARties - ties , who nro hauling the nlftht roll , mnnurtf , Knrbiige and other nith , nml who nro dumping the same In nnd nlwut the city , to the grcal danger of thu health of Us Inhnbllnnts nm ! contrary to the ordinances regulating these matters , nnd who arp charging exorbitant price * for their Work , have In ninny Instances represented that they aru employes of mine. In order to correct thin Impression ami to pre vent further fraud I desire to my Hint I am operating on a contract with the city , with my own tfntns , nnd further tlutl all my wagon IKUCS nml tnnkH have my niimo printed on both sides : "A. MaclJonntd , City Onrbngo Wngon. " Alt chnrges for work will ho strictly In nun- pllnnco with my contract , nnd no overclmriZH or other Irregularities will bo permitted by employes of mine. Complaints of any nature should bo made to me und they will bo given prompt attention. Telephone I3S7. A. MncDonald , rooms C nnd 7 , Barker Block. R-M710 21 CLAIRVOYANTS. Rates , IVic word llrst Insertion , Ic a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c. MRS. DR. II. WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT. KB- liable business medium ; 7th year at 1U N. 1C. S-103 MASSAGE , MASSAGE. MADA11E BERNARD , 1419 DODUK. T M313 IC MADAME BROWN , 1311 CAPITOL AVENUE , 2d lloor room 4 , massage , alcohol , sulphur nnd sea baths. T M37G IS * MADAME SMITH. 502 S. 13TH , 2D FLOOR , room 3. Macsagn , vnpor , alcohol , steam , sul- phurino nnd sea baths. T MCS5 21 * PERSONAL. Rates , llic word nrst Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c. VIAVI. HOME TREATMENT FOR LADIES. Health book & consultation free. Address or call Vlavl Co. , suite 340 , Bee Uldg. Lady attendant. U-M10I MASSAGE TREATMENT. ELECTRO-THER- mal bath : . Scalp and hair treatment , mani cure nnd chiropodist. Mrs. Post , 39Vi ! S. 15th , Wlthncll blk. U-105 IF GEORGE GIBSON , AGED ABOUT Cl , NA- tlvo of England , who was In Montana nnd Idaho In the seventies nnd early eighties , com municates with us prior to December next he will henr of something to his advantage. L wls A. Groff & Lefroy , lawyers , Bradbury building , Ixis Angeles. Cal. U M907 A20 * MRS. F. DORSEY , CARD READINGS Tl20 N" 20thstrcet. ! U MKH ) 19 _ _ MR. < E r CHENNEY , MANICURE RO ? > M S , Frenzcr block. U MG7S 21 * I WILL MAKE STYLISH SPRING Sl'ITS FOR $10.00 during the next 30 days. Mine. Brewster , Room 11. Continental Uldg. , 2d lloor , ISth street entrance. U M700 17 * PERSONAL , IF ANY ONE KNOWINO TIIE address of William II. Rorfonsperger. who lived near Ulysses , Grant county. Kansas , about 1SSS. will send It to 314 Omaha National hank building , Omaha. Neb. , they will confer n favor upon Mr. Roffenspergor. U 741 21 MADAME LA ROOK , MASSAGE. 322 N. 1CTH. parlors 12 and 13. U M7S3 20 * MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. Rates , lOc a line llrst Insertion , $1.50 n line per month. Nothing taken for less than 23o ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. . 313 N. Y. LIFE , loans at low rates for choice security on Ne braska and Iowa farms or Omaha city property. W-103 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Bronnan , Love & Co. , 1'axton blk. W 113 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES O.V Improved and unimproved Omaha real estate. 1 to 5 years. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1703 Farnam. W HO WANTED. APPLICATIONS FOR LOANS. J. D. Zlttle , Brown blk. . Omaha. W 107 LOANS ON IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED city property ; $3,000 and upwards. 5 to Ci5 per cent ; no delay. ) . W. Farnam Smith & Co. . 1320 Farnam. W IOC LOANS ON REAL ESTATEWARRANT3.GOOD notes , etc. , bought. Garvln Bros. , 210 N. Y. Life MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. THE O. F. Dnvls Co. . 1505 Farnam St. W 111 C PER CENT MONEY. R. C. PATTERSON , 425 Katnec bldg. _ W 305 112 MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS IN DOUGLAS Improved and unimproved Omaha real estate. Fidelity Trust Co. . 1702 Farnam st. W 110 OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO. , ICTH AND Douglas sts. , loan money on city and farm property at lowest rates of Interest. W 109 LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON or bought. F. C. Chesney , Kansas City , Mo. MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA PROPERTY and Nebraska farms at from 6 to 7 per cent. W. II. Mclkle. Flist Nafl bank bldg. W 113 _ a A. STARR. CITY LOANS ON IMPROVED property. Moved olllce to 515 N. Y. Life build ing. W M333 M3 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. WILL LOAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OF SE- curlty ; strictly confidential. A. E. Harris , room 1 , Continental block. X 115 MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE , PIANOS , all articles of value. Fred Terry , 430 Ramge block. X 110 TUB PLACE TO BORROW MONEY ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. MONEY ON HORSES AND MULES. MONEY ON WAGONS AND CARRIAGES. MONEY ON PIANOS AND OROANS , MONEY ON WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , MONEY ON MERCHANDISE , MONEY ON ANY CHATTEL SECURITIES. MONEY ON goods that remain with you , MONEY IF YOU WANT NO PUBLICITY. MONEY IN large or small nmounts , MONEY AT LOWEST POSSIIILE RATES , MONEY IN QUICKEST POSSIBLE TIME. MONEY THAT you may pay back at any time and In any nmount. Is at ROOM 4 , WITH- NELL block , cor. 15th and Harney sts. THE FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. X-118 MONEY TO LOAN We will loan you any sum which you wish , small or large , at tlm lowest possible rates , In tha quickest possible tlmo und for any length of time to cult you. You can pay It back in such Inutallments as you wish , when you wish , and only pay for It as long as you keep It You can borrow on HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIANOS. HORSES. WAGONS AND CARRIAGES. WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , MERCHANDISE. OR ANY OTHER SECURITY. without publicity or removal of property. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . SCO SOUTH ICTH STREET. First lloor above the street. THE OLDEST. LARGEST AND ONLY INCOR PORATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. x-m MONEY TO LOAN ON HORSES , WAGONS , pianos and furniture of all kinds. Business contldcntlal. J. B. Haddock , room 427 , Ramge block. X 120 BUSINESS CHANCES. BEST PAYING SALOON IN OMAHA ; PART cash , balance trade ; glckncsa cause for selling. D. J. Wllnon. 1714 N. 25th street , Omaha , NeB. Y-M674 A19- BBS ! ' PAYING SALOON IN OMAHA ; PART cash , hnlanco trade ; sickness cause for selling , D. J. WILSON. 1711 N. 25th treeU Y Mt.74 A13 - FRENCH & CO. , ROOM 23 SCHLITZ BLDO. , Omaha , make a specialty of business chances ; buy , sell or trade stocks of meichandUa and real estKte , furnish partners nnd capital , and always have opportunities for prontahla In. vestments , Consult them. Y IC3 WANTED , A PARTNER IN ONE OF THE best ment markets In Fremont , Neb. Must ba goad shop tender. Address G. C. K. , C04 West Cth street , Fremont , Neb. Y MU1 is * WANTED. MAN TO TAKD ? 4 INTEREST IN good paying lestaurunt. Must be able to handle cash. Good chance and small capital to right num. Call at lUrlon'i restaurant , 2021 N street , South Omaha Y 754 16 * PARTNER TO JOIN MB IN LIGHT MANU- facturlng and repair business ; have a good location ; trade n.ijurwl ; sniull capital required ; man mutt ba rustler : huslnetft v.-lll pay 1100.00 for ua. Adderiia H 31 , Bee. _ Y M7C3 18 FOR'EXOHANOE. " _ _ WANTED , A FINE TEN OR TWELVE-ROOM modern house with barn or room for ono In exchange for clear land. 11. J. Kendall. 607 Urown ll-jck. _ Z 2QJ Jl BTOCK OF MILLINERY- AND NOTIONS want hones A cattle. Box 2W , Frankfort. Ind ' _ _ I OWN 100 FARMS IN NEBRASKA. KANSAS and Dakota ; will ll cheap or exchange for mdie. , horses & cuttle. Address , box 70 , Frankfort , Ind. TO EXCHANGE FOR LAND. EIGHT HEAD of well bred trotting cells , 3 nnd 3-ycar-old * . Including ono ntnndnrd bred Mulllon ; all broken lo drive. Address J , II , StoUon , Hllver Creek , JS'eb. ' _ _ _ f.-Mm gi ) FOR HALE'OR TRADE. A FARM IN"ORIILY : county , 1 mile from Spatildlnir. with lumae and Uirn ; about * ' ) ncren undev cultivation. Address. Meyer A Ranpkif. Omaha. / 573 Mil FOR TRADE. CLEAR AND TjUailTLY UN- cumber * ! land. Improved , for hnrw * and cutl Realty Co. , Fronuml , Neb. V.-M5M } ) Claus ' " ' 'Batons ' a town every 12 months , but shines It tii1 THE WHOLE YEAR 'ROUND. TZ FOB , EXCHANGE. Continued. FINK 10-HOOM MODKIl.V HOUSE AND I1AHN. on motor , for vncnnt or Improved , between lth and 2Jth. Cumins and Lcavcmvorth. HOJC _ 1C. . ) ACHES GOOD LAND. MOUTOAOn.S * S < X > ! want Road younc Jack for cqullv. J. W. Welpton , Ornnt. Noli. Z-MSC3 li PINE QUAtlTKIl SECTION (7 ( ? 1A > 'D If mirthenmi'rii Nebraska for pTrhnnge for snmll house nml lot In Omaha. Fidelity Trust com pany , 1702 l-'urnam at. Z 613-17 WANTKD TO I1UY , IMBAT MAItKBT IN' | BDine llvo town : 2,000 to 3.000 Inhabltnnti ; will . pny cash : must he barsnln ; Rlvn full partic ulars. John Olt , Plattsmouth , Neb.Y . Y M7S8 5J * FOR SAEE BEAL E TATE 1'OH SAI.U , COItKBR LOT IN ISAACS & SKL- ilen's add. at half prlco ; sure to p.iy a hand some profit. \\o hnvp buyer for a lot well located In west part of the city. ' Also for lot or house and lot In Hnnscom I'laca or vicinity. M. J. Kennard & Co. , 907 and 90S N. Y. I.lfo Hldg. lu : 175 ; UAnOAIN. N. n. COIINKH 2DTH AND HICK- ory. ! ' . K. Darling ; H.irker block. U K Ift LOT C. DL1C. 172 , CII13A1' . F 0. Uee. CSS A-1S * WILL SDLL AT A IIAUQAIK , HOUSn. DAHN and lot ; also two vacant lots , corner ZSth nvenuo and Burdette , on Krade , sewer and water ; lots well fenced. Apply to owner , Morand. 1510 Harney. U B-M731 A21 ONE OK THOSE NEW HOUSHS IN AVONdale - dale park already eold and paid for In Kold. Who will be the fortunate put chaser of the other ? It Is n daisy , and won't be on the mar ket long at $3,80i ) . Hath , closet , hot water , mantel , crate , electric lights , paved street , stone sidewalks , sodded yards , parks and trees , J250 saved In special taxes. K per month saved In car faro. I et us shoW 1'ou this beautiful home. * - i Fidelity Trust Company , 1702 Fainam st. ' il. " "r51010 * KARNAM STREET LOT 7 , 'KLOCIC 13 , WEST End add. ; no better re ldenei'lot } In city ; also lot 2 , block 1. Creston add. 'Address ' Exchange Hank. Marietta. I'a. U K MHI aM IIARQAINS. HOUSES , LOTS AND FARMS , sale or trade. K. 1C. Dartlnc 1 " Barker block. 123 FOU SALI3 , OVEn -1,000 CAKEFULLY SElected - lected fa-n-.3 scattered all-'orcr ' Iowa and Ne braska , r Hundreds of the most InrltlnB bargains. The best and safest Investment lo be fnund In America. Any one of tlu e 4.00) farms will earn a Rood Inti-ri'st on tho. Invtsfmnt. 1'rlces rnnEo from $8.00 to J50.00 pijr acre. No lists Rent out. No trade * . We h.ive tlio fnnlis nml the barfralns. Call for /'particulars. HOKRS & Hill , 110S Farnam street. t ttti 137 m7 ONE' SALE. APPLY TO W. J. Harrison or A. D.iKesi * . on fnim. Blnlr. 't. n n-Ma ; FOU SALE. CHEAP , IF TAKEN 1MMEDI- ntely. 20 , 30 or 40 acres , with Rood buildings , water , fruit and Brovo ; nisi n few splendid 5 and 10-acro tracts suitable for Rmall fruit , vegetables nnd poultry ; adjoins Mlllard , only | 12 miles from Omaha. Terms easy. Address Box M , Mlllard. Neb. Itli M5S A FULL SOUTH FHONT LOT IN NORTHERN part of city , worth $1,500 , for sale quick nt JKO. 12.000 lot , 3Cth St. , Just north of l > avenpoft , for only $ SM. If these properties , at these prices , arc not safer than cash In a deposit vault we nre sadly mistaken. They will bo none In n few days. Fidelity Trust Company , 1702 Farnam st. 11 1-2 5SO 1C llToOO FOR HOUSE C ROOMS LOT 33X140 , 3315 Jones street. J100.00 down , balance $15.00 monthly. House alone cost $1,100. Sclby , 33J Chamber of Commerce. It E 573 DO YOU WANT THE EARTH ? $1,000,00 I1UYS U , with $1,300.00 house and full lot , Walnut Hill , Also 2 houses nnd lots on which rents pay 12 per cent on purchase price. Sec Spencer , Karbach block. RE M7ID 17 COTTAGES , WE HAVE SEVERAL CASH CUStomers - tomers for desirable homes nt from $2.000.00 to $1,000.00. If you want to offer your property at a bargain submit nt once to the Fidelity Trust company. 1702 Farnam street. ItE M717 18 LAHC1E FARM ON PUQET SOUND. SUIT- nblo for colony. Address J. W. Cllso , Seattle , Wash. RE-752 24 * 10 ACRES , $3.600.00 , WORTH DOUBLE. 20 acres , $10.000.00 Improved. ) 10 acres , $2,000.00 , very cheap. 10 acres , $3,000.00 , close In. 5 acres , $ WO.OO , near South Omaha. 5 acres , highly Improved , $1,000.00. 9 acres , Iowa Bide , $2,700.00. D acres , $1,000.00 , near South Omaha. 40 acres , close In. $10,000.00. 40 ncrcs , near Florence. $2,000.00. 40 acres , close In , $30,000,00 , ( some trade. ) ICO acies close to Omaha. $10,000.00. 212 ucres 10 miles out , $83.00 an acre. 40 acres , 10 miles out , $1,000.00. 212. close to Nebraska City , $10.00 an acre. 100 , Douglas county , $0,400.00. 72. near Oretna , $ .1,200,00. 403 , Nanco Co. . $15.00 an acre. UCO , Sherman Co. . $15.00 an acre. 210. Douglas Co. , $50.00 an acre. 100 , close to South Omaha , $15,000.00. 80 acres , close In , $ SOi)0.00. 210 , Douglas Co. , $47.00 an acre. CO m-res. closu In , $0,000.00. IX ) EXCHANGE. llrlRKs Place lot for California property. Land and cash for J10.000.00 place. Furnishing goods for hind nnd cash. Dry goods for land nnd cash. Clear Omalm for California property. Clear farm nnd cash for California property. Clear farm for Omaha property. Clear property nnd cash for business property. Farm In Cedar county for cash and proper- Bunch of clear lots for farm. Adams Co. farm for livery stock. Acre West Oinnhii for clear property. Ix > t Cleveland Place for merchandise. Walnut Hill house and lot for lot. Dwlglit & Lyninn lots for house and lot. Cleiir lot. Huplil City , and cash for lot. Farnam street property for lot and cash. Hnnscom Place lot for merchandise. Clear residence for business property. 10 ucrcs for cash and city property. 40 aciea for house and loUl Elegant modern homo fir' money nnd lot. Clear Improved property , nnd cash for farm. Wanted. $000 8 per cent ! K year ( city security. ) Wanted. $2,000. 7 per ccnt'tfarm security. ) Wanted lo lonn. JO.OOO Mttyal ( on fnrni. ) Wnnted to borrow. $6.000 , ( < m city property. ) Wanted. Omaha , for Ueitrlij , < j property. East front , Hanscom Place , $1.600.00. Unit front nnd cottage. W .W. Hast front. Hanscom P ace | $200.00. East front , Haimnom Plce. ( ( , $2,300.00 , ia : t front. West Farnam. U.000.00. North front. West Furimm.'W.OdO.OO. . Full acre , Wust Farnam , ln.SOO.00. Full acre , West Fainam. $15,000.00. 132x185. Fariuim , . $40.000.00 , . ; . Full lot , 10th St. , I0.000.0il. „ , C. n llnirlson , 913 N. T. Tjlre , Omaha.77S 1C MERCANTILE ADJUSTMENTS. Rates. IKc word flnt vtn-Mitlon , lo a word thtreafttr. Nothing taken ; . -farjem than 25c. THE MERCANTILE ADJUSTMENT CO. Cftvunngh , Thomni & McQIIton , Counsel. COI Karbach block , Omaha. Adjustments , settlement ! and compromtM made for fall ne or Insolvent merchant ! . 891 all MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. Kates. IOc n Una each Insertion , 11,60 a line lr month. NolldiiL taken for lr than 25c. " * Q. Or.LLKNHECK , BANJO 1ST AND teacher. 1810 California . Rules , l'o word first Insertion , to a word thereafter. Nolhlnc takei fur le than lie. OLO11E tPIIOLSTUiuNa ! 6i7aiNiRAL FUR- nlture repalilne ; n > UmatiM an.l Information choet fully given. All work called for und promptly utuuded to. SOJ Farnum "L Ttlephcua 710. US LOST , Rates , lOo n line each Insertion. ll.M n lln ptt month , Nothing taken for Irs * than 25c. LOST SMALL C1OLD WATcTFvTT I f "F. M. L. " cngrnve.1 on bark. Return to 112.1 Park nx'cntie nnd pet rcwnrd. M770 ! IS 1 LOST. RED IRISH SETTER , CALLED "JOE. " Part chain on neck ; whlto spot on breast. lie- turn to 1721 Dodge nnd get toward. 747 1C * FOUND. Rates. Hfco n word Ili-st Insertion. Ic n word thereafter. Nothing taken furless tlmn 2Jc , FOt-ND , COLD WATCH "WITHINITIALS ON face , nt 18th and Chicago. Inqulro C. n. It. , 411 North lath. ' l-'niind M761 17 * DRESSMAKING ! ' DRESSMAKING IN FAMILIES , 4213 Niril- olas. M 023 20 * I WILL MAKE STYLISH SPRINO SUITS FOR $10.W during the n.'xt thirty days. Mine. Drowsier , room 11 , Continental hldg. , 2nd lloor , 15th Btrcct entrance. MGD9 17 * Rates , Hie word nrst Inse.-tlon , Ic n word thereafter. Nothing taken for less Ilinn 25c. DR. C. V. CROOKS' NEW METHOD" TREATment - ment of nerves , stomach , heart , 407 Bee Bldir , _ _ _ _ _ 935 UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS perRates. . lOo n. line nrst Insertion. $1.50 a Una per month. Nothing taken for less than 23o H. 1C. BURKET. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND embalnier. 1C18 Chicago st. Tel 50. 128 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. Rates , 10s n line rach Insertion , $1.00 n line per month. Nothing tnkcn for less than 25c. VAN HANTS SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND. 513 N. Y. Life , Omaha. Ask for circular. M127 INDAPO T1IK GREAT _ HINDOO REMEDY TOI.DCCE3 TI1K AHOVK CODAVH. ? Co.Cor.l5thnnrtloiipm sS . . nnrt A Happy , Fruitful frm . , . , , „ . . , it\ \ Hull Facts : the Old Secrets and the Now Discoveries of Jleillcnl Science ns .applied to Married Life , should wrllo for pur wonderful Illllo l.oolc , called "PERFECT MANHOOD. " To miy earnest man wo will mall ono copy ihitlrcly I'rcr , In plain sealed cover. ' .t rcfiigo from tlio qituclCN. " Address ERIE MEDICAL CO. , Buffalo , N.Y. TTo nlll send ron the nmrrcloni French Preparation CALTHO3 frc . and a Icxal Kuirontee that CALTIIOS will Brotorr your Urallb , HircnsrUi uud Vigor. Ute il and fay if satiijitct. AddreoB VON MOHL CO. . Bol > / erltulc h , BUREAU. SUE5& O'O. , SOLlOITOHS.Uou llulldins. OMAHA. > fEIJ. Advlua KRER Lcnvea ICIIlCAUlUUitLlNGToN & Q.tArrivvx Omiilml Depot 10th and Mason Sta. I Omaha 4:45pm : . Chicago Vcstlbuln. . . . . . 9o.un : UMiam . Chicago Express . 4Upm 7:02pm : . Chicago and Iowa Local . 8:00ani : 11 :3jaiu : , . . . .Pocltlo _ Junction _ Local . , _ , . . . Leaves JUURLINOTON & MO. Rl VlilUArrlvea Omahal Depot 10th and Maaon Sta JMOnialia 10JSam : . "Denver Kiplesa . IcSSam 10llam : . Deadwood Exprcnj . 4l > Jpm 4Upm : . Denver Express . 410pm ; 6Upm. : ) . . Nebraska Local ( except Sun. ) . . . 0Wum Jjl jam. . Lincoln Local ( except Sunday. ) . . H :25ani : Leaves I K. C. . ST. J. &T3riT lArtlvi-i' Omahal Depot 10th andSJason j3t3. | Omaha 0(5uin : . KanauH City Day Minrcss . ? : jJum CIDpiii.K.C.NIght : Ex. via U. P. Tmng. 6MiiiS ; leaves I CHICAGO , It. I. & PACIFIC. lAirlves" OmnhalUnlon Depot loth and Mason St3. | Omalu EAST. :3uam..Atlantic Express ( ex. Bunuay.j. . 7:16prn : S:00pm : Night Express CMJam G:00pm..Chicago : VcstlUufed Limited. . . . 2 : < Wpm H:10nm.Oklahoma H p. ( to C. H. ex Sun. ) , C.-l'.nin WKST. _ _ _ _ _ > m.t & Texas Exp. ( ex Sun.12Kam ) ) 2OJpm ; Colorado Limited l3)i ; > m Leaves I ONrON l ACIKIC. TX'rrlveT _ OmahttUnlon | Depot , 10th & Mason Sta.f Omaha Leaves [ CHICAGO , MIL. & ST. "i > A ' Onia.ha t.'nlun ' Depot Wth " & Mason Hls. | Oniah.i 6S5pm : . .Chicago"l.lmTtvd..77. . . . . . . sTs lliiO.un Chicago Exprciia ( e . Sun. ) . . . . 8 : U-aves I R , E. & MO. VALLCY. lArrUei Omahal Depot IJlh and Webster Ht . [ Omaha 9oum : Dcadwoo < l : OSain ( Ex. Sut. ) Wyo , Exp. iEx. Mon. ) 6H/pm / 6oOpm..Norfolk : Express ( Ex. ) G:30jim. : . St. Paul ' Express. , . . . 940am ; Leaves I CHICAGO & NORTHWKrfT'N lArrlveT OmnhnlU. 1' . Depot 10th & _ Mqton Kta | Omalu cnicugo 4ODpm : Vestibule Limited 9u.un ; Q:30pm : Eastern Flyer , 2ium ; C:30pmEx. : ( Bat..Chic , Pass.EY. ( Man. ) tf : : ipm Cittum Mo , Vulley Ixjcul 19opm : Leuvi-s | MISSOURI PACIFIC. fArrTvuT Omahal Depot 15th and Webster 8t . I Dinah.i l:0pni : St. Louis Kxpr-na CuOam : inoopm : St. I-ouls Express 4JOpin : S'.lOpin.Dally ( ex. Hun. ) Nebraska Local. fT-avis'l C./BT. P. . il. & O. JAirK'eT _ Omaha.Depot | 15th nndWeb _ t r Sts. _ | Omaha * 9:00am..7sioux : City Accommodation. . . .ia-.20pm 2:16pm..Sioux : City Express ( Ex. Sun..12 ) 10pm _ t:30Lim. . . . , . . . .Kt. Paul Limited :40am : Leaves I "sTot\TciTY ) & "PAt'lFU" . " " LUrTveT OiimhalU. P. Uc-iiot IQlh & Mu8uiiHU. _ | Ouwlu ' ' CWam : Slotix City Pu'n.-wiiKer. . . l pin 3Mpm ; St. Paul Kxpreiis 10vani : L ave I SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC.iriv ] s Omahal Depot ISth and Wi-bsrei tin. J Omaha ' 'Ciopm7 St. Paul Llmlti-d : EiiOpm Chicago l.lmln-d . _ . _ , . . _ 940ani ; Leaves I " OU'\flA & HT. IXU1S. "JArflvTj OmahaJUI > , _ Depot 10th & M..sun Slal Omaha lJtia. . . , . ! il. Louij Cannoa . . . . . . . . : ; : AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Mnyor Johnston Delivers His First Message to the Oity Council. ADVISES SEVERAL IMPORTANT CHANGES ItnlnctlniM In Pollen , I'lro nnd AilntliiMrn- thu Di'piirlmniM ( ) Hirers Inillnili'tl Iti'ftlii | Htiitoiitrnl of City I'lnniircn MntMirrs of Itoform Mnyor Johnston aubmlttcd his mossiiKo to tlio city council Inst cvcnltiR. Ho snltl ; Uiiilor section 22 of tlio city chnrter It becomes my ilnty to comwmilcato to your lionornble body such Information nml rcconi- numl such monsurcs ns In my opinion tuny tptul to the betterment of HID tnxpayera of the city. In ncconlnnco thcrowlt'i I ho ow fi Htibinlt a stiitcmcnt In iU > tnlI of the llnnnclal condition of our city , ns shown on llio books of the city treasurer nnd city clerk , Tlio total amount of outstanding crncrnl bonds Is $307.000 , the ainmnl Interest on which , nt 0 per cent , nmounts to $18,120. The outstanding district paving , grading , curbing nnd sewer bonds at this dale amounts to $2C9S20. The balances on April 10 In the various funds , as shown In tlio warrant books In tlio city clerk's otllco , are ns follows : General fund , $2,017.10 ; pollco. $1.112.60 ; nro and water , $1,037.70 ; salary , $14.25 ; judgment , $1,09S.)0 ! ) ; Interest , $10SIS.-I3 ; public light. $338.35 ; engineers , $315.23. While the In terest fund shows a bnlnnco of $10,3IS.43 , ngalnst which warrants can bo drawn , the fact Is the Interest fund Is actuality over drawn In tlio sum of $7,852.72. This mis take In the balance In the Interest fund was caused by the neglect of the finance committee of tlio old council to deduct from the Interest fund warrant book the checks drawn In 1801 , 1893 and 1S93 In the sum of $18,201.15 by the city treasurer for the payment of In terest on the general bonded Indebtedness of tlio city. Wlillo the Judgment fund shows a balance of $1,103.10 the old council nt Us last meeting Instructed the city attorney to eonfcjs Judgment to J. K. Owen In the sum of $841.70 and to 0. L. Dare In the sum of $250 , so that the balance In tills fund will bo but $ (18.70. ( At the same meeting war rants were ordered drawn on the occupa tion fund to the amount of $200 , which leaves this fund overdrawn In the sum of $111.52. The available funds on hand to pay cur rent running expenses from now until August next amount to $5,705.32 , thin being the total amount that wai rants can bo drawn for until the passage of the next minimi appropriation bill , which will bo on the second Monday In August next. The average monthly running expenses of the city In 1S93 were $3,9-11.51) . With this exhibit It seems unnecessary to ex plain to the council the necessity of the most rigid economy In all departments of the city. REDUCTIONS HKCOMMKNDED. I would recommend that the - re ductions be made In current expenses : First , that the police force be reduced from thir teen to nine members. On a basis of 12,000 Inhabitants , this will give our city ono olllcer for every 1,300 of population , while Omaha has but one to every 1,700 of population. Second end , that the street commissioner's ofllce be abolished and that the work in that depart ment bo done under the direction of the chief of police , with a competent man In charge of the work as foreman. Third , that the odlco of chief of fire department be abolished , and that the captain of one of the companies net as chief and his compensa tion be moderately Increased by reason of his additional responsibility. Fourth , that the office of assistant city clerk be dispensed with for tlio reason there is no justification for such expenditure. Fifth , that the olllce of deputy city treasurer bu discontinued be cause there is no authority of law for the same. In the purchase of supplies of all kinds for the city I think considerable saving can ho made by having a responsible head and I recommend that all orders for supplies bo Is sued by the finance committee as a safeguard and full protection to the Interests of the pee ple. Under the old administration , where there was a divided-responsibility. It necessarily followed that the public business wits con ducted In a loose nnd unsatisfactory man ner. In this respect I earnestly suggest n radical change. Tlio charter requires all bills against the city to be verified under oath. This section of the charter should bo rigidly complied with by the council. In the reading of all bills by the city clerk the Items should bo read In full , EO that every member of the council may bo fully advised thereof. Section 25 of the city charter requires the city clerk to make an annual report of the financial condition of the city. Section SO also requires the mayor and council to cause to be published scml-annually a statement of the receipts of the city and the sources thereof , and an Itemized account of the ex penditures and the financial condition of the city. These sections of the organic act ire mandatory and will bo enforced. This Imperative duty was wholly neglected by the last administration and properly subjected it to adverse criticism. Another pernicious practice of the old ad ministration was the holding of secret ses sions , at which the money of the taxpayers was squandered. This dangerous precedent will not bo tolerated by the present adminis tration. In the publication of notices of the sitting of the board of equalization , notices to con tractors , etc. , the provisions of the charter with respect thereto should be Implicitly followed. I would recommend where property owners letltlon for grading that before the bids for same nro advertised an estimate of the cost [ ier lot bo made by the engineer , nnd whan the cost Is excessive , in such cases nntlco jo given to the property owners. I submit this In view of the fact that under the old ulmlnlstnitton an alloy was graded at n cott of $ G37.3t per let , amounting lo $9,087.69 , which will ultimately work n confiscation of the property , and n largo portion of which amount , In my Judgment , eventually must ) o assumed by the city at largo. The rules and regulations which guide our olllclal conduct are embodied In tlm city charter. To thoroughly understand the > roper limitation of power It la Incumbent upon all of us to study and fully understand ts provisions. Ily this moans olllclal llfo s made easy nnd the responsibilities fully mdorstood In our relations with these to whom we are legally responsible. MUNICIPAL UKKOK.M. Unjust taxation Is legalized robbery. The ssuo Is whether municipal government shall bo conducted honestly. Those who 'urnlsh funds to defray public expenses uive u legal right to hold their chosm ser vants to a strict accountability. Holding nyself us ono of the publlu servants I shall n accordance with my ofllclal oath observe all the requirements enjoined upon mo with out fear , favor or affection. Municipal government , to bo nuccessfiilly administered , should bo conducted with the same care as characterizes Individual pur suits. This Involve ? many dlsappolntinontu to applicant ) ! for po.sltlonii , Lut nuch nro of nlnor Importance when compared with the lencflclal results which flow from n Judi cious and discriminating economy. I'ledg d to such n course of action by thu ri'qulro- uonts of our btatn and national plntforma t should bo our steadfast effort In this con- icctlon to glvo to the people of South Dmnlia the full benefit of mch ptirty obligat ions. From the suggestions heretofore , authorizing but it limited number of em- iloycs , I am unable to lollow my n.-ttural ncllnutlona and act utllclally In Justice to ho taxpayers. I have cantldcnco that this mportant fact will ho fully recognized , that ho city treasury will be regarded nil no Children Cry fore o Castoria. Children Cry for Pli"SILT'S Castor ia- Children Cry for , Pitclherrs Ca&toria. bank uixm which unnecMsary drafts may bo drawn against the popular protest. Secret societies In politics nro antag onistic to social pence ; when Injected Into the body politic n source of discord , nnd nccegg.trlly an clement of woitkttvss , Tim only oath an oinclnl or citizen Miould tnko Is < o execute the laws and obey the constitu tion of the United Stnte.i. I earnestly hope that such alliances will find no lodgment In the democratic party , which strenuously adheres to the doctrine of an absolute , un qualified separation of church and slate. The prevalent disposition In cities of their chosen representatives , when elected , to be come unmindful of their obligations to the people Ima developed n necessity for llio organization of the taxpayers , the see ! object of which Is their mutual protection from olllelal misrule. 1 uiiqimllilodly approve of such organizations , regarding them ns sufo- giiurds fir olllfinl conduct , nnd take this oc- caslon to solicit the i-Ioso watchfulness of the Taxpayers league of South Omaha In that direction , for which H was created. In conclusion , I confidently expect the co operation of your honorable body In the fill- Illllment of nil pledcgs wo have made lo Ilia people. In unity there Is strength. As cus todians of the public welfare , charged with u great trust , let us meet nil Issues ( Irmly , not seeking any partisan ndvnntaRo nt HIM ex pense of the taxpayers. Let us pursue such 11 policy as will gain accessions to our rnnltu through n united opposition to all Jobbery which means an Increase of public burdens. Respecting all Interest * specially committed under the charter to my keeping , I Khali du all within my power to promote social order , with n proper regard to the wishes of nil classes of my fellow citizens. The reading of the message was listened to with much attention , which , at the close , changed Into hearty applause. UOUTINB 11USINKSS. Ordinance No. 81. to levy a. special tax for grading ( } street from Seventeenth to Twenty-second street , nnd ordinance No. 507 , requiring n sidewalk on the north sldo of A from Twenty-fourth to Twenty-sixth street , were read. Ordinance No. 6Cli , authorizing 7 per cent bonds In the sum of $0,500 on grading district No. 24 , was passed the third nnd llnnl reading. The petitions of Frank I'otokn to remove his frame building from Twenty-fourth nnd N streets east on N street , so that ho can build a brick block on the corner ; of IMvvard Kaln nnd J. It. Glynn to bo appointed gar bage master ; of William Knln. William M. Hughes nnd William H.Johnson to bo ap pointed on the police force , and of Walter O'Kocfo to bo appointed on the lire depart ment , were read and referred. The petition of citizens to hnvo nighteenth graded from O to Q streets was read nnd referred. The resignations of City Kuglueor W. S. King , Deputy City Clerk IX A. I'earce , Street Commissioner Joseph M. Tobias and Captain Charles L. 1'orter of lire company No. 1 were read nnd accepted. The following communication of The Omaha levelling Dec uas read : N. 1 * . I'VIl , lmsluc H manager of. The Heo publishing company , on onth dorlnres that the average dully i-lr- etiltttloii of thu Oinnha Kvonlng In Douglas county , for the thrco nuititliH ending Alurch 'II , 1SUI , ox < ' .u- slvo of sample copies or ruxuld or returned copies , \vns 7.S71 copies ; for the month of March , 7,913 copli-H. This communication wan In response to a request made by the council a fexv weeks ago for sworn statements of circulation from publishers of news-papers In the county , with n view to determining in what paper saloon keepers should publish notices of their nppt- : catlons for llccns3. Instead of submitting figures the World- Herald submitted a letter describing tha peculiar position taken by that paper re specting the case. Thereupon , on motion of Councilman Con- ley , the following resolution was carried : Unsolved , Tlmt the Oinahn Evening liee , being the only npivhpniier which Hiibmlttt'il ll juruH In accordance with a resolution passed nt the last meeting , tluit papt-r nci declared 'the one In which the Hnloon keepers nnd druggists of South Omaha publish their applications for license. Clutrlcj Cummliigs , poudmabter , was re moved. W. C. T. I ) . ixclmtl"ii : ! Mi'i'tlii ) : . The state executive committed of the Women's Christian Temperance union will hold a meeting In the First Presbyterian church , Twenty-fifth nnd .1 streets , next Thursday and Friday , April 19 and 20. The ladles of the First Presbyterian con gregation will furnish dinners for nil dele gates during the session. The following Is the program : Thursday 9 a. in. : Devotions. 9:30 : : Mis cellaneous business. 12 m. : Dinner. 2 p. in. : Treasurer's report ; report of finance commit tee ; state work ; miscellaneous business. 7:30 : p. m. : Address of welcome from pastors , [ lev. C. N. Dawson ; from the Women's Chris tian Temperance union , Mrs. J. Itoas ; res ponse , Mrs. Nolllo M. lllchardson of Lincoln ; address , "How District Work Might Uo Made Effective , " Mrs. F. W. 1'earse of Albion , president of the eighth district ; paper , "How Wo Shall Succeed If Wo Do Not Take the Union Worker , " Mrs. A. H. Jones , Hastings , editor Union Worker ; social hours. Friday 9 a. in. : Devotions. 9:30 : : The Union Worker ; miscellaneous business. 7:30 : p. in. : Parlor meetings , Mrs. M. M. Pugh of Omaha , state superintendent ; work nt county fairs , Mrs , Anna M. Hunting of David City , state superintendent ; address , M. Woodward of Sownrd ; paper on franchise , Mrs. JCara A. Wilson of Lincoln ; "Tho Value of the Women's Christian Temperance Union to Universal Suffrage , " Mrs. S. M. Walker of Surprise. All papers and addresses will bo limited to ten minutes. SIMOIKVuril ! Illuming Clnli. The Second Ward Dancing club of this city , under the excellent management of Sebastian Seltzle. president ; Hertrnnd Feenan , vice president ; Frank Ilolton , Hccrotury ; Charles Clausen , treasurer , nnd Kdvvard CimfdlpcH , In charge of arrunse- monts , gave another most enjoyable bop at their hall last Haturdny night , nml not withstanding the threatened downpour of rain the dunce wns participated In by thu majority of the inemburH , Including several Invited KuestH. Altogether there were seventy yeung couples present. The pro gram , ns rendered , consisted of u variety of the very latest dances , which , with tlio assistance of the seductive music , ns ren- lered by the club's own orcbeHtra , was accomplished In a most pleasing manner. In all probability the last danre of the season to bi given by thin club will lake ) luco nt the club's ball ni'xt Saturday cvcn- mr , nnd everything possible will bo donu m thu part of the gentlemen who have thu matter In band to all former at tempts.Vltli this end In view a mcflln of the club will b held at tlio usual tlmo I'.ml place , duo notice of wlileli 'will bo given the members. Itont'H Crinv Drnwnad. riOSTON , April 10. There Is no longer any doubt that the crew of the schooner Jennie .M. Carter , which Is n total wreck on Salisbury beach , nru drowned. TIIK KK.M.TY .MAUKKT. 1NSTUUMBNTS placed on record April JO , 1S91 : WARRANTY DEEDS. Fri-d King nnd wlfo In PctiiP.ftcrson H V , nt a Yj < it lot : < ii , hlwk 4 , ( . ' ,111111- .1 P English and wlft to Unit .t McCullnch , lot : : i. hl'jclt 8. .It-tier's add 00) I. W Hill In Wllhelni and Ouitnvit licit- r.iun , si ' .i "f in.1 Vi nnd n W no C-IG-13 CM G II Fltchett mid wlfo to Carrlu ll.ibcnck , lotI , I'l-ii-U * I , Mnyriti'tt add GW Hi'tropolitiiP Land and Trust company to A'llon Voilk'lia , lot - * , block 3 , Mi'llnx 1st udd lo South Omaha S.'JOO J ! ) M-Vminlcli to Kiitu U Kuhn. w H of I . ' . 9 and o H of lot 10 , hlnuk 2 , Clnivn- d-iti ndd 2,00) M li Powell and husband tr. ( J II Pollock , \-An \ C nnd 7. hluclc S. Orchard Hill D.OM CliiBtpvVcklincli nnd wlfo In A lluiich , lot S. block "J , " Hhlnn's Sd add 2,000 C N t.Wj and wlf.i lo C W UayoH , lot 10. block 8 , 1st ndd to South Omaha 2.030 M II Mi-Cnll and hiHtMiid to C 1) Union , lot 1. block I , Hyndli-nlH Hill 450 Julm Miller and wife to Mlmnd.t Felln V4 of lot 11 , block 2 , Improvement n 4o- elation S.MO QUIT CLAIM DL'EDS. Otn.ihn r.nd Lincoln Realty rompany to C E lluilou , lot 6 , Archer Place 1 DIIKDS. Albyn Frank ( special maiiU'rt to E 8 Uundy. Jr , lull 1 lo 15 , 22 tu W. Cl to 100 , 103 to 10S , llrlghtan llr.nch * A F A llrogim ( special niahti-r ) lo I ) A Cohb , Int 10 , bluvl : 3 , 1'oltr.r pi C's add to South " Oinulii O H I'am-jll ( Ki.iclal nutil'T ) to S T Potter , lot II. blw'k 4. name 247 Bnmo in A S Potti-r. lot I , lilot'k S , Potter & ( "M 2d udd I'J South Omiha 401 A A Mi-t'lnniihin ( special mamur ) tn I > H Lyons , lot 10. block 2 , Orchard Hill 409 Kin.-lit to Phlliidulphln MorUmro and TtuKt mmiHinr. lot s , block 2 , Cr > - i"n add. . . . LOW Bumn in South Onuilia Iwit aunipnny , lulu C und 10. Mm k 5VJ , nnd lot 7 , block MJ , 1,101 r - tran ri IW.JU