THIS OMAHA DAILY HEIfc Tl KNPAY , AIMUL 17 , 18UI , THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL 11LUPP3. - - NO. 12 I'EAUL 8T11UET by canlrr to any part nf th rllr. II.V , TILTON , Manngcr. TrLKPIIONiS-nu : lncin No. night lilltor. N . 23. .M/A riw.v , neaten s.orc , spring drcsi goods , capes. \V. II. Hall's vvlfo claimed he threatened to kill her and swore out an Infornnllon charging him with disturbing the peace. Ho Is In jail. Chris Anderson Is In Jail on a charge of issault and battery. Ills wife called nt the elty Jail with her face all beaten out of shape ind preferred the charge. Julln B. Officer commenced null In the fllstrlct court > cnterday against J. T. Hart to recover on three notes given by the de fendant In April. ISOl. The aggregate amount of the notes Is $ llu&8. Isan S. Wright commenced an Injunction mil In Ihe district court yesterday to re- itraln two men named Bachelor and Skinner from entering upon ami cultivating a piece of farm land In Lewis township , which ho claims belongs to him. The counting of votes In the McAlce-Gor- man election conlosl progressed yesterday HO well thai before night It had been completed nd the attorneys were ready to begin their argument ) * . U Is probable that the case will bo submitted to the court by night. Charles Ashmorc , the member of the militia who got drunk on Council BIUITB whisky early Sunday morning , was brought up In police court yesterday morning , found Kiillly and lined $1070. Some of his friends were there and Insisted that the court had no right to fine him because he was acting under refused to lei the governor. Judge McOee him go without an order from Governor Jackson This order was secured and he was released _ Fires often start In an unaccountable manner The best way to avoid possible loss Is to keep well Insured In a high grade company llko the Cllen Palls. Lougci ) & Towlo , solo agcnlB , 235 Pearl slieet. Mcycrs-Durfco Furniture company , C36 , 31s Broadway , headquarters for r > srgalnn and fine furniture. _ Elegant furnished rooms for rent , corner Broadway and Bryant streels , by Mrj. A. Heller. _ Domestic soap breaks hard water. , t rittf. II. W.Vrlglit spent Sunday with his son , P. M. WrlKlit. Mr. A. Culver returned Sunday night from his California trip. H. G. Dye spent Sunday In Macedonia , re turning yesterday. J. II. Campbell of Walnut is the guest of his son , T. 0. Campbell. V. K. Lyman , representing the Dos Molnes Leader , has been In the city for days past. He returned yesterday. Conr.ul Oelsc. who has been very 111 for some tlnib past , has partially recovered and has gone to his country homo to recuperate V II. Stlckney of l.onginont , Cole , presi dent of the Winners' National bank of that place. Is In the city for a few days on busi ness. ness.V A Darker , who has been visiting I2d- niimd Jeffries on Nicholas street , has re turned to Highland Park college at Do1- Molncs , ( iiiriilHliniriilN Muut Stop IK lena In a short time , ns Iowa has passed n law against them. This Is your last chance to collect your accounts beforn the law gees Into force. The Nassau Investment comptny has reduced Its charges and will guarantee collections against persons not living In Iowa , but who are employed by home rail- nay , express or telegraph compiny hiving nn agent In Iowa. Write at once for terms anil references , Council muffs. Rd New comb , a first-class machinist and bicycle expert of Geneva , Neb , has accepted i position with S. M. Williamson & Co. , IOC Main street. Evans Laundry company. Shirts , collars , and cuffs a specialty , G20 Pearl street , Tel. 290. Reasonable rates for family work. Buy votir drugs nnd pilnts at Morgan's drug stores , 134 and 742 Uroadxvay. No Arbor Day Colulirutlnn. The school board held n meeting last evening , ut which it was decided that the program a cnt out by the state superin tendent of public Instruction for Arbor day celebration on the 27th should bo thrown DUO side and thnt no observance of the day should bo made so far as the public schools of the city nro concerned. This was prob ably due to the fact that Member Snjder reported that ho had seen to setting out ISO trees on the school grounds , and that , the board thought , was all that was necessary for ono year. The board ordered that all outstanding . wni rants be In ought In for payment , as the financial stiingency In school board circles Is now a thing of the past and the treasury Is once nioro full. Special meeting of Bluff City lodge , No. 259 , Ancient Free nnd Accepted MnBons , to day nt 2 o'clock p. m. to attend the funeral of the late A. N. Jack on. All master Masons requested to attend. Uy order of a. C. Case and W , A. Illghsmlth , worshipful mnbteis. _ Death Is an unb'dden vls'tor. Will ho call tomorrow , next week , next month , or next year ? ask yomself. If so , hava I made Elicit provision for those depending on me as I ought ? The Hankers Llfo association oC Ues Molncs affords such protection that jou can go to bed every night feeling perfectly secure. It Is thoroughly trustworthy , yet on account of Its Income from reserve ( $1,244- 210.03) ) the cheapest In cost. W. 0. WIUT , Agent. Everybody knows Davis soils drugs. The laundries USD Domestic soap. C lean IJ | > tint ( 'It j. W. U. Kemp , the city health Inspector , 1ms gene out on the warpath after people who have been violating the ordinance which prohibits the dumping of garb.igo within the city limits. Many private Individuals have been guilty of this offense , and there are parties In the garbage business who have prcslstontly violated the law. U Is said thnt the land about Mynstor springs and by Dig lake , west of Fifteenth street , has been mads the dumping ground for all manner of rub bish nnd filth. Mr Kemp has provided hlni- Bolf with ti pocketful of notices , which will bo served on the offenders to abate the nuisance. Signs will b" > posted up about the districts In question , nnd all who hereafter violate the law will bo llablo to prosecution. Chattel mortgage shoo sale at 23 Main street. $375 Klnnelian shoes for $2.63 ; $300 Klnnohnii shoes for $197 ; $2.50 Klnnehan shoes for $1 09 ; $1.76 Kinnelmn shoes for $1 13 , $1.25 Klnnehan shoes for SCc. George McMiihon , receiver. When you conio to the best hose for sprink ling the lawn It Is the Maltese Cross. Yon can always get this and lighter grades In rubber and cotton hose at Illxby's , 202 Main Btrcct. Oas cooking stoves for rent nnd for S4lo it Gas Po.'s olllce. Abi > Mill \fvnr tlin Tll t The following well known attorneys will contest for n silk hat at the Catholic ladles' ba/nar : John N. Daldwln , J. J. Shea , I ) . II. Dalloy. John I.lndt. Flnley Ilurke. Kmtnett Tlnley nnd I. N. Fllcklnger. The tllo Is a very line one , anil was donated by Mutcalf Hros. . to be- voted to the most popular attorney. As the lucky contest ant's head Is llablo to bvvell Metcalf llros Klvo thu privilege of exchanging for n larger sliu. Him tn Ki't'ii Cool. Is the question all will bo trying to solve In hot days. An easy way of solving the problem Is to buy the genuine New Procebs gasoline stove and get the latest packed oven , which retains all tlio heat. Thu original Now Process Is the handsomest and most durable stove In the market. Cole & Colo. 41 Main street. Sou the now art , goods at Mrs. Nllet * . k .Washerwomen use Domestic cone. i'h/nt fAi'vni nt iiirn rllOjI COuCIL BLtrl'S ' City Council Will Consider New Sidewalks nt It ? Nozt Session , BONDS OF APPOINTEES APPROVED Committee Dolgnntcd to Co-Opcr.ito will the .MunlvlpiU Club-.V IMg Hatch of 1'ctltloin DlHpimvd Of-Rutltliio Work of the Meeting. The city council held n meeting last even Ing with Mayor Cleaver and Councllmen Brcwlck , nieason , Grahl , Keller , Nicholson Rlshton , Spctnian and White present. The special committee reported unfavor ably on the ordinance with reference to the Inspection of meat on the ground that R was Impractical and would prevent local butchers from buying meat from any ouo outsldo o Council Bluffs. The report was concurred In The judiciary committee reported that cer tain lands belonging to J. W. Hunnan am William Moore as trustee , located south of the Union Pacific dump , were not subject to city tax and the report was concurred In. The report of the committee favoring thu remission of taxes on Mrs. Brackett's property - erty , on the ground of poverty , was not con curred In. The sum of $1,000 was ordered transferred from the police to the special paving fund for the payment of bonds. ' An ordinance for sidewalk an Sovenloenth stretl , belweeen Fifth and Ninth streets was Introduced and laid over II will be considered al Ihe next meeting , togethci wllh oilier similar ordinances. Each councilman was Instructed to bring In nt the next meeting a list of all bldewalk.s needed In his ward. Frank street , from Elm strcol to Park lane , and Harmony street , from Logan to Oak , were ordered to grade. Bonds of City Clerk Xurmiiehlen , Chlel Nicholson of the fire department , Chief ol Police Scnnlan. E. B. Gardiner , J. M. Murphy , D L. Wolr , J M. Woolf , H. Peter- FOU , P. Covalt and G. L. Martin of the police department , Street Supervisor A. E. Avery and Poll Tax Collector Mlkesell were approved. The J M. Wolf Directory company ol Omaha offered to sell the cily Uvtlve copies of the new city directory at $5 each. The offer was plated on file. The appointment of C A. Fox and S. Lab- harl as deputy city clerks were confirmed. A commiicatlon from the Municipal club was lead , In which the suggestion was made thai a committee of three be appointed to co-operate with the club. The suggest'on was concurred In and the committee on fire and llghl was appointed such committee. The tlalm of B. F. Fulton for $217. costs In the case of Krueger agalnsl Ihe clly , was referred lo the city atloiney and Judi ciary committee. A petition frtm property owners on Sixth avenue , west of Eighth treet , asking for Iho removal of telephone wires on thai avenue , was icferred lo Iho committee on Iho and light. Petition for fire protection on Logan street was referred. Petition for the removal cf a house on Fourteenth avenue , between Seventh and Eighth streets was teferred to Ihe commit tee on streets and alleys. Petition for conuecllon of the catch basin nt Fourth strccl and Eleventh avenue with the suwer was icfeired Bids for grading Harmony street were re jected , and the street cummlHslouei was In structed to go on with the woik. Seven bids were in for feeding the oily piisoncis for the current jear. The con- tiact was awarded -Mrs. J. E. Brooks at 11 cents per meal The city tleik was Instiiicted to draw up an ordinance for u sewer on South Eighth slieot foi presentation ut the nexl meeting iUiHHiiivriii : ( iix. 'Hint In Wlnt airs. Smith of Fremont , Nub. , Claims Was tinVlattrr. . The c.ibo of Mr3. Jennie Smith against the Ctl7cns ! State bank Is on trial in the dis trict court. Extended mention of this suit has already been made In The. Bee , and the sensational disclosures already made public are found not to have been overdrawn. Mrs. Smllh was In Denver , and while there she saw an advertisement In a paper asking for a female companion for a gentleman who was given to traveling. She claims her nephew answered It as a Joke , and the man who had advertised called at the room in the hotel St. James , vvhcro she was stop ping His name was Proctor , and , although Mis. Smith denied having answered the ad- vertl cmeut , an acquaintance spuing up which afterwards became quite Intimate. Mrs. Sm'th's husband lives In Fremont , Neb. They Wfie not living together at the time , bul Mr Smith occupies a chair by his wife's side In the trial of the present case. While In Denver Pioctor , who Is said lo be In Ihe real estate buslnes ) , took Mrs. Smith up to Longiuont , Colo. , to look at a p'cce of real estate she wauled lo pur chase. The purchase v\as made and a cei-- ttflcate of deposit for $1SOO was given In payment. Mrs. Smith Ib now suing to re- covtr the certificate. She claims that during her Intimacy with Pioctor she was In the habit of drinking gin on account of kidney Iroublo , and several limes Proclor got the medlclno for her. He also drank of the gin. This took place , she says , on the day when the tiansfer of the real estate was made. She snjs thai when she assigned Ihe ccrllllcate of deposit she was under the In- fiuonce of the liquor , which had been drugged. The clerk of the St. Jamoi hotel has testified under oath that Proctor carrieJ her to a room In Iho hotel In a dead faint on the night In question. The president of the Longmont bank , F. H. Stlckney , on Ihe other hand. Is hero to swear that at the tlmo the transaction took place she seemed to bo perfectly rational. The Iransfer of Iho paper was made In his bank. There nro many Interesting features In the testimony. If little birds In the nest can't agree they fall out. Uptown shoo dealers of Council Bluffs are having some difficulty In agree ing , but the people of the city all agree that T. B. Hughes Is making little noise while making the prices and giving Iho values In shoes that justify long pilgrimages to 919 South Main slrccl. While you are pajliiK for laundry why not get the besl ? The Eagle laundry solicits a trial and Invites comparison. Telephone 157. Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap. Jarvls Wlno Co . Council Bluffs. "Vluv soiilonco Today. It Is expected that Judge Woolson vvll to day Impose sentence on the three men who have beeen found guilty of promoting the bond Investment schemes. All three of the men have hitherto berne good reputations , and It is believed that fact will Influence the court to a consldcrablo extent In fixing the penalty. J. B. Sweet , S. P. Vnnatta , C. R. Sweet and William Lirbon , , who were connected with the Equitable Investment company , nrc lo have a trial today. A demurrer filed by them was overruled by Judge Woolson yes- tviday , and the takln of the testimony will bo begun Immediately. Cuio Indigestion ami biliousness with ReWltl's Llttio Ear y Rlssrs For cobs go to Cox , 10 M\ln slrect. Tele phone 43. _ Jarvls Wlno Co. , Council Bluffs , la. , agent Jarvls 1S77 brandy , wines and liquor , Licenses. The following marrlago licenses were Is- niicd lesterday by the county clerk : Name nml address , Ace. J II Baker. Btuurt . 24 Luclnd.i Doughtily. Logan. . . . is Carl IX Baker. Crmncll Bluffj . 23 Marguiet E. McUcnnott , Council. Bluffs. . 20 Pills tlmt cure sick headache : DeWltt'i Llltlo Early Risers. _ Get prices of SliiiKurt fc Ouren. lending seedsmen , Masonic temple , Council Bluffs. Turn-nil nf Dr. A. N. .liivk < m. Dr. A. N. Jackson of Shndron , Neb. , who illed Sunday nlcht nt 7 15 o'clock at the MuthoJUt hospital In Omaha , Mill bo burled fnm the rrsldence of Mr Cook , 131 Vine street , thu afternoon nt 3 o clock > VM.\C//.S .virv. I.'dounrit I.ockrny Drtrrlhru Ironclad * n * n Dnucrr to thr Country. PARIS , April 16 , At a meeting of Hie com mission appointed by the Chamber of Dcpu ties to examine Into the condition of the navy Edounrd Lockroy , n loading member of the commission , read n long report. He said the nnxlcty regarding the condition of the nnvy had only been Increased by the Inquiry which had shown that the navy was no ready to mobilize and thai the stores were depleted owing to the negligence of the nd ministration. Many of the torpedo boat were without crews and the turret ship Ma gcnt.i was worthless. M. Lockroy ended by declaring that economies , without dotrlmcn lo the efficiency of the navy , must bo made and that a change In officials was Imperative Admiral Vulon nude a report as to the con dlllon of Ihe Magenta , saying she would cap size In the first severe collision to wlilch she might bo subjected. Her unarmored parts wuro exposed when she rolled Ho urgei that 1'iaiicc should stop building Ironclad which he declared were u veritable danjje to Iho country. The commission decided tr consider the subject before accepting the re ports. _ _ _ _ SAVII : > ruoai snoui : HV WIND. Narrow INrnpo < > f the 1'ubirn of Ilcito-Co- burg-On the Kti ; of tilt ) \VVdtllllK- . COBURO. April 1C. In the midst of prepa rations for the HcRse-Coburg wedding today fire broke out at the Hotel Bcllcvuc on the Schlcss-Plalz , next door lo the palace. The hotel was coon a mass of llanios. Crowds of visitors and residents turned oul to see the fire , as It was at first reported that the palace was In flames. A number of the wedding guests were etopplng nt the Hole ! Bellevue , where the firemen nnd olhcrs set to work to snve their most vnlunble prop erty. The names were brought under control al 5 30 p. In. For a lime Iho grealcst excllemenl pre vailed In Iho ducal palace , as Iho flames were swept In that direction and threatened to set fire lo U. Luckily , the wind veered away nnd the palace was spared. While the palace square was filled with smoke and crowded with people , soldiers and firemen , the c/arewltch arrived and was driven to life palace amid the cheers of all present. lUJYl'T.S M\V MINISTRY. Nulmr l'u ln Siicft-fdu In Stringing. To. Kt'tlit'i * ii I.Nt nf Numrf. LONDON , April 1C The correspondent at Cairo of the Times says Nubar Pasha , In trusted with the formation of a new cablncl lo succeed that of Riaz Pasha , has suc ceeded In forming a ministry thai 11 Is be- lloved will bo approved by Ihe khcdlve. II includes Mustafa Fehmy Pasha , minister of war ; Akhrl Pasha , minister of public works ; Mastoum Pasha , minister of finance ; Tuaad Pasha , minister of Justice , and Beutros Pasha , minister of foreign affairs. The sue- co-.s of the new government will depend upon Nubar Pasha's ability to control and amalga mate the heteiogencous elements of which U is composed. .SPANISH I'll.CKI VIS. Two Thousand Mom Kmlmrlc from Itartc- lonii The Viili-iiilii Rioting. BARCELONA , April 1C. Two thousan 1 pilgrims embarked here yesterday for Rome. There wns no disorder. VALENCIA , April 1C. The government has dismissed the civil governor of Valencia on the giound that he did not give adequate proUctlon lo Ihe pilgrims on their way to RomeROME ROME , April 1C. The pope has ex pressed to the Spanish government his pleasure at the resolution adopted by the Valencia government In regard to the Rome pilgrims. FIRE AND POLICE. Seniry I'riiti ss Against ( Jitrlmgo llllls I'tin- Ulilnj ; OdltcrB nnd I'lruinnu. At the meellng of Ihe File nnd Police lioaul last evening u piotcst was made by Commissioner Strlcklcr und Chief Seavey against the garbage bills filed by Con- Iraclor McDonald for hauling gaibagc fiom Ihe jail and engine houses , other members of the board thought the pi Ices e\hoibltant. After fonie discussion the matter was refened to the finance com mittee. Mayoi Bemls called attention to the fact thai he "had vetoed the gaibage oidlnnnce , but the municipal statesmen in the city council. In their gie.xt wisdom , had pa ° sed it ovei his veto. " He denounced It as un outrage. Seigeant Sheep vvaa called up to nnswei the charge that he had used abusive and profane language to Simon Levy , n Tenth Htieet storekeeper , In the piesence of the l.itloi's daiiKhler. Ofllcei Haltei was on the carpet for being oft his beat while on duly. Cniefiil inquliy vvns made Into the recent accident Unit icsulted In the breaking of the wheel of the ttuck that entries the water lower. Leave of absence vvns granted to Olllccis Kevsor nnd DuIiolH Firemen Loomls , Dow ling and Cuvannugh asked for a luinsfer from the lire to the police depaitment. Hefeuul to committee John P Henderson -Ucd 101 better police pi election for. the vicinity of Eighteenth nnd Nicholas. Refeired. In executive session the charges ngninst Sergeant Sheep were dismissed. It was de cided thai Captain Lank should be repri manded for carelessness , which caused the accident to truck No. 3 Dilver Gilbert of engine house No 11 will get an official scolding tor allow Ing his team to inn away from him while going to n lire a few weeks ngo , und Fireman Chniles Runnells will get the same punishment for going to sleep at a time when the rules foi bade slumber. The case of Olllcei Foley , tiled ut the last meeting for Intoxication , vvns nlso decided He vvns found guilty , nnd will be lined ten days pny. * TEMPERANCECONVENTION. IoIt.lies to St. I'.iul , 'Minn. , Thin Summer to All. The Catholic Totnl Absllnence Union of Ameilcn , one of Ihe sliongesl lempeinneu organisations In the world , will hold Us Ivventy-fouith annual convention In St Paul , Minn. , Augusl 1 lo 3 , next. lit. Rev J D. Cotter , bishop of Wlnonn , Minn , Is piesldent , and llov. A. 1' . Doyle , C. S. P. , of NLVV Yoik , Is becietuiy of the union. AH bt Paul Is the homo of Aichhhhop It eland , a convention of more than ordinal y Interest nfny be looked for. A local com mittee has been appointed , and the most complete ntiungements me being inudo foi giving Iho delegates und visitais u loyal welcome to thu noitliwest , Certain sec tions of the countiy nre nlieady promised railroad intes much lower than those usually seemed on HIKII occasions , and It Is believed othPi- districts will > et fine equally well. The attendance will bo laigo ; not less than 1,000 piomlncnt teiiipuanco vvorkeiH fiom nil pails of thu United States und Canada being expected In fact , It IH the Intention to mnko this the greatest and most tepiesuntnUve gatlieilng of Cath olic total abstainers evei brought together Local exclusions mo be lng planned to all points of Intelest. so the trip may bo innde- one piulltublu In many ways. Fifty thou sand copies of the Official Bulletin will be Issued about Juno 1st. II will bo beauti fully Illustiatcd , nnd will contain full pnr- tlculniH us to t-ntt'itulnincnt , rates , routen , etc. , nnd will be soul flee to nny one Hcnd- Ing name and nddicss. Addicas A. W Outildgp , chairman local committee , St. Paul , Minn. _ _ Ono of the llodirr , Recovered , NEWBURYPORT , Mass , April 1C. At 1 o'clock this morning Iho llfo saving crews recovered Hie body of a sailor supposed lo jo ono of the crew of the Jennie Carter , which went ushoro al Sullsbuiy beach lusl frldny. There vvcro besides the captain and his nolce six millers on the tjchooner when she sank. Itnbv I'rl < I Ight 1 n 4 Postponed CROWN POINT. Ind. , April 1C. The iloby prize light cases , which were to have ) cen tried hero this week , have been post poned until the next term of court on ac count cf Judge Langdon's Illnees. The irobabllltles are thai tluy will not come up 'or u final hearing until the September term. < ln < Your fur Hurglar } . SIDNEY , Neb. , April 1C. ( Special Tele- ; ram to The Bea. ) John Dcnnahan and uter AJle , who burglarized the grocery store of William Pease last week , today i leaded guilty In district court , and were sentenced by Judga Neville to one year each u the penitentiary. BIB-BEXSEirS GREAT SERVE Alleged Murderer of Aft T,6wn Girl Bears Up Under a Tenibio Str.thi , ARRAIGNED BY THE STATE'S ATTORNEY Arguments ' Scinntloiml Case nt .VIiir < ) mlltiMfii-Coiirt Itooni 1'iiclicd with People Ainlilm to Hear the Iuliorrf. . _ ) it MAnSIIALI/rO\Vrtl < J' ' . April 1C. ( Special Telegram to The DeisArsmnents to the Jury In the Denticle iiiunler case coin- luenceil this afternoon , Hon. II. 12. o. Uoardman opening for the state. Ills pica was n masterpiece In logical concltiglons ( and metlioillcal preparations. He covered the ground Inch by Inch from the commis sion of the crime to1 the arrest of the de fendant , weaving tlif various circumstances brought out In the Ustlmony Into a plausi ble chain of presumptive guilt. The de fendant sat UiroiiRlu It nil \\llli the same stolid Indifference that has marked her man ner from the first. Even when the attorney held up the bloody cbrpct of the victim and thrust a knlfo through the holes made by the assassin slic remained unmoved. Ilo.ird- man will probably conclude by noon tomor row. row.The The court room was densely packed and the great audience was worked up to an In tense strain of excitement. Ncuspnper Sued for l.llicl. CnnSTON' . Id. , April 1C. ( Special to The Uce. ) A article In Saturday evening's Oazette , regarding the flood.ilo murder , has quickened the pulse of the citi zens of the community Inlilcli the murder occurred , and as a result the Gazette IH the defendant In a $10,000 libel stilt. The article claims that by a chain of suspicions circumstances Ud Heed , a blacksmith , formerly residing In this tlty , Is connected more closely with the murder than any other party , and intimates that Heed Is the murderer. The article stated that Mr. Heed had skipped the country and was In hiding In parts unknown. The facts In the case appear to be entirely different from the Gazette's ! -tateiiiens. ( At tlic time of the murder Heed was In the vicinity where the crlmo was committed. Since the murder ho has been residing at Lenox , a small station south of Creston , working at his trade. He was In Creston Saturday evening , and since reading the charges against him has com menced action against the Gazette In the sum above slated. The theory advanced by the Gazette was at the time of the murder thoroughly In vestigated by Deputy Sheriff Dert Hall and County Attorney James G. Dull , and while some suspicion rested upon Heed , there was not biiinclcnt evidence to arrest him for the crime. The article claims that Heed had suddenly disappeared after the murder be came general talk , but It Is learned that he was In Crcston and attended the trial of Daldcrson and Kltld , the men charged with the dime. Ii-n Moim-s New fit } Ofllctulf DHS JIOINES , April 1C. ( Special Tele gram to The Bee. ) Amidst a large attend ance of spectators ho old city council held .1 meeting this morning and closed up its business i > reparatoiy > to stepping down This afternoon the new city officers met and were Inducted Into'ofilce , with Mayor Isaac L. Illltib at the head. Seven new aldermen also took positions. ' Major IIIIlls made a short address , counseling the members to work to ImproVfi and uphold the city In a healthful and progreis- l\e manner. The council then elected D. A. Kookor , iccent city editor of the Dallj Iowa Capital , city1 clerk ; Dr. W. H. II. Matthews , city plijsklan , and John Mon arch , chief of the llru department. Mayor IIIIlls announced , Uio following appoint ments , \\hicli were unanimously approved : City marshal , Fred Johnson ; deputy mar shal , Charles J. Slmfer ; captain of police , Geoige C. Sims , c-c-rolinty recorder ; ber- geant of police. A. "X" Butln. The council passed a resolution'-topping ; to the cutting off of barnacles from employment by the city. t Mr * . Miisnn 1'ollouK Ilur Murderer. DCS JIOINES , April 1C. ( Special Telegram to The Uce. ) Mrs. Maggie Mason died last evening' at her home near Summerset , from the effects of the wounds Inflicted by George Ashworth March 'M. Ashworth sho't himself last Friday when captured In the .barn of his guatdl-in , William Ash , three miles south east of Norwalk , and died soon afterwards at his mother's house near by. The Summer set community is terribly wrought up o\er ; he affair and threats are freely made against [ icrsons who are suspected of having har- nored and concealed Ashworth. Mrs. Mason died without Knotting that Ashwoith was dead. She was unconscious most of the time , and made no statement beyond what was publlbhcd at the time of the shooting. Sioux City Letter MMXCH Jtiildud. SIOUX CITV , la. , April 1C. ( Special Tele gram to The Bee ) Persons unknown to the authorities broke open seven street letter boxes In the business portion of the city last night and carried away the contents. TheMes M\es were opened by Insertion of an Iron jar in the neck of the padlocks and twisting : hem off. Ono box broken open was within half a block of police headquarters , another was midway between the two principal lotels. All were on streets where people wore passing continually. The collections averaged 100 letters to a box , and It Is be- levcd nearly 700 letters were carried away. : t Is not believed there was much In them of Benefit to the thieves. t'si'd Dutclier Knlfo on Ills Throat. INDIANOLA , la. , April 1C. ( Special Ttle- gram to The Dee. ) Samuql Lleberger , aged about CO , committed sulclda at his home , ! irco miles southwest of Liberty Center , a town seventeen miles southeast of this place. The old man lived alone with his son. He had been acting strangely for some time , and when the son went to town Saturday ho Imagined It was for the pur pose of having him sent to the Insane isylum. When the son returned homo Saturday night ho found his father lying with his throat cut and a bloody butcher knlfo lying nearby. Torrllilo Dfalli of itn Inn a Hey , MONTEZUMA , la. , April 1C. ( Special Tele gram to The Bee ) Myron Morrow , aged 13 , \I\H killed at his father's brick and lllo fac- ory at Barnes City In a horrible manner oday. When In the act of dumping mud nto the hopper of the grinder the horsei nado a lunge and the boy was thrown Into ho grinder , which was operated by steam , leforo hu could bo extricated his legs and mrt his body \\ero jcrrjbly crushed and man gled. It took an lunirand a half to got him out , and he died boon afterwards. Vim l.rmfii It 'tick , DUUUQUE. la. . April 1C. ( Special Telo- ; ram to The llepl.-1Senator ) John Day Smith tonight telegraiVhed to United States Iiistrlet Attorney Fells from Lim trmp thai Special I'onMoii Agent Van 1. . ivon ha been taken Riiddcnly and dnngeroimly ulrk and will ask for continuance tomorrow The government will probably require n ntrniiR showing as to whether Van Lcnteu'd tick ness Is real or assumed. To Kiiforrn thn .Miirtln I.iur. DES MOINI'.S , April 1C. ( Special Telegraii to The Dec. ) An effort will bo mmlc atone to bring DCS Molncs under the provisions o the Martin license law by securing the slgna lures of a majority of the voters of ( lie city to n petition for the suspension of the pro hlbltory law. The saloon keepers held n meeting tail week and raised a purse of $1,00 to piy the expenses of making the canvas for signatures. Ooorgo Kcenhold was put li charge of the canvass , with power to sclec his own assistants , Mi own compensation $500 , being conditional upon his succost In securing the signatures of a majority of th voters at the flection Inst November , the entire canvaw to be made within the nex two wecki. The plan Is to make the canvas by precincts and rush It through wlthou giving the prohibitionists time to organize to prevent the signing of the petitions. Meanwhile the prohlbiilonlHU nrc not In aetlse. their plan being to resist the BUS pension of the law by the city council lintl all the mines signed to the petitions can bt published , so as to prevent duplication frauds , forgeries and the counting of names of voters who did not vote at the last clec tlon. nlu'ii Claim Aurnt Itt-ilRii * . CnUAU RAPIDS , la. , April 1C. ( Specla Telegram to The Ileo. ) Ueorgo C. Hebcr ling , claim agent of the Chicago , Mllwait keo & St. Paul at Marlon , has icslgned which Is said to bo the result of his work In hunting up evidence In the A. J. Taylor damage ca o In the federal court last week Taylor was awarded $ J.400 damages , when the attorneys of the road , It Is said , antici pated .1 vlctoiy. _ Will .Not i\irnd : i he I.uu. CEDAR HAl'lJOS , In. . April 1C. ( Special Telegram to The Bee. ) Chief Engineer White of the Burlington , Cedar Rapids ft. Northern road today bald the dispatch sen ! out from Mason City to the effect that that road would extend Its Torest City line fiom Armstrong to IMhenllle this > ear , thus connecting with the I'aclllc division , was unlruo. _ IO\TII Hunter Tiitul ! } Miot. DUNUU' , la. , April 1C ( Special Telegiam to The Bee ) While out hunting yesterday afternoon George Nelson , a young man 18 years old , was shot in the right hip , the gun being accidentally discharged by his brother Ed. They were sons of J. D. Ncl'on , who lives two and one-half miles v\cst of Dunlap. _ Dcxei t < > d HlH Wife and Children. DUNI-AP , la. , April 1C. ( Special Telegram to The Bee. ) Roy Gage , who was married within the lust year and Is the father of twin girl babies , deserted his young wife this morning , leaving her a note saying she would never see him again. He made an attempt to commit suicide last vieek , but did not buc- cced. _ I'rofrrrcd Deiith to hloluicss. DUBUQUE , la. , April 1C. ( Special Tele gram to The Uce. ) Michael Schmltt , a bachelor farmer of Jefferson township , 37 years old , blew his head off with a shot gun this evening. Illness was the cause. Vnn I.eimm It ' dj for Trial. DUBUQUE , la. , April 1C. ( Special Tele gram to The Bee ) I'enblon Agent Van Leuven Is In Lime Springs today and will appear for trial hero lomorrow. Niilloiuil Itiink Autlioi l/i > il nt Itnlfp. WASHINGTON , April 1C The oomp- trollei has authorized K. II. llelsell of Sioux Haplds , In . and hH iiHsoclntes to organize the First National bank of Uolfe , la. Clmnm'cy Dcjicw ! ot u Candidate. ST. LOUIS , April 1C. Chauncey M. Depow before leaving last evening for Chicago , said ho had been mlsundeistood as to his candidacy for the presidency of the United States. What he had said was In a hu morous sense and In connection with other mailers. Inslead of being a presldenllal candldalc lie was quite the reverse. , lury for the Muiu-y Trliil. CHICAGO. April 1C. The selection of n jury In the case of Lieutenant Mauey , charged with killing Captain Hedberg at Forl Sheridan , began today. The widow of the dead olllcer , atllred In deep mourning was presenl , and many soldlerb from the fort were In atlendance. Dew ill's Little Early Risers. Small pills , bate pills , best pills. II r. Conditions I'uvoriililo for SOXITO l.ortil Storms In NrbriiH'iii. WASHINGTON , April 1C. The indications for Tuesday are : For Nebiabka , low a and Kansas Increas ing cloudlnebs and probably local rains , with conditions favorable for severe local storms ; high soulh , shifting to west winds and colder Tuesday night. For Missouri Increasing cloudiness and probably local rains ; slightly cooler In northweslern portion Tuesday afternoon For South Dakota Threatening weather and rain or snow ; east winds , shifting to north and colder Tuesday night. I.ouil Iteciiul , OFFICR OF TIIIJ WKATHUII lltmcAU , Ovtinx. April 10 Omaha record of tompwaturo and rain fall compared with corresponding day of past lourycais : 180-1. 1803. 1802. 1891. Maximum tenipoiatuto 7H = 02O 67 = 71 = Minimum temporimiio. f > 0 = > 88 = - H = fiOS Aver.iKo tempoiaturo. . G4 = > 00 = 62 = fiO = 1'rcclpltlitlon 00 T ,02 .07" Statement showing the condition of torn- pcrr.turoand praaipltatlon nt Omaha for the day nml since March 1 , Ib'Jl ' ; Normal tcmpnr.ituio r > 2o Excess for the day mo Exce silnco.Mutch 1 200O Nornril proclnltatlnn 10 Inch Dollclency for the day in Inch Duliclcncy slnco Muicli 1 30 Inch ItcportH from Other StiitlniiH at H I . M. "T" ImllealiH trae-tt GKOItGE K HUNT , Local Forecast ODlclal. : c : ARE FOR THE FIRST TIME TO UNDERGO WOMAN'S SEVEREST TRIAL , WE OFFER i | : t A remedy which , if used as directed n few weeks before con 1 finement , robs it of its Pain , Horror nnd Risk to Life of both ' mother and child , as thousands who have used it testify. I' ' " I ii'ctl two bottles of ' .MoTiir.iib' FRIEND' with MARVELOUS RESULTS , ( : and uibh every worn in who has to pass through the ordeal of child-birth to know if they use ' .WOTIII.KS' FRIEND' for a few weeks it will rob con- frcment of pain and suffering and insure safety to life of mother and I chilit Mub. S.\M HAMILTON , Eureka Springs , Ark. Ii 5 Uook to Mothers mailed free containing ; voluntary testimonials. i Pent I iv oxpruts , charges prepaid on rccrlnt nf prlcn , ft CO per bottlo. Soldbyall Uruzclsti. IIRADF1KLI ) uiciDl UOU CO. , ATLANTA , OA. . ! ' IMK'IVP TUP IVPAITP T V V IlALSIMi lllli IMOjiIi 1AX English Government Proposes to Procure Moro Revenue in Thnt Wny. ONE PENNY ON THE POUND INCREASE Additional lilt to lie I'liurd on Spirits Inrrrnwl Koxriuir Nvi r nrj to Mi-iit u Trcmury Dcll.H of HI ! ' . ! , 0(10,1100. LONDON. April K.r-Thc budget provides for an Increase of 1 penny on the pound on the Income tax as pro-touted In the House of Commons by Sir William Hnrcourt today. Sir William estimated the total expendi tures at 05,453,000 ( about $175,000,000) ) and the revenuent COO.OoiS.OOO. lie said the deficit of about 1,500,000 ( about $22,000,000) ) would not bo met by borrowing nor by abandoning the fixed reductions of the na tional debt. ( Loud applauio and ministerial cheers ) The extra 1 penny on Iho pound on the Income tax would yield about tl.'SO- 000 ( nearly $9,000,000) ) . Ho , however. In tended to ralso the limit of exemption from 120 to 1CO , and also relieve Incomes be tween 400 and 500 by an abatement of 100. These nbilemcnts would mean a J early loss of 1,150.000 , reducing the net giln on the extra penny to 330,000 ( about gl.dOO.OOO ) . In order to meet the remaining 11,000.000 deficit he proposed to add C pence per gallon to the duty on spirits and 0 pence per barrel on beer. DUTCH STIA.MIU : : i.osr. Her Cnrgo Composed I'rlm Ipull ) nf Heel Sugar Mini < ! | IIHH. ANT\ViilP. Api II lG.-The IMgiim Htenmcr Ii Kuj trr , Cnptaln Myci , which united fiom this port on Mnnhi \ , bound for Hoston , nnd wlilih IHIH not been sighted since nho passed the Lizard the following dny , lias been olllelnllv posted at lost. The Do Ilnvter vvns built nt Glasgow In li > 7J She loglstoiud 2,301 tons net. UOSTON , April lfi.-Thc Hclglnn steamer Do Hit ) ter today vvns posted nt Antweip ns lost. She cnriled n now nf twenty-eight men Henry Mjur was the captain. Ills brother Is eotninander of the Belgian steamer Ileimnnn of the amu line us the Do llnjter , and iinothci In other , who watt chief oilliL'i of the Dutch Htt'iimer Amster- dntn. was drowne I with live oth"tn , .Innn-iiy 4 , by the cnpsl/liiK of a llfu boat , while on- denvoiliiK to rescue the crow of the Gloucester llslilng rhoonur ilniglo \ . " . Wells. The Do Knvtei was heavily laileii , and her ciugo , whleh consisted luigely of beet In bags * and ciiscs of window glass , would innko It oxtieinely dlfllrnlt for her to Keep nllont In the event of her being stove in by Ice for llrii/llliin lti-l > t > ln. BUENOS AYRES , April Ifi. Advices have reached here from Montevideo to the effect thai Piesidenl Plexoto of Brazil has Informed Ihe Uruguayan government that his govern ment Is prepared to pay Ihe quarantine ex penses and passage money of all Brazilians who quitted Ihelr country In consequence of Iho Insurrection and who are now desirous of returning to their homes. It Is added that a general amnesty will ho granted all in surgents , with the exception of the leaders of the rebellion. _ lining M'lk Dili I'litvpil. LONDON , Api 11 1C. The House of Lords loday passed the lioilng sea bill , the House of Commons having ugieed lo Ihe amend ments of Loid Klmboilv , speietaiy of Htute for foielp-n affairs. Including the change In clause 7. Theie VMIH no debate , and the final singes of the bill will be taken up Clause 7 of the bill Is amended to lead us follows : "Whcie upon any pi decoding In any com I aKulnsl u pel son and ship in lespecl of nny offense agalnsl the act It IH piovod thnt Ihe ship balled fiom ll poll of departure. before the provisions of the uwuid vveie known , and Unit .such a peison or master of the whip did not , uttei wiillliiK and before Ihe alleged offense , become awaie of those piovislons , mieh n poison shall be acquitted and the ship shall be released and not for feited. " _ Killlro.ul MnUo In Itiisnlii. HOSTOFF , Russia , Api II 1C. One Ihou- sand eight hundied metlmnlcs on the Vlad- Ikavkas railroad have stiuck for al Inciease of vvames. Theio Is also consldeiable UKltu- tlon iiinonK the men emploved on the ditu- koft railroad. _ cstloii rohtpniKMl In llrn/il. PARIS , Apill 1C. Pilvato lelrgrams in- cclvcd heie from triihlvvuithy somecH , dated Hlo tie Janeiro , say that the Biazillnn con- grtss will jitobably not meet at the tlmo ( ii > - polnted , Muv M , and that the state of seise will last until the end of June. ( i-rniui iniur : | s Arrltt'M lit Vi'iilce. VENICE , Api II 1C. The empiess of Oer- many and her bonn have ai lived heie on board the German w.uMiIp \ on .Moltke. Health ! Qm you buy yit | ? Yes , when it is O possible with a single box of O'S ( Tasteless ) , to cure Indigestion ( Biliousness and Sick-j iheadache. LUXURIANT HAIR IB produced by the Ol'Tiri HA llBMEliirs wlion all old urn fall. The ) i Incline Ilia KC tip or Inltulliii ; null } , i rimtul , nnd lilotcli ) Immure , Btlmiilulu thu h ill' rolllclcD , nnil ileatro > mi- croacoplc lixecu ulilch rt'ud on tin1 hair , and hinrriMiuuil when the lu-vt ] ili\rkhn nml nil ulhtr remcdlca Cull. Hi/hi Un , iiuhmit ih'jorlil. . V - . " ( " 1J"-lt-1 | w _ rjnnhrrlna-A. | | In Hiaiilo und 'nilcrnl ' cimrl' . „ KIHIIIIH JJOO-7-8-I ) , Shutout > lcicl ( , Council Illlllln , la SCHOOLS. CT. MAHY h SCHOOL Ilinlfii C'liy , I , I . Ni-vv Oynrk AiU inlnKi n uf Ni'\v Vork Spocltil In- tmctlun In Music anil Art Cullik'o I'n pm.ilorv inul IMtcllMi Coururs of Sluib IJmraifiMiii'iitH newer or Sept IhlH. Miss.ltTLIA U TAUVVKM. . 1'ilu A SICK IONIAN , \MnU him 'Hunk * of It > ) lim ( if I'lMCltirt for Ilin IC.MIrt of All smi , rorn. I'rolmlily more women lici'oino vvnntoit nml fruled Invulliln fioin clmmlo inturrlml condition * tliuii from nil oilier crumct com- blneit. Mr * . Hnrry I.nvv , DID N. Mill Rtioot , Is lii'M In the highest personal respect liy it lurso cliclc of frleiulx , She Is wife oC Mr. Hairy I.HVV.lio comluots ( hut | > oUi | Inr resort. "The Court , " ut 311 South 161N street. Mrs. l.iuv tayai MIIS HAItUV LAW ( H9 North ZSth tt , Omnhn. "I don't think that any woman who liar taken tirutinontltli Mr Hliepard i-vri fools an thoiiKli alio coulil Hpeuk too lilthly ; of IilM vvoik "My blood vvns thin ai water and pnl nii < < liy uitiiiih , ami the Htomm'li and kldnoj snlVeicd from thli cau e. Mv food B.IV mo p.ilit and often \omlllii ? . ItVIIH oiil'r ' lillloiiH < 1 > - < | ii jislji The ctotnach HOOIIUM ! In a ferment oontlnunlly. The intim-les of m * I leK HIII' sides wore alwa > s soio Anjl i'\ti i rsoition inado me feel faint , U flimmli I v culil Mimll My nerves \\vi4 iinittiniK so that I coulil not Bleep , and ml l-oait vviu e iMIy dlstuihed In Hhott 1 WiiM vuu't and pioMrated In eveii l > ait A a i i't of Hi , Shi'paid's tionfniMtf I ImviURiilned \eellent health t an ] Mioi'iS'r than I ha\i > liecn for yem I have iV'iv conlldi-iK o In Dr. Shepaid 11114 In III1- skill In rhnmle. dlsniHOB , and . 'OIIK pund 1 tin to my filcniNlio ni.ij Mei { modiiMl I dp " 'iIHU > IHII TIII : M MI.S Catarrh and all eutnlile dlseavcs treati'4 at low and unlfoim tales meillelne ftow Patients ut a distance successfully ticutuit by mall. Send for HJ mptom blank. DRS , COPELASD & SIIEPARI ) , ROOMS 311 AND 312 NP.\V YORK MPB HUILD1NO , OMAHA. NIMI. Offlco Ilouia 9 to 11 a. m.j 2 to 5 p. m ; 7 t < 8 p. m. Sunday 10 a. in. to 12 in. Stonm and Hot Wntsr Homing foi RosldoicoB and Buildings. J. C. B1XBY , 202 Main , 203 Pearl Streets , Council BlulTs , Iowa. DYEING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AND DRY CLEANING. Send for Clictllur and 1'uco LKt. Council Bluffs , - - Avenue A ami 26th1-1 Omaha , ] . )21 Karnuin Stieot. GEO. P. SAHFORO , A. W. RICK MAN , 1'iuiUluiit. C.islilur. Firs ! National of COUNCIL BLUFFS , lown. Capital , - . $100,000 , 1'rolits , - . . 12 , < ) < ) < Ji OHO of the oldest bnnUo In Iho Htnte of Iowa VV'n solicit join liUHlness , iiul iiillcuiloim Wopiv/ / ? per cum on tlmo UepoaUn.Vovvillba yl asucl to' Bee and Hcrvo you Sjicciai Nobicesi COUNCIL BLUFFS ; _ UO YOU KNOW THAT DAY & HJJ8S HALJ come choice barKuliia In null und lunil nciu thla ell ) t QAUUAGL : HIMOVUL > , clilimic > a ia llutltu , at 'iuilur'tl tiocery , MO Iliu.iUnny. Allh'l ItACTH AND LOANS , 1'AH.M AN a cily moiirity tiouclit uiul uold. rim-y & ' 1 human , CuuiKll II I uff. ) . ' VOL'NQ I.ADY MUNOClUAl'Iinit AND TYI'lli wilUi ilculif ) tlluutlon ; lua liml uxi > ult.ticu In li nkl.kpiiliiK | nlsu , Lent lufercncti. AUUic 4 N ! ! ) , Uco , Cmmcll niuffn. _ I'Ahi't itAcii : , nuar CI.AHH , j.uii 400 IIIA"IJ : uf Htuck , about .1 mill * north nt town. C.ulli J. 15 to tl IX ) , horne * 11.00 In HO ) , fui m-avon. Am II 11 to Oitobu 15. Oooil man In cliuu < or niocli , pknty craux , F.I It ami wutci Ol will lint to uuud man with SI.UWQO capllul I'j Invest In dally , Iio0uml poultry bUHlnciu , fooil C-riiom IIOUHD nml nil cnmuuuiii'H l' < JuilHun , WJ till UM.IIUU or ( . ' < /un ell IJHllTu. RALAUY Oil COMMISSION TO THU HIOHTl Kintluimn or luily Cull at once , i ; ( . ' it Mi Cu . 200 Main mint. Council llliiffn. " " " WAXTHI ) , Olllh run ( i7l.NiilAI : IIin vvoik Mr . U. A. Uiiuuhcrt ) , 1U1 Suiiih 1 .IB Hi ILL' ! . Empkie-Shugart & Co. , ltS IN SHELF AND HEAVY HARDV/ARE AND FIELD SEEDS. BICYCLES A full line of medium and high grade whec's. ' Send for catalogue. 109 , 111 , 113 , 115 Main Street.Council Bluffs , I a ESS31 CURE YOUBSELF IN TWO WEEKS. , , . II Vfll. i l in uiii ur } IUUH iiifii ifuri in A 11 f t ij i\rv A rx.ii * * Itih Infuriiialliiii nml | irrarlillon | iilMiluli-ly I'KKK nnd llioru h mi. liuinliiii ; nir uUrnhinu curli Hlxiut It AnvilriiKKlstinn iiutll ni ; for iever > lhlntf lir > Ulii nn < l Bl-nr'.o. All Intk iti nMiiriils tliaijon vvilltniy uiimiil lliuuntllyur | Ilio rvmo ilyltsilf nf mis ull reiuly for u.v.lmt may itu tuinu plciiwi nlnut tills All lclicrniKiiiH ' 'U aKONe\vsIcaler , AIIir liullMltli. XIHiM' . , . . . . - . 1' ' . j. Muj.l.V'jIAUN ! ! ! . ? ' ' " ' \