T1TR OMAHA DAILY HER : MONDAY.PRIL Hi. 1ROI. ITCH'S FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Twelfth Annual Mass Meeting of the i'otuijj ' Men's Christian Asucolation. SPECIAL CIFY COUNCIL MEETING 10NIGHT Tlio Ui'.Urf-Oorlmm Cnntmt l.lkrly lo lie Coiiiplotiil Todny IiirctMiiiibrr of Itiillntft lit Ulilili Oltjrctlnu I * Iliulr. " Young Mcn'n Christian asvdatlon Hs twelfth anmml mass meeting list evening 'Iho ntiilltorluin of the riut Presbyterian church was filled to Us ill- moil capacity , alt MIC protestant churches of tin ) elt ) uniting In .1 union service. Tito newly elceted president , P. II. Keys , made nn address. which was followed by a piper rend , by C T. Officer , Iho retiring president. In It he "tiled that the membership roll now numbered 330 , and * Hint there had been r cloven conversions during the year. W. S. Itnmci eh iirnian of the devotional commit tee , reported lhat forty-sK men's meetings hnd bjcn held , with an nvoingo nttendanco of forty nine , while the average attendance at the boys' meetings hnd been twenty-eight. Chairman 1 > . W. Tulleys of the finance committee reported that the receipts for the year had been RIGS , of which 70S was from membership feis and $1 101 from contribu tions The disbursements had been .Ifi1 ! The sum of $1OOJ had been pledged for the coming year , and $700 more were needed In order that the association might close the year free from debt ( ' S Lnvvson read the report of the onter- talnni' DIM committee , and C. C. Mlchner , slate Kprietnry , rnado few rcimrks. Presi dent Adioson of the McCague Savings bank of Omalia made the principal address of the evening Excellent music was furnished , Mrs W II Wakeflcld singing "The Holy City " by Adams , and Mr. F S. Abel of Omaha rendering Gounod's "Glory to Thee , My God , 'Hits Night. " N ItHOS. IHg Sil : Monday. New department , carpets matting and curtains ISO rolls of China and Jnpinese matting bought by us for spot cash at a big discount. On sale Monday t ICc , 20c , 24c , 2'Je and 35c it yard , a saving of Z i per cent to jou by buying of us. Uttrn heavy cotton chain Ingrain carpets at 35c yard Half wove extia supeifine- Ingrain carpet at 4So and Doe yard Hartford all wool extra superfine Ingrain carpets at C3c and CSc vard. Tnnebtry brusEel at 69c , CSc and 75c yard 0 frame body brusstlciy best makes , $1 15 j.ird Ilcst quality moniicttcs at $1.1 * yard. \\e Kii.iranteo a Bi\lng of ? 5 pel cent on all carpcti „ Specl.il curtain rale $ ifu chenille potlercs , fringed and dado top and bottom , ? 1 08 pair $ ( i 00 and $7 00 chenlllo portiere , full width dado and frlngo top and bottom , JT t8 pair flOO pircci American Indigo blue calico , 3c said ] 0o white Blinker flannel , 3c yard. \Vo are soiling e\eijthltiK cheap Children's lOc 12'/ic and IGc fast blaclc IIOSP , sbes r. to 8' , 5c pilr Ladles' Jersey ribbed vests , 3c , lOc , 15e and JOc e.irh , just half pi he Dig s ilo drefcs goods and silks CO Inch blade gloria silk , the world's \ wonder at SGc jard ; actual value Is $1.50 nnd $1 75 30c ha If wool challles , 9o yard C01 j thing going cheap Alomliy will be a big day with us. Don't miss this s > alu. SON HHOS , Council llluffs. IiiHl , Stop In Imui In a short time , as Iowa has pissed a law ng.ilnst them. Tills Is your last chnnco to collect > our aceonnts before the law goes Into force. The Nassau Incatmint company has i educed Its charges nml will gunianteo collections against persons not living In Iowa , but \vho are emplojed by some mil- way , express or telegraph compan > luting an agent in Iowa. Write at once for terms and reference's , Council liluffs. "What blcjclo lo you ride ? " "Why , I rldo Wavcry Everybody rides them , Cole & Cole sold fourteen in the last two weeks. They sell for $ S3 , and are war ranted as good as any wheel made. Get one. " _ Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap. Mooio's stock food Is a blood purifier , n worm exterminator , a cholera lemedy , that no\er falls Moore & Son , general western agents , Council Bluffs. Jarvls Wlno Co , Council Bluffs. Count II Tonight The city council will hold a special nd- Journed meeting this evening. Se\eral matters of some little Importance tuo to be brought up for discussion , among them being the question of following the prece dent established by the county supervisors of rescinding the resolution exempting the Driving I'nrk absoclatlon from Its taxes. It Is commonly understood that the council has decided not to rescind the taxes. Chief Nicholson will report the names of the men he has selected for the lira de partment. It Is hardly likely that the committee to which was icferred the question of making u new five- ) ear contract with the gas and electric light company at pre&ent rates will be ready to make a report. llic Hunker * I. If u Axxorliitlnn Of Des Molncs , la. , stands nt thfi head of all mutual Insurance. It furnishes Indem nity for the least money , Is the safest , soundest nnd has the largest reserve for pol icy holders , | t , 244 , 210 63. A comparison will convince the most skeptical Address W. O. Wlrt , ngout , 710 Willow avenue. Whllo you nro paying for laundry why not got the best ? The Haglo laundry solicits a trial and Invites comparison Telephone 157. Chattel mortgage shoo sale nt 23 Mnln street ? 1 75 Klnncnan s-hocs for $2 63 ; $3 00 Klntiehnn shoes for $197 ; $250 Klnnehnn shoes for $169 ; $175 Klnnehnn shoes for $1 U , $1 25 Kinnehaii shoes for S5c. George McMahon , reciher. U III I Inlsh Toiliiy. Appenianccs Indicate thnt the trial of the contest case between S T McAteo nnd J A Gorlmm will bo finished In the superior court today. The count Saturday brought out little of nny Interest , each sldo claiming n slight mnjorlty. There are n largo number of bil lots to which one sldo or the other raises objections Nothing but the decision of Judge McGee on thi\sc disputed billets cin dccldo the case , nnd nothing dellnltu will ho known foi so\ernl days. The Second precinct of the nftli wnrd and both precincts of the Sixth are yet to bo counted , nml It Is thought this will bo computed by noon 'Iho nrgu- inents of the nttornejs will probibly tnko most of the afternoon session. t ' ' Whenjou come to the best hose for sprink 'T- ling the lawn It Is the .Maltese Cross. You can alwajs get this and lighter grades In rubber and cotton hos > o at Ulxby's , 202 Alain street. _ Mojcrs-Durfee Purujtuio company. 310 , 33S Ilroadwny , headquarters for bargains and flno furniture. _ Domestic boap breaks Inr \ water. lloulm ut Am I Inn , Carload , consisting of the best books , medical , mechanical , miscellaneous , albums , b tiles , etc 1'rlvato sale by day and auction at 7 p. m , r,36 , llroadnay. IJIc'gant fiirnlsliiil rooms for rent , corner Ilroadway nnd llrjunt utrcets , by Mrs , A. Heller. ' i rap A. W. Askwlth , n well known attorney , and IM Sherlock became. Involved In n ills- puto at a late hour Saturday night In the latte'r'B t-aloon , The quarrel , ft Is bald , re sulted from m > Insult olfored by Askwlth tea a ) oung girl connected with the Salvation urmy who was In the saloon trying to sell fcome papers. She slapped him lu the face . aiid Just Ui c n Mi'il ik v < ' nf'ir him t > liut Mm out \ < ikwltl ralAtd his mnbrMlu ' nnd urn k Bh rloik > V P HID hcid , hrenking I tinhanillp to ! " ' - , - , . " . it nil Inlllrlltig n pnlnfnl wound nn Sherhx-k The huter struck tlm uttorncj luli.'p in the face , ndcr which tlm attorney wfiit home Iltiy your drUK * nml pnlnln at Moignns drug stores , Ml and 712 llnndwiiy. Gas eooklnj ? * tovus for " nt nml for sain nl Ons Co.'i ofllc'D. Kvurylndy knows Davis iMIs drugi. The Uuiulrlcs usu Domnitlo vonp. Oet prices of Shugnrt & Ouren , ieadlnt soeilsmen , Masonic ipinpli. Council niuffs For cobs go lo Cox , 10 if ilu str ot. Telephone - phone 43. Jnrvis , Wlno Co , Council IlluffH , la , , ngerit Jnrvls 1S77 urnmly , v lltoH nnd llrjuor. See the now nrt goods at Mrs. Niks' . Washerwomen use Domestic soap. c'ii.AitioID ; jL'Dcn ' : IHIUAIU > . J'rrccilro of tlm .Mlllllt Dim to the North- utiti rn Atlorncj , It IH nllegod thnt some of the militia could have taken lessons la tohrli-ly fiom the Coinmotnvenlcis yeslprdny and ome of the stnto troops nre alleged to Invc looked on mulcted liquor when II was a dark , deep red color lint few of the Btitto troops ex pressed Joy nt being called out nnd many of the militiamen cvprrsscd disgust nt the wnrllkc preparation ! ! made by the state of Iowa to receive mich n harmless nnd peacea ble crowd of men us General Kelly's army seems to be The Cominunwcalors only laughed when they haw the troops drawn up to receive them on the Iowa Hide. Why the mllltla wns called out was nuked many times yesterday und a good many citizens of Council niuffs wore heard to express themselves In Indignant turns becati > u the troops were called out. apparently without n Justlflnblo cause. Sheriff. Harcn of Pot- tiuvattnmlo county was seen by a Ileo re porter last night and he thiew considerable light on the subject He said that when he learned that the nrmj was coming this way ho knew It would havf to cross Iowa and telegraphed Govoinor Jack-on saying that If the army wanted to land In lowu. lit could not scctirp n posse large enough to stop It nnd asked for Instructions The governor answered In person Satmdnv afternoon nnd told the sheriff that It had hocn lepre- sentcd to him by N. M Iliibbard , nr , n rail road attorney from Cedar Kaplds , who Is employed by the Northwestern , that these men were coming Into the slate and Would sol/e trains , intimidate railway employes , destroy property nnd do other dreadful things On the strength of this the governor fcald that he thought It would be n sife move to order out hlx companies of the state troops Yesterday , after seeing inu jveny ungiiic , no uiangeu nis mind and assured the major and council that he felt thnt the Commonwcalers were not there to violate any of the laws or destroy nny property , nnd ho would have the expen o of calling out and feeding the mllltla charged to the state and not to I'ottawattamle county. He said that he could bee no use for the mllltla nnd was somewhat vexed to think he had been Imposed upon In the matter. There was a meeting held In the niufts Saturday night to discuss the situation and representatives of the rnllwavs were present. "At this moating , " said Sheriff Ilazon. "Nat Hub/bard suggested thnt I place the bridge between hero and Omnhn under a blockade , nml stop the army theie. I told him that the men would walk over men If they felt dis posed to and ho said that I should Invo foice enough with me to shoot them down I told him I would not do this nnd the governor tald that no such harsh measures as that could be adopted , as public opinion would be too strong against any such a move I think Iliibbard Is responsible for the calling out of the mllltla in misrepre senting the state of affairs to the goveinor. Ho Is certainly bitter against the Common- vvcalers and at a meeting held here today his son urged that we place the whole army under arrest and declare It an unlawful assemblage. Ho wanted to get the men scattered out In small parties nnd dis tribute them ever the country so that they would never get together again. During this conference young Iliibbard , who Is said to be In the fcervlco of the Northwestern , said lhat If the men captured one of their trains ho would be In favor of having the tracks pulled up lather than carry the men for nothing Other railway men were present , but they made no such suggestions , but all of them agreed to not carry or offer to carry the aimy eastward , and that they would not tacitly countenance any such plan I do not look for any trouble with the army hero and In the morning the city nnd county will feed It and expect them to move on as soon as possible. I had hoped that some o the railways would see their way clear to take the men away from here to night , for wo cannot keep them here long" It was rumored yesterday that some of the men opposed to the army going nny further , or through the state of Iowa , tried to get Commander Kelly to make some statement which would bring him within the law and then ciuse his nircst , thus leaving the army without a leader and causing the men to dis band , but If thai was HIP Intention these people weio unsuccessful. Neither of the Hubbards could be seen last night , so their side of the question could not bo learned. If lltllo blids In Ihe nest can't ngrco they fall out. Uptown shoo dealers of Council Bluffs are having some dlfllculty In agree ing , hut the people of the city nil ngreo thnt T n. Hughes Is making little nolso vvhllo making the prices nnd giving tlio values In shoes thnt justify long pilgrimages to 919 South Main street. Evans Laundry company. Shirts , collars , and cuffs n specialty , 520 Pearl strcel , Tel. 290. Reasonable tales for family work. Minor Mention. Boston store , spring dress goods , capes. The school board will hold Its regular monthly meeting this evening. Adjutant General John li. Prime of Des Alolnes arrived In the city yesterday morn- Ing. Ing.Tho The case of the city against the motor company Is set for tilal tomorrow In the superior court IM Smith , son of Air. und Airs. E. C. Smith , Is nt homo from an extended tour through England nnd Prance. General Kelly stated last evening that ho had leeched a largo number of applications from would-bo recruits to his army. Out of the total ho accepted seventy-live. Miss Viola Umgcss Is suffering from n dis located collar bone , the result of n fnll on the sidewalk In front of her homo on Logan street Friday , April 27 , Is to bo celebrated In this city as Arbor day. Programs have been arranged for presentation In the various city schools Colonel C V. Alottnl of the Third rcgl- mcnt , Iowa Niitlotnl Guaids , with head quarters at Shcnandonh , arrived In the city vebti'rdiy morning The funeral of the late Airs. Pranclnn Cooper will take place this afternoon nt 3 o'clock from the residence of her son , Air. J Al Ourslei , In .Moinlngslde The Allfis-s Sadie Grass nnd Kittle War ner entertained n larco number of their llttlo friends Saturday afternoon nt the home of the former on vVushingtan avenue Miss Irene Test entertained n party of friends In an Informal manner Krlday even ing nt her homo on bouth Eighth street , In honor of her guest , Allss Olga Young of Hock Islnnd. Ill Hertlm , ? Ife of Fred Niisbaum , sr. , died very silddelny of heart dlbenso Satuidny nlsht at S 15 o'clock , nijed 39 yenrs. The funeral will tnke place nt the family reU- dencv , 101 Broadway , this morning at 10 o'clock , C C Cnstle Is the name Riven by n young man who was iirrestetl Saturday night on the charge of obtaining ? & 0 under false protcncoj from n mnn In B'lver ' City He Is blated with being n fugitive from justice , and was taken to Mills county ycsterdny The Pilgrim bisters gave n farewell re ception Saturday evening In honor of Mrs James Patterson , who leaves this week for her new home In North Platte , Neb. Qu'to ' a number of Indies nnd gentlemen gathered nt the residence of Mr. and Airs. J. Al. Campbell and spent n pleasant evening. Fires often start In nn unaccountable manner. The best way to avoid posstblo loss Is to kicp well Insured In a high irrada company like the Glen Palls. Lougee & Toulo , tolo agents , i'35 Pearl street. i fiom Fir t I > 1c 1 record which they leivo b Mil i n tht-y pa * " ! over Iho country. mo KiiKsir roil int : AUMV A fresh young mnn from town , who had climbed PII to the tintn. bfgan making funny cracks at the crowd , when ho was called down by n member of the armv who snhl "He ftirefiil wlml you say , young mnn , for wo Rot Iho blame for everything tint does not exactly suit. " Young freshy was not disposed t" bo ndvised by nny of the "ging" nnd made in answer that resulted In his beln ; ; removed front the train. The tourists live up to thcli rules to the letter , nml they are all very fond of General Kelly. "If It wasn't for Ocnpril Kelly , " said out- of the men , "wo couldn't g"t along nt nil They tried to keep him In jnll nt Oikhnd nnd gel us tu Icivt- without him , but It was IM go Tin- boys refused to budge until oui little getipral was produced. He gets ulong with pvtij one. und does not hesltnlp to cracK it Joke with one of the men nt any hour of the duj or night " "Vi-3. we arc all going to Washington. " said Connors , n plmnb r , who has made California his home for the last ten vnrs. . "Wiv propose to go there and ask congress men to tnko up our cause nnd nt once create sorn" employment for the Idle None of us nre desperate but on the other hand we are as docile as kittens. All wo want h a chance to work for n living When we gi't to Washington we will simply sit down nnd wait for the government to do s-omoihlni ; for us If they see fit to send us to Jill nil well nnd good. We can stand It If they put us In prison they will have to feed us Two-thirds of this army are men who hnve learned a tradeVo are nil willing to woik If we can nml employment Individuals cannot give work to the unemployed , FO we propose to go to headquarters and see what congress will do " ENCOURAGEMENT FIIOM WOMEN' . A llttlo Scotchman was standing by and described how women had received them nlong the line "The 1 idles , " ho said , "hue been a great solace to the boys nt different towns wo have passed through Of course our rules are very strict and we can siy absolutely nothing ] except thnt which Is correct , but wo hnve been joked n great deal by the ladles All the stories ubout nny of these men deserting thi'li wives nml ram lies for the novelty of joining this company of unemployed Is filse. It Is true that a great many of the compiny are mauled men , but they are on this train foi no other reason than the hope of being able to better theli condition. The kind words of encouragement which we have received from ladies along the route have stimulated the men to hope for the best nnd all are confident that when , , „ „ , - „ Ilirmin-h u lilt till' authorities III Washington something will bo done to better our condition. " "Thero will be an army of women follow this train very shortly " said the fellow , "and In that army wilt be the wives of. spvural of the men who are hero today These men have been out of work for months and there Is nothing In California for them to do. What few aitlclcs they hid left were turned over to their wives nnd children These things , will be converted Into cash nnd the women nnd children -will come next The Pacific coast Is a good place for people to stny away from unless they have money nnd plenty of It. " "Say ' you're a reporter , aln t you" asked ono of'the travcleis , as he struck n Hee man on the train. Being assured that his guess was correct , the tall , thin Callfornlan said he wished The Bee would state that this was the first pie the army had htruck since they started on the trip. "Tim newspaperb. " he continued , "havo repcitedly stated that we have been feasting on pie , etc .but I have not missed a mess since we left Oikland and this is the first pie we have tackled That Ilobton store man Is all right and If any of us fellows ever happen to drift back this him" When the way we will not forget train was about to pull out General Ko ly raised his hat nnd remarked"Now , boys let us give three hearty cheers for the good people of Omaha , the police and mayor , and especially for the man who gave us 1,000 pies " The response was immense. Fire Chief Smith ot South Omaha was on hand nt Summit with about 1.000 feet of hose ready to supply the tourists with water to drink and wash with. He also brought 100 tin cups and severnl water palls. As sistant Chief Holland was with him and two of his firemen Two of the firemen from No 12 engine "house on Spring street were on hand to assist Chief Smith in case their services were needed The satisfactory ar rangements made by Chief Seavey , however. In getting the train out of Omaha within an hour after It arrived left but little work for the men on this sldo to do It was feared by n number of men who are waiting for a Job at the picking houses In South Omnhn thnt some of the tourists would desert here nnd swell the list of laborers who nro getting In half or quarter time , but bo far as Is known not a single man deserted. The que&tlon was put to n number of the men if they did not Intend to drop off before they reached Washington To n man they denied that they had ever cntci tallied any such thought. They are bound to reach the national capital , If they are put on the rock pile the very next day. "When we talto on any new recruits , " said ono of the men , "we watch them closely until wo find out If they nro sincere In Joining us. The nowspipers say that a few jnll birds from Omaha will join us here I can assure all that If those men who nro released from Jail for the purpose ot Joining GenCTnl Kelly's army nro not law-abiding citizens nnd do not conduct themselves strictly proper while with the army they will bo dropped before they hnve gone u very great distance. " CAMI'KI ) JNCOUM'II , lU.UITS. Army Spends the Day nnd Mglit In n J'li iihiint A\HJ Ttcui tliu Transfer. The usual quiet hold possession of Council Bluffs when day dawned , but as the sun climbed the hills a wonderful change passed over the town , which soon took on u circus day appearance nnd more than half of the people commenced to trnvel townrd the union depot , where there were two centers of nt- tractlon , ono being the soldiers , who had arrived during the night , while the other was the Kelly nrmy of Commonwenters , which hnd been pulled In by the Union Pa cific folks and was sldetrncked at a point a few rods from the. union depot. The bold "sojer" boys , who spent the night with ono eye open nnd the other shut for the good of their country , were not particularly Jovial when they nwoko this morning A night on the hard sldo of a board was anew experience for most of them , and when morning came nnd they were ordered on deck for n 6 o'clock brenkfnst there were many bncks In the crowd that wcro the worse for wear. There were likewise n great many well cultivated appetites , nml when nn hour had worn awny and still breakfast was not ready some of the militia men were ready to admit that n soldier's llfo wan not what It was cracked up to be , and that while it was nil very well to bo Inside of n blue uniform thnt excited the ndmlia- tlon of the feminine portion of the com munity , It had Its drawbacks The morning miul was anally had , how ever , and the complaints that were at first so frequently heard disappeared nnild the excitement attending the possibility of nn encounter. The announcement was pabbcd nlong the line thnt the nrmy under com mand of General Kelly hail left Omaha and would bo ut the tinnsfer depot nt U 30 o'clock The militiamen wrro marched up to the east of the depot platform nnd stationed there , out of Immediate proximity to the place Intended for landing the visitors nnd yet clobo enough to ho handy In case they wore needed But so far ns nny nctunl need of blue cents nnd brass buttons was con cerned they might nil hnve been left nt homo nnd no ono would have been harmed a particle. HA55EN INTERROGATES KELLY Promptly at 9 30 the train pulled In over the Union Pacific brldco The cars were u mass of cheering , unwashed and betlaggod humanity , most of the passengers having clambered from the Inside of the cars to position * on the loof. Several thousand people had collected nt the transfer from Council Bluffs nnd Omaha , nnd as the train pulled In leisurely It vvas received with shouts nearly as vlgoious aa those sent out from the l.tOO throats of General Kelly's men. men.The The front end of the train was halted nearly opposite the Planter's hotel , juid sheriff Hflyrn ftiid a lieu report r were' the llrst to climb up for fin Interview with the Rcncrnl The herlftUc < l Kelly wlmt hH Intentions were nnd Krlly replied that he hardly knew hlmselfn He said , however , thnt he would be glufl If ] he and his men might bo nlloned to remain In the city for a dny Thcv hnd Iwen cooped up In IKK cars ever since Wednesday nnd he thought n tittle rpst nnd n cjinnre to ttfctch Iliflr legs would be acceptfimt * Hnxeti replied that It waa the wish MJ\ \ citizens that the army move on ns quickly as possible , and ho did not think they wouldbe willing lo have It remain hero nny longlh of time , for fear thnt n repltltlon of tnb Inwleas nets nt Ogden nnd other western places might tnko plnce. He Informed Air Kelly thnt the governor had put nt hlf Hmtrol sevcrnl com- panics of mllltla , wltlv Instructions to UFO them , If necessary , ty prevent nny depreda tions on the part of ( no men. In reply Kelly dcnIUd flint there had been anything lawless In the army s action * nt any time lnce the eastward movement was commenced The capture ot the I'nlon PaclhY freight train wns no capture nt all , fur HIP rallvvny company had put thetruln nt the army's disposal nnd It w is taken with Iho company's full consent. In nil his conversation with thu sheriff. General Kelly was courteous , nml shoyved no disposition to browbeat or bulldoze' . In fact , anything of thnt kind teems to ho the very farthest thing from his tuakrup , nnd In nil his dealIngs - Ings with his men nnd with the public he maintained the same ) polite demeanor He asked the sheriff , an the representative of thp city of Council llluffs , to provide his men with a train that they might leavp the city. Ha/on replied that he could promise nothing of the sort , but If any such nrrnngc- ments lould bo mailu ho would let him know ns soon ns pos'lble. BREAKFAST AND REST. E\rn befoic this continence had end" ! the men had left the train and were build ing fires by the sldo of the tr.ick , hurrying to nnd fro with big palla ot wntei. wabhlng nnd pieparliw brcahfust Blankets were thrown from the cars , nnd In n short time hundreds of tired men were resting beneath the rays of n warm April sun Some slept , while others gathered about the camp fires nnd read the morning papers nnd told tales of the Journey over the mountains , now and then Injecting references to homes nnd little oneb In the eastern states After a icst of nn hour the order to nieparc bienkfnst wns given and there was a hmrytng to the com missary department , from which be'ef , bread , pics and colfeo were Issued to the cooks of each of the companies of the nrmy. In a short time the combination of a morning and midday meul wns spioad , after which the men fell to nnd ate with as much hatlsfuc- tlon as though they hnd been shoving their feet under the mahoginy ot the Grand The men ! having been finished many ot the men called upon the barber , where bsaids which had been started on the Pacific coast rave way to razors. Improvised barhei ehalis consisted of railway ties , boxes , palls and the rallroul track After the members of the army had fin ished their toilet they were ready to lercivo callers , and from thut time until they de- pal ted for the east they were kept busy , as It Is estimated that 50,000 persons called at the cimp duiing the day and evening Ihe Council Bluffs people turned out In full force , while the Omaha contingent threatened to swamp the carrying capacity ot the motor lines. All of the closed cars of the eompiny were preyed Into the service during the eaily pait of the day , and before noon the company was compelled to press the summer cars Into the service. Tialns weie run five minutes apart , with two and three In eaeh bectlon , each running on one train h t me At an early hour | U became appaient that Governor Jackson's soldiers would not bs needed , and befoie peen most of tlietn linu quartet ed themselves , under the ? lieds of the the uptovu passenger depot or nrpund hotels Otheis of the young soldlcis and cspeclnlly those whg vveie out for n time lingered about the open vntcrlng places of the prohibition town , on , else flirted with the maidens who had wamleicd Into camp wlthiut chaperones and weie Intent upon seeing an army of genuine Commonwealers WANTRIJ NO TRAMPS When the army of Commonw eaters pulled over the Union Pacific bridge and landed on lovvn boll it was preUlcteJ that all of the tramps and vagrants of both Omaha and Council Bluffs would become Kellj,1/ed , and tnke up the trail leading toward Washing ton. This prediction/ however , never ma terialized , for Genera ] Kelly was on to his Job nnd at once set about discouraging nny movement of the kind. From the door of the commissary cai he made the an nouncement that he would handle all of the recruits who eared to enlist for the cam paign against monopoly , but ho would not tolerate the piesenco of a tramp v\hat he wanted he said , were honoiablo men and no others. He hnd had a few tramps , but had got rid of them as soon as they made their Identity known , dumping them at way stations. This announcement dampened the at dor of the gentlemen wlto were con stitutionally opposed to work , and they wended their way back to the two towns from whence they came In speaking of this matter with the Com monweal representative of The Bee , General Kelly lomarked that ho would not allow n trump to enlist , if he knew the man was a tramp. If he discovered that he was one utter ho had gotten into the army , he would at once call a dtiimhcad court-mar tial , und , If the fellow was convicted , ho would bo driven out of the army in dis grace. "We want men , " continued the gen- eial , "who , when they line up In Washing ton , will have as much respectability as the senators nnd representatives them selves , and If I can keep the nrmy In Its present social nnd moral condition the rep resentatives of the states will not feel ashamed of our coming It Is true that wo are not as rich as homo of the membeis of congress , but we nre ns respectable and have the snmo kind of rich blood How Ing through our veins. Besides this , wo all nro from the snmo original und common parents. " The busiest man In the whole nrmy wns the commanding olllcer , General Kelly Whllo he had everything down to n system , nil of his under ofllcers apparently wanted his consent and advice before making the simplest move. This fact vvas the cause of his being on the go from caily morning until night. Ho gave orders how to unload , how to cook the meat and how to repack the baggage , besides devoting considerable time to trying to make traffic arrangements for the movement of the nimy toward the national capita ) . KELLY'S EARNEST ADDRESS. During the afternoon repeated calls were made for the general , us the vast assem blage wanted to know something of the oratorical ability of the leader who had brought 1,300 men over the Rocky moun tains. Responding ( o the calls , n slight man , wealing a box suit of blue , his head surmounted by a yncthlng cap , appeared at the sldo door of the commissary cai nnd wns greeted with n rousing round of cheeru The man vvas General Kelly , and , dolling his cap , ho said. "Ladies nnd gentlemen , we come to you today , not ns n body of tramps , but us honest , would-bo suit-supporting laboring men , all fico cltUcnsl ot the United States Wo do not belong to jhc , class termed vag rants , but Instead , theio Is not a man among us who would | i6t bo willing to earn his bread by the s\\'eaibf honest toll , pro viding the employmenf Ki'us fuinlHhcd Wo have among us men , Of every trade , men who have followed professions nnd men who have been shining [ Mights In society , but i nlvir i i in am tamri mu1 iluss leg ! latlon has ndiitftd us t unnt nnd misery Nuw i wo nro on our way t ) the rnt of govern ment where we propei i > to lay our ( claims before tut law makers of the ' land You nsk us what we wnnt ? ! "In the west wo wnnt congress to npprnprl- I nte money for the construction of Irrigation t ditches and k I ml rod enterprises , lu the i-nst we want congress to appropriate money for the construction of roail ? , thus giving em ployment to HIP Idle thotumuls If congress will furnish employment for three ycara the pcopln will bo upon their feet onct more nml nn era of prosperity will ngnln prevail. When that time comes men who nro willing to work will not bo rldlni ; over the country , objects of chnrltv. When thnt time comes the tramp will bo a thing of the past nnd there will he more cqunllty among the men of the nation. "Talk about hard times. This Is the rich est country In the world nml there Is no rea son why n single Individual should beg for bread. Right hero In this state you can niHe- enough corn nnd whent to feed half of the United Stntes , but Instead of doing BO you nro letting the soil remain Idle , simply for the reason thnt your produce Is not mir- ketnble. This Is not your fault , but the fault of the men who represent you nt NVashliipton , the men who mnko your Inws You sny thut you nre not to blame , but you me , for vou i hnvo not made your demands Owing to the fact that you hnvc let mattots go by drfnult , we are going to bee what we can do for you und tlm rest of humanity Wo do not nsk you for money , but wo do nsk you for yom moral support nnd in avers If you give us these' you will hen from us , for 1 tell you that when wi ? reach Washington nnd enmp In the white house grounds , " 0,000 Htiong , your congressmen and the others will ( > eo that this movement menus something. NO NEED OF MILITIA. " \Vc do not wnnt lo annoy you. but we do want to be let ulono nnd henllowcd to pro ceed nn our way unmolested. Today I see uound me the bdldleiy of jour ulate. called here by your governor Why the gentleman hail called out these boys In blue Is n ques tion that surpasses nil imderstniiding Pos sibly the honorable gentleman has un Idea that wo nre nil born robbers , but let me In form him once foi nil Hint wp nre gentle men poor but honest , and that not a dollar lar s worth of property shill be In jut id by a member of the Commonweal. We have a mission to perform , which mission Is to se cure legislation ami not to stenl nnd plundei. Until we have accomplished thnt mission you can Intigh nt us but when It Is accom plished we will turn Ihe laugh "Right here I wnnt to tay thnt I wnnt you people of Iowa to get up u petition , .ask ing Iiclind to help us with home rule , ns we have helped It In the pist ; nnd. In con clusion , let mo say that the next time tint nn nrmy of Commonwcalers passes through jour city , Inform your governor tint It will not bo necessary to call out the mllltla of the state to protc'd lives and property Thete soldiers look line on dress parade , but In , my opinion It would have been far better foi the community it the money tint It eobt to bilng them here had been spent In buying food and clothing for the needy and buffcllng of your state" At the conclusion of the general's speech he wns given three rousing cheeis , und then the hat was passed through the crowd When It was returned to the commissary car , It was loaded down with silver and bills , aggregating $10ii " , " > , which wns turned over to Colonel Bakei , who Is custodian of the company funds During the afternoon the crowd was enter tained by speeches delhcied by local oiators , with several O.niha and South 'Omahi gentlemen taking a hand Dining the day the recruiting officer mus tered in one company , which during the bal ance of the jouiney , will be known ns com- jany I This company is composed ot fifty- t'.o men , all from Omaha and Council Bluffs and is under the command of Captain Fiank Fentress , originally fiom Wisconsin , where foi a number of years he was foieman of one of the Lifting crews In the vicinity of Black River Falls Captain IVntieaS amas-scd n fortune of Si ( 000 and four years ago went west to bet- tci his circumstances. IIe settled In tlio oiange district of the golden stale mil tried fruit raising In this ho was successful , und at one time had an oiange plantation that gave piomlso ot being " bonanza , but about this time lie commenced to dabble in Los Angeles real estate , and to use u coist ex pression , ho bit off. more than ho could mas ticate , having the greater pottlon of It on hand when the boom collapsed. Leaving his wife and three girls , the oldest but 9 years of age , In a cottage in one of the suburbs , he went to Saeiamento , there hoping to find employment nt his trade , that of n car penter. In this he wns unsuccessful , nnd when the Commonweal movement started Fentress was foiemost In the lanks. The captain Is one of General Kelly's most trusted officers and Is in favor of free and un limited coinage. SPENT A QUIET NIGHT. The aimy camped In Council Bluffs last night and the men bivouacked alongside the cars which had hauled them over so many vvcaiy miles from the fai west. At sundown last evening the men prepaid ! for supper. Soon tires wcro brightly bla/lng in n long row down the Union Pacific Hacks near the transfer depot The soldiers ( tath- ci ed up piles ot diiftwood , old railroad ties and othei material and coon made themselves comfortable After supper the squids gathered around their hies nnd told stoties or sang son s Many of the men nro possessed of good voices and some ot the companies have quartets which furnish some very good vocal music. They sing sentimental and comic songs and then ono crowd struck up nn old familiar hymn and the whole army joined In , swelling the chorus with more than n thousand voices. Through the kindness of the Union Pa cific company the men were permitted to use the curs which they rode in to Council Bluffs , nnd they weio ns comfortable as possible under the circumstances Alany of the men preferred to wrap themselves In their blankets and Ho down by the fires , and at midnight the only movement about the camp vvas thnt of the pickets pntrollng back nnd faith As soon ns the men went Into camp General Kelly ordered the pickets on duty nnd they were relieved every two hotns. 'Iho general gave strict oulois that no soldier should be allowed to go out of camp or ho would unest him und tuin him over to the civil authorities ns n vugrant. Then outside of tills guild was the picket guaid of the state mllltla , which patiolcd the vicinity all night. As some people were nppiehi'nslvo that fiomo of the soldiers might bo cuirylng nuns for an unlawful purpose General Kelly Issued oiderti to nil his captains to search the men This was done nnd not a weapon of any kind could be found , unless a few razors which they used for shaving might be termed weapons Sheriff Huzen , who hud been up for two nights In succession , went to bed early , hav ing issued his Instiuctlons to the com- mumlers of the mllltla , which weio to the effect that they were only to putrol the camp nnd sco that none of the Commonvvcah'rs were allowed to get outsldo the tines , but theio was no need of even this , for the poor fellows weio worn out with their long journey Governor Jackson did not con sider tint ho could bo of uny service and went homo with a rclntlvo who lesldcs In Council Bluffs nnd retired ciitly Only for the smouldering camp fires no ono would hnve been nvvure of the largo crowd of men who wcro sleeping In ami near the ears Geneial Kelly was Invited to spend the and jiimilar annoyances nre caused by impure blood , which will result in a more dreaded disease. Unless removed , slight impurities will develop into serious SCnOFULA , ECZEMA , SAL T IUIEUM I r-uve for dome time been n sufferer from a severe ARE THE RESULTS OF O4 Wood trouble , for which I took : many rcmedtoa lhat VO did ina UQ good. I Imvo now lukcii four tattles ot vviin tnautost vYouucrful resulia. Am ciijojlntrtljo twst health I OTCT Knew , lia o coined twenty pounds ana my VJ ] f rlon'U pay they ne et saw me u& treU. I am tccJIug ijulte Ilka a new man. Oovcramcnt Prlntlnff Odla , Washington ! D. a Treattie on Blood and fitin IHicaset mulltdfrtt toanuaddrai. SWUT BPKCinO CO. , ATLANTA , QA. i nlsht with Mr \ \ U 1,5n. 1i.u > l inth , ceptcd Th ie > i ! f M vir > Un II ) toward the peiplo of Ooumil IilurN nml i Oil-till \ mid thinkthnt he will Lnl lu i i nrmy In the national mpltitl Ills men nru In good rplrllt nnd nhsudiitt'ly ninlrr hM con trol , o tint under ordinarily fnvuntble con dition * hi. " ton f will not he dlminlxhed nn It tnvels pnitwurd l > > desertion * t.ist night Superintendent Dimmed , cf tin * motor company said Hint hi * ti-Hlm had hmled about 20,000 people down to Iho tr.ui * for nftcr 9 nYlock jesterdny mornlni ; nnd up to 11 o'clock last illicit. It H thought nrv.\ that nftei bre.ikfagt this morning the toldler * will be foimed In line nnd nftci n route Is selciled they will start on their Journey on foot. One of the cnptalna rnhl last night that If they ooilld not ride they could walk , but he Kile-iced Hint they would rldo most of the way. MAY mnn ON run -q J. II. DtiRKnn , division mipnlntendent of the Chicago , IluilliiRton R. Qulmynt Preston wns ircMi by 1 n porter duiliiK the afternoon ns he wns loailiiK nhout the trnnifi-r plat- .form waiting for sotiiethliu ; lo turn up "This thlnu pf our rurnltdilni ; i train t" carry these people cist , ' said hi' , when asked whit his company might he o\ppci > d to do toward helping the men in their wav , 'would ho all very well If It vvtio not for theprcee - dent It would establish It there were no others lo follov I should ho in favor ot put ting n train out on the Hack nnd tilling the hoj s lo jump on nnd go , and run the risk nf dimage suits. Hut I understand theio nro MOO more of them gelling n-idy lo leivo Snn rraiu'lsco nml other western cities for the cast , and If WP commence now we 11 have to keep It up foi no ono know a how long " The exposure nnd ImidMil * Incident lo the trip have made iniondb on tnc IIIMIIII of n good miny of the men nnd xe'vcrnl of them nre down with pneumonia nnd kindred disease * During tlio nfti'iiloon HIP condl tlon ot one of the patients , I Inns Mnigon son of San Princhpo , became M > serious thnt IIP was tnl I'll to the Woman's Christian as sociation hospital for tie-ntim-nt lle > Is n member of HIP Dinlsli Illothnrhood nnd the expenses of his treatment will be paid bj Ihe members of the orde-r In Illicit ) . UNKNOWN SMI I'll IHISIMt I'V Artlit llronn Vgiiln nt HMI llrnil of Iho I'ovcj Aim } In Muivliuid CUMnmili ) , Md . Apill I" . - I his after noon Maishal Call llrowno rode Into C1 im berlaml ut the head of the COXPJ armv of the Commonweal on a handsome stall'n ) which has been his mount hlnco leaving Mnsslllon III on no Is again on top HIP revolution of vesterda > hits been quelled nnd "Unknown" Smith has been deposed He will go on n lectmlng tour Mr I'OSPJ a son has deserted therauso of his fathii and goes with Smith Co\cy arrived nt da > break When the mini reached heio It camped In the ball grounds mul 1 500 people paid 10 tents to fce-o It Prominent citizens provided provcmlei and nftci eating supper , the soldiers lay down besldo theli campflres for the night. Wilmington , Del , Apill lii Hlvlilon No 0 of Co\ev's arm ) , under the command of Christopher Columbus Jones , camped at Nevvprot today and will remain there alt night. They are being fed b > the villagers. lllfll Next I lip. TOPCKA , April 15 In view of the prob able pnssngo of eGncral Kell's Indiistrlil nrmy through Topeka the People's Party league of Slmwneu count ) pasted a lesolu- tlon last night to give the recruit's a suitable * vvelcomo and a substantial fenbt on their Journey \\ashlngton A committee to make the necessary airnngements hab been appointed. I nun Itlil ilionm. KANSAS CITY , Apill 15 V special to Ihe Journal from Outhiie OKI , sas The Oklahoma contingent of C'oxpv s army jot ) strong , completed arrangements tonight with the railroad company to earry them to Washington In bocats. . SS IIELIEVES PflOMPUYMd McPIiERSON & HAIN , Props. 1 id ffit pillion * s 1'(10 ( 11 1'lorrn s' thirto block 4 from oint fiul or Htn i'l iv Hit tVlii > Uouo ' 'II < < rmviis iiul il , il , inhi all UliuHof pirnl'i , NliriltlH VI ul lilt ) H 't Unit" ! ( lit Plow I'M All 1 h'iin tl IH < it 'MHHlilppiMi > ill pirn > if tincoiiulry Mail and Telegraph Orders Promptly Filled CEO. P. SANFORD , A. W.-RICKMA | ( 1'roildi'Ht. ' Fircf Infirmo HIM Ndlllllld of COUNCIL BLUFFS , lovvn. Capital , - . M 00,001) 1'rofiN , . . . 12,000 One oCllu'Oldi M Imnki In tin'Hiati * of lovvn Wo PI Hill vein InisliiiMs nut inlli-i-lluim VVupirS pi i ivnt on Urn" ili iiuHllH \ \ c w 111 bo uh'isuil lc Nee lliilheivi Mill Improved Quick and Easy Rising1 Steam , Elec tric & Hand Power Set.il for Ciri'ulai'3 Kimlnll Bros. , Couasll BluO'F.rdwa . I > /oliGC3 / } COUNCIL BLUFFS : DO V.OLT KNOW 1HAI UAi & iaS3 HAVU come choice bmealua 111 fiult unit curden land nciii tills cltyf UUMOVUD. cisji'ooh.s. chlnmcjs cleaned ttd lluike , ut Tu ) lot tiuctry , fJJ lliundnay AllblllACT AND loANS 1'AHM AND cltj projitrty buuttlit mid t > old. 1'uuoy . 'lliunius , Cuuncll HlulTtj \OUNO LAUV blKNObllAl'ltnU AND TVI'J : . \\rltiM- desires Hiiuullun. his hid exin-rlencu lit buoUKkripltiK also , bist iiftiuncttt Address N J ) , IKe , Council llluffs _ I'AsiuitAoi : , rutsr ci-At-a. i o 400 mAl > of stock , nhout J miles noitli of tuun Cattls $275 tti { I 00 hoibcs J < uu to 570) for acason , Alirll 11 to Octobei ID Good man In cliurKo of stock , iiluity KniBM , mil nnd water. OR \\lll tint to iuol nun with SluniOJ cui'ltnl ' to linen In dully , hog and | > oulU > busliicDJ , trout C-iooin luiusi > and nil coincnienciH li I' * Jtulson WJ oth a\fnue 01 SJS Uioadway , Coun ell llluffH _ _ S.LHOil COMMISSION TO TI1I3 KIOI1T gcnllcnnn in Ind ) t ill nt one" U. C. & II. Co. 201 , Main stint , t uincil llluffa LOST , ON TlOl61t NP7T 12TIl HlHn sword pin PUKIOXLI ! li ingle "lN. . " ' * 1 I ) llituin to lice olllio. Cafatoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription Tor Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium , Morphine nor other Narcotic bubbtancc. It Is n harmless substitute- for Paregoric , Drops , Soothing Syrupii , and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use oy Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays fcvcrishness. Cas > toria prevents vomiting Sour Curd , cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoritv relieves teething troubles , cures constipation and ilatuloncy. Cabtoria assimilates the food , regulates the atoinacli and bowels , giving healthy and natural sleep. Cagp toria is the Children's Panacea the Mothci's Friend. Castoria. Castoria. ' " Costcria li nil excellent mcillelno for children " Cn-torl.i Is BO ell mlnptcd to children thai dren Jlothtr ? hao i cpeatcilly to'd mo of Its I recommend It as superior toauy piescrlptlon good effect upon their children " knouu to me. " Dn. Q. C. Onoon , II. A. AIICIIKR , H. D. , Lou ell , Mass. Ill So. Oxford St , DrooVlyn , N. Y. " Cristorla la the hft lemoily for children of "Our phjslelans In the children's depart which I am ncqualnti'd. 1 hope the day h not ment lii\e spoUen highly of their experience far distant when mothers w III consider the real enceIn their ontsldo practice \\lthCastorIa , Interest of their children , nml UMJ Castorl i in and although no only huva ainoui ; our stead of tho\nriousquack nostrums\vhlchnro medlc.ll supplies what Is Known as regular deitroyhirftheir lo\eil ones , foyforcingopliim , prodncls , jetuoaro frco to confess ti ! 4 Hw morphine , soothing syrup and other hurtful merits of Castoria has WOP " * > a look with agents down their throats , theicuy sesdlug favor upon It " tiew to premature g w cs , " UNITED Hosrmij irs P' pruaAny , DR. J. T KiscnELOE , Uoston. Mass. Couwaj , ArU. AILEV C. SMITH , Pro , Tito Contnnr Oomjjany , 77 Murray Street , Now York City. HI AWHOOD RESTORED ! I' liiuiiiiii'i'ii tin uri'ii I iiPiunmiiMUM * such 111 Ucuk All iiiory l.iissot Unilu 1 'dwcr llniilniUrViikoruliKMi Lost MnnUooil. Mulnly I iulisioii Nervoun- itllrtrilnannil lei < Her iimrerlnCeiiurntitoUrnuim of iltlior Lv HYiTi'viTllnn joiilhliil crrnrn , iixtpsslvo uxiol tnbacco oplliin nr mini- r lilrh li ml to Inllrnilty , ( 'niikuniptlnn or Inniiilly ( an Im eurrlcil in ve l ixrli > x ( lforbi > i I'T ninll | ircimliVllll | uS. % unKrwu trlvo uv llli-ii until iinU-olo tiirnnriFlunil HID IIIUIIP > . hold ti/ nil 'ilViunitlH ' Ask lor II liikn o nihnr Wrlln ( or fre'n Moillcnl llouk pent n nlul liiilulnwruiur | | | l tliii : > CO. , Slasonlc'lemplo.ClIltAUiv In Omaha Neb , bj bhfiinan & . McLonnell und by Kuhii & Co , COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM DYE WOK All Klndnof Dyoln/ nnd UIQ uiuit dmiu u tlm hUliott Htyln ol tliu urt , I'.ilo I mi ' btulnod f ibrlj-i mad to 10 ) l : Ui ROD I a now. Worx prompt ! dona un I ( Jollvurai In nil p iris nf tni country dun I fui II1ICH ) lilt O. A. MAOH&V , Ilroidvvny , mmr Norths vuMoin Do p ( > t Tuluphono 'JJ W. C. E3TEP. WALL PAPER CLEANED Funeral 01 re olQr&Embalmer UN. Main St. , Oounoil WnlTa. C. H. WAELKEKT. onlco 07 TKMSI'IIONKS-ISetlilimon { J.l I.IMVO cinlurs i\lth mil rjfur to\V A. WOUl ) CO , J2j Muln iticot , i'oljphcmo Nu U.