Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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Whtat Was Weak and Closed with Nearly
One Cent Loss.
TlirrnVn * n I'nlrly Acllvn tttiftliirM In Out *
I-rovlnlotiK Btrmiff mill Higher nt
tlin Slnrl hut l.ulrr There Were
J'rco Offering" .
CHICAGO , April 10. Wheat was weak
and closed with n loss of % c. The antici
pated bearlshncss of the government report
nnd favorable weather caused the decline.
Corn nnd oats were firm. The cables wore
practically firm , but closed lower than yes
Wheat opened weak nt about the point It
left off yesterday. The weather over the
greater part of the winter wheat area was
Biich ns to warrant the expectation of It re
pairing the greater part of the damage done
by the frost. The 25,000,000 bu. of Immov
able wheat In Chicago began to loom up big
again nnd the unhealthy premium which
that wheat here was being traded In , com
pared with the prices quoted at the prin
cipal wheat markets , caused comment on
that condition of affairs to become more
general. Between the opening nnd noon
there was a heaviness , which gradually de
pressed the market for May to G2UC. as
compared with from G3c to G3l4c nt the
etart. After selling down and recovering to
62c there were sellers at C2c at the
end.Thu feeling of strength which corn ills ,
played yesterday wns again uppermost. The
market , after a good opening , became rather
heavy around yesterday's closing values.
There was a fairly active business In oats.
May started % c higher than yestreday'a
closing price , sold nt 32c and up to 32c.
Just before the close there was a spurt and
the market closed with buyers at from
32o to 32-y4c.
The provision market was strong nnd
higher nt the start , but the edge was taken
off by free offerings of packers. After Rome
advance several houses became agrcsslve
Estimated receipts : Wheat , 40 cars ;
corn , 95 cars ; oats , 105 cars ; hogs , 25,000
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Articles. I Open. | High. | Low. I CloseT"
Wheat , No. 2
May li'JU
July om
Corn No.- . .
May 38J1WS
Dam No. ' . ' . . .
May 32K
June 31 ! : im
July : ; o HO
Sept 20H 20M
Pork per hhl
May 12 ( ! 0 la no 12 60 12 57K
July 12 OS 12 00 12 oo 12 05
April 7 47W
May 7 50 7 n.- > 7.40
July 7 25 7 25 7 12
Short Hlhs
-May 0 67 0 CO n -in 0 4'Jii !
July n -is 0 O''K 0 5 o : i.'i
( , 'nsli quotations were aa followa :
WHKAT No. 2 swingClijic ; No. 2 red , C15ic.
COIIN Nn. 2 , 3S'.ic.
OATH Nn. 2 , 32V4o ; No. 2 white , 3l31ic ; No.
I white , SStfSlc.
UVE NIL 2. 60c.
HAULKV Nominal : No. 3 , COQuCi * ; No. 4 , G3c.
KI.AX HKKINo. . 1 , Jl.30',5.
T1MOTIIV SUMO I'rlmc , JI.2WI.30.
I'UOVIHIONS Mess pork. J12.57 tfl2.CO per
bll. ) i lard , J7.52' , < , ® 7.53 per 100 Ihn. ; short rlba Hides
( loosa ) . W.K > t.iilUlO ; dry salti-il slmuldrrs ( boxi-d ) ,
3.87i.-i'nC.12V : : short clear xlili'H ( boxrd ) , 50.01.jt- ! |
WIUHICY IJlBtlllcra' finished goods , per Kal. ,
Tin ; following were tlio receipts aim shipments
for today :
On thu Produce uxchanirc today the butter imr-
ket was llrm ; creamery , ltl'U' ! ( ' > c ; dairy , 1'JGlUc.
H , tlrm ; fresh ,
Nmv VorkSlurkrlfl.
NKW YOHIC , April 10. FLOUH necelpts ,
40,700 bbls. ; exports , 13,000 bbls. ; sales , 5.7HO
pkss. ; dull and lower to sell ; buyers In sus
pense pending the government report. Mills
generally maintain their limits. Hye Hour slow
but steady ; buckwheat Hour nominal.
HUCKWHEAT Dull ; range on all trades , K/S
COIIN MR A L null : yellow western , $2.C3'u
8.70 ; Hrnndywlnc , $2.70.
It YH Nominal.
HAItLRY Dull ; No. 2 Milwaukee , Kc ; im-
traded. OSftCnic.
1IAHLKY MALT Quiet ; Canadian , EOB95C. '
WHKAT Hecelpts. 68.500 bu. ; exports , 10i,500
bu. ; sales , * 2,4D3 , 000 bu. futures and 800 bu. spot.
Bpot market dull ; No. 2 red In store and ele
vator , W.USOWtet t. o. b. , CC-lo ; No. 1 northern ,
Ilc dellveied ; No. 2 Milwaukee , COVlc In stare.
Options opened llrm on buying slatted liy con
tinued dry weather In Kansas , but good rnlns
pclng reported In other parts of the west with
better crop news soon turned the market weak
ind a sharp decline resulted. Later prices rocov-
trcd partially on the 1,115.000 bu. decrease in
the world's stock nnd higher late cables , but
again reacted and closed weak nt ' ,4Wo
decline ; No. 2 red , April , closed nt Ki'.Jc ' ;
May , G4 ! tffirOHOi closed at C4ic ; June closed nt
(5c ; July , ( > G4ifcG7ic , closed nt G7c ; August
closed nt C7ic ; September , 63fO' ) } c. closed at
B ! < ? ic : December , 72liCl73 iC , closed nt 72(4c. (
COIIN Heeelpts , 45.000 bu. ; expoits. 103,000 bu. ;
tales , 370.000 bu , futures nnd G. > ,000 bu. spot.
Bpot maiket steady ; No. 2 , 44o ! In elevator ; 41
( Ml1 to iviloat ; steamer mixed , 43a delivered. Op
tions opened llrm on good buying started by
feat's of decreasing receipts , 'owing to wet
weather west nnd on yesterday's late big ex
port business. Towards the close prices fell off
a little , but showed Uc to ? Jo net advance.
April closed nt 4lc ; May. l4'4 ' f4IVic. closed nt
ll'Ao ; July. 43inr43 9-10e. closed nt 45 > te.
OATH Heeelpts , 118.400 bu. ; exports , 100.000
bu , ; sales. 100,000 bu. futures and 172.000 bu.
ipot. Kpot active nnd llrm ; No. 2. 37'l374c ' ! :
No. delivered , 3SVi3S',4c ' ; No. 3 , SC'/c ' ; No. 2
while. 4KS41'ic ; No. 3 white , 40o ; mixed western.
l7WiiSV ! : c ; Hack white/ western , 39i43jc ! ; track
tvlilto stole , 3lf42Vic. ! Options were llrm all
tiny with corn nnd talk of manipulation , closing
Rt % c net advance. Huslness was slow. April
closed at 375Se ; May. 3CHO3l4c ( , closed at 36J4c ;
July. 3Gc. cloned at 3Co.
HAY Dull ; shlpplnB , $0.00jG.10 ; good to choice.
17.00ft S. GO.
IIOI'H Steady ; state , common to choice , DfJ
I9e ; Pacific coast , 139 19o ; London market steady ;
holders offer sparingly.
IIIDICS Quiet : wet balled. New Orleans pe-
lected , 45 to G5 Ibs. , 4Vi 5We ; Huenos Ayres
lelectetl. 20 to 21 Ibs. , Sffllo ; Texas dry , 21 to 3J
Ibs. , Co.
LKATIlKH-Dull ; hemlock sole. Huenos Ayres.
light to heavy weights , IGViOIDo.
WOOI Steady ; pulled , 20SI2Co ; Texas.
I'llOVISIONS llecf , dull : family. 12Wllc ; extra
mess , 8c ; beef hams , fi5.fiOftlG.OOj city extra
India mess , $17.00i 22.00. Cut moats , llrm ; pickled
boulders , GfrGKu ; pickled hams , 9\c. Laid ,
higher : western steam , closed at $7.43 asked :
l.iles. 100 tierces ; May easy at $7.02 ; April closed
it $7.90 nominal ; May , $ nominal : July , J7..V )
nominal ; iv lined llrm ; continent , $8.40 ; com
pound , $ C.23. Pork , higher ; new mess , $14.00i ?
M.2J ! extra .family , $11.00013.00 ; short clear ,
lll'TTKH Steady : western dairy , lH15o | : west-
tin creamery , 17i23c ; western ( net 31 y , 10Gl3o ;
plglns , 2Je ; statu dairy , lOiiJIc ; state creameiy ,
l41H8o ( old ) .
lIKKau Steady ; stntn large , 0Tl2c ; small ,
I0ttl'c ; luiit skims , 3Je ; full skims , 2fi2'4e. '
KdCIK Firmer : slutu nnd Pennsylvania , 12o ;
H'eslern fresh. IHiOllKc ; southern , lU',4WU',4o ' ;
reeelptH. 12.718 pkgs.
I'HTHOLKUM-yulet but nrm ; united closed
TALLOW Steady ; clly ( 2 for pkir. ) , 4 13-IGo ;
country ( pkgs. free ) . 4 15-16c , ns to quality.
HOSlN Steady ; strained , common to cood.
Tt'HPKNTINR-Htendy ; 30fT30Wc.
HICK Steady ; domestic , fair to extra , S'itfGo ;
Japan , 4\j \ 4e.
MOLASSI.'S Dull : New Orleans , open kettle ,
( oed to ehalce. 27f3fic.
PIO IKON Dull ; American. $12.00013.00.
COPPKH-Qulet ; lake. $9.50.
LKAD-KIrm ; domestic. $ J.20.
TIN-Klnner : strnltH. $ l .to bid ; plates , dim.
SPHLTKH Neglected ; sales nn ihange , 15 tons
pot tin , $19.00 , anil 16 tons June , $ ' .I.G3.
COTTONHHKD OHr-Qulet but steudv ; p Imu
trude , bbls. , 27W8e : bulter grades , 3ltf35ej tirlmo
iinimiT yellow. 32ij13Je ; off > ellow , SHfol'jo ;
prime cummer white , SOc ,
HIHIAH Haw , steady ; sales , 4,00 < ) bags centrl-
fuKnls , 9G teat , 8Tic , ex ship cost and freight.
Itellned milel , _
Mtiiurii | > olUVhent 'Market.
MINNRAPOL18 , April lO.-The murkete were
dull today with wheat men ull walilnt ; for thu
rovenimi-nt report to come In thU afternoon.
Many of them believed thry knew about what
( he report would be , but there wan un clement
lit uncertainty that prevented ui'tlvo trading.
I'rlcrs In the morning opened u llltlo easier than
they closed yesterday , but not lower. Iluslnes *
nx > n developed a itrvuUr drOre to cell than to
buy and Hi * market ml ) down Vo with mnll
llucluatlon , and remained nt that until about
the close , Theit ) weru u few orderti to buy and
Imyem elulnwl icuna trouble In HllluK thrlr
orders at thin market , owlnir lo thu snmll amount
that was ottered , Iteports from the country
Indicated very small rvc lpu there , which would
not run to moie than 40,000 to ( O.ooa bu , for
HIM < Uy. It follow * . Ihertforv , that there- will
IM another consumable drcllne In the uniount
of utockti In the c.nuntr ) ' tUvutorn durloc the
ttujcul w k. UUU w i' JUUiilUtf at ab Ut the
nine fntr t\r lii't werK. mnkHic nbn'il p > " rt
ri.ln. . . nnd u-iiiB nlxmt Mn.iini In. r xvii.nt m
Ittenu-f.'iir II.IIIIT. Tinthll inmtf 'ir4trii )
bu. . making u illMrlliutli.n nf 17ill o Int. , n am t
rc-i lpH of lb.40) bu. , nmciMAtllr dr-cieiKlnit the
local supply ii.i.Vl bu. fur III" IHV , This m di-
I llrm m.uki't fur rn h wliml nnJ April nin-
tintjiliril. hP ) ihimnrkct fului < > ' clowil Ho
inw r ilmn jpfl'ldny nt 6Ze for April , HJHo f f
Mny. GJT c f r July nd Giac for K < plumber. On
trnok : Ol'.r. hntd ; ct'ic , Nn. 1 nutthern , nnd
CltiC for Nn. 2. The Hour mnrkrt was Rlendy ,
ulth imtentx fi-MInc from M > 40 to J3.CO , nn < l
linkers' front $ J to 1J.JV
\Vlirnt , Ilinvever , U In Heller Condition Tlmil Ycnr ,
WA8IIINOTON , April 10-Thf condition nf
winter nheat on the flttit day of April , ns > c-
ported by the statistician of thu Agricultural de
partment , average * M.7 per cent : In the entire
country tnst year the average was 77.4 , In 1SM
It wns 81.2 , nnd OtJ.O for the year 1S9I. The cor-
rcspondlnjr nveragi' for rye Is 91.1 pr rent ,
The nveniBe fur wheat for the states
Is n folliwa : Kentucky , S3 ; Ohio. M ; Mleh-
liran , S3 ; Indiana. SO ; HllnJl * . S7 ; Missouri , * S3 ;
Knimni , 72 : Nebniska , R'.j town , 7.
The averngo rhilc of seeding III III" Ohio nnd
Mississippi valleys wnt late , on Ing lo dry
weather , In general , however , th condi
tions of soil wen ; not fitvoralile to
planting nnd geiinltmtlnit , Very little
damage Is repirted from the HeMlnn lly ,
and that only In sections of Ohio , Michigan. Illi
nois. Missouri and Kansas. The weather fiom
seeding time until the reoi-nt c ild wave swept
over the country , except In rnsrs hereafter
notcJ , hns been very favorable to 'the growth of
tlio pU.nt.
In the enslern. northern nnd northwestern
slnlps snow covering has afforded prater ! Ion In
addition lo the mild temperature. The returns
In regard to the efficts on wheat resulting frjm
the recent cold snaps are not HI mttlsfaoiory norse
so conclusive ns IM desirable. The Injury to the
crop Is undoubtedly eoti-ddfinlile. If not great ,
but the comments of correspondents aceomrmy-
Ing the reports would SWIM to Indicate that the
full extent of the damage was not generally do-
lermlnable nt the dale of thr < tmnsmli'slon. In the
eastern nnd northern slntes the damage was
comparatively slight. In the south Atlantic and
the southern stales the Injury was marked and
decided , with perhaps the exception of Texas ,
while In HIP slntes of OhlImllnnn , Mlchlnan
nnd Kentucky ( he Injury from frost Is considera
ble , the extent In pome In contingent upon
further metHoioluglrnl rundltlous. The relums
Indicate that freezing of the ground was quite
prevalent , especially In low nnd rich moist
lands , but with roots left untouched , or nt lenit
alive , with good prospeels of recuperation on the
recurrence of fmorablo wenther. In the states
of Kansas , Nebinskn and t'nllfornla the Im
paired condition of the crop has not resulted so
much from HIP front IIH from cold , dry weather.
High winds are nl o noted by our Knn ns cor
respondents as cine of thp onuses of unfavorable
conditions. Hnln Is much upcded In UIPSP us
well nf other Important whent producing -dates.
The condition of farm animals , together with
the estimated losses , will be us usual In the
forthcoming April bulletin.
St. LniiU Altirketx.
ST. LOUI.-5 , April 10.-KI.Otil-AVpik ; with
wheat. I'atenls , $2. ' ) 'fl3.0.-i ; others unchanged.
WHKAT Lower on heavy selling In niitli-l-
pallon of bearish goveinment report , , cluslng
WfftiP off. No. 2 red , cash , SC7ic ; Jlay , Gi ? { | i
6u4e : July , GOc.
COIIN I'lrm , quiet ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 2. " > 7io :
May. SOc : July , iKjiifpj c.
OAT } ? Easier ; No. 2 , cash , 32Uc ; May , 32e ( ;
UYE 1'nelianged ; No. 2 , this side , Me.
IIAHLRY Nothing doing.
HHAN Knsy ; east track. Sic.
KLAX SKKD-$1.27.
CLOVKU SliKD-Knsler ; $8.iVIi9.M.
TIMOTHY HKKD-Ixiwer nt $3.SOfl4.20.
HAY Firmer ; prime to choice timothy , $ J.OOi
HUTTKlt Firmer ; separator creamery , 20321c ;
choice dairy , lSfil ! > e.
EOOS-HlBln-r : 8SC.
LUAD-lllKlier : linnly hold at $3.20.
SPKI.TKH-J3.32i4. sellers.
COIIN MKAI- Jl.S.-iffl.W.
IIAGdlNO-Unrhanged ; .TJU
COTTON TIKS-l'nchnnged : . .
PROVISIONS Higher , closing easier. Poik ,
standard mess , Jobbing. $13. 12'Hf ' 13.25. Lnrd ,
prime steam , $7.3. ; choice , $ Diy salt meat1 * ,
loose shoulders , $ ( ) ; long1 * and rib , $6.G < ) ; shotts ,
$6.73. HHCOII , p.ieked hhoulclorj ) , $7 ; lonss , $7.12 ;
ribs. } 7.2.r. ; shorts , $7.37'J.
HECElPTS-Klour , C.UOO bbH. ; wheat. 10,000
bu. : corn , 111,000 bu. ; oats , 31,0)0 bu.
SHIPMKNTS Klonr , s.000 bbls. ; wheat , none ;
corn , KO.OOO bu. ; oats , 50,00) bu.
C'ofTeo Market.
NEW YOUK. April lO.-CWrKn-Optlons
dull , but advanced 1'iter on some small offetlngs ,
again easing off , and closed barely steady nt
10S2. ) points dei'llne. Sales , 7.000 bag. * , Itu'lud-
In/ ; April at $10.20 ; May. I1G.10June. . J1.-.SO ;
September , $11.1,0 ; Oi-tober , fl4.40til4.li1 ; Novem
ber. $14.10 , and Do.-ember , J 1 1.0' ' ) ® 1 4. 25. Spot
coffee. Hlo , nominal ; No. 7 , $ I7..0 ; mild , quiet ;
Cordova , $ l9.2. > ( ii IU.50. S.iles , I.KBJ bags
American and 3UO bags Mnr-icnlbo. Warehouse
deliveries yesterday , 6,100 bags ; total New Yolk
stock , 141 , < SS bags ; United h'tntPS stock , 2111,203
bags ; nlloat for the 1'nlted Stat'-n. SiTT.OW bags ;
total visible supply for the Trilled States , 471-
209 bags , ngalnst last year. ITO , ! t'J bags.
UIO DK JANK1UO , April 10. MiukPt Him ; No.
7. Hlo. $1C.7U ; exchange. ! i 3-lGd ; lecclpts , two
days , 3.000 bags ; stock. 12im IMUH.
SANTOS. April 10. No returns.
HAMIil'HO ' , April 1" . Market quiet : Fal-'x , bags ; prices unchanged to Hi pfK. higher.
LONDON , April 10. Market higher ; prices un
changed to Cd higher.
IIAVHK. April -Maiket higher ; sales , 11,000
bags ; prices unchanged.
I.ornl Produce Market.
nUTTmi-dood tutter Is more plentiful thnn
for n long time previous am\ \ the market Is eas
ier. Kxtra choice roll butter , 16fi'lSe ; choice
country , llffluc ; paekiiiR stuck , 7CSC.
EOOS The receipts continue light and the
market Is steady. Strictly fresh eggs , 9r.
DHKSSKI ) POUL.THY Th'tv Is a small trndn
Rt ruling prleCH. Chlckcni , SBlCcr turkeys. OWlOe.
geese nnd ducks , 81J10c. Intel lor stock would sell
below the above Ilgures.
LIVE POULTHY The mnikot Is steady , with a
fair demand. Hens , 7'MiSc ; tuikeys , fi'u7c :
young roosters , Gfo7c ; staguy stock , 4ft3e ; old
roofcters. 3e.
VKAI < There IH plenty of venl on the market ;
prices ore a shade weaker. Good , fat veals , 6tj7c ;
thin or heavy , 35e.
Liverpool Markets
LIVEUrOOL , April 10. HACON Long nnd
short clear , . ' . ' , Ibx. , 333 Kd ; long clear , 45 lb . ,
34s. Ijird , prime we.stein , 3 * Cd.
CHEESK Amerlenii , line , 57s Cd.
TALLOW 2."irt Gd.
KOSIN Common , 3s 8d.
PETHOLnl.'M 4 lid.
Receipts of whent for the past three days
were 323,000 centals. Including 261,000 Amerlenii.
The receipts of American corn for the past three
days were 93,100 centals. The weather Is warm
and dry. _
Now York Dry Ciooil * Mil r Ice t.
NEW YOHIC. April no. In dry goods the trade
has. been of the diminished proportions usual to
Tuesday and no Important orders caino In , with
the exception of dtess goods and specialties of
silk nnd ribbons. The demand was very tame
and sales , otiter than urgent supplies , were very
few. American Indigo and gold pilnts , 4e. PrintIng -
Ing cloths steady at 2 13-16o for Gl squares , and
no gales reported.
Oil Market * .
OIL CITY , Pn. , April 10. National Transit
certificates opened at S3H : highest. S4T : lowest ,
831 ! . ; closed , iy ; sales , I4 , < > 00 bbls. ; clcainnccs.
78,001) bbls. ; shipments , 10G.023 bbls. ; runs , 91,372
I'lTTSUrna , Pn , , Apill 10. National Transit
ccrtincntes opened at 83 i ; closed at Sl'.S ' ; high
est , 84V4 ; lowest , S3i ; sales , 1.000 bbls.
Trlseo Wlient yuotntlons
eelpts , C5.1J2 centals ; May , $1.12 ; December ,
tl.lG .
Tim excitement In barley on the call board
continued today. At the opening It started nt
$1.11 , but dropped to $1.101i. At the 11 o'clock
session there wns n further .drop to $1,07 , All
the morning sales were l.irtje.
Diilnth Whent .Mnrliot.
DULUTH , April 10. WHK AT- Closed lower ;
No. 1 Imnl , eash , C3Ho ; April , cayc ; May. Gk ;
July , G5S4iWie ; No. 1 northern , enhh , (12',4c ( ' ;
April , 69o ; May , 63'ic ' : July , Gt iBG41ic : Sep
tember , C5c ; NO. 2 noithcin , rash , Me ; No. 3 ,
C3'tc ; rcjeeted , 47c ; on track. No. 1 northern lo
arrive , C3 > sc. lltcclpts , 01,000 bu ; shlpmentH ,
Llvc-rpool ( iraln Mnr'fvl.
LIVEHPOOL , April 10. WHKAT Steady : de
mand modeiatp ; holders otter moderately ; No ,
1 California , Gs IdiiSs 2d ; led western winter ,
4s 10llf5a Ud.
COIIN Quiet ; demand poor ; new mixed , 3s
l-'LOl'It Spring patenls. Ga 9d.
London Sucnr JMurkut.
LONDON , April 10. SUaAH-Cnne. quiet ,
steady ; rentrlfuKal , Java , 15s 3d ; Muscovado ,
fair rctlnlne , 13s ,
.MuuclicUor Te.vtllo Murkut ,
MANCHKSTEH , April 10-Cloths and yarns
quiet and steady.
Share Sevulutlon | Wiu H it her Dull Yester
day unit Price ClmiiKes ( Jiilinpnrtant.
NEW YOUK. April 10. The sliaro spec-
ulatlou was rather ( lull today and the move
ment of prices was unimportant. It wns
almost entirely a local traders market ,
neither London nor big homo operators buy
ing to any great extcMit. The arbitrage
houses did , however , buy Atchlson and Den
ver & Hlo Qrando preferred In small lota.
The apparent tendency of the foreign ex-
changu market towards burdening had a
depressing Influence on the market. Inas
much as It relieved the talk of gold exports.
Exchange Is not up to the shipping point ,
but It Is regarded an not unlikely that the
rates may advance tomorrow or Hxlday BO
as to render exportation of gold profitable ,
At the opening , prices were generally higher
than at the close yesterday , but Boon took
a downward turn , but towards midday the
speculation assumed a firm tone and an ad
vance took place , but of small proportions ,
which was lit progress until shortly before
IMS. Then came a gelling movement , In
which the earlier Improvement was lost and
a lower range of prices was established. In
the Qiuil dealings , purchxsta tu rarer abort
contracts cniucil n fractional rally nnd tlio
mnrkiH closed nlfRhtty firmer , but t t a do-
cllns from the last prices of yesterday , rnngf
InR from U to 2 > i prr cent. The rallwny1
nnd miscellaneous bond nmrltot wns steady If.
the curly denllnin ; , but became easier toward
thn close.
The Post fays ; I.Ike ye'terday's msrket ,
toady's was chiefly distinguished by Us com
plete Inactivity , Trices , ns n rule , were
slightly lower , but the reaction wns of that
mild nnd harmless character which comes
In n market pause , when habitual fpcctlla-
tors for the decline have lost their reckon
ing. Silver bullion advanced again , selling
close to Inst week's highest level , but this
wits , of course , no local movement In n
speculative way , nnd foreign markets , too ,
nro doing relatively little ; but current Euro
pean purchases of bonds In this city may by
no means bo adequately measured from the
recorded transactions of the Stock exchange.
Tlio following nro the closing quotations on
the lending stocks of the New York exchange
today :
The total Riilos of stocls Unlay wprts 147.621
Incliullng : Tnlincrn , 4,800 ;
Atchls.- , 3LiiO ; AniPrlPiiii SIIK.II' . 20.300 ; IturllliK-
tnn , 5,300 ; CldfiiKii 1'un ' , 27:1W : ; I'tilonido II. V. ft
T. , 2,500 ; DlHtlllliiK * Catllcri'.illn : : , 3.900 ; Ocn-
rral iipctrlu : , Z.OiW ; MIsMiiuil I'arlllu , 3,400 ; Na
tional Lend , 3,300 ; lU-mlltiff. 4MO ; II. A W. 1' .
ccrtlflnttpx. 3rd H t. paid , 3,400 ; Hock Island ,
4,400 ; St. I'anl , ( t.Smi ; Union ruolliu , 3,800 ; Wu-
tiash iircfurrt'il , 3.2.V ) .
Xv York Money .M.irlirt.
NI'.W YOItK , April 10. MONKY ON CALI *
Kasy at 1 ] > er cent ; laut loan and closed at 1 per
35Si per
STEHI.1NT. iX'HANOI2teily ! ; actual Lusl-
ne.i ! ) In liankers' bills , tl.S3U1N.ESli for demand
nnd $4.S7W4. ! > 7ii fir 00 clays bills ; posted rates ,
Jl.SSff-I.SO'.j ' ; conlnii'i-elnl bills , ; 4.SG < & .
OOVKltN-MUNT JiONDS Kirni. Slate bonds ,
The closing quotation ! on bonds :
Itoslon Stock Oiiittitl iig.
BOSTON. April 10.- Call loans. 1 ( ? 3 par oont :
llmo lo.ins , : i ; lJS percent. Closing prices for
stocks , bonds and mining shares :
Sun FnuiriM'O 'MlnliiR Onotiitlons.
SAN FUANOISCO. April -Thiioniolal clostn ?
quotations for mining Htojk.4 toJ.iy were an fol
lows :
Nmv Vtirl : Milling < jiu > tutlon < ) .
NEW YOItK , April lll.-Tho following arj tin
cloaln ; mining quotations :
Choler 2(1 ( Plymouth vu
Crown Point. . . . . 40 Sierra Nevada ! io
Con. Cal. A Va. . . . 200 .Sland.inl 100
Deadwood 00 Union Con no
Gould A Curry (10 ( Yellow Jacket. . . . 00
Halo A Norcross. . 00 Iron .Silver 10
Homestaku 1100 Quicksilver 200
Mexican 1H5 ! do preferred 1050
Ontario 700 Ilnlwcr 0
Ophlr. 200
London Stock Qiintutlnni.
LONDON. April It ) . 1'p. in. oloiliu ; :
Connols.monoy..9l ! lO-llilMi-xlean onliuary. 17)4 )
Consols , acu'ni. . . . 10 , ' ) St. Paul com Oil
Canadian Pacific. . . 71KJN. Y. Central 104
Eric 17Jft Prnusylvanla 02Tii
Erlo 2ndn Iloaillnir
Illinois Central. . . H7 Mex. Cent , new 48.
MONEYItf'mm , percent.
BAll SILVBIl-'SMd per ounce.
Th ral of dlHcount In tlutopcn market for short
bills Is 1 in-KiMlM percent , ami for three months'
bills Is 1U < ' 1 % PHIcunt. .
On tlin London Alurkcti
NEW YOUK. Api II 10. The Evcnlns I'ost'H
London rnbloKram fays : The markets were quiet
nnd fi-aluiflcKH. Onntaniut'H on Americans were
2Jil ! to 3Hd. Tin- torn * was bulllHh un tlio pros
pect ut it InnK delay with the Uirlrr bill , hut
Denver's WMP lietli'r on the rlxc of silver. Silver
was up to 2STii'l on tint rl o on your side , buyhn ;
fur China mid Guatemala nnd ( h < > Fcaiclly of
Buppllc.s , .It loaves on * fulrly linn ami no ireat
relanso Is expiated , Klfty four thnuaand poumla
In bar Knld and ( ! In Knld wore bouicht
there , Thcro .was no frenh demand for money.
Sales weio liardenliiK and no meat plethora of
money Is now expected.
Imperial Hunk Statement.
nnnLIN. April 10. The MalPiniMit of the Im
perial Hunk of Germany for the week shows
the following ehiuiBes , as compared with the
previous account : CaMi In hand , decrraHO ,
6,440,000 marks : treasury notes. Inciease. 300.000
niaikn ; olh"r HrruiltlcH , deert'aw , 9,320X ( maiks ;
notes In circulation , decrease. 32.eSO.OQQ maiks.
St. I.oul * AIliitiiK Stork < > ilotlltlons.
ST. LOUIS. April ] 0.-Mlnlnr ; Quotations :
Bid. Askud , flid.
AmNcllle $ .21K * - KI.40 $ . . . .
Adams (10 ( . . . . KlUabcth. .15 .20
lllmetalllc 2.0 ! ) 2.35 Harcouver .IB .20
QranltoM. 1.70 l.UO
Vlnauelnl Notrn.
KANSAS CITV , Aptll 10. CleurliiEU , lMt , 77 ,
NIJW OHLIIAN.S , April 10. Clcarlngn , | 1 , ( > S5-
159 ,
HOSTON. April 10. dealings , > 14,093OS3 ; bal-
HALT1MOHK , April lO.-riearlnKB ,
bulunr.-H , ! 35X,207.
NKW YOUIC , April lO.-Clearlngs , } 93,20I,90C ;
balancFB , J'fit7S ! ' ) : ,
PAHI8 , April 10. Tiiret ) per cent rentes , 99f
20o for the urcnnnt.
PIIILADUI.IMIIA , April 10.-ClearliiK . MO.CM-
S32 ; balanceH , JI.1SC.777 ,
MKMI'IIlr ! , April 10. New York rxelmnKO , Jl
rremlum. Hank cleurliiK * . J301.4W ; lialanci-s ,
LONDON , April 10. The amount of bullion
K3ne Intn th Hunk of KiiKland on balances
today was JIS.OOO.
CINCINNATI , April 10. .Money , I'l o pp | .
r nt. New York exchange , 25ifflOo prt'inlum ,
ClearlniTK. 13,119.300.
ntic ; IrlrKTiiphle , ! 7Vtc ; ulUcr bars , fi4fCic ; ! ;
Mexican dollurn , MUM'ti' .
BT. LOl'IB. April 10. Clearing * , W,599M8 ; bal.
oncfH , JI35.12S. Money dull at'tit per cent ,
Uxctmnifu un New York , 73c prrmlum.
CHIOAOO. April 10.-C'learlliBH. JU.7S5.000.
New York exehancr. 75u premium. HlerllnK
cxrhance , vteoily , with actual buulneus at > l.b7 i
nnd 11.13. Money , 41/8 per cent ,
DKNVr.ll , April 10. Toituy'n reoelnti of KOl.l
at the Denver mint amounted to S94.000 , ttirJnrK-
rat for any one day In th hlntory of the mint.
Durlnir April. W3. the receipt * went JW1.641.
L'y la il&ta thli muiuh , they uru
MAMAUII301UU JJ1A1 1'- '
Bscclpts Wore More that Double the Light
of Monday.
' '
Denier * Tnlce the Offering * \vlth ItrinnrUiihlo
Avidity nttlw HiiUc'Vnilnr ( Irnilo Fol
low the Top ( l Rit Null Again ,
.Jumping Tirrnly Cent * .
( TUESDAY , April 10.
llocelpts of nil kinds of stock were liberal
today , more tlm'n tloublo Monday's run ,
making tlio two days' supply practically
tho4samo ns for tlio flrst two days of last
The run of cattle was tlio heaviest since
December G , 1893 , over four months , nnd the
general quality of the offerings was pretty
good Improving right along. Coinparn *
lively moderate receipts at Chicago and a
stronger market there gave sellers their
cue , and , ns there was an exceptionally
active shipping demand and nil local houses
were In the field for supplies , they started
In asking pretty stiff prices early. Dealers
did not take long In getting together
and trading on the basis of prices
strong to a dime higher than
Monday was active enough to Milt
the most exacting. The movement was free
from the opening , over a third of the offerIngs -
Ings going to outside butchers and specula *
tlvs shippers. Dressed beef men were espe
cially active toward the close and the mar
ket closed up at the high point of the day ,
with practically everything disposed of by
the middle of the forenoon. The fact that
nearly ' 1,400 cattle changed hands as quickly
todayus less than half that number sold
Monday gives a fair Idea of the tone of the
trade. Either the cattle are not in the
country or else those who have them are
not worrying for fear the present advance
will not bo sustained.
Less than 10 per cint of the entire re
ceipts today were cows , and. with the usual
favorable conditions , desirable offerings sold
all of a dime higher , there being plenty of
trading at from $3 up to $3.50. Common
and canning grades were easily moved , al
though nt prices that were hardly quotably
higher than Monday. There was a good
showing of calves , and prices ruled about
steady , but the market for rough stock of
all kinds was active and stronger.
The trade In feeders was decidedly brisk.
Neither the fresh nor stale offerings were
at all excessive , and both yard traders and
outsiders were after supplies. Prices ruled
all of 15c to 20c higher than Saturday , and
more cattle would have found ready buyers.
Some choice , well bred 1033-lb. hay-fed west
ern cattle brought $3.80 for feeders , but $3
to $3.50 bought the bulk of the offerings
out of flrst hands. Representative sales :
1 fdr . . .1080 380 123 fdr 1033 SSO
HOQS Liberal receipts apparently did not
choke off the demand for hoes , ai with nearly
7,000 on sale the market ruled fully 20o
higher thuit Monday and COo higher than on
last Tuesday. Dealers ull figured on a
higher market today , but they hardly ex
pected a 20c advance and some of the early
sales did not show It. There was an active
Inquiry from both shippers und ( peculators.
Armour of Chicago was an early buyer and
bought freely. Siulrg of. IMoston and the
N'eliraslia C'lly houne nisi nantctl hogs nm
Rot them. Local packers were nnxlons for
supplies , but hesitated to pay the advance
asked. Tn hesitateon n red hot market
like today's Is tn get left , nnd even after
raising their hands they were tumble : to fill
their orders , and the market closed up 20c
and 25c higher than Monday. Naturally
with such n Jump In prices stiles were very
unovcii , Thcro was some trading early at
$ -1.85 to $4.05 , but the average market for
fair to good hogs , regardless of weight nnd
almost regardless of quality , was | G to $5.0. ,
while during the high tlmn at the close there
were lots of sales at $5.0.1 to $0.10 , The
trading wns decidedly lively while It lasted
nnd was soon over , everything having
changed hands by 10 o'clock. On Monday
the hoga sold mostly ut $ I.SO and JI.S5 , and
on last Tuesday they went largely nt $1.50
and $4.55 , Representative sales :
SHBEI' Although fonr loadH were re
ceived today there were no glieep on sale ,
everything being billed direct to slaughter
ers. The demand from all sources could
hardly be more urgent than It Is nt present ,
and prices are quotably stronger on nil suit
able grades. Fair to good natives are quo
table at $3.25@4.75 ; fair to good westerns ,
$3.00@4.50 ; common and stock sheep , $2.50 ©
3.25 ; good to choice 40 to 100-lb. lambs nt
Kf'cclpts nntl Disposition of Stock.
Official receipts and disposition of fltoakaasho'.vn
by the booka of the Union Sto lc YarJs co.nplny
for tlio twenty-four bourn cimliiff at 5 o'clock p. in ,
April 10 , 1801 :
Heavy IterolptH I'xpectcil for Toduy innil
CM It In Were Correspondingly .
CHICAGO , April 10. Prices for cattle were
steady today. Thorc wns n bolter demand than
Is usual for Tuenlays and the supply was small
(3,500 ( head ) , hut the huycrs are confident that
the receipts for tomorrow and the following day
will ho largo , and there seemed to be a gen * ial
determination not to pay any advance en Mon
day's prices. None was paid , the market rulinj ?
quiet and steady nt that day's prices. WUhln
the latU ton days there has been nn advance of
from 25e to oOc , arid under u.e. clieums'tiimHs ' It
IH about all that Kellers can leasonahly expect
for the present nt leapt. The bulk of the tteors
hero today Bold nt better than $3.73. There weio
a few tnidH at better than 14.40. nnd extra
1,500 to 1,700-lb. steers were quoted ns high
as from J4.90 to $3. Extra cows ,
helfois nnd bulls Bold mound $3.50 nnd the
ratine of quotations for stoekeiH anil feedois WHS
from $2.6' ) to } 3 75. Of Texas cuttle about Oif )
head weie offered. They weie In Kood demand
and Meie btioug at from 12 to $1 , iiccoidins to
There uns unabated activity In the demand
for IIOGS and the maiket to all appearances wan
as strnns n * "t any time s.ucc II lurned upw.nd ,
The average wns lOc higher than for yesterday ,
nearly 2'o ) higher than Patuiday nnd Me higher
than lust Tuesday. Theie were many Miks ut
$5.2.1 and u few nt fiom $5.30 to (5.3.1 , while top
westerns weie ! , " > . -2i ! , nnd last Tuesday from
J4.EO to } 4.82',3 took the best. Competition wan
brisk and every hog- was out of salesmen's hands
before H ) o'clock. Many orders had to BO un
filled unil the late maiket was Hronuest. TradIng -
Ing was at from $0.15 to J5.3' ) for very common
to cholro grades. Culls sold at fiom $3 to Jl 75
nnd a load or two of fancy quality brought J5.3.1.
Heeelpts since last Saturday amount to only
40,0i head , or about 19,000 head less than a
week ago.
There was a somewhat loss urgent demand for
sheep nnd lambs nnd the buoyancy lately char
acterizing the maiket was lucking. Huyers n | > -
poaied to have awakened to a realization of the
hict that them has recently been a right smart
advance In prices and that the consumption of
mutton Is being materially curtailed by reason
thereof. They took hold with much more re
serve than lias characterized t.ielr operations for
some tlmn pobt , nnd , while they paid about
former pi Ices , the feellns was bearish. Sales
were on n basis nt from J3.50 to $1.50 for common
to extia sheep and from $3.65 to $5.9) for year
lings. Most of the shrep clmnfied hands at $3.25
nnd $5.73 took the bulk of the yearlings.
Heeelpts : Cattle , 3,000 head ; calves , 1,000 head ;
hoKS. 14,000 head ; sheep , 10,000 bond.
The Evening Journal leports :
CATTLE Heeelpts , 3,500 head ; market un
changed ; prime to extra native Hteeis , J4.60JT4.S5 ;
medium , J4.20ff5.20 ; olhcis , $3.65Q4.W ( ; Texuus ,
HOdS ItoeclptH , 14,000 liPiid : market active
and lee liltiher : rough heavy , J4.40W4.9i ) : packers
nnd mixed , $ .VOOfi.1.20 ; prime heavy and butcher
weights , J5.2.1fi3.30 ; assorted lights , J5.20fl3.2i.
81IEEI' ANU LAMHS-Hocelpts , 10,000 head ;
market slow nnd 20c to 25c lower on common
nnd lOe on the best : top sheep , JJ.104/3.2J ; top
lambs , $5.15H5.80. _
Mt. Louis Llvn .Stork .Mnrltot.
ST. LOt'Ifl , April 10. CATTLE Heceipls , 2.GOO
head ; shipments. 100 head. MaiUet ntiontf , ac
tive. 101S150 hlKher for natives ; Texuns strong ;
native steers , 1,200 to 1,400 Ibs. , f3.75W 1.40 ; 1,000
to 1,200-llis. , $3.60.
HOCJS-Ilecelplp , 5,400 head ; shipments , 1.400
head. Market active , Miunu , f > t(10o hltthei ;
good medium weights , shlpplnK. J1.25 ;
packers helectlons , Jo.1005.20 ; fair In medium.
JI.95&75.00 ; plus , common light and rough , $1.25
HIIHKP Heeelpts. 2,700 head : shlpmenls , nnne.
Market active , strotiK ; choice native ! ' , $5.7085,73 ;
yearlings and fair to good natives , $5.50 ; clipped
natives , Jl.TSii".1spring ) ; lambs , $650.
New York l.lvo Sloelc , > Iurl < et.
NEW YOHIC , April 10. HEEVES-Heeelpli- .
410 head ; none on tale. European cable * quote
American steers , 9l. 10M.c P'l' pound drecsed
weight ; refrigerator , SJiSljc. Exports today ,
1,150 beeves and 3,900 quartet s ol lifvt ; tomoi-
l-ow , SOi ) quarters of beef.
CALVES Hecelpls , 2"3 head ; market stud ) ,
Inferior to fair , J.I.OOft.l.SO.
KIIEE1 * AND LAMIIS-Hecelpts , 2.2'K ' ) head ,
five ears on wil ; maiket dull ; fair lower ; K' d
to prime lambs , $ ; > .5'J6.25 ' ) ; muu clipped sheep ,
HO(1M ( HeeelplH. 4,310 head ; market firmer ,
good medium welgliin. 1.1.40.
Kunsat City Live Stuck .Market.
KANHAH CITY , A pi II 10.--CATTLE-IU-rclplB.
6,800 lii'iol ; shipments , 400 head. Mailtet Hfidy
lo stronif ; Texas sU'ers. J2.Wij3.7r , , T MIS rows ,
Jl.'Ofl' ' . ! ' ' ) : shipping xlei-m , JJ.i ff4,41 : nulln-
eons , JlCOS3iMl ; stoclcers and feeders , $2.7.if(3.61 ( ;
bull * , $2,10Q3oo. :
HOtlHHecelplB , 13,2iW head ; shipments. f/ l
head. Market 16 725c higher ; bulk , tl..i'.m ;
heavies , pai'Kers and inlxeil , J4.83i5.05 ; IIKllln ,
Yorkers and plirw. $4.8J l5.W ,
81 IE El' Heeelpts. 1,300 head ; shipments , 900
heud. Maiket turuiwr.
.Stock In
Total . . 17.JI11 a .6u5 14.813
Sioux City l.ive Stock Murknt.
HIOl'X CITY , April KHO > < 1H 1 'Hit | . I.WH
head : fhlpments , nun * : market stronit. lOo
hliiher. J4.Mlj6.00 ; hulk. I4.9S.
CA'rrLU-Jittctuu , 9VJ ta ; hljmtnt ,
To bu well dressed requires a spring overcoat to be sure other ,
wise you can't be considered a fourhundreder besides it illicit
save you a doctor's bill-chills obtained from lack of wardrobe , usu
ally leads to dissipation.
Couldn't rccointmnd a better nor safer place to buy your coat
than The Nebraska Gtui't HnJ
a larger assortment If
you are particular -
ticular Can't get a neater IU if you are not careless about appear
ance , and above all can't lind a place on this planet that'll touch us
on prices , within a mile How are you -then to beat the old reliable
Nebraska ?
For an all wool black For an all wool over
coat splendid litters
clay worsted overcoat
choice of two shades ,
coat , Italian lined
brown or gray. You
lucky to gel one elsewhere -
would be tickled to
where as good nt
get one as good at
$ li.50.
$12.50 If the Nebras
ka was elsewhere.
i SIHIfll *
I " Jill
A For a real silk mixed
black overcoat , or n For a good valued 4
W mixed shade of buff overcoat at $15 The
0A Get one as good fora Nebraska says $9.50 4
and throw in choice
ten dollar bill anywhere
of two colors Intermediate
where and we'll treat
mediate shade of
t to one , no matter
black or the newest
who you arc or idea in dark gray
where on earth you Yon ought to see the
buy your clothing. way they're trimmed
A Spring Catalogues are still to be had for the asking , f
WE 8 Nervous
Private &
CURE I Specal
TKKA.TMKNT HY MAIL Consilltutlon Fro
Wo euro Catarrh , All Dlsoaoo ? ol
the Nose , Throat , Chest , stomaoh ,
Llvor , Biood , Skin aid Kldnoy Dla-
oaeos , Fomnlo Wooknos co , Lost
I'lt.BS , FISTULA AND RBOTAI , Ur.cttiis cured
without nainordotontion from Luslnus .
RUPTURE. A'o Cure A'o I'uy.
Call on or address with stamp for circulars , free
book and receipts , 1st stairway south of Post
Otlice. Itoom 7.
Dr Searles and Sflirlss "
, , 88outh0i8AlSf ; ,
Miss Maria PAROLA'S
containing 100 roolnos which she hns lately -
ly written for the Licbig Company
on application lo Uauchy , t Co. , 27 Park
Place , Now York. Drop a postal card
for It and ahvayo buy
7J. S. Depository , Omaha , Nebraska
CAPITAL , 8400,000
SURPLUS 855,50. )
GRIcfTHimd nlreclorHenry : W. YIUOH , proi
dent ; Jonn H. L'ollnm. vice pruHldout ; L-JVH | rf
lloed , UaHlilor. Win. H. S. HiiBlius , nsilauint
( Irnolfs
HiilendM curollve pcent for Ilorvouii or Blck
lleaiiacho. Ilroln ribiuullon , Blcti'lw'nw" . ,
ii will or 8fn r l J < ourelKlaiiilmior Hlitiii.
mntlmn , ( lout , Kldnoy lilnordrre , Acid ! > > "
i ti ) iu , Aiucmla. Antldoto for Alcouollo
ml ot ier eicenius. 1'rlco , 10 , iSand Wceutn.
J51 S. Western Avenue. CIIICAQO
For sain by ull ilriiEBlnts.
. , lUchM feed. is.
head ; mnrl > t : ,
Ilnns J22.-.U3.00. bill. hers' -leois , .VMJ.W | . iv .
l.Wfi.Gi ; hulls , jiliiMC'.Ti ; oi'U , J.'wa-.l/O.
IJmiwi t'ltjMnrliots. ' .
noor denmnd. No a haul ! M4e ! : No. 2 red , 'Me
l | . * 3 mixed. 33ci No. 2 white.
"oATH-aood demand , unchanged ; No. 2 mixed ,
31Sl3HjC ; No. 2 white , 32i !
y. Jl.20ffl.21.
lS.UOa9.00 : prairie , | l 0V
'lli'TTI'IH Ac'llvej creamery , 21 J2c ; Ualiy , 1JO
liifiU'TH--'WlH-at : : , 16,000 Im , : corn , 10,000 1)U. ;
oalH , nun i' .
HIIII'MENTB Wheat , 11,000 bu.i corn , none ;
oats , none , .
unnl .Murlii'l.
HT. I.OU1H , April JO , WOOL-Qull't , HuJy ,
. , . . . . . . .
. . .
l .VJ | | * * i \ iuvibvj tt u AU.TU A uku. o.wuii ;
ll36am. ! . . . ± .Pacltlo _ Junction _ Local.0:65pin _ :
Leaves I1JUHL1NOTON fc MO. ItlVUIL IArrlvos
Omaha Depot 10th nnd Maaon Big. | Oniah.t
10:15nm : Denver Uipresa a :35u : ni
10:12am Deadwood l xpress 4:10pni
460pm ; Denver Express 4:10ini : !
6Wpm. : . . Nebraska Local ( except Hun. ) . . . Gj&Opm
. Lincoln Local jtcxcept Sunday. ) . .11 :2Jam :
Leaves 1C. C. . ST. J. & C. H. ( Arrives
Omaha Depot 10th nnd Maaon Sta. Omaha
945am ; . Kansas City Day lUxprcsa G:5Spni :
945pm. ! K. C. Nltiht Ex. via U. 1' . Tran s. CiSOu in
Leaves I CHICAGO. H. I. & PACIFIC. lArrlves
OnmlmlUnlon Depot 10ill and Maaon Sla. | Omali
9:30am..Atlantic : Express ( ex. Hunday. ) . . 7ljpm
8:00pra : Night Express CMSarn
G:00pm..Chicago : Vcstlbuled Limited. . . . 2:00pni :
12lOiim.Oklahoma ! Exp. ( to C. I ) , ex Sun. ) . G:2.'am :
C:30am. : .Oklahoma . & Texas Exp. ( ex"Sun.1210am ) ;
2 : OSpm . .Coloiado Limited ' , 4:50pm :
Leaves" I UNION PACIFIC. JArrlvea"
Omaha [ Union Ijepot , IQtli & ManqnStB4 Omaha
. Denver Express . . 3:50pm :
2:1Gpm. : Overland flyer 0:20pn7" :
3:45pm. : Heatrlcn & Stromsb'g I0x ( ex Sun.12:30atn ) :
CMOpm , I'acltlc Express. 10:6Jani :
G:3Cpm : l-'ast Mall. . . 420pnj !
Leaves ( CHICAGO. " MIL. & ST. < l > AlfL.Arm | B
Omaha [ Union Depot 10th & Masonjjta.f Omuh.-i
C:3.1pm : Chlongo Limited .7. . . 9oani :
ll:30un : ; . . .Chicago Express ( us. Sun. ) . . . . jjonm
Leaves" ! P.7 H. & MO. VALLEi. lArrlveT"
Onialml Depot 15th and Webster ats. | Omaha
eaveTTcfllCAao & NpllTHWKST'N | Anlvcr
OinalialU. P. Depot lOtlj & Maaon Ht3 | Onulin
eaves I STlSSOUHI l-AClt'lC. ( Arrives'
Oninlial Depotltth _ j > nd _ Webator " 8t . _ [ Omulia
. Lonls l'xpi-ess..r. : , . , ; CioOnni
lOiOOpm . . . . . .Ht. Loula Kxpreus . 4.Wpin :
DilOpm.Dajjy ( ex. Bun. ) Nebiaaka Local. 9 : lua in
Leaves T C. , sf. P. , M. & O. ( Arrives
Depot 15th ami Webster Sts. | Onujia
" 9'00am. . . .Sioux City Accommodation. .7.lO:20pm :
2-15pm. . Sioux City Express ( Ex. Sun. ) . .12. 10pm
t boprn. . . . . . . . .St. PautLlmltcd _ _ . . . . . . . . . . 940am !
Leaves I SIOUX C1TV" & 1 'AClPIti ( Arrives
Omilialu.P. Dtpot 10th & Mason Sts. | Oinnha
Kum Sioux City 1'nsscngur 102Jun ;
; i5mi .St. _ I'nul Express. 10:0'Jum : '
Leaves I 81OtrX CITY & l'ACII''IC. jArrTCes"
oniahnl Depot 15th and \Vcbstcr Hts. | Oniuloj
V30pm..7 St. I'aul Limited
G ; 30um J h Icngo Llm lied . . . . . . . . . . 9 .IQani
fTeaVcs I "OMAHA & BTr. LOUISi lArrlvc * "
Omalialtr. 1' . Depot 10th & MaSonSts. | Omaha
'a-55nm. . . M. LOIIH Cannon"Ha'lT 12.35piu'
Itcft Shoe sold at the price.
SO , $4 & S3.GO Dross Shoo
Iiiiial | custom work , cnsllnd from | 6 tu $ S. '
S3.BO Police Shoo , 3 Solos
llcttValking Shoe ever made ,
S2.5O and S3 Shoos ,
UnciiKilUd | at thu price.
Boyo' S2 & SI.75 School Shoes ,
Arc the licit for Service.
Ladies' $3 , $2.60 , $2 , $1.75
llcHt I > oiiK"lnHtyllKi ! , 1'erfec't rating
and herv li'c'lilili' , llent In till ) wurlcl. All
HI } li'K. IiikUt npilll huvliiK U' . L. DoiiKlnit
Hlloed. Nniilii mill prlru vliililpeil oil liot-
toiu. AV. L. IOUiLAh , liucUt ll. .1IUHH.
Isnatz Nowmnn,42O 3. 13th.
Ellna Svonaon , ISI9 N 24th.
A. W. Bowman Co. , 117 N. l
C. J. Carlaon. 1218 N. 24th ,
W. W. Flonor , 2025 Lonvonwor.h.
F. A. Creasy , So. Omaha.