THE OMAHA DAILY 1J1EF : MONDAY , APRIL 0 , 1801 , HOME OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD Kefiigo for Errincr Women Dadicntcd Yes terday with Catholic Ceremony. PONTIFICAL HIGH MASS CELEBRATED ildrcM liy Illitliop Sdiniirll on tlin Dltlno KlndilcM of the Work - Slitcnt In Charge Cnpni Ity , Si opr anil Xccdi of tliu Institution. The Homo of the Good Shepherd at Thirty- sixth and ! . < streets , South Omaha , was for mally dedicated yesterday morning at K o'clock. Ulshop Scannell of Omaha cclcbratci pontltlclal high innHS , assisted by Very Kov J Jcnnctto. The deacons of honor VM.TO Hev. J. Illgge , S. J. , and Hev 12 I ) . Kclley 8. J. ; deacon of mass , Kev. S. I' . Carroll ; subdcacon , Kev. T O'Callaghcn maulers of ceremonies , Kev A M Colaner mill Kev. I ) . W. Morlarlty. The ceremonies were held In the chapel on the first door , which had been tastily but temporarily ar ranged for thu occasion. A large number vurc present. Illshop ScumiPlI suld The goodness and merry of our rfav lour nro strikingly manifested In thr > gospel of this Sunday He Is the shepherd whose olllce II Is to earo for his tdiccp. Ho provides them with who csome iiturlslunriil and Ho watchrs over over them. Ho Is the Good Shepherd who will not desert His sheep In the hour ol dangir , but will guaid them and defend them ugalnst their enemies , oven at the rest of Ilia life , for the Good Shrphird glvrth Ills life for His nheep And tlil.s Ho will do , bn- uiimo the Hlii-c'p are Ills They are Ills by creation and by redemption and lie lovus them with an Infinite love Nay , If one of them wanders away from the fold and Is In danger of perishing , He seeks It out until HP finds It and pine's ft on His shiiulilcis and brings It back with Joy , for lie1 desires not the death of the erring but that they bp converted and live In de-allng with poor slnncrH He Is the same good and merciful Saviour. A sinful woman Is brought before Him charged with an offense deserving of death He will convert and save her , too Tuinlng to her accusers , He Invites him who was In nocent among them to east the Ilrst stone at her Covered with confusion , they depart one by one. When seeing the woman alone , He asks "Woman , hath no one condemned thee' " and she replies , "No one , Lord , " und then He says , "Neither do I condemn thee , go and sin no more" Observe that the ac cusing pharlspcs were not the ones that vseic Injured by the sinner He it wa who was offended and Injured , and yet they and condemn while He forgives and Hives And all the while He Is just , and In finitely just , and always Just , and , there fore , there Is no action of His that is not regulated and governed by Justice. Hut Ills justice Is a perfect justice , and Is not like ouis. Ours Is Imperfect , and Is , therefore , often unkind and harsh and Injurious to others and oven to ourselves. Hut the Jusltee of Christ , being perfect , Is kind and merelful and cannot be distinguished from meicy Itself. This spirit of mercy Infused by Christ Into His church , and for 1,100 years it has been manifesting Itself In works of mercy. 1'very 111 , spiritual and temporal , that Millets mankind calls this spirit Into actlvo opeiation. The blind and the deaf , the weak mill the helpless , the slek and these in prison , the widow and the orphan have foi T.900 years been the objects of Christian pity and charity. Men and women , inspired by the spirit of Christ , give up the things of this world and devote their whole lives to the service of those In whom they see the likeness of Jesus Chi 1st. Yes ; for His mike It Is all done , and He will so proclaim It on the last day , "I was hungry , and you gave mo to oat ; I was thirsty , and you gave me to drink ; I was a stranger , and you took mo In ; naked , and you clothed me ; sick , and you visited me ; I was In prison , and you came to me. * * * Amen 1 to , suy you , as long as you did It to one of these my least" brethren , you did It to me " ILLUSTRATED BY THIS INSTITUTION Today you witness a fresh Illustration of the divine spirit of mercy. This Institution , which wo now formally open , will receive these who are In special need of sympathy and help. Many of them , more sinned ngalnst than sinning , the victims of Ignor- unco or of poverty , or of other misfortunes , need but a place of refuge , u helping hand and a word of encouragement to vvlthdiavv them from evil , or to fortify thorn against It. Hero they will find the protection and the help that are needed. They will not ho rceelved with contempt or reproaches , but with u merciful sympathy HKe to that which the Magdalen found at the feet of Jesus Chi 1st. To raise up those who have fallen so low , to Inspire them with new energy , to bring back to them the lost self-respect , nay even to restore them once moro to that phce of honor which the virtuous woman occupies In the world this Is the work which the Sisters of the Good Shepherd are accom plishing every day , and which they propose 10 accomplish heie. It Is a great and noble work. May I not call it a mliaculous work ? I'or that work is little shoit of a mliarlo which consists in saving und elevating in spltp of the Svorld , those whom the world condemns to lasting degradation. The Sisters of the Good Shepherd , strong In the Inno cence of their own lives , undcitnke this work. Taught by the example of the Good Shepherd , whoso immo they bear , they devote - vote their labor and theli lives to the rescue of these who are In danger of polishing They arc to receive no compensation or temporal reward for this , their life work , not even the praise or applause of the public What would bo the value of public applause to these whose lives and very names must remain hidden from the world. ' They look only to that reward which has been piomlsed to these who Instruct oven one soul unto salvation. This is truly the woilc of God and ho will crown his work with success I anticipate the most happy results from this great undertaking. May It prove a blessing to this city , and especially to those for who o preservation and salvation It Is Intended And 1 nm sure the sisters will have not only the hearty good wishes of the cltlpns of Omaha , but their uctlvo co-npeiullon as well Already they have mot with great kindness and are much encouraged On thulr behalf 1 beg to thank the ladles and gentlemen v\ho tire Interesting theii.scivcs In this work and I hope and pray that the woiks of mercy In which they are now sharing will on another day , merit for them the pity and inoicy of Him who calls himself the Good Shepherd. HOW IT WILL Iin CONDUCTED. The Homo of the Good Shepherd Is an In stitution which will naturally meet with the licirty endorsement of the people In general It Is a homo where unfoitunato women from all walks of life may bo taken , iegurdlo s ( if nationality or denomination Supeilor Mother Kaphacl of St Louis will bo In charge She and six' other sisters are now In possession of the building Theli years of experience In conducting a homo of this sort has doubly lilted them for the work to which they have given up their llve-s There are thirty rooms In the building , and the apartmens aio now being ni ranged BO as to bs most conu'nlenl for all The slstera will have exclusive apartments on the north side of the building , and the Inmates of different ages and from different walks of llfo will bo kept In separate apartments to avoid any- undue Influence that one might have over the other. Already some donations have been made In the shape of furniture , but It should bo remembered that the structure Is largo and tt will take a great deal of bedding , rurpcts und other household furniture to make the homo comfortable. The homo will he kept up by donations , but , judging from the ex pressions already made , the place will be properly tyred for by the people not only of South Omaha , but Omaha tyt well. The Inmates of the homo will be taught Almost anything they desire. A laundry will bo established , sewing will be taught , cooking , typewriting , needlework , and , In cases where the Inmate Is desirous , lessons * 111 bo taught In different branches of ordi nary uduciulo'n , The length of tlmo i Voinnn will be kept depends upon circum stances. Slio will bo kept until.a gqod home Is found for her , or until her rtitoiTnatlon Is thoroughly established. All the Inmates are required to attend the services In the buildIng - Ing , but they need not go through the strict ( prm of tUo Catholic church It they are not Catholic * and do not wish to. Mother Ita- phael brought two women with her from St. Loiila who were Inmates of the homo there. The health of these women was very poor , and It was thought that n change In the climate would do them good. With but slight alterations the building can bo comfortably arranged for a homo of this kind. It was originally built for n hotel. Mr. John Kush of Omaha owns Iho building and grounds , and has given the sis ters a four-year lease on It free of charge. A high board fence will bo built around the place , and the grounds will bo beautified and made to look as cheerful as possible for the unfortunate women who arc taken tiiere , _ _ _ _ _ _ ISSINTIAI.S : : 10 Mr. rnltrrnon Trlln How Young Jlcn Mny W In In I.lfo'x llnttlc. At the J'lrU Presbyterian church last evening Hev. J. M. Patterson delivered his second April lectui'e on , "Plnger 1'osts on tha lload to Success" The tent vvns "Know ye not Hint they which run In ti race run nil , but one recelvoth the prl/e ? " These nro exceptional times Cnrlyle pays , "The rare of llfo li becoming Intense tensennct the runner * nro trending1 on each other'H heels Wou be to him who stops to HP bis hof Firing' " The road to HiiciPMs , ulvviiyH Htppp itn'il dllllciill , IB today Kteepei anil muledlllUult than ever , though thenuiln c ondltlonH of success nro the Hume today Hint they vvi-u' In the days of Solomon The y 011111 ; pel HUH who would suprecd In tlio'-p ilajH must discern the spirit of HIP tlnii-H Suet ess Is a n-lnllvp lei in , nnd licnpp natural endowment must be taken Into uuount In the estimate of success Then- iirei natural barriers to greatness Men dllU-r fiom birth and ure foolish If , like Dr Ainold , thpy suv , "Atit Causnr , nut nulliis" U IM well to nlm high but to determine to liecomo the gieatest or no body Is mipre'ino folly. And so If yout talents are- few vou niiiHt le-doilblo your Industiv nnd make- the most oC the talents vvhleh liinl has given you On not be dl miaged becnuop you are not it KHilus , nor ovei hope-fill because you are a aenlus OUIIIUHII nro Incessant UilliM-M Michael Angelo said Iho necre-1 of his aiietcis was In study and hard work Lnboi Is Iho genius Unit ttiins the ugllnotH of tlit vvond into beauty nnd the great curse Into a gieal ble dng. Do not enter upon life- with the- Idol that you nro born linde-i a lucky star , and that you theie- fort > must MUtpeecl , or that the fales are against you and Hint you theiefore imint full 'I he- secret of the- whole matler Is more often lound In pluck than In luek It Is moie often OIIB'H readlnesH to Improve a given opportunity than In any decree of the fates Opportunity Is one of the four thlnss that come back never tlie spoken vvoid , theMped nnovv , the spent life , and the neg lected oppnUunlly. The- successful man or woman , IIH u rule , Is the ono who Is Ilrst to selethe opportunity. Do not allow youiself to be distressed because cause- you set-in to set out In llfo at a dis advantage History testifies to HIP paradox , that u pool stui t Is usually the best stnit In llfo It Is easier to thcoilze about start ing low In life and rising high than to be compelled to slat I In life without a single dollii or .in friend. And yet thpro Is not a iciisonublp doubt but that hardship .uid poveity ait , Impoitaiit factors In the development of Wo vvoil : boiler uncle r pressine. Inherited wealth detlliones men Having settled on yom llfo plan peispvere In It. Deteiinlne to succeed and lesolutelv stick to yotn chosen calling 01 pin suit. All men who buvo made a success In life have been faithful to the end. Cultivate .1 faith In yom ability to succeed. "Aoroicling to vour faith be It unto you " A man v ho = o heart Is not charged with expectancy ot vlcloiy Is an almost ceitaln candidate foi In all vom persev erenoe make the highest alms of life the controlling ones. m : vin is TKA.NSI LION. lteDr. . Itiitler'H Sol mem Y < Rtercl.iy on llui Credibility of Immortality. By nbvcne'o fiom Iho city and by sickness Hcv. S. W liutlei of the St. Mniy's Avenue Congregational chinch was kept out of bis pulpit the last tliiee Sundays in Miucli und the Hist Sunday in A pi II , but he was theie yesterday In his usual hCTlth , nnd In his wonted \ niannoi and cheeiliiK optimism pieaehed on " 1 ho L'ledibility of Immoitalltv " He threw dogma to tllo winds. HP did not attempt to cleinonstinte. the doctilne man sljal ! live foiovci 01 that if a. man die ho sh.ill live again. Hetxpicish staled at the outset he would not undertake to do tills , but he did desciibe a numbci of phenomena as ol > ptvecl In natme , which suggest by- analogy lhat death does not end all. Showing that mutter Is Indestiuntlble , though In a thousand foims It dlsuppenis to reappoai in a thousand othois , be con sidered it le.ihonablo to believe that the splilt of man , of which mallei Is onlv the vehicle and to which niuttei , theiefoie , seems to be Inferior , could not fare vvoise , but must , loosed from the environments of llesh and tleslilv sense , exist , with oppoi- ttinlty tot a higher and bioadei life. The constantly changing existence of the things of natuio was slmplv an unlntemipted death and i connection. Strange , theie fore' , II would be It In the case of man , the most highly endowed of created things , made a little lower thau the angels , death should mean annihilation. In thu eveningat this church Dr. House , a mlsslonaiy to Hulguila , clesulbed the work vvhleh Is being clone In tluXt , the most promising piovlneo of Kmopeim Tin Key. It was , indeed , a seed deal of u mission day with Onmha Coiin'tcgutlonallsts ves- teiday. Dr Smith , mlslonai\ China , was al o In the cltv , and ho and li ) House nddiessecl the Sunduv schools and congie- Batlons of the Tlist , St Maiy's Avenue und Hillside- lunches in the coinse ot the iluv. Callid vilth an Holy Call Inc. Rev. Lutlioi Jf. Kuhns pi one bed a veiy able sermon jesltuluy inclining * at Oiuee Lutheian cliuieh fiom the toxl "Who hath saved u , and cnllrtl us with an hob' call- tec , not toordinff to ur wurfc ? , , bus. no- conimjr to III * nm purpose K&-C& era * plvtn u * lo Ctorut tilt > < M&i 1 > C fU . " Attura iYtas All rattan * > h * ? wait f et of 'Jii'lVfitlon ' , Mr Knhni KiAA that the means of obtaining salvation HP In the ap plication by the lloly Spliit ot the means of giaee meditated thtough the call , and the piovislons of the call lie In the illvliif- innposc- and gi.teo , not In any human ineilt my pci.-'On may possess The exhibition of thc-sp pi civiliansof the- call is In the gilt of Jesus ( "hi 1st , ami the iletciinimitlon ot the cull In theillt ol flu HI , as the man- ife-statlon of divine giacchelongs to God s etc rnul puipose. rimloinplatt ) a < l\lt < I uiguo. "The Moial Needs of Omaha" was to have been the subjetI oC Hev. Thomas Crnmblett'H disc-muse at the riist Cluls- tlan ehuieh lust night Hut owing to Iho extremely dlsagioenblo vvoalhei only n small audit nc e gieottd him , anil he an nounced that ho would postpone his seiinon on tint siibjet I until next Sunday night Mi I'lambloU has lie-on investigating some if the loeal munltlpiil e-vllsand has piepued a hi-ilos ol c-imoiis , which ho will dtllvoi within Iho next tew Stiiidavs lie and olher cleigviiic-ii of Uinaha have been winkIng - Ing In a ciulet way lo clfn t coitulli loftums anil they havelound so mm h to do Hint they aio Hc-ilous-ly coiiHldeiliifT the oiKiinl- /ntion of u civic league slmllat to those now In existence 111 Chicago und othei lutgo cities. MU-.loiml J I 11 Hue. Rev Dr N I ) mills of Uvnnston , 111 , will lecluiv at tha I'list Piesby toilan chinth Thinsduy evening on "The Stiut- eglo Hoin In Missions " This Is ono of the CM tuios In the C'liilstiun Hndeavoi mls- slonuiy c'oiiist- \VII1 Continue Itovhal tlrotlngH. It hat ) been decided to continue the le- vlval meetings at the Klist Mcthodls-i church annthei week Hev. 1'iank Crane will pi each ove-iy evening ' ! ( ) LAl.irOKMA. Chicago , Itoolc Inland ft racllle Itnlln-ny. Last chance ; one week more at the re duced rates ; $2000 ono way , $35.50 round trip. Call at 1C01' Farnam street. Frank J Sutcllffc , stenographer , has moved o 232 Dee building , telephone 50 ? CAN BE PUT IN PRACTICE Dr. Mcckoy Insists that Life Can Bo Con formed to the Golden Rulo. JESUS' ' DOCTRINE MUST BE TRUE Conduct of Mrn ItcRillnlcil 1) ) } n htiiiuliircl Hint In U holly \\rong-Mnii Outs HIM Hi-lit to Ilia I'ullnua , Hov. T. J. Mnckny of All Saints' last even ing delivered the second of a scries of dis courses on Tolstolan Ideas , taking ns his text : "Ueslst not evil , but whosoever shall smlto thco on the rlglit clack turn to him tiie other also. Hxcept jour righteousness shall exceed the righteousness . of the scribes and Pharisees , ye Bhall In no case enter Into the kingdom of heaven. " "Tho author of 'My Ilcllglon , ' " said the speaker , "In stating that one great reason for the failure of Christians to carry out the commands of Jesus Is that they consider these commands In the first place Impiac- tlcable , and hence do not strive to obey them , utters what Is undoubtedly true of the majority of Christians. When he mills that our mode of living H now so entirely In contradiction \vlth the doctrine of Jesus that we cannot understand It ? meaning , \\e begin to see the force of lili arraignment of ChrlstlnnlO We lime a sulking example of the way In which tinauthor's words would be regarded In national iiffalrtf , when In this great land , which depends for Its sifety on the fact of Its doctrine of noninterference In Its neighbor's affairs , there Is strong ef fort being made to expend the vast surplus now In thu treasury l > y bullclliiK useless fortifications to defend n sea coast so great that all the motiej in the world could not protect us from Invasion. And Mich n scheme will prove more popular than the line of the surplus by dividing It among the several states for the purpose of ameliorating the condition of the working classes or strengthening the surest defense of our country by Increasing the facilities for the moral and Intellectual groutli of our rising generation. " .Instead of believing that the reign of the blessed Imnmmiel will bring peace , we pre pare ourselves for war , an If war. , not peace , was our natural condition "The first objection commonly made against n literal following of the commands of Jesus Is the Impossibility of doing s > o In the'midst of a society organl/cd upon the very opposite rules of life from those given by Jesus. Here , says the objector. Is a society founded , not upon the practice of the golden rule , but upon the law of solf- Interest. If all men would agree to conform to the law of the golden rule it would bo comparatively easy for me to do BO. Hut If I alone do unto otheis as they should do unto me , I should simply bacrlllce all the happiness of life and be laughed lit for my pains. "The second objection Is : 'What will be come of our families and of ourselves If we follow these commands of Jesus. ' To fol low the commands of Jesus means to re nounce all the pleasure of life and neglect the families that we have broURht Into the world and are bound to protect and provide for. ' Not at all. says our author. It is not necessary for you to practice asceticism ergo go out of the world , or endure voluntary torture. Jesus did not say that these who followed Ills doctrines would suffer more than those who followed the world's doc trines. 'If in this world a life In accord ance with the doctrine of lesus Is not prollt- able , Ills doctrine cannot be true. ' A stiong statement , and yet a few moments. ' reflec tion will bhow you Its truth. "Many arc the hearts before me tonight that are lorluied by the presence of sin. by their failure to observe the purity and truth and justice enjoined by the commands of Jesus , and who owe all their mlbcrj to their hurrendei to the doctrine of liiit , or love of pleasure , or pride and avarice , taught by the world. What the wilier says of his own experience IP true of us all : 'All tnc most painful moments of my life , all the orgies and duels In which I took pait as a student , the diseases I have cnduied , and the abnormal and insupportable conditions unlcr which I now live , all these are only so much martyrdom exacted by fidelity to the doctrine of the world ' And yet he says his life was an exceptionally happy one , from a woildly point of view. Tolstoi Is not utteilng a new truth when he alllrms that the worldly life , even from Its own standpoint. Is only vanity. Look at society today , built us It Is on the doctilne of the world , and what Is It but n sciamble for position. The most poweiful argument urged against the literal following of the commands of Jesus Is that based on the claims of the family. 'What would my family do were I to give my fortune to some noble charity or to aid some worthy- object ? , Is the cry , and , stiangcly enough , this Is urged chiefly by nu > n who came Into the world with no more fortune or gifts than God has given to the humblest of Ills IIIUI IIIUII children would have the same oppoitunltlc& that they had , and that it Is only Idle , use less or helpless people that need to bo taken care of. 'No one , ' says Tolstoi ( with the exception of foolish parents ) , 'takes the trouble to caip for lary people , because Kuy people are of no use to any one , not oven themselves. As to the workers , the most and cruel of men will contribute to welfare. ' Thejr labor Is necessary und must be paid for. " 'Rvery man , whether ho lives according to the doLtrlno of Jesus or the doctrine of the world , lives only by the sufferance and care of otheis. According to the doctrine of the world , man has a right to demand that , others should contlue to noiiilsh and care for him and his family , but acunding to the doctrine of Jesus , he Is only entitled to care and nourishment on the condition that he do all ho can for the iervjco of others , and so render himself useful and Indispensable to mankind. ' Which , then , Is the moro reasonable ? Which offers the more joy and the gieater security ? " On next Sunday evening Dr. .Muckay will tnko up the subject , "What Would lie thu Ilesult If the Commands of Jesus Wfre Actu ally Complied With' " und will draw his final deductions of the series ( lolni ; I'list 'I oiliij ? Your choice of four dally trains on the Chicago . Northwestern railway , i Two of these trains , at 4 05 p. m and 0,30 p m. , ure vcstlbuled "ml limited , arriving in Chicago early next n ornlng. Illlto slecpcis , dining cars and tlio latest reclining chair cars Call ut the city office , HOt rarnam street. The Northwestern cheeks your trunk at your house. 10 n\As. : CliluiKo , Itm k Ixliiml & I'lulllc Itnlhruy. Half rates to nil points In Tevas , Tuesday , April 10. Call at IbCU Tarnum street. c * Grinding Razors shears , cutlery and cdgo tools V S. Staufleld & Co. , 1G1S Dodge. 9 The Kceley Institute of Nebraika Is located at Illalr and Is of easy access to the public 3y the I < \ 13 &M. V , railroad. The accom modations of this Institute arc good. Ad dress The Keely Institute , Ulatr , Neb. 'IVxiitt Kxc uixliin April IO , One fare for the round trip to any point In Texas via Santa Ko route Sco your nearest agent or K h Palmer , P. A. , Santa To route , 1316 rarnam St , Omaha , Awarded Hiqlfest Honors World's Fair , Tfeeouly Pure Cream of Tartar Powder , No Amuiotiia , No Alum , in Millions of Homes AQ Years the Standard. COMPELLED TO QUIT. , GXmaha , April 6th , 1894. Our monthly statement which we arc required to furnish to parties interested , shows that we have Merchandise 5 Still on hand. While our store is crowded to the utmost capacity daily we only furnish this information to the public to give an idea of the amount of clothing we must convert into cash to satisfy our creditors. "We are not permitted to cut prices any more than we have , but no one has yet even asked for bigger sacrifices than we now give them. Come to our store and personally inspect our merchandise , and you will be convinced it is not even necessary for you to come inside , for a single glance at our show - windowsvill demonstrate the bigness of our bargains. We have no old chestnuts , shoddy or shopworn trash to sell at low figure's , but goods made in the latest styles , recent cuts , extra long sacks , double breasted coats and vests , and made of the finest cloths , in fancy weaves , such as the Vivacou , Cheviots , Clay Worsteds , Tricots , Homespuns , llawn , etc , 1 For Children. For Men. 300 children's pants , ages 4 to 14 , worth 250 up to Elegant Melton suits , the best made on earth , in double and lOc 350 , compelled to quit at and single breasted , worth up to $16 and $18 Children's elegant suits , single breasted , in nice The single breasteds dark cheviots , worth $1.25 to $1.50 , $ 50c compelled to quit at 450 double breasted children's suits in four shades , The double breasteds worth $2 and $2.50 , compelled to quit at $1. compelled to quit at 2 pairs of Wire j Buckle - | f\ 3 big Rockford Hose. . 5c Suspenders . . . . \j ( _ , Handkerchiefs. lOc 'lher siiits that ,110mailo J. - -t - 150 mon's suits inprinynnd 00 1530 mon's suits in all no- 00 100 mon'b black cork'-crcu- in the L-stol style-.inilol VLj \ I I UU A/-I oxford and pin checks. $3. sit able shades , w oil made sack sultb that wo used the llnpst f.ibi lo , no butCn I I We always got5.CO , but . and trimmed , roj ; . $12.50 to lot ill at c > I 'i . " > ( ) , go now tot" suit on c-iiitn , we ? .110 ' - * * * vvo ate compelled to quit. suits , compelled to quit , as wo aio compollcil to quit , now compelled to quit at Compelled to Quit. Cor. 13th and Farnam. LKE A GOOD TEMPER SHEDS A BRIGHTNESS EVERYWHERE. GENUINE WELT. SquealilcssHoUom Waterproof , nest Shoe sold nt tlic price. $5. S4 and S3.5O Dress Shoe. ) , l-qual cusiomorli , c.olii ! ( ; Iroin J& to $ b. .S3.5O Police Shoe. 3 Soles. * lltst VV alkinif blunt L > e.r in ide. S2.5O , and $2 Shoes , Uiicirillcil ] nt tic ! price. Boys S2 & 31.75 School Shoes k * Aicthc llcst Mirbtrvlce. LADIES' $3 , $2.50 $2 , $1.75 - JtcstlJniigoln , Stjllsli , 1'crfrct In the oriel. All St'yli'H. IiiBlht iiiicin ImvliiRAV. f/ . ) ollflaH bhocH. ISuiiui anil iirliu sliinipicl on Iiottciiu. ItroLlcton J\lllb8. \ IGNATZ NEWMAN. 420 South 13th. ELTAS SVENSON , 411(1 ( North 2Hh A. W. BOWMAN CO. , 117 North 10th. C. J. CARLSON , 218 North 2tth W. W. PISIliR : , 025 Lcu\onwoith. F. A.CREPSY. Po. Omaha MANHOOD RESTORED ! J flf RW to cure nil ncrvHibill'ca'i ! < n.cli no Wuiik Mc-mory , Io of llruln 'oner , llc-ndaclie , VV iikefiilnco , liiml Miinlionil , Nli-lill y I ml'ciiii ( , NCI vous- npiMilliIriln > oncas < nr powcrlu ( .enorntivuCri.iiii9 of c-lllu-r by cuer c-xerllon , youthful ei i urn , e-jcosilvo u e ol tnbiiiin.oiilum or mini * umnls. which IcacTto lnHrmltr. " > unilitloii or Innnliv c'nn lie eurrlolln vc't uocket 81 per box , O for S/i , by mill proinld , VVItli n S5 order wo ItU e u written Eiinruntco lo cm < r n-ruiid tin- mono } . Nilil by all Ask for it"takii"lic'ioihnr VV rltnfnrfreeMectlrnl llcinh KMU sullicl "BSToiTi AMi iMiiinifSI.r"lh"iliilu | wrapper. AUJr MKVK8iii : : co.M.isoiile/Iciiii > IoejuiLAau Tor sale In Omalia , Nib. by blieiiuan S. M < .C'oiincll ami by Kulin S. Co. Uiugglata Hnll , Smoking , Conti-o , Tables. Fancy , . Serving , Low Turkish , Card , We nro to hold a great Table Sale nt our uarorooins for the next thirty clays , ami shall Do not miss this opportunity If jou have a single table need , Properly speaking there should be a tnblo In every room In the house. Our assortment of furniture U today the best In the city and prices the lowest. Chas , Shiverick & Co. , FURNITURE of Evjry Doscrlpt on. Temporary I.oontion , I20G-I2O8 DOUGLAS ST. , MILLAUU UOTHI. THE ALOE & PENFOLO CO , 1408 Farnam Street , Retail Druggists and purveyors of Medical Supplies. Invalid Chairs , Supporters , Atomizers , Sponges , Batteries , Water Bottles , Rnptm-e Cured Satisfaction guaranteed. All the latest improved Trusses. TIIE ALOE & PENFOLD CO , HOS PARNAM BT , Opposite Paxton Hotel A Hollow Tooth nuim OF JUST RECEIVED , RO f ° r a f' ' ° r'fT'1 ' critslieil Of ) for nn antlpno oak Ice " -J f pin-ii sell 1 nc frame w iofili < uator , tlio EUlt , worth $50 00. nicies of the Ice cham ber lift out making It cle-anable , vvoitli $13 co. EASY TERMS , PRESENTS FOR ALL , $10 worth of goods , VI.00 per Visitors receive hamlsome .sou- week. vonii-.s. $25 worth of goo.Is , $1.50 per $5,00 worth of goculs , an AI- week. htini of American cities , $10.00 vvortli of goods , Soil' $50 worth of goods , $2.00 per vcnlr Spoon. week. $25.00 u orth of goods , World's $75 worth of goods , $2.50 per I'air Itoolc. week. $50.00 worth of goods , Smyrna Hug. $100 worth of goods , SH.OO pel- $75.00 worth of goods , Lace week. Cm tains. $200 worth of goo Js , $ 'l. ( ) ( ) pc r $100.00vorth of goods , Cen week. ter Table. Sotlf/IOO pOltdffP > < > ' "HI ' ) ' ' " * ' lo'jcuo icmly for milling * \i > pl IO Formerly People's Mammoth Installment House. DIRNEY'S Catarrh Powder llellevcn Catarrh uil Oolcl la the Head Inntantly by one upnllcntlou Caret He. id Nolseo & . DEAFNESS. rue . CO : , D , Jacobson & Son , 130 W , 12 St , Chicago ,