THE OMAHA DAILY BEG : UtONIlAV , APIIU , ! ) . IS1M. SPEGIRL NOTICES. . Ailvrrtli > menU for lliesft columns will Ixs taken until 12 'O p , m. for thn evening and until t.oo p. m fur the morning nnd Sunday editions. Advertiser * , by rotir | ilng n numbered check , rnn have answer * addrcMicM tn n numbered letter In earn of Thn lice. Answers no addressed will tin iMIVireil upon presentation of Ihn chnck. X Ilalfs , 1(40 ( word flrsl Insertion , le n word ht rentier. Nothing tak n for less thnn ? . SITUATIONS WANTED , H tci , IV word first Insertion , 1o a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less thnn 2 > c. FLOIUHT AND flARDKNER WANTH BITfA. II. . n. Alilrs lludolph Tliur , 311.1 Q " < / Hnmli Omaha. _ A Mill 9 WANTED. Hrmimb.v IJY YOUNG nnuo- Kht rculitlered In Nebraska ; A 1 references fniiii pri-ncnt employer. Address W. II. Mwiru , ulrllolilNeb. A-MM7JI * _ _ _ WANTED. AN AMERICAN LADY OF 15 wl.ihfft situation na hounekeetier when * the work l.i Ilijlit or where other help la kept. Address tt r.i. ii.-R. A-M62Q n * _ WANTED MALE HELP. _ Rates. 1'Sc ' word first Insertion , le a. word Nothing tnken for lesi limn 2'iB. BOLICITORS. . mcnt goods. American Wringer Co. . 10 > 3H9H _ _ _ - AGENTS , SALARY OK COMMISSION THE KrenlfPt Invvntlun or the HBO. The New Pat ent Ink Erasing IVncll. Hclli on stKht.Vnrks likemnirlc , Agents nrc mnkln J25.00 to tliK'OO p r week. l''or further par ticulars wrlln Ihe Monroe Eraser Mftf. f"- . ? * Jli. Lu Crosv , Wls. H-002 WANTED-SALESMAN ; SAI.AUY I-'IIOM iitarti ix-rnianrnt place , llrown Urns. Co. . nurserymen , Chicago. III. Il-il3..l ml * WANTED , PRACTICAL FARMER. V , IT1I complete farm outfit , to work about 100 ncres on shares , near Florence lake , Hoggs # Hill , 1403 FnrnatnBtrecl. _ "ll _ WANTED , liuOOM MAKERS AT l-MtHMONT Hrooin fAclory , Neb. H-MI10 13 * \\ANTED , MEN IN EVERY TOWN TO SELL our clffiir-nliaried smoking pipe ; cannot ho told 1 from n clgnr ; no experience Is rcaulrcil , as every smoker buys one IIH soon ns he SCPH It ; big prciflts for agents ; samples and oiitnt by mull for 10 cents In slumps. New England IMpe Co. , Dept. 25 , Stanford , Conn. It WANTEDrFIVlT"T7\TLOIls7 STEAIJY WORK ; men Iwys or women. Stunton Tailoring Co. , Hinnton , Neb. H-MIS1 9 * W\NTED , SALllsMlW ; MEN TO SELL LlTTfi of cigars ; $ locn ) ( ) per month and expenses paid. Address , with stamp , Sumatra Cigar C" . , Chl- < -iigo. III. li-MISG 11 * WANTED. HY A RELIAI1LE AND I'I'RELY mutual Hick benefit Boelety , paying from 12.50 to J2 : > 00 PIT week , letiirnlng money to mem bers , peilodlcally , who draw no Imnnllt , an active organizer and malinger for tills Slnle. Exceptional opportunity for the right parly. Address , stating references , age und experience , I'omnllli-o Hex 03 , Richmond , Vn. H-M513 10" WANTEDA GOOD CANVASSER FOR OMAHA. Full line of home goods. Call Monday ut 10 } .Main street , Council muffs. I1-M51C 10 8TENOC1RAPIIER YOUNG MAN , FAIR knowledge general bookkeeping , operate Rem ington typewriter ; mate s.ilaiy expected nml ex perience ; answer own hunuwittlm ; . Address G CO , llee. H-M327 10 * WANTED , AT ONCE , A MAN TO PRESS clothing. C'all at' Kalz-Nevlns Co. , corner llth nnd Douglas. II MISS H LIVE SOLICITORS CAN EARN FROM $2.00 TO ili.OO per dny. Apply 17 , Granite block. I1-251AC * WANTED FEMALE HELP. word first Insertion , Ic n word Nothing taken for less than 25c. LA 1)IKS WANTING O1RLS APPLY AT THE Scandinavian Young Ludles' home , 3301 Cumins. C M331 10 * \NTED , NI'RSE FOR CHILD YI-1AII AND half old ; good wages. Inquire loom K ) , Paxton - ton hotel. C-ll'J. vT'VNT7T > 7 AN ENERGETIC. MIDDLE-AGED woman of good address ; splendid oppuiluntty f ir rbsht peiscin. Appllcnllons lecelved until \prll 11. Address a 42. Hoe olllce. C 421 9 W A NT ! SI ) . EXPERIENCE7)MILLINERY xab'swoman , Call nl olllc-o on 2d floor nUer 10 o'clock. J. J. Hllss , 1511 Douglas. C JI430 9 * "WANTED , COMl'KTWNT C.IRL FOR SECOND work ami to assist' at sewing. 3510 Farnam. C M5)l RFND IOC FOR SAMPLE HOOK AND FULL instructions Tor pleasant mcmoy making busl- m > HM for women. No canvassing. Mrs. Nettle Ilni-rlson , Sar ) Francisco , Cal. Cil50 ! WANTED , AT ONCE A COMPETENT CUTTER nnd litter who perfectly umlerstnnUs Hoy- land'M mlc and titpc Him system ; also under- nlnnds draping. Room 11 , Contlncntnl block , 2nd lloor , 15th st. entrance. C 120-7 * FOB BENT HOUSES. Hates , Hie word flrst Insertion , le n word then-after. Nothing taken for less than 25c. FOR RENT , CHEAPEST 6-ROOM COTTAGE , with bath ; In city ; JI3.00. 30J1 California street. D M223 AVARTMENTS. < TO 7 ROOMS. IN CLOWUY InilldlngK , IGth nnd Chlcugo streets ; nil con veniences ; rents low. Apply to Roberts , 1014 Chlcngo street. D M6SO AID' HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY , THE O. F. Davis company , 1503 Fnninm. 153 6 ROOM COTTAGES , MODERN. CHOICE IN Stnnford Circle. C. S. Elgutlcr , 201 lle < " bulld- Ing. D-031 F. K. DARLING. DARKER 11LOCK. 1) 093 AGENCY , 507 11ROWN U LOC 1C.D896 D--896 FIRST-CLASS , WELL LOCATED HOUSES. L. SSklniicr. 310 N. Y. Life. 13-318 _ JTitOOsf HOUSE , ALL MODERN. C09 PARK avenue. Inquire at 611. D M433 A 111 4-llOOM MODERN FLATS. 29TII AND LEAV- emvortli. J. W. Squire. 24S lleo bldg. D-4S3 CLEAN. COJIFORTA11LE , CONVENIENT , moderate tentnlH ; best 3 nnd 4-room suites for hoiisekci-p * only. Refei-enrea reuulred. Also li-room uultu In tenement. S16 S. 2M st. j PrSi FOR RENT. S-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN , FUR- nibbed or tinfninlshcd. 1112 S , Dili street. . n M701 KELKENNEY&Cp.R. I , CONTINENTAL 11LK. ! D-CS6 mil RENT. GOOD DETACHED NINE-ROOM house , 2G2I Capitol nvcnue. Also S-room house , 4012 Sewnrd ntieel. Orchard Hill. il. II. Rob- Ison , room 7 , Conimerclnl National. D MS93 FORTlENT , PLEASANT EIGHT-ROOM ilOD- ern house , detnehed , nlco luwn , barn. Inquire. SOOJ Plercu street. D M3\0 _ lil-ROOM IIR1CK ; EVERYTHING MODERN ; rent low. Keys , 2G01 Capitol nvcnne , adjoining. 1J-M379 12 * 11ENTAL AGENCV.SHERWOOD. 423 N. Y. Life. D 3S8 M5 * I NICE 6-ItnOM FLAT i ON MOTOR LINE. 1N- qmro nuiiliucal corner 27th nnd Dvcntur. after I' , m. D-M393 A HOUSE WITH 9 ROOMS. ALL MODERN conveniences , largo lawn. 21st and Lake Hit eel. D MIC3 IS * B.ROOM 60S S. SIST STREET. D-M50U H * FOR HENT , TO FIRST-CLASS FAMILY OF tut mnr than 3 grown persons , without children. D-room modem house , 310 North Slth Hi'ivt , . Low ix-nt lo right patty. HOBUB Hill 1108 Farnam streel. D--43S M7 IIOI'SE WITH 8 ROOMS. 11 ATI I "iTlJUM GAS , largo oellar and good lain , nil In pxrvlu-nt lepulr 2321 Chlcusu utieut. Keys in lie Hyron Rei'd Co. DM52J 111 * TOR RENT- FURNISHED ROOMST Rules , lvo woril flint Insertion , lo H word theuwrt r. NoUiIng taken for les than ! 5c. ? 'ELY FURN1HHEI > HOO.M.s"T < blt KENT , nll.i or without board. Cull at S107 Douglas. _ E M978 13 FOR lUJNT. ELEGANT "Ft'RNISlIED ) ! OOMS AT HOTE1.1TRUNSW1CK For fHinllli'S nnd young gentlemen. Sleam. bath , vlrvnlor and all vonvi'nieiiws : prices reason- iiblo. location um-xcelled ID the city. Apply at Hotel HruiuwU-k. ICth and Jackson gtrceu. E-17U80 JioOMS JJN s'lIlTE. lST"cLA"s5 "lioARnTTlM _ _ _ FURNISHED UOOM ; GENTJ-ESUN. 017 HAlT- ney silent. K 2V ) 9 * " " FIRST FLOOiOFoDKItN IWWK. riNihY : nmilblu'd for honsekreplni ; ; 3 car linen- rent inmlfnila. 2005 Hurt vlrvet. E 311 ig * NICELY VimN I8Hul nboM "AT Ts4 FAR. AETNA IIOUH1J. NOUTIIWKST CORNER 1JTH nnd PodKo. lurnioily Travelers home : beds per week. jl.DOj rooms. " $1.50 ami JiOo. JiOo.E E M44 MC Ft llNIsilEn FRONT HOOji ; slJTliODOU slu'ct. Jrnnla McAuslnund. E-4JI H * FOR HUNT. FURNISHED ROOM SUrTAIlLK for mi * or two K ntlcniun. 3UI6 VYoulworlh ave- _ " " ' K-MU310' FURNISHED BOOMS ATTO BO ABD. * Uati-y. 140 wonl flmt lnwitlon , lc a tJu-nrnfrr , NolhliuMakrnforlMs thnn ! 5c. ot'.Nu woMBva ii6iiiZ uNUEir CA UK"OF \\mmini ChrUilan .luucUUniu 111 K. Hlh t. _ r-w . bo r4. ZIOt Ugugtai tr t. t.FMICf FUBNISHEP BOOMB AND BOABP. Continued. _ DOLAN HOUflE , 211 NORTH 1STU STREET. GIXH ! room ) , good table , reoKonal'lo rntra. F-MI3I All _ ItOOMS AND HOARD. I1IIENNAN FLATS , 1901 Cnllfornla. F-M'gt Ail * _ FURNISHED ItOOMS WITH HOARD , 107 S. 17 , ' . _ DEHIRAIILE SOUTH FURNISIIEI ) OR UN- riirnlslieil rooms nt "The Frenzer. " 118 North 25th alrcet. F M3M 11 * _ _ TWO UEHIIIAHLE nOOMS , WITH HOAluT ; line location ; references. 17u3 Dodg . , , . _ _ _ ? rMILl ! _ DESIRAIILE ROOMS. WITH HOAHO. IN . prlvntB family. 706 N. 19th , F-M397 13 * NICELY FUllNlHHEIJ SOUTHern orn convenience * , with Iwnrd , only J3.01) ti week. 2 KM Crtss street. I MB2J 11 * FOB BENT-UNFtTBNISH'D BOOMS. Rnl"s , I Do n line o.ieh Insertion , Jl.tfl a line per momh. Nothing taken for less limn 23c. t-NFT-RN-ISHmrTtooJI 4\ HuiTAIILE FOR hnUBekefp ng. city wnt r , etc. , low rent. North- wcst coiner 17th und Webster Htrvet. O MHO 5 i-Ni-nniNisTTEir'cliTvM'ninT 'FoiT'HoT-siT keeping to man nnd wife. No children. 319 N. 17lli. a 37 FOR IlENT , UNFURNISHED ROO.\1H FOR light housekeeping. 2JC N. 19th street. G-M373 FOB BENT , STOBES AND OFFICES OFFICES' FOR JIE.N'T IN THE 8CHLITO building , 16th nnd Hnrney. Spectni Inducements - ments held out to permanent trnnnts. Apply lo Jobat llros. , looms 00 and Cl , Schlltz bulld- Ing. I-09S 10 MONTHS LEASE OF STORE , 303 S. 17TH. 1-999 FOR RENT , THE 4-STORY nnictc IIUILDTNO" 810 Fiirnnm t. The building lias a fireproof cement basement , complete steam hcntlm ; fix tures , water on nil floors , gas , etc. Apply at tlio office of The llee. 1 910 THE STORE I1UILDINO. 1316 FA UN AM ST. , must be rented for some prlcu nt once for some regular , legitimate ! business. Come In with your offers. Hoggs & Hill , 1403 Farnnm st. I 910 A28 FOR RENT , IIRICK STORE P.OOM A NT" CKL- lar 22xCO , U07 St. Mnry'n nvcnue. SUW. and will take rent out li irade. I-193 10 AGENTS WANTED. Rates , lOe n line eac'.i Insertion , . J1.50 a line per month. Nothing tnken for less than 23c. CANVASSERS TO SELL MEDICINE IN NORTH Omaha ; good wages. Address 2W7 Decatur st. _ _ J-ai3A-26' _ _ _ WANTEDT I CAN FURNISH ItOTII MALES and females with easy nnd pli-ns.ciit finploy- incnt nt home ( no cnnvas ini ; ) . Can ejrn from J2.00 to J5.00 per clay nnd no experience needed. This Is something entirely new. Send 10 cents ( silver ) for wimples of work und full particulars. G. II. Carpenter , Nuwnyg" . Mich. J-M3-3 IS STORAGE. STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; CLEAN nnd ciieap rate. H. Wells , 1111 Farnnm. M-1000 STORAGE , WILLIAMS & CROSS , 1214 IIARNEY. M-101 STOVES STORED DURING THE SUMMER. 1207 Douglas. Omaha Stove Repair works. M19I maySl WANTED TO'BUY. Rates , IVic word first Insertion , le n word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 23c. Tf'EICE PAIDFOR SECOND-HAND fuinltnre , caipets , stoves , etc. S. II. Ill own , 320 N. 10th. Tel. 1711. N-344 A9 * WANTED , HORSES. 04) N. Y. LIFE. WANTED TO PURCHASE A SIX OR SEVEN- rooni modem house at low pi Ice. Addicss G 43. lleo. N-M 13 12 _ LIST YOUK CHEAP INSIDE PROPERTY with F. D. Wcad , 10th nnd Douglas. N 121 7 FOB. SALE FUBNITTJBE. Hates , lOo a line flrst Insertion , Jl.M n line per month. Nothing tnken for less than 23o FURNITlHtE , CAHPETS , BEDDING. CHINA , etc. , from State hotel.- Wells , 1111 Farnnm street. O-MOSO 12 6-ROOM COTTAGE. 937 N. 25TII , $11.0.1. KN- cicilre E2S S. 18th mi Oct. O-M3CO 11 FuitNiTinu .oir S.ROQM HOUSE -FOR SALE. cheap ; everything complete for houSst-keepIng ; ottiicr at Murray hotel. W. H. GilllUh. O M52I 9 * FOBSALE HOBSES.WAGONS.ETC. Hates , 10 = r. line each Insertion , Jl.M a Una per month. Nothing taken for less than 23c. UEST $35.0i ) TOP TiUGGY IN OMAHA ; UEST HI. 00 harness for delivery wagon ; Simpson mnkc family carriage , good ns new , nt less than halt first cost. Drummond Carriage Co. , ISth nnd Hniney. P M339 m3 _ ALL KINDS OF VEHICLES AT OC ON T1IE dollar. W. I * . Mumaugli , 1213 Fnrnain st. FOR SALE CHEAP , SEVERAL LIGHT single driving lioihes. Wheeler & Wilson sew ing machine office , 511 South ICth street. 1' M52S H * FOB SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Rntes , I'.ic word Ilrst Insertion , lo n word thereafter. Nothing taken for b-ss than 23c. HALED HAY FOR SALE. THE STANDARD Cattle Company. Ames , Neb. , have 2,000 tons of good barn stored hay 'for sale. All orders Illled promptly. Q 103 JFE HERNARD PUPPIES. P. O. HOX C93. city. Q-M49J A13 FOR SALE. NICE CLEAN GRAVEL. OMAHA Silicon Wall Plaster Co. , 615 1st Nat'l bank. Q.-M320 A16 FOR SALE , A SECOND HAND SODA FOUN- tnln In good lepalr , cheap Inciulie. nt No , 731 North 24th stu-et , South Omaha. tJ-"S9 12 LIGHT DRA1IMA , HUFF COCHIN AND 11LACK Langshnn eggs for hatching ; nny quantity ; JiOO per 15 eggs ; Inspection Invited. F. E. Hart , corner Center and G3d street. Q-MI05 9 * WANTED , TEN MEN TO JOIN ME AND HUY u farm near Omaha that can bo had lit n bargain If tnken nt once. Can be divided Into tracts to suit pui chaser. Addrcsu G 39 , Ilec. . Q-M402 FOR SALE , TWO FIRST CLASS OFFICE desks , cheap. ' . ' 1C and 217 DoarJ of Trade. . Q-M394 9 * _ ONE DOLLAR FOR BOC Mil. J. HOCH- strnsser. 1103 Jackson street.Onuhn , has pur chased a large bankrupt stock of bar fixtures , billiard nnd pool tables ; the goods are nil new nnd first class and will be sold at chenpcr rates than ever yet offered to the public. _ - Q-MU8 9 * FOR SALE. POWERFUL FRENCH FIELD glass ; cost (30.00 , for S10.00 c. o , d. : privilege examination. Address P. O. box 392 , Cincin nati , O. Q M477 9 * MISCELLANEOUS. Rates , lOc n line each Insertion , Jl.DO a line per month. Nothing tnken forless _ thnn 23c. WANTED TO IIORROW , $1.200.00 ON FIRST- clasa Inside residence property ; state terms. G C9. lleo olllce. R M52G 9 * CLAIBVOYANTS. Rates , Px.-c word first Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing tnken for less than 23o. MRS. DR. H. WARHEN. CLAIRVOYANT. RE- lUblu business medium ; 7th year at 119 N. 1C. S 103 MASSAGE , BATHS , ETC. MADAME SMITH. 603 S. 13TH. ZND FLOOR , room 3. Mimsagc , vapor , alcohol , steam , sul- und sea baths. T M378-12 * MABSAUE. MADAME 11ERNA11D ; Hl'J I'OIKll : . _ . _ T M313 9 * MADAME SMITH , 602 H. 13TH , 21) FLOOR , room 3. Miibsnge , vapor , alcohol , strain , ml- phur and sen buths. T M403 4 * " " _ PEBSONALJ VIAVI , HOME TREATMENT FOU LADIES. Health book & consultation free. Address or call Vlnvl Co. , suite 34ii , Heo Uldg , Ludy nttendant. . _ , _ MASSAGH TRE-\TMENT. ELECTRcT-THER- mul butlm. Benin and hair trcalin.'ut. mani cure und chiropodist. Mra. 1'oiit , 31i hi. isth. _ _ Wlthnfll blk. _ I ? 103 OXYGEN CUIIES bronchitis , connmnptlon , catanh. etc. Three free at R < 33. l > ouela.s blk , 16th nnd I lodge. _ _ U-433 A13 IF OEOROEomSON. AGED AIIOUT C4 , NA- tlve of England , who was In Montana and Id.iho in tha fc vi'HtU-s nnd parly rlghtlvs , rom- munlruteu with tu prior lo DecemUer ii xt ha wilt hear of Koinethlner to his ndvimlnge. Lewis A. Groft & Lefroy , luwycr , Ilrudliury bulldlnir , Ixia Angela. Cuj. _ . UM )7 ) AM * YOUR FORTl'Ni : HEAD Y THE LINES JN your handii. ilre. llavton. tZi a. 17th HI. 11-31 } f _ " t _ MADAME LAU"30K , HAS OPUNKD MASHAoB parlors nt 3S1 North I th itrvct. wcond lloor. linpi-o\cil magnviln vltapatlilc. aulphur encl nkohollo Ixittfi. bokh reatful i.n < l cuntllve. Improved Hivedlnh hand rulAilnc. 9 a. m. to 8 p. m , Purlora 1J and 1J. IMKK ) J * rEllSONAL.-IF JOHN FfKiiWHo"lN ! : mJ und 18W llvnl In Cherry county. Nebratka , about U mllm from Johastiimi. will end his uddrriu to room JH. Onialia Nr.ilonal Hank building , ha will bar o : i mcthlnf that win Ulc.Mt hlnu U 411 MONEY TO LOAN-BEAL ESTATE. Rate * . lOc n. line tint Insertion , $1.64 n line per month , Nothing taken for IPK * thnn 2c ANTHONY IXJAN a TRUST CO. , J1S N. Y. LIFE , lo n nt low rnte for chnlc-1 urlty on Ne braska nnd Iowa fnrms or Omnha city property. W 10S MONKY TO IX5AN AT IX3WEST HATES ON Improved nml unimproved Omnha renl witnto , 1 to B years. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Farnam. \ * no &IONHY TO LOAN O.V I'AUMH IN DOfQI.AS Improvnl nnd unimproved Omahn real estnte , KMellty Trust Co. , I'M Knrnnm nt. W 110 OMAHA I/JAN & TMl'8T CO. . 16TH AND DoiiKlas nix. , loan money nn city am ) furm property at lowest rates of Interest. W 109 LIPI1 INSUHANCn I'OMCinS LOANED ON or twuulit. ! ' C. Chesney. Kansas City , Mo. W-117 _ _ MONKY TO I.OAN ON OMAHA 1'IIOI'EIITY mill Nvbinnkn fnrms nl from C to 7 per cent. rW. H. Mclklo. Klrst Nafl bnnkjil.le. W lit _ LOANS"WANTIID ON"cm * 'AND I'AIIM property , J. N. 1'rcnzcr , opp. I' . O. W IS ? A10 MONBV TO LOAN ON IMI'IlOViJD OMAHA rent estates IJrennan , Love & Co. , 1'axtnn ) > lk. LOANS ON I.MPHOVKD ANO UNIMI'IIOVHIJ rlty property ; 13,000 nnd upwards , 5 to 614 per rent , nn ilclnyi.V. . Farnam Smltli * Co. , 132' ' ) Furnnm. W 106 YVANTHD. AJTLICAT1ON8 KOIlToANH. J. U. Xlltle. llruwn blk. . Omali ii. W 107 C 1'KIl CUNT MONKY. 11. C. I'ATTmTsON. ' | 2J _ UnmK < tilJB. _ W 305 MS _ LOANS ON ItKAL ESTATE. WAIlHANTS.aOOD notes , etc. , bought , darvln llros. , 210 N. Y. Llfo W 1H _ MONKY TO LOAN AT LOWKST IIATHS. THE O. F. Davis Co. . 1505 Fanmm t. \V-111 _ C. A. STAIIK , CITY LOANH ON IMl'UOVIJD propel ty. Moved olllec to 015 N. Y. LltvtmllJ- InB. W-M383 M3 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Iliiloa , lOo a line cnch Inncrtlon. Jl.M n line per month. Nothing tnken for less than 25c. WILL LOAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OK HE- curlty ; strictly confidential. A. E. Harris , room 1 , C'ontlnentnl block. X 115 MONEY LOANED ON FUKNITUIUi , 1'IANOS , nil nrtlcics ot value. Fitd Terry. 430 Hnmifo blouk. X 118 THE TLACE TO uoimow MONEY ON HOUSEHOLD FUllNlTUHE , MONEY ON HOUSES AND Mi'i.E.s ' , Mu.NEY ON WAC10NS AND CAUIUAUES , Mo.VEV ON PIANOS AND OttOANS. MONEY ON WAIlUlIOfSE UECEH'TS , MONEY' ON MERCHANDISE , MONEY ON ANY CHATTEL SKC'L'IUTIES , MONEY ON KnotU that i cumin with you. MONEY IF YOU WANT NO Pl'HLlUITY. MONEY IN l.irin r small amuimts. MONEY AT LOWEST TOSSIISLE HATES. MONKY IN QUICKEST 1'OSSIIIl.E TIME. MONEY THAT you may pay buck nt nny time nml In nny amount. Is ut UOOM 4 , WITH- NELL block , cor. 13th nml Iliirnev sts. THE FIDELITY LOAN UUAKANTEE CO. MONEY TO LOAN \\'c will loan you nny sum which you wish , snuill or litrKc , nt the lowest possllilo rates , In the quickest possible time nml for any length of time to Hint you. You can pay It back In tiicli Installments ns you wUh , when you wish , ami only pay for It ns long as you kct-p It. You can borrow on HOUSEHOLD FfltNlTUIlE AND PIANOS , HOUSES , WAGONS AND CAItP.IAOKS. WAREHOUSE IIEC'EIPTS , MERCHANDISE , Olt ANY OTHElt SECURITY. . Without publicity or removal of property , OMAHA MORTflAOE LOAN CO. , SOli SOUTH 1GTH STREET , First Moor nljovu the street. THE OLDEST , LARGEST AND ONLY INCOR PORATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. X 119 MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSES. WAOONS. pianos ami furniture of nil klml.i. lluslm-ss fonflclentlnl. J. II. Haddock , room 427 , RnniKC block. X 120 BUSINESS CHANCES. Rates , lOc a. line first Insertion. $ l..r.O a line per month. Nothing taken for less than 2"o UEST PAYING SALOON IN OMAHA ; PART cnsh , balance triule : tidiness cause for selling. D. J. Wilson , 17U N. 25th btieet , Omaha , Neb. Y-M07I AIO UEST PAYING SALOON IN OMAHA ; PART cash , balance trmle ; sickness cause for selling. D. J. WILSON , 1714 N. 2JUi street Y M674 A19 * DO YOU WANT TO HUY A SMALL MILLInery - nery store ? Cash or trade for peed wllil InnJ. Ilasons for sellliiff , other business. For par ticulars nddress a 20 , llee. . Y M302 9 FRENCH & CO. . ROOM 22 SCHLITZ I1LDO. , Omaha , make n spcclnlty of business clvancea ; buy , sell or trade stocks of merchandise nmi real estate , fuuilsh partners nnd capital , mul always have opportunities for piolltablc In vestments. Consult them. Y 4C9 SALOON FOR 'SALE OR KENT ; ONE POOL table ami nil llxturcs complete ; best location. Address Otto Hecker , Alnsworth , Hrown county , Neb. Y SO. . 11 FOR SALE , I1AKERY , CONFECTIONERY nml lunch monl ; best toc.Uion In town of 4,5')0 ' ) ; Uolnpr KIKH ! business ; Rood leanons for Belling. Adilrcss G 29. IJce office. Y M372 12 MERCANTILE IH'SINESS ( ONLY ONE OF that class ) : will bear nny Investigation. Prlcu ubout JI.COO.OO. Address Pionfcr Ilusinesa Agency , Sheiiclan , Wyo. Y MIOO 11 * SALOON ; ONE OF THE UEST ; FINE POS1- tlon ; reasons for selling. Pioneer Ituslness Agency , Sheridan , Wyo. Y MIOO 11 * $800.00 ItUYS NICE VARIETY Ul'StNESS SUIT- ahlc for hull's or gents ; reasons for selling. Pioneer neer Business Agency , Shertdun , Wyo. Y M400 11 PARTNER WITH $700.00 TO TAKE ONE-HALF Interest In best business of the kind In city ; well established , nncl business will stand in- vestleailon ; can be mnile pay $500.0) per month next four months. Acldiess G 41 IJee.Y . Y M412 9 FOR SALE. A $1,000.00 STOCK OF HOOTS AND shoes In n good Nebraska town ; liberal ills- count for cash , or will trade for good eastern Nebraska or Iowa land nnd ' , i cash. Address G 4ii , Uee. Y M470 10 FOR SALE OR TRADE. FARMS , MEAT MAU- kots , printing onices , pinning mills , stores , etc. Address , telling what you have nncl wlmt you want , box 133 , Wayne , Neb. Y M4S2 10 * MEAT MA11KET FOR SALE , CENTRALLY located ; lltted up Ilrst clnss ; doing good busi ness. Addiess C , lice olllce. Council Illults. Y-2S7 A7 FOB EXCHANGE. Hates , lOc n line first Insertion , Jl.M a line per month. Nothing taken for less thnn 23o WANTED ? A FINE TEN OR TWELVE-ROOM modern bouse with barn or room for one In exchange for clear land. U. J. Kendall , W7 Urown block. Z Stt 31 STOCK OF MILLINERY AND NOTIONS ; want horses & cattle. Liox 293 , Frankfurt. Iml 7. 123 UUSINESS DLOCK FOR SALE OR TRADE for hind or mdse. In eastern Nebraska. 1' . O. Hex 100 , Creaton. Neb. V. M321 a0 f"o\VN 100 FARMS IN NEBRASKA , KANSAS ami Dakota : will jell cheap or exchange for indse. , horses & cattle. Acldr ss , box 7G , FrankfortInd. - FOR SALE OR EXCHANQE. AHOUT Jil.000.00 block senei-at incrcliandiHe , tlrst-class clear land and money or bankable notes. Lock Hex 411 , _ . NeviidjiIa. _ X M101 13 FOR SALE OR TRADE , TWO FINE , VA1.UA- bln Imported stallions. I'artlculara ut 102 1 btreet , Elkhoin Valley hous WILL EXCHANGE OOOI ) LOTS IN COUNCIL IllllfTH. clear of Inciimbranee , for Block of hard ware or furniture. No 515 Mulu street. Coun. ell lllulTa. X-MII3 13 _ FOll SALE. WESTERN LANOS AND LOTS , or will exchnncu for Lincoln , Omaha or Chicago property. J. C. Kllncr , 213 Madison Btieet , Chi- cngu. 111. 7.M5US 12 * _ I'O EXClIANOli SCHOOL LEASIJ ON 320 ncres of land near NellKh , Neb. , for merchan dise. Address F. L. Putney , Tllden , Neb. . ' K-M510 12 * . CLEAR CITV I'ROPERTY ANU cash In Council llluffa for etock of gumla. Imple ments preferied. Address U 05 , lieu olllco , , Council liluffh. Z M5223 FOll COTTAOE AND LOT. 4-n m eiiitaKf and lot. Orchard Hill , Jl.WO. Will tnk part payment In pnlntlmetc. . lleiiuiiful S-room very tine house , every con. , J4. fiocj ; "HI take smaller place for part. F. D.Viul , 16th and DoURlaB. / 420 7 _ FOR SAJE- REAL ESTATE. ' llutcn. lOo a line Ilrst Inai-rtlon , JI.W a line per month. Nothing taken for less than 23o WILlTTiELL AT A UAHOAIN. HOUBE , DAHN and lot ; ulso two vucunt lota , corner 24th nvenuo und Ilurdette , on grude , newer and waleri lots well fenced , Apply to owner. Mornnd , 1510 llurney. _ R KM73l A21 UAmTAiN7N. K. Ct5RNFrii TH AND IficKT cry. F. K , Darling ; Darker block. R K 123 FOR BALE. 3 HOUSES AND LOT. JOTI ! NEAU I < cuvcnn-orlh , brliiRlne good revenue , Uu'euln for cnsh or part clear land. Make offer. Q. L. Green , room -Z , iUrker block. It E 7ao LOT 6. H LK. Tl ? CllMDA ? F 9 , llee. KS A-1S * FAHNAM STREET-LOT 7. HLOCK 19 , WEST Knd add. ; nu hetler rrsldcnce lot In city ; also tot ! , Mock 1 , Cronliin add. Address Exchange Itanlt. Mttrteltn IM. U E Mm a3Q * ONH KTO-AcilE FAUM FOR SALE. AIM'LY TO W. J. Harrison or A. D. Roue , on farm , lllalr. UB-M _ 5 _ UAIUIAINS , HOt'HES , LOTH AND FARMS. Bulu or tmde F. K. Darling. 1 talker block. 124 KOR 8AMJ. 7 HOOU COTTACin AND LOT AT till WfbiHcr Dtltet tor IS.tOcXOO , Apply on it KMU3 all * ron SALE BE t , ESTATE. Continual1 ! Jt'ST THINK OF 1T1 A * ' 4iP M-I'OOT LOT. outIt fnlnt. on etude , An riall street , near 27th street , for $ ! > W.OO ; lOVtiUv for some me. Fidelity Trust company , Iti ) ? > f-Vtrnnm street. ' - < ) ( 1J _ _ _ LLX. _ HJ'-M ! 4i.ACRK FARM , BITUApCB > < aN SOrTHI-f\RT Neb. , for sale ; Jl'i.oo ' pernc [ n ; iwo II , It. stu- lions within nvo miles ; ' .fJlwl house on cirner nf farm ; school nine liMmhs ' In year ; good bearing orchard of applN ' 'therry and pi-ach trees ; almut 300 Iroes alt"other ; golne gropes and smill fruits ; good flvfaiutini house ; nlso mnall house ; two small rrnfnv , corn rrlln nnd granary room for about'XsM ) ) bu. grain ; 1'4 ' mlle In M , E. church : peed well ; spring and creek water ; making II' Oti" of thn be t of stock nnd grain farms In * oiilheast Nc'j. Price. J40.00 per ncrn. Address Ijck IKIT 47 , Peru , Neb. . W. R. York. lt RE M3S1 12 YOU ARE INVITED TO STOEPEL PLACE olllc-e , 4th and P.ielllc slrncts , nny nnd every iiflerncKin this month , Sundays Incluiled ; take the Wc-st Leavemvorth str ct ear nnd gi out und se < * the * best nnd cheapest 1MH In the healthiest locality In Omaha ; special terms tn buyers this month ; d m't cl"lny , but come nt once ; the car line will soon he exti-iule.1 . to within threc-.blocks of these lots ; the Phitte river canal will rapidly ndvnmv thn vnlii" nf these Uts ; come nnd set' | , its ; come and see these lots nnd bring your McmU with you. W. A. Webster. 40J llee building. RE-JIM. ! 9 HARflAIN IN COt'NCIL irm FiTToUNiiTi lit ; 2 fair houses , only $ SO < .00 ; wnnt $ ) .00 cash. Address G 37 , lice , Omaha. Neb. FOR SALE. AT A HAltGAlN IF TAKEN AT once , 1,1 10-arre tracts ; every foot n Harden ; on near Omnha. Address cj 5S. llee. RE-MM3 HOW'S THIS ? MODERN. IIKAFTIFI'L HOF E , close to city hall : cost J'UOiUi. ' . ) ; wns olTerixl J10.i .W ; If sold milck will take J5.5W.OO. We | . shans' Agency , 331 Hoard of Trade. II E-MI73 9 W11V ARE WE ALWAYS linsV ? ToT \VILVT the Hieople want. 1'rlees to null the tlmcH on houses for rent or sale. Don't bellpviIt 7 Don'f blame you , but look at our window. II. E , Colu Co. , ground lloor JIcCaKUo llldK. RE-.M4M 9 * FOR HALE. CORNER LOT IN ISAACS & S4EI den's add. nt half price ; nun ; lo pay n handsome - some profit. We have buyer for a lot well located In weal part of the city. Also for lot or house nnd lot In Hanpcom I'lace or vicinity. M. .1. Kennanl & Co. , 007 nnd ! > OS N. Y. Life Hldf. ( RE 175 _ FO R SALE , NEW Fc1tn-lti | > OM COTTAiK and lot , corner rrtth nnd Sahler HtreeiH ; ci'linr , cistern , city water ; JI.2.10 , loiiff time , cany ray- inentM. IE-- : tan 10 FOR SALE. OVER J.noo C'AREFt'LLY SE lected farms teatlcred alt over Iowa nml Ne braska. Hundreds of the most Inviting 'jariralnii. The bvst and safest Invpfctillnnt In he fc.und In Aini'i-len. Any one of thews 4,0) 'nrnH will o.irn n BO id lnlen-"t on Ihe lnv i > ni nt. 1'tlees raiiKO from JS.OO to J.VI.CO JHT aerNo lifts sent nut. N'n Hades. We li.ivo lh farms and Ihe barKaliis. Call for partlciilaiit. IVmiri & Hill , 1IUS Furnnm street. , /E / ! 1:17 : m7 FINE SFIIfltHAN ItESIDENrE. VEItY ELAlT- onile ; one of the finest In lom-h of Omaha , nn had for less than cost of hous. . . F. i > . Woacl , ICth and Douglas. 1113 123 7 MIOOM HOL'riE AND LOT , 5 11 LOCKS FROM car. $ MO. b-r. house nnd lot 14 ml. w. II. I'uilc , $1.000. 4-r. house nnd large lot. Walnut Hill. $750. 9-r. house and full lot. Farnam st. . $ : i,75 . CO-foot lot ii"nr Yntes' lesldi'iiee , nt grade , paved street , n snap. $1,501. Lot .10x121. near Kountzc Place , JS.V ) . D-r. cottage nnd lot 21st , nr. L avemvorthJ2.000. A choice propeily north Ilansoom 1'aik , paying 10 per cent net 5-r. cottage and lot Einmett st. . $1,20) . F. 1) . We.ul , IGth and Doti lai. HE 420 7 MERCANTILE ADJUSTB1ENTS. Rates , H4e word first Ifi.W loii , ] c a word theieafier. Nothing takcrr'fnr' less than 2oc. THE MERCANTILE Ap.tUST.MENT CO. Cavanagh , Thomas -JlcOllton , Counsel. COI Karbnch bllclc , .Omaha. Adjustments , settlcmentsinnd.compromise , made for lalllnt ; or Insolvent incicliauts. . ' 8D1 n23 LOST. ' Rates , IVjC word Ilrst iln. erlnn | , le a word thereafter. Nothing taken for , less than 2."c. ( LOST . A DIAMOND STUD. ClK IIARNEY 1115- twcen ICth tend 17th , or ID Hoyd's theater. Finder return to 115 S. IStluqnd receive liberal reward. ; i4 ; 7 * MUSIC , ART ANT > L'ANGUAGE. O. F. GELLENIlECICi . " BANJOIST AND teacher. 1SIO Callfomla Bt. 911 UPHOLSTEKING. Hates. I c word first Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothlni taken for less than 23c. GLOIIE UPHOLSTERING CO.GENERAL FUR- nlture repairing ; estimates nnd Information cheerfully Riven. All work called for mid promptly attended to. 2023 Farnam st. Telephone 750. 123 MEDICAL. Rates , I'/ie word first Insertion , le a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than SZc. DR. C. V. CROOKS' NEW METHOD TREATment - ment of nerves , stomach , heait , 407 Hee llldg. UNDERTAKERS ANI > EMB ALMER3 Rntes , lOc n line first Insertion , $1.50 a line per month. Nothing taken for less than 25o II. K. BURKET , FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND embalmer. 1018 Chicago st. Tel SO. ] 2ii SHORTHAND"AND TYPEWRITING. Rates , lOa a line each Insertion , $ l.r > 0 n line per month. Nothing tnken for less , than 2jc. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND. 513 N. Y. Life , Omahn , Ask for circular. M127 CUTLERY GRINDING. A. L. UNDELAND IS NOW KEADY TO DO nil kinds of line Grinding at his old stand , IOC S. 14th street. 3C7 nlO BUREAU. KUEi& 03. . SOLICITOUS.Ilou Ilnildln : ; . OMAHA. NElJ. Advica FREK. . . Omuhal Depot 10th nnd Mason Sts. i Omaha 4 : < 5pm Chicago V'estlliule DiCOain 9:4Jum : ( Tnlcueo Express 4l'5pm : 7:02pm : ClilcaKo and lown Local iiuOam HiiJam..I'aclllo Junction _ Local 5:55pm : Leaves IUURL1NGTON & MO. HIVER.IArrlvei Omahal Depot 10th and Muson .Sin. | On\alm 10:15am Denver Exfireas..T. 933am ; 4:50pm : Denver Express 4-lOnm 6 : ! pm..Nebraska Local ( except Sun. ) . . . G-SOnm _ 8llaiii. ; ! LlncolnLocal _ ( excefil Sunday..n23an ) ; > leaves I K. C. . ST. J. At cTTT lArilvpir jOnjohal Depol 10th nnd Maiun sts. j Omaha 9M5um Kansas City Day Express 6:55nm : 945pm.K. ; C. Night Ex. via U. P. Trnns. 6:50am leaves fmUCAaoTlV I. & " PAcFFlcr lArrTveT Onialial Union Depot 10th and Mason Sts , | Onmlia EAST. S:3unin..Atlantic Express ( exi Sunduy. ) . . 7-i5nin S00pm ; Night Exprohs . C . 6cWpm..ChlcuKo : VcsllhulaU Limited' . S'.JJ'1. li:10um.Oklalionia Exp. ( to C < iB. ex Smi.l. eg.\H Jn 6:30-im.Oklahoma : & Texas P tJ. ( ex Sun.i2:10a'rn ) : " Leaves I UNION I'ACIKICT" 'iArriv f pinahalUnion Ueiyt , lOth. . . afasoa Sls. | Omaha H80ain..ClilcngQ ; Expreaa ( es. Lcnves'l F.r'Ef&'MO. V A 1. L E 7 Omaha ] Depot 15th and WAlier Bu. 8:0ium : . Deadn-ood S:05a.n : . ( Ex. Bat. ) Wyo. S:00pm. : . Norfolk Express Leaxen I CHICAGO < 4 NORTHWK.ST Tri.vrrii-i. . OniHliajU. P. " Depot JOllijt Wason His Omaha H:05am : . . . Chlargo Exiiress . . . . .TTrOTpm 0:30pm : . Eualern . - 6 : pinEx. Bat. ) . .Chic. ' l'aaa..iEx. aioaj . : U-uvea I MISSOURI , Onialiol Depol ISth and W b < ter Su. lolXJpm : Si. Ixiuls Kiprm. . . . _ 610iin.Dally ; | tex. Hun. ) Neln-a kuJ. Ceaveif cir"8T. I > .7"'iI. " . "o : "lArrTvcf" _ Oinaha.D | _ p9t15lli _ undWejstr.Sts. _ | ' | OiniVa ; 00 , m..Sioux City Accommo'dallon. . . "lO'2r ' 2:15pm..Sioux : Clly Expre lEx. Sun..l-li ) J:30pm.v : . S PauI Limited CeavcaT lO UinuhulU. P. 6Wam . , Bloux City 3Mpm ; . Sl.I'uulExpn- _ _ Leaves I SIOUX CITY A PACIF1O tArrlv i' ' OmuhaL Depot 15lh and Webster His. [ Omaha 'tJOpm . St. I'aul Ijlmlte l.7. . . . " . " " . . 9:404m : Llmltfd . , „ . . , . .h | 0am LiavesT" OMAHA & ST UHJI& Arrive/ _ Oinalmly.t , Depot 10th Jit Muson ts. | Omalu ' JWpni. : Hi. Louts'Cannon UulL.,7.1:5pm : A MODERN SLAVE TRADE , ft. Ixnils Olobc-lVmocrat. Tlio Clilnoso quarter in San Francisco Is , nt midnight , a sinister locality. The tntifjlcd network of narrow streets and narrow alleys , IIMIghtiKl nnd foul of atmosphere , tlio reek- InR cellars , wherein the hollow-cheeked vo taries of oilnm | seek oblivion , from whoso polluted depth * there occasionally lloats tha raucous chatter of thn female slaves , all com bined to produce an Intricate Jungle of crime nncl squalor nbovo whlcli there ecms to hover that constant menace , the skulking , yet murderous highbinder. Hut an Inad vertent Indulgence In the vinous aftermath of n banquet will sometimes lead , and had led Mr. Ulchard Meredith Into strange Ji.iths. Dick was Intoxicated , unmistakably so. His step , while not particularly unsteady. Was of that airy , Roaring character familiar lo all ; his tall form , fashionably clad , had been denuded of Its overcoat , which trailed over his shoulder suspended from the neb of his cane ; his oneo glossy hat was tipped carelessly back from bis face , flushfd , yet not tinhandsomn , and when not Industriously striiRKlIni : with a c ar , IOIIK since extin guished , there came from his lips the words of some popular song. Slight , however , was the possibility that he would encounter cither censure , pity or ridicule , for the only living creature who seemed to dispute his somewhat liberal possession of the sidewalk was n cat fawning ngalnst the Iron standard of n street lamp. It was only a kitten , and Dick's require ment at that moment was a cab , neverthe less ho supped beneath the light and raised It In Ills arms. " 'S hungry , " ho said alter a pause , and with a drunken gravity. " 'S hungry an' 's too bad. I've had 's much m'self I can't smoke , an' cat's hungry. I'oor cat ! " Then laboriously donning his overcoat , lie dropped the llttlo creature Into a pocket. As he tnove < l away there was n shullllng footstep behind , and a hand was laid on hU shoulder. "You takes my cat sabe ? You gib ' 1m back. " The voice and figure was unmistakably that of n Chinaman , and lrk ! looked down nt htm with an air of maudlin amusement. "Nope , " ho returned with n charming effrontery. "Seen no cats f'r two days want cabs , not cats. " The Chinaman scowled. "You no sabe , " he said , stolidly. "You tiikco my cat allee same kittle ; you gib 'Im back. " " 'S a dream you're drenmln' , " Dick re turned again with the smiling assurance of Inebriation. Then ho stopped. Another figure , that of a woman , had glided from an adjoining doorway nnd was standing behind the man. She was clad In the showy garments of a young Chinese girl , but to Dick , even In his muddled state , her features appeared vastly unlike those of her race. "Won't you give mo the klttnn ? " slin asked In n soft and not unmusical "voice. "It Is my only pet. " "Jlos1 certainly , " was the prompt reply. "Dut cat's hungry an' mils' be fed. " Ills words , however , were lost In a harsh and seemingly an angry tirade with which the man greeted this new arrival , whose presence ho now appeared to notice for the flrst time. From his gesticulations It was evident that he desired her to return to the building from which she had emerged , but this she appeared loth to do. "Won't you please give me the kitten ? " she asked Dick again In a pleasing lone. At this the. man grasped her uhouhtcr and raised his hand as If to strike her. lint the blow was not given. Ills words were un intelligible , but their Import was rellectcd on the girl's face , and with a spontaneity rather startling for out1 In his condition Dick's clenched (1st ( shot out from the shoul der and , catching the man fairly on tlio chin , stretched him senseless on the clamp pavement. The young girl uttered n slight scream ; then she clutched Dick's arm. "Take rue ; take me with you ! " she ejacu lated eagerly. "It's my last chance. " Dick made no reply , but clasping his ami about her waist he drew her rapidly along the street , and , turning the first corner , hur ried toward a more brilliantly lighted sec tion of the city. The energy with which he had Invested his blow seemed , In a way ; to have 'ovcrcbmo tlio fumes of the liquor , and , hailing a passing cab , he placed the girl Inside. Seated opposite , however , and rattling over the rough cobbles , lie regarded her with an expression of mingled perplevlty and an noyance. The readiness with which she had cast her lot with a stranger In no way astin- Ished him , but he was not of that Individual ity from which are developed our mlsslon- aries , and there was gradually being forced upon him the conviction that Ills position was far from pleasant. At best lie had usurped the power of those religious societies who seek to rescue the Chinese slave women from their masters , ami , In doing so , had lie not also been guilty of abduction ? lie shuddered as tlio thought occurred to him. By occupation a speculator In real estate , ho had found the law n _ very useful ally.but an exceedingly troublesome foe. And yet , as his glance again wandered over her features , ho did not altogether regret his notion. She appeared to have nothing In common with those creatures , who , among the Chinese in America , arc morally , nnd perhaps mentally , interior 10 me ordinary domestic animals. Suddenly n change came over his face and ho shifted uneasily on the seat. Then ho drew the skirts of his coat from beneath him nnd plunging his hands into Its pocket brought forth the wriggling cause of his pre dicament. As he held the kitten aloft a smile crept slowly over his face and the girl laughed outright. It was like some bond of sympathy between them , nnd bending for ward he placed It In her arms. "I needn't ask you It there Is any place to which I can take you , " ho said , pleasantly , "but are you C'llnese or what ? " "I am Chinese , " was the reply. low and half reluctant. "I was born In China and my father was a Chinaman but my mother was a native of this country. " Dick nodded ; then ho leaned from the cab window and addressed a few words to the driver. As ho sat down she grasped his hand. "Don't take mo back ! " she pleaded , with a scared look. "Oh , don't take me back ! This la my last chance tomorrow I shall ba sold. " Dick smiled reassuringly. "I have no In tention of taking you back , " ho returned. "I was merely directing the cabman where to drive. " A slch of relief followed his words : then both relapsed Into silence. Some ten min utes later the carriage drew up before a iarge Juitcl and Dick at once assisted his strange companion to alight , but they did not enter. Deyond the first portal he Baited until the cab had roiled away , then led the girl around a corner tn n lodging house situated on a small street In the rear. The house they entered was not attractive , however ; It broke the chain of their ( light. The attendant stared somewhat pointedly at the Incongruous disparity of their attire. IJut , In one of the two rooms which he se cured , Dick banished oil outward manlfestn- tjlon of curiosity by producing a yellow coin. "Ilctweon now nnd mornlni ; I want some Clothes for this lady , " ho paid , toying sig nificantly with the coin. " .Something black , and with one of those sorrowful vulls. I also want to shut your mouth , and I'll pay for both. She lost her wraps nt n masquer ade , but wo don't propose to publish that fact understand ? " Presumably the man did "understand , " for he nodded , accepted the coin nnd van- Ishod. 'Whereat Dick Ignited a cigarette , and for a brlof Interval ho appeared to study Its curling rings -of smoke. At last ho looked up. "I can't , think , " ho said with n slight laugh. "As you saw I was rather gleeful when wo mot , ami I'm not much bettor now. Hut who was the man I struck ? " "Ho was my father's brother , " was the reply , "but don't take mo back to him. " Dick blow a cloud of smoke nnd through It ho HUilled somewhat quizzically. "Did yon suppose 1 was sending for clothc.s to donate to your uncle ? " ho nuked lightly. "Hut whore Is your father , your mother and all the rest ? " "They ore both dead , " the young girl re turned sadly. " My mother died In China two months ago , mid I was sent hero by my uncle. IJut ho was going to sell mo tomorrow. " "I haven't a doubt of It , " Dick observed coolly. "IJo'd probably sell his mother If ho hud one. " Nevertheless hla face brightened. From her words It was evident that this had been a sort of chlvnlrlc act rather than that of a missionary ; that ho had. In fact , rvKcuod her before the services of n missionary were re quired. It must bo confessed , howeicr. that us yet he waa by no means very sanguine concerning the result. Knotting tlu vuluu which < i girl of her appearance would repre sent among the Chinese slave owners , to gether with the potent legal Influence which tlieso pnso.i3. ho nntlclpatd trouble of no ordinary character. "Do you know If your uncle belonged to nny of the tongs the highbinders ? " ho asked , after n pause. "He pays them , " was the reply , "but I don't know which one. " "There's little difference , " Dick returned , gravely ; "ono advocates the pistol , another the hntchct. However , won't you tell mo your name ? " "Yuen Kl 7" Dick winced. "Xot that one , " ho Inter- poseO ; your mother's. " "My mother's name was Lillian D.tnton. but can I tue that here ? They told ma I could not ; Hint I was legally u Chinese woman , nnd that my uncle was my guar dian. " A tap on the door precluded nny reply , nnd the attendant , who had received them , en tered with a large parcel. When he had been properly dismissed Dick carelessly tossed the bundle cm the table. "I'm not much of n lawyer , Miss D.inton , " ho said cheerfully , "but from n common- sen e point of view you will not be a Chlneso woman In the morning nnd , let us hope , never imnln. But now I'll lenvo you. Mlmi Is the next room , so If you want anything knock , but don't lese nny sleep worrying , for their only chance to get ynu b.ick Is through the law , nnd my attorney seems pretty well acquainted with the glorious cllmato of our courts. " When , however , Dick awoke on the follow ing morning , his feelings , together with hl remarks addressed to himself wore of n much less buoyant character. N'ot particu larly strange , pcrhapa. * On Knocking ho received permission to enter I ho room beyond. The young girl was chid In the garments previously procured ami had he met her elsewhere ho would have passed her without recognition. Tlio gown , of softest material , and of a dull somber - bor bluck , was admirably fitted to her nlen- der figure ; her dark hair waa neatly nnd be comingly arranged above her brow nnd her face , bereft of Its onnmel-llke scale of pink nnd white , was possessed of more than ordi nary beauty a beauty In which the lire of n southern clime had laid Its magic wand upon the cold , regular features of the north. She was standing at the window when lie appeared , and , with her upraised arm part ing the heavy curtains , her attitude was in finitely graceful. "Do I look well1 she asked , with a smllo of welcome. "I have tried to make myself look like the ladles In thestreet. . " Dick was slow to reply. She was like some charming picture , but before his mind there was passing another scene. Therein her face seemed crusted nnd lifeless , and her dark hair glossy and solidly matted with grease , while the delicately rounded curves of her youthful figurewera lost be neath a loose blous.0 and wide , flapping pantaloons , which left exposed only her shapely yet hideously clad ankles. "Miss Danton , " ho said .at last. Im petuously , extending his hand , "I said yc-u would no longer be a Chinese woman , and you will , while I've got money enough to keep mo on speaking terms with a judge. " The girl paled. With his words the first exhibition of freedom was swept away , and a tear glistened beneath her long lashes. "Do yon think you will have much trouble ? " she asked tremulously. " .My mother always taught me that they did right that there was justice here. " "Lots of it , " was the prompt rejoinder. "In almost every trade 1 consummate I have to buy a little. There's lots of trouble , too. However , we'll have breakfast first , and the trouble will not bo long in finding mo out. " Nor was he wrong. After partaking of a meal which was brought to thi'lr rooms he left the young girl , and passing through an alley in the rear entered the hotel lu-foro which they had alighted on the previous night , nnd wherein he had apartments. A cab was standing before the door when , later on , ho emerged , and a man seated beside the driver leaped to the sidewalk and tendered him a folded document. Dick took It , smiled and walked away. It was a writ of habeas corpus , command ing him to produce his lately acquired pro tegee In court nt'2 o'clock of that dny ; nnd , some ten minutes later , ho spread It out on the desk of one Mr. Samuel Wilton , a friend , also an aUornoy-at-law. Mr. Wilson glanced over It casually , then at his client. "Well ? " he said , laconically. "I don't propose to produce , " Dick re plied ; ns If completing the sentence. "Hut what will be the bail ? " "It's not bail ; it's contempt of court , nnd that's jail , " was thu terse reply. Dick lighted a cigarette , drew a line across the paper with the burned match and smiled. "You're foggy , this morning. Sam , " ho re turned , lightly. "When we were booming the Dosworth land they asked us to file cer tain deeds In court , but we didn't. I was arrested for era.nd larceny , gavo'ball , and when the deeds at last turned up was , of course , shown to bo an injured Innocent. " "And you want to bo arrested again ? " "I don't see any other way out of it. Hut listen. " Mr. Wilson clld listen , and with an ex pression of surprise , not unmingled with amusement , until Dick finished his narra tive. Then he leaned back In his chair with a laugh. "And what in the devil will yon do with a Chlnawolnari when she's yours ? " ho queried. Dick Unshod angrily. "She Is Chinese only by birth , and I don't Intend she , shall bo mine , " he returned , spiritedly. "Hut that's not the question , Sam ; It's how I'm going to keep her from belonging to some ono else. Why , confound It ! if I had floated a few I 0 U's nt poker last night I should have redeemed them this morning without a murmur ? do yon think I'll repudiate my agreement with this girl ? " "But the law " "Blow the law ! " was the Impetuous In terruption. "All the law I want Is to get arrested and get out on bull , BO that I nan hide the girl away In the country proba bly In that crib I bought last week. Then I will enlist the sympathy of the newspapers , and once that Is assured 1 can laugh at all the law and Chinese in the .state. " The lawyer smiled. "I was merely going to ask , " ho returned , "If | t would not bo pleasanler to comply with this writ and lot the court place her In proper custody , pend ing some settlement ? " "It might Imbecility Is generally pleas ant , " Dick observed dryly. "Why , Sam , wltli the girl once In court , the Mongolians would swear me off my feet and waft me over the Sierras. " Mr. WIlton'.H smllo broadened , nnd , bondIng - Ing over his desk he appeared to bo making a rapid arithmetical calculation. "Well , " ho said finally , ' 'it's abduction , nnrl that means heavy ball. However , I'll be on hand , Dick ; KO get out. ( .tut don't go near the girl , for you'll In- followed , sure. " Dick laughed ; of this ho was well aware. But up'on descending to the street ho c.islly avoided all pursuit by entering the Stock exchange , through whose doors only a mem. bcr might pass , and from which thnrc were mimorntm prlvato exits. In the court room , some three bom's later , ho found a scare of Chinese assembled , and at their blank looks , when he appeared alone , ho could not repress a tmlle. ; The proceedings , however , worn of the briefest , "May It please your honor , " he said , blandly , when called lo the slam ) , "It Is not permitted that I shouM comply with this writ , and , with all duo rc&pect to yourself , I must decline to answer all questions. On the ground , " ho added , with an air of gcmtlo deprecation , "that 1 might Incriminate my self. " An angry buzz from the body of the- court , room , not unlike the snarl of some beast , followed that decision : then liu was promptly arrested and almost an promptly released. On thu street ho paused for a moment , accosted by one of the ladies from thu Chinese mission , who 'requested that the young lady should bo placed In their charge. "Madam , " he returned gravely , albeit with a smile , "your motives uro excellent , but you lack the peculiar ability to Hiicccfcx- fully cope with the Chinese. They h.ivo money and can lie ; yon have none and tell the truth. In my place you would have been compelled to produce the girl in court , tind when next you saw her oho would cer tainly have required your mlnlstniHonu. As It Is , I ran assure you that nlio do not , In fact there is no legal reason why she should be lukun from her countrymen , and 1 don't propose there shall bo. But , " ho uddod , aa ho noticed a Chinaman lounging near , "tho girl IN no longer in the city. uc > ! ull questions aru solvud except my o'vn trial for abduction. " The v.-cman fchook her head dubiously , but the Uiilc KU.I uiiaiiHuurublu and. sin ; mt < le no reply. As biuk moved away one of the IMt Its ptnen In the line. Sonu > . along It DRaln drew near the curb , ns If awaiting his approach The door swung ullently open ns ho passed nnd a loosely cl.iil flgurn glided from within. Then them wna n rush ; frcm beneath that flapping blousci n short hatchet rose then foil. And with the rattling of wheels the highbinder * had once more appeased their Clod of Justice. \ \ hen Dick regained consciousness he was amid strange urroiindlng . nnd for brief In tervals his eyes wandered aimlessly over quaintly papered walls , n well worn c.irpot , nn ancient piano nnd more ancient furniture , then to the face of his friend nnd attorney , who was seated beside thu bed. "What whnt tlmo Is II , Sam ? " ho asked feebly. " 1 fi-t-l ' us If I'd been dead ten yearn. " "It's nlRht , Dick. " wnx the reply , accom panied by n long breath of relief. Hut don't talk ; yoti'vn got n highbinder's souv < - nlr on your skull thai would Imvo killed nny nno but n blockhead. " "I thought 1 had run against n boom " Dlek returned with n faint smile. "Urn I must talk , Aim " ho , added gravely : " (111 v first tell me what has happened an-l whether It's today , tonight or torn irrow wight. " Mr. Wilton appeared rather amused nt thin rather Celtic Inquiry. Ills smile , ton. was Indicative , In some slight degree , of hla feel Ings , for a physician had stated that with reason restored no further danger need bo anticipated. "It's tonight. Sam , " he returned , "and nothing much has happened , The China man nonsuited you with n hatchet , but the blow glanced , Inflicting n slight fracture < f the right parietal , shattered the clavldo and " "Bother the clavicles ! " Dick Interpose ! with something of his old strength. "Am I going to llvo or die ? " "Die , I think. The doctor said you'd llvo If you didn't talk , but I told him there was no hope of that , " was the Imperturbable re sponse. "But , seriously , old boy , you should not talk. You are twenty miles from China town , In the crib you bought last week , nnd Miss Danton Is In the next room asleep 1 hope. So now drop olt yourself. " With this Information a marked and peaceful change came over Dick's faceho endeavored to stretch out his hand , but it fell helplessly on the coverlet , then his eyelids drooped. "Sam , " lie murmured drearily , "wc'n pretty tough , but wo pay our debts of honor. The "crib , " ns Jt had been termed , w s worthy of a better name ; an ancient adniw dwelling which boiuc Spaniards of an earl'er clay had left on the shores of a littleIny south of llio city , It was both plcturesqi.o and homelike. On one sldn a broad vuranda raised to the sea Its mantle of cling Ing vines and roses ; from before the dour tall magnolia trees breathed their frngrancu 111 In tlin KII rrntin 11 i n ? i t m m't\li.i < i * t. . . . llcjlils all about sinpcd Roiitly to ( lie \\ntor , and wlic-ii Dick awokp on the follomii nioniiiiK tlio waves wore Inpplni ; on iio , liencli with a intirintir that was Inllnitoly traiuiitillizini ; to his inliiil. AH he snuKlit to turn a dull pain souiuol to rack his whole franiL1 ; and yet ho smiled The young girl whom , tluia far , ho had shluitltMl from Inirin , waa ix'atocl npsldu tliu lii-cl , and her hanil , rcstltiK llgiitly on the pillow , Iiad Imt at that moment been witli- from his brow. "Don't Mop because ) my eyes arc open , " ho said plaintively. "I have bc-c-n nwako for a long tinu , but your hands full ao IIT/U and cool that I kept cjulet. " The youiiK Klrl colored and once morn smoothed back his. tangled hair. "I can't lull you how sorry I am , " she said gorily , "but can't I do something to show " "I wouldn't talk like that , " he interposed , wearily. "I Is now how you feel , but when we're llle that we only Rpt mixed tip If w < i try to tay bo. Tell mo how wo got hi > re. ' " .Mr. Wilton brought us In n cab. Ho found you in a hospital , and when H was dark ho brought us both here. This morn ing he went luck to the city , but lie nske-l ino to tall you that there wail no further danger at present. " Dielc made no reply. Hla eyes were fifed drcfwsily on "the young girl's f.u-o , and pres ently they rlo'cil. It was afternoon when lie again awoke , and an appetizing lunch was awaiting besldo tlio bed. After partaking of its dellrue us Ills face brightened , but lie made no effort lo rise. Nor won ho able In reaeli Muit broad veranda until a wool ; had rolled by , albeit the conllncmrntvns not particularly Irksome. The young girl was almost con stantly at his side , and , asldo from an nse.l Spanish woman In tlio kitchen , half blind and wholly deaf , they were nlone. Seated ono evening beneath the clinging vines of tlio veranda DicU heard the suj'i tones of the piano. For. an Instant it ular- tlecl him , then lie stepped lightly to the win dow. The young girl was seated before an ancient Instrument , anil from beneath tier fingers welled the strains of some oratorio. AH the last noto-died away her eyes were lifted and a tear coursed silently 'down ' liar cheek , * Dick stepped Inblilo. "I' did not know that you could play , Lillian , " ho Bald notlly. "My mother taught mo , " was the tremu lous reply. Then she stopped and her head bent slowly forward : the Hood of awakening recollection found vent in tears. When at last her fobbing became less violent lent she yielded up the story of her pnBt. A sad talc , but by no mean's strange. Her mother hail been tlio daughter of n mission ary nnd Dick felt ills own eyes grow moist ns ho listened to the simple narration of their home life In tlio far-off land. With her mother's death she had been left without means or friends and n Chinese woman. " 1 wouldn't cry any more , Lillian , " he Kald In a kindly tone. "While you wore playing just now 1 hit on nn excellent scheme , one that will bring us both out of all trouble and danger. " " 1 wlsll you could end It , " was the earnest response. "Wo can't llvo this way always * , you are very kind , but I can't accept your charity forever. 1 can work , und surely there must bo some law to " "Tho law , Lillian , " Dick gravely Inter posed. "You are not of ago , therefore your undo lias the nearest legal claim on you. Hut I can fix It , and baforo tomorrow night. So now dry these tears and forgot all about It. " The girl made no reply , but there was ; i certain buoyancy In his words which ap peared lo Inspire her with n hopeful euinl- clencu , and the subject was dropped. When she had retired fur the night Dlek indited a long letter to ills irleml In the city , and , notwithstanding thn I.ULMICH.I of tlio hour , carried It to the village , somu two miles distant. A reply was rceolved on thn following evening. Dinner was being served when It arrlvi. " ! , nnd after rending It Diclc'lald il citn-li i ly bc.sldo his plate. Later , when they ruse Horn the table , ho diew the young girl into ihI I t- llo room beyond. "It's all over , Lllllmi , " ho said , ex.Utiugly , tendc'rlng her themessage. . "You're us ireo as air as free as the American uaule. " The girl drew a long hnmth , and her bund trembled violently as she unfolded the paprr. Then , us Nho glanced at Its coninnia , o ptu/.lcd expression swept across her fnc < It was brief only a slngln line : "Sl > u a yours ; two thousand charged to your nr- coiint. " "What-- what docs U mean ? " lihu asked , with a falturlng perplexity. "That ynu are free , " Dick coolly returned. "That I have er havu sullied with your uneie. " Tlio ycjiing girl drew back , and every tr.u'i } of color vanished from her face. "That yon havu bought me ? " she njiuu- Inli-d with an Incredulous horror. "That I am yours. " Dick colored ; manifestly ho WUH ( llsc-n-i- ccrtud. "Hut , l.llllan , " ho Ktmmnered ccmftibcdiy , "I don't want you--that Is , I don't ii.- toml " Hut thb girl had turned uwuy , and < ta walking Kluwly toward the window. Kor u brief Interval Dick stared after lirr with an air of IndcclMnn , then ho followc-d. "Lillian , " liu suld gently , " 1 ially ; don't mean to buy you ; only lo " "Ilut you have , " she Interposed In a dull fcort ot smothered tuna. "Your kindness i mlKlit huve tepulil , hut thlh money 1 rn > v 'r can. " Dick lent over her ahouldcr. Her fue was still palo anil thuro wvro learn In bcr dark eyes. It Is to bo fi-nrud , though , i ! .it ho fiiiw moro there , fur hla arm at onou encircled her Mini \valia. "You might Lillian , " ho said tciuli-rlv. "Ilut for fear you'll fall , don't you thlnit v.'o'd bettor go ovr to thu village and huvti the prt-arher draw up an agreement by vthieli I cnn ket-p you till you do ? " Her a KWpr > vas umllhlu only to him , but Aith It no bad coiiuuiiunated his Ural unit irude.