THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY -MARC H 31 , 1804-TWELVR PAGES. THE DAPLY BEE OUUXCtTj ntjUKPS. Ol'TK'E - - NO. 12 I'KAHI , &TKKET. Delivered by carrier to any part of the city. H. W. TILTON , Manager. I rnnnvru . J tlin1nr * Office , . . . . . . .No. 43 M.1'HOM.S j xignt Dlltor . No. m .M7.VO/J/K.Vr/O.V. ; Tod.iy Is the last day for the payment of tixc * . il'iaton utoro , spring dre&s goods , caps and jackets. The members of the Salvation army of this city will go to Glcnwood this evening to hold a meeting , John Hlghsmlth had nno of his fingers badly crushed while coupling cars In the Union Pacific yards Thursday. Miss Lllllo Jones entertained a party of friends Thursday evening In the hall of the Young Men's Instltuto on Main street. The two foot ball elevens of the High school have had photographs taken. That they are handsome goes without saying. Mrs. Hva Morgal has Issued notice to the caloon keepers of the city not to sell intoxi cating llciuor to her husband , F. Morgal. The following trustees have been elected for Grace church parish : G. H. Jackson , J. S. Gretzcr , Adolph Beno , W. H. Spcra , K. J. Abbott , G. Roberts. A special meeting of St. Alban's lodge No. 17 , Knights of Pythlus , will be held this evening for work In the second rank. All knights are Invited. J. W. Kelly deslrea a correction. Ho Is not charged In the federal court with passing counterfeit money , but with appropriating $5 from a registered letter. There will bo a special meeting of Star . chapter No. 17 , Royal Arch Masons , tonight for work In the M. E. degree. All members nrc requested to be present. The "Girl Bachelors" of the High school were entertained , with a number of their young gentlemen friends , at the home of Mr. Idilph Mueller Thursday evening. The next tournament of the Firemen's association of Iowa will bo held at Iowa City next June. The citizens of that place have raised $2,500 to be used In making up purses. Thu sacred concert at St. Francis Xavler's church next Sunday evening promises to be a most enjoyable musical treat. Some of the best Omaha and Council Bluffs talent will participate. Tickets , 25c. Mrs. Hoist , who was found to havn In her possession some clothing that had been btolen from Mrs. Snyder , the wife of a pawnbroker , was discharged by Justice Vlen yesterday after a hearing. J. II. Kent of Bell & Kent has Just com pleted a large water color drawing of the proposed normal school , for which they are the rchltccts. It seems from this that the cntct rlso Is moving forward as rapidly as practicable and that Us realization Is onlj a matter of time. The Sanymcdcs will make their first club run tomorrow morning , If the weather per mits. The wheelmen will assemble at the club rooms at 10 a. in. and start for , no one knows where , at the present writing. None of the members have yet donned their sum mer legs , however , and the run will consequently quently bo a short one. John Kranlcer. who took an ax with the Intention of braining his family , was turned over to the Insane commission yesterday morning by Judge McQee. Jim Stevens was given ten days for vagrancy and Mclvln - McICenoy , who claimed to bo wanted In * / Qnlncy , 111. , was discharged on condition that ho would leave the city by noon. The Model ball club has been reorganized with the following members : President , Kugcne 12. Bull ; secretary , W. II. Diddle- back : treasurer , A. E. Cllno ; manager , E. E. Vandcnburg : players , B. Adams , George Yapp , C. B. Mitts , Harry Hardln , R. Ar nold , A. Vandonbeurg , C. Appleby , G. Cum- inlngs. Frank Nlcoll , II. G. Burton and John Oliver. The Dodge Light Guards gave an exhlbl- ' tlon drill and ball last evening at their armory In the Hughes block. A largo num ber of their lady and gentlemen friends as sembled In the nrmbry and watched the evolutions , which were Hklllfully gone thropgh with under the command of Lieu tenant Pryor , after which dancing was the order of the evening. The Whitney Opera company will appear at Dolmny's this evening In "The Fencing Master , " Dekovon & Smltji's great comic opera success , Marie Tempest Is the prlma donna , and she Is surrounded by a com pany of artists comprising about llfty per sons. The opera will bo put on In llrst-clivis style , and the people of Council Din Us should glvo It a hearty reception. The masquerade party given by the Com mercial pilgrims of America In their hall In the Brown block "lust evening was a very successful affair. The hall was crowded with members of the order and their friends and excellent orchestral music was furnished for the dancers. A banquet followed the dancing. All guests were In costume and the hall presented a gay appearance. 1 Sclly Hough has bon In the habit of talc- leg ball and leaving unserved sentences on the chain gang behind him , Ho was found by Officer Murphy yesterday , and , as he had some time on the booka at the city jail against him , ho was picked up. Ho wan afterwards released , however , on condition that ho would bo In police court this morn ing. Ho claims to have secured a Job com mencing tomorrow. Dandy Dunn has gone on the war , path for F , Merrlam , who had him arrested some time ago for stealing articles from his store. Dunn was discharged by the court , naid yesterday ho called at the office of Justice Field and swore out two Informations against Merrlam and his son , charging each with perjury , assault and battery and trespass. The case will bo heard on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock and In the meantime both de fendants arc out on bonds. F. Morgal was fined $16.90 for drunken ness yesterday morning In pollco court. His trial on the charge of assaulting his wife Is sot for this morning. Ho Is serving out the sentence In the city Jail , and at the name time trying to recuperate from the effects of a horrible catastrophe that befell - fell him Thursday night. When ho was brought Into Jail his fellow-prisoners de cided that ho needed a bath , and consequently quently applied n hose stream to his exterior for about live minutes. We are solo agents for two of the ( strongest .c Insurance companies In the world , viz : the Impel IH ! of London , Incorporated In 1803 , nnd the Glens Falls of New York , Incorpo rated In 1S19. Lougce & Towle. 235 Pearl st. AN OIIN : i To tlio Ladles of Council IllnfTH nnd Vicinity. Wo have been fortunate enough to make arrangements with the largest and most reliable Importers and retailers of Now York City to have their representative display to our patrons their Immense assortment of high grade novelties , Imported for their line retail trade. This line consists of an endless variety of fine novelties In dress patterns , ( exclusive btyles ) , all wool chullleu , llks of all kinds and u fine grade of wash-fabrics. This opportunity has never before been offered to the retail trade by such n rcspon- elblo house , and can also say It Is a chance to control your own pattern In whatever you may select , there positively being no dupli cates. Thursday and Friday are the days the dis play will bo with Us. Don't fall to see this line , certainly the llnost In Now York City. FOTHKIUNOHAM. WHITELAW & CO. . BOSTON STOUB. Council Bluffs , la. Bee the new art goods at Mrs. Nlles' , Everybody knows Davis snlls drugs. f'Kff.SO.V.iC I''IIH. Mrs. W. H. Wakelleld has returned from a week's visit to relatives In Denver. Mrs. Frank llrlnsmald of Topeka , Kan. , U In the city for a visit with her parents , Mr. and Mrs. 1) . J. Rockwell , Mlas Kate Ryan , who has boon spending a few days with friends In Council Bluffs and Omaha , left , this morning for Columbus , Nob. , to atti'iul tint Teachers association at that place. She will return to West Point Saturday and will resume her work In the public schools of that place n xt Monday , Oas cookliiB stoves lor rent and lor sale Rt < Ja Co.'s offlco. OTS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Good Detcctivo Work fiectms Oharlts Fos ter , Alleged Train Eobbcr. WAS ARRESTED ON MISSOURI SOIL Clawi tlnit Cnntipct Him with Niimrrnu * Hold Wiirk Krturtifil to loivit Wllh- out tlio rornmllty of u Jtfftquliillloii. Deputy Slinrlff O'Brien has returned from a trip to Nevada , Mo. , wltli Charles Foster iillan Charles \Vllley , nllas John Smith alias ft good many other things , In custody Foster Is one of the men who committed a murderous assault on Constable Uaker on New Year's day when Halcer went to the house occupied by Foster and two of his < nfedcralcs , it man and a woman , to levy on a pair of stolen buggy shafts. He and his male companion got away at the time , bin although the woman was captured , she couli bo Induced to give up nothing that \vouli help got track of her friends. By mejiis of considerable good detective work O'Brien managed to find that Foster was In Missouri , and went after him. Fos ter came bick without compelling the officer to secure requisition papers. There Is no doubt of hie being the right party , as Baker has fully Identified him. It la almost eijualb certain that both Foster and his pal were Implicated in the two ( train robberies that took place within bo bhort i Orno last , whiter. It wil bo difficult to prove the fact , however although the officers hero are morally cer tain of It. They are supposed to have com mitted the first hold-up Immediately before coming here and the second within two or three days after they left. One of the lilts of circumstantial evidence Is the fact Uiut the train robbers used a wagon whose fore and hind wheels did not track well , am ! Foster and his companion stole a wagon ol this description at Silver City and used It In making their escape. These two events wore within a few days of ona another. JtKCOlCU mtKAIUNG. The Huston Store. Council UlnlM , In. , Leads them all at a two-mlnuto gait , always at the front with unapproachable bargains bargains that make our would-be com petitors' heads swim. Note the following for today : 2 cases of standard prints , 3c a yard , .worth Co. 2,000 yards outing flannel remnants , 5c a yard , worth 12',4c. 1 case half wool challles , 12'c a yard , worth 19c. 2 cases best Indigo blue calicoes , Cc a yard. Our entire stock of light calicoes , all fast colors , 4c a yard. Our entire stock of fine Scotch zephyr ginghams that sold for 25e now just half price , IL'lic. GO pieces of 12'ic gingham for today , GVic. 100 dozen ladles' fast black cotton hose , the best In America , for lOc a pair , 200 dozen ladles' seamless fast black cotton hose , double toe , only 12'/4c a pair , worth 19c. 19c.Ask Ask to see our ladles' fast black 40-gauge lioso at 23c ; others get 3Gc for an Inferior stocking. 200 dozen gents' seamless half hose , extra weight and heavy ribbed top , lOc a pair or 3 pair for 25c , worth 12c. 100 dozen gents' all linen collars 5c each , worth IGc. An Immense purchase of 1,200 dozen of ladles' and gents' handkerchiefs. Ask to sec bargains. Marked Cc , 7c , lOc or 3 for 25c : 19c or 3 for 50c. You will agree with us that the others are not In the hand kerchief business. Silverware at a big saving. We have still a few dozen of $1.00 ladles' undressed kid gloves , Foster lacing , we offer at BSc a pair. If you have not se cured a pair of the ladles' 4-button Glace gloves that wo offer at 85o a pair do so now , our former price was $1.50 ; this Is certainly the biggest glove bargain ever offered. We arc at the top with silk mitts and gloves as usual. CO pieces of fancy brocade drefcs goods In all the best shades only 12' c. 25 pieces figured china silks , all silk , not a cotton back , 17c a yard. 25 pieces kalkl silks , the newest and nobbiest thing on the market for silk waists , etc. , our price 45c a yard , others' are getting "Sc. Just to hand , a now and nobby line of lace curtains an'd portieres. Calico wrappers , call and see the largest , the nobbiest , the newest and best inado Karmerit.s and at the lowest cash prices In the city. SECOND FLOOR. Capes and jackets. Ilcfuro making a purchase , for your own Interest be sure you have seen our lino. We don't claim anything , -foundation , we claim to have the best line and can save you money. Wall paper going out by the SO and 100 roll lots. Get ycur papering done before the busiest part of the ceason is at hand. BOSTON STORE , Fotherlngham , Whltclaw & Co. , Leaders , Council Bluffs , la. The best system of shorthand taught at Western Iowa college , 546 Broadway , Council Bluffs , la , , by experienced , practical teachers. Tuition only $4.00 per month. Choice of typewriters , only $2.00 per month. barred Concert Sunday Xiglit At St. Francis Xavlcr'a church. Leading musicians of both cities participate. Cholco program. Federal Court. Most of yesterday was occupied In the trial of the $20,000 damage case of II. II. Ladd against the Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy Railway company , The evidence was all In and the attorneys completed their arguments before the jury at tlio hour of evening adjournment. The case of Osslun against the Burlington for damages on account of u collision at Galesburg , III. , in which ho sustained a broken leg , was settled. It was the next case on the assignment and was to have been taken up this morning. Judge Wooluon will devote his attention to cases on the criminal calendar Instead. Thomas Quintan pleaded guilty to boot- logging ana was scntcncca to seventy clays Imprisonment in tlio Lue county jail and the payment of a line of $250. Ephrulm West pleaded guilty to the same churgo and was lined $275 and glvon a 150-day term In the 1'ottawattamla county jail. Neither of these sentences wore suspended , Judge Woolson having adopted a more vigorous enforcement of sentences for bootlegging this term than heretofore. The grand jury returned seven Indict ments , all of them for violations of the revenue laws. Nothing has been done with reference to the promoters of the "bond Invsmont" schemes , but the grand jury Is hearing evidence , Tlio HiuiUerit Mfti AHHOUOII | | | Of Des Maine * , la. , stands at the head of all mutual Insurance. U furnishes Indem nity for tliu least money , Is the safest , soundest and hua the largest reserve for pol icy holders , $1,244,240.63. A comparison will convince the most skeptical. Address W. O. Wlrt , agent , 71fi Willow avenue. Lost , chestnut ( Illy , 2 years old , white face and left hind foot white. Last seen was crossing motor bridge Thursday noon. Lib eral reward for information. 13. A. Wick- ham , When you come to the best hose for sprink ling the lawn It Is the Maltese Cross. You can always get this and lighter grades In rubber and cotton ho&o at Blxby's , 202 Main street. The paints that took the highest award at the World's fair were the Heath & Mllllgaii paints Davis , the druggist , sells them. Get prlc > s.from Shugart & Ouren , the leadIng - Ing seedsmen ot. Council Bluffs , Masonic temple. ' Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap. Killing ; the Cram. The grass In Dayllss park , which was formerly a thing of beauty , Is found to bo something very far from a joy forever , for ho graes U all dying out and there Is hardly enough green stuff there to garnish a sirloin u-ak. In another year , unless something la done , Dayllss park will to fit only for lawn tennis courts , and n "scalping" process will ba necessary to pu It In shape , for there will bo nothing to scalp. I'ark Commissioner Casper state that the only thing that will make the purl presentable Is to trim the trees. A dleput among the commlfslonuis ns to the prope thine to be done under the circumstance Is response for the present state of affairs H Is hoped that the commlsloncrs will b able to "get together" soon , In order tha the park may bo preserved In Its forme attractive condition. TlliV A I.I. ASK tt'HV. And llycrV ( iniiul Sprclnl Sain .Still Con tinned. Kvefy day hundreds of ladles Inquire Why are wo selling goods so cheap ? They want to know If we are going out of bust nccs , and ark why wo can now sell all o those late style congress , laced and button boots for $1 that we formerly sold for $5 and all other shoes at the same reduction. The reason wo" can make this great re ductlon Is because wo want your trade. W can afford to sell you a pair of shoes at a reduction , confident that Ife can get yoi to wear a pair of our shoes we will get you trade In the future. We assure you that w have no old goods , and that we bought fo spot cash from manufacturers greedy fo money their bast lines of spring goods and we Intend for a week to give old and no\ customers some of the makers' nrollts. Yoi only need to remember that Clint S. Bycr Is the man and that 412 Broadway Is tit place. Mycrs-Durfeo Furniture company , 236-23 ! Broadway , save money and time to patrons For Cobs go to Cox , 10 Main street. Tele phone 48 , Domestic soap breaks hard water. Important to Irn Consumer * . The purest and cleanest Ice In the worlt Is that taken from water works reservoirs of Council Bluffs. J. P. Mulholland has made arrangements with Gilbert Bros , to supply all of his customers this summer with this Ico. Orders left at the office , No G 1'earl street , will receive prompt attention Telephone , IS6. Spring term Western Iowa college opens Monday , April 2. Normal , business um shorthand courses. Teachers of practlcii experience and highest success In every de partment. Tuition only $1.00 per week. I'oitnl Will Movn. The Postal Telegraph company will move Its office today from the Grand hotel build ing to the basement of the Baldwin block 3 Pearl street. E. J. Nally , assistant su perintendent , and C. M. Baker , superin tendent of construction , are expected to arrive In the city today to look after tht work of moving. at Auction. Carload , consisting of the best books medical , mechanical , miscellaneous , albums bibles , etc. Private sale by day and auction at 7 p. in. , 536 Broadway. While you are paying for laundry why not get the best ? The Eagle laundry solicits a trial and Invites comparison. Telephone 15 ? . Jarvls Wine Co. ; Council Bluffs , sole agents Jarvls 1877 brandy. No Undertaker Need Apply. If your children arc affilctod with diph theria , Dr. Jefferls' remedy will save their lives. No physician requlredi Has stoot the test of 35 years. For sale by J. C. Do Haven , George It. Davis and Morgan & Co. , successors to Beardsley. Also 2404 Cuinlng street , Omaha , or address Dr. Thomas Jof- fcrls , Council Bluffs , la. Price , $3. The lieu Art Kollol. Completed this week , can be bound by Morehouso & Co. , Council Bluffs. You can leave your orders at Bee office. Neat mo rocco binding , $1.00. The Uundrlos use Domestic soap. Wo hove In stock 1,000 hot-bed sash of our own make. Come and sec-Us'or write for prices. State quantity wanted. Council Bluffs Paint , Oil and Glass Co..Masonic tern- plo building , Council Bluffs. Washerwomen use Domestic soap. Jarvla-Wlno Co. , Council Bluffs. Colo's air tight wood stoves , just the thing for spring heater , costs 4c a day to run one : hold fire 48 hours. Stoves from $8.00 to $12.00. Cole & Cole. 41 Main street. AMONG THE TOILERS. The action of the Central Labor union In Instructing their committee on legisla tion to see that the assessors make returns according to law Is being well received by the members of affiliated organizations. The sentiment Is very strong In labor cir cles for honest assessments. The clerks of W. R. Bennett company gave a ball In Washington hall Thursday night which was a pronounced success. About ninety couples took part In the dance , which lasted until the small hours of the morning. It Is the custom of this firm to give a ball for their employes once each year. District assembly No. 126 will hold an open meeting In the near future to discuss the reforms that will be demanded by the labor forces from the candidates at/ the fall election. It Is the general talk now that the working people will center upon a few demands which they will place be fore all the candidates with a view to se curing their promise to vote and work for such reforms as are demanded. Principal among these will be a demand for the abolition of the contract system upon all public work. Quick Kepeiitanee. Judge : Jack The boat's settling fast , Tom , and we never can swim ashore with these heavy ducking boots on. If Provi dence lets me out of this scrape , I'll go to church regular and never swear again. Tom And I'll never drink another drop or bo iross to my wife any more. Jack She's settled another foot , Tom. Wo haven't long to live. O , why did 1 ever scoff at religion ? Tom Try and pray , old man , while I hold the guns : try anil pray. Jack Well , Tom , who In would have thought that this pond was only two feet deep. Let's have a drink. Tom I'll go you ! 'Itonnd Too Much. Chicago Tribune : Palo with suppressed Indignation , Algernon McStab uncrossed his legs , rose sillily and turned up his coat collar , "Glycerine McCurdy , " ho howled , "you have seen fit to sneer at mo. You have accused mo 01 having a wheel In my head. If I have , false beauty , It Is at least a wheel that has run true to you ! " "Ah , yes , " replied the young woman , with n pensive , far-away look In her soulful eyes , "and yet I hardly want you for a hub , you know ! " lloicngr. Chicago Tribune : "You you will not do anything rash , Mr. Harkalong , will you ? " exclaimed the young woman In a trembling voice. The rejected lover , pale , but resolute , rose slowly to his feet. "Henrietta Plunkett ! " ho answered through his set teeth , "I will ! Just as surely as you stand there , proud , heartless jeanty that you are , I shall bo In the South 5oa Islands six months from now , the happy lusbanil of fourteen wives ! " Frankly Stated. Washington Star : "I I'd like to marry your daughter , sir , " the youth confided to : ho fair OIIO'B severe parent. "You want to marry m y daughter ! " 10 thundered. "Young man , will you be ; oed enough to tell mo what your prospects n life are ? " "Well , they seemed pretty good when I talked with your daughter. But since see- ng you I've come to the conclusion that I laven't any. " Under the provisions of general orders No. 10'series of IS90 , headquarters of the army , Sergeant George P , Garrett , company F , Seventeenth Infantry will be discharged from the service- the United Stolen on the 21st lay of April , 1894 , by commanding officer of he post at which ho Is stationed. Ie ) trter'H Itclruie Not a Dlschnrce. WASHINGTON , March 30. Acting Secre- ary of War Doe baa formally decided that $4,841.00 Bankrupt A. A. Sentrave-'s ; entire stoik Rcing at ruinous . Givatcst 1 ' prices. uikrupt S.ile on record. Follow the crowd to Hennlson's Suturilit } ' . going at halt of Sca ruve's prices. Open every evening during this sale. HIg sale Saturday evening. DRESS GOODS AND SILKS AT HALF PRICE J3i cycle J/Tose / , A BIG SALE SATURDAY EVENING. ? It will pay you to attend. Everything will / It Is wonderful tlio way wo are selling Seagravo's "Be and SGc dross goods at f > 0o /iJ.C pair. bo found as advertised. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dress good * and silks. If' you Intend to buy yard. Seagravo's C5c dress goods at 35c Just 100 dozen In this lot of boy's and a new dress this spring'It's ' money In your yard. Scagravo's COc dresj goods at 25c girls' fast black bicycle hose that Scagravo A BIG CLOAK SALE pocket to buy now. ' yard. Seagravo's 3Cc dress goods at 19c ban marked to sell at 20c and 25u , sizes C to ' yard , Scagrave's 2Gc dress goods at 12'.4c U , They go on sale Saturday at Jackets Scagravo'a $1.00 drees goods at C9c yard. yard. , / ? /.c / pair. Chinn Slllcs , 131ticlc Gloria Silks , Ladles' Jersey ribbed vests at Ladles' all wool Jacket" , very latest style , In black , brown , tan and navy blue , Satur SGc yd. Gc ench. day , $5,00 : actual value , $ S.GO. ' Ladles' $10.00 Jackets , Saturday , $6.50. 10,000 yards of printed China silk , Sea- Seagravo sold this silk at $1.CO ; It's 50 A lilK sale Saturday1 evening. Don't miss U. 100 children's al wool jackets. In navy graves sold at f > 0c ; goes now at 2Gc yard. Inches wide. We are closing It at S6c yard. IGc Saxony al 5c skein. blue and red , bountifully trimmed , age 4 to yarn 14 , Saturday only $1.98 , worth . . 30c German knitting at 15c skein. years , $3.00. SJPJ3CJLAI yarn All our misses' $5.00 Jackets In tan , navy , Itibbons Sc ami brown , Saturday , $3.50. ynrd. Saturday evening , from 7 to 9 p. m. , we 25c , at 8 l-3c pair. Now , gents , this Is a , A magnfficcnt line of LADIES' CAPES at ' ' nil silk , satin and grain greatly reduced prices. Wo got too , offer Scugrave's entire stock , over 100 dozen snap. Catch on. Only Saturday evening at Seagravo's gros many ' ribbon , that ho sold at lOc , loc and 20c , are and will make some very low prices for fast black liose Bents' , full regular made , 8 l-3c pair. now EC yard. Saturday to reduce stork , that bo liad marked to pell at IRc , 20c anil Undies' $4.00 rapes , Saturday , $2.50. lOc. Ladles' $ G.OO and $6.00 capos , Saturday , $3.98. FOR TI113 JOAJDZGS. All of ScftRra\o'8 lile. 20e and 25c ribbons Ladles' $7 , GO capes , Saturday , $ G.OO. Saturday evening , 7 to 9 p. in. , wo offer Entire dress pattern for $1.00. If you want are now going at lOc jard. Ladles' ' $10.00 capes , Saturday , $6. GO. Ladles' black Putin , Bilk lined 300 dress patterns of half wool dress goods , n nice , stylish dress , bo on hand Saturday oideries , throughout , elaborately capes trimmed , a $25.00 that Scagravo sold at 25c , 35c and 40c yard. evening. nnd garment , Saturday , $15.00. Ladles' black molro silk capes , the $25.00 kind , $15.00. Wo Gents9 Shirts $1.50 Chenille covers going at 10,000 yards of embroidery that Sengrave carry everything Unit Is new and nobby In , TSc. sold at He , lOc , 12V4c and 15c , are now 2 < 4c ladles' ' capes and Jackets. _ 19 c. . nnd Go yard. _ . ' I-'crsinn <a\vls Over 500 gents' outing flannel shirts that 25c satin Damask ton els , now fin ndkcrch icfs , Scagravu sold at GOc , go Saturday at 19c , & 8.9S. each. We bought this stock cheap and are J5c. nnd lOc. . Mr. Scagravo carried sjmo very handsoma selling It the same way. 23c Turkish towels , now More than 1,000 In this lot. All Sea- silk and won ! Persian chuwls , that ho sold ' 1 gravo's lOc , IGc , 20c and 25c handkerchiefs , at $12.f.O , $15.00 and $ IS.OO. They must go. Gents' Shirts 121.C. ' ' ' Take choice Saturday at $8.90. , In ladles' and gents' , are now Gc , 7'ic , lOo your and IGc each. bUc Turkish towels , now _ Ln d ies' S kirts , ScRgravo's outing flannel , Madras cloth 0 MH Eyoty Evening Duriuy This gqlc. $1.98. and French percale negligee shirts that ho . . sold at 73c , go at 39c each. Z/ac/ies' China Silk , Ladles' $ .1.00 black brllllantlno skirts , Sat * .You fine at sucb never bouglit dry eoods . . ' low prices before. It's a wonderful sale. and molro silk ties , with lace ends , the lat unlay , $1.93 each. Seagrave's $1.00 French percale shirts now est fail , at ' 0Oc ench. Corsets , 79c. atOSc ench. Ladies' Shirt Waists SGc. Dr. Warner's Corallne , Dr. Warner's Sold by others at $1.50. , 7c American best Indigo blue calico , Heultlt and Dr. Warner's " 333 , " Imported _ _ 500 ladles' shirt waists , the Mo kind , at 4lc yard. I. C. and C. P. All the above now goltiR atone SPECIAL NOTICE. only 25c each. . price , 70c they sell one pair ; everywhere When received this Immense stock at $1.00 up to $2.50. we we JCid G7oves ? , 79c. 10c white Shaker flannel now rented the front basement of our building to : arrange and mark this block. Not one-half All odds and ends of Scagravo's kid gloves , 3ic yard. Hosiery. Foster , Paul's genuine gloves In this lot , all been and sale. has yet brought up put on . Moro than 5,000 pairs yet to be sold of go at 7c ! ) pair. " " We bring It fust as we can make room "Seagrave's fast black 12'ic ' sateen at ladles' , misses' and chlldrcn'H. Also men's up as Council Bluirs. MV DD/ll ? hose at DC , lOc , 15c and 19c pair. In cotton for It. Look out for a Bllll greater bargain IN BROS 62 c yard. and all wool ; not half of Seagrave's prices. day than ever next Monday. , , a deserter's release Is In no sense a dis charge from the army , nor does It In any way remove the charge of desertion. cAitiimn owjtr J > I.ITII. Notable IVoplo AVlioso C'arcem Iliue Ilccn Kuded liy the Grim Angel. BOSTON , March 30. Jane 0. Austen , the well known authoress , died this morning at the Hotel Walerson. BADEN , March 30. Jacob Rosenheln , the celebrated composer and pianist , Is dead. Ho was born at Mannlfelm December 2 , 1S55. DUBLIN , March SO. Most Rev. Charles Parsons Relchel , D.D. , Protestant lord bishop of Meath , Is dead. u DENVER , March 30. ' Charley Ronan , who came here several weeks ago from Kan sas City , died last night'of consumption. Ho was one of the bests-known sporting men in the west. At one time he was the com panion of Jako-Schacffer , the bllllardlst , and afterwar'ds a leader among the sports of Kansas City , Leavenworth , Dodge City , Kan. , and Santa.Fe , Albuquerque , Silver City and other towns in..New Mexico. An Kxcellciit Medicine. Our druggists sell a preparation for rheu matism that has performed some remark able cures. Frank Shepardson , an engineer on the Southern Pacific railway who resides at Los Angeles , Cal. , was troubled with rheumatism for a long time. Ho was treated by several physicians , also visited the Hot Springs , but received no permanent relief until he used Chamberlain's Pain Balm , which Is the medicine referred to above. Ho says It Is the best medicine in the world for rheumatism. SHOT TO itii.r. riu ; PATRIARCH. Determined Attempt on the Life of the DUtliiRiilxlicd Armenian 1'rclato. CONSTANTINOPLE , March 30. A deter mined attempt to kill the Armenian Patriarch as he was leaving the cathedral hero was made on Sunday last. The affair Is causing a great sensation and the facts in the case have been carefully guarded. The would-be assassin ds 22 years old. He fired twlco with a large revolver at the Patriarch and after being nrrostcd said he Intended to kill the distinguished prelate. Tha prisoner added that there were several others In the plot and that they would < eventually carry out the plans .to kill the Patriarch. During the course of his ex amination the prisoner said : "Wo are de termined to kill him because he Is Incapable of managing Armenian affairs. " The cathedral Is now watched by a special guard. Several arrests have been made In connection with the plot. A Fmorltr for Coughs anil Colds. "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is the best medicine for coughs and colds wo have ever sold , " says S. Keel & Son of Coal Run , Ky. It Is a favorite because It can always bo depended upon. It loosens a cold , relieves the lungs and effects a permanent cure. Whooping cough Is not dangerous when this remedy Is freely given , iis It Iliiulfics the tough mucus and makes it easier to expec torate. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by druggists. ' XGS 1WRSED. I'ortlon of Harry , 111. , ICutlrely Destroyed liy I' ° lre. QUINCY , III. , March 30. Fire today de stroyed about fifty buildings at Barry , Pike county , comprising almost the entire business portion of the city. Loss about $200,000. r .J 1'rclRht Him Through the Obstruction. OXFORD , O. , Marchj'iso. ' An attempt was made last night toyr < jik ) the St. Louis ex press on the Cincinnati1 , ! , Hamilton & Dayton road , which leaves Cincinnati at 7:20 : and Is due here at 8:28. : through freight was ilmost derailed by an" obstruction on the high bridge south of 'hero. ' The very heavy engine and Its great /p/'cd / ( ' prevented a tcr- rlblo wreck and alsp , , saved the express which the wreckers were after and which carried a largo amount'pf money. How -Clilcimo .Man , AVuti Cured of Itlifii- Mr , John Hall of ,923fj Commercial avenue , Chicago , met with 'a 'serious accident for which ho used Chqihborlaln's Pain Balm freely , with the best results. "But now , " says Mr. Hull , "coined the best part of my story. For many years I have been quite a sufferer with rheumatism , with stiffness of .ho joints. Since the appllcatlon of Olmm- jcrlaln's Pain Balm , 'all symptoms of rheu- nattsm have disappeared ; In fact I bcllevo ; hat It has banlsho'd'pvcry trace of rheuma tism from my system , " For sale by drug gists. The Uin of Moiled Water. "Cook your water as you do your food , " s the advice of a well known physician In the Now York Tribune. This Is really not llfficult to manage If tAa affair ( s system atized , and when properly filtered and aerated boiled water Is as bright , sparkling mil agreeable to the taste as any o'Jier. There are filters that come especially for aerating water us well as filtering It , and f servants are accustomed to fill the filter regularly the dally provision of water In hla way becomes us much a part of the lousehold machinery as cooking , and one al- vays has the satisfaction of knowing that vater prepared la this way U perfectly DIRECT FROM THE TANK JS'o Sailer. A'a Steam. No Engineer. BEST POWER for Corn and Feed Mills , Baling Hay , Running Sepnrators Crcamerles , Ac. OTTO GASOLINE ENGINES Stationary or Portable. to 50 II. P. 8 to 20 11. P. ipnil forCatalosue , Prlceo , rtc. , dcccrililns vor'c to 1 clone. Chicago , 245 Lake St. . OTTO GAS ENGINE WORKS , Omaha , 107 S. Hth St 33d & . Walnut St * . , l'mLA.U Xl > UIA , IA. Empkie-Shugart & Co. , JOBBERS IN SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE AMD FIELD SEEDS. BICYCLES A full line of medium and high grade wheels. Send for catalogue. 109 , 111 , 113 , 115 Main StreetCouncil Bluffs , la Wliv v/asle tlroo , money nnd health with "doctora" wonderful ' cure-1 nils,1' Buecifka , etc. , when I will scnil you FKJili tlio prescription uH parUculBrapf o new certain remaly'that ' Jsacpmploto euro trUslnic calcli'libout U/'AnyiirncKlstcnriputHupfor j you in everything Is plain and simple. All I ask In return la that you will buy ft email quimllty or tno [ remedy Itscltofiuv , ull ready for uso.uutmny dona you plco&onliout this. AllleUorasontBcaled. I U. II.IlUNGJJHFOmMJoxA ICO , Albl.lll , Mich. I - safe. It must tin borne In mind , however , that the temperature of water Just brought to n boll IH not sufllclont to dosroy bacteria ; thirty minutes steady boiling Is the rule. Thu Century War lloolc. Some years ago when the question of how the btory of the civil war should bo written was under discussion , the Century company conceived the Idea of publishing descriptive and analytic articles on 4ho great battles of tlio war , written by the leading commanders on cither side. For example It was planned to liavo articles on the battle of Shlloh by General Grant , commander of the Army of the Tennessee and General llnull , com mander of the Army of the Ohio on the union side , and by General Heauregard and the son of General Albert Sydney Johnston on the confederate side. This plan'was fol lowed as to every Important campaign and battle of the war , and the result was a phe nomenal revival of Interest In war history. The circulation of the Century went up to 225,000 copies , and there was such a de mand for the war articles that they wore extended and amplified and published In four large , handsome volumes. This "Leaders and Uattles of the Civil War" Vaa In Illustration , In text , and In typographical handling one of the hand somest and most valuable publications ever Issued In America. It had a largo sale , but Its price put It beyond the reach of the masses. I'ccullar Interest attached to the volumes because , as both Bides of the great contest were concerned , the publishers were able to secure the jlnest collection of photo- etnpliH , battle maps and sketches , made from paintings or from life , ever collected and the volumes became n souvenir to the pe pli Interested In the war for the Union. The stories of the battles were told , as has been bald , by the commanders-ln-chlef , by members of their staffs , by ofllcers In com mand of the raiding parties and dotach- mcnts , and by many In the ranks who were participants In exceptional episodes , and all tliC'HO were arranged In such a way as to tell the story of the war , the special re ports being supplemented by statistical In formation from olllclal teports as to the strength of the armies and IOSECH In battle. So great was the demand for a popular or people's edition of this great work that the publishers finally decided to Issue In a cheaper form the "Century War Hook. " This will Include all of the tnost striking features of the original work , giving special promi nence to tha pictures and will bo Issued In parts , portfolio size. The leading articles by the great generals will be given In full , General Grant telling the story of Bhlloh , Vlckbburg , Chattanooga and the Wilderness , and Sherman , McCIellan , Longstreet , Hill , Deauregard , Howard , Durnslde , Mosecrans and other * tolling the Btory of tha battles In which they participated or commanded. The peculiar merit of this work Is that the historical articles are from the military or unparttsan standpoint , ICncli olllcer wrote with a soldier's courtesy for opponents and with the full understanding that every state ment he inado would bo carefully weighed and criticised. Appreciating the full value and Influence of the widest possible circula tion of Huch a work , In reviving and stimu lating Interest In the great struggle that fixed the status of the union. The lieo offers the People's edition of the "Century War Uook , " published In weekly parts , on terms announced In Another column. Made a well Man of mi ! crmT HINDOO REMEDY VOI DCCC3 TUB ABU\ - - \ IT Itnsi'l.'lSlii CUIIAVR. Cures nil \ > ? 7L Nervjua Wseamn , Fulling Memory , V "TvC , Pure. lnSlcciik.ktnc , WcuLiirKki.t ( > , , > vJ- caiuol by paitnbuso * nnd quickly bnttiiri'ly rvitori-i l.o.t J.inlioo.l Inoliloi.j-ouMi.- lly can fed In vent pocl.c't. : 'i li'o ! , ( > ( ! a | i\i-kniu. Blr for 95.011 nltb a nrlltviiaiiiirnHlrptufiiroarmonryrrriiiiilrd. Don't t > uu an imitation but liiiltt on hat Ini ; 1 Ml A I'll , ir fourtinigu-lbllins not iot It no lll send it nieimld. Urlrnlal .M.-illciil Co. , CllirAbO , ILL. , or their titatt. SOi..t by Knhn * Co. . Cor. ISth nnd Donfrlam Rtn , nnd I 1' tlco In tlin fttntn unil rmirtx. 'KoiiuiH UOU-7-8-0 , Shilffur ) Council Hindu , lit Special COUNCIL BLUFFS : lO YOU KNOW THAT DAY & IIUSS IIAVK eome choice barenlna in fruit and tin Jen land near tills clly ? AiuiAGi : nr.iiovuD , cussrooi.s , VAULTS chimneys cleaned. Cd llurlle , at Tailor's grocery , HO Uioudwny. AUSTItACTS AND LOANS. I'AIIM AND city propel ty IjouRlit iinj sold. 1'usey & Thomas , Council 1 Huffs. YOUNQ I.ADY STKNOQItAI'HCU AND TYl'H. writer desires Munition ; linn hnd vxpcrli'iicu In IwoIikkeiMilnK al o ; best references Addict N 20. lice , Council llluffa. WANTKD ONIl OH TWO KUIINIHIIKD DOOMS for lleht houpckevplng , Addre s lien , lieu ulllcc , Council liluflu. I'lHSf CI.AHS , FOU W I1LIAD of nlock , uhout 3 miles north of town. C'nltle } . ' .75 to 11.0) , horxi-H 11,00 to 57.00 , for ne.isun , April IS lo October 16. Clood MI.UI In C.'IUIKO of mock ; plenty KIIIBS , call and wiitcr. Or Hill n nl In uood man with ll.uuo.0) ) capital ID Invent In dully , hot ; und poultry buslncsa , good C-ri.uin luiu f nnd nil miuenieneen. 1. , I' , Juduon , ! O dtli avenue or 323 llrca.lway , Coun cil muffs. WANTm > oo picas ; must liu cheap ; uUu want tn buy uiud ilrlvlni ; hrirHe ; must bu u bargain. Addii/ua 1C3S Ilioailnuy. Volt HUNT , TllUKi : UNI-VIINIHJIKU IIOOM8 , wit I heat , bntli , etc. , eullublo for lleht house- kct-plng , Annex Oniml lioli-l , upcond floor. KOlt HAI.K. fUHAP. TWO ANi > ONI3HALF ucii'a land on Urulnim a\i nue , at II-MI limn lotH are uoltl fur In name locality. Lot on Fnurtli utrerl , tun blockn fniin court h < m e , CD feel frontage. Two lots , corntr , ' 1'hlid avrnuo and KlKliln-nth ulrcel. KuHy Icnns. A. L' . Prod ; , ownyr , 2M lllutr utriiil , Ml'BT Hi : BOLD. ONU GOOD WOltK TiAM : , 8 and 9 yearn old , one ucvi'ii-clHhlhs lluinlilelnn- liin Ktulllon , 4 yearn old , Cheap for ruth or on _ tl'j _ " . _ K _ ' .CO"I iiSSl'Ht : " "th t wultr win UB , Foil HAW : . JI.COO.GO WORTH i'imi'KUTY IN ViTiion , Tex. , two coed lots In Quunah , Tex. ; IKo-thlrdi nctual Miluc. Addreka U 20 , Her. Council IllDffd , WANTED. Ai'l'IlU'NTIt'K OUtirT-dir TiTlT- llnery. Ml E. U Hugtdale , 10 1'riill | rcel. FOUND , COW ) WATCU FOU. WHICH 'OWNKU cun have by culling at tbe lie * olflcr. Identify- IRK property and paying for thli notice , MECCA COMPOUND. ThcSovereign Remedy for Burns. Inst'inlly relieves nil p.iin nnd hoala without scarring. Endorsed by tlio mudical faculty and multitudes of poo- pie whoso sulTcrings H hits roliovc'd. COUNCIL lILt'liTS. In. , An ? . SC. 1891 Tim Koater MfR. Co. : Gentlemennm hnppy to tes tify to the womlerful in.iglo effect of yuur Mecca Compound In bums. I wnn binned , us you know , by nn 'explosion of n iilunilioi'H gasoline fiumica on tlic momlne o [ July 2 , 1S9I. The entire mir- face of mv Lock , lumx nti'l ' bark of lower llmlia was to b.idly buincd thnt l.uiro pot lions of blis tered iMn rnmp oft \ \ \ \ \ \ the rumovnl of my cloihlnK. The pnln thnl followed Is liidescrlb- nble. I ronld not IIIIVP endured It twenty-four boms and lived. The hock WIIH so ernat that I \\cnt ulinoHt Intu spasmf. but In two houis after tile npiillrntlnn of your Mecca Compound 1 was almost finitely relieved from puln and In nlnc- tecn days utter the accident uas back at my I ciin nlso further sUite thnt Micro will not ba n Kcnr left from Uiut teiilblc bum , and all U duo to your Mecca Compound. It should be kept In every home , uotkghop or place of bUHlnesa for Immediate'iitd'In cnsc of nn accident. I feel thnt I cannot Buy too much for your wonderful remedy. Yours \ery respectfully , Prepared by THE FOSTER MANUFACTURING CO. , COUNCIL. 1IM1FPS IOWA. And for Sale by All Druggists. . FOR -THE inciiarsoof tiiosist3r3 of IVIoroy , This renowned Institution In ultuatod on tin hUli bluffs'c of nnd ovorlooUlnx thO city of Council UliilTd. Tuo Bit'lou | ; grounds , Hi hlKh location nnd splendid view , malco It a moat pleasing ; rotrnit for tlio aflllctod. A Rt lT of em nont physicians nnd a lur o cornsxit ox pcrloncod nurses minister to the comforts of the patients. Special care ijlvun to ludy pa tients. TERMS For particulars uuplv to SISTER SUP ft9 ! } ! , Frank Street --Goanjll BliU - - - , Im To the Ladies and Gentlemen -01'- Council 1Hnils and Vicinity : You tire cordhilly invited to visit THE Evans' Laundry Corner Pearl st. and Sixth ave. , on Wednesday nnd Thursday afternoons of each wool ; , nnd sco in operation the Fil > cst Equipped a-pd Best JVIapaged liau-pdry Plant in the West. Our speelnltloa nro Shirts , Collars and Cuffs. Notice the work nnd get prices for himlly wash ing. Telephone UDO. TIIK IJVANS' L.VU.N'DKY CO. OEO. P. SANF03D , A , W. niCKMAH , l'ru.sldurit. C'ushlur. First Nationa of COUNCIL BLUFFS , Iowa. Cnpitiil , . . $100,000 Profits , . . . 12,000 OIKI of Ihu olilent ImnkH In llin Hlalu of Iowa. Wo bollclt your biiHliititm and collections.Vu pay a pvrruiiton tlnm ilupotiltn , Wuwlllbu pleaiud to tico and uorvu you. NEBRASKA NATIONAL BANK. U. S. Depository , Omaha , Nebraska CAPITAL 8400.00O SURPLUS 855,503 Officers and Dlrcctorm Henry W. Yatt'i , pre tlcnti John H. Collins , vlcu iiruHldunl ; Luwlii S Itei'd , Cashier. Win. II. b. Ilufla'B , uaaluUut cannier. THE IRON BANK.