Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 29, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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    n\rAiTA r > Afr.v HRR , TTTIMKIIAv ATAnnr wi ism
Glcriuda Counterfeiters Given Penitentiary
Sentences and Heavy Fines.
With Crinlu Mold * They Turned Out I.cnel
NlrlecU mid Their Children I'lnccil
'llirm In Circulationletnn iJm
tlccs Not AfTcctcil ,
Tlio grand Jury In tlic United States court
returned riiilto a number of Indictments ! yea-
tcnlny , anil In default of any work to be done
on tlio civil Hide of the docket Judge Wool-
Bon took up the cases of the parties HO In
dicted. Among the number were ICmamiel
Wellevcr nnd Daniel Colburn , both of ClarInda -
Inda , They had been engaged In the imimi-
facturc of nickels out of load. Colburn , who
Is Wollavur'B aon-ln-law , him two little Rlrls ,
HOBO- and Ulta , one 9 yearn of UKO and tlic
ether thlrtCL'ti , and after the Bpnrlotis rolns
were turned out from the private mint the
llttlu Klrln were Rent out lo upend them.
They managed to PUSH at least II ft eon or
twenty of them before they were detected.
After n trial yesterday Wcllcvcrvns sen
tenced to pay a fine of $760 and spend two
yours at hard labor In the penitentiary at
I'"ort Mudlson. whllo Colburn was lined $500
and sentenced to a term of twenty months.
Inspector Matt Stedman. who worked up
the case , had In his possession the mould
with which the counterfeit coins had been
made. The apparatus was of the crudest
conceivable form , and went well with the
brand of coins turned out by the flrm. It
consisted < of a hard brick , In each side of
which n round hole had been dug to the
J depth of about a quarter of an Inch. A
e -J nickel hnd been Uld In one of these holcH
and molted lead poured around It , thus formIng -
1 Ing onn side of a mould In which the coins
could ! be cast. In the hole on the other side
of the brick the nickel was laid with the
other Bide up , and so the two halves of the
mould were made without much trouble.
The following bontlegRlng cases were dis
posed of : llam Thompson , pleaded guilty ,
1250 flno and ninety days In the f'ottawatta-
tnlc county Jail ; A. 1) . Petty , pleaded guilty ,
1350 and 150 days ; G. I ) . Nation , $250 and
olghty days ; UH Danowood , pleaded guilty.
| 27f nnd 120 days ; I.oroy Dunbar , $1G' ! ' )
Brd seventy-five days ; C. H. I'erry ,
$250 nnd seventy-five days ; Lorcn Shepard ,
1250 , Due suspended pending Rood behavior ;
William Vetlrlck , $100 and thirty days ,
Bentenco suspended upon payment of costs ;
John Urlght , $250 nnd 100 days on the pay
ment of $50 , sentence to bo suspended until
July 1. 1804.
J. W. Kelly of this county was charged
with opening a registered letter and taking
therefrom $5 , but yesterday when his name
wta called ho failed to respond , having been
released on bonds. Judge Woolson ordered
a" bench warrant Issued for him and he will
bo bro'ught In In disgrace.
n ludcmcnt of
Rome Importance In the case of A. 0. Drown ,
n New York capitalist , against the Klrst Na
tional bank of Corning. Drown loaned tpilto
a sum of money through the bank , but the
securities the bank took proved to be poor
nnd ho tendered them back and asked for
bis money. The bank refused to refund the
money and Drown commenced suit for $5.000 ,
The court held that ho was entitled to
$2,000 , but refused other redress on the
ground that ho had held his securities too
long before making the tender.
To the ) LaellcH of Council HluftN nnel
Wo have liccn fortunate enough to malto
arrangements with the largest anil most
reliable Importers anil retailers of New York
City to linvo their representative display to
our patrons tholr. Immense assortment of
high grailo novelties. Imported for tholr flno
retail traelu. This line consists of an endless
variety of line novelties In dress patterns ,
( exclusive styles ) , all wool challies , silks of
nil l < lnds and n line grade of wash fuhrlcs.
This opportunity has never before been
offered to the retail trade by such n respon
sible house , and can also say It Is n chance
to control your own pattern In whatever yon
may select , there positively being no * 'dupli
Thursday and Friday are the days the dis
play will be with us. Don't fall to see this
linn , certainly the finest In New York City.
Council Dlutfs , la.
See Iho new art goods at Mrs. Nlles' .
Everybody knows Davis soils drugs.
Won't Affect tlio .lustlcrs.
Some of the justices of the pence * of this
I city arc considerably exercised Jn mind
1 f j qvor thp passage of the Waterman law by
M _ _ * "lho legislature , fixing the maximum com-
I IP ponsatlon of justices at $1,203 nnd of con-
L stables at $1,000 per annum. They claim
> i > ihnt they make inoro than that sum each
7 | year , and It Is not right for the county to
-receive part of their fees so long us they
have to pay their office rent nnd the other
expenses connected with the olllccH. W. II.
Ware , who has seen a copy of the hill nnd
examined It carefully , states that the law
eloe not mean that justices must return
all they malto over $1,200 per annum , but
merely nil In excess of that amount In htato
cases , where the costs are paid by the
county. AH there la probably not a JiiHtlco
In the city who realizes $1,200 n year from
Ills criminal business , 11 Is evident that the
justices who nro so worried over the passage -
sago of the law are losing sloop in vain.
The only thing that the law will do Is to
lirovent justices from bleeding the county
by starting buncombe suits , as was the cus
tom amoiiR fcomo of thorn a fu\v years ago.
but It will not affect them so long as they
stick to legitimate lines.
Important to IcoCnimutiiprfi.
The purest and cleanest Ice In the world
Is that taken from water works reservoirs
nf Council llluffs. J. P. Mnlhnlland linn
V..ado arrangements , wlth Gilbert llros. to
Biipply all of his customers this Bummer
with this Ico. Orders left at the ofllcc. No.
l > I'eurl street , will receive prompt attention.
Telephone , 186.
Wo have In stock 1,000 hot-bed Rash of
cur own muUo. Como and see us or wrlto
for prices. State quantity wanted. Council
"ifrtrffs Paint , Oil and Glass Co. , Masonic tetn-
Hlo building , Council llluffs.
Washerwomen USD Domestic sonp.
JarvlaVlno Co. , Council Bluffs , /
'Jon mini's De'iiliil ,
A report 1 .is been circulated through the
press of tills state quoting Hon. Thomas
llowmun of this city us authority for the
vtatLMiii'iil tlmt cx-Oovcrnor Helm would be
ippolntcd by 1'rcsldcnt Cleveland la the afllco
nf Interstate ! commissioner In 1111 the varancy
taiiBiMl by tlio death of Judge MnUlll. Ao-
curdliiK to the published report , Mr , lion man
had an Interview with the pre-sldont , In
which tlu > luttor'N decision had been umilo
knonn to him , Mr. llowman was Kern by n
Jleo reporter yesterday , to whom bet stated
that the report WHS entirely orroin'oira , Ho
ha nut lioou \Vnshlngton slncu the death
cf Judt ; " McDIll and has never had any cnn-
MTbatlon with the president relative tu thei
Rppolnltncnt of a successor.
liuuUx itt Auction.
Carload , consisting of the best books ,
medical , mechanical , miscellaneous , albums ,
bbp ! | , ute. 1'rlvato sale by day und auction
at 7 p. in. , C > : iC llrondway.
Whllo yon are paying for laundry why not
cet HIP best ? The Haglu laundry solldls a
trial and ItnMtos comparison. Telephone 1ST ,
Jarvlx Wlnu Co. , Council Illuffs , solu uccnts
Jtrvls 1S77 hrundy ,
Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap.
Gas root ; I UK stoves for rent and for sajti
kt ( las Co.'s onicc.
I'ruuvill Ile > All
Tlie > fruit gro\vtT8 of Council Illuffu ami the
"xlclnlty ro not looking daggers t the
Ituntlon. One of the hr3t known of thrin
y jterOay that In hU opinion the cold
er hail done > ne > harm whatever tu the-
In this Ylclalty , with the
ceptlon nf IlK" cherry trees , the weather
preceding thin c"ld innp not having bet-n
Wnrm enough to start the budi to ony ex
tent. The announcement that the southern
frntt crop hnd been no badly elamaged hflM
made them look for good prices In case the
weather from now on Is favorable.
1'iojprt of ( lliliiK tliu dm Com-any .Metro
Itupo .Mcctn Midi Oppoilllon.
The committee appointed at the la-it meet
ing of the city council to consider the nd-
vlsahlllty of renewing the contract with the
Council Illuffn Has and Hlcctrlc Mght com
pany for another flve years held u meeting
last evening nt the offloo of Alderman Nich
olson for the purpose of hearing arguments
of Interested citizens In opposition to the
plan. Mayor Cleaver and Aldermen Nichol
son , Spctman nnd Drewlck represented
council and .lames McOabo mid Colonel W.
! ' , linker wcro there from the opposition.
Mr. McCnbc mnile the principal argument
ngalnM. the Mcnttlon. Ho called attention
to thei fact tlmt of tlio $51,000 raised by the
city each year In taxes $13,000 waa paid out
to two corporations , the water company re
ceiving $30.000 and the gas company $13,000.
He quoted extracts from n prominent per-
lodlc.U to the effect tlmt within ten years
gns would I ) ' , ' manufactured at one-half Its
present cost , and snhl It would be mudness
for the city to tie Itself up for another five
years In view of such prospects.
lie nlso ejuoted flguroH to show thnt the
present charges for ch'ctrlc lights wcro ex
orbitant , ns Hhovvn by romparleon with
chargcH made In Chicago , Illoomlngtoit , III. ,
and other cities. Inasmuch as the company
now had no charter and consequently
no righto on the- streets of Council BUilTs ,
he thought It wns the best chance thu city
could e-ver expect to secure possession of the
lighting plant , nnd presented the plan , ns It
appeared In the columns of The Ileo several
days ago , hy which a company should bo or
ganized to put In H new plant and sell It
out to the city as soon ns the city should bo
In Hhapo lo purchase It , for the amount put
into the plant with Interest.
After Mr , McCubo hnd finished his talk
the subject \vas discussed at principal
length , the aldermen and mayor asking
questions which were fully answered by him.
Mayor Cleaver agreed with McC'nbe and
liaker that the city wns paying double What
It ought to for lights. Alderman Nichol
son asked McCabe what steps he thought
should bo taken with reference to the ex
tension of the contract. McCabe said he
would not do anything. "Let It stand as
It h , and If you have to make a contract
don't make one for more than a year. "
"Would the city have the right to stop
the company's manufacturing gas and elec
tric light when the contract expires next
October ? " nskcd the mayor.
"Yes. " replied McCabe , "Icould stop It
tomorrow and the city could not help Itself. "
"Couldn't the company cause us consid
erable ttoiiblo by plopping running Us plant
after the expiration of the contract ? "
queried Nicholson.
"No , " was McCabe's reply ; "the plant was
built for the benefit of the public , and
when the company refuses to operate It
the court will step In and operate it until
It can he closed out and other arrangements
can bo made by the public for carrying on
the work. " In reply to the question
whether the company could not make
trnnlilo bv Imnoslmr any charccs It saw lit.
ho said that It could only charge what the
light was reasonably worth , nnd ho know the
company could not get any more than It
WHS getting now. and probably not BO much.
When the meeting adjourned the members
of the rommllteo seemed to bo rather taken
with the Idea of the city owning Its own
lighting plant , and the probability is that
they will report adversely to the proposi
tion to tie- the city up for another term of
flve years.
UiiUnonn t'orpM' Kouncl.
The body of an unknown tramp was found
yesterday afternoon lying by the side of the
railway track a short distance south of
Honey Creelt station. It was put on board
the train and brought to this city. Coroner
Jennings viewed the remains and decided an
Inquest was unnecessary. One of the men
employed nt the Northwestern roundhouse
said ho saw the tramp pass him Tuesday
afternoon and when asked where he was
going said ho was bound for Chicago. There
was nothing about his person to tell who he
was , but n piece of copper wire bent In such
a way that It might , bo paslly used.for un
locking doors gave some Idea ns to his pro
fession. A brass check similar to those used
in saloons , "good for 5 cents In trade , " was
hung about his neck by a strong buckskin
cord , evidently ns a charm of some kind.
There wcro no bones broken nnd nothing to
Indicate how he met his death , excepting a
slight bruise on the top of his head. The
remains will be donated to the Council
Bluffs Medical college.
No IJnelortaltcr Neeel Apply.
If your children are afflicted with diph
theria , Dr. JelT < ; rls' remedy will save their
lives. No physician required. Has stood
the test of 35 years. For sale by J. C. Do
Haven , George H. Davis and Morgan & Co. ,
successors to Beardsley. Also 2404 Cumlng
street , Omaha , or address Dr. Thomas Jef-
ferls , Council Dluffs , la. Price. $3.
The lle-o Art Folios.
Completed this 'week , can be bound by
Morchouso & Co. , Council Hinds. You can
leave your orders nt IJee office. Neat mo
rocco binding , $1.00.
( luoil Noivi for Wherlmcn ,
M. 0. Daxon , the Omaha bicycle man ,
has opened n branch house in Council Bluffs
at 337 Broadway. See the new Uambler.
Lady clairvoyant , for ladles only. Llfo
reading , business and health. 203 Fourth
annul Surrrel Cone-crt.
These who enjoy music will have a feast
at St. Francis Xavler's church next Sunday
evening. A sacred concert will be given , In
which some of the finest talent of Council
Bluffs and Omaha will participate. Besides
the choir there will bo solos by Miss C.
Bnbcock , Mr. II , V. Buckley , Captain Klnzlo
and others. Prof , Sutbrlus will give n
mandolin bolo , Mr. Bast and Mr. Sims will
render organ solos nnd the Dudley Buck
quartet will glvo a selection.
Fancy work nnd a large assortment of
aprons for sale at the Elsemnn building this
( Thursday ) afternoon and ovqnlng. Broadway
Colo's air tight wood stoves , Just the
thing for spring heater , costs 4c a day to
run one ; hold fire 48 hours. Stoves from
$8.00 to $12.00. Cole & Cole , 41 Main street.
The laundries use Domestic soap.
Altirrluge * MCCIIHCK.
The following marriage licenses were 1s-
Hiieil je'Hterday :
nmn nnd address. Ace.
L'landu l.Ulijott , I'ottnwnttnmlo county. 21
lilu May Vi'spy , Council BlnffH n
3. W. IVnnehaker , Coyne , I'nge county , 32
I'e-lhi h. Anderson , Coyne , Page county , 23
Jnhn rnvnnnugh , N'eola 23
Kutes Mnnuy , Neola 25
The paints thnt took the highest award at
the World's fair were the Heath & Mllllgan
paints. Davis , the druggist , sells them.
Get prices from Shugart & Duron , the leadIng -
Ing seedbinen of Council Bluffe , Masonic
temple. _ _
.Minor .Mi'iitlon.
Boston store , spring dress goods , caps
and jackets.
Wo are sole iige'iits for two of the strongest
lire insurance companies In the world , viz :
the Imperial of London , Incorporated In 1S03 ,
and the Glens Falls of Now York , Incorpo
rated in 1811) ) , Lougeo & Tuwle , 235 Pearl
street ,
A bountiful supper for 25o at the Klsomnn
building from 5:30 : to 8 o'clock tonight ,
Broadway MethodlMs.
IVrsoiml I'lirnKriiphi.
Born , lo Mr. und Mrs , Fred M. I.oomls ,
a son.
Mrs , M. A. Ktngxbury and daughter , Mrs.
Horti'iiHO Gavin and daughter , and Harry
Natmn ha\e gone west for n. vUlt to the Mid
winter fair ,
A representative ! of the flrm of Griffith
& Muggins , wagon manufactnrera of Ana-
meNu , In. , was In the city yesterday looking
the cltjutr with u view to locating their
factory here ,
_ _ _ _
MytTB-Dtirfee Furniture * company , 23Q-23S
Broadway , savtf monry and time ) to patrons ,
For cobs go to Cox , 10 Main street. Tele
phone 4S.
Domtktlc Mouy breaks hard
Iowa Law Maker ? Find it Difficult to Do
Business Owing to the Lobby.
Clatter of the llonntcm Hinder * Work In the
Home Uhocli nt thu I.iiwiiiiiklng
Mill doing Ilniiiiil Itiipldly
on u Itlg UrUt.
DCS M01NKS , March 23. ( Special Tele
gram lo The llee , ) The legislature h lit
erally overrun by the lobby , nnd the nolso
and confusion render It almost. Impossible
to traiH.ict business. Representative Ourley
Introduced a resolution In the house toddy
which declared that the annoyance from
parties soliciting votes had , become unboarn-
blo and directing the scrgcnnt-at-arms to
summarily eject any person who trasgresscs
the rule * ) during the session of the house.
This action cleared the lloor for n moment ,
but the resolution being tabled , the workers
returned In greater numbers In the after
The senate passed a resolution submit
ting prohibition to a vote of the people , but
omitting the self-enforcing features of the
Cornwall amendment adopted by the house.
The prohibitionists claim this Is an act of
bad faith , nnd will Insist upon the senate's
receding from this action. All the republi
cans voted for thu proposition except
13 rower.
Senator Harsh , chairman of the committee
on ways and means , made a final effort
today to secure consideration of the revenue
bill. Senators Kills , Harper and Finn op
posed the bill on the alleged ground that It
would compel the listing of nil farm prop
erty nt Its actual value and he likely to In
crease the farmers' taxes. The motion to
11.x a time to consider the bill was lost , 17
to 19.
The hennte passed the lllggen bill codify
ing mining laws.
The anti-Insurance combine bill passsd the
senate. It makes It unlawful for Insurance
companies to combine to keep up rates , and
provides penalties In fines from $10 to $500.
The Btnto geological survey appropriation
of $ L'0.000 for the coming biennial period
met with vigorous opposition In the house.
An amendment reducing the amount to
$10,000 was adopted. A motion by Morri
son to strike out the enacting clause was
lost. Ex-Speaker Mitchell said It was his
understanding two years ago that $20.000
woutd cover the entire expense of the sur
vey and he found that not only had that
amount been consumed In superficial survey
partially made , but that thousands of dollars
lars extra had been paid in printing nnd
expenses not contemplated by the legislature
which passed the original bill. Ho was
unalterably opposed to these blanket per
mits authorizing Irresponsible parties to put
their hand into the pocket of the taxpayers
at pleasure , and moved nil amendment limit
ing llie loiai expenses 10 uic amount muneu.
Trewln , Itoblnion , Hanck and Allen favored
the bill.
Mr. Carter said It was time this scandal
was fully nlrcd. He found on Investigation
that the chemist at the Agricultural college ,
who was already n salaried officer of the
state , had claimed $ ltJ5 for the single month
of February , nnd that 1'rof. Samuel Calvin
of the State university , who was now re
ceiving $2,200 per year , had actually been
paid about $1,800 , for work during his sum
mer vacation. Taxpayers will not approve
such reckless extravagance by the geological
logical board and felt It was tlrno to call n
halt. The amendment was lost , 31 to 60 ,
and the bill passed , 64 to 15. Those voting
"no" wcro Carter , Chapman , Funk , Har
mon , Horton , Martin , Moore , Morrison ,
Schultz , Sessions , Saw > er , Spauldlng , Stlll-
munkcs , Klemme and Williams of Fremont.
The Iiou&o passed the McCnnn bill , re
quiring the return of the entire number of
electors In each county for Jurors to be se
lected by lot. This measure Is Intended to
do away with the professional Jurors In
large cities. , .
The house finished the regular appropria
tion bills , Including $45,000 for erection of
Ladles' hall at the Agricultural college and
$3,000 for cottages for soldiers' widows at
the Marshalltown Soldiers' home.
The hoiibe elected Attorney General Stone
and Charles IJaker of Iowa City members of
the code commission.
Dunmgo Suit Against tlio Itock Island A
ATLANTIC , In. , Mnrcb iS. ( Special Tele
gram to The Bee. ) Mr.i. Harrison Stone
ueg-nn. suit today against thu Chicago ,
Rock Inland ' & Pnclfls railroad for $50OW
damages for the killing of her husband by
the flyer nt Anltu n phort time ago. The
plaintiff will nttenipt to prove thnt the
train ran through the city of Anltn at too
high n. rule of speed mid thnt the proper
slKimls were not given.
The suit brought against the Hock Inland
road for J.10,000 by one ttoylo for being
ejected from u ttalnv a ended today by
a verdict of $3 for plaintiff.
llclciifccd an Agcu t'omlct.
ANAMOSA , Iu. , March 28. ( Special Tele
gram to The Hee. ) One of the oldest con
victs In the Annmosn. prison was dis
charged yesterday on the expiration of n.
twenty-year sentence. September 211 , 1879 ,
John Simons shot nnd killed u man by the
name of SchultH , They weie both Inmates
of the Clayton county poor farm , wheio
Simons had been for years. One day ho
took hit ) gun nnd went out nshlng. Sehnllz
came tip nnd began throwing stones In the
water where he was llshlng. Simons tola
him to stop or ho would shoot him , nnd us
he did nut stop he did shoot , killing him
Instantly. In 1661 , when the war broke out ,
Simons was dratted Into the rebel army ,
where he served n year , when he made his
escape and Joined the union nrniy nt New
Orleans and served nil through the war.
He has served about lifteen years actual
time In thu penitentiary , getting In good
time live years , live months uncl twenty-
nine * days , nnd during his long sentence he
has never once been punished und never
had but one prison coat nnd vest. He Is
over 70 years of ago and draws $14 n month
pension , and at thu time of his dlschurge
bad over $300 to his credit. There nro but
two convicts in the prison who were there
when ho arrived. The old man has not n
relative on earth nnd no place to go. Steps
are being taken to get him admitted to
the soldiers home. lie has been so many
years In confinement that he walks very
awkwardly on the streets.
Anlmortli still at Liberty.
DES MOINES , March 28-SpecInI ( Tele-
Cram to The Hoe. ) It was reported In this
city this morning that Ashworth , who shot
Mrs. Mason In Warren county Monday
last , had been captured by two brnkemen
on the Chicago Great Western railway
near Huvenswood , Mo. It was learned
Inter that they hnd captured the wrong
num. Other reports received In this city
say that a posse has surrounded Ashworth
In the dense woods around New Virginia ,
In Warren county , Delegations of county
sheriffs with deputies have been iirrlvlng In
the city today on their way to Warren
county. Help Is necessary In tracing the
murderer , nnd other counties nro sending
their officers of the law to Warren cnuiuy
to aid the people In cnpturlng the outlaw.
Word wns also received thnt Sirs , Mason
was still living nt 1 p. in. , hut wns worse ,
and as she was soon to become1 n mother
there 13 no hope of her icrovery from the
wound nnd shock. Ashworth was seen
about dark last night walking pouth on the
Pes Molnes & Kansas City narrow gauge
road , between Prole and \\lok , but nothing
further tins been heard of him , and thu
searching parties are Ktlll In purmilt.
Omaha Prize Flghtur In Trouble.
DUNLAl' , la , , March 2S.6peclal < to The
13ee. ) A musical entertainment and hall
wns given In Punhip last night far tlio
benefit of the Ladles' Silver Cornet band ,
At Its conclusion Ike Parsons , Halmlng to
he a prize fighter fiom Oinulm and it
celebrity of some note In the ring , as
saulted a young lady and knocked down
her escort. He left on an early train , but
a warrant WUR Issued for his arrest , and he
was captured at Missouri Valley lute tiln |
evening and returned to Uimlnp ,
oo Klrlc to Appear In Court.
ATLANTIC , la.iMuirh S-Speclnl } Tele-
Kram to The Hee. ) A. W. Ulckerson , cash
ier , and J. C. Yctzer , president of the Casa
County bank , which recently failed , lire at
large under care of balllffe , having pre
sented certificates of their physicians at
testing their Illness. A request will bo
made to th court by the sheriff and
county attorney to have a commission ol
phvl'Inn * rvnmlno ihim In rfn.irl to their
pin tile , al condition
The Krnn'l ' jury of I'nsn county has
brought In severnl ltirl | < lulcnls agnlnnt the
Hock Island UMIroaMcJmpany , charging
the ofllclnls with conuiK-iuiK nnd condoning
n niilnanoi ! In allowing parties to sell llciuor
from cnrfl while attnidtnt ; on the shit !
tracks In the yards. > IMIttons to enjoin
them are now on llle-po .
SALOON MIJT : l if ATi.srir.i > .
Will Not Krgnhite TJIiWf * Conduct by ho
.Mill-lit IMH :
SIOUX CITY March.i8.-Spoclnl
, - ( Tele
gram to The UeT ) tn.Kor Fletcher has
said that the city ndniliUitrntlon here will
not undertake to enforcb the new liquor
law known ns the Martin net. The eighty
saloons of the city will continue to run ns
of old nnd the keepers 'will be fined $50
each month In police ) isiurt for disturbing
the peace. In this derision he Is sustained
by practically the cntlru council nnd nearly
nil citizens , who declnie the new law Im
practicable nnd distasteful. Dispatches
received from , Ksthervlllt ? , Fort Dalge ,
Lemnrs , Crtston , Council UltlfTs and sev
eral other towns In western town where
the old law has not been enforced are to
the effect that the new law does not an *
swer the purpose and that the old fine sys
tem of regulating saloons will ba con
I'reiiulsu a Si'ii-atlon.
CUKSTON , la. , March 28.-Special ( to The
llee , ) The March term of the district court
Is now In session. The Ooodalo murder
ensp hns been assigned for next Tuesday.
Ilaldcrson nnd KIdd. the men charged with
committing the horrible butchery , will have
separate trials. New developments of a
sensational character are piomlsed In this
ease , and County Atornoy Hull left the city
yesterday In search of additional evidence.
Shot mi OuUldcr.
AL11IA , Tn. , March -Special ( Tele
gram to The Bee. ) James MeDonnld was
shot nnd dangerously wounded whllo
watching n light at the house of Clabo
Johnson , near llltemnn. A man mimed
Nnplor did the shooting. The bullet passed
entirely through McDonald nnd he cannot
Hood's and Only flood' * .
Are yon weak nnd weary , overworked nnd
tired ? Hood's Sarsaparllla Is Just the med
icine you need to purify and quicken your
blood and to give you appetite and strength.
If you decide to take Hood's Sarsaparllla
do not be Induced to buy any other. Any
effort to substitute another remedy Is proof
of the merit of Hood's.
Hood's I'ills are the best after-dinner pills ,
assist digestion , euro headache. Try a box.
After Seventeen Hot ItouncN.
MCMI'IIIS , Maich 2S. Hilly , Poole of
Minneapolis defeated "Clever" .Miller of
Denver In a hotly contc"ted sevcnteen-round
go for the gate fees and a purse of $400.
lloiv a ChU'iigo . .Maniis Cured of Kliru-
Mr. John'Hall of 9235 Commercial avenue ,
Chicago , met with a serious accident for
which he used Chaml > erlaln's I'ain Halm
freely , with the best results. "Out now , "
says Mr. Hall , "comes the boat part of my
Etory. For .many yeais I have ) been quite a
sufferer with rheumatism , with stiffness of
the Joints. Since the application of Cham
berlain's Pain Halm , all symptoms of rheu-
inntlnm have dlsamienred ! In fact I believe
that It has banished every trace or rheuma
tism from-my system. " For sale by drug
KiirtlKIimlfuH In < ! reeee.
ATHENS , March 28. Violent earthquakes
have occurred In vailous parts of Greece.
No loss of life Is yet reported.
One word describes < lt , "perfection. " We
refer to Dewltt's Witch Hazel salve , cures
piles. '
Thirteenth UmK In u Draw.
NCW YORK , March. i28.t-The thirteenth
game for the United States chess champion
ship resulted In u draw.
in cheek
and brow
is evidence
chat the
body is
getting proper nourishment.
When this glow of health is
absent assimilation is wrong ,
and health is letting down.
taken immediately arrests
waste , regardless of the
cause. Consumption must
yield to treatment that stops
waste and builds flesh anew.
Almost as palatable as milk.
Prepared by Scott & Uoiino , N , Y. All drtiEzisti.
I Will bond PltEK to AUyiinn | ,
the prescription of n nev mid *
punitive ; lemie'dyteienlntsofiiiwll.
weak oi'BUiiH , nnd Mirocilro/or nil
In yomiji e > r < id ! num. Cured cute'8 ol'
Munlinu * ! , I2nilmluii8 itnel Vurlreirele-
15 diij'H ; dSsciiwo ne-vor retnrns. Ceiri i-speniel-
cnco private. All lttcrn srutin iiliiln ccule'd
cnvelupu. AUilrosn , T. < ' . IlAll.VlSH , I.eirk
IIuz 3'Ji ) . Nritvn J > fp1.T. .Vovilinll , Dllclt.
U the only
Women Cjcl-d.-J.
18 jronrH oiperlcnc-f
ejlrcu'.am free.
< \
Man Dovelopal
r , CI'lUDBNK.wllI '
rt-Htoru ull thu ( ; fnc.u\Uvi )
ort'aiiH. linpnli'iicy tin-
pokflble If fUl'llKNK IM
utiK ) . Send for ( rt > clr-
eulcrt anil loHtlmonlalH ,
P.O. Hox'juTO.San t'ran-
cUco , Cul.
Brings comfort niul improvement nn
lends to ticrrfotml enjoyment when
rightly iicoii. Tlic ninny , who live bet
ter than others niul enjoy life more , with
less expenditure , by inoro promptly
uiAptiiK : the ' .vorhl'-s best products to
tlic needs of physical boinp , will attest
the value to health of the pure liquid
Ir.sntivo principles embraced in the
remedy , Syrup of Fijis.
Ita excellence is due to its presenting
in the form moat acceptable nnd picas-
nut to the taste , the refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of n jx-rfect lax-
nti\e ; tn"ectimlly ! cleansing the system ,
dispelling colds , headaches Mid fevers
ana permanently curing consUpalion.
It has given satisfaction to millions and
met with the approval of the medical
profession , because it acts on tlic Kid
neys' ' , Liver and Bowels without weak- "
cning them and it is perfectly free from
every objectionable substance.
Syrtlp of Figs is for sale by all drug
gists in 60c am ! SI bottles , but it is man
ufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only , whose name is printed on every
package , also the name , Syrup of Figs ,
nnd being well informed , you will nof
accept nuy substitute if ollerod.
ItKTI/lH In 8O DAVf ) .
Nervaua Falling Memory ,
Tare. * , ! - ' ! | > losMie 8Weiikn < 'fi.ctc. , \J _ * *
causi ) I by I > Q Bin burnt and quIcUy lull surpl rrntorri
l.a t.V nlinad InoWoryounir. Ea.lly nrrloil y
Invonl ' . - .
I'rlrafl.POatincL-nKD. Hit for i5.1iei with n
ivrl t fr n cun rn nit < * eo euro or money refunded. Oun't '
bun an tmltallan but ln Ht oil ImMni ; 1M APO. If
rourdriigirltitliiiiiiotKutlt no will eentllt jiii-imU.
Oriental Alcdlrnl Co. . CI11CAI.O , ILL. , or their ignii.
SOi.Dliy Kiiliu.t Co. . Cor. 15th nnil DouirlsmBti. , mid
J. A. fuller , Co , UorlllliiKDuiictaMStii , OMAHA
Tlio only rcnlly Rncce nful prcNeniivc nnd euro
of plmpliK , bl.ickheails , ridIou ll
h in J falling li.dr , uncl baby blem
ishes , U the celebrated C'UTicI'lIA
SOAP , ( jrc'-itcst of Mn purllicm
nnd beaiillfiers an well ns pine t
nnil swcctert nf toilet nnd nursery
Boapg. Only prcventl\o of clog
ging of the pores. Sold c\crj where.
TheSovereigri Remedy for
Instantly relieves all pain nnd heals
without scarring. Endorsed by the
medical faculty and multUuaes ol people
ple whoso sulferings it hns relieved.
COrXflli HtA'FFS , la. , AUPT. 2 , 1S91. The
footer Mfir , CM. : Oentlomen I am happy lo tes
tify to thu womlpifiil innKlc effect of your Mecca
Compound In Minis. 1 \\a < burned , na you Know ,
by an pMiloxlon " ' 'i ' plumber's KaHolInc furnace
on tliu moinlne of July 2 , 1SU. ! The entire pur-
race of my lurk , ninia nnd back of lower llinbj
was so badly liuinnl that laiBO portions of blls-
teied sMn came elf with the removal of my
clothlntr. Tin- pain that followed l Indescrib
able. 1 could not have endmcd It twenty-four
houis and lived. The photk WUH so glent that 1
uent almo t Inlo spasms , but In two hours after
thu nppllititlun of > our Mecca Compound 1 was
almost entlii'ly lelleved finm p.iln und In nine
teen days after the accident wns back at my
I can nlso fuither suite that theie will not be
n bc.if li'fl fiom that terrible burn , and all Is
due to your Mecca Compound. It hliould be kept
In eveiv lininc , workshop or place of business
for Immediate use In casi > of an accident. I feel
that 1 r.mnol say lee much for your wonderful
lemedy. Vouiscry lexpectfully.
11 * U
Prepared 1 > y
And for Sale by All Druggists.
To the Ladies and Gentlemen
Cotmcil Hlttfls and Vicinity :
You nro cordially invited to visit
Evans' Laundry
CornoiPonrl st. and Sixth ave. , on
Wednesday und Thursday afternoons
of ouch wcolc , nnd see in operation the
fMpest Equipped a-pd Best
jVla-paged U.aupdry
Plant in the West. Our specialties arc
Shirts , Collars and Cuffs. Notice the
work and got priced for family wash
ing ; . Telephone 290.
. I'rusltlont. Oashlor.
Fiist laliona
Capital , - - $100,000
1'rolits , - - - 12,000
Ono of tin" olite'Hl banks In thn st.ltn of Iowa. Wei
HOlleilt ieinr lniBltii'Hd uuil collection ! ) , \Vu pay A
per ivnt on limoilenoHltH.Vu will t > e to
Special Notices ?
borne choice Ij.irfalus In Unit anJ
laml near this city/
u HIMOVIU. cussroous , VAUI/M ,
chimney" ckuneJ. * f.M HuiKe , at Taylor's
Krocery , C4I ) Uroathvny.
city property buuglit anil uolJ. 1'uscy &
Thumim. Council Jlluffa.
w liter ilisln-x Kltuiitlon , nun liail oxiiurli'iice In
bonkMo'ri'liie nlxn , l > p t i ef urcnces. Aililrcsa
N M , Ileo , Council Uliirtt.
for lixlit lioiiFekiTpliif ; . .Scldiesa lien , Ileo cutlet' ,
Council lllulTiv
rou HAM : on "THAW : . , .w WOIITH m >
iiropeit ) In V"i iio.i , Tex. . U chuk'u loin In
Qimtuill , Tex. , vlirap for canll. Aililiexii L ) 21 ,
lire. Council innflH.
I'lUHT I'l.ASH , J'Xm 400 II1JAI )
of Hiiich , nl ) iu 3 miles north of icmn , C'alllu
t2.75 In Jl.MO. liurHe-K H.W to J7 00 , for fcenmm ,
April 16 tu Octitlwr IS. Oooil mnn In tihuieei
of iincUi | ipity | | Kruim , rail und water. ii
will rftil to KIIUI ! man with Jl.ixn.O ) raiiltul to
Invest In ilulry , II K uml poultry liuHliicua ; tfimj
6-room IIDUS. ' unit nil comi'lilmreB. I , . I' ,
JUIUMMI. t > 29 Cth avenue or 3'i llroajway , C'oun-
ell Hlufff.
\VANTID : , A ( looi ) HicoNiiA : > iTTBi
prem ; inuit liu iheap , nlso want to buy KD |
itrivliiK h-HNe ; munt bu u lurtuln. Aaarvnu
1635 IliiiuilHay.
lti lieul. bath , 110. , eiillnblr fur light houec-
Atmex Uraud 110114.CUJQU Jloor ,
ljiiisit' : : ; i tmr i 1 1 | i i i in mi"i ; i i n i ji'iiiiiiiiiiuiiii.iiisiutiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin
g When I was a Gal washday was always a pcrf cd dread
g but land sal < csjt aint no chore at till now since Idem rAinuANK folks'
a got to making
invenrgg. / / / > \ \ , -5 i
rir7r//Vh /
for it saves
yiS y / yi st -
la ptiro nnil unntluUcratccl , whllo for rapid demising power it lias no equal.
Made only by N. K. FAIRBANK & CO. , Chicago.
. . . IT CONTAINS . . .
It Is "the Standard History
of the War of the Rebellion.
On pn o 2 or this pupni- will ho found a War Hook Coupon , 4 of those
coupons of dilTuront dates will , whim acuiuiipanioil with ton cc'iitw , entitle
the liuldor to Part No. 1 of this hook. Tlio whole work will ho com-
nloto ! u about 0 purtn , lionnil in houvy pnpor uovot'H ; u now part will ho
iBsiicil ouch week , nnd cnipons will ho printed daily until the Korlee IB
coinpluto. Any 4 of those coupons , with 10 uonts , ontltloa you to any issue
or number of this hook.
FOR CITY READERS Ui'inpr ( vnipoiH , to othar with 10 cents , to
the olllco of The Omaha Uoo , where you can ohtaln Part No. 1. Part No.
2 will ho rottilv next week , und thereafter parts will follow weoklv.
FOR OUT-OF-TOWN READERS-.Mall to War Hook Popart-
inont , Uniaha HOG , coupons and 10 cents in coin. Ho particular to (1) ( ) Htato
tlio number of the part desired ; (1 ( ! ) your nnino and full address ; (3) ( ) in
close the necessary coupons and 10 conts. The part you request will he
sent , post-paid , to your adJrenB.
Empkie-Shugart SL Co. ,
BICYCLES--A full line of medium and high grade wheels.
Send for catalogue.
109 , 111 , 113 , 115 Main Street , Council Bluffs , la