Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1894, Page 3, Image 4

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OITICB - - NO. 12 I'KAKfi f
Delivered by cirrlor to nny part of the city.
H. W. TILTON , Maimgor.
\ TI.hF.l lIONKs J Hinlnr * * Ofllce . f" > 4.3
Nhl | ( ( imr : . Xo. 23
Doston Storp , spring dress goods , capss and
jackets ,
Apron nalc and supper In building ,
March 29 , Ilrondway Methodist ladles.
A marriage llronsevns Issued yrstcrdny
\Vllllain \V. Melton , aged 2.1 , and I'hllona
Dcndlc , aged 27 , both of this county.
The "Mllle " the
Hciocs" of Christian
church have arranged for n pleasant enter
tainment nt the ttibcrnaclo this evening.
Calantlio assembly , 1'ythlan Sisters , will
bold a special meeting nt 2 o'clock this after
noon at the residence of Mrs. llenn , 110
Vine ntrcet.
Marie Tempest will appear nt Dohany's
opera house on Saturday evening , March HI ,
In "Tlio Fencing Master , " Do Kovcn and
Km I til's opera.
There ulll be a inciting of the Pilgrim
SIslcrM at Mr. . K. 13. Shepard's , .101 South
Ninth strrc' , today at 2:30 : p. in. for the
transaction of Important business.
.Special meeting of Muff City lodge , No.
71 , Ancient. free and Accepted Masons , this
evening for work In the third degree. All
master Masons cordially Invited to attend.
Tim Iowa conference of the Church of Jesus
Christ of the Latter Day Saints will be hold
In Iltmtlngton hall , 1UI llroiulwny , today
am ! tomorrow at 10 SO a. in. und 2:30 : p. in.
All are Invl cd.
A mooting of the 1'rlnces of the Orient
will bo held Monday evening at the Grand
Army hall , and It IB expected that twenty
rundldatcs for Initiation will be Introduced
to his goaUhfp.
Hev. C. N. Armstrong of Itnymond , Neb. ,
will preach ut the Second Presbyterian
church , as a candidate , Sunday , March 25 ,
nt 10:30 : a , m. Sunday school concert In the
evening at 7 o'clock.
The funeral of John Mntthal will occur
Sunday afternoon at 2:30 : o'clock from his
late residence , r > 20 Hast 1'lorce street. The
remains will be taken to Walnut Hill cem
etery for Interment.
W. A. Richards has received his appoint
ment as special deputy United States mar
shal for the southern district of Iowa. Mr.
KichardH nerved In this rapacity under ex-
Marshal Miller , and It Is duo to Ills cillcicncy
that ho has been rcappolnted.
Christian Science. Public services every
Sunday afternoon at half past .1 o'clock In
Itoyal Arcanum hall In the Drown building ,
entr.mco on Pearl street. Mrs , Do Long
will speak. The International Sunday school
lessons will bo studied every Monday after
noon at 3 o'clock In the parlors of the Itoyal
A pleasant social was held last evening In
the parlors of the First Presbyterian church.
About 200cre present , and a most enjoy
able evening was spent. Among the attrac
tions of the evening were musical selections
by Colonel L.V. . Tiillcys' orchestra and two
declamations by Miss Nellie Fralney , the ac
complished little elocutionist.
IloMon Store CiiKti'r Iiiiliirrmciitn.
Tills week wo shall place on sale umio
special Inducements , In various departments ,
suitable for I'astcr gifts. Some very choice
novelties wilt bo shown , having Just lecelvcd
an excellent line of now , cholco , doslrablo
and Riiltablo merchandise , carefully selected
from the largest stocks In the eastern mar
kets , consisting of the following lines at
remarkably low prices.
In all the leading makes of America Fos
ter's , from $1.00 to $2.25 a pair.
Magglont Francesco glove , which we
guarantee the original P-Centi'meri goods ,
best quality , blacks and colors , $1.0" a pair.
Pcrrln's and Alexandria gloves we carry
In a number of different qualities. Don't
fall to sen our glove stock. All the above
makes guaranteed und lilted to the hand.
Ask to sco our $1.50 four-buttoned glove
for 85c , and our $1.00 flvo-hook glove for 58c ,
undressed only. In all colors.
In every Imaginable' color , also an elegant
line of blades In new effects. Special value
Is offered Ih 25c fancy veiling ( high colors )
at Cc a yd.
In Indies' , gents' nnd children's at our usual
low prices , consisting of a full line of
fancies , reds , tans , grays and bettor value
than ever In blacks.
Don't overlook corset department.
New styles In gents' neckwear.
Large asHortment now umbrellas.
Immense variety Jackets and capes.
Easter line of garter webs and buckles.
Dig reductions In Swiss handkerchiefs.
See now stock of Alsatian tics.
Dig run of moire ribbons. See stock.
New spring stock calico wrappers.
N. II. Saturday we will glvo away colored
Easter eggs to every customer. See show
Council Dluffs , la.
Iloukn nt Auction.
Carload , consisting of the best books ,
medical , mechanical , miscellaneous , albums ,
bibles , etc. Private sale by day and auction
at 7 p. in. . 630 Hroadwny.
Wo have In stock 1,000 hot-bed Bash ot
our own make. Come and see us or write
for prices. Stnto quantity w.intcd. Council
HlntTa Paint , Oil and Class Co. , Masonic tern ,
plo building , Council Dluffs.
Freshest Caster egg , newest Ice crcnm ,
sweetest candy for sale nt the Easier fes
tival held In the Congregational church this
Domestic soap breaks hard water.
J'U/tSO.V.iA 1'A 1C ItS ,
Simon niscman ot Salt Lalco City is a
IlluffB visitor.
\Vlllouby Dye of Macedonia was a Bluffs
p vlHltor yesterday.
Hon. Smith McPherson of Kcd Oak was In
the cliy yesterday.
Mies Clara I'hclps leaves next Monday fern
n two months visit with her sister.
Mr. nntl Mrs. L. A. Casper have returned
from a winter's visit to California.
n. C. aieason has gone to Denver to take
a * I'OnUlon ' in a largo wholesale house of
that city.
n. H , Logan , editor or the Washington
( la. ) Gazette- , was In the city yesterday , vis
iting H. K. Grimm.
W. S. Fox and his mother , Mrs , M. S.
Vex of Detroit , Mich. , are In the city , guests
of their relatives , J , A. Spanldlng and fam
Mrs. Samuel Faes , wlfo of the bookkeeper
for McCormlck'H , arrived In the city yester
day from Tracy , Minn. Mr. nnd Sirs. Fuca
uro living at 719 Fifth avonuo.
Henry C. Caldwcll , United States circuit
judge , arrived In the city last night and Is vis
iting his nlece.Mrs 1MI.III11 , Ho will hear the
\\iigc dispute In Omaha between the men and
olllcials of the Union 1'aclflc.
Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap.
Get prices from Shugart & Ouron , the lead
ing cccdsmon of Council lUntTs , Masonic
Lady clalrvojant , for ladles only. Life
reading , business and health. 203 Fourth
Go to nrown's C. 0. I ) , for your Raster
eggs. Thrco dozen for -5e.
Jarvls Wlno Co. , Council Ulufts , solo agents
Jarvls 1877 brandy.
Gun cooking stovca for rout and for Bile
ot Gas Po.'s office.
Supper itt thu Congregational church this
c\enlng for 26c.
For cobs go to Cox , 10 Main street. Telephone -
phone 48.
Straw mattings , all grades.
Council mutts Carpet Co.
See the new art qoodn at Mm. Nljes1.
Everybody knows Davis z IU drugs. '
Washerwomen use- Domestic soap. r
J rvli Wlno Co. , Council Blurts.
' ' , * > .
Contemplation Does Not Add Satisfaction to
the Mulct Law Prospects.
Mhrnils Ilrprrcntn ltd Slrlngrnrjr und Itudl-
ciiln Drcry Its \ VriikiiKi ) Onn i'ulnt
Whnra It lilts tlio Oily HurU-
rut .Siinie Opinions ,
The mulct law , which has Just passed both
houses of the legislature , seems to bo any
thing but popular In Council IllulTa. It Is
commonly supposed to have been n sort of
compromise between the liberal republicans
and the radical prohibitionists. At this end
of the line no one knows but somewhere In
the stnto there may be liberal republicans
and radical prohibitionists who are satisfied
with It , but those of this city unite In rising
up and dlllng It cursed. The attempt to
compromise on this basis has proved n dis
mal failure , and everywhere , on the streets
and In the public resorts , can be heard the
weeping nnd gnashing of teeth of those who
had an Idea that perhaps the republicans In
the legislature might try to do something
that would bo an actual relief to the citi
zens of the thickly populated communities.
Ilelow ere given a few Interviews with prom
inent citizens , which go to show the general
feeling on the subject.
James McCabe It Is the worst form of
loral option. I should rather have had n
local option bill passed , which would nUow
enmities to determine for themselves whether
or not saloons should bo run within their
Judge \Vnltcr I. Smith It Is practically
the same as option , requiring a two-
thirds miijorlty In cities under 5,000 popula
tion and IcaUng the saloon question In the
hands of the city councils of c ties over that
figure. It will probably be enforced here
exactly as the prohibitory law has been en
13.V. . Hart Wo shan't know there has
been any change In the law. I nm ashamed
of my party for breaking Its promise. If
It had agreed to hnng Cleveland It ought
to have hung him , that Is , If It could. Thcro
Is no use having a law that won't be backed
up by public sentiment.
J. J. Pteadman 1 have not been back
from California long cnougn to make a
careful examination of the law , but you can
say for mo that anything , no matter what ,
Is better than the prohibitory law we have
L.V. . Tullcys ( prohibitionist ) It does not
satisfy me. I am In favor of straight
prohibition , no such half and half an aff.ilr .
as this law Is. It will not bo enforced In
Council muffs any better fnun the pro
hibitory law has been. The adoption of the
resolution to rojubmlt the prohibitory amend
ment to the vote of the people will bring on
a tremendous light If It passes the next
legislature also. All the force of the liquor
tralllc all over the country will bo centered
upon Iowa.
There Is one result of the new law which
will bo anything but popular to the people
of Council muffs. At pressnt every baleen
pays a "monthly flno" of $50 , and every del
lar of this goes Into the city treasury. Thus
the city receives more than $40,000 per year
of revenue from the saloons. Under the new-
law half of this sum goes to the county and
half to the city , so that the city will receive
only $ JO,000 of revenue. It Is true , the city
council has the right to Itnposo additional
tax on the saloons to any limit it may see
nt , but the Inevitable result of this will be
to decrease the number of saloons and consequently
quently to decrease , In a. measure , the
sources of revenue to the city. It will also
have the tendency to concentrate the saloon ;
pationago In a comparatively few saloons ,
and { bus enable the few who are able to
carry on the business under the Increased
taxation to nt up their places In better style
and add an air or respectability to them , In
this way doing the very thing which the
prohibitionists all over the state have been
declaiming so loudly against for the past
twenty > ears or more.
( i rain I riiHter Sulo Millinery nt Iliilf Trice.
Buy your Uaster bonnet or hat of us to
day. Prices to suit the times :
600 dozen children's untrimmed hats , 19c.
' 600 do7en wreaths , 29c.
500 do/en Leghorns , untrimmed , 33c.
100 dozen Quo straw hats , un rimmed , 42c ,
C9c and 97c.
100 children's trimmed hats , $1.19.
250 ladles' trimmed hats , $1.S. ! )
150 ladles' trimmed hats , $2.98.
100 ladies' trimmed hats , $1.98.
50 dozen Jet crowns , 49c.
200 doen roses ( per bunch ) , 15c.
200 dozen roses and ferns ( per bunch ) ,
In fact everything In proportion , making
millinery cheaper than you ever saw It be
New line ladle's' , misses' and chlldicn's
capes and Jackets Just in. Sec them today.
Ladles' capes.'beautlfully trimmed , at $2.50 ,
$3.98 , $5.00 , $0.00 and $ C.50 each ; actual value
is $4.00 to $10.00.
Caster kid gloves for ladles and children ,
all new spring shades and black , five hook ,
at 95c pair.
Don't forget the Great Bankrupt Sale. Sale
begins Monday , March 2G.
nENNISON I3ROS. , Council Bluffs.
1110 1SAHUAIN3.
Vuvra's Xuw Dry Goodii Store , Kustrr Satur
day , March "I.
Seamless fast black ladles' hose , heavy
texture , worth ISc , for 9c.
Men's seamless fast black half hose , above
quality for Gc a pair , worth 16c.
Children's flno appllquo collars , worth G5c ,
fur 25c each.
Flno embroidered oscolloped handker
chiefs , worth 25c , for 12c.
Men's common socks , 3c per pair.
Flno veiling , black , with crested dot , .Gc
per veil ,
Children's trimmed hats , pretty styles , at
S9c each.
Untrimmed hats , line grades , 39c each.
Fine spray of French musllneen at 19c a
142 Broadway ,
Opposite Ogdcn Houso.
No UmlcrtiikiT Nroil Apply.
If your children are afflicted with dlph-
thetla , Dr. Jefferls1 remedy will save their
lives. No physician required. Has stood
the test of 35 years. For sale by J. C. Da
Haven , George H. Davis and Morgan & CQ. ,
successors to Beardsley. Also 2404 Cumlng
street , Omaha , or address Dr. Thomas Jef-
feils , Council Bluffs , la. Price , $3.
( ! irxt Mi > w fur Wlieolnum.
M. 0. Daxon , the Omaha bicycle man ,
has opejied n branch house In Council Bluffs
at 337 Broadway , Call und BCO the now
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
If any ono should ask you what was the
strongest bicycle frame In the world , answer
immediately "Tho Lu-ml-num , " because It
takes 3,600 pounds to break the frame. Sold
by Cole & Cole only.
The Unity Guild will glvo n muslcalo and
dance at Chambers' hall Tuesday evening ,
March 27. Admission tickets , 25 cents.
Gentlemen's dancing ribbons , 25 cents.
While you are paying for laundry why not
get the best ? The Kuglo laundry solicits a
trial und Invites comparison. Telephone 157 ,
The paints that took the highest award at
the World's fair were the Heath & Mllllgan
paints. Davis , the druggist , sells them.
Best of everything In goods and prices.
Myers-Durfeo Furniture Co. , 32C-32S Broad
way , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Strictly fresh country eggs , three dozen
for 25c , at Brown's C. 0. U-
The laundries use Domestic soap.
Ullmhcil tii the Hoof.
Deputy Marshal Fowler and Detectives
Weir and Murphy made a raid at an early
hour yesterday morning on a disreputable
house on North Main street Inhabited by
colored people. A big grist of whites und
blacks , principally the latter , was captured ,
among them being Joslo Hulbort and Llllle
Jones , Dan Smith Hd Burke , Jr , Tx Baker ,
Wilton Stout and James McOrath of Sioux
City. William Richardson , the proprietor of
tl.e Joint , vv/Ts sick In bed , nnd his wife was
allowed to stay with him on her promising
to appear In police court In the morning.
When morning came Mrs. iUchardson did
not , and the deputy marshal went after her.
Ulclmrdeon Informed him that she had
skipped , and on his making n search ho wan
unable to find her. Ho returned to the po
lice station , when n colored woman who
had been upending n few days In ono of the
upMnlrs cells , which commanded a vlow of
tlio IUchardson domicile , called out to him :
"Say , Mlstah Fowler , I Just seed do old
woman shin up do roof when J-o' went down
dab. " Mr. Fowler accordingly retraced his
steps and when he reached the house Mrs.
IUchardson was again missing. But her
ruse failed to work , for she was dragged
down and made to walk to the city Jail ,
where she Is now confined. Joslo Hulbcrt
nnd Lllllo Jones wcro fined JO.CO In pollco
court yesterday morning , nnd all 'tho rest
of the cases were continued until today.
IASTIK : : AT TIII : ijo.vro.v STOKI : .
A Miinc'lotts und Itrutttlfnl DUplny In
Their .SlHuvVliiiliitiH l.imt Night.
In the early part of last evening It was
well nigh Impossible to get past the Boston
Store without going Into the street. The
sidewalk was Jammed with people. The at
traction was the niarvclously rich and hand
some displays In the four big show win
dows. Hastcr has become as great a trade
event us Christmas , and the Boston .Store
pcoplo have taken the lead In making it so
In Council Bluffs. The richest goo < U , the
brightest colors , the newest novelties and
the handsomest things In every line arc
brought out for Caster. In nno of the cen
tral window : Is a great cross twclxo feet
high , bearing the legend "Caster Oreotlng"
In gold letters. Tin foot of the croi-s U
burled In Caster eggs and Cis'sr off * rings
of every conceivable delicate and beautiful
design. The other windows ao ( HUM with
the novelties that delight nnd fascinate the
Today will be nn Caster day at the Etore ,
and the bewildering display of beauty will
bo a nttlng prelude to the Castor * crvlces
In the churches tomorrow.
Tonight Easter cgg3 will bo given cwny.
beautiful , richly colored Caster eggi , and
then look out for a riot.
llcaiitlful raster Aleut Murliut
If thcro had been nothing more to at
tract attention , the plaintive "peep , peep"
of n lot of downy baby chickens In a glass
case , with a plate glass mirror for a back
ground , would have stopped thu crowd In
the front of the C. O. I ) , meat market , 537
Broadway , last evening. But there wan
enough else to attract attention. It was
dllllcult at nrst glance to tell whether It
was n millinery opening or an art display.
Caster lilies , flowers , bright colored ribbons
and colored ti.'tsuo papers nearly concealed
the display of Caster meats , nnd this was
one of the richest displays ever made In the
city. H included everything in the' meat ,
fish nnd poultiy line. No such plump , fat
and beautifully dicased turkeys were ever
pecn In atiy Christinas display. The ar
rangement was the work of Mr. 13. B.
Morehouso and his chief lieutenant , Mr.
Klllmore. They were enabled to make this
elaborate display because they have the
trade to Justify It. Yesterday afternoon
they sold over 250 pounds of poultry. All
of their poultry Is killed and diesaed on the
premises. People who want to sec a nov
elty and get the richest viands for their
Caster fea&t will have to visit this market.
Tonight every lady who calls will receive u
piece of delicious Caster cake. " '
Last I ) y of Sertlco lirlngs Out n Crist of
New Petitions.
Yesterday was the last day of service for
suits to be begun In the April term of dis
trict court , and today will be the last day
on which petitions can be filed. Yesterday
thcro were n largo number of petitions
placed on file , and the list will undoubtedly
be greatly Increased by night. Among those
nied yesterday were the following :
Isaac Landls against the Omaha Bridge
and Terminal Itallway company. The plain
tiff demands a Judgment for $800 for dam
age to four lots on eighteenth street In
Bayllss & Palmer's addition. In front of
which lies the track of the defendant. He
claims the street Is obstructed and the noise
and cinders have greatly decreased the
rental value of the property.
D. H. Huston against the city. He fell on
an ley sidewalk last February und sustained
n bad fracture of the arm. Ho claims the
city was negligent In not compelling the
owner of the property on Washington avcnuo
and First street to keep his sidewalk clean.
He claims to have been Injured permanently
and wants a Judgment for damages In the
sum of $10,000.
John Coyle against'tho city. The plaintiff
lives In Lewis township , near the channel of
Indian creek. Ho claims the city turned the
creek from its natural channel , making It a
part of the sewer system , and nmdo his
forty-aero farm from n productive field Into
a wet , soggy marsh , which refused to bear
anything In 1891 , 1S92 and 1893. The crops
of those years would have amounted to
$1,500 , the rental Is $480 , and besides those
sums ho wants $5,000' damages for the
noisome odors that- hit hla nose as he saun-
tcin around In his front door yard.
Mary L. Browncll against Julian M. Brow-
nell. The plaintiff and defendant wcro mar
ried In Boonsboro in 1884 and lived logo her
until January , 1S91 , when Mm. Brownell
claims her husband deherted her , after
abusing her In a most cruel manner. She
wants a divorce and the custody of her child ,
Lake Manaway Railway company against
the Underwriters Mutual nre Insurance of
Sioux City and the National Mutual of Coun
cil Blurts. This is a suit on a policy of $1,000
on a locomo ivc whlclftras burned at Manawa
labt July.
M. II. Tlnley against the Union Pacific
Hallway company. Plaintiff demands a Judg
ment for $100 for the death of a horse by
the cars.
R. B. Flood against the Underwriters Mu
tual Insurance company of Sioux City. The
plaintiff's grocery store at 1024 Broadway was
Utcrnlly on Flro with Kozoma.
Screaming and Cliuvlng all
the Time.
Added to this wcro Abscesses and >
Entirely Cured by Cutlcura. Now
Stout and Hourly.
Our llttlo baby , almost 2 * years old , was
taken with BOIUU form of Kcwuui when she
trad about three months old. Her llttlo body
waj ouu solid red from tlio
soles of her feet to the crown
ol her head , and she seemed
to be literally all re , screaming
and clawing all thu time.
AVhou she was about Iho
mouths old , there was added
iuucruuuuiluuuijait:3M:3inu ;
BUpimratlon. we tried the
local M. D.'s , and some otlior
remedies without any relief.
I had reail conslilcrabloabout
thoC'irriuuiu lIP.MCDius.aiid
one of our neighbors had used them , claiming
that they were as goo-lis clalmcil. I concluded
to try them , and after the moot thrco or four
boxes of CuricuiiA , and about ono and one-half
bottles of the UUTICDIIA : , with the
CirricuiiA HOAI * , our little ono U now entirely
cured , and is stout and heartv. Your CUTICUIIA
III M Ellin * are all and more than 5 on claim them
to lie. 1 alwa\ have a good word to my friends
and neighbors for \ our excellent remedies.
C. 11. WOOD , WhltO Cloud , ilo.
Nothing can bo moro encouraging to ills.
counted parents than the remarkable euros
dally elleutcd among Infanta and children hy
the CuncuiiA Ituiimnr-s. Cures in childhood
mean a lifetime of freedom from torturing ,
, humiliating humor * .
Bold throughout the world. Price , Ccricur.A ,
Me , ; t-oii',26c ; IUSOLVENT , $ ! I'OTTEII I ) lit' a
iM ) CUEM. COUP. , Solo Proprietor * , lloiton.
IT "Uou to Curt ) Skin Iica | < - , " mailed fr .
nilUlPLKS , blackhead * , red , rongh , chapped , and
I I III ° "y tlQ cured by CUTICVUA b'oAi * .
Hick ache , kidney palm , weakness ,
rheumatljm , and iniucnlur pains re.
HnvMl In one minute bytbaCaU-
cun Autl v lu i'lujtcr. 50.
burned In 1S02 , nnJ he n/nts J300 , itio face
of an insurance policy on the place.
Omnhn National bank ngalnst Klmball ft
Champ nnd others. The plaintiff auks the
court to appoint n receiver for the Manhattai
alleging that ItMi'now In
property , posses-
Dion of no ono and Is Kol | | rrto uastc. The
court IK aiikcil to direct thai C , U. Itannnn
the receher of the Klmtiall & Champ
men company be reiuilrcil tA account to the
ne.v receiver , whoever he may be , for the
money coining from this piece of propjcrty.
\V. M. Toll.inilcr ngalnst P. M. Sharpies
and o'hcrs. This cult la to replevin a cream
separator valued nt $300. , M
in : m > Tiiiittu : : 'rnrVTir.ciivii : : : .
Kliiiii'linii Uroncht llcforo .tuilRr
Mnlth nn Ilia OlnirK of C'ontcinpt.
A lltllo tronBIo that took place ycsteriln )
between George 13. MacMation , receiver o
the Klnnchan stcck ot boots and shoes , tun
Mr. Kliinehan , resulted In the arrest o
the latter on the charco of contempt of court
but Mr. Klnnchan Is not behind the bars
nor docs he ccein likely to be at present
H. C. Gleason resigned his position as re
ceiver Thursday and MncMahon was op-
polntrd In hla place and Instructed to make
an Invoice. Ho secured the assistance o
C. C. Dennett In making the Invoice , bin
when Bennett arrived at the store ho was
met by Klnnehan and told that he uonh
not bo allotted to make the Invoice , as Mac-
Mahon had no right to engage him without
consulting him.
A fuw minutes later MacMnhon came Ii
and was told thu same thing. Klnnchai
claimed that the Citizens State bank , whlcl
held the mortgage under \\hlcli the stock
had been seized , had been practically run
niim- the receiver In order to have the In-
volco put ilottn to the lowest figure po.sslblo
MocMahon on his side determined to oust
Klnnehan and hia family from the buildIng -
Ing and demanded that all the keys thu >
had In their possession be turned over to
him. Klnnchan and his family live over
the store nnd ha\e to past * through Die
room where the stock Is kept whenever
they como homo or leave. They accord
ingly refused to nlvo up their keys , ant
nultc a squabble ensued , In the course o
which considerable loud language was usei
on both sides. Finally MacMahon went to
the court house and flleil an information
charging Klnnehan with contempt of couri
In Interfering with the receiver , und Klnnc
han wna brought before Juilgu Smith for at
examination. Iloth sides told their story
and after Jtidgo Smith had heard them he
continued the cnse Indefinitely after caution
ing Klnnchan not to repeat the offense.
round u I'loiitiT.
The body of nn unknown man was fotini
In tlio Missouri river near the east shore
about a mile and u half north of the new
bridge. It had evidently been In the water
a long time. Coroner Jennings was notlllci
and after viewing the remains ho aeni
Undertaker Estep out to gel them. The enl >
thing found In the dead man's posscssloi
was a pocketbook , the leather part of whlcl
had almost rotted away. It contained
cents. There were no papers or other marks
of Identification und It is not : it all llkcl >
that It will ever be known who the unfor
tunate man was. He wors gray worsted
troupers and three shirts , one of gauze , an
other of gray voolen material and the third
a white shirt.
Next Mcatliif ; lloro
Chief Scanlan returned last evening from
DCS Molnes , where ho has been attending
113 first meeting of the Chiefs of I'ollco and
Marshals association ofj laua. About thirty
ofllclals weio present , a good attendance
considering the fact that 'this was blmply a
nicotine for the purpose of organizing. Mr.
Scanlan was elected president of the asso
ciation for the ensuing yedr. The next meet
ing will be held In this city , beginning De
cember 18 , 1891. ,
Brings comfort nnd improvement nn
tends to personal enjoyment when
rightly used. The many , who live bet
ter than others and enjoy life more , with
lesa expenditure , by moro promptly
batipting the world's best products to
the needs of physical being , will attest
the value to health of the pure liquid
laxative principles cuibiaccd in the
remedy , Syrup of .Figs.
Its excellence is.duo to its presenting
In the form most acceptable and pleas
ant to the taste , the refreshing and truly
beneficial properties o'f a jicrfect lax-
ntive ; effectually cleansing the system ,
dispelling colds , headaches and foyers
and permanently curing constipation.
It has given satisfaction to millions and
met with the approval of the medical
profession , because it acts on the Kid
neys , Liver and Bowels without weak
ening them and it'js perfectly free from
every objectionable.substance.
Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug
gists in OOc ana $1 bottles , hut it is man
ufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only , whoso name is printed on every
package , also the name , Syrup of Figs ,
and being well informed , you will not
accept any substitute if oflerrd.
TJ. S. Depository , Omaha , Nebraska
SURPLUS 855,53 )
ODlccrii and Directors ; Henry W. Ynni , ! >
ileiil. Juhn M. CollliiH. vloa proillnul : li .vln
Iletd , C'UHlilcr , Win. II. S. tlucltuii , att UU
caaldor ,
The only mcdlclno for | lifted it lii tlio nero nirzrnvated nndoMI- , spasms , luul other tlMressIng , ner-
THE ONLY woman's pet ufar ailments , i nato case * which had limited their skill , prove \otw symptoms commonly nttcndant upon
sold by drttpgistH under U to bn the most wonderful remedy nver do- functional mid orcnulc illsinfoaf tlio womb.
GUARANTEED u positive Ktiunintnc , \lsed for the relief nnd euro of suffering It liuluccii refreshing sleep nntl relieves men
from the timnufacttirerii , women. It is not recommended ns ti " euro- tal nnxiety mul < UisK ! > mlom < y.
that It will euro in every nil , " but ns n most perfect ttyeclllo for "I'motHo Picsrrlp"
REMEDY. coso or money will bo re woman's peculiar diseases. fllinco TlIC I tlon" ISH po ltl\ecnre
funded , is DH. PIKIICE'S A n powerful , Imlg- UUtlCO THE | for the most complicated
FAVOIUTB l'UEiciitiTto > f. Tills etinrnnteo nintlni ; tonic , it lniinrts | ntul obstinate cases of
has been faithfully carried out for nwny strength to the wholosj-s- WORST CASES. Icui-onhc. ! , or ' 'whites , "
years. Did this medicine not possess extra torn , nnd lo the uterus or axvusHlvo ( lowing nt
ordinary curntlvo properties this offer could uonib nnd Its npivntlngrs , monthly pcrlo < lii , painful menstruation , unnatural -
not IKJ made by a house of well-known responsibility in paitlctilar. For over natural suppressions prolapsus or falling of.
sponsibility und Integrity. worked , "worn-out , " "run-down , " ilcblll. the womb , weak Ixii'k , "foinalo weakness , "
The treatment of tnted tenrliriH , milliners , dn iiunkcre , scnm- ftiitovorslon , reliovorplon , ln-arlng-ilowu
THE OUTGROWTH in nny thou-amls of ttresse" , " chop-glrN , " housekeepers , tnmlng H'lisntloiu , chronlo emigration , Inllnmnmtlou
casca of tlioso chronic mothers , ntul feeble women Lfcncrnlly , Dr. nntl tilccratlon of the womb , Inlliininintlon.
weaknesses nnd dla- 1'icrco's Favorite 1'resei Iption is tlio Rrontost pain ami tenderness In ovaries , accompanied
OF A VflST tresing nllments pe earthly boon , liclnj ? unctpialcsl ns nil nm > cllz- with "internal heat. "
culiar to females nt Ing cordial nnd le torntivo tonic. It tiro-
, ami the o alwut to become
EXPERIENCE. the Invalids' Hotel inotes digestion ntul n smllntlon ! of f < x l , MOTHERS mothers , shonM know that
and Surgical Insti euros tiAtisen , weakness of i-tomat'li , iiullges- ] Dr. 1'leico'H Knvorlto Prescrip
tute , llufTnlo , N. Y. , has afforded n vnst ex- tlon , bloating nnd eniclntlons of gas. tion robs cliildUttli of its tor
lHricnco ! In nicely mlaptlng nnd thoroughly As a sooth I UK nnd tures , terrors ntul dangers to both mother
testing remedies for the euro of woman's IMJ- A SOOTIIIHQ stiongtlieiiliiK nervine. atul flilUl , by nliling imturi < In preparing the
cullar maladies. " Fnvorito Prescription " system for parturition. Thereby "labor"
Dr. IMercc-'s Fnvorlto Prescription is NERVINE I is uneqiialed nnd is In- nml the poiiod of confinement la greatly
tlio outgrowth of this great nnd valuable ex IHE. vnhmblo in nllaylng nnd shortened. It also promotes an nbtindant
perience. Thousands of testimonials received sulKltilng ncrrotiR o.tcitn- scciction of nourishment for the child.
from patients nud from physicians who luivo bllity , irritnbillty , cxliaustion , prostration ,
WOMB D9SEASE. FEMALE WEAKNESS. pain In my chest and liinw. My voice nt
tlmcH was weak. 1 sum-rod excruciating1
MUS.W. 0. GUNEKEU of No. 1401 South 7th Mils. V. li. I.NMAN , of .Vmifon , ) rcriV < t Co. , monthly , periodical very paint. . Since Inking- seven
St. , Tcirr Ilauif , ImH- Jflc/i. / , writes ' : ' "Ibe- bottles of your'Pavoillo Pii'scrlptlon' some
iriin Inking ' 1'nvorlto time UKO , I have enjovcd better health than I
been n sntTerer from Prescription' about n have for mow than lour previously ;
womb trouble for eight year ago. Tor yeais In fact , for several months nust I have bcvn
years , Imvlnjr doctored 1 linvo sillTen-d with nblo to work at scwlmr. I have gained In
with the most skillful fulling and nleoriitlon weluht thirty-nine pounds slmo taklnv your
pliyslclun ? , but ( hiding of the womb but to- medicines ; the soreness and pain , of which I
only trmpornry icllcf ilnv. I tun enjoying formerly complained so mueli , have dlsnu-
trom medicines pres perfect health. pcuiud.
cribed bv them. 1 was I took Tour liottlen
advised bv n friend to of I ho 'Piiwrlptlon'
take the ' rnvoiltc Prn- nnd two of the 'Gold-
eci Iptlon'which I did , en Medical Dlst over GENERAL DEBILITY , SICK HEADACHE
six er v.1 livery Inily
and found , In taking
bottles of the * Prescrip EilHorlng from female ;
tion' and two ol the weakness should try PAINS.
Ii ) oou'ry , ' that It bus tin ) 'Prescription1
Mil. " . I.V.MAN. '
cllccti'd a postUo cure , nnd 'Golden Medical Mill. .T. II. fMNSINfl , of S'ltll/l / ( llcn'S MlIM.
Mns. OUNEKEL. for which words enn- Discovery. ' " t-'itKilofii Co. , A' . 1" . , wtlles. "Alter my third
not express my irrntlttulo for the relief from PERIODICAL PAINS. ehllil u as bom , I barely KulncdsticiiKth enough
the great suffering that 1 so long endured. " In two } cars' time , so ns to bo able to crawl
MIPS MAUV J. , jVnif/i dtiTfiirr , Sf. about to accomplish the
SHORTENS LABOR. . , j1' . , w rites : " 1 was sick for tour llttlu house work that I
\CHfs. 1'or two jears had In do , and that only
JIrs.W.C. lUKCii. of Sott i Haul , Pacific Co. , 1 cniild do no woik. 1 by llnir down to rest
writes : I lmdli\odlirerentphSl- many times each day :
began taking your clans , who pionomued hud sick headache very
ruvorlto PrcMJiip- my case n poor or liu- otten , many pains nnd
tlon' the first nnmih lunerlshed condition of lichen all thu time. After
of preKiiuncy , and the blood , and uterine I hud taken ono bottle
huvc continued taking trouble1. 1 suffered ti of jour 'Kn\uilto Pro
It since confinement. Kiont deal with pnln In scription' 1 could ecc n
I dlil not experience both Pldcfl , nnd much great change In my
the nausea or nny of tcndcrncbs on pirsslug strength and less sick
the ailments duo to over the womb. 1 headaches. Continued
pri'Knancy , after I bloated nt times In my talcing the-medicine un
began taking sour bow els nnd limbs. Was til I hud taken pe\en bottle
Prescription. I was tioublcd with leucor tle * of the Tuxorlto1
only In labor a short rhea. I could not and ono of the 'Golden JlltS. LtNSIMd.
time , and the physician sleep , and wnt troub Medical Diseovciy. ' I am now nblo to do
cian said I pot along led with palpitation of housework for mystlf and husband and two
unusually well. the heart. Sintered a clilldicn nged nine and live. 1 also take drchS-
Wo think it sa\cd great deal of palit In mnklnu' , nnd enjoy wulklng n mlle ut n time
me a great deal of JlliS. my head , temples , foie- Miss TANNER. when 1 can lime the time to do so. And I nut
suffering. I was troubled ti.great deal with lieud , and cjcs. I had Bine It Is all duo to Dr. Pierec's Puvorlto Pro
leucorrhea also , nnd it has done u world of a troublesome cough , and raised n g reat dcnlj scription ns I know I was falling lust before I
good for me. " and nt times experienced n good ilvnl of commenced to take it.1
A Treatise ( ICO pages ) on "Woman and Her Diseases. " sent in plain , scaled envelope , on receipt of 10 cents for postngc.
Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute , BUFFALO , N. Y.
Inchurgoof thoSiatora of Nloroy.
This renowned Institution Is sltiruo.l on the
hlph blulTs bao J of and overlooking the city of
Council Hlnir * . The ip lelua * grounds , its
bich location und splendid vlow , make It a
most pleasing retro it for the allllctud. A at xlV
of em ncnt physloKins and u lur o carp ? of ex
pcricncod nurses minister to the comforts of
thopjtlonts. Special care ijlvcu to lady pa
For paitlctilars auplv to
Frank Strait - --Coinill BliT5 , hYi
TheSovereign Remedy for
Instnntly relieves all' pain nnd heals
without Bcnrriiifjf. Endorsed by the
medical faculty nnd multluidcs of poo-
pie whoso sufferings it has relieved.
COU ICIIHLl'FKS. . In. . Aug. 20. 1891. The
roster MfJ. ( Co. : Gentlemen I nm Imppy to tes
tify to tlio wonderful m.iclc effect-of your Mecca
Compound In bums. I wna lannnl , an you know ,
by an explosion of n plumbcr'H gasoline fum-icu
on the morning of July 2 , 1 91. The entire mir- uf mv Lnck. nrmi nnd hack of lower llmba
uns BO liailly burned that l.iric pirtlona or blls-
teieil skin came off ulth the rrmuval of my
clotlilni ; . Tlu > pain that followed la Inclorilb-
ubln. 1 could not hnve cntlmrtl It twenty-four
hours nnd lived. The shock Una no that I
went alnioHt Into ip.isnis. but In two hnnrH nflcr application of > our Meteu Compound 1 was
almost entirely rtllt\rd fiom pain an 1 In nine
teen ilaafter the accident \\ua back at my
1 can alfo fuithcr bt.ite that there will not be
n near left from that terrible burn , nnd nil Is
due to > our Mecca Compound. It nhoulil be kept
In e\ery home , woiltphop m place of lmMneH
for Immediate use In cane of an accident. I fed
that 1 cannot Bay too mm h for > our uomleiful
icnuHly. Yours \ery respectfully.II.
II. O. ML.A13.
Prepared by
COUNCIL iii.uris IOWA.
And for Sale by All Drugglsls.
To the Ladies and Gentlemen
Council IHiifls ami Vicinity :
You nro cordially invited to visit
Evans' Laundry ,
Corner Potirl at. and Sixtli live. , on
\VcilncsUay iintl Thursday afternoons
of u ichvcclc , nnd buo in operation tlio
Flpast Equipped apd Best
jVla-paged Uaupdry
Pliintin the West. Our specialties arc
ShlrU , Coilnrs und Culls. Nolko the
\vorlt and Kot prices for lumily wasli-
ing. Telephone 01) ) .
VTo will if oil yon th marrttoniL' '
Frrncti I'rcparailon CALTMO3P
frrr. ud a lr l Kuariutco ll
( Al.TIIOS will Ilr lorc vo
Ilcaltli , Ntrenetb auU \ I for , |
Use Hand fay if intitjl id ,
uU , Okl . 1
-yi K
Di Jacobson & Son , 1dO W , 12 St. Chicago ,
All Uindqot Dyolm
nnd Uloinliu dune In
the liUliP" Htylo of
the nrt. V i lol anl
etalnod I b I.M muila
to lee ) : a xoo * ai
no.v.o K promptly
done mm dellvora I
In nil parts ot the
country. rijiU for
ptluo lilt
Hrouclway. ' nonr Nortli-
westein Dopot. '
A Common Error
is by ninny supposed to bo ona
nnd the sumo only that ono is a
ponder ( heuco moro cosily
cooked ) nnd the nlhur is not
This is Wrong ,
TAKE the Yolk ft oin the egg ,
TAKE the Oil from the Olive ,
What is left ?
A Residue So wliu COCOA-
in conipttrison
COCOA , is Skimmed Milk.
CHOCOLATE , Pure Cream.
* - ' Chocolate Menier.
Did you see me at the Fair ? Your grocer is bound to pot it for you.
.Vo Hotter. Jfo Sliam , ffo Knolneer.
HEHT rO\\'Ell for Corn iiml l-'ccil MIllH , Hullntf
lluy , UiiunliiKKcimritidiN Creameries , Ac.
Stationary or Portable.
Hanoi I.I' . B to ISO H. I' .
Efnd for Catalogue , I'rlces , lie. , drscrlbli.ii work lobe done.
Chicago , 245 Lake St. OTTO GAS ENGINE WORKS ,
Oinaba , 107 Q. 14th St. 33a& Walnut SU. , IMIILADCbPIIIA , PA.
fJEO. P. SANFORD , A.W. HICK'ilA'l ,
I'reiUlcnt. ( Juslilur.
Capital , - - $100,000
1'roflts , - 12,000
Ono ot tin ! olUt-nt banU In the i.tato of Iowa , Wu
hollelt jovir UiiHlnvsa mil collectionWo p.iy 0
! > cr ( < nt on limit ( U'liusUH , Wo will bo pliMttid to
Hcuundticnu you ,
nuniu chulcu liaipiilnu In fruit and uaidcu
land near tlilu ill ) ?
ill I lime ) K cliunod. 1M ItuiUv , nt Tnjloi'a
L'lorury , f40 llioadnny.
ill ) properly Ixniulit uml bold , I'uuey !
llionun. Council Illuffa.
writer doBlrtH eltuullon , II.IH liud nxpcrlvncu til
lionliliKvepliiK ul'u , bral U'fcnncfs. AJJicua
N 2) ) , lit * , dm IK 1 1 Illutfs.
LOHT , A COI.Ui : RlllCI'lliltl : ) , AHOl'T ' 8
nmnlliH old , liroun.llh Murk IIDKI * , and un-
HW TH In lumn of Mujni. HnllalilH | p nrd paid
If rctuii K'il to N. It. I'uiwy , 5M Wlllnw it > 'cimf.
AVANTIID-ONJ ; o7i TWO riitNiKiiti ! : > HOOMM
foi light liuurekecplntf. AdJiuvn lien , Ueo ullluv ,
Cnuncll lllurtii ,
_ _ _
roii HAM : ou THAIHJ. ji.oooTr ) WOHTH op
prnpvrly In Vcrnun , Tex , 'i clicilro loin In
Qu.innh , Tvx. , ihrap for linh , Addrtefl U 21 ,
lire. Omncll JllllflM
I'AtiTI'ltAOi : , PIHHT Ci.AHH. 'Olt 400 IIIA1 >
nf KliKk , nUjiit 3 iiilh i nurth uf town. Cnltlo
I. 15 to } ! . < " . hni < j M ( W In > 7.0) , for ( canon ,
April IS tu Octolivr 1J. ( liHxl mini In charge
uf mink , plenty i.rH K , cult und wbtur or
ulll rent to L-'iKd ' IIIHII with 1\.IM. \ < capital to
InM'it In ilulry , twig und poultry io l
C-ioom h'iu und nil lommifmm , 1. . 1 * .
Judson. SC"J eth UVKIIUO UF 324 Liixmilwuy , Couu
ell IJIutfii. _ _ .