HIP OMAII\ DAILY TU-f. MtUKSDAY , M UU'II ' 22 , 18U 8 T'H.E DA LY BEE OFFIC E NO 12 PKAIU , BTUKET. Delivered by ctrrler to any part uf Iho city. H. W , T1LTON , Managor. Nor * 9 HnilncM Olllco i * - _ r < iit.riiUM-.s \ vi iii i. ' < | 11 nr No. 2:1 : lloslon 8torcflprlnB dre * goods , capes and Jackets , Tomorrow Is tlio lant day for service for Jhe April term of district court. Mr , Howard's Sunday school class will glvo n social tomorrow evening in tlie Trinity Methodist church. The office of the Saturday Star has been removed to the ground Moor room nt 20G Eouth Main street. The case of the State against Oeorge Rudlo , Charged with bribery on election day , has been continued until Wednesday , March 28. All members of the Ocrmanla society will meet nt their hall , f,03 Broadway , nt 8 o'clock this evening to transact Important business. A meeting of the school board will be held this evening. Among other things , Presi dent Field will appoint committees for the current year. The funeral of Ethan G. Umblc took place yesterday , the remains being Interred In darner cemetery. Rev. J. FUk conducted the ceremonies , A meeting of encampment No. 8 , Union iVctcran Legion , nnd ladles' auxiliary No. 17 , this evening at 7:30 : o'clock at their hall on Upper Broadway. William Llbbeka , who was arrested on the charge of picking Joe Scott's pocket , was given a hearing before Justice Vlen yester day and discharged. John L. Williams , nged 22 , and Maggie fihadden. nged 17 , both of this county , took out a license to wed yesterday at the olllco of the county clerk. They were married by i-- , . SJustlco Fox. ' C. Chrlstcnson of Wcston , who amused Jilmaelf by snapping an unloaded revolver In the faces of pedestrians on Lower Main Direct the other day , was lined 520 and rosin In pollco court yesterday morning. lie paid the price of bin fun nnd was released. The winter term of the Western Iowa col lege closes tomorrow , after another year of successful work. In the evening the ttu.lcnts will glvo a free musical and literary enter tainment , to wh'.ch ' nil students nnd ox- Btudontfl , together with their friends nre 4 cordially Invited. The Omaha Bridge and Terminal company has made an nrrailEi'incnt with the Mla- aourl Pacific railway company by which It Is to have access lo the north nnd south yards In Omaha , giving the Missouri Pit- clflo In turn the right to use nil the switchIng - Ing trackage owned by the Terminal com pany In this city. II. W. Dyers of Shelby county , membqr of the house of representatives , has written republicans In this city , asking the advisa bility of trying to secure the annual meeting of the state republican league for this city during June. Ho la a member of the execu tive committee of the league. It is probable that an effort will be made to bccure the meeting , as ho suggests. The March term of the United States court will commence next Monday In the government building , with Judge Woolson on the bench. Both the civil and the criminal calendars are full to overflowing , nnd the term promises to last longer than usual. Among the criminal cases will bo several In which the charge Is that of coun terfeiting. The cnses of the bond Invest ment companies will nlo bo tried. Mrs. Hoist , who lives on Ninth avenue , between Seventh and Eighth streets , did Bomo washing for Mrs. Snyder , wife ot a eecond-hand htoro man , the other day. When nlio got through she quietly packed up n lot of sheets , towels , handkerchiefs nnd the llltn nnd took thorn homo with her. Mrs. Snyder missed the articles and swore out u scutch warrant , which was served by Constable Baker yesterday. The goods were found In Mrs. Hoist's house and taken to the Justice's office. Mrs. Hoist will probably bo arrested. A mo HAM ; . Tivo CiirlondH of Itunkrtipt Stoclc llonglit ( by U nt 40c on tlio Dollar. ' A. A. Seagrave's entire stock of dry goods nt Sliver City arrived yesterday another carload yet to como In. Walt for the great est sale of dry goods ever known In the west. Date ot sale will bo given In a tow days , wait for It. BENNISON BROS. , i Council Bluffs , la. Mrs. M. Pfelffer will have an Easter dis play Thursday , Friday and Saturday. Will bo pleased to have every one call. Miss Ktihn of Chicago , who was designer for D. B. Flsk & Co. , will trim for her this beason. A. L. Pay no of Council Dluffs , who la n 'dealer In stock , had a lot of pigs affected with cholera nnd considered the cnso BO hopeless that ho offered to glvo them away. Ho used Dr. Jeffries' euro for hog cholera and saved every one. It arrests the disease 111 :10 : to CO minutes. During the last winter It has been used extensively In this county , in every Instance with bticcess. Trial bottle tle , $1.00. _ - Domestic soap breaks hard water. The laundries use Domestic soap. I. M. Treyncr and C. M. Harl left for DCS Molnes last evening. II. H. Harrison will leave today for a two ! .weeks business trip through central Io\va. Mr. nnd Mrs. I' . J. Day left last evening for a California ! ) trip. Mr. Frank Schnorr of Aberdeen. S. D. , Is the guest of his brother , ! ' . J. Schnorr. W. H. Cole of Mount Pleasant Is In the rlty for a visit with his sons , H. A. and K. C. Colo. t D. U. Dentlcr and John Currlc , members of the Hoard of Supervisors , were In the city jestcrday. H. J. Holding of the local Burlington force hus been transferred to Falrbury , Neb. , for a period ot thirty days , Mr. nnd Mrs. J. I ) . Allen have returned from their bridal trip In the west nnd uro the guests ot the hitter's father , Mr. Wllhoii Duncan. J.V. . Clccba nnd wife of Tncoinn , AVash. , nro visiting their friends In this city. Mr. Cluobo was formerly u well known nut- chant here. C. I ) . Handlett , who has been confined to Ills bed with an attack of Inflammatory - rheumatism for the past ton 'days. Is pro nounced to bo on the road to recovery. J. J. Stemlmnn , clerl ; of the United States court , has returned from a California trip of several weeks. Ills wife , who nc- companled him , is visiting friends In Kan- cax for a time. Chief Scanlan left yesterday for Des MoliiCH to attend the incntlng of the State AMjuclatlon of Chiefs of Police and City Mar- fhiils. Ho Is vice president of the national organization for the state of luwii. Tlio many friends of Kd V , Cogley will bo Kind to learn that ho is making a success In his theatrical efforts. Ho has Just closed JiU season with the Ole Olcson troupe , and nuxt week starts out In u starring tour In "Swan Swanson , " a now pluy by Ilroad. hurst. The ilrst week In April he will iiluy In Chicago. The ItoRHnn Why --TV- - Waverly high grade bicycles fcoll for $85,00 : No middlemen's prollts ; Is sold only to re sponsible dealers , who iloijjt have to make profit enough off of a few bicycle wales lo pay store rent and expenses a whole year , lllght Waverlys sold last week to experienced riders. Twenty-one Wuverlya In constant use In this city last year , That Is why they H. " COM3 & COLU. Kmler .Millinery DUplny. Mlns Itaghdalo U arranging for n xppclal millinery display nt her p.irlors , No. 10 Pearl Btroet , commencing next Thurnday , to which tlio ladles uro cordially Invited. We have In stock 1,000 hot-bed sash of our own make. Come and eva us or write for prices. State quantity wanted. Council llluffs Pulnt , Oil and Glass Co , , Mutonlc tern. Pie building , Council llluffa. Don't forget that Mrs. Pft-lffer presents all customers who purchase un Kimter bonnet of tier with u bunch of Kiister Illlleu , Jarvls Wlno Co. , CounciruTuffs , solo agent * Jarvla 1S77 brandy. . Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap. XTPtl'P lMl/\l.I //IIM'/'II HI ITPPO NE\\S \ \ I1 ROM COIMIL BLLI'rS ' Extension of a Now Franchise to tbo Electric Light nnd Qns Oomjiauy , OPPOSITION TO THE MOVE IS GROWING C'ltlzriit An ; l.ooldni ; Into thr Atuttrr vtlth n Vli > ii to I'rrvi'iitlnir it Itrnoitnl of Um .Miiniioly ) | I'lun for it Clt > I'liint. At ( ho regular meeting , of HIP city council on Monday evening , April 2 , a question wilt come up for discussion In which nearly every citizen Is vitally Interested. H Is whether or not the council nhall renew fern n term uf five yearn tlio contract wltli tbu Council muffs Oas and ttlcctrlc Light com pany under which the city U furnished 130 arc lights nt an annual coat of $1)2 ) for this year , $90 next , nnd so , on. There Is u strong feeling of opposition to the renewal of tills contract , and a movement Is now on foot which will undoubtedly seek lo prevent It by legal steps If the council shows n deposition to disregard the wlshua of those who are In favor of something which will break Iho back of thla monopoly. According to the statement of a gentleman who Is actively Interested In the movement , the electric light company Is doing , business In this rlty without the shadow of n legal right. It had n charter np to 188 ! ) . One year before It expired the legislature passed a law prohibiting the granting of any pub lic franchise to any private corporation with out first submitting to the voters of the city the question of whether such franchise should bo granted. In spite of thu fact that this statute wa on the books , the city coun cil In ISS'J went on nnd renewed the gas company's charter. Since then the supreme court | IIH : decided the law constitutional , so the charter of 18S9 Is void and thu com pany's gau mains nnd electric poles and wires are cumbering the streets by public sufferance. These who are opposed to the renewal of the clty'H contract with Ihe company for furnishing light base their opposition on the worthlpssnesa of the company's charter , and this , It Is nald , will be the legal ground upon which an Injunction will be asked , providing ouch u move proves to be neces sary. ( Jas Is sold at $2 per 1.000 feet In Council Dluffs. In Jackson , Mich. , It costs 30 ccntH , In Chicago It Is manufactured at a cost of a trifle over SO cents and sold at n big profit at ? 1.U5 ; In Terre Hitute , 1ml , , It costs ! I5 ccnta ; In Pullman , 33 cents ; In Hyde Park , HO cents. In ull of these cltlcn und towns water gas Is furnished , which , It Is claimed , Is far superior to the water gas made by the company here. In Wheeling , \V. Va. , coal gas Is manufactured ut an expense of 40 cents per 1,000 and sold to consumers for 75 cents. It Is claimed that gas could bo sold In Council Dluffu at not moro than $1 per 1,000 and still leave the company u handsome prollt. In Richmond , Mo. , a town of 3,000 Inhabit ants , In which the light plant him only thirty-seven arc burners , consumers pay $100 a yc.tr for each burner. Hero , with a plant ten times as laigc , but not nearly ten times UB expensive , consumers pay $1CO for arc lights , while the city pays $92 for each arc burner It uses. In Uloomlngton , III. , the same lights cost $ .10 per year. "Tho plan that has been suggested , " re marked one of the opposing citizens yester day In conversation on the nibject. "Is that Instead of grunting a charter lo this company for another twenty years or so , a stock com pany should be organized among the citizens to put In a new gas and electric light system , at a cost of about $200,000. Iy far the greater part of this amount could bo bor rowed , EO that a comparatively small amount would be needed as an Investment. The un derstanding should bo that the gas and electricity should be manufactured nnd sold at absolute cost , and the clly should have the right at any time to purchase the entire plant from the stock company by paying the amount Invested with interest at 7 per cent , and assuming the mortgage. Indebtedness. " UnNton Store Raster Inducement ) ! . This week' we shall place on sale some special inducements , in various departments , suitable for Easter gifts. Some very choice novelties will be shown , having just iccelved an excellent line of 'now , choice , desirable and suitable merchandise , carefully selected from the largest stocks In the eastern mar kets , consisting ot the following lines nt remarkably low prices. KID GI.OVRS In all the lending makes of America Fos ter's , from $1.00 to $2.25 a pair. Magglonl Francesco glove , which wo guarantee the original P-Centemsrl goods , best quality , blacks nnd colors , $1.65 n pair. Perrln's nnd Alexandria gloves we carry In a number of different qualities. Don't full to see our glove stock. All the above makes Guaranteed und fitted to the hand. SPECIAL NOTICE. Ask to sco our $1.GO four-buttoned glove for S5c , und our $1.00 five-hook glove for 58c , undressed only. In all color * . NEW VEILINO In overyx Imaginable color , also an elegant line of blacks In new effects. Special value Is offered In 25c fancy veiling ( high colors ) at Gc a yd. SPUING HOSIERY In ladles' , gents' nnd children's at our usual low prices , consisting of a full line of fancies , reds , tans , grays and better value than ever In blacks. MISCELLANEOUS LfST. Don't overlook corset , department New styles In gents' neckwear. Lai go assortment new umbrellas. Immense variety Jackets nnd capes. Easter line of garter webs and buckles. Illg reductions In Swiss handkerchiefs. See new stock of Alsatian ties. Illg run of miilra ribbons. See stock. New spring stock calico wrappers. N. II. Saturday we will give awuy colored Easter eggs to every customer. See show- window. FOTHERINGHAM , WHITELAW & CO. . Council muds , la. Hurtled Four IlorscH. Frank Ilcebo's barns > nt the corner of Eighth street and Seventeenth avcnuo burned yesterday morning about 4 o'clock. Four fine horses kept In the Btablo per ished In their stalls. They were valued at $ IGO each and the barn is thought to have been worth about $400. There was Insur ance to the amount of $100 on the horses and $375 on the building. The lira Is thought to have been the work ot an In cendiary. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A 3Iiigiilllrfiit Stock. The last load came In yesterday. We are now busy night and day marking and arranging this stock for the greatest sale over taken place In this rlty. We wish to say to the people of Council Ululfs and sur rounding country that Mr. A. A. Seagrnvo of Sioux City , la. , wax In business less than two yearn up to his failure , und two-thirds of this entire stock was bought for this sprlng'H business. There are no old goods. Everything Is new , fresh and clenn and of the very latest style. We bought this stock at Hput cash for about 40o on the dollar. Walt for this t-ule. Ditto of sale will be given In a few days. 1IENNISON IIROS. , Council Muffs. Sco the newjirt goods at Mrs. Nlles' . Kittter Opening , This ( Wednesday ) und Thursday evening , Marcli 21 and 22 , Von nro Invited to attend the finest millinery display ever shown In the city ut MUs Sprlnk's , 19 South Main street. _ The Unity Culld will xlvo n mtislralo and dunce ut Chambers' hall Tuesday evening , March 27. Admission tickets , 25 cents. Gentlemen's dancing ribbons , 25 cents. Alliimni > | irrK''r Will I'uy. Judge Thoruell rendered u decision yester day In the suit of Hoffman against Altmau- spergcr , In which the plaintiff sued to re cover some property which ho hud deeded to the defendant In return for the latter'i agreement tu euro for him during the re mainder of his life. The court hold that Hoffman was not shown by the evidence to have been out of Ills mind , as ho claimed , when ho deeded Altmaiibperger his property , nil could not net usido thu transfers ot the property , which has been deeded by the de fendant to other yarlliu. He grouted Uatt- man Rir.io redress , however l > y decreeing that \itmatiMcrKrr shall pay him the mini of IS per month for the rest of bin natural life , beginning March .11. 18it. : The condi tion In Imposed , however , that before calling on tht defendant for any portion ot the $8 the plaintiff ninet use the $17 per month which ho receives as pension money. Tlllus Dahl , who will be remembered as one ot the two a.tnynicdca who rode to Sioux City last year on the occasion of the annual Slonx. City run , purchased yesterday of S. M. Williamson & Co. , a twenty-six- pound Sterling. This machine Is making the greatest sensation ot the Bcason. It is equipped with wood rlrns and Palmer tires , and has all the very latest Improvements. Mr , Williamson ordered two more of the same kind by wlro last night , and they will be on hand either tonight or tomorrow morn- Ing. . The Indies of llroailwny church will hold a " .Moorish market" In the nixoman build- Inc March 2D. A large variety of npronn will be on sale , n booth will also bo devoted to fancy work and supper will bo nerved by Moorish ladles. Auction Thursday , March 22 , 1 o'clock. MRS. J. LYMAN' . nest of everything In goods and prices. Mycrs-Durfco Furniture Co. , 320-328 Hroad- way. . STI M. Arnic : MM 11 ; i : . Homo of HlH Opponent * Wnnt lo MnUc the .Superior Court un Inferior Court. A bill with a very Innocent appearing heading was Introduced In the legislature , nnd BO Innocent did It appear that some who were on the alert found great difficulty In finding the bill , Its title being simply to direct u slight change In the statutes of the state. The move was detected and killed In the committee. It was then thought that the danger had passed and there would be no moro threatening of the woolsack , but now It come * to light that another move has been made to cut down the Juris diction of the superior court , limiting the amount which can be determined In this tribunal ut $7.000. At present the court bus concurrent jurisdiction with the dis trict court In civil matters nnd to cut down the limit of the legal play , as suggested , Would simply lessen the amount of con venience afforded by this court , while the expense would remain the same. In other words , the taxpayers are to be called upon to pay just the same , but submit to having less for their money. The purpose of the move seems so apparent that it Is not be lieved that the legislators will be duped into crystalling It Into n law. Neverthe less , lest In haito or without sufficient knowledge of the facts , the legislators might be led Into such foolishness , a remonstrance Is being circulated among members of the bar and the business men and the repre sentatives from this section will be urged to defeat the move. Aside from the ap parent motive back of the move It Is urged that If the superior court Is to be main tained nt all It should afford all the-ac commodations now c'ven. ' It Is too expen sive and efficient a bit of legal machinery to bo sot at work simply on Justice of the peace cubes , and when the legislators fairly understand the situation they will doubtless tuck the bill In som6 quiet pigeon-hole. Grinding- Razors , shears , cutlery and cdgo tools. F. S. Stantleld & Co. , 1518 Dodge. Ladles , If you desire aosolutc peace In the kitchen ask your grocer for J. C. Hoffmayr ' Flour. Trade mark < L Go's I'&ncy Patent u.uo Rooster. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ liooliH ill Auction. Carload , consisting of the best books , medical , mechanical , miscellaneous , albums , bibles , etc. Private hale by day and auction at 7 p. in. , G3C Uroadway. C'o.tl. Best quality hard and soft coal. Get prices before buying. II. A. Cox , 10 Main street. Telephone 48. While you are paying for laundry why not get the best ? The Eagle laundry solicits a trial and Invites comparison. Telephone 157. Get prices from Shugnrt & Ouren , the leadIng - Ing seedsmen ot Council Bluffs , Masonic temple. Gas cooking stoves for rent and for sale at Gas OO.'H office. Straw mattings , all grades. Council Bluffs Carpet Co. Washerwomen use Domestic soap. Everybody knows Davis sells drugs. Jarvls Wine Co. , Council Bluffs. DeWltt's Llttlo Early Risers. Small pills , Kate pills , best pills. r.txic f..1 Children nnd TcacliurH JIusli Mildly for tbo KxltB to JCxciipo Fire. . , CHICAGO , March 21. Fire In the South Evanston public school today caused a panic among the pupils. Several of the children jumped from the fifth floor and were In jured , but only four of them were badly hurt. These whoso injuries may prove fatal are : Simon Newell , head and shoulders In jured. Ella Sagert , legs broken. Esther Ilurdcs , dangerously Injured. Percy Bradley , Internally Injured. Carrie Johnson , burned , probably fatally. Frank Johnson , fireman , cut by broken glass. Samuel Mack , expressman , erushed by fallIng - Ing debris. Luke Husteblc , dangerously burned. The pupils on the second floor of tlu build ing were driven by the flames nnd smoke to the upper stories , whence they were res cued by the firemen. Teachers and pupils were panlc-strlckon nnd many were knocked down and trampled upon In the rush for the exit. . After the building wns thought to ho de serted the firemen found Lucy Hnsteble , aged 10 years , unconscious on the third lloor. She was badly burned and her recovery is doubt ful. The building was valued ut $50,000 nnd Is a total loss. Ciiro Indigestion and biliousness with DeWltt's Little Early Risers. 3Mroit itr.i'.iin aiiors jtuitx : I'Ifly-TliniiHiind-DolIiir Flro ut Clevclnncl In th l.'urly Mornlim ; IlotirH. CLEVELAND , March 21. The repair shops of the Cleveland Electric company , located on Pearl otreetcaught tire shortly after 3:30 : o'clock this morning. The flume/j spread with great rapidity. The repair shop , a one-story building , 100 feet long und nearly 100 feet wide , was burned to the ground. All the valuable machinery which It con tained , Including bevcrul motors , was com pletely destroyed. The loss will aggregate about $50,000 , covered by Insurance. The car barns were separated from the motor shop by a small alleywuy and the lire department managed to bavo them from the llames. Wholcimln Drug House Destroy oil. FORT WORTH. Tex , . March' 21. The wholesale drug house of H. W. Williams & Co. wan burned last night. Loss , $127,000 ; insurance , $70,000. Pills that euro elck headache : DeWIU' Llttlo Early Risers. inor o.v A itirnu STKASIKK , lYrnoiml Oimrrol l.cuil * to n ( Irneriil right -Several lluilly Hurt. POMEROV , O. , March 21. A small riot took place on the Kanawha river packet Columbia last night while embarking llfty miners nt Clifton , W. Va. , for the Monarch mines In Kunawha valley. The light broke out between Lafo Henry , a local pugilist , and Dan Johnson , a miner , over un old trouble nnd continued until twonty-llva men were Involved. Firearms und slingshots were freely used , Charles Purcell , operator from Monarch employing miners , rushed In as peacemaker and hud his left arm fcovcrcd at the wrist. Henry will probably not re cover and a dozen others were wounded. Order of the American Wine Co. of St. Louis If your grocer don't keep Cook's Extra Dry Imperial Champagne , W'T t 14k I MULCT BILL FINALLY PASSED Lower House of the 'Iowa Legislature Does Something at Last. WILLED THROUGH.THE SENATE EASILY t . i It Carries with It the Itqinlntlon to llesitb- mlt thu Prohibitory Proposition to the People Dcnloc'ratrf ' Opposed the Plan. DES MOINES , March 21. ( Special Tele gram to The Boo. ) The action of the lower house today Indicates that the enactment ot a mulct-bill and the resubmlsslon of the ( prohlbllory amendment to a vote of the . people will be the final solution of this ques tion , so far as this legislature Is concerned. The house reconsidered and passed the mulct bill without discussion or amendment. This result was reached through the action of a party caucus , by which It was agreed to pass the resolution rcsubmltllng the ques tion lo Iho people. ' In consideration of this agreement five radical prohibition members , Coonley of Butler , Doubledoy of Polk , Jester of Greene , Mitchell of Adams , Stuntz of Slory and Wood of Madison , who voted against the bill on Iho previous , occasion , changed from no lo aye along with Hoot and Trewln , two local op- tionlsts , who voted aye for the sake of party harmony. The result , which was announced as r 3 yeas to 45 nays , was greeled with wild cheering and immediately followed by an adjournment , when an old fashioned republican love feast followed. The bill was Immediately sent to the sen ate and will como up as a special order to morrow. It Is believed thai Iho river cities will accept this measure , as It practically gives them the right to legulato and conlrol Iho Iralllc In Ihelr own way. The Cornwall resubmlsslon resolution was then laken up and passed according to agreement. 71 yeas to 2fl nays. Davlson , Myerley , Hoot , Sawyer , Smith nnd Trcwin. local option republicans. voted with all Iho democrats against the resolution. , The house passed a bill appropriating $0000 for support of the flail commission. The Sessions standard policy bill requiring all lire Insurance companies except the mu- tuals to adopt a uniform standard policy. to bo approved by the , auditor of state , was reconsidered and defeated for the becoml time by 47 yeas , four short of a constltu- llonal majority. , . , . . „ The senate bill requiring United Statesi nags to bo displayed on all public school houses or unfurled In Iho recitation rooms was lost on llnal passage. The senalo bill locating an Insane asylum nt EOIIIO point In northwestern Iowa to be selected by the legislature passed the house with only one dissenting vole Patterson. In the senate the claim of ex-Stnto Au ditor John L. Brown for $4,000 to reimburse him for expenses Incurred in defending his title to his ofllco In the Impeachment trial In 1SSS was dlbcussed ut length and the bill finally ordered to a third reading. The Conawuy bill allowing doctors to sell medi cines wltlimt | passingun examination nnd securing a permit fionij the State Uoard of Pharmacy was dofcalcn ) on final passage , lucking two votes of tlio necessary majority , but will bo called np Yi'ii motion to recon sider. ' > The house bill making rDubuquo the Nine teenth Judicial dtslrlctnWltli two Judges , was passed , also Hie Klhuri | ; bill authorizing school boards to purchase at the expense ( f lh ? district school bvoks to be loaned to pupils free of charge , , , The bill dividing the slate Into legislative districts , making no change from pre enUjWpportlonment , was passed. , DCH Mollies' Municipal Ticket. DKS MOINKS , March 21. ( Special Tele gram to The Bee. ) Tne1 republican city con vention of DCS Molnca ( Was held today and was nn exceedingly lively affair. Sixteen ballots were taken ion ( ho nomination for mayor , resulting In victory for Isaac. L. HII- lls by the following vote : Hlllls , C9 ; Mac- Vicar , II ; Ilolllnu , 22. The following can didates for flldsrmen were nominated : At largo , F. O. McCurtney and J. E. Wllkons ; First ward , J. II. Sheeley ; Second , George Qarvcr ; Third , II. C , McElderry ; Fourth , Adam Hufner ; Fifth , W. W. Wise ; Sixth , John 0 , Leper ; Seventh , J , C. Jennings. The convention adopted a resolution com mending Senator Cheshire and Reprcsenta- tlvcs Dowcll and Doubleday for voting on the liquor law In accordance with thu county platform , and recommending that they be loft free to act In accordance with their con victions and the state platform , This means that Senator Cheshire will tomorrow vole for the Carpenter local option license bill , Other nominations were ; Solicitor , J. K. Macombcr ; treasurer , Charks llyden ; aud itor , Thomas Walters ; engineer. Frank Efl- ton ; pollco Judge , Frank Phillips ; market master , J. H. Rambo. The republicans have a strong majority and this ticket will bo elected. CHAMPIONS .MIIT. : Interstate ConfertMico Ooiliencs nt DPS Molnes with n I.llieral Attend. nice. DES MOINES , March 21. ( Special Tele gram to The Bee. ) The Interstate silver conference began hero today with a liberal attendance. From outside of Iowa there was a goodly number. Colonel P. G. Bowman and Hon. W. H. Skaggs of Birmingham , Ala. , represented thn south , as well as Cap- lain Kolb , candidate for goVernor In lhat state on u\ free silver platform. General A. J. Warner of Ohio , president of the National Bimetallic league ; Ad jutant General Ariz of Kansas and S. S. King of Kansas City , Kan. , author of the book entitled "Bondholders and Bread winners , " were present , besides Attorney General Standlsh of South Dakota. Montana sent the largest delegation : Governor J. E. Richards. Hon. J. II. Toole , Senalor Leo Mantle , George W. Irwln , Dr. A. H. Mitchell , William Winters , George Holdorn , J. P. Leahlgh , Charles Lane , Judge Reeves , N. E. Sargent , J. A. Murray. T. C. Mcrshon , E. D. Malls , J. A. Canter , Frank Schermcr , A. T. Bray , Thomas MoTaguo , W. W. Thornton and ex-Governor Houser. General Warner said In an Interview : "Certainly the silver question Is bound to be answered our way. We don't want silver monometallism ; we merely ask Dial gold and silver be placed on absolute equality as money metals. That's all we ask ; free coinage - ago at a ratio of 16 to If We are nol wild silver cranks , but simply blmclalllsls , and I'll leave It to you If this Isn't an Intelligent crowd. No , the purpose of this conference Is not to turn the world upside down or 'march through blood lo our bridle blls. ' We have me lo talk nnd resolve and cducalo Iho people. " The proceedings Ihls morning were merely routine. This afternoon lucre was an ad dress of welcome by Judge C. C. Cole of Des Molnes , an address by General A. J. Warner and Ihe belectlon of the committees. Fulled to Flint Ills Draft. ATLANTIC , la. , March. 21. ( Special to The Dee. ) An exlraordlnary case , which ap pears lo bo a well planned swindle , Is being Investigated In Atlantic. Frank Rawson , living at Mcnlo , la. , wrote home to his parents In England , In December , 1S93 , for some money. Visiting his parents In England was a man named Harrison. As ho was on the point of returning to this country Raw- son's molhcr scnl by him a drafl for $2,500. Harrison wrote to him from England , stat ing that he had a farm near Atlantic , la. , and thai Iho money would bo paid him there. Last Friday RIIson received a leller from Atlantic , supposed lo bo from Harrison's wife , saying llml her husband had arrived home and lhat ho had brought hm | a draft for $2,500 , payable In Atlantic. Rawson has thus far been unable to locate the farm or the man. _ Iiiwii IMItor Arri'stfil. DES MOINES , March 21. ( Special Tele gram to The Bee. ) Charles Howe , publisher of a paper at Panora , has been arrested by the federal authorities for operating a lot tery. Howe had taken a learn on a dcbl and not wishing to keep It ho gave each new subscriber to the paper one chance for It , with a view to Increasing the paper's circu lation. Nnrtlnvculcrii i\U-iitloii. : SIOUX CITY , March 21. ( Special Tele gram to The Bee. ) The Chicago & North western will build n brunch five miles long from Ilavelock to Pochuhontas Center , the only county seat town In Iowa thai Is now without a railroad. CrcHton UiimblliiK Den Ititldcd. CRESTON , la. , March 21. ( Special to The Bee. ) The pollco last night made a raid on the gambling dons and arrested fourteen gamesters , About half the number suc ceeded In gelling away from the officers after the arrest , C'lriir of leu Kurly. KEOKUK , la. , March 21. The Des MolncHi rapids canal opened to navigation today , thu earliest date It over opened. MctliodUt l The revival services at thu First Methodist church are continuing with much success. Thus far about sixty persons have professed conversion. Last evening the church was crowded and the meeting of such a character as to bring out the old fashioned shouts and amens. Twelve came forward to the altar seeking to lead a new life. Ntnu'k by un iiiutur. : . / J. House , employed at the Klnftmiui Implement warehouse , Ninth and Jones HtreetH , wan xtrnck by u descending elevator Tuesday afternoon und badly hurt. Ho was crossing the pit when atruck. HOUHO was removed to the Clarkson Memorial hospital and will recover. He recently came here from Dayton , O. COUNCIL BLUF PiJ STEM DYE HORK All kinds of nnd Olo.minj da n In the liUlioit style ot tlio urt. Faded ana filulnod fuljrloi mads to loot : us good an now. Wont promptly Uouo tin t dollrsre I In nil parts of the country. rfjrU tat price IfiU A. MACHA.N , Proprietor , llroadway , ' near North * vrestornoUopot. Telephone Uii. This extraordinary ttejuvenator Is the mosi wonderful discovery of the ajic. It lim been endoreed by tlie lending tclcntlilcmcu of Euiopo and America. Uudyuil \ \ purely vege table. Iludjan Etops Prematurities ! of the discharge Cures BK10RE ArlEB Constipation , Dlzzlneo , KnlllnR Bcnsntlonn , Nervous Twitching of tlio eyes and other parts. Strengthens , invigorates and tones thu cntlio fystem. Ilitilyau cures Debility , Nervousncu , Emisalous , und Oevelopca and restores ncak organs. I'alus in the bnclc , lo fs by day 01 night are stopped quickly. Over 2,000 pnvato cmiorseincnts. rrcuitttureneKs means impotcnoy In the first Etago It isotymptomof sumlnalwenknefsand barrenness. U can be stopped in 20 dnya by the use of Iludyan. The new discovery was made by the Special. Istaofthoold famous lliiilsun Medical ln ti- tuto. His the strongest vltallzer made. It Is very powerful , but harmless. Bold for 81.00 a pactniioor 0 packages for M.CO ( plain Eculcil boxes ) . Written gimmntco given for n cure. If you buy six boxes and are not entirely cured , glx moro will bo sent to yon free of all charges. Scud for circulars and testimonial ! ! . Address HUDSON MEDICAL INSTITUTE , 10K2 MAUKET ST. , SAN FRANCISCO , CALIFORNIA. liffiQ Pnlnhrlrliio Att"ri" ' > ' * ' > lt''uw ' 1 > ri ' - OlIllO 6 bUIIIUIIUyO lire In Um ttntn unit foilrral viinrti. Humus UOU-7-H-U , block , Council llluHtf , lu DEO. P.3ANFORD , A.W. RIGKMAN , i'resldu-nt. Firs ) Nationa of COUNCIL DLUFFS , Iowa- Capital , . . $ l ( ) ( ) . ( ) [ ) ( ) Profits , . . . 12,000 On pf llio oltlcHt imnkH lit Din Htaln at Iowa. Wo tolled your bUMlueHu unit rollcctloiiH.V pav fi percent on limndi'i > obltB. Wo will bo pleased lo see and MTVO you. MECCA COMPOUND. TheSovereigri Remedy for Bi rns Instnntly roli < - 03 nil pa T nnd lioals without sc rrliitf. Enclor itl by tlio medical f culty and multitul "i of poj- pie wlios sulTorings It has rol ' > " ' ! . cot'Ncn. , iiLurrs , ia. , .Am , * . : a , isoi , TII Fouler SIfK. Co. : Oi'iitlpmcn 1 um Impjiy ti > tc - tlfy to tli < \\omlorful niaKli ) effect of yuur Mecca. Compound In bums' 1 wim buiiicil , 113 > ou know , by un explosion ot a iiliunln'i' K"HOllnu furiuira un thu mornlni : of July 2 , 1S91. Tlie onllin sut- fuco of my bncK , arms unit back of lower llmba WIIB fa lindly Imiiiol that l.iiffo poitlonx of bllH- loied skin came oft wllli llio lemoviil of my UolhlitK. TliH pnln that followed Is InilfsulIII- fiblc. I roulil not Imve emluuM It twentfour liouis mill lived. Thu shock WIIB an uniit that I ivent nlinoHt Into HPUSIIIH , but In l\\o lioms uflur application of your Mecea Compound I wan alnioKt entliely lellcvi'd from pnln nnil In nine teen ilrfja lifter thu accident vvaa buck at my Ulllli. 1 fan rtlsn further nt.-ite Hint thorn will not ba n near left from that tunlblc bum , a ml ull la duo lo > our Mecca ( . 'oinpounu. It hiioum oo nupi In i-vciy lioini- , workshop or plucu of biiHlni-FH for Immeillntii use In c.-iso of an nccldent. 1 f M Hint I cannot my tixi much for your wonderful lemcdy , YOUIB very luspectfully , ii. o , ML.AD. Prepared by THE FOSTER MANUFACTURING CO. , COUNOII , HI.UFI'B i IOWA. And for Sale by All Druggists. To the Ladies and Gentlenien\ -or- Cotincil lUtiils and Vicinity : < You are cordially Invited to visit TIIK Evans' Laundry , Corner Pearl fit. and Sixth nvc. , on Wednesday und Tlinrfiduy afternoon * of ouch week , und see In operation the plpest Equipped a-pd Best IVIa-paged Uaupdry Plant in tlioVoat. . Our specialties nro Bhirts , Colhira and CnlTtf. Notloo the work and pet prices for tiunlly wash ing. Telephone 1200. Till ? 15VANS' LAUNDRY CO. Special Notices ! COUNC1LDLUFF3 : uo YoiT KNOW "THAT UAY & mss HAVH tome choice buiKUliia In fruit and turiJeu land near thin clly ? ( lARltAOi : UCMOVKp , CCSHl'OOL.3 , VAtJI.TB. cliliiiiieyn cle.imd. Kd Hurke , lit Tului' Kiociry , f40 Jlioadway. AllSTHAt-fH A'N ! ) I.OANH. 1'AHM AND Llty propel ty boUKht and nold. 1'uncy a hoinai. Countll Hluff . \ VNTIO"rosiTioN : AH HOOKKKKI'JIU Y juuni ! lu'ly ' of uspcrlHiict1. Itufereuci'ii furnlnhod , Aililu-HH ! ' II. lien olllce. Council Illuflu. YOUNM I-AHV HTIJNOOHAl'Iinil ANU TVI'K- vviller diHliPH hltiiiitlon : him hail uticrlfiic * In bookkKcopliiK nl > > ; hvHt icfirencea , Adurtnil N ao , _ llef , C'ouiicll UluffH. I.OHT. A coi.i.n : Biiiriuui : ) , AIIOI'T ai iiionlhit old , blown , with black none , un < ! an > i HWI-IH to mum * of Major. Uullubln rewind paid ] If returiifd lo N. M. i'liBey , 653 Willow avenue.4 \ VA"NTI5lON "OIl TWO Kl'ltNIHllIII ) IIOO1I8 for llcht boil < ekcipine. Adilrvmi llt'ii , Jlea umse , t'oiinell lUurfN. > HAI.I : 011 THAUI : . 11,000.00 WORTH QV property III Vcnion. 'IVx.i 'i choice IwU In Quumili , Tex. , clii-up for cnsli , AUclrem I ) 11 , Ili'i- ' , C'oiiiH'll HlufTa. I'AHTt'ltAm : . rlllHT fLAKH , I'Oll 400 HUAIJ iif ntock , nlNiut 3 miles north of IUMII. ( .Vul * ! JiT5 to H.W , hoiH , ( W Hi I'M. for d 0n , Aiirll ! " > lo Oi'luber IS , ( lood nun III ohiirva1 of utocli , iilenty KIIIHH , "ilt uml wutur Of will nut ID u-oo-l man wllli U.oxi.W cupllal im > liiM-Ht In ilalry , IU > K and poultry bu > ln i , irma r-iiioin lioiikf neil ull ooovrnlMH-en. I. . H , .liulwin. n7 Cth uvvuuu or UM lirottlwny , Cuuii- cll lllufta.