Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 18, 1894, Part III, Page 18, Image 19

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Time Oomincr When Girls Without the En
vied Down Will Not Bo "in It"
It May Tulin rtrty Vmrs , lint tlinfircmtliof
lllrtiiln U ( liilnlriK Htriidlly Tim Now
Iculler of .Moroni * IVniliilno
I'liMiton * mill I'linclm.
Tli s term "A bearded woman" Is to sensi
tive earn nhocklngly suggestive of a person
altogether mncullno : und repuUlvo. liut It
IB UBclosa to longer illggtilso tlio fact that
fully one-half of the feminine gender nl-
rcady sliow very perceptible evidence that
In tlmu , say fifty years hence , they bid fair
to rival their masculine admirers In the
cultivation and preservation of the bewitch-
INK mustache , btlrnsldca and stately benrd.
"The bearded lady" no longer proves a
drawing card for the traveling circus. Why ?
Hccauso In the last ten yearn she has ceased
to be n novelty. We meet her frequently
upon the public thoroughfare , st ! bcgldo her
at the theater or In the house of worship ,
or , per chnncc , several may adorn our own
family circle ,
What mean these numerous advertise
ments , such as "Depilatory paste , " "I'rcpara-
tlons warranted to remove superfluous hair , "
"Hair on the upper lip , which BO many ladles
find disfiguring , forever eradicated by the
use of the electric needle ? " Are they not
proof positive that the poor helpless creatures
of a supposedly cruel dispensation of Dame
Nature lire going to fight the Issue ? Kvon
now they are battling bravely against a
fate , which however unwelcome , will , as
sure as the HUH shines In the heavens above ,
sooner or Inter overtake them.
Hut to the last bitter hour they will resist
the encroachment of this , to them , growing
horror , calling to their aid all the extermi
nating remedies which science can suggest
or art produce ; but In time nothing will
avail , and by the middle of the twentieth
century they will gracefully capitulate , suc
cumbing to tlio Inevitable ; . In place of tryIng -
Ing to eradicate hair on the face , they will
be * seeking for cold cream and other well
known promoters for the growth of pretty
and luxuriant whiskers , and a girl without
the envied down will not bo "In It. "
In that ago to come Just picture two pretty
girls , cute Miss Kittle , with her blonde mils-
tucho waxed to an exquisite point of perfec
tion , outrivaled only In charming attraction
by graceful Maud , who employs only the
most expert of barbers to curl the Jot black
bangs beneath which gleam and sparkle teeth
of dazzling white. And what a blessing In
disguise It Is going to bo to unfortunate girls
with big mouths , crooked teeth or homely
chins ! Why , many a woman who has been
married twenty years has no Idea what an
ugly beast her husband Is , because nothing
could Induce him to slmvo off his beard ,
which , like charity , "covers a multitude of
sins. " llut at hist the monopoly on so many
advantages long usurped by the sterner sex
Is going to bo relegated to a back scat , for
who knows , my ambitious sisters of ballot
reform and the Hloomer proclivities , that
pants and the female franchise may not be
Introduced to support the coming mustache.
I know that many ladles are going to bo
shocked by this revelation , and my bearded
lady friends are goingto deny It Individ
ually and collectively. Hut facts talk. I am
told by a gentleman who lias traveled ex
tensively that In Paris boarded women are
numerous , and that among the women of
Spain , one out of every ten sports a respectable -
able mustache. Everyone knows who has
seen the Infanta Eulalia. that In that respect
she sots a fair example for her country
woman. In Constantinople the proportion ot
mustachcd women Is greater than In Spain.
A Boston physician Is authority for the as
sertion that fully 4 per cent of the ladles of
that city are "afflicted" with a perceptible
growth of hair upon the upper lip.
I noticed some very remarkable hairy
growths upon female faces In southern Cali
fornia , a number of misses of 14 or 10 years
being qulto heavily bearded. One handsome
woman of nbout 30 , gowned In oxqulslto taste ,
had evidently outgrown the shrinking from
public attention usually exhibited In similar
cases , nnd seemed very proud , as she
caressed with alenderwhite fingers , quite
after the manner ot a "real < Tude , " her fine ,
well-kept silky mustache that drooped grace
fully over the delicately curved Ji'ps. '
Some men of science go so far into the
dim uncertain future ns to assort that the
human race will eventually bo covered with
What a relief that would bo to these la
dles who anticipate the event of clothing
themselves In the hides of animals with the
furry sldo out. Ugh ! Could anything bo
more hideous than the great , ugly , out-of-
proportlon fashionable fur garment of the
day made from the skins of bloodthirsty
Siberian wolves , the snarling Russian dog ,
mudgrovollng beaver or Innocent seal the
latter almost exterminated to gratify the
rapacious demands of the fair sex to bo
attired In soft brown hair.
Dut when that blessed time arrives , If over
It does , when all the daughters of earth and
sons of men shall bo provided with a natural
dross , like the monkey and the orang outang ,
what n glorious emancipation It will bo
from the tyranny of dressmakers and tailors.
Then , Indeed , will our groat-great-great-
great-grandchlldron find abundant leisure for
Intellectual pursuits. G , II.
It Is not long since Mrs. Frances Hodgson
Burnett , In "Tho One I Know the Best of
AH , " told the world about her youthful
literary efforts. Most of the world , doubtless -
loss , wished It could read one of these do-
llclously ridiculous talcs she described , \vhero
every heroine boasted hair five feet long and
a complexion of nwes and cream , where her
clothes wore minutely described nnd her
fainting fits duly recorded. Although that
pleasure Is denied the community. It may
have the one ot reading a talc probably not
very unlike Mrs. Burnett's Infant efforts , In
"My Book , " by Colla Uosworth.
This book was written by the little girl at
the tender ago of 8 years. It Is not a
realistic production In any sense of the word.
Such a thing aa a plain woman she scorns ,
Her fcmlnlnn characters are all transcend-
Diitly lovely nnd her masculine ones modola
Df manly grace. The story tells the career
of the heroine , beginning with her early
youth. In almost every chapter this fortu
nate young woman changes her frock and
appears In something a little more rjvlsli-
Ingly beautiful than the last. At on ago
when most children wear plnaforea , pale
blue mullo , thin black stuff with yellow roses
meandering over It , white lawns and sashes
gtvloro form the outfit of the heroine. She
Is poor and lowly for twq or three chapters ,
and then suddenly acquires fortune nnd title.
Just how this Is brought nbout la veiled In
mystery. Among the pleasant things that
happen to this fortunate being , who at 18 Is
"one of the most beautiful women In Eng
land , " Is n series ot meetings with Queen
Victoria. The two ladles converse together
quite affably and exchange touching ; confi-
denecn of all sorts. Of course the heroine
marries the man ot her heart , and all the
other young ladles do likewise ,
I'erlmps the most striking feature ot the
tale Is the sudden restoration ot one Jakoy ,
n country lad , to the fortune and title of
which he has been deprived. Ho and his
two nlstors have Been stolen from their
luxurious homo , not In a group , but ono by
one at n very early age. The unscrupulous
woman who steals them brings them each
In turn to a certain simple-minded country
woman , whose simplicity Is so extreme that
the thief Is ublu to persuade her that the
children are her own. Of course they ar
eventually restored to riches nnd power.
All this makes very funuy reading for the
novel reader who has been brought up on
the works ot older writers , but at the same
time It represents an unusual degree ot
Imagination anil perseverance In , an elcht-
year-old child. I'lot , language and every
thing uro vouched for by Cellu's relatives to
have been her own. And as she Is a
healthy young person , with a fondness for
dolls nnd Jack-stones , It Is not likely that
her precocity will develop Into a dangerous
disease. Mrs. Burnett has Intimated that
her early talcs wore on as remarkablp lines
is "My Book , " although she was saved from
tba fata ot having them published. 1'orhajis
BOIUO time Cell a Bosworth will bo ublu to
point to a work as fascinating- "That
Lass o' Lowrlo's" and to laugh at "My
Book , " as Mrs. Burnett does at her early
American women who long for coronets
ihould hesitate before accepting Indian ono * .
The case of the recent suit In which an
Kngllnhwomnti sues for divorce from her
Hindoo husband , nays the New York World ,
points a moral. She alleged cruelty 01 n
ground for her suit , and It IB claimed that
the earner plea might bo made by nearly all
the women" , who marry Orientals nnd go
homo with them.
An n Usual thing the Oriental gentleman ,
pursuing hi * studlns atrnti English or Ameri
can university , Is a picturesque figure. Ho
Is likely to bo very clever nn-l It Is taken ,
for granted that ha Is a prince-nt least , when
ho la at homo , Ho Is popular with his
follows , and through one of them ho moots
and marries n pretty , freely brought-up
girl. Then ho takes her home.
She may not meet with unklndncss from
her htislmnd'fl family , for the Orientals have
many nmlublo nnd attractive qualities , nnd
they are not cruel. Hut It the husband has
not cut himself adrift from the religion and
ties of his childhood his wife must conform ,
to a certain extent , to the ordinary life of
the native woman. And , Inasmuch as she
will only do this so far ns her love and
duty to her husband oblige her , she will
certainly fall to satisfy her new relatives ,
nnd will bo looked on with coldness and
suspicion by them ,
Everybody In Milan Is trying to learn mrre
nbout a duel fought on Jinuary 29 by the
Baronesa del Fuoco ami her maid. The
baroness Is supposed to bo the most beautiful
woman In Milan , says the Now York Adver
tiser. She Is n soubrette , nnd enjoys the
popularity which her face nnd occupation de
mand. She Is an expert fencer , as one of
her most celebrated' Is to appear In
tights and disarm with her sword a man of
twlco her stature.
Some months ago R rich Austrian manu
facturer went to Milan to pass the winter.
Ho fell In love with the baroness nnd became -
came her 'accepted ' admirer. Ho spent
fabulous sums of money upon her and
monopolized her attentions oft the stage.
Karly In January the baroness engaged n
new maid of n rather mysterious past. The
maid was younger than her mistress and
hardly less beautiful. She let the Austrian
In wlienovor ho called upon the baroness ,
and In two weeks ho showed signs of trans
ferring his affections nnd Income. The signs
multiplied after ho discovered that the maid
was the singe-struck daughter of a Turin
nobleman. The girl had run nwny trom
homo , but had been ns yet unable to get a
place nearer the stage than the baroness'
dressing room.
The baroness did not h sltato when she
learned that the Austrian's nffectlons were
wnvcrlng. She challenged her mnld to fight
with swords , leaving her the usual privilege
of raising the choice qf weapons to pistols.
The maid had practiced with the baroness'
tolls , and therefore accepted the challenge1
In Its original form. She temporized with
her mistress , however , so as to secure time
for prnctlco with n fencing master in Milan.
Eventually the duel was fought In the early
evening on the outskirts of the city. The
details of the meeting arc still lacking.
At B o'clock the next morning the chief
surgeon of the Life Saving society was called
to the Baroness' flat. Ho found her In bed ,
with n big piece of plaster over a cut In her
cheek. On the sofa opposite the bed lay her
maid with a deep cut on her shoulder.
Honor had been satisfied. The women had
been reconciled and had passed the night In
weeping. They had decided to call In the
Austrian nnd let him choose between them.
However , when the surgeon went to the Aus
trian's lodging , he learned that the gentleman -
man had head of the affair and had left
town to escape the scandal.
The Philadelphia Times recommends the
following solution of the problem of handling
a daughter :
First You can't do It.
Second Give her her own way ; It will save
her the trouble of taking It.
Third Pay for her dresses , If you can af
ford to. Her dressmaker will sue you If you
Fourth If she takes a fancy to any man
you do not want her to marry toll her you
have set your heart on her marrying him and
swear she shall never marry any one else.
You can then give her n free hand , and she
wouldn't have him If ho was the only man
Fifth If there Is any man you want her to
marry , kick him out of your house , order the
servants never to admit him , distribute man
traps and spring guns and bulldogs all nround
your grounds , lock her up In her room and
vow If she marines him you won't leave her
a penny. You will not have to wait long
after that for an olopsment.
Sixth If she has no voice encourage her to
sins whenever you glvo a party. It will at
tract attention to her nnd give your guests an
excuse for complimenting her. Never mind
the neighbors.
Seventh If you arc a poor man teach
your daughter how to dance and play the
piano. She can learn cooking and dress
making and these things after she Is mar
The custom of using a family or surname
as a first or Christian name Is ono of the
newer fashions In naming the now baby ,
and ono which Is to bo greatly commended ,
writes Mrs. Hamilton Mott In a valuable
article In the March Ladles' Homo Journal.
The value of such a use should bo especially
considered by parents in their selection ot a
name for the baby. Immediate family rec
ognition Is one of the first results of such a
name. When the family names are famous
their selection Is oven more appropriate , aa
they carry on to further generations the
names which have made the world greater.
When they are reminders simply of the
good , If not of the great men of an older
day , they ennoble their possessor with past
honor and present resolve. Almost any boy
will have a stronger Incentive for living a
manly and noble life If ho feels that the
name which ho wears was borne by ono
whom all men loved to honor. And any
girl will surely bo more womanly and con
scientious If she feels that her name Is n
synonym for honor and nobility.
Hero Is a custom of France which It would
bo well for our American young girls to re
flect upon and to encourage , says the Phila
delphia Times , It Is to receive presents of
flowers only , even from n fiance. If the en
gagement should be broken as engage
ments sometimes are , you know there can
bo no horrible entanglement about the re
turn ot gifts. Flowers are perishable.
They die with the day , but while they last
they are capable of affording exquisite pleas
ure and gratification. In France the lever ,
as a rule , endeavors to send his fiance each
day n basket or boquet ot white flowers.
And as the supply Is bound to meet the de
mand , there are florists who make n business
of engagement ( lowers. There Is , ono dis
covers , a special etiquette nbout the way In
which the white satin ribbon Is tied on
them true lover's knot , of course nnd wo
learn that the present prevailing mode Is a
basket of white Hewers tied with white rib
bon and veiled In white tulle. Very sweet
and pretty and dainty , no doubt , but to us
Americans rather suggestive of a baby's
funeral. Wo will take our flowers colored ,
If you please and never mind the ribbons or
the tulle.
The "gentlemanly girl" Is shaking off the
French fripperies by which she has been
more or less submerged for the last year or
ao , nnd now proposes to come very much to
the fore this spring , The fact js that there
Is too much real comfort and convenience
nbout the semi-masculine costume to allow
of Its being wholly discarded , says the Now
York Tribune , nnd Milady has wisely de
cided not to abandon It , but simply to rele
gate It to. Its proper place , where It becomes
the most appropriate and at the same time
the most becoming costume a woman can
wear. To look really well In u mannish
taller inado gown a woman should be con
sistent. Lace , earrings and elaborately
crimped hair are manifestly out of place ,
and a neat collar , tie , laced boots and dog
skin gloves are do rlgueur , A bonnet would
bo an anomaly , a soft felt hat In winter or a
sailor hat lu summer being the only head
gear permissible with such a costume , A
really well dressed woman Is as "gentle
manly" In her tweeds as she Is womanly In
her Bilks nnd velvets , and she owes much
ot her ch&rm to these sudden transitions.
There Is now In Paris a furore for lace
A now Idea for the coming summer Is to
have skirts and sunshades to match ,
Skirts of plain and small-figured black
satin are worn with odd waists ot fancy
The brightness of many ot the season's
dress fabric * demands a toning effect for
Although very fashionable , the short ,
pointed ovcrsklrt Is making but little head
way In popular favor.
A broad sash of soft watered silk accom
panies many of the new spring toilets de
signed for dressy wear after Lent.
Street rcdlngotcH are In various forms , nnd
nro finished with the prevailing flnrjngadeco
rations nbout the neck and shoulder's , 4-
Condray and Brussels manufacture nil ot
the hatid-tnado Valenciennes , whlcJvMs never
out of style for those who can.afford It/ ;
FuchslA , cerlsa nnd ruby are now shades
of red , rill of them belonging to the majestic
fnmlly and vivid enough to suit a gypsy.
Serge and sacking skirts with cape en
suite for street wear will bo worn with er
pentlno waists of changeable Bilk or satin.
Short Jackets are mndo with rovers that
widen to form a deep collar across the back ,
which Is deeper yet ever the sloovo-tops.
Copes and loose wraps nro a necessity not
to be Ignored while largo sleeves are In
style , no they are sure to bo worn more than
Flowers , true to nature , excepting the
color , are fashioned out ot thin -sheets of
gold ; the leaves are of green nnd the stalks
of brown gold.
Hufllcs of silk petticoats have rows ot
cord stitched on them In order to glvo them
stiffness enough to glvo the dress skirts the
flnro prescribed by fashion ,
Whlto Is to be the keynote of spring attire.
It will be mixed with black , tan and fawn
color , or the paler neutral tints which have a
pretty soft effect In contrast.
A Parisian fancy for the use of velvet rib
ban Is to sew rows and rows of It around a
silk blouse , making It look ns If It wcro
mndo out of bayadere striped silk.
A pretty Idea for a eklrt trimming Is black
anil white ribbon sowed together , ( rathured on
one edge like n rulllo and finished at each
sldo of the front breadth with a rosette.
Skirts are slightly stiffened In the back
by nn Interlining of stiff muslin or grass
cloth which comes for this purpose. It Is
nioro pliable than hair cloth and not so
Japanese changeable silks In Jacquard
effects nro seen among the spring fancies.
These are genuine goods woven In Japan
nnd are retailed In this country for $1 a
A novelty In n house shoo la a low cut tic
of bronze kid stamped with gold polkn dots.
Whlto kid slippers , plentifully powdered ,
with silver nnd gold polka dots nro shown for
evening wenr ,
Draped skirts are being developed In the
most graceful manner possible , though many
women who find the plain skirt more becom
ing still cling to Its subduing lines , for It Is
just ns popular ns over.
Lace , ribbon nnd Jet nro prominent fea
tures of trimming , nnd yet black watered silk
for a combination Is as necessary as It was
In the winter. The bright colors of spring
goods need toning down.
Mrs. Mary Hemeuway , the richest woman
In Dos ton , died worth $15,009,000.
Mrs. Lease , the orator , Is heir to a fortune
left by an aunt who died nt Dundalk , Ireland ,
ten years ngo. The discovery has just been
Mrs. Vanderbllt has bought n crown said
to have been the property of the ex-Empress
Eugenic. It Is composed of violet leaves ot
gold , with n bouquet of violets In the center.
Among the flowers are fifteen largo dia
Sarah Jeannette Duncan , author of "A
Social Departure , " "An American Girl In
London" nnd other sketch studies , lias Just
finished her first novel. It Is called "A
Daughter of Today , " and will come forth in
two thick volumes.
The engagement of Miss Margot Tennant
to Mr. Asqulth , English homo _ secretary , Is
announced and has created much comment
In London , whore Miss Tonnant Is recog
nized as the original "Dodo , " the novel
which with "The Heavenly Twins" has
proved the sensation In England.
The engagement of Miss Eleanor Louise
Elverson to M. Jules Patonotre , French Am
bassador to the United States , Is announced.
She Is the only daughter of James Elverson ,
publisher of the Philadelphia Inquirer ,
Golden Days and Saturday Night. Cardinal
Gibbons marries them Marcb 27. -
Eleanora Duse will appear at Daly's thea
ter In London next May In an Italian version
of "Tho Second Mrs. Tanqueray. " It is
whispered that Sarah Bcrnhardt has her
fine eyes on the same play. Meantime
Now York women may livein the cheerful
expectation of having three different Paulas
shock them next year In a great many dif
ferent ways.
Miss Kate H. Pier of Milwaukee , Wls. ,
was recently admitted to practice before the
United States supreme court. In 188G Miss
Pier and her mother entered the law de
partment of the University of Wisconsin ,
and by hard work both were able to gradu
ate the following year. Miss Pier's efforts
were Instrumental In carrying through the
legislature the'bill which made It possible
for her mother to bo appointed court com
missioner. Her father. Colonel C. K. Pier ,
and her two younger sisters nro nttorneys.
Two more first prizes of $40 each have
been taken by Harvard Annex students in
the Old South Historical course. Ono was
for an essay on "The Ordinance of 17S7 , "
by Elizabeth H. Tetlow , daughter of the
headmaster of the Girl's Latin school of
Boston ; another on "Coronado and the
Early Spanish Explorations In New Mexico , "
by Miss Carrie H. Harper , sophomore , of
Charlestown. The second prizes were taken
by young men. Miss Sophia C. Hart was
an earlier Annex winner of an Old South
Some kind man suggests a new definition
ot tlio term "old maid. " He thinks U should
bo applied only to those who have never
had nn opportunity to change their condition.
For the women who "would not when they
could , " or whose course of love did not run
smoothly , he thinks the respectful title of
"maiden ladles" would bo about right. Now ,
If the superior male Intellect will only grapple -
plo with the next problem I. o. , how one
Is to distinguish between these who couldn't
and those who wouldn't wed the women
of the land will bo grateful.
Mrs. Caroline We tcott Uomnoy Is cred
ited with having exhibited nt the Colum
bian fair more articles of domestic utility ,
of her own Invention , than any other In
ventor of either sex. There were over a
dozen , many of which won medals. Mrs.
Homnoy seems to bo a very symmetrical
woman , Intellectually , At 10 she taught
Greek , at 20 was In a high position as n
graded school teacher , and later was literary
editor of the Chicago Times and hns at varl-
ouo times been the editor of other news
papers. She now proposes to manufacture
Bomo of her own inventions nnd put them
on the market.
1'ItATTLK OX' rill ! YOVXOSTKliS ,
Teacher--What Is It , Harry , that stings
llko nn adder ? Harry The end of a
leather strap.
"Say , pa , " naked Freddy , "why Is It that
when you or Uncle George tell a story you
always got laughed at and when I tell ono I
get n llckln' ? "
Miss Wallop ( the teacher ) Tommy , did I
see you whispering with the boy next to you
Just now ? Tommy No , ma'am. Your
back was turned.
Teacher I don't suppose any ono of the
little boys hero has ever been n whale ? Boy
( at the foot of the class ) No , sir , but I've
felt one. "
Teacher Define quartz. Milkman's Son
( who Is rather absent-minded ) Pint nnd a
Mamma What are you and Freddie quar
reling nbout ? "Wo are playing keep house ,
and Freddlo came home and found dinner
wasn't ready. "
Little Jack Mamma , does mlllc < como
from cows ? Mamma Yes , ilear. Little
Jack Well , then , mamma , condensed milk
comes from calves , don't It ?
Sunday School Teacher Tommy , I was
shocked to hoar you swearing so dreadfully
at that strange boy as I came In ,
Tommy I couldn't help It , ma'am , ' Ho
was making fun ot our kind of religion ,
"I had to como back , mamma , " said Besslb
who had made a most tierolq effort to gtvo
her doll a sleigh ride In the back yard while
the blizzard was on , "Tho wind blowod all
the air away BO I couldn't breathe ! "
The little boy had come In with his clothes
torn , hla hair full of dust , and his face
bearing unmistakable signs of a severe con
flict. "Oh , Willie ! Willie ! " exclaimed his
mother , "you have disobeyed mo again.
How often have I told you not to play with
that wicked Staploford boy ? " "Mamma , "
Bald Willie , wiping the blood from his nose ,
"do I look aa If I had been playing with any
body ? "
WHAT in A \ .i
OMAHA , March ul-To th Editor ot
The Bee : It seems strange that n group
of Omaha business men who wished nn an
swer to the question , "What Is an anarch
ist ? " should haVe .referred It to n gentle
man known to be Jielther an anarchist nor
In sympathy with Jhem. But the fact re
mains , nnd ns n rlsult the article of Uov.
Dr. Duryca nppenrqd In The Sunday Boo of
March I. j
H Is submitted that the person most com
petent to stnto the' principles nnd purposes
of any class of men is ono of thnt class ;
nnd the proper person to consult was W. H.
Van Ornum , Oscar Neubo , Samuel T.
Flelden or some other avowed anarchist.
In lieu of n belt- authority , the writer
ventures to offer tome criticisms on Dr.
Durycn's definition and to glvo what ho
considers n more accurate one.
The reverend gentleman's statement Is
wrong nnd wholly fnlls to express the mean
ing of anarchist. He divides anarchists
Into constructive nnd destructive. With
equnl propriety a like division might bo
mndo of democrats , republicans , phohlbltlon-
Ists or Christians. It explains nothing.
Under constructive anarchist ho gives a
faulty definition of socialist ; and under de
structive anarchist a somewhat better defi
nition of nihilist.
The words socialist and nihilist are
diametrically opposite In meaning , and both
are distinct from anarchist ; but In popular
usage the three are often confounded. The
nihilist Is always destructive ; the socialist
Is nlways constructive ; the anarchist may
bo cither or neither.
Many persons mistake the class to which
they belong. Some who think themselves
anarchists , nro really koclnllats , nnd nuinor *
ous malcontents , who lack the brute coura.ijo
of nihilists , the cheerfulness ot socialists ,
and the sense of anarchists , think they bo.
long to' any or all classes. But such nils ,
takes are "not confined to socialists , nihilists
and anarchists , rind do not change the mean
ing of the words. Thousands of American
autocrats , aristocrats nnd plutocrats call
themselves democrats : but this does not
change the meaning of the word democrat.
Anarch , anarchism , anarchist , nu.irchj
como from the Greek word nnnrchln , which
In turn Is made from nrchc , with the nega
tive prefix "an" . ( equivalent to our "un" ) .
Archc Is defined us : (1) ( ) . Beginning , origin ,
first cause. (2) ( ) . The first place or poWcr ,
sovereignty , dominion.
The earliest human rulers , nil of whom
wore usurpers , tried to justify their usurpa
tion by claiming that their authority \vns of
divine orfeln , themselves the earthly depu
ties of the Archo , and their words the ex
pression of his will. Hence , In the Word- *
monarchy , hierarchy , anarchy , etc. , formed
from the word archo , rofcreronco In each
case Is to human , not divine rulers.
This blasphemous assumption of di
vine authority under the name of
dlvlno rights ot kings has been
vigorously asserted right down to the
present time , nnd for thousands of years
such care has been taken to Impress upon
the minds of the people a reverence for gov
ernment , that , while Americans deny the
"dlvlno right of kings , " the Impression Is
almost universal that the Creator did so Im
perfect and Incomplete a job when He made
and peopled the earth , that If man had not
como to the rescue with his profound wis
dom , God's creation would have proved a
dismal failure "Utopian , " "wouldn't work"
because of the Imperfections of "human
nature. " Now , paradoxical as It may seem ,
those who approveiGbd's work and think his
laws sufficient without any supplementary
man-made contrlvanies , are called anarch
ists , n word whofeet derivation would sug
gest haters of God rather than lovers.
The true anarchist ? who may be styled the
theoretical onarchlstlln distinction from the
criminal anarchlstl believes that all human
government Is usurpation , tyranny , essen
tially wrong , nn t unjustlflnble Interference
with personal liberty ; that In the Ideal so
ciety , every mcmbef may freely do what
soever ho will , right or wrong , his own
conscience and a desire for the love of others
being the only restraining Influences.
A man's opinion , not his acts , decide his
title to the name anarchist. The methods
ho advocates nnd imploys to accomplish his
nlms do not make him more or less an an-
nrehlst. Ho may'be content to await quietly
the growth of public opinion ; he may fa\or
nnd practice agitation through speaking and
writing ; ho may believe in'forcible""oVerthrow
of existing Institutions. The test of the
theoretical anarchist Is n belief thnt nil
human government Is nn assumption of
authority for which there Is no basis of right ,
and that it Is destructive of the peace and
happiness of mankind.
Theoretical anarchists are the only
persons justly entitled 10 the name
anarchist ; but most people are so
In love with the superstition called
government , so sure that God did not
finish his work , and that the human mon
strosities blasphemously called laws are In
dispensable supplements nnd supports to the
dlvlno code , that they think anarchy neces
sarily Implies confusion and strife. Hence
the word anarchist is made to Include n
second class who may properly bo styled
criminal anarchists n class with whom
theoretical anarchists deem It no honor to Vi
A man's acts nro the grounds which en
title him to bo a member of this class of
anarchists ; his opinions are ot no cense
quence. A criminal anarchist Is ono who
boldly , openly and flagrantly sets at defiance
the existing laws. It Is Immaterial whether
the law Is good or bad. Law Is law ; and
whoever persistently sots at defiance a law
promulgated by the supreme power ot a
state or municipality Is a criminal anarchist.
The saloonkeeper In a prohibition state , and
the lawyer who defends him ; the banker
or money leaner who takes usury ; the rail
road manager who Ignores the Interstate
commerce law ; the mob which lynches a
murderer ; Grover Cleveland and John G.
Carlisle when they refuse to buy 4,500,0000
ounces of silver per month ; the managers
of the great trusts , and Attorney General
OIney when ho falls to prosecute them as
commanded by the' law ho has sworn to up
hold ; gamblers and prostitutes when their
traffic Is prohibited , and the officers whoso
duty It Is to suppress them ( If they fall to
do It ) all these are criminal anarchists.
A prevalent error nowadays Is to apply
the word anarchist Indiscriminately , as a
term of reproach , to any ono who Is con
sidered bad. This Is a radical wrong against
which the gamblers and prostitutes should
protest , for It gets them Into bad company.
The test Is legal , not moral. The man who
upholds vicious laws with all his might maybe
bo a villain , but ho Is not an anarchist. The
inO.H who steals In strict conformity with a
law framed for his special use may bo a
consummate scoundrel , but he Is not an an
archist. Ho who boldly defies and resists
a bad law Is a criminal anarchist , though
ho may be noble , patriotic and brave. John
Hancock , Patrick Henry , George Washing
ton , Samuel Adams and all these Illustrious
patriots of revolutionary days were criminal
anarchists whom theoretical anarchists have
no dcslro to disown. ,
In America crlmjnal anarchists are greatly
In the majority , but too much Is known
about them already and comment Is super
fluous ,
Of the theoretical anarchists In America ,
some are disposed to bo destructive ; some
demand the Immediate consummation of
their Ideal. They \Yant anarchy or nothing.
They have no patience with palliative meas
ures or partial progress. They hate social
ism , for they wnntunothlnir that may ease
conditions und make people contented. They
especially hate nationalism ( that Is com
plete national co-operation ) , the form of
socialism most prevalent In America , Their
attitude Is essentially selfish. They are ap
parently moved more by admiration for an
abstract principle tjian by love of humanity.
They devote much time to denouncing and
ridiculing these Mho , whtlo suffering from
the evils of the present system , decline to
become anarchists at once. These men
usually lese Interest and abandon the cause
whenever convinced that the triumph of
their Ideas Is afar off. A prominent exam
ple of this sort Is Itev. Hugh Pentecost , who
recently left oft editing an anarchist paper
and took up the practice ot law.
Fortunately anarchists ot the classes above
mentioned are not numerous In America.
Most theoretical anarchists are tireless agi
tators who believe that anarchy can como
only as a result of education and growth.
They are glad to assist any movement which
they think will uplift the masses , free them
from grinding poverty , secure to them tha
leisure necessary for moral and Intellectual
growth , and render them able and willing
to seek and accept truth.
Then , and not till then will true anarchy
be understood. Then will dawn upon th
race the grand truth that man's highest
aim should bo to servo , not to rule , his fcl.
lows. Then will be known the sublime mean *
Ing of the golden rule , that the only way to
become the earthly representative of th
' "a ftj *
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Supreme Archo ot the universe la to glvo
our lives to the service of others.
No fitter closing for this article can bo
found than the words of the Nazarene :
"Whosoever will bo chief among you , let him
o your s r .
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Twenty-six western railroads have a sys
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For a morning nip a bottle of Cook's Extra
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A VOUXO HAai8O } > \
He's not a boy of any size , his years they
number live ,
Yet he hns strength far greater than the
biggest man alive.
He opens bis eyes nt 0 o'clock , and lifts bis
little voice
For sixty minutcH Htralght In songs , some
of 'om very choice ;
And nil the while he Is standing on his
curly bead aa none
Ot nil the men I've ever mot unaided could
huve done.
He dresses then nnd pees down stairs to
wnlt till breakfast time ,
And BOPS through calisthenics that great
SuniKun In his prime ,
The strongest man that ever was , I think
would be.iltutu
To try litniHclf to do , despite his muscles
were so great.
In fart , I overheard this lad remarking
gayly once ,
"I wish old Samson M como down hero and
play a game of stunts. "
Then through the day , while I'm nwny , his
mother says that ho
Is Just the very center of ti world of
He climbs at least n hundred miles In walk
ing up the stairs.
And leaps u humlivd more , she thinks , from
sofas on to clmlra ;
And Hlldes , no doubt , the snmo amount upon
the banisters ,
And to be weary seems the last thing thnt
to him occur ; ! .
IJo'll push the bedsteads out ot place , he'll
rllinb the table legs.
He'll move the bureaus here- and there as
though they wcro but eggs ;
He'll strew the door with blocks mid cars ,
he'll paint the cellar door ,
He'll help the weary hired man do many a
weary chora ;
Nor doth his spirit ever full. It knows not
how to sag ,
And utter ono whole day of this he's Just
prepared for tag ,
Her Surrmm.
Washington Star ; "John , " vho said after
BOIMO silence.
"What la It. my dear ? "
"Men say that women talk a great deal ,
don't they ? "
"I believe they do. "
"And they also think It proper to make
Jokoa about her alleged dlltlculty In maklnn
up her mlndT"
"Yes , "
'John. "
'Well , dear ? "
Are there any women In congress } "
' " '
'N-no ,
And yet , Just look at It. "
Uironlc ,
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