THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , MARCH " 16 , 1801. 8PEGIHL NOTICES. Adrtrtl-ement * for then * column * will lx > taken Until Jl 30 p in. for thn evening nnd until 9.00 p. m. for the morning nnd Bundajr edition * . Advertiser * , by rcnut-tlnic n numbered cheek , can have ananrrs nddre-scd to a numbered lettet In rare of The He * Answer * on address-d will b delivered upon presentation of the check. \ u SITUATIONS WANTED. Half- , lOc a line each Insertion. tl.M n line per month. Nothing taken for lean " " "j WANTED , A HITUXTIoVirfAN AM printer nf ten yearexperience. . i II , Coin , la. WANTEDr A POSITION IIV MILLINERY wilwl'tV. " ' " .I city references ' " " ' < > A-M Ot H lire-ax 13 67 , life. A Bwi3t iHii oiiii. WOULD LIKE TO DO OKS- pent housework In some amill family. AdilreKS till California street. A Mm 1H Rates , l'4c ' wnrd first Insertion , Ic n. word thereafter Nothing laken for Una than 2e. SOLICITORS TF.AMH FURNI8HED ; INSTALL m-nt goods. American Wringer Co. . 1C03 Howard - ard "t. _ _ _ AGENTS , .SALARY OR COMMISSION. THE Krealest Invention of the age. The New Pat ent Chemical Ink Erasing Pencil S-lls on nlKht. Wmks like mifrlc. AKcnls are mik- In * J2300 tn 1125.00 per week. I or further particular * write the Monroe Eraser Mftr. Co , X 38. La Cros-e. WIs - T7 TAILORS WANTED AT FRANK J. JlAiKlirS. H * * * * 13 * J MVK SOLICITORS CAN EARN FROSt J2 00 TO C 00 p-r day. Apply 17 , Granllo blojCj 2.1A. ( . TRAVELING MEN AND AGENTS TO SELL the Daisy Stove Polish as n side line. K ou rnmmhmlon allowed Address at " " " I"e Iowa Mftc. Co. Iowa City , ja. M-M378 > _ THE UNITED STATES CIVIL HF.ItyiCB COM- or niiii'1 ml-Hton announces thai ihe miplilJ slenOKraphiiM and Ijpewrller * for Iho deiirl- | mentul service at WiuhlnKton Is not wiunl o Uie demanil There are rcUlltlunn | now wlilcn cannel IHillltd for want of cflKlhl.H. Appolnt- mentH to Iheso places are usually at salaries of ll.oWOi ) or le n There will li nn cxnmlnn- tlon nt Omiha. Net ) , on April It , nl wlilch persona destrlnR to compete m or be examine' ' Them- who desire to tike Iho examination should write lo Ihe Civil Service rommlss on. Wnshlnclon , I ) . C. . nnd obtain application blanks and pamphlets of Instruction The clerk-cop > lst exnmlnnllon will have to IK- taken on n l iHl * . nnd there will be practical testa In stenography and typewriting H Mill n' BLACKSMITH WANTED , MUST about 3 years experience : must be sober , wage * . Apply at Otto Talli , Scrlbnc _ N btT 1S WANTRD-8IX HARNESS MAKKUS AT ONCi : . I-remont Sa.Mlery Co , rrumont , IOY ) WANTED TO WOIIIC TOfl HIS IIOAUD nml go to flchool. Must bo over 1C ( ft I -J it-Mlit. 16 rnrmtin. - _ _ _ _ _ WANTnU-AOKNTS. IHO MONHY roil tJOOD men. Apply between nml 9 a , m itnil B p. in. nnd 8 p. m nt 421 lleo bldg U-M4.3 ! _ _ MANAOIMl WANT3D. [ ENI3UOnTIC' Blbl man In each Blnte to .mp oy anil laKc charge of agent. ) HilllnB newest slot uuchlnes , our make. . M. Hkrsdorfcr & Co , Cincinnati , O. . ! " " HJin WANTED FEMALE HELP. Rates. IWc word flrst Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for lc a t lan 2oC. WANTED-ollTL FOR GENERAL HOFSE- work ; family of iwo. 117 So. 3Cth stree C * ij * I * * WANTED-COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENeral - eral housework , references rcqulreil Mrs. Al bert Nee , 1337 Park ave. C > jl-l * GOOD COOK. 1310 SHERMAN AVENUE. MRS. A. SnuniU is. C Mln 1 , _ _ .WANTED-HOirSEKEEPER. AGE APOUT 33 , In family of G , all grown. Address I. J. Ilee Li-- l-li * It * jAOY CANVASSERS WANTED TO SE LI. sarsaparlll i In northern part of city Address R K. Bee. O-MI&i 16 * WANTED-GOOD GIRL FOR OEN 13 R A I. housework. 1021 Park avenue L ISJ-17 * WANTED-GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework , ZM1 Leavemvorth. C Hi-lj * WANTED. OIItlTToR GENERAL HOUSEwork - work 1112 South Tenth otreel. C M1Q13 ) GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK In family of Iwo. German or Swedish prcrerrtJ. 1412 Norlh 17lh Btreet. C MI93 16 * FOB BENT HOUSES. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITYTHE O. F. Davis r mpany , 1503 Farnam. D 878 C-ROOM COTTAGE ! ? , MODERN , CHOICE IN Slanford Circle. C. S. Eleullcr. 201 lien build ing. D-8"3 HOUSES , r. 1C DARLING. BARKER I1LOCK. NEW MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE. 31 i MASON D 730 RENTAL AGENCY. G07 BROWN BLOCK. . AND 4-ROOM APARTMENTS. STEAM IIBAT : references required , 81C S. 22d. D SS3 FINE CORNER FLAT IN CLOUSER BLOCK. 7 rooms , rnnso and nil -oilier conveniences. George Clouscr , room 2 , 1623 Farnam. D M333 C-ROOM II , 1901 N. 23 ; 3-ROOM H , 1303 CALI- fornlo. at. : 5-room H , 1308 California. 7-llOOM MODERN COTTAGE. EAST FRONX JZ2 00. Fidelity Trust Co , 1702 Farnnm.D D CM RENTAL AG'CY. HUTCHINSON , 1C21 Farnam D MM ) M.'IJ OR RENT. OiI3 OF THOSE CHOICE STEAM heated Hals In Hie P. E. Her block , IClh and Jackson directs. Call at 11U Hainey slreet D Ml 45 FOR RENT TO A SMALL FIRST CL VPS family without children , u nice nine loom modern house 510 North 20lh si. , lenl reason able. BOI-ES & Hill. 1103 Farnam St.D215 D-215 A5 RENTAL AGENCY , SHERWOOD , 3 N Y. Life. D 22H-A5 * FIRST CLASS. WELL LOCATED IIO US I IS. I , . B. SiKlnner. 310 'N. Y. . Life' . . D-3IS _ " " " FOR RENT7" 0 ROOM COTTAGE , DOS SOUTH 3Ut street D MJS3 17 * HOUSES FOR RliNT NEAR IIAN'V'OM PARK , nil modern conveniences Hicks. SM N. Y Life bldK. D-M393 17 DESIRAIIUE EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE , NEAR Hluft vchool. Inquire 2olG Capitol nve. nve.DIOt IS * A NUMBER OF MODERN HOUSES FOR rent. Lift jour property with ( leo. W. V Coates , Ij I'atlerson blk D-MU ) 13 9-ROOM TlIHCK * 1 tOUSE. FIRST-l'LASS CON- dltldn. 2717 Jiukson. Modem Impnivements Inquire .715 .InuKnqn. D M413 19 * r FOR TlTiNT- 13 IIAVE A LARGE LIST OF cholcu hcnifes to rent ut prleiH raiiKlni ; from jr > ,00 p * r month nnd up. Neu list now read } * . Gee , J. Paul , . 111 Board of Trade hnlld- Ing. > , D-M4SO 18 * 8-ROOM 1IOUSE. M.L MODERN , M9 PARK nrenuo. Incinlrq at Oil. D XH33 A13 > uaosi "MODERN" FLATS , 29rn AND IJAV- cnvvortli J W Sqlllri' , 218 lleo 11 Id'R D 4SS tMUOM llOUSE AND RAUN7"Mr IMVEN- port. Imiulm 121 N 3M , D MJD1 11' FOR RENT FURNISHED RQIOMJI Riles. l'jcoid llrst Insertion , Ic n. won ) thereatu r. NolhliiK taken fur lesa lhan Soo. 3 FURNISHED "TlOOMS FOR HOCSEKEEP- IniC for man und wife. Rent taken In boaid 3U N. 17th E-SCO PM3ASANT R(5o ( > li 1913 DODGED 13-313 1C NICELY FURNISHED 8OUTII ROOM WllII alcove * . ISO ) month , GO I S 17th Hi , E I.J 17 * FOR RENT- PLEASANT "pot Tlf "I'lloNT room , iiiltniile foi tl'o ct'r.tkmnn , S.'U Faniam 13 MHO FI'RNISIIED ROOM ! GENTLEMAN. 2)17 ) IIAlf- ne > l 13-IM1-19 * rURNISHEB ROOMS AND BOARD. Rates , llrst Insertion , lo a word thoionttei. NntliliiB taken fur IC.JH t MM Za. YOFNO WOMEN'S HOME. UNTJ"l U CARE OF Wou.CiVi Clir'.tiui luuoclntlcn , ! 11 S. 17th st , F-SSJ } too iH AND nouniNr first S101 DoiiRlaa strcnt. F--1J ! MID * ROO.Mrt Wl i .OARDALM > 1JAY W S 17lh Hlrfi-U F- _ _ " NICl Iff Ft P.N1S1IED Bijl5TJl"TjOOMn7l llr-t last KviV. 2111 hi , Mao o avenue. F tli _ _ _ DFSIltAIILE ItOOMd WITH IIOAIlll. RlifmH i IK . SOJ N. mil , I'Mild I7 _ IH RNI8HEI ) r.OO.Mrtl RATES MODEl Hei'iio tab'i9.i nirnimtnet. . F M4J. . rci LATTliom ; . JH NouTTi ivrir ITniKET ! Good looms , tfood tiM , irownabli- lulus r-MIJI A1J * _ _ _ LARGE. CCK3U WELL FI'RNISHL'D SOUTH frint room ami prlviite boatO , all ino.urii | con. v nkiur.H. tlio Douglas. F--i > ) 15 ( ' / 'W , lOo a line -uch liuerttoiu tl U n line per v ( wjith Nulhlns lakcn for lea thin S5c < 1C MON1J1S LKASK OF UTORK. SOJ 1-MIJJ FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. Continued. OFFICES IXJR RENT IN TUB bulldln * . ICth and Hurney. Special Induce * tnenU h-ld out to permnnenl tenant * . Applr to Jobst Uros. , rooms CO and 1 Schllti build' Inr. I-M8SI 1'OR RENT , TUB 4-STORY BRICK BUILDING. 91 * Fnrnam t. The bulldlnft ban a fireproof crrnent bnsemcnt. complete steam heatlne fix ture * , water on all lloors , gas , -tc. Apply at lh otfl'-e of The Beg. 1 910 THE 3-STORY B'lORE BUILDING. 1311 FAR. nam it. Rour- & Hill , 1403 Farnam * t. FOR RENT. TWO ELEGANT STORES AND basement * , corner of llth and Howard -street * ; best location In Omaha for rommlsiilon house * . A. J Poppleton , Room JH First National Bank bld < r. I SI1I4 U AGENTS WANTED. Rate * . IWe word first Insertion , la n. word thereafter. Nolhlng taken for less than He. AGENTS WANTED"TO HANDLE OUR BLOT machineejulck seller * . 100 per cent profit. J. T Malhews & O ) , M , 5 $ nnd 60 I iiiKWinlh Klriet , Clnclnnall , O. J MI971B * WANTED TO RENT. Rates , l'4o word first Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing , taken for ! * - tiinn 25e. WANTI3D. HOUSES Fo7rilENT. W. G. TEM- plclon. SOS'-iiHon blric K-19 31 _ A YOUNG 0 UI'LE WITHOUT CHILDREN wish to rent a fuinlshed house foi the sum mer or would be willing t" take cnro of house for family leaving the cliy for summer. Best of clly references furnished. Address E M , Bee office. K-450 IS * _ _ YOUNG COt'PI.E WANT SUITE OF ROOMS. will inuilirn conveniences , for light house keeping Address E M , Bee' . K MI74 1C * WANTED TO RENT MODERN HOt SE , 9 OR 10 rooms Address , statlni ; terms and location. E M , Dei- K 4S3-15 * STORAGE. Itates , lOc a line each Insertion , tl.X ! ) a line per month. NolhlnK laken for lesa lhan Kc. STORAGE FOR. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. CLEAN and cheap rale. R. Wells , 1111 Farnam.M M 888 STORAGE , WILLIAMS & CROS , 1214 HARNEY. 11 SSj WANTED TO BTTY. _ Itntes , IVic word first Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taUen for lesa than 2Sc WANTKD , STOCK OP OBNERAb MD813. FOU clear land and ctsli , J. D. Zlttle , llrown blk. , Onmha. N-MI _ IIIOHTI3HT IMUC13 PAID TOlt 8UCOND-IIAND furniture , carpels , atovca , etc. S. H. llrown , 3 > N 16th. Tel. 1711 N 314A9 * _ WANT13IJ , AN UXI'ItnSS WAGON THAT WII.I. carry an organ or piano In exclnngo on organ or piano. Woodbrldga llros , 120 N. IClh Bt. WANTIM > TO UUY A 1T.W 1'IECES OP cliolro leal estate , cither builness or residence proputy. Must be strictly bargains , only such nenl nnsnir thlrt advertisement. Imo location ami full pirtlcul ire , also It all .ash Is any object Adilnss. for one week II G4. Ilee odlie. All communications conMentnl N M1O ) 19 * PAMII.Y HOIlSn AND t'AUKIAUE. ADUIU3SS. Hinting price , 13 G7. Uee. N-4S.VJ1 Hates. lOc a. line each Insertion. Jl.M 11 line per month Nothing taken for lesa than 2oc. _ roil SAI.13-HOU8EHOI.D rUUNlTOKE. AI- moHt new. will sell cheap : house for rent , pai- tles leaving ilty. 3013 N. ICth st. O 157-16' _ AUCTION ruiiNiTunr. or STATE HOTEL , In bulk , 1310 Douglas , March 20. 10 a. in. O M4CI 20 FOB SALE HORSESWAGONSETO. natts , lOc n line each Insertion. Jl W a line per month. Nothl.iB taken for less than 25c. AI.lj KINDS Or VniUCLUS AT COG ON THE dollar. After Match 0 I will have on exhibition ( for a short time only ) at U13 Farnam street , Omaha , a full line of line carriages , coupes , laniHus , victorias , park and canopy rigs , buggies , phae tons , cnrts. buckboarcl" . all kinds of business and pleasuio wagons , ilrajs , mills and delivery wagons , which I will close out at OOC ON THE UOI.I.AIL. A full line nnd e\erythlnK Ihst-cUss. Como and see and bo convinced that you cnn buy nnjthln * sou want at half prlco at 1213 Tar- nam street , Omaha , Neb.W. W. P. MOMAUGH. FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Ilates , IVic word first Insertion , Ic a word thrreaftt r. Nothing taken for less than 23C. I1AL.KD HAY TOR SALE. TH13 STANDARD Cuttla Company. Ames , Neb. , have 2 000 tons of good barn stored hay for sale. All orders filled piomptly. Q 837 rOR SAl7u TWO POOL AND TWO I1ILLIARD tables , Manhattan style , monarch cushions , slzn \Vj by 9. and all Ilxtures pertaining thereto Tables not used one jear jet. Will sell or trade Tor pirtlculars write to I > ank Oeorlte , Carroll City. Iowa. Q 201 A4 TOR 8AU3. SECOND HAND ENGINES. IN first duns shape , from 5 to 40-horao powei. In dustrial Iron Works , Omaha. Q 321A8 FOR SAI-n Ci6oD DimHAM MILCH COW , fresh In n few dujs. Apply ut 111 bo. 10th at. Q 461-15 A GOOD IlUROIjAR-PnOOP SAI'E AND TIME lock , with vault Jours , for sale nt a birgiln. Address A. Dlxon. Coon Rapids , Iowa QTM4I2 21 LAKCIE PERFECT JNCPTJATOR TOR SALE or trade. Address U 50 , lie.- . Q MM2 18 ST ! IlEUNARD PUPPIES. P. O. ROX CD3. rlty. Q-M4.U al5 MISCELLANEOUS Dates , IVio n word tlrst Insertion , lo a word thereafter. N.thlng taken for less than 2ic. 8-nOO.M .MODERN HOUSE FOR RENT AND furniture fin sale , llrst class location. Ad- dim * 13 2f. fee. 847 15 OLAIBVOYANI3. Rates , li'o word first Insertion , Ic n word thenafli-r. Nothing tuken foi leas than Kc. MUH. DR II. WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT , RE- llablo business imMlluin , 7th jcar at 119 N. 16. S-S83 MASSAGE , BATHS , ETC. Kites tyia n word first Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 2Sc. MADAME SMITH. 602 S. 1JTH. 2ND FLOOR , room 1. Mass lee. uipor , alcohol , steam , sul- phurlna and sea baths. T M3K ) 17 * MAbSAGE MADAME UEUNARD , 1419 DODGE. T M42I 19 MMl. . HROVVN. 1314 CAPITOL AVE. . MAS8AOK treatment and medicated baths T 313 IS * PEBSONAL. Rates , IVi" a word first Insertion , Ic n word thereafter. Nothing tak n for loss than 25o. VIAVI , HOME TREATMENT 1'OR LADIES. Health hook and consultation trw. Address 01 < all Vlavl Co. sultu 340 lleo illdg Lady otttli'lant ' U-M8U _ UNTIL rriniiEit NOTICE JOHN NELSON is the unl > person employed by mo to do the dialling of vaults and iCKspools. A. MucUoii- uld , Cllj Garbage I'ontracUn U MJU A6 MHri ll.V U10N GIVES RKA1JINU3 IN PALM- lntry at ( 3 a. 17th. I-mllis , OJc , gents , tl 00 17' M VSS\(1E 'llEATMENT. ELECTIUVmEHMA I. baths hi-ilp and hair treatment , manicure nnd chliopodlit. Mrs Post , 319U 8. 13th , Wlthncll blk LA ROOK HAS opened IIUBXIUO pillars ut 417 bo. llth utlict. lmpm\c ( ( magnetic , vltapalhlc. sulphur and alcoholic baths , both riolful and curative. 1m- moved Sniilsli hanil rubbing 9 n in lo 8 U m. J'.Hl' ' JLj 'L1 _ U-M121 13 COliroTND OXVGKN Cl'llES ASTHMA. bnincliUli1. ( , caltanh , etc. rive ddjS f ic ot R. S3 .DUUKUJ blU , litli and Dodge. ' 11-433 aU _ _ _ _ IKAClfTii : KUNNAiT-I. ! : ThlTilKr"MA71. . AT Kincrat ilcltu-o. . * klLin L'-MJ | > l oooGIRL. IHHING TO ATTEND cluMJl und do IlKlurorl. . tn rini-ll finilly can find a Imruo un V.'on ; 1'anur.1 jtic'f Addu'ta 13 W. H c L M43J 18 fdON'EYTO LOAN BEAL ESTATE7 uTtelln i Un * n.ich Iniicrtloii. II ' . a per munih , Nolhlns liken fet lota thansJc. -s uMiovio AND clt > l i"'itl. M.OOi ) and upwards 2 to CVj P I > > ut ; i-j 4ilj > Yrariam Smllh CVi , uji ) I'rtiuum. W S31 AJ'TIIONoAN AND TIUWT CO , 3iN. Llfo , louiu ul low mteii for cholca vtcurlly on - Nebiuik.1 and Iowa farnvj or Omahi city pn > | it ) . \V--5J2 jToNES" Fo J.UAN AT I.OW13.ST RATKS O.N lniltM\i > d and imlmprutLHl Omaha reul t'Jtate , I tu C > iar . 1'llilUi Trust Cu. 170J Faniam. \V-SJ3 MONPA TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. THE O. r Day U Co. . UPS fnrnarq > t. \V-t8a jto.NEv TO LOAN"ON F.\UM.S IN Douoias county and Onmh.i cltv property. No delay , KUi Illy Trmt Co. , 17U3 Kurnaro st. W MONETO LOAN ON OMAHA PROPERTY and Nebraska /arms nt from G to 7 per cent. W. II Melklu. Mr t _ Not'l Jank blJg. W-S9 < .KNTRAL UAN AND THUBr CO. , VX MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE. Continued. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA tut estate. Urennoo. Love & Co. , I'Axton blk. \V-M1 _ LOANS ON REAL E8TATK. WARRANTdTtJOOD notes , etc. , bought. Gorvln llros. . 210 N. > ' . Life. W CT _ OMOHA LOAN A TRUST CO. . 16TH AND Douglas nt. , loan money on city and farm property at lowest rate * of Interest. W 863- WANTED , APPLICATIONS FOR LOANS. J. D. y.lllle , Llrown bile. Omaha. W 933 _ MORTGAGE LOANS , A.MOORE. W4 N. Y. Life. W 320A8 * _ _ _ LOANS WANTED ON CITY AND PARM property. J. N. Krenicr , opp. P. O. , M nW MONEY TO LOAN OHATTELS. SHORT TIME LOANS. 701 N. Y. 1''rl1''ai ' THE PLACE TtTioffROVV MONEY ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. MONKY ON HORSES AND Mt'LES , MONBY ON WAGONS AND CARRIAGES , MONEY ON PIANOS AND ORGANS. MONEY ON WARKIIOUhE RECEIPTS. . ? ON MON13Y IN large or small amounts , MONKY AT LOWEST POSSIHLI3 RATES. MONEY IN QUICKEST POSSIULB TIME. MONEY THAT urn my pay back at any Jinn nnd In any amount. Is at ROOM 4 , WITHNELL block , cor. 15th nnd Harrey sts THE FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO MONEY TO IX3AN- We will loan > ou any sum which you wish , small or large , itt the lowest povslblo rates , In the quickest possible time and for any Kngth of tlmo to suit you. You can pay It back In such inxtnllmentn as you wish , when you wish , and only pay for It un long as you ketp U. You can borrow on HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIANOS. HORSES. WAGONS AND CARRIAGES WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS. MERCHANDISE , OR ANY OTHER SECURITY , Without publicity or removal of property , OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 3W SOUTH lOTH STREET. First lloor above the street. . . . _ _ _ THE OLDEST. LARGEST AND ONLY INCOR PORATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. . MONEY TO LOAN ON HORSES. WAGONS , pianos and furniture of nil kinds. Iluslness confidential. J. II. Haddock , room 427 Ramge block. * - * _ _ _ _ WILL LOAN MONI3Y ON ANY KIND OF security , strictly confidential. A. E Harris , room 1. Continental block. . sn _ MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE. PIANOS all articles ot value. Fred Terry. 430 Ilaimje block. X-893 BUSINESS CHANCES. Rales , lOo a line each Inserllon , tl.GA a line per monlh. Nothing taken for lem thrtn 23c. DRUG STORE. CENTRALLY LOCATED. ON easy terms. Box 618. clly. Y-909 J200CO YIELDS JI500 WEEKLY : FINANCIAL depression docs not affecl Rowea Infallible Handicapping system. Best and safest specula tive Investment offered ; third successful > car , prospectus 1891 free. C. D. Rovv'c. ' Box 127 , Brooklyn. N. Y. Y-M9I6 M21 * _ I DESIRE To'lNTEREST $3,000 TO U.OTH ) CAPItal - Ital In extension of well established , clean and legitimate business th-it netted over 1 > per cent on 47,00000 In 18)3 ) afler pnylng all expenses and Including allowance for personal mamgement Evtrj thing clean nnd above ooird and Investl- fc-nllon Invlled. Addrejs E 9. care Bee. MEAT MARKET FOR SALE. CENTRALLY located , filled up llrst class : doing good busi ness. Address C , Bee olllce. Council JilulT- . FOR RALE FOR CASH. OR HALF CASH HALF trade , J3.00000 slock clothing nnd Benin fur- nlshlnprs In good town. Address Bix 421 , Gen- cva. Neb. Y M3J3 1C * FOR SALE. A SALOON IN THE C1JCY OF Fremont , Dodge counly. Neb. , with a good established trndo : n good place for the right man to make money. For particulars Inquire of Albers & Co. Fremont. Neb \-3231S FOR SALE. FIPbT-CLAbS GROCERY IN Omiha , situated on corner of street nnd doing n splendid business , will Invoice } 1C"0 00. a rare chance for right party , this will bc-vr In- vesllgatlon. Address E 49 , Bee. Y M442 16 * WANTED MAN TO BUY RETIRING PARTners - ner-s Interest In best p lying business ; of the kind In the cll > . Buslne-s will nel J100 00 per month. JWO 00 will Lmy. Address E ul llee WANTED. MAN WITH CAPITAL TO INVEST In patenled Invention for sepirntlng gold from the walcrs of rivers. Address Roliert Llllott , Marshalllown , la. Y MtCb 18' FOR EXCHANGE. Rales. lOo n line first Inserllon , tl 50 a line per month. Nothing taken for less than 23c. STOCK OF MILLINERY AND NOTIONS : want horses and cattle. Box 295. Frankfort. Ind. 2-901 1W ACRES HAY LAND , 6 MILES FROM GEN- tral City , to trade for merchandise , groceries preferred. Box 054. Central City , Neb 2 HOUSES AND LOT. BRINGING A GOOD revenue , for vacant propertj. A good faun one mile from good town In western Iowa , will take house nnd lot In Omaha. J. D. Zlttle. Hi own block. Omaha. 7. M9JI 1C I OWN 100 FARMS IN NEHRASKA , KANSAS nnd Dakota. Will sell cheap or exchange for mdse , horses and cattle. Addnss box 76 , Frankfort , Ind. 55-901 LAND AND CASH FOR GENERAL MER- chandlse. Box 201. Eustls , Neb. 2 230 18 WANTED. A DOUBLE HARNESS FOR GOOD . ! nd-hand organ. Woodbrldgo Bros. 120 N. 15th st. 55 12) ) 15 WANTED , A GOOD HORSE AND PHAETON In part payment upon plino. Woodbrldge Bros. , 120 N. 15th st. Z > J9 15 I WILL EXCHANGE SCO ACRES FINE LAND In Cedar county und give JJ.OOO tnsh for JS.OOO stock of needs Address confidential , Box 413 David City. Neb. 55-4S4 77 ACRES CHOICE FRUIT LAND. WITH wnler right , 3 miles west of Pollen , In south- em California , will exchange for ncro prop erty , vacant lots or home In Omaha. Steam elevator , lapatlty 33 000 bushels , on frac tional lot In bUnuler , Neb. Also 7 lots 154x13. ! feet , on which Is olllce , storehouse of 12) feet , corncrlh , 120 feet , < .oal sheds , scales , fted mills , etc , all now In full operation , cost about JitWO 00 , can bo bought for about two-thirds that nmounl Can also put In good dni-lllng house , with whole block of land , If deslrul. Will taku Iowa , or Nebraska land or clear Omaha property 8 pairs good work mules to exchange for clear house and lot In Om ihi Davenport & Waterman. S2J N Y. Life. 25 M50J 1C FINE HORSE. NEW PHAETON FOR CLEAR lot or diamonds Address 93 , Hotel Dollone / MUI 18 FOB SALE BEAL ESTATE. ItatOH , 10u a line each Insertion. Jl CO n Una per month. Nothing tuken for le s thin 2JC CHEAP HOMES FOR SALE. Houses and lots , all sizes , locations nnd prices , luKen under foreclosure by eastern partita who Inslxt on Imnudlato sale. Also Nebraska farm lands Will sell at half value , nnd easy terms. R. F. Ranklne , Omaha National bank R 13 H203 Two moru of those beiutlfut cot tages In Avondulo paik art ; now open for Inspection. Modern In every particular. Including iluctrlu lights , newer , paved street , slono walks , trees , paiks , etc. No special taxes. No car fare. 1'ilcca very low. low.We We have a number of decided bargains In vacant loin , and collage homes on very easy lerms. It will pay jou to examine our list before purchasing FIDELITY TRUST CO. , 170J 1'niliuin street. _ _ FINE EAST SLOPE C-ACRE TRACT/OVER. looking ell ) ; splendid transportation facilities , a bargain on ) uui own terms. Cv C. Shinier. - Y. Life. J-ll-N' _ RE-3.2 - ONE iuO-ACUE FAltM FOR SALE. APPLY TO W. J. Hurrlioit oi A. D Rose , on faun , Blair. It 13 Mac _ BARGAIN. N. E CORNER 29TII AND HICK- rury. F. K. Darling. Barker block. R E-MJ7C GREAT SNAP I.TV3U ! RICH GARDEN , nno mlla frum city llmlis , ( CO 00 to J100.0 * per aero , on 5 jeiirs tlmar oonw trude. Cull 940 N Y l.lf'l building. RE 917 MJ1 _ HOMES AT HALF PRICE-PROPERTY w hlih Iui4 coiuo Into our possession by fore- cloauie of tnortKiign will l > e Bold at great bar- gains. Homts fn > m JI.OOO up. Tim Bates. Smith In > . fo . li jj Farnam st. R E-4U-1S BARGAINS. HOUSES LOTS AND FARMS , ale or tnde. 11C. . Darling , Barker block. Wl _ _ _ IXR ) SALE , A FIN13 HOME OF IS ROOMS ouUldo of bath moms , cluwl , pantry , furnace room , etc. , In un of the be t locations , ele- eanlly furiilnhed und fully equipped In every particular , ready to step right Into , and bargain for anyone about to locate , aim wlwlj outlit. house , lot und furniture , II ! , 00(1 00. much l iu than colt nnd only offeird for vale on account of family belntr away much of the time the premnt year. Address I ) 66. Bee. _ _ _ _ _ _ R E-1M n3 FOR SALE , 7-ROOM COTTAGE AND LOT AT 2211 Webster Blrti'i fm JJ.siWua. Apply on premliei , K E-llilJ alj FOB SALE BE-L ESTATE. BP.ALED BIDS WILtnrUnCEIVED , IN THP. Ofllce of the Park OWhil.-nlonerd until 11 o'clock noon of Mondir.L'irnrch 2S. 15J4. for th leveral houss , coltngrfa1 nml barns In River View I-nrk , n follows : ; " One cottage and barn m.the northwest corner of tax lot 14. ' ' One 1'i-story house anil bHrn In the southwest corner tax lot It. ? One cottage tn block 4.'I vcr View Park adJI- onp * eottam nnd born W'block ' 9 , River View Park addition. ' -i' . One I'fc-story house nnd.TJarn In block 9 , River View Park addition. ' . ' On 1'4-story house Itfjilock 11 , River View Park addition. f . , Two cottngn nnd barns In block 11 , River View Park addition. I r Bids may Include any' or nil of the above houses , cottagci or Imms. All bids must lie for cash , or they will not be considered. Guy R. Donne , Secretary. RE HOME FOR JCOo37 acres , house nnd barn , apple and tnnpl < * orchard ami line strexm through farm. Partic ulars nf thlnnd 7r others. .1 W. nirtls , Great Harrington. Mass. RE M4&S IT * _ BARGAINS. 20 acres ( near South Omihi ) J2.MO. 70 neres , Pnrpy county. J1,4 . t acres , near Omahi. Jl.'yW 32n , Harpy county , Jt7 an ncre. 30" ) , Harpy county. Jl" > nn ncre C. F. Harrison , 91N. . Y. Life. RE 130-15 * _ _ M SECTIONS CHOICE LAND : CHEAP , TERMS easy colony wnnled : commission liberal , also lands for slock nnd mdse. J. W. Wclplon , Grant. Neb. RE-103 AT FOB LEASE BEAL ESTATE. Rates , l'4c ' word first Insertion , lo a. word thereafter Nothing laken for less lhan 2 * : , FOR LEASE. 20 oT4)-ACRE TRACTS NEAR Florence lake , J3 00 per ncre. Boggs , te Hill. R-93. MM FOR LEASE REAL ESTATE We have received Instructions lo lease for a term of > eini twenty lots on Illnndo street be tween 24th and 27lh streets. These lots will be leased nt a low prlee. Size of lots. 30x127 and 157 feet. Also have for rent a twenlj acre Irnct on 3)th ) sln-et east of Fort Oimhn. onb four miles from the postolllce Cheap Gio J. Paul , Room 111 IJo-inl of Trade building. M179 18 * LOST. Rates. l'/4o word first Insertion. Ic n word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 23c. LOST. BLACK COCKER SPANIAL , "KOKO. " Reward. 1002 S. SOlli avc. 40 15 * LOST-FOX TERRIER , DANDY. WHITE EX- dept head , seven months old , reward 1WH So. 37111. 482-13 * LOST , DOCTOR ACCOUNT BOOK. SOME- whenIn northwestern p rt of cltj. March 15. Itelurn to Dr. Mathews. room 4U7 N Y. Life , nnd receive reward M503 1C * LOST. A MALE PUG DOG NAMED HOLLO. Reward will be paid If relumed lo 10I South g9lh sircel. MIJ1 IS * SHOBTHAND AND TYPEWBITING. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL , OF SHORTHAND. 513 N. Y. Life , Omaha. Ask for circular. M305 CUTLEBY GBINDING. A. L. UNDELAND IS NOW READY TO DO all kinds of line grinding at his old stand. 10i > S. lllh street. 3t > 7 alO MEDICAL. Rales , I'.Jo word first "Insertion , le n word thereafter. Nothing tikqlj lor less taan 25c. DR. C. V. CROOK'S xfjvt METIIOD TREATment - ment of nerves , stomaclf and heart. 407 lleo Building. -ft M552 M22 MUSIC , ABT AN0 ; , LANGUAGE. Rates , lOc a line each lijFnrllon Jl W n line per month. Nothing taken forilrss linn 25c. 5"r. . GELLENBECKir BANJOIST AND teacher. 1S10 California , st , 914 UNDEBTAKEBS AND EMB ALMEBS Rates , l'/c word flrst .jlnsertlon. le a word lereafter. Nolhlng lakcn. or less than 2So. H. K. BURVtET , FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND embolmer. 1818 Tci. 30. S04 DBESSMA ING. Rales , IHc word first -Insertion , Ic a word Ihereafter. Nothing tati rrorless.toin 2.V ; . DRESSMAKING- FAMILIES. MISS STURDY. 4 18 Nicholas. ' HI A2 * UPHOLSTEBING. Rates. lOc alino first Insertion , Jl 10 a , Una per month Nothing taken for less than 25c. GLOTIE UPHOLSTERING CO , GENERAL FUR- nlturo repairing , tstlmales and Informallon cheerfully given. All work called for nnd promptly ntlended to. 2023 Farnam street. Telephone 750. M323 ! TiII3 ; IU3AI/TY MAKKKT. INSTRUMENTS placed on record March 10 , 1894. WARRANTY DEEDS. John Krage to Ge-rard Brandenburg , lot 1 , block 71. lot 6. block 70. South Omaha , lot 32 , Tutlle's subillv , 2" > feet front com- mcnclmr at ne corner block 221. , Florence .J 1 Gerard Mandenburg to Adelaide Brandenburg burgsame. . . . . . . . 1 Adelaide Brandenburg to John Krage , same 1 A E Andrews to J A Ilorbich. lot 5. block 1C8 , Oiiuili i. lots 27 and 23 , block 8. Hans- coin 1'lace . . . . . . . 1 South Omaha Land company to Anni Vavra. lot 9 , block 110 , South Omaha . 550 E A Solomon nnd husband to Mutu il In vestment company , lot 5 , block 51 , Flor ence . . . . . 300 Frank Spangenberg and wife to Julius Hoffman , n % lot \Mnthers subdlv. . . . 1 DEEDS. J W Houder ( special mister ) to Andrew Miles et al. lots 1. 2 , 23 nnd 20 , block 2 , Cotner & A'a add . . . . . . 467 Total amount of transfers . . . , . J 1,322 BUREAU. SUnSA 03. SOMOlTOkS.Iieu Uulldlns. OMAHA. NEB. Advlco PKCB. RHIL WAY TIME CARD Leaves TCHICAGO. UCllLir/GION & Q JArrlves" Oniuhal _ IJepol 10th nnd Mason Sts. _ | Omaha 4 I'pm T . Chicago Vestibule . D Wain 9 4Jam .Chicago Express . 4 Jjiim 7 0'pm . Chicago and Iowa Local . .S Wain 11.3Jam. _ . Paelllc Junction _ Ixcal. . G55pm Leavts IHL'RLINGrON & MO RIVER I Arrives Omiihal Depol 10th und Mason bis. | Omahi 10 15am Denver Express 9 3'im 10 lram Deadwood Express . 4 10pm 4 Wpm Denver Express . . 4 10pm G JiOpni . .NehinpKa Local ( except Sun ) . . G.p "pm J-lJam Lincoln Local ( except hunda ) . ) U iSam Leaves I K C. , SI' J & C 7i ( Arrives .Omaliaf Depol liltli and Mason Sis. | Omaha 9:15 : im Kansn * Clly Day Express 6 iSprn 9.43pm K C Nlyht Ex vlt U. P. Turns 0 Mini Leav es I ClffCAcTo R7 I "I'ACiFlc1 I Arrives" OmahalUnlon Depot loth and Mason bta. | Omnhi ' ' L'ASj' 9 JUim Atlantic Express d-t huiulaj > 7 iijim S.OOpm . . . NlKJit Idpieiis GMjiun l..l'iiin OLIalioma EMI , ( lo0 U ex Sun ) li.ijam \VESn G 30am Oklahoma & TevAf I3xp ( ex Sun ) 12 10arh 2.03pm . . . . .iColorado _ fdtnltcJ . _ . . . . , 4 sopm Leaves I UNION UU'lPIO. lA rtTes" OinahaUnlon [ De'iul liij li f. Mason Sis. | Omaha 9'Mam.r . .Denver Uniress . . " 4.0-ipm 2.11pm Overland , , uje-r . . G 30pm 3'4Jpm Bealrlce & SlrotH-h'K Ex ( ex Sun ) 2-30pm G.4)pm ) . Puclflo I X | > IVHS u oiain C.SDpm . . .Denver Fast Mall 4,20pm Leaves ( CHICAGO MH Ifl ST PAUL.ArrIves" | tinialmiUnion Depol ! JUImaMa3on Hi- [ Omaha 6:35pm : . . , Chicago" fllmlle-d . . . a-40am H 3111111 Chicago ExpicaTex ( Sun ) . S.SOnm Leaves I F , E. K MO VALLEY ( Arrlvei Omahal Depol 15th nnd Vfebater Sla. | Omaha 9.0uam Deailwood lUIxinvj-s. 5 lOuiii 9,05am ( Ex Sat ) W > o. lisn tEx Jlon ) I ! lOpm B.uopm. Norfulk Expre-a Ex. 8uml 10 43 im 5.4ipm . St. PaiiHtlCxpreas Li V i I CHICAdO 4rNJmTHiVnbTVN ( Arrives' .O'nalint'P ' _ | _ _ _ DepotIOth _ _ Jj < _ Mjisoj 3ls | Omaha 11 01am Chicago Express . , . iTlOpm 4.05pm .Vekilbulo Llmlied . . . 9 jiam ) 630pm Eastirn FI > er 2 15pm C JOpmlEx Hut ) Chic Puns , ( Ex lion ) 9 25pm _ _ Mo.'alley _ l xal : 10 Leave si MiShOl'RI PACIFIli JArrlvra' Onmlml Depot 15lh ami Webster Sis. I Omaha 12:2 : pm . . .St. Louis Express . . . o oiJain 11,00pm. , St. I/ouH Exprtssi . , 4.5opm 5.101HII Dally ( ex. Hun. ) Nebraska Ixical. 9lOaiu Leaves I C.7 bT. P , M. A. tS ( Arrlvrs OnmhaDeiHlL [ 15lh and _ Webste _ 8l . | Oinalia 8 60am Sioux Clly AccnmniodaTion 10 Aipin 2.15pm Hloux City Expreim ( Ex Hun. ) .12 ( :43pm : tit , Paul Llmlied , . , u. Leaven I HIOUX CITY * PACIFIC Arrives Omahal U.P. Depol lOlh . Mason Sis. Omahu Sioux City Paseng i , . . . . , IO:20pm : 3:55pm : . Si PaulExpress _ lo.ooum Leave * I SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. ( Arrive * OmAhal Depot 15th and \Vebgttr Sta. [ Omajm G:4Spm : . . . . . Ht. Paul l.Tmlled . . 9 35am B:45pin : Chicago Llinltal 9'23am Leaves OMAHA & ST. LOUIS. jAtrlves Oinahalt' P. Depot joih & Ma von 8t | Omuh.i 3.52pm . . .bt Louis Cannon Ball 12 : pm PAID FOR HER SUPERSTITION Slender , Dark-Skinned Wretch Bleeds Two Omaha Women for Money , MRS , KIMP SWINDLED BY A CLAIRVOYANT Imlnrcit tn Oho Up Over Thrrn Hundred Dollarto An Allrgril llrprrsrittnthn of tlio.Spirit Wnrlil-Nnliin llccnptiircil -Minor rnllcn Mnttc-r * . , Mrs. Llzzlo Klmp , who lives In n llttlo brick Jiouso at 1003 Farnam street , has hftcl nn experience with a clairvoyant that she will not soon forget. An acquaintance with this woman , who alleged aho was a member of the spirit world and a representative of the Almighty , coat the Klmp family an even $ .130 , and all the victims have to show for their hard-earned money arc two small Car- rlhcan sea beans. Thcso beans are supposed to keep ovll spirits from the person who carries or wears them. Uut to set down to the story as told by Mrs. Klmp to Chief Uetcctlvo llazo yes terday. She snld that about a month ago a tall , slim , dark-skinned woman flipped at her door and said that she had como to tell the fortunes of the Inmates of the house. The stranger was admitted and predicted the future for both Mr. and Mrs. Klmp. The husband then left for Uurkley's printing establishment , where ho Is employed as pressman. It was after the departure of Mr. Klmp that the clairvoyant began to work her vlc- tlm for money. She claimed to have been sent by the spirits to collect money and money she must have. Those who refused her demand would meet with a horrible death. Unfortunately for Mrs. Klmp , she had some time before drawn $240 from a bank and placed It under the carpet under the Btovo because she was afraid the banks might break and the savings of a year might be lost. The fortune teller assured Mrs. Klmp that all she gave would be returned and that the splrl i would reward her. So without more ado Mrs. Klmp toro up the carpet and counted out $25 and gave It to the woman When the money was handed over the clair voyant told her victim not to say a word tea a single person. If she did the spirits would cause her to go cra/y and that Insldo of thrpo months she would wither up and die. The next day the fortune teller called again and told her victim that years ago four brothers had lived In that very house ; that thpy had cone to the war and were Killed. Ileforo leaving home for the battle field these brothers had planted $3,000 In gold In the cellar. Now If Mrs. Klmp would glvo more money her reward for her kind ness to the spirits would be the pile of gold. The deluded woman believed this and went to work and handed o\er a. $100 bill. The ' same threats were made and Mrs. Klmp was afraid to tell her husband. SHC KCPT COMING. Again and again thN strange woman called , each time going away with a roll of money. Finally the Klmp family's funds were exhausted. The medium kept on com ing and kept up her demands for bank notes. notes.With With the Klmp family lives Mrs. Dorson , the mother of Mrs. Klmp. This old lady had $00 laid away for a rainy day. She fell under the Influence of the clairvoyant and handed over her savings. "Her threats of the terrible things that would happen to us , " said Mrs Klmp to Haze , "were something awful. My mother and myself were completely under her In fluence and I especially could not help doing what she told me to. She said that If she touched me I would go crazy In a moment. I was so frightened that I believed her. She seemed to exercise some mysterious Influence over me. One day I began to get frightened because my reward promised had not como and I went out to hunt for this woman. When I returned homo I found her standing at the door. She said : "You have been hunt ing for me. " I denied It , but she passed her hand In front of my face and I was com pelled to admit the truth. For several days the woman did not come and I worried. toll the police , but I was so afraid something awful would happen to me that I persuaded him not to do It. " It has been thirteen days since the clalr\oyanf has called nt the Klmp resi dence and the chances are that the swindler Is f5r away by ( his time. During all of these visits the medium did not gl\o her name. When pskrd who she was she said that she was a spirit and came from God. Mrs. Klmp describes the medium as being about 23 years of age , medium height , slim built , yellow complexion , black hair and eyes , hair was generally tied with a yellow ribbon. Another evidence of the nerve of the woman was Riven. After getting the $00 from Mrs. Dorbon she went to a store and purchased material for an underskirt. This was carried to the Klmp house and the victim was directed to make a skirt. Mrs. Klmp had no sowtnE'machlne , but took the cloth and paid a seamstress for making the garment * There are several clairvoyants In the city who partially answer the description given , but Detective Haze hardly thinks that any local talent turned such a brazen trick. Arrested for Ahsiiult. Ofllcers Ilyan and Sullivan arrested an Italian named Benedict Phllllpl yester day for criminally assaulting 10-year-old RIME IN HIGH PLACES ! It Is not strange that some people do vrong through Ignorance , others from a failure to Investigate as to the right or wrong of a-matter. Hut It Is strange that Individuals and firms , who are fully aw arc of the rights of others , will persist In per petrating frauds upon them. High-toned , wealthy manufacturing flrms will offer and sell to retail merchants articles which they know to bo Infringements on the rights of proprietors , and Imitations of well known goods. Wo want to sound a note of warn ing to the retailers to beware of such Imita tions and simulations of "CARTER'S LIT TLE LIVER PILLS. " When they are of fered to you refuse them , you do not want to do wrong and you don't want to lay your self Ilahln to a lawsuit. Don I'ranklln said "Honesty Is the'best policy , " It Is Just as true as that "Honesty Is the best princi ple. " SEARLES & SEARLES , SPECIALISTS Uironlc WE Nervous , Prlvatoamt CUKE Spocia OI.81S8S , TIM ; \TMINT : IIY MAM. umuuitutiuu r Wo euro Catarrh , All Dlaoosoa of the Nose , Throat , Ghost , stomnoh , Llvor , Blood , Skin aid KHnoy Dla- oaoos , Female Wonknosooa , Lost Manhood , AM ) AM. PRIVATE DIS EASES of MEN , I'll KB , 1'lSTUI.A AND ItKGT.U , Ul.Chll8 CUrOel without uilnordelanlion from Liulnosi RUPTURE , A'o Cure J\'o I'ny. Cull on oraddn'H * with stimp for clrciilarn free iKxak nnd rteulpta , lut btalrway auulh ut Pot Otllcu , Uoom T Dr , Searles and Sanies , Plora Cohen. Phllllpl keeps a fruit stand at Fourteenth nml Douglas street * nnd the girl lives with her parents at Twelfth and Dodge streets. She nay ! ) that the Italian had often kissed her nnd ycxtordny he called her upstalri nnd attempted to take Im proper liberties. HUTU'S .11 nn ( 'might , The man Noland , who escaped from Chief Detective Hazorft few days ago , was captured at Weeping Water yesterday forenoon. After returning to Omaha without his man Haze opened Nolnnd's trunk and found letters from relatives nt Weeping Water. Word was sent to the city marshal nnd Noland'a arrest followed. _ Don't llrlny. It Is your duty to get rid of the foul ac cumulation In jour blood thin spring. Hood'a Sarsapnrllla Is just the medicine you need to purify , vitalize and enrich your blood. Tint tired feeling which effects nearly o\ery one In the spring Is driven off by Hood's Snr.-mparllla , the great spring medicine and blood purifier. Hood'a Pills become the favorite cathartic with every one who tries them. WAS IT CONTEMPT ? Ilco Ilcportor Cited to Appear llcforo tliulgo 'Scott JsVxt Siitiinluy , When the criminal section of the district court convened yesterday the spectators wcro given an exhibition of the judiciary opening Its vinls of wrath and pouring the contents upon the head of a newspaper re porter , after which one of the famous lec tures was delivered. Last Friday afternoon The Hoe published some of the facts connected with the case of the stale against T. P. Jardlnc , who , with George Smith , was charged with having stolen several barrels of sugar from the warehouse of the Burlington Railroad com pany , and which was afterward peddled out among the retail grocers of the city. During the time when Judco Koysor was upon the criminal bench Smith was tried and convicted of grand larceny , afterward being sentenced to a term of flvo years In the nsnltentlary , the case against Jardlno being continued until the present term of the district courCT When Jardlno was arraigned he pleaded not guilty to the charge , but last week , however , ho changed his mind and appeared before Judge Scott , withdrawing his plea of not guilty and entering a plea , of guilty as charged In the Information. Upon entering this plea , the Imposing of the bontcnco was deferred until the September term of court. Thcso facts were published In Ttio Hoc , the Introduction of the article reading , "Per sons who were around the criminal section of the district court yesterday afternoon witnessed a striking illustration of what It Is to bo possessed of a pull. These same persons were also given -an Illustration of how easy It Is for a man to keep out of the penitentiary If the pull Is worked for all It is worth. " Following the publication of the Jnrdlno matter County Attorney Kaley wrote n long letter to The Bee defending Judie Scott , notwithstanding the fact that In an Inter- 'view ho stated that In the main the whole of the report was true. With the publica tion of this letter the anger of Judge Scott worked Itself up to the boiling point , and Wednesday he stated upon the streets that ho had a great mind to have W. I ) . Perclval , the court reporter of The Dee , arrested for contempt. Yesterday , after Clerk Moores had read the journal. Judge Scott commenced a tlrndo upon the reporter , stating that the report of the Jardlno ease was a base libel upon the court , saying that It stated that some person , or persons had a pull upon the court , when. In fact , nothing of the kind appeared In print. Warming up to the subject , the Judge said that he cared nothing for himself , personally , but hn wanted to sustain the dignity of the bench from attack. The article , he maintained , reflected upon the honor and dignity of the bench and was an offense that could not go unpunished. lie ordered a capias to Issue for the arrest of Perclval , returnable at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning , at which tlmo the "reporter la cited to appear before Judge Scott and justify , or show cause why he should not bo fined for contempt. An Appeal for AsHlHtunro. The man who Is charitable to himself will listen to the mute appeal for assistance made by his stomach , or his Ihcr , In the shape of divers dyspeptic qualms and uneasy sensations In the regions of the gland that secretes his bile. Hosteller's Stomach Bitters - tors , my dear sir , or madam as the case may be Is what you require. Hasten to use If jou are troubled with heartburn , wind In the stomach , or note that jour skin or the whites of your eyes are taking a sallow hue. TWO SIDES TO THE STORY. Itiinlcer Johnson Toll * of HH | Trouhlo tilth Sirs. Rev. Cuiiiphell. Frank C. Johnson , the banker who has been sued by Rev. Larrabeo M. Campbell , for $50,000 In a somewhat sensational damage suit , tells a story that throws a different light upon the whole proceedings. Mr. John son , In speaking of the matter yesterday , stated that ho was thoroughly convinced that the suit was Instituted for the purpose of levying blackmail , nnd that In his opinion Campbell and his wife were playing their cards together , assisted by some lawyers at Lincoln. In support of tbo theory , Mr. Johnson has Homo letters In his possosslon , writ ten by the attorneys for Mrs. Camp bell , which Intimate as much , al though no prlco Is named. Ho also has letters from Campbell which are upon the same lines , Indicating that a money consid eration might be entertained. Thcso propo sitions Mr. Johnson has Ignored anil has stated that ho will fight the cabo to n finish and prove to the world that ho Is an Innocent man. Regarding the alleged Intimacy with Mrs. Campbell , Mr. Johnson denies that there Is n word of truth In the deposition which charges the wrongful acts. He sajs that ho knows of times when the Campbells have laid traps for him , but upon all occasions ho has kept nut of them and has conducted himself In an honorable manner In every paitlcular. JUXK Of Muy'x IrreguliirltlcH Kxplnlncd Llltlo Harm Wax Donu. LONDON , March 15. There was n crowd ed attendance at the half-yearly mooting of the Bank of England today. The gov ernor , Mr. David Powell , said that the conduct of ox-Cashier May had been a very serious matter which had been thoroughly sifted. But , Mr. Powell added , It would not be right at this meeting to go Into details. The bank has set asldo the sum of 250- 000 to meet all possible lessen In respect to ox-Cashier May's advances. The governors learned last November that cx-Cashlor May Imd seriously exceeded his authority and that ho has committed grave Irregularities In con nection with advances made to n certain number of customers , allowing overdrafts without authority and In violation of the strict ruloH of the bank that ho had engaged In stock speculations , which had placed him la serious difficulties. Consequently the governors had no alternative but to require Ills Immediate resignation. The report con cludes with stating that all the securities which the bank holds In Its own account are of the highest class , consisting mainly of government , colonial , Indian and corpora- Lion securities , and they stand In the bank's books at considerably below the market value. The bank never held any Hocurltleg of llmnclal and .trust companies. in' i'iitsj.\fi vxuxoiry. Verdict of tlia Coroner's Jury In tlin CIINU of the Corni'll Cook , ITHACA , N. Y. , March 1C. The coroner's jury In the case of the cook who lost her llfo an the result of the pranks of the Cor nell boys In Injecting chlorine Into the ban quet hall during a class banquet last month has returned a verdict. The Jury finds that the death of the cook , Henrietta Johnson , wan due to "Inhalation of chlorine manufac tured and Introduced Into the room by a person or persons to this Jury unknown. " Dr Bull's Cough Syrup Is the bent In the market A single bottle will couvlnri you of Its. excellence. Trv IU BRYAN AND HIS PARTY'S ' WORK Rovlows What Ens Been Done anil Describes What is Yet Desired. DEMOCRATIC RALLY AT EXPOSITION HALL .Majority In ( 'oiiRrr's Him lluil to Coinpro- ittln Hoiiu'wlml vrltli IntoiiM1 Opposition Conllilfiit of tlui intlimito Trlnuiph of Itlitiotnlllsm. An andlenco decidedly complimentary In proportions greeted Congressman Bryan at exposition hall last evening and listened to a speech of nearly tv\o hours In length with evident approbation. The speaker dis cussed for the most part the work which the democratic party had Accomplished ( lur ing Its iciiso of poucr , and It VMII only briefly nnd at the close of his address that ho alluded to the subject on which his opin ions and utterances had caused so much adverse - verso comment on the part of certain leiders In his party. Tlfcro was scarcely n vacant seat In the lirgo auditorium when the Samuset club en tered In n body and took seats on the pint- form. The speaki-r was only a few mlnnlci behind , and his appearance was the for prolonged applause.V. . T ) was made vhnlrmnn nnd Introduced the speaker a.s one whose political progress had been followed with Interest nnd special prldn by Douglas county ever slnco It had given him fi.OOO majority In his first campaign. Mr Bryan prefaced his address by ex pressing his appreciation of the loyalty which the democrats of Douglas county h.ul shown for him during the past six jears nnd to which ho was largely Indebted for whatever of success he might have achieved. He then promised to review what hud been done by the party In congress toward ful filling the pledges made In 1S92 and to de scribe what still remained to bo accom plished , lie warned the audience that men were too apt to measure what they had done by what they would have liked to do. The democratic party had not been able to accomplish all that It had hoped for. but It must bo remembered that It had met with serious opposition nnd that great reforms wcro not the vvorlt of a day. HIS GSTIMATK 0V WILSON DILL. The Wilson bill formed a text for the greater part of his address. This ho did not regard as a perfect exponent of demo cratic principles There weio many features In It that were objectionable to the western people nnd some that woru objectionable to other localities , but taken altogether , It Included bo many good things and promised so largo a measure of relief that It worthy of hearty support. The party had labored under many dltllcultlen In framing a bill that would carry nut the party pledges and still bo of such a char acter as to pass both houses. 13vcry stop toward tariff reform had been met with a solid phalanx of opposition , which In ton many cahes had prevented the provisions of the bill from being what Its promulgates had hoped to make them. The speaker declared that the removal ot the tariff on wool was. In his opinion , thu most commendable feature of the bill. The had been fought with great vlgor hy the republican forces. They feared that when the wool glowers were taken out from behind - hind the ramparts there would not bo enough left to defend the policy ot pro tection. Many of those who had so per sistently fought the measure had not dona so out ot sympathy for the wool growers , but because they realized that they vvpro next in line and that when the democrats had removed the duly on wool they would proceed to attack another stronghold of the protectionists Some attention was devoted to the tariff on coal and lime , which , according to the speaker , had Been the vehicle by which the money of the masses was conveyed Into the pockets of the railroad nnd mine magnates. The most difficult question that the party had met In connection with the framing of the bill had been the sugar tariff. A sugar tax was obnoxious to the protection ists because the money went Into the treas ury Instead of Into the pockets of the manu factures , nnd so they had removed the tux and substituted a bounty of 2 cents a pound , which went almost entirely to the manufac turers. The democratic party did not want to put a tax on a necessity , but unless some concession was made It would have been Im possible to pass the bill , so It had concluded to compromise by providing for a gradual nvHllptlnn nf tlin linttnfv HIS PKT When the speaker mentioned the Income tax tlio nudlcnco manifested some mousura of enthusiasm. Ho ttnld that the Incomu tax wan a necessity , because as the tariff was reduced It liail been found that some other means ot rovcuuo must be substituted to carry on tlio government , and thlu was at once thu most Juat and feasible that could bo devised. It was In considering what was utllt loft for the democratic party to accomplish that tlio speaker touched upon the subject of bi metallism. He alllrmvd that the repeal ot tlio Sherman law had been found to be .t mistake and that many of tliu members wliu had voted for tlio repeal were now endeavor * IIIR to do something for silver In order to clear their skirts. As soon as tlio tariff WHH out of the way tlicro would be an attempt made to carry out that portion of tlio demo cratic platform that wan not carried out by the repeal of tlio Sherman law. 'I lie pledgu given by the party called not only for tlio repeal ot the Slicimnn law , but for somo- thlni ; In Its place , and before congress ad journed an effort would bu made to pass u bill that would put gold und silver on an equal footing as a basis of currency. It was not In the Interests of the mlnu owncrn nor the silver states that this must bo done , but for the humanity that waa world wide. "You have been very kind to mo here , ' continued the speaker , "but If every friend [ have In the world should turn against mo , ns long as I believe as 1 do on tliln quu&tlun I will preach It from every stump. " The applause wlflch drowned the iloslni ; ftords seemed to Indicate that his senti ments did not fall to find favor with somci of his hearers. Tlio Almlcrn'ny Commends Itself to the well-formed to do pleasantly and effectually what was formerly done In the crudest manner and disagreeably as well. To clennau the system and break up colds , headaches and fnvers without un pleasant utter offcctH , usa the delightful liquid laxative remedy , Syrup of Figs. TO .ti.tifii in : .UOA/I * . Oimricl Hot u ecu Tuu Men Over Tliolr i on * trin t Muriliir nml Siilcldp , ailAFTON. W. Va. , March 15. At Tyr- connell HOMIO time ago James A. Iloblnson fulled and sold his farm to H. A. McDonald , with the understanding that Hoblnson WUH to live on the place until March 15 , and K ho raised enough money In the meantime tn pay back what McDonald had paid on the placu to keep thu farm Ho did nut do thH nnd wan moved out , when a quarrel arose , ItnhliiKon not a shotgun und killed him. ItobltiKon then barricaded himself In thu house. rinnlly u po.-wo forced the door , \\hon thu murderer shot himself , dying In- Blanllj. _ _ mil that euro filcU huadacho : UoWltt' * Llttlo Uurly Itlsoru. Ono of MeKiiiiu'K Hciii'hmi'ii I'liiincl ( iiillty. 11HOOKI.YN. March 15. Justice of Ihu I'caco Sutherland of McKunu'H , ono heneli- men , Indicted for conspiracy In connection with the Ornvpsond troubles , today found Rullty us thu result of a neunnl trial , In the llrst trial thu jmy disagreed. Hun- tunco will bo pronounced Saturday mornlne , When Baby was ulclrTO gnvo her Castorla. \\1icn sha won a Chlkl , she crlud for 'iiitorla. When she liocamo } tlu , lie dun ; ; to Coitorla. Wbcu aho had Children , she garu them Cutoril