THE OMAHA DAILY FRIDAY. MAKUII 10 , 180-1. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Market for Wheat Wca Under the Influciicu ofTino Weather. CORN WAS WEAK AND BUSINESS SLACK Provloioni Wcro Itutlicr I'-nx ? ttir Tow Minute * . HiiKlticM Win Light unit Principally Confined to l.urul CHICAGO , Mnrsh 15. Tlw mtirkut for wheat wus unilor the bunrlnh Inlluonca o the Him weather nil 'lay. NoUvlthstttndlni , much oncotiras ! inrnl from other source ? the dona 'vas tic lower than on the tiny be fore. Corn and oats lost Uc eanli , but. pro- vlHlctiM broke ; the monotonous decline of the apccuhtlvo commodities , and closed lOe. higher for porl : anil 7tic higher for lurd niu ribs. ribs.There There was ; n , heavy business In jvlicat dur ing the llr t half hour of the session. The market opened ' .teak at about th prlcu 01 puts for the day. Some llttlo buying upalnut those privileges ntartfd nt once , but the proimtrfi to sell was such that many holi ! their privileges to take advantage of the lower prices which the great apparent weak ness at the time seemed to Justify. The looked for farther decline was not long de layed. In the drat half hour May declined from f > Sc to C7c , with one sale recorded at 57e while the rush to sell was at Its height. Thu weather was perfect. North western receipts we-ro again fairly liberal and In excess of those of last year. There was some recovery from the depression sug gested by the above when Now York dis patches reported the taking there at that early period of the session of from 20 to 23 boatloads of wheat. The market tinned up u little more on that and May sold at GSUc , with last sales at 5Sc to CSUc. Corn was weak and business rather slack. Receiving and shipping houses were sellers. Some long corn was sold out and the chief buying was for the short account. The opening price for May 37c wns the high est of the day , and 37'/jc ' the lowest , which rime about 20 minutes before the close. The market closed with buyers at 3"/4e to 37e and sellers at 37c. The business In oats was very limited. Values were lower , Inlluenccd by the weak ness In corn. The provision market was rather easy for a few minutes , but the shorts appeared sat- Islled with the break which had already oc curred and were fairly liberal buyers. Jlusl- ness was light and principally confined to local speculators. After several fluctuations the market closed strong near the top. Com pared with last night May pork Is lOc higher , May lard 7'c higher and May ribs 7'iJ ' higher. Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat , 45 cars ; corn , 285 cars ; oats , 200 cars ; hogs , 20.000 head. The leading futures ranged us follows : C'nRli riuotntlons wcro us follows : n.OUc I'liclmiiKcd. WIII2AT No. 2 pnrlng , COUc ; No. 3 spring , tCc. No. 2 icil. CC'.ic. e-eUN No. 2. 30c. HYK No. 2 , 40He. OATK No. 2. 30UnSOMe : No. 2 white , 33HCT H\ic \ ; No. 3 while. 32'iff32'ic. ! UAHLiY-No. : 2. nomlniit ; No. 3 , ClSSJe ; No. I , 48'4c. J'J.AXHnnD No. 1 , 11.3001.37. TIMOTHY SEED I'rlmc , JI.20. I'HOVISIONS Mcra pork , per lilil. , $11.0-1 11.05 ; Inul , per W > Ibs. , JOJi'sWi-kO ; short rlba , sldca ( IOOHP ) . $5.72'XiB5.75 ' ; dry saltcil s'.vmldera ( boxed ) . jc.flono.25 ; hlioit clear Hides ( boxed ) , ? iJ.37',4TO."iO. WHISKY Dlstllli-rs1 llnlslied sooUa. per Bal. , 11.15. St'OAIJS Unchanged. The fallowing wuro the receipts ana shipments for today ; On the Produce oxelmniro lodiiy thei butler mar ket waH ( inlet : cruamerli'H. l.'W.'Oe ; dairluH , liuv : IKK , Kfc'us.uulcl ; Htrlctly fruah , lc. ! ! Xtnv York Miirke-ti. NEW YOIIK ? March 15. FLOUR Receipts. t2)00 ! ) bbls. ; exports. 5.SOO libls. ; sales , 11,500 pltgs. Tlic market was weak and there was no fllM > i > : ! ltlin on the part of sonic millers to accept lower bids. WHEAT Itecelpts , none ; exports. 100,900 bu. ; tales , It25,000 bu. futures and 350,000 liu. spot. Fpot maiket active ; No. 2 led , In store and elevator , Co ie ; allout , OSHc ; f. o. li. . C2lo ; No. I noithern , C3'c ( ; No. 1 hard , 7IVsc. The options m r\et made another low record today , and yet business all through the session Was dull and fcaturt'les-i. T.he break occurred Ibis moinlm ; , ml resulted fnmi weak cables , the bearish Price I'uriTnt'd slatemenl. unfavorable antl-optinn re- porls and fears of an oiitiwurlnn of loni ; wlieat. Prices rallied later , however , on the Mg export demand here and talk of cnlilrr weather went , and about 'iJfHe nel decline. Tlie condl- llon of wheat In store here Is again helm ; ques tioned , No. 2 red , Match , closed at COXe ; May , Cl 15-ICfTC2 > ie , closed ut Ci'.fic ' ; .Inly. 01 l-lCfiOif.c | ; closc'd at Ol'.le ; August vIoHml at CT.Vie ; Septem ber closed at CC j.e ; December , IKHiil'Oe. closed at fiU'ie , e'eJltN Itecelpls , 3,900 bu. : exports. 3.1.3nO bn. ; pales , 9JO.OX ) bu. futures and 30,000 bu. fpot. Hpiil nmiki-l easier ; No. 2. 44c In elevator ; lie atloat. Options , weak early In sympathy With wlieat and on talk of u larger movement west , but rallied partially later , closing > ( , ' ! c net de- ellnu. March closed at 4lc ; April closed at 43e ; May , 42 13.1Gfiic. : closed at 43o ; July , II 1-1CW 44'iO. ' rlnml at 4 Hie. V'rt'sTHl > cll'tH. | ' 83.1VK ) bu. ; exports , 10,000 bu. ; pales , 10.1.000 bu. futures and 51,000 bu. Fpt. Spot , quiet , closing steadier ; No. 2. 33Vifi3r.uo : * ? ; . - < 'ellver ' > < l , SC'iOSa'jo ; No. 3. 3l > 4e ; No. 2 white , S.WiMSc ; No. 3 white. 37c ; track mixed western. 37tf3Sc ; tmck white western , 3Sifl2e ; trark white stale , 3STI2c. Optlona. dull an. ! weak In the morning , but n little steadier In the itflernoon , closing unchanged to ' , ( ,0 net decline- ? ln.r cll. , < ; 'ln',1 nt K' c'- April closed at S3e ; May lOinSIV. closed nt 3l ie ; July closed at 3lie. ' AY-ejulot ; shipping. J0.00 0.50. ' HOPS Mow ; state , eommun to choice , 9fflOo ; 1'ieelllc eoa t. 13W20c. HlDK.Qiilet and steady ; wet sailed , > few Or- leana selecled , 43 lo 05 Ibs. . 4HW4 > ; c ; Texas J'lwted. 55 to 50 Ibs. , 4lr3e ; llurmii Ayr dry , "I'i' ' : " . 'IP'1 : l ' " * > " . LI.AIIILU , - htcady : hemlljck sole , lluenos . . ' . ' ? . ! ! l ( < ' " " "vy weights. 13 19c. PHOyiHlONS-llcef , lower : family , $11 ; extra mess , 1 , .50 ; beef hams , $13.W ; clly. cxtia India J1C.WW.C1. Cut meats. rnsU-r ; pickled OUJi'e ; pickled shoulders , f-\fj6u ; pickled hams. 'i J9io Lard , steady : western steam closed in $7.12-4 bid ; Marcli closed nt 17.05 , nominal ; Mny , $0..i3 , nmnlnal ; i- llneil , llrm ; comiHiund. OHc. Poik , oulet anil steady ; new mess , itt.nifil&m ; j.xlrn prime. lltonjirn.tO ; family , $13.WU14.00 ; shoit clear. ! 3.f,0 COTTONSnKn OHnalher weak ; pilmc crude. bbl" . . 24e ; loiwi1 , 24J2te. ; Ill'TTUU - Hlendy but unclmmred : western aalry , I21iloc ; western creamery. IJfU'J'tcest : - rn faelory , MiriSo ; Elitlns , 22'ie. HHKHn-l'Irm ; part skims. Stfloc ; full skims , . , ! ' : tAt.irw''nl ' ! < : western fresh , lllflSc ; soulhern , IJ WU'je ; reci-lpts , 11.300 pkjrs. TALJXVliasy ; elly < J2 per pkg. ) , 5fi5'ie. PETIIOLIU'.M - Dull ; United closed at Kc TClil'KNTINK-Woaker : 29'fi29Ho. ctr"11"1'1 ' Common I" Komi , . i.MV'.Al101" ! ' " 'endy ' ; domestic , fair to extra. IS.U60 , Japan , 4U < M'ic. ) IAHSiH-lull ; NCW Orleans , open kellle , lo choice. 274J3le. -eay ; omehllc , $3.90 asked , KlUlAlt Haw , ulcady ; sales yesterday. C.100 bn n rentrlfumil , 96 lent , 3 3-lCo , vx-Hhli | ; le- Unrd , dull , _ Duliilli Wheat Market. Dl'Ll'TH , March -\\'HiAT Tills market was aUiut 2o alKive Chleago all day and closed II nn ; No. 1 hard , cash , Clc ; March , fiSUo ; May , C2c ; Julv. 3140 ; No , i nor I 'lorn , cash , KO.e ; March , & 7u ; May , Wie ; July , C2o ; No. 2 noithern. oath , MUc ; No. 3. 4'Jljc ; rejecled , 44)4 ) , On track : No. 1 northern , In arrive , CO'je. IVorlu ( irulu Jliirki't. PEOIUA. March 15.-COUN-iasler : : No. 2. 36e. OATH liu l r ; No. 2 whllv , 32e ; No. 3 white , It ; No. 2. WlUHKr-Klrnij hliih wine basin , $1.15. Ne\v Yurk l > ry Oooils Slitrkvt. NOW YOHK. Murch IJ.-lluilnoss In all dr. purlinenU wa cunllnunl on the basin of pre vious iluyn us far ui Iho number of buyers and 4i UtiuunJn wo cun.lJcrcd. The purchuncii wcie | MJ. hnvtfVfr , ai lh liuycra prrK'nlont1neil IhHr ol ctlotinvli.llx lo Knronitble- | . Inltlri , to lh - lufttnl ni- liMit of * > Milc | * > . With ei.tnml- lon IIOIIIKS nnd liuporterr. thidetnnnd \\n \ " In cnn wincniv of the ccllvdiMn nnd lni | ) rinnei > of rlliN.Tin inn ] l.icn eurtnliin ui tlm aui'ti < m r.\lt tmlar. The Jntler went t-ff rfitmrl ; tly wi-ll ntul prices \\fif ft IIUK In r\f * * * of Iho .Inntinry Will's. Ociol colon In nny pliUli did \fi-r well. Cotlnn ! , " " 1" wnre dinner limn n/tun ! , rfnd r.inny buyers were ivltliiltnwn from Iho niutkel by Iho nt\f \ nnd uhiuontl > l > y ellmurci'alilc wmlhi-r WfH'ltn LfxxlK Imd taoro nttenllon and drjun RUIMI. * ! trcre qulel and mum * did well. Pilnilnti clothK nno moic nctUe. _ Loe-nl Proilnro Atnrkct. IlfTTi-IH-Prlcwi r--innln ftcndy , hut I In nr.rktt li Weak owing lo the low prices rnlliiK In the fnnt. Anolher drop of In wlHiln n few days would not b mnprlslnir. Clol.o ! votintry , ' . ' 'u IBn : Dneklnit rtnek. Se. niliSHKI ) POULTflY-There Is but lltlls tv.nla. M"it ! of the buni ! > * running to live stuck. Prices arc unchanged. Chickens , fill to ; uukoyit. CviflRei j-'TTO nnd ilticks , 9o. LIV13 POULTHV-Tho supply I * llbfrnl and n more ncilvc demand li notltcaMc , ClooJ stock Is ( iimtnlii | > nt SflOc. ViAf : < There Is n fair supply available and n full Iv active trade at mpauv prices. Hood , fat r nln. Cf(7ci thin or heavy. 3Tc. lielris The nvirkct continues to grow wrnkcr. nnd considering ; Ihe low prices ruling In Ncv > York there IB no teanon lo r-xpict any mnlctln ! linpmvcmont this wcvl ; . .Strictly flesh eggs , 10WI1P. HONHY Ch.ilcff whllo clever , le ; California , ICe ; daik honey , IS' fjlIc. OVHTIIUS Medium I X L. ICe : horsenhocd , ISc ; rxtru standnrd , 20c ; nclects , 21c , extra e- lefltx. 22c ; company selects , 23e ; counts , SOc. Nt'TS ChestnutM , lie per Ib. : Italian chi > i > t- nulK. 12f13c ; nlmondi. 10f(17c ; nngllsh walnuts , IZffllc ; filberts , 12c ; pi-cans , lamu , 13ftMc ; pc- c ns , medium , lOo. f.MDKIt Pure Julre. per bbl. . $ r.0)fl3.M ) ; half bbl. . ta.vnfia.Si ; Oiegon , per bbl. , gl.uO ; half bbl. , ti.Tn ; c.lnfllled elder , per bl > l. , $1.00 ; half bbl. . "HAlTUHKilAUT-lVr bbl. . $1.60 3.00 ; half tibl. , nKANH-Collfoinla li.ind-pkked navy , $1.80 } ? 2.00 ; western navy , $1.7."ffl 80 ; common whltr- beiins.- . rob 1. 75. ONIOxN'Hunloni nro quoted nn orders nt , . iiIR'ic ' : yellow onions. In lihlf , . $2.73. PelTATOKH Nebrncka. Iowa and Mnnesola grown potatoes. In small lots from stme , C3H70c ; iinmc In car bits. OSQiAc : Coluiado , from store , 7.iWMc : Colorndi ) lilts , 72fl"Sc. f.\1JIIAeil--Tlif : llrst shipments of Florida cab bage arrived this morning In excellent market able condition. I'Morliln cabbiiKe , per crale , } 2riO : ( "allfoinla cabbage , per Ib. . 2',4c. o.lI.'lv.TI'xtra ? ; ; rnnc > ' i''i rornln , COciT$1.00. HWIJIIT POTATOlW-fJooil stock , per bbl. . $3.23 673. w ) . pnr do ; ! . . We ; water cress , per do/ . , Jl.7502.00 ; I'lorlda tomatoes , per C-lb. crate , J5.00f5.50. rillMTS. APPLIOK There are but' few apples on the inarkel nnd Ihe trade Is laigely gnlng to oranges. Kancy westerns , $2.23 per Imx. e'llANIIKIlIlIL'S The cranberry season Is nearly over and most of the stock Is too soft to ship. There Is still some demand , however , for good stock , nnd prices are ruling hlfher. Capo e.Vd , per bbl. . $0.23170.60 ; bell nnd bugle , $0.23 ® (1.50 ( ; Jeipev , $ CALIKOHNIA OIIANOES The stock Is nrrlv- Ing In guod condition nnd the trade Is Incieas- Ing. Illvcrelilo seedlings , legular sizes , $2.23 ; small sizes , $2 ; Illverslde Washington navels , $2.MTf2.75 ) ( ; Hedland Feedllngs , regular sizes , $2.30 < 2.10 ; small sizes , $2.00f2.15 ; small sizes In 10- box loti- , $1.9" ; Itediand navels. J2.73 ; Illvcrsldo seconds , sizes 230 to 300 , $1.SO2.00. THOPICAL rilUITS. 1SANANAS The trade Is constantly Increasing and the mniket Is well supplied. Per bunch , large. $2.00fJ2.23 ; small to medium. $1.7302.00. LIIMONrt Messlnas. fnncy , $3.75f4.00 ; choice , $3.23 3.M ; good. J2.7iiff3.00. OIIANCKS Fancy l-'loildas , $3 ; choice Florl- CMH. $2.73. TANCJKIHNEH Per box , $2.7S. G11API2FitJITPer ( box. $4. KU113. IlCATt No. 1 black , large , $20.00 } ; 25.00 ; me dium , $15 ; small , $8.00 < giO.OO ; black yeal lings , large , S12.oOftl3.QO ; medium , 510 ; small , $7 ; black cobs , large , $ O.OOBS.OO ; medium , $ " , .OOiTJ.OO ; small , $4 ; black Montana and Kooky mountain , large. $18.00' < J22.0Q ; medium. $14 : small , $10 ; black Mon tana yearlings , Inige , $12 ; medium , } S ; small , $3 ; black Montana cubs , large. JO.W ; medium , JI.50 : small. $3 ; silver tip , huge , $20 : medium , $12 ; small , $ S ; silver tip yeaillngs , large , $11 ; medium , $ S ; small , $5 ; silver tip cubs , huge , $0 ; medium , $4.f,0 ; small , $3 ; brown , large. S20.00'Q ' ) 25.p ( ) : medltniL $10 ; small , $12 ; yearllnss , huge , $10.0ul12.00 ; medium , $ i ; small. $ C ; cubs , large , $7 ; medium , $3 ; small , J3 ; badger No. 1 , huge. ll.0001.fiO ; medium , COc ; small , OQe ; Usher No. 1 , large. $3 ; medium. $0 ; small , $1 : fox. silver , as to color , according to beauty No. 1. large. $100 ; medium. JGO : sm.ill. $ I'J ' ; sliver , pale , according lo beauty , large. $30 ; medium , $30 ; ( .mall. $20 ; cross , large , $7 ; medium , $3 ; small , $2 ; red. large. 11.60 ; medium , $1.23 ; small. $1 ; glay , large , 75c ; medium , 50c ; small. 40c : kit , large , .Vie ; me dium , 40e ; small , 30c ; lynx , No. 1 , laige. $3 ; me dium. $2 ; small , $1.00 ; marten , No. 1 , large , J2 ; medium. $1.50 ; small , $1 ; mink. No. 1 , larzo , S0cfl$1.00 ; medium , 75c : pm.ill. C3c ; mink , dark , No. 1. large , $1 ; medium , 73c ; small. Mo ; mountain lion , perfect head nnd feet , No. 1 , large. $1.0002.00 ; Imperfect skins. 2StfDOc ; otter , No. I , large , $8 ; modlumT S6. ) iT7.00 ; small , $5 ; oiler , pale , No. 1 , large , $7 ; medium , $3 ; small , $1 ; raccoon , No. 1 , large , SOc : medium , COc ; small , f.0c : raccoon , black , as to beauty. No. 1 large. COcS7$2.00 ; skunk , black. casd. No. 1 large. $1.25 ; medium. 73c ; small. We ; short striped , large , $1 ; medium. 70u : small. 43c : narrow striped , large. COc ; medium. 40e ; small , 23e ; broad striped , huge , 20fi25c ; wolverine , No. 1 , large. $4 ; medium. $3 ; small , $2 ; wolf mountain. No. 1 laigc , $3 ; me dium , $2 : small. $1.SO ; prairie , large , 70Jf75.- > ; medium , COc : email. 50c ; beaver , per skin , No. I l.iIRC. $ * > .03fiC.OO ; medium. $1.50 ! smalt , $2 ; kits , large , $2 : medium. Sl.SO : small , 73c ; muskruts-- wlnter , No. 1 large. lOjTHc ; medium , 'Je : small. 7e : fall , large. bSOe ; medium. 7c ; nmall , Cc ; klls , large , 23c. HIDKS , TALLOW. HTC. ItlDUS No. 1 Eteen hides. 21'jc ; No. 1 green palled hides. 2'4fi3j ; No. 2 green salted hides. 11S'82e ' ; No. 1 veal cnlf , S Ibs. to'15 Ibs , , CV-iC ; No. J veal calf , 8 Ibs. to 15 Ibs. . Cc ; No. 1 dry Hint hides , r.e . : No. , , 2 dry Hint hides , 3e ; No. 1 dry sailed hides , 4c\ Part cured hides Uc per Ib. less than fully cured. SIIKUP 1'HL.TH Hrecn sailed , each , 25fl05c : green sailed sheai lings eshort-wooled early skins ) , each , r/nlCc ; dry shearlings ( short-wooled eaily skins ) , No. 1 , each , DWIOc : dry shearlings fshiirt-wooled eaily skins ) . No. 2. each. Cc ; dry Hint , Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per Hi. , actual weight , Offbc ; dry Hint , Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per Ib , . ictual welghl. H/Ce / ; dry flint. Colorado bnlchcr wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 4'Q ' > 7c ; dry Hint , Colorado mtirinln wool pelts , per Ib , , aclual weight. 4ffCc. TALfjOW AND OHHASI- : Tallow , No. 1 , 4'iO 4'i'C ; tallow. No. 2. 345J4c : grease , white A. 4o ; glease , white It , 3'ic ; gtease. yellow , 3o ; grease , dark , 2'je ; old butter , 2Ti2lic ; beeswax , prime , 15 4ll8c ; rough tallow , 2fl2".c. St. I.onls .Market ? . BT. LOUIS. March 15. FLOUIl-Qulet , un- clmiiKed. \VHH.\T Sold down early yp , but profit Inking caused a rally at the closu lo ' , Sft'ic below yes- leid'iy. The CTOII nnd other news was generally bearish ; No. 2 red , cash , M'.ic ' ; March , MVjP ; May. r,3e ; July. CiiXiifjOlic. e'OHN Cash was dragged down by wheat , closing 'ilfic below yesterday ; No , 2 mixed , cash and March , 3lc ; May , 34'ij3tc ; July , 35j | 35 c. OATS Weak , lower ; No. 2 cash , Sic bid ; May , 3lV.e : July , 27ie. ! HYK-No. 2 regular. 37c bid. IIAULIJV Nothing ilulng. IIHAN-Kasy ut CS TCic. : FLAX SMIU ) Nominally higher at $1.33. MOVKU HIJliU l.'nchnnged. active at $7.13 ® ) . 4j. 4j.HAY HAY In fair demand , unchanged ; prime to choice timothy , $ S.t.Oii9.W. . IH'TTKJl Hlow , unchanged ; separalor creanv ery. 20e ; good to choice dairy , 15n7c. KJH Weak at ll"4c. I.IIAU HlRlirr. closlnc nt $3.15 bid. .SPl'LTI'il-$3.COZf3.C3. : e'e > llN MnAIl.S34jl.90. . WIIIKICY-tl.lS. HAeieHNO rnchanged nt BV.JJCC. CeiTTON TIIM-tUichanged nt 95cfI.OO. J'HOVISIONH Heller and slronger ; prices higher and demand gieater. Poik , standard mess , $ ll.a'i. Lard , prime steam , $0.70. Dry pull meats , loose shoulders , $3.C2'j ' ; longs nnd ribs , $3.WI ; sliorts. $5.91. ll.icon. packed shoulders , 6.02'A ; longs , Jti.75 ; ribs , $0.8714 ; shorts , $7. HIX'HIPTS Flour , 4.IKW bblB. ; wlieat. 14000 m. ; corn. KO.OOO bu. ; oats , 30.000 bu. .SHIPMENTS Flour , 9,000 bbls. : wheat. M 000 bu. ; corn , 2011.000 bu. ; oats , 15.000 bu. Ktiniitn Clly .Markets. KANPAS CITY , Alnrch 15 WHKAT Weak , mclinnged ; No. 2 haul , 4 'ie ; No , 2 red , M 3lc. COHN ViClHo lower ; No. 2 mixed , 3lif32c ; No. 2 while. J2u l2 ic. OATS Very linn ; No. 2 mixed , 30JOO ! < .oj No. J while. 20 30iic , KYK-KIrm ; No. 2 , nominally 4Sc. FLAXHIRI : > Firm : $1.214)1.22. HltAN Firm ; 53i55c. HAY Dull ; timothy , $8.00 M.M ; prnlrle , $5.00ff 'lIUTTUH Quiet but llrm ; creamery , 19022o ; Itilry. 14 10e. neielS Fairly acllvo but weak ; 10'ic. HKCKHTB Wheat , 6,000 bu. ; corn , none ; oals , HIl'lPMII.NTB Wheat. 42,000 bu. ; corn , none ; outs , 4,000 bu. _ Liverpool Markets LIVnilPOOL , Alarch 15. WHHAT-Qulet ; de- mind moderate ; No. 1 California , Cs Idtfta 2J ; red western winter , 4s 10dfr5s. IHIIIN .Steady ; demand llrm : new mixed , 3s. FLOI'll SprliiB piitenls. tslM. PltllVISIONH Huef , extra India , mom. (2s Cd , 'ofk , prime mess , 70.1. Ilulter , llnest , S8 ; good , Os , llacon , long and short elear , K Ibs. , 32s Cd ; eng clear , 43 Ibs. , 3 < . I.nnl , prlmv Mentcrn , SK Ameilcan , line , 64s , TALLOW StisCd. Tt'ltPKNTINK 2s , LINSIHII ) elL-'Jls ) 3d. PIlAB-Cnnadlan , 4 lid. HOSIN Common. 3n W. 1'irritoLKt'M-iunncu. id. Cotton 'Market. NK\V OIlLllANS. 'ilnrch 15-COTTON-Spot , Irmly ; ijiilcH , 4,000 baleu ; lo arrive. "H-J bales ! irdlnary , B 1-lSoj good ordinary. 6 S-lCe ; low nl. Idling , 6 13-lCc ; r.ilddlliiK. 7 3-lCc ; good mid- Him ; , 7 7-lCc ; fair mlddlliiK , 7 6-lCc ; receipts , ,70U bales ; uxiiorts , conllnent , ti.478 bales ; mock , 32,000 bales. l'-ulure , steady ; Kales , 05. WW bales ; Maich. J7.0S bid : April. J7.U5fi7.10 : May. $7.17U > .IS ; June. J7'J 7.M ; July. J7.31i7.S : ; August. 7.M0I.27 ; HelHeinlier. $7.4107.49 ; Orlober , $7.3Ki ) .31 ! ; Novrintier. l7.3Sfr7.40 ; December , J7.IIU7.I5. HT. WU1H , March l5.-COTTON-8l uly ! mld- Illm7'ic ; Kaln. e l buleii : n-oelpis. mxi bales ; Ihlpmenu. 11. Iw ) bulv ; Block. Cl.COa bain. UAL.VUSTON , Murcb U. CXJITO.N-lUcslpts. tin bale * ; ir.rk , U'.uii Imleti hipmrnt * < , ,43 Illltd. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .Mlniioapoll * . Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS , March H.-HrcelpIs of wlinix to.lay werrt 21 ! curs ; rtilpinrnln , 4S cnrii. The mnrki t wnn locally ulivnn all day nnd held n-1 ntlvely nbiivc prices n olhct places. Consider r.blc Mny client \vni Imuxhl by l o nr tlnei concernn , whloh iice tintrd for apart of ihe locn Mtengllt , ns Ihi're did not xeem to bo nny tnrun nmounts for mle. Mnyilinit openeil nt 5s-Se e-losn : Mnreh. tSSc : Mny , RSUffSSJie , July. WSc On Imrk ! No. 1 hnrd. Clc ; No. I northern Ki'ic : No. 2 northern , 6SUe The weakness howi nt oilier places Imd some Influence anil depressn Ihe market heir , nltlioiiKli II did not fall so inurli ns llicy did. llo < : clpls In the country con llndi ! to Iw nlmut the same nil e.uly In Ihe week- Tim dimand for cnsli when I WIIH good , nnd nl IlieivIIM lo sell wns tnkMi enrlv In the session NK , 1 nnithcin Renornlly selllnic lit COO delivered Aliollt 100 cni-s weiii Ixinwht to nrrlvo that are It c-itne frr.m Ihu cuuntn * within the next week or Iwo. About liulr , perhaps tnoro than hnlf , o the wheat that nrrlvol had been prevlouslj IfHiKht nnd uent dliect to the mills. Mills nro irrlndliiK Hondlly nt nboul 27,000 bbls. for Iho 24 hourx , bin Ihey nro not .selling quite equal lo Hit production. Prices remained steady , but rather easy , nnd It \\n rcw | > rled that some sales wen. Hindi1 lower than yesterday. Pntenls were quoin at $3.33fi3.30 nnd linkers' nt tl.7MI2.00 , wllh mos fnle inailo bclween these extreme quotations Owing to the nnexpecled local sticnRth In Ihls maiket some traders supposed the market was being manipulated , but Inquiry did not develop anything that looked different from business 'o the ordinary character , so that In the nalurn counso of regular purchases the demand wns greater than the offerings. L'ulTrn Market. Niny YORK , Mnrch 15.-COFFKE - Option , opened barely steady , wllh December contracts michnnced nnd others 6 lo 15 polnls lower rallied pmllnlly nnd closed dull but steady a unchanged lo ( points net decline ; sales. S.aOi bags , Including : Mny , $13.70 : June , $13.40 ; July 1B20 ; August , $11.93 ; September , $ l4.COfil4.C5 | ; De cember. $11.10. Spot coffee , Itln dull ; No. 7 $19.Gi ) ; mild dull ; Cordova , $19.2'.yi0.50 ; sales none ; wnrehouso deliveries yesterday , , 8,312 bags New York stock today. 129.957 bags ; total stocl In rnltiil Slales. 1C9.5SS bags ; nlloat for Hit United .States , 273,000 bags ; visible available for the United mates. 414,583 bags , against 510,312 bass last year. LONDON , March 11. Market quiet ; prices un changed to 3d hlchcr. HA.MHUHO , Mnrch 13.-Mnrkct dull ; sales. 14,0110 bags ; prices unchanged to ' .jpfg higher , cleared fiom Hamburg to New York , 5,000 bags of Ilrnzlllan coffee , IHO Dp : JANCIUO. March 15. Market quiet ; No. 7 , nominal ; receipts , 5,000 bags ; slock , 220wi bags ; cleared from lllo for New York , 0,000 bags. SANTOS. Mareli 15. Market llrm : good aver age Hanlos , nominal ; receipts , 3,000 bags ; stock , 79,000 bnes. Oil .Markets. OIL CITY , Pa. . March 13. National Transit certificates opened at 82H : highest , 824 ! : lowest , Sl'.S : clewed , Sl e ; sales. 7,000 bbls. ; shlpmenls , S9.5SS bbls. : runs. 80.123 bbls. PITTSIIUItO , Pa. , March 15. National Transit certificates opened nt S2'i ' ; closed nt 82 ; highest , t2'i ; lowest , S2 ; sales , 0,000 bbls. , \i eel Market. ST. LOUIS. March \VOOI.r-In fair de mand ; prices stonily ; Missouri nnd Illinois me dium clothing and combing. H'.iftlGc ; low and braid , 134fl3c ; western and northern medium , I2fj > medium , 12jllc ; coarse and low , ' OOlfe ; choice lub wnnhed , 23c. Loodoii Sugar .llnrhet. LONDON' , Mnrch 15.-.StTaAU-Cane. steady ; little doing ; centllfugal , Java , 15s Cd ; Muscovado , Java , fair rcllnlng , 13s 3d. STOCKS AND IIONDH. There Wcro .Signs of Liquidation of Snmll Hull 1'oolH. NEW YORK , March 15. There were signs of liquidation ot small bull pools In the stock market today , and It was evident that the short Interests were Imbued with the belief that the conditions were favorable for a downward movement. The speculation was less active than for some days past. The prospective passage of the seigniorage bill ( the vote was not announced until about the close of the market ) had a rather de pressing Influence on the speculation by rea son of the fact that the bears prophesied dlro results If it should become a law , sug gesting that heavy gold exports would fol low and that American securities would de preciate In value on the London exchange. The Union Pacific's statement for January , which showed a heavy decrease In net earn ings , also tended to help the short side of the market. Dut with all these wcro periods of strength , and In late dealings there were evidences of a desire to buy back many of the stocks sold earlier In the day. Within the last eitmrter of nn hour the temper of speculation underwent a radical change , and on very strong buying nn advance of ' , & to 1 per cent v.'as made In the general list , and' ' 2V4 per cent In Cordage. Hut while the market closed strong , a majority of the list was below the closing figures , of yesterday U to l'/i per cent. The railway nnd miscel laneous bond list was rather heavy for the active securities , but some of the usually In active bonds made advances. The Post says : Several events In the In ternational market were noteworthy today. One was the slight recession In our sterling exchange rates , due not alone to the con tinued dullness in that market , but also to the sales of bills against this week's foreign purchases ofour securities. These pur chases did not , however , continue today. Unfortunately , the same misgivings over the seigniorage bill ns affected the local Wall street had their Influence today In London. Not less remarkable than the turn In sterling was the sudden breaking of the Hombay money markets. The chief bank In that city has all this month maintained Its discounts at the panic rate of 10 per cent. Today the situation changed , nnd the official rate was twice reduced , ending at 8 per cent. It is reasonably certain that the heavy London sales of Indian government exchange are now having their duo effect. Yesterday 5,000,000 rupees of such drafts were sold. In the preceding fortnight 13,500,000 rupees were disposed of , a total sum of more than $5,000,000. The presentation of these drafts in India , releasing the government's hoarded silver coin , Is sure eventually to check the panic. The following nro the closing quotations on the leading stocks of the Now York exchange today : The total Hales of stockn today were 145,100 HtmrcH , Including : Atchlaon , 11,400 ; American Kugar , n.Stllurllngton \ ; , 8.600 ; Chicago a.m. 14.20 ( ) ; Dimming. H.300 ; Oeneral Klectilc. 12.1WO ; Mlmourl I'aellle. 5.100 : National Lead , 3.430 ; leading , 7.2UO ; HI. Paul , 13,800 ; Western Union , j.ioo. Tlioriinio of prices as roporlod by J. W. Doan & Co. , Hoard of Trade hall , It a followH ; StocUH. Open IUch Low. Clone Ycxy 17 Northwestern Mo. 1'aeltio Union I'iiclUn N P.icltlc , li'fd 111' N. Pnclno com. . . . 111'M 0,11. .VQ HU4 KtlV Koch Inland. . 71IU " ! " SUPau HfllJ , * Wi'Hlern Union Hft " SucarTruat 111H " > "fll ) New Kinrlniid lli ! mil AtchlHon lK ( in. Cldcnxo Gun utw lU''idtni : N. Y. Conlnil ii7 > I ) . O. V J7 H MOn ei. K 411 CorUaifu On the London Murkct. NIJW YOHK. March 15. The Rvrnlng Pout's Bunion rtibleRrnm nayn : Th mtlmalc of the governor of Ihu Hunk of England that the prob. able lohH through Irregular advances by tint lulu chief caHhIcr. May , In (60,000 MIH no uunnliiu n the inurKvt , wen a larger lo having been un- Iclpalvd. The Icma WUH Incurrrtl through ad' vancm In connection with the Murrletua und WIIB rrlllvn un ut the ln t half year's account * . Thu | > roHirtlon of cn h to liability U 60.8 percent cent- The renerve lncreu l C32,00 ( ) , of wlilch 258,001) In Kola was lmi < ort l. iCK.OOO from Aus- ralla , K1W from China und Htf.OOO fium LU. bon. while the re K wan Imr gold. Other dc poslln Increased Urr.m Tim govemur of th Hank of Knitlamt rrMrtii u reduction of fti 5.0"0 in the llnbllltlps or'tntf llnrlng entnto ulnce th 1n t half year. The , total amount In now 13,558 , ooo , nn apparent tntiXan of tt l.iHO , comparet wltii { 4I . ( M > } nix iiViltlis liark. Thin utalemen Is distinctly KI | . The stock markets wer nulet , but nol all ' d preiiwil by. the Hank n ' losses , wlilch were anticipated. Houlh Amcrlcnn sleicks were iho only active market. These were very llrm. .American railway shares were dull. The pasnaRi. of the pelnnloraRC bill and tire delay of Itiotariff scheme canned hiosl of the persons here lit hold gloomy views of the outcome. No real InvBroxement Is likely unljl Iheso points have Iwm iMtlsfnctorlly settled. Kllver Is iuot | < < d at , n\'t \ < \ nnd weak , Germany apparently polling. Forty-eight ( hoiii-and pounds of cold were recelVf loday on Import. Ne-\v York Jleinry Alnrkrt. NIJXV YOUK , March I5.-MONBY ON CALL Kasy at 1 per cent ; last-lemn and closed at 1 per cent. PUIM13 MKUCANTILi : PAPKIt-SSJ'i ' per cent HTIIllLINO nXCIIAN'an-Plendy , wllh nctual ImslnoM In 'bankers' ' bills nt } 4.SS'4WI.SSj for de mand nnd tl.K704.8iVi for l\ty days ; posted rates , JI.Mfll.S'J ; commercial bills , tl.SC'i'iH.M'i. ' ' ' HILVMIt CmtTIKII'ATnrt VifrM'iC. aoVIJUNMMNT I1ONDH I'lrm ; ttnte bonds , In- Sun rniiiclsco .Mining Stocks. SAN KKANC1SCO.March Jfl. ThoonlclalclOHliiR quolalloiiH for mining blocks loday wuro as fol lows : Alia 1(1 ( Mexican inn Itulcliur 70 Mono , 5 HcBtAIIclchcr. . . . . 170 Onhlr 135 ! llodki Con 10 I'olOHl H5 Htilwcr fifl Savniri' -Ill Chollar 15 Sierra Nevada 1'JO Con. Cal. A Va : ) _ ' ( ) Union Con U.I Crown 1'olnl li.l Utah fi ( iould A Curry 75 YellowJackul 05 Halo A NorcrOBB. . . ( JO London Stock ( Jnotietloin. LONDON , March 15. I p. in. closing : CotisolH.moiii'.v.ll ! ) fl-Til Mexican Orellnary. 10 ( < j CoiiBols , ncc'nt. . , . OIW St. Paul com ( UK Canadian Pacltlc.liO 3rlO N. Y. Central llli4 : ! Krle 1H" Pennsylvania fi'J Erie Hnds 87 IllluolBConlral. l1 ? Mex. Cent , now-ls. 0 I Tlio rate of dlHcoimt In tlm open market for Bhort blllH IB 1 7-lllelU ? per cent , and 1 G-lt ! < 5.1Jfj per cent for three month * ' blllH. Nciv York .Mining Qiiotiitlons. NEW YOUK , Marcil5.-Thej ! followlns are Iho clOMlug mining quotattoiiB : St. LoillH MiningStock Oilotiltloni. ST. LOUIS. March , lu.-MinlntratocltB loday wen dull. QUOUUIOUB : ' Hank of Kiif1iiii < l Statement. LONDON. March 15. The rate of discount remains nt 2 per cent. The statement of the Itnnk of England shows Ihe followlnB uhaiiKPH as compared with the previous account : Total re sources , Increase durlnc the week , 632,000 ; cir culation , decreawx 210,000 ; bullion , Increase. C422,9l2 ! ; other securities. Increase , 131,000 ; other deposits , increase , S4' ' > ,000 ; public deK | > slts , de crease , 54,000 ; notes reserve , Increase , 505OJO ; Kovernmcnt securities. unchaiiKed. The proportion tion of the Hank of England's reserve to liability is C0.77 per cent. 1'lluillclill Notes. KANSAS CITY , Marcli 13. Clearing * ) , ? 1,743,23S. NEW ORLEANS , March IB. Clearings , 11,303- 053. 053.HOSTON. . March 15. Clearings , $12,889,923 ; bal ances , 1.432,441. IIALTIMOHE. Marcli 15. Clearings , 12,009,043 ; balances , $150,732. NEW Y011IC , March 1C. Clearings , $72,531,530 ; balances , $3.892.894. PA U1S , Muieli 15. Tin ee per cent rentes , 9Df 45u for the account. PHILADELPHIA , March 15. ClearliiKs , $ S,9I3C32 ; balances , $ lr.lSill. ! MEMPHIK , March 15. Clearings. $201,819 ; bal ances , $90,917. New York exchange selling at i > ar. ar.CALCUTTA. . March 15. The Hank of HoiiBal has reduced Us late of discount from 10 to 9 per cent. CINCINNATI , March IS.-ClearlnRS , $1.715.430. Money , 2'ii'QO ' ' per cent. New Yolk exchange , 40c premium. ST. LOUIS , Marcli 15. Clearings , $3,178,791 : lahmces , $370,984 , Money , dull nt Cff7 per cent. Exchange on New York , S5c premium. PIIIC'ACIO , March 15. Clearings , $12,512.000. New York exchange , COff'Oo premium. Kteillng xchange , quiet ; actual rales. $4.87'iiiJI.83. Money , rales , steady at 400 per cent. PAHIS. March 15. The statement of the Hank of Krnnce. issued today , shows the following changes aa compared with the previous account : Notes 111 circulation. Increase. 150CiOf ; treasury icconnls current. Increase , l,3COOOOf ; gold In land , Increase , 7,350,000f : bills discounted , de crease , 17-i52,000f ; silver In hand , decrease , 900- 000 f. _ ir.i.vrs TO UK , t\ .i.i/i < : i/c'.i.v. I'lrst Application from .Tup for Xatiirnl- Ir.ntlon In This Country. I10STON , March 15. For the first tlmo In Ufa history of the United States n citizen of fapan has applied for naurallzntlon papers. Ilia name la Shehato Salto , and ho saya In ils nfllelavlt that he lias been a resident In this country slnco 1880 , that ho was edu cated hero and that ho has an American vlfe. Ho Is 29 years of age. Jndgo Colt refused to act , on the. application until March 22. _ IHg Stenl fit MlnliiK .Stock. DULUTH , March , ' JG. Complaint has been filed against the American Steel Barge com- iany by Alfred and Lconhlas Men-It , big ron ere minors , Involving charges of mis appropriation of 'neMrly $500,000 of mining stock. The stocks1 had been entrusted as collateral security f r a loan to C. W , Wot- nero of the bargfl company , who , It Is illcged , turned ever > a part of them to John J. Ilockefcller , contrary to the terms of the agreement , as seciinlty for an alleged debt. The suit Involves tbo Rockefeller control of the Mcsnbu Iron range. The HcKfimwe-y of Modern ARCS. HAHTJ-'OIU ) . Conn. . March 15. The proola- natlon of QovernpV 'Morris ' for the observa- lon of Fast day this year has caused much comment because D a sentence which has been Inserted and 'which reads : "O Joan lomlnum Salvator. with Thy gracious light llumlno the minds of Thy children , who , groping In darkness , arc unable to sco the ruth when It Is presented to them , " Oov- rnor Morris' explanation Is that the present ages tire not observing the anniversary iroporly. Killed THO DCH peril to Men , SHIIRVKPOHT , La. . March 15. Two des- pernte negroes wcro killed at the Henry Morrlng place near Morrlngsport by J. S. Noel. They had quarreled over paying their cut , and when called upon elrew a club and an ax on Noel , threatening to kill him. Noel , lowover , killed Will l.ano and mortally vounded hlu brother , Tom. 1'ncupcil Murderer Lynched. SCIIANTON , Pa. . March 15. A negro , Puryea , who was In Jail nt Stroudsburg for nurder , escaped during the night. Ho was aptured noon afterwards and a crowd gath- red and lynched iilia < OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKETS 'Receipts of All Sorta at the Local Yimls Arc Unusually Light. SMALL INQUIRY FOR BEEF CATTLE on the tfrnvjr ( Irnelr * Metrli I.OMIT Lighter In I > i < nmiiil Hog * Source unit SMiino'uhiit I Uglier Sheep Hell .Steady. * THURSDAY. March 15. The market on beef cattle cased up today and In seine cases values were lie to lOc lower , especially on the heavier cattle , wmio lighter grades , such as feeders and killers were liolh after , sold fully steady. There was llttlo shipping Inquiry , hence the heavier cattle were pretty slow sale and the market dull. There was emlte a number of pretty good cows and heifers on sale , and as the Inquiry was liberal , active , strong trading prevailed on the fair'to good butcher , stock. Inferior grades were In less rceiucst and changed hands unevenly , but pretty close to yester day's prices. Besides n train of far west cattle , there were also quite n few unlive feeders hero. Prices were well sustained as n rule and at the close of business about everything was out of llrst hands. Representative sales : cows. irlces on all grades. There v-as only a Imltcd shipping demand , but aa the receipts were small the pens were soon fli-ared "f all holdings , the market clnsin. ? t-tron ; ; and ilghor. Sales were largely at $ IW } to i4.40 and extreme range $1.30 to fl.42 > & , against $4.30 to $4.10 nnd hulk ar. Jlf. ! VIK- erday , the market nverac'nK ' up a row cti'to ilgher than yesterdiy. KeproHonlntlvo No. Av. Sh. I'r. K. . . .287 SO (4 30 73. . . .239 SO 4 35 .210 200 4 31 Cl 248 2SO 4 3.1 73. , 250 SO 4 33 C5 241 80 4 31 S3 233 SO 4 35 07 2S2 100 4 33 23 324 SO 4 35 13 215 . . . 433 7'.1 237 80 4 35 31. . .203 . . . 4 35 37. . 250 4 3.1 27. . 4 3.1 17. . 229 4 35 130. 2S1 ICO 4 35 5. . 20G 4 35 3. . 270 4 3.1 3D. . 245 40 4 35 SO. . 21G 80 4 3714 01. . 214 ICOSO 4 37(4 ( 07. . 240 SO 4 37 H 272 ISO 4 37i ! ZW ! SO 4 37H M 211 200 4 3714 72 2.V5 100 4 3714 22 312 SD 4 3714 09 1S7 40 4 3714 OS 223 ( .0 72 238 120 4 37 $ 71 247 4 3714 S3 239 40 4 40 70 215 4 10 PIGS AND HOUGH. 1 170 . . . 350 3S5 4 25 10 172 40 4 25 SIU5I3P A train of thirteen loads of sheep arrived yesterday , which , added to about 900 hero today , made about 3,800 head at the yards , the most of them being stock sheep. The market on mutton graeles re mained steady. Fair to good natives are quoted at $2.7G3.25 ; fair to good westerns , Jli.255j3.10 ; common and stock sheep , $ l.f > 0Q ( > 2.15 ; good to choice 10 to 100-11) lambs at $2.tiOC3.7o. Hepresenlatlvo sales : No. Wt. Pr. I''B millvo I.IIIIUB 711 $ : t 11.1 IteeelptH mill Dlspimlllon of Stock. Olllclal recelptHanddlHposltloiiofHtock.iSHliown by llio bookHOf the Union Slock Yard * uoinpmy for the twenty-four hoiu-iiuiiulni , ' at C u'clouk p. in , March 1K11.III. IS , IttCKII'TM. Kt. l.uiiU I.ltti Ktork 'Miirktit. ST. LOUIS , March 15.-ei\TTL13-Hccclpts , 2.VH ) hondi uhlpmrnts , WO licail ! mnrkvt opfticil nrm , bill eliw l enslcr to Wcilher ; nntlxe Hirers , l.enw to l.too llw. , H,3 fl3.fl ; eow ami hrlferj ; J2.BOfl2.fS. Texns stwis , J.900 to 1.100 Ibs. . J2.SW 3.e ; COW , 12. IIOOH Uecrlpls , 4.MW hond ; ihlinilfnls. 2kW ! head ; tnaMtet slrndv ; lop prices for tnxH.SO \ : bulk of uood , JM'HM.I. , ; plg ami eMlilmon , mi1- dlums nnd lights. t3.7AAt.30. HltiiP : Hrcrlpl * . 0 > i h-ad : uhlpnvnts. < head ; market active , strung i fpilntt lanil * n\vr aging 3i ; Ibs. Hold nt loci fair to rlmlro nut he inlted sheep , > :1. : ( , e'ummon lo medium , 13.109).00 ; southwrtilcrn * . , 13. ejiiit'Aeio i.ivu STOCK. Truilp In fntlln Was Jnlrt niul the Piv n- lent I'celliiK in : > . ClIirAClO. March l-Trade In cntllo was n lcl nnd Iho prevalent feeling rather caSy nl yester day's clecllnr. 'Thciu ns a fulr 'b'liiand fur eastern account , but the Inaulry frum other > OUICPHrn limited. The foreign innrkel U low thai evporlers cannot now openitu nt n profit , and the extreme dullness of Ihe retail Irado necessitate * a curtailment of operull. < n In Iho diepsed beef concerns. Theiefoiu the dressed beef supplies are ineiio than siilllii"nt to meet present needs. Htrlctly 1,000 to 1,700-lb. slct-rs nro urnded nt from JI.SO In | 4. ! ) . Kiinn llu-su llgures sales rnnced tteinnunril lo from $2.M to } 3 for common light steers nnd to fiom il.2'i lo 11.50 for scalawag eo s. Thcie UIIK but llltle trading today nt heller than SI and nut n very considerable n mount nt less limn ! 2.2" > . Com pared with \Yrdmsday , there WUH no iiui < labb ) change In pi lies. The hog market leeovered Itself today , but was tumble lo advance lo nny radical c-xienl. There was more action limn e.nller In iho eelt nnd the supply of neatly 40.OX ) juoxoil no greater tlian the demand would nh-orh. Tlie feeling was firmer and the tendency of pi Ices tllghllv upward. Kales weie principally nl from tl.43 to 4.50 for heavy weights- averages of over 21 Ih3.-- nnd al tl.55 for llk'lilcr weights. The ningc was from } - ' to J.I.Tf , for culls lo JI.75 for fitacy light. Light hogs sold to much bitter ndtantnge than these of heavier nvernwo , Ihe dlfToiencn aniuiinllng to from PV to 15e per l''J Ibs. Al the dose ( itiolalluns longed IIH follows , or nlH > ut 5c hlalier than yesterday's rioso ; There was a iitiM and ptcady market for sheep , llnceliits ihe last days have run very uniform In numbers nnd prices have dlPiilayed uniiiiual ntcaillncsn. They innge fioin } 1.T" > to M for prmr to extin , with most sili s nt fiom fl : to M.i . The demand for lambs wni light at frorr ' 2.75 to $1.23. There \\ere few s.iles at better than } 4 , th" l.irgcr part going at fiom < 3.50 lo J4. llerclpls : Catlli' . 13,000 head ; onlvcH , M head ; liPK1" . 27.IKIO head ; sheep , 12.000 head. The Kvenlng Journal lepoiti : e'ATTI.i : lleeclpts , * ) bead ; quiet and steady ; no Improvement ; prime to extra uleers. f4.5U5II.75 ; fair lo good , (3.753 | 1.23 ; nllier * . J.1.231l3.5. > ; T.'VIIUS. $2.4- i3.33. IleWS-llecelpis. 27,0(10 ( lioml ; mniket activennd V higher ; heavv rough , { I ; rough , pa.'l.era and mixed. tl.2VR4.l5 ; prime heavy and butcher weights. , : assorted light. 5l.COfII.7i ) . SIIKKP AND LAMItS Ilecelpts. U.iMil ; market Blow .ind eapler ; top sheep , } 3.25U3.tiO : top lamb.i , JI.Wif(4.25. ( Kien iis Clly I.MrStnelt Miirlcrt. KANSAS CITY. Maieh 13.CATTL1JIlecelpls , 3,501) head ; rhlpmenls , S.ebW head ; maiket stoadv ; Texas steers. } 2.50 3.10 ; shipping Heels. f..3nW : 1.50 ; native cows , Jl.25fi3.5 ; Mockers and fcedcis , J2.75fl3.50 ; bulls. 51.SH172.75. IieOK Ilecelpts , 5.110 head : fhlpni'-liln , 9.000 head ; market 5flOc higher , closing active ; bulk. t4.30iii4.tO ; llehls. Yorkers nnd pigs. t4.10M4.40 ; heavies , packers and mixed. JI.Mffl 40. SHiHP : HeeelptH , 1,000 head : hhlpm.'iils , none ; nia'Uct ubuut Ueady. Nriv York Live Stuck Mnrket. NIO\V YOHK. March 15. I1RHVIW Keoelpts , IM head : n" trade. SIIKHP AND LAMP.S lleeeljits , LOW head : demand sliong , sheep 12 r lilgher ; lambs 23c higher ; sheep , good to pi line , t3.755N.23 ; lambs , fair lo choice. I.WjT5.00 ; fancy. J3.W. 1IOOS lleeelpts. 1.300 head ; market nominally unchanged lit J5.25tj5.CO. ' Slonx City LM ! Stock Mnrlcot. SIOI'X CITY. March 15. MOOS lleeelpts. 1.000 head : : < hlpmentn , 3,000 ; he.ivy. Be higher ; others sleadv : ll.35W4.42' . ' , ; bulk. 1.37'sWI.IO. e'ATTLn--llerelpts. head ; shlpmnnts , 400 head ; maiKet slow nnd weak ; Kli-'is , $2..Vlii.' ; yearlings. J2.2'.ir3.00 | ; cows , $1.23fj4.UO : bulls and oxen , J1.50O2.30. SloVlt in SlRht. The following nro the. receipt * at Iho four prin cipal cities Thursday , Maroh I. " : Cattle. South Omaha ' -.Sfj Chlcapo itlO : ( < ) KaiiHaN City a.MHI St. Louis 'J.udO Total : 1M.811 ! J1.017 1-1,3 OFJ-'JVKItlt Ul'KXKIt J''flli : . Ono Vnifiilmnil Piitiilly Injiirrel and Another Hurt In : i Itnld on n Denver Dive. DRNVKH , March 15. Shortly before 10 o'clock City Detective Carbcrry and Deputy Sheriff Alex Arnett nrrlvuel at the "Hog Ilanch , " Twcnty-flrBt and McNnsar nvenno , a notorious ellvo anel resort for thieves , to In stitute a raid In search of stolen goods. Some six or eight vagabonds wcro found In the place nnd they resisted arrest. The of ficers elrow their revolvers anel opened lire. A general muleo ensued , In which John KInney , ono of the Inmates of the ranch , was fatally wounded nnd another badly hurt. The careful mother always keeps Salva tion Oil handy , for cuts ami bruises. Silver In Other Countries. WASHINGTON , March 15. The president has sent to the senate a response to Senator I'cttlgrew's request for a statement as to the changes In the weight and fineness of silver coins In India , Kussla and the Argen tine Ucpubllc during the lust twenty years. The answer Is given by the secretary o [ state , who says that his department pos sesses but little Information on the subject and that'tho questions can only bo fully an swered by directing the diplomatic repre sentative's of the United States to prepare reports. SclillTiimii'K Asthnm Cure. Instantly relieves the most violent attack , facilitates free exportation and Insures to those otherwise unable to sleep except in a chair , ns a single trial will provo. Send for a free trial package to Dr. . H. Schlffman , St. Paul , Minn. , but ask your druggist llrst. To 1'nrgo TlioniM'KcK of Contempt. Jndgo Hopowoll has summoned John L. Webster , William P. Gtirley and J. II. Millard - lard to appear before him at G o'clock p. m. next Monday and show cause why they should not be punished for contempt of court. According to the complaint , Messrs. Web ster and Gtirley advised J. H. Mlllard not to respond to n subpoena and give testimony In the case of W. A. Paxton against Kininn Thaycr , which was heard before Judge Hope- well on March 13. Sweet breath , sweet stomach , sweet tem per ? Then use DoWltt's Llttlo Early Risers. To ICntcrliilll tlm ItepiililleiiiiH. DENVER , March 15. At a meeting of the Colorado stnto executive committee of the republican league ) last night $15.000 was pledged for the entertainment of the delegates - gates to the national convention , to bo held hero Juno 20. Probably $25,000 will bo raised. ICach delegate will be given n solid silver badge and a100-pago souvenir book lo bo prepared by J. R Hyrnes. Free excursions to any point of Interest In the state will also bo provided. Cure Indigestion nnd biliousness with DeWltt's Llttlo Early Risers. Hlg Money for .Slumps. NKW YORK , March 15.Tho stamp col lections ot William F. K. Gurley of Spring- Hold , III. , and others wcro sold at the rooms of the Philatelic socloly today. A ( J-cent Livingstone * . Ala. , confederate1 , on the origi nal envelope , fetched $57li. Two Miicon , Ga. , G-cent , black on yullow , on the original envelope , brought $3G , and the 5-e'cnt M'li'on , with plain frame , brought J10L' . Some United StatPH department stamps ulto went for high prices. I Ind tlm Mmte-y for Hlglit Yciers. CHICAGO , March 15. Elmer K. Cununlngs was arrested last night on the charge of em bezzling $8,000 from Charles 1) . Painter , wholesale ! grocer of Calrei , III. Ho has lived on the ) money In Central America for eight years , having married an English girl there nnd prospered on raising coffee. Ho had como homo to visit his father when ho was arreHled. Llttlo pills for great Ills : Dowltt'a Llttlo Early Risers. CjcloiM' III TetMK. IJOERNK , Tex. , March 15. A cyclone passed over this Hcctlon , unroofing houses und KimiHhlng window panes. The liull- ulonca were unusually large. Slum alter U'lnn thei Ninth. ' NEW YORK , Murch 15. Showaltcr won the ninth gaino In hlx chctm match with Hodges on the fifty-ninth move. DoWltt's Little Early Maura. Small safe pills , best plIU. TO SUE FOR FORTY MILLIONS One Way By Which the Deploteu May Be UNION PACIFIC DIRECTORS ASKED 10 PAY > ItrprcMtntiitlve 1toiitiii < r' Propiiittliiii to .CoS- ' ' lec't ( lie .Money hint the < Ii\eriiinetit un Defaulted DhlilcihH- Largest l.nvr nll nit Keroril , Suggested. WASHINGTON' . Mutch IS. On. : of the most Important prupnvitioi's ynt brought be fore congress was submitted to Ihu today by Representative lUutncr of ana. The proposition u cite > 3 numerous defaults - faults f.t the Union 1'acllle , and contiguous line * , to mod the debt dua the Culled States. It charges the present and past ell * rccloru of the road with tx violation of thulr trust anil Improper absorption of outxido llnoa and the voting of dividends contrary to law and against the Interests of the I'nitotl Slates. It directs , In the form of n joint resolution , that the president bliall appoint special counsel In Institute suit against the preuant and past directors , their heirs or legal rcprunonlatlves , 'to collect $33,000.000 and Interest duo the United States ; with In terest , the amount of the litigation would ex ceed $ -10.000,000. It would bo the largest lawsuit ever Insti tuted In this country , If not the Inrgcs ; in any country. 1J > the' terms of'the resolu tion the Department of Justine would bo re lieved from further action in the Union I'.i- olflc case , a net the suli would bo prosecuted by special djunsol. The Joint resolution places $100,000 at the disposal of the presi dent for the employment of counsel. It la provided that the counsel shall not be In any way connected In present or past service with the Union 1'aellle road or with any ol the directors. The Iloalner resolution was drawn with great e-aro and afler consultation among the legal authorities of the house who It Is de clared nro not entirely sntlsllcd with the initnner In which Ihu government's Interestu hnvn thim fur linmi nrotpetnd. The resolu tion then reeltes that the board of directors. In contravention of the law of March 3 , 1873 , attempted a consolidation with the Kansas 1'aclflc railroad and the Denver I'u- cllic railroad anil Issued stock of the Union Pacific on this consolidation for $14.000.000. It Is charged that afterwards further stock , . amounting to $10,000.000 , was Issued for the. alleged purposes of making repairs , etc ; that the putehaso of the two railroads by the Union Pacific was made by the directors , who wcro theniBelvcH stockholders of the Kansas 4'aclllc and the Denver Paefle , while * the president of the Union Pacific was at the tlmo president of the Kansas Pacific , that dividends have been voted In violation of the ) acts of 1S73 and 1S7S , not out of actual earn ings and whllo the Union Pacific was still In default to the United States. These pay ments , from 1873 to 1SSI , nro stated to have ) been ? 27,000,000. Another specification ro- eltes that the directors paid thd imprest on thff first mortgage bonds of the Oregon Short Line Itallroad company , that the directors , in violation of law and their ofllclal duties , paid subsidies to the Pacific Mall Steamship company amounting to about $1,100,000. Then follows n general arraignment of the company and directors for a division of funds In fraud of the United States. Coneiernlng the directors , the resolution recites that "in law and equity the directors who misappro priated and misapplied the said property and said funds are liable for and bound lo fe-J store the same with Interest to the saul Union Pacific company , In order that tho. same may be applied to the discharge- its debts. " Section 3 of the resolution confers special authority on United States circuit courts to hear and advance the cases. The resolution was referred to the ju diciary amimlttee , of which Mr. IJoatner la a member. . . . . TO < ; e > TO Admiral nt Itlo Ordered to Tulio Ono of WASHINGTON , March 15. Secretary Her bert today cabled Admiral IJcnlmm at Hlo to proceed Immediately with ono of the vessels of his squadron to Ulneflelds , Nica ragua , ' to watch over American Interests there. Although no vessel was designated In the order , the San Francisco will probably go. Protest of SiiKiir .Men. WASHINGTON , March IB. Six gentlemen claiming to represent the sugar Importers and merchants of New York wcro before the senate nuance committee protesting against the proposed sugar schedule. They pre sented n protest signed by flfty Importers. They claimed that the schedule prohibited the importation of anything but roflne'l sugar. j Lend .Mm Still Discontented. WASHINGTON , March 15. Western lead " producers arc not yet entirely satisfied v > ' [ tbr the provisions of the Wilson bill regarding the duty on lead ere when mixed and Im ported with silver ore. Senator Dubols of Idaho has been assured that the lead pro visions will bo so changed that the duty cannot be evaded. It Cures Coldi , Coughi. ficre Thrott , Croup , em * . . Whooping : Cough , Bronchitis andaitama. A certain cure for Consumption In first ( tnges , and a lure relief in advanced flagon. Ui at once. You will the escellt nt effect after taking th first file. Bold by dealera evorywbero. Larpe bottle : . 60 cents r.nd Cl CO , MAGNETIC NERVINE. Is sold wllh written ( junrantoe to euro. WorvoyoProfltrn. tion , riiB , Dlzil- noflUlIrndaehe.nntl N eurnlulu "lid Wnko- fUltiehKClUlM'd llVUI- ccrnlvuuxuof Opium , Tobacco nnd Alco hol ; Mcnlnl Pepres- . . . . . _ . . lou , BoftenlnKot the nrnln , eauslnu Mloery , Innnnity nnd Ooiuh | IlnrreneBH , Impolency , Lout Power'n ' eillhorfoi. Proninturo Old Ann , linnhintiiry I ihfeo , cnu.i..l by over-Ill.lulKcnco , ovei-oxcrtlonof Iho Drain mill Errors of Voeith. It iilvcn to Wonk Orcnni tholr Natunil Vlcor nnd douolen the JOJB of life. ; curua Lucorrheca nnd Fomulu Wenknosn. A monUi'a treat , ment , Injilnln pntkOKO , liy iniill , to uny nd.lrom , U iiorhox , ( JlioicH t'i. V.'lth evoryM order wo lvo a Written Ounrantao to cum nr refund Iho money. OlrcularH . . f ri o. Guarantee ) Issued only by our ox- f.ip l.-n ncC"t. KIIIIN fc CO. , SOLR AOHNTH , OMAHA. NEBRASKA NATIONAIj BANK. XT. S. Depository , Omuhn , Nebraska PAPITAL 8-100,000 SURPLUS l Dlreetors : Heinry W. Yatew , prcs.x. dent ; John H. L'ollhm , vied pruHldont ; Lowln S , Kecil , Uaxlilur , Win. II. S , IliuhuB , aur'iuiu | cuuldor. cuuldor.THE IRONBANK. ?