THE OMAHA DAILY 1KE ! : THURSDAY , MAUOII 15 , 189-1. SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisement * for them ) column * .will lx > Inktn until 11 JO p m. for too evening nmi until : W p. m for ih * morning nnd Sunday editions. Advi > rtli < * > > , by requesting n numbered ehwK , cnn Imve nnswrr * nddrrnscd to a numbered IP' " ' In runof The Iteo. Answer * M addressed will bo delivered upon presentation of the check" SITUATIONS WANTED. * Hates , 10o n line each Insertion , ll.W n line per month. Nothing tnkcn for leMjhaii c. _ vVANTEOHlUATION BY AN ALLIlOt'ND printer of ten year * cxpirlcncc. A < Mrr box * 11 , Coin. In. A-MW 1C _ WANTED MALE HELP. Itntrn , 1'Sc ' word first Insertion. lo a word thereafter. Nothing tnkcn for .ir. . ent goods. American Wringer Co. , 1COO How ord st. " - * AOENTH , SALARY OR COMMISSION THE grente t Invention of tlm ngu. The Now Patent - ent Chemical Ink Ernslng Pencil. Sells on Bight. Workn like magic. , Agents nre mak ing ti , 00 to $ I2-.M per tfeck. For .further particulars wrlto the Monroe Rrnscr Mfg. Co. , " % . . X 86. IM Crosse. Wl . 11-877. TAILORS WANTED AT FRANK J. LIVE SOLICITORS CAN EARN FROM J2.00 TO $ C.W 'per day. Apply 17 , Granite ) * ; . . TRAVRLINcTlilEN AND AOENTH TO SELL the Daisy Strive Polish ns n side line. food commlrslon nllownl. Address nt on0 : . , ' 115 Iowa Mfa. Co. , town City , In. " " " _ _ _ _ . < r7trHT Tc7vnr ' COMmission - THE jw : : ERyir'K mission nnnoiincfS that tm > supply of male stcnograph-nt and typewriters f r the depart , mentnl service at WnslilnKlon s not enual to th. . dern ind Them re.iulsltl.mj now v I Ich cannot b. Illled for want of ellnlbl . Appoint- menls to thesn places niu iisiially nt salaries of $ I.OOOiV ) or less There will bo an "amlna- tloii nt Omaha. Neb. , on April H , nl which lersDruJ desiring to competn liny 1 examined. Those whd d.slre to take Iho examination should write lo the Civil Service Vommlss on. Washington , D. C. , and obtain nppllcallon * , blnnks and pimphlots of Inslructlon. The clerk-c < .pylKt pxnmlnatlon will have to be tnkcn as n bnsls , nnd there will bu practical tests In Hlcnography nnd typewriting. H ami 13 * DLACKH.Mmt WANTED , JIUST IL\VE about 3 years experience ; must be sober good wages. Apply at Otto Falk , Scrll'n'B ; _ jj437 ; 1B WANTED-SIX HARNESS MAKERS AT ONCE. Fremont Saddlery Co. , Fremont , ] > - . . . , BOY WANTED TO WORK FOR-HIS nnd co to school. Must bo overlie. CnU - : . - Farnam. f 11-aUiO ! . _ _ " " WANT"R"I AGRNTS , BIO MONF.Y FORGOOD _ men. Apply between 8 nnd 9 n. m. nnd B p. in. mid 6 p. m. at 421 Bee bldg. U-MI.3 1C WANTED-CASIIIlJR FOR GAMBLING HOUSE In mil ng tiiwii. Must have $1000.W cash He- curlty. Salary $2W.O pur month. Address h CO. Bee. 11 M4.S1 1. . WANTED FEMALE HELP. Rates. I c word first Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 2-jc. WANTED FOUR EXPERIENCED GIRLS FOR tailoring w"rk. Royal Tailor. Wl 4th street , Bloux Clty.Jn. _ L-M327 lj " ' LADIES A"ND 'GENTLEMEN , wr WILL PAY from $500 to $15.00 per \\erk to do strictly home vvorlt for us ; no cnnvnsilni : and prompt . Liberty payment ; send solf-addrosscd envelope. Supply company , Boston , Mass. C M3,2 lj WANTED OHtL FOR GENERAL IIOUSE- vvork ; family of two. 11. So. SCth treet.uft"l't V > -uft"l't WANTRD-A GOOD GIRL FOR GENRRAL housework ; Amcilcan or Danish preferred. Mrs. C. II. Cook. 71C So. 30th st. C l.j-11 * WANTBD-COMPRTENT GIRL FOR OEN- cral housework : icferenccs lenulred. Mrs. Albert - bert Noo. 1337 Park ave. C l. l-l" * _ WANTRD-A GIRL FOR GENERAL 1IOUSE- work ; no HUB but a competent cook need applv ; references required ; call mornings. Mrs. t fm- ucl Gamble. 2C02 Half-Howard. G 152-H' GOOD COOK. 1510 SHERMAN AVENUE. MRS. A. Saundeis. C M4.i 17 WANTRD-HOtlSEKEKPDR. AGE ABOUT 3" , In family of C , nil grown. Address LJ. . J'J ' ; U * ! 11J lu LADY CANVASSERS WANTED TO SELL sarsaparllln' In northern pnit of city. Address E f.5 , Bee. O M4C.i 1C * FOR ' 'RENT HOUSES. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THR CITY THR O. F , Davis company. 1503 Farnom. D 878 * t-ROOM . COTTAGES. MODEKN , CHOICE IN Stanford Circle. C. S. Elgutter , 204 Bee build- Ing. D-873 HOUSES. F. K. DARLING. BARKER BLOCK. D S8Q NEW MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE , 31 & MASON RENTAL AGENCY , 607 BROWN BLOCK. 831 I AND 4-ROOM APARTMENTS. STEAM HEAT ; references required. 816 B. 22d. D-882 _ FINE CORNER FLAT IN CLOUSER BLOCK. 7 rooms , range nnd all other conveniences. George Clouscr , room 2 , 1C23 Furnnm. B-ROOM H. 1M1 N. 23 : 3-ROOM H , 1302 fornla Bt. ; 6-room H. 1303 Callfoinla 7-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE , EAST KRONT. $22.00. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Fnrnam. / D 556 RENTAL AG'CY. HUTCHINSON , 1623 Farnam. --ROOM CORNER FLAT WITH ALL MODERN conveniences , 2401 Leavenworth st. D 013 31 * FOR REN-HONE OF THOSE cFrOICE STEAM heated Hats In the P. E. Her block , ICth and Jackson streets. Call at 1113 Hnrney street. D-MHS FOR RENT TO A SMALL FIRST CLASS family without children , u nice nine room modern houso. 3PJ North 20th st , , lent reason able. Hoggs & Hill. 1103 Fainnni St. D-2I9-AH RENTAL AGENCY. SHERWOOD , 423 N. Y. Life. D 22G-A5 * FIRST CLASS. WELL LOCATED HOUSES. L. S. Skinner. 310 N.JT. Life. D 3 < 3 THREE-ROOM HOUSE. $6.00 : WITH BARN , $8.04. 3100 Webster street. Largo lot : D 311 11 * FOR RENT. 6-ROOM COTTAGE , COS SOUTH 31st street. D MSS5 17 * IIOUHEH FOR RRNT NEAR IIANSCOM PARK ; nil modern conveniences. Hicks , : u. > N. Y. Life bldg. D M39J 17 NEW C-ROOM FLAT. MODERN IMPROVED - mt-nls , 1112 S , lUh st. D 102 14 * ' ROOM HOUSE : MODERN ; 2013 LEAVEN. worth. D 103 11 * DESIRABLE EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE. NEAR High school. Inquire 2S1G Capitol ave. ave.D401 18 * ( .ROOM MODERN BRICK HOUSE. bain ; only > 25.00. Onmlin Real Estnto nnd Trust Co. Room 4 , Dm bldg. D M < 20 15 A NUMRE11 OF MODfTllN HOUSES FOR rent. List your property with Geo. w. V , Con tea. 13 Pitturson blk. I ) M419 19 MIOOM" BRICK iiousE , FIRST-CL'ASS CON- dltlnn , 2717 Jackson. Modern Improvi'im-nls. Imiulro 2715 Jackson. II M1U 18 * _ FOR RKNT-WE HAVE A LARGE LIST OF choice houses to rent at prices ranging from $5.00 per month and up. New list now ready , C.'o. J Paul , Room 111 Board -of Tiadu liiilld. lng _ D-MUO IS' _ _ " I.ROOM IIOUSE. ' ALL MODERN. coo PARK AVCIUII- . Inquire at Oil. D M13J AI3 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. Ratia , M o word ( list Insertion , lo n word Ihercnflir. Nothing taKeii forlia than 23c. I FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOnSEKEEP- Ing for limn uud wife. Rent taken In board. Sl ! N 17ll | . R.-KO Fl.EAHANT ROOM ! _ 151 } DOIIGE. ' ' f * JJrT-l'r _ _ - ' v I -EI.Y FURNISHED SOUTH ROOM WITH alcove , Jf.OO month , CO I S , 17th st. E 123 17' Pbll RENT -PLEASANT KOinTf F RONT room , Hull-iblc fur onu KCiUlcnnn , 2212 Furnam. E-MITO FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. Rate . Jl C word lint Inseitlon , la a , word thcrcHtirr. Nothing tnkori for l > s than 2io. yot'NG vVOMliMR. UNDER OARE OF U'ouifii i L'hrUtliut usHoclullon. Ill t ) , ITtli it. _ _ _ _ _ _ I1 SSJ _ ROOMS AND TtO\RDiNO. EV IM'THING Hut clats. :1M Douiilns ilrcct. F IOJ Ml ! ) ' WITH HOARD ALSODAY BOARD. 107 H lUh Ktr i > t , F MUM SO' NICKLY Fl'IlNISniTrT 8OUTir"R6oMT WITri 111 it-dual board. ; .U ] St. Murj'u nveniiu. F-3U 1C * | _ _ DESIRABLE ROOMS WITH BiJARD RErTiin cure * . ? OJ N. ISIh. F--1UM II * ROOMS ; RTErtMODERATK. Homo table. I'.Ol 1'arnum klnni. F--MIH 1C DOLAN HOUSE , Sll NORTH 1STII BTRKRT. Good rooms , good tublo , nxxiwujM-J ratrg , \ # . r-M < : All * \ LARGE. COOL. WEf.L FURNISHED SOUTH front loom mid prlvutu board , ull modern ecu- venltncM. Ills DouglM. F-4W-1S' FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES lUlei. 10o n line each Insertion , $1.M a line p r month. Nothing taken for less than 25 . l < MONTHS LEASE OF STORE , 0 B. 17TIL " OFFICEH FOR RENT IN THE KCHLITH building , Hth nnd Hnmcy. Ppeclntwlnduce- menu held out to permanent lennntn. Apply to Jobst Bro > , rooms M und Ct Schlltz build * Ing. I MM4 FOR RENT , THE 4-HTORY 1IRICK BUILDING. 919 Fnrnatn st. The building lias a fireproof cement basement , complete stcnm hentlnir fix tures , water on nil lloorn. gas , etc. Apply nt the Qlllre of The Bee. I-910 _ THR 3-HTORY H'lORE BUILDING , Ull FAR- nam st. Baste * . & Hill , 1403 Farnam st. l-SCSnvM FOR RENT , TWO ELEGANT HTORE3 AND bnsemrntd. corner of llth and Howard streets ; best locution In Omaha for commission hniise . A. J. Poppletou , Room 311 Flint National IHnk bldg. I-M41I 13 WANTED TO RENT. Rales. IVjo word first Insertion , lo n word thereafter. Nothing taken for less tlinn 25c , WANT ED. HOUSES FOR 11E NT. plPton. 3oS Pnxton block. A YOI'NG COUPLE WITHOUT CHILDREN wish to rent n furnlnhed liou. e for tin- sum mer or would b willing to take cara of hnusi' for family leaving the city for summer. Best of city lefcrcnces furnished. Address E M , Bee olHce. 1C IM 18 * Yo'tfNcPcotM'LH WANT SUIT ! ' . OF ROOMS , will modern conveniences , for light hou c- keeping. Ad.lirss E 53 , Bw. K MI7I 16' STORAGE. Rates , lOe a line each Insertion , $ I.M a line per month. Nothing taken for less than Kc. STORAGE FOR" HOUSEHOLD GOOL : ; CLEAN und cheap rate. R. Wells , llll Farnam.M M SS8 STORAGE , WILLIAMS & CROS , 1214 HARNEY. M ASJ WANTED TO BUY. Ratc , Hie ord first Insertion. Ic a word thet carter. Nothing taken for less than 250. WANTED , STOCK OF GENERAL MDSE. FOR clear Innd and cash , J. D. SJItlle , Brown blk. , Omaha. N-931 _ _ _ _ HIGHTEST PRICE PAID FOR SECOND-HAND furniture , carpets , stoves , etc. H. H. Brown , 32J N. ICth. Tel. 1711. N-31IA8' _ WANTED , TO BUY , A HOME ON MONTHLY payments ; want about nn eight-room lious , fronting south or cast , with good yard and Im provements , nnd In the western part of the city ; nm In n position to make liberal monthly or ijuartcrly payments. Address E 40. I'cc- * i337 1A WANTED , A LIGHT SECOND HAND SNYDER phaeton or buggy. Call nt 1014 D WANTED. AN EXPRESS WAGON THAT WILL carry an organ or plnm ) In exchange on organ or piano. Woodbrldge Bros. , 120 N. 15th st. N 430 15 WANTRD-TO BUY A FEW PIECES OP choice real cstato , cither buslnesH or residence property. Must bo strictly bargains : only such nned answer this advertisement. Olvi- location nnd full particulars , also If all cash Is any object. Address , for one week , R SI. Bee olflce. All communications confidential. N M163 la * Rates , lOc a line each Insertion , $1.00 a line per month. Nothing taken tor less than 2jc. _ FOR SALE-HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE ; AL- most new ; will sell cheap ; house fur rent ; par ties leaving city. 3012 N.lCth St. O Ui-lC' AUCTION FURNITURE OF STATE HOTEL In bulk , 1310 Douglas , March 20 , 10 n. m. FOB , SALE HORSES , WAGONS.ETC. Hates , lee n line each Insertion , $1.60 a line per month. Nothing taken for less than Me. ALL KINDS OF VEHICLES AT 50C ON THE After' March I will have on exhibition ( for a short time enl > ) nt 1213 Farnam street , Omaha , n full line of line carriages , coupes , landaus , victorias , park nnd canopy rigs , buggies , phae tons , carts , butkboards. all kinds of business nnd pleasure wagons , dniys , milk nnd delivery wagons , which I will close out at EOC ON TUB DOLLAR. A full line nnd everything Ural-class. Come and see and be convlnci d that you can buy anything you want nt half prlco al 1213 Far nam street , Omahu , Neb. P 105 A3 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Rates , l o word Dist Insertion , lo n word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c. BALED HAY FOR SALE. THE STANDARD Cattle Company , Ames , Neb. , have 2.000 tons of good barn stored hay for sale. All orders Illled promptly. Q 887 FOR SALE TWO POOL AND TWO BILLIARD tables , Manhattan style , monarch cushions , size 4V4 by 9. and nil llxtures pertaining thereto. Tables not used one year yet. Will sell or trade. For particulars write to Frank Georkc , Carroll City. Iowa. Q 201 A4 * FOR SALE. SECOND HAND ENGINES , IN first class shape , from 5 to 40-harse power. In- dustrlal Iron Works , Omaha. O.-321A8 FOR SALE , GOOD SECOND HAND SALOON outtlt. Address or call H. Hornbt > rger , C20 S. 17th st. ' , Q 10714' FOR SALE GOOD DURHAMMILCH COW ; fresh In a few days. Apply at 111 So. ICth st. Q 151-15 A GOOD BURGLAR-PROOF SAFE AND TIME lock , with vault doors , for salu at a bargain. A. Dlxon , Coon Rapids. Iowa. Q-M-172 21 MISCELLANEOUS. Rates , li&c a word first Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for Icsj than 23o. FOR LEASE , 20 OR 40-ACRE TRACTS NEAR Florence lake. $3.00 per acre. Boggs & Hill. R-937 M30 CLAIRVOYANTS. Rates , Hc word tlrst Insertion , Ic n word thei eafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c. MRS. DR. H. WAimEN. CLAIRVOYANT. RR. liable business medium ; 7th year at 119 N. 16. 8 SS3 MASSAGE , BATHS , ETO. Rates IKo n word llrst Insertion , la a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c. MADAMR SMITH , COS S. 13TH. 2ND FLOOR , loom 3. Massage , vapor , alcohol , steam , sul- phurlnu nnd sea baths. T M3C9 17 * MASSAGR. MADAME BERNARD , 1119 DODGE. T-M12I 19 * MME. BROWN. 1311 CAPITOL AVE. . MASSAGE treatment und medicated baths. T 319 15 * PERSONAL. Rates. Uo n word first Insertion , lo n word thereafter. Nothing tak n for loss than 25c. VIAVI. HOME TREATMENT FOR LADIES. Health bauk and consultation free. Addresser or call. Vluvl Co , suite 3)5 Bee Bldg , I.ady attendant. U M914 UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE JOHN NELSON IS the- only person employed by me to do the cleaning of vaults nnd cesspools. A. MncDon- uld , City Garbngo Contractor. U Mill A6 MRS. BARTON GIVES READINGS IN PALM. Utry nt C35 S , 17th. Ladles , SOc ; gents , $1.00. U-M3M17 * _ MASSAGE TREATMENT. ELECTRO-THERMAL baths. Scalp and hair treatment , manicure nnd chiropodist. Mrs. Post. S19W H. 15th\Vlthnell blk U SSO JUST ARRIVED-MAIJAMR LA ROOK HAS opened nmssagn parlors nt 417 So , llth street. Improved mugmtlo.llnpnthlc , sulphur and nlcnholle baths , both restful and curative. Im- moved Swedish hand rubbing. 9 a. m , to 8 } . . m. Parlora 3 und 4. U-M421 19 * COMPOUND OXYGEN CURES ASTHMA , brunchlthi , consumption , cntturrh , etc. Flvp davs. fieu at R. 33 Douglas blk. IClh nnd Dodge , U-4W al3 MONEY TOLOAN REAL ESTATE. Rates , lOo n Una each Insertion , II.m a line per month. Nothing taken for lem than 23c. LOANS ON IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED city piopcrty. $3,00d and upwards. S to 6H Per cent , no dvluva. W. I'nrnum Smith & Co. , nsj Fuinnni. W 891 ANTHONY LOAN AND TRUST CO. , 313 N. Y. ' Llfu. loans nt low rates for cholca security on Ntbiaukik and Iowa farms or Omaha city properly. W S33 MONEY TO LOAN AT I/JWEST RATES ON Improved and unimproved Omaha real estate , 1 to S yearn. Fidelity Trust Co. 110 : Furnam. MONEY TO I.OAN AT LOWEST RATES. THE O. F. Day In Co. , 15ui Farnam 1. \ \ ' AM MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS IN DOUGLAS county and Omalui city prupurty. No delay. FIJcltyTru | _ * Co. . ITOi Furnam t.V M893 _ _ MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA PRoT > ERTV d und Nobrimku frunu u ( from V to 7 pur cent. i W. 11. MelUc , Flint Nat' I bunk bldg.V5J > MONEY "TO LOAN ON IM PROVED " 5"J1A HA real estate. Uii-nuan. Low & Co. , I'axton blk. ' CIINTIIAL LOAN AND TRUUT Co ! ] JO I1EE ! lldlBJ. , W-795 LOANS ON RR-VL ESTATE , WARRANTS. GOOD liutu * . etc. . bougM. Gait In Drch , 110 N. Y. Lift. _ _ _ _ _ W-m OMOHA LOAN i rRU3T ) . MTTl AND DOUKIJ * it * . , loan mono' en city and farm prvpctty m Ion rat rate * of InUrtat.V * ii SANTA polly Pepper ! _ CLAUS My Mamma uses tys Soap , and says iFstlfc . ' IS MADF. " n\ bcsl'eVer made ; so of courj N.K.FaIrbank&Co. IKere is a Sanltx Claus J ChlcaRO. MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE. Continued. WANTED , APPLICATIONS FOH LOANS. J. D. X.lttle , Uronn blk . Omaha. W 933 MOUTOAGC LOANS , A. MOO11K , Ml N. Y. Life. W 320AS * LOANS WAtirnn ON CITY AND rAUM property. J. N . Krcnzcr , opp. 1 * . O. W-38S nlO MONEYTO LOAN CHATTELS. Ilatca , lOc a line each Insertion , Jl.W a Una per month. Nothing taken for lesa than Ke. _ -TIIK 1'I.ACB TO IIOIIHOW MONUV ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE , JIONUY UN HOUSKS ANU MULHd , AIONUV ON WAGONS AND CARRIAGES. UONRY ON I'lANOH AND OHOANH. WONUY ON WAltUHOUSR IIRCUIPTS , , MONIiY ON MKUCHANDISK , MOJJIJY ON ANY CHATT13I , SnCURITinS , MONI2Y ON Rootla that remain with you , MONRY IK YOU \VANT NO I'UULICITY , HONiV : IN larRO or email amounts , MONRY AT LDWRST POSSIBLE RATRS. MONRY IN QUICKRST POSSIUhR TIMR , MONRY THAT you may pay back nt nnytlma ami In any amount. In at ROOM t , W1T11NELL. bloclc , cor. 15th and Ilnrrey sts. THE FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. X STO " " MONEY TO LOAN- Wo will loan you any sum which you wish , small or large , nt the lowest posslblo rates , In the quickest posslblo time and for any length of time to suit > ou. You can pay It back In such Indtnllnicntu an you wish , when you wish , nnd oily pay for It ns long as you keep H. You can Ixnrow on HOUSEHOLD FUIINITURR AND PIANOS , IIOIISRS , WAGONS AND CARRIAGES. WAREHOUSE ISKCEII'TS. MERCHANDISE , OR ANY OTHER SECURITY. Without publicity or removal of property , OMAHA MOIITOAOR LOAN CO. , 30G SOUTH 1CTH STREET , First lloor above the street. THE OLDEST. LARGEST AND ONLY INCOR PORATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. MONEY TO LOAN ON HORSES. WAGONS. pianos nnd furniture of all kinds. Uuslne conlldcntlal. J. U. Haddock , room 437 Ramso block. * S3" _ _ _ WILL LOAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OK security ; strictly conlldential. A. E. Harris , room 1. Continental block. X 3i _ MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE. PIANOS , nil articles ol value. Fred .Terry. 430 Ramgo block. X-SO'J SHORT _ TIME LOANS. 701 N. Y. LIKrTliLDO. BUSINESS CHANCES. Hates , lOc n line ench Insertion , J1.50 a line per montl : . Nothing taken for less than 25c. DRUG STORE , CENTRALLY LOCATED , ON easy terms. Box D18. city. Y 900 J200.00 YIELDS JI5.00 WEEKLY : FINANCIAL- depression does not affect Ilowo's Infallible Handicapping system. Hest nnd safest specula tive Investment offered ; third successful year ; prospectus 1851 free. C. D. Rowe. Itax 127 , Brooklyn. N. Y. Y-M3IO Mil' _ I DESIRE TO INTEREST JJ.OOO TO 17.000 CAPItal - Ital In extension of well established , clean nnd legitimate buslntss that netted over 15 per cent on 17,000.00 In 1W3 after paying all expenses nnd IncludlnB allowance for personal management. Everything clean nnd above ooard and Investi gation Invited. Address E 9. care nee. MEAT MARKET FOR SALE. CENTRALLY located : ntted up first class ; doing good busi ness. Address C. Bee ollice. Council lllufta. Y 237 A7 FOR 8ALR FOR CASH. OR HALF CASH HALF trade. $3,000.00 Block clothing nnd gents fur- nlshlnKS In good town. Address llox 421 , Gen- evn. Neb. Y-M303 1C * _ FOR SALE , A SALOC \ IN THE CITY OF Fremont. Dodge county ; Neb. , with a good established ; a good place for the right man to make money. For particulars Inquire ot Albcrs & Co. . Fremont. Neb. Y 323 15 NICE CLEAN STOCK OF GROCERIES.CROCK- ury , boots nnd shoes. Invoice $3,000 : established trade of over $25,000 n year , nil cash ; bent loca tion In Gothenburg , Neb. ; net profits for past thrco years , abo\o all running expenses and living , ha\e been over $2,00 < J n year ; books. stock nnd business open to Inspection ; this Is nn opportunity seldom offered to step Into n prosperous andery successful business. DavenpoitS'atcrman , S2 N. Y. Life. FOR HALE. FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT ; good location : nell worth Investigation. Cana dian Olllcc. 1500 Farnnin. Y M443 15 * _ FOR HALE. FIRST-CLASS GROCERY IN Omaha , situated on corner of street nnd doing a Kplcmlld business ; will Invoice $1 , 5')0.00 ' ) ; a rart > chance for right party : this will bear In vestigation. Addicss K 43 , Ilec.MH2 1C * SALOON , \ONH OK THE FINEST. THOSE with cash n bargain. Pioneer IJuslnesi ngency , Sheridan , W > o. Y-M438 15' _ \S'ANTED-MAN TO 1JUY. RETIRING PART- ner's Interest In best paying buslnes * of the kind In tlm city. liunlneHa will net $400.00 per month. $500.00 will buy. Address E 5 WANTED-MAN WITH $300 TO TAKE IN- tercst In good paying restaurant. Oood Mbance for right imrty. not over 45 years old.all at fruit Btorc. 2503 N street , South Om.ihn. WANTED. MAN WITH CAPITAL TO INVEST In patented Invention for separating gold from the waters of rl\eis. Address Robert Elliott , Marshalltown , la. \ AHG6 18 * FOB , EXCHANGE. Rate * . 10o n line first Insertion. $1.50 a line per month. Nothing taken for less than tie. STOCK OF MILLINERY AND NOTIONS , want horses und cattle. Box 297 , Frankfort. Ind. K-901 _ ICO ACRES HAY LAND. 6 MILES FROM GEN- trnl City , to trndu for merchandise , groceries preferred. Box C54. Central City , Neb. Z 242 M10 3 HOUSES AND LOT. BRINGING A GOOD revenue , for vacant property. A good farm ono mile from good limn In western luwa : will tnlco IIOUMJ and lot In Omaha. J. D. Zlttle. Ilroivn block. Omaha. ZM9H ! 18 _ I OWN 100 FARMS IN NE11RA8KA , KANSAS nnd Dakota. Will sell cheap or exchange for indsc. , horses and cattle. Address box 70 , Fimiktoit. Hid. Z-T901 _ M SECTIONS CHOICE LAND : CHEAP ; TERMS easy : colony wanted ; commission liberal ; also lands for stock nnd mdse. J. w. Wclpton , Grant. Neb. KIM AS' _ LAND AND CASH TOR GENERAL MER- chamllse. Uox Ml. Eu-ttlg Nl . SS-2M IS' FOR TRADE. HAMI1LETONIAN STALLION for good land In Antelope. Holt or Knnv coun ties. I ) ck Itox 700. Wust Point. Neh. WANTED. A DOUI1LE HARNESs-Oll GOOD 1'nd-hand orean.Voudbrldgo Uroi. , )2'1 ) N. _ 15tl > it. _ _ _ K-I2 IS WANTHP. A GOOD HORSE XND 1'HARTON In part payment upon piano. W odbrldg linn. . ISO N. IStli at. X .M 1 ! LOST ! Rates , 1H ° word first Iniertlon , la n ward thereafter. Nothing taken for less than Kc. LOST. BLACK COCKER SPANIAL , "KOKO" Reward. 1002 f , 30tll uve. 4J8 12' FOUND. Rate * . Il4a n word lint Iniertlon. lo a worj thtrcntcr. Nothing taken for leu than tie , roI'ND-ooiTiTLoncirr. OWNER CAN IIAVK same by cnlllne nt Bee ollle and paying for thli lultcrlUomem. Found 1M-H' SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING } . [ VAN BANT-S KClToOL OK SHORTlfAND , Ml . N. Y. Life , Omaha. Aik far circular , MWi CUTLERY GRINDING. A. U I'NDRLAND IH NOW READ TO DO all klndi of line grinding nt his old ctand. 104 S. Hlli lre.-l. 3d olO FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Rntc.i , lOc n line each Insertion , $1.50 a line per month. Nothing taken for leg- ) than 25c. CHEAP HOMES FOR SALE. Houses and lots , all slzeq , locations nnd prices , tnkcn under foreclosure by eastern parties who Insist on Immediate pale. Also NcbiasUn farm lands.Vlll sell nt half value , and easy terms. It. F. Ranklne , Omaha National bank. R EM203 FINE RAST SLOPR 5-ACIIE TRACT , OVERlooking - looking city ; splendid trnniportatlon facilities ; a bargain on your own terms. C. C. Shlmer , 211 N. Y. Life. RE-r2C2 15 * GREAT SNAP. LEVEL. RICH GARDEN lands , ono mile from city limits , $ CO.OO lo $100.0 * per acre , on & years time ; name trade. Call 810 N. Y. Llfo building. RE-917 Mil * BARGAIN , N. E. CORNER 20TII AND HICK- ory. F. K. Darling , Darker block. R E-MD7S " Two moro of those beautiful cot tages In Avondale park arc now open for Inspection. Modern In every particular. Including electric lights , sewer , paved Mleet , stone walks , trees , parks , etc. No special taxes. No car fare. Pi Ices very low. low.We We have n number of decided bargains In vacant lots , nnd cottage homes on very easy term * . It will pay you to examine our list befoio purchasing. FIDELITY TRUST CO. , 1702 Farnam street. RE 523m2l $100 CASH AND $15.00 .PER MONTH BUYS A C-room house , city wucur , lot 50x110 , ono block from car ; only $1COO. ' Wo have several trnc.H of ground to lease , from two acres up to tnenty , Omaha Real Estate and. Trust Co. . room 4 , llco building. RE 103 11 HOMES AT HALF ' PRICE PROPERTY which has come Into our [ voosesslon l > y foie- closure of mortgage will be sold at great bar gains. Homes from $1.0 > M up. The Hates- Smlth Inv. Co. . 160J Fnrnnm st. R E 1I3-18 ONE 200-ACRE FARM FOR SALE. APPLY TO W. J. Harrison or A. D. Rote , on farm , Blair. R E Mg)5 ) BARGAINS. HOUSES , LOTS AND FARMS , ealo or trade. F. K. Darling. Barker block. , 903 FOR SALE. A FINE'HOME OF 12 ROOMS outslda of bath rooms , closet , pantry , furnace room , etc. . In one of th best locations , ele gantly fuinlshed nnd fully caulpned In every particular , ready to step right Into , nnd a bargain for anyone about to locate. The wholtf oultlt. house , lot and , furniture , $12,000.00 , much less than coit and only offered for solo on account of family being nwuy much of the tlmo the present year. Address D CC , Bee. _ R R 1M a3 FOR SALE , 7-ROOM COTTAGE AND LOT AT 2211 Webster stiect for $3.800.00. Apply on premises. _ H E M413 a3' DO YOU WANT A FINE BUILDING LOT AT n decided bargain 7 Read the following , nil In Hnnscom Place. Full east front lot on 31st .street , between Top- pleton nnd Pacific , only $2.500.00. Full lot on 33d street , near Woolworth , $1,750.00. Full lot on 27th street , cast front , near Woolworth - worth , $2.300.00. Also 2 lots on 27th street , between Woolworth nnd Hickory , cast fronts , each $2.000.00. Full cast front lot , Just south of Hickory on 27th street , $1,000.00. Full lot on 28th street , cast front , near corner of Poppleton , $2.500.00. Also east fiont full lot on 2Sth street , near corner of Hickory. $2.200.00. Full lot on 31st street , near corner of Poppleton , nnd ono on 2Sth street , near Woolworth. cast front. $3,000.00 each. Iull lot on 29th itreet , near corner of Hickory , and oni on 28th street , near corner of Woolworth , $2,000.00 each. Fuji cast front lot on 29th street , near Hickory , + * , uQQ , 00. * Apaln wo offer you . $ ' ° " MnBon Rtrcct' ncar 37" street , Good lot at 30th and Chicago streets , $1,330 03 2 lots In Jerome park , $1,000.00 eaclu ' 'jCOOOo" r' ° nt 'Ot ' "e"r Ur > Mcrccr's residence , Nlco south front lot on Hamilton street , $2M 00. 2 full lots In Junction View Terrace , only $100.00 These prlcpt will never be duplicated. If you want a lot buy now , Davenport & Waterman , 822 N. Y. Life. _ _ RE M4C2 15 A NEW ENGLAND HOME FOR SCOlT 287 ncres , house nnd bam , apple nnd maple orchard nnd fine stream through fmm. Parllc- ant f ' ' " nml 7i ! ? , 'I'1" otllcrs- ' W. Cuitls , Harrington. Mats. RR M4CS II * FOR LEASE REAL ESTATE. Rates , me word first Insertion , Ic a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than Me. S-HOOM MODERN HOUSE FOR RRNT AND furniture for sale ; llrst class location. Address - dress R 29 , Bee. 317 15 FOR LEASE-REAL ESTATE VVP have received Instructions to lease for a term of yonrs twenty lotn on Dlondo street he- JjU'en 21th and 27th stioets. These lots will be leased nt n low price. Sl7e of loin , 30x127 and 157 feet. Also have for rent n twenty-acre tract on 30th street east of Fort Oinalm , only four miles train the postolllce. Cheap. Gee , J. Paul , Room 111 llonul of Truda building. M179 IS * MEDICAL. Rtttei , IVie word first Insertion , lo n word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 23c. DR. C. V. CROOK'S NEW METHOD TREATment - ment of nerves , utomach und heart. 407 Dee Building. X M553 M2J MUSIC , ART AN LANGUAGET Rates , lOc a line each lei rtlon , $1.50 n Una per month. Nothing taken for ] It'ss than 23c. Q. F ] GRLLENDECHV BANJOIST AND teacher , 1S10 California ijU oil UNDERTAKERS AftjD EMB ALMER8 Rates , l' o word flrstf .Insertion , Ic .a word thereafter. Nothing takifor less than 2Jc. H. K. ' RURKirr. FUNERAL 7)RECTOR | AND tinbnlmer. HIS Chicago' * ! . Tvl. 90. W * DRESSMAKING. Rates , ijc ; won ! first < tnsvrtlon , lo n word thereafter Nothing taltenjror less than IJc. ARTISTIC TAILOR-MAWS DRESSMAKING , from 15.00 up. MadamoiCorbett. 1712 Hpcnccr , Kountzo Place. 31 M30S MIS * DREsiMAKINO 7NlAMILIE3. Mfsd STURDY 4218 Nicholas. HIA2" UPHOLSTERING. Rates. lOc n line first Insertion , Jl.M n Una per month. Nothing ml.e.'i for leia than 2c. GLOBE UPHOLSTERING CO , , GENERAL FUlt- nlture icpulrlntc ; citlmatea und Information cheerfully given. All work railed for nnd promptly attended to. 202 ] Furnam itreet. Telephone ) 7M. 1I3JJ BUREAU , SUEOD. ! . . SOLICITORS. noa Uulldlnit. OMAHA. NED. Advluo KRKK. QUICKLY AMU I-KIIMANENTI.Y M Mrlll * Biiinruiiir r . hell Bre. y Kubn A Co. , Cor. Ulh A UouciniiM * . und J. A. Vull.ri Co..Oor.llthWoueiau ti..oMAIU. THE BENNETT LIBEL CASE What Eddie Zoon Told Mrs. Ledge About Affairs at the Jail , SHE TELLS A PLAIN , STRAIGHT STORY IVns the Opposite at 111 * Testimony on the AVRncsn Stuml-Corriilinniti * ) ! by State ment" of Othcrit-Olhnr E Yeslt'riliij. evidence In rebuttal wns still the program nt , tbo continued hearing of the Ilcnnctt- Uosevvater libel case yesterday afternoon , nnd there were numerous Indications that the loni ; drawn out preliminary Inquisition was nearlng a close. The sta o called Frank Strand , a relative of Mrs. George Smith , who testified that Smith had said to him that $100 would bo better for Mrs. Smith than would testifying on the witness stand. Sergeant Slgwart was called for the pur pose of Impeaching the testimony of Edna Marshall. Ho said her moral character wns bad nnd her General reputation for chastity was the same. The defense recalled Theodore Dennett. Ho testified that ho knew J. C. Henry , who was In the Jail last fall. Moshcr was never out of the Jail all night In September or October , nnd was not out one Saturday night and Sunday iilght. J. C. Henry wns called. Ho snld ho know Dennett and Mosher. Ho was In the Doug las county Jail last fall. There were two Saturday nights and Sundays when the wit ness did not see Mosher there. The witness was confined In the same part of the Jail ns Mosher. Ho noticed particularly that Moshor was not there , as ho had to pass Mosher's cell to go to his own. On cross- examination the witness said be played checkcm with Mosher every day , nnd ho knew that Mosher was gone two Sundays. Ho noticed the door of Mosher's cell stand ing open , and ho could recall It bccauso ho saw It and several of the prisoners had spoken of It. Mrs. William II. Smith testified that Mrs. Mary L. Smith was formerly her daughter- in-law. The latter was at the witness' house at Avcry , August 28 , and said she could see George In the county Jail any time , day or night. She said she was at the Jail with Edith Waters and spent the evening with George Smith and Theodore nennett. She further said that they had stayed ua Into as 12 o'clock. The witness asked her If they wore not afraid to go homo so late and Mrs. Smith replied that Theodore went home with them. EASY ENOUGH TO GET IN. On cross-examination the witness said Edith Waters was with Mrs. Mary Smith on this occasion. The conversation occurred Just a few days before George was to bo taken away. It was started by the hurry of Mrs. Smith to get back to the city to see George and the witness said It would bo Impossible to get Into the Jail that night as It was so late. Mrs. Smith replied that she could get In , and then followed the further conversation about her personal experience In getting Into the Jail on previous occasion * , J. E. Gllck of The Bee was recalled. Ho' said ho knew Larry Casey and heard him say , about two weeks ago In a wine room In Goldsmith's saloon , that ho ( Casey ) was present In that saloon when Mosher was there with Theodore Bennett ono night , and that ho ( Casey ) had at that time called Gold smith's attention to the fact that It was Moshcr. Charles Perrln , formerly of the World- Herald staff , testified that ho knew Ed Keen and had a conversation with him In Mur phy's saloon February 21 , In the afternoon. Keen then said that he and Theodore Den nett were drinking beer In the Jail offlco nhnitt 10 n'nlnelrvhnn Hmv lionrd fnrrlltln screams coming up from the women's de partment. They Jiurrled down and found n girl suffering fearfully and the shcots cov ered with blood. Dr. 'Lanyon was called , but did not succeed In relieving the girl , and Keen then took It upon himself to call Dr. King , who came with his Instruments and stopped the hemorrhage. On cross-examina tion the witness said this conversation grew out of a reference to this libel case , when the witness asked Keen his Idea of the outcome. Keen replied that ho didn't think they could make the Dennett case stick , but that they would make the Mrs. Dennett case hold. The witness asked why , and Keen said he know the facts. The witness then Inquired what they were and Keen detailed the story. The witness said ho was a news paper reporter. Ho had never worked for The Dee , but ho had done some work for Mr. Rosewater slnco this conversation. Ha was not working for llosowater when that conversation took place. Counsel for the defense announced that It was desired to have the testimony of Mrs. Anna Ledge , as certain questions had been asked the witness , Keen , with a view to Impeaching his testimony , but that she was sick and unable to appear In the court room. Inasmuch as she lived within a couple of blocks of Uio court roam , the defense would ask the state's attorney to consent to taking her deposition. This was agreed to , and a recess was taken for that purpose. Dennett at once hustled out to get Keen , and accompanied by the reporters , the complalnlng witness and the defendant , the attorneys proceeded to the flat occupied by Mrs. Ledge at C20 South Six teenth street. WHAT KOEN TOLD MRS. LODGD. Mrs. Ledge testified as follows on direct ex amination by Judge Estelle : Q. What Is your name ? A. Anna Lodge. Q. Do you know ono Ed Keen ? A. I ought to. CJ. Well , do you know him ? A. Yes , sir ; I know him. Q. You remember of his being hero In the county Jail ? A. Yes , sir ; I remember of his being In the county jail. Q. Do you remember the occasion of his being released from the county Jail ? Do you remember the time when ho was released ? A. Oh , yes ; but I do not know the exact date , but I know about the time. Q. On the day after his release- from the county Jail was ho not nt your house hero ? A. Yes , sir ; ho stnyed hero four , flvo or maybe six \\eeks after ho got ieleosed. Q. Was ho hero the day after he was re leased ? A. Yes , sir ; ho was. Q. On that occasion didn't he In a con versation with you use this language : ' 'I ' know enough to ruin the Dennett family ? " A. Yes , sir , ho said that. Q. And In response to that didn't you then ask him what he knew , and didn't I in reply : "Thero was an abortion committed In the county Jnll on n girl whllo I \\as there ? " A. Yes. ho said that , Q. And then didn't you say to him , "How cnn such things go on there nnd Mrs. Den nett not know It , she being the matron ? " A. Yes , sir , I s.lld that to IMdlo Koon. Q. And didn't lie reply , "Why , she did know of It ? " A. Ycs.slr. Q. Then didn't you say this or In substance - stance this ! "Why , Eddie , I am surprised ; I thought Mrs. Dennett was n modal woman ? " A. Yes , sir. Q. And didn't ho then reply : "I probably should not say anything about this , ns Mrs. Dennett treated mb kindly whllo I was sick ? " A. Yes , sir , IMdic Keen said that. Q. Do you remember the occasion of the general election In 1S93 , this last fall ? A. Yes , sir. Q. A short tlmo after that , probably n week nftcr the general election , wasn't Mr. Keen hero nt your house ? A. Yes , sir , but I do not think It wns so lain as n week. Q. A short time after ? A. Yes , sir. Q. On that occasion didn't ho nay to you , referring to the election : "Well , wo got loft ? " and to that didn't you reply : "I nm surprised that you defended Mr. Dennett nfter what you told mo about what occurred In the Jail ? " A. Yes , sir , I did. Q. And didn't ho then reply , "It Is money , all Is fair In campaign fights ? " A. Yes , sir , ho said that. Q. On that occasion didn't you hnvo n conversation with regard to the woman or to the girl named Sayer ? A. Yes , sir , the Moshor woman I called her ; I knew her better by that name. Q. In that conversation didn't you then ask htm this question UEO substantially this language : "Tho Idea of your defending the Sayer girl , when you told mo Itas she who went to the Jail to see Moshcr. " Didn't you say that to him ? A. Not Just In those words. I said this : "fiddle , I nm surprised nt your doing this when you know her character didn't Justify It , nnd that she went to the Jail to see Mosher. " Q. And to that didn't ho reply : "Well , I got paid for what I said about her ? " A. Yes. sir , Eddie Keen told mo that ho got paid for what he said about her. On cross-examination , the witness gald that she know that the character of the Sayer woman was not what It ought to be , because of the company she Kept. She had seen Miss Sayer In the company of women whom the witness knew to bo living with men to whom they were not married , nnd nlso know from the conversation of these women that Miss Sayer was frequently In their company. The wltnens said she had ben to the J.ill to BOO Keen on several occasions. When ho was released ho came Immediately to her house , nnd sat In the room In which she now was , talking about things that happened at the Jail. The witness had asked him about the people there , saying bhe understood that some of them wcro "characters , " and ho had told her that there were queer things going on In the Jail. When ho told her about the abortion , she asked what doctor was called , and he told her that It was Dr. Lanyon. Ho did not say what Lanyon had to do with the case , merely replying that ho was called In. EDDIE WENT DACIC ON HER. The witness' testimony In chief was not at nil shaken or changed by the cross-examin ation. Keen prompted the state's attorney in the questioning from a position behind the latter's back. Mrs. Lodge noticed It , and told him not to no afraid to cojno out from his hiding place and say openly whatever he had to say. She remarked that he need not bo afraid of what she was going to say , as It was simply the truth and nothing but what ho had said to her. At the conclusion of the examination she told Keen that ho knew very well that she had been a mother to him when he was In trouble , nnd had traveled the streets day and night for him ; hud carried his meals to him at the jail ; had looked up parties to sign the bond ; had mortgaged her furniture to raise money to spend in his behalf , and ho had In the end turned his back on nil his obligations , and refused to repay her for her trouble or for the money ad vanced for him , She assured Dennett that she had nothing against him personally , as she did not know him as other than Keen had represented him to her. All she knew about the matter was from oKoen's conversation , and that was what she had been called on to repeat. She salu Keen tola Her that ho had received $ COO from Dennett for what had been printed regarding him. The party nt once returned to the court room , and the stenographer read his notes to the court. Dr. Lanyon was-recalled by the state , and denied that he had ever been called to the jail at night , or nt any other time to attend a patient who was suffering from a hemor- rage. rho defense announced that It had ono other witness , Mr. Kemmerllng , who was unable - able to be present bccauso of the funeral of a member of his family , but that It would got through with Its evidence at the next session. Doth sides announced that they would want to argue the case at length , but thought they could get through in a day. The case was continued until 2 o'clock this afternoon. Wo could not Improve uio quality If wo paid double the price. DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salvo Is the best salvo that experience can produce , or that money can buy. TIIK HUAMV INSTRUMENTS placed on record March 14 , 1894 : wAiuiANTv monns. - G II LowU nnd wife to' Giandvlew Drlck company , e 31Vj feet of lot 2 , block 3 KoMter'n add . J3.500 8 W li" ) < lcy und wife to O W Chnimmn lot 2. block 1 , i\uri-u Place . COO M A Hall and wife to W II I'ltch , lot 1 block 102 , Dundee Place . 1,500 J I ) iilli nnd wife to M K AiiKsbury , lot 13. block 2 , Hllhldi ; add No. 1 . 1 Same tn it 1 ! Heninan , lot 12 , block 2. s.ima ,1 Same tn P J Hoyt , lot II , block 2 , name. . 1 K J llovt to M J iilln : , Maine : . 1 Umll Krone nnd wife to Klrst German " " * Society MethodlHt Kplbcopal church of South Omaha , lot 7 , block Cj , South Om.iha . ' 1 Flint German Society Methodist Episcopal chinch of South Omaha to imll Krone , lotH D nnd 0 , hloclc V , snma . 1 J It Ilcall to J W Thomas , lot 10 , block V > , llan > > com I'lacc . 4,850 J S Griffon nnd wife to J p Schoulni ; . w S acrcn of H'i \ of n 1- acres of a ' ,4 of uj > of n Vi of H\v 32-15-13 . , . , . . . 4,003 O \VilKht to G M I'ay , lot 2 , hloik 3. O'Nelll'B mibJIv . 1,000 Midway Investment company to U ( J .Slump , lot 23. block 1. 1'er.son.s & 11' a add ISO QUIT CLAIM UUCD5. J G Taylor to W II Mllhud. trustee , w 40 fci-t of mihdlv of lot C , In lut 2 , Capitol ndd . 1 IVnJamln Km lla lo Antoinette Umslle , lot 111 , block 2 , Idlewlld add . 1 DBUUS. D I Cnrlnn , epeclal mauler , to W II Mil- lurd , trustee , w 40 ft-et of siibdlv of lot C , In lot 2 , Capitol udd . 1,240 Total amount of truimfcra . 119,711 Coughil , hoarseness , sere throat , etc. , quickly relieved by Drown's bronchial troches. They surpass nil other preparations tn removing hoarseness , and ns a cough rem edy uro pre-eminently ilia best , QUAKER CHALK. TALKS America - - Kuropc Asia Africa Australia. White Men - - IHack Men - - Red Men Yellow Men. All cat Quaker Oats. Sold Mb. Only In Package * . SISTER CECILIA'S ' EVIDENCE She Oonld Not Positively Identify Mhi Mndoliuo Pollard. OBJECTIONS MADE TO HER TESTIMONY Another I.ogul Spur llrturcn HIP Oppunlng Altoriu-jK Nothing Vrry .Scnvitloiml lu Hearing A Itrniitno of Wlmt Wit * Slid ) , WASHINGTON' , March 14. The testimony of Sister Cecelia of Pueblo , Cole , , formerly superior of the Norwood asylum near Cin cinnati , was resumed when the Drrcklnrldgd trial commenced this morning. Miss Pollard wns again In the court room , sitting nearly In front of Colonel Drccklnrldgo , with only the austere-faced sister from the house ol refuga bealdo her , her other nnUnoun friend being absent. Sister Cecelia was on the wit ness stand. Replying to Attorney Carlisle' : ) question , she said that who had n good mem ory for names , but a poor ono for faces. Shu could not afllrm positively the Identity ol Miss Pollnrd as nn Inmate of the Norwood Institution , nor could she sny that she had not seen her there. A dispute arose between counsel ever the question of admission as evidence of the witness's opinion ns to the Identity of the young woman. Judge Ilrndloy said that If the question ns propounded was Intended to elicit tlm opinion of witnesses as to the Identity ot the plaintiff with n ccitnln person who wns at the asylum at a certain tlmo , It was com. pctont ; If It was Intended to show that tlm witness , from things she had subsequently- learned , had become convinced that tlm plaintiff had at KQHIO tlnm bunn mi , , , , ot the asylum , It was Incompetent. The plaintiff's counsel reserved nn ex. ccptlon lo the court's ruling. Plaintiffs council then framed n different pucstion , and nsked : "What Is your opinion as to the Identity as to the plaintiff with u patient In your asylum In May , Juno and July , 1885 ? " which was nlso overruled. Another exception noted nnd followed by the question : "Wlmt Is your belief as to whether the plaintiff was In your asylum during these months ? " "That Is a question for the Jury , " said Judge Dradley. Mr. Carlisle Inquired whether any patients In the asylum had been In the habit of veil ing themselves , to which the sister replied : "There were two or thrco Indies who veiled their faces when they thought there wai danger of being recognized by visitors from Cincinnati. " Sister Cecelia remembered that three or four ladles come there from Cincinnati In the spring of 1SS5 In carriages , but when asked If there had been a patient by the name of Durgoyne , answered : "Tho name Is not familiar to mo. " The cross-examination was very brief , Sister Cecelia , saying In answer to Mr. Dut- torworth that she had held several con versations with Mlsa Pollard slnco her ar rival In Washington. After the two sisters had retired the reading of deposition * ! by Kato Perry Knno ot G2 Front street , Cin cinnati , who had been In the spring of 1S85 a member of the firm ot Drs. Duchnnan & Perry , was begun by Mr. Carlisle. Mrs. ICano remembered that Miss Pollard had boarded In their house ns Dr. Duchannn's patient , under the name of Miss Louisa Wilson , Identifying the plaintiff positively. From the cross-examination In the deposi tion It appeared that Miss Pollard had a mis carriage , that she was described by Dr. Uticlinnnii as "an unfortunate Kentucky girl. " The boarder was understood to bo a young , unmarried woman and once after she had been to meet a friend nl a hotel about some financial matters Dr. Kane asked why sha did not marry the frlnnd. to which Miss Pollard replied that she could not now , that he hud ruined her and Rho loathed him , had steeled her heart against him and would not marry him , although lie had offered to marry her. Ftom Miss Pollard's ways , general actions and knowledge of things In 1SS5 the witness thought she must linva been about 21 years old then. She was not at all frivolous or girlish , kept her afT.iira to herself and tlmo seemed to have dealt gently with her. MISS POLLARD'S FRIEND. The Identity of the friend who sat bcsldo Miss Pollard throughout the trial was divulged when Mr. Carlisle called Dr. Delia Buchanan , and that lady walked around to the witness stand and took the oath. As she was giving her nanio , occupation and tliu usual preliminary answers , Mr. Thompson spoke out familiarly : "Speak up n llttlo louder , please , doctor , wo can't hear you. " Dr. Duclmnnn has nn intelligent face. She stated that she first made Miss 1'ollanl'n acquaintance under the name of Louisa Wil son In Juno , 1SS5 , when Miss Pollard came from the foundling asylum at Norwood In a carriage , her coming having been arranged by Dr. Mary Street , now Mrs , Logan. Miss Pollard had evidently given birth lo a child. "Aro you married or single ? " asked Mr. Stall , beginning the cross-examination. "I hnvo been married , " responded the wlt > ness , with emphasis on the verb. "I married James S. Schercr In 1874 , but afterwards secured a divorce nnd resumed my maiden name. " When Mr. Stoll went Into the degree of Intimacy between Dr. Duclmnan and her partner , Dr. Street , between 1881 and 1885 , Judge Dradley Interposed that ho waa carryIng - Ing It too fur , whereat Miss Pollard turned to llanh upon the Kentucky lawyer a significant smile. Dr. Duclmnan was asked whether nhu wns the name witness who had made n de position In Cincinnati on February 1. She said she was , and Identified her Hlgnaturo to the deposition. The cross-oxamlnallou of Dr. Duchanan was completed after the noon recess , the doctor Inclining occasionally to ward Senator Cass In her replies to Mr. Stoll. WAS A STUDENT WITH MADELINE. An nflldavlt by Mrs. Wcslcyan Robertson , wife of William F. Robertson of Cincinnati and daughter of Dr. Drown , the president of Wcsleyan seminary In 1883 und 1881 , wan rcud by Mr. Carlisle. The deponent had been a student at the seminary when Made line Pollard was there ; hud been given by Mifs Pollard u lotlcr to be opened on tlio night of her graduation , In June , 1885. Hho had last seen tha letter when her husband gave It to Colonel Drccklnrldgo without her consent. Hero Mr. Stoll had said , before tha notary , that ho had the letter , and wanted the court to protect him In the posaeaalon of It , und Intended to offer It to the witness for Identification. "Hut you did not got It honestly , " the witnoHa replied. The letter was Identified by her. In ( ho correspondence the witness had once , In August , 1881 , addressed Miss Pollard an "Madellno Lillian Drecklnrldgo Pollaid. " Miss Pollard had snld that | irr lather was a great admirer of Mr. Drocklnridgu's father ; that Hhi > herself admired SV. C. P. Drockln- rldgo greatly , us ht < wan the "Star ot Ken tucky , " a statement which , even road by Mr. Carlisle at second hand , btlrred a laugh. In ono letter Ml s Pollard had spoken ot her deep debt ot gratitude to Mr. Rhodes , and wrote : "How can I over marry the old wretch ? " The witness had undcrxtood that Rhodes was Mlaa Pollard's guardian , and wanted to marry her. In the letter Miss Pollard had spoken ot her love for Prof. Overman. Ac cording to the witness , Miss Pollard had been an exceptionally bright and ladyllico girl , smart In hur studies , although. ) iur education In early llfo had been neglected. She had ne > er lived In a city apparently , and was very dlllldent In tha presence of gentlemen. Mlsi Pollard hud told of hur visit home on account of the death of her slBtcr , and of meeting Colonel Drucklnrlds * on the train. "I remember very distinctly U t Hho wa very much elated that a man ot his stand ing nhould como to her nnd address hur , " Bald the witness.Vu heard a great deal of this Incident. I thought Miss Pollard an puro-mlnded a girl OH J over met , with con siderably lens experience of the way * of the world th'aii the avi'iuto ; young woman who catno to the college. My llrst Impressions wcro that him had been taken itdvantanu of nnd I always retained them. She apoku ot Mr. Jlrocklnrldgis na a kind , fatlicrly old m n. " The time referred to In tlil todtlmony won In the holiday * of HS.'I und 1SHI. Tha wit- nOK3 wax llifil 18 } 'curj old and Mlis Pollard WU3 yuuiiunr.